#my body is physically against it
crabussy · 2 years
god it’s so impossibly hard leaving a place you’ve ached for so hard for three whole years
I get on the plane tomorrow. wish me luck I’m a fragile little animal
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heretodefyfate · 8 months
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fudge it, renegade Aevia posts
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xysidhequeen · 11 months
Current count since I last slept: 41 hours.
I think I've capped out at 46 before, I'm not sure because my worst fit of insomnia had me in no position to check times. But I'll say 46. So if we hit 48 we're setting personal records!
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obstinatecondolement · 7 months
It feels like every day I read attempts to debunk the social model of disability that fundamentally misunderstand what the social model of disability is and who the people who developed that model were, including what the nature of their disabilities was, and I want to scream.
But I don't, because yelling at people on the internet is basically pointless. Instead I check to see that I'm not mutuals with whoever reblogged said misunderstanding and vague about it.
#'but [x impairment] would still exist and have [y implications] even if the world were completely accessible!'#okay well yeah but equating impairment and disability is explicitly the opposite of the social model of disability#the union of the *physically impaired* against segregation who developed this model#*were* by and large privileged in ways many other disabled people are not‚ yes#mike oliver who wrote the fucking book on the social model of disability#(social work with disabled people‚ published in 1983)#was a white man with a phd who pioneered an academic field‚ for one#and there *are* criticisms about the limitations to a purely social model of disability to be made#but like... our pal mike oliver was also a wheelchair user who broke his neck in a swimming accident as a teenager#which caused paralysis that affected his upper and lower body#not a clueless 'physically abled' autistic who didn't understand how physical limitations work#he lived the first 17 years of his life as a physically abled person#so I think he was aware of the difference between what his body could do before and after his accident#and like 'disability is socially constructed'#is not saying that differences between people and what they are able to do or do easily do not exist??#my eyesight is so bad that if I could not access corrective lenses I would be functionally blind#and even with glasses my myopia and astigmatism cause a lot of tangible effects on my body#e.g. migraines‚ eyestrain‚ so many floaters that even looking through pristine glasses is like the lenses are scratched to hell#but my eyesight is not considered a disability#because the accommodations that enable me to participate in society fully in this area are so standard as to be invisible#can I magically see without corrective lenses? no#does wearing glasses not being considered a disability mean that I do not get migraines and eyestrain? no#so the arguments the thing I am vaguing are trying to debunk are not what is being argued!#well seems like I screamed about it after all#oh well
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Me: Hey these things are causing issues and getting in the way of my everyday life. Do you know what's wrong?
Every medical professional @ me when my body does the Thing™️:
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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historians will say that they were ✨just rivals✨
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torchickentacos · 3 months
Does anyone else truly HATE being excited? I hate waiting for things that I'm looking forward to. Excitement is uncertainty. It's nervousness, it's energy, it's this weird sense of dread for something that I'm REALLY looking forward to. It's suffocating. I hate countdowns to announcements to things that I want to know more about. I would rather just wake up and check my phone and see what it was through a calm outline. It's physically uncomfortable for me to be excited for things. Does anyone else know what I mean???
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hajihiko · 2 years
Seeing as ghost are canon in danganronpa, how do you feel about Junko ghost AUs where she haunts the remnants or first game survivors?
It is almost literally my favourite narrative take (tight behind found family / they love each other) I am SO about it you have no idea. It's the tastiest I go nuts
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eduurun · 5 months
Oh great, I think I fucked up my back (again).
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woundposting · 7 months
i had to take a beta blocker today because my heart rate wasn't slowing down and i was able to go to work but then i came home and literally felt like i was suffocating 🧍‍♂️ my heart rate was absolutely fine but i felt like i was running out of oxygen and was going to die. it took two hours for it to pass. never in my 7 years of anxiety have i felt so weak and such strong physical symptoms. i'm so full of life and i had so many plans and i keep getting my hopes up that it'll get better soon but it isn't and there's literally nothing i can do except waiting and coping with it
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plague-of-insomnia · 7 months
ever had a day you felt you just could not exist?
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
would you rather fistfight tartaglia behind the church of favonius or lose 30 rock paper scissors rounds to ayato in a row and he’s making this smug face at you the entire time like he predicted every move you were going to make
gave this like a full day of thought. maybe two days i dont know i have poor memory. if we are analyzing this hypothetical scenario seriously i will have to take ayato rock paper scissors. i could not hold my own in a fist fight against like. anyone. much less childe tartaglia. the psychological warfare that the ayato option implies would be extremely tough to brave my way through but at least my bones will be intact by the end of it
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dawn-star01 · 9 months
all right i had a Realization today
so a long time ago (okay, not that long ago, this is like a little while ago), in the heyday of the invader zim fandom there was a fan forum called wormbaby.net. and on that forum as you might expect there was a fanfiction subforum
anyway, long before the Tome that is fallout equestria, there was a suuuuper long invader zim fanfic that i really enjoyed, where because of the distance that zim travelled to get to earth, he inadvertently was exiled beyond the range of the control brains, which were surreptitiously altering the biology of zim's people to keep them in a sort of permanent prepubescence, whereas the rulers were granted the ability to actually grow into themselves (or something, it's been years)
so the story is that zim, freed from the brains' influence, starts to develop along with dib, but along with the normal puberty things zim is also dealing with the depths of his indoctrination and moreover that some very fundamental truths about his body were deliberately kept from him as a form of control
boy i wonder why i latched on to that fic so hard
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olli-online · 9 months
ihate how loud and clear the voices in my head are theywont stop shouting and yelling and being angry at eachother
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bookalicent · 2 months
ik it's been said but being medicated is just such a wild feeling. like i have adhd and just got recently put on adderall and being able to sense the difference of my thoughts is such a weird feeling. like ik when it hits and i can tell when it's wearing off. but also it just really reminds me of the fact i do have a mental disorder that actually affects me and isn't just "laziness and forgetfulness"
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 2 months
not to sound like a broken record but i love my friends so fucking much
#this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me but seeing my friends has been a life saver#genuinely my friends are so incredible#yesterday i went down to the river with two of them#the first two of us who got there read for a bit and then got in the water and did some really stupid splashing around#and it felt so free and it was so nice to laugh and act like an idiot and not just not feel self-conscious#but actually feel appreciated#(at one point they said ‘dude you look so gay right now’ and that’s the BEST compliment)#and then we spent like twenty minutes just throwing rocks#not skipping rocks#literally just finding big rocks and seeing how far we could throw them and enjoying the PLUNK they made#then we found a spot where the current was really strong to sit against and acted like idiots a bit more#and then our other friend got there and we all talked for a long time and read a bit more#and then today my other friend came over to body double for me while I start packing to move#and we found old books from when i was little and the things i’d written in them and had some good laughs#and then watched Babylon 5 (the episode itself was. kinda a downer and that’s an understatement. but it’s still Babylon 5)#tomorrow i’ll go see Papa again if he makes it through tonight. i think he will.#and then on the weekend i’ll see my other friend! and that’s always fun. plus i’ve been very physical affection driven lately#and they’re good for that. AND they have a cat AND a dog so like. ideal all around.#anyway my friends are my family and i’m totally not crying rn bc i’m so lucky to have them#personal
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