#my essay is waiting so i shall go back to it
icarustypicalfall · 11 months
pepole make collections of cute stuff
i collecte erasers :D
many of them but couldn't find the others
been finding them for four years now 😭💀
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you can tell i love writing 💀
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klausinamarink · 1 year
(saw this post and laughed at everyone’s tags and ended up writing this instead of my actual wips i should really finish whOOPs)
Eddie bopped his head lightly along to Mötley Crüe on his Walkman as he scribbled his ideas for the Thanksgiving oneshot. He managed to finish the gruelling biology homework and his English essay tonight, so he deserved a treat.
As he tapped his pencil against his desk, he looked up and happened to catch one Steve Harrington’s face at the window.
Eddie perked up, taking his headphones off. Steve grinned, gave his dumb finger wave, and pointed at the window. Eddie gave him a ‘wait a second’ gesture and hurried to close his door, peeking first at the living room where Wayne sat on the couch and read his newspaper. Then he swiftly moved his Mötley Crüe tape to his radio and cranked the volume up that would cover any discreet noise.
He lifted the window open, taking a moment to closely observe Steve’s face in his goofy awestruck glory. “What brings you to my balcony, Romeo?”
Steve shrugged playfully, “Doesn’t Juliet yearn for his lover to come at unknown hours under the moonlight?”
Eddie gave himself a second to turn away and cover his delightful shriek with a palm over his mouth. Goddamnit, his boyfriend is a perfect Shakespeare romantic. He leaned back in with a low whisper, “Sounds like Romeo needs an excuse to see Juliet.”
“That’ll be great since I’m literally tiptoeing on this box right now.” Steve laughed and heaved himself up with a ‘hup!’ Eddie stepped back to let his boyfriend shimmy in, but then his eyes widened in horror when he realized what was under the window in his room.
“Wait, Steve-!” Eddie cut off as Steve landed elegantly onto the small bookshelf instead of the bed because he had switched their places the previous week because his brain was on a weird day and Eddie had thought doing so might shut it up, so he has yet to reverse them.
The bookshelf toppled over on the floor, along with the lamp and other figurines. Steve himself pretty much crashed and rolled before he stopped himself on his side. He looked up at Eddie in bewilderment.
Before either of them could say anything, Wayne burst into the room. Out of instinctive reflex, Eddie threw his bedsheets right on Steve, covering him but not really hiding him.
“What’s going on?” Wayne asked. His gaze landed on the mess and the very obvious Steve blanket lump on the floor.
“Nothing!” Eddie answered, too cheerily. “I was just dancing a lot and, uh, did this. By accident, sorry.”
Wayne stared at him, clearly not believing his ass. “…Right.” He said slowly. “Does Steve want to stay for breakfast in the morning?”
Eddie blinked innocently and, because he was the best liar in the entire world, said, “Who’s Steve?”
Steve made some muffled guffaw sound. Eddie subtly kicked him in where he hoped was in the shins. Wayne gave him another stare before coming to Steve the Blanket Lump and lifted the sheet up where Steve blinked just as innocently back.
“What’s your name, son?” Wayne asked matter of factly.
“Steve, would you like to stay for breakfast in the morning?”
Steve looked over to Eddie, who quickly shook his head no, then back at Wayne with his parent-rated charming smile. “Of course, I wouldn’t mind, Wayne.”
His uncle nodded and dropped the blanket, covering Steve again. He turned and walked out of the room, calling out, “Better not hear any more noises again!”
Eddie practically dropped to the ground, his face in his hands, and groaned aloud. This was so embarrassing. He felt Steve’s arms hugging his chest. “Eds, babe, I’m sorry but you know I would die for your uncle’s buttermilk biscuits and jams.”
He glared at his boyfriend half-heartedly. “Stealthy like a ninja, you say?”
Steve pointedly looked down at the fallen bookshelf. “Welllll, I could’ve sworn there was always a bed there-”
Eddie kissed him. “Well,” he said after they broke apart, “maybe I’ll let Romeo help me clean up and all shall be forgiven with our usual duties.”
Steve wiggled his eyebrows with a shit-eating grin. “Clean up, you say, Juliet?”
Wayne hollered at Eddie to close his bedroom door.
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purplekissinger · 1 month
Ten points to Hufflepuff
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ah yes comedy. Muggleborn Hufflepuff reader. Please do not take this seriously because i sure don't
“Now it’s all done, Becky. And always after this, you know, you ain’t ever to love anybody but me, and you ain’t ever to marry anybody but me, ever never and forever. Will you?”
"Ten points from Gryffindor," Tom said lazily, waving his wand to put the scattered books into a neat little pile. Y/N  picked it up, smiled gratefully and hurried away, leaving Prewett on the floor with a rapidly growing bump on his forehead. "No running on the fifth floor”.
“Well, she just threw herself at my feet,” Prewett tried to justify. The pathetic fool had no idea that Y/N was allowed to throw herself at the feet of only one person. Y/N herself did not know that either (for now, of course). "Don't you want to, I don’t know, take points from Hufflepuff too? What do the rules say about being blind?.." and, before he could even finish this foolish, foolish sentence, he gasped and grabbed his head.
"Shall I escort you to the hospital wing or send you there?" Tom asked very politely.
"Fifteen points from Ravenclaw," he said sternly, pushing Fawley out of the restricted section of the library. Y/N  looked at them, confused. Glancing over his shoulder, Tom assured her, "L/N, Professor Merrythought warned me you had a pass. Good luck with your research".
"What are you up to, Riddle?" Fawley asked in an annoyed whisper as they left the library. "A pretty lady struggling with her essay, helping her is basically winning her heart..."
"What's the essay about, by the way?" Tom asked innocently. "Horcruxes, probably?"
"What in the world is that?.."
"And, alas, five more points from Ravenclaw. Woeful ignorance, I must say".
"Now what? Are you going to take points from your own House?" Malfoy huffed. They both stood on the landing, looking down. It was midnight. "The pattern is pretty clear, don’t you think? Leave her be, Riddle, for Merlin's sake. It's a pity to watch a Slytherin chase a badger."
"An interesting combination, indeed" Tom said thoughtfully. "As a fellow Slytherin, I can assure you, not a single point will be taken and no witnesses will be left. Now, could  you please stand a little to the left..."
"Tom, I have a bad feeling about this," you said timidly. "Think what you will, but all these cases... All of them have something to do with me. Terry Prewett says that he has had a lump for a month now. Malfoy fell down the stairs after he called me... well, that word, and does not remember anything."
"Bizzare," Tom replied.
"Wait, let me finish... This didn't add up until Fawley asked me out and fell off his broom later that evening. Maybe..." You looked around as if looking for someone, then turned to Tom, "No, that's just too stupid, I think I’ll tell that in your ear..."
And so you did. 
Tom was not thinking about your words, lost in the feeling of your breath tickling his cheek, the smell of your hair. He will do anything in his power to have more such moments in the future.
You pulled back and looked at him with a strange mix of emotions on your face. Fear? Hope? Reproach?
"Ten points to Hufflepuff! You're a smart one, Miss L/N," Tom chuckled. "What will you do with that knowledge?"
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Watching the She-ra reboot after 5-6 years
Hey remember that show in 2018 that came out on Netflix during Tumblr's Twitter era and stirred up enough toxicity to turn you into Dave the Skeleton in the highschool science classroom?
Well BUCKLE IN for a RIDE cause I recently watched that show for the first time after avoiding it for YEARS, after seeing the fans and the haters be so devoted to either the fans praising it like a godsent deity or haters devoting their whole life to finding something wrong with every aspect of the show that it makes you wonder if they realized that they've become the Catra that they sought to destroy, I decided to avoid even touching the show and went about my life in other fandoms.
Well years have passed and like a Hallmark movie time abruptly went on and the drama soon faded, the tides have settled, the war has ended, and neither side remains the same. The fans have grown up, matured and enjoy the show as it is and the haters have lost all that sweet sustenance back in 2019 and have went the ways of the DoDo. With everything finally settled, I joined in on the rush of new fans recently that started rewatching the series and wanted to display my thoughts as well as a first time watcher ^^
I went in well aware of all the criticisms in mind, and having seen the original She-ra, and I just gotta say that my worrisome thoughts on watching it was completely washed away from the start of the show. I was worried of Adora being that one marysue character that is from the bad guys side but is actually a good a guy with the personality of white bread and with flaws of just being "a little bit QuiRkY" but she completely shooed away those fears. She is a well balanced character with a unique and well done backstory, her character breaking away from the steriotypical chosen ones and her having flaws that don't take away her being a good person but instead have their own charm and relatability that makes her very fun and down to earth. She is so golden retriever coded and I love it. What I like most though is that she wasn't "random main character comes in to lead everyone to victory out of nowhere" , instead of making her the unsaid leader, they made her the main character who is the muscle of the group and part of the heart and has to learn overtime and understand their ways instead of making her the leader. It makes way for her to pave and earn her way as being the main character instead of it being given by default by making her the leader and I love that break away. And that break away also helps to counter the fears I heard about the white savior trope by making Adora the way she was and making Glimmer and Glimmer's mom the queen the actual leaders of the rebellion that they helped start.
Love the best friends squad, I love Glimmer's growth and her bond with Adora, I like how she went downhill and built herself back up again as a person as it was very realistic with her being so young and having to replace her mom as queen. Bow is my spirit animal, period, but I really want to know more about his huge family. I imagine that because they are all historians they must go to the academy or similar academies that Bow was meant to go to and I can see why they wouldn't question him not being there as 12 siblings is A LOT to keep track of. Swiftwind is great but he shall always be known as Horsie and the queen's sacrifice hurts everytime I see it, I love how she owned up to her own flaws. Shadowweaver messed up being a mother figure 3 times, she needs parenting classes fr, 'nough said. I love all the princesses but Mermista is my personal favorite. Also why is aunt cast named Castaspella, I can't even say it without dying of laughter 💀🖐️
Now I know some of you are sitting at your computer with 5 monsters in hand and sweat anxiously dripping from your forehead as you dramatically hover over the keys just WAITING to write a five page essay response if I even dare to utter the name Catra and her relationship with Adora. So, I'ma give you my opinion.
Honestly, their romance was the end goal since the beginning and the story made that clear and honestly I like Catra's growth as a character from her knowing she has anger issues and actively working on it to better herself, helping to save others and helping to save Adora in the end. Her realizing that pushing others away to protect herself only harms her and everyone around her in the end and her realistically taking it slow and steady to better herself as a person for herself and for Adora is something a really like. Yes their relationship was hella toxic, especially in the middle (but I do like how Adora recognized that and punched Catra when they were in the portal). The build up was great, the middle ground of her doubling down was great, and I think her growth at the end was great and that the two are happy and not in a toxic relationship with eachother anymore at the end. I think what truly makes it odd is although the redemption was great the time constraints made it so they couldn't flesh it out to help answer and address the past actions that were caused by her, they did so great with her slowly becoming better and better, and so it wouldn't have come off as bad as it did if they had just a bit more time to address everything with that instead of being forced to dive right into it which definitely left a- well- less than good impression to it's audience. But they tried their best with what they could do and honestly for a show as surprisingly dark as this I'm just glad they aren't in a toxic relationship anymore and are happy in the end and that Catra got redeemed. It definitely wasn't trying to romanize abuse, however it came off as such due to constraints and them rushing the ending which gave plenty of ammo to people who already hated the show to have a reason to hate it more. In my opinion if you don't like it that's valid, if you do like it that's valid, me personally I'm not a romance person so I couldn't care enough either way.
Now to address some things I know some people are waiting for, but in speed run fashion. Mara's She-ra design was the fault of the designers not agreeing on what they wanted her to look like, I was expecting her to have brown flowing hair not blonde, I get the stripping of individuality message they tried to go with, it just needed better designers and better execution but that's as deep as it goes. It's not that they are racist, they are more along the lines of "you need a more organized team cause her design changes every five seconds like wtf" kind of situation. I'm glad they didn't automatically forgive Hordak or accept him but I'm glad he was changed enough to not be a killer that's mass murdering people anymore and as long no one is dying by his hands anymore and people don't automatically forgive him then that's fine by me, whatever keeps others from dying a horrible unnecessary death.
Overall, in conclusion, love the show, great depth, great characters, love the humor and amazing magical girl transformations, awesome rep, stronk princess punching things, would most definitely recommend, especially now with all the wave of chaos it's initial release sucked in now evaporated. (Seriously there are full tags and blogs deticated to hating a show about glowing princesses fighting aliens, it's okay to not like a show but come on people there is more to life than that 💀) Enjoy it, have fun, and I hope you have a great day/night! ^^
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beautifulhigh · 5 months
Hi hi!! It's unfair of me to ask you to actually write the full essay on the rwrb red room kiss scene, but I saw your tags and am very interested in at least what the main thesis would be, if you feel like sharing!! No worries if not 😊 Have a good night/day/whatever time it is where you are!
The last few weeks have been, well. They've Been™ and I'm going to use this wonderful ask to dust off my overthinking tag and write a meta post on this movie, these boys, and then hope more than three people care what I have to say.
The Red Room kiss scene is Iconic™ and Important™ and in this essay I (really) will discuss agency, framing, and why it always had to be Alex to be the one to make the move.
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While book!Alex takes book!Henry to the Red Room, here he's waiting. Bundle of nervous energy. He doesn't know what to do with himself, how to hold himself, how to present himself when Henry turns up. He's backlit in this (which is a theatre technique, I see you Matthew) but it also adds to the drama and tension of the scene.
The (in)famous painting of Hamilton, about to bear witness to things.
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We jump cut between Alex trying to find... something. Here he is realising his shirt has come slightly undone and he wants to try and be somewhat presentable. At least for the moment. But it speaks to Alex's physicality in this scene because he is shifting and moving so much that his clothing is shifting. There's also an interpretation that this suit represents the formality of the situation - the Prime Minister's dinner, at which he (the First Son) and the boy he wants to kiss (the actual Prinec) are supposed to be front and centre and the picture of formality.
He's coming undone in this moment because he's the First Son and he's waiting for the Prince, but he's also Alex and he's waiting for Henry.
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Ah, yes. The casual lean against the wall. Fancy seeing you here, your Royal Highness, what do you think of the menu? But there's grounding here too. When you're spiralling focusing on a physical point of contact between you and and something can help ground you.
It's also a defensive stance in a way. You shall not pass, I'm not moving. Alex is claiming space and territory and he's controlling it.
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"How dare you fucking kiss me, run away, ghost me, then walk into the White House like nothing changed." This is closed off, defensive, protective - probably why it's the quickest of the poses to be dismissed. He's got his back against the wall like he's scared or ready to come out fighting. And, in a way, both of those are true.
Book!Alex is mid-crisis on his bisexuality and while he logically knows he is very much into Henry, he's not gotten to the point of turning theory into reality.
Movie!Alex is more chill about being into guys, but this attraction to Henry is confusing him. He hates the guy. He wants to punch him in the mouth. With his mouth.
(What? That's literally book canon: and if he weren’t already hell-bent on destroying Henry’s infuriating idiot face with his mouth right now, he would consider doing it with his fist.)
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Casual lean against the table, less staged and jarring than the extended arm against the wall.
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But then Henry walks in and Alex stands to attention and he is... rapt. He is calm and composed and he is focused. We're back to the back-lit position which helps frame him with a near-halo effect.
And you can see that he is relaxed. There's a slight drop in the jaw, his shoulders are sloped and rounded. Because none on what he was trying to convey before matters. Henry is here.
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"Look" he starts with - he's expecting a fight. He's expecting Alex to go off on one for the kiss, for the liberty taken. Even if Alex is willing to forget that it ever happened, take Henry's secret to the grave, Henry gets one thing right in this.
"my behaviour was appalling"
Because it was. Look, Hen, I love you and I'm with Alex in the feeling that I will go to war for you to see you happy and safe. But you did kinda kiss him without consent (harsh reading) and you did ghost him without apology (soft reading) and for a boy raised in the Royal Household that... well... it's pretty much top items on the Very Bad Behaviour list. He did not act with decorum or dignity, he did not act in the way that his status and position demands.
(That's OK, Hen. Because the boy under the linden tree wasn't the Prince. It's OK to not be him, and Alex is going to spend the rest of his life loudly loving the man, not the prince.)
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"Shut up, stop talking." // “Shut up, shut all the way up, oh my God,” Alex hisses
Because even though both versions of Alex said he wanted to talk to Henry, in the moment that's the last thing he wants to do. And actions speak louder than words, right?
Why it had to be Alex
Henry needed to make the first move, that New Year's kiss, because there needed to be something to make Alex realise that this thing he's feeling is very much reciprocated, and that Henry wants it too. If Alex had kissed Henry for the first time on New Year's Eve/Day then it would have been too much of a leap. Alex, at whatever stage of his bisexual journey, has no clear idea of Henry's orientation at that party. It's only with retrospective viewing that he realises that Henry was low-key flirting, and that the sharing of these deeply personal moments wasn't just a "two bros in a hot tub" thing.
So Henry had to kiss Alex first but then he had to run because there was no way that the mostly-closeted, private Prince could accept that a) he fucking kissed a boy, b) said boy is the one he's been dreaming of since Rio/Melbourne, and c) the boy kinda?? kissed him back?? Henry will have been having a low-grade anxiety attack all through January (and trying to reclaim some control with the date he went on in the book).
In this moment, Alex knows all the pieces. He's played this logic game to its conclusion and he knows all the facts. 1) Henry is gay. 2) Henry is into him. 3) He's into Henry. That last fact is something Henry isn't fully aware of (or at least can't bring himself to believe it to be true) and so it has to be Alex.
He doesn't want Henry to say something that would get in the way of this, doesn't want to hear any kind of pre-prepared speech of "yeah, we're better off as friends" that always happens when the couple get too close to getting together too early in the run time. Alex is full on shutting that down, shutting Henry up, and he gives as good as he got.
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"Wait a minute" // Henry’s too shocked to respond, mouth falling open slackly in a way that’s more surprise than invitation, and for a horrified moment Alex thinks he calculated all wrong, but then Henry’s kissing him back, and it’s everything.
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And this time it's both of them. Framed between Hamilton and the books. The American political trailblazer and the literary. In the space between? There's our boys.
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Alex's hand is on the wall again and he's controlling the space but Henry is very much in it. He's protective but in a different way.
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In one frantic motion, Alex knocks the candelabra off the table next to them and pushes Henry onto it so he’s sitting with his back against—Alex looks up and almost breaks into deranged laughter—a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Henry’s legs fall open readily and Alex crowds up between them, wrenching Henry’s head back into another searing kiss. They’re really moving now, wrecking each other’s suits, Henry’s lip caught between Alex’s teeth, the portrait’s frame rattling against the wall when Henry’s head drops back and bangs into it. Alex is at his throat, and he’s somewhere between angry and giddy, caught up in the space between years of sworn hate and something else he’s begun to suspect has always been there. It’s white-hot, and he feels crazy with it, lit up from the inside. Henry gives as good as he gets, hooking one knee around the back of Alex’s thigh for leverage, delicate royal sensibilities nowhere in the cut of his teeth. Alex has been learning for a while Henry isn’t what he thought, but it’s something else to feel it this close up, the quiet burn in him, the pent-up person under the perfect veneer who tries and pushes and wants. He drops a hand onto Henry’s thigh, feeling the electrical pulse there, the smooth fabric over hard muscle. He pushes up, up, and Henry’s hand slams down over his, digging his nails in.
The sensibility of the suits is on its way out, they're not the First Son and the Prince. And Alex is taking the lead.
Henry is somewhat passive in this - although he is fully engaged - but it's Alex who set this in motion. Pun intended. Alex who pushed him against the wall. Alex who pushed him up onto the table and hiked his leg up around his hip, Alex who is driving in. Because Alex needs Henry to know that third fact. The one he's worked out, the one that Henry is just catching up with. This isn't payback, it's not some prank. Alex Wants™.
There's a scene I'm writing in my current FirstPrince WiP in which Alex and Henry have a charged moment. And Henry wants to act on it but those princely sensibilities get in the way and he can't let himself be led into doing something that could be used against him. If Henry made all the moves then the accusation of him taking advantage, of the inherant imbalance that comes with status and titles and positions of power. So in the scene, and here, Alex takes the lead. There's no way anyone could accuse Henry of forcing Alex into doing this.
(Good luck getting Alex to do ANYTHING he doesn't want to.)
So Alex gives and Henry takes and he gets the memo very quickly.
Fact number three. Alex wants this too.
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Then Movie!Amy walks in on them (which IMO is way funnier than Book!Amy hissing through a crack in the door) and these idiots try to act like they weren't redefining International Relations a second ago. Alex is by the painting, Henry is by the books. They've gone back to their sides and they're playing at being interested in what they find there. But they're not, it's all for show, someone who gives a passing glance at this point sees this part of them, this side of them The First Son and the Prince: the politician and the literary.
They're both backlit, they're in line even if it doesn't look like it, Alex is no longer on Henry's right, and they're both trying to act like the people that others could see them as.
But we - and they - know better. 1) Henry is gay. 2) Henry is into Alex. 3) Alex is into Henry.
4) Everyone is on the same page now.
(Also I know Casey talked about seeing the Red Room on a White House tour and so that's why they included a scene in that room in their book, but I cannot ignore the fact that red = love and passion and danger and fire [the counter to the water motif] and it's a warm colour designed to excite.)
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
End Game #2 (volleyball captain!gojo x you)
summary: you sneak out to play volleyball.
word count: 1.5k
cw/tags: mild language, jjk volleyball au, misunderstandings, a little angst but nothing too bad, commitment issues lol, subtle pining !!!!
note: ok part 2 because this au has given me motivation again. also i don't know if i should make the rest of the team the second-gen jjk sorcerers (yuuji, megumi, nobara, inumaki, etc) so if you have any thoughts on that lmk. i'm thinking yes make them part of the team but that'd negate their age gap so as long as that's fine i think it'll work. anyways hope you enjoy!!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated <3
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A knocking on your window jolts you from your daze as you stare blankly at the unfinished document in front of you. It was only supposed to take two hours, you told yourself, but those two hours had doubled as you kept rewriting and re-wording every sentence you typed. Squeezing your eyes shut, you rest your face in your hands and pray for the teacher to postpone the due date. 
More insistent knocking draws your attention again, despite willfully ignoring it the first time. You lean back in your chair and groan, waiting for him to become impatient and start his Shakespearean monologuing. 
“Are you going to make me sit out here in the cold? In the dead of night? How cruel is this earthly plane–” You slide the window open, meeting Satoru’s eyes with a tired stare, and his voice catches in his throat. “Wow," he manages. “You look like shit.” You blink once, twice, a hand leaning on the window frame and the other on your hip. 
“What are you doing here, Satoru?” 
The mouth turns into a sly grin. “I need a partner.”
It’s late, and you’re unfazed. “I have a boyfriend.”
“That’s not what I mean, wait…what?” You laugh at the genuine confusion that paints his face, turning back into your room to grab your shoes. He slides through the window easily like he’d done a million times before, landing softly on the carpet and leaning back against the ledge. Poorly masked concern leaks into his voice and you smirk. “Since when were you seeing someone?” 
“Since never, Satoru. I already have my hands full dealing with you and your team; a relationship would essentially be another item on my schedule.” You slip on mismatched socks and some worn-out sneakers, shutting your laptop with a scowl. The essay would have to wait until you were done taking out your frustration on a volleyball. He watches you intently, blue eyes glowing in the moonlight. You’d known Satoru for years, but you always found that it was most challenging to read his emotions at night. It was like certain emotions were nocturnal. By day, Satoru was the goofiest person you knew; by night, you sometimes caught him staring at you in ways you knew he didn’t look at anyone else. You pushed whatever motives he may have into the back of your mind, dismissing his nightly flirtations the same way you ignored the daytime ones. 
You stand in front of him expectantly with your hands on your hips, and he peers up at you, eyes twinkling like the stars. “Shall we?” His fake chivalry makes the corner of your mouth turn up. 
“We need a ball first, Satoru.” You maneuver through your window after him, allowing him to briefly place his hands on your hips as you jump down from the ledge. His hands linger on your body for a moment before his senses come back. 
“I left it in your yard.” 
Your mouth drops in disbelief. “In the flowerbed?” You’re both whisper-yelling in front of your house, and you hope none of the neighbors decided to take a late-night stroll. 
He puts his hands up in surrender, shrugging as you turn on your phone flashlight to find the ball. “There was nowhere else to put it!” 
“I swear if you crushed those pink asters that I’ve been–”
“That you’ve been tending for years, I know.” You shoot him a glare over your shoulder as you bend over, fishing out the ball among the dark foliage. “You should grow red asters.” 
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, Satoru,” you quip, tossing him the ball and running a hand over the petals to ensure they weren’t damaged too badly.  
He takes your spunk in stride, falling into step next to you. “I think they’re pretty. D’you know they’re supposed to symbolize devotion?” 
Your body runs on autopilot, crossing neighborhood sidewalks with Satoru at your side as you head toward the small park a few blocks from your house. He spins the ball on a slender finger absentmindedly as you walk. He continues his attempts to convince you to plant red asters the entire way to the park, even after you’ve taken your regular position across from him near the playground. “I’ll think about it, okay? Will you stop telling me how to garden now?”
“I wasn’t telling you to do anything; I was just suggesting it.” He throws you the ball, underhanded, and your arms move together mechanically to bump it back to him. 
“Yeah, just like you were suggesting that I call you captain earlier today.” Nimble fingers set it gracefully back to you, and you almost miss spiking the ball watching it arch in the air. 
He receives it easily, bumping it back. “I still don’t understand why you refuse.”
“Because I’m not one of your players, Satoru. I’m outside of the game. I make sure you all have water bottles and stuff.” Set. 
“You’re still just as much part of the team as anyone else is.” Spike. 
“Agree to disagree, then.” Bump. 
There was a separate reason as to why you didn’t want to call him captain, one that you would take to your grave. It was a line, you considered it, just like acknowledging his flirting. If you crossed that line, you were truly integrated into the team, truly connected to Satoru. You were the team’s manager, still separate from the rest of the players. As nice as it was to have somewhere to go after school besides your house, it was just as nice having a foot in the door just in case things suddenly went south. It was how you were, and you weren’t in the mood to verbalize your commitment issues with the one guy who’d probably tease you the most about it. 
Satoru’s face is unreadable again as he sets the ball, but you could see the gears turning in his head. “Are we still having that practice match with Kyoto next week?” 
Of all the things he would ask you, you didn’t think it would be practice-related. “As far as I’m aware, yeah. They offered to buy dinner if we won, by the way.” Spike. 
“Does that mean we have to pay for their food if we lose?” Bump. 
“Probably.” Set. 
“Then, no. Definitely not.” Spike. 
“Why?” You stick your tongue out teasingly. “Got plans?” Bump. 
“No, not yet at least.” Set. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Spike. 
Bump. He shrugs nonchalantly, running a hand through his moonlit hair that you knew he only did when he was nervous. “Was thinking about asking someone out after the match.”
Set. “Oh.” The surprise moves past your lips before you can stop it, and you kick yourself mentally for feeling a bit of disappointment at his plans. You tended to get dinner with Satoru after practice matches, always some shitty fast food place where he talked about how much the other team sucked as he wolfed down three burgers. Sometimes Suguru or Shoko or Nanami would join you, but the one constant after hosting rival teams was dinner with Satoru. His intentions bothered you deep in your chest, but you couldn’t figure out why. 
Spike. “Yeah.” A layer of awkwardness settles between you two that you’d never felt before. It wasn’t that you were distressed that he was gonna ask someone on a date; your body just felt physically unable to create words. 
Bump. “Well, have fun with that then.” You fight to keep your voice even, eyes on the ball to look away from Satoru’s piercing stare. He was trying to read you, and you weren’t going to let him. 
Set. “Aren’t you going to ask me who they are?”
Spike, a hard spike. The ball speeds toward Satoru faster than he expects it, forcing him to catch it instead of sending it back toward you. “No, Satoru. Unlike the rest of the country’s population, I really couldn’t give two shits about who you decide is worthy of your attention.” The words fall from your mouth with more venom than you intend, and you bite down on your bottom lip guiltily. “I’m sorry. It’s late.” 
He watches you again, mysterious eyes analyzing your thoughts like a science experiment. “Yeah, it’s alright. It’s my fault, anyway, making you come out this time of night.” He smiles one of those make-everything-better smiles, and you feel a little lighter that he wasn’t too angry. “I’ll take you home.” 
Several minutes that felt like hours later, you’re back in your room as Satoru sits on the windowsill again, about to leave. “Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’m gonna ask them to dinner.” 
“Really? Why not?”
With his back to you, you had no idea what his expression was. You didn’t know if he was angry with you, but something in his voice told you he was hiding something. 
“Just doesn’t seem like the right time.” Before you could formulate a response, the old Satoru is back in a snap, tilting his head toward you playfully. “But, hey. You never know. Maybe someday I’ll get the balls to ask them,” he murmurs before he disappears, leaping down from your window into the night. 
You can’t tell if you’re relieved or disappointed that he wasn’t going to ask out that mystery person.
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leiflitter · 6 months
Hi I'm doing a research paper on antiheroes and I'm using Oliver as one example. Could you maybe tell me why he appeals to you as a character despite the murdering and the scheming etc
You come into my askbox while I sleep and make me think? First thing in the morning? BUT I SHALL ANSWER
won't make any sense probably but HEY!
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I think the main reason I love Oliver is because I can see a lot of myself in him.
Cut bc this will be long af
Granted, my perspective on the character is... I spend a lot of time thinking about that idiot, so this is fully based on my interpretation of him buttttt
Okay, so the murders and scheming are firstly... Ambiguous. Elspeth is the only one we see as it happens- not in a flashback, big-twist, oh it was my evil plan all along #classwarfare #girlboss #theyhatetoseeabadbitchwinning way- and she's so far gone she's on a ventilator and just dies without it. How did she get so sick? It isn't mentioned. Honestly, as someone with long covid, she's wandering around London without a mask. LADY. YOUR LUNGS.
Everything else? The spiked bottle. The razorblades. They're shown to us at the end, this big gotcha moment... From someone who has clearly spent every moment since Felix Catton died trying desperately to gather some small piece of him.
His home is decorated like Saltburn. He's immediately trying to get back in. The moth battering itself against the window.
Whether or not Oliver Quick is an evil, scheming murderer is entirely down to your interpretation of that reveal montage. Mad props to Emerald for that.
My interpretation of it is... Not to say he's innocent, but that he's a sad, sad man grasping at straws to give himself more agency. He's spent years dwelling on and analysing the worst time of his life, and as a good Eng Lit student (dude was doing essays on Browning) he's turned it into a narrative.
If we stop suspending disbelief, then we have:
Oliver put some cocaine in a bottle (as evidenced by Oliver having the same sort of vial Farleigh has in the main hall). Oliver drank some. Felix drank some. He threw up, Felix died.
I have probably said this before, but Felix's death cannot be directly attributed to Oliver's actions.
Felix was in the bathroom, and although we don't see him doing lines, he's not just hanging out there for funzies. He's going hard, probably mixing drugs and booze. He's so off his tits that he doesn't notice how bad/bitter the booze Oliver gives him tastes. Plus there's a reason people snort cocaine; it's efficacy is highly reduced when eaten, and it takes far longer to reach the brain. How long would Felix have just stood in the maze? Waiting there like a sim with no activities queued until he keeled over?
It's likely that Felix overdosed, but it's really unlikely that Oliver was the sole cause, if he was the cause at all.
He left razorblades near her. That's literally all we see. From Oliver as a character, I don't think he has the guts to actually, directly kill- and it wouldn't make sense to. He'd be found out immediately if he did- any sign of violence and the Cattons would have private investigators and all sorts at their disposal. He was in the next room. It'd be open and shut. I do think, from the blood on the floor, that she tried to go to his room for help and he ignored her- but!
Leaving something sharp near someone in distress is another shitty scheme. What was he going to do if she didn't notice them? What if she knocked them off the side of the tub accidentally? Was he going to leave her a post-it note like HI V PLS KYS LUV OLLIE to make sure she noticed them?
Another thing that often is kinda... Glossed over... Is that Oliver is a fuckin teenager, and he isn't as smart as he portrays himself.
Olls. Why would you fool about with Felix's sister in plain view of the house? Ollie. What exactly did you expect one email to do? Erase Farleigh from existence? Oliver. Mate. You left your phone in the bathroom? Where Felix "no boundaries" Catton could find it? Why? Did you need to play Snake in the bath THAT BADLY? Oliver. Why would you lie about something so easily disprovable? Oliver Quick, you started digging a hole and it became Felix's fucking grave.
Older Oliver has turned what happened into a narrative where He Has Agency. He did it, and he did it on purpose, because HE WASN'T IN LOVE WITH FELIX (he was in love with Felix). He had a plan, you see, it wasn’t him being desperate and trying anything, everything he could to stay close to Felix.
He wasn’t a weird, awkward teenager who went away from home, fell in love with someone entirely unobtainable- due to socioeconomic bracket, gender, the year, all of that- and was so desperate to be near Felix that he built an unsustainable web of lies that fell apart. I think the maze scene is Oliver at his most honest, because he doesn't understand why his performance is any different, other than the amount of effort he's put in.
No, he was evil. A bad guy. A wolf in sheep's clothing, Felix his innocent victim. He's a genius... Because what is the alternative for Oliver Quick?
Admit that he was little more than a child, lashing out, unable to accept his own feelings- as he's unable to accept them as an adult- and now...
The immutable fact is that Felix died, and Oliver will never be over it.
What's the safer option?
I was a mess and I might be responsible for this and I was lashing out and I might have killed the thing I loved most because I fucked it all up.
I did it all on purpose.
And... To bring this back to the question.
I have been Oliver Quick in the bit before the bike scene. I've watched people I'd like to be friends with, living a life I was too shy or scared to go after. I can remember desperately wanting to be cool, to have a backstory, to be compelling...
I just never got desperate enough to lie. And I'm doing pretty good now, but I fucking get it. To want that connection so badly, to yearn for the life you see other people living, to want to be someone other than yourself.
So y'know
That's why I love him.
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imightgetbetter · 2 years
our first kiss
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ahhhhhhh. hi. it's me. this is so weird. i haven't been nervous to post a story like this in years. probably because it's a totally different fan space and group and all that. there's a first time for everything. i have a whole idea for a series of things i want to write, we shall see if they come to fruition. for now, here you go. just a little something. (this is literally the smallest piece of writing i think i've posted in seven years). have fun <3 happy reading!
Outside, everything is quiet in the simplest of ways – the honking that usually busies the streets has subsided, just a few passing cars beneath them, the lights flickering and the occasional yell or holler from someone on the street echoing around the seemingly empty avenue. One light is shining from the bedroom where the landing leads to, and you can hear a faint grunt and murmured swears as your darling company finally makes his way back to the metal escape. His hand is clutching the neck of the guitar you purchased for his birthday, the back of which is decorated in an array of randomized drawings that somehow felt fitting for him – a carton of cigarettes, a mouse with a cookie, a rose that looked awfully similar to the one you have dried and pressed from your first date. Mouth nursing a cigarette, he teasingly pulls it from your lips as he settles against the railing, the guitar now settled on his thighs and his worn-in notebook propped open with a pen. He reaches for the lighter, cupping the fire around the end until it’s lit and ashy with his inhale.
His hand lays on your knee and squeezes it gently, lovingly. “Can’t have you picking up a bad habit from me, darling. Already have too many of those.”
“You were once a bad habit, you know,” you say, peering at him through hooded eyes masked behind wire-framed glasses, the light from your computer lighting your face. He smirks, shaking his head without saying a word, simply basking in knowing that a bad habit had turned into this, into sharing an apartment in a city you love, into late nights on the fire escape, creating your art together, art that is often about each other, even if you don’t know it. And he doesn’t know it, that the collection of essays being stored in your hard drive are about the lessons of being in love, lessons that you learned with him.
His eyes flicker from where he’s strumming at the heart of the guitar to you, a smile printed on his features that you know well – the smile that comes from your favorite bottle of wine at dinner, a stray glass or two in a shared bath. “Am I still a bad habit, my love?”
“Only when you distract me from my work,” you say, nudging your knee into his calf, a smile toying at the corners of your lips as he nudges you back.
His eyes trail from your eyes to your lips to where your fingers are working diligently against your keyboard. “How far have you gotten today?”
“About halfway into this essay,” you hum, leaning your head to the side, trying to get a peek at the lyrics being scribbled into the notebook. “How’s the song coming?”
“Good, I think. Question for you actually,” he says quietly, aware of the sleeping neighbors and easily disturbed animals surrounding the apartment. He waits for you to nod, closing your laptop quietly to give him your sole attention. “Our first kiss, where was it again?”
“In my defense, love, we’d had many drunken kisses before I’d actually kissed you sober and well-intentioned.”
“Are you trying to tell me the other times were ill-intentioned?”
“Yes, I am, actually. I was eighteen, darling. There are no good intentions at eighteen.” His eyes soften when you giggle quietly, the hardened expression washing away from your features as you hum knowingly, and a tiny smile begins itching at your cheeks. “It was during that holiday we took during Christmas. I remember that.”
“Walmart, I think,” you say, the memory suddenly feeling a bit hazy and out of touch. “You’d come to visit me for the holiday break because I couldn’t fly home. I was sick, I wanted a puzzle or something to do while I was stuck alone. You’d grabbed the one I wanted, and I kissed your cheek.”
“I turned my head, and I kissed you,” he says surely, interrupting your recollection of the memory. His smile as he told the story warms you from your head to your toes. He doesn’t need to say that he loves you for you to feel so. “I knew I was going to get the nastiest flu of my life, but I didn’t even care.”
“I yelled at you for kissing me. I didn’t want to get you sick, even though that was a bit of a lost cause considering we were sharing a bed while you stayed with me.”
“And that’s why I kissed you, again,” he says proudly, reaching for your hand and tugging you towards him. You know exactly what he wants you to do, and you do so easily. Closing your laptop, you maneuver yourself over the small space, settling between his open thighs. His arms circle around you, the guitar settled on your thighs, your head laying against his chest. He presses his mouth to your head, “I wish it hadn’t taken so long. I feel like I got years stolen away.”
“Us, you know?” his murmurs, gently strumming the guitar and leaning his head on your head, humming a melody that surely just came to mind. “I wish I would’ve just moved with you.”
“I don’t,” you say quietly, leaning forward and turning to face him, your hands reaching to cup his cheeks and bring his eyes to meet yours. “I don’t because I love seeing you live your dream, and that wouldn’t have happened if you moved with me. All this happened like it was supposed to, you know that.” Matty’s eyes are pouring into yours, the deepest amounts of love washing over you. “Not to mention, if we weren’t apart, we wouldn’t have like, the best love songs to ever exist.”
Matty laughs, rolling his eyes as you lean your head forward, your nose brushing against his. “I want you with me all the time, you know that?”
“I know.”
“I want so many things with you.”
“And you can have them,” you say, brushing your lips against his ever so slightly. “I’ll be waiting, ready to go.”
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jellyfishsthings · 2 years
Warnings: smut, minors do not interact, sex in a library, oral(fem!reader receiving), man handling, fucked from behind, rough, fluffy ending...
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As Remus finished his essay for Magic History. His eyes hurt like hell. He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He looked at his reflection in the library window opposite him. The person that looked back at him looked nothing like him. A scar ran across his nose. One of his first ones. His forest green eyes looked haunted. His curly fluffy hair was pushed back by his round wire-framed glasses.
A movement stole his attention. There she was. Her beautiful face morphed in interest when her curious eyes ran along the bookshelves and met the titles of the romance section. Tell me what you are reading love. I will do everything to you. Just say the word. He chuckled lightly at the thought. One day. One day, he would. Hopefully today.
She made her way towards the back room. Only eight people had access to that room. The Head Boys and Head Girls of every house could use that room. Lucky them, they both had that privilege. He grabbed his things and entered the room. Letting them sit at one of the tables and closing in on her form.
"What are you reading, dovey? Is it one of your erotica books again?" He whispered in her ear as he hugged her close and started leaving lazy hickeys in her neck.
"First of all, how dare you say such vile and filthy things to your girlfriend, mister? I shall have you reported to the Headmaster right away," she said as she leaned back on him. Teasing him. She was in a good mood today. "And I shall have you know that i-" she trailed off in her sentence as he slightly pinched her tits through her uniform.
"You were saying?" He teased back. Just as she opened her mouth to banter with him he proposed a deal. "Sweetheart, I want to try something."
"You see, you read all these books and I am curious to see why you like them so much. Yet I know that you would never let me read them. So I thought that we should make a deal. You can read them to me while I eat you out. You know how much I love eating you out, don't you? If you manage to read me at least one chapter I will reward you. What do you say, honey?"
"Right here?"
"We can wait until later when I can sneak into your dorm. But then I won't be able to fuck you against bookcases. Or while you are bent over these desks. It's your choice, my love."
"If I agree with your term, will you do both?"
"If you can take it…"
She didn't need to hear more. She ran towards one of the desks and hopped on one. He buried one hand in her hair and placed a kiss on her lips. "I love you" he whispered sweetly in the kiss and when he broke it he kneeled in front of her removing her trousers and her underwear.
"Yeah… me too. Now get on with it. I always wanted to try this" she demanded
He bit in her inner thighs, drawing a high-pitched squeal from her and mouthing over her cunt "bossy eager girl".
She whined and to which he responded "I am not starting until I hear you reading"
She huffed and began narrating. "Chapter 11. The phone rang as he was buried deep inside her.
"Don't answer that" she begged.
Yet he ignored her and reached for it any-anyway"
Her voice lost its volume as he started lapping at her. He knew how to drive each and every sound out of her. He was going easy.
She continued steadily until he started practically making out with her pussy. His tongue was entering her constantly. He sucked everywhere as if trying to form hickeys and separated her now swollen lips every few seconds.
"Continue," he said in a rough voice.
And that she did. She drew her whole willpower and focused on reading. Though as he got more eager she lost her concentration. She had read three whole pages and only one was left. He wouldn't notice. Especially since her thighs were so tightly pressed in his ears.
"Remus, please. More." Within a few seconds, she was undone by him. Cumming in his tongue, on his lips, as he devoured her like there was no tomorrow.
"Good job love. Only one page short. Next time you won't be able to read one sentence. Now stand on your feet." She complied without a pause.
"Turn around" she did. He placed one hand on her back and slowly pushed her down to lie at the table.
"Grab the edges and stay still" she didn't need to hear it twice.
He removed his pants and boxers. Grabbed her hips and entered her, hard. Making her cry in ecstasy. A slap was delivered to her ass shortly after "Quiet or else, I will leave you here. Alone. Aching in silence." She nodded fast and bit her arm to stay quiet.
He was flying in and out of her. Leaving always only his tip in. He was torturing her. His pace was animalistic. Hard and incredibly deep. Each thrust made her crazy with want and pleasure. One of his hands maintained its tight grip on her while the other tried to take hostage every curve, every slope, every inch of her. He was rough with her and they both absolutely loved it.
She was moving up and down from the force of his movements. Each one of them made her breasts brush the material of one of his old sweaters, as they had escaped from her bra, creating a great stimulation to her nipples.
"Do you think you can take it if we move to the bookcases? Or have I already turned your legs to Jello?"
"Bookcase …now" her voice was hitched and broke from his thrusts. He grabbed her, moving her five paces towards one of his favourite shelves. A plan formed in his head.
"Hands on each side. Spread your legs for me love" she did as she was told blindly. He reached even deeper now if that was even possible.
"Oh God"
"Glad to see you praising me, dove"
"You cocky bastard" she fired back in a voice so dreamy and breathy making her insult sound like a compliment.
"Your cocky bastard. Only yours" he said before he started pistoning his hips into hers. The sound of their skins slapping filled the room. His hand snaked in her front. Under her shirt and playing with one of her breasts. It was too much for her to handle. Her arms got tired and lost their strength. She placed her forehead in one of the bookcases and the sight in front of her made her lose her breath.
In her stomach, her skin moved. Could he reach that far in this position? His sure and rough thrusts made sure for this to happen, didn't they? Her eyes travelled lower, where her previous release was coating her thighs. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. He was perfect, making her see stars and feel like she was in paradise. She must have said as much because the next thing she knew he repositioned her. Her upper body dropped to a horizontal line before…
"This is nothing sweetheart. The fun begins now".
Her legs couldn't hold on longer. Thank God he had placed his hands on her hips. Driving them into his as he fucked into her, making every stimulation ten times more pleasurable. Loud moans that sounded like his name echoed.
"That's it, love. Tell the world who makes you feel this good. Not giving a single fuck of getting caught." She clenched around him.
His left and dominant hand grabbed her throat lightly, not applying any pressure but giving the illusion of it.
"You would like that? Being caught, huh? Should I put public places on our list?"
"Yes," she yelled. How could he perform so well and taunt her at the same time? She wouldn't be complaining though.
"Alright now I want you to do me a favour. In the shelf in front of you my favourite book is stacked. If you find it before you cum, which you are so so close to do so, we can do anything you want. If you don't, we will do it in a public place next week."
Both options seemed terrific in her lust and pleasure-overridden brain. But a challenge was a challenge. Her eyes raked over the books. Her cloudy vision makes her work difficult. As she reached the edge she found it. Yet her release caught her off guard. Sounds that she would never make, exited her mouth. Only he could draw them out.
Remus. Remus. Remus. Her Remus. Only hers.
He continued strongly. Doing God's work on her.
"I'm so close. Will you cum with me?" His thrusts were sloppy but didn't lose their ability from bringing her close again. He started circling her clit with his thumb.
He fell from the edge first and took her with him. His hand clamped her throat a bit. Her vision blackened. He brought her close and rubbed her sides, calming her. They both looked in the place they were joined, their orgasms trying to escape by gushing down her legs.
"Legs up" he commanded, even though it didn't make sense she folded her legs and let his arm that hugged her middle keep her in place. As she practically hovered over the floor he placed her panties in her legs and started drawing them up.
"Kept them in my pocket. Don't want infections on my best girl" she giggled lightly at the comment. Trusting him with her life. As her underwear reached its rightful place, he removed himself and placed them there. Trying to contain everything inside her.
"Bad infections" she reasoned back or at least tried to.
"Yeah, really bad. You must really love me. For putting up with my and our sex cappeds"
"Rem" she said as she turned her head in his chest and whispered "tired"
"I know, let's get some rest, hm?"
He carried her onto one of the couches and let her get comfortable on top of him. She placed a kiss over his heart and mumbled " I love you" before she dozed off.
"Love you too, my heart."
words count: 1732
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serendertothesquad · 3 months
Seren's Studies: The Odd Squad UK Trailer
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Well, 8 days after my birthday really ain't bad for a belated gift. At this point I'll take what I can get.
Even if it means I have to crawl out of sleep to do it.
*deep sigh*
So you might be thinking, "Hold on, we got a new trailer?" And to that I say yes. Yes we did. PBS grew enough balls to actually give Odd Squad some love during a programming initiative that has absolutely nothing to do with it. And they put it on Vimeo, apparently, which puts all the audition videos that have been unearthed (for OSUK, OSMU, and Odd Squad) in an entirely new light.
But wah wah wah, you didn't come here to read my ding-dong ramblings. You came here to watch me be the biggest loser to ever lose at losing and dissect a 30-second trailer on a weekend. You know how movie trailers stuff all the important bits about a movie into 30 seconds? This is the telly equivalent.
Below the break, I'm going to shred this trailer to pieces, scream, cry, and of course, analyze. Come join me, if you dare.
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So I'm going to reiterate a point I made in the Seren's Studies essay for the gadget competition video in regards to Ozzie, in that he's wearing an outfit that looks like it belongs to some kind of Flight department. (And yes, my headcanon about there being a boat that can travel in the sky shall remain strong in spite of this trailer. Whether it will be shot down like a cannonball through a boat that can travel in the sky remains to be seen.)
But anyway. We have him carrying a box (transferring departments?), what looks to be some kind of agent in the back (Security?), and what looks to me like an old Nissan logo against a map (of the UK? yes, of the UK, duh). Off to a hell of a start here.
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The trailer doesn't give us the name of this girl -- which is odd, considering she's one of the protagonists -- but just as a refresher: this is Orli, who is from the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls (because of course) and transfers to the UK precinct in order to help with rising oddness rates. My guess is that, while Ozzie transfers from departments, Orli will transfer from precincts. Essentially, she's there to help Americans like myself (and also children, and also parents) understand British terms and culture. Which is fine, because otherwise kids would understand jack about how the United Kingdom does things beyond what's represented in media.
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And we have a look at our first villainess! This is The Trifler, named after a British dessert and armed with the power to turn things into...well yeah, trifles. If you've been keeping up with the news, then you're probably aware that a BTS photo of her was found last year when OSUK was getting off the ground. Now, we have her in an official capacity!
I will say that I love the wordplay used here. Combining the British and American definitions of the word "trifle" into a badass introductory phrase is absolutely beautiful and I want more of it.
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Haha lol shot from the press release big funy now laugh.
...Wait, hold on, does that mean the image used for the press release was a BTS photo? Because this sure as hell isn't the same angle.
Oh my God.
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Not my absolute dumb ass thinking the context of this scene was a welcome party for Orli, only for the celebration to be for a fucking movie opening that got the attention of local news outlets and Eric Stonestreet.
...Okay, the telephone box is great too, and if there's not another Doctor Who reference they can yote in there then we riot, but I- a fucking opening of a movie?
Hold on, I'm noticing the Odd Squad logo on the popcorn and the cup.
This is Odd Squad: The Movie opening in the UK, isn't it.
Ah yes. Because I sure would fuckin' love to relive the joy I had when the "Odd Beginnings" two-parter decided to make the movie an in-universe piece of media. Look, I me- you guys had to be there when I recorded the Seren Reacts video. I was taken aback. I nearly fell off the bed. I was tempted to go to the neighbors and sit on their picnic table and cry. And that was when the COVID pandemic was a new thing!
And now I get to experience the hell all over again, four years later, when the pandemic is (largely) over and I'm in my mid-20s.
Look, if they're keen on torturing me like this, then that's how you really know it's a return to form. All they need to do is drop the word "serendipity" somewhere in there and I'll launch myself off the cliff and into the water and hopefully not on a pointy rock.
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Normally I'd say how happy I am to see the tubes again after they got one dedicated episode and a handful of appearances and mentions besides that in Season 3, but..."Down the Tubes" is one of my favorite episodes for sleep-talking Oswald alone. And in Season 3, my total count for favorite episodes I can count on only one hand.
Worth noting, though, that in addition to the UK Headquarters being located in an abandoned train station, the tubes are named after the London Underground. Because...y'know, the Tube, and...yeah, they couldn't pass that pun up because they need Britain money somehow.
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See, this is how you can tell I'm an Odd Squad veteran.
I can, with about 90% accuracy, pinpoint the context of a scene only seen by few. For example, I can tell you that this is Orli fighting with a woman over tour bus tickets by playing RPS. Because fuck her American money, American money does not net you tour bus tickets to tour the UK and...uh...well, I don't know if Ozzie has any pounds to buy any.
Ah? Aaaaaaaaaahh? Man, I'm good!
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Unless Oddmented Reality had some (and please don't ask me, I've never played it), we've now had flying books in every season bar Season 2.
Honestly, that's a sin.
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If this means the return of cold opens, then bless them.
It's 12 episodes with 11-minute time limits, though, so I'm a little wary...but bless them. Season 3 had only a select few before they laughed and tossed the concept out, so this is a good return to form.
Also, this is hella good camera work.
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I'm...at least inclined to believe this is Ozzie attempting to boost workplace morale by getting a few agents-in-training to cheer.
Which is great, but I'm just thinking of Olympia asking Otis how he feels about his cheerleading skills and and him telling her they're perfect. It works, because Ozzie kinda looks like Otis!
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Hey, hey, you guys remember aaaaaaaall the way back in "Zero Effect" where they had that shot of the agents cheering?
You guys also remember the last episode of OddTube S1?
This is like a mishymashy of that and it is glorious.
Also, our first look at the girl who is, by every sense, part of the Flight department. And Onom, even though he got a mention in the gadget-making competition video.
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A few folks were asking about this, so I feel the need to clarify that this is a thing in the Oddverse that has been done numerous times before, especially in the first two seasons. You don't wanna blow 10 seconds of airtime on having two agents find the nearest tube entrance, let 'em phase through the floor.
'Tis magic, baby.
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I can also predict, with about 70% accuracy, how the OSUK premiere is gonna go.
It's gonna end with Ozzie being transferred/promoted/demoted to the Investigation department, isn't it.
Look, the franchise's timeline is a bitch and scares all the neuroscience people at Harvard Medical School, but I did this before with a simple Season 3 trailer and I got a fair bit of it right. When a few OSUK episode titles and synopses come out, then we'll see if I'm gonna reach for the stars or fall hard on my ass.
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Okay, I'm inclined to take the logic applied to New York City and apply it here, in that it's too much money and effort and time to edit every piece of signage here into a Shmumber-fied equivalent...
But that's a fucking McDonald's ad up there near the top, and let's be honest, that's one of the most gobsmacking things about the whole damn trailer. We already have a Burger King replacement, so having a McShmumber's is absolutely not out of the question.
(Also, that meal deal is $5 USD. If you're an American, I don't need to explain why this makes me more irrationally angry than it should.)
Besides that, Orli, this is a one-way, two-lane (with possible merger) street, which can absolutely be seen in areas like this in the United States and I don't know why I'm bringing this up since agents cannot and have not been automotively inclined.
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"No, that's not odd. It's Britain."
Dumb lil' American I am (who is, in fact, aware how British people drive), but I gave a visceral cough at this line. This is the kind of shit OSMU should have gotten, and failed to deliver.
That aside, though, Ozzie has a bit of a different icon on his shirt now. It's either the London Bridge or a black H, and I know Fergie would cry her eyes out looking at it, bless her soul.
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"I'm blue! And if I were green I would die! If I were green I would die, if I were green I would die, if-"
Okay, okay, I had to get that out of the way. I'm sorry. I'm never sorry.
The smartwatches were also something seen in BTS photos back when OSUK was first announced to be a thing. Still running on that Apple technology and crushing creativity.
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Perhaps the best sleep paralysis demon I've seen since Yui in the Precure All-Stars F movie.
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All right, I'm starting to see the massive differences between this Headquarters and the Headquarters of yore. Keyholes, the blue thing meant to be a simpler copy of the metallic circle structure, the...I mean it do be fuckin' big...
Also, we got our first look at a moving breathing Chef O, who's on promotional material at the very least but isn't exactly a main character. Sort of like what Oksana was: a side character.
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Hey, it could be worse. It could be a Ginormouse coming to eat you up for lunch.
(For the non-believers: this is the Oddverse. I'm not explaining shit.)
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I see somewhere in the crew of this show we have a boomer who still believes in the usage of the digital camera in the year of our Lord 2024.
No, but seriously. It wasn't believable in 2014 when Otto owned one, and it's less believable now. I've been more frustrated about this than about the badge phones, because there's only so much ironic low-tech stuff I can take before I drop everything and leave.
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I was gonna write a joke about how they used to feed cocaine to mice in the 80s for anti-drug PSAs, but someone apparently wrote it for me. Which, unsurprisingly, is not the first time that's happened.
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That's on you for not being Odd Squad-savvy.
All of you.
Yes, even Captain O.
And that's it. A short trailer, but a hell of a goodie. I'm honestly hyped for this return to form, especially as we approach the franchise's 10th anniversary. Hopefully, the crew has at least learned from its mistakes with Odd Squad Mobile Unit, and will make the most out of these 12 episodes.
And because even this show isn't immune to the curse: if you like what you see here and want more episodes to come beyond the 12 we're getting, watch the ever-loving hell out of this show. Legally, of course. Boost its ratings. The crew is definitely up for making more.
...And donate to your local PBS station if you got a Lincoln or two lyin' around. That too.
Thanks for reading. If you want to view the trailer for yourself, you can do so here:
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sl-vega · 7 months
✧Sticking to the Script✧-07
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⋆。°✩ 07-rebound already?
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"Sorry about that, those were just my friends." you sighed as you put your phone into your pocket. You looked at Xingqiu again. "Thanks for agreeing to help me study by the way, I really appreciate it."
"No problem, anything for you." he replied as the two of you walked into the library. You chuckled and playfully hit his arm "Anything for me huh? Look at you being smooth."
The two of you settled at a table, and Xingqiu pulled out your chair for you. You got your textbook out of your bag, and Xingqiu took out his notes, and two pens, one for him and one for you.
"You need help with your English paper right?" Xingqiu asked as he sorted through his binder, looking for notes that you would find useful. You nodded, giving him your thanks as he handed you some lined sheets.
"You're doing a unit on Shakespeare?" he asked, underlining a few things on his paper. You nodded "Yeah, we're doing a joint unit with the drama department, we're analyzing Romeo and Juliet. And my essay is due tommorow!" you wailed, slamming your head on the table.
Ms. Lisa, the librarian, shushed you from her desk. You whispered an apology to her as you picked up some of the papers Xingqiu set aside for you. "Are you analyzing anything in particular?" he asked, still sorting through more notes, he got out a highlighter.
"Mainly the famous quotes and stuff. Our teacher also wants us to talk about the use of opposites in the play. We're supposed to cover at least one scene from each act." you explained as you watched him take more notes. His handwriting was so neat and pretty, even when it looked like he was just scribbling down words.
He handed several sheets of paper to you, some papers included scenes from the play handwritten by him, word for word. He also highlighted certain bits of the text, and made sure to include modern English translations for you at the back of the pages.
"These are my notes from last year. We did a unit similar to this. Sorry if it's a little messy."
You stared at the page, the blue ink had zero smudges and the sheet had little to no crinkles in it. "If you think that this is messy, just wait till you see my notes." you chuckled. "I know I already said this, but I really appreciate this."
The two of you continued talking, Xingqiu continuing to take notes for you, highlighting important parts of the text and explaining their meanings for you. Once again he had made an hour seem like a few minutes.
"And that's what Mercutio meant when he said 'Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man." Xingqiu explained, finishing off his analysis to you.
"That also foreshadows his death doesn't it?"
"Exactly! See, you're picking up on this so quickly." XIngqiu praised you as he started to pack up his stuff, placing his papers into his folders and his pencil cases into his back pack.
You glanced at your phone to check the time. "You have to go already?" you asked, feeling slightly disappointed that he had to leave.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I'll see you this weekend though, I promise." He gave your hand a quick squeeze. You felt your stomach drop as you saw him exit the room.
Promises can be hard to keep Xingqiu
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Xingqiu put his phone down and rubbed his temples. "You okay?" whispered Kazuha.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Xingqiu replied.
Archons he was in deep
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additional notes:
-so sorry for all the slow updates y'all
-i'm trying
-i was writing for another smau i have coming up
-my commitment issues will be the end of me
-holy hell this chapter got a tad deep
-they're both in their english class during the xingqiu + kazuha scene btw
-lol not y/n being a drama queen cuz she's upset that she has to wait three whole days before seeing xingqiu again
-you guys don't have any classes together btw
-that blue flower gif means that i'm switching povs mid chapter btw
-i went thru sm different versions for this chapter
-ty to @EggosForBreakfast on wattpad for proofreading this for me
-you should go follow them
-also ty to all my readers: @washa, @kasasim, @wisteriabl00m, @rebeccavsabrina, @nmriki0, @rainycafereader, @slu7, @melatoninsblog, @anticlarckwise, @esmetrees, @sn1perz, @littleheartbigbrain, @aldertree-g, @thebiggesthutaofanever, @lilac-sks, @amir8623, @freyao7, @mystic-alex, @myaaaajoy, @tartagliascummdumpp, @green-ginkgo, @lillyinfandoms, @charles-braindump, @samsamsam7, @leynita, @uuyuomi/@mwahkazu, @pwrson, @practicoi, @thatoneswordgirl
-names in bold mean i couldn't tag them
-dw that's just a one time acknowledgment to everyone who liked the original master post, you won't constantly be tagged like that, but if you want to be removed just tell me
-i'll totally understand <3
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✧Sticking to the Script✧
Pairing: Xingqiu x FEM! Reader
Genre: fake dating, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst (?), high school smau, modern smau
⋆。°✩-Synopsis: Xingqiu just got entered into a special writing contest, the type that's invite only, the theme this year is love, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. but he really wants to prove himself as a writer. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. it shouldn't be hard for an actor such as yourself, all you need to do is stick to the script.
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(OPEN) Taglist: @freyao7, @thatoneswordgirl, @sn1perz, @latay7, @esmetrees, @nmriki0, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @httpsrenren, @cupid-spams, @aixaingela, @kaitfae, @luvkvni, @danhenglovebot
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mightymizora · 1 year
okay so ask/prompt for you (whatever you fancy) ((my cat has inspired this one))
Glim discovering the joys of Tara deciding at 3am that she absolutely has to tell everyone something and she's going to shout about it until they listen
"Mr Dekarios! Mr Dekarios, it is absolutely imperative that you rise this instant!"
"Ow... Tara!"
She's been sat on their bed for at least twenty minutes now, starting with a gentle stroke of her paw on the sides of their faces, graduating to a couple of soft-clawed swipes. As Glim turns, she sees that Tara is sat on Gale's chest, a clawed paw right by his nose and a telltale red mark across his nostril.
"You must wake, and purloin some of those delicious preserved fishes from the pantry, and then you shall retrieve for me Essays of Inverse Novel Enchantments. It's on the second-top shelf and I've tried with limited success to knock it down."
"That would explain the noise, then."
Glim groans and buries her head in the pillow again. Every night this past tenday Tara has been on at them, and it is driving her to despair.
"Can't it wait until the morrow?" Gale asks, his voice slurred with sleep.
"Well, Mr Dekarios, if you are so lacking in curiosity, I suppose it can. However I think it may have the key to solving the issue we were facing around the centrepieces."
There was a silence, for just a moment. And then the unmistakable movement of Gale getting up and Tara's wings flapping as she dashed full-pelt to the door.
"No, come back to bed, don't encourage her."
"But she's right, this may solve our issue! Gods, but she is clever isn't she?"
"Your issue. I don't give a toss about bloody table decorations!"
He stops for just a moment, and she turns her bleary eyes to see him reaching for his nightrobe.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," he says with just a slight gleam of annoyance. "When our wedding is talked about for seasons to come, and the best magical minds in the whole of the Sword Coast - no, the whole of Faerun! - when they ask me who is responsible for such wonders, I will make sure they know it was Tara who committed her incredible mind to the endeavour-"
"And not my brilliant, talented, intelligent wife-"
"Fine, Gale-"
"Who would much rather sleep away her genius."
"Yes. Yes I would. Tell the whole of Toril for all I care. Goodnight. And don't stay up all night, please."
She pulls the sheets above her head and tries her best to hold on to the pull of weariness.
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hoesaria · 2 years
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III. Wake me up next time
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"Alhaitham!" you call out, moving out of the classroom and towards the grey haired male that had his nose in a book while waiting for you.
"I hope you didn't wait too long"
"It's quite alright, after all I had said I would" He replied nonchalantly, "Shall we head to the cafe now? It would be unpleasant if all the seats were taken"
Entering the café, you both go towards the main desk to place your orders. The acting manager Enteka greets you with a smile, "Y/n, how are you? You're with someone new I see"
"Just my partner for a new project. Alhaitham this is the acting manager of Puspa cafe, Enteka. And Enteka I would like to introduce my classmate Alhaitham."
Alhaitham gives a nod of acknowledgement to the woman as she takes your order, "Okay, so two sumeru style coffee and one Padisarah pudding, coming right up! You can sit down anywhere."
Alhaitham leads you towards a table in the back where it was quieter and pulls out a chair for you. After you're seated, he goes to his own seat and sets up his laptop and notebooks before sitting down himself.
"You know," you start as you open up the notes that Alhaitham had sent you, "Enteka likes to read customers fortune from the coffee grounds. I've never tried it myself but I heard its very effective"
"Really? That's interesting but I myself don't believe in things without proper theory. I wouldn't be opposed to try it if you want" Alhaitham mused, you would have thought he'd go into a rant about how it was all fake. You'd seen him do it in class, it was kinda cute.
Wait, cute? No no you meant irritating! Definitely.
"I'm going to check out that wall of books on the side of the cafe, you can proofread what I wrote right now" He said as he got up, you nodded and waved him off while working on your essay.
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A shattering of cup shocks you out of sleep, you must have snoozed while proof reading. Alhaitham was not at your table so you assumed he hadn't returned.
Laughing at the replies your friends sent, you put your phone down as you see Alhaitham approaching again. "Did you find anything of use to our project?"
"Yes, we'll be able to complete it by next week" Alhaitham responded as you both started packing your bags, "We'll be meeting after Miss Yae's class tomorrow right? Lets sit at the same seat to discus before she arrives too"
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@makimakimi @im-bili @nambii @hydration-is-for-weenies @baelloraa @aixaingela @istgnature @ceylestia @itonashi @cafezjjn @letthestarscollide @artemfication @virginsl4yer @sammybeefangirls @yrklysxoxo @prefesro @hakunonn @duhsies
[A/n] I feel like im not really giving enough RIVAL energy but like to be fr, who has the energy in college? ANYWAYS that doesnt mean i dont have rival angst not prepared.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
You've been sending me perfect asks on my blog... So now I shall retaliate >:) (I know you probably know who this is, but I got too embarrassed to send this from my normal blog and I couldn't figure out how to switch blogs for asks 😅)
- Freddy lightly dragging his blades over your shoulders and back to get a reaction out of you. He can use his dream magic to control how sharp the blades are (I hope) so it can be completely safe texture play.
- (im mot sure exactly how you feel about Audrey... But i do know you like their voice~) Audrey II crooning and sweet talking to you while you're trying to do your work. They can't exactly sneak up behind you and whisper in your ear, but that doesn't mean they don't can't make you flustered with what they say.
- You're on a hunting trip with Jim Bickerman and whoever else is with him. You all settle down for the night, but there seems to not be enough tents for all of you. There's only one tent left, and you and Jim are the only ones who don't have one yet... And that old man is looking at you with that damn smirk of his, "Well, ain't this quite the predicament sweetheart~?"
- Being in a relationship with Wheezy and Greasy... And they both get ~in the mood~ at the same time. How would you go about this?
- Cruella designing specific outfits she wants to see you in, just for you... Including clothes to wear when you're supposed to be waiting for her~
I wanted to add more... But I ran out of ideas XD I hope you like these 😏 XD
AHHH! Yes!! I am so glad you have been enjoying my asks!! Their will be more!! And thankkkk you so much for these <3<3 I HAD to write some of them XDD Just like, excerpts ^^
Audrey II x Reader- Voice kink, sexual references, human/plant relations, manhandling, and someeee... touching. 🙃🙃🙃😅 (Not explicit)
Cruella De Vil x AFAB!Reader- ... you must know at this point I cannot hold myself back with Cruella XD 😅 So this one is explicit... It describes pictures she has drawn of you in those outifts... and in some particular positions.
Greasy Weasel x AFAB!Fem!Reader x Wheezy Weasel- Threesome!! Cunt eating (Greasy) and dirty talk/teasing (Wheezy). Also I think reader is in some sorta space. Tiny bit of a sharp teeth kink. R e a l l y explicit.
Jim Bickerman x Fem!Reader- Established relationship, semi-public sexual shenanigans, getting caught (Semi-explicit)
Audrey II:
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"Y/N... " A vine moseys over to your desk after a short amount of silence and prods the squishy area of skin at your middle, and you respond by wrapping your arm around your tummy; Not looking over at the overgrown Venus fly trap. Not paying them any of the attention they crave. "baby... doll... watcha doin'?"
"Working, Audrey, shush." You keep your voice even, which you know will drive them crazy, and continue writing.
"Shu- Me?? Oh no, darlin', I don't think so!~ " The vine that poked at your tummy fat lifts towards your desk instead, then- but you push it away before he can snatch your homework away. They gasp. "Excuse me??"
"I'm really busy right now, I'll entertain you later."
For a moment they manage to stay quiet, but you can practically feel the cogs turning in their brain. You know your study time is not going to last long. "... Hmmm... " He hums, the sound sending a little shameful tingle all the way through you; Making you squeeze your eyes closed for a moment and cross one leg over the other, before refocusing on your work. No, no. The damn plant will not distract you today. You have got to get this essay done!! "I gotta say baby... I have to disagree with you~ "
"Good thing you don't get a say- " You're cut off when 4 vines wrap around the legs of your chair and suddenly tear you around to face him; dragging you closer and closer in the chair towards the corner Audrey lives in. Theirs a big smirk on the horrible fauna's huge mouth, and you know you have to get out now. Quickly you hop off the chair and rush back to your desk, gathering up your things in your arms. "Audrey, I'm just gonna go study at the library. I'll be back later toni- "
"Oh no no sweetheart~ Not so fast~ " Oh god, the way they call you sweetheart has you freezing totally still for a moment-
-And that, was all the time Audrey needed to wrap one of their thicker vines around your middle and slowly drag your body towards them this time; Causing you to drop some things, along the way. "Oh!- My stu- "
"Don't worry about it, baby! We're doin' something else, now~ Now c'mon... I wanna see you writhe... "Fuck. "... so go ahead and let go a' those books for me. Let go, baby... " You get the feeling he must mean to let go of more then just your books when he says it like that, but you refuse to let go of anything.
"Audrey, this is important." You beg, holding your books tight against your chest even as he tugs at them from the bottom. "I- "
"Don't you want me to be nice to you??... Y/N, I can be so goddamn nice... You don't know how nice~ I can be to you, yet... But I'll show ya!~ I'll show ya the ropes~ " At that, the vine around your waist shifts upwards a little bit, pulling up your shirt with it, and another vine curls into the waistband of your bottoms. "I can be your best friend, baby!"
Eyes wide, surprised at how this night is progressing and even more horrified that you don't want it to stop- not with Audrey talking to you like this- you let them steal your books and take them away. The huge, inhuman grin on Audrey's 'face' broadens, and that same vine comes back to wrap around your hair and hold it back from your face- and take control over your head. "Ah- "
"Don't worry baby. We're gonna have some fun tonight... just you and me... "
Cruella De Vil:
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You hadn't seen this book, before. Which was odd, because Cruella often used the same brand for her sketches- always the same sleek, black leather binding and impossibly crisp paper you're cutting yourself on.
This one was no different. And she dropped it on your desk just the same as she always did, with enough force to send any loose papers flying so she could roll her eyes at you and complain that your desk is a disgusting mess as always. She even told you what you were to do with it, like you hadn't done it a million times before. Like you were unaware of the drill, even at this point. Because apparently you're an idiot.
It was all quite normal.
That is, until you opened the book so you could make copies of the sketches for manufacturing to keep. Until you looked at the new sketches.
Immediately you thrust the pages hard against your chest as fast as you can, dreading anyone else seeing what you just saw and looking around to make sure that you're alone in the room. Because- porn.
It was porn. There was no other way to describe it, from the... graphic positions the women were in, to the almost lack of clothes entirely. Being Cruella's assistant, you had seen plenty of lingerie sketches before, but they were usually tasteful! These... from what you saw before you hid them, they were just...
Obnoxiously horny.
Eyes wide and nervous, you slowly pull the book away from your chest to look again, so so curious despite your embarrassment and hot cheeks, and- yep. Definitely. Still porn. Cruella De Vil had sat in her glass office today looking oh so professional, and drawn porn.
... You cant stop looking at them. They're great, actually. You can feel your pussy throb, as your thumb runs over the center of a particularly well-done sketch; One where the woman is sat down with her knees spread wide and her head tuned away, eyes closed. Her cunt's open and shaded red, the only colour Cruella has added to the sharp, black-and-white pages.
You're so unbelievably hot at these pictures, just looking at them - distracted by particular parts of them, - , that at first you don't read the labelling at all. Cruella's handwriting in this book is all in cursive, and you have to focus to read it, but when you do begin to go through the notes... you feel yourself get even hotter.
Your name is all over the pages. Y/N in fur, written on top of a woman stood terribly naked, wearing just a fur hat and fur boots. Y/N in silk, written beside the woman with her beautiful red pussy bare on the page and a very shiny silk chemise bunched up around her hips. Y/N in chiffon, written beside a woman wearing just a long chiffon skirt and arms raised away from her confidently bare chest. Y/N in satin, written beside a woman with her hands on her hips, holding a long satin robe back from hiding her body- at all.
Y/N in- Y/N in- Y/N in-
After a while, and your eyes are the size of saucers while your underwear is absolutely soiled, you plop down finally in a chair by the photo copier and turn to the last page. Theirs a sticky note on it, but you peel it off in order to see the final picture, and give a choke gasp at the image Cruella's drawn for you.
An absolutely tasteless picture of a woman - you, - bent over a familiar desk, with your feet spread wide so your ass and cunt are on full display to anyone looking. The angle is from just above, as if you're standing just behind the woman - you, - and she's preparing to take you in. God, you can feel yourself clenching at the sight- the thought- the idea-
Is this what Cruella wants? Does she want you like this? Does she want to fuck you this badly??
As if as an after thought, you look at the sticky note.
My Office. Later tonight after everyone leaves.
Cruella De Vil
Greasy Weasel x Reader x Wheezy Weasel:
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You were already with Greasy when Wheezy walked into the room, and he knew damn well what the two of you were up to- he always knew- he just doesn't always want to do it too. He doesn't have as big a drive as the two of you do.
But evidently today is one of the days where he does want to fuck, he is in the mood. This is evident when he walks in and locks the door behind him; not taking his cool eyes, dark with lust, on you with Greasy's mouth moving on- against- around your cunt.
Wheezy's eyes flicker up to your face, raising his brows- as if asking, if theirs room for one more.
You open your mouth to tell him yes, of course, but its Greasy who responds. He didn't see the question Wheezy silently posed, but he can tell since you're not freaking out that someone has come in right now, that it has to be your other boyfriend. He pops his mouth off of you, though he doesn't take his eyes off of it at all, mesmerised by what is definitely one of his favourite things in the world, and instead just moves to rub his thumb against your clit. "Welcome in, el fumador... help yourself~ we're just beginning here... "
... Wheezy smirks, rolling his sleeves up more securely and strolling over to the bed, leaning over you as you move your head to see him. He gives you a little hello kiss when you crane your neck back because he's right beside the bed now, and strokes your hair for a moment.... Then his eyes slide right back down to Greasy and what he's doing to you, and how slick you are, and a mischievous look that makes you even hornier flickers in his eyes. "Really, Grease? Looks like you've been workin' her for- damn. Hours, now. She looks like she's ready to pop."
"I'm just that good, I guess!~ "
"Mhm... "
Needy and non-verbal, you just reach for Wheezy's shirt collar and drag him back down to you and your parted lips as Greasy connects his mouth to you once again; Slipping your tongue immediately into his mouth while your other boyfriend devours your cunt like his favourite meal. You kiss Wheezy with all the want you're feeling, meshing your mouths together slowly but licking his tongue so dirty you would feel embarrassed, if you weren't so close. He reciprocates, easily giving you what you want, taking care of his needy, desperate girl without even touching you anywhere inappropriate.
He pulls away too soon, and you let out a sad little whine, as he brushes a thumb over your lips and gives a smokey chuckle. He's still so close! Why is he doing this?- "Its okay, baby, its alright... we're gonna take care of you... "
"Please- "
"Y'feel Grease down there?? Does that feel good?" Quickly you nod, your fingers still curled around Wheezy's collar. It feels really, really good- his tongue is so deep- "Make sure y'tell him how good he's doing, cutie, he deserves some praise dontcha think??"
Eyes wide, you nod again. Greasy does deserve it. "Its so- so good- "
"Hear that Grease?? So, so good... "
Greasy moans and nods into your most private place and it has you bucking, slapping a hand over your mouth to keep from making a terribly load sound- which just makes him chuckle against you, sharp teeth brushing against your delicate skin.
"Now... lay down, baby. I need a little something, too today. Its been a hard week... " Your eyes slip downwards towards Wheezy's hands as he unbuckles his belt, causing your mouth to actually water. "... and you wanna help me out, dontcha? Yeahhh, I know you do... you're a good baby... " As you nod once again, eager to please, Wheezy gives another smirk; looking down to Greasy. "Isn't she, Grease?"
In responce, Greasy shows you both as he shoves his hand down in his own pants.
Jim Bickerman x Reader:
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To your credit, you did try to keep it to a goodnight kiss tonight.
... The key word being try. When you noticed him watching you in that way that reminds you he's a hunter while you were just getting comfy in your sleeping bag, you had asked him what? And when he had acted all innocent like he hadn't been practically licking his chops at you, you explained that you were not having sex in this tent tonight because a. the tent is not sound proof and b. it was inappropriate. The poor men you're camping with did not need to experience that.
And you didn't need to be looking them in the eyes the next day knowing that they are now privy the sound you make when the creepy old man hits that particular spot deep inside you, to be frank.
You even said goodnight, and held the sleeping bag over your head.
But fuckkkkkkkkk you cant help yourself. You're almost as bad as Jim is- actually, scratch that almost. You are as bad. That's why he's so perfect.
All of 2 minutes later, you were giving a groan at your own lack of self control (You've really got to work on that), crawling out of your sleeping bag (Pulling the flannel Jim leant you, or you stole from him, tight around you to shield you from the cold), and finding yourself straddling him. From below he gives a smirk, about to say something like I told you so, or I thought so, or ha ha- but you just silently shake your head at him and lean down to kiss him. Like no- nope. No gloating. If you gloat sir, you die.
For a while its just kissing, his beard rubbing against your face and the brim of his hat grinding into your forehead until you take it off him- chucking to an unknown corner of the tent. This makes him chuckle, as you release his mouth to breath and give him a bemused grin, nose scrunched up slightly at him, before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and then his clothed shoulder.
He curls his fingers into the loops in your jeans - you hadn't bothered to get changed to go to sleep, it was way too cold, - and tugged your hips against his. "Mmm... I can feel you all hot and throbbing, sweetheart... somethin' you wanna tell me? Maybe you don't think this is so inappropriate??... " When you lift yourself up to give him a deadpanned look, his eyes light up very purposefully and he makes 'oh' sound. "Orr, maybe you like that... "
You just hold up a finger, like quiet, before kissing him again. This time he doesn't let that be it, disconnecting his mouth from yours way too soon in favour of leaning up a little whispering in your ear. "Your mess in your pants is distractin' me. I'm gonna need you to take them off... "
"Hm~" You hum, leaving him and standing up the best you can in the small tent to wriggle out of your jeans, kicking them off into the same corner his hat went so you're left in your shirt and Jim's blue flannel. Jim eagerly undoes his own pants then, too, so when you lower yourself back onto him you can easily access the poor man's painfully hard cock, sitting hot and impatient underneath you, behind cotton boxers. Wow, you think vaguely. He can sure hold himself together well- you didn't think he needed you this badly!! You might have taken mercy on him sooner if you'd known... Well- "... Do you have- "
Before you can even finish the sentence, he's offering you a condom from who-knows-where. It makes you snort as you accept it. "What a gentleman... "
"I do try, pumpkin."
"Okay," You grin, shaking your head and trying to go back to that quiet, purposeful mood from before despite Jim making you smile. "Okay- we doing this?" You're still giggling a little, the heat of the moment and the middle-of-the-night sillies getting to you now. "G'head then, whip it out- "
Suddenly you're cut off- and its not by Jim, or your own giggling. Its by someone outside the tent- "PLEASE, don't!!" They yell suddenly, followed by a couple of others voicing their agreement with grunts and pleases and one particularly pained jesus christ jim, let us sleep!! He sounded like he was in the tent right next door.
"... Oh god- " You start, face heated up like a stove as you pull part of the flannel up to cover your face some, half laughing still from the night-time hysteria and this ridiculous situation, and looking down to connect eyes with Jim.
He looks like he's about to lose his composure, too, and then someone's shoe gets thrown at the side of your tent and you both burst out laughing.
(Annnnnd thank goodness this is finally done- I can go read your Scroop Headcanons now XD)
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startanewdream · 2 years
#14 - Charm, for @jilymicrofics
“It won’t work,” Remus mumbled, the moment that James left their table.
“No,” Sirius agreed, sounding only amused.
“Why didn’t you warn him?”
“Why didn’t you?”
Remus shrugged. “You are his best mate, it is your duty.”
“I believe in learning through experience.” Sirius tilted his head, watching James’ figure. With his chest puffed, messy hair, and confident grin, James might have just won a Quidditch cup. “Look how pompous he is walking. Oh, Evans is gonna crush his heart.”
Remus glanced at the girl in question. She was seemingly busy with a book in front of her, but he knew she had glimpsed James coming towards her already for the way she was turning the pages of the book, but her eyes weren’t moving.
That, and the faint blush on her cheeks.
“Maybe she likes this.”
“Pff. He’s gonna make the same mistake.” Sirius raised one finger. “Mellow voice.”
“All right, Evans?”
“Mind if I join you?”
“It’s a library, I can’t really forbid it.”
Remus glanced at Sirius. “it seems okay so far.”
“Wait for it.” He raised another finger. “Desperate for her attention.”
“I was wondering if we could study together,” James was saying, voice perfectly courteous. “I’m having trouble with my Potions revision, and since you are the best student in our year—”
“You are okay with Potions.”
“E-level, yeah, not O-level.” He leaned in, carefully messing up his hair as he did it; Evans breathed deeply suddenly, her cheeks pinker now. “Just a few hours of study, why not? Help a guy get high marks in his OWL?”
She didn't meet his gaze. “Fine,” she agreed nonchalantly, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. “As long as you behave.”
James put his hands over his heart, looking only astonished. “When haven’t I?”
Her lips trembled now as if she was holding back a laugh. Remus looked meaningfully at Sirius, who shook his head.
“Third—put his foot in his mouth.”
James seemed only encouraged by her reaction. “Shall we go, then?”
“To Hogsmeade! I always study better with a mug of butterbeer—what do you say, you, me, the Three Broomsticks?”
Her smile was replaced by a frown. “It’s the middle of the week.”
“I know one or two passages—”
“Ugh.” She grabbed her things. “You are impossible, Potter. Find someone else to prank.”
“No, Evans, I mean it—we could go on the weekend!”
But she was already gone, not looking back.
“See.” Sirius went back to his essay. “He always makes a fool of himself in front of her, he cannot help it.”
James was looking pitifully to the place that Evans had just vacated; then he caught Remus’ gaze, forced a smile up his face, and walked back to them with the same confident posture he’d tried before.
“Next time,” declared James, joining them by the table. “Third time’s the charm, right?”
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miercolaes · 5 months
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howdy fiends, this is vero possessed by wednesday herself speaking! besides some essays that need to be written, i'm officially free which means i'm slowly returning to all my blogs! below the cut you'll see what i'm up to if you're curious and, if you're not, i just want to remind you that the torment will begin since i'm back. i almost feel sorry for you all.
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wednesday was and always will be my numero uno priority, but i'm also going to be around my multi and barbie. rn i'm sorting through my 70+ drafts which include stuff i couldn't check out but saved for when i'd officially return. that being said, once i get my drafts under control (~40 drafts) i shall log on my multi and on barbie.
my mind is a weird place and i want you all to know it. i feel like i can't respond ooc to you if i have so much stuff saved in my drafts most likely for you. so responding to ooc messages will take a while bc someone's overwhelmed and i'm sorry you have to bare witness to this weird noggin of mine. but i will get to you, even if discord or tumblr ims have failed me. please bare with me!
are you familiar with the saying help me help you? well, after finishing my internship, one of the feedbacks i got was about continuing to work on my graphics skills. therefore, i want to keep learning and evolving but the only way i can do that is by doing things for you. i will create a sideblog to this blog and everything, but i want to help you with anything that you need, for free of course! whether it is stuff like headers, pfps, pinned images, dividers, icon borders, even psds, it's all open for you! i can also try to help you figure out an aesthetic or if there's anything you need help with around tumblr and the rp experience. this will make more sense once the sideblog is made but this is it in a nutshell!
i missed you. i missed writing here and i'm glad to see some new and old frens in my following list. i'm looking forward to writing with you, idc how many threads we have or how many memes you send or i send you. i'm glad you're here and i hope you have a fantastic day ahead of you. i'm manifesting that. oh and thank you for being here and helping me. whether we talked on private or you're writing with me, know that you make a difference (for the better) in this world. at the very least, in my little world. i can't wait to torment you all soon.
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