#my dearest mindy
deuyr4 · 1 year
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light the sky and leave this hole
my dearest cindy mindy for @rwbyprism <3
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
My dearest, darling Aim, do you happen any thoughts and/or comments about that new Velma show that just came out, because it just sounds horrific and I made the fatal error of watching about a minute of some cisgender white dude's critic of it on youtube and I'm more than a LITTLE FROTHY about how he was basically 'Welp, that's what happens when you try to shoehorn the remake of a classic show into being more ethnically diverse and it's like that because Mindy Kaling is dumpy and unattractive.'
As a disclaimer before my comments: I have not watched it and I don't plan to watch it. Basically as soon as I saw the first trailer, I said, "This was not made for me, a person who loves Velma and Scooby-Doo."
Because that's the thing -- it was not made for people who love Velma and Scooby-Doo. It was made for people who don't think loving anything is cool, and specifically, who think "nostalgia poisoning" is a thing and want to "ruin your childhoods" because "it's time to grow up" or whatever. It exists in the same vein of humor as the last ten years of South Park, or Seth Macfarlane's whole career, where the only comedy thesis is, "If you care about anything, you're a rube."
Because it's not just Velma and Scooby-Doo that the new show takes potshots at. It's also true crime fans (who are pretty much only women), it's Other Girls (shown to be vapid "bitches" AKA Daphne), it's people with mental illness, it's adult cartoon watchers as a whole, it's people who genuinely want diversified television, it's the idea of friendship. And it's ALSO people who hate true crime fans, and people who hate Other Girls, and people who hate diversified television. Because there is no "right way" to watch the show. There's no underlying person you can be as an audience member and NOT be shit on by the show.
If you hate that they made Velma Desi, then the show is going to shit on you for it, but not because you're a bigoted loser -- but because you care about something.
If you hate that they made Velma an odious quasi-fascist with a serious streak of internalized misogyny, the show is going to shit on you -- because you care about something.
The only way to be "cool," in the vein of comedy that HBO Velma exists within, is to aggressively not care about anything. But don't Not Care too aggressively! Because that circles back around to caring about seeming cool, and that's not cool!
And I'm gonna be honest:
Mindy Kaling has always had a problem with desperately, desperately wanting to be seen as cool. (See title of autobiography, 'Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?')
In the 2000s, when she was in Hasty Pudding (iirc) and the youngest writer on The Office -- a show which DOES NOT HOLD UP in 2023; if you still think The Office is hilarious in 2023 I find you a DEEPLY suspicious person -- it seemed revolutionary and rebellious to openly be a non-thin, nerdy girl and say, "I really wish I were cool." And it was, for the time! That WAS revolutionary and rebellious! It's what built Mindy Kaling's career (and also Tina Fey's, another writer whose work Does Not Hold Up in 2023).
And in the 2010s, with The Mindy Project, being an adult woman who wrote frankly about desperately wanting to be cool was kind of fresh-ish, and the ways that Mindy's character undermined herself to try to get what she wanted felt if not relevant, then unfortunately relatable for a lot of people. But she also ends up with a dude character who, in the FIRST EPISODE, calls her fat. To her face. Many times. It's never addressed again, and it's not played as a dealbreaker... obviously. Because she ends up with someone who fundamentally doesn't respect or like her. But she ends up with somebody! And that's what matters! Because it's cool to have a boyfriend!
In the 2020s, Mindy's shtick is extremely outdated, at best, and is an active choice by Mindy to be harmful, at worst (and frankly, with Velma, most likely). Mindy's shtick is not, "Some girls aren't cool, and that's okay." It's literally, "If you're a girl who isn't cool, that's not okay."
I've seen a lot of posts that are either comparisons or contrasts with Netflix's Wednesday, and I don't really have a dog in that fight because like, I enjoyed the unintentional sapphic vibes of Wednesday a lot and I thought Jenna Ortega was great, but the show as a whole fundamentally misunderstands The Addams Family, so I'm overall like, "eh." BUT. What both the comparisons and the contrasts of Wednesday and Velma hinge on is this:
Neither show understands, or cares, why the characters they're based on are beloved in the first place. They don't actually want to interact with the source material, and they don't actually want to court fans of the source material. If anything, they want fans of the source material to avoid the show so that the streaming service they're on can have a young, hip demo tuning in.
And what they don't understand about Wednesday and Velma... is that the reason they're beloved... is that they like who they are.
Wednesday is macabre, but she's a happy kid. She likes what she likes. She gleefully electrocutes Pugsley not because she likes causing pain, but because it's fascinating to see what electrocution does. She beheads her dolls and then sleeps with both pieces in her arms. She studies the Bermuda Triangle because it's fucking interesting that whole-ass ships and planes disappear! She likes the things she likes. She likes who she is. She LIKES THINGS. She's not miserable or misanthropic or nihilist. The line that Wednesday most got right of Wednesday's dialogue was "no one gets to torture [Pugsley] except me," because she's a fierce protector and an Addams, first and foremost.
(Insert 96-paragraph rant here about how The Addams Family (2019) and The Addams Family: The Musical also fundamentally misunderstand this about Wednesday, the musical perhaps worst of all. Wednesday does not want to be normal. She just doesn't want to be perky.)
Velma is a nerd and a dork and a geek, and she could not be happier about it! She's gonna kick your ass at the science fair! She will correct the grammar of your 'kick me' sign on her back and return it with red pen! She's a skeptic not because she hates caring about things or hates belief, but because she loves learning and she loves evidence. The only girl that Velma has ever had any negative relationship with that I can recall is that she and Marcie Fleach had some tension because they were equally smart and smart people sometimes compete to be The Smartest, but then in the end THEY WERE IN LOVE AND GIANT LESBIANS. And then Marcie got murdered by a paranormally enhanced parrot, but whatever.
There's a REASON why there's never been -- until this HBO show -- a whiff of jealousy that Daphne is traditionally beautiful or that Fred adores her. (I mean, part of that is that Velma is a lesbian, but also VELMA DOESN'T WANT TO BE DAPHNE, SHE WANTS TO BE VELMA.) The only "love triangle" that the Scooby gang has ever had was literally INCLUDING THE DOG, because Velma does not hate anything about Daphne or who Daphne is. She celebrates who Daphne is. She loves who Daphne is. She would never, ever, ever call Daphne a bitch.
But here's the thing: I genuinely don't think that Mindy Kaling can conceive of a weird girl being happy with who they are.
I don't know if it's a generational, grew-up-in-the-80s thing, or an effect of racism she experienced as a Desi girl, or because she's frequently been the only woman in a comedy writers' room, or if she just as a defective personality.
But I think she looked at Velma and said, "This girl makes no sense unless she's miserable, angry, and maladjusted."
And I think Tim Burton looked at Wednesday and said the same thing. But I also think Tim Burton looks at literally all women always and says that, so whatever.
I think Mindy Kaling deeply, deeply hates herself. And she can't write female characters who don't also deeply hate themselves.
But that's not Velma.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
dearest kay ❤️ happy sleepover!
i'm so glad you're feeling better now, it's awful being sick, especially at this time of year when it's so dark and cold too
i'd like to know, of all the boys you write for, who would you most like to take care of you when you're sick?
although we don't celebrate thanksgiving here, in the spirit of the holiday i just want to say how thankful i am to have met you here, you and all the other friends i've made this year, i really don't know what i'd do without you 🥰
mindi my darling! thank you!
ugh it’s truly the worst, but so grateful to be feeling good enough now to work on such lovely things for my lovely friends ♥️
this was a hard decision! I definitely toyed with a few others (Steve Rogers, Frankie Morales, Eddie Munson), but there’s just something about Marcus Pike that is just so comforting and so I chose him! (this is very self indulgent, very fluffy, exactly what I could have used when I was down for the count…!)
mindi you are the SWEETEST and I’m teary reading this. I too am the most thankful for the beautiful friends that live in my phone 🥰 I don’t know what I’d do without YOU! ♥️
requests are open until saturday midnight!
making a fuss
(word count 1.1k)
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There’s a knock at your door.
The sound makes your head hurt, heaving yourself up off the couch, keeping your blanket wrapped tight around your shoulders like a second skin. You have to sift your way through the mountain of discarded tissues on the floor, some of them making their way under the couch as you wobbles towards the door. Each step seems to reverberate through your whole body, your ears ringing and your head throbbing. Honestly, who is knocking at your door? You told everyone you were sick, sending your friend group chat a myriad of sneezing emojis, and you’d cancelled your plans with—
He’s standing on the other side of the door, a large brown paper bag in one hand, a plastic one from the drugstore in the other, duffle slung over his shoulder. He steps in as soon as you move to the side to let him pass, the door swinging shut behind him. “Go and lie back down,” he says, moving both bags to one hand so he can brush your hair from your face, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “Right now.”
Confused, you do as he says, waddling back to the cocoon you’d made on the couch. He gets right to work; you can hear him moving around in the kitchen, the tell-tale screech of your kettle reaching your ears a few minutes later. He breezes past you once, only to drop his overnight bag in your bedroom, before he heads back to the kitchen, emerging a moment later with a tray laden with a few bottles of water, a big bowl of what looks like soup, your favourite mug filled with what you assume to be tea, a box of cold meds, lozenges, and those fancy tissues with lotion that don’t dry out your nose from blowing all the time.
Marcus perches beside you on the couch, handing you one of the bottles of water and the cold meds first. “Here, take this,” he instructs. You do as your told, wincing as you swallow the pills. He gives you the cup of tea next, murmuring to you that it’s hot, making sure you have a good grip on it before he lets it go.
“What is this?” you ask, blowing over the liquid, inhaling the steam deeply. It smells like honey and mint and something else you can’t quite place.
“Ginger tea. My sister swears by it; it kept me alive the last time I had the flu. It’ll help, trust me.”
You just nod, taking a sip. He gets up a moment later, snagging your trash bin from the corner of the living room, starting to round up your tissues. “Marcus,” you start, moving to get up, setting the tea on the coffee table, “stop, you don’t have to do that. I’ll deal with it later.”
He shakes his head. “Nonsense. Lie down, and drink your tea.”
“But you—”
He reaches out, cups your chin in his hand, thumb swiping at your cheek. “Honey, you’re sick. Let me take care of you, all right?”
“I don’t want you to make a fuss,” you sigh, sinking back into a couch, though your head thanks you for it. “And I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Stop,” he chides, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. “I like to make a fuss.”
You sink back further, your eyes following as he cleans up. He disappears back into the kitchen after a while, and you can hear him tackling the stack of dishes you’d let pile up beside the sink. What on earth did you do to deserve a man like this? Like him?
You can feel yourself start to drift as the cold meds kick in, sipping at the tea that feels like heaven on your sore throat. You try some of the soup too, but the tray is too heavy to lift, so you abandon it, sinking deeper into the cushions.
Marcus reappears sometime later — you’re not quite sure how much time has passed — and makes himself comfortable at your feet, lifting your legs into your lap. You make a noise of protest when he peels off once of your socks, but his thumbs press into your arch a moment later and any further objections die on your tongue. It’s the weirdest thing; he massages your little toes, and you can feel your sinuses clearing slightly.
“Where did you learn that?” you mumble out, drunk off the comfort he’s offering. “Why are you so good to me?”
“It’s Chinese medicine,” he grins, continuing his massage, working the rest of your foot, seeming to be drawing out all the aches of your body through the soles of your feet. He goes silent after that, his brow pinching as he concentrates.
“You didn’t answer my other question,” you nearly slur, your head rolling back on the cushions. “I asked you two questions.”
His cheeks go red, and he smiles, one hand moving up your leg, fingers curling loose around your ankle. “I’m good to you because you’re good to me,” he says softly, rubbing at your anklebone, “and I like you…a lot.”
Your eyes flutter shut as he keeps rubbing at your skin. “I like you too, Marcus.”
You pass out a few minutes later, sinking into a dreamless sleep spurred by the cold meds. You come to sometime later, and Marcus is carrying you to bed. His grip is tight on you, his chest so warm and comforting you nearly fall asleep again. But then he’s laying you down in the bed, pulling the blankets back and tucking you beneath them. You feel him turn to leave, but you lift your hand, curling your fingers in the collar of his shirt.
“No,” you whimper.
“I’ll be right back, honey,” he replies, brushing his hand over your forehead and untangling your hand. “Gonna go get you some water.”
You fall asleep again, coming to another few minutes later when the blanket rustles and he fits his warm body against you. You turn into him, burrowing onto his chest, fisting your hand at his side.
“Hey, Marcus?” you murmur, sighing into his touch as he starts playing with your hair, gentle fingers on your scalp.
“Yeah, baby?” he replies. “You okay? You need anything?”
You shake your head against his chest. “Earlier,” you mumble, dragging your nose along his chest, breathing as deeply as you’re able, “when I said I liked you too.”
“Yes,” he says, dragging the word out as he presses his fingers against the base of your skull. It feels like heaven.
“I said that I liked you too, but what I really meant was that I love you.” You pause, tilting your head back, blinking your heavy eyes open so you can see his face. “Is that okay?”
Maybe it’s the cold meds, but you swear his eyes are glittering. “Of course that’s okay, baby,” he grins, and his lips touch your forehead a moment later. “I love you too.”
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double--cross-d · 1 year
I'm gonna share some Flipline LGBT/Family Headcannons I have lol
Chuck, Utah, and Nevada are all siblings. Chuck is the middle child, and moved to Tastyville when he turned 18
Taylor and Indigo are siblings, and Hank is their Dad. Taylor's kind of cut contact with both (mental health issues) but he and Indigo are making an effort to reconnect
Peggy and Austin are cousins! Peggy's still dreading the day he gets to be taller than her.
I read this in a fanfic (My Dearest Matilde by @yakkolicious) but Big Pauly being Penny's dad is something I totally sign off on
@magicmindless first headcannoned this but, Mary and James are siblings. James got the short end of the stick when it came to cat allergies :/
Gabitha is Treble's half sister and they either want to throw her out of a window or get her to just. Do better things with her life
Speaking of which NuMarcus is Taylor's Uncle and Taylor never wants to speak to him ever again (once was enough >:|)
Radlynn and Sarge Fan are twins and eagerly talk about their evil twisted hyperfixations
Timm is Lisa's adopted brother (based on that one Christmas image with the X twins)
Xandra is scared of big crowds and typically clings onto Xolo or Edna if they're stuck in one together. No one else, even her friends, gets this treatment.
Yippy is Wally's granddaughter! He's her number one customer.
Wylan's mom died when he was in 6th grade and was part of the reason for the move
Sue and Prudence are sisters. Prudence was the first person Sue came out to and the first thing she said was, "Called it"
Sexuality Headcannons (most are trans)
Rudy's a nonbinary he/him lesbian. Marty is the sole boy of the group
Mary and Sue are married! Their pugs were the flower girls. Love wins!
Transmasc Utah! They/Them Pronouns but they will accept he/him on occasion
Gremmie's also a transman and helped Utah realize they were also cisn't! The two are best friends.
Scooter's actually transfem, but still uses He/him Pronouns because they're fun
Penny and Alberto are T4T and started HRT when they were 15 (Alberto started a year before Penny though)
Cooper's trans and Prudence didn't realize this until he mentioned he wouldn't be at work for two weeks due to his top surgery. His binding game was off the fucking charts.
Cookie is a Devon Rex. Cooper decided on this breed because he knew how bad James' allergies were and had a big crush on him but still wanted a cat.
Quinn and Timm got a divorce because Quinn realized she was a lesbian. Timm leaving the company without warning afterwards was what ticked her off.
Wylan is transmasc, and his dad fully supports him. He even helped Wylan attain his first binder.
Mousse bullied Allan throughout highschool for "being gay" (he was bisexual) and then when he grew up he realized that A. Whippa's a lesbian (that's when his support began) and B. HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE WOMEN.
Roy and Moe are constantly on the verge of asking the other out but are both too socially awkward to do so. Ninjoy actually beat Dynamoe once because flirting with the pizza boy is more important than murding his archenemy.
Chuck and Taylor are dating, they just don't remember when the hell they even started. The B in their Bromance faded out so subtly and they never brought it up to each other until after someone asked them when they started dating.
Nonbinary Taylor! He genuinely does not give a fuck about Pronouns but if you ask you'll probably get he/they.
Transfem Mindy! She helped Liezel figure out that she was also trans.
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
LILY MY LOVE!! ❤️❤️ congrats on 200, its so so deserved
could i please make a request for matt murdock from the soulmate prompts? i couldn't choose between two so i'll leave the final decision up to you
Sharing injuries - receiving the same injuries (to a lesser extent) that their soulmate suffers from
Danger alert - people can feel when their soulmate is in danger
either way, i think our little devil would put his soulmate through the wringer before he finally meets her!
My dearest Mindi. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to make this. But thank you so much for this ask. It was really fun to make ❤️
Pain shared is pain lessened
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jimilter · 2 years
💌 profile tag game!
— thank you for tagging me dearest jen @jeonqkooks, precious mindy @parkdatjimin and my ridzietta @taegularities <3 ily guys <3
name: ash
sign: sagittarius 🏹
height: 5’6 (:
time: 01.30 shhh
birthday: december 7th!
fav bands/artists: off the top of my head we’ve got - bts, shawn mendes, taylor swift, doja cat, lorde, camila cabello, halsey, maroon 5, lana del rey, ritviz, mitraz <3
last movie: free guy! 
last show: dark (ya girl finally caught up 15 years later...)
when i created this blog: june 16th, 2021 <3
what i post: fics + occasional moodboards + random screams + life updates ig?
other blogs? a recs sideblog here, @jimilter-recs | i also have a harry potter + mcu blog which can be found if you really hunt, but i’d rather not mention it | @livingforshawnscurls which i haven’t touched in a year (:
do i get asks? yes 🥺 all of y’all are so kind, thank you, i love you 🥺
followers: a number i never though i could get to! the milestone we hit in june has doubled in number, y’all ): i’m gonna cry...
average hours of sleep: this question is always put in just to bully me :| 4-5 hours, okay, and that works for me, let’s move on.
instruments: i used to play the guitar...but i haven’t touched it in like 18 months </3
what i’m wearing: no u should be asking what i am NOT wearing bec - a thermal shirt, a regular shirt, a hoodie and a sweater on top over everything that is baggy enough to cloak the layer (: + thermal leggings and woolen pajama bottoms (: + woolen socks (:
dream trip: brooooo europe 🥺
favourite songs: right now, it’d be the entire indigo + team by lorde + vigilante shit by tay + no body, no crime by tay + cardigan by tay + megatron by nicki minaj + doin’ time by lana del rey + burn it by agust d 
tagging: @sailoryooons @gimmethatagustd @kth1 @jeonjcngkook @opaljm @ugh-yoongi @park-jimin-isnt-real @ahundredtimesover @daechwitatamic @astralmono @missgeniality @jjkeverlast
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trixcuomo · 2 months
When keepin it lazy goes wrong
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Meanwhile, Trixany hogging all the popcorn at her house...
Sharpen: Trixany, when are you going to take Mindy to meet Haris Pilton?
Trixany: Oh that? Uh... Iunno.
Sharpen: You don't know. Alright. You know she has her heart set on it.
Trixany: Ya know, Haris is pretty mean. Maybe I shouldn't--
Sharpen: And whatever happened to you and Haris tracking down the mysterious person Gul'dan married? People voted for that.
Trixany: Well. Uh, ya know, Sharpen? That was lowkey in another episode. It's like the Simpsons, it'll all go back to normal by the next Tumblr post, like nothing happened. That way, I can just do what I feel like--
Trixany: Actually, it's pretty rude of you to call me out and mention that.
Sharpen: Or the time you and Sunthraze got captured by Denathrius as his little love pets? How did that even end, back in the Shadowlands?
Trixany: *chokes on popcorn*
Sharpen: And the high-noon at the edge of the canon universe thing? You left that unfinished, too.
Trixany: *still choking, has to drink Kaja-Cola*
Sharpen: And what happened to Haris being the Loa of the Fourth wall? You and Coco were supposed to go ask Bwonsamdi about that, over in Ardenweald.
Trixany: Don't drag my sister into this! I'm the one solely responsible--Actually, okay. Yes, drag my sister into this. I don't wanna get blamed for everything!
Sharpen: Yeah, there's a lot of stuff you just left hanging. Are people supposed to keep track of all your dropped plotlines?
Trixany: ...
Sharpen: Or maybe they are like alternative timelines, and they all coexist together. Peacefully. Each in its own turn, something, something.
Trixany: I can't! I can't just finish it all at once. These ideas, they take time to flesh out, and develop. I can't just rush it, mash them all together!
Sharpen: You just don't feel like it, do you?
Trixany: I honestly didn't think anyone noticed.
Sharpen: You had better wrap things up before dragging my beloved girlfriend into your shennanigans, is all I'm saying. Maybe we don't even want to get invited to meet Haris, if you can't be bothered to follow up with us. You think you're some hot-shot Horde B-celebrity, but other people are people too, Trixany! My Mindy deserves the best.
Trixany: ... We? You two are a WE now?
Sharpen: Hrmph!! *snatches the popcorn*
Trixany: Yes. I am sure she does. Thank you, Sharpen. I'm glad you showed me the error of my ways. I will fix Mindy--uh, fix all of it, for dearest Mindy.
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Sending this back to you, Mindy dearest 💕💕 and pls ur so sweet for rec’ing my stories. I appreciate you greatly! Ily 🥰🥰
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koostarcandy · 2 years
Hello my love ❤️ how are you doing today? For the ask game 🤗
49: Superpower I wish I could have?
76: Do I have any pets?
164: Do I like adventure?
I hope you have a great Sunday!!
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hello my dearest mindy !! im doing okay, im doing some german cramming ^^ how are you on this lovely morning/day/afternoon/evening/night?
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you've aaaaasked
Superpower I wish I could have?
to be able to heal people with just words. i remember doing this speech about the power of words & i've always thought about how mere words can either pierce a person or put their pieces back together. i would like to have my words like how yoongi thoughtfully phrases his words or how taylor has this unique way of writing just enraptures people.
do i have any pets?
no, unfortunately :(( i had a kitten named draco who passed away because he was really fragile :// there's this litter of kittens from draco's mum (she has a different partner every time i see her, like girl dont make it seem im painfully single D:) but they're rea;;y timid but thankfully growing well !!
do i like adventure?
anything which raises my heartbeat and blood pressure in a good way? yeah, hell yeah in fact !!! but i tend to overthink, so it seems like i will in my cozy, air conditioned comfort zone for now :D
lets chat with this weirdly specific list !!!
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spac-e-b0y · 7 years
happy birthday to the best boyfriend ever, @cursed-kiibos!! i wanted to make something nice and this song just seemed like a nice choice. i hope you like it, and i love you!!
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minkmousesworld · 3 years
Thank you for your request! The stars say that...
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ʏᴏʀɪɪᴄʜɪ ᴛꜱᴜɢɪᴋᴜɴɪ
The unity of opposites; although you are different in most situations, this is what will create intensity and compatibility at the same time.
𝔰𝔲𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫
Yoriichi is taller than you, but it seems so unimportant when he gently clings to you to keep you. The world around you is hostile and wrong, he feels it, but it's cozy next to you; it doesn't matter whether you watch anime, play games or listen to music (which can sometimes be too loud for him), it's good and comfortable.
Yoriichi is more of a quiet, melancholic people who are used to quiet joys and a restrained life. More for others than for yourself; insecure, but persistent; always there to take your hand, and loving to the fact that you want to be near him constantly. You don't have a lot in common, but you fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
When he asks for your hand and hesitantly puts on a ring of flowers, it looks cute.
Slow touching, slow rapprochement, slow warming. A lot of time for kindling to burn when others go out. Falling in love starts at first sight, but you need something more worthwhile and lasting than just "falling in love".
When you kiss for the first time, there is a taste of something tart, but sweet.
"This is... better than I imagined"
Silly. But your.
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢
"You're not going to leave, are you?"
Even when you are "too much", it is not enough for him. Touch starved, easily lets other people's feelings touch him; when you are jealous, Yoriichi only tells you that you are the dearest and most beloved person in his life. He attracts attention, but his obsession is too strong.
The world is kind, but dangerous. The world can be made better, but you are still in danger. Please stay close.
His love is always in the first place in his mind. Maybe it's unhealthy, but he can't help himself if you are constantly in his mind; if he sees something beautiful, he doesn't remember you, because you are always in his head.
When you are moody, he only smiles; when you feel sad, he can do nothing but be near you until you feel better. He is not one of the most talkative, but he hopes that his presence and care will help you feel loved and protected.
His empathy is sometimes too strong, despite the lack of good socialization, but he always feels that you need to be happy. Even if it may be an unusual intimacy for him at first, from which the skin burns a little, he easily gets used to you and does not like when he is forced to separate from you.
𝔱𝔴𝔬 𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰, 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱
The pet gets tangled in his legs when Yoriichi gets out of bed.
Although he would prefer to cuddle you while you sleep, but he has things to do in the form of cooking breakfast and taking care of the pet that he was able to get by persuading you.
Maybe for others, the morning routine is something annoying, but his morning always starts softly and sleepily: wake up, cook you breakfast, help you wake up, do household chores, wait for your return (optional). Help you undress and leave kisses. To cuddle with you for a few minutes after returning. Ask how your day went and make sure that you are feeling well. To kiss you again. Cook dinner together.
Spend time together. Listen to your stories. Make sure that the pet does not bother you.
When the time will tend to night, then make sure that you fall asleep without any problems. To kiss you.
Ask yourself how he is so lucky to have you.
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cliché by mxmtoon
puppy love by gani
know my love by matt nash
I Do Adore by mindy gledhill
nervous by the neighbourhood
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lowlights · 2 years
dearest laura, congrats again on your milestone! 🥳
i wondered, if i could - would it be ok to ask for a character pairing? 👉👈
let's see, what can i tell you about me? i'm 4'11 and kinda chubby, i have long brown hair and brown eyes.
i'm an ISTJ, i'm very shy and pretty hard to draw out, but i guess i'd like to think i'm worth the effort?
i used to travel a lot, before the pandemic and ✨️anxiety✨️ put a stop to it - i'd like to get back to it again one day. i prefer city breaks to beach holidays, and really enjoy going to art galleries, museums, and aquariums (i once went all the way to Valencia just to visit their aquarium!). i love sea creatures (obviously haha) and my dog - it's very important that any future husband is a dog person!
think you can find anyone who'd want me? ❤
Oh, Mindi! I am so excited to match you with someone!!! A very special someone....
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I really believe that Marcus would be the type of energy that you need in your life.
I think your nature as an ISTJ would be extremely appealing to Marcus. He values someone dependable in a crisis (which, let's be honest, comes with dating Marcus) and someone who has a strong sense of what's right and wrong. He would also make sure that people wouldn't take advantage of you and your hard work.
Real talk, Marcus would love your body. Your height might make others discount you sometimes, but not Marcus. And those curves...Marcus loves some curves, Mindi.
I think Marcus would use his Dad humor to disarm you a bit. He would never be pushy or disrespectful about your boundaries, but he would charm and smile his way into your heart super quick. He would make terrible Dad jokes and make you laugh by insisting your couple name is M&Ms.
Marcus would be the perfect person to help with your pandemic-related anxiety. He's so calm! And he wants to take you everywhere you want to go! Museums, shops, bakeries, and definitely the aquarium! I think he would schedule one of those private dolphin experiences for you. Also, can you think of anyone else who not only would love dogs but has true golden retriever energy?? MM for sure.
Alright, M&Ms is now officially a thing in my head so I hope you enjoy your match!!! Also- you are totally worth the effort! <3
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munsonownsmyass · 2 years
my dearest lily who always makes my day better ❤️
you asked for stuff in your inbox - how about some joe quinn from the tokyo comic con today
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he's so pretty 😭
Mindi my dearest, loviest friend. I know it's been like a month since you sent this, but just know I didn't ignore it. I've just kept it to myself and looked at it when I felt down.
Thank you for always being so nice to me and knowing exactly what can cheer me up (hot guys, what else? 🤣❤️).
And he is so freaking pretty 😭❤️
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junewild · 4 years
tagged by dearest @cithaerons to quote, from memory, some snippets of media or literature that live rent free in my head. whoof buddy we are in for a big storm because there are a lot and they are very angsty
“a mother hen’s devotion to her chicks is evidence that given sufficient billions of years, stardust will turn into kindness.” - daniel geiger
“girl is born as girl. her brother is born as bull. every day the brother wishes himself human and the girl wishes herself beast. not a cow but a bull. something powerful with feet heavy enough to trample gods.” - @beholdingslut
“the soap by the sink is milk and honey scented. it doesn’t make our hands holy. it doesn’t make this apartment jerusalem. ... i think our bodies are meant to hold other bodies.” - @grendelmenz (?)
“the truth is this: my love for you is the only empire i will ever build. when it falls, as all empires do, my career in empire building will be over.” - mindy nettifee
“i just want someone to grab my little face and scream: on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you.” - jenny slate
“the first sign of civilization is a femur that has broken and been healed.” - margaret meade (probably apocryphal but who cares?)
“i love and am loved and i never thought i would let it happen. i am here to tell you that the years you spent wanting were not in vain. you will press your forehead to their forehead in your car when you are ready. you will hold hands while you drive them home. you will watch jeopardy while they lay on your chest. you have no idea the joy that is coming. you have no idea the joy that is coming.” and “if love is anything tangible it is his mouth, his mouth, his holy goddamned mouth. he says my name and the whole sky is talking.” and “it ends or it doesn’t. we do not perish.” AND “i know it’s not right to say things like this, so i’ll only say it once. listen closely. are you listening? bring your ear to my mouth. i would follow you anywhere. i would. god, i would.” - caitlyn siehl / @alonesomes (guess whomst has been influenced)
“why do we breathe air? because we love air? because we don’t want to suffocate. why do we eat? because we don’t want to starve. how do i know i love her? because i can sleep after i talk to her.” - maggie stiefvater
“go ahead. be gouged open by love. gulp that seawater, sink beneath the waves. you’re not a boat, you can go under and come up again, with those great big lungs of yours. and your heart, that gargantuan ark. call it unsinkable, though it is sinkable. embark, embark. there are enough ballrooms in you to dance with everyone you’ve ever loved.” - laura lamb brown-lavoie
“it is in your best interests to find a way to be very tender.” - jenny holzer
“i am alive ; can you not hear the ocean in me ; are you not aware of the war i am fighting ; i am alive ; you cannot take that from me.” - i think this one might also be caitlyn siehl but i can’t find it when i look for it anymore
“we don’t love this world without reason.” - @catadromously (this, along with “stay wolf my love” and “that’s all there is” is one of the only quotes i’ve ever considered getting as a tattoo)
“you painted a naked woman because you liked looking at her, and you put a mirror in her hand and called it vanity, thus condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for your own pleasure.” - john berger
“hail, holy light, offspring of heav’n firstborn. or of eternal, co-eternal beam. may i express thee unblam’d? since god is light, and never but in unapproach’d light. dwelt from eternity, dwelt then in thee, bright effluence of bright essence increate.” - milton
“to seize each moment, to live to the fullest the love between us, to refuse no joy set before us, that each day might be a gold coin to add to the treasure of our love. until i’ve drunk the last drop in the cup and no more days remain to me, as long as life shall last, until i take my last breath of the sweet air.” - wedding vows for hobbits written by lindelea
“i was making dinner and i got a message. go look outside, it said. go look at the sunset. my apartment is small, with four rooms and two windows that don’t see a lot of light so i had no idea. i hurried out. i was running to this sunset, suddenly the only thing that mattered. i hurried past the taller buildings and made it to the park and the sky was bleeding shades of purple and pink. it was beautiful and fleeting, there one minute and gone the next. i almost missed it. i could have kissed it. and i started thinking: how lovely would it be to get a nudge, a tap on the shoulder before your life changes. stop what you’re doing and look around. you’ll want to remember this later. in a minute, you’re going to fall in love.” - kelsey danielle
not quotes, but the confession scene from fleabag and the leslie/ben proposal and wedding scenes from parks and rec live rent free in my mind and i will never stop thinking about them. never.
i tag @grizzlybairparty @sabertoothwalrus @zubeia @eileentide @beholdingslut @crypticspren @goldengirlschildhood and anyone else who’d like to try it!
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vanessafangirl13 · 3 years
Hola! Remembered that I told you guys about Dora's family in her BIO? Well I here's baby Dora (just a few weeks after she was born) and her young 18-year-old mother Mindy Perz from a well-off family and the daughter of two loving parents, here's her story
In this pic, she was outside, holding her newborn girl, and told her in a soft and tender way, "My dearest Dora, you are worth the wait to me and your Papi, I can't wait for you to learn, love, and grow to be the best in you...I love you." showing that she loves her daughter no matter what.
She loves farms after she married Moses Perz, of course, she was hated by her mother-in-law, Andera, who didn't like her, they worked hard on the farm, and her fav was making the fruits for others, even though she was born to a rich family, she only loves to see more beyond her rich life, everything change, shortly after her Father-in-law and Her parents died on Dora's 10th birthday in a fire, and when they can't live here and keep the place anymore, they were forced to rebuild their lives and farm to a town called Encanto, where after they made their new home, and tired to makes the best of it, and met Julieta Madrigal, one of the members of the great Madrigal family, and became friends, and help out at times,
She didn't go to Antonio Madrigal's (one of Julieta's nephews) 5th birthday because of her husband's sickness, she also loves helping out on the farm, while when the town begins to find Mirabel Madrigal (Julieta's youngest daughter), She started to comforted some of the people in the village, she also helps with rebuilding Casa Madrigal by helping out with the walls. she begins hanging out more with the family, and she saw her daughter dating Isabela Madrigal (Julieta's firstborn daughter and Mirabel's older sister), she knew it might take time for her mother-in-law's heart to warm up to the couple.
Encanto, the characters and background belongs to the rightful owners Dora and her mother, Mindy Perz belongs to me Base c Rochi277 Link to the original base: Angel and Celin bases Link to original artwork: Queen Angel and her little happiness by Mysteru
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animaniacs - s4e8: mindy in wonderland
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episode summary: a lighthearted episode about mindy chasing a rabbit down a hole in the tree she’s always tied to, and ending up in a magical, literary dreamland. there’s no mice, but it’s fun, and takes up the whole runtime, and-- what? no, i-- look, it’s just-- i don’t--
sir, you don’t pay me at all--
alright fine ugh ughghghguhgughgu ugh.
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episode summary: the hip hippos are expecting a baby! unfortunately, ordering babies off the internet instead of concieving them through, like, hippo sex? appears to have its’ downsides, and instead they are presented with.... brain.
look, i don’t know either, okay? i’m dragging my hands down my face as we speak.
the rundown:
we open with the stork.
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“i got a very special delivery! the rockefellers have been waiting weeks for this one.” he pronounces it “spatial”, probably because he’s high out of his mind. this is not a sober bird. please don’t drop that baby, my dude. that’s going to cause more problems than it solves, really.
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spoke too soon, i guess.
unfortunately for him, our dude does exactly that, and ends up taking a bit of a tumble. gets all dizzy. this does not bode well for the plot. or the wellbeing of the baby, actually!
hold up. computer, zoom, enhance.
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hmmm. that is a very familiar tiny face. troubling. anyway our resident avian expert on drugs seems to have survived his accident, and drops the baby off to the rockefellers with no further trouble.
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they seem to look more. hippo shaped than usual.
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“congratulations! you’re new parents!”
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you’re welcome, weird stoner bird. they slam the door on him, wordlessly exacerbating his injuries. they care not for his plight, only that of their dearest, darling... not very.... hippo sized...................... baby.
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“oh flavio! darling! a baby of our own, just look at him! let us call him--”
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alright. as existentially horrifying as this episode is, i laughed. maurice lemarche, completely dead in the face, sits in the recording booth, stretches his shoulders. “goo.” he says. deadpan. no intonation whatsoever. the audience cheers and he is given a thousand dollars.
i don’t know what it is about brain saying basically anything that appeals to my sense of humour so much. jockey for position basically did me in. i just. every time he says “goo.” i am in TEARS.
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the hippos seem to have lost their enthusiasm, as anyone would have if they heard the voice of a grown man come out of their newborn baby.
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“he’s... small. very small.”
still, marita sympathises with him. this is very definitely her child, after all! she steals him away to do mom things with, chastising flavio that ‘alfredo’ is “their little boy.”
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“oh, you are right, my lightbulb of love. now our little universe has expanded to three.”
yeah, don’t include your.... shoulder... birds, then. asshole.
it’s very cute, i’ll say that. for all the fuss i make about the hippos, they do love each other, in a very healthy way that you don’t often see with married couples on tv. like, they’re kind of slowdancing their way out of the room. it’s nice! they would make good parents.
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(”goo.” says brain, in the background, oblivious to the heterosexuality happening around him. “now, take me to my money.”)
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credit to flavio and marita; they are very well prepared. this is a very loved baby. i’m not entirely sure how any child would feel about the presence of Clown Bear, but it’s the thought that counts. also i know that’s a changing table? but the design is sick and i wouldn’t mind a chest of drawers like that.
there’s also a theatre, i guess. or..... maybe just a really fancy shower???
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Definitely Alfredo is gently placed on his little Alfredo Table. he appears to be asleep, or at least he’s deliberately choosing to keep his eyes closed. can’t think why.
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but he, ah. sure went all out for this one. i respect brain for his dedication to the craft.
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“now, sweet baby alfredo,” says marita, while the music does a terrifying swell in the background, for some reason, “it is time for your first bath.”
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please stop looking at me like that, marita. YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO BATHING. am i about to be inducted into the alfredo cult?? i am, admittedly, a manlet, but i would like to think i am also unmistakably larger than a baby hippo.
(google has no data about the height of a baby hippo, apparently. they do weigh about 100lbs at birth, though, so i guess i have to be careful with this losing weight shtick. not that i’m ever gonna weigh 100lbs, quite frankly, but the minute i do marita’s gonna climb through my window and steal me off to los angeles.)
(i’m terrified.) (on the other hand, they’re definitely going to give me back as soon as they work out how much my medication costs over there.)
i’m literally babbling nonsense, at this point. anyway. brain gets a bath.
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remember to Wosh U Mouse. wash he teeth and soul. marita proclaims excitedly that “babies love the bath”, and Definitely Alfredo is Definitely Enjoying Himself, judging by the screaming, so, yknow, good for him.
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and then, i guess, flavio just pours boiling water on him for no reason, so brain freaks out and launches himself into the light fitting.
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because wouldn’t anybody?
the hippos freak out a bit when the lights stop working, but soon get brain back down to resume their usual Alfredo Activities.
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“this is highly undignified.”
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but still, marita loves him.
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and then she stabs him in the dick, i guess.
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“oops ):”
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fortunately, nobody ever died of getting stabbed in the dick (as far as i know?) but even magical babies delivered by amazon need to get their vitals checked, so flavita take him to the hospital anyway.
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i’ll be dead honest with you, this scene is just torture porn. i’ll summarise it as best i can.
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temperature is fine. blood pressure is normal. i am pretty sure inflating babies is not standard medical practice, but brain is cosmically unable to have a good day or he dies, i guess.
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the doctor shows up.
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“oh, but you’re a cutie. say aaaah.”
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“if you think that you’re going to stick that thing in my--”
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it’s not very comfortable.
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“hmm. rather puny.”
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“you have to feed him more.”
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i’m pretty sure this man has never been to medical school.
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“and now to vaccinate. my, that’s a lot of zeros.”
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my, that’s a... screenshot that lives on my laptop now, i guess. hopefully nobody i know ever has to borrow this thing, for whatever reason.
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“i’ll see you in three months for a booster shot,” says dr acme, as brain swells and changes colours in a way that no baby ever should.
i feel like this is a good time to interject - my issue with this episode is not the core themes, or anything surrounding them. it’s the amount of unrestrained suffering that goes on within that. like. okay. if this was some kind of consensual dynamic between the three of them for-- whatever reason???? stress?????? - like i wouldn’t mind. i wouldn’t care. consenting adults can do whatever they want with their bodies. this is a positive space. no judgement here on pinkys fault or brains fault dot com.
but it’s not and brain spends most of the episode in pain and terrified and that’s really what i object to above all else. it’s the same problem i have with peatb, really. brain can wear as many cute dresses as he wants, but he’s gotta want to wear them.
but they’re back at the Hippo Digs now so. it’s fine, i guess.
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“such a good boy. that trip to the doctor wasn’t so bad, was it?”
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still, it appears i can never escape Terrifying News Lady, even in this hellscape. flavio does the classic dad thing of sitting down with the tv as soon as he’s home, leaving marita to deal with getting Definitely Alfredo settled in his correctly-sized-for-a-baby-hippo baby chair.
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what are those straps connected to, anyway??? it’s not the chair, that’s for sure. is brain just wearing a harness for the hell of it? what on earth is going on?
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but flavio! it’s time to feed the baby!
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“is baby-waby hungry-wungry?” well are you, cranky big head mousie??? huh????
sorry for the paralysing fear that probably caused all of you. undeterred, the terrifying news lady continues to talk in the background about the “richest and most influential child in the world.”
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oh no.
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oh no.
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flavio vaguely wonders if they waited too long to feed their baby, as he has what could be possibly classified as a tantrum.
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“you sophomoric, corpulent, pachycerebal aristrocrats! you are imposters and i demand to be taken to the rockefellers immediately!”
the birds don’t care. they’re chilling. marita attributes this to “baby gibberish” while flavio wonders about the “vocabulary he learnt from mr rogers”. he’s maybe a few hours old, at this point, a day tops, but i guess hippos learn latin in pre-k or something.
anyway so then they stick a tube down his throat and inflate him with guacamole.
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and with that, “alfredo looks healthier already!”
this is the second time brain has been inflated in this episode. it is unsurprising that he dedicates his nights from this point to raising absolute hell.
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but he needs pats first because he ate too much. :<
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cut to that night, i guess! where brain is very convincingly crying. very loudly. the hippos look unimpressed, despite the fact that this is literally the most common factor of signing up for a baby.
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“it’s the baby. you take care of him.”
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well. alright.
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air mouse. nyoom. he seems to catapult himself at something, like, once per episode. it’s on par with the closeups by now, surely.
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unfortunately, the bear is not weightbearing (bear ing. lol) and falls off the shelf on an epic quest for a Great Big Hug.
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the resulting bomp alerts the hippos, who go fully, entirely haywire the moment they work out that Definitely Alfredo is not in his correctly-sized-for-a-baby-hippo baby bed.
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turns out flavio sat on him.
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“really, flavio, be more careful where you sit.”
so they put a padlock on his crib.
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this is completely useless. i know this. brain knows this. he’s small enough to just... fit through the bars. but he decides to be dramatic, instead, because that’s what he does best.
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“attica! attica! i want out! let me out!”
i am not old enough to get this reference.
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i am, however, old enough to empathise with this exact emotion. i feel kind of bad for the hippos, actually. i’m sure they were doing what they thought was... right? in the context of... thinking they had a baby hippo rather than an adult mouse. easy mistake to make. i go check on my weirdly tiny hippos in their hippo cage all the time.
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but who could be at the door?
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“there seems to have been a mix up. uh. i have your baby right here.”
and guys?
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i need to tell you how fast they just throw brain at the guy. it’s actually a little heartbreaking.
but! it’s okay! he still has time to make it to the rockefellers before they......... die. i guess.
man, this plan was not thought out very well.
thank god this is almost over.
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the stork repackages the baby, who is now a good few hours old, at least, and delivers the bundle to the very, very different looking house.
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they are not any nicer.
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“oh, reggie. just look at him.”
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“well, frau haussenheffer, we’re off on a cruise. goodbye baby. see you in a year.”
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“alright then. staff, we have a brand new charge.”
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oh dear.
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brain, as one can imagine, is having none of this.
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but unfortunately, neither is the carpet.
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bomp. cause of death: suffocating in the rockefeller mansion carpet.
good thing it all sort of blurs out, huh.
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“brain?” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “brain.” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “brain, wake up.”
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“i was dreaming?”
oh, thank god for that.
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“oh, pinky, you wouldn’t believe the nightmare i had.” and it’s... probably best not to tell him, actually.
“it must have been a doozy, brain! but, oh, a delivery came for you.”
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“it’s the rockefeller baby. can we keep it?”
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oh dear.
so let’s ignore the fact that this asks more questions than it answers-- but okay, was that a dream within a dream, and why was brain dreaming about that in the first place, and-- and mark this one down as a severe case of outside influence.
brain: 3 ½ pinky: 5 ½ outside influence: 10
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“it’s not too late. i demand that you deliver me to the rockefellers immediately!”
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“aw, how cute. i just love baby gibberish.”
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