#my baaaby my baby
brbarou · 22 days
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despite everything
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tivvzz · 2 months
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when you know you know
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I was gonna make a post about how I'm crying cause Neil said that the name Muriel means 'smells like God' and can you just imagine if Crowley hugs Muriel and the crown of their head smells like God and it brings back all the memories of when God loved them like when you find an old sweater of your Moms and it smells like her perfume and he just loses it but THEN
I looked it up and...
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say sike right fucking now.
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meownotgood · 11 months
I miss him more than anything
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marcmorrigan · 11 months
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finally colored in these concept sketches from forever ago... bria is so fun to draw i love their Shapes
OC, he/she/they for bria
+ bonus super rare shiny brunette bria under the cut
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draculas-husband · 1 year
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💖 Happy Caturday from me, my son "Major Flumph" & Stitch 💙
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Marvel Team-Up (1972) Annual #2
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Poly!landoscar x reader with baby fever?? Or even as parents? I feel like that’s unexplored territory
This ended up being HC's because I'm tired af but still in the mood to write
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Y/N's sister had a baby
A baby that she often gor Y/N to babysit
Only if Y/Ns sister was going out on a weekday: her weekends were reserved for her boys
The first time the boys came over to Y/Ns apartment and there was a baby, they were shocked
"Y/N?" Lando shouted after he pushed open the front door
She shouted something back from the kitchen, something incoherent
But still, there was a baby there, a baby that the boys didn't know
"What's going on?"
Y/N emerged from her kitchen, yellow rubber gloves on her hands
"What's up, Lan?" She asked as she walked over to give him and Oscar a kiss each
Lando pointed at the baby
"Oh!" Y/N said as she pulled off the rubber gloves
She pulled the baby from his high chair and placed the baby on her hip
"This is little Hughie," she said and held the babies hand to make him wave
"When did this happen?" Asked Oscar as he sat on her sofa. "Is he..."
"Osc! No! We've literally been dating six months, how could he be one of yours?"
"Okay, but is he somebody else's then?"
"Yeah, my sisters."
Lando let out a sigh as Oscar took the baby from Y/N and sat him on his lap
But then they spent the day with Hughie
Oscar sat him on his lap while he watched cartoons
Lando had his toys, pulling faces to make Hughie laugh
By the time Y/Ns sister came to pick him up, the boys were in love
"Baaaby," Lando said as he slid onto the sofa beside her
Y/N grabbed a hold of his face and pulled him in for a kiss. "What do you want?"
"A baby of our own."
Y/N looked from Lando to Oscar
"The both of you?"
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Oscar nodded to
There was a lot they needed to discuss about it
Babies, that is
They weren't going to try, not yet at least
But if it happened, so be it
It wouldn't matter who's baby it was, it was going to be Norris-Piastri
They had a list of baby names stuck to the fridge, one that was ever growing
The boys had gotten Pinterest just to make a collaborative board with Y/N about baby things
They moved in together before they started trying
They got married before they started trying
Babysitting Hughie was the best
Oscar was a natural with him, which kind of shocked everyone
Y/N and Lando would watch on with heart eyes
"He's going to be the best dad," Lando said as he swayed Y/N from side to side
"So are you," Y/N replied as she took one of his hands and kissed the back of it. "I can't wait to have a baby with the two of you"
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which you give jungkook the silent treatment and he books a 5am flight to japan.
> fluff, angst lowkey / wc: 4.6k
> warnings: mention of c*m swallowing bc jk is a menace, oc overthinks bringing their new boots but jk wins the boyfriend of the year award <3 (these could be title candidates tbh)
note: hello friends! a late valentine’s day gift from me inspired by this ask <3 i almost cried writing this near the end lol. as always i hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated ^__^
“ey, this stubborn- yah! what are you doing up there?” jungkook exclaims in panic, nimble feet rushing to the kitchen.
with your back facing him, you flinch at the sudden loud voice filling the empty silence encased by the four walls of the apartment. you feel his big hands firmly hold onto the curves of your naked waist, revealed by a loose crop top you opted to wear for comfort after your shower barely an hour ago. your heart almost jumps out of your chest because only then do you realize that your bare feet have gone closer to the edge of the counter, only two inches backwards and you would be on your way to the hospital.
you carefully face to the side and bend down on your knees, but he clicks his tongue and effortlessly swoops you up in his arms before you can step down on the wooden chair you used to climb on the counter.
a kiss is planted on your temple before your feet touches the warm floor. “haven’t we talked about being careful around here, baby? you were about to fall.”
you shrug off his touch with a huff, glaring at him with piercing eyes. “you know, they didn’t put a lot of thought into my name just so you can replace it with baby.”
and then you turn on your heel to walk away.
his jaw slacks open in shock. he’s left standing alone, a flabbergasted smile slowly forming on his face. “wow! what’s with this sudden attitude, huh?”
after returning the chair to the dining table, he follows you to the dimly-lit living room. you sit down on the couch, crossing your legs and placing a throw pillow over your lap. deciding to be petty tonight, you pretend to be highly engrossed in the performance taking place at the music show.
he plops down beside you as he pulls off the black hair tie holding up the upper half of his hair, wearing it on his wrist for safekeeping.
“aish- my hair is a mess.” he chuckles when the thick locks messily fall infront of his bangs, obstructing his vision. he patiently runs his fingers through the tangles before daintily tucking them behind his ears. after getting that out of the way, he rests his tattooed arm over the backrest of the couch, his tongue unconsciously playing with his lip ring as he figures out how to capture your attention.
he affectionately kisses your cheek and gently holds your forearm, drawing random shapes on your skin with the pad of his thumb.
“hi.” he says softly. “you don’t like me calling you baby anymore? then what should i call you?”
you remain unresponsive, vision stubbornly locked on the television screen. he inches closer to block your view, tilting his head to the side so you’re left with no other choice but to look at his face. and then he calls you by your name, as if he’s testing the waters, and he doesn’t miss the disgruntled frown you quickly hide.
“see? you sulk when i say your name!” he giggles as he gets flashbacks of the first month of your relationship, when you used to be shyly tell him that hearing him say ‘baby’ instead of your name felt weird.
oh, how the tables have turned. but still . . . he gets nothing.
he sighs at the suffocating silence, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his face on your neck. “baaaby, what did i do? talk to me.”
he breathes you in, the smell of his milk body wash unmistakably embedded on your skin. this means you can’t be that upset with him, right? when it’s in regards of a serious matter, you usually call him out straight away instead of beating around the bush. but you’re not looking for a solution right now. you’re giving him a punishment. that much he knows.
“i’m so tired and hungry after boxing. you know how i haven’t trained in a while. my body hurts more than usual because of it- ah, i really regret putting it off.” he rests his cheek on your shoulder, squeezing your body delicately as he watches the on-going commercial. “should we order their chicken for dinner?”
you stay motionless, letting him do whatever he wants as if he’s a ghost and you’re ignorant to his faint presence. this makes him jut out his bottom lip somberly as he racks his brain for what he could’ve possibly done today to deserve this silent treatment.
“is it something i did? or didn’t do?”
these questions are what eventually elicit a reaction from you. funny enough, the roll of your eyes puts a small smile on his face, because at least this conversation is finally going somewhere.
“okay, okay- i see. i’m supposed to know what it is, right?” he nods in understanding, sweet voice determined to unravel tonight’s mystery.
why is my baby upset with me?
“i’m still sweaty so i’ll reflect on myself in the shower.” he announces before stealing a quick kiss from your lips. this trick earns another glare from you as he walks away, which he reciprocates with a wink when he whips his head back.
“it’s alright if you don’t want to talk to me, just don’t go anywhere, okay?”
you sink down into the couch when he disappears into the bathroom, tightly hugging the pillow to your chest as you sarcastically roll your eyes.
“this is my house, too. why would i go anywhere else?”
jungkook heaves another sigh of frustration as he unplugs the hair dryer. despite retracing his footsteps from this morning to afternoon, he’s still as clueless as he was earlier. you were sharing stories when you ate brunch together, and you even kissed him sweet goodbye before he left for the studio. he thought that perhaps you asked him to buy something important and he didn’t read your texts, but he already checked his inbox twice and your last message was from two days ago. it was a sleepy voice memo sent at 4:01am. you were asking him to go back to bed because he was playing games in the living room again.
he taps the play button for the third time in a row, your weary and mellow voice spilling out from his phone’s speaker.
“…kook, love, don’t mind you playing in here. ermmm, but no yelling or i’ll kick you out… just go back to bed, please? i’m cold.”
“ah, shit.” the curse is accompanied by an airy laugh as he punches the bathroom countertop with as little strength as possible, tattooed knuckles turning a light shade of red. the fluttering of his heart doesn’t cease until your voice fades into silence, ticklish giddiness spreading from his stomach all the way to his fingertips.
to be brutally honest, he doesn’t know how he got so lucky. there’s nobody else on earth who can love him, handle his difficultness, and keep him on his toes as effortlessly as you do.
“no but seriously, what am i missing?!”
“baby, i ordered the chicken! you’ll eat dinner with me, right?”
he walks into the living room with his hands tucked into the pockets of his sweatpants, finding that you’re still sitting on the same spot where he left you.
“i got that limited flavor- the one you wanted to try last time. what is it again?” he raises an eyebrow as he taps his bare foot against the floor, his forehead creasing in deep thought.
you glance up at him when his knee knocks against yours, taking the final bite from the choco cookie pepero stick you’re holding. the plastic pouch on your lap makes a crinkling sound as you bring out another one.
”map- maple crunch? that’s the one, right?”
he waits for you to tell him whether he got it right or not, but to his dismay, the seal on your lips prevail. with a dramatic sigh and droopy shoulders, he makes a beeline for the kitchen. he fills a glass halfway with cold water from the fridge, and as he chugs, his doe eyes land on the top shelf. that’s where he caught you when he arrived from the gym, and so, with his curiosity piqued, he pulls the small door open.
it appears to be empty at first, but in the dark, innermost corner hides the snacks your friend, who visited japan recently, dropped off yesterday.
and that’s when it dawns on him, the reason why your expression turned sour when you saw his face an hour ago. he shuts the door with a lighthearted chuckle, leaving the empty glass in the sink before padding back to the living room.
he supports the back of your head with his wide palm to plant a kiss on your forehead, before squatting down infront of you with his folded arms weighing down the pillow. you grimace inside your head because you’re practically held down on the couch so you won’t be able to escape his sickeningly affectionate ministrations.
“pssst.” he whispers at you, eyes glimmering with hopes met by silent disappointment. his head drops lazily on your lap, low and husky voice sounding slightly muffled as he sullenly speaks. “baby, you’re killing me here. this is the worst punishment… please, punch me instead. that would hurt less.”
and he stays like that for a little while, almost falling asleep as the soreness of his muscles starts seeping deeper into his system. maybe, just maybe, he also put himself in this position with the intention of tempting you into playing with his pretty, as you like to call it, hair. he recently learned that the longer it grows, the more attention it earns from you.
true enough, setting himself up as bait works its charm, but unfortunately, his patience meets its demise just as you’re about to give up your petty little act. he looks up at you with a sad frown and twinkling eyes, expression identical to that famous pleading face emoji, only he’s thousand times more adorable in your eyes.
you hastily chew the chocolate-y snack to hide an endeared smile, teasingly quirking an eyebrow at him before reverting your attention on the television. at this point, he decides that he has had enough. his knees collapse on the floor as he abruptly holds your face steady, greedily biting at the other end of the pepero stick until his lips inevitably crashes against yours for a sweet kiss.
“hmmph-” your dominant hand weakly grasps his shoulder out of reflex, sticky thumb and index finger pointing out so the chocolate won’t stain his white t-shirt.
jungkook pulls away with a cocky grin, teeth sinking on his lower lip before his tongue darts out to lick it.
“ugh, i hate you! first, my strawberry mochi, and now, my pepero?!”
your furious outburst causes his animated giggles to echo throughout the apartment, his sore abdominal muscles aching and heart feeling significantly lighter. your wide, striking eyes fluttering close against their own accord when your face gets peppered with apologectic kisses.
“fuck, you’re so cute. i love you. i love you. that’s why you’re angry at me? i’ll buy you more…” he wipes away the scattered wet kisses on your cheeks with his thumb. “you only took one bite and left them in the fridge. i thought you didn’t want them anymore. i’m sorry.”
the story goes: he randomly woke up around 3am again. struggling to return to sleep, he started feeling peckish and decided to venture into the kitchen. that was when he saw the transparent container of five strawberry mochi, one on the corner not even half-eaten. in his defense, that’s how your unwanted leftovers usually look. and he thought those ones… particularly looked delicious. almost criminally so.
“that’s how yummy they were. i wanted to save them! and nothing would taste the same from here, so there’s no point.” you retort with a sigh of utter defeat. the doorbell rings a second after. “…that chicken better be crazy fucking good that i forget mochi exists.”
jungkook’s precarious fate completely lies in the hands of bb.q chicken’s kitchen people. wonderful.
“i’ll get it.” he softly squeezes your arm before standing up to answer the door.
“why do i like this so much? i’m about to finish everything…” you mumble to yourself after taking a peek at the box of those maple crunch chicken jungkook mentioned earlier.
“jungkook, aren’t you going to eat?!” you yell out for him before taking another bite from your fourth piece of chicken, ripping off the meat from the bone using your teeth. you continue entertaining yourself with a variety show while you wait for your boyfriend to join you.
“i will!” he shouts back from the bedroom, emerging from the door a moment later. he bites the nail of this thumb out of habit, highly absorbed in scrolling and tapping at his phone screen. he automatically sits on the edge of the couch to be as close to you as possible, who transferred to the floor to feast on your dinner, without giving away the website he’s current navigating. his leg bumps against your side, and you instinctively lay your head on his thick thigh.
“is that going to take long?” you question ingenuously, thinking that he might be preoccupied with something related to work. “i want to start watching the glory. i’m so curious!”
you made it a rule to put your phones aside when you watch a show or film together, not liking any distractions from the plot (and mostly the cuddles, really). it might not be anything special, but it is your quality time together after all. two hearts intertwined by love, beating in sync, with no intentions of ever letting go. and for a little while, it’s all that matters in the world.
“download the episodes on the tablet so we can watch it in the plane.”
“what? watch it where?” you abruptly lift up your head to look at him, a look of sheer confusion painted on your face.
“what?” he mimics your tone with faux innocence, round doe eyes meeting yours. “will you ask your friend? i need the address of the local bakery where she bought the mochi.”
“are you about to fly to japan just to buy them for me?” you snicker, nudging his knee in jest.
“not just me.” he boldly raises an eyebrow, showing you a plane ticket to your name displayed on his phone screen. “we have a flight to tokyo at 5am.”
“are you insane? babe, what the hell-” you hastily remove the gloves from your hands to grab the device, reading the details written on the screen to process what he just told you. “i was just joking!”
he almost curls in on himself when he hears a pet name slip out from your lips.
yes, that was the main reason why he took a long time in the bedroom. he needed your passport numbers to book the tickets and he struggled to find your passport. in the end, he found it beneath his in the cabinet drawer.
“this feels like the perfect opportunity to finally do something this spontaneous with you. it’s valentine’s day the day after tomorrow. let’s be dauntless and spend it at disneyland instead of camping, baby.”
he nervously taps his foot on the floor as he observes your reaction, feeling a little shy after revealing his surprise. he’s not entirely confident you’ll agree with his date idea— the first and last time you went to a theme park together, he ran into a bit of trouble the day after because he got recognized. he can’t read your mind at the moment, but he knows how you’ve always felt guilty about that.
however, those worries get washed away the second you excitedly climb on his lap to wrap your legs around his waist, engulfing him in the tightest hug.
“you’re so annoying, oh my god! why are you the best boyfriend in the whole wide world? you’re really going to pull this off?!”
your whiny voice makes him smile fondly, a surge of warmth spreading through his insides because that kind of praise coming from your mouth is music to his ears.
“that means you’re going with me, right? because there’s an extra fee if i cancel on them.”
you playfully squeeze his soft cheeks together to make his lips pout, sighing dreamily at the golden boy under you. “you spoil me too much, you know that?”
“i should. i want to. it’s for valentine’s day, the day of love! and you’re the personification of love for me.”
you shrug your shoulders with a lighthearted laugh.
“i don’t know. most guys buy flowers and call it a day.”
ouch. it seems that you already forgot that’s exactly what he did for your first valentine’s day. but to be fair, he couldn’t pull off anything special because he was overseas. and he will be again this year, except it’s different because you’ll be by his side.
“…i mean, i still think gifts like that are romantic. but i’m just happier when we create core memories together.”
“that’s why i’m the best boyfriend for you. because i know your love languages.” he responds proudly, nose scrunching and corners of his crinkling as he beams.
“that you are.” you squeeze his cheeks a second time. “then i’ll pay for the hotel.”
“took care of that already. six nights. it’s where me and jimin-hyung stayed before, but there was only a room with two single beds left. we can just sleep on one of them.” he cheeses at the thought of being squeezed into a small bed together with you, not even considering the option of pushing the two beds into one.
with how fast he managed to book the tickets and the hotel room, you can vividly see how much he wants, and maybe needs, this vacation to happen. his excitement is contagious — because this is slowly beginning to feel real and you’re already imagining how beautiful your lover would look like under the bursts of fireworks lighting up the night sky of disneyland.
“hmmmm,” you purse your lips as you hum. “then i’ll take care of the food and transpo.”
“sounds good.” he repeatedly nods in agreement, hair bouncing as he does so.
“except for the strawberry mochi.” you squint your eyes at him threateningly, and he cheekily smiles in return.
“except for the strawberry mochi. i’ll buy you the entire tray of those.”
you fix his bangs as you utter an almost inaudible ‘pretty’, worried about them poking his eyes. he instantaneously melt from your wholesome gentleness, guilty of becoming all mushy when he receives said compliment.
“give me a kiss.”
“later. i taste like chicken.”
“babe, come on.” he gives you a dirty ‘you can’t be serious’ look. “you think i care about that? just this morning i kissed you after you swallowed my cum-”
“oh my god, okay! okay! shut up! that’s different!” you cover his mouth with your hand, flustered by his obscene… choice of words outside the bedroom.
he presses a kiss to your palm before you finally reward his lips with a peck, a triumphant smile replacing his pout.
“we need to start packing!” you eagerly climb off his lap, heavy footsteps striking the floor as you skip to the bedroom.
“jeon jungkook! hurry!”
his full name?!
he hurriedly puts on a clean glove on his right hand. guess he has no choice but to eat dinner while packing, he did this to himself when he booked the 5am flight after all.
you know that jungkook likes using spacious luggages when he goes on trips. that doesn’t necessarily mean that he overpacks, he just wants the extra space because he tends to especially enjoy shopping when he goes on trips. that’s why when he enters the walk-in closet, one of his biggest suitcases is already laid out on the floor.
he sits beside it cross-legged, holding the box of chicken under his chin so the crumbs won’t fall on the floor as he eats.
“which one are you bringing?”
“this.” you emerge from behind the door, slumping your upper body over the light pink suitcase as its wheels roll towards the center of the room. it’s a size smaller than his, but then again, you can just mooch off his extra space if you need it.
“cute.” he chuckles in adoration of your youthful charm. “want more chicken?”
you abandon the suitcase to crawl towards him, allowing him to feed you until you finish another piece of chicken in record time.
“okay, that’s my last one. i know i’ll get hungry at the airport again.”
“i’ll finish the rest.” he hums, feet kicking in satisfaction as he continues eating.
“then i’ll start by packing our underwear. six nights and seven days, right?” you speak in a sing-song voice, which makes him giggle yet again.
for a few minutes, he only watches you neatly fold the two sets of underwear while moaning and commenting on the chicken he’s happily devouring. later on, he exits the closet and comes back with your butterfly hairclips decorating the sides of his hair.
“i love that you wear them on your own now.”
you only notice the splash of colors contrasting his black hair after catching a glimpse of him in the middle of picking out which jackets to bring. according to the weather app, it’s less colder in tokyo than seoul, so you think you should be fine for the most part.
“i forgot where i put my hairtie again.” he explains as he sheepishly scratches his head.
“is it not on your wrist?” you ask without looking, too busy going through all the clothes you own to complete the outfits you have in mind.
“oing?” he raises his wrist to his eye-level, enlightment escalating in his brain. “ahhh- you’re right?! i thought i took it off but i got it wet it in the shower!”
“dummy.” you shake your head in amusement. “how did you not feel that?”
“you were ignoring me.” he retaliates, chest puffing up in defense. “i’ve been distracted!”
“what’s taking you so long? it’s an hour drive to the airport!” jungkook reminds you as he barges into the closet, unzipping your bag to check your passports for the third time.
you’re almost ready to leave. bam will be prolonging his stay with his brothers, song and paeng. the appliances have been unplugged. the two of you are already fully-dressed against the negative temperature outside. your boyfriend replaced the butterfly hairclips with a headband. he’s wearing his prescription glasses to aid him in safe driving. his suitcase is zipped up, and his backpack is hanging on his shoulder.
on the other hand, you’re having a crisis, still sprawled out on the floor like your own suitcase.
“are you finally wearing them?”
you tilt up your chin to find jungkook’s face beaming with more excitement. he’s referring to the knee-high, five-inch white boots you gifted yourself for christmas. they’re lying right infront of you as you inspect them with anxious uncertainty. you eyed this pair for months before you clicked the checkout button at last, but seeing it in the flesh somewhat intimidates you because of how big and flashy it is.
“you look sexy in those boots, baby.” he crosses his arms, muscles bulging through his black t-shirt. he tucks his index finger under his chin as he envisions his plans and goals for your week-long vacation. “i packed my camera for this. i’ll film for a video, but i want to take pictures of you that have the street style, insta vibe too.”
“i do want to wear them but…” you trail off, hugging your knees to your chest as you pucker your lips in deliberation. “i read that it’s either snowy or rainy there these days. what if i slip?”
“no, no. i’m sure it’ll be fine.” he waves off your worries. “just bring them and we can figure it out when we get there.”
your boyfriend sounding inexplicably enthusiastic about this more than you has thoroughly boosted your confidence.
“okay.” you rest your chin on top of your knees, chewing on your bottom lip to conceal a smile. “i need to make space for it then. or should i get a duffel bag?”
“ey, no need for that! i’ll go pack them in mine…” he wastes no time, immediately squatting down to put the boots back in its box. “finish up here and don’t forget to turn the lights off.”
“yes, sir.” you chirp, kneeling on the floor to zip up your suitcase while he goes out to the living room where he already wheeled out his.
you stand in the middle of the bedroom, looking around as you mentally list down and cross out the essentials for your travel. you turn off every lightbulb you pass by on your way to the front door, picking up your powerbank charging in the living room, until you eventually reach jungkook who is standing in the narrow hallway.
“there you are,” you are greeted with a loving kiss planted on your forehead. “time check, time check. it’s 12:55.” he reports in a dulcet tone, slotting the strap of your bag over your head and letting it drape across your torso.
this is when it undoubtedly sinks in. hours ago, you were just sulking over something so silly and now, you’re about to leave for the airport. god, you can’t remember the last time you felt this surge of thrill thrumming in your veins. this is so out of the blue. you plan on creating a rough itinerary during the car ride and you already have several spots in mind (cough, cough. your tiktok’s fyp has been filled with recommendations courtesy of your friend and curious google searches). plus, you’re 99% sure there are things you forgot to pack, yet for some reason, you look forward to realizing what those are and stressing over where to fucking buy them in tokyo. and you highly doubt that you would feel this alive if you were travelling with somebody else rather than your best friend and your lover.
“let’s go!” you squeal, dashing past your boyfriend to push the door open.
he follows suit, hauling his luggage outside. “let’s go!” he chuckles to himself after he teasingly mimics your high-pitched tone.
once again, your childish impulses take over. you slump over the light pink suitcase to ride it, pushing the soles of your shoes against the smooth tiles to gain momentum as you roll across the quiet hallways. it’s absurd how you almost feel like you’re sneaking out, but you’ve always been one to enjoy reckless abandon.
entering a serious relationship with jungkook was a gamble you invested all your faith into. you used to feel like you were both running out of time, holding hands beneath the thick sand trickling down the hourglass. you didn’t want to have high hopes about building a life together, but you sure as hell pictured it in your mind a thousand times. and granted by a wild miracle, the universe was kind enough to breathe life into that picture. nowadays, the butterflies in your stomach wake up in the morning fluttering with life instead of fear.
“i realized something.” you voice out your thoughts as you wait for the elevator to climb to your apartment floor, sat on your suitcase with your chin propped up by the handle. “our flight is at 5am, right?“
“yup.” jungkook confirms with a nod as he zips up his windbreaker.
“then that means we can watch the sunrise from the plane!”
the new piece of information makes the photographer and videographer in him perk up with burning interest, dimples on his cheeks popping out as he lightly slaps his forehead.
“fuck, i need to drink a liter of coffee to stay awake for that.”
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brunetteaura · 10 months
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gamblersdoll · 17 days
“b—baaaby!” he moans, digging the back of his head into the pillow. his eyes screw shut, jaw agape. your hand was around his throat, not even choking him, just resting.
“like that, baby?” you whisper, rolling your hips around his cock. “cmon, leon.” you coo, meanwhile his hands were moving your hips back and forth desperately.
“yes! yes! yes!” he whines, heels of his feet digging into the mattress now. “please make me pleasure you, please darling!” he begs, looking up at you pleading. you press both of your hands on his pectorals and start moving your hips up and down at a decent pace.
he leaned up, hand wrapping around your neck and kissing you sloppily. he moans in the kiss, “spit in my mouth, please. wan’a taste you.” he asks, you denied though, muttering about doing it another time. needy and disappointed leon fell back against the bed, feeling his balls start to lurch and tighten–fuck hes closer.
“tell me how it feels, baby.”
“bout.. to.. nut in you..” he says between each slam of your hips onto his cock. he nods at the ‘yeah? you finna nut in me,baby?’ and leans up, holding you close as he thrust his last efforts into you. hot creamy ropes pooling into your womb.
his breaths are jagged, only settling when he feels your hands in his hair and kissing his forehead.
knowing how he is, you turn the both of your bodies over and he lays on top of your body. he feels the soft mounds of your breast and nuzzles into it. “i love you, darling.” he mumbles, kissing your sternum.
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pedrithink · 1 year
texts w/ kylian
notes: just some random texts with kylian ;)
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you: DID U SEE THAT???????
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kylian: WTF
you: baby i’m so confused rn
kylian: wtf did he do with our taytay
you: i can’t sleep
kylian: gimme a call, baby.
you: nooo :( i feel so bad because it’s so late already
you: why are u up btw
kylian: because i heard my phone buzz
kylian: but you don’t need to feel bad ever,
kylian: i would love to help you to sleep
you: you woke up just from that small buzz from my text?
kylian: i had my ringer on so it was a ring
you: why do you have your ringer on?
you: baby, you need to sleep properly.
kylian: in case you call or need
something from me
you: [photo]
kylian: you’re so damn gorgeous
kylian: i’m so lucky
kylian: je suis fasciné par ta
beauté (i am fascinated by your beauty)
kylian: not even joking
kylian: you look stunning, babe.
you: hey 😞😔
you: love you so much
you: you’re my baby girl 🫵🏻
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kylian: what
kylian: stop acting like my mom that’s weird
kylian: oh wait…
kylian: no, don’t stop.
kylian: mommy 🤭😏
you: got you 🥵
kylian: i love you
you: no you don’t
kylian: baby…
kylian: it's not because i didn't hang
you with my thighs that i don't love you 😞
you: this is literally the cruelest form of betrayal
kylian: hey
kylian: your mom called me
kylian: she said that u were feeling sad
kylian: what happened? 😟
you: nothing, baby.
you: don’t need to worry
you: just college stuff and the total failure that i am
kylian: heyyy, don’t say that.
kylian: tell me what’s going on baby
kylian: i just hate to be far away
from you in these times
you: i’m gonna fail in this exam i just know it and i’m panicking and crying
kylian: hey no negative thoughts ok?
kylian: you can do it
you: no i can’t
kylian: i believe in you
you: 🥺😢😓
kylian: answer my call
kylian: don’t leave me please i’m
nothing without you
you: ???
kylian: i love you
kylian: i would kill for you
kylian: i sound like a psycho but
it’s just that i love you so much
you: wtf u can’t even kill an ant
you: what’s going on
you: are you drunk or smth like that
kylian: i just saw that u liked
chris evans new pic
you: wow i’m so jealous
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kylian: ah baby
kylian: don’t need to
kylian: i’m all yours 🥺
you: what
you: i’m not jealous of you
you: i wanted to be the one holding messi
you: eaaaating pasta todaaaay
you: missed thisss 😩😫
kylian: that’s great, my love.
kylian: i’m happy.
you: hm…hey?
you: what’s going on
you: what happened
kylian: nothing, baby.
kylian: just a shit day
you: can i call you?
kylian: please
you: want me to buy something at the market?
kylian: no babe that’s fine
you: ok got you
you: i will be home at 7 pm or smth like that
kylian: drive safely
kylian: love you
you: love you baby
you: see you soon
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oikharou · 1 year
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you saw a prank on tiktok and decided to try it on your lovely, baby boyfriend...
with: bokuto koutarou
note: gn!reader, short fic | NOT PROOFREAD!
genre: fluff, crack and romance
:decided to write this after being inspired by THIS tiktok!! i definitely saw our lovely owlhead on that one so i thought, 'why not write about this?!'
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You comb your hair with your hands to look a bit presentable in front of your phone camera and pat down your t-shirt all while sitting down on the dining chair. You saw a couple on tiktok where the woman is pranking her boyfriend by saying that a 'guy' in tiktok is so handsome and made her boyfriend come running towards her. You thought that it was cute and definitely thought that Bokuto will fit this.
You then start to record and purposely made your voice loud enough for him to hear you from your shared bedroom, "Oh my gosh! This guy is sooo good looking!!"
You mentally raised an eyebrow and waited for 2 seconds before yelling again, "Ah! He's so lovely!! I love him so much!" After you said that, you heard loud and running footsteps so you mentally prepared yourself and tried your best not to laugh. Bokuto's head peeked out from the corner of the wall, "Who's good looking?!" He whisper-yelled to you, which you were sure that it was caught in the video.
"This guy in the video! I swear, it's too early to be this handsome!" Your endless compliments made his hair deflate and a pout formed on his face. "Who?" He repeated once more, testing you to be even more specific.
"I'm sorry, this guy is insanely attractive like, excuse me Mr, but why are you so handsome?!"
"Baaaby!! Whooo~?" You swore that he sounded like an owl right then and there. He walked towards you with his back slumped over. "Who are you even looking at?"
"This- in my phone! I swear, he's so marry-able and I want to marry him right then and there!" Bokuto got fed up and grabbed your hands to divert your phone in front of him. "Who is this guy that's so good looking and 'soooo' marry-able as well to steal your heart from me-" He got silent as he looked at the phone and realized that it was his reflection on the phone.
"Oh." "It's you." You both said at the same time. His mood instantly brightened and spinned, making you cackle at his antics. "Dang baby, you're right. This guy right there," he pointed at your camera, "is devilishly handsome!"
He then posed and flexed his well built body as well (mostly his butt). "Ooh! You got that cake baby!" You hyped him up and his ego boosted even more. "I know right!"
He then turned on his heels and did a mini dance while walking out. "I repeat, devilishly! D-e-v-i-l-i-s-h-l-y!" He spelled it out. "Watch out, here he comes!" You kept laughing and laughing at his actions before ending the video.
But before Bokuto left to continue playing games with his friends, he popped out of the corner again and blew you a flying kiss.
That night, you edited the video for a little bit before posting it in tiktok. The video got a million views and 150k comments, saying that the two of you are so cute and Bokuto's actions melted their heart.
BONUS: (comments from some hq!! characters)
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@oikharou — all rights reserved — no reposting, translating, plagiarizing and claiming any of my works as yours
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ryomens-vixen · 9 months
I'll try to make this as Diverse as I can so-
(H/T) = Hair Texture
(E/C) = Eye Color
(H/C) = Hair Color
(B/T) = Body Type (🍎, 🍐, slim, etc you get it)
(S/C) = Skin Color
CW: Minor🔞 DNI, 🤏 of Smut, Fluff, Idk whatever else comes to my head.
Word count: Ion fckin know 🤷🏾‍♀️ Have Fun and don't forget to ❤ and Reblog!
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90sBF!Gojo Who would roll up to your house in his black 1992 Pontiac Firebird blasting Sir-mix-Alot's ride, You could just hear it from the comfort of your bedroom. How did you know you were going somewhere? Did Suguru snitch on you again? Of course he would that's his homeboy for fuck sakes, Either Satoru would make you talk to him one way or another even if that meant disturbing the old folks that lived next door.
90sBF!Gojo who'd roll his window down at the sight of you walking out in (Your outfit of Choice),while peaking over his dark round shades Satoru wore a White sleeveless tank top, gold chain, and grey sweats.
"Gyattdaaamn~ Well would yah getta look at you, baaaby~ Looking good f'me and not anyone else I hope."
He had that cocky little smirk etched across his face, he knew exactly what he was doing showin up over here looking as good as he did and cocky as always. Boy did he get on yo nerves sometimes.
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You stood atop of the porch, hand on hip staring at him with an annoyed expression written across your face.
"It's Satoru, baby... Or Toru for short yah know since you was screaming it a couple nights ago. So, instead of having a that lil attitude how bout you come get in the car and let TORU fix it."
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When ya dance, I'm on ya 🎶
When ya walk, I'm on ya 🎶
When ya moan, I'm on ya 🎶
I'm that nasty dog and I tried to warn ya
To the 'tel, to the 'tel we go 🎶
Don't need a bed 'cause I'm good on the floor 🎶
When a chocolate masterpiece walks by- 🎶
90sBF!Gojo who sweet talked you enough to let him take you somewhere, at least it was a lot better than where you intended on going. Parked in an empty parking lot, one leg hanging out the window loosing a shoe in the process, other on the dashboard, seat laid back with Satoru giving you the best toe curling, soul lifting, overstimulating head imaginable while sir-mix-alot still played. Satoru knew just how to fix that attitude of your nothing, but some head and good dickin to cure it, and if he could he would freak you all damn day until you're either drunk on dick or too asleep to even remember what you were mad at him about.
90sBF!Gojo who took you to the basketball court to watch him play b-ball with Kento, Suguru, Ryomen And Toji right after making you wet up his seats and dashboard with your juices, man did he love it when you made his car smell like coochie... Yeah Satoru was freak nasty, but not as Nasty as his home boys, but only you would know that.
90sBF!Gojo who also enjoys hittin a blunt or two while you're giving him & Suguru head in their shared apartment.
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[Now for some Fluff]
90sBF!Gojo who enjoyed gazing into your beautiful (E/C) eyes every chance he could because he loved the way you'd get nervous and fidgety everytime he made eye contact with you. He especially loved it when you'd avert your eyes elsewhere to avoid him, all for his to get up make his way over to you and grab you chin. With that smile ooh... That smile on his face as he makes you stare into his eyes until you're nothing, but putty in his hands.
90sBF!Gojo who enjoys buying you all types of earrings, bracelets, and necklaces as a way of showing you that you're his.
90sBF!Gojo who sits outside your house, Suguru holding a boom box in hand blasting "Nobody by Keith Sweat" while Gojo lip sync, Kento was also there as moral support, but can't help but to feel the second hand embarrassment listening to you cuss Satoru out from your window, and him screaming the lyrics as the ass crack of night. Maybe if he wasn't flirtin with that trick at the grocery store, then neither one of you would be in this position.
90sBF!Gojo Who enjoys helping you brush and style your (H/C) & (H/T) on days where you just don't feel like it or don't have the money to get it done yourself.
90sBF!Gojo who constantly talks about a getting out of the hood and marrying you one day, but also teasing you about having Suguru move in whenever that happens.
90sBF!Gojo Who gets all his Romantic ideas from Kento and Suguru because he doesn't have a clue about being Romantic in the slightest, but he knows he wants to treat you like the Queen you are.
90sBF!Gojo who takes you out of town on these expensive dates where you don't even have a clue about how much he's spent because he won't tell you. He wouldn't want your pretty little head to worry about some silly numbers.
90sBF!Gojo who introduced you to Toji's son Megumi who he and Suguru were taking care of while Toji was once again, in jail for something he shouldn't have been doing in the first place.
90sBF!Gojo who watched as you played around with megumi from time to time, hugging him, kissing his face, styling his hair, carrying him around on your hip as if he wasn't big boy enough to walk on his own. It Gojo realize how much he really wanted to marry you and have kids with you, you're the perfect mother for his children in his eyes.
90sBF!Gojo who loved feeling on your (B/T) shaped body and kissing on your beautiful, soft (S/C) where ever he could get his lips and hands on. He just loved the feel of you it didn't matter what you were doing. You could breathe and he'd come over just to put his hand and plump lips on you.
90sBF!Gojo who would wake you up with kisses and the smell of breakfast in the morning.
90sBF!Gojo who would embarrass you with his need for PDA if anyone tried to flirt with you while he is with you. The way he would grab a hand full of your ass and immediately shove his tongue into mouth is ridiculous. Just to drive off one person? Yes. Yes it was necessary TO HIM. Meanwhile you're squirming and pounding at his chest for him to stop because you're in public.
90sBF!Gojo who would teasingly call you his ole lady, even though he's the one that older than you. You just look like you're older than him because of his luscious skin and beautiful features.
90sBF!Gojo who can't handle his alcohol at all, waking up whining to you about his hangover and how he'll never drink with the boys again. He's so cute when he's all whiny and needy- So you end up taking care of him and staying in bed the rest of the day, I mean you DID warn him not to drink to much cause he's a lightweight.
90sBF!Gojo who would definitely go shopping for matching outfits with you.
90sBF!Gojo who can't stand not being away from you for more than a day. Yeah I missed his best friend Suguru after days of spending the night at your place, but he has to go back home and he's a LOT needier than you are. He'll sit at the apartment all quiet, pouty, and pissy because he wants to be in your arms longer, listen to your sweet voice, feel your hands massage that spot at the back of his head that sleeps so good it makes him sleepy.
90sBF!Gojo Who calls you complaining during boys night about how Suguru, Kento, Ryomen, and Toji are "fuckin wit him" about you and it's making him mad. All for you to laugh at him and the boys playfully telling them to leave him alone before you come over there.
90sBF!Gojo who after a long frustrating day at work where he was a teacher. Comes to your crib uninvited just to lay on you and decompress, dealing with a bunch of bratty, snort nose, whiny ass kids just wasn't his cup of tea yet he was so good with children! Even Megumi is in his class and Megumi loves gojo... Sorta.
90sBF!Gojo who randomly brings up possibly having kids with him and how he's already thinking of baby names, like if it was a boy he's name would be (x name) or if it was a girl her name would be (x name).
90sBF!Gojo who talks about where he should get your name tattooed on him, maybe his neck, or his back, maybe his arm, or maybe.. Just maybe on his sexy V-Line that you loved outlining with your finger tips whenever he was shirtless.
90sBF!Gojo who would annoying call your mom or you dad on you to make you talk to him when all else fails. Oh did your parents love Satoru he was already an in law in their eyes, but oh did you fuckin HATE when he does that shit like you weren't going to talk to him in a few days.
90sBF!Gojo who would get a stern talking from your father the first time you brought him home to your parents, hoping to God he doesn't embarrassing.
I hope you all enjoyed this was so hard so me to do 😵💫 there was so much going on around me during the making of this, BUT PLEASE DON'T COPY OR PLAGIARIZE My work, I worked really hard on this.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Can I get some Grusha brat taming (Grusha being the brat in this case)? :3c
I've had many thoughts about this
Grusha x reader
Grusha is bratty with a sharp tongue you tame him.
everything is consensual Grusha just likes to fight when he's a sub.
Gn!reader with a strap or cock free to interpret it as you wish
Your actual sex/gender will not be disclosed
" You think these ropes can hold me?"
Grusha gives you a smug look.
" I'll have you screaming on my cock once I-Haah!"
His hips buck the vibrator toy nuzzling against his cock kicking back up. His balls aching waiting to explode, moving his hips desperate for a long-awaited release only for nothing to come.
The amused smile on your face mocking him as you turn down the vibrator back to a slow agonizing speed.
Your boyfriend tries to regain composure. He will not let you win...
Your stubborn boyfriend will never break easily, no matter how much you've denied his release. But you're persistent, not stopping your onslaught until he has a whimpering sobbing mess for your touch.
His breath hitches when he feels your fingertips glide down his bare chest, he sits there hypnotized by your gentle touch biting his lip and watching your fingers play and tug at his nipple holding back his moan, before moving further down, Grusha's erect cock jumping when you move closer to his groin. Humming in delight when you take his balls into your palm giving him a gentle squeeze.
You continue to fondle him, squeezing and playing with his balls occasionally caressing his wet shaft. While your lips mingle with his. You felt his tongue press against your bottom lip trying to worm its way inside your mouth, and that's when you knew that was enough, enough to leave him wanting more.
He whimpers in frustration moving forward As you pull away, your hand leaving his hot cock alone.
"Y-you stopped?" Grusha questioned his eyes half-lit and pupils dilated his chest heaving, trying to pull his wrists free from the bindings.
" Don't stop baby, I want more~” he growled that cocky smirk still on his face, taunting you.
" I'll wipe that smirk off your face baaaby" you mock, his eyes follow you as you walk over to the closet.
Grusha just chuckled in response, trying to ignore the throbbing ache of his pulsating dick.
You fully bend down in front of him making sure he gets a full look at your ass.
"hm nice view~" Grusha purred
He hears you rummaging through clothes his eyes widen his heart rate picks up as soon as he saw the vibrator in your hand. You smile and Delight sees his smirk drop, again struggling to break free of the bindings.
"y-you better keep tha-mmm~! away from me," Grusha shuttered feeling your fingers softly caress cock once again. Grusha almost rolled his eyes back when he felt the cold electric toy press against his warm cock.
Before you flip the switch on, an idea flashes through your mind, a wicked idea indeed. You had a better toy in mind. A toy you have yet to test. The evil smirk plastered on your face doesn't go unnoticed by your prey.
" I don't like that look in your eye..." he grumbled as he watched you slowly put the toy down, before once again leaving him to walk over to the closet. However this time you instantly find the thing you were looking for walking back over to him.
For the first time tonight, his facade breaks his cheeks clenched his cock leaking at the sight of the silicone ring. Grusha practically drooled when he noticed the small plastic cylinder attached to the top part of the ring, his eyes were fixated on the bright pink transparent rubber watching you intently as you rub lube on the ring and slide it in place, resting tightly around his balls and the hilt of his dick.
You didn't even give him a single second to repair before you turned it on.
"S-shit... H-hah! O-oh ff-fuuuck"
Slowly losing his mind a string of cusses leaves his mouth. subconsciously bucking his hips. "Y-you- Bitc- mpmh!" Grusha growled clenching his teeth trying to stop himself from crying out when you immediately skip to the highest setting that the toy could do. The new feeling in his sensitive balls becoming too much.
Grusha's orgasm approaches fast as he falls apart in the chair "O-oh! Gonna cum, gonna cum so hard."
You couldn't help giving the most devious smirk as you immediately turn the toy off.
And finally
He break.
"No no no please! PLEASE Let me cum!"
You walk over to the chair running your fingers through his hair before tugging. " Will you be a good boy?"
His poor cock jumps.
"Hah! Yes, I'll be such a good boy~ please, I want you so badly."
You smile giving his hair another tug before pressing your lips on him. Your body presses against him as you slide your tongue into his mouth. Grusha practically shakes feeling your clothed sex grind against his, he swears if it wasn't for the ring he would have came right then and there.
"Good boy,"
You purr,
Finally taking off your pants, you didn't want to give him all of you.
You silence his moans with your lips grinding you're now naked sex against his leaking cock.
Smearing precum all over his sensitive shaft and making a mess all over your inner thighs.
His loins burning so good, feeling the heat of your wet sex grind against him. He can't deny how good it feels to be so close to that release yet not being allowed to cum. He's so tired of pretending.
" feels soo, mph- good~" he moans between your kisses, his pretty lips now bruised from how hard you've been kissing him.
Pupils blown, his eyes upon you as you slowly take off the cock ring.
Hungry for more he backs up into you with each thrust of your hips, grabbing the sheets, moaning louder than you ever heard him before. Your fingers laced into his hair as you push him into the mattress. Drilling your cock deeper inside of him.
"f-Fuck! Gonna cum! C-can i please cum?" He practically squeals.
You allow it. "Cum, Cum for me Pretty boy~"
That nickname go straight to his lines as he explodes onto the sheets below, cumming hard for you, saying your name is he shoots. Grisha practically collapses on the bed bathing in the sweet afterglow of release.
After a bit you pull your cock out of him when you hear boyfriend out of breath panting
"W-why... Why am I still hard?"
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panther-os · 2 years
Cody, high off his ass on pain meds, petting Rex' hair: baby rex baby brother baby boy baby
Wolffe, probably: shut up, you're like. three
Rex: I'm 10???
Bly (probably): nope, you're three forever, I'm using my marshal commander powers to make it happen
Cody: baaaby
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