#my brain is still absolutely cloudy anyways and this is just a statement to like. get it out of my head
steelstreqq · 7 months
tw// abuse
i'm not a very big blog by any means, but my rustout au debut design post got some traction and i feel like i should say something about the future of that au and where i stand making mcyt content:
first of all, let me just say that my brain is absolutely scrambled due to a multitude of reasons in my personal life and having one of my biggest inspirations be unveiled as an abuser is fucking heartbreaking. like many others, he got me through the worst parts of my life and his work united me with both my family and friends. my heart goes out to shelby, as i have been in a similar situation as her. hearing her story reminded me of my own and i wouldn't wish that on anyone.
there's still a part of me deep down that thinks this whole outing is a dream and wilbur isn't a piece of shit but in all honesty i know that isn't true. and i've been collecting my thoughts on this matter as best as i can to come to a conclusion on where i stand with producing mcyt related content in the future
i still love mcyt, i always have and i always will. however, i can't say for certain where rustout is headed. on one hand, the ccs and characters have been separated to such a degree to where i feel that using his characters is completely fine. but that's just the problem, its *his* characters, they source from *his* mind.
im not sure where im headed with rustout now, which is a shame since this au has been turning over in my head since wilbur first made that rust video. it's something i've poured my heart, soul, time and identity into and dropping it is almost unfathomable to me.
as of now, rustout is currently suspended while i figure out what to do with it. i'm sorry. in the meantime you can expect to see qsmp related content from me
i wish everybody involved in the situation the best, and every member of the mcyt fan base nothing but happiness. seeing such a large icon who created a massive safe space online just.. collapse so suddenly is gut wrenching. remember to do your daily click, drink water, disconnect from social media at the end of the day and take care of yourself. give yourself time to breathe, let the dust settle. things will be okay
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wwitbeyondmeasure · 4 years
Summer at the Burrow : r.w. fan fiction
Previous Chapters
Introduction / Author’s Note / Chapter 1: The Journey to the Burrow / Chapter 2: Hidden Letters / Chapter 3: Ron’s Return / Chapter 4: Nighttime Conversations / Chapter 5: A Morning Surprise / Chapter 6: The Quidditch Match / Chapter 7: Girl Talk / Chapter 8: Aphrodite’s Push  
Chapter 9: Mistakes and Love Potions
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You barely got a wink of sleep that night. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see Ron's eyes filled with regret. What had been the hottest moment in your entire life was punctuated by Ron wishing it hadn't had happened. Maybe it shouldn't have. Maybe you got carried away and he didn't actually feel any attraction to you. His mind was probably cloudy from it being so late and you just throwing yourself at him in the middle of the night.
A bright light switched on which jostled you out of your thoughts. 
"Rise and shine," Hermione sang, seeming very excited for so early in the morning.
"What time is it?" Ginny asked, her voice groggy and her hair a bird's nest.
"About 8am," Hermione replied, already folding her blankets and putting them away neatly. She always liked to wake up early. Maybe that's why she always did so well in school. 
Ginny angrily threw a pillow at her as you buried your head back into your blankets with a groan. You didn't want it to be morning. You didn't want to have to walk downstairs and face Ron in the light of day. Again, his face flashed in your mind. Regret. 
Hermione threw the pillow back at Ginny, hitting her in the back of the head with surprising accuracy. "Get up, lazybones!"
After 20 minutes of bickering, Hermione had finally coaxed Ginny out of bed. Ginny's room was a whirl of clothes as all three of you got dressed for the day. Your movements were delibertly slow, the thought of having to see Ron making you dread the journey downstairs. But soon enough, you couldn't delay your inevitable fate anymore and the three of you headed downstairs for breakfast.
Usually the smell of Mrs Weasley's famous bacon and eggs was a wonderful greeting in the morning, but this time your joy was dampened when you saw the back of Ron's head sitting at the breakfast table. Pretty much everyone was awake and sitting around the long wooden table, except for Percy and Mr Weasley who were both working. 
"Good morning dears!" Mrs Weasley said, plopping a large egg with hash browns onto a plate before handing it to you. Thanking her, you took the plate and turned towards the table. Without making eye contact with anyone, you took the furthest seat from Ron, which happened to be right next to Bill.
"Morning y/n," he said, giving you a closed lip smile as he chewed his breakfast.
Looking up at him, you smiled back politely. He was wearing a black button up shirt with the top three buttons undone. His pale chest contrasted greatly with the dark material, but he made it look good. His dark clothes, long hair, and dragon tooth earring made him look like a sexy vampire. No wonder you had such a big crush on him when you were younger.
"Morning," you replied.
"I heard about your fall during Quidditch yesterday," he said, trying to make casual breakfast conversation. Although you were usually chatty with the Weasleys, your heart was hurting too much to put much effort into talking today.
"Yeah, I did" was all you said.
"Reckon it was Fred or George's fault, huh?" Bill asked with a wink. You laughed lightly but kept your eyes glued to your breakfast. Looking up at the others would only make you want to look at Ron. And if you looked at Ron, and if he looked back with the same eyes from last night....your heart sank at the very thought.
A breakfast roll sailed overhead but Bill caught it in one hand before taking a large bite out of it.
"Good throw," he said to the twins, before turning his attention back to you. "Your cut looks like it's healed up nicely," he commented.
You nodded, "Yeah, Ron helped patch me up."
Just saying his name sent an ache throughout you but you still avoided looking towards his end of the table.
But then you felt someone leaning closer to you, the smell of pine needles filling your nose. It was a pleasant smell, but not as nice as apples and cinnamon.
From under your lashes you looked up to see Bill closing the distant between you rather quickly. Your heart skipped a beat as he raised a hand to brush your hair away from your face.
"Yeah, looks like he did an alright job," Bill said, lifting your hair to observe the healed bump on your forehead.
Second year y/n would have fainted in this moment. Bill Weasley, your first real crush, was leaning across a table to touch you? He was looking at you intently while brushing your hair away from your face? You should have been ecstatic. You should have been sweating from head to toe. But you weren't. Instead, all you could think about is how you wished you were smelling apples and cinnamon instead of pine needles.
"Oi, mate, stop flirting with her or I'll throw up my breakfast," George replied. Laughs erupted from the table and your face burned red.
You couldn't help yourself, your eyes glanced up and you immediately made eye contact with Ron. He was looking between you and Bill, an angry sort of look on his face. You knew he had problems with jealousy, being The Chosen One's best friend came with those kinds of setbacks, but why was he jealous about this? He was the one who regretted everything from last night, not you. An anger boiled up in your stomach, the image of Ron's regretful eyes playing on a loop in your head. Suddenly, you wanted to make him just as hurt as he had made you.
Turning back towards Bill, you put on your most charming smile. "I mean, you can flirt with me if you want to. Not that I'd mind," you said, batting your eyelashes. You were half joking, but half wanting to piss off Ron.
Ginny chuckled as Bill's cheeks took on a slightly warmer color. Fred and George faked puking into their cereal bowls. You looked at Ron and were pleased to see he looked absolutely furious. His knuckles were white from how hard he was gripping his fork.
"Maybe y/n took our missing Amortentia from last night," Fred joked.
Your heart stopped as you turned to face the twins.
"Huh?" You asked.
Fred smiled before he launched into explanation.
"We had a couple boxes of chocolates with Amortentia drops in them in our room. We were planning on putting a few in Percy's morning tea, but when we tried to find them they were gone. Based on your flirting this morning, maybe you had eaten a couple," he said.
You shook your head, a feeling of dread starting to fill you stomach.
"I didn't take them," you responded. But you think you knew who did.
Ron cleared his throat uncomfortably before asking, "Were they in a blue box? With a little pink ribbon around it?"
Fred and George nodded their heads, every head at the table swerving to look at Ron.
Ron swallowed nervously. "Uh, I might've eaten them. Not on purpose though!" He promised, his face looking guiltier by the minute. "I was hungry when I was in your room the other night, so I took a couple of boxes. I didn't know they had Amortentia in them."
"Did you feel any different? Do anything different?" George asked, looking at Ron skeptically. Ron shook his head, and you knew he was trying his very best not to look at you.
Fred swore, which earned a disapproving glare from Mrs Weasley. "That means they're defective. We'll have to make a whole new batch before we can sell them at the shop."
"Or maybe," Hermione interjected, "You shouldn't be selling love potions at all! They are one of the most dangerous potions, and it is clearly wrong to be selling them in the first place. Honestly, didn't either of you pay attention in Potions class?" She looked distressed, obviously very upset that the twins didn't recall the negative side effects of Amortentia that Professor Snape had taught.
"Psh," Fred said, brushing her off with a wave of his hand as the conversation at the table changed. Everyone was talking about their plans for the day, full of ideas of playing Quidditch or Gobstones or maybe even taking a trip to the Leaky Cauldron for lunch. Usually you would join the conversation, but your heart felt like it was cracking in half. The only reason Ron acted the way he did last night was because he was high off of love potion, he didn't actually feel anything for you. He didn't feel the same way you did, and you started to doubt if he ever will. Before tears could form in the corner of your eyes, Mrs Weasley made a statement that drew everyone's attention.
"You will be doing nothing of the sort today. Today you're all going to finish your summer Hogwarts homework," she held her hand up sternly to stop Harry and Ron from protesting, "no if's, and's, or's, or but's!" Her tone let everyone know that her word was final.
Everyone around the table groaned, except for those who had already graduated and Hermione who clapped happily at the mention of school work.
For the rest of the day, you and Hermione sat at the dining table working hard while everyone else half-assed their homework. Ginny and Harry sat on the couch, distracting each other and joking, while occasionally picking up a quill to write. Ron sat alone leaning against a tree outside with his books open but a blank expression on his face. You sighed unhappily as your gaze wandered over to him for the millionth time that hour.
"Okay, what's up," Hermione said, surprising you by setting down her quill and closing her Transfiguration book.
"Nothing," you lied, pretending to write an answer to your Divination homework. But your brain was too scrambled and your heart too heavy to get any real work done at the moment.
Hermione yanked your parchment out from under you to read your work.
"Hey!" You protested, but she started reading your answer aloud anyway.
"What does the moons transit into Venus this month mean for your love life?"  Hermione scoffed. "What a load of crap."
You nodded. Usually your grades were pretty good, not as good as Hermione's, but you were better at Divination. For some reason Professor Trelawney liked you and said you had an "inherently observant third eye." But today, your third eye must have been squinting because most of your homework answers were a little ridiculous.
"You answered with, 'Venus is just a big ball in the sky, therefore it knows nothing of love,' " Hermione gave you a wary look. "I hate Divination and even I know that's not the correct answer."
Shrugging, you grabbed the paper back from her and continued writing bullshit answers. The moon's transit into Venus was supposed to bring abundant love and joy, but right now that felt like the worst prediction in the world. The only boy you cared about couldn't even kiss you, even when he had taken love potion. What does that say about his feelings towards you?
"Y/n, tell me what's wrong," Hermione said, her voice almost as stern as Mrs Weasley's. Something happened with Ron, didn't it?,"
You had been holding in how you felt all day, and it was going to drive you mad. But just at the mention of his name, your emotional dam broke open. Before you could stop yourself, you gushed out everything that had happened last night to Hermione, your voice hitching towards the end when you recalled Ron looking at you with such regret in his eyes.
"Oh, honey," Hermione said, wrapping her hands around yours. "That's hard, but I think the best thing you could do is just talk to him about it." At the moment, you didn't really want to hear Hermione's advice. She was always right, and right now you just wanted to wallow in your self-pity.
She patted your hand, and inclined her chin towards the window, where you could see Ron sitting outside with a puzzled expression on his face.
"He hasn't written anything for the past 20 minutes, he's probably just as confused and upset as you are. Either that or he just started his Potions homework. Either way, just go tell him how you feel, you'll feel better," she promised.
You nodded, thanking her for always giving you the most wise advice. Before you could lose your nerve to do so, you packed up your books and parchment and walked outside. Ron heard you approaching and set his quill in his book before shutting it and setting it beside him. The trunk of the large oak tree he leaned against was thick enough that he didn't even have to move over as you plopped down next to him. The hard bark of the tree pressed into your back but it was comforting to feel something to keep you grounded as you started this tricky conversation.
"Hi," you said, refusing to look at him. His face was turned towards you but you couldn't bring yourself to turn towards him. If you did, you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from kissing him.
"Hi," he replied.
A long silence stretched out into the summer air before you both started talking at the same time.
"I wanted to talk to y-"
"We should probably t-"
Blushing, both of you stopped.
"You go first," you said.
Ron nodded, his hands fiddling with the grass in front of him. He kept pulling at the roots, rolling the grass between his fingertips, and then pulling at the roots again. It was like he couldn't keep his hands still, like he had to be doing something with them. You desperately wanted to reach over and grab his hands in yours, but before you could muster up the courage to do so, he began to speak.
"I wanted to apologize for last night," he said. Your heart dropped. You came out here to tell him you had an amazing time and the only bad part was that you hadn't had the courage to go further, to kiss him. Yet here he was, apologizing. Apologizing as if last night had been a mistake.
"I didn't know I ate Fred and George's Amortentia, so that's probably why I was acting so...funny," he said, trying to find the right word. His voice was low and he was talking fast, like he always did when he was nervous. "So, anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and it won't happen again."
Your breath caught in your throat.
"It won't happen again?" You asked, desperately hoping that wasn't true. You turned to look Ron in the eyes, and as soon as you did he looked away.
"It was a mistake," he said, his adams apple bobbing up and down as he spoke.
"Oh," was all you managed to say.
And then Ron was standing up. He was standing up, gathering his school things, and walking away. Before you could even register what had happened, he was gone. You watched his retreating figure enter the house as you felt a hot tear slip down your cheek.
A mistake.
The word repeated in your brain and you choked on a sob. All you wanted, all you ever wanted from him was full honesty. And he had given it to you. He didn't want you, not in the same way you wanted him. You had to accept that. You had to.
So you gave yourself 15 minutes. 15 minutes to sit outside, cry, and let yourself be sad about how the boy you loved didn't love you back. After those 15 minutes, you promised yourself, you would walk back into the Burrow and pretend nothing happened. You would pretend Ron hadn't almost kissed you in the bathroom upstairs. You would pretend he hadn't cuddled with you the night he first came back to the Burrow, and you would pretend he hadn't touched you with such passion the night before. You would pretend you weren't deeply, madly in love with him.
You would go back to being best friends, just best friends. And you had to be okay with that, or else you would lose him.
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hobiwonder · 6 years
Teen Idle | (m)
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Smut. PWP
Warnings: Unprotected sex, creampie, blowjob, dry humping, exhibitionism, dirty talk, degrading language, mentions of religion in a negative light. Mentions of infidelity. 
Summary:  “Wish I’d been a teen, teen idle Wish I’d been a prom queen, fighting for the title Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible Feeling super, super (super!) suicidal The wasted years, the wasted youth The pretty lies, the ugly truth And the day has come where I have died Only to find I’ve come alive” - Teen Idle by Marina
OR: You’d been a good girl and for what? Hedonistic adventures of a church girl turned.... well, bad. 
Words: 6k+
A/n: Bad like this absolutely last minute smut lmao eejhbduefhebfuejdn i wrote this in two days and this was NOT on my list of WIPs until like a day ago so I apologise if this isn’t your cup of tea. But tysfm to @yminie for the AMAZING mood board I forever will be amazed by her talents. Not beta read bc it’s my baby’s bday and i dont wanna be sending over work for her to read over!! pls let me know if you enjoyed. I loved writing hoseok ravage me in my mind :’))).
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It was hard to understand what exactly was your place in the world. Ever since you’d been a  young girl, growing up in a conservative house with a preacher for a father and a very strict mother to match – you had known nothing but disciple, purity and how to make conscientious choices knowing that god is watching at all times. Even to think of an anomalous thought earned you a solitary confinement in your room with the holy book itself to make your wrongs in to rights. Your parents couldn’t have the preacher’s daughter being just like those insolent teenagers that you went to school with – could they?
The whole of your youth had been spent singing in choirs, volunteering at church on every Sunday and making sure each moment of your life was free from sin and impurity. You never wanted to be like the drugged, easy harlots that went to your impure school. You were better than that. You were better than them. That’s what you’d been told your whole life. To be better than everyone else in the eyes. It did not matter to you that you didn’t have a social circle surrounding you like the rest of your peers that you witnessed on a daily basis – making out freely and shamelessly on the hood of their cars after school or even before school.
“You’re better than these heathens, y/n. Remember that. The lord will reward you for your resistance.” These words have been spoken to you so many times you’d lost count. Your father was a strict man and every punishment, every lesson came down to this; being better than those ‘heathens.’ It wasn’t to say that you regretted servicing the church as a teenager, spending your nights sorting out bulletins instead of crashing college parties like the girls in your class giggled about in the hallways. Charitable work was regarding high in the eyes of the lord. And this life was temporary. You had the whole of heaven to look towards after passing from this world and the hedonistic people that inhabited it.
You wanted to be nice and virginal because in the eyes of the lord, in the holy book, that was more desirable than being an easy slut. Society still valued the innocence, perceived dependency, and sexual inexperience of a female virgin, while shunning women when they “corrupt” themselves by giving themselves away and you’d been a fool when you’d given it all away to one man that you’d thought was the one for you. But what did you get in return? A cheating bastard who’d been sleeping with his secretary – quarter his age.
“Y-Y/n!” your whole body had been on auto pilot and your feet had taken you straight towards your car while Sehun had ran after you – shirt unbuttoned and haphazardly tucked in to his slacks after the scandalous scene you had walked in to at his office.
“Y/n, wait! I can explain!” you’d been told all your life that rage was a sin too. Never to let the anger consume your brain enough to make it cloudy with bad decisions and yet, you hadn’t cared then when you’d turned out – heaving with so much anger you weren’t sure if it was possible to explode from just one emotion.
“Explain what?! What is there to explain?” Your tone is louder than the gentle croon it always was, speaking gracefully and politely like good girls from noble, pious families did. It the surprise on Sehun’s face at your outburst is almost as surprising as finding out that your fiancé had been sleeping with another woman for god knew how long!
But that’s right isn’t it? God knew everything and he had known about this too. So why did he think you deserved this? Did you not deserve to be happy? With a fiancé, a good job, a ‘good’ family? Where did you go wrong?
You’d given up your body for this man thinking he’d done the same. He’d given you himself in return and you had felt whole – at least then. So why did you feel so conned now? Why did you feel the regret creep up now at giving up your purity, your virginity to a man you had given everything to and gotten absolutely nothing from?
“I can’t believe you’re talking to me like that.” The look of utter surprise with an undertone of disgust had you wanting to hurl your bag to his face – wiping away the contorted expression as if he’d met the most vile person on earth. He was in in place to be chastising you after being caught fucking his secretary and yet he had the nerve to do it anyway?
“Fuck you, Sehun.” That’s the last thing you’d uttered to his face, surprising even yourself at your boldness before you’d dashed out of the lot to where you sat now. The bar that was closest to your work building while you’d been driving by. Your emotional state was somewhere between a mess because of your time wasted with Sehun and feeling bitter as you questioned your whole life. What did you have to show for all those years spent following the rules, being a good religious girl only to break one of the most scared rules for a man that didn’t give a crap about you?
You felt dirty and disgusting and craved the glory that you felt within you – like you were better than the people surrounded by you – pure and almost godly. It fed the narcissist in you that your parents had made you out to be. Always telling you that you were better than everyone else out there because of who you were and how you lived your life. Sure your co-workers thought you a but stuck up. But of course – they weren’t the ones with a modest job, a fiancé, a perfect home at such a young age. They were just bitter that your life was flawless and you had it all while staying pure and remembering god while the heathens out there could never have both.
At least that’s what you’d thought. How did you even fool yourself in to believing that you could have it both ways? Have pre-marital sex while trying to live a life that ensured you your place in heaven. Why did it all seem like a waste of time? You’d been a fool and lived a lie. Thinking that being a good Christian girl instead of living a life like the typical teenager did would ensure that you avoided heartache such as this. But it happened anyway. So why? Why had you been so good? Why did you waste your youth burning up a bible while your peers were out there making these mistakes already; probably learning how to avoid men exactly like Sehun than being a fool almost nearing 30 and never having had intimate relationships – at least not like the one you had with Sehun. You’d given him your virginity for goodness sake.
“What would you like ma’am?” The bartender looked at you – slightly unsurely as you stared up at his face just as confused, having never been at a bar like this alone. In fact, you could count on one hand the times you had visited a bar and it had been with Sehun to attend work functions that you both usually left early to pray together before you went to bed at 10pm promptly. God, you were a fucking disaster. And maybe this was a mid-life crisis because even you weren’t sure you’d make it to 60 years old let alone live a normal life in to your elderly years.
“She’ll have a vodka tonic.” The deep, sultry voice was unmistakably of someone you had known very well at work. Well, known was a bit of an over statement.
The bartender nodded, getting to mixing your drink straight away while all the golden skinned, glowing sharp features and a lithe body and a perfect coy smile that was Hoseok, took a seat beside you on the bar stool. His hair was parted and the tie he’d been sporting at work today was loosened around his neck but the blazer still stayed. He looked like a sin you wanted to commit and you couldn’t believe that your mind was so loose tonight that it had even allowed you to think lustful thoughts rather than filtering them out of your system like you’d trained it to.
“Mr. J-Jung.”
“We’re not at the office anymore Y/n. Please call me Hoseok.” He smiled at you so brightly that if you weren’t so at war with yourself internally; you may have even returned it. Usually you avoided much contact with the opposite sex as you already had a fiancé and looking at strange men was not looked upon favourably in the eyes of god. Especially men that induced such lustful thoughts in your mind… But did that even matter anymore? Why had you done all of that when it in the end you’d been fucked over by life anyway? Were you just another pathetic woman; like the ones you despised and told yourself that you were nothing like them?
“Never thought I’d see you at a bar, let alone, by yourself. What’s happening? Lover boy skip a date to go to church?” He chuckles at his own joke and you can’t bring yourself to fight with him. Because at the moment you were questioning every aspect of your life, every opportunity missed and every mistake not made.
Fuck Sehun. Fuck him. Fuck religion. Fuck the people who fooled you in to thinking that you were special. Because if you were then why did this happen? You were no better than any other woman out there even when you kept yourself the cleanest you could. You denied yourself the pleasures that everyone indulged in – thinking and even feeling to some extent like the godly being you were told to strive to be.
“No. He diched me to fuck his secretary at his office.” Your casual response has Hoseok’s eyes going wide, spluttering for a moment before he’s shaking his head as if trying to wrap his head around what you’d told him.
“First of all, never thought I’ll hear you swear,” He shoots you a smirk before a more sombre look takes place on his face, “Damn. Holy shit. I’m sorry to hear that y/n. How could he do that to… toyou.”
Maybe you’d be offended if the context and the circumstances were different. But they weren’t. And it was true. You had thought yourself to be better than everyone else you worked with and thought that you deserved it all. It was your reward for following the rules that god made man to follow. But of course, where did that get you? A lost virginity that made you feel like a whore with even actually being one, not knowing what was true and what wasn’t and the regret. The fucking regret that in your late 20s you had wasted your youth and never gained the ability to deal with a heartbreak such as this. Suddenly, you craved it all. You wanted to go back in time, fuck every guy on the basketball team, fall in love with all of them just for them to break your heart the next week. Drink yourself to oblivion to numb the pain of said heart break or eat your feelings. Do everything that would prepare you for today so could handle these feelings like an actual strong woman and not one whose confidence lay solely on god. Who waved around a false sense of superiority because she didn’t drink? Didn’t smoke? Had only slept with the man she was going to marry?
You’d wasted all those years like a fucking fool. And of course, Hoseok, who teased you the most about being the way you were – stuck up – to witness your downfall.
“Well, he did.” You’re nonchalantly taking a sip of a drink you’ve never had before but thankfully you’re not spitting it back out like a rookie as the alcohol burns its way down your throat and settles in your system. Already making your body temperature rise and you weren’t even through with all of the glass.
“What a shitbag.” Normally you would reprimand anyone who sore in front of you but today; you just shrugged. Still deep in thought, letting the regret take you over as you downed another glass, the pleasant haze of feeling tipsy tearing down your walls of defence and your inhibitions.
“Well, as much as I dislike you for being a killjoy at work and having your nose in the air every time someone even walks by you; I apologise on the behalf of male species. Never thought any bad would be happening to you.” He’s snorting to himself as he drinks his own glass of whiskey, gesturing the bartender to fill your glasses once more. And while he does; you look at him. Reallylook at him. You no longer want to deny that Jung Hoseok was a devastatingly charming man. He was a favourite around the office and you’d never seen him without some sort of smile on his handsome, sharp face. When you’d first started work at his department; he’d tried to flirt with you on day one but you’d quickly shut him down, holding on to your cross necklace as you told him you didn’t court men that easily. But as you watched his easy stance, the way his thighs spread out naturally to accommodate him and the dishevelled look of his hair from running his hands through it; you wanted him.
You wanted him to make you forget. You wanted to live out each and every fantasy you had and make up for the lost years you spent holed up as a teenager. And who best to do it with the most handsome and effervescent man you knew? Sure, you’d only given him dirty looks each time you caught him in the break room making out with a different co-worker every other week. But you were a hypocrite. Because in this moment, you wanted nothing more than to be one of those girls. You wanted him to fuck you on every surface of every building. You wanted to be an actual whore than pretend like you were treated any better than one. Discarded to the side so easily by Sehun.
“You okay, y/n?” He’s looking at you now and you know that he’s caught the spark in your eyes, no doubt being able to tell that you weren’t the y/n he worked with on the daily basis. You realise; that version of you had died the moment you’d caught Sehun in the act. This was the new you and she wanted to make up for lost time and suddenly, you felt jittery and moist between your legs as you glanced at Hoseok’s fingers circling the mouth of the glass.
“I will be. If you can help me.” Your voice is soft but determined as you stare him square in the eyes. Sometime during the night, he’d somehow moved closer to you, face now inches away from yours as his own shamelessly took in your pencil skirt and your collared blouse. To proper and put together for his liking. And now, to your own as well.
“You really mean that?” His voice is deliciously husky and it sends a chill down your spine but you nod your answer anyway. Not breaking eye contact with his glossy ones.
“I need you to say it sweetheart.” And you will. Because tonight you wanted nothing more than to feel the feelings you had avoided your whole life – thinking that somehow you’ll remain a better person than everyone you knew.
“W-Will you… will you fuck me Hoseok? Show me what good girls can’t have? Make me regret ever not wanting to let you have me on that day?” Even to your ears, your voice sounds foreign. Never being so openly blunt and shameless. But you knew that Hoseok doesn’t care because he’s cursing under his breath, muttering a ‘fuck’ as he rakes his gaze over your body once more. Then, he’s pushing back his glass while he holds on to your wrist – dragging you out of the bar with him.
“W-Where are we going?”
“To fuck.” Your face is going red and the blood in your veins is bubbling from excitement. You were being careless and reckless and yet; you’d never felt so alive before. This really was your new life. And you could do everything you hadn’t in your past one. Hoseok has your hand firmly in his own as he’s pushing you in to a darkened alley next to the bar. The night air is slightly cool and people are still walking by once in a while to access the bar. In an instance, you’re pushed up against the brick wall, the rough edges digging in to your back harshly as Hoseok blankets your body with his own, towering over you. You’re breathing hard and watching his each move while he only places both of his arms on either sides f your head.
“Do you really want this y/n? Because this is your last chance before I have you the way I’ve always wanted.” And somehow, your breathing is getting faster as you stare at him expectantly.
“I am. U-Use me Hoseok. It’s what I want.” I want to feel like a dollar whore. I want your cum dripping out of me. I want to have your cock in my mouth until the day I die.
It was as if your previous self had been so deprived to the point that the new life you suddenly have made you a nymphomaniac as the default setting. Wanting nothing more than to do anything and everything to fill that deep ache you felt inside your soul and now your pussy. Hell, your previous self wouldn’t have even said any of these words even in your thoughts.
And Hoseok needs no more reassurance as he’s pushing up your skirt in a haste – in a public place, mind you, where anyone could walk by and see two figures huddled up against the wall – and then pulling down your modest white cotton panties that were now soaked.
“Fuck, you’re this wet already? I always knew you were so prim and proper to hide the inner slut in you. Weren’t you baby?” And all you do is nod slowly, watching him hitch up your legs as he settles them on his waist to steady you. All the while his eyes grow increasingly frantic, watching you tremble beneath him. In a way – he was also getting to taste the unforbidden fruit and you were more than willing now. Ready to rid yourself of your virtue that you’d held on to so tightly – at least in spirit.
“Answer me, y/n. Did you always want me? Hm? You always wanted my cock?” His voice is gravely and it sends shivers down your spine that’s perched up against the brick wall.
Something about letting a practical stranger like Jung Hoseok take you in such a public setting was so sensual and erotic to you that you were a mess between your legs, sticky arousal smearing the insides of your thighs as Hoseok looked down between you both. But to your surprise – he doesn’t open his belt buckle as you’d assumed he would. Instead – he’s pushing his hips in to yours, mashing his hardened length against your naked pussy and the breath is taken straight out of your lungs.
“Yeah baby?” His hips have started to roll a steady rhythm against your soaked core and you know that he’s making a mess of his own slacks every single time he’s rubbing his cock against your sticky core. And affectively helping you get ever so close to that peak you’d been familiar with but never quite so intensely. Sure, you’d thought Sehun was good in bed but in comparison to whom? Hoseok wasn’t even inside you and you were a mess already. The pleasure so intense and concentrated that the noises that were leaving your lips were almost uncontrollable. As if no matter how much you’ll try; they’ll escape you anyway, painting the dim lilted walls of the alley with your breathy sighs and cries of Hoseok’s name.
A man who you were not courting nor were you even remotely romantically involved with. And saying his name over and over again only made you wetter knowing that fact. It was an act of defiance against your own beliefs and you were going to yell his name in ecstasy any chance you got.
“I need you,” your moan that comes out more as a whine only makes him smirk and push his hips harder in to you, pushing your back farther up against the rough brick wall as it grazes your back almost painfully. And you love every second of it.
“Need me where, y/n?” He’s fastened his pace, resorting to now just a quick grind of his hips in between your legs to deliciously put pressure on you bundle of nerves – almost never detaching from your hips at all.
“Ah! I-In me. Oh god. I-I’m-”
“Already? Such a hungry cock slut.” Hoseok tuts, eyes never leaving your face that’s contorted in a look of almost pain because of being so dangerously close to the edge. Your hands are clawing his back and his face is buried in the crevice of your neck, picking away at the threads that held your sanity close until each string was giving away to the carnal lust that flowed all throughout your body. You weren’t wanting to fight any sensation that you felt. But somehow, your mind still tried to fight off the impending orgasm despite knowing that’s exactly what you wanted. You wanted a release. You to let go. But Hoseok isn’t exactly making it easy for you. Because the next thing you know – he’s pushed you down on your knees until you were level with his hips and looked up hazily in to his own hungry eyes.
“You don’t get to cum so easily my dear y/n. Not after all these years I had to put up with your self-righteous attitude only to have your slutty mouth ask for my cock. You need to earn it.” He’s almost spitting out the words while he unbuckles his pants, the sound of his belt buckle opening and the sight of his veiny arms sending another trickle of arousal out of your pussy – panties still around your ankles and skirt still pushed up high.
Slowly, he’s fisting out his throbbing cock that has you gasping when you take in the length and its girth as well. He was bigger and wider than Sehun but a good few centimetres and the thought of his cock stretching you out terrified and excited you all at once. Giving it a few shallow pumps as he smears the pearly white liquid around his length – he eyes you expectantly, gesturing with his chin to come forward.
“Get to work babe. If you want this cock inside you – you better show me how much you want it.” Your eyes most look like a deer caught in the headlights because after a few seconds, Hoseok is cursing under his breath before he’s fisting your hair – only to tilt your face up harshly.
“Open your mouth wide, y/n.” And as if in a trance, you do. With one quick thrust – Hoseok is hitting the back of your throat, making you gag around his slightly salty cock.
“Fuck. Your mouth is a sin in itself babe. And you know I’m the biggest sinner.” He’s spitting out every word between clenched teeth as he thrusts his cock in your mouth again and again. Your jaw already starting to ache as it opened almost painfully wide to accommodate his length while he continued his assault on your mouth.
You’re trying to keep your breathing even and breath through your nose so you don’t faint. The moans that escape you are again – unstoppable. You’d never given Sehun head because he’d deemed it ‘disgusting’ and ungodly behaviour. And yet – you’d found him with his cock buried deep in his assistant’s throat. The act itself with Hoseok’s handsome face peering down at you – lips between his teeth and hands guiding your movements – you can’t remember the last time or anytime in fact, you’d felt this sensual. This erotic and sultry and just plainly like a whore.Giving this beautiful man head in a dark alley with your skirt bunched up to your waist and ass exposed to anyone who could be passing by.
And what do you know – you can hear steps approaching the alley and on instinct, you try to pull away. But it’s hard when Hoseok’s nimble fingers are gripping your hair so tightly to the point where it stings. And with every passing second, you can hear the steps getting closer.
Your voices of protest are muffled while Hoseok only chuckles above you. “You think I care if someone sees you with my cock down your throat? You need to know,” He’s moaning out before he continues, “that your place is on your knees – before me. Like the cock slut you always have been hiding under your granny panties and high collared shirts.”
You can only muffle out a moan around his assaulting member as he continues to fuck your mouth  while lewd, sloppy sounds fill the alley.
“F-Fuck. I’m going to c-cum babe.” His pace has increased and he’s frantically pushing his length deeper and deeper in your mouth while you try to suck on the tip of his engorged head as much as you can. And just when he’s about to cum – a voice all too familiar interrupts you both.
“Y/N? Is… Is that you?” You can hear Sehun approach the two figures he can probably only see vaguely. Your eyes shoot towards his direction and you know exactly the moment he’d recognized your voice and your form that’s sitting on the alley floor.
“Y/N!” Sehun has rushed forwards, grabbing your shoulders in a haste as he pushes Hoseok off of you. You’re sitting there with saliva dripping from your swollen mouth, eyes glazed over while Hoseok is only chuckling as he slips his hardened length back in his pants.
“How dare you do that to her?!” He’s roaring at Hoseok who looks like he doesn’t give two fucks about Sehun catching you with your mouth around his cock. He clearly had the wrong idea. Thinking you’d been forced. Just when you’d collected enough breath and reason in your mind – you push Sehun away forcefully while you walked towards Hoseok who was leaning against the opposite wall.
“What Sehun? What do you want?” You’re looking behind you as you walk towards Hoseok – completely throttled and thrashed with your skirt up to your waist – panties around your thighs.
“What in the god’s name are you doing?!” And you can only giggle as you start fishing Hoseok’s cock out of his trousers again – right in front of Sehun.
“Letting this man fuck my brains out.” You don’t need to look behind you to know that Sehun is probably looking at you shell-shocked. Never being able to imagine you this uninhibited and callous with your words. But you get a sneak at his face anyway when Hoseok is flipping you over so that your back rested against the brick wall again whilst he hitched up your legs to his waist again. And the thought that he didn’t care that Sehun was watching before rubbing the fattened head of his cock against your pussy all the while Sehun watched – only made your pussy gush.
You don’t remember the last time you felt this excited, this sexy when you’d been with a man. Not even Sehun who you’d considered to be the love of your life. But now you were finding out that you didn’t know any better and had no other man to compare him to. Of course you thought he was the one because your father approved of him.
“You’re going to go to hell for this y/n. For acting like a disgusting-”
“Slut? I know. I don’t give a shit Sehun. Now go away so I can get fucked in peace. Or don’t, I don’t care-ah!” Just then, Hoseok has pushed his girthy, painfully hard length inside you and Sehun is seething; disappearing from the dark alley just as you’re putting  a hand to your mouth to quieten your cries as Hoseok’s length stretches out your pussy. And he’s looking straight down between you two, watching the way the labia of your pussy stretches around his length.
“Fuck, your cunt is hotter than the 7thcircle of hell my dear y/n.” He’s cursing under his breath, taking in a deep one just as he’s sheathed completely inside you, letting you take a breath as you try to get used to the largest intrusion you’d felt inside you.
“M-Move Hoseok.” You wanted him to wreck you. You wanted him to take his pleasure from you and use you so much so it made up for all the years of being a fool made you miss out on sleeping with every and any guy you wanted to.
“Can’t believe you preached to us all at every general meeting when your cunt is hotter than hell. You’ve always been the hidden devil among us all haven’t you? Hm?”
He’s throwing your hand away from your mouth when you just muffle out your answer behind them with each thrust of his cock inside your channel. You’re so wet that a squelching sound accompanies every thrust inside and it’s making you pink all over.
“Answer me y/n. You’re a cock whore who’s always been hungry for it haven’t you? Yeah?” With each word, his pace had increased the sounds of skin slapping against skin were so loud that they even brought you back down to earth and feel a hint of shame. But the pleasure coursing through you was enough for you to cry Hoseok’s name over and over like a prayer you wanted to have desperately answered.
“Y-Yes. I love c-cock. I want your cock to t-tear me up. U-Use me Hoseok-” you hiccup as tears well up in your eyes, feeling the bulbous head of his hard member nudge your cervix again and again. The natural curve of his dick hitting each nerve ending inside you that you didn’t even know existed.
“Oh baby.” He’s clenching out between his teeth, “I,” A deep thrust, “will.” Another one that has you almost howling every single time he bottoms out.
You don’t know how he’s holding back after being on edge for so long but you can feel him get even more impossibly harder. Almost as hard as stone inside your velvety walls.  
“Fuck you’re so wet Y/N. Did Sehun ever make you this wet? Hm?” You’re pushed up against the wall with each punishing thrust that has a string of continuous moans falling from your lips.
“N-No. You f-fuck me so well h-hoseok.” It’s hard to speak but you love it nonetheless. Saying all the erogenous words out loud only made your pussy gush and clench around him harder.
“You gunna cum baby? You’re gunna cum for me?” You’re vigorously nodding your head while the tears escape past your eyes and on to your already sweaty and teary face while you sniffle away.
“Too fucking bad.” And just like that – he’s pulling out of you and pulling away so abruptly that you fall to the dirty floor in a heap. Pussy leaking with his and your combined fluids while he quickly tucks back his erection that almost look menacing now. You didn’t know why he insisted on torturing you both but you didn’t question it. Loving every second of your hedonistic and spontaneous sexual encounter.
“Come on.” He’s tugging you up on your wobbly feet and dragging you out of the alley. And when you try to pull down your skirt to cover your ass – he swats your hands away.
“No covering up. I want everyone to see what a whore you actually are. You want this to don’t you?” It takes you a few seconds to look at Hoseok’s smirking face and slowly; you nod. Letting him tug you out towards the parking lot – knowing that any passer-by – albeit it being almost 10pm – would be able to see your skirt pushed up with only your panties barely covering your modesty.
And just like that – Hoseok drags you over to his car; a shinny range rover. Pulling open the driver’s seat, he’s sitting inside and pushing back his seat slightly and then within seconds, pulling you on his lap to straddle his spread legs. Both of you are panting and both of you are staring straight at each other; consumed completely by lust as Hoseok gives your wrecked state a once over. He’s reaching out only to rip open the front of your blouse that had been buttoned up high – only to pull down the cups of your bra as your heaving breasts spring free.
“Fuck,” He mutters under his breath, groping the soft flesh between his large vascular hands, “Your tits are amazing. I want to suck on them all day.”
When you moan out in response, he continues, “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Maybe I can drop by to your office for a midday snack, huh? Suck these tits till they’re all puffy and swollen.”
“H-Hoseok. Please.” You’re desperate to reach your peak and now are shamelessly grinding against his hips to get some sort of friction. Hoseok’s bent forward with a nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking in the whole of you areola.
“Oh f-fuck. I’ll c-cum like this Hoseok.” And you were going to. You were so, so close you were about to lose your mind. Thankfully, Hoseok is opening his belt and letting you fish out his hard cock again and within seconds – you’ve taken initiative and impaled yourself on his hardened length.
“Fuck, you’re so hot baby. Just like that.” His hands have now found purchase on your waist as you start riding him like only your pleasure mattered. With the continuous teasing and the exhibitionist that Hoseok has awoke in you – your pussy was plenty wet and even overly so. Making deliciously dirty squelching sounds every time you slid over his pole again and again. Your rhythm increasing as your high built up again – and quite fast thanks to all the edging for hours.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my cock y/n. Just like the dirty little cock whore you are. Aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah. L-Love y-your cock.” You’re slurring your words as the car bounces from the sheer force of your pace as you ride Hoseok towards the sun. You could die a happy girl on his cock and when you look at his face that’s watching you like you’re the holiest thing he’d ever seen; you’re crying out your release while he thankfully gets the hint and holds up your hips, thrusting his cock inside you from below to push you over the edge completely.
“Fuck! Hoseok I-I’m-” Your teary face is looking at his own in panic while his hips frenetically push inside your gushing pussy.
“Cum on my cock baby. Let all your cunt juices go. I want to drown in your cum, fuck!” He’s growling and seething out the words as if he’s angry. Livid in fact and it only stretches out your orgasm further – as well as the hand that’s slipped between you both and now strummed your clit to almost a second peak while he chased his own high.
“Fuck fuck fuck I’m going to cum in your dirty pussy y/n. Can I? Fuck I’m n-not going to last. Please baby.”
Your teary face is weakly nodding while your head rests against his shoulder, body bouncing with every thrust inside your sopping and oversensitive walls. The hand on your clit that was incessantly rubbing was so close to make you cum again. And when Hoseok starts to slam your hips down on his lap – sticky and wet sounds echoing through the walls of the confined space in his car, flesh sticking to flesh – you cum once more and with a few more deep thrusts of his cock inside you – you can feel the spurts of his own cum flooding inside your walls.
“Fuck, I-I’m leaking out of you babe.” He’s watching between your bodies as the sounds get even sloppier with his cum overflowing from your pussy and back on to his cock – making a creamy mess between you two. And in that moment, you could only rest your head against his shoulder after having cum for the second time. Your body was worn and tired but your mind was buzzing in the aftermath of your rendezvous. Hoseok looked as beautiful as ever with his golden skin shining with perspiration while he caught his breath – caressing your behind almost lovingly. Love.
That’s not what you were after right now. In fact, even just thinking about it made you want to forget about the whole concept of it all. And when Hoseok looked down at you with a raised eyebrow – you just quietly lean back against the steering wheel, letting him have a look between where you two were joined again.
“Can you f-fuck your cum back in to me?” your sultry tone and your incredibly filthy question catches his off guard for sure. But it’s not even a minute later that he’s ordering you again.
“Turn around y/n. Let’s see that ass bounce.”
And of course, your new self in your new life is more than willing to oblige. Today was the day you had thought you’d died – only to find that you’ve come alive.
a/n: yay or nay? let me know!!
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leatherjacketvan · 6 years
hey love! could you do a fic where the reader meets van in the park when their dog runs off and jumps all over van, but he loves the dog to pieces, they end up at lil cafe with outdoor seating and yeah xoxo 
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Ya girl is on a roll! Two fics posted in two days!!! Also, I hope you enjoy even though this is really rushed and problematic. I had a lot of fun making it tho!
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You knew that getting a dog would be a huge responsibility. That’s why you held off on getting one for so long, despite the fact that you absolutely adored them. However, A lot had been going on in your life. Big changes that you really didn’t know if you could handle on your own.
You were always considered independent. Anyone who knew you could undoubtedly say that about you. But sometimes you felt really alone in the world. You weren’t shallow about your thoughts. You knew that everyone felt that way. But your family was a ten-hour plane ride away. And your long-time roommate, that was your only trustworthy friend in this land so foreign had moved back home to be closer to her parents. You really were alone now. And it terrified you.
You felt empty at times. Apathetic and crued. That was far from you. Your personality wasn’t the somber and sad being that you had been the past few months. People at work noticed. Gerald from HR even came into your office one day asking you if everything was alright. You told him ‘everything was fine.’ He didn’t bother question you. But deep down inside you kinda wished he had.
You drank your morning coffee alone. You barely left your apartment. You barely even left your bed, and if you did it was to move to your couch for ‘a change in scenery.’ You were unmotivated, sad, and depressed. Something you promised yourself you would never become once you lived on your own.
It wasn’t until you saw him through the window of that one shop that something inside of you slowly came back to life. Your heart felt like a flower in bloom. Everything around you had a sense of self. You no longer felt so alone. He looked back at you. A wide grin appearing on his face. In that moment. You knew he was yours.
You sat on the floor of your apartment. A big ball of brown fluff lay asleep in your lap as you tried to conjure up a name for him. When you first saw him in the window of the pet shop he looked a lot like a bear to you. It made you think. . . Bear? You let the thought linger in your head. You looked down at his little face that was all squished up against your leg. A smile spread across your own face unwillingly. You felt your heart boom inside your chest at the thought of loving him. You finally felt like things would be okay again. You didn’t feel so alone anymore. It was crazy to think that only hours ago you were in a deep funk. Now here you were, with your new best friend, with a feeling like things might be okay again. You knew that having a dog, especially a puppy, was a full time job. And you were clueless as to how you were going to make this all work. But you knew somehow it would work itself out in the end.
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You had finally decided on naming your big ball of fluff, Bear. It took a few days to convince yourself it was a good fit for the little guy. But you managed to narrow down the options to your original choice. It was either that or Clifford. At the end of the day. . . you think you made the right choice.  
Today was also a big day for the both of you. It was going to be Bear’s first time out of the apartment since you adopted him a few weeks ago. You took him to the vet for puppy shots and had to make sure he was cleared to go out into the open. You didn’t really know how he was going to react. You thought taking him to the park a few blocks down would be a good idea. It was a little cloudy out that day so you didn’t have to worry about him getting overheated. You overall expected it to be a good day.
As you walked to the park. Many people stopped you and Bear. Asking if they could pet him. Your motherly instincts were hesitant to all those hands on him, but he was absolutely livid by the attention he was receiving. You continued on with your walk. By the time you reached the park the both of you were tired.
It had been a long week for you because you were still trying to manage work time and puppy time. A few days out of the week you managed to sneak Bear into your office. But it was a challenge to keep him quiet as well as keep him from peeing all over the floors.
You both sat on the grass by the pond. Bear watched as the ducks swam back and forth. Occasionally letting out a little bark. You could tell he was tempted to go after them.
You laid back in the grass. Letting your fingers run through the individual green locks. You could feel your eyes begin to flutter shut and your breathing slows down. That was until you felt Bear rip his leash from your fingertips and runoff in the direction behind you.
“Bear!” You screamed, jolting up and running in his direction.
He was a fast little guy. Something you weren’t aware of until you were chasing him through the park. The next thing you here was a loud “Oi, what the hell?!” As Bear jumped up on some guy’s lap making him spill, you assumed hot coffee, all over himself.
Once you reached Bear and the stranger. You were awfully afraid of what was going to happen next. But the stranger didn’t seem the least bit enraged. He seemed to be. . . laughing?
“Oh my God, I am so so sorry!” You managed to blurt out as you grabbed Bear and held him in your arms.
“No worries. I suppose I didn’t really like this shirt anyways.” The guy replied.
You looked at him with confusion.
“It’s his first time outside. I guess I dozed off. . . Again, I am so so so sorry! Is there anything I can do?” You replied anxiously.
“Um. . .” The stranger lingered with knitted eyebrows.
“How about another coffee?” You asked.
“. . .” The guy sat silently as he thought for a second, but didn’t seem hesitant to agree to your offer.
You helped him up and awkwardly patted the pool of coffee on his lap.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry you’re such a mess!” You said.
“Thanks.” The guy chuckled.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just. I’m not good at this kind of stuff.” You replied.
“Having your pup spill coffee on strangers?” He chuckled.
“Social interaction.” You replied abruptly.
“Oh.” He said
“. . . How about that coffee, yeah?” You said rerouting the extremely awkward encounter.
“Yeah.” He implies.
You both walk began to walk to the shop just down the street and on the corner.
“I’m Van, by the way.” He spoke.
“Y/N.” You replied.
“And this is Bear.”
“Very fitting for the fluffy little lad. I like it.” Van replied.
You smiled at his comment. He took note of that.
You both made it to the coffee shop. You tied Bears leash around the leg of one of the heavy iron chairs as you walked up to the window with Van.
“Black, double shot espresso, please,” Van spoke as he quickly slipped some money to the barista. You didn’t even have time to open your mouth to tell him it was on you.
He began to walk back to the table were Bear was at. You stopped him with a confused grin. “I thought the whole purpose of us coming here was so I could repay you for accidentally ruining your morning.” You replied.
“You didn’t ruin my morning love. You made it a little better actually.” He said.
You became completely dumbfounded by his statement. “I.... What?”
“I mean. Yeah, my shirt is soaked but I got to meet a cute dog and a cute girl who offered to buy me some brew. I’d say. . . It’s a pretty good start to my day.” He replied.
Your cheeks went all rosy. Again, he took note of that.
“You’re probably the most easygoing stranger I’ve ever met.” You chuckled.
“I don’t know If I’d say that, I can be pretty wild.” He smirked.
You let out a quiet giggle as you blushed once again. They called out Van’s order and he quickly went over to grab it. Racing back to his seat and leaning back as he took a sip.
“So, what brought out all the way out here?” Van questioned.
“To London. . . your accent. You’re obviously not from here.” He grinned.
“Oh. . . Work and such. And a fresh start maybe? I still haven’t quite figured it out.”
“What makes you say that?” He asked.
“Because I had a choice. . . I could’ve stayed in the States. They wanted me at an office in New York. Higher pay and everything. But. .  . I was offered a job here and I took it instead.” You replied with a slightly disappointed smile forming on the edge of your lips.
“Why are you so down, love?” He asked, seemingly concerned. This guy was full of surprises.
“I don’t know. I guess I just don’t know if I made the right choice yet. It’s kind of been eating me alive. But I know regardless, my options are gone and it’s too late.” You sighed.
“I don’t know if I believe you.” He replied.
You gave him a confused look.
“I don't believe in something ever being ‘too late.’ Time is just a construct ya know?” He lightly chuckled. You really didn’t feel like reciprocating to that comment.
“Anyways, I think you made your decision for a reason. I think deep down inside something drove you to move all the way to, what feels like, another world. To a place where you feel like a total alien. I don’t think you really think you made a mistake.” He spoke.
“For someone you just met, you seem to know an awful bunch about me.” You replied taking his comment to heart. Letting his words linger in your brain.
“Because I know the feeling.” He said. “I’ve been all over. I don’t even know if I have a place to call ‘home’ anymore. But that’s alright to me. I’ve made peace with that. Because I love what I do. I live the way I want to. I think maybe you should start doing that too.” He said. “I think maybe you’re holding back and that’s why you feel regret. And regret is a terrible thing to feel. Especially when you don’t need to.” He said.
Your hands were folded on the table in front of you as you listen intently to the things he was saying. His hand cupped over yours. Instantly causing you to blush once more. He was so wise. This guy was full of plenty characteristics and surprises. Something you wouldn’t mind getting used to.
“You’d make for a damn good therapist.” You replied.
“Maybe I would. But I prefer music instead.” He grinned.
He then began to tell you some details about his life. His nomadic lifestyle. His music and his favorite artists. Some things that you really felt like you needed to hear from another person at the moment. Some things you just wanted to hear because it was him saying those things. There was this really amazing stranger in front of you. He told you about his dog. And how much she helped him out with feeling a little less lonely. He told you that he had a gut feeling that Bear would make you happy.
By the time you had become entranced out of the conversation, it was already past noon. You’d been talking for hours and it didn’t even feel like it. Time was indeed a construct. Because it felt totally different when you were around him. You looked at the time and heavily sighed.
“Everything ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s just. I have to go. Bear has this puppy training class. I can’t miss it” You frowned.
“It’s alright, love.” He said as he pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket and began to write something down.
He handed you the napkin with digits on it.  
“My number. For whenever you want to meet for coffee again. . . Or spill it on me. I’m down for either” He grinned.
“Thank you. It was really nice meeting you Van,” You said as you picked up Bear and began to walk off.
“Y/N.” He blurted out causing you to turn your head.
“Promise. Promise that you call me if you’re ever feeling alone or blue, yeah?” He said.
“I promise,” you replied with a grin. He returned the smile and began to walk in the opposite direction.
And at that moment you felt whole again. You had Bear now, and potentially Van in your life. A new friend. Who obviously related to you a lot. Maybe Bear was meant to be in your life for that very reason. To meet Van. To make you feel whole again. They both made you feel like your heart was a flower in bloom. You tucked the napkin into your bag with a fulfilled sigh.
For the first time in a long time, everything really did feel fine. And you couldn’t be more contempt.
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wookihoon · 7 years
special gifts
— requested?: yes
— group: pentagon
— characters: Yeo Changgu + Y/N
— genre: fluff
— message: o god this is literally 7262 years late I’m sorry. Also I’m sorry if it’s corny af.
It was your last period of the school day and as usual, you were bored. You didn’t enjoy going to school much; the only reason you did was to see your crush Changgu. You moved to your school last month, and you were completely unfamiliar with the city itself. Changgu, being the class president, helped you get used to how the school works, and told you about the city. You thanked him immensely that day and when you got home from your first day at the new school, a wave of emotions came over you while thinking about Changgu. Did you already have feelings for someone that you just met?
“Y/N! How many times have I told you not to lay your head on the desk? Wake up and identify which section of the timeline goes along with the statement I’ve written on the board,” your teacher commanded you in an annoyed tone. History was your weakest subject, and it seriously did not help that your teacher had a bone to pick with you since the first week you arrived at the school. One of the friends you’ve made informed you that the teacher had bad experience in a business, which was the same one your father works for. It didn’t take long for you to connect the dots.
You got up from your seat and attempted to blurt something out.
“B-battle of the Somme?” you tried your best not to sound completely unknowing. Unfortunately, you didn’t get the answer correct.
“No, it’s the Battle of Amiens. You can’t even get a simple question like that right?” your teacher said in frustration while rolling her eyes. The rest of the class snickered with each other and whispered things in their ears. You sat back down in shame while your friend tried to comfort you.
“Y/N doesn’t have brains or looks. They’ll totally be a failure when they grow up!” a bully shouted while pointing at you laughing. The rest of the class agreed until Mr. class president scolded them.
“Kids, stop being rude towards them! You haven’t even given that person a chance. Please be kinder.” He asserted.
“Oh, look at Changgu trying to defend them. You like them huh? You should like a pretty person like me.” one of the girls replied. He rolled his eyes and the teacher had to reinforce the students to get back to class work.
Nonetheless, were disappointed in yourself, but there were only ten minutes left in class and just wanted to get it over with.
You anticipated for the bell the ring, signaling your release from school. When you heard the sound of it, you couldn’t be more relieved. You bolted right out of your seat to get out of there, when about half way down the hall you heard a familiar voice calling for you.
“Y/N!” You left this in class.” a boy called out, none other than Changgu. You turned around and saw him with one of your folders for class.
“Oh, I didn’t even realize I had left this. Thank you.” You told him.
“I also wanted to say I’m sorry about those punks in class. They’re really a burden.” Changgu told you in a quieter tone.
“They all seem to gang up with each other to insult me, no?” You asked, wondering why they would be considered a burden for anyone else but yourself.
“Those kids just do what they think is cool to act tough. I’ve seen how they act before. They’re just wimps.” He tried to convince you.
“I really wish they’d stop.” You sighed.
“Me too.” Changgu replied. “Mind if I walk you to your home?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all.” You grinned. You two started to walk down the sidewalk in the busy city. It was a cloudy day, which you absolutely adored. You didn’t bring your umbrella because the weather forecast on your cellphone said there’d be little chance of rain. To your luck, it began to rain.
“I knew I should have brought my umbrella.” you groaned. Changgu flashed a toothy grin when he heard this and pulled out one of his own umbrellas from his bag.
“We can share.” he positioned he umbrella so it was covering the both of you. You subtly blushed at this action, especially since it was from your crush.
“Thank you.” you said. Not much later, Changgu noticed a small cart that you two were approaching and stopped you.
“Would you like a bracelet?” He inquired while looking over at the cutely built pink cart.
“Sure, I’d like that!” You gleefully replied.
He brought you over to investigate what was available to buy. He eyed a red flower bracelet because he remembered that you said your favorite color was red when you first introduced yourself to the class.
“Y/N, how about this?” Changgu motioned over to the bracelet. You couldn’t deny that it was very nicely crafted.
“Oh, I love that!” You buzzed. “Could you get it for me?”
“Of course I can.” he smiled. Changgu asked for the bracelet from the employee working the cart. The both of you didn’t notice that he was grinning at you two the whole time until you looked up.
“High school sweethearts huh?” The old man reckoned. On the inside you were bubbling up at the fact that someone thought you and Changgu were dating, but you reminded yourself in reality that you guys were just classmates. Changgu was about to say something until you spoke up first.
“Nope, just classmates.” You assured.
“I’m sure you kids will be soon, I can see the chemistry.” The man said while ringing up the order for the bracelet. Changgu was silently smiling while receiving the bag with the bracelet in it.
“Thank you sir.” said you and Changgu in unison. You two continued to walk to your home. You talked about small things such as the art that was hung in the school hallways and an update for a mobile app that you both favored.
Before you knew it, you and him arrived at your apartment complex. It was a bit disappointing that you had arrived so quickly, but at the same time you just wanted to rest. You thanked him while he handed you the bag containing your red flower bracelet.
“By the way, meet me at the courtyard at school tomorrow. I need to show you around to something else too.” Changgu stated. You were a bit confused because you knew the whole school by now, but went with it anyway. You thanked him once again and trailed off into your home. Quickly, you finished your one assignment and fell asleep.
When you woke up, the first thing you thought about was meeting up with Changgu. You made to sure hastily finish your morning routine so you could arrive at school earlier. Your mother noticed you in a rush and inquired why.
“I just need to drop something off for class. I’m alright mom.” You babbled while quickly having the last bite of your cereal. You said goodbye to each other as you walked on the door. You speedily arrived at school, heading to the courtyard where you could already see Changgu sitting on a bench.
“Changgu?” You mumbled. He looked up and instantly was happy.
“Y/N! I’m glad you’re here. Let me show you a new addition to the school.” He beamed. Changgu picked up his bag and motioned for you to follow him. He brought you to the small empty area around the corner of the main school building and then stopped. You were confused as there was really nothing to be shown. Changgu began to open to bag and pulled out a small box. You wondered what was in there.
He puffed and began talking. “Y/N, I hope this isn’t awkward but I went to that cart very early this morning and stopped by to get you this.” He opened the box to reveal a small necklace with a golden heart. You were astonished by how kind of an action it was.
He continued, “I wanted to get you this to show you how much I like you. Yes, I mean it in a romantic way. I think you are very attractive and I want to protect you. If you don’t feel the same, I hope you still like my gift.” He sweated, But you were even more nervous. You couldn’t believe you just heard what you did.
“I like you a lot Changgu.” You blurt out, not realizing how blunt it sound. You covered your mouth out of embarrassment, but Changgu thought it was very cute.
“Thank you for sharing the same feelings.” He told you. He took a step forward to place the necklace around your neck.
“That’s pretty on you.” He whispered. You thanked him.
“Shall we get going to class?” He asked while extending out his hand for you to hold.
“I think we should.” You replied as you took his hand.
On the way to class you asked him why couldn’t just ask to meet up with him instead of saying that he had to bring you to a new place.
“Well I actually did, right? I brought you to my heart.” You giggled in response to his corny answer.
Maybe school just got better for you.
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nicolewrites · 8 years
Bughead. Because Riverdale is on hiatus and my heart hurts.
Rating: G/K+ Genre: Friendship and Romance Characters: [Jughead and Betty], Archie, Veronica Words: 4,277
Archie Andrews makes Betty Cooper fuzzy inside. He's like a cloud in her brain that makes her happy. But, Jughead Jones makes everything clean, and sharp, and focused. These days, the clarity is much appreciated. OR the one where Betty loves everyone so much and deserves the best. [runs before and alongside canon to 1x07]
Love is a tentative, fluttering feeling that cannot be pinned in one place. It eludes those who pursue it and smothers those who hide from it. Just when one thinks they have grasped it, it spins away in another direction leaving a trail of breathless people in its wake.
Betty Cooper loves an awful lot for a girl as young as she is. Her heart is bigger than her body and her smile spreads joy to all those who see it. Her blonde hair is in pigtails with not a hair out of place and her pink sweater is worn over a white skirt with matching pink flats. She's spotless and bubbly and her mother would accept nothing less.
She's hardly wary of sitting next to the boy at the table. He has dark hair and a too big hat on, but she smiles at him anyways, and the friend that's seated with him. Archie grins at Betty with equal ferocity and they chatter back and forth, but Betty notices the third party stays suspiciously quiet. Her eyes drift to him, big and green, but he never looks her way.
Archie leaves to go to the bathroom briefly, and Betty props her elbows on the table. She cocks her head in the mysterious boy’s direction and smiles at him again. He looks uncomfortable, but she just asks him for his name and birthday. He gives it and she beams in response.
Archie comes back and sees that Jughead Jones III, who has hardly opened up to him at all, is happily conversing with Elizabeth Cooper as if it is meant to be.
When she turns ten Archie tells her she looks beautiful and her heart skips a beat. He's cute, and wonderfully sweet, but ignorant. Betty beams at him. Best friends for six years and she loves him very much. She's not quite sure how, yet, but she looks at him in a way that makes her chest flutter and her mind fog, but he's Archie and still very much unattainable right now.
Jughead nods to her and says something vaguely interesting to Archie, but Betty ignores it. She slings an arm over each of her friend’s shoulders and pulls them towards the school. The position is a touch awkward because Jughead is the tallest of the three, and Archie is the shortest, but they make it work.
Besides, Archie has promised that Jughead won't be taller for much long. For now, though, Jughead gets to tease Archie because he’s one inch taller than him, and half an inch taller than Betty and she's half an inch taller than Archie. At ten years old, Betty is right in between her two best friends where she should be.
That night is a lecture from her mom from being out too late, but the taste of the milkshake from Pop’s is still in her mouth, and Betty does not flinch. It's one imperfection, and it does not matter. When her parents start yelling that night, she just remembers the laughs she shared with her best friends that evening.
Polly sneaks into her room to give her one last treat and Betty smiles. She's ten years old with the best older sister, and two great friends, and parents who fight an awful lot. But still, Betty Cooper loves absolutely and undoubtedly. She loves her family and her friends, though maybe she loves Archie a little differently.
Betty is eleven and a half when she meets Reggie Mantle and Kevin Keller. It is not a day she thinks of too often, but she remembers feeling powerful. Because when she had walked into the room, Reggie had sprung back from Kevin like he was on fire, and the Sheriff’s son had rubbed his shirt collar and stared at Betty like she was a goddess.
She had put her hands on her hips and scolded Reggie until his face turned red from embarrassment. She had made him apologise to Kevin and he had scurried away like his pants were on fire, averting his eyes from her like she was the sun.
That day, Betty had made another lifelong friend. Just because Kevin was different from Archie and Jughead, didn't mean she didn't love him any less. Besides, if nobody else at school was going to love his quirks, then Betty was going to love him twice as hard. She still does.
That night is also the night of Betty’s first diary. It is pink with her name printed on the front and her mother presents it to her with a wide smile. She accepts it carefully and flips through the pages. Alice tells her daughter to write in it and write in it often. Betty thanks her mom and sets it on her bedside table.
It stays empty for another two weeks. The day she finally christens it is when she is walking home with Archie and Jughead, past the high school where Polly goes now, and she sees her sister with a boy. His hair is redder than Archie’s, but he's smiling widely and excitedly at her sister. The three young friends just watch in awe as Polly kisses his cheek and waves goodbye, scurrying home with a big secret.
Jughead and Archie almost do not realise she is leaving, because they are too busy staring at Jason Blossom. They catch up quickly with their longer legs and they do not mention Polly and Jason the whole walk home. Betty swings her arms and studies the cracks in the road.
Jughead and Archie talk animatedly over her silence, and she listens, nodding and smiling in all the right places, but her mind is elsewhere. The boys do not really notice until it's Jughead’s street to the right and Betty and Archie continue straight, waving goodbye.
When they get to their houses, side by side, Archie kicks at the dirt by the curb and looks at her. Betty smiles and he grins back. Her stomach flutters and Archie stares up at her house, his eyes finding Polly’s window.
“What are you going to do about Polly and Jason?”
Betty shrugs. “It's Polly’s choice. I don't intend to make it for her.”
Archie nods and smiles at her one last time before he's running for his door and Betty’s heading to hers.
That night she cracks the spine of her diary and picks up a pencil.
   Dear Diary,  
   I saw Polly kissing Jason Blossom today.  
Betty is thirteen when Kevin gives her his official diagnosis. He says she has a crush on Archie. At first, Betty is terrified because he's Archie and her best friend. Jughead’s her best friend too, but he doesn't make her cloudy and fuzzy like Archie does, but that doesn't mean that Betty’s okay with the whole crush business. It sounds painful.
Kevin just pokes her teasingly when Archie and Jughead arrive and Betty goes as pink as her headband. Neither of her longtime friends seems to notice and Betty’s glad. Kevin says nothing, but he does glance between Betty and Archie every so often.
Age thirteen is also the first time that the younger Cooper sister clashes with the Blossom sister. Betty isn't even quite sure how it started, but she thinks Cheryl is a terrible person. She spouts of mean words and insults and juvenile phrases about Betty and Kevin and Archie and Jughead, and Betty runs away in tears.
She ends up near the basketball court, sitting on a bench with her knees tucked to her chest. She stays there and waits for one of her friends to find her. Betty imagines Kevin coming over and sympathising with her over his own experiences with bullying. Alternatively, she sees Archie finding her and putting an arm around her. She knows he would reassure her that he likes her just the way she is.
Instead of who she expects, Betty gets Jughead sitting down beside her without a word. She knows he’s a little rough around the edges, and he's not the best with comforting people, but really, she's not surprised he has found her. Jughead always knows the best places to find quiet.
“Cheryl Blossom can go stuff her opinion somewhere else,” he mutters.
Betty blinks at him. He looks mad and his hands are curled into fists on his lap. “Juggie,” she starts, and he looks at her expectantly. “I hate her,” Betty nearly spits, anger bubbling in her chest. For Betty Cooper, anger is a rarity, and Jughead arches a brow at her bold statement.  
“Betts, you can't hate Cheryl. You can't hate anyone,” he declares. Betty cracks a tiny smile and her fists uncoil. “Me on the other hand,” Jughead muses, “I'm very good at hating people.”
Jughead gets suspended and Cheryl misses school for a week, but Kevin and Archie swear that it was the most impressive punch they have ever seen a thirteen-year-old throw. Betty catches Jughead’s eye on his first day back and he smiles at her. She laughs but smiles back.
When Betty is fourteen, Polly comes clean to their parents. Polly brought Betty into the room too, in hopes that their mom wouldn’t yell, but Hal Cooper sends Betty away almost as soon as Polly starts talking. Betty catches her sister’s eye on the way out and she sees the nervousness and dead-set determination. She blinks her big green eyes, but her mother shoos her away more quickly.
Betty camps on the stairs, just in range of the conversation, and listens. Surprisingly, Alice and Hal let Polly get through the whole story before they express their distaste. Her parents hate Jason Blossom, and the fact that Polly and Jason are finally an official couple is a serious crime to them. The argument dissolves quickly into a shouting match and Betty flees up the stairs.
Fifteen minutes later, Polly sprints up the stairs, furious and sad at the same time. Betty’s sister barges into her room and hugs her. The older Cooper sister trembles and Betty holds her tightly, slightly terrified. After a moment, Polly pulls away and kisses Betty on the head. She musters her best smile and leaves, but not before reminding Betty that their parents don’t control them.
Betty falls back on her bed and sighs heavily. Her phone buzzes on her table and she picks it up. Archie has texted her, and a quick glance out her window reveals that he’s staring across the gap at her, concern knitting his brow. Betty smiles at him and opens his text.
 Everything okay? –A
 All good! Just some girl stuff. –B
 U sure? –A
 Archie, it’s fine, I promise. –B
 Ok, ok –A
 Are you, me and Jug still on for shakes at Pop’s tomorrow? –B
 Jug cancelled. Says he has to stay home and look after Jellybean. –A
 Should we go keep him company? –B
 No. He’s fine. Just invite Kevin instead. –A
 Are you okay, Archie? –B
 I’m fine, Betty. Good night. See you tomorrow. –A
Betty doesn’t reply and she glances up at Archie, concern furrowing her brow. Her friend just turns his back on the window before drawing the curtains shut, a clear indication of a completed conversation. Betty sighs. Archie is her best friend, undoubtedly, but he’s been acting a little weird sometimes, especially relating to Jughead. Betty’s other friend has also been staying home a lot more and cancelling on their plans, even if it involves milkshakes and burgers at Pop’s.
Betty opens a message to Jughead, asking if he wants some company babysitting Jellybean tomorrow, but it sounds pushy, especially after Archie dismissed the idea, so she deletes the text. Instead, she texts Kevin, telling him that she and Archie are going for shakes alone tomorrow. Kevin gets excited far too quickly and reminds her to dress her best.
The summer between freshman and sophomore years is a major milestone. Betty is sick of the fighting between her mom and her sister and her mom’s suffocating pressure to be perfect. Her grades are straight A’s, and she never misses curfew. She’s not quite sure what else she’s supposed to do to please Alice Cooper, but her mom never lets up.
So Betty accepts the summer work in Boston and escapes from Riverdale. She’s reluctant to leave Polly, and Kevin, and Archie, but they talk her into it. Archie and Kevin swing by the day before she leaves individually and bid her goodbye, promising to keep her updated on stuff. She wonders if Jughead will show, but it becomes clear soon enough that he has no intentions of coming.
Betty isn’t sure what she’s done, if anything, to upset her friend, but he’s been freezing her out. A lot of it comes from Jughead’s naturally withdrawn nature, but the last few times she’s been in the same place as him and Archie, there has been a certain spike in animosity that she doesn’t really understand. The boys are supposed to go on a camping trip while she’s gone, and Betty hopes that everything will be smoothed over by the time she gets back.
Riverdale is a small town, and Betty doesn’t think it’s possible for it to change too much in the two months she’ll be gone. But, Betty Cooper is an optimist and the clouds that cover Riverdale are a lot darker and more pessimistic than she is expecting.
By the time she gets back, Jughead and Archie have stopped talking altogether, Archie got really hot, Polly is gone, and Jason Blossom has died.
Veronica Lodge hits Riverdale like a hurricane. Similarly, Betty Cooper is easily swept into her.  Veronica has a sly smile and a beautiful face, and Betty already knows that she’s going to be exactly like Cheryl Blossom. She befriends her, for Archie’s sake, and because Veronica seems nice enough.
And Archie is still being Archie and Betty loves him for it. He’s writing music now and Betty is transfixed by his voice. It is as beautiful as the rest of him and his songs are touching and a little chaotic, but wonderful. Veronica catches on quickly, praising Archie and casting Betty sly looks. Kevin is excited at the prospect of teaming up with Veronica because the girl from New York knows a lot more about boys than anyone in the small town, even Cheryl Blossom.
Betty starts to respect Veronica when she suggests the two of them join the cheerleading squad. Veronica assures Betty that Cheryl won’t be able to resist taking them for the squad no matter how awful she is. Betty isn’t quite sure that Veronica knows how bad Cheryl can be. Yet, watching the two girls tangle at the tryouts has Betty transfixed and also partly because Veronica kissed her and she’s standing there like an idiot. Still, the ice wins out and Betty and Veronica are cheerleaders and Cheryl Blossom has lost.
Following that success, Homecoming is a disaster. Somehow, Veronica talked Betty into asking Archie, only for her to drag Veronica along as a third wheel anyway. Then, Betty finally comes clean to Archie, after years of pining, and he rebuffs her. She is mortified. Veronica vows to make him realise what he’s missing.
That night, Betty’s prediction comes true because not only does Veronica turn on her, but Cheryl Blossom never loses for long.
Not even Archie’s puppy-dog eyes can salvage her feelings and for once, Betty Cooper can’t find it in her to love anyone.
Veronica does redeem herself and Betty is glad she does because she likes her. Despite her mother’s best efforts, Veronica wins Betty over and B&V officially bury the bad blood. Over milkshakes at Pop’s Betty finds herself spilling the history of her Riverdale to the newcomer and Veronica listens patiently, chipping in her two cents.
Betty recounts stories of her family, and of Archie and Jughead, and Kevin, and Cheryl, and even of Jason Blossom. Veronica compares them to her favourite TV dramas and promises that neither of them will let any boy, not even Archie Andrews, come between them. Betty affirms her promise, but something in her chest stings because she’s still in the fog of her feelings for Archie.
As a new story comes to mind, the fog thickens and Archie Andrews appears at the door of Pop’s. To Betty’s surprise, Jughead is at his side. She smiles tentatively at her old friend, and affection sparks through Jughead’s eyes. The Archie-fog around Betty’s mind clears up and she flicks her gaze to Archie.
“Would you like to join us?” she offers.
Archie smiles and Jughead smirks, striding towards them. Jughead makes a joke in regards to the brokenness of teenagers, and Betty laughs because she’ll never say no to feeding him when he asks like that. Jughead passes her and climbs behind Veronica, slipping into the booth across from her and Betty slides over to make room for Archie,
Betty and Archie’s legs brush accidentally, but for once, she doesn’t feel the spark because Jughead’s eyes have still drawn her in, and the silly smile on her face doesn’t waver as Jughead and Veronica are formerly introduced to each other. At that moment, as Archie slings a friendly arm over her shoulder, Betty wishes Kevin was with them, and that Polly could be there too.
Betty asks Jughead to work with her on the Blue and Gold. She knows he writes because he was always writing or reading as a kid, and she knows that he’s writing a book about Jason Blossom’s murder because of Archie. She clasps her hands in front of her and pleads with him. He’s one of her best friends, and though a little bit of a loose cannon at times, she trusts him.
He agrees and Betty smiles. Their investigation begins and Jughead sticks around a little more often. They sit side-by-side at the lunch table and he steals from her lunch. It feels like the good old days, and Betty’s mind is at peace. She’s proving her mother wrong, and it feels incredibly good. Because Betty Cooper is not trying to be perfect for other people anymore, and the smiles she wrangles from Jughead for her efforts do not go unnoticed.
Around him, she feels good. Her mind is clear and sharp and they get work done. Their investigation quickly makes equal headway to the Sheriff’s, and their own visual representation, dubbed the murder board by Jughead, is far more detailed. Soon enough, Betty finds herself spending almost more time with Jughead in the Blue and Gold office than with Veronica or Kevin or Archie combined.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by her mother either, but Betty is growing her backbone. This is something that she loves, and her overbearing, overprotective mother will not ruin this for her. She is her own woman, and in the words of her wise sister, her mother does not control her.
Polly is pregnant and Betty is even more convinced that her mother is a monster. It took long enough for Betty and Jughead to find Polly, only for her mother to tear Betty away from her sister because the Coopers are ashamed that Polly is pregnant with Jason’s baby. Her mother drags her away from the facilities of the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, and Jughead tails them insistently. Betty is pushed towards the car, and the raw fury on her mother’s face is not an image she likes to keep.
Betty tries to convince her mother to drive Jughead home too, but she curls a lip at Betty’s friend and drives away, leaving him alone in the parking lot to take the bus home. Alice Cooper doesn’t say a word the whole drive home, and Betty’s courage deserts her. She tucks her chin to her chest and tries not to cry because today has happened all too fast. Some part in the back of her mind needles that she won’t be able to see Archie and Veronica perform in the variety show and she’s ashamed, but worry for Polly, and a tiny bit for Jughead, overshadows it.
Alice drags her up to her room and Hal appears in the doorway, sealing the family in the room. Betty absorbs the lecture, but some of her courage comes back. She spits fire at her parents too, but in the end, they win and leave her alone in her room like some trapped damsel waiting for rescue. It’s a startling realisation, but Betty is not sure she’s ever felt less love for her parents than this moment.
Fortunately, she’s not alone for long because Jughead’s on top of a ladder outside her window, tapping lightly on the glass. She laughs and the sadness in her mind is chased away as she lets him in. He makes a Shakespeare reference, and Betty’s mind flashes momentarily to something Veronica had said, but she chases the thought away.
She rants to Jughead, expresses her darkest thoughts and waits for him to remind her that she’s the perfect girl, and can’t hate anyone like he has in the past, but instead, his hand lands on her shoulder and he’s comforting her, promising they’re all as crazy as she fears she is. A laugh escapes from her and she smiles hesitantly.
This is Jughead, and he’s standing so close and he looks more vulnerable than he ever has before. But Betty’s mind is clear and she’s not thinking of Archie when his voice catches. Her eyes flicker to his bobbing Adam’s apple and he looks strangely uncomfortable.
“What?” she asks curiously. He’s studying her face intently, and Betty’s not uncomfortable, just curious. His gaze flickers down from her eyes towards her lips and she smiles in her confusion. “What?”
And then his hands are cupping her face and his lips are on his and she can barely breathe, but it feels so right. Electricity hums through her veins and Betty’s hand lands on his cheek. Jughead Jones III is kissing her and it feels foreign and perfect at the same time because she had always associated the fluttery feeling in her stomach with Archie Andrews, not Jughead.
When he pulls away, the space between them is small and her lips curl unintentionally into a smile. He lets out a shuddering sigh, but he looks content too. For the first time in a long time, her mind is quiet and her worries have been suffocated because all she can see is Jughead standing in front of her.
Then lightning strikes and she gasps, pulling away. She knows. Jughead looks concerned for a split second before Betty’s smile lights up her whole face and his concern warps to confusion. Even for just a moment, the clarity of her mind had revealed exactly what she had needed it to.
“The car!” she exclaims excitedly.
Jughead laughs and makes a quip, and Betty’s heart flutters. Unlike with Archie, the fog doesn’t wrap around her and the world doesn’t grow fuzzy. Rather, the few tiny freckles on Jughead’s face leap out at her and the whole world stays in high definition. Betty is buzzing.
The chaos of the next couple hours overwhelms her. Betty forgets all about the Variety Show until she and Jughead burst into the school looking for the Sheriff and she hears Archie’s smooth vocals over the PA system. On the way out, her eyes snap to it, but she clings to the clarity of her mind and pursues Jughead and Sheriff Keller out the door–leaving Archie behind.
The car is in flames and Betty’s heart sinks, but she knows that now she really needs to get to Polly. Jughead comes with her, as usual, and this time she doesn’t pause at the reception desk, sprinting straight for Polly’s room. In a startlingly frightening scene, Betty sees the empty room of her sister and the broken window and the blood.
Her anxiety swells and panic wells up in her chest and despite the lack of cloudiness in her brain, she’s suddenly drowning. Jughead’s arms wrap around her and he pulls her away, holding her until her breathing settles and her heartrate calms to almost a normal rate. His hands run across her shoulders and her fingers splay over his back, anchoring herself to reality.
Their laboured breathing settles and through the fear for Polly, Betty feels a spark of affection, of love, run through her and she clings a little tighter.
After her parents reveal Polly’s state to the whole town and the Cooper family is bombarded with questions, Jughead walks Betty home in the rain. Their linked hands swing between them as she tells him about the first time that Polly ran away. The fond memory brings a smile to her face, and Jughead develops a matching one.
A similar burst of affection to the one she felt at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy bubbles through her chest, and as they reach her house, a thundering realisation hits Betty. She stops dead in her tracks, and cuts off her story, leaving Jughead hanging. She turns to him, detangling their hands and takes a deep breath.
“What?” he asks, concern and curiosity filling his green eyes. Betty almost laughs at the mirroring of the situation, but she takes his face in her hands and kisses him firmly.
She pulls away and tucks away the memory of Jughead’s content expression. “Thank you for walking me home. I’ll call you later. Goodnight!” She turns and runs towards her house.
Jughead Jones brings Betty blinding realizations and one of these days, she’ll tell him and be able to kiss him without running away.
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