#my dentist pulled out a tooth btw
auroramoon-draws16 · 6 months
Crossover Bar AU crumbs ahoy!
When the Apprentice first made the bar, she was fucking with a lot of space and time bullshit, which caught a lot of attention from interdimensional beings.
So to prevent the interruption of her first solo project, she hid the bar by making it constantly moving, it jumps between dimensions, multiverses, and timelines. You can’t quite catch something that doesn’t exist where you think it is, because now it’s not and never was. Being part Cosmic Entity is fun. It was a game of keep away that the Apprentice found hilarious.
Well, once the bar was officially ready for operation, the Reader helped her find a Desmond fresh from the good ol’ Isu electric bug zapper and shoved his unassuming ass into the bar.
So yeah, the Crossover Bar is indeed an interdimensional speakeasy. That may or may not be partially alive because of the Apprentice’s cosmic magic and Desmond being the Host, but whatever.
Multiverse cops not invited >:(
Except to the interdimensional buddies who aren’t snitches. They get a free pass because they’re chill like that.
Writers are also invited btw
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skunkes · 9 months
As someone who has had a lot of sudden teeth problems (no dentist in 15 years </3) I can like pinky promise you won't need any pulled my tooth broke whole top off and it was just a 20 minute drill and fill and then my old silver filling cracked and hurt SO BAD I was convinced I needed a root canal and nope same thing it even had a cavity under it just drilled medicine in it and filled out in 25 minutes (anbesol is the best numbing medication for tooth pain orajel sucks btw)
didnt respond to this day of as i was getting ready for a trip but THANK U this makes me feel a lot better... i know it obvs varies from person to person but i am obsessively anxious person already without throwing in dental issues which is like. its own horror genre honestly...thank u
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lostinthewiind · 8 months
I will always genuinely be so confused by the American Healthcare system.
Just got my wisdom tooth pulled - walked in for a consult and my dentist offered to pull it right then and there. He used numbing gel and local anesthetic and had the tooth out in like 20 mins. They sent me home and told me to take regular advil for pain.
No general anesthesia. No oxycodone or codeine prescription.
I'm Canadian btw.
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
I've been away for day or two because I got my tooth pulled out and I was so out of it 😭😭 smh it still hurts a bit.
Little update, did you know there is a thing called mandibular anaesthesia?? Because I didn't until my dentist gave it to me 😭 and then also local anaesthesia as well because I have strong teeth and high tolerance and I could still feel him taking my tooth out. I have a few I need to get out and then fix the rest and I'm already exhausted??
We love getting pocket money for holidays who care about the age 😌 and I sleep with blanket between my legs but I would love to get like a body pillow because supposedly it really helps you to sleep better (also because I have few pillowcases I've been eyeing). And speaking of spending money, Dragon Age games are on sale 90% on Steam and my paycheck (part of it anyways) is on first but I might dip into my emergency stash and just replace it later on because I love DA and this is such a steal
Btw I love that little thing you made! My bestie works with clay and she makes jewelry! I tried few times too and it is fun but I have trauma from art school from working with clay 😭 I don't really like it as a medium
Also, I loveeeee dom!top x sub!top sm and I'm such a sucker for the trope of them bringing someone home and dom guiding his sub on how fuck their bottom- dom just praising his sub and guiding his hips, squeezing the back of his neck reassuringly and kissing him....
See I just made myself both sad and horny, I need a boyfriend :(( there are so many guys who love tall and strong hairy men online but not in my vicinity 😔
Oh lord sugar bee I hope everything is going well with the healing process and that isn’t too much of a hindrance at work!😭
What the hell is there a reason as to why you have such strong endurance sugar bee?😭 lowkey have a bit of fear when it comes to anesthesia just because so many people have mentioned how it doesn’t affect them as much some have even been awake during surgery or woken up in the middle of it because of this 😭
Oh definitely get yourself a body pillow!!!! I’ve heard it has plenty of benefits even for those who struggle with anxiety!! Also I hope you got the game and that you’re enjoying it!! I’ve never heard of it before but the name makes it sound very promising!!
Hello!! Can I like borrow your friend because this media is hell😭 it’s so moldable which makes it an amazing medium to work with but it being so moldable also makes it a living hell!! Like I was looking at finished clay products and I’m so impressed how people manage to get such smooth looking pieces ? Especially when it’s a detailed piece portraying something 😭 and thank you sm!! I changed the entire piece though and made a whole other thing I’ll show yall as soon as it’s painted 🫶🏻
HELLO WHY WOULD YOU SAY TBIS TO ME I AM SCREAMINF need price to do this with me I mean who said that:/ old man price teaching me how to fuck soap or gaz gently scolding me when I lose my steady pace or praising me when I leave soap or gaz wailing beneath me🧎🏻‍♂️
Tumblr media
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Snow I’m torn, on one hand I hate dentists but on the other hand I still love you 😭 I feel like dentists = bad because I was traumatized by 2 dentists as a kid so I hope you’re a nice one
Girl I don't even like dentists (because one time, I was with my mom at a dentists because she wanted to get my bro checked out for cavities, and in the waiting area, this other girl who had just got her tooth pulled out was crying to her mom and kept on pulling the gauze out of her mouth. And after the third time she did it, her mom slapped her right on the cheek. And that shit scared me because i tbought that was a compulsory treatment everyone was gonna get who went to the dentist. The mom slapping your cheek). Or doctors. Always found them to be too rude/narcissistic (except for 1 pediatric. He was a real one🤧) I only chose to go to dental school because my brother is a doctor and I didn't wanna hear people say that I chose XYZ career because I was too dumb to be a doctor. Yes it's a stupid reason, I'm well aware.
I'm a great dentist btw(or a dental student, for now) Like I ain't gonna force u to get a procedure just to make bucks. And I always calm down my patients, ease any of their worries, never make comments to ridicule a patient about their oral hygiene, etc. Like I get it, it's very awkward and low key embarrassing to have a dentist invade your personal space to look into your mouth that u know has some issues, expecially when your dentist is as beautiful and hot as me, which makes u feel even more insecure. But I can assure you, after the first few patients, dentists get used to it and they don't find it disgusting at all- even for a germaphobe like me.
As for your phobia of dentists, don't worry. It's way more common than u think, and I can tell you rn- as long as you maintain a good oral hygiene (brushing 2-3 a day, or after every meal. And floss.) It'll be very unlikely for u to get a cavity. Just get your Scaling done once a year, or maybe two years, it's different for everyone.
I just hope I'll be minting money soon💖
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oldtshirtsouls · 8 months
*write in the tags where you lost baby teeth!
(these are all true about me btw)
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sunny-fox · 2 years
Some joke (?) that my CN teacher put in our test papers yesterday
(It was actually a Guess The Idiom game for extra points)
牙医牙痛 --- 无法自拔
(Why do I feel like this is something Cyno would say - )
For context:
牙医 -- dentist
牙痛 -- toothache
无法 -- unable to
自 -- oneself (自己)
拔 -- pull out (roughly)
(无法自拔 actually means "to be addicted" btw)
The joke: 牙医 (the dentist) 牙痛 (has a toothache) -- 无法 (but they are unable to) 自拔 (pull their tooth out on their own (despite being a dentist themselves)
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audiovisualrecall · 8 months
The most annoying thing is I was kinda over my dental anxiety for the most part until the endodontist appointment and now I'm back to being anxious about regular dental work (cavity removal, filling, and I'm assuming taking a mold for the crown) and almost didn't leave the house. I'm having to practice my meditative breathing while I'm waiting for my appointment in the waiting room. And ma couldn't come with me bc dad had his progress mri+cat scan today so they're still out on the island (dad is finally having breakfast) so I'm on my own and it makes me so anxious bc I don't know if I'll be able to verbalize my concerns or just. Do the thing where I say there's no problem and agree with him etc and then have an anxiety meltdown later. (I'm afraid the wisdom teeth need to be pulled and idk what's wrong with the tooth next to the bottom one and I'm anxious) (also anxious in general about the whole needle and injection for numbing and in fact terrified haha) (this is the endodontist's fault btw) (I never had an issue with my dentist and the oral surgeon was ok too, mostly) (ah brains are so good at deciding something is traumatic)
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lovedlovingly · 2 years
i was really hoping my tooth pain was over but fuck it's getting worse and worse
hopefully i can have it fixed soon but i can't do anything within next 2 weeks because of other health things i need to be fit for fight @ 😔
but literally having them ignore my pain, telling me I'm faking, once the cavity got so big i got a fever and inflammation they were like lol guess it's a bad tooth good thing we saw it🔪🔪🔪 tried to pull it out when i said i could still feel it (again told me i was faking and i had to fight him to stop), and then fucking breaks off a root and is like lol whopsieee we'll see what happens w/ that one AND fractures the root of the tooth next to it leaving me now in further pain and I'm gonna need that one pulled too 🙃
i hate that I've been to dentists for 7+ y complaining about the pain to begin with and no one fucking does anything and then the one dentist who does is a quack anyways....
got an appointment at the new place on Monday and I'm gonna insist they pull this tooth i am SO TIRED of pain i want it gone and i can fix new teeth later on its 2022 & I'm autistic in Sweden so anything dental is literally free just make me not live in fucking pain mannnnn
oh btw the cavity wasn't even the biggest problem like my wisdom tooth was growing in such an angle it was pressing towards the tooth so hard it literally shattered it and THAT'S why i got a cavity on top of it all 🙃 and no one believed me or saw this - the new place is the only ones who's handled me w/ care and when i told him i was autistic he was like "oh! what do i need to keep in mind?" and i almost cried from that simple gesture of kindness 😭 tbf i was in pain then too because more root shatters were left from the quack and hurting me and he was so gentle taking them out and making sure i stopped being in pain... hoping it was all a healing process but now the next tooth hurts so so so much 😔 sigh
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hychlorions · 2 years
What are some of your favourite Klapollo headcanons?
Hi !!!! first of all i would like to direct you to what's basically my quippy (that's my name!) klapollo primer. it's a long read but it has the basic gist of my klapollo thoughts
to say something new though ! i think they're both stress bakers with equal but opposite energies. please never put these two in a kitchen together. apollo is like. eating a badly-frosted box mix cupcake that probably has a sort of lava cake consistency (read: raw in the middle) and going "my life has gone to shit and everything including my oven's temperature is out of my control." meanwhile klavier has a pile of perfect macarons behind him and he's going "what do you MEAN i need better coping mechanisms? what do i even need to cope for haha can someone who needs to cope bake THIS many macarons???" raw cake batter aside i feel like apollo would do better baking pies from scratch. the crust alone takes so much work that by the end of beating it out into flat-submission you don't even remember why you were hitting it so hard with the rolling pin. of course the downside of that is you get more efficient with rolling it out and soon you'll need to find other outlets to relieve all that rage, but it's not like he'd have the ingredients THAT often yk yk
other constants i can think of atm:
apollo's into poetry ! he might not be any good at writing them but he reads and he tries. like. tell me a guy who thinks like "i have to pull that darkness out of him" and "Mysterious songstress... Her quiet, deep song glides through the air... Lilting above a sparse, but elegant piano accompaniment" (yes i copy-pasted that) wouldn't try to write down the few lines he comes up with every now and then.
i like to think apollo isn't really naturally loud ? that aside from calming his nerves, it's what his voice training is meant to amend. like personally i'm a quiet person and i've had so many instructors and classmates tell me to project my voice or speak louder, and when i'm somewhere more comfortable i feel like i tend to yell a lot to overcompensate idk
apollo fact #7343984: he's scared of boxed milk. no i will not elaborate
klavier isn't good at arts and crafts. he once got into one of those youtube channels of housewives making those cute bento for their kids and husbands and he decided he wanted to try it for a picnic date. i mean it turned out delicious but it was still ugly as hell, never mind that he tried to make some of the onigiri look like him and apollo. just imagine how that would look. i say this with all the love in my heart btw
i also think klavier has bad handwriting. three words: Slanted, Sharp, and Scratchy. ofc this would apply to drawings too. i'd go so far as to say it's so bad that when he's writing down music and he doesn't have the sheets for it he won't even draw the g clef anymore. tick the staff and be done with it yk yk.
a bunch of miscellaneous klavier ones: had braces to correct a wide tooth gap and always asked the dentist to make patterns with the bands that hold em in place; terrible wisdom teeth; had a lisp as a child which led to him calling kristoph 'toffee' for most of his childhood; he was also the quiet kid that keeps sticking to his mom at family reunions (still does it). god i can go on and on.
one last thing about klavier. native german speakers keep telling me i'm using achtung wrong but i KNOW and i can't help it ok !!! i just think it's klavier's personal "help girl." his manager said pick a catchphrase and Use It and by god did he !!!!
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wonderwomantobe · 2 years
Exam 1/3 done !
In the coming 2 weeks I have to rewrite my research proposal, take (and study for) 2 exams, go to 2 autism assessments, lead an intervision, work, and go to my friend's graduation (this weekend, which is in Belgium btw. A wholeass different country), so rip me
and then at the end of all that i get to go to the dentist, get my wisdom tooth pulled out, a cavity filled, and parodontitis treated :))) i love treating myself after a stressful time
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fishgirlbelly · 2 years
HAI um . i realized i dont rlly post unique textposts too often so heres some silly little updates !!
first and foremost, our system blog is gone !! this one was mainly due to our gatekeepers wanting details about our sys to be more private and wanting us to practice safety more diligently, which i agree with! u cant share everything online ykno ? internet safety and all that, especially when it comes to our plurality; so much of our plural experience is internal, so sharing our system info = sharing very sensitive info about how we function and about our inner mind . . . my sysmates may still use this acct from time to time to post abt their interests and such but there wont rlly be detailed descriptions of what goes on in our head / among our sysmates anymore tho !!
secondly, i got major oral surgery done only a few hours ago and it was. awful* . . . i had an under-developed wisdom tooth extracted, a molar extracted, and three fillings, all on the top right portion of my mouth. im glad i got it over with but im Not excited about the stupidly expensive bill + all the return visits (my dental hygiene hit an all-time low and nearly every tooth needs to be worked on in some way... this was only 1/4th of the entire process)
*the procedures went extremely smoothly btw--it was probably the most comfortable ive been during a medical procedure, actually (the only genuine pain i felt was probably the numbing shots that i got on the roof of my mouth... that shit hurt)--im just not too excited about going to the dentist? like i dont schedule an appointment and think "FUCK YEAH i cant wait to get my teeth pulled out"
umm but other then that nothing much has been happening with us !! im working on my characters and stories more tho, so i should be posting to my art/OC acct more frequently pretty soon :3 im ready to drink nothing but smoothies for the next week and cry over not being able to eat solid food /lh /nav
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zathechaosgod · 4 years
Favourite Stream Moments!
Streamed by Philza on Twitch on Wednesday 2nd of December 2020
Hardcore boi is here!
Also check out his 1mil celebration video if you haven’t yet! (and read the description lmao)
We can hear him playing in the bg already lmao
Haircut Pog!
Starting at the wither skeleton farm today
Garden time babeeyyyy
oh no sad hardcore lore
he and she kissed for the first time at the swing and this turned the tree into soulsand :((((((
Gapple gang catch up first though!
Vods might have to get (partly) nuked soon rip
Aww Kristin had her first ever tooth pulled today (in the uk by a british dentist, even)
She cracked it a while ago but only got pain recently
And no dentists nearby would take a new patient
Private dentist, bc she isn’t on NHS yet and they’ll take her
They had to wait outside until they were fetched, any and all covid measures taken (which was actually reassuring)
He was prepared to sit in the waiting room, but he’s allowed to go in with her!
Then the dentist asks when the last time Kristin went to the dentist is
(who hasn’t been since she was a kid)
which, thankfully he was kinda okay with it (the american thing probs helped lmao)
so he examines the tooth, takes an x-ray to examine the damage
and either they could leave it and wait until it becomes a bigger problem, or they could yoink it out that day
(and phil immediately went “that one” at that lmao)
so she got the injection against the pain
And phil is just,,, holding himself bc he knows the awful feeling of having teeth pulled out
and so when the dentist starts to pull and like,, rock back and forth to get it out
and Kristin just starts LAUGHING
so the dentist is just stone cold pulling that tooth out, as Kristin is giggling while being rocked back and forth, and Phil is trying not to laugh at the side
and finally the tooth comes out (and it’s a chonky boi)
long story short it cost like 130 pounds and they’ve got the covid situation under lock and key
Kristin has got a sore gum and should be completely fine in a few days
although she’s salty about not being allowed to drink today bc of the painkiller from the whole thing
(Also there’s new scam train emotes!)
“teeth are alive”
chat is getting cursed again bc of the teeth story, so time to go do productive stuff
Ian made a 2:30 put to Kristin and Phil didn’t catch it lmao
(i actually don’t think it helps, phil)
new nether void project!
mini lava lake, with ships in them!
(like,,, at most some lave striders will spawn in them)
The ships will be coming in through a portal!
aaand now we’re looking up when microwaves were invented (due to a dono’s story)
(They’ve existed since 1946, btw)
Also tommy is here and he says “fuck microwaves”
and “i don’t use microwaves makes my shit funny”
oh god here come the microwave stories
tommy is very passionate about microwaves today apparently
oof he wants to build the ship coming from diagonally? that’s gonna be a pain to build
Tubbo told Phil recently about how you can’t just go off do your own thing at 16 when you stop going to school, you have to go to a college or an apprenticeship or something until you’re 18 and Phil just,,, never realised this bc he went to college and just didn’t think about it
(which is probs the reason why tubbo and tommy are still actually going to college lmao)
Correction made by Ian: this wasn’t a thing back in the old days
(aka several wither for those of you that don’t know)
Phil just learned there is no free post-secondary education in north america rip
also this boy took a-levels in photography, media and art and didn’t even go to his classes
it’s funny Phil still thinks anyone making important decisions in the us wants to increase the edcuation/wealth/prosperity of the country lmao
also for US peeps: 5head do your first 2 years at a community college then transfer to a better one for the same degree at like half the price
the person is getting called out for it lmaooooo
Phil might unleash a long hair pic on us uh oh
we’ve gone from microwaves to ramen to learning trades and weird jobs and we’re less than two hours in
and now Ian has got a first class honours masters degree in love
“is it gonna be today? let’s find out boys, let’s find out” phil narrating the chill part of chat’s thought
He thinks he’ll most likely die to fall damage, void damage or kinetic damage (from flying into a wall trying to flee the warden)
also bc i just realised i hadn’t noted that down yet but we’re now building a leafblock frame for the portal!
also this will probs be the last build in the nether void
which is sad but i’m also really excited for what big build is gonna be next
words of advice from phil: NEVER LIVE TO WORK! work to live and then do and grow in stuff that you’re actually interested in outside of it!
So many cool ideas for the portal,,, they all sound awesome tbh
Annnd now we’re talking about carson showing granny boob on stream
which, first of all don’t do that buds, second of all if it does happen, stop your stream, delete your vod and the clips, and start over like nothing happened
Portal is gonna have an actual portal!
And everything that sticks out will just be hidden behind a curtain of black concrete, bc it’ll just become invisible with the void background
rip struggles with max portal size
also phil wants to get more into the habit of doing random discord streams (bc they’re dmca free so he can play whatever he wants)
but there’s like a 50 people limit so first come first serve
dream smp is fun to play bc it’s more early game instead of endgame, but chat is just unreadable sometimes then
Exploding lettuce person is still here to remind us of whatever that stream was
Anyway, portal attempt 2: basalt and pretty glass!
both chat and phil are now just catjamming to Somewhere else by Muzz!
It’s such a good song and now reminds everyone of the terra swoop force run
someone put somewhere else on beat saber pls
“dadza your child is going insane” “which one”
i’m kinda curious when dream smp chat will learn that phil does whatever he wants, which includes completely ignoring any dream smp drama when he’s playing hardcore
B O N K go to horny jail @ mermaid stripper dono
Phil is just surprised at this point that people are still surprised at tommy starting wars lmao
honestly i love phil but i absolutely hate his ice chewing
also i’m like actually envious of his elytra skills king
pee break lmao
little blade is sending us dream smp updates while dad’s gone lmao
alsp @ everyone who doesn’t know: spamming 7 will get you timed out, don’t do it especially if someone in tts tells you to
dad’s back! he saved us from endless sevens
“we aren’t all evil” “hmmm, doubt.”
how does a man just forget about 8 double chests of filled with glass?
(also i just saw tubbo’s exile tommy poll lmao)
elytra glitch but it’s just the “loud sound” one and not the “might die” one
Phil wants to get this project finished before the end of the month/year, so he might go hard on the hardcore stream these upcoming weeks
Momza will use a squirtgun to force him to focus on editing and hardcore lmao
Altho Phil says no squirtgun allowed bc electronics + water = bad time
Phil is pretty much the gatekeeper (gates of heaven style, not the exclusionist sort) of hardcore
If people die in hardcore, they need to get mourned and blessed by dadza and his chat before they start a new one
Phil is explaining again how circumstances basically forced him to be at his weakest right before he died in season 2 (he’s told it before in the stream in techno’s base)
(i also have twitter open and i’m really gonna have to watch back the vods for dream smp tomorrow huh)
People are now memeing the “I did this and this in hardcore... and then I died” lol
“thank you dad for doing the thing”
First base layer of the portal is done!! It already looks pog
Also have I told y’all how much I enjoy it when random people get called out by like, siblings and stuff, on stream
bc it’s hilarious
Phil can see tommy become a more coherent xqc?
Well Rip Tommy ig
Also rip Tubbo’s stream I don’t think it could handle 160+K (which, POG WTF)
He’s auto hosting Philza now
Rip there’s 80K people here now bc of Tubbo’s host/raid lmao
Phil thinks Tubbo should move out lol bc the internet sucks so much
oh no ian why would you do this
he told the tubbo raid/host to type 7 in chat whyyyyy
chaotic neutral that man, i swear
okay so basically tommy and fundy raided tubbo which brike his stream awww
More advice of the day: use Chatterino to be able to actually view your chat
“Dadza your kids are fighting again” “but i’m making a cool portal :((((((“
He’ll have a chat with tubbo after stream if the boy wants to
Phil is considering abandoning l’manburg if dream goes on with the obsidian walls
(which, mood)
Also Phil is fully aware of the fact that ranboo lacks the spine to ever say no to the plans tommy comes up with
Also apparently techno was lurking while all of this was going down?
Phil refuses to give his opinion on the exile tommy poll lol
Lol he threw steak just as through the portal and then panicked a lil bit when he picked it up again in the overworld
“angry green man?”
Chat suggested Phil and Techno just burn the discs “if the children can’t play nice with the toys, they can’t have them at all” 
Phil thinks that goes to far tho
Technoblade came by just to say “I am the king of feminism” 
Phil thinks there’s so much contradicting that statement he doesn’t even know where to begin lol
420 subs pog
Every time he says he’ll lose 20k viewers due to it and every time it’s really not that bad lol
Everyone who clicks away is weak, regardless
only a 1000 this time (also it’s going down every stream he plays it lol)
Anyway, back to business, the magenta edge is already looking pog
Also i giggle a lil bit every time people spam s5 in the chat every time he does something dangerous/just falls off of something lol, some people just want to watch Philza die (again)
Shoutout to the people replying with “VC PHILZA” when others start spamming to vc some other cc lmao
F in the chat for Techno joinging a vc he wasn’t supposed to join rip
“Friendly reminder: Blocks have eyes. That is a line of sight. Have fun sleeping tonight!”
Ohhhh crying obsidian added to the portal!
“Time to listen to zombie piglins die. Music to my ears, a nightmare to Techno’s.”
Phil wants to make a similar farm on the dream smp but he’s gonna ask dream for permission first (bc Phil is an actual adult who knows he can get further by actually asking for permission for stuff)
And now we wait until porky has finished bartering for a good 4 stacks of gold ingots
(he definitely needs a better bartering set up)
Someone commented that the gold might despawn bc he threw like four stacks so que Phil dramatically whining while flying back to the piglin grinder and opening the first of his double chests of gold lmao
Phil’s only advice for starting streamers: go scatter your content everywhere, stream on youtube and watch/ask streamers who acutally know what they’re doing
Fun fact: Phil’s favourite war crime is the ones he committed in smp earth lmao
“i mean, tommy got murdered like every other day, i just threw airstrikes at him whenever i had a chance” about smp earth
(oh how the times have changed)
“would you prefer it if i looked at him? or should we ignore him. like the pleb he is.”
he was about to show us his selfportrait he did for art, but the greenscreen is covering most of it :(
“quackity is griefing your house” “oh no, anyway”
Niki raid!!
I vibe with Phil talking about tiny dog syndrome, where small dogs are just little demons lol
I’m a big dog kinda person what gave it away
people said tommy is like a tiny dog then, but tommy is funny, not just loud!!!
Phil talked about the difference between dogs and cats and my mind just went “TOMMY AND TECHNO?”
Phil once made the mistake of drinking three pints of monster energy drink with vodka rip
General advice: don’t drink them at all or at least not more that one in a day
Now everyone is just either talking about their pets or about alcohol and energy drinks (and mixes of the two lmao)
Phil doesn’t think he should be doing drunk streams anymore bc he’s got more people watching and he’s gotta be a good example :(((
(Momza says she’s always drunk tho lmao)
Phil messed up by ordering redbull vodka’s while out drinking with like,, executives back at his retail job
he probably would’ve become a manager or something if he hadn’t
(so it all worked out for the best! he’s happier now than he’d probably have been then)
Phil apparently either had to witness stuff and keep it under wraps, or just completely missed things that like, literally everyone else knew lmao
Phil talked about how Formed by Glaciers and Somewhere New are his favourite Kubbi songs while the first was palying and like,,, just immediately Somewhere New followed it up like spotify became sentient lmaoo
Time to get back to placing crying obsidian!
(also Formed by Glaciers is the song from the 5-year montage and Somewhere New from the Endlantis montage!)
uhoh he had hitboxes on and something with eyes looked at him from through the wall
“The void looks back”
ALSO the portal looks absolutely gorgeous with the crying obsidian lighting up the edges just a little bit
*que EA rant on the gambling thing* honestly i’m so glad they’ve outlawed that stuff in europe
“surprise gamemechanics” yeah suuuuure
EA sucks, to summarize
Portal with shaders looks POGGGG
Quackity raid!
chat on stream is frozen again rip
“I head you fucked up my house? Big Q?” *zooms in on face*
Phil’s played with Kristin on a backup and like, fished in endlantis and stuff “and I murdered her, but she had it coming”
Time for the obligatory explanation of the nether void again now that 20k dream smp viewers visited
And Endlantis time!
It’s so funny to see the dream smp viewers just be amazed at what a minecraft world could be, if only people fixed their creeper holes lmao
“Going for the 5-year record” *crosses fingers*
ANNNND we’re going on a warden rant again
The warden, for those who don’t know yet, is meant to literally be like a natural disaster, and it will not drop anything
Literally the only thing you can do is run away
For a moment Phil thought it was a thunder storm, but it’s just rain :(
lol it literally stopped raining as soon as he got back inside again
Enderchest tour!
also use cauldrons filled with water to get rid of being on fire in the nether (5head)
Named-items-on-the-walls tour pog
Chat is spammind “DA WINKY?” now
“Todd and Antoine. They’re save from being yeeted. for now.”
We’re just doing a full tour again lol
Including the broken not-available-anymore villager with the bookcase/book trade!
Battle of Endlantis Pog! (DEFINITELY check out the video on this one, it’s the most hype thing ever I think)
Also that dupe is still in game probs lmao
in the words of Philza himself “Tommy does not belong in government”
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familiaralien · 6 years
Oh I’ve spoken about it a lot on Twitter but not as much on here but if you’re wondering where art has gone for once drawings aren’t slow because of my chronic health conditions: its slow because of a surgery not healing correctly :,).
Basically back in late January I got a broken tooth pulled and not only did it fuck up a lot of things in my mouth the region where the tooth once was got infected so that was fun. After finishing my antibiotic treatment on Friday I’m feeling significant less like crap and the tooth hole is slowly starting to actually heal over properly.
BTW this whole thing was so bad I’m pretty sure I lost 15-20 lbs and had to take protein supplements because I haven’t been able to eat normally this entire time :,). I’m still on a diet of mostly soft foods.
The only good thing that’s come out of all this is I’ve officially quit drinking soda and won’t be doing that anymore because I suspect that horribly unhealthy habit is part of the reason my teeth became awful in the first place.
AND THE NIGHTMARE ISN’T OVER EITHER because I likely need to go back to the dentist once this hole in my gums actually heals completely. At least 2 of my back teeth aren’t doing well and will likely need treatment to prevent them from breaking too. This treatment is not actually covered by Canadian universal healthcare either so that is something that I’m going to have to pay out of my own pocket.
So yeah... take care of your teeth, kids. Don’t ruin your life like I have
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cyanidefilledcandy · 7 years
So....I started another text post trying to explain everything, but it’s just going on too long.
First of all, I want to say I’m sorry to everyone, but specifically people like @eene-fangirl, @glitterashley, and @solangeamiratennyson. People who have been messaging me with requests and projects and such that I haven’t gotten to at all. 
To make a long story short, my life is a complete shit show right now...
The biggest issue right now is about a month ago, I got what I thought was a toothache. It was out of nowhere, literally unbearable, and worst of all....CONSTANT. It didn’t stop or ease up at all...
I go to the dentist as soon as I possibly could, and they don’t find anything but recommend a root canal since they worked on the same tooth a year ago. I schedule an appointment and have to wait a full week. Not only that, but the payment for it was due THAT day since they were a “specialty” place and so they didn’t offer payment plan. Meanwhile, I’m still in unbearable and have no pain pills to speak of. I don’t know what the fuck is up with this state, but they are VERY strict about giving out pain meds... 
So, I’m forced to take over the counter meds....they do NOTHING. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely HATE pain meds....hate meds period, but I have to be close to killing myself in order to take pain meds. 
And there I was popping 20-40 a day! As some of you may know, pain pills are complete poison to your liver and kidneys if taken in high amounts...I knew that, but it was either that or be in unbearable pain....not that taking the pills was any better. I can feel them affect my body terribly from starving me to making me weak to making me pain and nausea so bad that I actually had to leave work multiple times because I literally couldn’t walk. Finally get the root canal done, but the pain doesn’t lessen and in fact feels like it’s getting worse. But, I try to soldier through it and continue working....failing miserably. I got sent home and had to call out repeatedly. Meanwhile, I’m popping pills at an alarming rate just for ANY type of relief and it’s slowly making me sicker and sicker.... And the pain is indeed getting worse, starting to radiate to other places on my face and up to my head to the point of triggering migraines, which I’d been having issues with regardless. It had gotten so bad to where most nights, I had shut off literally everything in my house (lights, fan, etc.) and just sit in the dark and the quiet because any type of sensation just seemed to amplify my symptoms. Also, my symptoms seemed to mysteriously elevate to 100 at nighttime...
After one night of nearly killing myself because they pain was just so intense, I called out of work of my own volition and called the dentist in for an emergency exam to see if I could get some pain pills (I had called him in before and he called in some antibiotics thinking it was an infection). As I mentioned before, this state is extremely strict about prescribing pain medication and he said the only way he could is if I had swelling. I did not....
But while I was there, he asked me to describe my symptoms. I did....and he said what I was describing was actually some kind of neurological condition and that I may need to see a neurologist to get to the bottom of it. He couldn’t prescribe me anything, but I was grateful for being pointed in the right direction...
However, I’m still literally careening at night, pulling my hair out, sobbing, trying my absolute best not to swallow a bottle of pills to get it to stop... However, I keep (somehow) convincing myself to give it another day....that things will be better tomorrow.... So, I once again go to an emergency medical clinic and I just straight up break down everything that’s been happening, damn near tears and the doctor can plainly see that I have not been having a good time, and suggest we get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. And I’m like “FINALLY! Someone gets it!” He writes me a referral to a neurologist and I call as soon as I can...
The first available appointment they have is in August. Like....god forbid I have a brain tumor or something. I’m sure it’ll be fine until August....
I call a different place, and they have an opening on July 18....not really any better, but fine. 
Meanwhile...I’m still fucking here. They gave me some shots at the medical center and it’s the ONLY thing that’s helped me so far, but like....what am I supposed to do when it wears off (btw, it has....only lasted about a day and a half). They did prescribe me some pain meds that I had to ask for, but it’s only a low dose and they only gave me 10....when I need 2 for it to have any effect...
Furthermore, because of this stuff, I had to take time off from work (couldn’t even work the full week in prep for it) and I’m pretty much out of vacation and personal time (I only get a week and two days). My rent is due Saturday and because of this stuff, I basically missed an entire week’s worth of work from both jobs and don’t have nearly enough... Furthermore, my car payment is a full month overdue because I spent it (plus some) on a root canal that I didn’t need...and the second payment is due. My lights have yet to be payed...and on top of all of this, the Department of Education has started garnishing my paycheck... There’s a form I can fill out for leave of absence at work so I can get paid, but 1) you have to be out at least two weeks, and 2) you have to get a doctor to sign off on it...
I was hoping to get the neurologist to do so, but I won’t see him for another month basically. I have a so called “primary care physician” who has literally stared at me the when I brought the migraines up to him at least twice before (once he literally asked me “what do you want me to do about it?”). So, I feel like I don’t have that option. I honestly can’t work, but....I also can’t afford not to, and I.... I just don’t know what to fucking do anymore guys...
Before all of this, I had planned to just quit my job and start over in Alabama with my friend. I was hoping to find a job first....even though a large part of me was terrified of that since I’m in no mental state to be trying to look for a new job anyway. I feel so dead... He even offered me a place to stay even if I WOULD be jobless for a while....and I honestly considered that as well, but...I’d like to have SOME money saved up (even just a couple hundred), so it’s not ALL on him... Though, I must admit....I came VERY close to just packing my shit and leaving because....I just CAN’T anymore. And I know that sounds like a lazy cop-out, but....it’s true. I just can’t right now...
I planned on maybe saving a couple hundred, and just leaving and finding work once I got there and had time to collect myself (I thought a big part was that I was so overworked from working 65+ hours at 2 jobs with no sleep...), but then all this shit with my health started and.....I just don’t fucking know...
I still want to just leave (honestly, I feel like I should’ve left a LONG time ago...), but my health insurance is through my job, and I can’t just....go on with these issues.  I just don’t know...
And between this literally unbearable pain, the bullshit life keeps throwing at me, and just...feeling dead anyway, I just want to just....end it. 
I’m so tired of it all. I’m so tired of pushing through. I’m so tired of fighting to live when I honestly don’t even feel alive anymore. When I have no goals. No dreams. No pleasure. No joys. Like....all of that has been sucked out of me to the point where literally nothing elicits any type of emotion for me. Where I can’t get excited about anything anymore. Like....what’s the fucking point?
....but I went off on a tangent. Sorry. I just kinda wanted to let you guys know why I haven’t been around...and why I’ve been so inactive.
All I can say is I’m sorry. I’d like to get back to that point again, but not sure I can....
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lynthelazy · 8 years
Real Talk: The Untold Truths About Pregnancy
There are some parts of pregnancy that main stream media doesn’t share. Even though Mr. LL and I were sorta trying to get pregnant for most of 2016, I wasn’t doing anything different to prepare my body and all that jazz. The only thing I did differently was to stop taking birth control. So, I wasn’t reading about pregnancy and fertility and parenthood because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Mr. LL and I agreed that if we got pregnant that was amazing, but if it didn’t happen we weren’t going to force it (with fertility treatments or adoption). Obviously it worked out, but I wasn’t prepared for the reality of pregnancy.
So, if you are like pre-pregnancy me and you aren’t pregnant, you probably won’t read this post and that’s fine. If you are at all curious about the REALITY of pregnancy I suggest you read on so you can at least know what you are getting into. If you are already a mom, then maybe you can get some amusement out of my journey and discovers and look back on your own experiences. If you are a dude, I hope you will read on just to get some perspective of what ladies go through when they choose this path in life. With all that said, let’s get to the good stuff.
About mid-way through your second trimester (around weeks 18-20) you will probably feel something that is called “the flutters.” This is when you start to feel your baby moving around because he/she is getting bigger and so you are able to feel the movements against your insides. However, these early movements are the HARDEST thing in the world to explain. Mothers and other mothers-to-be who are at/beyond this point are able to speak gibberish to one another, describing this sensation and understand completely. Trying relaying this feeling to your partner and they will look at you as if you started talking like an adult in a Charlie Brown cartoon. These movements are subtle and, I suspect, feel a bit different for everyone. However, you mom-senses somehow know what it is…most of the time.
In the mid to late second trimester, there were days when I couldn’t tell if it is gas or baby moving until it is too late. During this time, you are just starting to really feel the baby but sometimes it is actually gas. Gas you have NO control over. You can try and restrain it, but it’s coming and you need to make sure you are not going to cause an epidemic in your workplace by unleashing an ungodly odor amongst your colleagues.
Also around this time, I began a new existence as a woman made of acid. Pre-pregnancy, I was diagnosed with chronic acid reflux as well as bile reflux. I’ve been taking medications for both for years now, along with changing up my diet (I miss you, pineapple!) and it’s been pretty manageable. That is until I got pregnant. My bile reflux kicked in HARD and my acid reflux began torturing me again. If this is turns out to be my mutant power, I’m going to be pissed. Now, granted, I had become pretty lax in taking my medications because I had it mostly under control without them, but I started to retake my bile reflux chalk pill before bed and I would still wake up 30 mins after falling asleep to the startling sensation of bile creeping up my throat. After an hour of coughing and clearing my throat, if I was “lucky” enough to catch it before it burned my throat to the point of tears and vomiting, I would go back to sleep but I had to do so sitting pretty much straight up. I’d get a few more hours of sleep, but inevitably at some point my body would decide it was uncomfortable and shift back to a more "normal" sleeping position only to have the bile came back up. Another hour of coughing and mild crying because I am so tired.
It took a few, miserable, weeks to figure out what works for me which is to take my antacid every day and then to not consume ANYTHING (aside from water) for at least two hours before I lay down to go to bed. Most of the time, this works.
Actually you just become way more susceptible to cavities and other dental maladies. I got a HUGE cavity in one of my wisdom teeth early on in the pregnancy when no dentist will see you (yeah, during your first trimester, dentists don’t want to deal with you because they don’t want to be held liable during this pretty risky time in the pregnancy). It didn’t hurt, so I just was careful with it and went on with my life. Slowly it's began to just disintegrate in my mouth over the course of my pregnancy. Then I woke up one morning to discover what felt like large chunk had broken off in my sleep, leaving it sharp and cutting my cheek. The tooth itself still didn’t hurt, but I was having a lot of trouble eating because of it cutting my cheek – and obviously this tooth was just getting worse. I was just at the end of my second trimester (the trimester when you can actually go to the dentist, btw) so I needed to find one to see me fast (third trimesters are tricky too because you can go into labor from stress and most everyone is stressed out by the dentist). All they could do was grind down the sharp bits and say “come back after the baby is born and we’ll pull it.”
Sure, mainstream media mentions nesting and how ladies get into this phase later in their pregnancies, but they don't really explain it. In the movies, it mainly involves getting the nursery ready and that's about as far as they takes it. Yeah, no.
Nesting is actually an uncontrollable urge to do all the things. I cannot sit still because I need be to doing laundry / dishes / sweeping / wiping / scrubbing / straightening / organizing / decluttering / mopping / etc. It's like a compulsion. Even when I've cleaned to the point of exhaustion, I can't sit still for more than ten minutes. I am not a "cleaning" type. My blog is called Lazy Lady for crying out loud. I feel like my mind has been taken over by a very tidy parasite.
They talk about pregnant ladies being hungry, but it is usually in a comical, "look at my weird cravings" sort of way. Now that I've entered the third trimester, the hunger is anything but funny. Up until now, I've been able to pretty much eat as much food as I was regularly eating and be fine. An extra snack sometimes, but not much more. Now I eat a snack and my stomach feels like I just ate nothing. I have physical hunger pains as I eat apple after banana after yogurt after salad etc., etc.; all the while drinking GIANT bottles of water. 
It also doesn't help that I, like most other humans, am not pleasant to be around when hungry. I very much get hangry and right now I'm hangry that I'm down to my last snack and the end of this stomach growling is no where in sight. 
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