#mx kingdom
maarcyeen · 11 months
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something old, something new
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xehanortsreport · 5 months
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MX has incredibly broad shoulders. perhaps he overworks them and that's why he has that hunch...aside from being old
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amethyst-halo · 1 year
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ok here's a full proper pangolin style goron sheet!! i was inspired by @ezlo-x to try my hand at a new interpretation of gorons and i really like how they came out!!!
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mxmint323 · 9 months
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really getting into cookie run kingdom lately ! here's one of my favs rn, i love them ❄ 💙
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thelinnmiser · 11 months
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Here's The Trailer. I Might Work On It If I Can Remember. And I Mean It Since I Mainly NEVER Finish My AU'S. Mainly My Danganronpa Ones.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 5 months
So... I've been meaning to make this posts for years, but fear kind of kept me from doing so (I thought I'd be raked over the coals for making this comparison, but maybe not). But you know what? I no longer care.
Kairi's treatment in KHIII somewhat reminds me of early Tifa Lockhart. And if Square Enix has any brains, they'll follow through with making her proper-Tifa Lockhart-esque.
Why does KHIII Kairi remind me of early Tifa Lockhart? Because a young Tifa started her training (martial arts training), and had so much promise, but took on Sephiroth before she was ready (who, to be fair, is a super-soldier for those who don't know: a SOLDIER. She was also grief-stricken there, after Sephiroth had burnt her village to the ground and murdered her father, so it was not a fair fight), and he nearly murders her (she's fatally wounded by him, that is, and only quick surgery time saves her).
And it reminds me of how in KHIII, Kairi gets training--has lots of potential--but fights in this war she really shouldn't be in at all (based on her skills at that point), and is thus killed.
Years later, Tifa has gotten much stronger and isn't going to make the same mistakes from before. And guess what? She gets to help bring down the man who has traumatized her so much, and nearly killed her before--as she fights to save the world:
Reminds me of how in Re:Mind (pun intended), after Sora brings Kairi back, she gets to fight alongside Sora (much stronger than she was the rest of the game), and end the evil reign of the man who had murdered her.
No one would ever put down Tifa Lockhart... so why are we so quick to demonize Kairi before her own arc is done?
I understand a lot of it is because how she's been treated in the past, truly I do. I'm right there with you in hating most of that. There's even so much in KHIII I don't like, and would have written so much differently. But we're about to start a new saga, and have some new writers on the scene, so let's cross our fingers that with some new eyes on the script, Kairi could finally get her dues.
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autumn-may · 11 months
me (texan) calling upon my like 12 British ancestors so I can play the ml beta
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mx-cottoncandy · 1 year
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Sea of Clouds
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ryttu3k · 1 year
Okay fine VtM: Zelda AU version. Some spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom, mostly setting-related, but also a lot of Zonai-related stuff, including Mineru's whole thing. It's also been added to The AU List.
The Upheaval isn't quite as bad as the Calamity a hundred and five years earlier, in the end. Sure, there are rocks falling from the sky and Hyrule Castle is floating, but the new caves and sheer abundance of new Zonai ruins will have historians and researchers busy for years. One of the centres of research is the Sheikah village of Kakariko, once quiet, now home of the Ring Ruins and the Zonai Research Team, one of which is led by senior researcher Aristotle and his Squad, Beckett, Anatole, and Lucita.
Some of the Sheikah take it in their stride, others are… less thrilled. Others are extremely unthrilled but also trying not to show it because they're also trying to not let on that this is quite literally the central population of their people, and is just quietly trying to research away without a) having an existential crisis, b) reveal the spirit piggybacking onto them, or c) accidentally flirting with the frankly infuriating Beckett.
Backtrack to that tumultuous century between the Calamity and the reemergence of Princess Zelda. There had been quite a few attempts at taking the throne, mostly by people trying to claim to be long-lost members of the Royal Family, others with different angles. One with a different angle was Michael and his Dream, a charismatic Hylian who claimed to be the mortal aspect of the Goddess of Courage, Farore. Along with him were his lovers Antonius (supposedly an aspect of Goddess of Power, Din) and the Dracon, a Sheikah, an aspect of the Goddess of Wisdom, Nayru. As these Goddesses reborn, clearly they had the legitimacy to rule.
They managed for at least a little while, gathering a small but loud following. Alas, Antonius and the Dracon loathed each other and Michael had an ego that could be seen from space, with the entire Dream collapsing, Antonius and Michael now dead and the Dracon vanished. The surviving members of their followers, including the Dracon's son Symeon and Symeon's young son Myca, scattered, Symeon eventually using his status to become Chief of the small Sheikah village they inhabited. Myca grew up quiet and bookish, skilled with both magic and more intellectual pursuits, aspiring to become a researcher like their famous grandfather, the Dracon. They were fascinated by the Zonai, eventually specialising in their history, and as their knowledge of the world expanded, so too did their realisation that the legacy Symeon still clung to was, frankly, a cult.
So they ran away and joined the Yiga.
That was okay, until it wasn't, with a new hero demolishing the ranks and the esteemed Master Kohga revealed to be, frankly, a buffoon. Myca, now calling themself Sascha, retreated somewhat reluctantly into the Depths with them, then, less reluctantly, threw themself into exploring the Zonai ruins and technology there, too fascinated to walk away. There, they had strange encounters, and in a long-forgotten corner of the Depths, they encountered a familiar spirit - the lingering soul of their grandfather, not a disembodied Poe but a fully-cognizant spirit, who had willingly detached himself from his body when the Dream had turned into a nightmare, using long-forgotten techniques of unknown origin (neither the Dracon nor Sascha would ever learn it was their ancestor Mineru from whom the technique originated).
The Dracon had long been lingering in the company of the Bargainers, especially the one known only as the Eldest. But now he was tired. With Sascha there, he hoped he would be able to move on, perhaps, able to pass on his knowledge to a worthy successor. The Eldest, attached to the Dracon, saw otherwise, and decided to give their favourite disembodied spirit a new body.
Namely, Sascha's.
(The Eldest didn't actually give many considerations to what Sascha or the Dracon actually wanted.)
With no real connections to the Yiga any more anyway, the traumatised Sascha fled back to the surface, using Sheikah (and Yiga) illusion magic born from Shadow magic to disguise their face, taking whatever appearance they felt best fit them at the time. And they kept wandering over the next couple of years, until the Upheaval threw everything into chaos again, with an absolute plethora of Zonai technology falling from the sky, including in the Sheikah village of Kakariko.
It's a little too much to resist. Sascha ends up quietly stealing into Kakariko, passing themself off as just another Hylian researcher, not wanting to reveal either their past with the Yiga or their connection (more literal than most) to the famous Dracon. With the sky falling, will they be able to find the breakthroughs their intellectual side demands, will they be able to avoid the charms of the Frankly Infuriating Beckett, and will they ever be able to come to terms with their past?
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plateauofmemories · 8 months
Anyway is the X in Xemnas's name also a Recusant's Sigil? Can the other Norts track him on the vessel tracker?
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maarcyeen · 4 months
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happy birthday video game!!
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keykidpilipili · 2 years
I wonder if given more time and a budget we would have gotten heartlesses/lingering wills(possibly corrupted) for the upper and lower classmen.
Also I’m still mighty confused whether the Summoning Kingdom Hearts/X-Blade requires actual freaking death, Light and darkness throwing hands once, fusion or any of the above.
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madamdionysia · 1 year
Im gonna write for monsta x soon, just you watch me
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mxmint323 · 9 months
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her bow's really complex so i didn't draw it, but with all the cute punk energy does she really need it?
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heckyeahhyungwon · 1 year
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NO.WON  |   do not edit
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candela888 · 1 year
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Same-sex marriage in 2003 vs. 2013 vs. 2023
(20 years of change)
More info below:
Marriage : Netherlands, Belgium, British Columbia (CA), Ontario (CA)
Civil unions : France (including overseas territories), Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Rio Negro (AR), Ciudad de Buenos Aires (AR), California (US), New York (US), Hawaii (US), Vermont (US), Canary Islands (ES), Aragon (ES), Catalonia (ES), Andalusia (ES), Extremadura (ES), Castilla-La Mancha (ES), Castilla-Leon (ES), Madrid (ES), Valencia (ES), Asturias (ES), Basque Country (ES), Navarre (ES), Balearics (ES), Quebec (CA), Alberta (CA), Manitoba (CA), Nova Scotia (CA), Geneva (CH), Zurich (CH), Portugal.
Marriage : Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, France (including overseas territories), Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, New Zealand, Washington (US), California (US), New Mexico (US), Minnesota (US), Iowa (US), Maryland (US), DC (US), New Jersey (US), Delaware (US), New York (US), Connecticut (US), Rhode Island (US), Vermont (US), Massachusetts (US), New Hampshire (US), Maine (US), Hawaii (US), Mexico City (MX), Quintana Roo (MX).
Civil unions : Greenland, Colombia, Ecuador, Merida (VZ), United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Australia
Recognizes marriages performed abroad : All 32 Mexican states and Israel
Marriage : Netherlands (including overseas territories), Belgium, United States, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia, US Virgin Islands, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Malvinas/Falklands, France (including overseas territories), Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Malta, Guernsey, Jersey, United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Ireland, Gibraltar, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Luxembourg, Faroe Islands, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, St. Helena, Pitcairn Islands, Gibraltar.
Civil unions : Bolivia, Italy, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Aruba, Curaçao, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Cyprus, Estonia, Liechtenstein 
Recognizes marriages performed abroad : Namibia, Israel, Nepal, American Samoa
Future :
Same-sex marriage is under consideration by the legislature or the courts in Aruba, Curaçao, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, India, Japan, Liechtenstein, Namibia, the Navajo Nation, Nepal, Thailand, and Venezuela, and all countries bound by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), which includes Barbados, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname.
Civil unions are being considered in a number of countries, including Lithuania, Peru, the Philippines, South Korea, Ukraine, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Latvia, Panama, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Thailand, and Venezuela.
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