#my current favourite combo i think
meepitydoodle · 1 month
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Some floofy-haired Moiraine sketchbook drawing for your enjoyment xD
I was just doing some little Moraine sketches for fun and thought I'd share them here :D
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wodaro · 10 months
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Go slow Pandemos, fill of me I never meant to do harm to you, to love.
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lionydoorin · 1 year
Who do you think are the girls' favorite players? (Because Tara might not be as into basketball but she obviously absorbed opinions by osmosis)
oohhh okay.
i think sam likes players that can take the lead on the court, that aren't afraid to risk things on their plays while also providing opportunities for their teammates, kinda reflecting on what i think she's like as a player? so shooting guards like dwayne wade (who has a similar style to what i imagine she'd wanna play like in court!) and klay thompson and point guards like chris paul and steph curry. i also wanna say she was a fan of kawhi leonard and kevin durant at one point but we don't know what happened to kevin. we don't talk about that. our very own nba nomad. and jayson tatum? very interesting to watch!
i lowkey wanna to go for the comic aspect of this and say tara admires the big guys, like she was amazed by shaq o'neal when she was little and watching the current season with sam she'd be like "yeah, that jokić guy? no joke." but tara missed out on a LOT of the nba for a few years. it was sam and her's thing, so she stopped watching it after her sister left and got back into it when sam got back, as well. i do think whenever sam praises a player, she'll automatically nod and become a fan of them. she trusts sam's opinion blindly.
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pedrito-friskito · 17 days
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-> kay’s in her ttpd era.
ta-da!!! welcome the tortured writer’s department (kay’s version) - an assortment of fics based on my favourite ttpd songs (yeah I know), along with some bonus tracks and features. I’ve been challenging myself to write shorter fics based on pure vibes from songs, and the current fixaction is the tortured poets department, so here we are. (and most of these are shower thoughts, I’ll be completely honest) there are other ~tentative~ tracks that may or may not appear, the below is mostly confirmed, but still could change! *all characters are subject to change lol*
fortnight - marcus pike
who’s afraid of little old me? - joel miller
so long, london - captain john price (mw3)
fresh out the slammer - dieter bravo (calculated risks)
guilty as sin? - javier peña
loml - matt murdock
the alchemy - pre!outbreak joel miller
how did it end? - bucky barnes
the prophecy - din djarin
champagne problems - frankie morales/santiago garcia
this love - tasm!peter parker
getaway car - sierra six (the gray man)
cruel summer - matt murdock (the kitten and the devil)
coffee by chappell roan - dieter bravo
dinner with friends by kacey musgraves - frankie morales
seven devils by florence + the machine - pero tovar (the warrior and the witch)
-> if you have any other track/character combos you think should be on the setlist, or you’re curious about what I’ve got going, my inbox is open 🤍
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Hello earthlings, your favourite aliens back! Well, not favourite, I probably don't even make it to the top fifty, but let a guy have dreams.
I am currently drowned in exams and two days late on my art commissions schedule, but I've just eaten coffee beans thinking it was chocolate (don't do that, kids) and decided that it's time for a new BSfLM.
@weirdly-specific-but-ok , tagging you because I haven't bothered you in a while. Read this coffee induced masterpiece and cry.
global cheering
So, since @randomvoices and @zonzolik asked about the cults, I'll talk about...well, the cults. And now, mortals, IT'S SHOWTIME. Neil Gaiman have your mercy, for the worst is yet to come.
global slightly worried cheering
Okay, buckle your seatbelts, here's the story of how I almost got dragged into a cult. Welcome to hell.
Alrighty-almighty, it all starts, as it will end, in some little russian town. You know, these little towns that seem to only exist to say things like "this famous guy was born there", "that famous guy tried to sleep there for a night but was met with a lot of suspicion", "that one blorbo on the net got dragged into a cult there", etc. You see what I'm talking about.
"But, Ash, why were you in this town?", you ask.
The truth is, I don't know. We were looking for a place to sleep, then God decided that my life will be a crossover between Florida News and those traumatic fairy tales from your childhood that you remember all your life, and threw me there. Hi!
So, we arrive there, it's late, almost everyone is sleeping, and we need to stay unnoticed for runaway reasons. The villagers, however, are not very eager to welcome two black haired strangers carrying an impressive amount of close combat weapons. After a bit of useless bargaining, we realised that it's time to pack our bags and hitch the road.
So, we get a loaf of bread for dinner and go away, trying to look very offended. Historians don't say if it was effective. We're almost gone when we see a guy who yells us that there's a small community of monks in the woods who usually welcome well minded strangers.
Sleep in a monastery is better than no sleep at all, we decide, and go in the woods. We arrive, the monks are nice even if not very monkish, they give us some mushroom stew and send us to sleep.
I don't know what they put in the stew, but we both sleep for more than three days. When we wake up, they're all nice, all seem very worried that we haven't woken up earlier. We apologize for abusing their hospitality and ask if we could do something to make up for it. We may be punk, but we have a heart. They happily agree and we spend an unknown amount of days alternating between enormous amounts of sleep and chopping wood, collecting flowers, brewing beer, and other monastery stuff.
We start thinking about leaving, but every time we mention it, they ask us if we could help with something else, and make clear that they won't tell us where they put our travel bags (with the guns inside.). Now that we live with them, we can see that they don't look like monks at all. Neither of us knows a lot about Christianity, but I'm pretty sure monks aren't supposed to wear flower crowns, sleep together, and sing songs about how Nature is a massive slay. They're hippies, we think, nice ones, and keep chopping wood.
They seem pretty excited about the full moon. Is God supposed to look at us through the moon's eye? Is God the moon? Were they secretly werewolves? Who knows. But they were acting very strange when we mentioned it. Told us that we need to see the full moon ceremony, that it will change our lives.
We help them decorate the woods, and put a small monolith around which it's going to take place. They ask Beez to pick a goat, because they're going to do a thing in our honour. Goat meat stew? Why not. Another 2 day-long nap later, it's the full moon. They give us white robes. Beez insists to keep all the things they haven't put away under them. The black-white combo doesn't look good, but it works.
We reunite in the clearing. As soon as the moon appears, they start singing. I don't know that song but it sounds metal. I'm joining them, stammering some lyrics about burning Christians. It fortunately goes unnoticed.
And then, the goat arrives. It's very clear that there won't be any stew. Beez looks at me. I look at Beez. And we run like our lives are in danger, which is probably true. Without the robes, we're almost invisible in the night. And we mindlessly run for dear life, two days of running almost without stopping. I don't know if they sent people after us, but they didn't catch us.
So, yeah, here's how we survived a moonlight cult, and people from said cult obtained two brand new backpacks, a dozen guns, perfectly done passports (it was awful to redo these without being found) and half a loaf of bread. Hope they remember us.
Remember, children, always trust suspicious strangers. Fun adventures might happen.
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dwampyverseawards · 3 months
IMPORTANT NOTE: While this is marked as the semi-final, this is for all intents and purposes the final for the writers half of this bracket.
Relevant reason for being submitted:
not sure if it has influence on the fandom overall but it had an influence on me and I live by that
They create top-tier Phineas and Ferb content, from fics to thoughtful analysis of characters and episodes. The following link is a great showcase of just a portion of their current Phineas and Ferb fics;
Propaganda: Just their entire catalogue of Phineas and Ferb works on Archive of Our Own. This is my favourite fic of theirs;
And here are some of my favourite posts;
Vote for @/pftones3482!
Have you ever heard of the Secret Life of Candace? Aka best mermaid au ever? GUESS WHO WROTE IT?
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Relevant reason for being submitted: (As part of a duo with @/chio-chan2) Best Fanfic writer & fanartist duo!
Propaganda: Everybody loves a good Fanfic&Fanart combo, and these two are hitting it out of the park! They are both creating amazing things TOGETHER and I think that's one of the many things that make this fandom so wonderful!
Proselytization (n): The act of converting from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another. Perry used to believe he and Heinz operated at two completely different ends of the spectrum. That was years ago. Now that the balance has shifted, he supposes he should have seen their inevitable convergence from miles away.
You can find works by Chio at chapters 6, 7, and 12!
Take my hand, take my whole life too -- for I can't help falling in love with you. The dichotomy of good and evil are forever intertwined -- just as Perry and Heinz will be, as soon as they exchange their rings.
Chio and I worked REALLY hard to bring this perryshmirtz wedding to life. You can find chio's work at the end of the fic, and hopefully enjoy yourself along the way while you're at it.
Heinz and Perry are a colorful pair, but one color stands out in particular.
Contestants may add their own propaganda however they see fit, provided it does not put down the person they are against, and if they continue it will be added to the next poll they are in. All round 1 matches were randomly generated, and anyone may drop out at any time.
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hebuiltfive · 3 months
Hi! Character ask game for TAG Scott! Any combo, or all - I'd really love to read your takes!🤗💙
My first impression of them
My least favorite ship of them
A weird headcanon
Future headcanon
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
So excited to answer this one! Putting it under a cut because it gets long!
First impression: Wow this guy is crazy, (from hanging off TB1)? Also remember distinctly thinking that, as the obvious head of the family, that this guys really knows what he's doing. I was proved wrong in subsequent episodes. Sorry Scoot! But I really liked Scott from the off!
Least Favourite Ship: I don't really have one that I hate but if I had to pick one I dislike... I'd probably say Scott x Kayo only because I see Kayo as their sister in TAG so it feels a little weird to me to ship her with any of the boys. But that's just my personal opinion on it. There are some amazing Scayo fics out there!
Weird headcanon: I don't know whether this meant a weird headcanon in terms of weird for the character or whether it meant weird for me to have the headcanon, so I'm just going to give a headcanon that might be common but might just be me instead, if that's okay (and if that made any sense?
Okay. To me, I see Scott as actually very musical. Obviously he's nowhere near as proficient as Virgil who is the musician of the family, but Scott can hold a decent tune. In addition to singing, he can also play a variety of instruments including the piano, the guitar, the harmonica, the French horn, the drums.
I think this one is a little influenced by the TOS universe — in one of the Theydon books, Scott plays the piano and there's a bit of background to that — so I kind of just expanded it for TAG Scott (and may be putting it into one of my WIPs... 👀).
But yeah. Hope that answers that one!
Future Headcanon: This is a much easier headcanon question, and it also happens to be one I'm currently writing into a WIP!
Once Jeff is home and everything is more stable, Scott settles down with Marion Van Arkle. She joins iR and they have three children together (who will follow in their footsteps when they're old enough) and Scott lives happily ever after. He deserves the happily ever after! (Although there are, of course, hiccups in the WIP, but that's unimportant here.) Happily ever after Scott! That's important!
Most themselves: Ooh. That's tough. I can think of a few.
Recharge, where he goes off in the Pod despite Virgil warning him against it and, oh look! Virgil was right all along? That sums Scott up I think.
Chain of Command, for most of the episode. Getting angry of not being able to help the people in need; going in for that second rescue regardless of the permission; and then, of course, questioning Janus's authority.
Chain Reaction, for when he saves Fuse even though Marion points out he's a criminal. Scott's line of "everyone is worth saving" is such a Tracy line, but I think it also sums Scott up. Likewise, in Brain v Brawn where he saves the Hood. Dude has a bigger heart than I would have in that situation.
I could go on, but this answer is already an essay in itself!
Thank you for this! It was fun to think about, and I hope I answered okay! 💙
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caromari · 1 month
Tagged by: @heysye !!!
Name: carol (my nickname and what i've been referred to as since forever)
Sexuality: bisexual
Favourite D&D Classes: never played d&d in my life but i want to try playing as a bard
i think a support class like that would be fun and also i get to sing my little songs???
Dog or cat person: def more of a dog person. i sadly never grew up with cats but i’ve gotten to interact with them more now as an adult thanks to my partner and neighbor :)
Current time: 11:03am
Dream job: if i can get a job with an indie studio working with concept art, small animations and/or merch design i'd be the happiest
Favorite animal: tigers, sheep, seals and dogs (especially bernese mountain dogs and samoyeds)
Blog creation date: 29/june/2013
i remember i made it thinking oooo i’m gonna get so many followers if i make a pokemon ask blog. i wanted to be a sylveon cause it was a new pokemon at the time but i never managed to get any interactions LOL 😭
i deleted all my art out of embarrassment but i still have some remnants of it......
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flower crown and everything. sorta glad no one asked me shit cause i would've been insufferable
Reason for URL: a combo of carol and calamari
it was my display name on splatoon 2 for a while
Followers I’d like to know better:
@sorcery-saga @deltaluka @kade-n
no pressure ofc!!
anyone else who wants to join just say i tagged you 🫵
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sunflow3rsims · 7 months
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The Babydoll - The Pretty Girl & The Instigator
"You can try, but you'll NEVER do it like me."
Name: Monique Arthur Nickname: The Babydoll Age: 26 Location: Brindleton Bay Seduction: 3 Physical Strength: 2 Mental Strength: 5 Manipulation: 5 Anger Management: 2 Sexuality & Relationship Status: Straight. Has a boyfriend who would literally vacuum a beach if she asked him to. Won’t like “The Real Girl” or “The Party Girl”.
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"Don’t let the baby face fool you! I’ll knock the shit out of a bitch like an enema. Well, not me. I’ll get another girl to do it for me. I don’t like fighting. This face? Designed by the divine, honey. You see these nails? They are not cheap. This lace?! NOT cheap. It costs a lot to look this good. You think I’d waste that on a hoe? HA! Think again. What makes me a baddie? Let me tell you something. It takes a real baddie to use her sharp tongue and quick wit to manipulate people into getting what she wants. Watch me run this house. I love to start drama between people because I love how it plays out. Two weak, dumb bitches fighting? That’s my favourite fucking movie."
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Monique was born an only child to teenage parents in Brindleton Bay. She was in and out of foster care until her parents decided they didn’t want anything to do with her or each other. She quickly realised that if she was going to survive in the foster care, and subsequently, the world, she had to look out for herself and only herself. Blessed with intelligence, beauty and a twinkling innocence in her eyes, she’s expertly used this to her advantage. After all who can resist a pretty face? Sneaky, master manipulator and a lover of chaos and drama, she gets what she wants, when she wants, how she wants. At 26, she lives with her boyfriend of 3 years, Miles, who’s rich in money, but  poor in self esteem. Perfect combo for someone like Monique. She works as a hair stylist. She’s very well rounded, from wig installs to box braids to barbering… She can do it all. Currently working on buying her own salon and eventually starting a chain.
@plumbewb (Hope I got everything love! xx)
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dingoat · 28 days
hi sorry I haven't gotten around to your ask yet I'm working on it, BUT I'm tossing the favorite SWTOR oc question back your way (and also whether they're following canon or doing their own thing).
I'd also love to know if you have any particular bothan headcanons you like a lot.
Hi hi!! Don't worry at all, please take your time with your response! We're all here for fun and interactions, not pressure, right? And thankyou for asking!!!
Now, part one is easy, haha. Ahuska is hands down my number one best favourite SWTOR OC, even if she appears somewhat differently in game than in my imagination. She's my main toon, the only one actually up to speed with game content, the only one with passable gear, lots of fun pets and mounts and outfits, and is currently working on polishing up her Mojo Dojo Copero Dream House.
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(I absolutely need to draw her as her proper bothan self in this outfit!)
BUT, where she matters to me even more than that is in her story/RP, and here things diverge... quite a lot, hahaha. Very very originally she was just a toon that I made to PVP alongside my husband with (I actually did think of her as a bothan right from the start), but when I found myself hungry for RP I fleshed her out a little to join a RP guild in game which is where her life really started (particularly owing to @koboldgirl and the exceptional times we've had writing together). The group's premise was a Mandalorian clan rebuilding itself after all the Zakuul business, but despite that vague timeframe her story never really touched on swtor events or canon characters (the toon is an Imperial Agent but she is not REMOTELY an Agent, even as much as I love the IA storyline). Over time I made a bunch of wonderful friends in the swtor community and Ahuska's story has intercepted a few others here and there, and from that perspective keeping the timeline vague/unimportant and away from key canon characters/moments has really helped with being able to have her interact with others without contradicting their own things they have going on. I think engaging with other characters/writers is what motivates me more than anything and I get a tonne of joy in seeing/considering/plotting how they might interact!
(Read more for things getting weird and werewolfy.)
Now, Ahuska also took a deep dive into an AU with @askshivanulegacy that started as a halloween drabble challenge and has somehow become literal years of very intense worldbuilding and fiction and words can't describe how much I love this story, hahaha. It's still very much Ahuska, and very much swtor, it's just... swtor if the Empire managed to perfect a weird-science-sith-alchemy-intelligence-conditioning combo to create a very star-warsy version of werewolves (and were-any-other-critter). The first generation were designed to be secret soldiers/weapons, but the project failed and Ahuska is the sole survivor, going on a wonderful journey of self liberation and learning what truly makes a monster. The second generation (and all subsequent) came from Intel refining the technology and utilising it as an extra toolset for the most elite of elite Cipher agents, which is where almost all the rest of the cast comes from. Naturally there's a lot of divergence from canon here by the very nature of things, but funnily we also lean on a lot more canon swtor story beats, particularly when we look ahead to the KotFE and beyond time period.
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I have so much love for every iteration of Ahuska, honestly, and I know I've mentioned it here and there but she really truly did play a huge role in pulling me out of a pretty grim place, not only helping me rediscover a lot of creativity but also helping to restore my trust and faith in people in general. She's led me to people who are now my absolute dearest friends, which in turn has taken me quite literally, physically across this humble planet we live on. I genuinely believe sharing stories is a massive part of what makes us human and I get very sentimental when I consider what a significant place this silly little bothan holds in my heart <3
Now, it's getting late for me, haha, so I will probably visit the second part of your ask in another post, but I love that as a question! >3 Once again ty for sending this and I can't wait to hear about yours!
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pilot-doodles · 9 months
HELLO! I was tagged in this "Get to Know me" thing. wazzup. thanks, @alyxtried
Last Song - Blood Upon the Snow- Hozier, Bear McCreary
The song fits some of my OCs super well, I keep putting that song on in the car and get really lost in it. It's one of those songs that if given the right time to sit and listen, will give me full body chills. today was one of those days!
Currently Watching - Star Wars Rebels (Season 2)
I can't shut up about Star Wars ever and because I am fun and love live My favorite animated series is Rebels. I wanted to show it to my roommate. Every time I re-watch it I notice more and more. I'm also watching Ashoka so It is nice to see the parallels. and GOD i love Hera Syndulla so much.
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Currently Reading - Burning Chrome- William Gibson
Reading is SUUUUPER hard for me for some reason, so I find myself picking up and putting books down often. I rarely get so engrossed in a book that I finish it, but that's why Burning Chrome works for me. it's a scify anthology/short story comp that I can pick up and put away whenever I want. the few books I strongly recommend are Piranesi and the Winternight Trilogy!
Current Obsession - (Still) Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Baldur's gate 3
before I go back on my Star Wars bullshit, I'm still playing BG3 with my beloved bard, Viv. I don't have as much free time as I did a while back but I still want to finish the story.
Favourite Colour - Red
it's been my favorite since I was a kid! I don't have a single explanation for it but it's always my favorite. I use it a lot in character design. I am also a fan of a good gold and black. the combo of red, dark navy and gold will always make me go insane. (in a good way)
Favourite Candy - Gummies
who has ONE favorite candy? what? I love gummies, hard candy, dark chocolate, anything with lemon- the more I think of it I don't think there's anything I actively dislike! except circus peanuts and candy corn but I think I'm allergic to them.
Favourite Game of All Time - Final Fantasy Crisis Core
I don't know who knows but I have a tattoo of the buster sword (Zacks OG CC version). it's on my left forearm. the tattoo artist I got was amazing, too. Crisis Core was extremely formative for me and had formulated some of the ideals I hold today.
Current Pets - Tadashi (gray longhair cat) and Acorn (Society Finch)
My boy tadashi was a shelter cat who probably would have died if I hadn't gotten him when I did. He came to me with a life threatening respiratory infection and ringworm, fleas, kennel rashes, etc. He's all fixed up now and living his best life as a spoiled, fat housecat. he's a bit standoffish to people, but really loves being with people. I also live with my sister's two cats, madeline and Olive.
Thanks for the tag, If someone wants to do it, go for it! I would love to hear about the vast beautiful worlds you got going on! (trying not to tag irl friends) Theres a lot of you active mutuals, so if I missed you and you wanna do it, I have spiritualy tagged you.
@magicalzombiegirl @ramroadrage @sternenhimmel-mond @thatoneperson1967 @astro-b-o-y-d @jesterrlavorre @phobosapollo @nionbell
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handweavers · 1 year
kiran this is my uhh fourth? year of promising to sew myself a livable summer wardrobe pls pray with me that it’ll be my first year of Actually doing it <3 and also, as always... what are your fave summer patterns?
omg you can do it i believe in you!! i always find that the most difficult part is getting started, once you get into the groove of it and sewing things it becomes addictive to just keep popping out garments, it always happens to me i'll go months without touching my sewing machine and then i'll sit down to sew a pair of pants or a shirt and a few days later i've sewn 5 whole new garments and i don't even know how i got there lmfao.
my summer patterns are probably different than most because i can't wear shorts or short sleeved clothing outside in the heat or my skin explodes, but i have a set of patterns that i make in lightweight linen or cotton and even though they're long pants and long sleeves they're soooo comfortable even on the hottest days. i also run hot year round so i wear these in winter too just with extra layers lol
- the fremantle pants and the cornell shirt from elbe textiles. i think i've made the fremantle pants 6 times now and while i change a few things about the construction process to suit my preference (i prefer a different method for attaching the waistband) they're literally my favourite pants ever. cornell shirt is also fantastic, i like view 1 which has a button placket that goes halfway down the shirt but not fully. i like to sew it using lightweight cotton esp fabric i've gotten from india and that combo makes it function like a short modern kurti/traditional desi shirt pattern for me and i love it
- all well cardigan coat by all well workshop. the hacking guide for this is awesome, i've made several different versions of this coat in midweight linens and cottons and they are the perfect method of protecting my arms from the sun if i want to wear a short sleeved shirt that day as well as for layering, and i always make them long with huge pockets so they're so functional and comfy
- harper tunic by elizabeth suzann studio. another shirt i've made several times to the extent that i use this pattern as a base whenever i want to make a new shirt. i made the hem straight instead of asymmetrical and i removed the pocket, and shortened the length of the tunic and it makes an awesome basic woven tee pattern for me. i can whip out a hacked shirt in this pattern in like 4 hours, highly recommend
- cap sleeve shirt from the assembly line. this is a new-to-me pattern that i'm currently using for the first time to make a shirt, and its great. similar basic silhouette as the harper tunic but it has a button placket and standing straight collar so i like having that built into the pattern.
- morocco pants from the fabrics store. awesome simple pants that are very comfy, but they work extremely well when cut into shorts. i can't wear shorts outside during the day but i still like to wear them at home/inside in the summer esp for sleeping, and i always use my hacked version of this pattern for that. so simple, so perfect.
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defeateddetectives · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
thank youuu @coquelicoq for the tag! yes this is an entire month late because of who i am as a person :'D
3 ships you like: actually gonna give some real estate to the ones i have NOT been rotating nonstop on this space like a rotisserie chicken lately to mix things up!
1) hiyakawa/mikado (the night beyond the tricornered window) - a plug for my tiny, spooky, hilarious and obscure af manga series that blindsided me with its pathos (and because i want everyone to read it and then create some very niche fan-content for me specifically! :D wait who said that!) emotionally oblivious loser 4 emotionally oblivious loser!!! except they're emotionally oblivious in fun, complementary ways! their whole journey is absolutely bonkers and unexpectedly heartfelt, and yes, exorcism should be this hot always!
2) natsume/tanuma (natsume yuujinchou) - i know that no one will believe me when i say that this is still THE natsume yuujinchou ship to me at the end of the day! something something if i loved it less i might be able to talk about it more! but lonely kids finding one another and making each other's lives SO MUCH BETTER solely for existing in each other's orbit and being such a paragon of healthy, functional communication and trust and growing connection that still floors me to this day (and with such courage and eloquence that most adults still cannot manage...i say...sideeyeing two v specific adults)!!! theirs was the thread that pulled me into the series to begin with (i literally just watched all the tanuma eps on first pass) and i'm still so grateful for them and everything about them
3) jack rackham/anne bonny (black sails) - platonic/queerplatonic/romantic/whichever combo or other nebulous way you slice it! THE soulmates of all time that haunt me on the regular and really said to the audience: watch us take your expectations and definitions and parameters of love, joyfully smash it to smithereens, and create something so tremendously unrecognizable and beautiful. truly partners till they put us in the fucking ground!!!
first ship ever: the first fanfic i stumbled upon in my life featured taichi and yamato from digimon adventure. i still remember this because it was interspersed with an edit of yamato in a dress and posted on ye olde personal webpages and shown to me by a school friend, both of us looking like the :o face incarnate. we were Babies. it was a Time. i don't even think i knew what a ship was at the time but hashtag formative things!
last song you heard: it's been a grimes & janelle monae - venus fly kinda day
favourite childhood book: soft spot for whitechurch by chris lynch forever. i think i read it maybe in high school? it rewired my brain and is probably a huge part of why i am the way i am/write the way i do subconsciously.
currently reading: does vi bullying me into danmei count? in which case, global examination....at snail's pace. in this house we love and appreciate a good arson!
currently watching: recently started rewatching the original a:tla for the first time since it finished airing after trying and failing miserably with the live action :( only a few episodes in but augh its still so good and some things hit even harder with foreknowledge. there will never really be another character arc like zuko's ever again.
currently consuming: a smoothie! i've discovered i am a fan of almond butter when dunked in a blender with berries, yogurt and milk. 11/10 would recommend!
currently craving: earlier today i was daydreaming of bbq so let's go with that
super low pressure tagging @endless-season @half-infinite @argyros @fadedclxssic @caroline-hill @kastellaran @doubleboyfriend @constastan @spookirou and as always, everyone is welcome to steal
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Masterpost! :D👍
Hello, friends, welcome to my art blog!
I hope my silly doodles can bring you a little bit of happiness, or a brief moment of amusement at the very least 🧡
My Etsy Store! :D
Art requests: you will see [Req's open!!] In my blog title when I'm taking requests!
If you've sent me a request while my list is full, I will keep it in my inbox until I have an empty slot. It will not be ignored! :]
If I don't end up drawing your request, it just means that it didn't pique my interest at the time! It doesn't mean that I think your idea is bad in any way, I'm just chasing The Dopamine™
If there is a specific thing you would like to see me draw, be it a character, an item, or a scenario, don't hesitate to tell me!! I would love to hear any request you might have, and I'd be honored to make your day just a tiny bit brighter with some shiny new art ^-^
These requests aren't something I will be prioritizing over other projects, but rather something that I'll turn to whenever I feel like it. I'm currently trying to put together an art portfolio for future commissions, so requests are incredibly appreciated!
If you do have a request you want to make, please leave it in my inbox rather than my DM's! This just makes it easier for me to keep track of things ^-^
(This of course doesn't apply if you have reference pictures that you'd like for me to use, or if you'd like to discuss some details about an OC of yours. I just want the initial message in my inbox for the sake of organization :])
I have a second blog where I'll be hoarding all the shiny posts I come across that I think are neat, don't hesitate to check it out if you wanna discover some really awesome artists!! I'm sure that another reblog (or maybe even a comment!) would put a smile on the faces of the original creators ^-^
You'll find it at @antics-of-a-spiteful-stickbug , I hope you'll appreciate all the funky posts as much as I do c:
Will I be posting mature content? I have a tendency to use pretty mature language (I swear a lot), but that's about it. There will be no nsfw content on this blog. I might post stuff that contains artistic nudity every once in a blue moon, (emphasis on might), but that's about it. The same goes for my second blog, there will be no nsfw content but I might reblog stuff that contains artistic nudity, should I come across it.
Some info about me! For those who might be curious :]
Age: 19 [nov 30, 04]
Nationality: Swedish 🇸🇪
Gender: genderfluid/agender, (it's somewhat of a mix between these two) and I'm AFAB
Favourite colour: all of them. (But if I have to choose, blue and orange make for a pretty neat combo 🧡^-^💙)
Interests: just about anything bahahaha, but I'm a huge nerd when it comes to character design, be it written, drawn, or animated! I'm also a huuuuge fan of colours, how they look together, and how they can influence the way we percieve things. I could sit for hours just making up different colour palettes, it's a hyperfixation of mine ^-^ I also like to write! I used to spend all my free time writing, and even won a short story competition held by my school when I was in 9th grade B] (I know, huuge achievement lmfao) I might post some writing here and there if inspiration strikes, but I'm not making any promises.
Now that all of that's out of the way, I do hope you'll find my blog entertaining, and that you have a wonderful rest of your day ^-^ 🧡
Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲
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Fic Recs!
So there's a thing to make 10 fic recs, so... Going through my bookmarks for some favourites... Numbered only so I keep track. A number of these have content warnings, please check the tags and descriptions of the fics themselves when you follow through <3 have not tagged people as I get awkward about it, ask if you would like to be tagged ^^. All QSMP as it's the resent fandom I can do easily.
I'm starting with cheating and becauseplot's Little Dagger AU, which is 3 fics but shhh. Especially the second two fics, which is post-FI Cellbit deciding he lives in Felps' house now. It's very funny and very sad if you stop and think, which is a wonderful combo no?
Less cheating! and it’s not the same (but maybe that’s okay) by a_Saga_in_progress. Do you want Slime and CodeFlippa feelings? Have some Slime and CodeFlippa feelings.
how to (not) deal with asymmetry by Solaneceae! Tazercraft horrible hours! A delightfully messed up version of their souls being melded together, plus some of the followup from after Mike's coma where Pac has grown and Mike... hasn't.
You And Me Were Built For Violence by WSDanon. I'm sure you've seen this about - it's an AU in which Tazercraft end up on 2b2t following the Prison escape, and run into Fit there. In progress, but every chapter is very satisfying by itself. Currently featuring: cannibalism angst! And also regular angst. And hugs.
My lungs still breathe and my mind still fears by Ashbluegamer! Missa gets stranded a long way from spawn after a death, so far out his communicator refuses to work properly. People look for him, but it's still a long way back.
kintsugi kid by thanotaphobia (blue000jay). Tubbo and Fit in the aftermath of Purgatory. I'm... Not sure I can really add more to that? Once again, angst.
ground level where the dry leaves blow by Odaigahara. I struggled a bit to pick which of their QSMP fics to pick (and got the wrong link the first time oops), but given how much I reread this one how could I not? An AU in which Missa is a priest of death, waking up in a grave mutilated and at risk of dying in such a way that traps his soul in his decaying flesh for eternity. Philza is here, ofc.
Another cheating, and this time not even all in a connected plot >.< the series q!philza works (+codebreakerduo) by hattrem. Has a delightful selection of Philza & Etoiles works. I'm especially fond of the one where Etoiles repeatidly bleeds to death, but I can also recommend imposter!Wilbur.. Well all 4 as I put the whole series here, but you get the point.
Rainy Echoes by mochitoaster. While Mike is gone, Pac has a panic attack about a storm. Cellbit makes things both worse and better. Don't you want Cellbit to make things both worse and better? Because I always do.
so what if i'm crazy (all the best people are) by songbirdscoo. To quote my bookmark "Cellbit meets Tubbo and helps him commit some crimes, and Tubbo only gets a little bit shot!"
There were some really close seconds but the event says pick 10 >.<
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gothimp · 2 months
tagged by @archonfurina in a cute new game
𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭…
01. a character you love.
Shadowheart… she’s my wife she’s my best friend she’s my mirror she’s my narrative foil I just love her. Her design is so delicious too. My husband actually got a necklace custom made for my birthday right after the game dropped that looks exactly like Shadowheart’s circlet
02. your favourite food from your culture.
Americans really changed the game with corn dogs and peanut butter. They’re like the only two foods that make me feel patriotic. Also if we’re talking about roots shepherds pie and cottage pie have a big tradition in my family and instantly make me feel at home
03. what your dream apartment / room / house is like.
We’re actually about to move cross country and trade our 3 bedroom house for an apartment so I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I really like a clean but moody aesthetic. Minimal knick-knacks but some silver framed art, colored glass vases. I’m hesitant to say dark academia but maybe just like a slightly less cluttered whimsigoth?
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04. your personal style or aesthetic.
Lots of cool tones and dark colors. I prefer looser more gender neutral cuts when I can but when I’m feeling more feminine I LOVE a patterned fishnet + band tee combo. I also wear a lot of hair accessories like hair sticks and claw clips (these sunnies have been on my wishlist forever, and those vans are my favorite shoes I currently have)
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05. a happy memory.
Seeing Hozier for his wasteland baby tour :) it was at the beautiful orpheum theater and the whole show was so dreamy
06. your favourite way(s) to spend time.
Playing D&D, writing, playing video games with my husband, horror movies, reading, going on road trips, sunbathing.
07. story behind your url / title / quote / description / icon.
As far as my url, my favorite pokemon is Grimmsnarl!! I love the dark/fairy dual typing. Also I love the use of imps as familiars.
08. something that comforts you or brings you joy.
My kitties 🩵 they are my little house goblins and I love them so much.
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09. what you’re looking forward to.
MOVING!!!! Get me out of the south please 😭
10. something else that’s important to you.
I saw Dev Patel’s Monkey Man weeks ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I know I didn’t even catch all the complexities because I don’t know much about eastern cultures but it’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and the symbolism I did catch blew me away. Please watch Monkey Man. Please.
Taglist below 🩵
@haarleps @razz-berry @elvves @estevnys @dragonologist-phd
@superhaught @avallachs @devilbrakers @leopardmuffinxo @pitchmoss
@dragonsplague @vvanessaives @katsigian @mapeslyrup @feykiller @fullyclothedmolerat
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