#my computer sciences professor has ZERO organization skills
notalostcausejustyet · 8 months
First week of school and homework out of the way! Eeeeeeee.
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hktime9 · 5 years
“How to write better code?” asked a computer scientist-to-be
This is a question that I get once every 2 weeks (on average) mostly from my colleagues and friends who are studying the same degree for the same time as I. Why do they ask me? To be honest- I don’t know. What I also don’t know is the answer to their question. But I’d try to summarize what I think of the question. The answer to this question depends on many factors. If the questioner is a computer science major, I’d see what year they are in. Here’s my year to year advice to them:
- Freshman year: Coding at first is really intimidating. Its given that you’d spend hours in front of your screen to find that one line that does not compile. Here, you should remain patient and learn to accept that this problem demands a finite amount of time and focused concentration to overcome. Using online sources like stack overflow and GitHub are great options but never a first step if you want to become a decent coder. Go line by line and figure out what’s happening and whether it’s the right behavior. Freshman year includes a lot of programming labs, projects and assignments. Try to do all of them and start well before your deadline (seriously). Make it a habit to write a small program everyday. Could be a simple program to add two numbers or anything of that sort. Do some string operation or something. This would not only improve your algorithmic thinking, but also would polish the syntax of the language you code in. Like everything else in the world, mastery comes after practice. So hang in tight!
-Sophomore year: By now you have some experience of the life cycle of a typical program: understand the problem statement, do it on paper the way a human would do, do it on paper the way a computer would do, translate the latter to the programming language in question, debug. Now you also know some basics of computer science through some programming courses and maybe a few systems courses as well. The scope of your programming assignments should not be higher than maybe some array based tasks or implementing a few data structures like linked lists and binary trees to name a few. I’m assuming that you are completing your programming assignments religiously. If not, you really should be doing that before putting in extra work to improve your coding. I’ve seen people depending/copying on other people’s work even in individual assignments. While some might get away from plagiarism penalties and policies of your university, others face some sort of penalty (could be a grade reduction or something of that sort). While the latter might learn a lesson, the former fails to develop their skills and ultimately suffers in their professional life. So leaching on a friend is never a good option, well not in the long term. Try to do it even if you’re finding it hard. Take help from your teaching assistants and the rest of the course staff. You need to realize that these people are paid to help you. So please utilize office hours and appointments to the fullest. Doing extra always helps like attempting optional parts or the ones that give extra credits. Do some interesting problems and coding puzzles like the ones on hackerrank and leetcode. These are some excellent resources to polish up your skills as a developer and problem solver because they include some obvious metrics like completion, correctness and time. Have a study group where you can discuss your assignments and homeworks. There’s a difference between discussing and copying/leaching off. Mind that difference.
-Junior year: This is when you’re comfortable with programming in general. You know how it can be applied in a array of different tasks. You might have taken some old school courses like algorithms, databases and operating systems. PS I’m counting data structures as a programming intensive course and did not give it a special mention in the sophomore section :(. Go for some interesting courses like a networks course, AI/ ML or maybe some usability course. These courses will help you appreciate how you just cannot run away from programming. You’ll learn new approaches like socket programming and programming over a network (maybe some Remote Procedure Calls?). Go for some interesting applications. I remember developing a simple chatting application over a network during my junior year. I hosted it on the university’s network and anyone on the network could use it (if they knew the ip, obviously). I not only developed it, but also made it resistant to buffer overflows and scripting attacks(XSS) thanks to my roommate cum penetration tester. Once done with your Databases course, you can go for a full stack level by learning some server side and client side scripting. Learn some server based frameworks in javascript or anything. Look for some widely used frameworks; the ones which have a wider developer community. The community support will help you a lot, trust me. Some front end frameworks (client side) like ReactJS and VueJS are great these days. You can learn them using some MOOCS if your university doesn’t offer a course on them. Personally, Coursera is a great resource. Its super easy to use and has great customer care. Their “Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization” offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is great. Once done you are fully capable to work as a full stack developer and the only thing stopping you is an internship offer from a company and time to practice. The latter can be achieved on your own, while the prior needs some homework and external networking. Connect to some local organization and CEOs on LinkedIn. Make sure you have a well maintained and updated LinkedIn profile and turn on recruiter discoveries to get recruiter in-mails. Be on the lookout for internship offerings and openings. Apply whenever you get a chance. Working on an organization’s project will help you learn a lot. It will not only improve your coding and problem solving stills, but also make you realize how important it is to work in teams. The latter is crucial to success in the industry since a project has multiple groups composed of many individuals. Be sure to take up work that is doable within the deadline. Keep a good relation with your supervisor and always ask for specific direction to get it right the first time.
Senior year: This has to be the most confusing year in-terms of future planning since graduation is approaching and life after is somewhat uncertain. Don’t let this fear of the uncertain get to you. My advice might not be very concrete because I, myself, am a senior while writing this. But I’ll try to incorporate my learning and findings here. The first question you might want to answer is whether coding is for you. This question is not presented before because there wasn’t an escape from it earlier because you had assignments that required you to code. Now that you can take up courses that need minimal programming effort like human-computer interaction and usability/planning courses you have a way out. These include courses like requirement engineering and planning. There are other examples as well which aren’t difficult to find. The answer to the question posed would not be a yes unless you completely love programming, in which case you’re on the right track. Loving programming is different from being good at it. You might love it and be bad at it and that’s completely fine in which case you should multiply your efforts to get better at it. Again, practice is the key. Try out programming courses on Coursera or some other platform. Get a github for student account. You’ll get it for free if you have an email account provided by your university. I’d like to make a special mention to Educative.io which offers a plethora of courses for free if you have a github for students. Educative.io is user friendly and keeps good track of your progress through the course. It is run by a very dedicated team. I personally know people working there who write articles and make courses. Almost all of them have worked as teaching assistants during their time at the university and most certainly know what they are doing and there work reflects their capabilites. They have some amazing courses. Do check it out if you have a github for students account. You’d also get free access to paid tools like AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean and Heroku. If the answer to the question is no, then you need to research more on courses and fields in computer science that do not require intense programming. These 3 years will definitely equip you with the skills that you need to do “some” coding that these fields demand. There wont be much but not zero at the same time. If you are still undecided about the question, you really should invest time knowing an answer. Ask your professors for help. Tell them honestly what you feel and why you can’t make a decision considering that you’ve spent considerable time doing it. They might guide you to a definitive answer. And then continue according to the answer. Now’s also a good time to look into industry’s standards and best practices. Maybe learn a new language? Or try using mainstream tools and familiarize yourself with devOps. Some of them are Docker, Jenkins, Slack, Jira, Git and many more, each with a set of its own unique features. Their knowledge and use will help you once you land a job because most organizations use them on a daily basis. Try some cloud computing platforms like the Amazon web services, Microsoft’s Azure and Google’s Cloud Platform. These platforms offer an array of services like storage, hosting and compute. Familiarize yourself with their usage because they usually have a learning curve. Do a lot of hobby coding. Try different approaches to a problem. For example I was going through geekforgeeks and came across an interesting problem which had a greedy solution and required an LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers. The author had used a builtin function for computing it. I wondered if I could write it recursively. I decomposed the problem and found an optimal substructure which proved that a recursive solution should exist. I worked on it and wrote it and it worked. It was a mere 10 liner. Practice like the one mentioned will help you develop confidence while improving your coding skills. So practice writing code even if its not that intensive and long and hopefully you’ll see improvement.
This concludes my very first attempt that writing. I plan to write more and post here often. I’m eager to get feedback and comments. Here’s my LinkedIn profile. I really hope this helps the reader. Thank you for reading
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8bit-code · 6 years
{things that helped me as a c0mputer science major}
Hi! So I wanted to make a post sharing some of the stuff that helped me improve at computer science but some of this advice can be applied to any subject you're studying. Hopefully, these tips will help you if you're beginning your journey in CS at University/College.
*I'm still learning and I'm nowhere near perfect so there may be some things in here that you disagree with but that's okay because everyone has different learning styles. A lot of this advice stems from personal experience so I don't expect these tips to work for everyone. With that being said, feel free to reblog this post with your own tips :)*
"How do I even know if I want to do CS at University?"
Well, Comp-Sci is obviously not everyone's cup of tea but chances are if you are curious to learn more about the subject (either as a hobby or career) it's a good idea to take a couple of intro/beginner courses to see how you feel about it before you major in it. It may be discouraging to hear some of your peers changing their majors from Computer Science saying that it's either "too boring" or "too hard". Most likely they either majored in CS because of only the pay or because they thought it would be easier than it turned out to be. But have no fear! As long as you're passionate about learning this totally awesome subject and are persistent through the challenging areas, you'll do great!
*note: there is nothing wrong with changing your major if you find something that you love more and would rather dedicate more time to. Just don't feel like you have to change your major if you're not confident that you will be successful as a computer scientist due to your skill level because you will get better. I promise.*
1. [stay consistent when learning programming languages]
Imagine you want to learn a foreign language like French, Arabic, or Japanese. Do you pick up a book and read it once or twice a week and expect to be fluent in a couple of months? Of course not! You need to be consistent and set aside at least an hour every day to sit down and learn/practice your language of choice. The same applies to programming languages. You have to dedicate enough time outside of class to really develop your coding skills but make sure you leave enough time for your hobbies and to relax because you don't want to burn out. Consistency is the key. Remember, if you don't use it you lose it.
2. [ask a lot of questions in class!]
You won't believe how many times students have a question during a lecture but don't ask it, instead they tell themselves that they'll "google it when I get home." But the reality is that most of the time they'll be too tired or forget to look up their question on the web. Even if they remember, the answers they get on the web won't always fit their question. You may be doing this too often but are unaware of it. It's understandable if you have anxiety from speaking in the presence of a crowd or are too afraid that your question is too basic. Please don't feel this way! Most of the students in your class are in the same position as you, some are probably even more confused. When you ask your question in class you not only help yourself understand the concept better but you also allow the professor to explain the topic further which benefits the whole class.
*note: not all professors allow for questions in the middle of a lecture so take advantage of office hours to ask them questions you wrote in your notes.*
3. [make connections with your professors]
The reason why we're in college is to find something we love and make a career out of it, right? Well logically, one of the main steps of getting a career is to make connections with your professors! Businesses and organizations work with universities all the time; whether it's for on-campus events, internships for undergrads, or scholarships. Your professors know about these opportunities probably more than anyone else because they have to sit in meetings discussing them for hours and is why you should talk to them if you're interested in any of this stuff. Like I said before, take advantage of their office hours. Let them know you want to volunteer at events, apply for any internships, or apply for merit-based scholarships. Show them that you want to do more than just be a student and that you're ready to do more work for an impressive resume. I wouldn't have been able to get a fraction of the opportunities I did if it weren't for my professor's emailing me about them or writing letters of recommendation for me (which happened because I volunteered myself to work on projects even if it meant that sacrificing other responsibilities sometimes). In short: put yourself out there and get noticed.
4. [learn how to use online resources]
There's no avoiding staying up trying to work on a project that's completely boggling your mind. If you feel like you won't get it to work no matter what you do, don't worry because the internet is your best friend. It's no surprise the number of resources available on the internet is almost endless but what might surprise you is the number of solutions to the specific question you have. Yup, there are people out there struggling with the same problem as you and plenty of people offering different solutions. It's very important to remember that you shouldn't blindly copy/paste their solutions into your code if you don't how it works. You first need to identify what you did wrong and what their solution did right. This allows you to learn from your mistakes and prevents you from running into the same problems over and over again.
5. [learn how to use GitHub]
No explanation is needed, just please learn how to use it. You are welcome.
6. [avoid procrastinating!]
You already know this is a bad habit and if you don't do it, congratulations you can skip this part or you can continue reading. Procrastinating results in projects messily put together the hour before it's due (don't lie, you've been there) and professors notice it, don't think they don't. Procrastination is something we don't want to do but I'm not gonna sit here and say "stop procrastinating" because that won't work (it surely doesn't work for me), but I have some tips to avoid procrastinating.
a. Create fake deadlines for assignments that are actually earlier than the real due date! This tricks your brain to procrastinate according to the fake deadline but you'll still have time to fix and polish your assignment before the real due date. This works for me 100% of the time.
b. Work with your classmate(s) on assignments. We often procrastinate when we're working on projects alone because we are working at our own pace, which is usually avoiding doing it all week and cramming it the night before we turn it in. When you have a partner working on it with you it's required that you work at a steady pace in order to keep up with them and finish the assignment on time. You can either meet up with your partner after class or online. This tip works like a charm, it's motivated me to work on assignments that I've been neglecting when my classmates asked me "how did you do X in our assignment?" or "let's screenshare our code and work on it together!"
7. [explore different fields in computer science]
Computer Science is a very broad study that has many specific concentrations. Someone might have zero interest in machine learning but love cybersecurity and one who has no plans on learning how to create programs might have a passion for computer hardware. You need to explore different areas you feel like you might be interested in. Visit workshops on them or take a couple of classes at a local CC and see which you love the most.
Good luck with your endeavors in computer science! Hopefully, these tips help you and remind to never give up. You can do this! I’m sure I missed a bunch of stuff so share some stuff that helps you stay on track. I want to make posts more often so please wait for them :) also feel free to ask me anything you want to know and I'll answer it to the best of my ability <3
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The story of how I got disabled.
 For those that don’t know me that well.. (Or maybe just for myself, to keep my story clear.. or to overshare.. or to break the silence..)
I am currently 24 and have graduated from university about half a year ago; chemistry mayor.  (Oh, and I am actually Dutch.. So I may mess up my sentences every now and then..)
I have done my master’s degree at another university than where I started off during my bachelor’s, because of reasons that will soon become clear.
Even though I have successfully obtained my master’s degree in chemistry with special notes to my practical skills, I still am having quite serious issues over what I am about to tell you.
I am visually impaired, probably roughly on the edge of legal blindness, but since we don’t use the same notations in my country as basically anywhere else, I have no way of knowing if that assumption is correct. (But if the system works as I have ‘interpreted’ in, my vision is below 20:200..)
Also, I have always been sort of against calling myself ‘disabled’-> I am perfectly able of basically anything a ‘normal’ or ‘average’ person is capable of.
(Well, sure there are some exceptions, like, I would not be able to drive a car.. But cars are overrated anyway so 😊)
I can hear you asking: ‘why is this even relevant? You seem to be doing perfectly fine, having your master’s degree and all?’ – Indeed, why would it be?
So here comes a recap of the first of two Facebook posts that have become even more relevant as time passes me by..(Okay, actually it has become more of a rough translation, because I don’t like leaving stuff out..):
‘From ten to zero’ (Posted on November 10th, 2015)
The post started with a general apology for all the drama that was about to unfold, sort of admitting that I just needed to share what had been going on, for I couldn’t deal with it on my own.
Before I proceed with this recap, I want to add that during this period in my life, I have had a lot of support from friends, family and more; I don’t think I have ever felt as much love and care as I have during this period – Dear everyone, I probably wouldn’t still be here without you. (Yeah, I may have stated stuff like that before, but I can assure you that it’s heartfelt.. And I am not ashamed to admit that.)
When I wrote the post, I was in my third year of the bachelor’s. I was participating in a special minor from biopharmaceutical sciences, that was mainly focused on medical chemistry. I had chosen this minor because it included a course called ‘bio-organic synthesis’-> my life’s passion.
Before I even know about organic chemistry, stuff like that had always interested me very much and I wanted to ‘become a researcher.’ During my bacherlor’s, I found out about organic chemistry and the possibility of doing a PhD -> quite the motivator! (No, but really.. I actually put a lot of work in more courses, especially the ones I was interested n.)
Even though I have never been a ‘straight-A student,’ I definitely had potential to do a PhD. (But more about that later.. Because holy shit, let’s not derail the story into a wibbly wobbly timey wimey chaotic mess just yet.)
Okay, so back to this minor, or perhaps first some more background..
Even though I don’t like to focus on my disability, it has probably sort of always played an undeniable role in my life. Growing up ‘different’ is though. It always is. Especially when people can see something is wrong with you, even though you don’t see that yourself. (Hah! - Wait, was that the first pun? We’re what, roughly 600 words in the story? Damn, I must be really off today..)
Anyway, for all my life, I have been pushing myself to do everything as normal as possible. Normal primary school, normal secondary school, normal high-school. Sure, I walked up to the blackboard as a kid, and had special binoculars to read the board in high-school.. But that’s just the way things were – no harm in that, right? (I mean, I am not even sure who I am trying to convince here.. Is it you.. or me?)
There are a few reasons as to why I have always pursuit a ‘normal’ life.
First of all, I hate being labelled or stigmatized. My disability may make me do some things a little differently; but it does not make less (capable) than anyone else.
Secondly, which is actually linked to what I stated above; fuck stigmatization, Really, fuck that shit. I guess I have just always felt moved by the way the world works and the way society has its ways of putting down those that are different in any way. – Yes, this goes much further than just my stupid eye disability..
As a kid I wanted to become a super-hero.
During my teens, I guess, I figured that that actually was possible in a way.
By just ‘making it’- I thought - I could set an example to others; don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do or who you can or cannot be, because you can do or become anything or anyone you set your mind to.
And I was well on my way of doing so. – Oh, did I shine brightly as I aced my synthetic organic chemistry final.. My one and only 10/10, all perfect score.. on university level.
This theoretical synthetic organic chemistry course was one of the two main reasons I had chosen to do this minor.
The other one, perhaps needless to say, was a practical bio-organic chemistry course given by a man called R.. During my first year at uni, we had had an argument and I felt like he sort of hated my guts.. So, I wasn’t too happy to see he would give the course. But at the same time, he didn’t seem that bad at the time I was applying for the minor. He had seen the way I worked hard for my organic chemistry courses (he assisted in the previous organic chemistry course, on which I scored 9/10..)
Before even applying to the minor, (say it was in June..) I had also spoken to him about the fact I wanted to do the course, especially because I also wanted to do my bachelor thesis in organic chemistry, (then my master.. etc..)
The only reason I sort of ‘asked for permission’ is because I have always done so. I have always been open about the fact I am visually impaired, just to make sure people know in advance. – I mean, maybe if things are out in the open, people won’t feel the need to stigmatize me so much?
R. had seen me do practical work in the first year, and he didn’t see any reason of why I couldn’t join the course. However, he did advise me to also do a computational course (rather than another practical one), just to let me try that as well.
As a bit of yet another extra layer of background, before I even joined the study itself, I have spoken with several people about all of this -> my disability and the possibilities. One conversation I can remember was with a woman called A. (some sort of study advisor.) She was very, very positive and told me she was fully confident I would do great. But, if there would be any trouble, I just have to tell her, and she would help me find a way to work around it. – I never felt the need to. You see, I have done several practical courses, all of which I passed. Sometimes barely, but that had more to do with my writing skills.. (Really, my outstanding practical skills have actually saved my grades, more than once.)
So, back to the story..
Somewhere around the end of September, I went to speak to R.. In our conversation a few months earlier (the one where I sort of asked him permission to join ‘his’ course in December) he had also said he thought it would be best if I worked together with someone during the practical course. Because I was determined to pursue a carrier in organic synthesis, I wanted to tell him that I’d rather do the course alone – to truly test my own capability. (I was pretty sure I could pull it off, otherwise I would of course not have asked, but say, as a final confirmation.)
It didn’t come to that. He started the conversation with saying ‘that there had been a problem…’ He told me that there was a chance I was no longer allowed to work on the ab, because of ‘insurance reasons’ – if I were to cause an accident, the insurance wouldn’t pay because of my disability. (The fact my disability makes me extra aware of safety and work extra securely wasn’t even considered..)
After our conversation, R. told me he was going to figure out the depths of it. He told me he was going to discuss this with all people involved, because everyone knew me as a motivated and capable student.
I thanked him nevertheless, not wanting to ‘shoot the messenger’..
Roughly a month passed, a month of silence. I could feel myself slipping down again.. Yet, I was able to hold on the hope that this had all be some sort of misunderstanding. (Also, just a month before this, I had gotten my first tattoo, which made me feel pretty powerful. Oh, silly me.. I still sometimes feel like I have jinxed it all by raising my chin like that.. >.> - Ah well, let’s no go there again, for once, let’s just not.. </3)
Fun fact, the synthetic organic chemistry course was also in this month. I t was a rough month, but I fucking aced it. And that was what I needed; extra proof of my determination. So I e-mailed R., who told me to talk to the SOC professor (the dean of the research group at which the practical course was going to be held – nice guy btw; he was still on my side and may even have remained on my side till the end..)
After being sent back and forth in e-mails between R. and that professor a few times, I talked a bit in real life with the SOC professor and he told me that it would be best if I went to see R. next Monday.
On November 9, 2015 (which was my 21th birthday) I went to have a nice and cozy talk with my bestest friend R.. (He truly is the most tactful and sympathetic man on this planet! God, I love him like I would love having my nails ripped off, well, actually I would have preferred that over this bullshit..)
He started off with saying he didn’t really have time, so he’d keep it short.
With a grin, he told me that: ‘He actually isn’t supposed to tell me what he would be so glad to tell me..’ (because he had yet to discuss it with P., the dean of the study.) I can’t remember what I asked in that brief moment of hope..
‘But it’s not looking good for you!’ – Without any space for me to think or truly speak, the conversation shifted towards the fact that I had to go and talk to A. (the study adviser) and P. (the study dean) to see what my options were to even finish my bachelor’s.. Because sure as hell was I never going to be able to do my bachelor’s thesis at ‘his’ group, not even to speak of my master’s..
The whole ordeal didn’t take much more than 5 minutes. I remember running off to the restroom as fast as I could. Never before had my make-up been smudged all the way down to my chin. (If that doesn’t paint a clear picture, I don’t know what will.)
I was really fucking heartbroken. All I had worked for got crushed like it was nothing. Did it all mean so little?
I remember being really confused a well. How did this happen? And why did this happen now? Why didn’t anyone tell me about this before?
And most importantly.. Who caused this?
‘I tried so hard and got so far.. Just to be shoved away again.
I know I have to move on, to take a different direction perhaps. To figure out a way to finish my studies nevertheless – when one door closes..
Sigh, I know I shouldn’t let this get in my way.. but right now, I just can’t..
How is one supposed to act once one’s dream gets shattered?’
Next will be the ‘recap’ of the second post, almost a year after the first. I regret not writing more in between these two posts.. But that was just because all my efforts were wasted. Just believe me when I say that I have talked with a lot of people and done basically anything in my power to figure out how things got to be the way they were. During the time in between these two posts I managed to finish my bachelor’s degree at ‘another’ university. (My luck, the educational track was shared by two universities, so I ‘simply’ hopped to the other university.. Which actually wasn’t simple, but that story is not relevant at this point.)
‘Never cross the heart’ (Posted somewhere in October 2016)
The truth; prepare for drama.
The Thursday before I wrote this post, I had been to my bachelor’s graduation ceremony. I didn’t want to go there at all, but since it was not just my ceremony but also that of my husband, we decided to go after all. (We had been asked to hand in a personal PowerPoint slide and actually decided to hand in one together, since we had gotten married that year – they didn’t bother to even mention it..)
Anyway, during that time, I had started my master’s degree at a university in Amsterdam (2-hour travel from my home..) and felt really depressed. Getting out of bed felt like a life sentence – and that was just the start of the day. Everything felt pretty fucking pointless, I mean, why even try? The whole situation at my old uni was troubling me a lot. It didn’t matter that I had provided myself with a new start; I was broken, so fucking broken. What’s the point of trying to fight a system build on ignorance and stigmatization? – I felt like I could trust no one, that even though I was given a fair chance, it would probably be taken from me again.
Even though I knew deep down that the system was just fucked, I was filled with self-loathing. ‘I mean, they were right, right? I am legally blind, who am I fooling? I shouldn’t be trying stuff like this, I am never going to be good enough. What if they were actually just trying to protect me?’ – The lies we tell ourselves..
Anyway, back to the ceremony..
We had intended to go there and just fake through it all. Just shine on and make them regret sending me away. However, hehe, I am not a fake. (Oh and trust me, I tried. I even decided not to wear my necklace, just as a way of accepting the fake fuck I planned to be.. – Oh sweet irony.)
All the stuff that had been building up in the past year.. All these unanswered questions, all the powerlessness..
The exact moment when I had to collect my degree and smile for my dad to take a picture, I couldn’t hold my tears no more..
Not wanting to make a scene, I hid my face and just sat down in order to let the further ceremony proceed as planned.
At this point, I think it’s time for some more background. During this past year, I had spoken to a lot of different people about the whole situation. I even went as far as going the university’s ombudsman.. ..who was going to help me.. ..empty words.. (I don’t think the story is relevant at this point; let’s just say he probably didn’t want this all to get out in the open because that would make a bad name for the university.. Or at least, that’s the impression I got from the way he acted,, It’s much more complicated. Ugh..)
I also went to see P., the dean of the bachelor’s study a few times. He did ‘help me’ with arranging things to get to finish my bachelor’s at the other university, but that was all he did �� and probably just because I was actually a good student so me graduating without a delay would be good for his statistics. – More about him later.
 I had also spoken to A. a lot about this whole ordeal. I actually trusted her, so I had also talked to her about some personal issues that had also been going on around that time. She seemed to really want to help me, yet she couldn’t help me figure out who had caused all this or the reason why.. I remember asking her if it would be possible for R. (from before) to have anything to do with this, for he was the one that told me there was ‘a problem’ in the first place.. But she almost violently denied that. She was absolutely sure, because, she told me, R. is usually the one to help students who are struggling to pass classes or get stuff arranged. – I believed her, sort of feeling guilty to let my own prejudice, my personal issues towards the man lead me to such foundationless conclusions.
I had also spoken to the dean of the master’s study, L. This is not really relevant to this story, but I do not want to leave it out because this specific conversation actually still haunts me to this day.
I went to see her to talk about the possibilities of doing my master’s at that university (the one I also did my bachelor’s.) L. knew me, she had actually given one of the courses I had taken (and passed nicely.)
In the conversation, she made up all sorts of comparisons as to why she would deny me from doing the master’s. Before all of this, I was the first visually impaired student they had ever seen at this study. But at this point, I suddenly wasn’t. For example, she had had another visually impaired student that had to stick her head in the fume hood to measure things. (I am still not sure this is even true, because someone with that little common sense would probably not even able to finish high-school..) Either way, the way she told me this was more as an attack than just information. She also told me that there was another student in her masters, and all her experiments failed. (Assuming it was due to her disability.. Experiments sometimes just fail, you know?)
To finish off what was left of my self-esteem, one of the last things she said to me was: ‘You are just trying to deny you are disabled.’ – I can’t even.
I think this is one of the most hurtful things someone has ever said to me. Especially during a period in my life where I was finally sort of accepting who I was and be open about everything..
..Enough about that.
To summarize it all, one thing became clear over time: nobody had my back. The general attitude towards me had shifted from ‘that one talented and motivated student’ to ‘the stupid disabled kid that is going to get us in trouble..’ Basically, all they were doing was trying to save themselves and each other. Again, I regret not have written down more about all the conversations I have had, because that would make this all more believable.
Because yes, I sometimes, most of the time, feel like a fraud. That is must be all in my head, that I must not be so negative, that not everyone is out to get me, etc.. – Yes, not everyone is out to get me, there are a lot of loving caring people out there, but not those pieces of shit that were involved in this. (There were some people at my old university that would probably have loved to help me.. But no-one likes to risk it all for just some student, and I can understand that..)
Anyway, back to the story..
After the ceremony, there were free drinks. (Ah, drinking! Another habit I had picked up that year..)
As we (my husband, parents and me) were standing there with our drinks, A. (the study adviser from before) walked up to me; ‘Ahhhhh, congratulations! How are youuuu? How is Ansterdaaaam?’ (I had specifically told her it was a secret that I was going to do my masters in Amsterdam, because I didn’t want anyone to ruin that for me.. But what to expect? Spineless cunt..)
With a clear face and calm tone, I told her that it was hard for me to focus on my studies, considering all the stuff that ha happened to me. She said something like: ‘Oh, that’s a shame.’ And walked off.
I felt pretty proud of myself for shaking her off like that, not making a scene, etc. I even remember ‘bragging’ about that to my husband and parents, and probably getting a ‘pad on the back’ for that. – and trust me, I felt it. I really did not want to make a scene. I truly wanted to leave it all behind me and move on..
Until M., (the new study’s dean who was completely oblivious to this whole situation..) walked u to me to have a little chat. This poor woman probably just wanted to meet me or do some chit-chat.. She got the full blow.
I told her all about what had happened the past year, how I felt depressed, and how just knew I needed to know the whole truth in order to move on with my life.. Obviously, P. (the other dean) noticed something was going on and joined the conversation. I could clearly notice I was not the only one no longer being able to control my emotions. P. got really irritated, telling me they had tried everything but couldn’t help me with unraveling the truth.
After some more of the ‘I need closure’- ‘We can’t give you these answers you are looking for’ drama, M. proposed to have a closer look at the whole situation. Based on something A. had told me before, she suggested to contact J. (some professor with a high function in the whole education thing, A. had suggested in the past that he may have had something to do with it..)
But since my part in this had started with the conversations with R., I proposed it would perhaps be best to ask him once more. Not to shoot the message, but just to start at the beginning of the source.
M. proposed to e-mail R. next week – I didn’t want to wait that long, so we decided to check if he was in the building and just meet face to face.
Long story short, he was in the building and we went to pay him a visit.
I told him about what had happened today, and how we basically wanted to ask him once more what he knew, since he was the one that told me there was a problem in the first place. I asked him if he had any who had started all of this.
With a straight face, he directly admitted that he was the one that had started this. His reason behind this was that he simply didn’t want to take responsibility for me during the bio-organic synthesis practical course or anything related to that, ‘because he wouldn’t be able to guarantee my safety.’ (He did get defensive though, stating J. was the one to eventually ‘seal the decision’ - which was of course completely irrelevant, like, anyone could ‘agree’ with any statement produced by someone with influence..)
Of course, I asked him why he had decided all of this at this point, and not before or during the time I was signing up for the course. He simply replied with: ‘I didn’t know your vision is only 0.15’ (actually, it’s even less but okay..) I replied with something like: ‘What does such a number even say? It might as well had been 0.25, 0.35 or 0.55..’ – He shut me off, stating my argument was going nowhere.
Then, I told him it simple didn’t make any sense. He had known (about) me since day one, and actually co-supervised one of my very first practical courses. He knew exactly how good or bad my vision was and what he could expect from me, working on the lab. (Really, nothing out of the ordinary there..)
Mockingly, and with a somewhat arrogant voice he said: ‘Oh, yes, I know you all too well.’ Then, he started stating some bullshit about how he had seen me work, and how my ways were just unacceptable for an organic chemist. (Like for example standing too close to a rotary evaporator.)
I told him that we are students for a reason, that we are there to learn. I was even able to come up with something that happened between us during that first practical course. How I made some (non-sight related) rooky mistake, and how he had told me that I had to do it differently – and so I did. (He didn’t actually tell me, he been growling at me since day one.. Not just at me btw..)
Again, he cut me off, stating that he could name a dozen things more, but to which he wouldn’t go into further argument over.
He also started another bullshit story about how I have always had been given a special treatment, such as working together with a partner.
I told him this wasn’t true, because everyone was teamed up with a partner during these first few practical courses. – He shut me off, stating ‘he knew for sure how HIS practical courses were.’
Eventually, my dad tried to intervene, to which R. got irritated, stating how he was through with being cussed at – he told us to leave. (Who exactly cussed at who?)
As we left the room, with a lot of irritation in my tone, I gave him the kind advice not to crush people’s dreams in less than 5 minutes (on their birthday) next time. And to maybe look after your students some more after dropping such bad news on them.
Obviously, this too got ignored. As well as all other signs of emotion, both verbally and non-verbally during all the conversations we had had.
A few moments later, as we walked down the hallway, I had a mental breakdown. I have said some things in front of my husband and parents I am not so proud of.. (I hate it when the people I care about see me in such a state..) Eventually, my vision went blurry (yeah, even blurrier than usual 😊) and I fell through my knees.
10 minutes or so passed, then guess what?
I can remember hearing me dad say: ‘oh, there he is..’
I can’t remember who spoke first, one of my parents or R. himself.
I remember his psychopathic emotionless voice say: ‘good evening’ – something snapped.
I remember screaming: ’My blood will be on your hands, motherfucker!’ – Words I am not proud of, but were, at that very moment, genuine and heartfelt.
He didn’t respond. Then, I added: ‘I hope someone will someday take from you what you have stolen from me!’ – words that are more than genuine and heartfelt even to this day.
He simply walked off – he didn’t even flinch.
Some more desperate cries I luckily can’t remember later, I remember grabbing some newspapers that were laying around and completely ripping them apart. (Honestly, I think the fact I was not alone at that moment have saved me a lot of nasty, nasty stuff..) – I am pretty fucking proud of how I handled that shit at that moment. Could have easily ripped either him or (more likely) myself to shreds.
To conclude:
I have had issues with this man from day one. But we are all only human, and I didn’t want to let my own experiences lead me astray. Deep down, I think I  knew from the start that he was the cause of this all along. But it didn’t even make sense. Why would he do this?
Even to this day, it makes no sense. How can someone be that sick?
Later, I found out that R. had pulled similar (but slightly different) stuff to other people as well; probably just for the thrills. – This guy is a true psychopath.
Now comes the hardest part.
Today is the Ides of March, 2019.
It’s 00:24 AM., and I just don’t know what to say.
I thought that by rewriting this, I could maybe come closer to understanding the actual damage this has done to me.
The problem is, it has been, what, 3 years? – So much has happened – it still makes no sense.
I guess all I can say is:
I am disabled.
I am disabled by means of not being able to do stuff other people are able to.
I am unable to accept myself the way I was born. (I didn’t ask for this body?)
I am unable to be myself and do things in my own way – I am in constant fear of being judged. Being rejected. Being send away. Again, and again, and again.
(Honestly. I can’t even pour some water into a beaker in front of people without freezing up..)
I have become the stigma and am unable to conquer that.
Who really is to blame, is it me or you?
The system perhaps?
Well guess what; we are all to blame.
I have let it happen. – And I will never be able forgive myself for that.
I had one fucking goal in life. – And ‘you’ took it from me.
But really, it wouldn’t be fair to blame you.
I was broken from the start, held together by stupid sharpie doodles and a little bit of ink..
This could be about so much more..
But let’s not go there. Not today.
You know what?
Fuck you. I’m done.
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notionport · 5 years
#booknotes... The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Scott Galloway
So who is Scott Galloway and why should you care what he says? To begin with, he teaches marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business and is rated one of the top business professors in the world. He’s served on the boards of directors of Urban Outfitters, Eddie Bauer, The New York Times Company and UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business.
He has a badass blog (“No Mercy / No Malice”) and a highly entertaining podcast (“Pivot” with Recode’s Kara Swisher”). But perhaps my favourite thing about Galloway is his correct prediction on September 5, 2019 that the WeWork IPO would not happen (“The retail markets are puking on this.”) -- a full 25 days before the company officially announced that they were pulling their IPO (Sept. 30). Bam.
Okay, so about this book, The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. It may be the most entertaining business book I’ve ever read.
Some people will love this book for the legitimate business expertise. Some, for the industry data and statistics. Others, for the career advice. Almost all will appreciate the zingers -- the recurring nuggets of profound insight crammed into 1-2 sentences throughout the book, such as Galloway’s thoughts…
On how innovation happens
For years, we believed the digital age would enable us to “work anywhere” -- a utopia of people living in quiet mountain cabins, tapping away at their laptops through the magic of the information superhighway. In fact, the opposite has happened. Wealth, information, power, and opportunities have concentrated, as innovation is a function of ideas having sex.
On Facebook’s treatment of brands that invested in growing their communities on the website, but now have to pay to access their own fans
Similar to someone dating a person much hotter than them, brands complained and took the abuse.
On Facebook’s valuation
If you believe that Facebook, at $508 billion, is overvalued, then imagine if the internet privatized and charged per hour. This Internet, Inc., the company running our digital backbone, then held a public stock offering. What would 20 percent of Internet, Inc. -- the typical amount sold in an IPO -- be worth? I think $508 billion is low.
On Amazon
Being in an investor in Amazon is like growing up in Mitt Romney’s house: you’re just not going to get access to heroin (profits).
(Related from Vox: Amazon’s tiny profits, explained)
On Google Glass
And Google’s one venture into wearable computing, Google Glass, was a prophylactic, guaranteeing that the wearer would never have the chance to conceive a child, as nobody would get near them.
On personal wealth creation
Nobody becomes super-wealthy through paychecks -- it takes equity in growing assets to create real wealth … The path to rich(es) is a path of living below your means and investing in income-producing assets. Rich is more a function of discipline than how much you make.
(Related: Read Naval Ravikant on wealth creation)
On liberal arts graduates
As the world rushes to STEM, the future belongs to the creative class, who can envision form, function, and people as something more -- beautiful and inspiring -- with technology as the enabler.
I always love hearing how my arts degree is now valuable again.
On Sam Walton vs Jeff Bezos
The wealthiest man in the twentieth century mastered the art of minimum-wage employees selling you stuff. The wealthiest man of the twenty-first century is mastering the science of zero-wage robots selling you stuff.
On determining if you’re an entrepreneur
Are you comfortable with public failure? Do you like to sell? Do you lack the skills to work at a big firm?
On how great ideas or businesses don’t start out looking that way
At the outset, no company makes sense, or it would already exist.
On when you might have a viable new business idea
A worthwhile exercise is to map out the value chain of your product or service from the origin of the materials through its manufacture, retail, usage, and disposal … and identify where technology can add value, or remove pain, from the process/experience. You’ll find that this value can affect every step -- and if you happen to spot a step where it hasn’t, start a new company there.
On why, as Gary Vaynerchuk says, “Ideas are shit. Execution is the game”
… the so-called first-mover advantage is usually not an advantage. Industry pioneers often end up with arrows in their backs -- while the horsemen, arriving later (Facebook after Myspace, Apple after the first PC builders, Google after the early search engines, Amazon after the first online retailers), get to feed off the carcasses of their predecessors by learning from their mistakes, buying their assets, and taking their customers.
On career growth
Galloway argues that no young person today should be ignorant of the Four and how they’ve reshaped the economy. He also provides observations on what a successful career strategy looks like in this “brave new world.” I particularly love this insight:
Thanks to LinkedIn, everyone is on the global job market all the time. If you are exceptional, there are thousands of firms looking for, and funding, you. If you are good, you are now competing with tens of millions of other “good” candidates all over the planet -- and your wages may stagnate or decline.
In sum, it’s never been a better time to be exceptional, or a worse time to be average.
On people in business
We forget most of the world’s major organizations are run by humans, middle-aged humans, who have enormous egos that ensure they, on a regular basis, make an emotional/irrational decision.
Never forget this.
#booknotes is a weekly series spotlighting somewhat random, but mostly valuable business and life insights from the most recent books that I’ve read. These are not book reports or summaries; they’re just the things I highlighted, underlined, starred and revisited.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from SC Magazine Author: Victor M. Thomas
Imagine sitting at the end of a fishing pier staring at the ocean on a fine summer afternoon with hardly a breeze in the air. The sea is flat and quiet while you hear the lapping of waves on the beach. You know that beneath that calm surface might well be sharks, jellyfish, eels, manta rays, the Atacama Snailfish, or any number of predators. The sea might look quiet but it is anything but.
The same could be said for an IT security staffer as he or she looks out over a calm and quiet office while all the time knowing hidden just outside its network are cybercriminals, hackers, and script kiddies who are trying to force their destructive ways on a company’s critical business systems.
For IT security teams, that constant battle is made even more difficult because no one knows for sure what type of attacks will be next, meaning security workers have to be ready for anything at any time. Like the Atacama Snailfish, apparently an ancient predator that was only recently discovered nearly 27,000 feet deep on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, cyber predators have a knack for keeping themselves well hidden, only coming into the light if they are identified accidentally.
CISOs and security teams use many types of cyberdefenses, ranging from antivirus and antimalware to threat prevention software; identity and access management software to security appliances such as firewalls, universal threat management systems, and gateways; to a plethora of other hardware and software tools. But with new attack vectors being unveiled by the bad guys all the time, IT security leaders must always be thinking and looking ahead for the next potential security vulnerabilities and attack targets so they can prevent or minimize successful attacks against their businesses.
The questions the cybersecurity leads ask themselves tend to fall within a common set of priorities: Where should IT teams start today? How can IT security leaders prepare themselves and their systems for new kinds of attacks, some of which they’ve probably not imagined before? How can they fight back effectively and protect their company’s key IT assets? How can they stay a step ahead of the bad guys, no matter what shows up at their firewalls and digital doorsteps? In many ways, these are the same questions CISOs ask themselves about zero-day attacks. The difference is, here there are many more variables to consider.
Attacks today are often masked as valid data transmissions or come in as simple emails or messages, fileless attacks that take the form of queries that ask a user to take an action, which if initiated will unknowingly create a breach. This makes some of the latest attacks even more treacherous because they can unleash something that a company’s standard security software and hardware defensive measures fail to identify as malicious.
Creative defenses
The threat landscape has been changing especially quickly in the past few months, says Alessio De Luca, a security consultant and digital transformation manager for Florence Consulting Group in Florence, Italy.
“The most important trend that IT security pros need to recognize is the evolution of malware against signature-based, traditional antivirus systems,” says De Luca. “From fileless malware to zero-day attacks, the traditional analysis of fighting threats already known by antivirus systems is not enough anymore. Unknown threats are the real issue nowadays.”
The clear pattern being seen in IT security today is that static defenses are no longer a reasonable way to protect companies, he adds. Worse, due to the evolving methods used by attackers, the most dangerous new threats will come from apparently valid system processes that take advantage of the trust or familiarity of users.
Alessio De Luca, security consultant and digital transformation manager, Florence Consulting Group
“Every endpoint should be protected,” says De Luca. “Threats are increasingly moving from the core to the edge of the network.” And to make those endpoints most effective, they should include strong artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) features that use algorithms that change and counter in real time when threat landscapes change, he says. “It’s the best option we can choose at the moment to protect companies’ infrastructures.”
AI and ML are powerful and essential up and coming tools in the fight for more secure IT systems because instead of just comparing network activities to a static list of known threats, ML and AI examine user and application behaviors in real time, recognizing suspicious activities even when threats are unknown or processes are masked as valid, says  De Luca.
Using AI and ML tools, IT security teams will gain many innovations in the fight against cybercrime. “The growing number of attacks won’t be manageable without the computing power of AI and ML,” he says.
Another nascent trend is the inclusion of more security features at the hardware level, rather than just through software barriers, De Luca says. A breached hardware component will block itself to protect the rest of the network, making it an important tool in a company’s security perimeter.
“There’s no such thing as 100 percent security, which is a truth that IT pros often fail to recognize,” says De Luca. “All that we can do is compartmentalize the company systems into smaller sections and apply the latest innovations to improve the overall security.”
Human-centric security
Not everything in IT security involves hardware and software, notes Steven Durbin, the managing director of the London-based Information Security Forum (ISF), an independent, non-profit global authority on cybersecurity and risk management.
Anticipating tomorrow’s IT security attacks also means understanding human behavior in the workplace, says Durbin. “We know that IT security guys are always trying to just keep the wheels on to keep things going. I think they’re relatively okay with being able to deal with it provided they can anticipate it. The piece they’re not so good at involves the people-centric area, the humancentric security needs. It’s really about trying to understand how people act, respond, and behave.”
In that case, what is needed is a new approach for IT — understanding more about the psychology of their users, says Durbin. That means educating users so they do not continue to click on phishing emails from people they do not know and other common security gaffs, despite constant lectures about avoiding such behaviors.
“That is the root, the really challenging piece, because those skill sets are not natural for an IT security guy or for the CISO,” says Durbin. “Some of the smarter organizations I’m aware of are doing things like hiring psychologists to help them understand how users react and to get a better handle on what might be implemented from a security standpoint in order to get a better level of acceptance from the user community,” he notes.
Steven Durbin, managing director, Information Security Forum
Emphasizing the point, Durbin adds: “Yes, I mean having such staff in the security department — a trained psychologist,” he says. The ISF is conducting research on this topic along with several universities because it is an issue that more and more companies will likely begin to address, he adds.
That’s right. Durbin thinks more businesses need to hire psychoanalysts to help change the poor IT habits of their users.
“Before you roll out any new piece of a security program, you need to be positioning it with the people who are going to be receiving it and understand how to position it so you get their emotional buy-in,” he says.
The idea, he says, is that users react best to security lessons if the lessons really hit them hard emotionally, like when the lessons relate to protecting their children from online threats. If IT departments provide training in that context, the lessons will hit with much more impact for users and they will remember the lessons and even share them with others at work, he says.
“The whole thing that we’re missing is that people in business are also people in their homes,” says Durbin. “So, if you teach me, or if you give me guidance on how to keep my kids safe online, I will remember that.”
Those connections will help corporate workers bridge that gap between what happens in their workplace and at home and will help achieve a much higher degree of security effectiveness than those that focus solely on the business environment, according to Durbin.
Don’t forget IoT insecurities
As CISOs, CTOs and other IT security leaders plan their strategies, they also must give more attention to another emerging security issue that is affecting every company — the increasing use of internet of things (IoT) devices across the corporate landscape.
“The IoT issue is where the next IT security wave is at,” says Terrill L. Frantz, an associate professor of eBusiness and cybersecurity at the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in Harrisburg, Penn. “We’re crossing that horizon now. If you think securing a smartphone or a laptop is hard, multiply that by several hundred million or a billion devices that are unique.”
The problem is that all those mostly uncontrolled devices, which do not get regular security updates like computers and smartphones typically receive, are potential security threats to organizations because they can be used as attack vectors.
Braden Perry, attorney, Kennyhertz Perry LLC
“There’s not going to be a Microsoft to push out new firmware for these devices,” says Frantz. “In the IoT space, you’ve got anybody writing anything. You have all these devices that are bare-backed on the internet. Think of it as a distributed world of little firecrackers. Each one on its own isn’t a big deal but then you put them all together collectively and a bad guy can make use of that.”
The problem is that business IT leaders are not really paying much attention to this conundrum, says Frantz. “That’s something that will we will see more of down the road. That’s something we are not prepared for — not even close.”
And finding the right answers to solve the challenge is still an unknown, he adds.
“Unfortunately, problem solving usually occurs after a problem occurs,” says Frantz. “We don’t know what these incidents will look like or how to prevent them” since companies have not moved to fully utilize IoT devices and strategies, he says.
“They have to decide what they want to do and then plan how they will use IoT and how to protect against attacks,” he adds. “They don’t have a choice but to do something about it. It’s going to be brought to them whether they like or not in terms of threat prevention and identification. The technical people are becoming aware of it, but it hasn’t filtered up yet.”
Legal issues for tomorrow’s attacks
When it comes to trying to anticipate the security threats of tomorrow, don’t forget to consider the related legal scenarios, says Braden Perry, a cybersecurity attorney with KennyhertzPerry LLC in Kansas City, Mo.
“Cybersecurity, it’s easy in theory to do it,” says Perry. “But if you’re not doing it in practice, it’s absolutely no help to you when it comes to these types of issues.”
Having strong security policies in place and engagement from senior management has been an ongoing mantra in IT for several years, but that also needs to include a company’s board of directors who really need to focus on these types of issues, says Perry. At the same time, executives need to take a new look at their IT departments and become more connected to them in terms of communications, leadership and strategy, he adds.
“In the past IT was one of those basement departments that you didn’t really want to see until something happened,” he says. “That’s no longer the case, especially with breach management, privacy issues and those types of topics which now need to be top of mind for companies. And to do so you need to have that senior management involvement to make sure the entire organization knows that this is the priority.”
Terrill Frantz, associate professor of eBusiness and cybersecurity, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
A critical step that CISOs and their companies can take is to be more proactive by trying to determine what the next types and vectors of attacks will be, as well as the security trends, so they can figure out how to battle them, says Perry. That means spending money.
“One way is by having good personnel and being able to put out the capital to have that personnel,” he says. “When it comes to the legal department and to IT, those are not ordinary profit centers for a company. You need to make sure that companies are aware that putting resources into those non-profit resource centers will save the company money down the road. If you are lax in those areas, it can really hurt a company from a financial, as well as a reputational, level.”
Perry acknowledges that he still talks regularly with executives at companies where IT security is not taken as seriously as it should be because the company has not yet suffered an attack or that they have endured an attack and just don’t know it yet. Another possibility is that these executives do not have the resources to realize that they already are under attack but they just do not know it yet.
“It seems like it’s common sense, but until they experience an intrusion, a breach or some sort of an issue, many companies don’t really think about cybersecurity in the way that they need to be thinking about it, even today,” says Perry.
“What I’m trying to do is making sure that they are thinking about this in a proactive way where they don’t become the next Home Depot or [one of the] other companies that have [had] mass breaches of information. It really does take proactive activity to get this done,” he adds.
A beacon of hope
When looking for up-and-coming, next-generation IT security analysis tools, IT leaders also should be taking a close look at beacon detection capabilities, which carefully scan network traffic identifying and calling out anomalies, says Joe Sullivan, the principal security strategist for Crossroads Information Security and the CISO for RCB Bank headquartered in Claremore, Okla.
To get ahead of new kinds of IT system attacks, beacon detection is a promising tool, he says. Beacons tell IT teams when an unusual heartbeat is seen within the network traffic, notifying them that something could be amiss and needs their attention, he says.
“It will get pointed out and will rise to the top,” says Sullivan. IT workers can then see they have an infected machine that in the past could have gone undetected.
But while new tools can be helpful, bolstered skill sets and work experience for today’s CISOs, CTOs and other top IT security executives should also be considered.
“For CISOs and CIOs — CISOs especially — the roles are changing, so companies are realizing that if they’re going to hold that position accountable for technical controls that are in place that those leaders need to have better technical skills,” says Sullivan.
In the past, CISOs, CTOs and others were heavy on team and departmental leadership skills and maybe were less experienced and skilled when it came down to technical expertise, he says.
“You’re starting to see companies shift towards having a CISO who is more technically oriented, who has threat hunting experience, forensic experience, incident response experience and more, as opposed to just straight business and finance experience,” says Sullivan. “Absolutely, yes, it’s where we’re going right now and people are slowly starting to realize this. It’s kind of under the radar.”
The post Tomorrow’s attacks today: How to defend against next-generation cyberattacks appeared first on SC Media.
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Go to Source Author: Victor M. Thomas Tomorrow’s attacks today: How to defend against next-generation cyberattacks Original Post from SC Magazine Author: Victor M. Thomas Imagine sitting at the end of a fishing pier staring at the…
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sublimedeal · 7 years
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and can follow a few simple instructions…
I Am Also Going To Share With You 5 Master Secrets For Anyone Who Wants To Get Wealthy – Even If You Have Never Traded Before
I have taken trading to a degree no one has ever done before and simplified it to the point where even a complete beginner could be making more than $100,000.00 per year. That’s more than the average salary in America as of 2016. I can confidently say that because I have taught over 5,000 people to trade.
Those numbers are for someone with a PhD, but I never went to college: I had no financial training and had no friends in the industry. To be honest, I didn’t know how to work a computer.
In fact, I started life off printing T-shirts and working 14 hours a day. I could barely pay my mortgage or my car payment. I was broke for most of my life until I discovered the powerful secret that I am about to share with you.
Announcing a trading system so powerful I challenge anyone from any country or organization to beat my results. Below is just one of my verified financial statements you will see on this page. I want you to be comfortable that what I am telling you is true. I made a 4,409% gain in 25 days Keep reading to learn how.
STATEMENT 1 – Average Trade win: $945.35 – Average time in a trade: 2h 18m 34m
– % winners: 82.19%
I have my own reasons for being so passionate about helping people become financially independent. One of those is that I believe we are in for troubled times.
It might sound like make believe, but when I predicted the last global market crash, people started paying attention.
This is the fastest way to make serious big money in the shortest possible time I have ever heard of. Here’s The Problem The next crash is coming sooner than anyone expects… and it’s inevitable. What I’m about to tell you is terrifying… However, in order for you to protect yourself from what will most certainly result in the catastrophic destruction of hopes and dreams for millions of unprepared people, you need to understand the sheer scope of this problem.
In a moment, I’m going to tell you not only how to survive the coming Armageddon, but how to enjoy a prosperous, comfortable lifestyle during and afterwards.
Even if I am wrong, there is no downside. You could make money regardless.
Here’s what you need to know . . .
The coming crisis is so big, financial watchdogs and top economists say there is “virtually no way to estimate its future full and devastating impact around the globe.”
Investor Warren Buffet called it, “…weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.”
Former US national defense and intelligence advisor Jim Rickards says, “banks will close, as will exchanges. Money-market funds will be inaccessible. Forget trying to get your hands on your money.”
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, “…This is brand new. They are over their heads and out of their league. They don’t know what they are doing. They are making panic decisions trying to keep the Ponzi alive.”
I’m talking about the $555 trillion derivatives bubble that will inevitably collapse big banks and economies past a point of no return.
It’s not a matter of ‘if’ it happens, but ‘when.’
In a minute, I’m going to tell you how to survive the fallout from this ticking time bomb, but first… What is a derivative anyway?
At their core, derivatives represent nothing more than a legalized form of gambling. A derivative is simply a ‘bet’ that something either will or will not happen in the future.
It could be whether a company will go bankrupt. Or, whether an interest rate will move up or down.
Their value is based on the expected future price movements of their underlying asset. In other words, by themselves they have zero value.
“Unlike 1929 This Time Everything – Stocks, Bonds And Housing – Is Overvalued” Robert Shiller
Robert Shiller is a Professor of Economics and finance at Yale University. He successfully predicted the collapse of the tech bubble and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2013. I don’t want to turn this into an economics lesson, but there are plenty of smart people and smart money that think we are on the verges of a major catastrophe. Why should you care?
The total exposure to derivatives by the six biggest banks in the US is a staggering $247 trillion. That’s nearly half of the total derivatives exposure worldwide. When this bubble bursts… and it will… the banks will close.
There’s no way the Fed or Treasury could ever bail them out. The size of the I.O.U. is simply too big to cover. There isn’t enough money in the entire economy to save them.
Banks will take YOUR money in an effort to cover the debt!
All the financial security you think you have now… will be lost. Businesses will shut down. Millions will lose their jobs.
All it takes is one unexpected major event to collapse this casino.
If you don’t do something now, everything you hold near and dear…all the financial security you think you have now…will be lost.
What can you do to safeguard your financial future in the wake of this impending implosion?
The only way to ensure you’re protected is to own outright: hard assets like gold, silver and real estate. It’s the only thing the banks can’t get their grubby hands on.
However, with the price of gold sitting at $1,243.80 per ounce, unless you have a lot of money, it’s going to be well beyond your reach.
Likewise, owning real estate without a mortgage is something regular people don’t have the luxury of affording.
So, you’re going to need cash to buy these hard assets… a LOT of cash.
Here’s how to get the money you need now, fast. . .
The fastest, easiest way to acquire capital is the +5 trillion dollar Forex market. It’s the most liquid market in the world, with more than $5 trillion traded daily. It’s open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, so you can earn profits any time it’s convenient, without any need to change your lifestyle. It requires only a tiny investment – $100 will get you started – so it’s affordable for everyone’s budget. The money you earn is taken out of the market right away, so it’s in your pocket where you need it to be now. Unlike other investments, Forex profits are made off the volatility in the currency market. So long as one currency is up and another is down, you can earn a profit. The basics of how to trade can be learned in a matter of hours and there’s no special education, skill, or training required. Only two things are needed to earn a potential six or seven-figure income in a matter of months…
You need a proven system. That’s where I come in. I know exactly how to extract maximum profits from the market with minimal risk. One that is so easy to learn and use, anyone, regardless of experience or skill, could be up and running, taking their first potentially profitable trades in just a few hours. One that detects potentially profitable setups for you to trade so you don’t need to spend hours trying to find money to make. One that eliminates all the guesswork and strategy from trading so you can earn cash with confidence, and without having to learn or do anything complicated to earn profits. Look…
I know you don’t have time to waste on something that might not work, and you have even less time to read hundreds of pages of irrelevant material and watch hours and hours of video. That’s O.K. That’s why I took out all the padding and fluff and boiled my system down to it’s absolute essence that gets people up and running in hours.
Whether you like it or not, trouble is coming and even if it’s not the collapse of the economy, it’s age. We are all getting older every day, and it becomes harder and harder.
homeinstead.co.uk reported in a recent survey the top 10 fears of the elderly were:
1. Loss of independence 2. Declining health 3. Running out of money 4. Not being able to live at home 5. Death of a spouse or other family member 6. Inability to manage their own activities of daily living 7. Not being able to drive 8. Isolation or loneliness 9. Strangers caring for them 10.Fear of falling or hurting themselves
Let me tell you my friend that other than #5 (death of a spouse), I think money would solve the other 9 fears.
That’s why you should be super interested in what I have to say today, because I want to show you a way you can take of yourself and your loved ones for many years to come.
– This whole proposal I am sharing with you is different from anything you have seen before. That’s because I am not trying to sell you some overpriced thing that doesn’t work. I’m telling you that I will be right beside you every step of the way. With me you don’t get palmed off to some outsourced support person who can barley speak English. You get to talk with me personally anytime you like.
– Throughout this page you will also see trades I have made and statements from my accounts. These are trades I took during typical market conditions. Fakers can’t do this.
$2,170.04 Live Trade Russ Horn
$1,897.28 Live Trade Russ Horn
– That brings me to my last point for the moment. One of the first things I require of all my members is that they can make a decision. Read the information, decide if it for you or not, and take action. If it’s no for you, that’s OK too. Make that decision.
Here’s the solution My Forex Equinox Wealth Creation System Is For People Who Want To Make Money As Easily And Quickly As Possible
Because this information has the power to transform the financial position of anyone who has it, I have to be super cautious about how I share it. You will never see anything else online this powerful.
My unique solution to solving people money problems is contained in my never-to-be-repeated, reveal-all, one-time-only home study course.
I reveal every secret I have ever learned in my 16 years of trading, but more importantly I share the “Equilibrium Secret.”
Master Secret #1
You need an edge. If you don’t have an edge, you are just another schmuck who donates money to the market. Even as a professional trader that made money I still knew there was something missing in my trading.
I used to spend hours a day just staring at the charts or testing out new ideas. I intuitively knew there was some kind of code hidden in the market, but I just couldn’t see it.
Then I made my big discovery. The reason I couldn’t see it was because it was invisible. I know it sounds weird but bear with me.
All markets, regardless of what they are, constantly gyrate through peaks and troughs. In fact, the more volatility the better. But there is one thing they all do: they want to revert to some kind of average.
If you look at this chart of the Pound/Dollar (GBPUSD), you can see that the market is moving in an upward direction. If you draw a trendline under the lows you can see that it keeps returning to that line. So even though it is moving up, it will move away from the line and come back to it. It is sometimes called reversion to the mean.
Now look at this chart with a 50 period moving average. It takes the last 50 candles and plots a continuous average of them. You will also see that the market wants to find a level where it feels there is real value. That’s why I called my discovery – Equinox.
It means the moment when night and day are of equal lengths. In other words, perfect balance. They have found their Equilibrium. Why is Equilibrium important? It’s important because it is the point where the market changes direction or makes the next big move. Imagine you are betting on a horse race and there are 20 horses in the race. You might have a favorite, but no one knows which horse will win. Now imagine the same race, but this time you know what horse will win. It’s just a question of when.
For the first time ever, those I share this secret with can trade with more confidence than any other traders on earth – that’s the power of Forex Equinox.
I reveal the whole theory in the first DVD. I don’t believe in black box systems where you never really understand or get to know how the whole thing Works. That’s why I explain in great detail exactly how the whole thing works. It might interest you to know that after I discovered my secret, I back-tested the system for over 10,000 hours before live trading it for over 1,000 hours. Master Secret #2 Nobody likes hard.
I can show you charts, statements, and videos until you go blind, but unless you start seeing results fast… And I mean really fast, you will put this problem in the “too hard basket.” Nobody has time these days to study something for months. It has to work straight out the box or you will start to lose interest, fast.
The real secret to actually making money instead of talking about it is the speed of implementation and results.
Have a look at this statement. I made 554.27% in 30 days using the Forex Equinox system. But you must qualify first.
If you qualify to receive my secret and agree never to share it with anyone else, I can assure you this will be the best decision you will ever make in your trading career. It doesn’t matter if you have never traded before or you are a 10 year veteran, you will see a new window of opportunity open up once your financial problems have been solved. Keep reading to find out if you qualify.
To be honest, I was just an average trader for the most of my career. The first 5 years, I barely made any money. The next 5 years I started making money, but it was nothing to write home about.
It wasn’t until I started thinking for myself and inventing my own tools and way of trading, that it really took off.
And I can tell you that since I discovered the “Equilibrium” secret, things have taken off like a rocket.
I am now unbeatable when it comes to trading, winning an average 86% of my trades.
My secret Equilibrium discovery is as sure as the sun rising every day. Once you understand it, you will know exactly what I am talking about. I think of it as a money making machine. As long as you do what I show you and follow the rules, you will get the results.
Imagine you are a telemarketer and you have to call 100 people per day. Well, if you are just an average salesman you might close 3 of the people you call.
If you were a super-duper salesman you might close 5 of the people you call. But what if I told you there was a simple formula that would close 80 out of the 100 people that you called? If you were a salesman, would that interest you?
That’s exactly what I have done in the 2nd video of the “Forex Equinox“ course.
This will be a breakthrough for you if you have never had success as a trader, or if you are new and you suddenly start making money day after day.
I will give you a step-by-step, easy to follow blueprint for how to trade the Forex market with a degree of success and confidence that will make your broker think you have insider knowledge. I will teach you:
Where to get into the markets based on the “Equilibrium Secret.” Where to get out of the market so you squeeze every cent of profit there is to be taken from the trade. How to protect your trade so you never risk more than 1% of your account and close down any risk the trade might have. I have seen traders take hours and even days trying to decide if they should take a trade. With the Forex Equinox system, one quick glance will tell you if there money to be made or not.
Get other products by Russ Horn right now!
Master Secret #3 You must think and act like a master trader. Boxers, martial artists, and athletes often talk about muscle memory. That means that in any given situation, their mind and body will act reflexively and do the right thing. The muscle will do what it was trained to do. That’s what I teach my members. I want them to trust the system and realize that if they just keep practicing and following the rules, they will get there.
Why is this important?
Because you won’t win every trade. If you could, then you would have all the money in the world. You have to think of yourself as the casino, not the gambler. The casino doesn’t win every hand or event, but it wins over time because it consistently sticks to the Rules. And the rules give it an advantage over the gambler. I sometimes tell people to think that they are employed by a big financial company and if they don’t follow the Rules, they will get fired.
No, I don’t win every time.
It’s mathematically impossible to win ever time you trade. If ever someone tells you that you can, run, don’t walk, away from them as fast as you can. But here’s a little example of what real trading would look like if you win 8 out of 10 trades.
Imagine that you make ten trades. Eight of them are winners and two of them are losers. Each time you trade you risk $100.
If you win the trade you make $100 and if you lose the trade you lose $100
Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100
You won 8 trades = $800
You lost 2 trades = $200
Your total profit was $600
But wait, it gets better
What if I told you that the average trade you make with the “Forex Equinox“ system makes twice what it loses every time you traded. It would now look like this: Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200
You won 8 trades = $1,600
You lost 2 trades = $200
Your total profit was $1,400.00
In my 3rd DVD I take what I brought you in DVD1 and DV2 and painstakingly show you exactly how every trade you will come across is taken.
It’s like looking over my shoulder as I explain what to do when you take a trade.
Habits will make you a great trader.
– The habit of choosing the right trades. – The habit of exiting the trade when it the right time. – The habit of closing a trade if you got it wrong. – The habit of following the rules. – The habit of talking to me if feel confused.
Trading is a game of control. The more control you have, the more money you make. The less control you have, the less money you make.
Master Secret #4 Preprogramed Psychological “Hot Buttons” That People Use As Excuses. Do it whatever it takes. I would like to tell you that there was a magic button that you could push and you would make all the money in the world, but we both know that isn’t true.
After training more than 5,000 people, I can tell that I have seen it all. I have seen all the reasons why people say they can’t do this, and I have seen the people who have. For example, I hear this all the time:
1. I don’t have time – Listen, no one has time and by the time you have time, as in you are retired, it might be too late. You have to give up an hour of your TV, or an hour of watching sports, or going out with your buddies if you want this to work.
2. I’m not motivated – The simple answer to this is, “Get motivated.” When a guy gets to the top of a mountain, no one dropped him there. He climbed it. He did the hard bits that no one else wanted to do. He made the effort. “Forex Equinox“ is one of the few things I can think of that could change your life.
3. It’s the same as the rest of the methods I am looking at – people who are reading this letter will fall into two categories. A) People who have never traded before… B) People who have traded before
If you have never traded before then you are in luck. You have no preconceived ideas and you will earn faster than anyone else in the course.
If you have traded Before, then ask yourself this: How many of the traders you spoke with last year, or few years ago, are still here? I have been around for 16 years and work directly with every trader. That’s right, I am right there with you. Very few people will do that.
4. I don’t believe it will work – I think this is a sensible thought. It’s something I might think. That’s why I am not trying to push anyone into doing this. It’s also why I give a 60 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.
It’s also why I have a live members-only forum. I’m right here all the time answering questions, trading, and helping anyone who needs it.
That’s also why in my 4th DVD I trade live in front of your own eyes. Traders call that scary/giddy feeling of live trading “the hard right edge,” where you can’t see what’s coming. You can watch me as I walk you through live trade after live trade with absolute confidence.
If having a moneyback guarantee and me standing next to you to help you doesn’t assure you, then this might not be for you because it’s unlike anything anyone says or does would convince you.
Master Secret #5 We work in teams. I don’t care who you are, if you are not learning, you are dying. I can’t tell you how many times someone in the members area has come up with something I have never thought of or a way to improve the system. I stand by my reputation and the reason I can do that is I don’t hide. Every day I check into my members area, which I call the “War Room,” and see what’s going on. You see, as a professional trader this is my community. It’s who I talk with, teach, laugh, and celebrate with. I basically live there. If I am awake I am there.
I’m there because it where I socialize and where I can help people. Some people are hyperactive and will be chirping away all day, while others have never made a comment – that’s also OK.
There’s no pressure in the “War Room.” It’s just about helping each other succeed.
You will also find in the members area:
– Unadvertised bonuses. I have been around a long time and like to give my members gifts that I have made just for them or accumulated during the years.
– Weekly webinars – Once a week I like to get on a webinar and talk with my group. I generally teach something new and go over any questions the members may have.
– Moderate the forum – Inside the members area there is a forum where you can talk with other members or post questions for me.
– Post your charts – One thing I encourage my members to do is post their charts. That way I can help by commenting on what went wrong or what went right. It’s a great teaching tool.
Master Secret #6 Treat it like a business Civilians who don’t trade like to ask me what’s the biggest trade I ever made, or the biggest loss I ever had, or some story about making and losing millions. Well, I have my stories but it’s not about the biggest trade or biggest loss. It’s about being consistent. The more consistent you are the more you can treat it like a business.
Trust me, one day there will come a time when you will want to take a break and do nothing. To do that you need to have money. There are two ways as a trader you can achieve this.
You make so much money you can live off the interest or use the capital. If you have enough money it won’t matter. As you make money roll it over to investments like real estate, shares, bonds or whatever you like to invest in. I prefer the second choice because I don’t like to be in cash. I just don’t trust banks.
To do either of these things you need to build up your trading account, and to do this you need to treat it like a business.
The richest traders I know all follow the principle of treating trading like a business.
Think of a franchise you might buy. You could pay anything from a few thousand dollars all the way up to millions of dollars.
What you are really buying is a set of rules. You are buying a system that has been proven to work in multiple locations by many different people.
This makes your chance of failure less because the system works.
With every franchise that is bought, there is a book of processes and procedures. It’s the blueprint to the franchise’s success.
I have done exactly the same thing for you by creating the rules you will apply for every trade.
Once a trade meets the conditions, you just apply the rules I have carefully mapped out for you. The benefits are:
You don’t need to risk big money to buy a franchise that will make more money, while you keep less of it. You don’t have to risk your house by putting it up as collateral for your property. You don’t need to employ staff who will sue you the first chance they get. You can make money from anywhere that has an Internet connection. You can virtually choose the hours you want to work. Get other products by Russ Horn right now!
When you think of it, it’s like a dream job. You couldn’t describe a better way to make money.
Save Yourself The Pain
Look, you could try to do this by yourself. You could spend years and years trying to find the something that works and get frustrated with all the marketers and forum jumpers out there. You could try and do this by yourself by watching the screen for hours and hours every day, hoping to find something that will make you money. You could buy something from a guy on a phone who wants you to pay $5,000 for a magic bullet system that no one has heard of. You could go through the 3 stage of awareness every trader goes through the hard way. Here’s my promise to you. If you don’t get the results you think you deserve and expect, then you have my unconditional guarantee that you can have a refund of what you spend today on my Forex Equinox.
Remember the statements I showed you earlier?
Well, as you saw, the average time I was in a trade was 2 hours, 18 minutes and 34 seconds and it took me less than 1 minute and 30 seconds to decide if I was going to take a trade.So let me ask you. Do you have 1 minute and 30 seconds per day to start building wealth and possibly put yourself in a financial position of strength and power? I urge you to keep reading because I won’t have this page here forever. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity because I only produced a limited number of “Forex Equinox“ packages. Once they are gone, they are gone.
You Only Need Two Things To Make This Work
First, you need the knowledge I am going to give you. The second thing you need is the motivation to apply the knowledge I give you. The secret I am going to share with you has created more money for people then I could possibly explain.
It has been the breakthrough most people have been looking for but never found and could only hope to dream of finding.
Can you imagine what it would be like to work only a few hours a day and spend the rest of the time with your partner or friends? Driving the car of your dreams and living in the house you dreamt of?
Let me tell you a story. For a long time I used to wake up 6am. I would make myself some coffee and go through to my trading office. I would then switch on my favorite classical music and start reading the news on my laptop, to see what had happened overnight.
By 7am I was ready to trade. Nine times out of ten by 9am I had finished trading. I was done for the day when most people were just starting work.
I would then have a leisurely breakfast with my wife and we would go out for the day, either shopping or to the movies, or sometimes just for a drive in the country, stopping for lunch where we felt like it.
The best part was that wherever we went there was no one there because they were all working.
I don’t know what your perfect day looks like, but I can tell you that it is a lot easier to make happen if you have money.
Let Me Tell You Exactly What The Benefits Of My Forex Equinox Are It could solve your financial problems. Most people could use some extra money on a consistent and reliable basis. It can be traded even if you have a full-time job. There’s no padding so you don’t have to read a 200 page book. You will be up and running fast. It really is easy to learn. I don’t like hard, so I created this so anyone, even someone who has never traded before, can understand it. You will feel exited about trading because you could start to see consistent returns as you build confidence in the system. It’s 99% mechanical so you don’t have to worry about your emotions getting the better of you. Just stick to the rules. Milestone Bonus: EQ Magic Candlesticks
This bonus brings together two of the most powerful forces in the market – candlesticks and the EquiChannel – to help you increase your earnings on any trade, and get in “extra money” trades that others miss. When you have the EQ Power Patterns bonus, you can identify even more potential entry positions in the market, which could mean a lot of more cash when you trade.
Power Patterns break down the charts so that you can immediately identify one of three candlestick patterns in seconds, which could help you land in those lucrative Trend trades live.
Here’s another one of the many Milestones: The EquiDash Indicator Watch the short video that explains how the EquiDash works with your Forex Equinox system to save you tons of time. When any currency pair has hit Equilibrium, the EquiDash shows you whether it’s about to make a move that could make you cash, and it does it all in an instant full color read-out so it takes you only seconds to make confirmed trend trading decisions for the most profitable trades. Instead of scrolling through your pairs every few minutes, you only need to look at the EquiDash to be ready to roll, saving you a lot of valuable time and potentially making you a lot more money.
I’m including the $1,000 value Mega Bonus of my Equinox Autopilot Dashboard. The EAD (Equinox Automatic Dashboard) is as close to passive income as you can get in trading.
It’s an add-on that I originally intended and still intend to sell as a stand-alone product for at least $1,000. It’s a little piece of software that you can add to your Equinox charts that will do all the hard work for you. All you do is switch it on and it will immediately start its magic. I quietly runs in the background, monitoring the market and waiting for the perfect trade. As soon as it finds one, it send you an alert. Because it’s basically an algorithm, it doesn’t make mistakes. It’s like your computer. It has no emotion or feelings. It just does what it’s programmed to do. You could be watching a movie or have your charts in the background while you do something else, and as soon as it’s time to come and collect money, it sends you an alert. Have a look at this short video Did you see that the “Yes” and “No” button in the video? All you have to do is push one of them. The EAD has already done all the work for you. It watched the charts, found a trade, and tapped you on the shoulder and said , “Hey buddy – it’s time to get some money.” Watch the video below to see how one of our members uses the EAD to trade. It doesn’t get better than that. Wait…
You must meet my 4 criteria before I can share my secret with you.
Criteria #1
You must agree never to share the information I will give you. It’s just too valuable and it wouldn’t be fair to the other people who paid for this information. I assume everyone is an honest person and a person of their word. This is for you only.
Criteria #2
You must have the right mindset. You have to be ready for my secret and take action. There’s no point in buying anything if it just lays around your house and you never do anything with it. Ask yourself if you are ready for change. Are you ready for a different life? For the life that true wealth can bring, and are you prepared to take action today?
Criteria #3
Look, I like money as much as the next guy, but I don’t want anyone’s money who can’t afford it. If you are at bare bones and can’t afford your next electric bill, then this is not for you. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. I want to help as many people as I can, but if you are desperate, it just won’t work.
What I am offering here is something entirely different, unique, and special.
There will only ever be a limited number of copies and places in my members area, and I want to reserve them for the people who are ambitious enough to take action today.
Criteria #4
You have to take action today. The reason is simple. As you are aware, there will only ever be 1000 copies produced. That’s not some marketing, invented number. If you have followed me for any length of time, you will know that I only release new products very rarely and they always sell out.
So if you want to be part of the next elite group of traders who will take command of their own destiny and financial future – go ahead and claim your copy while you still can.
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Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox published first on http://ift.tt/2qxBbOD
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endorsereviews · 7 years
Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox
Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox Get Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox right now!
30 minutes a day to make unheard of 554.27% Gains.
“Make $1,000 Per Day Easily And Quickly Without Stress Even If You Have Never Traded A Day In Your Life, And Double, Triple Or Even Quadruple Your Money In Under 30 Days” My system makes money through good markets and bad, through world economic meltdowns, and regardless of who the President of The U.S. is. It can double your money every 30 days (see below). It takes less than 30 minutes a day to trade and could make as much $495.00 per day on a $3,000 account. You can start with as little as $100.00. Has built in ironclad protection against losses. Will save you against the upcoming financial Armageddon that is coming and could be the answer to your retirement worries. It’s safer and more secure than trading stocks, bonds, gold, or even having money in the bank. Keep reading because the next 5 minutes could decide whether you will be poor or rich.
Hi there, My name is Russ Horn and I have made my living trading and teaching people how to trade the Forex market for the last 16 years.
If you want to learn a simple method where your starting potential could make over $100,000 per year, then this will be the most exciting and important letter you will ever read.
Come closer my friend, because I am going to reveal to you how you could change your life in the next 21 days if you meet the 4 criteria I will explain in a minute…
and can follow a few simple instructions…
I Am Also Going To Share With You 5 Master Secrets For Anyone Who Wants To Get Wealthy – Even If You Have Never Traded Before
I have taken trading to a degree no one has ever done before and simplified it to the point where even a complete beginner could be making more than $100,000.00 per year. That’s more than the average salary in America as of 2016. I can confidently say that because I have taught over 5,000 people to trade.
Those numbers are for someone with a PhD, but I never went to college: I had no financial training and had no friends in the industry. To be honest, I didn’t know how to work a computer.
In fact, I started life off printing T-shirts and working 14 hours a day. I could barely pay my mortgage or my car payment. I was broke for most of my life until I discovered the powerful secret that I am about to share with you.
Announcing a trading system so powerful I challenge anyone from any country or organization to beat my results. Below is just one of my verified financial statements you will see on this page. I want you to be comfortable that what I am telling you is true. I made a 4,409% gain in 25 days Keep reading to learn how.
STATEMENT 1 – Average Trade win: $945.35 – Average time in a trade: 2h 18m 34m
– % winners: 82.19%
I have my own reasons for being so passionate about helping people become financially independent. One of those is that I believe we are in for troubled times.
It might sound like make believe, but when I predicted the last global market crash, people started paying attention.
This is the fastest way to make serious big money in the shortest possible time I have ever heard of. Here’s The Problem The next crash is coming sooner than anyone expects… and it’s inevitable. What I’m about to tell you is terrifying… However, in order for you to protect yourself from what will most certainly result in the catastrophic destruction of hopes and dreams for millions of unprepared people, you need to understand the sheer scope of this problem.
In a moment, I’m going to tell you not only how to survive the coming Armageddon, but how to enjoy a prosperous, comfortable lifestyle during and afterwards.
Even if I am wrong, there is no downside. You could make money regardless.
Here’s what you need to know . . .
The coming crisis is so big, financial watchdogs and top economists say there is “virtually no way to estimate its future full and devastating impact around the globe.”
Investor Warren Buffet called it, “…weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.”
Former US national defense and intelligence advisor Jim Rickards says, “banks will close, as will exchanges. Money-market funds will be inaccessible. Forget trying to get your hands on your money.”
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, “…This is brand new. They are over their heads and out of their league. They don’t know what they are doing. They are making panic decisions trying to keep the Ponzi alive.”
I’m talking about the $555 trillion derivatives bubble that will inevitably collapse big banks and economies past a point of no return.
It’s not a matter of ‘if’ it happens, but ‘when.’
In a minute, I’m going to tell you how to survive the fallout from this ticking time bomb, but first… What is a derivative anyway?
At their core, derivatives represent nothing more than a legalized form of gambling. A derivative is simply a ‘bet’ that something either will or will not happen in the future.
It could be whether a company will go bankrupt. Or, whether an interest rate will move up or down.
Their value is based on the expected future price movements of their underlying asset. In other words, by themselves they have zero value.
“Unlike 1929 This Time Everything – Stocks, Bonds And Housing – Is Overvalued” Robert Shiller
Robert Shiller is a Professor of Economics and finance at Yale University. He successfully predicted the collapse of the tech bubble and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2013. I don’t want to turn this into an economics lesson, but there are plenty of smart people and smart money that think we are on the verges of a major catastrophe. Why should you care?
The total exposure to derivatives by the six biggest banks in the US is a staggering $247 trillion. That’s nearly half of the total derivatives exposure worldwide. When this bubble bursts… and it will… the banks will close.
There’s no way the Fed or Treasury could ever bail them out. The size of the I.O.U. is simply too big to cover. There isn’t enough money in the entire economy to save them.
Banks will take YOUR money in an effort to cover the debt!
All the financial security you think you have now… will be lost. Businesses will shut down. Millions will lose their jobs.
All it takes is one unexpected major event to collapse this casino.
If you don’t do something now, everything you hold near and dear…all the financial security you think you have now…will be lost.
What can you do to safeguard your financial future in the wake of this impending implosion?
The only way to ensure you’re protected is to own outright: hard assets like gold, silver and real estate. It’s the only thing the banks can’t get their grubby hands on.
However, with the price of gold sitting at $1,243.80 per ounce, unless you have a lot of money, it’s going to be well beyond your reach.
Likewise, owning real estate without a mortgage is something regular people don’t have the luxury of affording.
So, you’re going to need cash to buy these hard assets… a LOT of cash.
Here’s how to get the money you need now, fast. . .
The fastest, easiest way to acquire capital is the +5 trillion dollar Forex market. It’s the most liquid market in the world, with more than $5 trillion traded daily. It’s open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, so you can earn profits any time it’s convenient, without any need to change your lifestyle. It requires only a tiny investment – $100 will get you started – so it’s affordable for everyone’s budget. The money you earn is taken out of the market right away, so it’s in your pocket where you need it to be now. Unlike other investments, Forex profits are made off the volatility in the currency market. So long as one currency is up and another is down, you can earn a profit. The basics of how to trade can be learned in a matter of hours and there’s no special education, skill, or training required. Only two things are needed to earn a potential six or seven-figure income in a matter of months…
You need a proven system. That’s where I come in. I know exactly how to extract maximum profits from the market with minimal risk. One that is so easy to learn and use, anyone, regardless of experience or skill, could be up and running, taking their first potentially profitable trades in just a few hours. One that detects potentially profitable setups for you to trade so you don’t need to spend hours trying to find money to make. One that eliminates all the guesswork and strategy from trading so you can earn cash with confidence, and without having to learn or do anything complicated to earn profits. Look…
I know you don’t have time to waste on something that might not work, and you have even less time to read hundreds of pages of irrelevant material and watch hours and hours of video. That’s O.K. That’s why I took out all the padding and fluff and boiled my system down to it’s absolute essence that gets people up and running in hours.
Whether you like it or not, trouble is coming and even if it’s not the collapse of the economy, it’s age. We are all getting older every day, and it becomes harder and harder.
homeinstead.co.uk reported in a recent survey the top 10 fears of the elderly were:
1. Loss of independence 2. Declining health 3. Running out of money 4. Not being able to live at home 5. Death of a spouse or other family member 6. Inability to manage their own activities of daily living 7. Not being able to drive 8. Isolation or loneliness 9. Strangers caring for them 10.Fear of falling or hurting themselves
Let me tell you my friend that other than #5 (death of a spouse), I think money would solve the other 9 fears.
That’s why you should be super interested in what I have to say today, because I want to show you a way you can take of yourself and your loved ones for many years to come.
– This whole proposal I am sharing with you is different from anything you have seen before. That’s because I am not trying to sell you some overpriced thing that doesn’t work. I’m telling you that I will be right beside you every step of the way. With me you don’t get palmed off to some outsourced support person who can barley speak English. You get to talk with me personally anytime you like.
– Throughout this page you will also see trades I have made and statements from my accounts. These are trades I took during typical market conditions. Fakers can’t do this.
$2,170.04 Live Trade Russ Horn
$1,897.28 Live Trade Russ Horn
– That brings me to my last point for the moment. One of the first things I require of all my members is that they can make a decision. Read the information, decide if it for you or not, and take action. If it’s no for you, that’s OK too. Make that decision.
Here’s the solution My Forex Equinox Wealth Creation System Is For People Who Want To Make Money As Easily And Quickly As Possible
Because this information has the power to transform the financial position of anyone who has it, I have to be super cautious about how I share it. You will never see anything else online this powerful.
My unique solution to solving people money problems is contained in my never-to-be-repeated, reveal-all, one-time-only home study course.
I reveal every secret I have ever learned in my 16 years of trading, but more importantly I share the “Equilibrium Secret.”
Master Secret #1
You need an edge. If you don’t have an edge, you are just another schmuck who donates money to the market. Even as a professional trader that made money I still knew there was something missing in my trading.
I used to spend hours a day just staring at the charts or testing out new ideas. I intuitively knew there was some kind of code hidden in the market, but I just couldn’t see it.
Then I made my big discovery. The reason I couldn’t see it was because it was invisible. I know it sounds weird but bear with me.
All markets, regardless of what they are, constantly gyrate through peaks and troughs. In fact, the more volatility the better. But there is one thing they all do: they want to revert to some kind of average.
If you look at this chart of the Pound/Dollar (GBPUSD), you can see that the market is moving in an upward direction. If you draw a trendline under the lows you can see that it keeps returning to that line. So even though it is moving up, it will move away from the line and come back to it. It is sometimes called reversion to the mean.
Now look at this chart with a 50 period moving average. It takes the last 50 candles and plots a continuous average of them. You will also see that the market wants to find a level where it feels there is real value. That’s why I called my discovery – Equinox.
It means the moment when night and day are of equal lengths. In other words, perfect balance. They have found their Equilibrium. Why is Equilibrium important? It’s important because it is the point where the market changes direction or makes the next big move. Imagine you are betting on a horse race and there are 20 horses in the race. You might have a favorite, but no one knows which horse will win. Now imagine the same race, but this time you know what horse will win. It’s just a question of when.
For the first time ever, those I share this secret with can trade with more confidence than any other traders on earth – that’s the power of Forex Equinox.
I reveal the whole theory in the first DVD. I don’t believe in black box systems where you never really understand or get to know how the whole thing Works. That’s why I explain in great detail exactly how the whole thing works. It might interest you to know that after I discovered my secret, I back-tested the system for over 10,000 hours before live trading it for over 1,000 hours. Master Secret #2 Nobody likes hard.
I can show you charts, statements, and videos until you go blind, but unless you start seeing results fast… And I mean really fast, you will put this problem in the “too hard basket.” Nobody has time these days to study something for months. It has to work straight out the box or you will start to lose interest, fast.
The real secret to actually making money instead of talking about it is the speed of implementation and results.
Have a look at this statement. I made 554.27% in 30 days using the Forex Equinox system. But you must qualify first.
If you qualify to receive my secret and agree never to share it with anyone else, I can assure you this will be the best decision you will ever make in your trading career. It doesn’t matter if you have never traded before or you are a 10 year veteran, you will see a new window of opportunity open up once your financial problems have been solved. Keep reading to find out if you qualify.
To be honest, I was just an average trader for the most of my career. The first 5 years, I barely made any money. The next 5 years I started making money, but it was nothing to write home about.
It wasn’t until I started thinking for myself and inventing my own tools and way of trading, that it really took off.
And I can tell you that since I discovered the “Equilibrium” secret, things have taken off like a rocket.
I am now unbeatable when it comes to trading, winning an average 86% of my trades.
My secret Equilibrium discovery is as sure as the sun rising every day. Once you understand it, you will know exactly what I am talking about. I think of it as a money making machine. As long as you do what I show you and follow the rules, you will get the results.
Imagine you are a telemarketer and you have to call 100 people per day. Well, if you are just an average salesman you might close 3 of the people you call.
If you were a super-duper salesman you might close 5 of the people you call. But what if I told you there was a simple formula that would close 80 out of the 100 people that you called? If you were a salesman, would that interest you?
That’s exactly what I have done in the 2nd video of the “Forex Equinox“ course.
This will be a breakthrough for you if you have never had success as a trader, or if you are new and you suddenly start making money day after day.
I will give you a step-by-step, easy to follow blueprint for how to trade the Forex market with a degree of success and confidence that will make your broker think you have insider knowledge. I will teach you:
Where to get into the markets based on the “Equilibrium Secret.” Where to get out of the market so you squeeze every cent of profit there is to be taken from the trade. How to protect your trade so you never risk more than 1% of your account and close down any risk the trade might have. I have seen traders take hours and even days trying to decide if they should take a trade. With the Forex Equinox system, one quick glance will tell you if there money to be made or not.
Get other products by Russ Horn right now!
Master Secret #3 You must think and act like a master trader. Boxers, martial artists, and athletes often talk about muscle memory. That means that in any given situation, their mind and body will act reflexively and do the right thing. The muscle will do what it was trained to do. That’s what I teach my members. I want them to trust the system and realize that if they just keep practicing and following the rules, they will get there.
Why is this important?
Because you won’t win every trade. If you could, then you would have all the money in the world. You have to think of yourself as the casino, not the gambler. The casino doesn’t win every hand or event, but it wins over time because it consistently sticks to the Rules. And the rules give it an advantage over the gambler. I sometimes tell people to think that they are employed by a big financial company and if they don’t follow the Rules, they will get fired.
No, I don’t win every time.
It’s mathematically impossible to win ever time you trade. If ever someone tells you that you can, run, don’t walk, away from them as fast as you can. But here’s a little example of what real trading would look like if you win 8 out of 10 trades.
Imagine that you make ten trades. Eight of them are winners and two of them are losers. Each time you trade you risk $100.
If you win the trade you make $100 and if you lose the trade you lose $100
Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100
You won 8 trades = $800
You lost 2 trades = $200
Your total profit was $600
But wait, it gets better
What if I told you that the average trade you make with the “Forex Equinox“ system makes twice what it loses every time you traded. It would now look like this: Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200
You won 8 trades = $1,600
You lost 2 trades = $200
Your total profit was $1,400.00
In my 3rd DVD I take what I brought you in DVD1 and DV2 and painstakingly show you exactly how every trade you will come across is taken.
It’s like looking over my shoulder as I explain what to do when you take a trade.
Habits will make you a great trader.
– The habit of choosing the right trades. – The habit of exiting the trade when it the right time. – The habit of closing a trade if you got it wrong. – The habit of following the rules. – The habit of talking to me if feel confused.
Trading is a game of control. The more control you have, the more money you make. The less control you have, the less money you make.
Master Secret #4 Preprogramed Psychological “Hot Buttons” That People Use As Excuses. Do it whatever it takes. I would like to tell you that there was a magic button that you could push and you would make all the money in the world, but we both know that isn’t true.
After training more than 5,000 people, I can tell that I have seen it all. I have seen all the reasons why people say they can’t do this, and I have seen the people who have. For example, I hear this all the time:
1. I don’t have time – Listen, no one has time and by the time you have time, as in you are retired, it might be too late. You have to give up an hour of your TV, or an hour of watching sports, or going out with your buddies if you want this to work.
2. I’m not motivated – The simple answer to this is, “Get motivated.” When a guy gets to the top of a mountain, no one dropped him there. He climbed it. He did the hard bits that no one else wanted to do. He made the effort. “Forex Equinox“ is one of the few things I can think of that could change your life.
3. It’s the same as the rest of the methods I am looking at – people who are reading this letter will fall into two categories. A) People who have never traded before… B) People who have traded before
If you have never traded before then you are in luck. You have no preconceived ideas and you will earn faster than anyone else in the course.
If you have traded Before, then ask yourself this: How many of the traders you spoke with last year, or few years ago, are still here? I have been around for 16 years and work directly with every trader. That’s right, I am right there with you. Very few people will do that.
4. I don’t believe it will work – I think this is a sensible thought. It’s something I might think. That’s why I am not trying to push anyone into doing this. It’s also why I give a 60 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.
It’s also why I have a live members-only forum. I’m right here all the time answering questions, trading, and helping anyone who needs it.
That’s also why in my 4th DVD I trade live in front of your own eyes. Traders call that scary/giddy feeling of live trading “the hard right edge,” where you can’t see what’s coming. You can watch me as I walk you through live trade after live trade with absolute confidence.
If having a moneyback guarantee and me standing next to you to help you doesn’t assure you, then this might not be for you because it’s unlike anything anyone says or does would convince you.
Master Secret #5 We work in teams. I don’t care who you are, if you are not learning, you are dying. I can’t tell you how many times someone in the members area has come up with something I have never thought of or a way to improve the system. I stand by my reputation and the reason I can do that is I don’t hide. Every day I check into my members area, which I call the “War Room,” and see what’s going on. You see, as a professional trader this is my community. It’s who I talk with, teach, laugh, and celebrate with. I basically live there. If I am awake I am there.
I’m there because it where I socialize and where I can help people. Some people are hyperactive and will be chirping away all day, while others have never made a comment – that’s also OK.
There’s no pressure in the “War Room.” It’s just about helping each other succeed.
You will also find in the members area:
– Unadvertised bonuses. I have been around a long time and like to give my members gifts that I have made just for them or accumulated during the years.
– Weekly webinars – Once a week I like to get on a webinar and talk with my group. I generally teach something new and go over any questions the members may have.
– Moderate the forum – Inside the members area there is a forum where you can talk with other members or post questions for me.
– Post your charts – One thing I encourage my members to do is post their charts. That way I can help by commenting on what went wrong or what went right. It’s a great teaching tool.
Master Secret #6 Treat it like a business Civilians who don’t trade like to ask me what’s the biggest trade I ever made, or the biggest loss I ever had, or some story about making and losing millions. Well, I have my stories but it’s not about the biggest trade or biggest loss. It’s about being consistent. The more consistent you are the more you can treat it like a business.
Trust me, one day there will come a time when you will want to take a break and do nothing. To do that you need to have money. There are two ways as a trader you can achieve this.
You make so much money you can live off the interest or use the capital. If you have enough money it won’t matter. As you make money roll it over to investments like real estate, shares, bonds or whatever you like to invest in. I prefer the second choice because I don’t like to be in cash. I just don’t trust banks.
To do either of these things you need to build up your trading account, and to do this you need to treat it like a business.
The richest traders I know all follow the principle of treating trading like a business.
Think of a franchise you might buy. You could pay anything from a few thousand dollars all the way up to millions of dollars.
What you are really buying is a set of rules. You are buying a system that has been proven to work in multiple locations by many different people.
This makes your chance of failure less because the system works.
With every franchise that is bought, there is a book of processes and procedures. It’s the blueprint to the franchise’s success.
I have done exactly the same thing for you by creating the rules you will apply for every trade.
Once a trade meets the conditions, you just apply the rules I have carefully mapped out for you. The benefits are:
You don’t need to risk big money to buy a franchise that will make more money, while you keep less of it. You don’t have to risk your house by putting it up as collateral for your property. You don’t need to employ staff who will sue you the first chance they get. You can make money from anywhere that has an Internet connection. You can virtually choose the hours you want to work. Get other products by Russ Horn right now!
When you think of it, it’s like a dream job. You couldn’t describe a better way to make money.
Save Yourself The Pain
Look, you could try to do this by yourself. You could spend years and years trying to find the something that works and get frustrated with all the marketers and forum jumpers out there. You could try and do this by yourself by watching the screen for hours and hours every day, hoping to find something that will make you money. You could buy something from a guy on a phone who wants you to pay $5,000 for a magic bullet system that no one has heard of. You could go through the 3 stage of awareness every trader goes through the hard way. Here’s my promise to you. If you don’t get the results you think you deserve and expect, then you have my unconditional guarantee that you can have a refund of what you spend today on my Forex Equinox.
Remember the statements I showed you earlier?
Well, as you saw, the average time I was in a trade was 2 hours, 18 minutes and 34 seconds and it took me less than 1 minute and 30 seconds to decide if I was going to take a trade.So let me ask you. Do you have 1 minute and 30 seconds per day to start building wealth and possibly put yourself in a financial position of strength and power? I urge you to keep reading because I won’t have this page here forever. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity because I only produced a limited number of “Forex Equinox“ packages. Once they are gone, they are gone.
You Only Need Two Things To Make This Work
First, you need the knowledge I am going to give you. The second thing you need is the motivation to apply the knowledge I give you. The secret I am going to share with you has created more money for people then I could possibly explain.
It has been the breakthrough most people have been looking for but never found and could only hope to dream of finding.
Can you imagine what it would be like to work only a few hours a day and spend the rest of the time with your partner or friends? Driving the car of your dreams and living in the house you dreamt of?
Let me tell you a story. For a long time I used to wake up 6am. I would make myself some coffee and go through to my trading office. I would then switch on my favorite classical music and start reading the news on my laptop, to see what had happened overnight.
By 7am I was ready to trade. Nine times out of ten by 9am I had finished trading. I was done for the day when most people were just starting work.
I would then have a leisurely breakfast with my wife and we would go out for the day, either shopping or to the movies, or sometimes just for a drive in the country, stopping for lunch where we felt like it.
The best part was that wherever we went there was no one there because they were all working.
I don’t know what your perfect day looks like, but I can tell you that it is a lot easier to make happen if you have money.
Let Me Tell You Exactly What The Benefits Of My Forex Equinox Are It could solve your financial problems. Most people could use some extra money on a consistent and reliable basis. It can be traded even if you have a full-time job. There’s no padding so you don’t have to read a 200 page book. You will be up and running fast. It really is easy to learn. I don’t like hard, so I created this so anyone, even someone who has never traded before, can understand it. You will feel exited about trading because you could start to see consistent returns as you build confidence in the system. It’s 99% mechanical so you don’t have to worry about your emotions getting the better of you. Just stick to the rules. Milestone Bonus: EQ Magic Candlesticks
This bonus brings together two of the most powerful forces in the market – candlesticks and the EquiChannel – to help you increase your earnings on any trade, and get in “extra money” trades that others miss. When you have the EQ Power Patterns bonus, you can identify even more potential entry positions in the market, which could mean a lot of more cash when you trade.
Power Patterns break down the charts so that you can immediately identify one of three candlestick patterns in seconds, which could help you land in those lucrative Trend trades live.
Here’s another one of the many Milestones: The EquiDash Indicator Watch the short video that explains how the EquiDash works with your Forex Equinox system to save you tons of time. When any currency pair has hit Equilibrium, the EquiDash shows you whether it’s about to make a move that could make you cash, and it does it all in an instant full color read-out so it takes you only seconds to make confirmed trend trading decisions for the most profitable trades. Instead of scrolling through your pairs every few minutes, you only need to look at the EquiDash to be ready to roll, saving you a lot of valuable time and potentially making you a lot more money.
I’m including the $1,000 value Mega Bonus of my Equinox Autopilot Dashboard. The EAD (Equinox Automatic Dashboard) is as close to passive income as you can get in trading.
It’s an add-on that I originally intended and still intend to sell as a stand-alone product for at least $1,000. It’s a little piece of software that you can add to your Equinox charts that will do all the hard work for you. All you do is switch it on and it will immediately start its magic. I quietly runs in the background, monitoring the market and waiting for the perfect trade. As soon as it finds one, it send you an alert. Because it’s basically an algorithm, it doesn’t make mistakes. It’s like your computer. It has no emotion or feelings. It just does what it’s programmed to do. You could be watching a movie or have your charts in the background while you do something else, and as soon as it’s time to come and collect money, it sends you an alert. Have a look at this short video Did you see that the “Yes” and “No” button in the video? All you have to do is push one of them. The EAD has already done all the work for you. It watched the charts, found a trade, and tapped you on the shoulder and said , “Hey buddy – it’s time to get some money.” Watch the video below to see how one of our members uses the EAD to trade. It doesn’t get better than that. Wait…
You must meet my 4 criteria before I can share my secret with you.
Criteria #1
You must agree never to share the information I will give you. It’s just too valuable and it wouldn’t be fair to the other people who paid for this information. I assume everyone is an honest person and a person of their word. This is for you only.
Criteria #2
You must have the right mindset. You have to be ready for my secret and take action. There’s no point in buying anything if it just lays around your house and you never do anything with it. Ask yourself if you are ready for change. Are you ready for a different life? For the life that true wealth can bring, and are you prepared to take action today?
Criteria #3
Look, I like money as much as the next guy, but I don’t want anyone’s money who can’t afford it. If you are at bare bones and can’t afford your next electric bill, then this is not for you. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. I want to help as many people as I can, but if you are desperate, it just won’t work.
What I am offering here is something entirely different, unique, and special.
There will only ever be a limited number of copies and places in my members area, and I want to reserve them for the people who are ambitious enough to take action today.
Criteria #4
You have to take action today. The reason is simple. As you are aware, there will only ever be 1000 copies produced. That’s not some marketing, invented number. If you have followed me for any length of time, you will know that I only release new products very rarely and they always sell out.
So if you want to be part of the next elite group of traders who will take command of their own destiny and financial future – go ahead and claim your copy while you still can.
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sublimedeal · 7 years
Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox
Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox Get Russ Horn – The Forex Equinox right now!
30 minutes a day to make unheard of 554.27% Gains.
“Make $1,000 Per Day Easily And Quickly Without Stress Even If You Have Never Traded A Day In Your Life, And Double, Triple Or Even Quadruple Your Money In Under 30 Days” My system makes money through good markets and bad, through world economic meltdowns, and regardless of who the President of The U.S. is. It can double your money every 30 days (see below). It takes less than 30 minutes a day to trade and could make as much $495.00 per day on a $3,000 account. You can start with as little as $100.00. Has built in ironclad protection against losses. Will save you against the upcoming financial Armageddon that is coming and could be the answer to your retirement worries. It’s safer and more secure than trading stocks, bonds, gold, or even having money in the bank. Keep reading because the next 5 minutes could decide whether you will be poor or rich.
Hi there, My name is Russ Horn and I have made my living trading and teaching people how to trade the Forex market for the last 16 years.
If you want to learn a simple method where your starting potential could make over $100,000 per year, then this will be the most exciting and important letter you will ever read.
Come closer my friend, because I am going to reveal to you how you could change your life in the next 21 days if you meet the 4 criteria I will explain in a minute…
and can follow a few simple instructions…
I Am Also Going To Share With You 5 Master Secrets For Anyone Who Wants To Get Wealthy – Even If You Have Never Traded Before
I have taken trading to a degree no one has ever done before and simplified it to the point where even a complete beginner could be making more than $100,000.00 per year. That’s more than the average salary in America as of 2016. I can confidently say that because I have taught over 5,000 people to trade.
Those numbers are for someone with a PhD, but I never went to college: I had no financial training and had no friends in the industry. To be honest, I didn’t know how to work a computer.
In fact, I started life off printing T-shirts and working 14 hours a day. I could barely pay my mortgage or my car payment. I was broke for most of my life until I discovered the powerful secret that I am about to share with you.
Announcing a trading system so powerful I challenge anyone from any country or organization to beat my results. Below is just one of my verified financial statements you will see on this page. I want you to be comfortable that what I am telling you is true. I made a 4,409% gain in 25 days Keep reading to learn how.
STATEMENT 1 – Average Trade win: $945.35 – Average time in a trade: 2h 18m 34m
– % winners: 82.19%
I have my own reasons for being so passionate about helping people become financially independent. One of those is that I believe we are in for troubled times.
It might sound like make believe, but when I predicted the last global market crash, people started paying attention.
This is the fastest way to make serious big money in the shortest possible time I have ever heard of. Here’s The Problem The next crash is coming sooner than anyone expects… and it’s inevitable. What I’m about to tell you is terrifying… However, in order for you to protect yourself from what will most certainly result in the catastrophic destruction of hopes and dreams for millions of unprepared people, you need to understand the sheer scope of this problem.
In a moment, I’m going to tell you not only how to survive the coming Armageddon, but how to enjoy a prosperous, comfortable lifestyle during and afterwards.
Even if I am wrong, there is no downside. You could make money regardless.
Here’s what you need to know . . .
The coming crisis is so big, financial watchdogs and top economists say there is “virtually no way to estimate its future full and devastating impact around the globe.”
Investor Warren Buffet called it, “…weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.”
Former US national defense and intelligence advisor Jim Rickards says, “banks will close, as will exchanges. Money-market funds will be inaccessible. Forget trying to get your hands on your money.”
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, “…This is brand new. They are over their heads and out of their league. They don’t know what they are doing. They are making panic decisions trying to keep the Ponzi alive.”
I’m talking about the $555 trillion derivatives bubble that will inevitably collapse big banks and economies past a point of no return.
It’s not a matter of ‘if’ it happens, but ‘when.’
In a minute, I’m going to tell you how to survive the fallout from this ticking time bomb, but first… What is a derivative anyway?
At their core, derivatives represent nothing more than a legalized form of gambling. A derivative is simply a ‘bet’ that something either will or will not happen in the future.
It could be whether a company will go bankrupt. Or, whether an interest rate will move up or down.
Their value is based on the expected future price movements of their underlying asset. In other words, by themselves they have zero value.
“Unlike 1929 This Time Everything – Stocks, Bonds And Housing – Is Overvalued” Robert Shiller
Robert Shiller is a Professor of Economics and finance at Yale University. He successfully predicted the collapse of the tech bubble and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2013. I don’t want to turn this into an economics lesson, but there are plenty of smart people and smart money that think we are on the verges of a major catastrophe. Why should you care?
The total exposure to derivatives by the six biggest banks in the US is a staggering $247 trillion. That’s nearly half of the total derivatives exposure worldwide. When this bubble bursts… and it will… the banks will close.
There’s no way the Fed or Treasury could ever bail them out. The size of the I.O.U. is simply too big to cover. There isn’t enough money in the entire economy to save them.
Banks will take YOUR money in an effort to cover the debt!
All the financial security you think you have now… will be lost. Businesses will shut down. Millions will lose their jobs.
All it takes is one unexpected major event to collapse this casino.
If you don’t do something now, everything you hold near and dear…all the financial security you think you have now…will be lost.
What can you do to safeguard your financial future in the wake of this impending implosion?
The only way to ensure you’re protected is to own outright: hard assets like gold, silver and real estate. It’s the only thing the banks can’t get their grubby hands on.
However, with the price of gold sitting at $1,243.80 per ounce, unless you have a lot of money, it’s going to be well beyond your reach.
Likewise, owning real estate without a mortgage is something regular people don’t have the luxury of affording.
So, you’re going to need cash to buy these hard assets… a LOT of cash.
Here’s how to get the money you need now, fast. . .
The fastest, easiest way to acquire capital is the +5 trillion dollar Forex market. It’s the most liquid market in the world, with more than $5 trillion traded daily. It’s open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, so you can earn profits any time it’s convenient, without any need to change your lifestyle. It requires only a tiny investment – $100 will get you started – so it’s affordable for everyone’s budget. The money you earn is taken out of the market right away, so it’s in your pocket where you need it to be now. Unlike other investments, Forex profits are made off the volatility in the currency market. So long as one currency is up and another is down, you can earn a profit. The basics of how to trade can be learned in a matter of hours and there’s no special education, skill, or training required. Only two things are needed to earn a potential six or seven-figure income in a matter of months…
You need a proven system. That’s where I come in. I know exactly how to extract maximum profits from the market with minimal risk. One that is so easy to learn and use, anyone, regardless of experience or skill, could be up and running, taking their first potentially profitable trades in just a few hours. One that detects potentially profitable setups for you to trade so you don’t need to spend hours trying to find money to make. One that eliminates all the guesswork and strategy from trading so you can earn cash with confidence, and without having to learn or do anything complicated to earn profits. Look…
I know you don’t have time to waste on something that might not work, and you have even less time to read hundreds of pages of irrelevant material and watch hours and hours of video. That’s O.K. That’s why I took out all the padding and fluff and boiled my system down to it’s absolute essence that gets people up and running in hours.
Whether you like it or not, trouble is coming and even if it’s not the collapse of the economy, it’s age. We are all getting older every day, and it becomes harder and harder.
homeinstead.co.uk reported in a recent survey the top 10 fears of the elderly were:
1. Loss of independence 2. Declining health 3. Running out of money 4. Not being able to live at home 5. Death of a spouse or other family member 6. Inability to manage their own activities of daily living 7. Not being able to drive 8. Isolation or loneliness 9. Strangers caring for them 10.Fear of falling or hurting themselves
Let me tell you my friend that other than #5 (death of a spouse), I think money would solve the other 9 fears.
That’s why you should be super interested in what I have to say today, because I want to show you a way you can take of yourself and your loved ones for many years to come.
– This whole proposal I am sharing with you is different from anything you have seen before. That’s because I am not trying to sell you some overpriced thing that doesn’t work. I’m telling you that I will be right beside you every step of the way. With me you don’t get palmed off to some outsourced support person who can barley speak English. You get to talk with me personally anytime you like.
– Throughout this page you will also see trades I have made and statements from my accounts. These are trades I took during typical market conditions. Fakers can’t do this.
$2,170.04 Live Trade Russ Horn
$1,897.28 Live Trade Russ Horn
– That brings me to my last point for the moment. One of the first things I require of all my members is that they can make a decision. Read the information, decide if it for you or not, and take action. If it’s no for you, that’s OK too. Make that decision.
Here’s the solution My Forex Equinox Wealth Creation System Is For People Who Want To Make Money As Easily And Quickly As Possible
Because this information has the power to transform the financial position of anyone who has it, I have to be super cautious about how I share it. You will never see anything else online this powerful.
My unique solution to solving people money problems is contained in my never-to-be-repeated, reveal-all, one-time-only home study course.
I reveal every secret I have ever learned in my 16 years of trading, but more importantly I share the “Equilibrium Secret.”
Master Secret #1
You need an edge. If you don’t have an edge, you are just another schmuck who donates money to the market. Even as a professional trader that made money I still knew there was something missing in my trading.
I used to spend hours a day just staring at the charts or testing out new ideas. I intuitively knew there was some kind of code hidden in the market, but I just couldn’t see it.
Then I made my big discovery. The reason I couldn’t see it was because it was invisible. I know it sounds weird but bear with me.
All markets, regardless of what they are, constantly gyrate through peaks and troughs. In fact, the more volatility the better. But there is one thing they all do: they want to revert to some kind of average.
If you look at this chart of the Pound/Dollar (GBPUSD), you can see that the market is moving in an upward direction. If you draw a trendline under the lows you can see that it keeps returning to that line. So even though it is moving up, it will move away from the line and come back to it. It is sometimes called reversion to the mean.
Now look at this chart with a 50 period moving average. It takes the last 50 candles and plots a continuous average of them. You will also see that the market wants to find a level where it feels there is real value. That’s why I called my discovery – Equinox.
It means the moment when night and day are of equal lengths. In other words, perfect balance. They have found their Equilibrium. Why is Equilibrium important? It’s important because it is the point where the market changes direction or makes the next big move. Imagine you are betting on a horse race and there are 20 horses in the race. You might have a favorite, but no one knows which horse will win. Now imagine the same race, but this time you know what horse will win. It’s just a question of when.
For the first time ever, those I share this secret with can trade with more confidence than any other traders on earth – that’s the power of Forex Equinox.
I reveal the whole theory in the first DVD. I don’t believe in black box systems where you never really understand or get to know how the whole thing Works. That’s why I explain in great detail exactly how the whole thing works. It might interest you to know that after I discovered my secret, I back-tested the system for over 10,000 hours before live trading it for over 1,000 hours. Master Secret #2 Nobody likes hard.
I can show you charts, statements, and videos until you go blind, but unless you start seeing results fast… And I mean really fast, you will put this problem in the “too hard basket.” Nobody has time these days to study something for months. It has to work straight out the box or you will start to lose interest, fast.
The real secret to actually making money instead of talking about it is the speed of implementation and results.
Have a look at this statement. I made 554.27% in 30 days using the Forex Equinox system. But you must qualify first.
If you qualify to receive my secret and agree never to share it with anyone else, I can assure you this will be the best decision you will ever make in your trading career. It doesn’t matter if you have never traded before or you are a 10 year veteran, you will see a new window of opportunity open up once your financial problems have been solved. Keep reading to find out if you qualify.
To be honest, I was just an average trader for the most of my career. The first 5 years, I barely made any money. The next 5 years I started making money, but it was nothing to write home about.
It wasn’t until I started thinking for myself and inventing my own tools and way of trading, that it really took off.
And I can tell you that since I discovered the “Equilibrium” secret, things have taken off like a rocket.
I am now unbeatable when it comes to trading, winning an average 86% of my trades.
My secret Equilibrium discovery is as sure as the sun rising every day. Once you understand it, you will know exactly what I am talking about. I think of it as a money making machine. As long as you do what I show you and follow the rules, you will get the results.
Imagine you are a telemarketer and you have to call 100 people per day. Well, if you are just an average salesman you might close 3 of the people you call.
If you were a super-duper salesman you might close 5 of the people you call. But what if I told you there was a simple formula that would close 80 out of the 100 people that you called? If you were a salesman, would that interest you?
That’s exactly what I have done in the 2nd video of the “Forex Equinox“ course.
This will be a breakthrough for you if you have never had success as a trader, or if you are new and you suddenly start making money day after day.
I will give you a step-by-step, easy to follow blueprint for how to trade the Forex market with a degree of success and confidence that will make your broker think you have insider knowledge. I will teach you:
Where to get into the markets based on the “Equilibrium Secret.” Where to get out of the market so you squeeze every cent of profit there is to be taken from the trade. How to protect your trade so you never risk more than 1% of your account and close down any risk the trade might have. I have seen traders take hours and even days trying to decide if they should take a trade. With the Forex Equinox system, one quick glance will tell you if there money to be made or not.
Get other products by Russ Horn right now!
Master Secret #3 You must think and act like a master trader. Boxers, martial artists, and athletes often talk about muscle memory. That means that in any given situation, their mind and body will act reflexively and do the right thing. The muscle will do what it was trained to do. That’s what I teach my members. I want them to trust the system and realize that if they just keep practicing and following the rules, they will get there.
Why is this important?
Because you won’t win every trade. If you could, then you would have all the money in the world. You have to think of yourself as the casino, not the gambler. The casino doesn’t win every hand or event, but it wins over time because it consistently sticks to the Rules. And the rules give it an advantage over the gambler. I sometimes tell people to think that they are employed by a big financial company and if they don’t follow the Rules, they will get fired.
No, I don’t win every time.
It’s mathematically impossible to win ever time you trade. If ever someone tells you that you can, run, don’t walk, away from them as fast as you can. But here’s a little example of what real trading would look like if you win 8 out of 10 trades.
Imagine that you make ten trades. Eight of them are winners and two of them are losers. Each time you trade you risk $100.
If you win the trade you make $100 and if you lose the trade you lose $100
Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100 Trade #1 – Win $100
You won 8 trades = $800
You lost 2 trades = $200
Your total profit was $600
But wait, it gets better
What if I told you that the average trade you make with the “Forex Equinox“ system makes twice what it loses every time you traded. It would now look like this: Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Lose ($100) Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200 Trade #1 – Win $200
You won 8 trades = $1,600
You lost 2 trades = $200
Your total profit was $1,400.00
In my 3rd DVD I take what I brought you in DVD1 and DV2 and painstakingly show you exactly how every trade you will come across is taken.
It’s like looking over my shoulder as I explain what to do when you take a trade.
Habits will make you a great trader.
– The habit of choosing the right trades. – The habit of exiting the trade when it the right time. – The habit of closing a trade if you got it wrong. – The habit of following the rules. – The habit of talking to me if feel confused.
Trading is a game of control. The more control you have, the more money you make. The less control you have, the less money you make.
Master Secret #4 Preprogramed Psychological “Hot Buttons” That People Use As Excuses. Do it whatever it takes. I would like to tell you that there was a magic button that you could push and you would make all the money in the world, but we both know that isn’t true.
After training more than 5,000 people, I can tell that I have seen it all. I have seen all the reasons why people say they can’t do this, and I have seen the people who have. For example, I hear this all the time:
1. I don’t have time – Listen, no one has time and by the time you have time, as in you are retired, it might be too late. You have to give up an hour of your TV, or an hour of watching sports, or going out with your buddies if you want this to work.
2. I’m not motivated – The simple answer to this is, “Get motivated.” When a guy gets to the top of a mountain, no one dropped him there. He climbed it. He did the hard bits that no one else wanted to do. He made the effort. “Forex Equinox“ is one of the few things I can think of that could change your life.
3. It’s the same as the rest of the methods I am looking at – people who are reading this letter will fall into two categories. A) People who have never traded before… B) People who have traded before
If you have never traded before then you are in luck. You have no preconceived ideas and you will earn faster than anyone else in the course.
If you have traded Before, then ask yourself this: How many of the traders you spoke with last year, or few years ago, are still here? I have been around for 16 years and work directly with every trader. That’s right, I am right there with you. Very few people will do that.
4. I don’t believe it will work – I think this is a sensible thought. It’s something I might think. That’s why I am not trying to push anyone into doing this. It’s also why I give a 60 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.
It’s also why I have a live members-only forum. I’m right here all the time answering questions, trading, and helping anyone who needs it.
That’s also why in my 4th DVD I trade live in front of your own eyes. Traders call that scary/giddy feeling of live trading “the hard right edge,” where you can’t see what’s coming. You can watch me as I walk you through live trade after live trade with absolute confidence.
If having a moneyback guarantee and me standing next to you to help you doesn’t assure you, then this might not be for you because it’s unlike anything anyone says or does would convince you.
Master Secret #5 We work in teams. I don’t care who you are, if you are not learning, you are dying. I can’t tell you how many times someone in the members area has come up with something I have never thought of or a way to improve the system. I stand by my reputation and the reason I can do that is I don’t hide. Every day I check into my members area, which I call the “War Room,” and see what’s going on. You see, as a professional trader this is my community. It’s who I talk with, teach, laugh, and celebrate with. I basically live there. If I am awake I am there.
I’m there because it where I socialize and where I can help people. Some people are hyperactive and will be chirping away all day, while others have never made a comment – that’s also OK.
There’s no pressure in the “War Room.” It’s just about helping each other succeed.
You will also find in the members area:
– Unadvertised bonuses. I have been around a long time and like to give my members gifts that I have made just for them or accumulated during the years.
– Weekly webinars – Once a week I like to get on a webinar and talk with my group. I generally teach something new and go over any questions the members may have.
– Moderate the forum – Inside the members area there is a forum where you can talk with other members or post questions for me.
– Post your charts – One thing I encourage my members to do is post their charts. That way I can help by commenting on what went wrong or what went right. It’s a great teaching tool.
Master Secret #6 Treat it like a business Civilians who don’t trade like to ask me what’s the biggest trade I ever made, or the biggest loss I ever had, or some story about making and losing millions. Well, I have my stories but it’s not about the biggest trade or biggest loss. It’s about being consistent. The more consistent you are the more you can treat it like a business.
Trust me, one day there will come a time when you will want to take a break and do nothing. To do that you need to have money. There are two ways as a trader you can achieve this.
You make so much money you can live off the interest or use the capital. If you have enough money it won’t matter. As you make money roll it over to investments like real estate, shares, bonds or whatever you like to invest in. I prefer the second choice because I don’t like to be in cash. I just don’t trust banks.
To do either of these things you need to build up your trading account, and to do this you need to treat it like a business.
The richest traders I know all follow the principle of treating trading like a business.
Think of a franchise you might buy. You could pay anything from a few thousand dollars all the way up to millions of dollars.
What you are really buying is a set of rules. You are buying a system that has been proven to work in multiple locations by many different people.
This makes your chance of failure less because the system works.
With every franchise that is bought, there is a book of processes and procedures. It’s the blueprint to the franchise’s success.
I have done exactly the same thing for you by creating the rules you will apply for every trade.
Once a trade meets the conditions, you just apply the rules I have carefully mapped out for you. The benefits are:
You don’t need to risk big money to buy a franchise that will make more money, while you keep less of it. You don’t have to risk your house by putting it up as collateral for your property. You don’t need to employ staff who will sue you the first chance they get. You can make money from anywhere that has an Internet connection. You can virtually choose the hours you want to work. Get other products by Russ Horn right now!
When you think of it, it’s like a dream job. You couldn’t describe a better way to make money.
Save Yourself The Pain
Look, you could try to do this by yourself. You could spend years and years trying to find the something that works and get frustrated with all the marketers and forum jumpers out there. You could try and do this by yourself by watching the screen for hours and hours every day, hoping to find something that will make you money. You could buy something from a guy on a phone who wants you to pay $5,000 for a magic bullet system that no one has heard of. You could go through the 3 stage of awareness every trader goes through the hard way. Here’s my promise to you. If you don’t get the results you think you deserve and expect, then you have my unconditional guarantee that you can have a refund of what you spend today on my Forex Equinox.
Remember the statements I showed you earlier?
Well, as you saw, the average time I was in a trade was 2 hours, 18 minutes and 34 seconds and it took me less than 1 minute and 30 seconds to decide if I was going to take a trade.So let me ask you. Do you have 1 minute and 30 seconds per day to start building wealth and possibly put yourself in a financial position of strength and power? I urge you to keep reading because I won’t have this page here forever. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity because I only produced a limited number of “Forex Equinox“ packages. Once they are gone, they are gone.
You Only Need Two Things To Make This Work
First, you need the knowledge I am going to give you. The second thing you need is the motivation to apply the knowledge I give you. The secret I am going to share with you has created more money for people then I could possibly explain.
It has been the breakthrough most people have been looking for but never found and could only hope to dream of finding.
Can you imagine what it would be like to work only a few hours a day and spend the rest of the time with your partner or friends? Driving the car of your dreams and living in the house you dreamt of?
Let me tell you a story. For a long time I used to wake up 6am. I would make myself some coffee and go through to my trading office. I would then switch on my favorite classical music and start reading the news on my laptop, to see what had happened overnight.
By 7am I was ready to trade. Nine times out of ten by 9am I had finished trading. I was done for the day when most people were just starting work.
I would then have a leisurely breakfast with my wife and we would go out for the day, either shopping or to the movies, or sometimes just for a drive in the country, stopping for lunch where we felt like it.
The best part was that wherever we went there was no one there because they were all working.
I don’t know what your perfect day looks like, but I can tell you that it is a lot easier to make happen if you have money.
Let Me Tell You Exactly What The Benefits Of My Forex Equinox Are It could solve your financial problems. Most people could use some extra money on a consistent and reliable basis. It can be traded even if you have a full-time job. There’s no padding so you don’t have to read a 200 page book. You will be up and running fast. It really is easy to learn. I don’t like hard, so I created this so anyone, even someone who has never traded before, can understand it. You will feel exited about trading because you could start to see consistent returns as you build confidence in the system. It’s 99% mechanical so you don’t have to worry about your emotions getting the better of you. Just stick to the rules. Milestone Bonus: EQ Magic Candlesticks
This bonus brings together two of the most powerful forces in the market – candlesticks and the EquiChannel – to help you increase your earnings on any trade, and get in “extra money” trades that others miss. When you have the EQ Power Patterns bonus, you can identify even more potential entry positions in the market, which could mean a lot of more cash when you trade.
Power Patterns break down the charts so that you can immediately identify one of three candlestick patterns in seconds, which could help you land in those lucrative Trend trades live.
Here’s another one of the many Milestones: The EquiDash Indicator Watch the short video that explains how the EquiDash works with your Forex Equinox system to save you tons of time. When any currency pair has hit Equilibrium, the EquiDash shows you whether it’s about to make a move that could make you cash, and it does it all in an instant full color read-out so it takes you only seconds to make confirmed trend trading decisions for the most profitable trades. Instead of scrolling through your pairs every few minutes, you only need to look at the EquiDash to be ready to roll, saving you a lot of valuable time and potentially making you a lot more money.
I’m including the $1,000 value Mega Bonus of my Equinox Autopilot Dashboard. The EAD (Equinox Automatic Dashboard) is as close to passive income as you can get in trading.
It’s an add-on that I originally intended and still intend to sell as a stand-alone product for at least $1,000. It’s a little piece of software that you can add to your Equinox charts that will do all the hard work for you. All you do is switch it on and it will immediately start its magic. I quietly runs in the background, monitoring the market and waiting for the perfect trade. As soon as it finds one, it send you an alert. Because it’s basically an algorithm, it doesn’t make mistakes. It’s like your computer. It has no emotion or feelings. It just does what it’s programmed to do. You could be watching a movie or have your charts in the background while you do something else, and as soon as it’s time to come and collect money, it sends you an alert. Have a look at this short video Did you see that the “Yes” and “No” button in the video? All you have to do is push one of them. The EAD has already done all the work for you. It watched the charts, found a trade, and tapped you on the shoulder and said , “Hey buddy – it’s time to get some money.” Watch the video below to see how one of our members uses the EAD to trade. It doesn’t get better than that. Wait…
You must meet my 4 criteria before I can share my secret with you.
Criteria #1
You must agree never to share the information I will give you. It’s just too valuable and it wouldn’t be fair to the other people who paid for this information. I assume everyone is an honest person and a person of their word. This is for you only.
Criteria #2
You must have the right mindset. You have to be ready for my secret and take action. There’s no point in buying anything if it just lays around your house and you never do anything with it. Ask yourself if you are ready for change. Are you ready for a different life? For the life that true wealth can bring, and are you prepared to take action today?
Criteria #3
Look, I like money as much as the next guy, but I don’t want anyone’s money who can’t afford it. If you are at bare bones and can’t afford your next electric bill, then this is not for you. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. I want to help as many people as I can, but if you are desperate, it just won’t work.
What I am offering here is something entirely different, unique, and special.
There will only ever be a limited number of copies and places in my members area, and I want to reserve them for the people who are ambitious enough to take action today.
Criteria #4
You have to take action today. The reason is simple. As you are aware, there will only ever be 1000 copies produced. That’s not some marketing, invented number. If you have followed me for any length of time, you will know that I only release new products very rarely and they always sell out.
So if you want to be part of the next elite group of traders who will take command of their own destiny and financial future – go ahead and claim your copy while you still can.
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