#my brain isn't working properly so this kinda sucks
hayleysmuses · 2 years
(Love how I said I wanted to try writing a reply a day going forward, then proceeded to NOT do that)
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grumpybunny-edith · 4 months
Furry HRT comics have been something my brain kinda constantly returns to over the last... since people started making them, and so just like anything else I'm really invested in, I feel like I need to analyze them as a phenomenon a little bit.
In some ways, I feel like the most popular formats of these comics are informed by a traditional or uncomplicated view of medical transition. Every character is presented as being able to get an appointment pretty simply, and all live in proximity to their endo. Their initial appointment usually sucks, but characters get what they're looking for and generally don't experience any more roadblocks. The meds people take are always compatible with them, and do not cause any unexpected or adverse side effects.
There's also the assumption in many of these comics that transition has a definite "end". There exists a point where a character is "done", more or less, which isn't accurate to transgender experiences and pushes some of the harmful narrative perpetuated by the medical system. This structure, as well as the fact that furry HRT generally functions more quickly than transgender HRT, is helpful to the format of the stories as short-form narratives, as it helps create a satisfying conclusion.
This is all great for what the format and narratives seem to be trying to convey. Even in amongst the body horror which is common to the narrative, which is in itself useful for exploring how something many view as horrible or uncanny (such as gender transition), they are stories about trans joy. They're about some of the adversity we face, finding happiness among that adversity, and sharing in it with our communities. They're also about finding an authentic self through a medical process that isn't seen in reality, and how regardless of how strange people find something, happiness and self love are what is most important.
But also, when I reflect on these narratives, I sometimes struggle to see myself in them. I'm a person who has spent her entire time medically transitioning dealing with shitty, non-fantastical roadblocks; and it's never the fault of a shitty doctor. Prescriptions take a long time to deliver, insurance doesn't wanna cover it, drugs don't work properly (or sometimes too well, and my doctor starts thinking I have a tumor in my brain), that kind of stuff.
And part of why this bums me out is that there's still so much joy there. It takes more work to love oneself when you spend a month or two off for every three months on, but it's a beautiful thing when you do. There's a whole side of the community engaging with things like DIY HRT, helping and looking after one another even when the medical system won't. There's also people microdosing HRT, either because they're unsure how they feel about it, or there's something in the "in-between" that feels right for them.
Of course artists should put to the page the stories that they want to tell. This post honestly was helping me do the same thing by orienting my thoughts. I'm just yearning for stories that feel a little bit closer to the life I've lived and noticing trends that feel reminiscent of the ways the system hurts us. I love and appreciate every single one of these stories and I hope people don't stop making them - there's so much uniquely trans joy to be had in them. I guarantee this isn't the last of what I have to say about the topic; there's too much here worth celebrating and reading closer.
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pinyeti · 5 months
overwhelming day today here's the debrief
I have two humongous final projects both worth half my grade due on Wednesday and im losing my mind AND I HAVE A PAPER DUE TOMORROW MORNING AT 8AM AND I HAV.E AMIDTERM TOMORROW AT 3.30Pn, my groups suck for both projects and THEY JUST
and I just
I have this friend who im kinda close too but she's curt with me sometimes and we are kinda rude to each other as a joke but she just
she's rude to me sometimes on purpose and I dont know why and I just feel like she hates me and won't tell me why and I JUST I do love her and it bothers me ig and Ive had alot of issues with this friend and every time I try to solve anything
and I am having a huge body image attack which isn't that deep but whatever and my brother wlel
he's got every mental illness on the planet and makes my life a living hell I get being mentally ill makes life difficult for you but YOU CANNOT EXPECT ME TO SEE THEM AS MORE THAN EXPLANATIONS FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR RATHER THAN A FUCKIN EXCUSE?? IM NOT EXCUSING YOU TELLING ME YOU WANT ME T
okay and then
today was another friends birthday and she was so
we made a whole birthday surprise thing for her and I went to alot of effort to do it and she just I invited her boyfriend and one of her other friend and she sprent the whole time talking to them and making it awkward for everyone else and I
she was like send pictures? and it just bothered me cuz she went out of her way to make it look like she hated them and if thats so then ill just not invite her to things??? cuz wth I do like my friends and this is really fuckin inconsiderate and we had karaoke but there was an issue with the mic and she was just
being really weird about ti and I felt kinda disrespected and she really doesnt fuckin care
and im so sick of this and
its like she just tolerates them for pictures and it was weird and idk
maybe I dont like her as much as I thought and maybe im the problem cuz I really tried to make it special for her and she just
she was just not having it and I tried so hard and I wish I didnt cuz I felt so stupid for caring about mics cuz when she left the rest of us were singing nd it wasn't awkward and clean up was fun even
and the thing with happened with the friend that was curt with me earlier she just we found out a guy we knew was spreading rumors about her sexuality ( his friend group did this to me first) so I asked her about it and she said yea that guy confessed to her and she told him she didnt like him like that but also that her and my other friend fought cuz this guy was being weird and I was BUSY BABYSITITNG MY FUCKIN GROUP AT THE TIME AND WE COULDNT PROPERLY TALK ABOUT IT so I called her when I got home and she got so weird and defensive about it like I was crazy and I just
I hate when she does this and I hate that I care about her more than she cares about me
in fact I know this is toxic as fuck and caring isnt measured on scales
I need a break
I need a break
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midnightshard06 · 4 months
Mmmm the urge to randomly info dump has hit me, so Imma talk about some stuff for my Lost and Found AU. We going over mostly Shadow's past here. Buckle up, this is gonna be kinda long.
A tldr for those who don't wanna read a long post like this (more info in the long thing under the cut of course but this is the main stuff):
- AU is set a couple years after where we are in cannon, most games happened minus adventure 2 and ShTH 05 -Life on the Ark for Shadow was bad, but he was able to visit the Black Comet a few times thanks to Black Doom. He grew to like the Black Arms way more than the humans on the Ark. Minus Maria of course. Also manages to connect to the hivemind on his first visit. -Maria visited Shadow as much as she could (which sadly wasn't as often as she wanted to) and she was the one to give him his gloves. -Black Doom learns about the Ark raid before it happens and encourages Shadow to work with G.U.N. (temporarily of course) -Shadow does work with G.U.N. during the raid by acting like he's following all their orders, once Gerald and the information on Project Shadow are secured the soldiers turn on Shadow and he turns right back on them (with much more success). -Maria finds him after and the two make a break for the escape pods. Maria manages to convince Shadow to give the world a chance even with how he's been treated on the Ark. -Shadow is sent to earth after Maria is killed, and his pod isn't found until Sonic finds it years later.
So! I have had many thoughts. First I'll briefly touch on the "timeline" for this au. Basically most of the games have happened in the order you'd expect. The main difference being adventure 2 and ShTH 05 never happened (though I have plans for ShTH 05...). I'd set us some time past where we are in cannon though so everyone's a little bit older, not by too much though. This is not the most... relevant thing in regards to what I'm gonna talk about for the rest of this but yeah.
Now then. Life for Shadow on the Ark. To put it mildly? It kinda sucked. Everyone, minus Maria, was on edge pretty much all the time around Shadow because he came out way more "alien" than anyone expected. Black Doom of course is pleased by this and offers to help "tame" Shadow. This is just to appease the humans though. He doesn't intend to make Shadow more docile towards them at all. With some masterful convincing Black Doom does manage to get Gerald to allow him to bring Shadow to the Black Comet a few times. Most notably not long after he was created.
This initial visit to the comet is what cements the Black Arms as a group to be trusted in Shadow's mind. After all they treat him so much better than most of the people back on the Ark. He actually manages to properly connect to the hivemind during this first visit as well, something he hadn't been able to do on the Ark. In fact him not being able to do that, but still feeling its absence, is part of why he was so violent upon being released for the first time. It was more out of confusion and panic than anger. Hard to act rationally when your brain is screaming at you that something is wrong but you don't quite know what it is.
Maria visits him as much as she can, though it's not nearly as often as she wants to. Gerald doesn't love the idea of her being near Shadow so she has to see him when she won't be missed for a little bit. Each visit is a bright spot in Shadow's life and are probably some of his clearest memories. Also fun fact, his gloves were a gift from her. She'd probably been reading something on mobian culture or something and saw how often they wore gloves so she decided Shadow needed some too. Despite them being rather simple he'd probably maul anyone who tried to take them from him.
The Ark raid is... interesting. Black Doom manages to catch wind of it before it happens but doesn't warn anyone, except Shadow. He actually encourages Shadow to work with the humans who come and after the dust settles Black Doom will come for him. He agrees to this so long as Maria will be safe. Something Black Doom promises. Whether he had any actual plans to keep Maria safe for Shadow well... debatable.
During the raid Shadow waits patiently for some of G.U.N. to reach him. Once they do he does his best to act subservient to them, through his actions since he doesn't really speak at this point, even if he hates the idea. Somehow, despite the information the soldiers have on Project Shadow, they trust him. They release him and he actively helps in the raid, keeping an eye out for Maria the whole time.
Eventually things go sort of quiet. Gerald has been captured and the information about Project Shadow seized. Shadow is concerned because he hasn't seen Maria yet, but for now he chalks that up to Black Doom keeping his promise. He doesn't have too much time to worry about that though when the soldiers he'd been working with turn on him in an attempt to capture him. It doesn't go to plan and Shadow turns on them. They come out of it much worse than Shadow but he's not doing amazing at this point, mostly mentally.
Maria manages to find him in the aftermath and starts urgently ushering him towards an escape pod. Turns out she'd been hiding since she noticed Shadow was gone. The two don't find any resistance on the way and Maria's able to talk a bit with Shadow as she prepares an escape pod. She talks about how she knows Shadow isn't a monster and that he can do so much good. He can give the people of earth a chance to be happy. He can be more than his creators thought he was. Shadow of course takes this to heart, even if his only real frame of reference is most humans are bad. This is Maria though, and he trusts her. Maybe he can give them a chance, for her. (Black Doom at this point hasn't shared any future plans with Shadow so he isn't aware that promising to try and help the people of earth is contradictory to the goals of the Black Arms that he trusts)
Of course this moment is interrupted by soldiers finding them. They attempt to order Shadow to stand down but of course at this point he's not listening. He's torn on what to do though. He could take care of them easily but Maria is there. She's vulnerable and he's not sure he wants her to see him like that. He isn't sure he wants to shatter the image she has of him, since he knows what he wants to do to those people would do that.
Shadow doesn't have to make a choice though, because Maria makes it for him. In a surprising show of strength she manages to get him into the pod and lock it. The soldiers raise their weapons in warning but she stays strong, hand hovering over the launch button. Shadow wants to say something, to yell, scream at her to stand down. Help would be coming. He couldn't though.
And well... from there Maria sends him to earth and he's not found until Sonic stumbles across his pod all those years later.
I have... so much more to say but this things is already pretty damn long so I will cut myself off here for now. Expect more ramblings soon though since I still have the urge to get all this info in my head down somewhere lol.
Props if you actually read all of that lol.
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altraviolet · 1 year
Hi! I have been a fan of the story since the first chapter release. I don't have a AO3 (but will get one) or twitter (they took away my ability to look without an account, rude), and was waiting to be anonymous on Tumblr to say, as sad as it will be when it ends, I cannot wait to see what other stories you will create! You are an amazing writer and I wish you nothing but the best! I would also pay money for a signed copy of the story when its completed, it's one of my favorites fics of all time. Would you even consider doing that?
Hi! Thanks so much for the very kind message! And thanks for sticking around! Chapter one was more than 3 years ago... O_O
Okay anyway re: other stories, I do have a lot of other stories! Since you don't have an AO3 account, you are unable to access the locked stories. (They are locked because they are rated E, cuz that's what I'm comfortable with) But there's other stuff there to check out in between chapter uploads :)
re other stories to be created: to be honest... I was kiiiiiiiiind of thinking of retiring from TF fic after Echo Garden. Because. I feel like there's just. No way I could ever have another fic this successful after TEG xD I base this on the fact that there isn't much interest in the past fics I've done. And. I just dunno what I would do next. It's kinda daunting to have a fic with so many readers. And it sucks that the parts of the franchise that inspired me most ended years ago. So long ago, in fact, that many TEG readers say they've never read the comics or watched the show :U Some of the new stuff coming out is great, but it doesn't have the worldbuildy/character stuff that inspires long stories in my brain. So. We'll see. I've always wanted to do a sequel for Face The Past. But again. Who's gonna read it? So yeah, I'm not saying I'm leaving after TEG is done, but if I do, don't be mad xD I wanna work on original stuff. Maybe if it's good enough, I can quit my job and be happy writing, because that's what I really would like to do, and unfortunately I can't make a living off fic.
re printing: .......................
ok so to be very clear, getting fanfic professionally printed is illegal. print on demand companies are very clear about this fact, and if they catch you, your account will be deleted. I totally don't know this from personal experience. and I totally have never ever ever thought of professionally printing a fic. not once. but if I were to do so, the hurdle would be that I have no idea how to easily collect money and distribute. buying just 50 books up front would cost around $850 (you can tell I've never looked into this, not once). and like. pay/pal is not a friend. so...
I have thought of printing and binding it myself and not selling that cuz that would be illegal as well 👀 but that would literally take me months to do and cost me a ton of money and probably look like an amateur product
so you can see my predicament :'D
I am planning to have a free ebook version of the fic available when it's done! Properly formatted for every kind of ebook, with author's notes and maybe some fan art if the artists are cool with it. I'll leave links when that happens.
But as for print... unless someone out there has access to a printer who's totally cool with this... I'm not sure how it would happen :c
But thank you so much for your interest, that truly warms my heart and I wish I could be on your bookshelf ❤️
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miabebe · 16 days
i have a lot on my plate these days. being a junior in college sucks. i was like “is college really this hard? it’s messing up my career plans”.😭😭 universe knows how much i hate it when unplanned things happen. that is why i barely got time to check in.
also, my head hurts reading the lectures i need to review, i cannot take any more information right now so i decided to unwind. i made this wheel of names kinda thing but with your fics, and the grand winner that i’ll be re-reading is when you’re convenient series. i love that trope, perfect for a few mins break in between studying. i also read other reader’s asks and i feel proud coz of the praises they send your way. i feel like a mother having her child win an award.
btw as a writer, how do you deal with writer’s block? because there are times my brain completely shuts down when i have to write a paper for school and such. i hate it when it happens, especially if i got the time and energy, but not the idea. and it is for academic writing. how about you, as a creative writer? what do you do? coz i know creative writing is harder than academic writing. you have to capture the right emotions and sensory images that you want your reader to see, hear, feel. plus the pressure of wanting to create a better masterpiece. i really wanna know your take on this, but the decision to answer this or not is up to you, no pressure.
i yapped a lot today because i missed you (and my freedom). as always, i hope you are taking care of yourself. lovelots mia🫶
Hi Zen, how are you my love <3
I'm so sorry to hear that university is being so hard on you - it's totally okay that you're not here more frequently, you should be taking the time off for yourself! Ooh the When You're Convenient series - that is a personal favourite genre of mine too! If my fics can give you a little solace and distraction, nothing makes me happier <3
hahahah yesss people who read my stories have been really nice and generous with their reviews over the past few months - I spent a lot of the initial months here putting out fics in the void so to hear some feedback has made me really really happy and motivated to write moreeee
If I'm being really honest, I think academic writing is a lot harder than creative writing particularly because there's a deadline? When it comes to creative writing that pressure isn't there for me so I can allow myself to take a break when I am not feeling creatively driven?
Writer's block generally hits me when my personal or professional life aren't going too well so first I take some time off to deal with that properly before I invest time again in writing. Coming back to writing after that break tends to be hard too - then I usually re-read my own work to get familiar with my voice again. Just closing my eyes and visualising the scenes or listening to music I associate with the fic also really helps me to get into the headspace to write!
The biggest roadblock comes when I have to write parts that are necessary fillers for the plot but I don't feel particularly interested in writing? I'm still figuring out how to navigate around that tbh - usually one day I find myself having a little more patience and energy and just push myself to get it done haha. I can't really give any suggestions on how to overcome this :(
But if I have to give any advice for academic writing I'd say good planning and research always helps! Even though its extremely exhausting and time taking, I tend to spend longer on the planning than the actual writing - reading a lot of related material helps with flow of words and ideas. (For creative writing I tend to do the opposite - I don't read much because I get so influenced by other's writing style, I tend to lose touch on my own one?) I just tend to dump all my ideas in one document and work my way through it but of course, this is how it's been beneficial to me - everyone has their own style and way of doing things so you should try to find a way that works for you Zen <3
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mintyvoid · 6 months
a somewhat review / ramble about garfield 2008 game
so if you're not in the same sections of yt as myself you may not be familiar with the guy- planet clue (or evan), who I quite like, am inspired by at times, and slightly jealous(as im jealous of anyone who is able to do things they enjoy and finish projects). Recently he uploaded a video about the 2008 Garfield game ALONGSIDE a mod he made to better the experience of playing the old thing.
please watch, he always does a really good job at going juuust enough in depth to sate most curiosity- while also leaving stuff out and making you want to engage in whatever he's talking about. He's always super passionate about whatever it is, and it's really inspiring.
ANYWAYS. So of course I had to try the game out.
For a quick look see into my brain, I play just about any game that catches my interest- which isn't really bound by genre or mechanic. There are some exceptions, like fps or horror or sports. Despite this I still engage with these in other ways likes reviews or gameplay videos. In general I think as a (i dunno if i can really call myself a game designer despite going to school for it, i havent really done much after graduating thanks to depression and having that fun autistic life decline after losing structure)- it's good to have knowledge or experience of as many unique things as possible.
ANYWAYSANYWAYS. I also really liked the idea of the game.
For a short synops if you didn't watch the video or forget; you play as garfield, and odie just fucking wrecked the house. You need to fix this using a vacuum to grab items and put them back where they belong, as well as right skewed frames/posters on the walls. It's a really clever and grounded premise for the garfield world. Games that take place is a kinda mundane or simple world tend to either go really hard into a fantastical premise/mechanics or just do a puzzle game lol. So it's really refreshing to see a really solid idea that to the right people IS really engaging.
I am one of those people.
I LOVE organizing, putting puzzles together, doing the fun sorting for no reason.
Now I won't sugar coat it, the game is fucking rough around the edges. It is veryyyy much a product of its time and a licensed game. The controls are a clunky and take a bit to get used to, the use of the vacuum as well doesn't always 'just work'.
The main character controller is overall a bit sluggish, I was surprised that it doesn't just snap and change your direction when you go. Lining yourself up properly can take a few taps or needing to do like a full rotation. Most of the time this is fine, there are a few instances where there's an item to place/grab that's on a shelf where it becomes a fun game of trying to rotate the character lol.
There was also the fun realization that the vacuum uses two buttons, one for sucking and one for spitting. There are no tutorials in the game, which I imagine was fine at the time since the instruction manual most likely provided all this information. And really I probably should've looked it up, but it also would've been nice to have a pdf or something already in the files or even just the controls in a txt.
Speaking of controls, there is also a kick button. I didn't use this for the entirety of my playthrough lol. I think you can use it to kick Odie aside, he will charge you and knock into you in a quick stunned state, but it seemed really hard to pull off. For the most part I could just avoid him or just let him do his thing lol.
Along side this obstacle, are some light platforming puzzles- that use the items you relocate. Honestly I'm just super impressed by how everything ties together, sure the game is kinda shit, but it makes up for it with so charm and hella good cohesion. Literally nothing feels out of place. Even the few side missions you have to do (a vacuum themed one, a race, and a flower hunt) don't feel out of place. Thought to be honest none of them are particularly /fun/ either.
The game also has a time limit? When you start there is a timer counting down from 8 hours and you must finish everything by then. Do not be alarmed, this is extremely way too much time. By the time I finished(which i technically haven't done but I'll get there..) I had about 5 hours still left. The timer directly relates to the plot, the total destruction of the house is prefaced with John threatening Garfield with making him diet after he ate his lasagna(that was such a hard word to type holy shit) and scratched up some things. John saying that if he finds another thing ruined by the /time he comes back at 5pm/ the dieting will commence.
..5pm.... 8 hours?
Oh my god John left for his 9-5! The 8 hours directly means a full day passing. This is probably so small and most likely barely thought of, but the fact that to me it's so logical makes it just soooooooooo good. Another thing perfectly tying the whole thing together.
Okay but what about the actual game? It's not a simple free for all, you don't get access to the full house right away. There are also other artificial barriers created by the playing only being able to hold 3 items at a time. If you want to collect more you need to deposit some into a storage box which there are a few of, but they're not connected- so I just kept using the same one in the main hallway the entire time.
It's a lot of going back and forth between rooms and between them and the box.
You unlock the other rooms by completing the ones you have access too, It's a pretty obvious way to handle the progression and one that is handled well.
There were a handful of times though, that I got completely stuck. Often it was because of the camera and missing items that were tucked away in such a way that required wrestling with the camera in order to get the item in view. Though you don't actually need the item in view to suck/spit it out, as a first time player it made for quite frustrating moments. The camera often doesn't want to sit where you get it too. It feels like it was made for more open areas than it was programmed too and doesn't want to get closer to the player character. I think almost all the places where I missed something and couldn't find it till I watched a speedrun of it, were all small ish areas where getting the camera to actually see it was a struggle.
I was also really surprised that the cameras horizontal isn't inverted. I don't know if this was a change made by the mod, or if 2008 was already in the time where this change happened in the industry. I thought it happened around 2010. I'm curious to see if the ps2 version of the game had inverse. I'm someone who actually likes an inverted horizontal axis, so it took a bit to get used to and in general was a interesting brain thought to me.
A thing that I actually feel different about with evan is I actually /like/ the music. His mod replaced the music with some lesser known nintendo tunes, but I wanted to have the authentic experience- just to know.
And while initially the game sounds like a dumpster fire, I grew to enjoy it. It all sounds..fine. None of it is extremely bad, but none of it is any good either. It's all feels like royalty free stuff with like a hint of Sims music thrown in there. They're all earworms and kinda live rent free in my head now, seriously just the 'menu' music which is also the main first floor music is so stupid sounding(affectionate). I think my favourite is the upstairs theme, it's a bit more mellow, while still having aspects of frantic-ness to it. Cause ya know, need to clean before John gets home.
So I know I said I finished the game..and also said that I haven't actually. There is SOMETHING in the house that needs to be readjusted I think, I'm pretty sure I've completed all the rooms and the lasagna is done too (though it uh...the model reverted back to its empty version, it's kinda funny looking at all the items around it and it being empty again..i dunno if this is a major issue or not)...but what I assume is a final cutscene has not played. I most likely will need to rewatch a sr to finally finish the game.
Overall though, I would recommend the game if it sounds like something you'd be into. It is a fun experience, even with it's clunkyness. And the work Evan has done is really awesome.
If i wasn't in such a deep funk there's a lot of cool things that could be done with the game and it's ideas. There are already tools to export the models, so i imagine updating or just goofing around with the textures would be possible and probably fun to do. Or even going further and just remaking the mechanics to make something new with the ideas..or going crazier and remaking the whole game in like unity to better various things like the controller lol
i've always wanted to get into modding and weird game stuff, but always fall short in getting myself to -actually do the thing- *sighs* maybe when the funk ends..
but i digress, HERE is the link
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seokmattchuus · 5 years
iKON Reaction to you wearing clothes that are too revealing
- Requested - 
Hanbin: *Stares at you in disbelief, unable to understand how you came up with that outfit when he asked you to get ready for your date.*
“Well now I just wanna stay in.” He whispered. “How about we take a rain check on that date?” 
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Jinhwan: *Too struck by how good you look that he’s not even mad, might even consider canceling plans.*
“What are we gonna do?.” He smirked. “’Cause now I don’t even wanna let you leave the house.”
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Yunhyeong:  *Looks you up and down, shaking his head and pointing towards to bedroom door.*
“How did you..” He trailed off, still wondering how you came up with that outfit. “Go find something else, I’m not letting you wear that around the guys.”
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Jiwon: *Chuckles as soon as you show him your final choice of outfit, and doesn’t bother sugar coating it.*
“Cute.” He chuckled at you. “But it’s not happening.” He pointed back to the room. “Go back and change.” 
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Donghyuk: *Doesn’t wanna come off as ‘one of those guys’, so he just hands you his jacket, not expecting you to ask ‘why’.*
“’Cause I..” He trailed off, holding his finger up while trying to find the right words. “I heard it’s gonna be cold later.” He pointed with a nervous laugh.
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Junhoe: *Shuts you down by holding his arm out before you can even get past the kitchen.*
“Nuh-uh.” He shook his head, spinning you around so you were facing the hallway to your shared room. “Try again.”
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Chanwoo: *Swallows thickly, debating if he should call you out or leave you be because he’s not sure how you’d react.*
“Uh,” He gulped. “Not that I think you look bad or anything.” He started. “But don’t you think that’s a little too much..?” He blinked at you.
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yourbelovedsammie · 2 years
May I request Sub Scaramouche X Male Reader, where he's being bratty and has a daddy kink towards Male Reader?
Thanks for trust!
And sure, here it is! Also, English isn't my first lenguage, so sorry for mistakes.
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Sub!Scaramouche x Male!Reader
Minors DNI!
Cw: Oral sex, sex toys, vibrators, daddy kink, anal sex, cock ring, edging, rough sex.
If you think anything needs warning, just let me know!
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What's the bigest problem with being Scaramouche's boyfriend? That he loves affection, when not in public. Especially sexual affection. And he demand it from you. But you? You have your job. Being Raiden Ei's adviser isn't easy, okay? Even so, you still like this work. Because there are a lot of days, when you work in home! And not only you love it. Your boyfriend does too.
Today should be another day when you work. Or, said in better way, try work. It all goes fucked up, when your little Harbinger decided to tease you. And so he does! At first he was hanging around you, whispering some dirty things straight to your ear. That wasn't very annoying. To be honest, quite enjoyable. But even if you liked that, he didn't. So he goes further. He sat on your lap and started disturb you in your work. He was throwing away your pen, taking your papers. Even started to touching himself through clothes. And then you broke.
"What the fuck you think your doing?" You kinda throw off him from yourself. Not strong enough to do him some serious harm, but still to hurt him a little. He looks back at you with innocent eyes.
"Me? Nothing. Just wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend, can't I? Or maybe you are scared that you can't bridle me?"
"Oh? So you decided to being bad boy today? You really want your daddy so much to punish you?" You smile mischievious, standing up from your chair. Scaramouche stops pretending innocent and on his face came smug expression.
"So your little brain finally understand? Come and break me. If you think you can." You can. Oh, you can so fucking much.
You can and you will.
So few minutes were enough to break your little boy. He was laying on his back on your shared bed with wrists tied to frame above his head, legs wide spread, all sweaty and... Wasn't able to cum. He was "tortured" by you with vibrator, which you move from his dick to his ass. No preparation. As lub only his pre-cum. Since he was so confident, he must take it. Oh, and let's don't forget about cock ring on his pretty little erection.
"D-daddy, please! Hngh... N-no! Nghh... No mo... wre!"
"What is that? Speak properly, baby. I can't understand you, if you keep talking that way."
"I-i... I can't take... Agh! Take it... More Hgnn!" He somehow says between his moans, turning away his pretty face covered in tears of slight pain and pleasure.
"My, my... You really can't? If so... Be a good boy and suck me a bit. Maybe then I will, hmmm... Forgive you." You smirk, seeing as he again looks at you.
"Ngh! I... W-wannwa be daddy's... Haaah! Daddy's g-good boy." He looks at you with clear desperation as his face.
You moved a bit higher, kneeling above his chest. With strong and rough grip you grasp his hair and even rougher shove your cock into his wide-open mouth.
Oh, I almost forget about vibrator! It was still burried deep inside his ass. This little boy also needs stimulation~
But back to main action. You started thrusting hard into Scara, face-fucking him. Pleasure not only give you his pretty, warm mouth and tight throat. The other thing is vibrations that his moans were making.
After some minutes you end up for a second your threatment and move again to Scaramouche's legs. Without even saying anything with fast movement you take his cockring off. And... My, my... Did he just came so hard with some oral and vibrator? Of course the answer is...
His cum was all over his cute belly. Also lots of on his chest. Even some on his wet from tears face! But you still are hard. Very, very hard.
It's time for you to cum too, yeah? Without pulling out the toy, you push yourself in and started moving in fast pace.
"Aaah! N-no! D-daddy, pwea- please! N-no more!"
"Be a good boy and please your daddy propely. I still didn't cum, baby. So go on... Show me what you can do by yourself~" You said with melodious voice and turn around. Now you are laying on your back... What about Scaramouche? He is now sitting on your dick.
The way his belly bulges make you almost cum. But you're stubborn. You place your hands on his hips and start moving him up and down. Of course in fast, rough pace. This don't take long to cum...
"Haaah... You are such a good boy, honey..." You murmur with silent grump, cumming deep into Scara.
"T-thank... Ngh! Thank you daddy... Ahg!" He moaned, when he come owing to feeling of your hot cum in his ass. The darkblue-haired boy kinda falls on your chest, breathing heavily.
You take your controller to vibrator that was in his ass and low the level of vibrations. It doesn't stimulate him that much, but still give him a bit of pleasure.
Everybody need break through actions~
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atsudesu · 4 years
includes. atsumu, osamu & suna.
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this prolly has done so many times already yeah yeah ik but i wanted to write?? so i did HA. btw this excludes art, music, pe etc. only main subjects.
also this is p half-assed so... sry 💔
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✧ | miya atsumu
the best ─ math;
i think we all agree that he's not that into school stuff.
BUT he cares about his academic achievements to not to be exempt from club activities!
math is one of his biggest struggles, that's why he tries to fix that. (he could cheat but he gets caught every single time he tries to do so, that's why he gave up on it 🤧)
if we take into account his hard-working nature and desire to be the number one, i believe he gives his weight to math for the sake of volleyball !! and to show his grades off to osamu lol
i just feel like he's generally better at numeric/quantitative subjects.
i mean yeah, he's not fond of solving problems and puzzles but still he's better at them!
bc the likes of literature kinda bore him. he can't keep his focus on the lesson if teacher just keeps talking and talking and talking.
that's why he prefers math, which lets him think efficiently and use his brain actively!! ahh, my diligent husband, i love him <33
the worst ─ history;
as i've mentioned, the subjects which makes it a necessity for him to just listen to the teachers are BORING.
due to that he doesn't understand a shit.
he knows he has to study history but he didn't even look at the history teacher in the class he was thinkin abt u hehe
and now, even if he grabs the book to read a couple of lines he'll be like 😐
he can't remember the dates and the important details about wars, migrations, rulers...
he doesn't give a damn about why mehmed the conqueror was so important for ottoman history or how the ii. world war started.
he can't pay attention to something he doesn't find interesting.
he'll occasioanlly ask you to come over to help him won't make u tell everything all over again to watch ur pretty face more ofc
if he decides to study properly he'll manage to get the minimum passing score or a lil higher but still meh :/
✧ | miya osamu
the best ─ literature
contrary to common belief
he's not the smarter twin or smth
he's almost same as atsumu
he has neither a best nor a worst subject,
math is too complex, english is too confusing, science is... don't even mention (yeah maybe he does have a worst subject 🙁)
he's a literature guy!
he's not that into it but i feel like he kinda enjoys reading paragraphs about stuff he's interested in.
learning about important literary works and authors may be a little hard for him since his memory is- ....bad (ik he has a bad memory & no criticism pls)
but his scores are pretty good at literature.
the worst ─ physics
okay, as i've said;
he sucks at it; atsumu's even better at physics
in an exam that's his line of thought;
"ok so i divided 9 to 00,7 then... well this must be the cubage. no it's momentum, are you an idiot? but this test isn't about fundamental forces? what- i-" this is so shitty ik i can't be funny
he can never keep the formuls in mind bad memory
unlike atsumu, he doesn't attempt to fix it, he's a good cheater 🥴
if he ever asks you to study with him i don't think it's just to watch your pretty pretty face like atsumu
he will really put effort into it to impress you hehe
✧ | suna rintarou
the best ─ history
it's not like he likes history or smth
he never seems to pay attention;
he leans back against the chair, taps his fingers on the desk loudly and stares at teacher's face CONSTANTLY to make him uncomfortable
sometimes teacher just pauses and stares back and,,,, HE HATES SUNA OMG-
well, he may not specifically pay attention or listen but he doesn't do something that can occupy himself and take his attention off the class fully.
he still hears and that's enough for him 🤷‍♀️
also mocks atsumu for not getting it
the worst ─ biology
i do not have a valid reason for this,, i'm sorry
he just seems like the type to ask the most stupid questions in the middle of the biology classes and no i don't have any example bc i cannot be funny
he's kinda scared of that teacher bc once he made a joke about gamogenesis and teacher roasted him thus he embarrassed himself in front of his crush
he never makes jokes in biology classes ever since
but please you cannot tell me he's not the type to pull the lamest jokes just to make his crush smile i wanna kith him pls
i don't think he puts effort into lessons even if he's bad at them. he couldn't be care less.
bc another good cheater ;)
also, if he notices that you're having a hard time w any exam, he's willing to let you see his sheet.
he'll ask you to study w him at school's library but you guys will end up kicked out bc you laugh at his lame jokes lol
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meanhoeforcb97 · 4 years
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Guess Who [Pt.1]
Pairing: Bang Chan x Minho x Felix x Fem!Reader
Genre: Kinda suggestive
Warnings: Series contains smut but not this part, swearing, hickeys (I think that's it???)
Requested: Nope
Words: 1,5k (I think this is my shortest one so far lmaoo)
Note: This is the fastest I've ever worked on a piece OMG xD This hasn't been proof-read so I'm sorry in advance lmaoo (also this is my first ever foursome so it might get a little messy in the 2nd part djdjdb)
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You were drifting off to the sound of your earphones' music on the living room's couch when suddenly you were shaken awake by none other than the sunshine of your life Lee Felix (note the sarcasm)- that little fucker always bothered you in the worst times possible. Groaning and turning your back to him you tried falling asleep once again but with no avail since he was still shaking you rather harshly and whining at you to wake up.
"Felix I swear to God if there isn't a fucking fire I'm gonna fucking murder your for waking me up." You groan as you turn to look at him with your sleepy and blurry eyes only to see him looking at you with sparkling puppy eyes and pouty lips. You felt flustered by both his expression and by the close proximity of your faces-mere inches apart.
"I-I.. what i-is it?" You asked as you begun to raise your body to sit on the couch properly.
"I was bored and wanted to play a game with Channie hyung but the game he suggested needs at least three people.. I didn't mean to upset you, sorry..." He said as a sad expression covered his once bright face. He stood up from the floor in front of you where he was previously kneeling and started to walk away. Feeling shocked and guilty for yelling at him you reached out and grabbed his hand in yours.
"No wait!" You said and he slowly and very dramatically turned around to look at you- exaggerating his pout in the process. "I didn't mean to tell at you, I am just tired and grumpy.. sorry Lixie.." You said also pouting. After a moment of silence and just starring at each other you spoke up again.
"..So.." He raised an eyebrow implying you should continue "what game were you guys thinking about?" Just as those words left your lips he immediately smiled so wide that his eyes disappeared and his pearly white teeth were blinding your vision. "Let's go and you'll see!" He exclaimed as he pulled you up and basically dragged you to Chan's room. When inside the bedroom, he let go of your hand and motioned you to sit down so they could explain the game. "So basically, we're going to play 'Guess Who'. In this game one player guesses is blindfolded and the rest take turns in doing things like touching them, holding their hand and so on. If the player guesses right they take the point and the rest a penalty if the player fails to guess correctly they take the penalty and the rest of the team the point." Chan explained and you nodded, it was pretty easy. "So who wants to start?" Felix said looking at you and then at Chan. You didn't answer feeling a bit nervous, Chan sighed slightly and stood up, "I will" he said as he went into his closet and disappeared for a minute or two. He came back with a black blindfold in his hands. Your eyes widened at the sight of silky fabric and your mouth fell agape. You decide against asking him why he even had such a thing in his closet since you figured you weren't ready to hear the answer.
However that didn't stop your brain from going other places wondering what else he had hiding in that closet or his. Your cheeks flushed and the heat travelled down but you quickly snapped yourself out or your trance and focused on your BEST FRIENDS that's all they were, just your best friends. "Y/n?" Chan called out to and you quickly snapped your head to look at him. "Yes?" You gulped and Felix smiled and cooed at you reaching out to pat your head. "Awww look how nervous she is to touch Channie hyung! Can't wait to see how flustered she'll be when it's her turn!" He said, the last part making your eyes widen and you gasped. "I-I'm not!" You huffed without thinking. "Oh?" Chan said surprised, "okay... help me put the blindfold on." He said a michivieous smile threatening to appear on his plump cherry lips. You stood up with no hesitation evident in your actions but your mind was screaming at you at that very moment. "Turn around." You commanded and Chan with a slight curve of his lips did as instructed. You took the silk out of his hands and very carefully and slowly placed it over his eyes after folding it in half to make sure he couldn't see through the material. Tying it tight enough to be secure you asked if it was too tight and the elder shook his head negatively. You took a step back to look at him and he looked so fucking ethereal at that moment. His pale skin complemented the dark shiny piece of fabric really well and his brown hair fell elegantly over his eyebrows. You helped him sit down at the chair in the middle of the room. When he was seated comfortably you and Felix looked at each other trying to decide who would go first. You shrugged your shoulders and he and he motioned you'd do rock paper scissors, in the meantime Chan was sweating in anticipation. Who would touch him? Where? How? Everything was overcrowding his brain and making him feel light-headed. Suddenly he felt a hand in his hair caressing through his soft locks affectionately. He hummed lowly in enjoyment and he hoped no one noticed. "Felix?" He said and you clapped twice meaning correct. "What do you want the penalty to be?" You asked and he hummed deep in thought. "Erm, for every penalty you owe me one snack of my choice?" He asked and you all agreed. Felix stepped back and you guys started faking footsteps around him to confuse him before Felix went closer to him again and leaned down to kiss his cheek. Chan gasped shortly before smiling smugly "Felix again. Y/n would never do this, she's too shy" Chan said in a tone just as smug as his smile and you clapped twice again but much more irritated than before. And you were lowkey offended. He was right but still! You were tired if them thinking of you as some sort of saint virgin-which you definitely were not. You faked steps again and came closer to Chan holding your hair back with one hand, you gulped slightly before diving into his neck. You left a wet, open-mouthed kiss there and bit the skin right after, and lastly you topped it of by sucking slightly. This time chan yelped loudly and almost moaned, you felt the vibrations traveling from his neck to your mouth, and even though you know it wasn't intentional you couldn't help the heat from growing in your pelvic area.
"F-felix again?" He asked, you smirked and sucked on his neck harshly (not enough to leave a mark) before stepping back. "Wrong." You said boldly right next to his ear, almost grazing it with your lips. "Too shy my ass." You mocked and Felix whistled "Damn girl! Wow, just wow" he said speechless before approaching you and Chan, "My turn." He said taking the blindfold away from Chan. The eldest helped him put it on and Felix looked just as pretty with it on making heat pool in your underwear for nth time that evening. His silver hair stood out well with the black fabric on his beautiful face and even though majority of his freckles were covered up the few that were still visible made a huge difference on how innocent he looked even when he was blindfolded. Once again you found yourself going down the unholy lane and had to quickly snap yourself out of it for the second time in the last 20 minutes. You looked at Chan and he smiled showcasing his dimples before he motioned you to start. You frowned at him as you walked up to Felix. You leaned don and placed a hand on his chest before kissing his cheek—trying to keep it PG13 this time. Felix laughed slightly "Nice try y/n I'd recognize Chan's lips anytime." He said making you slap his shoulder in embarrassment. "Your lips are so soft though! One more? Please?" He whined and you laughed before kissing his cheek again, he smiled wildly and you stepped back. The game went on and it was finally your turn.
As you were taking the blindfold off Felix the bedroom door opened. "What the..." Minho let out before he smirked. "Having fun I see?" He said and you blushed deeply "N-No! Its not what it looks like!" Chan just laughed and explained the game to him. "You guys are fucking boring, wanna enhance the game a bit?" He said with a mischievous cat-like grin and you gulped as the boys all nodded in agreement and you hesitantly did the same.
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x-unnamedgraves-x · 3 years
reboot review (spoilers obvi)
ok I did not mean to get invested in this show first ofall it just kept popping up so I was like alright! fine I'll check it out
and then it became good side watching after I got the vaccine and spent like 10 hours playing minecraft
the show I think has some yikessss stereotypes in it that I wish were not there and also it makes very little sense sometimes. like when u think you get whats going on it just scrambles ur brain like that old drug psa. but also the incomprehensibility is kinda what I liked about it
I think the characters were the strongest part of it. there's some tasty fuckin drama in there!!!! and some characters I didn't really care for but like when bob disappeared and everybody was noticeably missing him I was like damn. u right I kinda miss him too
season 3 the show abruptly switched to an adult cartoon???? due to the show being cancelled in usa. VERY weird tone shift especially with all the nsfw jokes right out the gate. but at the same time the jokes were v much missed when the second half of the season hit. the lore and drama is cool but plz I need some silly times to break up all this shit
I'm kinda ok with where it got cancelled at, tho I feel like if they properly knew the show was getting canned forever they could've made a really good satisfying ending right after daemon was gone. idrc for the direction it was going w/ megabyte at the end. like the whole two bobs drama was UNBELIEVABLE but also.......... idk maybe it could've turned me back to liking the shit with megabyte if it still went on, but the current ending really just left it off with all the things I'm not really fond of in the show. to put it in the form of a weird metaphor: the show gave me more nasty fish to eat in the last episode and ones leading up to it than good, nice food so it just ends off with that fishy aftertaste. like it feels like they got the warning about the end being near and just tried really REALLY hard to get those ratings back up in a last-ditch effort
hexadecimal is 100% my favorite character in the show, and is another reason I'm glad it cut off because I would've probably had the same effect as wicked and stopped watching just purely out of the fact the evil woman I loved the most is not there anymore :pensive: (I feel like they could bring her back if they really wanted to tho)
it would be interesting to see how the show continues on without hex in it.... there's some things bob believes about viruses that don't line up with what actually happened? like it seems like he things she became good in the end because of his edits to her code, but I doubt that actually had anything to do with that beyond turning her mask into a face . she has a very dramatic character arc where she almost dies a few times and becomes proclaim-edly depressed very early on in the show with bob doing work to try to help her out. then after she dies and her mask breaks her life sucks even more!!!! and bob fixes her face and saves her life again but then curses her to become mortal basically. she becomes a form that society would accept, and it isn't until society rejects her completely that it reveals how her mask it still broken under the sprite face, and she is the most free and happy when she is her full self that doesn't care about the expectations of anybody other than herself. even if it ultimately means the one she loves won't be with her and she has to sacrifice herself to save him,
so anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk where I talk about how an ugly show had one character girlboss her way into my heart
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