#my brain just always says things in like. the least straightforward way. if there's an easy way i can say something then i like
i think it's nice how tengoku's the first game but also still manages to be v good. the second best rhythm heaven. i mean the second best rhythm heaven is fan club 2 but i mean you know what i mean-
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I found AO3 pretty intuitive. Took me like 5 minutes to realize how all the little buttons work. They're pretty straightforward. Apart from the AND filters - took me a while to realize what type of filters AO3 used. Beyond that, I'm not sure why people have a hard time? Wattpad and FFnet are way more of a pain in the ass.
It's all about familiarity.
I mean, look, AO3 works how my brain works. When we first set it up, it was what we were all used to, more or less, but an upgrade. It was hard to even see how it could ever be unintuitive because this was just How Things Were. From the style of trope tags to the fact that there's an index of fandoms by media type, it was all familiar.
But that thinking is a trap.
It's easy to say "Oh, well, that person's just an idiot", and sometimes, the problem really is laziness or sleep deprivation, but a lot of the time, it's different cultural context.
By the time we were designing AO3, I'd had many rounds of formal instruction in how to use library catalogues of various sorts, familiarity with Delicious, years in LJ slash fandom whose assumptions form the metadata structures of AO3, etc.
There's nothing strange about going "Why are ship types a top level system of organization?" or "How do I search for genre X in any anime fandom but not in non-anime fandoms?"
It's strange to me, but it's not strange in the context of people who read fanfic overall.
It's not just about learning the search features that do exist: it's about unconscious assumptions about what metadata must exist.
If you don't know to look for something and you aren't coming from a culture where poking buttons is encouraged, you're going to take a lot longer to find things than if you already have a good idea of what's probably there somewhere.
To pick two very obvious examples:
If I were designing a gen-focused archive, I'd make genre a top-level organization system, like on FFN.
If I were designing a more x-reader-focused or One True Character-focused archive, I'd make the ship searches work like Character X/Anyone instead of having to click on each ship of your blorbo or each ship with Reader.
If someone has years of experience searching for some bullshit 'trickyfish' style nonsense ship name because they're on sites with garbage searches, they'll go to AO3, plug some words into the search bar at the top, and then feel like they can't find any relevant results because everything that turns up is just that word in author's notes on an irrelevant fic. They might even go to advanced search...
...and then totally miss that the sidebar filters are the best part of AO3, and they don't appear when you do a search search as opposed to starting from a tag.
Isn't Advanced Search the most... well... advanced search? On every other website, it is, but not on AO3.
Each new site/technology/culture/etc. a person has to learn takes time and attention. If you're exhausted and burnt out, that's hard. Even if you're not, it takes at least some effort. It doesn't Just Happen, not for every person and every new thing.
We should tell people to read the damn FAQ, yes.
But I can't say I always do that myself on every site unless I'm both having a problem and invested enough to care about solving it.
On an average day, most of us don't need to care why some people have a hard time figuring out AO3.
But if anyone is planning to design a site or needs to teach a bunch of kids how to use the library or something, it's worth keeping in mind just how many unconscious assumptions are hiding behind the idea of something—literally anything—being "intuitive".
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kaely1916 · 2 months
Edwin has been trying to date someone—maybe the Cat King, maybe even a client who was flirting with him. Edwin thought, "Sure, why not..."
The point is, Charles is watching from the front row as his best mate, the person who is supposed to be in love with him, openly goes on dates. Charles has been racking his brains for months, trying to figure out if he's in love with Edwin, and guess what? He fucking is.
He's so head over heels for Edwin that it seems stupid how oblivious he was before. But now he is certain that he’s in love. Which would be great, if not for the fact that he’s damn late, because apparently Edwin has already moved on.
On the other side, Edwin firmly believes that Charles doesn’t love him and never will—not in the way Edwin craves, at least. Why? Because of the response Charles gave him to his confession. Here’s the thing: Charles doesn’t take time to think. He didn’t say things like, "We have eternity to figure it out." He acts in the moment, living in the present with his impulsive behavior and reckless attitude.
So yes, Charles just said something to avoid hurting Edwin’s feelings because he’s that good and kind. And that’s totally okay; Edwin didn’t want a straightforward rejection. He knows how to read between the lines, so he’s doing one of the few things he can: dating as many men as possible and praying that, with time, he’ll be able to forget his feelings. (The plan, so far, has been a disaster, if you're wondering.)
This situation keeps repeating until one day, Charles decides he’s had enough and confronts Edwin regarding this topic in a very mature and professional way, of course. (Spoiler: He has a complete meltdown, panicking and crying.)
“Y-you don't... don't l-love me anymore?”
“You've been d-dating these blokes and... and...”
“C-Charles... I... I know. I'm really trying, okay? I just need some time... I promise.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“I... These dates... they’re supposed to help me...”
“Help you?”
“Yes, to forget you.”
“W-what?... Are they working?”
“Edwin, are they working? Have you forgotten me?”
“I... I promise that I’m doing my level best. I just need some more time, and I will get o-over you... eventually.”
“I don’t want you to forget me!”
“I... What? Charles... what are you saying?”
“D-do you still love me?”
“Of course. I always will.”
“But... are you still... in love with me?”
“Edwin, please.”
“... yes, yes I am.”
“... Are you sure?”
“Charles, honestly... I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget you... I deeply apologi—”
Edwin’s quick apology is interrupted by Charles’s lips on his own, silencing him with a gentle and warm kiss. They explain everything with a lot of tears and little kisses shared between breaths.
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tenjikufag · 27 days
Had a worm in my brain,
From all your favorites/the men you write about, least to most likely, would cheat on you/the reader?
More so curious lol, not too big on cheater fics but an question itch was there
Trick question- none of them. Because we are so perfect we are the best boyfriends these characters will ever get and we are their world
I’ll indulge that worm of yours with little hcs. (From least to most likely). These are from a select few characters I’ve written for- as my personal favourite charas are a bit too ambiguous for this question. KINDA LONG. Read under the cut.
Starting off STRONG is
Laios Touden.
He would never cheat, never crosses his mind, hell he barely entertains or perceives new friendships/dynamics. The fact you’d managed to reel this man in with how distracted and scatter brained he is, is a testament to the strong bond the two of you have. On a good day, he’s still off somewhere in the clouds of his mind that are full of the many ideas and quarries he has about everything- on a bad day, where he cannot bare to give even a single thought to even his current fixations of research- you’re there. Underneath everything that he is, you are the net that catches him from falling too far. Laios would never, ever, hurt you in such a way. Loyal to a fault if you had not reciprocated the feeling.
He’s loyal, respectful, humble, and protective. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’d be anything but faithful to you, his one and only. Aside from the obvious of him not having time to fool around with someone other than you, it’s simply mentally tasking to think of anyone but you. You’re the only thing keeping him grounded, with the hellish occupation he’s found himself in you’re the constant in his routine and always been the silver lining of everything. If he can’t find the will to get up, his body crying for rest and maybe even begging him to give up to let the world crumble at his feet; you are the reason he gets up to fight another day. The reason he pushes himself on those days where everything is simply too much. If he can protect you, it’s worth more than seeing the sun rise another day. You’re his everything, and dedicated is what he will be till the end of his days, he only wishes that it will be by your side.
Come on! Do you really think he’d do that? Man has a heart of gold, determination behind the gold in his eyes and nothing but zest of life exuding from his every action. Really, the only thing he may be emotionally cheating on you with is volleyball. But even then, you’re the mistress to his first love. Anyways, once he’s dedicated, it’s for the long haul. He’s chosen you as a life partner off the bat, this dating is not casual by any means. Dating for the fun of it is not his prerogative, he dates for the end goal of having someone to spend his eventual retirement with! Marriage would seem like an end goal but he’s a big picture kinda guy, even if he is very much live in the moment everything he does has a purpose in his mind. You are a conscious choice, not just a fleeting decision that he’s going to let go of once things get tough. He’s working hard at this, any doubts you have for him better go out the window or get washed in the laundry along with the rest of the dirt. Bokuto would never. You’re his and you’re stuck with him. There’s no other option for him! You’re the gold!
Now, onto the more likely or could possibly.
Izana Kurokawa
Listen, I love the man. But, you don’t end up running with the largest underground crime rings having the most sound mind. Sure, he loves you and such but I do think that a fleeting moment of pure desire could nudge him into it. And I say nudge because he wouldn’t need a push, he doesn’t expect good things in this life so why let you break things off and hurt him first when he could hurt you first? Sound planning in his head, even if he knows you’d never do what he’s doing. It’ll hurt, he won’t leave you to find out either. He’s straightforward despite being slick of the tongue, it’s a passive confession. If he didn’t do it, he will still inform you of what he could’ve done. Whether it be that he feels like he owes it to you to know, or if he simply wants a reaction from you, it’s undecided and really, he wouldn’t know himself. It’s ambiguous. You could be raising every star in the sky for him but if there ever comes a deal or situation where his morals and loyalty to you is put to the test.. he can’t promise you would give him a passing grade.
Gojo Satoru
Walk with me here, he’s a loser. Canonically does not get anything, no one would dare be in his vicinity without reason and he really does not come off as nearly desirable to the general public as many would believe. So imagine with that in mind, the moment he gets attention from someone without the need to know him intimately/emotionally like you do, he could falter. He’s a man of always assuming the grass is greener, that there’s always something better, and to be quite Frank, even if he does have a way with words he isn’t that socially equip to decipher that these said events are fleeting moments. You’ll be there for him when he gets home, you know him in a way he doesn’t know fulfills needs he hasn’t ever gone without to realize they are needs so when propositioned I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t act on it. Im possibly biased because I just wrote a fic of him cheating (and I really don’t like him) but he’s incredibly inept. Conniving yes, smart yes, but is he perceptive to his own emotions and what he’s actually giving up and sacrificing? Im not too convinced.
(tw for internalized homophobia etc)
Yeah yeah I can imagine the groans and sighs from here, give it up. He’s always liked girls, him liking you feels like a one off even if he’s rubbing one’s out on the regular to the filth he reads about guys and porno mags of gay dudes. If a girl ever came around and he happened to actually feel some form of interest in her I can’t imagine him not giving it a chance. It’s what you’re meant to do right? Being with a chick probably feels way better in his mind, you’re a one off relationship and he’s sure he’s gonna have more after you because everyone has more than one relationship right? Maybe he’ll “get it right” once he’s with a girl, even if he finds out it’s not all it’s cracked up to be- maybe he doesn’t even like it. He’s a young adult, a naive one at that. Being privy to almost anything but romantic/sexual relationships or even his own attractions- his own need to be accepted and live a normal life tugs at him to do it. Being gay isn’t normal in his mind, to society it’s odd and he is already weird enough on his own- being with a girl would possibly make him feel more… normal. It’s complex, but I do think he may do it just for the fact that it seems like the right thing to do.
-THATS ALLLL, I tried to do a couple series but if you had any specific character in mind that isn’t here I’d happily give you my thoughts. :) again, cheating fics and prompts aren’t my strong suit so this could be totally not what your worm wanted to hear. Anyways, thank you for reading my rambles.
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mugentakeda · 9 months
i just loveeeee the idea that there was a big gap of understanding between lu ten and iroh the same way theres a big gap of understanding between zuko and iroh. mistakes that iroh didnt realize he made with his son he then also made with his nephew and still not realizing it. a whole world of things about lu ten that iroh didnt know about, and will never know about. im gonna talk about it though because i am insane so look away from my cringe
lu ten had gone to his father with problems before, and iroh cant help but wonder, now, if his son had ever been trying to imply deeper things in between sugarcoated words because there were things you just didnt say in the palace, and irohs head had been so far up his ass he hadnt seen it. despite it being waved practically right in his face by his son, desperate for sound advice from his father, whos brain was too waterlogged by thoughts of how he was going to pull off his next bloody conquest. like how zuko was always howling for help, hurt and confused like a cornered animal, hidden deep under his fits of rage, and irohs head was Still so far up his ass that he kept meeting zukos silent begging for straightforward guidance with convoluted proverbs. he can sit here and bury his face in his hands in shame over the sheer amount of times hed failed his nephew without realizing, and how much convincing it'll take to get his nephew to understand that yes, iroh did fail him so many times, and he couldve prevented so much suffering simply by holding himself to the same standards he held his nephew to. all those times during those three years before the avatar returned that he couldve done something. sit here and think about how sad it is that he has to even try hard to convince his nephew such a thing, how sad it is that he finally got zuko to stop seeing ozai as some all-wise god that can do no error as a father, just for zuko to start seeing iroh as some all-wise god that has done no error as an uncle. but he can at least go and do something about it. he can never do something about what he did to his son. the things he knows he did, the things he doesnt know he did, and everything in between. he will never find out what lu ten truly thought about him. he will never have that reconciliation, that silent scream of relief and violent shiver in the crook of his neck that zuko gave when iroh yanked him in close after their separation, with his lu ten. he just has to hear about his own son through word of mouth and somehow be content with that. and worst of all, its all his own and his god damned family's fault. no amount of healing and learning by trying to do right by zuko and the world he helped nearly ruin not much more than a half decade ago can act as a balm for the agony that brings him. he knows healing his guilty conscience isnt supposed to even be a reason for why he helped the avatar, but god- it's when the rationality leaves him and he realizes that this is something he cant seem to make himself be the bigger person in. he knows its his own fault, that there are hundreds- thousands, maybe- of earth kingdom sons he personally stole from earth kingdom fathers, and only gave up on his siege when the consequences of his war came into his own backyard, but he cant help it. doesnt want to help it. hes still angry and hateful anyway. his son should still be here. his son should still be here. his son should still be here. and if he tells zuko about how much he still hates himself as both an uncle and a father, zuko will definitely rush to reassure him, all the while he is chained to his desk and meetings day in and day out, fixing this uncles mistakes best he can, losing sleep and forgetting to eat. none of it will mean anything to zuko, if it means he can make his uncle feel better. and if that happens, iroh might actually vomit in front of his nephew.
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yakuzacanons · 7 months
Hi!! Can we have a continuation of "How They Would Confess Their Feelings To You" hcs? With Ichiban & co, Watase and Kashiwagi? Thanks!
Brain go brrrr yea, we can do dis chief. Includes da girlies also cuz I am realizing I do NOT write for them much?!
Kasuga Ichiban: "Listen, I just wanted to say... that I really like you! And you mean a lot to me!"
Hands sweaty moms spaghetti, he is. Nervous wreck long before he actually works his way up to confessing. The thought of having a crush on you is enough to make him sweat.
Is he asking Adachi and Nanba for advice? Yes. Is he taking it? Hell nah, it just makes him more stressed. Feels like his head is spinning after hearing all they had to say.
In the end, he just quite literally spills the beans after hanging out with you and once he starts he just cannot seem to stop! Ironic given how hard it was for him to start in the first place.
Nanba Yu: "Hey, look, I get it if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted you to know... you're really special to me."
It's ironic that he gives Ichiban dating advice given that Nanba has been a bachelor for quite some time. He's also pretty calculated and takes into careful consideration whether or not a relationship would even be viable so if he's confessing, it's quite serious.
Might consult with Ichiban or Adachi about it but mostly keeps it close to his chest. Good at hiding it in front of you so it might feel like it's coming out of nowhere but trust me, it's been on his mind for a while.
He's pretty candid and straightforward. Through the years, he's learned beating around the bush gets you nowhere. He'll likely just pull you aside, no fancy date or hangout required, and just tell you privately how he feels.
Adachi Koichi: "You really changed my life, you know that? Thank you."
With Adachi, it's less of a confession and more of an appreciation of who you are. At his age and given his track record, he's kind of resigned to living the single life and the older he gets, the less he gets his hopes up for things to get serious.
Having said that, he does still want to stress just how impactful you've been on his life. Like Ichiban does with all his friends, Adachi feels you deserve your praises to be sung.
It's not something he really plans on. He'll just blurt it out in the middle of any old conversation, maybe at a bar. If you ask him for clarification or to elaborate, that's where he starts choking up. Be nice to him.
Mukoda Saeko: "Ah, you know I wouldn't normally say this but... I like you, heh."
Little miss independent will not confess easily, let me tell you. She's got an awful lot on her plate right now and potentially changing the situation between you two is not necessarily low priority but more so another thing she doesn't need to stress about.
Honestly, you may have to get her a bit drunk for this to come out. Or at the very least, she may feel she needs a touch of liquid courage to get it all out there.
Saeko keeps it short and sweet. Ironically, despite her bold personality, she gets super shy after and insists you don't give her an answer until you've had time to think it over.
Tianyou Zhao: "Ahh, you've really gone and turned my life upside down, you know? But that's okay. I like that about you."
Sly as ever, Zhao is similar to Saeko in that it takes a lot to get him to confess. Only difference is he's more perceptive than Saeko. He can sniff out pretty quick how you feel about him.
Having said that, chances of him confessing are greatly increased if he thinks or knows you would reciprocate. His playful side gets in the way though as it becomes a cat and mouse game of who gives in first: you or him.
When it eventually turns out to be him, it'll be a cute little planned event that he's meticulously thought out. He'll close his restaurant for the night and invite you over for a special private dinner with a menu inspired by all your favorite things.
Joon-Gi Han: "I don't know, I just... I always get this way when I'm with you... will you just stay with me? For a little bit?"
Our poor baby boy Joonie bun is inexperienced in the ways of confessing. He understands having a crush and love as a concept but lack of personal experience means he's navigating all new terrority. Please forgive his blunders.
Unfortunately, Seonhee proves to be little help in these matters. Although she has more in depth observations of situations between you two, even she cannot determine for Joon-Gi if reciprocation is guaranteed.
More likely than not, he'll just start blurting out his feelings during a moment where his guard is down. Half of it boils down to he just can't keep it to himself anymore and partially that he feels he's being dishonest the longer he keeps it to himself.
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sevi007 · 3 months
Tales of the Abyss part 46
Where we are on the run again, while I almost forgot WHY we are on the run
(The war. It's the war. I kind of forgot that in this whole mess)
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Mohs comes to mind immediately, but I think Van's whole "destroy the outer lands" shtick is close behind
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Mans is very straightforward, which is rare in this game!
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I'm 99 percent sure we are a bit late for that. Looking at Natalia here
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Awwww. Don't worry Natalia I'm still on the regicide route if he does reject you! (I'm half serious here)
UGH Mohs
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Hey! At least part of us are royality or high ranking people! "Rabble" he says
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Woah what. Sacrifical lamb or what
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Dangabit, we should take Noelle with us from now on. Or hide her somewhere safe.
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Kinda gay Dist! (Sorry I like teasing him)
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Grow up, both of you lmao. Every time you get them on screen together, I feel like I'm back in school XD
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Noice Luke's the sacrifical lamb
Theoretically, shouldn't they kill Asch - ah wait, I guess they do not know about the replica situation yet. Or. Let's say they DID know and did kill Asch. Would that then fulfill the score, or not, because he is now going by a different name? Sheesh, future prediciting is ROUGH Yulia has my sympathy
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Yeah, what the fuck?!
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Omfg - Okay I interrupt this dialogue here to rant. While I UNDERSTAND where Luke is coming from (hello Survivor's guilt mixed with existential crisis and a hint of depression) I was so heartbroken to hear this that I nearly yelled in anger. Of course he is going to twist everything in a way that he is the culprit here!
But let's look at this more rationally - the Score is shit. (Very rational right? lol). What I mean to say is, in the Score there is everything depicting in ONE LINEAR FUTURE. I personally always saw the future as something that is endless ocean of possibilities, of different routes that can be "taken" by making different decisions. The Score only covers the "main route" of this, the most likely one. And since people for thousands of years have been following the Score so faithfully, they have til now never deviated to a different future. Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that.
So say the Score is the main route - then not even that one is a great one! That one is only great for Kimlasca and its prosperity! Malkuth is described to be covered in war, Akzeriuth would have fallen anyway, and Asch would be dead. Who knows what would have become of our party members, or Engreve, or St. Binah, or who knows what else! Is that good? No.
And so far, we only know that Luke is not covered in the main future Yulia had seen. That could mean it's a good thing! We could steer toward a new future! Or at least he does not have to sit around and just take whatever the Score throws at him
Now, let me smack that boy for being an idiot. Or let Tear do it.
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apply that brain-to-mouth-filter sometimes, Luke. It helps.
I like how everyone else just lets Tear rip into him XD
(I love this boy but sometimes he is painfully stupid - read as "extremely unknowing, young, and traumatized")
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silverfoxphil · 12 days
Hi :)) I love your edits and song choices. They always seem really cohesive, like strong theme. I want to make an edit for the first time but I'm kind of overwhelmed by the scope/not sure where to begin. I'm curious if you have any tips for getting into editing, and also wondering what editing software you use. in other words: editing tips?😳
omg editing tips 🫣 under the cut because they got too long 😳lololol
first of all thank you so much :)!! I'm happy to know that you enjoy my edits<3!!!
answering the software question is easy: I recently started using capcut, it's free and I like it a lot! (I used to use clipchamp which has less features, but is maybe a bit more straightforward)
getting ideas is the hard part lol. I think I only have lame answers :/
for normal compilations I usually have a clip (or a few) and a theme/joke/vibe/meme I really want to use and i do some research(search it on Tumblr) or rewatch the videos (or look through the clips I have already saved) to find other moments that follow the same theme. (I try to make them funny, I'm not sure it works, but they are funny to me lol)
for song edits i usually have the song and at least one clip that are already linked in my brain lol like rush by Troye Sivan and the poppers jokes, they just go together lol. sometimes I read the lyrics and try to remember or search for clips that work with them. idk it's something that just clicks in my head lol. this sounds so 💀💀💀 I'm sorry lolol.
so idk the only advice I have is:
1.if you're using a song, working on it first makes things so much easier (cut it/choose the parts you want/read the lyrics) and then add the clips
2.adjust the audio levels (even if there's no song) (especially if you're using clips from dystopia daily lol it's super quiet for some reason)
3.try to build some kind of database of clips, so you don't have to go back and rewatch the videos a million times to find a 2 seconds clip (speaking from experience) (save them or make a list idk) (also I screen record and don't download, I know someone from another fandom that says that screen recording is bad but personally i never had any issues w it lol)
4.follow your heart, follow your brain, look at the software's filters, transitions, effects and sounds and text and use them all lol. I think ultimately most people have their own style and their own humour and sensibility. there's no right or wrong, so try to find what works for you, what you find funny or pretty or interesting, you know? it's kind of a bad answer but that's all I can think about, you need to find what you enjoy first and then build on it
I'm sure phil was better at giving editing tips lmao, but I hope this helped in some way! I never get to talk about editing, so my thoughts are all over the place lol.
let me know when you start posting or if you need help with the software!
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amyreads · 1 year
Your writing is absolutely incredible. I love the way you write characters, it's really realistic and refreshing. Do you have any advice for writing such realistic characters?
thank you!
i look back on my early fanfiction and cringe at how jilted and unrealistic the dialogue was.
one thing i notice about some stories is how obvious the author is being like sometimes you can read a dialogue and you know the author wants you to feel some kind of way or wants you to romance this character and im definitely guilty of that in terms of the emotion i try to pull as people read, but sometimes it can really ruin the realism.
for example, there's been many times that i write a romantic choice for MC to say to orion and i want orion to say a certain thing in return because im like "omg this is the most romantic line ever someone shower me in flowers this is going to BANG theyre going to love this" and then my logical part of my brain is like "orion would never say this..." and i have to delete it and put something that aligns more with his character.
it's also nice to remember that people are not static. we move as we speak, we think, sometimes we need to pause, react, scratch our nose lol and i think adding action, no matter how small it may be, adds to making them feel a bit more real. sometimes conversations get derailed, people cut each other off, sometimes we get too passionate. it's rare that people have an actual like... straightforward back and forth where they know exactly what they're going to say next and they always wait exactly 3 seconds for the person to finish, you know?
for example:
"Wait." She raises a hand to cut you off, making a baffled face. "What?"
"Wait," she says. "What?"
Even without context, the first one at least gives you a better idea of how she feels about whatever she just heard.
what helps me is also saying the dialogue aloud! it helps me actually listen to the convo and sometimes i realize it sounds off. also, tone and and how people speak is very much dependent on the setting and story. MC isn't going to talk like a 20th-century aristocrat, while the 20th-century aristocrat isn't going to talk like MC. I am actually a bit more of a flowery writer than I am in the game, but flowery writing and long-winded, overly complicated metaphors just don't fit when it's supposed to be MC's monologue, so I have to dial it back for realism purposes!
This probably doesn't help, but thinking like this is what helped me brush up my dialogue better. I used to write like this:
"Oh," she said.
He smiled. "Yeah."
"Can we go to the store now?" she asked.
"No." He shakes his head. "I don't want to."
"Okay," she said. "I will go later then."
Terrible lmao
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im glad!
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andivmg · 1 month
who are your fav ‘influencers’/ people you watch on yt TikTok etc 🫶
okay i love how u put influencers in quotes bc i don’t view content as like an influence thing for me, i’ve learned that i kinda prefer other types of content idk you’ll see what i mean
on a similar note, i had to look through my following and subscription lists on yt and tiktok bc i could not think of one single person off the top of my head LOL but i’ll list out people whose content i enjoy when it pops up on my fyp or yt home page.
Danny (Bionic on yt): #1 obviii my man my man my man. BUT i will say sometimes i be bingeing his videos bc they are so unironically entertaining like if you’re into modded minecraft and don’t mind the target audience being younger kids then watch his videos i promise it’s not just bc i love him LMAO
@/hopeyoufindyourdad (Andra) on tiktok: i think she is so smart and i love all her takes on drama and all kinds of situations idk whenever she pops up on my feed i just know i’m going to agree with her on whatever she’s talking about
@/glownarrative (hannah campbell) on tiktok: BIG fan of her makeup reviews, i think she could classify as an “influencer” bc she does review makeup and stuff, at least that’s what i know her for. but, i just think she’s pretty straightforward and when i’m looking for new products i do go to her page just to see her take on how the products wear and apply just 10/10 good reviews
@/alloramomo on tiktok: idek how to describe the videos but it’s like short films but it’s kind of conversations between two people and they always leave me staring at my screen reflecting on what i just watched idk just. good.
@/carolinelusk on tiktok: Similar vein to Andra not just bc she’s a blonde with good opinions but also seems really smart and funny idk i just get good vibes from her
@/fathermareyuh on tiktok: SO FUCKING FUNNY. they make rlly good anime tiktoks idek how to describe the content but they’re just so fucking funny. if u like jjk, my hero, or anime in general u probably alr know but yeah big fan
@/avascreams and @/chloeforrero on tiktok: pretty, funny girls w deep voices, long yap sessions, good opinions, and who talk at the perfect speed.
@/cameronjerrard (Cameron) on tiktok: HILARIOUS. i see that blue bonnet, i’m SAT bc i know i’m about to giggle and hear some good takes on whatever he’s talking about
ik i already put danny on the top and he’s a youtuber but now i’m going w the list of youtubers. i know it would’ve made more sense to just put all the youtube people together but this is the way my brain went and i’m too lazy to go back and redo it so
Madisyn Brown: really good video essays, i’ll literally sit and watch every single one, i think she’s so smart. also she can SING.
Jordan Theresa: video essay girly!! so smart and funny, i love the way she edits her videos idk i just like her content a lot
Salem Tovar: completing my holy trinity of video essay/commentary girlies. funny, smart… need i say more
Mai Pham: the only actual influencer on this list, i love her vlogs and i think she’s so funny, relatable and down to earth idk i just think she’s so cool
D’Angelo Wallace: do i even need to say anything?
Kurzgesagt: one of my hs friends introduced me to this channel and i never looked back. always look forward to the existential crisis following an upload from them
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dirtbra1n · 7 months
HII good morning time for ask game. Throwing rare ssmy ones at the board. Shirabashi. Hiramiya. uhhh kuresawa tashiro No wait i cant do that to kuresawa. He loves his girlfriend. I WILL do it to ogasawara though. ogasawara x sasaki. And for fun if you have brain power. tell me about ur favorite mairuma dynamics….
HIII GOOD MORNING I’ve still got twenty minutes til noon as I write this part it counts. woke up read this and said aloud Oh sunnfish loves me…. my friends love me………
shirabashi: I get it, it doesn’t compel me*.
*I’m continuing my effort to get myself into these things. this is definitely still following the trend of I’m Not Doing Enough To Mindpalace Niibashi. sunnfish wouldn’t it be really funny if I shoved him into pathologic au. no better way to get me really invested in you than to suffer sundry agonies I’d say.
I think some of the kagibashi points sort of reflect onto the wall a little warped here which is really fun. Why are you tall. why are you so good at basketball. How Are You Single. followed by one conversation that concludes, Oh, that’s why. being someone who knows that shirahama cares so much about his appearance adds some fun color to this too. I think there’s some fun stuff to poke at there I’ll turn the heat up and let it simmer awhile
hiramiya: I get it, it doesn’t compel me**.
**You know. it’s also kind of a lie I think I just don’t follow through enough on putting petri dish miyano under a microscope. like. I think even in a world where miyano didn’t meet sasaki and consequently did not have to reckon with #BisexualityGate. having bl brain is kind of just a by-default queer thing straight up. Yeah I want to watch Hirano senpai and his handsome roommate I know next to nothing about gently and sensually embrace one another. I want Hirano senpai to be on the bottom. I’m normal. This is normal. like miyano can we talk about this. we’re taking this conversation to the hirakagi dorm and you will put the clipboard DOWN.
in other words Someone definitely would have to pitch me on more straightforward hiramiya—it won’t be hard, I didn’t say hirano was the dating sim au game’s default and preferred route for NO REASON—but going by system settings of What’s funniest. I’m 100% primed to skip down the road of Miyano most insane voyeur moments (#1). this is kind of a theme for hirano ships for me actually. Wait hold on HOLD ON JUST. ONE SEC
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kagi would be there too. just chilling.
I know you took it back but I think a we got married setup with tashiro kuresawa and yuki would legitimately be very funny. just wanted to say that
SASAWARA: HA HA . YOU KNOWWWW…. probably could go trudge up one of my. I’ll be right back again
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ogasawara sex comedy teaser for public consumption. don’t worry about masato here this isn’t about him
being brief It’s the old friends feeling. being verbose it’s You’ve seen me at my worst and snappiest and least tolerable and you still haven’t gone anywhere. you’re so annoying. are you home right now? need to drop off a cd. you’re gonna hate the third track but the fourth one’s gonna make you cry.
I’m always thinking about it. sasaki wanting ogasawara to leave him and miyano the hell alone on their date but the second ogasawara vanishes sasaki’s texting him Hey, where’d you go? old friends feeling. am throwing up all over the floor currently. I Get It. It Compels me.
MAIRUMA. BY THE WAY. love trio are my kids. I think the passive competition between clara and alice is the funniest cutest thing in the world
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^ page saved in may-nearly-june 2021.
also Literally every single relationship with iruma involved compels me that’s my LITTLE BLUE BOY!!!! going to come back to this on the mairuma front later on the coattails of either rewatching the anime or catching up on the manga. and then They’ll all be sorry…… okay wrapping this one up now I love you sunnfish
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Rewatching Loki for Unhinged Analysis Reasons
Spoilers for both seasons of Loki and Loki: Agent of Asgard.
So I did something a tad video essay YouTuber-ish. Except that I am not a video essay YouTuber. I write print essays, and as you may know if you’ve read some of them, I am not great at organizing said essays. I rewatched all two seasons of Loki for the main purpose of documenting every single interaction B-15/Verity has in the show, paying particular attention to whether a character in the scene lies and how B-15/Verity reacts when they lie. I also took into account the context of the lie, if the characters (either B-15 or the speaker) already knew they were lying, and how believable their lying was. For the purpose of determining whether or not I can feasibly say that MCU Verity Willis can canonically detect lies. (And I will be referring to B-15 exclusively as Verity in this post.)
Now, I want to preface this analysis by saying I am not determining whether the writers intended for her to have this power, or even if she was always meant to be revealed to be Verity from episode one. In my opinion, I don’t think they knew her backstory in episode one (I don’t even think they’d planned it out at the point Sylvie gives B-15 her memories in episode 4, personally). I also don’t think they even intended to retcon her having the ability in season two once they’d decided to slip in the reference to the comics in the form of her name. In terms of authorial intent, no, I don’t think she’s meant to have this ability.
But here’s the thing. I don’t give a shit. I’m gonna play in the sandbox. Fuck authorial intent.
The first thing I learned is just how upfront and straightforward everyone is with each other? For an institution with multiple brain-breaking, plot-twisting reveals within the series that these people have been lied to, they don’t lie to each other very often. For a show starring the literal god of lies, even he doesn’t lie that much to these people. Most interactions with Verity result in all characters being honest with one another. They may not say something that’s true, but what they do say they believe to be true, which Verity might not necessarily pick up as a lie. Everyone at the TVA (except perhaps Miss Minutes, but I have no comic evidence that Verity can detect lies from AI) believes the same lies for most of the first season, so there’s no reason to question why Verity would not have worked out the truth prior to the events of the show.
So the first time we get a lie in Verity’s vicinity is in episode 2, when they take Loki with them to Oshkosh, and Loki tries to stall for time by spewing bullshit. And she does a lot during this. She continually rolls her eyes and interrupts to try to get Mobius to stay on task. When Loki says “It’s a trap,” she rolls her eyes and shifts her feet like she can sense the lie in his words. When Mobius finally determines that Loki is lying, she makes a face like she already knew it. This moment leads her to determine that Loki is a lying liar and Mobius is not able to come to that conclusion quickly enough. So when they get to Haven Hills, she makes Loki go with her so she can keep an eye on his lying liar ass. Because she can tell when he’s lying.
In episode 3, we have a brief interaction in the hallway between Verity and Mobius. She asks him what Loki said to him (because she can tell he’s behaving weirdly with all this stalling). Mobius tells her “He said the TVA is lying to me.” This situation where someone brings up what someone else said in front of Verity happens at least one other time. And I’m not actually sure if she can sense if someone is lying based on a paraphrase of their words from someone else. The way Verity reacts to this statement would imply that she can, because she seems to be able to sense that Loki isn’t lying, but she was also controlled by Sylvie at Roxxcart and is currently grappling with a confusing glimpse into her past. So it may be that she’s trying to get an idea of what just happened based on whatever Loki’s said, and it’s unclear if what he told Mobius is something she can interpret as the truth or if her abilities don’t work that way. (Maybe she was hoping Mobius would tell her Loki told him nothing, because if Mobius lies to her, she can tell and can glean some information from that. But maybe she can only tell that Loki did indeed say this, and not whether or not he was lying when he said it.)
So finally Verity makes the decision to just confront Sylvie directly. This is really the ultimate point that convinces me. It could be argued that Verity needs Sylvie to actually use her magic to prove that she can restore Verity’s memories, but I genuinely think she takes Sylvie at her word. The moment when she demands Sylvie show her is when she makes the decision that she wants her past back. By this point, she already knows Sylvie’s telling the truth that everyone at the TVA are variants, and that she didn’t plant memories in C-20’s mind. All she needed was for Sylvie to say so directly to her. Her powers would do the rest.
At the end of this episode, she meets back up with Loki and Sylvie to lend them assistance in the room with the Timekeepers. She gets knocked unconscious almost immediately after, so she doesn’t have a chance to sense the Timekeepers are fake and warn them.
We see her again in episode five in a time prison. Renslayer has gone to interrogate her, and the second Renslayer lies to her, Verity knows it. Renslayer does make a slight expression that might give her away, but it is very brief, and it could still be argued that Verity picks up on the lie rather than the subtle tell.
We don’t get another situation of needing her detection skills until the season two premiere. It’s not a lie this time, but in the past TVA, when they’re chasing Loki, Loki insists that he knows Mobius. There isn’t a really visible reaction from Verity, but we also don’t get a good look at her face, so maybe she makes a face when she realizes he’s telling the truth even though that doesn’t make sense.
Then we have an interaction in the present with X-5 making fun of Mobius. Mobius doesn’t quite pick up on it right away, but Verity does make a face like she’s aware X-5 is not being genuine. Outside of the War Room, D-90 tells Mobius “I was just doing my job,” which isn’t exactly an apology about pruning him. And, yep, Verity gives him an eyebrow lift like, Sure, save it for Nuremberg.
Episode two, an excellent example of her possible skills. When asking Brad questions, an interesting dimension to her abilities comes up: Do people at the TVA know she can detect lies, or at least that she’s really good at sensing when someone’s lying? When they first ask about the TemPad, X-5 states the obvious without exactly answering their question, either truthfully or otherwise: he says something like, “I put some colorful buttons on it for you.” When they ask what he’s been doing, he says “Making movies.” Verity snaps, “Don’t waste our time” so lightning quick that it feels like she’s sensing a lie rather than just assuming he’s being an ass on purpose. When they ask again about the TemPad, and Brad says, “It blocks your trackers,” she twitches. Like they already knew this, Casey already told them that, but it’s the fact that she visibly reacts to this lie. Just because she already knows it’s a lie doesn’t mean her ability turns off.
The interrogation shifts hands, and Brad now holds the reins. So now Verity’s reactions are in response to her current coworkers (you know, the ones not currently in a shock collar). Loki pretends he’s going to attack Brad in response to his taunts. Verity doesn’t look super comfortable with Loki’s tactic here, but she also doesn’t seem to buy his act. She doesn’t step in, she doesn’t warn Loki the way Mobius does. So then Brad turns his attention on Mobius. Mobius continues to act really chill about not knowing his past, but then it cuts to Verity, and she is not buying it one bit.
The next time we might have gotten a chance to see Verity’s powers is in episode 4, when Dox and her followers are in the interrogation room (I’m not sure what we’re calling that room). Verity point-blank asks Dox, “Can I trust you?” And what I find very interesting about this exchange is that Dox doesn’t answer. In fact, she avoids answering any direct questions Verity poses to her. Almost as if she knows something about Verity’s abilities, like Brad when they first ask him about the TemPad, and isn’t going to bother giving her any information. Whether she’s honest or not, it won’t matter; Verity would know the correct answer anyway.
So we have two moments on the timeline in episode five that are of note, but I’m going to hold off on discussing the first for a moment. When the TemPad spaghettifies, Loki and OB accuse Casey/Frank of stealing it (where he’s going to hide a Gen 1 laptop-size device where they can’t see it, I don’t know). He insists he didn’t take it, and this would have been a great time to cut to Verity (or not, if she didn’t react). But we don’t, so we don’t get to see if she knows he’s telling the truth. I’ve also seen people try to draw on the scene in the doctor's office, too, as potential evidence, but there’s none here, guys. The girl never lies to her (as far as we can tell). It’s not even a matter of Verity knowing her warning on the girl’s cast won’t stop her from climbing trees. For one thing, do injuries ever stop children? That girl is about to go home and try to climb that same tree one-handed, for sure. But something else I noticed on my rewatch, Verity barely finishes writing out the warning before the girl is already shaking her head. Verity doesn’t even have to guess (let alone detect a lie that wasn’t even there in the first place); the girl outright tells her there isn’t a chance in hell she’s gonna listen to that.
So now we’re at the end, the last episode. We have two moments where her detection skills (or lack thereof) can be analyzed (or not). At the end of the first time loop, with the loom, Timely says that the trouble with the loom is a scaling problem. Later, we find out from He Who Remains that this isn’t true. It’s never explicitly stated whether Timely was lying in this moment or just didn’t understand (though for my money, given Timely’s character up until this point, even though he is a Kang variant, it’s my opinion he was telling his understanding of the truth here). Even if Timely is lying, we don’t get to see Verity’s face in this moment to gauge her reaction. Finally at the end, after Loki saves the timelines and the TVA begins to reform itself, Verity approaches a very out-of-it looking Mobius, and asks if he’s okay. He’s clearly not, so even if he said he’s fine, this woman who’s worked with him for who knows how long could probably tell he’s full of shit even if she can’t detect lies. But what feels telling to me is that he doesn’t lie. He doesn’t even tell the truth. He straight-up doesn’t answer her question and jumps straight to business. Regardless of whether Verity’s coworkers have always known about her abilities (and I’m gonna talk about that in a minute), I think this exchange shows that at least Mobius has been made aware at this point.
So before I get to my conclusion, I’m going to talk about the two moments in the series that could disprove that Verity can detect lies in the MCU. The first occurs in season 1, episode 4, when speaking to Mobius. She asks him if there is any news on C-20, and he says no. This is after he has already been to Renslayer, who has told him that C-20 is dead, but told him to keep it a secret. Verity shakes her head in response, but it doesn’t seem like an “I don’t believe you” head shake, more like “This shit is crazy, what happened to her” head shake. She seems to buy his very outright lie. This is not implicative or dancing around the truth. Mobius doesn’t decide not to answer, like he does at the end of the series. She asks a direct question, and he gives a direct answer that he knows is not the true answer. And she seems to buy it. I don’t have a counter-counter argument for this; this is just a point against the theory, unfortunately.
The second problem occurs in season 2, episode 5. After everyone except Sylvie has gathered in OB’s lab-turned-squatting situation, she picks up one of OB’s novels and starts to read it. It’s canon in the comics that her ability prevents her from enjoying fiction, because she is incapable of suspending her disbelief long enough to watch a movie or read a book. She reads physics textbooks for pleasure, because it’s the only reading she can handle. At the end of AoA, while Loki is undergoing ego death, she is finally able to start to stomach fiction. But it’s implied (or maybe outright states, I don’t fully remember and I don’t have access to my book right now) that knowing and befriending Loki is what changed this for her. In the show, Verity has just met Loki, so being able to read fiction would not yet be a possibility for her comic counterpart at this point in knowing him. This counter argument, thankfully, can possibly be refuted in a few ways. One, she doesn’t get very far in the book it looks like, maybe a couple of pages. So maybe she’s able to handle the first few pages (hell, maybe the first few pages were part of an author’s note about the science involved. That she could handle). Another option is that OB is having a lot of trouble selling his books, and maybe that trouble is that they are so dense in the science part that they’re dull and unapproachable for just about everyone else. But for someone who can only stand to read science books, this is perfect. Maybe the MCU said fuck it, she can read fiction, who cares. Only one person has the time and energy and encyclopedic knowledge on AoA to call us on it and we don’t give a shit what they think anyway. And that’s a fair assessment. Maybe the writers continue to only do cursory research and don’t know this about Verity. It wouldn’t be the first example of this. Does no one have Al Ewing on speed dial? And finally, (though even I doubt this) maybe she’s pretending to read so she doesn’t have to talk to any of these weirdos. She seems pretty friendly and able to interact with people (which is different from her comic personality), so I don’t think she would pull an introvert’s attempt to avoid socializing.
So, counterarguments aside, let’s get into the conclusion of this three-day study. Given the number of interactions where she does seem to react correctly when people are or are not lying to her, I would say there is enough evidence for me that she can detect lies in the MCU. Her restless body language and eye rolls whenever someone lies in her vicinity, the fact that she takes Sylvie at her word about the memories, the way multiple characters in season two avoid answering her questions directly. It isn’t always overt or explicit, and certainly not as clear as it is in the comics, but of course I stated at the top the reason for that (if you don’t want to scroll all the way back up, I don't think the writers did this on purpose, I’m overanalyzing for fun and there’s not enough evidence to disprove it in any case). But my conclusion is my girl still has her powers. (And there’s nothing Marvel can say to convince me otherwise, because I don’t care what they think.)
Now the other question is, does the TVA know? I think at least He Who Remains knows and that may in part be the reason she was chosen. I don’t think most others at the TVA know or at least believe her. But something happens between season one and two, or at least towards the end of season two. If the “evidence” were more obvious, I’d say the writers intended for Verity to be able to detect lies suddenly, but I’d need more from her reactions, or an explicit statement from her that she can do this. More characters in season two try to hide the truth from Verity but without outright lying to her, almost as if they know she can tell when they’re lying. So I think they either don’t know Verity can detect lies, don’t believe her, or assume she’s very intuitive rather than actually possessing a superpower. In season one, most of her coworkers don’t have any reason to lie to her because they’re all on the same side. But in season two the TVA is starting to fracture into factions, and at the end we have Mobius not wanting to admit the toll losing Loki has taken on him. And by season two Verity has her memories back and the others know (especially those who try to avoid directly answering her queries: Dox, Brad, Mobius) they’re variants. I don’t think Verity ever doesn’t know she can do this; this isn’t an ability you can turn on and off or activate voluntarily. If you can fly and you lose your memories, you likely won’t recall you have that power until you regain that memory or possibly if you get thrown off a building and by some instinctive reflex manage to catch yourself. Verity cannot turn off her power, which is why in the comics she can’t engage with fiction and avoids social interaction whenever possible (even going so far as to make sure her job is remote). It’s intrusive, a burden, there is no way to avoid detecting a lie when it occurs. So I don’t think it’s something the memory wipe could have erased. But she wouldn’t remember how she got this ability in the first place, or be able to explain why the Timekeepers gave her something so useful and no one else, so it’s possible the others write her off as mistaking a heightened but natural intuition for superpower or outright lying for whatever reason.
Except now it’s season two, and she knows what happened to her. They all do. They know she was telling the truth all those years. So when some of her coworkers are suddenly working against her and being interrogated with her in the room, they try to avoid tipping off her suddenly very real powers.
Of course, a lie of omission is sometimes louder than an actual lie. And Verity doesn’t need to be a walking polygraph machine, nor does she need a direct answer to her question, to know her longtime coworker and friend Mobius is in mourning and very much not okay.
God I hope we see my girl again and get some retconned explicit confirmation she can detect lies. I don’t need it, because I already did the research. But come on Marvel, keep riddling that target with plot holes, you cowards. Call her Verity outside of the credits, give her her comic book powers for no conceivable reason other than I want her to have them, and let her come back to the MCU in another movie or show (or a season 3 but I don’t think we’re getting that).
I love Verity, and this rewatch was worth it just to pay super close attention every time she shows up.
tl;dr: Fuck you, Marvel, my girl can detect lies in the MCU. I didn’t gain these nonsensical analysis skills to obsessively look for shit that was never supposed to be there from fifteen years of shipping for nothing.
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ducknewtonscoolhat · 1 year
Okay so I wasn't planning on posting again tonight but me and my friend were talking about Duck and Minerva and it got me looking through fanart of them and now I cannot stop thinking about them. You all are going to have to deal with my brain thoughts. So basically they are the most loving, most genuine couple in my personal, and professional opinion. Because of the fact that Minerva just is not from earth, and the fact that she is also so straightforward, communicating with Duck is never an issue. The idea of miscommunication or not communicating at all with partners isn't really something that comes up in her world, me thinks, and so it doesn't really come up in Duck and Minerva's relationship. At least on Minerva's side. I think that Duck often says things that Minerva misunderstands but he always does his best to make sure she gets it eventually. He would never leave her in the dark about something. I think that they do so very well with communicating with one another. Also they love one another in such an unconditional way. They are absolutely in love with one another, and with every thing they do they only fall even harder as time goes on. Duck just sees this woman, who is so genuine and caring who does everything with pride and a sort of strength he has never seen anyone with and is just like, "Damn. I'm so fuckin' in love with that woman." And Minerva is the same way but not in the same maner. While Duck is very mumble under his breath kinda admiration for Minerva, she is VERY open with what she thinks of him. And literally with everything. She never falls short with telling him how she thinks of him, and it's always something positive, saying to him that he's built like a warrior or just compliments everything he does and often he finds her staring at him. And he's probably like, "Uh you good?" And she just grins super wide and says back to him, "YES, DUCK NEWTON. WHEN I AM IN YOUR PRESENCE, I AM ALWAYS MORE THAN EXCEPTIONAL. YOU FILL ME WITH JOY!" Or something along those lines, something extreme for normal human standards, but for Minerva, it's just how she is.
Minerva and Duck are just so in love, they have spent so much of their lives with one another, and I feel like Minerva hasn't just taught Duck stuff but Duck has also taught her so many things as well. They care so much for one another and make each other better by building of each other and being better for it.
To put it simply I love them your honor, they are in love and I am insane.
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skulltrot · 3 months
dyn any input on how the turts deal with stress? we all know leo loves to deflect but im not rly sure about the others
sorry i got this a WHIIIILE ago and had most of the answer in my drafts but i never got around to posting it. but uh, the short answer is that it's kinda situational? Like, don't get me wrong, they have consistent reactions, though their actual reaction varies with context. As it does with anyone, they're multifaceted characters not black and white. Sorry if the answer is a bit all over the place i never actually refined any of these lol just thought i should post them
Leo deals with stress by deflecting with jokes, sure, but also he's very good at taking the emotions out of a situation and assessing it logically. Generally, I'd say he makes jokes to keep a level head during a situation more often than not. His ability to stay level-headed and pull himself out of his own head (minus his ego getting in the way) is what makes him a good strategist. He's able to assess a problem and take steps to a solution.
(sorry leo self-esteem angst enjoyers, but while he has insecurities they almost always have to do with people not seeing what he sees in himself. aka, he's very confident in his own abilities, overly confident even, he just needs other people to be around to witness that and actually acknowledge it for it to mean anything)
But on the other hand, we've also seen Leo get overwhelmed to the point where he just kinda shuts down(?) for lack of a better word. This is rare for him, as he's almost always able to keep his composure (or at least get himself together and push through).
We see this with him getting nervous and stammering all over the place, when he curls into himself, and etc. I think these usually happen when he's unable to find a solution or manipulate a situation in his favor.
Raph's reaction is fairly straightforward. He smashes first, asks questions later. When he's stressed he tends to panic and start literally punching things. THAT or he gets angry/irritated at whatever is stressing him out, causing him to yell. Where Leo's level-headed and leads with his wits about him, Raph goes more off of instinct and emotion.
In other situations that don't cause him to panic specifically, where he's just nervous, he just makes himself smaller and acts really sheepish cause he isn't able to come up with viable excuses on the spot like Leo can.
Never wrote anything for him sorry but ummm staring at my 50 minute analysis for this guy i do kinda talk about it there iirc?
This question is SUUPPERRR context-dependent with Donnie. Not so much because he's inconsistent, as much as it's just that he's so explosively emotional it's actually really hard to take his character apart beyond some of his main components and make myself sound comprehensible, and I'm saying that as someone who relates to him the most. I really have no idea how the fandom interprets him as emotionless or reserved in any way.
Just kidding! I know why. (Hint: it's because he's autistic)
To be honest, I think Donnie's character is so hard for me to analyze articulately is because I'm coming in here with my perspective on him as an autistic person, and the way autistic people process emotions is literally fundamentally different to other people. Our brains work in a completely different way so we quite literally have a different experience with emotions. I think explaining that is hard, maybe.
Anyway, I think the easiest way to answer this is that Donnie tends to stick to routines, and when that doesn't work he just kinda... freaks out? It can mean he spirals into focusing on an entirely irrational concept (hello Pizza Pit conspiracy board) just to feel like he has some semblance of understanding over a situation.
He needs to understand things. He needs to understand things logically so he can piece them together and figure out how to interact with them. Otherwise it's hard for him to figure out the right way to approach something. The reason he needs to understand everything is so he can make a plan. When he doesn't have a step-by-step guide to stick to and back up plans on back up plans to fall back on then he's like a fish out of water floundering around.
When all else fails he has a shutdown or a meltdown. And when I say that I mean it in the autistic way, for the record. He curls up in a ball, cries, throws things, etc.
He overthinks. A lot. Like a LOT. He has a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be, and while that works when he's dealing with a robotics project or any of his other science experiments, it's not so effective in real-time situations or when dealing with people.
Mystic powers for example. They stressed him out a lot! This stress exhibited itself in frustration turned to a bitter resentment because he didn't understand them and it made him feel inferior. His understanding of how the world works and mystic powers conflicted, so he ignores and denies any insinuation that mystic powers are somehow "better."
He's constantly stressed out because he feels disconnected from people. That is straight-up what his entire character arc is. That in itself requires its own intense analysis since it's not really said outright and I'm not going to get into that, but the stress he feels from feeling like he's out of place often drives him to trying to compensate for himself. A tendency to ignore, deny, and try to manufacture his way out of it.
...Do you see where I'm going with this?
Whenever he's stressed, he tries to compensate for it by building up these (seemingly) impenetrable walls made of overpreparation thanks to his overthinking, never confronting his own emotions, and/or trying to logic his way out of something. Alas, Donnie is a god-awful liar and he is fooling nobody. All of this, more or less, makes it look like he's got an annoyingly inflated ego (he does a bit to be fair), but he's the one who probably has the worst image of himself as a person. Unlike Leo, he's actually insecure about himself as a person (not his intelligence though).
If there's a bad situation, he can, at the very least, know the odds of survival. He can, at the very least, know exactly what is going to happen. If he's about to be smashed in a tank by weird, fucked up alien vines then he'll keep his composure somewhat because at least he has data to lean on.
Data collection calms him down for a reason! It gives him something to look at in favor of the situation because knowing is better than going into it blind.
Redirecting his focus, deflecting (via ignoring or repressing), or having a shutdown/meltdown pretty much sums up his reactions.
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suekreandtheidiots · 3 months
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There was an "Incorrect OC quotes" generator hype going on on IG a while ago and, of course, I couldn't not. 😂 I only just remembered that I wanted to take one particular quote PLUS a story reply from my friend Teo aka @teo-s-art-corner as an opportunity to ramble about some of the teenage gang a bit. The boys, to be precise. 😂
(I don't care if I'm shouting into the void here, that timeline gives me so much life, teenagers are hilarious. 😂 I also enjoy the feeling that writing them gives me, but that's for a different conversation!)
ANYHOO. Let's go!
"Fozzy is the most straightforward."
Yep. In a way, he is. Lance is very straightforward, too, as in "not afraid to speak his mind", but Fozzy has the tendency to just blurt out with whatever comes to his mind, without thinking. Lance is a liiittle more mindful about the things he says. He doesn't exactly have a filter either, he is just more "collected" in his choice of words, while Fozzy is just... BLAH, regardless of how dumb he sounds. 😂 He always appears a little "simpler" than others but that isn't at all the case: Fozzy is really intelligent. So. much. more. than he ever appears. I'm not saying he has the same academic brain that Lance has, but he's actually really clever... and calculating, of all things. That's part of why his parents were so desperate about him squandering a huge chunk of his youth and falling for sex, drugs and rock'n'roll instead. They knew that their son was a hundred percent aware what he was getting himself into there, they knew he knew he had the potential to do better. He just didn't care, he wanted to go nuts. It drove his parents mad. There's a certain darkness to Fozzy (at least to his younger version), too, that is hard to put into words... but it's definitely there. But yeah... unfiltered madness, for sure. 🤣
"Cal is oddly specific in his choice to commit violence."
Alright, this was a super fun sentiment (thanks Teo, I'm cackling again 😂) but I gotta say here that Cal really isn't one to randomly commit violence. 😂 Still, I always imagined him to have this bit of... hilarious randomness about him? Which makes this fitting. He just says weird and funny things at times, he's a delightful person, blessed with the kind of wit that makes people laugh. (Something I see in Ali, too, by the way. Both Cal and Ali have a bit of a male Lorelai Gilmore vibe to them, if I HAD to give an example.) So, when Cal blurts out with something like the above, he usually really doesn't want to punch people in the neck, it's just something randomly creative that comes to his mind and that he feels like sharing. 😂
"Mark is very polite."
He is. Mark is, indeed, very polite. A little calmer than his peers, too. I know I talked a little about him before, but I'll say it again: Despite all the weird crap, Mark was the most "progressive" of the gang in their time. Feminism, racism, ableism... pretty much anything regarding social injustice he had a better, clearer grasp of than his friends. The "male ego" wasn't really a thing for him, he knew how to properly apologise when he did or said something wrong, he was usually the one to call out sexist remarks towards the girls that most other boys usually tried to brush off as "Come on, it was a joke!". He sure had his flaws but Mark was a bit of a walking green flag. 😂 Girls felt safe around him, without actually being able to point out why. I still don't know what he does for a living nowadays but I really kinda see him working as an equal opportunities commissioner of a company or something. I don't know yet but he still has it in him, and he only got better over time. There's a reason Aimee stuck by his side. She saw all of it early on!
"Lance is seeing the bigger picture."
True. Lance's brain often goes where others don't. He is a pretty dominant person, too. I hate the term alpha-male for it's extremely negative connotation, Lance is aboslutely not that person, but he really is a bit of a natural leader; he just takes charge without thinking too much of it. He has major problems with authority, too. 😂 Sooo, seeing the bigger picture is a thing for him, mainly because he thinks that he has to, to stay in charge and protect his peers, but wanting to assert dominance for the sake of asserting/maintaining dominance also kinda is a thing for him. 🤣 It's hard to explain. He's just such a handful and I love him to pieces. 🤣
"Tim is wondering why he's still hanging out with these guys."
... yeah. 😂 I mean, Tim totally appreciates the friends he picks and the fun times he has with them, but I think what I failed to express so far is that Tim isn't actually always super cute and easygoing. He isn't exactly the Voice of Reason. He's more like the one who watches the stupidity unfold and who laughs when someone gets burned. 🤣 He's friend material in his own way, he values loyalty and he's kindhearted, too. He's blunt as fuck, though, and easily annoyed, too, which has always been a thing for him, not just because those weirdos tested his patience all the time. I know next to nothing about D&D but I always kinda saw him as this extremely annoyed healer of an adventuring party who sure does what he's there to do, but who often hasn't a whole lot of empathy to offer on top of that, especially not when the stupid outcome could have easily been prevented. 🤣 "Ah, she called you out on your shit? Good!", "Oh man, you have a hangover? Really? Those 38 shots were a bit too much, you think? Pf, lol, told you so. *carelessly tosses a pack of aspirin*" ... Tim was willing to stick around for anyone for sympathy, but he never tried to make excuses for anybody. Which made it easy for him to walk out on Cal, Fozzy (and Mark) when they planned the stupid prank on Lance. Being blunt and honest is one thing. Deliberately planning to cause harm and hurt was another. It was neither about demonising Cal nor protecting/coddling Lance, the whole thing was just something he couldn't have lived with, so he did the best he could think of and backed out.
Some additional thoughts:
I never wanted to create this little group as a mix of stereotypes, liiike... there isn't the designated "Goofball" or the "Stupid One" or the "Brainy One" or whatever else role there is that could be filled, so pleasepleaseplease always take these kinda things with a wee grain of salt! 😂 One of the parts I enjoy most about my own worldbuilding is how I want everyone to be humans in first place. Humans who don't always do what people expect them to, who are capable to surprise others, who have off days and also dull moments.
It's also why I don't really like answering questions like "Who is the most (insert adjective)?" ... like, sure, there are characters who have traits that shine brighter than their other traits, and I do enjoy a wee brush of stereotype here and there, too, of course, but I usually don't really think in certain categories and I really love keeping things and interactions as natural as possible. I just want to see people as a whole person and that is how I always treat my OCs, too!
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
just a lil sumeru characters x kaveh's sibling!reader ramble! i've been thinking about this for a long time and i just NEED to dump all my thoughts out ajsskjhash
trigger & content warnings for non-graphic depictions of torture, brief discussions of death, Emotional Baggage(tm).
so i always imagined that kaveh's sibling!reader from this post would be lured in by grand sage azar and forced to be involved in dottore's insane ass mechanical god experiment. see, i imagined [name] being fated for an early death. i always imagined that they knew a little too much for a normal, vision-bearing (they have a geo vision in my brain hehe) human being.
to be straightforward, i imagine that they are in possession of the book "before sun and moon." it's a miracle that celestia hasn't struck them down yet. this is why dottore would seek their involvement.
of course, i also imagine they would downright refuse to use their wisdom for something so sacrilegious. maybe this is why celestia has kept them alive--they carefully gatekeep all of their wisdom so that forbidden knowledge such as theirs does not spread around. now... if dottore can't use their wisdom, their knowledge of the divine, their knowledge of things they shouldn't know, he supposes he can use them for other things. he's a resourceful man, you know? might as well see what this mysterious fluid he's been working on does to a human.
later on, after all this has passed, after they've recovered (physically at least), nahida asks them to tutor some kid named "hat guy." they're vahumana's most brilliant graduate, the akademiya's beloved grand historian. there's no-one more fitting for the job, she would say. hat guy? that's a weird name to be registered under, but whatever. they love and appreciate nahida as an archon but also as a friend, so of course they agree!
the wanderer is less than thrilled to find out he has to face another one of dottore's lab rats. it is a mocking, glaring reminder of the shitty person he once was.
emotional development ensues. the wanderer can hardly stand to look into their trusting eyes as they contentedly ramble about enkanomiya and how thankful they are that the divine priestess kokomi herself personally allowed them to go in and look around. he's not really listening.
'i let you be abused,' he thinks. 'why are you so kind to me?'
but he slowly comes to realize that it was never about him.
any lingering rage they might feel is not directed at him, or... at who he used to be. they aren't mad at the balladeer. to be fair, they don't even know who that is... nonetheless, none of that anger is directed at his past self.
(maybe one day he'll ask nahida to show them the truth. the guilt lingers within his being like a ferocious beast, tearing and clawing at his chest as he recalls the way they screamed.)
it's all directed at the doctor.
hm. he can relate.
anyway kaveh's sibling!reader and wanderer are besties who are making a revenge plan against dottore. they get collei involved too! <3
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