#my father loves my children so much 🤧🤧
ikram1909 · 8 months
David Villa chose his favourite current Spain nt players and he picked Gavi and Pedri ❤️
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
Inferno : Ignite ✦
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Pairing: twin!neteyam x sister!reader x Sully family
Summary : y/n and neteyam were inseparable twins but as they grew up things got difficult with humans coming back on Pandora, they both got distant and neglected by their own in the process, what would be their next step? (For more info click on the summary link)
Parts : pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5
• Series masterlist
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Angst ✦
❈ Warnings : angst, fighting, yelling, cursing, crying, bad parenting, ignorance, brother and sister Bonding, jealous (platonic), favouritism , regret, groveling, sad ending, toxic Jake? , Hurt no comfort, even more crying? Etc. Let me know if more.
❈ Word count : 4.2k , proof read.
❈ Note : I love neteyam and want him to live his best life, so this is my tribute to him 🤧
"word" - dialogue
❈ Glossary : omaticaya - avatar Navi clan, tsahik - spiritual leader of Navi clans, Olo'eyktan - leader of Navi clans, eywa - Navi deity , tsarekam - tsahik in training, ma'sa'nok - my mother, y/i/n - your ikran name, seze - blue flower (neteyam's ikran) , paysyul - water flower, sempul - father , y/n - your name.
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The omaticaya clan was bustling with life and joy as their tsahik has given birth to their Olo'eyktan's first offsprings, though it was uncommon for twins to be born and were called sacred and gifts given by eywa herself as twins either kills the mother or one of them dies at the time of birth but this time it was a miracle as neytiri survived that painful period of time and came back alive with two beautiful children in her arms.
Neteyam and y/n were the pride and joy of Jake and neytiri's life, y/n being the absolute daddy's princess and clung to him with every given minute , he took her everywhere he could, strapping her to his chest and taking her to war meetings as the surrounding warriors didn't even dare to think about commenting on the sight in front of them, while y/n was with Jake, neteyam was a mama's boy and neytiri could never let Jake live down to it, always flaunting how her son always wants her and not him and his comeback is always how much y/n wants him but the banter always ends up with the four of them cuddling together in the hammock as they all drift to sleep.
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Neteyam and y/n were like sun and moon, if one is leading the other follows right after, and that's how it always was, y/n would lead and neteyam would follow her, though they both never disobeyed their father's words, Jake was their role model, both y/n and neteyam followed Jake's orders as if there was no tomorrow but they still had their moments when suddenly neytiri became their favorite because now Jake wanted nothing more but pick them up and tickle them until they were convulsing in fits of laughter.
If y/n was seen somewhere then neteyam was surely around the same ground and vice versa so if any of the kids picked on one of them the other immediately stood up for them, the twins were inseparable, joint to the hips if you must and the village nothing but adored them, they were the future Olo'eyktan and tsahik in making afterall but even before that everyone just loved them for their bubbly and calm nature.
Jake carried y/n on his shoulder while neytiri held neteyam as they both walked towards the lake they all visited every week, but today was different, today they had news which would change the twins life probably forever….
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Jake and neytiri both sat near the twins as they watched their kids run around chasing each other and splashing water every now and then, meanwhile Jake got distracted and seeing the opportunity the twins splashed water at their old man with all their might drenching Jake from head to toe while all neytiri did was laugh at the sight, huffing Jake got up and stormed towards the kids, picking them up , the squeals and laughter ringing through the forest, he threw both of them in the water gently, all the while laughing at the whole scene, soon it was getting dark as they cuddled together, that's when the parents decided to tell the news, "neteyam, y/n" neytiri started, she looked at Jake once more and he nodded for her to go forward " you know you both are brother and sister right now, hmm?" Both the kids just nodded their head, their little brains confused about why their mother is stating the obvious, "well, now you both will get to be big brother and sister in few months" but their confusion was still there as they looked at their father for clarification, Jake just smiled and said "well what mommy is saying that, there will be another person for you to play with in time, then you'd be big siblings to them" but the only thing the twins focused on was 'they will have another person to play with them!'.
Soon enough Two babies joined the family and the twins couldn't be any more happier, y/n held her baby brother, looking at her twin who held her new baby sister as well, they both smiled, Jake and neytiri were happy they accepted the new ones with so much enthusiasm, both the elder kids adored the babies, always carrying them, feeding then and taking care of them, neytiri and Jake have to plead with them to hold them because they never let the babies out of their sight, their protectiveness doubling over those little ones, and to add to it , tuktirey joined the family in the next two years, happiness was an understatement for the bustling family right now.
Jake and neytiri tried to not keep favorites and divide their attention but having 5 kids to take care of made them take the decisions, even though neteyam and y/n were the dream kids ,that made them have lo'ak in the first place, with little to no crying and obedient as ever, eywa blessed them with lo'ak and kiri that we're complete opposite of their older siblings, lo'ak got into trouble and kiri followed without a doubt, always together and tuk was tuk, in y/n's eyes tuk could do no wrong, she was her little baby sister after all. It had been a few years now, life was simple, everything was perfect…. Until it wasn't.
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Humans were back, they destroyed everything, again, took our newly built hometree, destroying it to the ground, and changing our lives forever.
~ y/n pov ~
It has been years now, since our former home was destroyed and those humans claimed our land without our permission, though the humans which lived with us helped us so much but they could only do little, raids became more frequent and dad's behavior changed with it, he insisted on me, neteyam and lo'ak calling him sir, drilling us into work, practices , and chores all throughout the day without a break, training was different other than that, it was like we didn't even have space to breath.
I sigh walking through the tent with 'teyam and lo'ak, tired as hell from today's work, i just wanted to nibble on some food and pass out in the hammock, sitting down near the circle i took ahold of my plate, nete' sat beside me and lo'ak on his left, kiri and dad sat side by side in front of me, mom in between lo'ak and kiri with tuk in her arms. I started eating my portion when my eyes fell on my sister who was talking and smiling with the man beside her, oh how long has it been seeing him smile like that, he never smiled at us anymore except for kiri and tuk or sometimes mom, i forgot about the food in my hand as i only stared at their interaction. I felt jealous, i know that i shouldn't be jealous of my own goddamn sister! But i was and it was gnawing at me, she gets to call him dad, she gets away with anything while i get scolded for hours for the same mistake, he took away my title of tsarekam and gave it to her because "she is more connected to eywa and can feel her more clearly" and i said nothing and happily agreed because c'mon she's my sister and i can see that she could be a better tsahik than me but it still hurts that he was the one initiating it. I was then named and trained to become neteyam's right hand in command after he became the Olo'eyktan.
Even after the other title, i just longed for my old dad, the one who pulled me close and comforted me and not scold the hell of me for it, he says "it's part of the training" or "it's my fault i should own up to it" after a mistake i did, while kiri gets the opposite. My mood just depleted more when i saw him laugh out loud for something she said, i was brought out of my trance when neteyam nudge me with his knee and i looked at him, he tilted his head giving me soft eyes conveying that he sees it too but i just shook my head, too annoyed at them to reply to him. I pushed my plate, losing my appetite all together, I got up thanking ma' sa'nok for the meal and walked out telling them I was going to feed y/i/n. I walked out to feed her/him but I didn't tell them how exactly I was going to do it. I always had my visor with me anyways.
I soared through the mountains, wind blowing through my hair but even this wasn't helping to lighten up my mood. The forest glowed beneath me, the eclipse will happen soon but I wanted to make every minute count before I have to go back. my thoughts were interrupted as a sudden gust of wind blew from my side, i knew who it was before i saw him, i just nudged him back, his laughter rang out. We twisted and twirled around each other, loops and drops forming in the air as we played for a while, afterwards we landed near a tree and let our mounts hunt for their food.
I sat with my knees tucked to my chest and my arms wrapping around them, my cheek pressed into my knee as I looked at neteyam, who was leaning on his hands, legs dangling down the edge of the branch. " You know how emotional kiri is, he just wants the good for us" he started but i just rolled my eyes at him, he's just saying that to make me feel good but even i know he feels the same, i scoffed and said " you really believe that? He has always done this! Sometimes it's like he favors her over us, answer me 'teyam when was the last time we called him 'dad'?" He stayed silent, he knew the answer well, sighing as he put his arm around my shoulder, giving me a squeeze of reassurance. I just leaned onto him, i remembered how many times we have been scolded by now ,We had bets placed sometimes between me, lo'ak and him on who would get scolded the most from dad, but it seems like lo'ak was in winning streak here. Neteyam's attempts at cheering me up were successful when he got up and jumped off directly calling for seze midair, my heart was in my mouth at his stunt, while he laughed at my surprised face,I flipped him off, I too got up determined to get back at him and chased him all the way back home, looping around him and blowing gusts of winds at each other.
I landed near the nest, laughing as i jumped down disconnecting from y/i/n, neteyam landed beside me laughing as well, both our hair were a mess but it was still so much fun we had after a long while, i turned around to walk towards our tent but my smile faded away when i saw our father standing near the tent entrance, neteyam froze in his tracks as well, yeah we were fucked, again, we both treaded our way towards him, keeping our eyes on the ground as we stood in front of him, wincing when he actually started talking " have you two seen what time it is? It's past the eclipse, I thought you were going to feed your ikrans and not fly with them!!" Grimacing at his tone, i said glancing at neteyam one last time "I'm sorry sir, it was a hard time finding the hunt, it won't happen again" he just scoffed "next time just feed what we have available, no need to go outside without my permission", my anger rose with it but i stayed silent not wanting to escalate further but then he spoke again "that's what I want, i expected better from you both, you're the eldest you should know better than this'' with that he walked straight inn, i just looked at neteyam, eyes squinted but he shook his head as in 'let it be'. I sigh defeated, as we both enter the tent, seeing everyone was in Their hammock, kiri fast asleep beside lo'ak who was snoring loudly, i got in beside him and tuk rolled onto me, i hugged her close pulling her inn, neteyam got in from the other side, pulling us all together, but sleep never came to me as i laid awake and my mind running back to the times my father scolded me again and again for nothing, it bothered me but it's not like anyone's gonna help, even mother was putting up a blind eye to it, i closed my eyes begging the great mother to grant me some semblance of sleep and she answered when i was sucked into , not a calm, but restless sleep…
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
It's been a few weeks since that encounter but life's been the exact same if not worse, it's always 'y/n you're wrong' , 'y/n don't you understand?' , 'y/n what's wrong with you?' and same towards neteyam, we are both exhausted of this and mom didn't say word against it, i tried talking to her, telling her what's going on with me and my twin but every time she either dismissed it or simply replied with "it's for your own good" and that was that, i was getting frustrated minute by minute , so was neteyam, where i showed my anger a little bit , he completely hid it from everyone else and it was consuming him, i can see it everyday how he works silently, does everything alone and has stopped asking for help even from me. Our father's neglect towards us was making us fall apart.
I tried my best to keep us both sane, well atleast for while as i think we are still sane, our flights together were cut short by our dictator, instead, we were thrown into assembly of the upcoming raid, day and night we worked on strategic management and barely got any sleep while our "sir" was busy with work "we couldn't understand", complete bullshit but staying silent was better than being grounded for asking another question.
Now with new training sets, another batch of practice was dropped on us by our father. He demanded that we practice more because we were getting lousy…..his words not mine, as if we ever got a chance to even act lousy.
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We stood in front of our dad as he scolded us for the upteenth time now, why you ask? Well lo'ak took tuktirey out for adventure and they were attacked by some kind of animal i don't even remember now, why are we being scolded? Because we didn't see our precious little brother take tuk out as we were too busy with our training that he yelled at us to complete beforehand, so it was our responsibility to see each and every step our brother takes even when we were clearly busy with other things, it's our fault of course.
"How many times have I told you both to keep an eye on your brother but you don't understand do you? So until you both get on your senses you are grounded" he spit at us with venom in his voice, i looked at my mom for help but she just shrugged , as if this was alright ,making anger shoot through me, so this time i didn't stop myself, it was already getting dark outside the eclipse was nearing and what i said next made his eyes pop out, " if you're so adamant about us disobeying your orders to keep and eye on lo'ak, then why did you tell us to train for the 6th time today? we were doing what you fucking told us to! I don't have another set of eyes to keep them on lo'ak, he's a person in himself, he can think for himself, it's not our fault he decided to do something like that, we can't look after him eclipse to eclipse without not doing my work, which you demand from us, and if i don't do my work, you come and bite our ears off, yelling on and on how "lazy we are" or how "me and neteyam neglect our work to have fun", we haven't had "fun" in a long long time ,Sir, when was the last fucking time you held us close? Huh? When was the last time we called you 'dad'? …… Right, you don't fucking remember! Because it's been years!! Okay? I never said anything but i can't TAKE it anymore, all we do is follow your stupid orders day and night without a single protest but you think it's not enough and weigh down on us even more, I'm fucking done with this, it's better to die then live this nightmare any longer, we are tired and exhausted, so please just shut up for one moment and let us live!" I was yelling at him at this point, tears were streaming down my face, neteyam held me close, tears of his own running down his cheeks, we haven't slept in days, constantly working and worrying about the upcoming raid that he didn't even grant us permission to sleep, and i meant what i said i would rather die than live this all over again.
He looked at me shocked and surprised, his eyes trailing to neteyam who he stood by my side, backing me up because he had enough himself "she's right, sir, all we've been doing is work for you, we were training on your orders, we did not see lo'ak taking tuk out, but even if we did, she's his sister too, he has the right to have fun with her, so please we are both tired of everything, just let us go, we haven't slept in days because you want us up and running for your raid strategies and didn't even bother to ask if we are okay or not? I agree with y/n, i would too rather meet eywa then go through all this again.. please just let us be"
He just stared back and forth between us, his eyes showed no emotion, he looked cold and unforgiving and what he said next left us speechless "if you want to live under my roof, you will HAVE to follow my rules, and if doing that is gonna make you rebel against me then, be my guest, I'm more than happy if you pack up your bags and get the fuck out of my house!" and believe me when i say i never wanted to punch my father in the face, ever, then i want to right now, i recovered from my shock quickly, my blood boiling at his statement, he would rather have his kids gone then let them live like they have a life of their own? If that's what he wants then he'll get just that.
I straighten my spine and looked at my twin who had the same look as i did and we both knew what we had to do, we stormed inside the tent and started packing the necessary things we needed for at least a week, mom was crying and stopping us both from doing it, getting in between us , yelling at us to stop and listen to her, but we did not stop for one second,she had the chance to be heard and listen but she blew it off, while our father was just staring at us from the entrance with no regret of his words thrown at us, whatsoever, that's fueled my anger even more, picking up the bags we started to walk out but mom dropped down on her knees in front of us as she begged " ma'y/n, ma'neteyam don't so this, it is wrong, your sempul was wrong, I'm sorry i should have stopped this before, please do not leave us like this" she was crying even more than before now, i just rolled my eyes at her and gently removed her hand as did neteyam, we just shook our head, this was it, we had enough of this , we walked out calling for our ikrans when two small arms wrapped around my thigh.
I looked down to see tuk who was crying, her big doe eyes glassed over with tears, with wobbly lips she said "please don't go tsmuke, i love you, please, we can go make flower crowns together if you're sad, you can come with us too tsmukan" i dropped down to her level and kissed her forehead, neteyam following my moves, we pulled her in for a hug as i said " it's okay tuk tuk, but we can't live here now, one day if eywa wants us too, we'll see eachother but before that i will always miss you and keep you close in my memories ma' paysyul" she just nodded even if she didn't understand the depth of my words, she just nodded sniffing, i don't know if the next time i see her, she'll even remember me or not, neteyam said his goodbyes too and we mounted our beasts, we were about to be airborne when a voice called out "you are making a mistake, both of you, we can sort this out, you still have time, you can apologise and it would be all good" and i looked at him shocked, he had the audacity to say that we can sort this out by apologising to him when we didn't even do anything to begin with! In that moment, for the very first time, i hissed at him, baring my fangs on display for him to see, he was taken aback by that and neteyam didn't hold back from hissing either, with that we flew off, in search for a new home for us….
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~ 3rd person pov ~
Kiri and lo'ak were shocked to hear that their siblings have left them for good, they both saw how they were treated but never got in between because they were too scared, but now how they wished they would have so this day would not have existed, neytiri was a complete mess, blaming Jake for driving their kids away from them, she knew she was to blame as much as Jake because y/n had come to her, tried to explain that this was taking a toll on them but she did not hear her, simply trusted Jake on their training and now this was the result. Tuk was crying in her father's arms, not knowing when she'll get to see her tsmuke and tsmukan. Jake was now regretting his actions and words, he shouldn't have been so hard on them, they were his kids! What was he even thinking? But it was too late now, why did he have to say that even when they were departing for good? The weight of the situation weighed down on him when they both hissed at him, for the first time in ever, his kids, his twins, his first born's! How did he fucked up so bad that the only option left for them was to fly away from them….from Him.
That day, all of the omaticayans searched for the beloved twins till the end of the next eclipse but they were nowhere to be found, the whole clan mourned for them for days on end, praying to the great mother for their return but still they never came back, neytiri wept for days for her babies, regretting all her answers towards them, begging eywa to give her children back, yelling at Jake for what he had done but soon accepted her kids were never coming back, they were gone…. forever and she will not get to them grow up any longer.
Jake sat near the tree of souls, memories of his dear twins playing on and on, what has he done? Will he ever get to meet them again? Would they ever forgive him for this? Tears rolled down his eyes, away from everyone he let himself cry, sob for his kids that he so cruelly shoved aside and now he's facing the consequences of his actions, he will never forgive himself for this, never, he just wants his kids back and he's ready to do anything it takes to get them back but it was too late now…..the only thing he can do is wait for them, even if it means forever, he ignited this inferno that he's burning inside of now.
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A/n : this took so much time, but i love the way it turned out, I'm brain storming ideas for the next part, so please if anyone has good ideas let me know 🙏🏼💚to be tagged in this series, comment on my posts ✨
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli.
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
My Power Ranger - M.R
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@yn.skates : my power ranger invited me for a week
tagged : @nyrangers @mattrempe
location : his house
jroslovic96 : we get it you skate 🫷🏻
↪ yn.skates : is someone mad?🤫
bgoodrow : always dope to see you @yn.skates
↪ yn.skates : thank you goodybear ❤️❤️
kaaokakko : I want one of those sweaters 🤧
jacobtrouba : ill take u over Matty any day @yn.skates
↪ mattrempe : that's low🤧
jimmyvesey26 : matty is just a *quirky boy* 👶🏻
↪ yn.skates : fuck off please and thanks
alexlaff11 : power couple unite
kandre.miller : my children
↪ yn.skates : yes father
trocheck_21 : come back he misses you🤬
↪ mattrempe : you weren't supposed to tell her 🫨
mattrempe : I love you so so much my baby and I will see you so sooooon!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
_brennanothmann78 : 😬
alleyrempe : @mattrempe what if she doesnt wanna see u 🤡
Outta my comfort zone since im only into a few of the rangers not really the team but ya know. any who enjoy bc I think this might be the longest one I posted today...
I want Matt Rempe please dm me for the address you should ship him to
tags : @lukey-pookie-hughes43 and @skylershines
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Zeus x human! Reader
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, rough sex, nudity, cussing, dirty talk, pregnancy.
A/N: I got lazy 🤧 and said headcanons.
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🌿There was a time gods and humans were close. Being ruler of the cosmos Zeus heard about Adam being expelled from the garden of Eden decided to check and see how things were going on earth.
🌿There wasn’t anything else to do at the moment, why not?
🌿From what Zeus could gather from disguise as a eagle; Adam had been a little busy over the years as the kids running around were the giveaway. Zeus noticed a few older ones; two brothers. Not interested but noted.
🌿Zeus eventually noticed a young woman with the two brothers; wearing nothing but fig leaves and leaf vines. Zeus was interested.
🌿(Name) was Adam and Eve’s first daughter and definitely cherished. Zeus could tell and as a relatively young god himself he wanted to introduce himself. So, Zeus waited until she was by herself in the apple orchard that Adam planted to introduce himself.
🌿With one thing leading to another, and with a young Zeus charm and silver tongue, the two keep their relationship a secret, Zeus calls it a just me and you space. Zeus visits earth whenever he can and when he visits he always brings (Name) whether, it’s a necklace or clothes for the harsh winter or even flowers.
🌿the longer this continues they both fall in love with Zeus able to convince his sweet (Name) (with that silver tongue of his) to move away from Adam. He’s not scared of Adam but because he’s precious to (Name) he doesn’t want to have hurt anyone if they get in his way. (I promise he means well)
🌿Always calls (Name) princess, sometimes it’s other nicknames; sweetie, sunshine, honey, babe. But 90% of the time it’s princess.
🌿So when Adam sees his daughter after many years with a whole army of kids and (Name) holding a baby in her arms he’s in awe on the inside but calm on the outside as a group of kids (with familiar thick eyebrows) crowd around calling him grandpa. Adam doesn’t even question it and just welcomes them all by carrying them in his arms.
🌿 Eve also welcomed them as well as Abel but Cain is the one who asks (Name) aloud who the father is; (Name) just says they were gifts from above.
🌿Adam: ah, they are demi gods. Still my grandchildren. (Is what Adam tells himself)
🌿Zeus keeps in constant contact with his lover and children and always provides, whether it’s new shoes or clothes, or food (brings a shit ton of food, he limits sweets because some the children have already developed strength/powers and well… you get it.)
🌿Loves all his children and when the children get a smart with their mother (As all children do) when Zeus isn’t around he’ll send a thunderbolt because he hears and knows. ⚡️
🌿 When the time comes Zeus takes care of (Name)’s soul personally; she’s special after all. If any god asks why he does it he just says he wants to make sure the souls go where they are needed before he lets the valkyries do this job.
🌿 But even as a soul he still loves his princess, keeps an eye on his descendants and knows them all.
🌿Of course when Ragnarok happens; R2 is DISCOURSE 101. because Adam sees Zeus in his older appearance and is confused because Adam remembers (Name) telling him that her lover was handsome with long blonde hair and rippling muscles; a handsome god. This guy is just old. So when Zeus admits he met (Name) in his prime;younger years when he was much handsomer god. Adam is like: 👍🏻 I’m still giving you hands.
🌿the rest of R2 is discourse since (Name) has her father and lover fighting to the death. (And we all know what happens)
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It was the first time god and human came together.
The sky was dark as the stars lit up stronger than before and the small river that ran inside the cave made for a beautiful scenery.
Stories go Zeus was born in a cave, and now he was making love to his first human lover in a cave.
As slowly slid his thick cock inside his sweet (Name)’s cunt Zeus felt her tighten around his cock making him moan a loud as his hands never left her hips. Muttering, “amazing.” To himself as he believed this human felt better than any goddess he had before as Zeus had bottomed out as his whole cock was inside her now he felt amazing.
Passion and lust mixed between them as Zeus’ sped up to match his lustful feelings, (Name) had felt many emotions but nothing felt as good as the king of the gods fucking her. Zeus had a tight grip on her hips as he fucked her from behind with her hands pressed against the cave wall. Every time she said Zeus he only fucked her harder as his lust reached an all time high as he didn’t hesistate to cum inside her.
Enjoying the high of his climax and the tightness of her cunt made the god of the cosmos only want more and so for the rest of the night Zeus delighted himself inside his beautiful princess and she enjoyed every minute as well.
The next day, rather morning, Zeus decided to wake her up with a call of his own as (Name)’s toes curled with her wrapped around his waist she pulled him closer to her making her moan his name a loud on her bed, as her mind went numb (Name) felt Zeus massage her breasts. Lightly grabbing them and then releasing them, repeating in a steady motion.
“Zeus-! I think-I think-“
“It’s ok princess. Just enjoy it.”
Kissing her forehead and calling her princess (Name) felt love and passion intertwine as she felt that feeling grow more intense by the second. Zeus loved the way she tightened around his cock, the way her breasts moved and he loved the way she said his name.
One last call of Zeus’ name she reached her limit, her first climax, a feeling that was both sweet and exciting. Kissing her cheek Zeus as he gave several lust filled thrusts before reaching his own euphoric climax, tightly holding her hips in placed as he filled her cunt to the brim with his cum.
“Amazing, simply amazing my princess.”
Kissing each other two felt like the only one in the world and the fun wasn’t over yet. The next few days were a blur to (Name) as she constantly rode the godfather’s cock, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her and of course Zeus didn’t deny her once.
Not at night when the two were supposed to be asleep.
The two couldn’t stay away from each other, Zeus always wanted a partner that matched his sexual libido in the bedroom and he found that in (Name). Zeus enjoyed sex and he enjoyed many positions with (Name), eating her out was his favorite thing as he enjoyed licking and sucking her clit and licking her cunt as he held her thighs.
Several times Zeus forgot about his meetings and barely made them. Even as quick as he was it was close and yet no one seemed to mind since he did show up. When the day came that (Name) was pregnant with his child he was overjoyed and excited as he twirled her around in the air and hugged her close to him.
Zeus was sure his descendants would reign for thousands of years, his princess was so sweet and kind and with his strength and might surely it would be so.
For she was his princess and always would be.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Say what you will about Arthur and his utter lack of game, but always appreciate the fact this man looked at Morgana, duchess of drip, and decided a dagger would be the best gift for her.
And when it was pointed out that it might not be her style, he went "ah shit you right" and just had the fucking thing tricked out. That was his solution. That was his thought process. Not that a knife was inappropriate, but that it needed to be a custom piece. No basic bitches in this household.
Mans said "what shall I get my significant annoyance this year?", shook his braincell like a Magic 8 Ball, and came up with "knife."
We stan one princely himbo.
ngl i like to use this as proof for Arthur and Morgana being so close and knowing each other so well because i have such a soft spot for my pendragon siblings 🤧
(thoughts under the cut bc….*coughs* i suffer from pendragon sibs brainrot)
listen, listen to me: these guys really did only have each other when they were younger and surrounded by nobody but stuffy nobles and an emotionally repressed/abusive father. Arthur lost his mother king before he got to know her, and Morgana lost a father whom she knew and loved so dearly. they were children who never really got to grieve what was lost from them (although, in some way, Morgana was given some time to grieve and mourn but never for too long).
Arthur has known Morgana for her spunk and rebellious nature against the status quo King Uther enforces since they were children. She was always trying to learn to fight (see her bragging about beating Arthur when they were younger in 1x10) and probably taught herself secretly how to use a sword (or had some help as well 👀 but that’s just a headcanon). She was always at odds with Uther about magic (while Arthur would receive severe punishment for disagreeing with his father, Morgana’s anguish was treated like the flights of a lady’s emotions).
It would be offensive (towards Morgana) if Arthur were to ever gift her something so stereotypical and stuffy on her birthday. He most likely knew that she would have wanted something to use to protect herself: ergo, dagger.
Fuckinnnnnnng, read what Arthur says about his gift omfg 🫠
ARTHUR Beautiful, isn't it? Feel the balance, feel the sharpness of the blade.
This man put so much thought and care into this gift for her. Listen, she was his first friend, the first person to not treat him like he was fragile or the fault of his mother’s demise. She was Arthur’s sister before he even knew that’s how he saw her and their relationship. Morgana meant so much to him, your honor, I fucking can’t. They loved each other so much despite the gradual rift that he gained when we first meet them in s1, your honOR—
But then you have Merlin’s comment:
MERLIN Well, I'm no expert, but don't women normally go for pretty things? Like, maybe, jewellery?
(yes he said this as a way to deter Arthur from sticking with a dagger bc of the vision he saw but still)
And so Arthur Dumb-of-ass & bi-of-sexual Pendragon takes Merlin’s advice, realizes that yeah, Morgana still likes feminine things like dressed and jewelry and pretty shit. LET ME BEDAZZLE THIS DAGGER JUST FOR HER
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SHE LOOKS ENTRANCED BY IT???? MAYBE TOUCHED (<- fluffy is reaching, she has gone insane) MAYBE EVEN CONSIDERING THAT ARTHUR DOES CARE AND MAYBE SHE COUOD TURN HIM AGAINST UTHER TO JOIN HER???? (<- fluffy.exe is suffering malfunctions. delusion file has been corrupted)
Literally every other noble gifted her a fancy hairbrush (those fucking posers) and you would think! With how much this show presents Arthur as emotionally repressed and very obtuse when it comes to women, you would think they would regress his character (again) to make a joke out of him (again) not knowing what to give Morgana for her birthday
Not only that, BUT SHE TAKES THE DAGGER WITH HER WHEN MEETING MORGAUSE (s3’s big bad villain who is the new up-and-coming High Priestess after Nimueh, whom Merlin smited (smote? smitten?) and does not give any fucks about Uther or Arthur. Both could just die for all she cares.)
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I would never lie to you. Transcript speaks the truth. Also, what other dagger would they speak about??? It’s Arthur’s gift and she was so touched by it that she decided to use it for her nefarious schemes of regicide!
ARTHUR To lose her now, like this...I've grown up with her, she's like a sister to me. I'd sacrifice my place on the throne for her to see another sunrise.
*deep breath*
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So much shit could have been avoided if these dumbass Pendragons just talked to each other T^T Jfc, Arthur loves those close to him so deeply. He is so loyal to them that it blinds him, that he would willingly give up anything just to keep them alive and happy.
ough, yeah I’m okay (<- liar)
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
I love Harwin Strong so much and I just want him to be happy. 😢🤧Can you do a Harwin Strong x reader with them living happily ever after?
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Harwin my beloved!! Hope you enjoy this! Its just a little headcannon about a life with him.
ser harwin strong x female! reader
pretty much the ask :)
word count: 634 words reading time: about 4 minutes warnings: none
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊Both you and Harwin have known each other for years, growing up together due to you being a child of a Nobel family
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊The pair of you took a lot of time to begin your relationship, for the pair of you took some time to come to terms with your feelings for each other.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊You were one of the few people kind to Larys, seeing him for more than his disability. The pair of you loved to gossip about other Nobels, often whispering to each other.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊It was one of the defining factors as to why Harwin loved you. Despite what others may say or the rumours of others, you still treat them the same as you do anyone else.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊But what really made her fall head over heels for you was when he caught you arguing with someone over something they said about him. Though he did not care for what others said about him, it was strange to see someone else did.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊The way you spoke to this person, was full of fire and venom. He could not help but say it turned him on. When the person went to raise their hand at your words, he was quick to step in.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊Though you expressed you did not need help in the situation, you thank him for it, a kind smile on your face.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊When it came time for him to ask you to begin a relationship with you he was beyond nervous. It took Harwin some time to gather the courage, for he wanted everything to be correct.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊But what he thought would be an extravagant event turned out to be something that was a spur of the moment. A confession at night in the rain, both of you fueled with adrenaline.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊The pair of yours relationship was quickly whispered and gossiped about. Not that the pair of you minded, for you had each other.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊You both were a power couple, Harwin was a strong and intimidating man while you could cut down a person with simply your words.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊With simply glances, you both could have a full conversation
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊Harwin, Larys and yourself had been known of gossiping about others. Sharing whispers at feasts and parties about the guests.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊When the pair of you finally had children, Harwin was with you the entire time. He would refuse to go anywhere once the due date comes closer.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊ The man would be worried something would happen to you, that there would be a complication. Or maybe there might be something wrong with the child. He needed to be there to tell the maesters what you wanted to do. Less the maesters simply do as they please
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊By some grace of the Gods everything went smoothly and you both had a healthy child. Harwin seemed almost intimidated by your child, his hands being used to hurt others. But once the small child was cleaned, wrapped in blankets and placed in his arms it seemed to calm him.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊Being a father suited him, he cared greatly for his children but was not a pushover. Over time you both had three children, each one he cared for deeply.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊ He tried to connect with them separately, doing things his children liked together. Making sure to spend equal time with him, not wanting them to feel as though he had a favourite.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊┊With you and his children by his side, Harwin felt complete. A happy family was all he wished for. Something he made with you by his side. A life he could have never dreamed of.
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massivechildturtle · 2 years
Random astrology observations-II
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🌻- I always wondered why i love kids so much its now that i understand after knowing i have a stellium in my 5th house🍁
🌻- Can we just take a moment to appreciate Sagittarius men' beauty.. Like even if they are not physically attractive they just have some kind of charm in the way they talk and interact🍷🤌
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🌻- if you are looking forward to have some deep conversations which can even be about how spirituality works.. Go find a water moon✨
🌻- No one would ever get to understand the love of a Capricorn placement with earthy colors/tones💓
🌻- how the hell do aquarius people manage to be out of the box every time whether it's about there fashion, music taste, or maybe simply a pose for a picture they are just uniquely eternal souls 🍁✨
🌻- libra men usually dont open up to everyone easily, being an air sign its hard for them to trust or open to an individual emotionally so even if u ask them what's wrong they would mostly avoid talking about it and would rather joke around.
🌻- every taurus I've met has been so nice and down to earth.. Hands down the best earth sign out of all for me.. And there's just something about a taurus's smile its so frickin cute🤧.
🌻- you will never meet a Pisces without an artistic talent it might depend which one is it.. It can be writing, singing, painting etc..
🌻- i have often seen that fathers with Capricorn placement are a bit too strict with their children.. Like my friend's dad is so rational that he thinks that a 9 to 5 job is all that a human needs😭.. But with all due respect they might not show it but they love their children unconditionally.
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yellow-rose-lady · 1 month
I just want to say I just came across your drawing of dad!lloyd and the babies and I'M ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED 🤧
THE BABIES OMGGGG like they're so cute with their little outfits and their little smiles and ajshshhaushduje 🥹
I'm keeping them. They're my children now
Back🤺off 🤺 they🤺 are🤺my🤺babies🤺🤺🤺
Jk, but I’m glad you love the girl’s so much. The deserve all the love and affection the world has to offer,
All though I will warn you too not be fooled by their smile’s. More often than not they are scheming some way to give their poor father gray hair’s 😔
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 months
favourite belle headcanon(s)?
oohhh my beloved girl….
these got long so i’m putting them under the cut 😁
one i think about all the time is how she kind of becomes a forever student. and by that i mean, once she becomes ✨royalty✨ she gets in contact with the headmaster and other professors at the university of paris and she just like. always studies there. i think her & adam live in paris sometimes too so she gets to be in classes occasionally. but she just CRAVES knowledge and wants to learn EVERYTHING. by the time she’s older she probably has like every possible degree you could get there. like literally i think she’s like a pokémon trainer; gotta collect ‘em all!!!!
and of course she’s always working on the education system as queen, trying very hard to get more schools built, create laws that mandate it for all children - INCLUDING GIRLS!!!! and she’s just. soooo involved in education. she loves studying and learning and she wants to make sure no one has to grow up deprived of it the way she was. (because not everyone has a cool papa who taught them as much as he could and encouraged them to read so much !!) so yeah just. all things education✨ i have a wip i need to revisit that’s set when adam & belle are first married and she’s back from spending time with her tutor and she starts rambling about all the things she’s learned and adam’s listening with heart eyes and then she stops and apologizes for rambling and he’s like no i love it tell me more !! and it kinda makes her choke up because no one’s ever loved her for that amazing mind of hers….🤧
another one i really love is that i think she’s very clingy/snuggly in bed. and i don’t think she realized how much she loved being held when she slept until adam held her and she felt so SAFE. i think because she’s always been so independent, always had to fend for herself, she just didn’t realize how much she actually liked having someone to protect her — even if there isn’t any actual danger while they sleep. just knowing he’s holding her, it kind of helps her to let her guard down. which she needs to do just as much as adam does!
when she and adam travel (which is very often) she keeps diaries of every place they go. it started with their honeymoon, when adam gifted her, on their wedding day, a journal to take note of their adventures. and she loves it so much that she keeps it up! she has DECADES worth of journals in the shelves of her study back home, by the time she’s older. she loves to make notes about the food and the people and the whether and the flora & fauna and all of it!!! she loves exploring SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! her and adam usually have to do some kind of Royal Thing™️ while they’re anywhere, but they also take time to go off the beaten path and explore and meet local people and just dive in wherever they are. and i like to think that, in their universe, the Travel Diaries of Queen Belle remain very well-preserved throughout time, and are some of the coolest artifacts in french history 🤌
she love baking and cooking !!!!!! she doesn’t get to do it very often since being the queen and having a million other responsibilities, but it was always one of her favorite things to do both for and with her father. and she LOVES the giant ass castle kitchen, i just know she goes crazy in there at least once a week. it’s the most fun when she’s pregnant and having wild cravings. she makes insane concoctions that literally do not taste good but she loves them. i have another random little unposted scene of adam finding her in the kitchen, acting like a mad scientist cooking three different things at once, and adam gets suspicious and asks if she’s pregnant again lmao. she laughs and says she isn’t, she just happened to be reading a cook book recently gifted to her and she couldn’t decide which to try first so she’s making 3 at once!!!!!!!! (but not combined. THAT would definitely be the indicator of another little one)
speaking of her babies!!!!!!!! gosh what can i say about my mama belle headcanons? one big and important one that i have is that she elects to nurse her own babies. which, as you can imagine, is super uncommon for a QUEEN to do. i elaborate on it in This Fic, but essentially she just couldn’t bring herself to adhere to the tradition of a wet nurse. i think because she wanted to find a way to be closer to the mother she lost as an infant, she wanted to do everything her mother did for her before she died. i think her pregnancies, ESPECIALLY her first, were when she thought about her mother the most. because… that was the most time they spent together 🫠 her mother died when belle was only three months old!!!! and she knew, of course, that her mother nursed her. i just think she felt this deep need to honor her & connect to her this way. and adam was originally advocating for a wet nurse, purely thinking about time efficiency, how busy belle is and how much work time she’d have to give up to do this, but after hearing her lament her mother and cry that she couldn’t be here to help show her how to be a mama… he understood. he knows how desperate one can be to connect to a lost mama :( so he supports his queen and they never hire a permanent wet nurse for their children! (there was a temporary one for a FEW times they HAD to go on small trips when they had a baby and they just couldn’t take her or him, but it was only under that kind of urgent/dire circumstance.)
i think belle is an absolutely iconic and very involved queen, but early on i think she struggles with it a lot. one of my favorite things to think about for her is how like… she was an outcast in the village, but she’s STILL an outcast in royal society. like i think she had this secret hope that this new position in life would be the answer; that she’d finally find her place. and she does eventually! but at first it’s rough. adam believes in her wholeheartedly and he LOVES that she is queen, but the rest of their court doesn’t fully take to her as easily. it’s strange enough that she came out of the woodwork, not from royalty, not even from a prominent noble family as far as they can tell! but As Queen she’s so much more involved than any of them could have anticipated. the older court and council members recall adam’s mother and grandmother, both very inactive queens (because they were very abused and disregarded by their husbands…) and therefore are confused by this sudden shift (especially because they KNEW of adam’s delinquency prior to meeting her, so they can’t fathom how he’s changed so much and is so supportive of her) and the younger court and council members just have no idea how to respond. they’re all willing to play the part and respect their queen, but then she’s… actually in meetings and actually sharing ideas and plans and making decisions and it’s like ???
and not even to mention, her ideas are very ahead of her time and forward thinking — and they don’t care for that shit at all! it’s just all very strange. and french court people are gossiping little pricks and so people talk about her a lot, and she feels just as isolated and different as she did in the village. she struggles a lot with it early on. and adam does everything he can to support her and comfort her and believe in her. but he also takes a lot of the blame for how she’s treated, because he feels like it’s his fault for bringing her into this life. even though she obviously chose all of this willingly. so, it’s just TOUGH. but time does carry on, and eventually belle does have the respect of her court, at least the vast majority of it. she does find her place in the end, it just doesn’t happen as swiftly as she had hoped.
gosh, okay, one last note that i will make much lighter: she loves loves loves loves loves LOVES to read to her children. which is obvious, i know, but oh my gosh. she just loves it. she loves when adam reads to them too, but i think something fills her heart so completely when she’s sitting with them gathered on the floor, or she’s in bed and they’re snuggled around her, she’s just whisking them away to all these adventures. reading was always her escape, and i think she likes that, for them, it’s just a way to expand their dreams. she loves teaching them so much, she loves watching their little minds expand with curiosity and creativity. she never really expected to become a mother, because she wasn’t going to let herself settle in that village, so now that she IS one, i think she just loves giving them the whole world. she loves listening to them read, too. she loves listening to them talk and sing and play and laugh. she loves being a mama so much more than she ever even considered. i think because she always attached that kind of thought to being in a loveless marriage in the village she’d be stuck in forever. but there’s so much love between her and adam, it always multiples with each of their three little babies. and she didn’t have to give herself up for any of it. she gets to be a brilliant queen; a student, a teacher, a leader, while still being the best wife and mama (and daughter!!) to the ones she loves the most. i just love writing her happily ever after so much. i think she was really beginning to lose hope in that village, and i love how it all changed, and that adventure in the great wide somewhere is always right at her finger tips :”)
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daleelahwrites · 4 months
In honour of the aot universe pulling me back again (and because you're the reason i got into berusasha first) i present you a thought:
AU where bertholdt and sasha live, but bertholdt hears about this marleyan guy named niccolo that, apparently, is crushing hard on his girl her
What do you think his reaction would be??
Hi Selene!! ✨ Thank you so much for sending your message! Sorry for the late response :') I'm very happy to know that you became interested in berusasha because of my work! 🤧🤧🥹
And AAAAAA I loved your idea!! I think so much would be happening that he wouldn't know what to say, a lot of conflicting feelings. He has already had so many traumas, and as far as the manga has shown us, Bertholdt's father died without seeing his son return; so we have him without a family, he saw people die, people he cared about, people he had to left behind, people who needed to have died for that plan to be done, a bloody plan ordered by people who would rather see children getting blood on their hands, risking their own necks like if they were disposable. And unfortunately, that's what Eldians are in that society.
So after a lifetime of suffering, giving up himself and his feelings to serve Marley's interest, a Marleyan prisoner who would never go through a third of what Bertholdt had to face, in addition to being treated better than an Eldian would ever be, was not only having the opportunity to work alongside the Eldians he were taught to hate, but still be respected for those same Eldians! And now what? Courting one of the "island devils"? Bertholdt feels this is insane, completely unfair! Niccolo is a Marleyan, he was destined to live a life on easy mode, just for being born on the winning side of that war. That wasn't enough, did he still feel the right to hit on a girl he was “allowed” to hate and humiliate?
Bertholdt has to stop himself from saying anything. That's the end of the world, they don't have time to discuss things like relationships and feelings hidden over the years. But oh yes, he's definitely salty about it.
Well then that's what I could think of. What did you think? Do you have any different ideas? 👀
Thank you again for your message and for being interested in berusasha! Wish you a great weekend!! 🩷✨
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redge · 2 months
【OSHI NO KO】 Chapter 155
I was supposed to add these thoughts to this thread I posted on X but I don't want to make multiple posts anymore so here we go.
The cover page
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Would you look at that cover. 😍 It's really bizarre to me that these two ladies are being pit against each other on the other side of the fandom but then in the OnK universe, though they see each other as rivals, they don't necessarily hate each other. I really don't get the root cause of the word wars 😅 (didn't realize that I forgot to include the cover when I posted this haha)
Hikaru Kamiki
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"As if he'd become empty"
Oh the heartbreak 154 gave me. Had this man met an adult who could have guided him, things would have turned out differently. But it's too late to dwell on the past.
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This statement from Hikaru makes me believe more on my analysis that 【OSHI NO KO】 is a documentary about Ruby with the interviews done by Hikaru Kamiki, including that 【mother】 version from Ai.
Also, when Ruby bursted out when Kamiki left, I think that's a proof that Ruby was really not oblivious who their father was.
Miyako loving the twins the way that they never experienced from their own mothers
Miyako finally got the recognition she deserves. 🤧 People might think that the build up of the revenge is comparatively pale to its conclusion but I think putting Miyako at the end of it is the best thing to end that revenge.
In the course of the manga when Ai died, we only saw Miyako as their manager but we haven't seen enough of her as a parent of the twins. Chapter 155 gave us that. Miyako never stopped Ruby and Aqua on whatever business they are on but she's always there, ready to welcome them home and fill them in with food on the table. That after a hard long day, these twins will be welcomed by a mother's love. It's something Gorou did not experience because his mother died from his birth. It's something Sarina did not experience because her mother didn't care about her. It's something they could have had as Aqua and Ruby only if Ai didn't die that early. This revenge started as early as chapter 10. Interesting too that on the same chapter, Miyako offered the twins if they want to be her children for real.
Miyako: Your mother will only be Ai-san, I know. You don't have to think of me as a mother. But I do think of you as my children.
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And if you're given this love, even the strongest feeling of pain and suffering that has been the root of the revenge can slowly be healed through time. Because when you forgive, you don't do it for the person who wronged you. You do it for yourself. With this, Ruby's dilemma in chapter 147 "to forgive or not to forgive", we finally know Ruby's choice. And now, we're off to see Ruby fulfilling her mother's unfinished dreams.
My initial reaction when I read chapter 132 was that I didn't see that coming but it totally makes sense. Makes sense that Nino and Kamiki know each other. Makes sense that Nino feels that way as a B-Komachi member. And now that I read chapter 155, it also makes sense why of all the filming in the movie, Aqua was seen observing that fight scene between Ai and Nino. It was probably at this point that he's getting suspicious of her. That his initial thought that "it was probably not a B-Komachi member" was wrong after all. Kana Arima's portrayal of Nino made perfect sense because that hate and jealousy is crucial to understand what happened to Ai. Even that haircut of Akane in 155, while others associate it with becoming her own self again, I think it was again to understand a character: Nino. Believe me, when I saw that haircut from the leak, I know it reminded me of someone but I can't just pull it off. Others say it's the same hairstyle as Kana, but Akane's haircut in chapter 155 is much shorter. When the chapter was officially released, I realized that what I really thought of upon seeing that haircut was Nino. And Aqua telling that to Akane, getting surprised when he first saw Akane with that haircut means he caught on that too. Remember that Akane, throughout the manga, has been presented as someone who immersed herself into people to understand them more. She did it to understand Kana. She did it to understand Ai. And now she's doing it again to understand Nino.
There are more questions in my mind for every chapter that answers my previous questions and I just cannot wait to be enlightened by the end of the manga. (Please Aka-sensei I beg you let's finish this soon 🥲)
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Hi, i’m kitty! I love Alternative Universe fanfics, so that anon’s request made me want to submit one, hope you guys enjoy 😊
He had just arrived home after a long day of work, longing to see his girlfriend again, they had just moved in together a few months ago, after they found out she was expecting a baby of his. At first they were taken aback by the news, she already has three children, they had a big age gap, she wasn’t very young anymore (they actually had gotten more carefree about protection in the precedent months, as they thought a pregnancy would be highly unlikely). But after some weeks they couldn’t be more delighted about the event, the doctors reassured them everything would be alright with both her and the baby, he started a new promising job as an investment banker, and she was able to found a new teaching position in Paris to move in with him, besides that the whole family was super happy about a new member.
As he entered their room he found her laying down on the bed, wearing shorts and a tank top, her 5 months baby bump really showing on her small frame, she has always been really pretty, but in his opinion her pregnant state was the most divine like he had ever seen her.
“How was your day, chérie?” He asked sitting down beside her “It was good, but your baby kicked me all day and still hasn’t stopped, i’m really tired out” she replied softly with a smile, while gently caressing his cheek with one hand and her big belly with the other one
“Oh, it hasn’t stopped yet? Can i feel it?” he asked hopefully as he softly brushed his lips on hers.
“Of course!” she replied. He then proceeded to roll her tank top up and caress her round belly, feeling their baby kicking his hand hard as he gently stroked the full extent of his girlfriend’s stomach. They had decided to not find out their baby’s gender until birth, a happy and healthy child was all that mattered, they both thought (slightly hoping their kid would have his eyes and her nose tho)
“Hey baby, it’s your daddy” he said in soft voice, resting his head against her bump while she stroked his hair “I know you’ve been having lots of fun today, but your mommy really needs to rest, would you mind slowing down the rhythm just for a few hours tonight? So she can rest a bit. Your mommy and daddy already love you very much” he finished as he added several feather light kisses through her whole distended abdomen.
Even though he talked to her belly every night, she was always so touched by this interaction, he was an amazing boyfriend, and she always he would have been a good father, but she didn’t imagine that he’d be that good
“And daddy also loves mommy very much” he complemented as he kisses his gf’s lips very passionately and softly, only breaking apart when they needed fresh air
“How about we go shopping for some baby clothes tomorrow, after our sonogram appointment?” she asked still panting from their kiss
“I’d love to” he replied with a smile, his eyes full of love “But for tonight i think we should have a little fun ourselves now that the baby calmed a bit” he said maliciously as he searched her lips for a more intense, passionate and full of love kiss, that she reciprocated in the same intensity
Hello Kitty! And welcome to us! ❤️
Emmanuel talking to Brigitte’s bump... oh my heart! You just actually killed me with the sweetness of this 🥺 “hey baby, it’s your daddy”. No just goodbye, I will sob in a corner 🤧
Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us! Hope you continue! ❤️
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stargirlfics · 2 years
Ok this episode just confirmed that Rhaenyra's boys are the best boys 😢🤧💕 You can see how well raised they are
I truly love her boys too yes! That moment Jace defended Baela at the dinner table! I just know they got that sense of protectiveness about their ladies from seeing how Harwin and Daemon have always stood up for their mom! Well raised indeed, like you can definitely see the difference between parenting from Rhaenyra and parenting from Alicent
It’s so clear that Rhae’s boys turned out so well because she truly wanted to have kids as much as it was a duty she knew she had to carry out, her and Laenor and Harwin had such a good and loving system to bring up those boys I feel!
Whereas Alicent comes off more cold to her children, we’ve seen her actually hit the them out of anger a couple times now and it makes sense to me that she is the way she is in general and with her children because of her father’s manipulations in her ear since she was a child herself and
She was forced into position of queen and knew she needed to produce heirs with Viserys and it wasn’t really out of love or want, yes she would do anything for her kids and cares about them on some level but there’s an overall affection and love missing from her to them when Rhae’s interactions with her kids always feel genuine and warm
I’m on a tangent now but it’s just so interesting to see how different things are between the two of them it makes me kinda sad that things are so strained between them and even amongst their kids they have issues with each other like the beef goes so deep I-we love a dysfunctional family lmao!
But yes to your point, Rhaenyra’s boys have my heart!
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aajjks · 10 months
i need a tissue 🤧
there it is again, the mention of his parents. you aren’t sure who his parents are or what they look like but it’s clear they’re the reason behind why he doesn’t want to be a father. you’re shocked when he pulls you in for a hug but you hug him back just as tight and listen to him cry in your shoulder.
if the day comes where you meet his parents, you’re going to give them a piece of your mind because they ruined him on a mental level. he’ll never feel like he’d be a great father because of his own flesh and blood and you regret “fixing the problem” because he could’ve proved his father wrong but that wouldn’t have been right.
you two love each other too much to do something like that and you care about his mental health. mentally, he’s not ready for a kid and you are too focused on your future to have one either.
but maybe, when the time is right, you both will have as many children as you please. just not now. right now, his head is BURNING hot, even jungkook’s body is hot and you hear the congestion in his nose. you place a hand on his head “you might have a fever, jungkook” you say while taking his hand and leading him to the shared bedroom where the cold medicine and thermometer is kept.
turns out both you and him were right because his temperature is at 110 degrees fahrenheit aka he’s running a fever. reluctantly, he takes the nasty cold medicine and you’re hoping by the end of the night his fever will go down. until then, he’s snuggled up against you like a little baby. when you go to touch your hair up, he’s clinging onto you with his head in your neck, when you’re doing homework, he’s laying in between your legs with his head on your stomach, when you’re watching movies in the living room, he’s big spooning you on the couch with his warm head laying in the crease of your neck.
by the next day, his temperature is at 108 degrees F so you FORCE him to stay home (which took a lot of work) so you could take care of him. you give him nasty medicine, feed him soup, cuddled him all damn day, and did your classes online to keep yourself caught up. you do that for majority of the week since jungkook actually had a really bad fever but now he’s doing much better. he still has a small cold but his temperature has gotten a lot lower and you figured since he was feeling much better you could tell him how you feel about “it.”
you both are sitting naked in the tub and jungkook is feeding you pineapples from the mixed bowl of fruit you cut up for the two of you. you’re sitting in jungkook’s lap with your back against his chest and as per usual, he’s snuggled up close to you and kisses you every now and then. it’s cute and you’re hoping you don’t kill the mood when you tell him what’s on your mind…
“jungkook” you begin. “i’m gonna be honest, i think you would be a great dad. i don’t know what your parents did to you but you’re such a good person. i never want you to blame yourself for my actions because i genuinely believed i was doing something good for the both of us and i know you keep saying you don’t want kids anytime soon but i do one day and it’s you who i want to father our children. i’m sorry i ruined the trust between us instead of being honest with you and i apologize if i ever made it seem like it was your fault when it wasn’t. i’ll never bring up kids again after this but i just want you to know that if the time comes, i want it to be with you. i treat you like a human being because no matter how rich you are, you’re still the jeon jungkook who cries over romantic movies, loves bam like his own son, secretly wears contacts because you’re too cool for glasses, loves banana milk, and is more than my boyfriend but you’re my friend too and i…and i love you”
You’ve melted his heart, he still feels the weight on it.. he has to tell you the truth, he has to let you know what happened at night.
“Yn I think there’s something you should know.” He sighs, it’s so hard for him to remember, and even though he was very drunk that night. His father’s words are still clear his head.
He can still hear them.
“I was just really heartbroken about what happened between us.. and after a few drinks, I was-I was really drunk and I called my father… and I blamed him for everything.. he’s the reason I don’t want to have children because I don’t want to end up like him.. and I am the reason you decided to abort our child..”
He groans. He doesn’t even know how to calm his anger down as bubbling up inside his chest. If he could kill his father would.
“Yn do you know what he said to me?” His hold on you tightens. he is about to cry, but he won’t cry anymore especially not because of his damned father. “He said that you did the right thing because you probably knew that I would be a fucked up dad. You knew that I didn’t deserve to be a father..”
Jungkook sniffles. “that you we’re probably disgusted, but you were pregnant with my child and you couldn’t stand to have my child and that you did it because of me. I-I mean that’s partially true, but the way he said those things to me oh my God.. I swear I was going to kill him that night..”
He chuckles suddenly. “he made me realize i just don’t deserve to be a father…”
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kpophubb · 2 years
omg PLEASE bb come here I NEED those smau links 🤧💗🤍
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*****Wonie smau: the unhelpful guide on what you should not do to make your crush notice you~ the sketchbook
Review: ♾️/10! The storyline was that amazing student life theme and the friendships were SO SO GOOD. The humour, the love story, the friends, the characters (so fun and accurate), the intimacy of young love and all the butterflies and giddy moments were SO on spot.🥹🫶🏻 overall, the best smau I’ve ever read!💓 this will leave your heart full of satisfaction and warmth!
*****Jake smau: paper rings
Review: 10000000000000000/10! This is extremely special to my heart and my most favourite smau bc of emotional reasons. I loved how the drama and angst lined up so well, the love was on spot, the humour, the relationship, the supportive friends and the heart melting innocent and pure family moments? The ending made me cry. This is that one smau that made me shred tears nonstop from how good and warm and aching this left me feeling. 🤍 this will always be the most special and dear to me writing. The experience I felt reading this can’t be described through words.
***Jake smau: dad diaries
Review: 1000000000000/10! This is the continuation^ of the above smau and man I’m not lying when I say this made me cry tears of overwhelm. I was so incredibly emotional and my heart literally melted from how much I took this smau by heart, how much the innocent loving family moments and Jake being the loving father of two of y/n’s children made me feel on the inside. The pure bliss of married life with the love of your life and the heavenly feeling of raising a precious family w him! :’) <3 just don’t know the right word to describe how much this means to me.🤍
Anyway curry baby!💓 that’s all for now! DONOT forget to lmk how u felt reading my recs ! 🥰
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anothanobody · 2 years
History anon briefly jumping to say hi and spill some aleatory facts! So this, this is exactly how it was during the Qing Dynasty in China (1644-1911). The Emperor had an official wife, who was Empress consort, and could chose exactly four concubines. The concubines were noble girls/women from around the Empire and, in Qing context, specifically had to come from the Manchu ethnic minority to which the imperial dynasty belonged and who ruled China since the conquest in 1644.
The concubines were divided in ranks, from 3rd to 1st usually, but at the end of the day their importance relied less on their title and more on whether the emperor favored them, or whether they gave birth to a child. I mentioned in another ask to you about succession systems around the world that China never followed a father-to-eldest son model. Actually, with each dynasty the model changed, but in Qing China the model was basically: the emperor would chose his heirs from among his sons; if the emperor didn’t chose, the elders of the Aisin Gioro clan (that is, from the Qing Dynasty) would chose the heir strictly from among the Emperor’s sons; if there were none, from among the imperial children from the same generation as the Emperor’s children.
I also briefly mentioned the Empress Dowager Cixi. What an interesting, fantastic woman. She started her career in politics as, you guessed, a concubine to the Xianfeng Emperor. She had his only son, who in turn became the Tongzhi Emperor at an early age. With her son’s ascendance, she also rose from concubine to Dowager Empress, since she was the biological mother of the new Emperor, even though the former Empress consort, Ci’an, was the pre-eminent woman in court and also an “adoptive” mother to the new Tongzhi Emperor. This was what enabled her to seize control of the court and therefore of the country, starting a regency that lasted from 1861 until her death in 1908. Truly amazing figure, one shouldn’t be so quick to make a judgment of her without reading a lot first.
But back to what matters, the Tongzhi Emperor was more or less like this Eren. In the sense that he was extremely naïve and unprepared for his duties, much to the disappointment and rage of his mother the Dowager Empress. Now, my fellow anon never said their plot was in imperial China, but somehow I get the feeling it is? Sorry for intruding or making assumptions, it’s just that the plot sent me back to the traditional Chinese system of government and court policy. Anyway, that’s it! I love to talk about the Qing Dynasty, couldn’t control myself!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY HISTORY ANON!!! My love 😭😭😭 here you are! how happy i am to see you 💙💙💙 i’m here giggling and beaming that you were so excited to write about it 😭😭 let me kiss your pretty mind 🤧🤧🤧 but well now we got to wait for the other anon to reply to this and shut the doubts 😮‍💨
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