#my excuse for her not looking Mega Dead. only minutely dead
ezramire · 2 years
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they’re on the cover of necromancer vogue. maybe harrow will see it (she won’t)
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It is going to be a huge text, so I will just highlight some points to the people who don't want to read it all. If you don't want to read everything just search for paragraphs like this
So, basically, I started watching timeless when it first aired in 2017. I passed trough the cancelling drama and stuff, but ended up not watching the second season because I was too busy for that.
Now, five years later, I have finally got my hands onto a streaming that has Timeless (I'm not from USA, so this took a while) and was ready to watch it. I finished everything in like three days and I'm just... a.
There's a lot of things that I think that happened just because they couldn't explore the plot well in 90 minutes. These thing's I'll highlight in green.
About Wyatt, Lyatt and Jessica
I actually liked Lyatt in the first season and the Hollywood episode was pretty nice. It was clear that they liked each other, and even though It wasn't mega exciting, I was happy for them. But then Jessica happened...
Wyatt was nice in the first season, but in the second one I think the writers tried really hard to make him despicable AND MANAGED TO DO IT.
I didn't hate him, but he was clearly dumb, selfish and the things that Jessica said about their marriage were never prooved to be wrong, so he was also explosive and dangerous. I was actually waiting for the series to reveal that he wasn't that cheating drunk man that Jessica portrayed, but it never did it.
Just look at how he punched Lucy! It was without intentions, but he couldn't control himself when she came closer! Man...
I think Jessica was really pregnant, but they didn't have time to explore it in the short season's finale so they just gave that terrible and quick excuse.
- Hey, what about that baby that would cause a big trouble or at least a really sad scene of Wyatt discovering that he was being fooled? - Oh, just make future Wyatt tell it was a lie in one line.
C'mon guys!!! The way the series portrayed before S02x11, Jessica actually really loved Wyatt and it was going to be a big problem for Rittenhouse in the future.
I understand that, just like Wyatt said, his situation was without precedents (usually your dead wife doesn't come back from the dead XD), BUT he was still acting terrible. Just like my babe Flynn said: Lucy is not your wife, the blonde girl is.
I can fully understand Wyatt and still despise him so much, it is just hard.
About Garcia Flynn and Garcy
First, I have to say that I have always loved Garcia Flynn. I watched the first season a long time ago so I couldn't remember exactly why, but it didn't take too long until I had fallen in love with him all over again.
Garcia is just charming, smart, funny and even though it concerns me, I felt completely in love with him everytime he punched a bad guy. This man is just... wow.
I have always tought that he and Lucy where just friends, really. I thought that he only admired her for who she was and for helping him (even though we didn't know how at the beggining) to revenge his family.
But man... It all started when Jessica came back. The way Flynn waited until she was clearly single to make a move on her... Not only smart, but so cute!
As they were always next to eachother we were able to see the way he looked at her... just... so sweetly. He knew her from the diary and started admiring her by that, but I believe that as soon as he started to know the person behind those writings it just was impossible not to fall in love.
That moment between them in the Chinatown episode I went just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA When she read about the kiss in the Titanic also, man! My heart even started racing! He takes care of her and knows how to do it, it was so obvious that he was in love and I just- I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH IT.
She started to look for him, to trust him and actually pay attention on him in a romantic way...
They have only killed Flynn because he was a HUGE loose end. In a universe where Flynn exists Lucy would never end up with Wyatt.
His chemistry with Lucy was CLEAR and only growing every episode.
The way he was always there for her, the way their friendship was growing and revealing to be way more than that... Lyatt could never.
Lyatt was obvious and quick, something that I could have easily accepted to watch ending. Garcy was being built carefully with a good foundation. It was suposed to be Flynn with Lucy in the end.
Other points
It is also sad how Jiya's powers were just ignored in the last episode. I think that time related powers would have probably become a thing in the series and generate a lot of plot for us.
Timeless, in my point of view, could have been here with us for at least two more seasons.
I feel sad about how it was cancelled. I don't think it was a 10/10 series, but I still had a emotional conection with it and its characters. I almost cried when Rufus died and I didn't even knew that I loved him this much.
Lucy also decided out of nowhere not to save her sister because this was ALSO a loose end. I believe that her sister could have been a new villain.
And her father just giving up on Rittenhouse like this? A big no for me. It just happened for the series finale. We have already learned that people in Rittenhouse struggle a lot to get out.
Emma wasn't that weak to die so quickly and had already proofed herself to be actually dangerous. She KILLED the head of the Rittenhouse and people did nothing out of FEAR.
About characters
Jiya Marri was awesome with her powers and inteligence. I was completely OMGOMGOMGOMG when she ran away from Rittenhouse!
Rufus Carlin was cute, even though I have found him annoying sometimes.
As I said, I can't even remember why I did like Wyatt Logan in the first season.
Garcia Flynn will haunt my dreams just as Lorenzo from TVD has done (literally, I dreamt about him for weeks). I think that it is becoming too common for me to fall for european bad guys and I need to find my own XD
I can't believe how I started to like Lucy Preston. One of the saddest things in the series ending is that I won't be able to see more of her.
In the end, after 40 minutes writing, I just have to say that I enjoyed Timeless and it is really sad that it just has 2 seasons.
I give it a 8/10 for making me love the characters, even though i think that some dialogue lines where a little bit cheesy.
Thank you, Timeless, for everything that you provided to us.
~Especially Flynn~
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader ch.3
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previously: ch.1 ch.2
Summary: You go out with Bucky and some other friends from work. There you meet one very handsome captain, but he has a very odd way of flirting. Or maybe, he just doesn’t know how to?
Word count: ~2,370
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of sex, one guy who’s being a jerk
a/n - Hey lovely people! i’m finally back with another update for this series, and you finally get to meet Steve! I hope you all like it and as always, comments/reblogs are deeply appreciated. awesome divider is by @whimsicalrogers​ and as always, italics are for thoughts. Enjoy<3  
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You looked down at your phone to check the address Bucky gave you one more, and then let your gaze roam over the entrance to the club. You had no idea how he got your phone number, and you didn't really want to know. Maybe it's on the corporate… something or whatever, you calmed yourself and entered the club.
You were fashionably late, although not entirely on purpose… what? When you go out with the Avengers, you gotta put your best foot forward!
When you entered the club, your eyes needed a moment to adjust to the low lighting. Once you did, you spotted Bucky, Steve, Sam and a few more people from work. Fortunately, there was even one lab tech you recognized from today, at the sight of whom you let out a sigh of relief, inaudible over the loud music. You made your way to the table, willing your legs not to trip and embarrass you.
You made it to the table alright, and Bucky spotted you first, getting up to greet you. There was an awkward moment, both of you unsure whether to go for a hug or a handshake, but Bucky decided to just wrap his arm around you in a friendly hug so you went with it. You waved at everyone else and smiled at David, the lab tech you recognized. Your gaze wandered around the table, taking in everyone who was sitting there, either smiling at you or talking between themselves.
"Hey," you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, turning your head to look at Bucky, who was sitting to your right. "Nice turnout, right?"
"Yeah," you said, genuinely impressed. "Thanks for inviting me," you smiled at him.
"Sure thing," Bucky said, and then louder, to the entire table he said, "Any of you wanna dance?"
Most of you got up, going after Bucky to the dance floor, including yourself. Steve stayed behind at the table, but you didn't think much of it. You danced with them for a while, letting loose a little and making conversation, as much as possible, with your coworkers. It was nothing like you'd ever done, clubbing with the people you worked with, but you assumed it would keep you from going home with some random guy, and so far it was working.
You were dancing with Sam, laughing as you locked eyes with a guy from across the room, and shit, maybe I spoke too soon.
Sam noticed you looking at the guy and smirked. "Go talk to him," he told you over the music, laughing as you averted your eyes bashfully, "go! Don't let me hold you back," he repeated, smiling.
"I'd like to see you try," you replied with newfound courage, going up towards the guy.
Sam nudged Bucky to get his attention, pointing to you and the guy you were walking towards. "Suck it Barnes!" he said over the music and Bucky frowned a little but shrugged eventually.
"Week's not over yet!" he replied, going back to dancing with some girl or another.
Meanwhile, you were talking to the guy, whose name you learned was Josh, which really should've been a sign, because after a while he asked, "Wanna get out of here?"
And obviously, you said no, the whole "not sleeping around" thing even more prominent in your mind as you were out with the people you worked with, and oh my god what would they think?
"C'mon baby, don't be like that," he growled, grabbing tighter onto your hips. You broke free of his grip, grimacing.
"I said no, have a great night," you said through your teeth, turning to walk away.
"It won’t be great without you," he said, gripping onto your wrist to stop you. He stepped closer, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Stop teasing and let's get outta here, alright?"
"No," you said, fighting to keep your cool.
"Bitch," he spat out, tightening his grip on your arm. "Leading me on like that is such a fucking—"
You couldn't believe what your ears were hearing. "Excuse me?" you said, your anger showing now, "I dance with you for twenty minutes and you think you're entitled to something?"
Your words shocked him enough to let go of you and you huffed, turning around and walking back to your table, ordering a drink on your way there. You plopped down in a seat that was coincidently next to one very handsome captain.
A little confession time – you had always kind of had a crush on this man. He seemed like he cared about saving the world, which, you know, is great considering his profession. But it was more than that, he seemed like he would care about the people he loved more than anything. Well, that was just a guess, you didn't really know the guy.
Who are you kidding, there was only one thing you definitively knew about him – he was super hot. Mega hot. Like, a make-you-stop-dead-in-your-tracks-and-gape kinda hot. With these broad shoulders, baby blue eyes, bulging muscles and America's Ass, it would be outright crazy to think he wasn't. And well, you were a lot of things, but crazy wasn't one of them. Also, not blind.
As you were sitting there, contemplating whether to say anything, you saw a pretty brunette come up to your table, putting her palms on the table and leaning down in a way that made her cleavage show very prominently. You weren't gonna lie, it was a very impressive cleavage. But Steve seemed almost unfazed, only lifting his eyes and focusing on her after a couple of seconds, when he realized she didn't leave.
For a man with super… everything, that's a pretty high response time.
"Hey," the girl said, clearly at Steve, "my friends ditched," she pouted slightly, accentuating her bold red bottom lip. "So I was wondering if you’d like to keep me company instead," she bit her lip slightly and smiled.
At that Steve suddenly broke from his reverie, patting the place beside him. You were just about ready to leave the two alone to do their thing, but then you heard what Steve told her.
"What's your name?" he asked, tilting his head a bit.
"Kendra," she said, leaning in towards him.
"Why'd your friends ditch you, Kendra?" he asked. The weird thing was, it seemed to you like he was actually concerned.
"It doesn't matter," she said, "because now I have you," she rested her hand on his bicep and smiled once more, leaning towards him even more. At this point, if she leaned any further, you were pretty sure her boobs were going to end up in his face.
Steve was seemingly unaffected. "Oh come on," he smiled a little sadly, "I'm sure that's not a great feeling to have. You can tell me, it's okay."
Kendra looked puzzled for a moment before Steve put his palm on her knee. She seemed reassured. You, on the other hand, were not. What the fuck kinda weird move is that?
"Well, I guess they just went home while I was in the bathroom or something," she shrugged, frowning a little.
"They probably aren't that good of friends if they just forget you here like that. I'm sorry," Steve said sympathetically.
"They didn't forget me," Kendra said, smiling, "they just…" she trailed off, thinking it over and then letting out a bitter chuckle. "Well, forgot me," she told Steve. "I guess I didn't see it that way, but I should probably find some better friends, right? I mean, this isn't the first time they do this, and – I'm sorry, you probably don't want to hear this right now," she smiled apologetically.
"It's okay," Steve insisted, "I do wanna hear you," he smiled.
After hesitating for a few seconds, Kendra continued. "Well, they always forget to invite me to stuff, or maybe they intentionally don't, I don't know anymore. And there's just that feeling about it like when they pick groups for PE and you're the last one to be chosen," she sighs, smiling bitterly. "Whenever I'm with them it feels like they don't want me there. But I'm probably just being paranoid, right?"
"My opinion? It doesn't matter," Steve answers. "Even if they only make you feel like this and aren't really thinking that, they're still not great friends," he suggested.
"I guess you're right," Kendra said, her face falling a little at the prospect.
After a bit, Steve talked once more. "So, you wanna go dance?" he asked, a hopeful smile creeping onto his face.
"Actually, I think I'd rather go home, but thanks for everything," Kendra said. She hugged Steve and left, his smile reduced to a sigh and a clenched jaw.
All the while, you sat there, internally battling whether you should go or stay, but the conversation was just too interesting for you to pass on. Eventually, you spoke up, feeling bad for him yet still confused about… whatever that was.
"I'm sure a hundred girls come up to you whenever you go out in public, so, you know, she isn't the only one out there," you said, seeing as he still looked down.
He looked up at you, startled by your words. "You were here the entire time?" he asked, his eyes narrowing. You nodded and averted your eyes away from his, realizing how bad that sounded. "It's fine," he chuckled, making you look back at him. "But she wasn't the first one that walked away like this, and she's probably not gonna be the last," he sighed.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we all have bad luck sometimes. That's just human."
"You sound like you're talking from experience," he chuckled.
You huffed. "No shit."
Steve chuckled. "I'm Steve," he introduced himself.
"I know," you said with a smile and told him your name in return, introducing yourself.
"So, humor me – you really think a guy like me could find someone, huh?" Steve asked.
"Of course you can, you're Captain America! If you put your mind to it a little, girls are gonna be lining up left and right. In fact, I'm sure they already are," you said.
"Ah, see, that's the problem – what you just unfortunately witnessed was me making an effort, and you saw how well that ended," Steve said, smiling bitterly.
"C'mon, that's…" you trailed off and Steve raised his eyebrows at you, a small smile on his face.
"Look, I can’t tell you that was the best flirting game I've seen, but it's impressive anyways," you smiled. "That girl just confessed to you about a major problem she has, not any guy can do that. No guy is ever interested," you added under your breath.
Super-soldier hearing and all, Steve still caught that. "What do you mean no guy is ever interested? That's just basic manners."
"Well, I hate to break it to you America's sweetheart, but most guys don't really care about basic decency, let alone if it's to girls they meet in clubs. They get their fair share of R-rated fun and that's it. And yes, that is from experience," you added before he could ask.
Steve frowned. "Then that's what you're used to? Guys who don't care?"
"I guess so," you said, raising your eyebrows as if to indicate there's nothing that can be done about it.
"That sucks," he said, resting his arm on yours.
"Wait a second," you suddenly said, "is this your super-power or something?"
"What?" Steve asked, confused.
"Do you have like, a mojo or something? Why would I have just told you that?" you smiled.
Steve just looked at you, waiting for you to explain further.
"Okay, I don't mean that seriously, but look – that girl Kendra just told you about her issues, and so did I. I'm just saying, not everyone can get that kind of… emotional connection. People trust you, Steve. Sometimes I wish I had that kind of ability," you said, genuinely surprised at the amount of things you just shared with him, and how effortless it was to open up to him.
"I guess that's one way to look at it," Steve said, giving you a small smile, "but sometimes I wish I knew how to flirt. You can't always get what you want," he shrugged.
"Maybe in this case you can, you're not a lost cause yet," you smirked.
"Why, would you suggest giving me lessons in flirting?" Steve chuckled.
"Why not? Flirting 101 – if I were trying to flirt with you right now, you know what I'd say? Ask me the same question."
"Why, would you suggest giving me lessons in flirting?" Steve rolled his eyes, indicating for you to continue.
"If it means I can see you one on one again, sure," you said, winking, and Steve and you burst into laughter.
"Okay, that was a good one," Steve said once your laughter died down.
You both went to get more drinks, talking a little more about less serious stuff for now. "To better luck," you said, smiling at Steve, and you clinked your glasses together.
On the dance floor, Bucky was smirking at Sam, who was staring at him, unimpressed.
"Shut up," Sam said.
"I never said anything!" Bucky said and raised his hands up in mock surrender. "I'm just saying, ten bucks isn't that much money, buddy. Cheer up," he slapped his palm on Sam's shoulder.
"Relax, Barnes, it hasn't been a week yet. Don't jump the gun."
"Oh, you know I like guns, but I don't like them that much. C'mon, don't take this too seriously."
"If I have to hand out my money, I'd just hate to waste it on you," Sam chuckled.
"Whatever," Bucky rolled his eyes. "Honestly, we should just be happy for Steve."
"I'm sensing there's a but there."
"But it's way more fun to watch him get repeatedly friendzoned," Bucky chuckled and so did Sam.
From across the bar, Steve and you were still talking, exchanging stories about failed dates and successful ones. That night, neither of you thought about each other as potentially more than friends, not in the moment anyway. It was easy, simple. You were friends, nothing more. Right?
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Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland@jazbot2000
Cycle Taglist: @dee-vn @alex747
if you wanna join / be removed from these taglists, comment/message me! much love <3
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willow-salix · 4 years
(Fluffember prompt: Name)
Day 4 of isolation on Tracy Island 2.0
"I don't care, you're coming with me," I told the love of my life, who wasn't looking very happy about it. 
"Why me?" he whined, and if you've never heard John whine before, or don't actually believe he's capable of it, let me assure you that he is very capable and it's very pitiful. But I am immune (mostly) and continued to stand my ground. 
"Because I can't leave you alone with them, you can't stand up for yourself and they can't be trusted."
"That's not true! I can…" he saw the look on my face as I mouthed 'mattress' and trailed off, admitting defeat. "Fine, but just the one shop."
Now, I know they say never take your husband shopping, but I honestly, TRULY thought that mine would be an exception. He's the organised one, he's the sensible one, the one that correlates all the data and sorts out all their problems. 
How wrong I was. 
It was actually quite pleasant to be alone for a few hours, it hadn't been that long since I'd made my less than dramatic return to the island but since the world was nowhere near normal we hadn't had that much time to ourselves lately, so I was going to take full advantage. 
"What do we need to get?" he asked in that long suffering tone that all husbands adopt when faced with the prospect of a trip around a shop with their woman. 
"Not that much," I assured him. I was lying. 
"Show me," he ordered, knowing I was lying. Must work on my 'believe me' voice. 
I lifted up the list, which unfurled itself into something roughly the length of Alan and watched as his eyes tracked its descent. I also watched the life drained out of them as he faced his doom head on. 
I nodded, folding the list back up again. "It won't be that bad," I promised him. "It's one massive shop, we should be able to find everything there."
"Why didn't you take Virgil instead? Why must you torture me?" 
"Because you're my man and it's your job, plus I want to spend some alone time with you."
"I can think of much better ways to spend alone time," he grumbled under his breath as he steered the plane towards the landing strip. I declined to comment. 
"Now, whatever you do, don't wander off," I reminded him, looking up from the list where I had sensibly been highlighting different categories of products so we could hit the different areas in order. 
I almost laughed when I saw that my poor, put-upon man was slumped against the plane, hands in his pockets, eyes downcast like he was fully expecting the grim reaper to show up any second and whisk him away from my evil clutches. Keep on dreaming, boy. 
"I'm not Alan," he sniffed. "Or Scott, I don't wander off, you wander off."
"I do not!" 
"You're the one that didn't tell me you were going to look at the meerkats when we went to the zoo."
"Babe, it's meerkats, you should have known I'd wander off to look at them, that's just common sense. I didn't need to say it."
He looked at me like he thought I had no idea what common sense even was. He's probably right, since I agreed to both marriage and staying on the island again. 
"Come on," I held out my hand, wiggling it in invitation, "it won't be that bad."
He sighed and took my hand. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" 
"Probably. Now, masks on, sanitiser at the ready, grab that trolly for me and let's do this thing."
You know how it is when you're mostly in a shopping daze and can't focus on anything but getting in and getting out as quickly as possible? Like you're so focused on the list and making sure you don't forget anything and trying to locate the actual items you need versus the ones you suddenly want and can't do without? That was me. 
So it took me a few minutes to realise that I'd lost John. I don't know how it happened, I don't know when and I couldn't say in good faith that he hadn't been kidnapped by aliens, it was that kind of day. 
He'd shuffled along behind me, pushing the cart into which I was throwing all manner of things that I could tell he thought were useless and unnecessary. How little he knew. 
"You can put some things in too," I reminded him as I tossed a loaf of fruit bread over my shoulder towards the cart. He didn't answer. The bread landed on the floor with a soft flump. 
"John?" I turned around but he was gone, the cart too. 
"What the heck?" Where was he? I fumbled in my bag for my phone. Where was it? Why was I losing everything important today? I had a sudden mental image of my phone sitting on the coffee pot where I'd propped it while making breakfast, I'd been watching YouTube videos and needed both hands…
"Damn it." I didn't have my comm with me either, I only ever took that out with me when I wasn't home. Which would be now… "DAMN IT!" 
In my defence, I hadn't thought that I would actually lose him. I thought he was more sensible than that. 
I retraced my steps, going back down four aisles to the place I knew for certain I'd last seen him behind me, pushing the trolly like it was a protective force field against shop workers and old people that didn't know the meaning of social distancing and kept getting up in his face asking him to reach the high shelves for them. 
"John?" I called, sticking my head around the corner. Nothing. 
Where the heck could he be? 
"Jooooohhhnnnnn!" I yelled a bit louder, starting a full sweep search, marching down the center gap between the aisles and glancing down each one. Nothing. 
"Excuse me, young lady."
I skidded to a halt, almost flattening an older man. 
"Hi, yes?" 
"Have you lost someone?" 
"Yep. Lost, one gorgeous ginger dumbass, if found please return to the witch in aisle 26." The man looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm used to it. 
"Oh, I thought you might be Mrs Tracy."
"No, Grandma's at home."
He gave me a funny look and I stared right back, I didn't want to be impolite and just walk away but yeah, kinda on a mission here, Grandpa.
It was then that I heard it, a voice coming over the tannoy. 
"Can Mrs Tracy please come to lost property at Customer Services."
It's a little surreal to hear someone calling you when you don't expect it and it took a few moments for it to register and my brain to process the information. 
The old man looked at me again, head tipped to one side. 
My brain clicked over. 
"Shhh…ugar! That's me! Lost husband! Thank you," I screamed over my shoulder as I hot footed it to the customer service desk. 
"Hi," I gasped, slightly out of breath (it's a very large store) "you…called," I gestured up to the ceiling and circled my finger like that would make sense to anyone but me. "Tracy…" I slumped, panting. 
"Oh," the lady at the desk finally lost the blank look on her face, figuring out what I meant. "He's in the lost child room."
I frowned, the what now? 
I dutifully followed behind the counter and through the door marked 'employees only'. 
"A customer found him standing alone in the bread aisle looking confused and lost so they alerted us."
She pushed open the door to a cheery yellow room with dancing clowns on the walls that looked like they wanted to eat my soul. 
"I'm sorry, I think there's been a mistake, I haven't lost a ch-" I stopped dead, blinking to make sure I was indeed seeing this correctly. 
"Where have you been?" John demanded. 
He was sitting forlornly on a chair that was so small it looked like it should have belonged in a doll house. His knees were higher than his chest. Some helpful soul had given him a colouring book but he'd ignored it although he was wearing a sticker that told me that he had been a super brave boy. 
"You left me!" 
"I did not!" 
"I turned around and you were gone! I tried to call and Scott answered!" 
"My phone's at home."
"I know that now! Because you abandoned me!" 
"I…I…" I splutted, not knowing what to say to that. 
"May I suggest a leash next time," the woman from the counter said as I dragged him to his feet. I couldn't tell with her mask on, but I'm pretty sure she was smirking. 
"Babe, you're fine, it's just a mega shop." 
"It's hell."
"You're being dramatic." 
"I'm never coming shopping with you again," he grumbled as I thanked the lady and towed him back into the shop. 
I have no idea where he lost the trolly, neither does he. I bought him a sausage roll in the cafe to appease him, leaving him there with his phone while I shopped on my own. Some things are just not worth the hassle. But I do know that next time someone calls my name in a shop, I'll pay attention. 
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Rescue 7/10
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Enhanced!Omega!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Not much really
Summary: The Avengers are sent in to rescue a group of omegas from the hands of Hydra. There Bucky finds you, an enhanced omega. Can you ever be fully rescued from what Hydra has done to you?
A/N: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story. It means the world to me that you guys are interested in something I have to say. It honestly blows my mind. Please keep commenting, it really fuels me to receive such beautiful feedback. IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED PLEASE SEND AN ASK. 
Rescue 6 l Masterlist
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You wake up in the morning and give an almighty stretch. Your heat has passed. You look over at a sleeping Bucky. His hair is in his face and the sheet is pulled off, revealing his bare back, muscles rippling down. You move the hair out of his face and a weary eye blinks open. Bucky shifts towards you scooping you up in his arms and burying his face in your neck where he kisses and nuzzles your bond mark.
“Careful there, cowboy,” you say with a chuckle as Bucky squeezes you even tighter.
“Sorry ‘mega, I just can’t get enough of your scent. It's got me done in.” You card your fingers through his hair and sigh deeply. You can’t believe you’re here, with this man by your side. It feels like magic, like a fairytale. Even if it's just this moment, it feels like home.
“My heat’s over,” you say quietly.
“Mmm, I can tell,” Bucky says as he’s being lured back to sleep by your scent and warmth.
“I think I need a shower. Somehow that’s been neglected in the last few days.” Bucky just squeezes you tighter, refusing to let you stray too far. “Come on baby, let me look nice for you,” you try switching tactics. Bucky scoots you in so he’s now lying on top of you, his head on your bare chest and a leg thrown over yours. “You’re going to make me resort to unsavory methods if you keep this up,” you warn. Bucky simply starts peppering kisses along your collarbone. “Alright you asked for it,” you warn and you zap him on the sides with a few sparks from your fingertips. Bucky jumps off you and groans.
“Darlin’ that’s hardly fair,” he says, rubbing his side.
“You use your super strength to keep me from moving, I get to use my powers to escape,” you say lightly as you swing your legs off the bed and stand. Your back is to the window and your naked form is framed by golden light. Bucky decides he’s not letting you out of his sight and he leaps off the bed and holds you from behind as you both move toward the bathroom.
“Will you be joining me, Sarge?” you question.
“You bet your beautiful ass I will,” Bucky replies. You lean over and turn on the water before you turn in Bucky’s arms and pepper his face with kisses. You trail your lips down his jaw to his neck where you timidly kiss and lick his bond mark, eliciting a growl from Bucky. You pull back and look into his bright blue eyes.
“I love you Alpha,” you say simply.
“I love you, my ‘Mega,” Bucky returns, taking your face in his hands and kissing you so tenderly tears spring to your eyes. The bathroom is filling with steam so you turn and step into the shower with Bucky close behind. The two of you linger in this soft world of soap and warm water and passionate kisses for as long as you can. Bucky washes your hair and combs it through with care and you do the same to him. Once the two of you are clean and fresh smelling you turn off the shower and step out.
“Breakfast?” Bucky asks you as you’re both toweling off. You worry your bottom lip and try to think of an excuse to stay in the room. Until your stomach betrays you with a loud growl. Bucky laughs out loud and crosses the room to hold you in his arms.
“Come on doll, I won’t let them tease you too bad.” You roll your eyes and hang your head. You know what’s coming.
You trail down the hallway behind Bucky, holding his hand. As you’re about to round the corner to the kitchen you stop dead and drop his hand. Bucky turns around and takes your face in his warm hands, dropping sweet kisses on your cheeks and nose.
“What’s got you nervous doll.” Bucky asks quietly so the others won’t hear. You fidget with the hem of the shirt you’re wearing, one of Bucky’s.
“I think I’m just a bit embarrassed,” you mumble. “Not of you, just, you know…” Bucky tucks an errant strand of your hair behind your ear, smiling at you fondly.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed or nervous about. This is a group of mature adults, they’re not going to make a big deal out of anything. Clint gets his heat every month and he and Nat disappear and no one says a thing about it. Don’t you worry, love.” Bucky’s voice is low and reassuring and you let his scent wash over you and calm your nerves. You give him a nod and take his hand again, letting him lead you into the kitchen.
You walk into the room to clapping, whoops and cheers. You hide your face in Buck’s chest and concentrate very hard on disappearing into the floor.
“There she is,” Tony says, clapping his hands, “the woman who turned Cap into a quivering mess.” You will yourself to die at that comment but nothing happens.
“I was fine.” Steve replies tensely.
“You went to your room to “take care of some business” 2 or 3 times a day last week,” Tony persists. Bucky growls in Steve’s direction.
“He’s exaggerating, Buck,” Steve reassures with an apologetic look in your direction.
“Alright guys, let’s leave the lovebirds alone,” Wanda calls, seeing how embarrassed you are. You throw a grateful look in her direction and the team calms down, going back to what they were doing before you walked in.
You and Bucky move over to the coffee pot where Bucky pours you a cup and adds creamer without protest. You settle into your usual seat while Bucky makes you your favorite breakfast. The team chats away and you’re happy to not participate until there’s a voice in your head.
“Hey…” you jump, sloshing your coffee on your hand and look up at Wanda who’s looked eyes with you. “Sorry, I just wanted to chat without certain super soldiers overhearing us.” You give her a shy smile and a nod of agreement. “So? How was it?” You blush deeply.
“It was good,” you reply, “it was really good.”
“That’s all I’m going to get? It was good?” Wanda questions indignantly.
“Ok it was fantastic! I’ve never been with someone like Bucky and it was perfect. Now get out of my head.” Wanda’s clear bright laugh resounded in your head.
“Ok, fine, fine.” And it was quiet once again. Bucky put your plate of food down in front of you and you dug in, ravenous. He sits down in the chair next to you and pulls his seat as close to you as he can. Bucky rubs your thigh with his hand and leans in to pepper your face with kisses when you pull back.
"No PDA Bucky!” you say quietly, hoping the others don’t notice.
“PDA?” Bucky questions “Public Display of Affection,” you explain. "You know I'm shy.” Bucky lets out a groan.
“Are you saying I can’t kiss my omega whenever I want,” Bucky asks, trying to lean in for another peck on the cheek. Your cheeks color at the term and you lightly hold him away.
“Yes, that’s what I'm saying. Just until I'm more comfortable.” Bucky sighs and drops his head to your shoulder in defeat.
"Ok sweet girl, whatever you say.”
The two of you finish up your breakfast amidst laughter and chatter with the rest of the team. You’re more comfortable with most of them now than when you first arrived and it felt good to fit in somewhere. After breakfast you and Bucky wander over to the lab to speak to Bruce.  You find him in the lab hunched over a notebook and some ominous looking green liquid in a vial.
“Y/N, Bucky. Hi. I think I know what brings you by,” Bruce says, putting down his pencil and pushing back from his work.
“Yeah, so I got my heat. How is that possible? I thought I was on the strongest suppressants there are.” You question. Bruce fidgets in his seat.
“I honestly have no idea. Those suppressants should have stopped your heat dead in its tracks. The only thing I can think of is the True Mates theory,” Bruce says, rubbing his hands together.
“What’s that, I’ve never heard of that,” you ask looking at Bucky.
“I’ve heard of it,” he says with a far off look in his eyes.
“True Mates basically says that there are Alphas and Omegas that are chemically suited for each other. That they were made to be together. Their scents are usually complimentary and will be very strong to each other. And that the omega’s heat will come whether she’s on suppressants or not.”
“That sounds far fetched,” you decide, wrinkling your nose.
“Does it?” Bucky asks looking at you. “How else do you explain us?”
“I don’t need some secret force driving us together. I love you for you, for all you’ve done for me, and for how you love me.” You blush furiously at your words but you need Bucky to know how you feel.  
“Then how do you explain your heat?” You don’t have an answer for that so you simply shrug your shoulders. Bucky can see that he’s not going to win this argument so he drops it, at least for now.
“I’m sorry I don’t have anymore useful information,” Bruce says. You have no reply so Bucky answers for the both of you.
“That’s alright doc. Thanks anyways.” Bucky slings his arm over your shoulders and guides you out of the lab. You can tell Bucky wants to finish your conversation from earlier so you try to steer him in another direction.
“Wanna go watch a movie?” You ask sweetly.
“Avoiding the conversation?” Bucky quips, a patient smile crossing his face.
“Deftly,” you say, winding your arms around his waist and leaning in for a soft peck on the lips. Bucky growls and pulls you closer for a deeper kiss and you open up to him.
“Okay,” Bucky says, pulling himself away from your lips, “a movie. You get to pick.” You smile brightly and take Bucky’s hand, leading him toward the common area.
20 minutes later finds you snuggled up under a blanket with a pile of snacks Bucky pilfered from the cabinets. Bucky just put your favorite DVD into the player and comes to sit beside you.
“Is this ok?” He asks as he winds his arm behind your back, drawing you in for a cuddle. You look at him and nod with a smile, resting your head on his chest as he pushes play. You both watch the movie perfectly contented. Bucky has never seen it before and you’re delighted when he laughs at all your favorite parts. The movie is nearing its end when Steve strides into the room.
“Bucky we’ve got a situation in South America. Active Hydra base. Jet leaves in 30.” He turns on his heel without offering you a glance and walks out of the room before Bucky can protest.
“Hang on, doll, I’ll try to get out of it.” Bucky says as he starts to get up from the couch. You hang onto his hand and pull him back down.
“That’s ok you don’t need to do that.” you say timidly. Bucky looks at you quizzically.
“Tryin’ to get rid of me doll?” He says it as a joke but you watch the fear flash across his eyes. You lean in close and press reassuring kisses along his jawline.
“Never,” you coo reassuringly. “It’s just, you’ll have to go on missions eventually. You can’t stay home with me forever.”
“Yeah but we’ve just mated. I shouldn’t have to rush off just yet,” Bucky says.
“Well maybe I could come with you?” You suggest. Bucky’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline.
“Come on the mission?” Bucky asks, incredulously. “No way.”
“I want to Bucky. Obviously I can’t come on this mission but I want to be a part of the team. I want to come on missions,” you say, timidly but surely.
“No, absolutely not.” Bucky said definitively. It was your turn to raise your eyebrows.
“What do you mean no? I wasn’t exactly asking permission. I’m letting you know I want to pursue this.” You could see Bucky’s frustration building. You could see he wants to assert his dominance in the conversation but he never wants to force you to submit.
“Y/N, it’s not like training with Thor. There’s a lot more that goes into it and you’re not prepared. I don’t want you doing it. No.”  At this point you were fuming but you tried to calm yourself and see things from Bucky’s perspective when it dawned on you.
“Bucky, are you scared?” You ask cautiously.
“Yes!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. “The thought of you on missions terrifies me. You’ve been through so much and I don’t want to expose you to that. And if I lost you? I can’t even think about it without feeling sick. I love you and I want to keep you safe.” You can see Bucky’s breathing fast and his anxiety is rising so you hold his face in your hands and press soft kisses onto his lips.
“I’m here Bucky, everything is ok,” you say reassuringly. You let go of his face and hold his hands to ground him. “Bucky this is important to me. I didn’t ask for these powers, there were forced on me. But I’d like to use them to rid the world of Hydra. Otherwise what’s the point. You have to be able to understand that, right?” Bucky nods slowly, not wanting to concede your point.
“It would be hard, Y/N, you’d have to train for a long time. I’m not letting you go out there until Nat clears you. And I’d have to give you weapons training.” Bucky says. You can tell he’s not fully on board.
“I know it won’t be easy, but like I said, this is important to me. I want to be part of the team,” you say firmly, nodding your head. Bucky’s face is difficult to read but you think you may have won him over. Steve pops his head around the corner and you wonder how much he heard.
“10 minutes Buck.” He says before disappearing again.
Chapter 8
@all1e23​ @fanfictionjunkie1112​ @kiki5283​ @humanexile​ @starkrobb​ @alyxkbrl​ @momc95​ @bullshitantichrist​ @the-omni-princess​ @animegirlgeeky​ @acf2510​ @fluffyirwinie​ @disasterwelshgirl​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @veronawrites​ @guccicloudz​ @holyhumorliteraturelight​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @no-clue-whats-happenin​ @booktease21​ @mymomcallsmefury​ @fafulous​ @asgardlover75​ @susmita121​ @noseyrosey1597​ @jennmurawski13​ @buckybarnesscrunchie​ @learisa​ @kinkywitchy​ @mywinterwolf​ @dyanna-corona​ @procrastinating-angels​ @shellbeerocks​ @broco8​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​ @sweetybuzz25​ @cookies186​
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danganronpa-ea · 4 years
DR: EA2 Chapter 1 part 4
To Read the Prologue click here;
Prologue: part 1 | part 2
Chapter 1 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Chapter 1 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT Part 1|  CT part 2 |  CT part 3
Chapter 2 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Chapter 2 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2 | CT part 3
Chapter 3 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Chapter 3 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2
Chapter 4 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2
Chapter 4 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2
Chapter 5 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Chapter 5 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2 | CT part 3
Chapter 6 Deadly Life/Epilogue: Investigation | CT | Epilogue
Anyway, all credit goes to respective owners.
Chapter 1 – The ways of surviving | Daily Life part 4
 As then morning came up, I believe today is the day Nakahara-san was going to set up the satellite dish and we get some Wi-Fi.
 I did my usual routine which as I was leaving my room, I notice that Kimura-san was looking at her voice but instead of a smile… she looks either confused and worried; in fact, from looks of it she was quiet which I walk over to her which she notices me walking over.
 “O-Oh… hey, Okamoto-chan um; seems we got the Wi-Fi but… these messages I’m getting are really strange.” She commented which I tilted my head. “Huh? What happen?” I asked her which then she gave her phone to me. “Here, the messages I got… they seem like warnings and some of them date back to 2013…” She commented which as I look over the messages.
 ‘Tomoe-chan! Are you okay?! Things are going mega bad out here! Hope your okay…’
 ‘I notice a mob forming outside of Hope’s Peak, you’re attending that school, right? Is everything okay?! D:’
 ‘Tomoe-chan – if you aren’t dead plz respond!’
 ‘Oh gawd, buildings are exploding! Hey Tomoe-chan are you-ssiksiofasdokfsdklfws!’
 It seem the messages were warnings like… something bad was happening, plus it was true – some of these messages seem to be around 2014 but… didn’t we enter Hope’s Peak around 2011?
 I couldn’t help but gulp as I gave back Kimura-san’s phone. “Are you sure they aren’t pranking you or anything?” I asked her which she shook her head. “I’m not sure – they all sound really serious, plus I can tell when someone is trolling but these; these seem pretty serious…” She stated which as then Inoue-chan and Mrs. Kimura rush upstairs.
 “Hey you two, come down here quick! The news is on and…” Mrs. Kimura paused as she looks downstairs which me and Kimura-san rush over. “Mom? What’s going on? I saw these messages on my phone and they seem like warnings.” Kimura-san told the older women which she nodded. “Yes, I’m aware but-.” “Look, you guys have to come downstairs; I try to shift all the channels and we only got the news but… it seems to be pretty bad!” Inoue-chan blurted out which she rushes downstairs.
 As then everyone else was staring at the TV which then I look at it which my eyes went wide, this… this can’t be for real, right?
 It was all I think but I knew for sure; it was real as the news reporter spoke.
 “As of know the Remnants of Despair are causing havoc and destruction all over the world; The Biggest Tragic Event in Human History as its name – more dead bodies lie on the streets but our only savor is the Future Foundation which we have a word from the Head Chairmen, Tengan Kazuo who will speak now…”
 As then the message change to what appear to be an older man who was at a stand and spoke to the camera. “People of the World, if you are getting this message; we wish to have your help to combat against the Remnants of Despair, any Ultimate’s left remaining please come and answer our call the reason for this is that we need your help, we wish to fight back the Remnants of Despair… If not, we will have more destruction and mayhem like these…”
 As then the old man shows various images from homes getting destroy, bodies on the ground, people wearing these bear mask causing destruction, wars and destruction from various parts of the world – showing that no place is safe which then the man known as ‘Tengan Kazuo’ appear again as then he spoke.
 “As you can see, we are trying to fight back against this chaos and we need as much help as we can, so if any Ultimates are out and able – please come to our aid…” He spoke as then the news turn back on which had the news reporter spoke once more. “That was a message from the chairmen of the Future Foundation, now please if you can try and contact them… now back to the weather.”
 As then the TV turn off, I turn to see it was Kobayashi-san who spoke up. “So, is this what Hamoponi was hiding from us? If so I guess that proves my point we should stay here…” He spoke but then Hamlon-san then walk over grabbing Kobayashi-san by the collar.
 “Wait, so are you saying we should forget about our friends and family!?” He barked which then he turn to the others. “Guys, you can’t be serious, right?! I mean this could be some elaborate prank set up by a mastermind!” He told them but then Mori-san shook her head as she look to the TV. “I’m not sure if it’s a prank, that seems very real to me…” She commented which Hamlon-san try to think of an excuse but couldn’t which as then Ueda-san nodded. “I have to agree with Mori-san here, I don’t think news would be faking this…” He brought up as then the others look at each other.
 Inoue-chan then put her arms at the back of her head as she tilted her head to the side. “I also seem like this is the only thing broadcasted as well.” She pointed out which Hamasaki-san laughed a bit nervously. “Th-This must be a bad dream, huh? Or some badly made fanfiction.” She commented which cause Inoue-chan to huff. “So are you going to deny this is real? Cause I don’t think it’s some CGI!” She told Hamasaki-san to shake her head as trying to deny the claim as the Katou-san thought it over.
 “Bu-But we have fa-family out there? Does… does that mean they are dead too?” He asked which excluding Hayashi-san who didn’t seem as phase by the question spoke. “I mean, for most of you, you all do but still… this is pretty insane, isn’t it?” She asked which Abiko-san nodded. “It is, how… how did this happen? I mean, I remember boarding a plane, all of us were heading to Hope’s Peak but now… this is happening.” He brought up.
 As then Kimura-san spoke up. “Also also, seems that we might have lost our memories!” She stated as she show her phone to everyone. “Wait, you can’t be serious, right? I… I didn’t know this would happen at all, the stars never told me this!” Ohta-san stated as looked worried – it looks like everyone
 As then Chikao-san then turn her direction which I notice Hamoponi who look to be standing from behind the room. “So is this what you were hiding from us?” He asked which cause everyone to look at him as giving a sigh.
 “Yes, I was intending for you all to not see this – the thing was that the this is the reason I hid you here, it was the only place that I wanted to keep you all safe and really, we had no other choice and we were running out of time…” He spoke which then I step forward. “So that’s why you warn us about the TV then… is this the same for Esumi Masa as well? Is she dead?” I asked which Hamoponi shrugged.
 “I can’t say for sure regarding her status, just that I know the Remnants of Despairs have her and could be torturing her for all I know or… place her in a killing game.” He told us which cause a few of us to look at each other then back at Hamoponi who continue. “However, maybe if the One that place you here can come forward, they could explain the situation to you.” He stated as he looks around.
 However, it seems moments later – no one stepped forward which then Hamoponi then looked nervous. “Oh dear…” He stated which cause Mrs. Kimura to speak up. “Hm? You seem worry – were you expecting that person to appear…?” She asked which Hamoponi continue.
 “Looks like… we might have some trouble.” He stated then spoke. “Seems like the one that’s controlling me can’t speak or well… can’t remember they were the ones that capture you since they might have wiped their memory as well, but I assure you that this person has no ill intent or is trying to kill you.” He stated which I went pale.
 So then whoever this person was – was the one that capture us and got us away from our friends and family which I panic. “So is this person that’s among us keeping us away from our family and friends?!” I spoke as worry started to get to me but then Chikao-san place a hand on my shoulder. “Calm down, look he say that whoever place us in here might have had good reason to do it, correct?” He asked Hamoponi who nodded.
 Seems… that maybe this mastermind might have wanted to keep us safe but still, they could of gotten our family or friends with us too but why not…?
 However it seems a few others spoke up. “Hold on a second, so are you telling us that we have to get use to living away from our family and friends?!” Hamlon-san stated as pointing a finger at him which Chikao-san shook his head. “No, I’m not saying that – I’m just-!” “But… some of us do have people to get back to, correct? I mean, he can’t keep us lock up forever.” Kita-san who spoke up which then I look around the room.
 It seems not just Hamlon-san and Kita-san seem worried but Mori-san, Hamasaki-san, Katou-san, Ueda-san and… even myself and Chikao-san couldn’t deny that; I had family out there which if he’s keeping us away from them then…
 As then Hayashi-san spoke up. “Hold on a minute, aren’t we assuming worse of the person that brought us here?” She asked which they look at her, she seems nervous but then continue. “It seems that maybe they could bring as many as they can and did as much as they can – I think if anything we should be glad to be safe, correct?” She asked which of course the others look at each other.
 It seems the one that spoke was Kita-san who seem to have agreed. “I guess… that is true, I mean so far there is no dangers and from the looks of it. Hamoponi does seem someone we can trust.” He commented as then Mrs. Kimura nodded.
 It seems the others were agreeing with this but then I look up at the TV then ask one more question. “Say, can you tell us why those people were wearing those masks? Is that some sort of cult?” I asked Hamoponi which then the horse shook his head.
 “You could say that, the mask they are wearing is based around someone named Monokuma which… is someone that I really hope you don’t meet.” He stated as then he disappears which I guess answer our questions.
 As then Ueda-san who walk up and asked. “Say, maybe to get our minds off of this, I’ll go and make breakfast for you all.” He told them which it seems Inoue-chan seem more pump up. “Yeah, let’s forget about that boring old news and get eating! I’m starving!” She stated as she rush off into the dining room.
 As then the others look to be filing in one after the other but when I was leaving, I notice that Katou-san was heading upstairs – guess he’ll be sleeping in all day which then I went into the dining room.
 Then breakfast went on as normal as it did, aside from the news which it seems everyone wanted to ignore it but I knew it did way on our minds honestly… however as I was leaving Kobayashi-san came up to me. “So then, I guess I was right that we stay safe, hm? I’m worry that someone will do something drastic like hurt someone here just to leave…” He asked which I sighed… I just wanted to forget about the TV but then he grabs my wrist and spoke.
 “Look, I really hope your not planning a way out…” as he spoke, I move away. “What do you mean? I have no plan on doing so –like, I may have family to worry about but you should stop thinking I’m going to harm anyone.” “So you won’t kill, I mean the rules mention harm to anyone so it’s possible…” I froze up, why… would anyone kill? I mean I don’t think anyone would legit do it… right?
 Which then Chikao-san approach us. “Kobayashi-kun, I get that your worry but I don’t think any of us will go to that extreme.” He stated as trying to calm the situation which Kobayashi-san stare at Chikao-san. “You think so? I mean you may act as leader or whatever but you can’t really control people’s action – I mean, I get your trying to protect us but maybe some of us don’t need protection….” He stated as taking his leave then Chikao-san shook his head.
 “I’ll… talk with him later but still, I don’t think we should worry about the TV but even then he has a point… some of us do have families but I think as long as we stick together we… should be fine.” He commented which then Hamasaki-san notice as then she walks over. “Yo chief, your… worry too, aren’t you?” She asked a simple question which cause both of us to look at her.
 Chikao-san seem to be taken aback by that question. “Worry? You… assume so?” He asked as then he gave a sigh. “I guess… I am, I mean I do try and lead the others but I can tell that whatever choice I make; it… won’t please everyone.” He stated which Hamasaki-san nodded. “I can see why Chief, I mean even if I have family that I’m worry about but… maybe your putting too much pressure on yourself; I get you want to be a leader but even then, leaders can rely on others, y’know?” She asked with a small smile which Chikao-san cross his arms.
 “Rely… on others? I guess, I should try to do that more often; I always want people to rely on me or try to solve a lot of there issues but… I can get why; I’ll try to do that from now on.” He stated with a smile as he left, as then I turn to Hamasaki-san which she looks at me. “You… should do the same too? I think sometimes relying on others can be a good thing; you don’t have to face your fears completely alone…” She commented which I had a puzzle look.
 I… never thought of that, I guess she notice that sometimes I don’t want to rely on anyone or want help or pity, but I guess… it wouldn’t hurt to rely on another person. Which with that I gave a nod.
  “I… guess your right? I, just can’t help but think people are pitying me or something which can get annoying…” I stated which Hamasaki-san gave a thumbs up as pointing to herself. “Well, hey Fuji-san - I don’t really pity you or anyone honestly… say, maybe we can talk more around evening – I think you need someone to talk to and… I want to show you this place, I discover what looks to be a gate.” She stated which I blinked. “Wait you… found the way out?” I asked which Hamasaki-san nodded.
 “Yep – I figure I show you if your curious but honestly after what Ryoko-san had say, I don’t think will need to leave so see ya later…” She stated as taking her leave. I guess I’ll be spending the evening with Hamasaki-san.
 Free Time!
 As with that I return back to my room, I look at the clock – seems I got some free time!
 Which then started my wandering around the ski resort which I made my way outside which I see Hamasaki-san near the plane which she look up in the sky. “I’m not sure why… but I was noticing this weird looking star since this morning; maybe I can get Hoshiko-san to look into it?” She asked about it.
 Maybe I should try and cheer up Hamasaki-san?
>Hang out
  - Maybe another time
 Hamasaki-san took notice of me and smiled. “Heya dude! Wanna hang out or talk about stuff? I’ve been pretty bored honestly and I need to get my mind off that Television.” She stated with a pretty relax expression.
 As then me and Hamasaki-san began to talk about somethings, it seems about how we would live like…
 Seems like me and Hamasaki-san grew a bit closer which then I began to wonder something. “Hey, Hamasaki-san – would it be alright if I ask you something?” I asked but then Hamasaki-san look at me odd. “Um, y’know you can just call me Hana if you want…” She began which I blinked.
 “Huh? You… don’t want me to address you formerly?” I asked her which she nodded. “Yeah I mean, counting were classmates; I figure I try to be friends with you all so call me by first name if you don’t mind, seriously even our teacher is more lax then you are!” She told me which I thought it over. I guess if Ham-…I mean Hana-san is asking me this I better start addressing her as such.
 I gave a nod as then Hana-san continue. “Cool, so then Fuji-san! What did ya want to ask me?” She asked as then I spoke. “So I was most curious about your homeland, like you seem to not be from around here but I notice your surname is Japanese… were you born in Japan?” I asked her which Hana-san shook her head. “Nope! I’m not, actually my dad is from Japan while my mom is from the pacific – sadly my Japanese isn’t as strong.” Hana-san spoke sheepishly but, in this chill, out tone and didn’t seem bother by the fact she’s a hafu.
 I tend to hear that hafu’s aren’t treated very well, especially Korean – Japanese ones but from how she is; it seems she doesn’t seem to bother by it. “Oh, so you’re a hafu? That’s pretty cool but I think you speak pretty well for the most part…” I stated which cause Hana-san to tilt her head.
 “You think so, because where I live; we don’t speak Japanese very often, heck there’s… still a lot I don’t know much regarding my old man’s side of the family which I guess could be why I came to Hope’s Peak, to learn about that side…” She stated which surprise me.
 So she doesn’t know her father’s side of the family that well, but then Hana-san laughed a bit. “But hey, let’s move on from that dark stuff; let’s speak about some other things! Your curious of my homeland?” She stated as trying to move on from the conversation rather forcefully as she continue.
 “Great, anyway; if you must know – my homeland is an island known as ‘Pleasant Island’, it doesn’t get too many visitors but I remember when I was little getting into my island’s surf club!” She mentions with a big goofy smile, seems that Hana-san seems to take pride in speaking about her life back at home.
 But it still was interesting to learn that Hana-san is only half Japanese but doesn’t know her father’s side that well… I guess she doesn’t let it get to her or she tries to not think about it too much.
 Hamasaki Hana, Ultimate Surfer FTE: 1/5
 As then me and Hana-san continue to speak about a few things from her homeland which were quite interesting to say the least which after that I took my leave.
 I look over at the clock and notice that I still got time which then I started to wander around a bit which lead me to Inoue-chan who look to be near the TV which I notice she didn’t seem very happy. “A shame honestly, seems the only channel is the news! Geez, seems I’ll be stuck with re-runs or something…” She commented.
 Seems that Inoue-chan was bored, should I spend time with her?
>Hang out
  - Maybe another time
 As then Inoue-chan notice me. “Oh, big sis Fuji! You want to do something? Well okay! Maybe we can play a game or something?” She asked, seeming pretty excited which then got me and Inoue-chan to speak about things as we play more games.
 Looks like me and Inoue-chan got closer together which is good!
 As then Inoue-chan place her hands in the back of her hand which a huge smile. “So yeah, I will say this place is pretty fun if you ask me!” She commented which I smiled a bit.
 “Well, that’s good but I was wondering… I recall hearing you from the Elementary School Division, so you must have had a lil’ Ultimate Talent if I had to guess, if so, can you… tell me what it is?” I asked which cause Inoue-chan to look away as pouting.
 “Why does it matter now? I mean, I’m in Hope’s Peak so isn’t that all that matters? Unless you want to make a game out of it~.” She stated with a coy smile – it seems I won’t get a straight answer out of her which I gave a sigh.
 “Fine then, I mean – I am a bit curious about it so maybe I’ll start with… P.E.?” I stated the first one to come to mind.
 I did notice that Inoue-chan tends to play quite a bit outside before breakfast which maybe she’s into physical education which Inoue-chan shook her head. “Nope! Incorrect answer!” She stated as crossing her arms with a giant ‘X’ symbol which I was shock.
 I guess… I was wrong, which then Inoue-chan pointed her finger and explained. “If you think just because I play outside a lot, your wrong. I mean, I do play outside like most kids do and stuff but even I get tired – I’m not some red hair kid that thinks she’s a ‘hero’, beats herself up when she’s scared or has some dad with drinking issues, besides I only play outside because I’m just super duper bored!” She stated which I blinked.
 Those last 2 parts seem concerning to me which I nodded. “Okay, if you say so but you’re only playing outside more often because your bored? Then what else do you like to do?” I asked her which Inoue-chan shrugged.
 “Well, I do find myself liking to draw or whatever, but honestly counting we don’t have much to do… I just try to find things to distract myself and well, talk to you I guess since you’re playing with me!” She stated with a grin on her face.
 I couldn’t help but smile at the last part – at least it seems Inoue-chan seems happy despite the situation we are in but even her Lil’ Ultimate talent is still a big mystery… I’m sure I’ll figure it out at some point but maybe that’ll be it for the day.
 Inoue Sunako, Ultimate Child Prodigy FTE: 1/5
 After a bit more talking with Inoue-chan about some topics and playing games, I took my leave which then I went back to my room.
 After I return back to my room, I look at the clock; I notice it was time to meet with Hana-san… she wanted to speak with me about something regarding my issues and even show me the gate which then I made it to the front door however as I was leaving I did notice not everyone was around like they usually are which I guess they must be doing things which I left for the front door and took my leave.
 As I was walking, I did notice Chikao-san up ahead but he seems preoccupied which I notice Ohta-san, Mori-san, Hamlon-san, Kita-san and Hayashi-san were looking up at the skies however I kept walking which then I made it over to the plan and stop to see Hana-san and Inoue-chan were there.
 “Hey there you 2, um… why is Inoue-chan here?” I asked which then Inoue-chan smirked. “Well, I overheard you 2 talking and I wanted to see what Hana-chan found out!” She explained which then I look at Hana-san which she shrugged. “She kept bugging me so I decided to let her come along but really… we should get going.” Hana-san explained which I sighed as then the blue hair surfer lead the way.
 As the 3 of us walk pass the plane I did notice that Chikao-san was right, it seems to have landed pretty normally meaning that we were place here which if that’s the case… where’s the pilot then?
 As then we continue along the way which I notice there was a forest which had a path which me, Hana-san and Inoue-chan walk down this path – it seems there are a few animals roaming around but none of them look to bother us or even ran away.
 So this place was truly safe, I even saw a deer that look at me for a moment then dash off in some other direction but anyway we continue on the path until we reach what look to be an iron wall which I notice a giant door which it seems the wall didn’t end just here but made a full circle around the whole place.
 We were truly trap or… kept safe? Either way, seems like there is no way out…
 As then Inoue-chan walk over to the door as she tilted her head which then she banged on the door which made a banging noise which she tries to pull the handles but fell into the snow which she got up which she turns to me and Hana-san with a shrug.
 “Seems like there is no way out, were totally trap here!” Inoue-chan stated which Hana-san nodded. “Yeah, I try it earlier and seems no one can get in or out honestly.” She mentions which then Hamoponi appear and look to us. “Your not thinking about escaping, are you?” He asked which I cross my arms.
 “Nope, not planning to but… is there a way to get out?” I asked which then Hamoponi place both his hoofs on his cane as he spoke. “Well, there is… one way, but it’s not something I would recommend since I’m intending to keep you all safe…” He stated, sounding as stern as ever which I was worried what that option was.
 However, it seems Inoue-chan was curious as she looks at the iron door. “Then… what is it? I mean counting you set up the rules to keep us safe then… it must be something you don’t want us to do, right?” She asked which then Hamoponi eyed the young girl. “You seem wise beyond your years and well yes, if you notice… if you harm one of those here, then you’re a danger to everyone else…” He spoke which then I step back.
 ‘A… Danger to everyone else?’
 I thought came across my mind, so meaning that if you hurt someone or even killed, then you’ll be kick out for everyone’s safety which then Hana-san spoke up. “So what your saying is that if we hurt someone? We can leave… hold on, there’s gotta be a catch, right?” She asked which Hamoponi look at Hana-san and nodded.
 “Well, if it leads to that then… you all have to decide what to do with that person; either you let them go or… you kill them yourself.” He stated which I went pale for a moment.
 We… We can kill? But why would we do that? I mean…that seems very harsh which as then I notice Hana-san went silent but looked nervous as Inoue-chan gripped her hands together tightly which we all had the same reaction.
 “Ki-Kill?! Wh-Why would we kill them?!” Inoue-chan spoke out, it seems that this action was very extreme which Hamoponi continue. “If you let me finish; It’s the only option if you think that person is too dangerous to be around others in the outside world so you all can decide what punishment that person deserves; either they leave to survive on there own or you kill them if they are too dangerous… Those are the ways of surviving.” He spoke.
 As then Hana-san spoke up. “We… have to decide? Then what if we get it wrong?” She asked which then Hamoponi continue. “Then… you all will kick out by force, if you can’t decide who harm or killed, then for to keep the one person that brought you here safe – they’ll be kept in here while everyone else leaves if I feel my creator’s life is endanger.” He answered which then I spoke up.
 “Then… who’s your creator?” I asked which then Hamoponi went silent once more then spoke. “I… can’t tell you, my creator had told me that I must not speak their name to anyone at all, so I apologize but I’m sworn to secrecy.” He stated as then he disappears.
 Seems like his creator wants to stay hidden which then I turn to Hana-san and Inoue-chan. “So then, seems… Hamoponi is trying to keep us safe.” I told them which they look at each other. It seems like there was no way to make joke of this and seems like whoever is Hamoponi’s creator is… that person is just trying to protect themselves and us.
 Which this of course resulted in Hana-san to ask. “Should… we tell the others about this rule?” She asked which then Inoue-chan thought it over. “Ye-Yeah, I think we should, let’s go start a meeting then…” She stated as she took off, clearly in a hurry which as I was following after her which Hana-san stop me for a moment.
 “Well, guess will… speak about what I wanted to say…” She stated which she seems disappointed but then I shook my head. “No, it’s fine – you’re allow to speak, Hana-san.” I stated which then Hana-san cross her arms.
 “Right well, remember when you mention you don’t want to rely on others… well, you can rely on me for help.” She stated which I blinked. “Really? Are you… sure about that?” I asked her which Hana-san nodded. “Yep, I mean; we all have fears and worries and really if you are worried about something; you can speak with me…” She stated which I look over to where Inoue-chan ran off to then I sighed.
 “Well, okay… I think it’s just that I always felt people pity me due to what happen to me, I… never wanted that at all, it always happens every time… especially regarding my family.” I stated which Hana-san blinked. “Your family? What happen to them…?” She asked which then I cross my arms as biting my lips. “My… parents died, years ago; I mostly had relatives on my dad’s side taking care of me but I felt like a burden to them which… lead me to not rely on them since I felt I was to be pity so it led me to not rely on others, y’know sides… I do pretty well for myself these days.” I spoke in a pretty distant tone.
 However it seems Hana-san nodded. “I see, then… I can get why you don’t want to rely on others? You want to prove that you are strong on your own without relying on pity, you want to prove something to others despite your misgivings so… you want to be independent, right?” She asked which I blinked.
 I guess… it was true, I want independence and rely on myself, it was something I try to do – I just… want others to rely on me but then Hana-san continue.
 “Look, personally… I think it’s okay to rely on others sometimes; you need people there for you, even if your family is gone – you still have people that care for you so… as say, I want you to rely on me, okay? I… want to be your friend!” She stated as I blinked. “You… do?” I asked which then Hana-san nodded sadly.
 “I… never had people understand me either, I mean back at home I never really understood myself but hey, maybe we can rely on each other as equals!” She stated with a smile which I couldn’t help but smile a bit.
 Maybe… relying on Hana-san wouldn’t be so bad then she went on ahead. “Say, let’s get going then, likely Sunako-chan is wondering what’s taking us so long.” She spoke which then I follow after Hana-san which the two of us walk down the path which Inoue-chan was standing there which the 3 of us return to the cottage which as we did I notice… the lights were out and Kobayashi-san was standing by the door.
 “Hey, what’s… going on?” I asked Kobayashi-san who was looking at me as his arms were crossed.
 “I was asked to meet up with Chikao-san but when I went into the cottage, the door… looks to be block.” He stated which Hana-san gave him a stern look. “Wait, are you saying it’s block?” She asked which he nodded. “Yep, I try to open the door which it look to be unlock however the door, is block by something… I was thinking of trying to back door that’s in the kitchen.” He stated.
 Which then I step forward. “Hold on, might be best to go in numbers…” I stated, I… couldn’t help but get a bad feeling about this, especially with all the lights out plus I remember that Katou-san is still in his room so then Kobayashi-san shook his head. “Okay fine, will… go in together; but stay by me when we go in… okay?” He stated which then all four of us walk along the cottage then headed to the back which we made our way to the back door; it looks like the door was unlock and not block at all which we notice… the lights were out in the kitchen.
 As then Hana-san touch the light switch which turn on. “Seems like the power isn’t off, thankfully…” She stated which I had a sigh of relief which then Kobayashi-san nodded. “Right then, let’s keep looking and also keep he kid around you… just to be sure.” He stated as he walk inside which Inoue-chan huffed.
 “Man, that guy sure likes playing hero, huh? Well, whatever… I’m going in anyway!” She stated as she rushes off. “He-Hey wait a moment!” I called out which I follow after her which Hana-san follow after but we walk into the living room which I stop for a moment.
 I… felt my breathing stop for a brief second, like… I lost my moment of breathing as we stare at what was blocking the door it was… a dead body, it was-.
 Suddenly the announcement came on.
 “A body has been discovered, please all those left alive come to the living room of the cottage right this instant!”
 It seems… Hamoponi was not happy with this but that means… one of us killed the person that was blocking the door…
 Chapter 1 – The ways of surviving | DEADLY LIFE
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Runaway - Part Ten
Concept: Hazel Richards is a twenty-year-old woman living in London. When she meets a mysterious time-travelling alien known only as the Hunter, she’s thrust into a world of wonder she could only have imagined.
Warnings: swearing, follows S1 of Doctor Who.
The TARDIS materialised on the observation deck of some space station, and the Hunter and Hazel stepped out, leaving Adam inside for the moment.
"So, it's two hundred thousand, and it's a spaceship. No, wait a minute, space station, and er, go and try that gate over there," the Hunter instructed, pointing. "Off you go."
"Two hundred thousand?" Hazel checked.
The Hunter nodded. "Two hundred thousand."
"Right." She opened the TARDIS door and called in, "Adam? Out you come."
The boy walked out tentatively, and his jaw dropped. "Oh my God."
"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Hazel assured him.
"Where are we?" Adam wondered, his eyes wide.
"Good question," Hazel praised, doing her best to ignore the Hunter's amused smirk. "Let's see. So, er, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen..."
"Yeah," Adam nodded eagerly.
"Engines," Hazel identified. "We're on some sort of space station. Yeah, definitely a space station. It's a bit warm in here." She tied her jacket around her waist, blowing out a breath. "They could turn the heating down. Tell you what - let's try that gate. Come on!" She bounded off towards the gate in question, and Adam and the Hunter followed, one bemused, one amused.
"Here we go!" Hazel cheered as they reached a massive viewing window. "And this is... I'll let the Hunter describe it."
"The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. And there it is, planet Earth at it's height," the Hunter pointed. "Covered with mega-cities, five moons, population ninety six billion. The hub of a galactic domain stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle." She smirked as Adam fainted behind her. "He's your boyfriend."
Hazel snorted. "Not anymore."
Later, the three of them were walking through a corridor of the space station as the Hunter explained. "Come on, Adam. Open your mind. You're going to like this. Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners..."
They walked through a door at the end of the corridor and were immediately hit with the loud sounds of a bustling canteen.
"Out of the way!" one man shouted as he barged past.
"Fine cuisine?" Hazel repeated, wrinkling her nose at something called a kronkburger.
"My watch must be fine," the Hunter frowned, checking it. "No, its fine. It's weird."
"That's what comes of showing off," Hazel teased. "Your history's not as good as you thought it was."
"My history's perfect," the Hunter retorted.
Hazel shrugged, gesturing to the scene that lay before them. "Well, obviously not."
"They're all human," Adam realised. "What about the millions of planets, the millions of species? Where are they?"
"Good question," the Hunter muttered absently, before blinking. "Actually, that is a good question. Adam, my good lad, you must be starving."
"No, I'm just a bit time sick," Adam tried, but the Hunter was having none of it.
"No, you just need a bit of food." She called over to one of the food trucks. "Oi, mate! How much is a kronkburger?"
"Two credits twenty, sweetheart," the chef yelled back. "Now join the queue."
"Money," the Hunter mused. "We need money. Let's use a cashpoint." She went over to the nearest one and buzzed it with her sonic screwdriver, producing a plastic card, which she then handed to Adam. "There you go. Pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets."
"How does it work?" Adam asked.
The Hunter shrugged. "I don't know. Go and find out. Stop nagging me. The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double, and end up kissing complete strangers." She frowned. "Or is that just me? Stop asking questions, just go and do it." Adam started off, and she smirked at Hazel. "Off you go, then. Your very first date," she teased.
"You're going to get a smack, you are," Hazel promised, grinning cheekily, before skipping off after Adam.
Smirking, the Hunter approached a pair of smartly dressed young women, before putting on a slightly embarrassed but polite smile. "Excuse me?" The women turned to her. "Er, this is going to sound daft, but can you tell me where I am?"
The darker-haired woman raised an eyebrow scathingly. "Floor One Three Nine. Could they write it any bigger?"
The Hunter glanced up at where it was written on the wall and bit her lip. "Yeah, but Floor One Three Nine of what?"
"Must have been a hell of a party," the brunette remarked.
"You're on Satellite Five," the blonde said in a much kinder tone.
"What's Satellite Five?" the Hunter asked, clueless.
The brunette scoffed. "Come on, how could you get on board without knowing where you are?"
The Hunter shrugged, making a face. "Look at me, I'm stupid."
"Hold on, wait a minute." The blonde narrowed her eyes. "Are you a test? Some sort of management test kind of thing?"
The ginger woman grinned, spreading her arms. "You've got me. Well done. You're too clever for me." She held up her psychic paper, which seemed to convince the two women, who both stiffened slightly.
"We were warned about this in basic training," the blonde stated warily. "All workers have to be versed in company promotion."
"Right, fire away, ask your questions," the brunette nodded, waving her hands. "If it gets me to Floor Five Hundred I'll do anything."
The Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Why, what happens on Floor Five Hundred?"
"The walls are made of gold," the brunette replied. "And you should know, Miss Management. So, this is what we do." She lead them over to a monitor mounted on the wall among dozens. "Latest news, sandstorms on the new Venus archipelago. Two hundred dead. Glasgow water riots into their third day. Space lane seventy seven closed by sunspot activity. And over on the Bad Wolf channel, the Face of Boe has just announced he's pregnant."
After a brief moment of surprise that the Face of Boe was around this early, the Hunter nodded, shrugging. "I get it. You broadcast the news."
"We are the news," the brunette countered. "We're the journalists. We write it, package it and sell it. Six hundred channels all coming out of Satellite Five, broadcasting everywhere."
"All staff are reminded that the canteen area now operates a self-cleaning table system. Thank you."
Hazel joined Adam at a table, holding a cold drink she'd bought from the nearby serving station. "Try this," she suggested. "It's called Zaphic. It's nice, it's like a, er, a Slush Puppy."
"What flavour?" Adam inquired, raising an eyebrow.
She took a sip through the straw and giggled. "It's sort of... beef?"
Adam groaned. "Oh my God. It's like everything's gone - home, family, everything."
Hazel pulled out her phone. "This helps. The Hunter gave it a bit of a top-up. Who's back home, your mum and dad?"
"Phone them up," she suggested, offering him her phone.
He frowned. "But that's one hundred and ninety eight thousand years ago."
"Honestly, try it," Hazel encouraged.
He went to dial, but hesitated. "Is there a code for planet Earth?"
She rolled her eyes. "Just dial!"
Adam nodded, and got on with it. After a moment, he began. "It's er... Hi. It's me. I've sort of gone travelling. I met these people and we've gone travelling together. But, er, I'm fine, and I'll call you later. Love you. Bye." He turned back to a grinning Hazel with wide eyes. "That is so -"
He was cut off by a loud alarm, causing everyone else in the area to pack up and leave.
"Oi!" a familiar voice called, and they looked around to see the Hunter beckoning. "Over here!"
Hazel ran over, grinning, and Adam shrugged and put her phone in his pocket before following.
The two women led the Hunter, Hazel, and Adam into a broadcast room, where seven people were seated at an octagonal desk around a central chair. The three time travellers stood to one side behind some railings to observe.
"Now, everybody behave," the brunette instructed. "We have a management inspection." She glanced over. "How do you want it, by the book?"
"Right from scratch, thanks," the Hunter requested, flashing a polite smile.
The brunette nodded. "Okay. So, ladies, gentlemen, multi-sex, undecided or robot - my name is Cathica Santini Khadeni." She turned back to the Hunter. "That's Cathica with a C, in case you want to write to Floor Five Hundred praising me, and please do." Hazel shared a look with her friend. "Now, please fell free to ask any questions. The process of news gathering must be open, hones, and beyond bias. That's company policy."
"Actually, it's the law," the blonde woman pointed out.
Cathica bristled. "Yes, thank you, Suki. Okay, keep it calm. Don't show off for the guests. Here we go." She settled herself into the central chair. "And engage safety." The seven around the desk held their hands over the palm prints in the table in front of them. Lights started to come on around the room, and Cathica clicked her fingers, opening a portal in her forehead. "And three, two, and spike." A beam of light from the machinery above her shone down into her portal.
The Hunter moved closer, Hazel following. "Compressed information, streaming into her. Reports from every city, every country, every planet, and they all get packaged inside her head. She becomes part of the software. Her brain is the computer."
"If it all goes through her, she must be a genius," Hazel frowned. Cathica hadn't had the same kind of 'intelligent and knows it' aura the Hunter had.
"Nah, she wouldn't remember any of it," the Hunter shook her head. "There's too much. Her head'd blow up. The brain's the processor. As soon as it closes, she forgets."
Hazel nodded in understanding, turning around. "So what about all these people round the edge?"
"They've all got tiny little chips in their head connecting them to her, and they transmit six hundred channels," the Hunter explained. "Every single fact in the Empire beams out of this place. Now that's what I call power."
"You all right?" Hazel asked. The Hunter glanced at her to see her talking to Adam, who was looking a bit green. She rolled her eyes.
"I can see her brain," Adam muttered, looking repulsed.
"Do you want to get out?" Hazel offered.
"No," he said hastily, then thought about it. "No, this technology, it's amazing."
The Hunter scoffed. "This technology's wrong."
"Trouble?" Hazel asked, grinning.
The ginger woman turned her head to look at her friend, flashing a brilliant smile, eyes only for Hazel. "Oh, yeah."
Suddenly, Suki pulled her hands away the desk as if she'd had an electric shock. The other six lifted their hands and the info-beam shut down. Cathica's portal closed, and she sat up, looking annoyed. "Come off it, Suki. I wasn't even halfway. What was that for?"
"Sorry," Suki mumbled. "It must've been a glitch."
"Oh." Cathica didn't sound convinced.
"Promotion," a tannoy stated. A wall lit up with the word, making everyone turn to it.
"Come on," Cathica begged, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "This is it. Come on. Oh, God, make it me! Come on, say my name, say my name, say my name!"
"Promotion for Suki Macrae Cantrell. Please proceed to Floor Five Hundred."
"I don't believe it," Suki gasped, standing up. "Floor Five Hundred."
"How the hell did you manage that?" Cathica demanded. "I'm above you."
"I don't know," Suki shrugged, starting to smile. "I just applied on the off chance, and they've said yes!"
"That's so not fair," Cathica scowled. "I've been applying to Floor Five Hundred for three years."
"What's Floor Five Hundred?" Hazel wondered, looking confused.
The Hunter shrugged, her hands plunged deep into her trenchcoat pockets. "The walls are made of gold."
A few minutes, they'd followed Cathica and Suki out to the lift where the latter was saying her goodbyes. "Cathica, I'm goping to miss you." She turned to the Hunter. "Floor Five Hundred, thank you."
The Hunter smiled, shaking her head in confusion. "I didn't do anything."
"Well, you're my lucky charm," Suki shrugged.
"All right," the Hunter grinned, accepting the woman's hug. "I'll hug anyone."
"Come on," Hazel rolled her eyes a little ways away. "It's not that bad."
"What, with the head thing?" Adam raised his eyebrows, incredulous.
"Yeah, well, she's closed it now," Hazel pointed out.
"Yeah, but..." Adam sighed. "It's everything. It freaks me out. And I just need to... If I could just cool down. Sort of acclimatise."
"How do you mean?" Hazel frowned.
"Maybe i could just go and sit on the observation deck," he suggested. "Would that be all right? Soak it in, you know. Pretend I'm a citizen of the year two hundred thousand."
"Do you want me to come with you?" she offered.
"No, no, you stick with the Hunter," Adam told her. "You'd rather be with her. It's going to take a better man than me to get between you two. Anyway I'll be on the deck."
She bit her lip, making a decision and taking the chain from around her neck. "Here you go. Take the TARDIS key. You know, just in case it gets a bit much."
He snorted. "Yeah, like it's not weird in there."
"All staff are reminded that the sixteen forty break session has been shortened by ten minutes. Thank you."
Adam left, and Hazel skipped over to the Hunter and Cathica as Suki went into the lift.
"Oh my God, I've got to go," Suki exclaimed, grinning. "I can't keep them waiting. I'm sorry. Say goodbye to Steve for me. Bye!"
The lift door closed, and Cathica snorted. "Good riddance."
The Hunter narrowed her eyes. "You're talking like you'll never see her again. She's only going upstairs."
"We won't," Cathica deadpanned. "Once you go to Floor Five Hundred you never come back."
They started walking back through the cafeteria, which was now empty. "Have you ever been up there?" Hazel asked curiously.
"I can't," Cathica told her. "You need a key for the lift, and you only get a key with promotion. No one gets to Five Hundred except for the chosen few."
Later, she'd let them back into the broadcast room. "Look, they only give us twenty minutes maintenance. Can't you give it a rest?"
"But you've never been to another floor?" the Hunter frowned, sitting in the central chair. "Not even one floor down?"
"I went to floor sixteen when I first arrived," Cathica admitted. "That's medical. That's when I got my head done, and then I came straight here. Satellite Five, you work, eat, and sleep on the same floor. That's it, that's all." She paused. "You're not management, are you."
"At last," Hazel grinned.
"She's clever," the Hunter laughed, sharing her friend's smile.
Cathica scowled. "Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything."
"Don't you even ask?" the Hunter shook her head, looking up at her.
"Well, why would I?" Cathica countered.
Hazel narrowed her eyes. "You're a journalist. Why's all the crew human?"
Cathica blinked. "What's that got to do with anything?"
"There's no aliens on board," the Hunter stated, fixing her with a strong gaze. "Why?"
"I don't know," Cathica shrugged. "No real reason. They're not banned or anything."
"Then where are they?" Hazel questioned, leaning her arms on the back of the chair.
"I suppose immigration's tightened up," Cathica tried. "It's had to, what with all the threats."
The Hunter's eyes narrowed. "What threats?"
"I don't know, all of them," Cathica shrugged. "Usual stuff. And the price of space warp doubled so that kept the visitors away. Oh, and the government on Chavic Five's collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, you see. Just lots of little reasons, that's all."
"All adding up to this one great big fact, and you didn't even notice," the Hunter pointed out astutely.
Cathica sighed, rolling her eyes. "Hunter, I think if there was any kind of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything."
"I can see better," the Hunter countered. "This society's the wrong shape, even the technology."
"It's cutting edge!" Cathica protested.
"It's backwards," the Hunter deadpanned. "There's a great big door in your head. You should've chucked this out years ago."
Hazel glanced down at her. "So what do you think's going on?"
"It's not just this space station, it's the whole attitude," the Hunter told her. "It's the way people think. The great and bountiful Human Empire's stunted. Something's holding it back."
"And how would you know?" Cathica raised her eyebrows.
The Hunter rolled her eyes. "Trust me, humanity's been set back about ninety years. When did Satellite Five start broadcasting?"
"Ninety one years ago," Cathica replied, biting her lip.
Hazel laughed as the Hunter spread her arms smugly.
Later, they were watching as the Hunter broke into a computer cupboard.
"We are so going to get in trouble," Cathica worried. "You're not allowed to touch the mainframe. You're going to get told off."
"Haze?" the Hunter asked.
"Shut up," Hazel advised, much politer than she could have been under the circumstances.
"You can't just vandalise the place," Cathica complained. "Someone's going to notice!" She shook her head as the Hunter made something spark in the cupboard. "This is nothing to do with me. I'm going back to work."
"Go on, then," the Hunter waved, then went back to the wiring. "See you!"
Cathica made to leave, but sighed. "I can't just leave you, can I!"
"If you want to be useful, get them to turn the heating down," Hazel suggested, fanning herself. "It's boiling. What's wrong with place? Can't they do something about it?"
"I don't know," Cathica shrugged. "We keep asking. Something to do with the turbine."
"Something to do with the turbine," the Hunter scoffed.
"Well, I don't know!"
"Exactly. I give up on you, Cathica," the Hunter shook her head, then pointed at Hazel. "Now, Hazel. Look at Hazel. Hazel is asking the right kind of question."
"Oh, thank you," Hazel grinned.
"Why is it so hot?" the Hunter added.
Cathica stared at them for a moment. "One minute you're worried about the Empire and the next it's the central heating!"
The Hunter shrugged, flashing a grin. "Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important." She managed to produce a monitor with the schematics of the station on it. "Here we go. Satellite Five, pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout."
"This is ridiculous," Cathica scoffed. "You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange and you're looking at pipes?"
"But there's something wrong," the Hunter pointed out.
"I suppose," Cathica sighed.
"Why, what is it?" Hazel inquired, glancing between them and the screen.
"The ventilation system," Cathica replied. "Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working flat out channelling massive heat down."
"All the way from the top," the Hunter agreed.
"Floor Five Hundred," Hazel realised.
"Something up there is generating tons and tons of heat," the Hunter nodded.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party," Hazel decided. "It's all going on upstairs. Want a trip?"
"You can't. You need a key," Cathica pointed out.
The Hunter shook her head. "Keys are just codes, and I've got the codes right here. Here we go. Override two one five point nine."
Cathica blinked as the monitor showed the code. "How come it's given you the code?"
"Someone up there likes me," the Hunter pointed upwards, shrugging.
"Come on," Hazel tried to persuade Cathica. "Come with us."
"No way," Cathica shook her head.
"Bye!" The Hunter waved, stepping into the lift with Hazel at her heels.
Cathica blinked. "Well, don't mention my name. When you get in trouble, just don't involve me." She walked off, and the lift doors closed.
The Hunter sighed. "That's her gone. Adam's given up. Looks like it's just you and me."
"Yeah," Hazel nodded, smiling.
"Good," the Hunter grinned, nudging her.
"Yep," she agreed, laughing.
The Hunter narrowed her eyes as they walked out onto Floor Five Hundred, seeing the place full of icicles. Hazel put her jacket back on, shivering. "The walls are not made of gold," the Time Lady noted, biting her lip and glancing back at Hazel. "You should go back downstairs."
Hazel raised her eyebrows at her. "Tough."
She smiled, shaking her head, and they started to walk through the ice and cobwebs. Suddenly, they came across a white-haired man and several corpses sitting at what looked very similar to the broadcast room down on One Thirty Nine.
The man clapped when he saw them. "I started without you. This is fascinating. Satellite Five contains every piece of information within the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Birth certificates, shopping habits, bank statements, but you two, you don't exist. Not a trace. No birth, no job, not the slightest kiss. How can you walk through the world and not leave a single footprint?"
"Suki," Hazel gasped, seeing the woman working at one of the consoles and running over to her. "Suki! Hello? Can you hear me? Suki?" She glared at the man. "What have you done to her?"
"I think she's dead," the Hunter told her.
Hazel gestured to the console. "She's working."
The Hunter bit her lip. "They've all got chips in their head, and the chips keep going, like puppets."
"Oh! You're full of information!" the man exclaimed. "But it's only fair we get some information back, because apparently, you're no one. It's so rare not to know something. Who are you?"
"It doesn't matter," the Hunter told him, "because we're off. Nice to meet you. Come on." Before they could move, Suki had grabbed Hazel's arm, and two other corpses had taken hold of the Hunter.
"Tell me who you are," the man ordered.
The Hunter rolled her eyes at him. "Since that information's keeping us alive, I'm hardly going to say, am I."
The man shrugged. "Well, perhaps my Editor in Chief can convince you otherwise."
"And who's that?" she sighed.
"It may interest you to know that this is not the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire," the man told them. "In fact, it's not actually human at all. It's merely a place where humans happen to live." There was an angry growling and snarling from the ceiling, and the man blanched. "Yeah. Yeah, sorry. It's a place where humans are allowed to live by kind permission of my client."
Hazel's eyes widened as she saw a giant lump hanging from the ceiling with a large, nasty-looking set of teeth. "What is that?"
The Hunter looked at the man incredulously. "You mean that thing's in charge of Satellite Five?"
"That thing, as you put it, is in charge of the human race. For almost a hundred years, mankind has been shaped and guided, his knowledge and ambition strictly controlled by its broadcast news, edited by my superior, your master, and humanity's guiding light, the mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe." The man shrugged a little at the girls as they stared. "I call him Max."
Later, the Hunter and Hazel had been locked into hefty sets of manacles, still having to listen to the Editor as he continued on. "Create a climate of fear and it's easy to keep the borders closed. It's just a matter of emphasis. The right word in the right broadcast repeated often enough can destabilise an economy, invent an enemy, change a vote."
"So all the people on Earth are like slaves?" Hazel asked.
The Editor blinked. "Well, now, there's an interesting point. Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's enslaved?"
"Yes," the Hunter stated bluntly.
"Oh. I was hoping for a philosophical debate," the Editor frowned. "Is that all I'm going to get? Yes?"
"Yes," she deadpanned.
He pouted. "You're no fun."
She narrowed her eyes slightly. "Let me out of these manacles, you'll find out how much fun i am."
"Oh, she's tough, isn't she?" the Editor grinned. "But, come on. Isn't it a great system? You've got to admire it, just a little bit."
"You can't hide something on this scale," Hazel pointed out. "Somebody must have noticed."
"From time to time, someone, yes," the Editor admitted, "but the computer chip system allows me to see inside their brains. I can see the smallest doubt and crush it. Then they just carry on, living the life, strutting about downstairs and all over the surface of the Earth like they're so individual, when of course, they're not. They're just cattle." He smirked. "In that respect, the Jagrafess hasn't changed a thing."
Hazel bit her lip, seeing Cathica behind his back. "What about you? You're not a Jagrafess. You're human."
He shrugged. "Yeah, well, simply being human doesn't pay very well."
"But you couldn't have done this all on your own," Hazel pointed.
"No," the Editor admitted. "I represent a consortium of banks. Money prefers a long-term investment. Also, the Jagrafess needed a little hand to install himself."
"No wonder, a creature that size," the Hunter raised her eyebrows. "What's his life span?"
"Three thousand years," the Editor was happy to answer.
"That's one hell of a metabolism generating all that heat," the Hunter blew out a breath. "That's why Satellite Five's so hot. You pump it out of the creature, channel it downstairs. Jagrafess stays cool, it stays alive. Satellite Five is one great big life support system."
"But that's why you're so dangerous," the Editor shook his head. "Knowledge is power, but you remain unknown. Who are you?" He snapped his fingers, and energy surged through the manacles, making Hazel gasp in pain.
"Leave her alone!" the Hunter growled. "I'm the Hunter, she's Hazel Norton. We're nothing, we're just wandering."
"Tell me who you are!" the Editor ordered.
"I just said!" the Time Lady protested.
"Yes, but who do you work for? Who sent you? Who knows about us? Who exactly -?" He stopped. The Jagrafess growled. "Time Lord."
"What?" the Hunter blanched, her eyes flickering up to the Jagrafess.
"Oh, yes!" the Editor cheered. "The last of the Time Lords in her travelling machine. Oh, with her little human girl from long ago."
"You don't know what you're talking about," the Hunter stated uneasily.
"Time travel," the Editor teased.
"Someone's been telling you lies," she tried.
"Young master Adam Mitchell?" the Editor asked, calling up a hologram screen showing Adam in the broadcast chair with information streaming out of his head.
"Oh my God!" Hazel exclaimed. "His head!"
"What the hell's he done?" the Hunter demanded, her eyes wide and angry. "What the hell's he gone and done? They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything."
"And through him, I know everything about you," the Editor smirked. "Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Hunter. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T A R D I S," he spelled it out. "TARDIS."
"Well, you'll never get your hands on it," the Hunter told him defiantly. "I'll die first."
"Die all you like," the Editor shrugged. "I don't need you. I've got the key." Onscreen, the TARDIS key rose from Adam's pocket.
"You and your bloody boyfriends," the Hunter cursed.
"I'm gay; he's not my boyfriend!" Hazel shot back.
"Today, we are the headlines," the Editor decided. "We can rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing."
"And no one's going to stop you because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions," the Hunter spat. "Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold."
The Editor looked around as the computer shut down, the TARDIS key dropping to the floor onscreen. "What's happening?" The Jagrafess growled threateningly. "Someone's disengaged the safety. Who's that?" He called the image up on the hologram.
"It's Cathica!" Hazel cheered.
"And she's thinking," the Hunter grinned. "She's using what she knows."
"Terminate her access," the Editor ordered.
"Everything I told her about Satellite Five. The pipes, the filters, she's reversing it. Look at that!" The Hunter looked over at where the icicles were starting to melt, smiling. "It's getting hot."
"I said, terminate. Burn out her mind," the Editor ordered. Suddenly, the consoles exploded, and the dead operators collapsed.
"She's venting the heat up here," the Hunter continued, telekinetically getting her sonic screwdriver out of her pocket and using it to free Hazel from her manacles. "The Jagrafess needs to stay cool and now it's sitting on top of a volcano."
"Yes, I'm trying, sir, but I don't know how she did it," the Editor protested, looking upwards. "It's impossible. A member of staff with an idea." He took Suki's seat, shoving her corpse out of the way, while Hazel grabbed the sonic screwdriver out of the air.
"What do I do?" she asked.
"Flick the switch," the Hunter told her, before yelling up at the Jagrafess as she was released. "Oi, mate, want to bank on a certainty? Massive heat in a massive body, massive bang. See you in the headlines!"
"Actually, sir, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll resign," the Editor decided. "Bye, then!" Sui grabbed his ankle and he fell. "Let go of me!"
The Hunter and Hazel ran for the broadcast as chunks of ice fell from the ceiling. They closed Cathica's portal and helped her into the lifts, just in time to avoid being splattered with exploded Jagrafess.
"We're just going to go," the Hunter told Cathica amongst people bustling around on Floor One Thirty Nine. "I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage."
"You'll have to stay and explain it," Cathica pleaded. "No one's going to believe me."
"Oh, they might start believing a lot of things now," the Hunter assured her. "The human race should accelerate. All back to normal."
"What about your friend?" Cathica asked, sensing she wasn't going to win that one.
"He's not my friend," the Hunter said simply, glaring at him, before walking over to him.
"I'm all right now," he told her. "Much better. And I've got the key. Look, it's - It all worked out for the best, didn't it? You know, it's not actually my fault, because you were in charge."
Still with Cathica, Hazel bit her lip as the Hunter shoved Adam into the TARDIS, ignoring his arguments. "Welp. I'd better go," she excused. "I've got to see this!" The TARDIS dematerialised as soon as she was inside, and rematerialised in Adam's living room.
"It's my house," Adam gasped as he was shoved out. "I'm home! Oh my God, I'm home! Blimey." He turned around to see the Hunter and Hazel, neither looking very impressed by him. "I thought you were going to chuck me out of an airlock."
"Oh, it's still early," the Hunter chuckled humourlessly. "Is there anything else you want to tell us?"
"No," Adam said quickly. "What do you mean?"
The Hunter rolled her eyes. "The archive of Satellite Five. One second of that message could've changed the world." She used her metal hand to crush the answering machine, making Adam swallow hard. "Oh, and whilst we're on the topic of phones, why don't you give Hazel hers back?"
"Wait, what?" Hazel checked her back pocket, then glared at Adam, holding out her hand expectantly. Sullenly, he handed the device over.
"That's it then," the Hunter nodded, satisfied. "See you."
Adam blinked. "How do you mean, see you?"
The Hunter looked at him like he was an idiot - which, to be fair, was her current opinion of him. "As in goodbye."
"But what about me?" he protested. "You can't just go. I've got my head. I've got a chip type two. My head opens."
"What, like this?" She snapped her fingers, and his portal opened.
"Don't." He closed it.
The Hunter's lips twitched. "Don't do what?" She snapped her fingers again.
"Stop it!" He closed it again.
Hazel sighed. "All right now, Art, that's enough. Stop it." The Hunter held up her hands, smirking.
"Thank you," Adam sighed in relief. Hazel snapped her fingers. "Oi!"
She shrugged, grinning unashamedly. "Sorry. Couldn't resist."
Adam glared, closing his head again.
"The whole of history could have changed because of you," the Hunter stated heavily.
"I just wanted to help," Adam said, his voice small.
"You were helping yourself," she told him.
"And I'm sorry," Adam told her. "I've said I'm sorry, and I am, I really am, but you can't just leave me like this."
"Yes I can," the Hunter told him, not even raising her voice. "'Cause if you show that head to anyone, they'll dissect you in seconds. You'll have to live a very quiet life. Keep out of trouble. Be average, unseen. Good luck."
"But I want to come with you," Adam pleaded.
"I only take the best. I've got Hazel," the Hunter shrugged.
"Oh yeah, daddy issues supreme, yeah, she's the best," Adam muttered under his breath.
The Hunter narrowed her eyes, but it was Hazel who spoke. "What did you just say to me?!" she demanded sharply, stepping forwards. When Adam didn't reply, his eyes wide in shock and fear, she backed down. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You're just a sad, scared, little boy who's too weak to stand up for anything. I pity you. Let's go, Art." The pair of them stepped into the TARDIS and flew away just as Adam's mother got home.
If you enjoyed, please like and/or reblog, and consider donating to my Kofi to help me keep writing! Thanks for reading :)
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 9: the One where They ~FROLIC IN THE FOREST~
We’re back at the dancing fairy cave.
Stuff happens here that’s, you know, plotty
We’re gonna ignore all that
OUR FIRST WANGXIAN MOMENT OF THE EPISODE is when wwx defends lwj from jc’s ire (oh yeah, one of the plotty things is that jc suddenly is here. Not important why).
Jc is all pissy (bc when isn’t he, honestly?) at wwx for having to chase after him (which he didn’t technically have to but bros don’t abandon their bros to unknown circumstances, okay?) and is complaining angrily about it
Wwx: hey, I’M the one who wanted to follow lwj around because i love him, so don’t get mad at him!
And then wwx looks over at lwj with a little smile on his face, so sweet so sweet!
Plot plot exposition plot
We have to chase down the Smoky Owl of Evil and kill it now for Plot Reasons!
Lol, wwx traps jc, nhs, AND wen qing (oh she’s here now too, btw) in his Golden Glowy Net of Protection so he and lwj can go track down the Smoky Owl of Evil together
And now our beautiful boys are in the middle of the woods when suddenly SPOOKY FOG ROLLS IN WITH OMINOUS MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND
Oh nooo, the fog separates them!! Wwx is worriedly calling out “lan zhan, lan zhan!”
Luckily they bump into each other pretty quick so they’re together again
Except, oops, JUST KIDDING
Wwx takes like, two steps to one side and loses lwj again. Even tho lwj is literally right there next to him
But he doesn’t know that so he’s worried and being all cute about it. He bites his knuckle and is thinking “oh noooo, what if the Smoky Owl of Evil got him?!?” So he’s calling out for him, again
LWJ seems to be able to see wwx just fine bc the look he gives him is all “r u srs, i’m right here”
Thankfully lwj is clever and makes bichen light up all blue and pretty like an epic glow stick. It matches his outfit!! (i’ve decided he did this on purpose. He definitely can control what color his sword lights up as and coordinates it accordingly with his clothes. No, i will not be taking criticisms, because I am Right)
LWJ: I’m right next to you
WWX: *surprised gasp* You should’ve said something!
Uh, he just did wwx, keep up now.
LWJ: the fog is creating hallucinations
WWX: that’s alright! I’ll just get rid of it using my ~glitter talisman~
Too bad it doesn’t work! i wanted to see it in action :( :( :(
Lwj: the fog is also disorienting the mind so you can’t focus
Don’t worry wwx, your talisman didn’t fail because you were having performance issues
It failed because the fog is Evil
WWX: Wait!! Why isn’t your mind being disturbed?
Lwj: it mostly disturbs minds that have lots of thoughts in them
Wwx: *cheeky grin* ah, it’s making use of my infinite wisdom~
Lwj: *looks away in exasperation*
I guess lans are Above rolling their eyes at someone (tho I'm pretty sure he's rolled his eyes at him before) but the way lwj did that gave off intense eye-rolling vibes, let me tell ya
Thankfully lwj is a Skilled Fighter and was able to block it with his sword while doing a SUPER DRAMATIC TWIRL OF DODGING
Ooooh, and when he lands, wwx appears right beside him and they go back to back without even pausing to think
WWX: lan zhan, are you okay?
He sound so serious here, and with his determined expression, wwx is ready to get down to business on this evil chain that attacked his lwj
LWJ: I’m fine *still super alert to his surroundings bc he’s an awesome cultivator and that’s what they do*
Okay, pause for a moment to point out how funny the camera shots from above are. The fog almost completely obscures wwx in his dark clothes, but lwj sticks out like a sore thumb. So every time we get one of these shots, it just looks like lwj is chilling by his lonesome in this mega foggy forest lol
Oh, dude, this next part is SO FREAKING COOL
So they’re back to back still, and surrounded by Evil Fog
Lwj: wei ying, focus your senses!
The both of them close their eyes to focus intensely
the the camera is down below, angled up so that LWJ and WWX look tall and slightly elongated but in a badass way!
And then the camera circles around them slowly to really show you just how badass and good looking they are before doing a quick spin around them with DRAMATIC MUSIC in the background
Okay, i’m done geeking out about the camera shot (idk why, guys, but i love those kinds of shots. They’re so thrilling every time!!)
At this point they haven’t even looked at each other or their surroundings but lwj starts a plan
Lwj: Split fire talisman
That’s it. That’s all he says to wwx.
Without hesitation, wwx sheathes suibian and pulls out that talisman
Then we cut for a moment to see how nhs, jc, and wq are doing in their Golden Glowy Net of Protection (it looks kind of like a birdcage actually...glowy golden birdcage of protection?? hmm)
And we’re back at the epic forest fight scene!!
But oh no!! One of the evil chains catches wwx by the neck and drags him away!!
It made him drop his sword!!
don't think kinky thoughts don't think kinky thoughts dontthinkkinkythoughts
Oh, now wwx is playing dead lol
Suddenly the Smoky Owl of Evil swoops in to attack his “dead” body (because that bird is a coward that lacks honor)
WWX: did you think you could outsmart me?? *proceeds to choke the poor bird to death, yikes*
Lwj finally catches up to wwx but sees that the bird’s been sufficiently murdered so he sheathes bichen
Wwx: did you see who was controlling the Smoky Owl of Evil?
LWJ: Nope.
(God, LWJ, you had ONE JOB)
LWJ: he or she was mind-controlling it from somewhere Not Here.
(Oh, nevermind then. You're forgiven)
Wwx: *kicks dead bird petulantly*
Side note: A-yuan makes a brief appearance here! Wwx and LWJ go check on their pals who are with the Wens and A-yuan is there!! 
It doesn’t really make sense bc i’m pretty sure between now and the end of the sunshot campaign, a few years have passed?? so a-yuan should be much older later, but you know what? I DON’T EVEN CARE.
And now we’re getting more plot exposition about the dancing fairy
It’s less painful this time bc wen qing is the one doing it and she’s gorgeous (take a moment to drown in her big brown bambi eyes! please marry me, wen qing)
More plot stuff happens.
Wwx tricks nhs and jc into chasing after a chicken so he can have ~alone time~ with lwj
Except not really bc they’re there to interrogate wq about the yin iron, aka the main plot device in this story arc
Wwx: the fairy started snatching souls bc the Plot Device was taken from it, right? That’s why it only went after lan zhan when we were fighting it!
Detective!WWX is so cute and clever!!
But god forbid wwx stays serious for more than a minute straight heh straight when not in immediate danger bc then he’s all
Wwx: the only other possible explanation is...IT HAD A CRUSH ON LAN ZHAN LOLOL
(Which, i mean, who wouldn’t, right?)
LWJ: Shut UP
they’re talking serious plot stuff again, boring.
Oh, JC and WQ have a moment and the only reason i’m mentioning it is bc WWX goes and interrupts it, THAT’S KARMA BABY LOL
Now they’re in a town! Not the flower-petal town from before. A different one. Idk.
A hawker stops wwx and gives him a sample of alcohol and lwj gives wwx a disdainful look like ‘r u srs?’ before walking off
The NANOSECOND wwx sees lwj walking away from him, he ditches Mr. Let-me-give-you-free-alcohol and chases after him
Yes, the budding alcoholic ditches the Free Alcohol Man
Lol he grabs lwj by the ribbon thing hanging off his shoulder (not the Marriage Ribbon, unfortunately)
Lwj glares at him but it’s like, a mild one
WWX: wait, where are you going??
Lwj: looking for the gentry. For info. *tries to walk away*
Wwx: WAIT *grabs lwj by the forearm*
Lwj: *stares at where wwx is touching him until wwx lets go*
Wwx: don’t go without me! You’ll info-gather wrong!!
Lwj: how should i do it then?
Wwx: *cute little grin that shows off his beauty mark*
(gaaahhh, i can’t handle it when he smiles like this, it kills me every time!! that beauty mark is deadly)
Wwx: you should go to the wine house for info instead!!
JC: you just want to get drunk (oh yeah, he’s still here guys, fyi)
Wwx: HOW DARE! I can separate business from pleasure! Ppl gossip at wine houses! We’ll definitely get info there!
and now nhs is joining them
Nhs: lets go find a place to rest
Wow, lwj is staring pretty hard at nhs
It’s a stare that’s like “y r u talking to my soulm8, stop that”
Also, lol lwj is so stiff even as wwx forces him to run
We’re at the wine house
Wwx slams down an obscene amount of money on the table (at least i think it’s obscene going off of jc’s expression and subsequent scolding about how wwx is gonna be broke BUT JOKE’S ON HIM BC WWX IS GETTING HIMSELF A SUGAR DADDY IN THE FUTURE)
Now he’s chatting up the waiter for info and we get Plot Details and an ooky-spooky story about the now deceased Chang clan
I only specify this bc the Plot Device tucked in lwj’s robes starts acting up aND CAUSING LWJ PAIN!! 
Wwx is hovering all worriedly at his shoulder and mother-henning him.
The Plot Device gives LWJ a vision(!!) that sends them to the Chang clan’s residence
And we get surprise dead bodies accompanied by unholy screeching when we get there!!
Like. SO MANY dead bodies!
LWJ and WWX are Concerned!!
And that’s the end of episode 9.
This episode imo has is the best fight scene of the show. There’s more dramatic ones later on, but in terms of seeing wwx and lwj battle together in a not-ridiculously-over-the-top fashion? This one wins hands down! Gold Star to my boys!!
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nebulawritings · 4 years
A Mistake and a Choice Part 2
So I wrote another one, and there’s probably two more coming. One of those scenarios that just writes itself. Kinda? Like that would be super easy if I didn’t have the put words on screen. Can you imagine? Anyway, thanks for the likes and comments so far. Enjoy.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Four (and a bit)
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 [Choices Stories You Play]
Pairing: M!DrValentinexEthan M!DrValentinexBryce
Reading Time: ~ 5 minutes
Warning: Just a bit of naughty. PG13. Swears. No under cut.
Casey hadn’t been waiting long. Luckily, Bryce had made a last minute change to their dinner plans due to a surgery that overran, as the diagnostician himself had been caught with a patient. Still, that didn't stop the surgeon from apologising over and over again when he turned up, only ten or so minutes after Casey.
“Honestly, Bryce, it’s absolutely fine. Besides, you turn up looking that good and I'll wait for you any day". Casey wasn’t just being polite, Bryce looked drop dead gorgeous. He hadn’t thought a suit and tie instead of scrubs could make such a difference, but he had been proven wrong. Everything, from the tight fitting black and white number to his warm, welcoming smile. Anyone could see how attractive Bryce was, and Casey felt lucky to have him by his side. On this occasion, he didn't mind being proven wrong that yes, clothes make a huge difference.
"Hey, if I’d known I’d have you waiting for me, looking like that, I would’ve left the other guy open on the table. You look stunning, man. I mean, you look hot in your lab coat but this is on a whole other level”.
Casey blushed, and straightened out his maroon three piece, fresh from the hospitals dry cleaners. “What, you got a thing for a guy in uniform?".
Bryce smirked, and leaned down to Casey's ear, brushing it with his hot breath. "Only for you, sweetheart".
His face flushed, heavily, and Casey cleared his throat, feeling like he was on a first date again. "Yeah, well" he said, trying to keep his voice level, "you said we’re going somewhere up market, so I had to make an effort you know?”.
Bryce laughed then, and took Casey’s hand in his. "Listen, babe, you’d look smokin' in a bin bag".
Casey smiled, and allowed himself to lean against Bryce. Closeness...comfort...he'd missed it. He'd missed the glances from people on the street as they walked together, he could see the envy in their face. Heck, Casey knew he'd be envious if he saw Bryce with someone else. He'd missed feeling like he had a partner, not just a friend with benefits. Although he didn't feel like he did with a certain stubble haired, stubborn asshole. Casey shook his head, clearing the thoughts. “I got off with someone wearing a bin bag once actually" he grinned, as they walked down the street together. “Uni, freshers week, psychology frat. Oh man that was a good night...Call them uptight, but shrinks know how to throw a helluva party"
Bryce whistled, low and long. "Damn...Uni Casey. I’ll bet you were even hotter back then".
“Excuse you!” he shot back, hitting the surgeon lightly. “I’ll have you know that years of intense studying, crippling debt, sleepless nights and emotional stress has done wonders for my complexion. I am in the best shape of my life!".
The other man winked. "Hey, no complaints here".
"You're an incorrigible flirt, aren't you?" Casey laughed, leaning into Bryce again. "Now hurry up and take me to this place, I am mega starving".
Bryce grinned. “As mi'lord demands".
“Oh God...I never want to see another steak in my life". Hours had ticked by before the couple stepped out from the upmarket restaurant into the right side of the city. “I have to say, though, for the last steak I'll ever eat it was so good. Like, the best steak of my life". Casey stretched, feeling wined, dined and spoilt rotten.
“I think the neighbourhood helps the taste". Bryce came up behind Casey, draped his jacket over his shoulders, still grinning like he had been all night. “How often do you think Doctors come here?”.
Casey laughed.”Hot shot Doctors? All the time. Broke ass residents with student debt until they die? Never. It was too much, Bryce. I don't know why you didn’t let me pay some”.
“Hey now, I invited you out, Casey. It’s enough for me that you came...I’ve been looking forwards to it. Like, a lot".
A silence settled between them, too long to be comfortable. Like each of them was waiting for the next step to round off a wonderful evening.
“Should we-"
“Do you-"
They both laughed, speaking at the same “You go" Casey offered.
“Well, uh...I sent my sister to the movies, and shes gunna be gone. A long time. Cus I threatened her not to come back". Bryce smiled, sheepish, which was unlike him. “I did it in the hope that you’d maybe wanna come back to mine for a nightcap? I’ve got some cheap beer to wash down the hundred dollar steak with your name on it".
Casey bit his lip. Despite everything that had happened, he was still hung up on Ethan. On that intense stare. The beard he’d kept since returning. His scent, a mixture of whisky and expensive cologne. Casey was in for Ethan. Hard. However much he wished he wasn't. “Listen, Bryce, it’s been a great night and-"
“Oh hey! Check it out!”.
Casey was surprised to be interrupted, but he followed the surgeons gaze and his heart leapt into his throat. “Ethan...?”.
Bryce looked confused for a moment. “Oh, right! I bet you guys on the diagnostics team all use first names for eachother, huh. But yeah, it's Dr Ramsey alright".
Casey felt sweat starting to bead on his neck. He looked handsome, even from across the street. Smart casual, jeans and a button down shirt. Effortless but timeless. He was standing alone, scanning the street. Had he followed them? Was he going to make a scene? Apologise again? No, that was impossible. Casey hadn't told anyone where he was going and it had been hours since their run in. But still, seeing him standing there made his stomach somersault.
“Its weird though” Bryce mused, “that he's on his own I mean".
Casey didn't have time to question what Bryce meant, because a moment later a car pulled up, and out stepped Harper Emery. She looked good...a plain black dress. But you could tell she’d made the effort. She looked elegant and beautiful. A good match for a prestigious Doctor. Casey felt sour at that thought.
“Oh my God, yes! Called it!”. Bryce took a sneaky photo of the couple.
Casey looked at him, confused. “Huh? Called what?”.
“Oh, sorry" he laughed. “The surgery that overran was Dr Emerys patient, but she declined to operate. Said she had a meeting to get to and left early, face already half done. The surgeons made a pool of whether she was going out with Dr Ramsey or not after the whole Donaghues thing and obviously I said she would be with him. Which means I'm in for a win! I’ll get a bit back towards dinner anyways. There you go, you don't have to feel as bad now, Case”.
"Yeah...I feel better already...". The Doctors heart couldn’t help but sink as he watched them embrace in the street, and then disappear into an upscale cocktail bar.
“Anyway, I’m sorry I interrupted you. Would you, um, like to come back to mine?”.
Casey tore his eyes away from the entrance to the bar, where Ethan and Harper had disappeared, distraught and lost, and found himself staring into Bryces eyes. “ Yes" he said simply, “I would". His heart was pounding and his head was spinning, and he needed something. Anything. He needed Bryce.
The surgeon raised his eyebrow. “Sure? Cus it kinda sounded like you were gunna blow me off, and not in the good way. I mean-".
Bryces words were cut off by Casey’s lips against his in a desperate kiss. Although shocked, he reacted instantly, and scooped his hand around the Doctors waist, returned the kiss with fervour and passion. Bryce had been holding out for Casey, waiting and waiting which he wasn't accustomed to doing.  So in that moment he felt more excited, exhilarated and frustrated then he had in a long while.
“Sorry!” the diagnostician gasped, pulling away. “ I don't know what came over me I-".
It was Casey’s turn to be cut off then and they stumbled together, Casey ending up pressed against the brick wall of one of the nearby buildings. He tangled his fingers into Bryce's hair and tugged, making the surgeon groan with want. Casey himself gasped as strong hands wrapped around his thighs, and hoisted him up. Casey wrapped his legs tightly around Bryce's waist, as he wriggled as groaned, feeling the others hands slip beneath his shirt and run over his torso.
“Cab?” the doctor said breathlessly, flushed and breathing hard as Bryce’s lips travelled down his neck.
“Hell yes" came the reply with no hesitation.
A quick, fumbled call later and the two men disappeared into the back of a cab, still tangled in each other, heading out of the bright, flashy lights of the boulevard and back to Bryce's apartment.
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
Mega angsty au but crimson flower route dimidue? Like dimidue get married and shit and end up having maybe Nikolai and the twins and then dimidue die battling Edelgard and b/c dimidue kept their kids a little quiet for reasons none of the BEagles know about the dimidue babies until they get to fhridiad and find them hiding away in the back after Rhea burns the city and like dies. Idk I just feel like that’s some good angst for the dimidue babies.
Okay shit I’m going to combine this with another ask I got because they fit together perfectly.
@rosescanonlybedrawn said this regarding the reincarnation AU: Ok time to put my one cent into this AU cause I live for reincarnation AUs. If we are heading down this lane than there is absolutely no way you can avoid the angst of the past!
So. Idea.
AU where Crimson Flower is the canon route (obvs). I did some brief math and it is entirely possible for Dimidue to have all five children (since the twins are a double birth, obviously) and they can even keep the birthdays I established for them with this plan. That is, assuming Dimitri was already pregnant when the invasion of Garreg Mach happened (which, sure, let’s throw in a lil’ teen pregnancy for the fun of it).
Anyways this is obviously also a route where none of the Blue Lions switch sides, and for the hell of it I’ll say Felix and Sylvain decided to have their kid too (and let’s just ignore all the messy birth complications for the sake of AU). Let’s just assume that all of the other characters I’ve established babies for also have their babies (so the Anncedes boy is there too, and I’m headcanoning that Dorothea flees the Empire and brings at least one of her little opera proteges with her).
I also like to believe that Rhea and Dimitri had a pretty good relationship during the five year period, and Rhea would absolutely adore all of the royal babies. They all look to her as sort of an auntie. Same deal with Seteth and Flayn, they all love the little kiddos and helped raise them.
With that, the stage is set. I’m going to say that this is also a Crimson Flower in which Seteth and Flayn are spared by Byleth (they grow a bit of a conscience I guess), except they don’t flee right away. They return to Fhirdiad. Dimitri reassures them that he won’t let Faerghus fall, but after Arianrhod things are looking pretty bleak for them. Felix, Ingrid, and Rodrigue are all dead and Dimitri, Dedue, Sylvain, Annette, and Mercedes beg Seteth to take their babies and go into hiding. They do, I’m not sure where. Perhaps in the Sreng region since that isn’t technically conquered and we know at least one of Seteth’s dragon sibs is hanging out there? Either way, they’re in hiding and the rest of the gen 1 cast is slaughtered on schedule.
You may or may not see where I’m going with this.
The Blue Lions babies all grow up under Seteth and Flayn’s watch for, oh, about two decades?
The Empire really only retains a tenuous hold on Fodlan. Edelgard is long since dead (thanks shortened crest lifespan!) and her successor is not quite what she expected them to be. The former Alliance and Kingdom constantly rebel, the Sreng people like to poke at the north, Almyra likes to run their little raids (I’m also going to say Claude survives this one for the hell of it), Dagda invaded again, Brigid is getting restless, etc. Dimidue babies grow up learning stories about their heroic parents and, when the time comes, take advantage of all these little rebellions to go and take their capital back.
Nikolai crowned king, Faerghus rejoices, problem solved.
As for how this relates to the reincarnation AU... Well, I imagine that Dimitri and Dedue would have to learn all of this in their history classes, no? There’s probably epic tales written about their adventures for their literature classes, right?
So Dimitri and Dedue are sitting in their English classes one day reading some epic they’ve been assigned about the Blaiddyd Babies and all of their achievements. They get to a part where it’s describing their childhood and Dimitri just starts crying in the middle of class. He’s not even sure why, he just feels some vague sense of guilt and sorrow at the thought of these little kids growing up without their parents. He excuses himself to the bathroom and Dedue has to come out and help calm him down, but it doesn’t go very well because he’s also feeling these Feelings and he’s not really sure why, either, so they literally stand in the hallway and hug and cry for like ten minutes.
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midnightmorales · 5 years
party - p.p. (part one?)
prompt number: 7 - “no, and that’s final,”
fandom: mcu (platonic peter parker x reader)
rating: e for everyone
warnings: nope
word count: 1.9K
you tapped your pencil on your desk rhythmically, paying no attention to anything your teacher was saying. to be honest, you never listened in that class- it was right before lunch, and you were always too hungry to hear anything. plus, that specific teacher was mega boring.
suddenly, the bell rang, snapping you out of your daze and finally dismissing you to lunch. "yes!" you whispered, collecting your stuff and bolting out of the door. you'd ask someone for the homework later. right now, you needed to eat.
you hastened to shove your books in your locker, spotting your friend liz heading down the hall, coming your way. when the two of you made eye contact, she smiled, offering you a small wave.
you slammed your locker shut, grinning back at her. you walked over, meeting liz in the middle of the hall. "hey," you said, walking alongside her. "i'm fucking starving,"
she laughed. "dude, it's only, like," she pulled her phone out of the pocket of her jeans, turning it on. "it's 12:32, y/n, how are you hungry?"
"i forgot breakfast, okay?!" you said defensively, your voice cracking at the end of your sentence.
liz laughed, but was quickly cut off by what looked like a dawning of realization. "i can't believe i almost forgot! i'm throwing a party tonight- no, my parents won't be there, but yes, they did give me permission,"
"sweet," you grinned as the two of you entered the crowded cafeteria. "i'll ask my parents tonight. when does it start?"
"you can come around eight, but if you get there anytime after that you won't be late,"
"liz!" someone yelled from across the cafeteria. she looked back and waved at them, giving you an apologetic smile before heading off in the other person's direction, leaving you to join the lunch line alone.
after your chat with liz, the rest of the day went by fairly quickly. you finished up the rest of your classes, and when the 3:00 bell rang, you rushed to get to your locker and meet up with the people you walked home with.
you and two of your other friends walked your usual route, hitting your house- the closest- first. "bye!" you screamed to them as you stepped up to your door.
when you walked into your house, your dad was in the kitchen, presumably cooking dinner. "hey, dad,"
"hey, sweetie," he said, not looking up from the counter. "what happened at school today?"
"nothing much," you said, tossing your backpack down on the couch. "liz invited me to a party though,"
your father finally looked up at you. "tonight?" he asked. you nodded eagerly, waiting for his answer. "sorry, honey, but you can't go,"
"what?" you cried. "why?"
"don't you have a test tomorrow?" your dad asked, looking back down at the meal he was preparing.
"yeah," you shrugged. "but i've studied enough! dad, please-"
"no, y/n." you opened your mouth again to protest, but he cut you off. "no, and that's final."
you groaned, snatching your backpack back up and stomping up the stairs to your bedroom. you slammed your door and flopped down on your bed.
you stared at your ceiling, examining every mark and dent you could find. it was decided while you'd marched up the stairs that you would sneak out- now, there was only one thing left: how? 
you easily fabricated your excuse: you'd tell your parents you were feeling a little tired, that you'd stayed up a little late the night before. you'd make sure to tell them around 7:40, and then stay locked in your room until about 8:20. if you parents were going to check on you at all that night, they'd do it between those times.
but how would you leave? you glanced at your window, but common sense quickly eradicated that idea. you thought about going through the front door, but that too seemed iffy. you lay on your bed, deep in thought.
after a few minutes of hard contemplation, you came to the resolution that there were no other options; it was either door or window.
you stood from your bed, walking over to the single window that was in your bedroom. you opened it, and stuck your head out so that you were peering down the side of your house.
"nope, nope, nope," you said out loud, pulling your head back through the window and shutting said window very quickly.
you ran through all the exits in your house again in your head, hoping to find something you'd skipped over, but there was nothing. you'd have to go through the front door.
you sighed, walking back over to your bed and flopped down face first, rolling over so that you were staring at your ceiling again. a quick glance at your alarm clock told you it was 5:23pm.
"might as well do some homework," you mumbled, moving so that the upper half of your body was dangling off of your bed just enough that you could reach your backpack. you pulled it up onto the bed along with the upper half of your torso, swinging your body so that you were now sitting upright with the bag resting in your lap.
when you'd finally finished all your homework, at 7:13, you flipped over on your bed, grinning into your pillow. you were going to the party! plus, you had just enough time to pick out a cute outfit!
you jumped to your feet excitedly, making your way to your closet as soon as you hit the ground. after having a mini-montage in your mirror, you decided on a simple pair of mom jeans and a yellow shirt with a white flower print on it.
by the time you'd finished, though, it was already 8:00. "so my plan is set back twenty minutes," you thought, shrugging internally. "big deal."
you changed back into your previous clothes before heading back down to your living room. there, you found your parents watching tv in the living room. this "sneaking-out-through-the-front-door" thing was definitely going to be a bit of a challenge.
"hi, mom," you said casually, trying your best to be as inconspicuous as possible. "didn't hear you come home."
your mother nodded at you, smiling. "hey, honey,"
"listen, i think i'm just gonna head to bed early," you told them, throwing in a fake yawn for good measure "i stayed up pretty late last night and it's kind of catching up to me."
"actually, i think i'm gonna head in too," your dad said, standing up. "love?" he said, looking to your mom.
she sighed, standing up too. "might as well. there's no point in saying awake if the rest of the house is dead to the world,"
you kissed your parents goodnight and followed them upstairs to the bedrooms. you parted ways as they went in theirs and you went in yours.
after turning the lights off, you dashed to get in your bed, getting under your covers in an instant. you checked your phone; 8:12. you would stay, as you had decided earlier, for a little while- just in case your parents came in to check on you- and then head out.
you incessantly checked your phone for the next thirty-four minutes, almost unable to put it down. even at 8:30, no one had come to check up on you; you figured you were pretty safe for the rest of the night.
you got ready as quietly as possible, avoiding every creaky floorboard in your room. once you were all done, you carefully opened your bedroom door and slipped through.
be it a miracle, or be it two very overworked parents, you got out scott free. as you walked out into your front yard, though, you realized something: you didn't have a ride.
you didn't know how to drive, and it was sure as hell way too late to call anyone. you'd have to walk to liz's house.
it wasn't that it was far- it was just that your shoes were more for aesthetic than comfort, and you didn't know if you'd make it. nevertheless, you sighed, starting your long trek.
you were a bit sweaty once you arrived, but all of that left your mind as soon as you stepped in. everything looked amazing! liz greeted you at the door almost immediately, to your relief.
"y/n, you're here!" she cried. "you look sooo nice,"
"why, thank you, my good lady," you said, giving her a small curtsy. “as do you,” she laughed.
"alright, well there's pizza, and drinks, and-" in the middle of liz's sentence, a loud sound came from a room to your left. you and liz looked over to see flash tomphson trying to wave thick, black smoke out of the air, smiling awkwardly.
"sorry! sorry! everything's fine, don't-" he stopped, coughing. "don't worry!"
you smiled, laughing. liz gave him a thumbs up, shaking her head. suddenly, you heard the front door open again. you spun around, joining liz in facing the other way, and locked eyes with two boys you had not yet had the pleasure of meeting.
"peter, ned, you came!" liz said, grinning. "have you guys met y/n yet?" the pair greeted liz, shaking their heads. "this is only my best friend in the whole world,"
she grabbed your shoulders and gave you a light shake. "nice to meet you," you said, smiling as you held your hand out  to the one wearing the hat. "i'm y/n y/l/n,"
"ned leeds," he said, smiling back and shaking your hand. "and that's peter,"
you looked over at his friend, who for some reason looked incredibly nervous as he smiled at you. he blinked, and offered a small wave. "parker," he added.
"hey, peter parker," you grinned, eyeing him as he shook your hand, trying to figure out the reason for his anguish. "i-" just as you were starting a new sentence, a large crash came from somewhere in the depths of the house.
"oh god," liz said, turning to look in the direction of the sound. "my parents will kill me if anything's broken, i gotta-" she nodded, seeing as the rest was a given, and ran off.
"penis parker!" you heard flash yell into his mic, projecting the words well around the house.
you glanced back at peter and ned, to see them whispering to each other before peter ran off, and ned wandered over in the opposite direction.
you cocked your head, watching curiously as the curly haired boy walked through the door, looking ever so suspicious.
you followed him, a few feet behind though, and making sure to say hi to people along the way to blend in more. apparently it worked, because when he thought he was alone, he pulled back his shirt sleeve and shot what looked like a spider web from his wrist and onto a part of liz's roof.
"the hell..." you whispered to yourself, watching closely as he used the thin string to swing himself up on the roof.
spider-man, you realized.
you looked behind you; no one else had seen. you walked around to the side of the building peter had been on, and found him sitting on the edge of the roof. "hey!" you yelled up at him, loud enough so only he could hear. "are you... you know..."
"aw, come on!" he cried out exasperatedly, his voice going up at least three octaves. "did you see-" you nodded. "so you know-" you nodded again. "shit,"
"i won't tell anyone," you said quickly, stepping closer. "i just wanna know what's wrong,"
he sighed, looking down to make sure you were the only one who had seen him. "fine," he said after a while. he jumped down from the roof gracefully, joining you back on solid ground. "i'll tell you everything,"
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sourcherrymagiks · 5 years
Carry on Countdown 2019
Day 18 - Crack!
He’s trying to avoid talking to me. That’s how it happens. There was kissing. Amazing kissing. Merlin and Morgana, he’s beautiful and when he kisses me back.....
But anyway. He’s also a stuck up twat who can avoid the shit out of anything. We were back in the room after the kissing (Great Snakes,that kiss though) and he was taking forever to hang his blazer up so he didn’t have to look at me or talk to me. What was I going to do but come up behind him and kiss his neck? I ask you, what else could I have done?
Which is how we came to stumble and fall into the wardrobe. And then straight out of the back. Into a drift of snow.
“Erm Baz, this is going to sound pretty stupid but I think we just fell into...”
I know that this is somehow his fault. Why does he always have to involve me in his ridiculous heroics. Although, to be fair, this is well outside of his usual remit.
“Snow, might I suggest we go back? From memory Narnia has its own set of chosen ones. Lots of them. They can probably get by without you”
“I’m not sure that’s how this works, the path has gone”
I look around and he’s totally right. It’s just us, in the snow, under a lamppost.
I can’t keep the petulant tone out of my voice as I say “But you are our chosen one, you belong to the world of Mages”
He laughs and kisses me. “Didn’t know you cared you big softy” I briefly toy with the idea of snapping at him but instead I pull him back into another kiss.
When I pull away to catch my breath and try to get a hold over my treacherous body, Simon gets up. I grumble a bit under my breath but then I decide to co operate a bit. Grudgingly. It seems very unfair that we are here and not snogging in our room. Even though I was the one avoiding the snogging (Why?, I’m such an idiot)
Snow’s sketching in the snow with a stick. It looks like nonsense until I’m standing right next to him. Then it hits me at once, he’s drawn a map of Narnia. From memory.
I must be staring at him because he starts laughing.
“I know you think I’m a thick urchin who’s only ever read cereal packets but I’ve loved Narnia my whole life”
“Me too, that part is not quite right” I alter the shape of the western forest slightly so it ends further from the frozen lake. “I would definitely remember if you were the hero in it. I suppose you do have a bit of Peter about you”
“Fuck off Caspian” he throws a snowball at me. I throw one back. Then I kiss him again because this is all unbelievable.
He’s sketching plot points out now, trying to work out the timeline.
“Right you gorgeous villain, we need to get to the camp here in time for the battle. There’s enough footprints and sled tracks here to show they’ve all been through fairly recently. I don’t think we can help at any point up until the end, do you agree?”
“I do, excuse me while I try to absorb the shock of you being a reader.” He lightly punches me on the arm, he’s blushing. “Is your magic working?”
We both laugh
“As well as it ever does, yours?”
I take out my wand and cast ‘lights out’ at the lamp post. It blinks off.
“Cool. Let’s get moving. Keep your wand out. I don’t want to draw my sword until I need it and I, Erm, can I hold your hand please”
“Come here” I grab his hand and before I can stop myself I’ve kissed his knuckles.
“I like this, you,like this” he bumps my shoulder with his.
I’m really excited. I dunno if it’s the Baz thing or the Narnia thing but I’m so amped up I’m practically skipping.
“So, Caspian then?” Baz asks with his eyebrow up.
“It’s possible that I might have been not entirely straight for a while”
“You think?”
“There’s no need for that tone you wanker”
Then I’ve got him up against a tree. This want is everything. I need to touch him, kiss him, press myself against him.
He doesn’t just let me, he right there with me, pulling my hair, licking my neck, moaning into my mouth.
He pulls away gasping “Right Snow, let’s get back to the mission and stop debauching the pristine Narnian forests”
“But I like it, I like you” I’m whining a bit.
“You aren’t completely intolerable either Snow”
We seem to have been walking forever. I slept about ten minutes last night. I would kill for some Turkish delight.
“In the books it doesn’t seem this far”
I moan to Baz
“Heaven forbid that the made up world is larger than the children’s book made it appear”
“I get your point, even though you’re a twat, but its hardly made up is it?”
He shrugs. I’m rubbing off on him. That makes me smile. I nearly don’t hear the crack of the twig, I’ve disarmed the guard before I’ve had chance to worry about my sword or magic. They aren’t the best written soldiers.
“Take us to either Peter or Aslan please” I ask the battered looking Narnian as politely as I can be arsed to. I’m not great at manners when I’m hungry and tired.
Peter is beautiful, not a patch on Snow obviously, but still. The two of them together are blinding. Simon offers our assistance and Peter accepts a little unwillingly. I’m not sure he would at all if not for the wonderful Lucy. She never sees herself as the protagonist so she doesn’t have the same struggle as Peter. To be fair I wouldn’t want to share my story with Simon bloody Snow if I already had three siblings and a lion muscling in on the action. Poor fuck.
The two of them spend the afternoon practicing, Snow is better trained and in great shape but Peter is faster and lighter in his feet. It’s glorious.
When Simon fights Edmund it’s a different thing. No longer a master class in heroic swordplay fought by two golden leaders. Now it’s like a cunning bar fight. Simon has to stop himself from head butting Edmond. When he throws an elbow at Edmond’s face,then stops before it connects, Edmond is not so polite and punches Simon in his exposed ribs. It’s very feral.
When they’re done he comes over and presses his sweaty lips to mine. I don’t know how I avoid making a scene.
Obviously it’s still a bit of a scene. Uncomfortable coughs and averted eyes abound. Then simultaneously everyone decides to ignore it and peace is restored.
I leave to speak with Lucy. She’s got magic and I want to see if I can help her use it. It doesn’t work like ours though. She can’t harness it. I advise her to go to Watford as soon as she can when she returns home. She probably won’t.
She gives Simon a small banner embroidered with a dragon holding a blazing sun. He tucks it into his pocket because the courageous fuck won’t wear armour. He kisses her head. I’m completely flabbergasted when she gives me one emblazoned with a flaming moon. I must be allergic to it because my eyes are watering.
After dinner we talk tactics. Simon keeps quiet about upcoming plot points and focuses on the battle. Simon and Peter lean over the map, blond hair and copper curls tumbling together as the argue over every inch. From his plan I deduce that Snow’s aim is to kill the witch while keeping all the kids well out of the way. This goes down like a sack of shit with Peter. It’s his story and he is the king. Gorgeous (and capable) as Simon is he can’t lead this army. They aren’t loyal to him. Also he won’t play by their outdated battle rules, fight in a line and die, because he knows better. They finally agree on enough compromises to keep everyone happy and save lives. A lot of lives.
In spite of the protests I hold my ground. I will stay by his side regardless of what he thinks he’s going to order me to do.
It’s fun. Really. I mean there is an impending battle but, Crowley, I’ve read that battle so many times. It’s going to be brilliant. I catch Simon’s eye and I know he feels it too.
I can’t fucking sleep. This is going to be epic. I’m traipsing around the camp looking for anything to take my mind off the combination of wanting to get into this battle and wanting to do unspeakable things to Baz.
It’s not the time though, right?
We still haven’t talked. It’s possible we’ve managed to bring a fictional world to life to avoid talking. But I’m going to tell him after the battle. Hopefully it will be dead romantic.
The battle starts off early and badly, not quite as badly as I remember because Simon is genius at this and Peter listened to about a quarter of his suggestions. Plus there are two of them.
The absolute confidence of them helps keep up the morale that’s been damaged by Aslan fucking off.
Simon hadn’t mentioned that he was the bearer of a flaming sword or that he had a particularly impressive brand of violent, pulsing magic so when he calls his sword, the fear it causes slams the first wave right back.
I cast quickly and use so much magic that I’m nearly spent in moments but I have taken down most of the ogres and a couple of hags. Peter, Edmond and Simon smash through line after line of the White Witch’s army. Simon is actually grinning, the prat.
I wait for Simon’s signal to disarm the White Witch. Then he’s on her in a moment with Edmond and Peter. She never stands a chance.
By the time Aslan arrives back with the girls there’s only cleaning up and healing to do. He growls at Simon and Simon shrugs at him. He turns his back clearly as pissed off as a magical lion gets.
“This was not your battle Mage”
“Explain how it just was then wise one?”
Simon is brillant at one liners, when he’s not fighting me. I guess it’s in the job description. Aslan grunts and continues back to his tent. What a prick. I guess he’s not willing to let the homoerotic subtext turn into the story.
It’s very clear we’ve outstayed our welcome.
That was mega. But now it’s time to go. I don’t want to fuck with these guys and I also don’t want Aslan to eat me.
It’s a pretty shitty deal those kids have got anyway. Kings and queens in one land but not able to stay. We hug them goodbye. At least I live where I live. Except for right now obviously.
I grab Baz and we set off back to the lamppost.
“That was amazing, you were amazing” I say to him
He looks at me like he thinks I might he taking the piss.
“You did an ok job yourself Snow. You’re not as pretty as Peter though”
I’m glad he catches me when I jump on him. “Take that back Pitch”
“It’s an objective fact Snow, he is more dashing, I just prefer you”
“You do?”
“Yes you attention seeking numpty, I have appalling taste so I prefer you to most people”
“Good. Because, well, I’m, I think I might be, falling, you know, for you” Merlin. I doubt he’s even going to understand that.
Then he kisses me and I know he does.
I’ve been kissing Snow for hours. We don’t know how time works here relative to Watford so we should get back. But it’s complicated there and easy here under a lamppost in a forest full of spring.
It’s also not our story.
Simon still has his own story to finish.
“Ready Sweetheart?”
“Not really love”
“Shall we do it anyway?”
“After you”
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
Secret Admirer
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Hennessy × Erik. Happy Valentine's Day.
"Someoneee has a secretttt admirerrrr," Raven sang grinning mischievously as she carried a handful of flowers into the greenhouse where Hennessy sat at her desk, jotting down notes. Hennessy looked up noticing her assistant and her eyes dropped to the colorful bunch. She sat up in her seat as Raven sat the bouquet of yellow, purple, and pink flowers mixed with baby's breath onto the desk.
"Whose are these, are they mine?" She stared at the flowers confused. They were nice, but Erik had done way better in the past. Raven's fingers began to drum curiously on Hennessy's desk, edging toward the small card attached. As Hennessy's assistant, she was naturally nosey and interested in anything involving Dr. Chiron.
"To the The Beautiful Hennessy.. Happy Valentine's Day," she read aloud, "There's no other name attached, only the words 'From a nigga who be watching.' Oooh," she grinned, "I wonder who it is that's been watching and do they know you're a married doctor? I smell drama."
"Oh there's no drama. Anyone who knows me knows I'm married and my man is crazy about me and in general. It's probably why they chose to keep their identity a secret," Hennessy flipped her hair before feeling the petals of a pink flower. Her eyes cut at Raven, dismissing her. In Hennessy's mind, they weren't that close for the young woman to be in her business like that. Besides, didn't she have work to do? Taking the hint, Raven sighed and returned to the store front.
Alone, Hennessy's radiant smile couldn't be tamed as she took pictures of her Valentine's Day flowers, making sure to get every single detail including the card. She was pressed and all kinds of gassed, rereading the card over and over and looking at the sloppy handwriting. Erik's handwriting was nice for the most part, so this definitely wasn't his work. Who was bold enough to attempt to woo her, knowing Erik was not the one to play? She had no clue. Trigga Trey was dead, who else was there?! Excited energy bubbled through her and she giggled, her feet dancing. She could imagine Erik's response to the flowers. If he were to find out she really had a secret admirer.. One this bold.. She shivered. It made her feel sneaky.
With her tongue out, she decided to be messy. She put the pictures up on her Instagram and even posed holding the flowers with a peace sign and a sweet grin. She had butterflies, feeling giddy.. Erik would be perturbed! All there was to do now was wait.
And wait.
And wait.
She was bored, her feet on her desk as she smoked a joint with no side effects, one of her favorite and most lucrative creations. Why wasn't Erik blowing her up right now?! Did he not see it? She checked the post again. She'd posted four pictures that she swiped through. 132 likes and not one of them Erik. Comments from Charlie, Bastion, Aly'Sha, and Angel highlighted, but none from Erik. His was the only response she cared about at the moment. She was so annoyed. She'd even posted a short live in her impatience, dancing with the flowers in her grasp and blowing kisses to her secret admirer, whoever it was. When the footage ended, she sat the phone down, returning to her pouting, her arms crossed over her chest. Checking her phone again, he'd clicked on it! No DM. No text. No nothing!
"Ughhhh!" She kicked at the air under her chair before dropping her head on her desk with an irritated whine.
"Dr. Chiron?" Raven spoke and Hennessy straightened herself immediately, smoothing her clothes and putting her professional shield back up. "You have another delivery.. this one's pretty big. Should I let them bring it in here?"
Hennessy stared, confused and interested, nodding her head. Raven waved to someone unseen and when they appeared, there was a large arrangement of white long stem roses. It looked like four dozen combined. Hennessy's jaw dropped as she rose from her seat reaching out to take them from the delivery man. "Toss them weak ass flowers," she read aloud, her chest contracting with a silent laugh. This one was from her husband, there was no question. As her face split in a grin, another three men appeared with equally large displays. One all red, one all pink. "These are almost bigger than mee," Hennessy squealed, bouncing with glee, her cheeks heating and turning rosy. She had the bouquets set up on her desk and they swallowed the flowers from her secret admirer. Those pathetic flowers were no longer visible, an afterthought. Three more mega bouquets came and she thought she'd drown in roses. They smelled fragrant and fresh and they were everywhere!
"Last bunch," Raven waved the men in and the last one stood in place, not moving to lay down the roses. Hennessy waited, wondering if he needed a minute before saying fuck his minute. She wanted her damn flowers! Walking to him, she pulled them from his hand with attitude.
"UM. THANK YOU, SIR- AHHHH!!!" She dropped the roses jumping into his arms excitedly, her lips pressing into his over and over as her legs wrapped around his waist.
"Yeahhh," his eyebrow raised smugly, "You was.. in here.. going crazy.. wasn't you.. I know," Erik mused between kisses as Hennessy attacked his mouth. "Nigga had to make a trip. Don't nobody outdo daddy." Hennessy snickered between her barrage of kisses and Erik gripped her ass tighter, squeezing it. "Why is your assistant in our faces right now," he whispered loudly, his eyes darting to Raven. "Get," he whispered and she flinched as if electrocuted, taking off. Hennessy and Erik were finally alone. "Who's this secret admirer," he murmured facing her, eyes low. Her lips were still attacking him.
"I don't know, they're secret," she replied not letting up. She sucked his neck as he carried her to her desk that was so full of roses, he couldn't sit her down. That was fine by her.
"What you do with that weak excuse for flowers?" He looked around. They weren't in the trashcan.
"Y'all buried them under all of my roses," she chuckled watching him burrow under hundreds of roses for the frail, in comparison, flowers.
"Hold onto me," he said letting go briefly to aggressively rip the multicolored flowers apart. Her snicker stuttered on his neck as he dropped the peices into the trash can before gripping her again to steady her. He picked up her phone handing it to her. "Put THAT on ya Instagram," he pointed to the trash and she did, also photographing the ridiculous amount of roses crowding her desk. Another quick live on IG showed her grinning, still flushed with joy in Erik's arms. "Send my wife flowers again and that's gone be ya ass," he grinned threateningly to the camera, his platinum fangs glinting beautifully. Hennessy kissed him on his cheek ending the video. "I don't like niggas sending you shit," he pouted.
"Awww, fathead," she pinched his cheek and he leaned into her hand, throwing her over the roses. "Geez," she wheezed, giggling as he kissed down her neck, pushing up her dress and pulling her panties to the side. She was in heaven, his tongue rolling and licking, doing tricks. His locks were braided back neatly so she gripped his shoulders and then the back of his head in ecstasy. "That feels good daddy, don't stop," she moaned watching his head move, the sounds of his tongue flicking loud in the air. She spread her legs further and Erik settled in between, diving with his tongue before sucking on her inner thighs and returning to suck her clit. He wanted her to cum and she gave him what he wanted.
By the time he left, she was on cloud nine. She sighed, her face still flushed with the dopiest grin that she could not control. It was totally worth sending herself those tacky cheap flowers.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
Based on this post:
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*I didn't use a fruit arrangement so someone else can write it with one!
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 138
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Last time on Dragon Ball Z, Krillin was alone before the overwhelming might of the artificial humans.  
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Piccolo’s sick of the androids beating everyone up and killing Goku and making out with Krillin, and whatever other damn thing they’ve been up to, so he heads to Kami’s Lookout to merge with him.   They used to be one Namekian long ago, until that Namekian purged himself of his latent evil to become Kami.   Said latent evil became King Piccolo, who fathered Piccolo Junior, blah blah blah everyone knows this by now.
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Piccolo is pretty blunt about this.    This isn’t a union of equals.  Kami is just going to provide a power-up for Piccolo.  
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And it won’t matter much that Kami will be gone, since the only thing he does anymore is sustain the Dragon Balls.  
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That’s harsh, but Kami gets it.    The irony is that Kami was once the strongest being on the planet until Goku and Piccolo surpassed him in the final arc of Dragon Ball.   In Dragon Ball Z, he’s been an afterthought.   The other characters have trained and become more and more powerful, but Kami’s probably about the same as he was when he first appeared. 
Meanwhile, even Super Saiyans are helpless against the current crop of androids, so it’s pretty clear that losing Kami to boost Piccolo’s strength would be a bargain.
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However, Kami wants to observe the situation more before consenting to the fusion.   This decision will be permanent, and he’s not yet convinced that the androids represent a sufficient threat.    Piccolo finds that insane, because he’s seen how powerful the androids are, and Trunks has told of the devastation they’ve caused in his future.   But Kami reminds Piccolo that his group picked a fight with the androids, and the androids spared their lives anyway.   Trunks himself has admitted that they’re not the same as the ones he fought in the future, so the situation bears watching.
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Piccolo is disgusted with Kami’s reluctance to act, so he plops his butt down and waits right there for Kami to make up his mind.   
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Meanwhile, Tien heads off to pick up Chiaotzu from Master Roshi’s, while Krillin and Trunks go to relocate Goku to... Master Roshi’s.  I feel like Tien could have just accompanied them.
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Meanwhile, at Goku’s house, Yamcha reads one of Goku’s books.   At least, I assume it’s Goku’s, since it’s about punching and kicking.  
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Meanwhile, the androids steal a van right in front of the guys who drive it.
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Meanwhile, Vegeta’s still mega ultra pissed about losing his fight with 18.  
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Meanwhile, a biker gang harasses the androids, who decide to play with them for a bit.   17 hits them with their van, and he drives like a maniac, basically daring the gang to follow them.  
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I don’t know what these guys are supposed to be called.    Their leader refers to them as the “Lords of the Highway”, so maybe that’s the name of their gang.   
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This whole scene is pretty fun.   There’s like a dozen guys in this gang, and they all look pretty cool.  One of them is a dead ringer for Fangs the Vampire Man from the Fortuneteller Baba Saga.  
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This dude looks like Van Zant, the guy who shoots Majin Buu’s dog about a hundred episodes from now.    For all I know he might be Van Zant.  
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The main thing about all of this is that the androids do not sweat these guys at all.   At one point 17 drives on railroad tracks towards an oncoming train, then swerves away at the last minute.  
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Eventually they get the androids to face them directly, but they can’t hurt them, of course.   Just when it looks like 18 might really get serious, the cops show up, and the gang use that as a handy excuse to withdraw.
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Oh, cool they have a girl in the gang.    I didn’t notice her back there.   She kinda looks like Teen Bulma with purple hair.  
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Anyway, the police are even more baffled than the gang was.    18 picks up their car and chucks it into a mountain.  
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So I’d like to take a moment to talk about the music for this show.    One of the problems people have with the Funimation dub is the fact that they used a different score.    The Ocean dub episodes (1-67), had a truly awful music, composed by Shuki Levy.   The Levy score suuuuuuucked.    I won’t deny that.    Every track sounded the same, and it all kind of sounded like someone was just sort of slapping stuff together to get the episodes ready for broadcast.   This may be the case, since I’m pretty sure the reason Funimation didn’t use the original score was because they didn’t have the rights to use it.   If that’s the case, they were probably in a hurry to get some music laid down as quickly as they could.  When Funimation re-dubbed Episodes 1-66 for the Orange Brick box sets, they used music by Nathan Johnson for the score.   This music is also unlistenable.   
But, from Episodes 68 to 291, Funimation used music composed by Bruce Faulconer, and most of it kicks a lot of ass.    Purists hate it because it’s not the original Japanese score, but Faulconer composed a lot of memorable themes for several characters and situations.   When I watched all of  Dragon Ball from start to finish for the first time in 2009, I watched the English dub with the Japanese score, right up to Episode 67 of Z, and then I immediately switched over to the Faulconer score.    This time, I’m watching it in Japanese, so I don’t really have a choice.   The Orange Brick sets let you chose which score you want when it’s in English, but you can only listen to the Japanese voices with the Japanese score.  
So this is really the first time I’ve watch the show with the Japanese score for the post Ginyu Force episodes.    I’ve heard all this music before, though, because a long time ago I bought a copy of “Dragon Ball Z: BGM Collection,” which is a three-disc album of the original score by Shunsuke Kikuchi.   Disc One has all the stuff used in the first 117 episodes and the first five movies.   Disc Two covers Episodes 118-199 and Movies 6-9.   Disc Three covers the Buu Era and the last four movies.  
Here’s the thing about the original Japanese score for Dragon Ball Z: It’s not that great.    The music itself is fine, on the same quality as the music from the original Dragon Ball.     The problem is that there just isn’t very much of it, and it’s spread very thin.    The three disc set I mentioned isn’t a best-of collection.   It’s the entire score (minus insert songs) for all 291 episodes and 13 movies.   It’s only about three and a half hours’ worth of music.  
To make matters worse, the music isn’t even distributed very evenly across the series.   The movie scrores are fairly long, and these eventually got incorporated into the TV soundtracks, but only after each movie was released.   In other words, the music on the Movie 5 score didn’t start creeping into the anime until well after episode 99.    And for the first 117 episodes, all they use is the music from Disc 1, which is only 70 minutes long.    About half of that is movie scores, the opening and closing themes, and the music they would play during the recap.    That leaves maybe 40 minutes of music that got used across over a hundred episodes.   You want to know what that sounds like?
The video above is Track 14 from Disc One of the BGM Collection.   The title is “ Kyôfu no Ginyū Tokusentai” or “The Fearsome Ginyu Special Corps”.   It’s actually two songs.   The first one is about thirty seconds long, and then at 0:35 the second one starts.   You might assume that one of these songs is used when the Ginyu Force first appears in the show, and you would be correct.    The second, longer portion is played when the Ginyus first arrive on Namek and do their poses for Frieza in Episode 62.  
However, the music was first used in Episode 31, when Goku attacks Vegeta while using the Kaio-ken Times Three.    After that, Toei used it for various tense or exciting moments, or important battles, including:
Vegeta vs. Cui.
Vegeta vs. Dodoria.
Vegeta vs. Tsuno’s village.
Vegeta vs. Zarbon.  
Krillin vs. Dodoria.  
Anybody vs. Anybody.  
Pretty much anything even remotely exciting
No, they basicaly used this music in almost every episode.
The Namek Saga gets pretty dry, music-wise, because by that point, it doesn’t really fit to use a lot of the early tracks that were composed around Gohan training under Piccolo.  At the same time, they didn’t have a lot of movie scores to draw upon either.    So for a long stretch of episodes, the Ginyu Force song was pretty much the go-to music for almost any situation.   I got kind of tired of it, is my point.    It’s a good song, but it wore out its welcome.   
The nice thing about the Androids/Cell phase of DBZ is that now Toei is finally utilizing music from the second disc of the BGM collection, and they have disc one to draw upon as well.    The reason I say all of this here and now is because this episode used the Ginyu Force song once again (for the part where 17 and 18 face the biker gang), but it’s been about twenty or thirty episodes since I hear it last, so it’s not nearly as irritating.   
The point I want to make about the Faulconer score is that Bruce Faulconer actually tailor made some music for this episode.   There’s a song specifically for the androids messing with the biker gang.
Now, it might not make for great listening in your car, because the song keeps switching back and forth between leitmotifs.   The hard, metal sound is the bikers, and the easy-going kettle drums are the androids chillaxing in their pink van.     Then at the end, you get this kind of old timey western saloon music that accompanies the hapless small-town cops who try to handcuff the androids.
But it made for good TV, because the music actually reflected the action happening on the screen.  To be sure, Faulconer would use bits and pieces of tracks like this to score other moments in the show, but they still worked, because he wasn’t just making a one-size-fits-all action song and applying it to every single situation.  
I think it’s telling that Bruce Faulconer’s collection of DBZ music is something like nine discs, and there’s a lot of his score that was never released, and he only did the music for about three-quarters of the show.    I’m not saying you have to prefer his score or even like it, but I think he deserves some respect for the greater variety and depth.    He clearly put more work into making the music work with the footage.  
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Moving on, Krillin and Trunks arrive at Goku’s place, and Krillin asks if the androids really are pure evil like Trunks has said.    Trunks assures him that they were terrible in his world.
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Of course, Krillin is only asking because the girl android kissed him and he kinda liked it, but he doesn’t want to go and just say that, so he plays down the question.
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From there, the boys fill Yamcha and Chi-Chi in on the situation, and then Gohan shows up and they fill him in too, and everyone piles into the air-bus-vehicle thingy to head for Master Roshi’s place.
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Now, maybe this is dumb how their big idea is to move Goku to Kame House, since that’s the next place the enemy would think to search.   The thing is, the androids aren’t exactly in a hurry to get to Goku’s house, so it probably doesn’t matter where they hide him as long as they can stay one step ahead until Goku’s well enough to hide himself.    One thing I like about the androids is that 18 thinks it’s stupid to drive the whole way, and yet she insists on stopping somewhere to get herself new clothes.    And 17 is basically the other way around.   16 is fixated on killing Goku, and yet he seems to be in no hurry either.    They all seem happier to have the company than they would be to save time. 
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Of course this whole saga is kind of circling the drain at this point.    Once the Androids beat the Z-Fighters and declined to kill them, it just sort of sucked all the tension out of things.    Everyone’s just sort of casually moving around from one place to the next, with no particular urgency.   The bad guys aren’t very bad, especially when the good guys include Vegeta.   
As much as I enjoy this leg of DBZ, I can’t help but feel that something’s missing.    The arc really could use a stronger villain.   Someone more motivated.   Someone more dangerous.   But where are you gonna find one of those at this late hour?  
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As it is, this episode ends with Bulma getting a phone call, like that’s going to lead anywhere.   It’s probably just a robocall trying to tell her she won a free scam cruise to the scam Bahamas. 
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thestudyof5sos · 6 years
Cryptic Messages (michievous!michael)
Summary: Charlie’s flying home for a last minute trip but she’s completely sleep deprived. To keep her self awake until boarding, she spends a few hours in the airport totally jamming to an album her best friend made her download at the last minute, 5SOS Meet You There Tour Live. She’s not super familiar with the band and wouldn’t recognize any of the guys if she was seated next to them. But wait, that’s what happens. Enjoy Charlie’s flight, Michael’s spy-antics, and a dash of Luke. Author: 🐾 @larryologymajor Fandon/Pairing: 5SOS /  Michael x original female character (platonic) Warnings/Tags: fluff, mischievous Michael on a plane Word count: ~2.4k
Cryptic Message
Charlie swung her backpack over her shoulder and stepped forward to scan her mobile boarding pass. As she waited, she hopped her head and swiveled her hips to the beat of the music in her wireless earbuds. She smiled at the gate attendant, said thank you, then danced her way into the jet bridge. She rearranged her chestnut and caramel topknot and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
She was listening to a 5 Seconds of Summer album that her friend Bianca made her download while she was packing last night. Bianca said that she got access to an advanced copy of their new live album, recorded in London on their Meet You There Tour that just wrapped up. Bianca guaranteed Charlie would LOVE the band and the album. While the band had been around for a while and Charlie enjoyed the few singles she’d heard on the radio, she didn’t consider herself anything more than a casual fan and she’d never gone out of her way to look them up or check out their videos.
Charlie was dead tired on her feet. She’d been a walking zombie since her second double shift of the week three days ago. After work she rushed home to pack for a last minute trip back home to Chicago to visit her family. With a 3am wake up call, Charlie didn’t even bother going to bed the night before. She didn’t trust herself to wake up on time, so she stayed up all night packing and cleaning her apartment. She was mega grateful for Bianca making her download the album. The album was upbeat, face-paced, enough pop and rock, and the band members’ comedic antics on stage kept her awake and happy.
As she continued to groove her way down the jetbridge corridor, she peeked at the seat number on her screen before she slid her phone into her pocket. 27 Charlie. 27 Charlie. Charlie repeated the number in her head to the rhythm in her ears. That should be easy, she thought. Her birthday was on the 27th and Charlie has been a family nickname forever, short for Charlotte.
The line moved forward and a flight attended greeted Charlie as she stepped from the jet bridge into the plane. She walked down the narrow corridor and carefully tracked the rows, noting the main cabin was essentially packed and her randomly assigned seat was an aisle seat like she preferred. The aisle, she thought, allowed her greater freedom to get up and stretch or use the bathroom during the flight, which she would undoubtedly do at least once.
Still grooving and bopping to the music, she noticed an attractive guy a half dozen rows away from her, he too was seated in a aisle seat. He was eyeing her. Charlie caught him looking at her and made eye contact with him but continued to dance anyway. He smirked then quickly looked away.
Seconds before she reached her row, she reached around her bag to snag the rest of her her in-flight essentials from the front pocket and transferred them to her purse. Kindle: check. Phone charging cable: check. Backup phone battery: check.
She approached her row and frowned. Someone was in her seat. Not just someone but the cute guy who watched her dancing was in her seat.
While Charlotte tossed her backpack in the overhead bin she made brief eye contact with the guy sitting in her seat. For half a second too long she gazed into his green eyes before busting out her sassy attitude. “Excuse me, I believe you’re sitting in my seat. I should be 27C.” She watched the guy pull a crinkled up boarding pass from the seat pocket and study it. “Oops, I’m 27B.” He pushed his beanie back from his eyes. Charlotte rolled her eyes and watched the guy scoot into the seat to his left. She wanted a peaceful, non-hostile flight so she smiled at him, studying his face. “Thanks, 27B.” She lowered herself into the aisle seat. He chuckled and smiled. “I’m Michael.” Charlie nodded and returned the introduction. “Charlie. Nice to meet you.” She smiled again. As she carefully slid her kindle, phone battery, and USB cable in the seat back pocket, Michael engaged in conversation with a guy across the aisle from Charlie. She assumed they knew each other and thought that she should have taken the middle seat and let Michael take her aisle seat. Charlie didn’t have any clue that she was sitting next to the guitarist from the band she’d spent all morning listening to while dancing her way through the airport. She popped her earbuds out from her ears and wrapped them around the back of her neck and looped the ear pieces together in the front to form a necklace until she was ready to use them after takeoff. During the safety briefing video, Charlie listened to the boys on both sides of her chat back and forth about a tour and recording. She was so tired that she barely paid attention and didn’t really dwell on what they were saying or who they are. A short while later the plane was in the air making headway at cruising altitude. Michael tried to make small talk with her but Charlotte was tired. She opted for music and a nap instead of reading. She slipped on her earbuds and resumed Meet You There Tour Live. She was easily on her third or fourth iteration through the album today so she was starting to learn the melodies of each song. Charlie didn’t notice herself softly humming the chorus to Why Won’t You Love Me in her trance-like state of sleep. She felt the guy next to her shift but she didn’t hear him quietly call out to his friend across the aisle. She was mostly asleep and completely relaxed so she let the music drown out their chatter. “Luke! LUKE!” Michael whisper yelled across the aisle to his friend and bandmate. “What?!” Luke hissed. “Dude. I think she’s listening to us.” Luke raised an eyebrow. Michael continued, “I swear she’s humming Why Don’t You Love Me. Seriously. What if she‘s listening to Meet You There Tour Live? Ash said the label ‘leaked’ the tracks to an exclusive group on Tumblr.” “I highly doubt it,” said Luke shaking his head. “Although that would be dope.” Michael was hopeful. “My vote is yes. I saw her earlier when we were going through security. She was totally jamming to whatever she had playing in her earbuds.” Near the end of the flight, Charlie was still asleep when her phone slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor after bouncing off Michael’s foot. He glanced at her to ensure she was still asleep then grabbed her iPhone off the floor. As he picked it up, he couldn’t help but glance at her screen. The phone’s display lit up, recognizing that it had been moved He held it up towards Luke, grinning, and called out, “Luke! Look!” Luke glanced up and his smile grew wide. Michael was right after all. She was DEFINITELY jamming to MYT Tour Live. Michael was feeling mischievous. He held his pointer finger to lips, shushed Luke, and made a picture taking motion. Luke suppresses a laugh but grinned widely as Michael slid the lock screen over to the camera and flipped to the front facing camera. He carefully framed a selfie of him, Luke, and sleeping Charlie and snapped a picture for her to discover later. He then snapped the same picture with his phone. He also opened up the Notes app and quickly tapped out: Charlie, thanks for being a fan! We hope you enjoy the live album! Xx Michael & Luke 5SOS Then for good measure, he used the feature to insert a drawing and attempted to draw his signature. He used Charlie’s phone to snap a photo of his screen, then locked both phones. He shoved his into his backpack and wedged hers into the seat pocket in front of her. Michael gently nudged Charlie’s knee with his own. When she didn’t stir, he bumped her shoulder and she responded sleepily with a “Hmmmm” sound. “Sorry to wake you,” Michael started. “We’re starting the final descent soon. You dropped your phone so I picked it up for you. I couldn’t help notice you’re listening to 5 Seconds of Summer. I met them once, they’re so nice!” Charlie was half asleep still. “I don’t know anything about them, really. My best friend makes me download random music all the time. Sometimes I wonder why she likes half the stuff she recommends. However, I actually kinda like 5SOS.” Michael started to mess with her. “I heard their guitarist is super cute, dyes his hair all the time, and loves pranking people.” Charlie looked baffled and shrugged. “I have no idea. Never really seen them before.” The conversation lulled and Charlie enjoyed the quiet for several long minutes, the only sound in her world was coming through her ear buds. She closed her eyes and appreciated the lead singers smooth voice, the power behind each drum beat, the rhythmic way the bass thumped, and the fluid strokes over each guitar string.
The plane continued its descent and safely landed at Chicago O’Hare. Charlie was quiet as the plane taxied to the jetbridge. When the doors open and passengers started to deplane, Charlie gathered up her stuff, wished Michael a safe trip since he had a connecting flight, and shuffled towards baggage claim.
Standing in baggage claim, Charlie texted her best friend, Bianca.
Made it safely to Chicago! Got seated next to this cute guy but passed out and didn’t really talk to him.
Bianca fired back an immediate reply:
Glad you made it, but boo. Should have talked to him and gotten his number.
Charlie agreed.
Ikr. He wanted to chat but I was seriously so tired. After takeoff I passed out. Only woke up when Michael (cute seat neighbor) woke me up. He picked up my phone after I dropped it in my sleep.
Charlie opened her camera app then snapped a quick selfie of herself waiting in baggage claim to send to Bianca. In one swift motion she double tapped her iPhone home button to swipe the camera closed and switch back over to her text messages. Locating Bianca’s message, she clicked the add photo button to insert her selfie and squinted at the thumbnail previews of her recent picture. There were two new photos in her camera roll that she didn’t recognize.
Feeling confused, she sent her selfie to Bianca then launched the Photos app and swiped to the first unrecognizable photo.
The conveyor belt in baggage claim started to move and slowly spewed our luggage. Charlie didn’t notice. She was staring at a picture of herself sleeping, sandwiched between Michael and his friend who was squatted next to her in the aisle. Charlie’s fave furrowed in anger and the invasion of privacy. How dare a stranger use her phone to take her sleeping photo.
Charlie swiped to the next screen and looked at the message Michael left her. She gasped and her fingers instinctively dialed Bianca to FaceTime.
She picked up on the second ring and her face appeared on the screen. “Bee, I think I sat by 5SOS on the plane. And I think one of them used my phone to take a picture of me, well us. While I was sleeping!”
“What? How? No way!” Bianca sputtered.
“Seriously! What does Michael look like?” questioned Charlie.
“Let me check Instagram for the latest. Standby.” Bianca froze on the screen while she minimized FaceTime to check Michael’s social media. “At the moment, he’s wearing his fluffy hair blonde.” Her face unfroze on Charlie’s screen. “He’s usually not clean shaven. His eyes are super green and really pretty. His smile is wide. Usually he has a baseball hat on. And a black hoodie. Oh and his accent is lovely, quite posh sounding. I love it to be honest. Could listen to him talk for hours.
Charlie interrupted her, “How about Luke? Is there a Luke?”
Bianca laughed. “Of course there’s a Luke. He and Michael are the founding members of 5SOS although he’s the youngest of the band. He’s super tall, legs for days, like a baby giraffe. But he denies that he’s tall. He wears skinny jeans, pretty tops, leather jackets and heeled leather boots. I bet his boot collection would rival your Pikolinos collection. Gah, but his face. I love his face,” Bianca gushed. “He’s gorgeous. He has super bright blue eyes. And his dimples will swallow you whole. His dark blonde hair is chin length with unruly curls.”
Now Charlie laughed. “Hold on, Bee. I’m texting you something.” She sent the two photos but continued to talk. “Ummm yeah, your descriptions fit the boys perfectly.”
Bianca’s face froze again on Charlie’s screen as she opened her text. “Oh my God, Char. You totally met Michael and Luke! I am so envious! Although if I were you I probably would have fangirled and then drooled on Michael in my sleep!!”
“Hahaha!! I’m sure you would’ve been fine Bee! 100% put together!” Charlie winked at her best friend.
“Charlie! You need to insta this ASAP and tag Michael!”
Bianca gasped. She didn’t notice that her suitcase was the last one and it was going in circles on the baggage claim conveyor belt. “Bee! But what would I even say in the caption???”
“Well, Michael’s always changing his twitter handle and last week he posted a spy meme so how about something spy or detective related?” Bianca questioned.
“Hmmm,” Charlie was thinking. “What’s his insta handle?”
“It’s @michaelclifford.” Bianca knew it off the top of her head.
“How about ‘Thanks for the super stealth nap time reconnaissance spy photos @michaelclifford! It was a really nice meeting you! (even though I didn’t know who you are lol) I really love the new live album!’?” Charlie asked Bianca.
“Do it! I love it!” Bianca encouraged her.
Charlie paused FaceTime again while she posted the picture.
“I promise I’ll text you if my post goes viral,” she laughed. Charlie grabbed her suitcase and the girls said their goodbyes.
Charlie ordered an Uber and got in, heading to her parents house.
Her phone singer indicating a comment on her Instagram post. It was Michael Clifford. Her heart beat quicker for a minute, but her brow furrowed in confusion. He left a cryptic message that Charlie didn’t understand.
pa dhz tf wslhzbyl! p svclk dhajopun fvb qht av tlla fvb aolyl avby spcl ;) kt tl pm fvb lcly dhua hu hbavnyhwolk jvwf vy apjrlaz av zll bz spcl. ee -Caesar
It took Charlie a few days to decipher Michael’s message, but she finally figured out that it was a Caesar Cipher. Thanks for the clue, dude, she thought.
Michael’s message translated to:
It was my pleasure! I loved watching you jam to Meet You There Tour Live ;) DM me if you ever want an autographed copy or tickets to see us live. Xx -Caesar
And with that, Charlie smiled. She knew this was a story she would be repeating for years.
​​ Want to be tagged? Let me know!
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kalinkaooc · 6 years
Issue 49 updated rewrite
I replaced Xander/Mr. X with Madam Y since we’re throwing out the Xander time travel plot and Madam Y needs more to do.
[System reboot complete]
[Weapon disabled]
[DWN-012 online]
“There *static* go. I think *static*” a voice Quick Man couldn’t fully make out said. All he could see was a fuzzy blue shape in front of him.
He blinked as his optics started to come into focus and he looked to the one who’d spoken.
“Hey there Quick Man, do you recognize me?”
Instant rage and, though he’d deny it, fear ran through Quick Man at the sight of a fully armored Mega Man in front of him and he lashed out blindly.
“Patronizing little punk!” Quick Man lunged forward and Rock just barely dodged the punch. Still angry Quick Man sent a kick in his direction, which only just glanced off Rock’s armor. “I don’t know how I’m back online, but I’m not wasting a second waiting to kick your…” He trailed off when his hand met air instead of his Quick Boomerang. “What’s going on!”
“We disabled your weapon in case you became violent like this.”
Quick Man glared at Rock, though the fear was starting to show in his optics. “What are you talking about?”
Rock smiled. “Really? I thought you were supposed to be quick on the uptake?”
Quick Man obviously didn’t find the joke funny and only became more angered from it. “What did you just say?”
“Quick, calm down. You’re making a scene.”
Quick Man’s view of Rock was suddenly blocked when Wood Man cut in and pushed him back.
“Wood?” Quick Man blinked in surprise and took a step back to get a better view of his brother. “You’ve been restored too?”
Wood Man smiled, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “We all have.”
It was then Quick Man finally looked at his surroundings. Sure enough all his brothers from both lines were online, standing around the lab and looking at him.
“I… don’t… how is this possible?”
“I made sure to preserve your IC chips.” Quick Man turned to Rock, this time more calm. “After that we just had to fix the battle damage and bring you back online. Speaking of the damage, heh, sorry about that. You didn’t give me much of a choice.” Rock smiled sheepishly.
Quick Man on the other hand bcame exacerbated again. “Of course not! We’re your enemies! We’re supposed to fight, Mr. Big Shot Hero!”
“Not necessarily.” Dr. Light stepped up and gave Quick Man a smile. “Robots are neither good nor evil. They aline with what their programing tells them.”
“It’s not fair that you all had to be destroyed because Wily’s a jerk.” Roll added as she finished helping detach Magnet Man from Metal Man. “That’s why we’re rebuilding you and reprogramming you, to give you a second chance.”
“Reprograming…?” A dark look crossed Quick Man’s face before turning to Rock angrily. “If we’re all buddy-buddy now, how come you’re all armed and armored?”
Rock took on a serious face and looked to Quick Man. “Because Dr. Wily weaponized you all. We think we disarmed all of you but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” He then crossed his arms. “Or did you forget you kicked me two minutes ago?”
“Oh cry me a river.” Quick Man then glanced around the lab once more. “But seriously though… where is Dr. Wily?”
The whole room when quiet and Rocks face grew somber. “The last time we fought… his castle came crashing down… I was too damaged to move and he… he didn’t make it.”
*Meanwhile at Wily’s Castle*
“…before I really loos my temper! So move it lady!” Gilbert shouted at the woman blocking his way, but the woman, who’d introduced herself as Madam Y didn’t move.
“Maybe I need to speak more slowly. This island is privately owned by the X Corporation. We are currently taking inventory of an unauthorized building on our land. We haven’t asked for any police assistance.
“It’s. A. Wily. Castle!”
“And. You. Don’t. Have. A. Warrant.”
“No but I’ve got five good reasons right here if any of your knuckle-heads want to inspect ‘em,” Gilbert raised his fist in a threatening manner.
“Gil! Take it down a notch, partner.”
Gilbert paused at Rosslyn’s interruption and lowered his arm.
“Thank you Miss… Krantz was it? I might be more cooperative if you could help us with one small matter.” Madam Y smiled smugly. “Light Labs confiscated eight pieces of property left on this island, and is contesting to some of the wreckage found on-sight. If you two could look into that matter for us?”
Rosslyn gave her own smug smile. “Sorry, we’d love to help, but we can’t seem to get past your gate, such a shame. We’ll let you know about that warrant though. Have a nice day, ma’am.” She then turned and walked away with Gilbert, leaving a fuming Madam Y at the gate.
Once back on the boat Rosslyn told the captain to take them back to the doc before taking a seat. Her arms wrapped around herself and she shivered. “Brr, those corporate mooks were creepy.”
“Yeah, seen ‘em dozens of times across my career. Hit the same wall with them every time. But that doesn’t excused me for flying off the handle. Thanks for watching my back Rosie.”
“Save it, I’m the one that owes you and apology.”
“I thought everyone in the office was right. That you were just chasing ghosts and conspiracies. But that wasn’t ‘security’ back there, that was a private military, and their covering up for Dr. Wily. The ‘X Corporation’ seems pretty real to me.”
Gilbert nodded. “Yeah well, we’ll keep a lid on it for now. This cover up is sloppy for them. We’ll wait until they slip up. Besides anything of value has probably been squirreled away somewhere.”
*Back at Light Labs*
The weight of what had just been said suddenly hit Quick Man and for the first time in his life he felt unsteady on his feet. Wood Man placed a hand on him to steady him but Quick Man brushed him off.
“I’m fine, I just need… to go for a run.”
Dr. Light grabbed onto Quick Man’s arm to stop him. “Unfortunately, we can’t let you do that yet. Not until we know Wily’s programing is completely gone.”
“What?!” Quick Man turned and shoved Dr. Light away.
Dr. Light stumbled but he managed to stay standing. “As long as Wily’s loyalty coding is in your system you are considered a danger and not aloud outside this building.”
“What? No! Not happening!”
“Quick, please! This is why we rebuilt you, so you could have a purpose other than serving Wily.” Rock tried to reach out to Quick Man but he didn’t let him.
“So I’m just supposed to accept that I’m not going to care about my dad anymore?!”
Rock looked taken aback and took a step back from the DWN. “No that’s not… once you’re reprogramed…”
“There you go again. If you reprogram me, then you’re getting rid of what’s me! If you’re going to go that far you might as well blow me up again! Are you saying you were fine with Wily changing your coding?”
Rock’s eyes went wide, obviously conflicted about what Quick Man had said. “N…no but…”
He looked at the other Wilybots trying to find someone who would help him, but many seemed to agree with Quick. Even the ones who’d showed interest in being given a new job stayed quiet.
Seeing her brother’s distress Roll turned to Dr. Light for help. “Dr. Light you got to tell them, maybe then they’ll listen!”
“Gentlemen, you need to understand your reconstruction came with conditions. If you cannot serve a practical purpose by federal law then you must be decommissioned.”
“Fine if those are our options then…” Quick Man let out a growl. Then without warning he lunged and pinned Dr. Light against the wall. “We’ll just have to make a new one. Now let us go!”
“No, I can’t. You’re a danger to…”
Dr. Light tried to reason but Quick Man was having none of it.
“I don’t care, I’m not going to just roll over and die without a fight!”
“Let him go!”
Rock held up his blaster and Quick Man glared at him. He then dropped Dr. Light and turned fully to him. “What, are you going to shoot me? Well then what are you waiting for? Do it.”
“What… no. Quick…” Rock once again tried to think of something he could say to reason with the DWN, but he was too worked up on emotion to think of what to say.
“Go ahead, shoot me. I’m dead either way so just use that blaster of yours already.”
Rock just shook his head.
“Alright then if you’re not going to fight us then there’s nothing keeping us from leaving.” He then started walking towards the door not even looking back.
Rock hesitated, not knowing what to do. He then felt Dr. Light’s hand on his shoulder.
“We can’t let him get out.”
Rock grit his teeth and he nodded. Closing his eyes he let a charged blast go at Quick Man’s back.
Quick Man only had a second of warning but that was all he needed. Dodging out of the way, the shot hit the wall instead blasting a hole large enough for the Wilybots to escape.
“NO!” Rock yelled as half the rebuilt Wilybots started running out of the lab and teleporting away.
Quick Man paused at the hole and turned to Shadow Man. “You coming?”
“Nah I think I’ll stick around.”
A smirk crossed Quick Man’s lips and he nodded. “Got ‘cha.” He then stepped outside before teleporting away as well.
The lab was silent for a long time until Spark Man went over to Dr. Light and used his prongs to grab onto his lab coat. He tugged on it to get his attention and Dr. Light looked down at him. “Dr. Light you’re not really going to make us forget our daddy are you?”
Dr. Light looked over the Wilybots who’d stayed behind and sighed. “No, I would never do something like that. I was just trying to tell your brothers we had to make sure you’re not dangerous anymore, I’m sorry I couldn’t get them to understand.”
Spark man nodded and then went back to his brothers.
“Come on we need to find new jobs for all of you.”
Dr. Light led the Wilybots away from the hole in the wall and over to a computer where they picked out their new jobs.
Rock on the other hand just stayed and stared at the wall, feeling really confused and conflicted.
Sometime later when all the remaining Wilybots had been assigned jobs and were out of the lab, Rock went over to Dr. Light.
“Hey Dad? May I ask you something?”
Dr. Light looked down at his son and smiled. “Of course, what is it?”
“It’s just that, if I had hit Quick and stopped the other Wilybots from escaping… would you have really shut them down?”
Dr. Light frowned, and looked away from Rock. “I don’t know, son. If I really couldn’t have reasoned with them then I suppose I would have had no choice. I would never let dangerous robots loos around the city and forcing reprograming on them is no better than what Wily did.” He sighed. “It would be one of the hardest things I’d ever have to do but if it meant keeping people safe then yes. I would.”
Rock looked at the ground silent for a while before nodding. “Ok, I just wanted to know.”
Rock then turned to leave, but before he could Dr. Light placed a hand on his shoulder. “Rock, you know I would have done everything I could before it came to that, right?”
A small smile and a nod was his answer. “Yeah I know.”
*Somewhere underground.*
Dr. Wily opened his eyes and glanced around the room he was in. He seemed to be in a medical lab of some sort, emphasized by the cot he was laying in and the hospital gown he was wearing.
“Nugh… wh…where am I?”
“That is currently unimportant.”
The woman who’d been blocking Gil and Rosslyn from getting into the Wily Castle stepped in.
Wily looked suspiciously at her.
“Who are you?”
“Also unimportant, what is important is what happens now that you’re awake. The X Corporation has been watching you for some time Dr. Wily. There is much I wish to discuss with you. Please fallow me.”
Two people in X themed uniforms each with a crutch for Wily to use and Madam Y turned to leave.
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather stay here.”
Madam Y paused but she did not turn to look at him.
“I don’t think you quite understand the situation. You work for me now, you can either fallow on those crutches we’ve provided you or my men can make you require a wheel chair.”
Dr. Wily scowled at Madam Y’s back but took the crutches and followed her.
“So you’ve already shown off your healthcare program. What exactly am I doing for you… er boss?”
“You’re going to keep doing what you’ve been doing, making robots and trying to take over the world.”
“Your past exploits have worked very well in our favor Doctor. By working together both of our goals will be fulfilled.”
She opened a door to reveal a large robotics lab full of everything needed to make top of the line robots of any kind.
“You should have everything you need to get started.”
Dr. Wily looked around the room in aw before a wicked grin spread on his face.
“Oh yes, you’ve given me exactly what I need.”
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