#Zeus x reader
roguerambles · 4 months
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Hermes: "Father, far be it from me to suggest the responsible course of action, but perhaps you should discontinue these trysts with Ares's wife? It can, quite literally, only end in disaster."
Zeus: "...yes. Yes, you are right."
Zeus: *entering Reader's bedchambers* "We need to talk--"
Reader: *lounging naked on the bed* "I'm furious with Ares and want to ride you to the Underworld and back over it."
Zeus: *immediately shedding his clothes* "We can talk later--"
Hermes: *face-palm*
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kupidachillea · 24 days
Olympians x You (hcs or imagines)
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Author note: Geez, it’s been awhile. Sorry, I’ve been in bit of a funk, got both writers block and art block but I just want to drop this. I still have a few things in my drafts, but for now I’ll feed you guys this.
TW (trigger warning):This may have a few Yandere themes in it. And while the Olympians themselves aren’t really yanderes- they do share similar tendencies considering their myths. Please note that this isn’t completely accurate to their mythology- but it’s just a bit of fun so please take no offence and be nice in the comments.
CW (content warning)⚠️: readers either 17-18+ (to read this I mean), light mentions of nudity, molesting and sexual harassment, toxic behaviour. General (hinted) Yandere behaviour. Reader’s discretion is advised.
🏺- You weren’t sure how you got here but somehow you ended up on mount Olympus of all places.
🪡- Your brain was fuzzy and you hadn’t yet registered the 12 + looming faces above you. When you did notice, they were bickering in a language you didn’t understand (or at the very least, understood a little). It was jarring and you were still trying to get your bearings.
-🏺 You noticed one of them, a woman, dressed in garments fit for royalty (in ancient times at least) and had somewhat of a peacock aesthetic to it, yelling and pointing accusingly at a man, presumably her husband. She didn’t seem happy. Hera. Queen of the Olympians..that means the other must’ve been Zeus..oh boy
🪡- Zeus looked as if he was trying to quell his wife’s anger before things got more out of hand. There were a few others in the back that looked bored of the situation- as if a similar thing has happened before, while others looked mildly amused.
🏺- Despite all that- the argument seemed to have turned completely to you. Hera turning her rage towards you. “You! Where did you come from, how did you arrive here!?” She’d ask in anger, it was evident she had very little patience if any at all, thankfully though she was now speaking a language you could understand. You scrambled to answer her, your body trembling slightly at how her voice shook the marble floor you were sat on.
🪡- You tried to explain to her that you didn’t know how you got here. Your brain still fuzzy with images that didn’t clear up or make sense. This obviously didn’t help the Queen’s anger and you could see her patience slipping. She would scoff and turn back towards the other gods, them discussing what they should do with you.
🏺 - Some suggestions were thrown around, some you weren’t so fond of. Multiple times did they suggest either killing you or throwing you off the mountain (which would kill you anyway). However those ideas were shut down immediately by more ‘kindhearted’ gods. This hasn’t happened in centuries- a human spawning on top of their mountain out of the blue..they aren’t really prepared for this.
🪡- They were almost all out of ideas, until one golden haired music deity bent down to your height and took a closer look at you. His eyes shining as he took in your appearance before a smile started to work its way on his lips. “How about we keep them..?” He suddenly asked, his gaze still set on the little (little to them anyway) human in front of him.
🏺- This made everyone pause and even you were shocked by the suggestion. You found it ridiculous and you argued that despite how flattering it was- you didn’t want to stay with them and you wanted to be returned back to your home. The gods only seemed to ignore you, as if you were a child having an unreasonable temper tantrum. They were all considering keeping you here!
🪡- “Well…” Hermes started. You could tell since he was a bit shorter than the others and he had his signature winged sandals. “It has been quite awhile since the gods have had a plaything..” he would mutter reluctantly. He wasn’t entirely sold on the idea, despite how his father and brothers (most anyway) were grinning like idiots. You, obviously , did not appreciate being referred to as a plaything.
🏺- “Then it is settled..this little one shall be our new plaything!” Zeus grinned, a little too happy for both yours and Hera’s taste. You were about to give them a piece of your mind but was swiftly silenced by a threatening gaze from Hera..to your surprise. And thus began your horrible life with the Olympians..
🪡- You were stripped of your modern clothing and given a chiton to wear instead. “It’s too modern for our liking..” Aphrodite would say as she felt up your body in ways that made you shiver in discomfort. “We’re use to our people…how should I say this? Showing a little more skin…” the goddess of love would chuckle sweetly, while you would stare at her in embarrassment and maybe even a hint of disgust. While you could understand where she was coming from- it still didn’t stop you personally from being uncomfortable with they way she was touching you.
🏺-You’d also be dressed up in fine jewellery, much to your surprise..anklets of gold, bangles made of bronze, necklaces etc. sweet smelling oil perfumes covering your body- anything to make seem more ‘appealing’ to the gods and goddess. You were their plaything after all, so it made sense for them to dress you how they liked..no matter how much you disliked it.
🪡- They’d occasionally have you pour them wine at banquets or sit on their laps to just sit there and look pretty. The main gods that did this were of course Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, definitely Dionysus and at some point Hermes. You didn’t really appreciate this, but rejecting their request would result in a ‘punishment’ for you.
🏺- To your surprise..Ares rarely touched you without your permission, but he was a little mean here and there. He along with Athena and Demeter weren’t as…’touchy’ as the others. And Artemis …you appreciated that..though just because they didn’t touch you in inappropriate ways doesn’t mean they weren’t as ‘crazy’ as the rest.
🪡- For example, while Artemis wasn’t big on being a pest in terms of touching you, she did take you out on hunts..which..wasn’t so bad in your opinion. It was much better than being up on the mountain most days..she thought a little more rationally- but of course- her twin, Apollo, would see you hanging out with his sister and get a little possessive about it. Which you didn’t understand- you weren’t any of their lovers (even if they thought so), but even so..most hunting trips were cut short because of him.
🏺- When you finally got moments to breathe away from the gods..you’d spend it out in the garden..hidden away from everyone and thing..it was your quiet time up until one of the gods summoned you. You found out that you weren’t the first human to be in this position (and probably not the last)..according to one of the lesser known gods (maybe Hebe) you were told that centuries before, a young lad was taken into the heavens to serve Zeus but had been placed into the stars as the constellation known as Aquarius.
🪡- You shivered at the thought..you didn’t want that to happen to you. To be placed in the stars? Doomed to forever look down on earth and watch your family and friends grow? It may have been an honour back then but to you it was almost like a death sentence.
🏺- Either way, life with the Olympians got harder to cope with. Your privacy was always compromised and you were forced to many things you didn’t like. Sometimes the gods would be as bold to sneak up on you while you were bathing and either join you in the pool or touching up your nude body.
🪡-Often giving excuses for why they would do so, or simply ignoring your protest. It wasn’t hard to manhandle you after all..they were gods, and you were a puny human. Why should they care about your thoughts and feelings. It progressively got worse with them kissing your neck or cheek without your permission too- Apollo was the main culprit of that..
🏺- Sometimes you found yourself crying in a corner by yourself at the situation you were in. The only person willing to comfort you being Hestia. She obviously didn’t approve of this but she couldn’t do much besides being a safe space for you to turn to, which you appreciated.
🪡- But no matter how you protest, run, hide, or try to defy them; you are still theirs. That how they see it anyway, and they won’t change their mind..
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theyanderespecialist · 3 months
Base Yandere Zeus Headcanons: King of Gods, King of Yanderes
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another chapter, this one being the base headcanons for yandere Zeus! I hope you enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Zeus is not yandere in canon (but he is a whole lot of fucked up) this is just for fun, and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Neither is Zeus, Zeus is NOT a good partner in real life. Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Zeus From Greek Mythology- 
.Zeus, Oh MY GODS Zeus! He is probably one of the worst yanderes out there. 
.He had many wives and many children. Both with Immortals and Mortals. 
.He was a very unfaithful man and continued to cheat on his main wife Hera. 
.When he met you, he was intoxicated by you. 
.Never had any Immortal or mortal made him feel such lust and love. 
.He desired you more than anything or anyone in his entire Immortal life. 
.So he would do anything and everything to win you over. 
.He is the most powerful god there is. More powerful than all the gods combined. 
.So no one in this world would be able to challenge him on his love for you. 
.He is also wise in which he knows that pushing you to love him is not the best of ideas and that he would do his best to court you. He wants to be more than that with you, so much more. 
.He is also just and would be fair to his rivals (up to a degree) he would give the rivals a chance to leave you. 
.If they did not, he would use his power to separate them from you. 
.If they did not and insult him then they would be punished greatly for what they have done. 
.He is The Ruler of The Gods, no one else is worthy of you, only him and if those pathetic rivals think that they can have you, they have another thing coming. 
.He of course is impatient as well. So he would not be able to wait long and would end up seducing you in the classic Zeus way (Like how he used to turn into animals or golden rain or even past mortal's partners.) (We will talk more about this in a hot bit) 
.He is very confident in his skills to court you and would do his best to win you over. 
.He can be very charming and would be likely to get you into his bed. 
.If he is not able to seduce you in the traditional ways he would turn into someone you did have feelings for. 
.Such as a rival or a partner you have. 
.There he would make you pregnant with his offspring so that way you cannot leave him. (It does not matter if you are a man or woman, he is using his godly powers to knock you up) 
.On a side note he WOULD NOT let Hera punish you, he knows how she is and she does not want that vile woman harming you. 
.So if she tries anything with you or your children (Which he impregnates you with)  He promises her he will kill her, and bring her back only to kill her over and over again. 
.He puts the fear of well... HIM into her! 
.She still glares at you with such hate and disgust. But she never ever speaks a word to you. 
.You will be made his concubine, in which you are to be his bed warmer and his prize. 
.He is extremely lustful and since he is yandere for you, ALL That lust would go onto you. 
.He would ONLY want to have sex with you for the rest of time. 
.He would turn you into A Deity as well, so that way you can be with him for the rest of time.
.He would make you the Deity that is made to be his spouse and offspring bearer to his future children. 
.He does not tolerate anyone insulting you so you would be treated like a jewel. 
You are his treasure and he has you up in Mount Olympus where he keeps you mostly in his bed chambers. 
.But also, he loves to show you off. 
.You are his prize and he loves you more than anything he wants to spend the rest of his time with you. 
.He would have tried courting you first, then he would confess to you. 
.It would be a big and flashy confession, if you accepted his love he would be over the moon and make you a deity right away. 
.Once again if you turn him down he would turn into someone or something to seduce and impregnate you. 
.That way he cannot and would not lose you. 
.He is the King of The Gods and you will be his partner, co-ruler, and HIS And HIS ALONE! 
.If you try and fight him on this, he will hold your loved ones over your head. 
.You should be lucky that The King Of Gods wants you and you will learn to be a good partner! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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Hi I hope your doing well I wanted to request yandere Zeus and Yandere Hera x gender neutral reader who is a mortal who they might turn into a god/goddess headcanons from blood of Zeus please and thank you 😊❤️
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yandere hera x reader x yandere Zeus (headcanons) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the second you become their darling you are doomed. you can kiss freedom and independence away because you'll never be alone with them.
they will take you to Olympus and force immortality on you, there is no saying anything against it. and if refuse then they will still force it but you may get a few scars to go with your new 'gift'.
you will be allowed to roam around Olympus, taking the fact everyone is too scared to say anything or do anything against you being there.
hera introduces you to her friends and children and while against Hera's wants Zeus introduces you to his.
it never becomes clear right away if you bring Zeus and hera together or tear them from each other. not right away at least.
if one day you finally fall in love with them then your life will be amazing, they'll be so loving and kind to you giving you everything.
but if they ever found out that you tried to escape from them then they will drag you back there and lock you away in their room until you learn.
if in another situation they found out that you escaped but it wasn't your fault this time, for example, one of the other gods or a mortal daring to try and help you then they won't be as angry at you. the person who tried to keep you from them may not live through it.
in the end, the two will nearly tear each other and sometimes you apart but by the end of the day they'll pin you in bed and force cuddles from you because the one thing they agree on is you.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yandere love letter from Zeus and Poseidon to a pregnant reader pls? (Maybe Zeus's reader is worried of Hera's wrath on her)
My love,
My love for you transcends any limits, it is an overwhelming passion that consumes me completely. Seeing the life blossom within you brings me an indescribable ecstasy, but it also ignites an uncontrollable fire within me.
At this time in our lives, my determination to protect you and our baby is unwavering and unbreakable. I solemnly swear that I will face any obstacle, any adversity, and any threat she may throw at us.
With each passing day, my mind is haunted by the shadow she casts over us. Her jealousy and anger are known to all, and the love I feel for you only increases my anxiety. Every thought of possible threats she might pose to you and our child's safety torments me in an overwhelming way.
My beloved, I would do anything to keep you and our precious baby safe, even if it means eliminating any threat that dares to get in our way.
May this letter testify to the profound oath I make to you and to the life that burgeons within you. My beloved, trust me, for I am willing to brave heaven and earth to protect what is ours.
May this letter testify to the profound oath I make to you and to the life that burgeons within you. My beloved, trust me that I am willing to stand up to the titans and Gaia herself to protect what is mine.
With a heart that's yours entirely,
My beloved,
Every wave that kisses the shore carries with it the echo of my passion for you, a passion that has blossomed into an unwavering devotion that knows no bounds. Knowing that a new being, fruit of our ardent love, is growing inside you awakens an indescribable joy and, at the same time, a concern that threatens to consume my reason.
From the moment you came into my life, my heart was engulfed by an overwhelming wave of love and protection for you. The news that you are carrying our child fills my being with uncontrollable ecstasy and worry.
However, allow me to express my growing concern about the safety of you two. Wild imagination haunts me with visions of dangers that could threaten your life and that of our baby. The fear that even the treacherous waters might conspire against you consumes my mind.
I swear by the seas I rule, my beloved, that I will shape the seas into impassable shields to protect you from any evil that dares approach. No tumultuous currents or raging storm will dare even touch your delicate skin. Our connection runs as deep as the very depths of the oceans I rule, and my love with you is more powerful than the pull of the tides.
May this letter testify to the intensity of my commitment, my beloved. Be mine and mine alone, that I may protect and adore you forever.
Take care, my queen of the deep, and know that my devotion to you and our child is fiercer than the storm itself.
With possession and fervor,
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jgracie · 6 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH . . . cabin one headcannons
masterlist | rules
warnings zeus (sorry)
an im gonna be doing these for all the cabins cz i have a lot of ideas in my head LOL but in order of numbers so sorry hecate kids
on the radio electric touch (taylor swift), thunder (imagine dragons), she’s thunderstorms (arctic monkeys), skyfall (adele)
In my head, there are two types of Zeus demigods: lightning and thunder 
‘Lightning’ are the ones with (literally LOL) electrifying personalities, representing the Zeus a lot of their parents probably fell for. They’re fun loving party animals and are down for almost anything. Not to the extent of a Hermes or Dionysus kid, but definitely up there 
‘Thunder’ are quiet and level-headed, showing more of the ‘ruler of the Gods’ side of their father. They have a royal-esque aura to them and carry themselves with confidence and pride. Despite not doing too much to frighten others and mostly keeping to themselves, people still know to stay respectful and that they’re a force to be reckoned with 
The two seem like polar opposites most of the time and have people questioning how the same God could create such different kids, but they actually have a lot in common
The main trait all Zeus kids share is an extreme calling to leadership. Just like how their father saved all his elder siblings from their father’s stomach and became their king, they feel the need to be in charge and make sure everyone’s okay
They are also incredibly good at it. Zeus kids are always the people to go to when you need a pep talk or some words of motivation. Even the ones who perceive themselves as more pessimistic have it in them
A lot of people believe Zeus kids have a minor form of charmspeak because of how good it is, but they don’t
When they’re leading a cause they’re excited about, or if they just have a lot of energy in general, their energy tends to rub off on others like static. Once one person gets it, it's passed along and all of a sudden everyone’s hyped
While their leadership is a good trait to have, it can become obsessive and unhealthy, turning into perfectionism as they want to control every aspect of their life. A severe need for control in all aspects of life is a common fatal flaw for Zeus kids
All of Zeus’ kids could have the ability to fly, but they have to actively try in order for it to happen. If they’re afraid of heights (like Thalia), it just won’t
They can also jump really high. They say it comes naturally, but in reality they just use the air to propel themselves up LOL
The main power associated with Zeus kids is, of course, electrokinesis. They all have it, but it takes them a while to be able to fully control it and harness it to its full potential. They can usually summon lightning no matter the weather conditions, but it tends to be more powerful the more clouds there are in the sky 
Multiple Zeus kids could also create a chain-reaction of sorts with their lightning powers (kind of like that one Pikachu scene in the og Pokemon)
Since metal is a good conductor of electricity, I’m gonna make an assumption and say so are celestial bronze and imperial gold (I know gold is really low on the reactivity series but shh), which means Zeus kids could just wield a weapon of pure lightning if they were in the mood
Some of them have control over clouds/can create clouds. Obviously not to the extent of their father’s powers (like how he made a whole fake Hera out of clouds), but they could use clouds to obstruct people’s vision and make fun shapes for little kids 
Zeus’ children also have an EXTREMELY ACCURATE gut feeling. Extremely accurate in caps because it's that good. Theirs is the only one that could rival Apollo’s kids. Somehow they just know everything
If you asked a child of Zeus what it’s like, they’ll say something along the lines of some random voice randomly appearing in their head and telling them something
It sounds kind of creepy, but it's not. They could just be staring at two people they’ve never met and immediately think, “she’s gonna confess this afternoon,” or something. This ability is especially powerful with the weather. They always know deep down what the weather will be like as soon as they wake up
The sky could be dark grey with thunder rumbling in the background and, as long as a Zeus kid says it won't rain that day, you wouldn’t need an umbrella. This is an ability that becomes pretty handy during quests
Very scary when they’re mad. Ares kids are scared of them when they’re mad. They go quiet and grunt a, “I’m fine,” if you ask them if they’re okay but you can tell they’re angry from the way their eyes seem to get darker and people’s hairs stand on end when they pass by them
#1 grudge holders and believers in payback. Especially if someone hurts the people they love. A lot of their lives were negatively affected by their father’s carelessness towards people he claimed he loved, so they vow to never do the same
If you genuinely believe a Zeus kid has let you off the hook after you did something to upset them, you’re so wrong and I’m scared for you
Anyways love you Zeuserinas please take care and remember you don’t have to be perfect all the time & its okay to rest every once in a while
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ zeus cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
a/n: these are my headcanons for the children of zeus! i love thinking about what traits kids of certain gods and goddesses would have, and since zeus is the king of the gods, i thought it would only be fitting to start with zeus! these are less about like powers and stuff like that and more just about how they would be as people!
zeus kids can get kinda crazy
they're always the life of the party, and yet somehow they also shut down the party?
they're just good at knowing when things are getting too out of hand
speaking of knowing things
it's almost as if they have a sixth sense in knowing things, just like general things
oh this person liked this other person
the zeus kids already knew
you cheated on your math test?
yeah, they had a feeling
that kinda stuff
zeus kids also all weirdly have this universal little tic where when they're really bored, they'll rub their hands against something that can create static, and then play with the static in their hands
they can do the thing where they kind of roll it from one finger to another, and then back again
they can also utilize this to shock people, but only ever so slightly
technically they could summon a whole storm and electrocute someone, but very rarely do they have that urge
another thing to mention:
zeus children can hold a grudge
they're masters at being mad at someone for something they did days, weeks, months, or even years in the past that likely they forgot they did
but zeus kids didn't
they never forget
honestly even a bad first impression can really affect your relationship with a child of zeus, because they don't forget things easily
their minds are steel traps
children of zeus are also natural born leaders
this can cause quite the scene when there are multiple zeus kids up for a leadership position because they all fall into a leader role just naturally
a lot of people appreciate this because they're saved from having to lead themselves
but others find this incredibly annoying, and think that zeus kids are all very arrogant and full of themselves
there are some that are like that, thinking they're better because their dad is zeus
but that kind of reaction to being a child of zeus is pretty rare
most of the time it brings them great annoyance because monsters can smell them from farther away, and it makes them much more eligible for dangerous quests, which sometimes is a good thing, but when the mortality rate for a quest that dangerous is usually 0, it can be a little daunting
probably the best trait that children of zeus possess is their loyalty
i understand that this probably doesn't make much sense, considering the fact that zeus was never really known for being very loyal to pretty much anyone in his life
but zeus kids are
this is observed the best during battle, when they would do anything and everything for the people fighting alongside them
they're loyal friends and lovers, too
which, again, doesn't make a lot of sense when looking at who their dad is
but a lot of their lives have been negatively affected by him being disloyal, so a lot of them have a tendency to make sure they're loyal so that they don't end up like him
as amazing as zeus thinks he is, a lot of his kids aren't his biggest fans
in conclusion, zeus kids are pretty cool
they definitely have their flaws
(such as having a tendency to flake last minute when it comes to making plans with other people)
but ultimately they're pretty good people
they're very skilled when it comes to battle, and they're good friends
basically just good people to surround yourself with
a/n: so i won't be doing author's notes at the end of everything, but i just wanted to thank you for reading my very first official post! i'm going to be doing headcanons for the other gods and goddesses, both major and minor, because i just find writing for that kinda stuff really fun! also i really love headcanons (totally not because they're easier to write than full fics, definitely not at all)
anyways, thanks for reading, and be on a lookout for more stuff in the future!
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rehmes · 20 days
˚🖇️ : Greek Mythology, voices of the gods! "It's an old tale from way back when,"
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˚🖇️ ! Percy Jackson Epic the Musical ! 🖇️˚ ˚🖇️ ! Hadestown
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Zeus x human! Reader
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, rough sex, nudity, cussing, dirty talk, pregnancy.
A/N: I got lazy 🤧 and said headcanons.
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🌿There was a time gods and humans were close. Being ruler of the cosmos Zeus heard about Adam being expelled from the garden of Eden decided to check and see how things were going on earth.
🌿There wasn’t anything else to do at the moment, why not?
🌿From what Zeus could gather from disguise as a eagle; Adam had been a little busy over the years as the kids running around were the giveaway. Zeus noticed a few older ones; two brothers. Not interested but noted.
🌿Zeus eventually noticed a young woman with the two brothers; wearing nothing but fig leaves and leaf vines. Zeus was interested.
🌿(Name) was Adam and Eve’s first daughter and definitely cherished. Zeus could tell and as a relatively young god himself he wanted to introduce himself. So, Zeus waited until she was by herself in the apple orchard that Adam planted to introduce himself.
🌿With one thing leading to another, and with a young Zeus charm and silver tongue, the two keep their relationship a secret, Zeus calls it a just me and you space. Zeus visits earth whenever he can and when he visits he always brings (Name) whether, it’s a necklace or clothes for the harsh winter or even flowers.
🌿the longer this continues they both fall in love with Zeus able to convince his sweet (Name) (with that silver tongue of his) to move away from Adam. He’s not scared of Adam but because he’s precious to (Name) he doesn’t want to have hurt anyone if they get in his way. (I promise he means well)
🌿Always calls (Name) princess, sometimes it’s other nicknames; sweetie, sunshine, honey, babe. But 90% of the time it’s princess.
🌿So when Adam sees his daughter after many years with a whole army of kids and (Name) holding a baby in her arms he’s in awe on the inside but calm on the outside as a group of kids (with familiar thick eyebrows) crowd around calling him grandpa. Adam doesn’t even question it and just welcomes them all by carrying them in his arms.
🌿 Eve also welcomed them as well as Abel but Cain is the one who asks (Name) aloud who the father is; (Name) just says they were gifts from above.
🌿Adam: ah, they are demi gods. Still my grandchildren. (Is what Adam tells himself)
🌿Zeus keeps in constant contact with his lover and children and always provides, whether it’s new shoes or clothes, or food (brings a shit ton of food, he limits sweets because some the children have already developed strength/powers and well… you get it.)
🌿Loves all his children and when the children get a smart with their mother (As all children do) when Zeus isn’t around he’ll send a thunderbolt because he hears and knows. ⚡️
🌿 When the time comes Zeus takes care of (Name)’s soul personally; she’s special after all. If any god asks why he does it he just says he wants to make sure the souls go where they are needed before he lets the valkyries do this job.
🌿 But even as a soul he still loves his princess, keeps an eye on his descendants and knows them all.
🌿Of course when Ragnarok happens; R2 is DISCOURSE 101. because Adam sees Zeus in his older appearance and is confused because Adam remembers (Name) telling him that her lover was handsome with long blonde hair and rippling muscles; a handsome god. This guy is just old. So when Zeus admits he met (Name) in his prime;younger years when he was much handsomer god. Adam is like: 👍🏻 I’m still giving you hands.
🌿the rest of R2 is discourse since (Name) has her father and lover fighting to the death. (And we all know what happens)
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It was the first time god and human came together.
The sky was dark as the stars lit up stronger than before and the small river that ran inside the cave made for a beautiful scenery.
Stories go Zeus was born in a cave, and now he was making love to his first human lover in a cave.
As slowly slid his thick cock inside his sweet (Name)’s cunt Zeus felt her tighten around his cock making him moan a loud as his hands never left her hips. Muttering, “amazing.” To himself as he believed this human felt better than any goddess he had before as Zeus had bottomed out as his whole cock was inside her now he felt amazing.
Passion and lust mixed between them as Zeus’ sped up to match his lustful feelings, (Name) had felt many emotions but nothing felt as good as the king of the gods fucking her. Zeus had a tight grip on her hips as he fucked her from behind with her hands pressed against the cave wall. Every time she said Zeus he only fucked her harder as his lust reached an all time high as he didn’t hesistate to cum inside her.
Enjoying the high of his climax and the tightness of her cunt made the god of the cosmos only want more and so for the rest of the night Zeus delighted himself inside his beautiful princess and she enjoyed every minute as well.
The next day, rather morning, Zeus decided to wake her up with a call of his own as (Name)’s toes curled with her wrapped around his waist she pulled him closer to her making her moan his name a loud on her bed, as her mind went numb (Name) felt Zeus massage her breasts. Lightly grabbing them and then releasing them, repeating in a steady motion.
“Zeus-! I think-I think-“
“It’s ok princess. Just enjoy it.”
Kissing her forehead and calling her princess (Name) felt love and passion intertwine as she felt that feeling grow more intense by the second. Zeus loved the way she tightened around his cock, the way her breasts moved and he loved the way she said his name.
One last call of Zeus’ name she reached her limit, her first climax, a feeling that was both sweet and exciting. Kissing her cheek Zeus as he gave several lust filled thrusts before reaching his own euphoric climax, tightly holding her hips in placed as he filled her cunt to the brim with his cum.
“Amazing, simply amazing my princess.”
Kissing each other two felt like the only one in the world and the fun wasn’t over yet. The next few days were a blur to (Name) as she constantly rode the godfather’s cock, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her and of course Zeus didn’t deny her once.
Not at night when the two were supposed to be asleep.
The two couldn’t stay away from each other, Zeus always wanted a partner that matched his sexual libido in the bedroom and he found that in (Name). Zeus enjoyed sex and he enjoyed many positions with (Name), eating her out was his favorite thing as he enjoyed licking and sucking her clit and licking her cunt as he held her thighs.
Several times Zeus forgot about his meetings and barely made them. Even as quick as he was it was close and yet no one seemed to mind since he did show up. When the day came that (Name) was pregnant with his child he was overjoyed and excited as he twirled her around in the air and hugged her close to him.
Zeus was sure his descendants would reign for thousands of years, his princess was so sweet and kind and with his strength and might surely it would be so.
For she was his princess and always would be.
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roguerambles · 4 months
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Hades: "...Zeus."
Zeus: "...Hades."
Reader: "I want you both carnally so fucking bad."
Hades: "What?"
Reader: "What?"
Zeus: "Oh?"
Hades: "Zeus!"
Zeus: "I mean what?"
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kupidachillea · 4 days
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I was messing around with Zeus designs. Uhhh..this is kinda inspired by my Olympians x Reader hcs and I might consider doing this digitally. I have no idea. I still want to work on designs for each deity.
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hey, how are you?
I'm good guys <33
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yandere mother hera x reader x yandere father zeus (forever) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you have always been adventurous, even when you were little you always tried to run from olympus and explore the mortal lands. much to the dismay of your parents who had to chase you down everyday, to stop you from continuing to run and keep you safe with them they promised you that when you had come into your full powers that you could be free to go wherever you want. of course the promise was a lie and they had just hoped that you would forget about it by then but unfortunately for them you never did. today was your birthday and the day that you had finally gotten your full powers, you had planned to leave for the mortal realm as soon as the celebrations ended but your mother wanted you to join her for tea afterwards, you knew how hard it was for her to let you go so you went just to reassure her that you would be alright.
you sat across from your mother in her room, one of her crows laying in your lap as you sipped your tea. hera stared at you a bit sadly, with anger behind her gaze. "so you're leaving so soon? you dont even want to stay until morning and gather your things?" she asks bitterly. you sigh setting your tea cup down. "mother we've talked about this, you and father promised when i was a child that i could go explore the world when i got my full powers, and now that i have you have to follow through on that promise." you explain softly, not wanting to hurt her further. her hands ball into fists under the table but she quickly calms herself down. "we we're not expecting you to remember that by this time" she says before giving a soft smile. "but if you insist and this will make you truly happy then i will not stand in the way." she says standing up with the tea pot, taking it to the other side of the room to refill it. you pause for a moment not believing what she said. "really? i can go?" you ask hopefully. she nods returning and filling your cup wit hmore tea. "yes my darling, if it makes you happy then i will not ruin it." she smiles with a glint of evil behind her eyes, but you miss it picking up your cup. "speaking of, where is father? i haven't seen him since the celebrations." you ask taking a sip of the tea, cringing a bit at its strange taste but not wanting to be rude and tell your mother that she made the tea wrong. "oh he is simply, unpacking some things" she says setting her cup on the table, you miss nearly all of what she said, a sudden headache setting in. you clutch your head a bit grunting in pain. "is something wrong my dear?" she asks with fake innocence. "suddenly i feel quite sick" you say, the room starting to spin. "i think i may go lie down a bit before i lea-" you start, but faint before finishing, the only sound in the room in your cup hitting the ground. before you fell hera managed to catch you with her powers. she sets you back on the chair stroking your hair. "I'm sorry my darling but i could not let you leave me." she says kissing your forehead. a few moments later your father walks in. "are they alright?" he asks walking closer, hera smirks. "of course, i would never hurt them their our child. they're simply unconscious for now. by morning they will have no memory of anything that happened today" she says stroking your hair. zeus leans down and picks you up, before taking you to your room with hera following close. both already discussing the lie they would tell you of how you had gone to the mortal realm and been hurt to the point that you lost your memory, but dont worry they'll keep you safe. after all youre their precious child, why would they ever hurt you? besides now you can remain theirs forever
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Can I ask for a yandere Zeus love letter? There's not a lot of him that I see.
My precious (N/N),
Allow me to express the immensity of my love for you, a passion that transcends the boundaries of time and space. From the moment your eyes met mine, I knew you were one of a kind, a rare pearl in the vast ocean of humanity.
Mortals can look to the sky and see the lightning that lights up the dark night, but only you see the intense fire that burns inside me because of you. I am the King of Olympus, and my power is unmatched, but it is you who dominate my mind and heart. My devotion to you is stronger than the thunder that echoes in the heavens.
I yearn for each moment our eyes meet, each moment your soft voice fills my ears. I am the ruler of the heavens and the gods, but it is you who rule my being. No mortal or deity can understand the intensity of my affection for you, and I would do anything to keep you by my side.
Anyone who dares to look at you with admiration will arouse my fury. My will is unbreakable, and my desire to protect what is mine is insurmountable. I promise to wrap you in my divine protection, ensuring that nothing harms you. I cannot and will not allow her to dare lay a finger on you, my love.
I am yours and always will be, just as you will always be mine. Take care because I will visit you soon.
Yours sincerely,
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julihlaufey · 2 days
From Storm To Drizze
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She had just come out of yet another one of her failed dates with a guy who left her outside a restaurant in the rain.However, a certain god was bored. And he could bring back her Sun.
18+ Conversations and topics
English is not my first language, but I'm trying to improve. Good reading!
It was a cold and stormy night, for the mortal realm. The clouds seemed to turn grey and thunder began to roll, as flashes of lightning flashed by. The winds began to grow harsher and stronger with each passing minute. This of course was no ordinary weather.
It was the kind of weather that signaled the Gods were angry, and that they wouldn't hesitate to bring any and everything crashing down.
Everyone knew this and of course was cowering before the very skies, afraid of what was to come out of them.
And she was in the midst of it, petrified. Soon sores from the sky was an eagle which lands before her and soon within a flash of lightning reveals itself to be a tall imposing man in a white tunic with a blue robe and white sandals. He has blue eyes and white hair and beard and he welded a blue bright thunderbolt. She found herself frozen in place as he approached her closer and closer till realized who this was.
It was non other then Zeus. The god of Thunder and king of the gods of Olympus. Zeus reaches out with his hand and stops the raging storm as if it was nothing but a mild breeze. As he lowers his hand he speaks softly to her.
— What are you doing out alone in weather like this, sweetheart? - He said with a calm smile on his face.
Frozen, she looked at the huge figure in front of her. —I-I was leaving of the restaurant.
Zeus chuckled upon hearing the shyness in her tone. The god of Thunder took a step closer with a smile on his face. He placed a hand on her chin and raised her head up to look him in the eyes.
— Leaving the restaurant? - He repeated as looked at her with a raised brow. — At this late in the evening and all alone ? - Added as tilted his head.
He let go of her chin after a moment and took a step back, now looking up and down a second time. His eyes scanned her body, but not in a creepy manner. It was a look of curiosity and interest, much like an appraiser looking over a work of art.
— Your not dressed for the weather either, is it not? - Noted as eyed the dress she wore.
She laughed a little at his attention and comment.— No, I wasn't expecting that... Well. Nobody ever expects that time. Just as no one expected to see a god emerging from a failed encounter.
Zeus chuckled and smiled. He let his eyes travel over her body once more before they finally rest back to her eyes.
— You speak true. But I must say, your not exactly in a... Proper state to be out here in such terrible weather. The storm has calmed, that is true. But the rain still falls and the temperature remains at least. - Said with a concerned tone.
— I know. I'm hoping for a ride home. Unfortunately, I didn't know was going to rain so hard. A part of her was scared.
She spoke to Zeus. And another part felt safer with him than alone on that street in the afternoon.
He raised a brow upon hearing that her was waiting for a ride. Took a glance around at her surroundings, looking to see if he could spots signs of a vehicle coming or someone nearby, but there was nothing.
— Your truly waiting out here this late at night in the rain for your ride? Why not wait inside the restaurant, sweetheart?
She blushed. Did he call her sweetheart again? That wasn't quite the point of what her date failed to do.
— T-they don't let you in after you pay the bill. The place is too crowded.
He chuckled at the reaction, the redness in her cheeks not going unnoticed. He crossed his arms against his chest as he listened to her.n— Too crowded? Hm. Quite the predicament. Seems like you'll be waiting out here for quite sometime then, my sweetheart. - He finished with an annoying smile on his face.
— It seems so. - She laughed humorlessly. — And why did a god come down here in the midst of wrath? Hoping for a ride too?
Zeus chuckled again at her humor and at the fact her had the guts to speak to him that way.
He smiled, not offended in the slightest. He was enjoying the conversation, that’s for sure. — No, no. I have no need to call for a ride as a god. I’ve the ability to go anywhere I wish with a simple thought. - Made fun of. — I was just curious as to why a mortal was out in the weather alone and defenseless.
She laughed, closing her jacket with her arms in a sign of the cold. — Now that you have this valuable information, will you return to Olympus happier? Did this make your day? - She scoffed, as if she wasn't talking to a god. Her night was already bad enough after the dinner date.
— Oh, yes. I'd say this has made my day rather pleasing, love. - He tilted his head, taking note of the cold and how her actions was clearly that of one of trying to keep from being too cold.
— You look cold.
— Do you think I look cold in a dress in this rain? I would say it's a very appropriate outfit. - She said, shaking a little.
Zeus laughed. His blue eyes ran down her form. — Oh yes. Very appropriate. And very distracting at the same time. - He teased.
She blushed. A god hitting on her? Although was Zeus, he would do that to everyone.
— That's the intention when you go on a date, right? - She played his game.
Seeing her flustered like that by his words, it amused him. He took a step closer, his eyes still looking over her in an admiring way. — Oh, so your out here dressed like that then because of a date, are you? - He said, a smirk on his lips as he crossed his arms against his chest and raised a brow.
She takes a deep breath. — A horrible date, by the way. - Laughed at her own sentence. — Not that I could expect anything from blind dates.
— Oh, so it was a blind date? Well, I don't blame you for the dress choice then. Shame it was a horrible one though. He said as moved a little closer to her, eyeing closely, his eyes raking over her body in a very obvious manner
.— Horrible is an understatement. He only talked about himself the whole meeting, ate a horrible dish and didn't want to pay the bill.
Zeus laughed, amused by her venting, as he continued to listen, enjoying the interaction between they. — Sounds like a real jerk, huh love?
— It's not?! - She took a deep breath again, indignant, looking around. — I guess I'll just have to go in the rain... But it was great meeting a god, I guess. Not what I expected from a failed date. - She ironized.
— Ah ah, hold on love. - He said, grabbing her arm and holding her in place before her could move. — You can't possible expect yourself to walk in this weather and in a dress like that.
She rolled her eyes. — And what does my clothes have to do with the weather?!
He held onto her, keeping you close, his blue eyes traveling down to her legs, dress, before looking back to her face, his smirk still there. — Well, it's pretty obvious, love. You'll come home with a giant cold.
She blushed. Did he keep hitting on her or did he just want to remind her of how inferior she was to him? — Are your clothes bothering you Zeus?...
He smiled at the blush on her face, finding it so very cute. — How, why would my clothes bother me at all, love? - He said, feigning innocence with a shrug.
— Because they must be tight from how much you talk about my dress. - She replied, rolling her eyes for the tenth time, releasing her arm from his grip.
Zeus laughs, amused and slightly shocked that her had the gall to roll your eyes at him. He watched as her arm left his grip, a smirk on his face as her did so. — Oh, so feisty aren't you? - Provoked, running his finger along her chin and pulling her closer slightly. — My clothes are perfectly fine, love.
She rolled his eyes in humor, practically in disbelief at the conversation was having. — Feisty?! Just because I'm answering a god? - Teased, crossing her arms.
Zeus laughed again, rolling his own eyes. He found it entertaining, he'd never encountered a mortal like her before. The balls she had to act like this with a god, it was entertaining to him. He puffed out his chest. — Oh, it's more than just feisty, girl. You should show a bit of respect to those who are your betters.
— My betters?! You're kidding me?! Are we in some kind of company? Because I don't remember getting paid. - She teased again, not even caring about the rain anymore. She really didn't care if he was a god or not.
Zeus let out a laugh at her witty comment. He couldn't help himself — Oh, you're quite the bold and cheeky one, aren't you love? Not afraid to speak your mind? - He chuckled. Was starting to find her very... Interesting. — Perhaps you're just... Too used to speaking your mind freely. Maybe what you need is someone to put you in your proper place...
She shivered, pretending she wasn't affected. She stared at him, trying to maintain eye contact. — That's all I needed... I've had a horrible day and now a god wants to put me in my place? Where is my place, oh great Zeus?
His smirk grew as he came even closer, his eyes boring into hers. His voice was low and commanding. — On your knees is a good start, love.
— Nah... Kneeling to a god isn't really my thing. You know, it would get your knees dirty and it's not very good for the ego.
He laughed at her reply, his smirk growing as he saw the blush on her cheeks and eyes darting away. He could practically feel the embarrassment and his own amusement growing. He crossed his arms across his chest, continuing to look down at her. — Oh, is that right, sweet? You don't like the idea of getting down on your knees for someone who's better than you? - He leaned in even closer and spoke in a low, commanding tone. — I think you'd like it more than you'd care to admit.
— Better than me? Because of some lightning?! Please. - The girl laughed, ironically. Crossing her arms again. — If you'll excuse me, I need to go home. I have more interesting things to do on a Friday night than talk to a self-centered god.
Zeus mocked her comment and audacity to insult him like that. He liked her more and more with each passing second. He loved her fire, witty remarks, her boldness.
— You truly are a bold little thing, aren't you? Insulting a god like that. - He stepped in front of her. Their breaths too close for a casual conversation with the divine. — And what exactly do you have to do tonight? Go home and read alone until you fall asleep?
— And who said I'm going to be alone today? - She teased. Was enjoying making a god lose his mind.
It reinforced the point that he was not superior.
He laughed, a hint of annoyance showing on his face. Was slightly miffed that she had the audacity to talk like this to a god. But he liked it.
— Ah, I see. So what? You plan on calling another man up then? After that horrible date you just had a few moments ago?
She laughed a little, reaching his ear on tiptoe, even though he was much taller than her. — I treat me better than any of these men.
Once again, he chuckled, amused by her words. He found very funny how she would act so bold and confident in front of him. Zeus had never experienced this from any mortal before.
But her comment about "herself" caught his attention. His smirk grew as he looked down at her, his eyes full of interest and curiosity now.
— Yourself, hm? I don't doubt it, my dear. But I can tell you that other things could make you feel better, much faster than you think.
He knew exactly what he was talking about. She had no idea why she was having this conversation with a god in the middle of the street.
However, compared to that storm, Zeus was more interesting. And attractive.
She laughed good-naturedly. — Like who? Zeus, the great golden dick? - Laughed in disbelief. — I can do way more than any of you do. Including gods who have the king in their bellies. Not that I'm interested in talking about it with a god in the middle of a rainstorm.
— And yet, here we are. - The god smiled smugly, crossing his arms.
The street was slowly becoming less busy. The restaurant was still full. And the rain was still heavy. Was definitely getting late.
She took a deep breath, beginning to lose control. She didn't like gods, but he caught her attention. — Egocentric... - She let out, unable to extend the sentence much.
— I'll go before it gets dangerous to walk around here at night. - The girl said, coming back to her reality. She knew Zeus's fame. She knew how persuasive the god could be.
Maybe he had another side like his worshippers said? Maybe. But she wasn't going to find out. Not today.
— Are you sure you'll go alone? The rain doesn't seem to have let up. - She was noticing concern in his voice? For a few seconds, she could see his eyes change, his smile disappearing as he looked at the aggressive raindrops outside the small awning they were under.
— I can and will go alone. - Or he could go with her. What a shameless thought. To actually think that a god would want take care of her.
— You should not be walking alone at night. It's too dangerous. Why not allow me to accompany you, eh? For your own safety. - Zeus's tone was soft, yet sure. It's not like she'd ever heard that tone before. Her eyes stopped on his blue ones, thinking and considering the possibility.
Accompanied... By a god? That would draw attention. But it was the best she had.
—If you insist.
He smiled, walking along with the girl, removing the small cloak that was around her neck and placing it over her shoulders.
The rain, consequently decreasing. The already dark streets were kept lit only by small yellow streetlights.
His eyes remained on her, admiring her figure and the way her seemed to walk calmly in the drizzle.
— So, where do you live? Tell me a bit about yourself, sweetheart.
— Me? I live in the upper part of the city, right behind the shopping area. It's very calm and peaceful, usually my only problems there are neighbors. - She laughed, counting and trying to ignore the few people on the street, who were looking at the god accompanying a mortal.
— Neighbors, huh? And what sort of problems do these neighbors give you, love? Anything I can... Discourage?
She smiled, embarrassed. Why was he protecting her? He wasn't even a god that she visited the temple or something like that.
— No, just very noisy. The lady next door never stops to sing loud music on saturday mornings. Usually worshipping the gods. And the neighbor on the righ... He and his wife are like rabbits. - Explained, laughing a little.
He laughed too, with his eyes fixed on her. Something about her mortal stories and comments caught his attention. She had what any mortal or non-mortal he had ever been with to this day hadn't.
And Zeus could not say what it was. A smile appeared on his face without him even realizing it. The god paid attention to his gestures, his lightness in speaking, to every small detail.
— I see, so you're often disturbed by your noisy neighbors? - He finally spoke, albeit shallowly. — Sounds like a real pain. - He scoffed.
— And your neighbors sound quite... Active. - He said, laughing again, smirking at the comment about the neighbor and his wife.
She laughed too, groaning in frustration. — Don't even tell me! It seems like the only one on that street who isn't active is me. And I'm betting that even the saturday morning lady is more. - She continued laughing, a little embarrassed. But it was true.
— Oh, so you've been... Neglecting yourself, have you, love? No boyfriend or any, activities to keep yourself busy? - He asked, his blue eyes fixed on her as he waited for the answer, already confident he knew the answer.
She blushed, why was she talking about her sex life to a god she met today?
— Not that I'm "neglecting" myself! I'm just... In a dry spot. - Laughed, looking away and forward. — You know, if the neighbors have anything to listen to on a friday night like this at my house, I can guarantee it's just some good music and a glass of wine.
He laughed at the response, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as her spoke. He nodded in understanding, a smirk on his face as he continued walking beside her.
— Ah, a dry spot, huh? I see. And how long has this... Dry spot been going on for, love? - He asked in a low, teasing tone.
— ... One or... Two years... But I swear the problem isn't me, anyway.
— Two years, eh?!n That's quite a long time to go without any proper satisfaction, love. You must really be quite... "pent up" then, aren't you?
— When I was told about Zeus's fame, I didn't imagine that conversations with him would be like this too. She said, laughing.
— I promise I'm not like this all the time, honey. - He smiled.
— And you?
— I'm active, thanks for asking. - He joked, receiving a punch in the arm that he didn't even feel.
— Tell me more about yourself.
— I'm a god, my dear. My life is an open book.
— Aah, I'm sorry "god of gods". I've never been very interested in you.
He glared, feigning offense.
— And what would you like to know about me?
— I don't know...
— We're running out time... - He said, referring to the cumin that was already running out.
— Your favorite flower? - Blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
— Hyacinth. My turn, what's your favorite season?
— Definitely spring. Your favorite color?
— Golden. Sunflowers or roses?
— Definitely sunflowers. Mortal or non-mortal?
Zeus laughed along with her, stopping in front of her house.
— Mortals. Seems we already arrived.
— Thank you for following me.
— Do you think I changed your view of the gods? - He said, smiling.
— I think so. - The girl smiled, beginning to remove the large cape that wrapped around her neck and shoulders, until she felt Zeus' hands around her, ensuring that she did not remove the cloak. — It's yours, my girl. - The god whispered in his ear with a sweet, deep voice.
His face turned red, feeling Zeus' lips on his cheek for a long time. — Until next time, sweetheart.
She smiled, holding onto his cloak. Her eyes closed from the contact, a silly smile on her face.
When she opened her eyes, surprised to find that the divine figure was no longer in front of her.
But was even more surprised when she realized that the the sky was clear of clouds.
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lecsainz · 8 months
A headcanon of Percy Jackson x reader daughter of Zeus, where he has been in love since the first day he saw her, and he had also recently arrived at the camp, please
parings: percy jackson x zeus!reader
an:I know I disappeared, forgive me 🤧, but picture me writing this at 3 AM, dying of sleepiness after watching the last episode of PJO, AND ANNIE USED THE NICKNAME 😭 THIS EPISODE IS STILL TOO MUCH FOR ME TO PROCESS!!!!
summary: the one where you're a daughter of zeus, exploring your relationship with percy.
( my last work || my last work for riodanverse || go to main masterlist )
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You and Percy crossed paths during one of your training sessions. Luke was giving Percy a tour of the camp, and when Percy laid eyes on you, he halted abruptly, as if struck by lightning. For some inexplicable reason, he felt an urgent need to know who you were, as if the gods themselves demanded it.
Percy's eyes widened as he observed you from across the training grounds. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing a finger in your direction. Luke suppressed a chuckle, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Her? Oh, that's Y/N, daughter of Zeus." Percy squinted, trying to decipher your actions, as you accidentally summoned a small lightning bolt that fizzled out near your feet. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Does that happen often?" Luke grinned. "Only when she's particularly excited, which, by the way, is most of the time. You should see her during thunderstorms!" Percy blinked, watching as you waved sheepishly, causing another faint spark to crackle in the air.
You and Percy found common ground in venting about the gods upon his arrival.
"Hey, little thunder, how's it going?" Percy grinned. "Don't call me that," you replied, trying to keep a straight face. "I'm good too, thanks for asking, Lightning Rod," Percy joked, emphasizing his newfound nickname for you.
Attempts at using your powers together proved futile, as water and electricity didn't exactly make for a harmonious combination.
According to Percy, Cabin 3 was way too big for just him, and assuming you felt the same way about Cabin 1, he started a tradition. At 12:00, he'd show up at your cabin, asking to share it, turning into a routine of hosting pajama parties in each other's cabins.
After you discovered that your half-sister, Thalia, had been turned into a pine tree to save her, Percy couldn't resist teasing you about it.
"Do you think your dad would turn you into, what, a fountain? Or maybe a cherry blossom tree would suit you?" Percy grinned, enjoying the opportunity to rib you. "Jackson, shut up," you retorted, rolling your eyes at his antics. Later, when Grover and Annabeth intervened, trying to keep you two from frying each other, Percy couldn't resist a parting shot. He had soaked you with water from a nearby forest stream during the mission, leaving you drenched and fueling your desire to electrocute him. "Next time you want to electrocute Percy, make sure I'm not around," Annabeth teased as they separated you, noticing your soaked state. Grover, being the peacekeeper, started singing the song of friendship, encouraging both of you to hug it out and apologize. Percy, however, observed that you were shivering from the cold as you walked. Realizing this, he handed you his jacket, concerned. "You'll catch a cold if you stay wet like this," he said, offering you warmth amidst the chilly aftermath of your water-based altercation.
Since neither you nor Percy admit to having feelings for each other, you find yourselves in constant teasing and banter.
During a mission, you two start a squabble because you want to lead everything, and he just wants to do his thing or isn't paying attention to what you're saying. Grover and Annabeth exchange glances, seeking a way to mediate.
It takes a long time before you muster the courage to admit you have feelings for the son of Poseidon. You decide to confess first because, knowing Percy, it would take ages if you waited for him.
"Percy, I need to talk in case we don't get out of here." "Spark Plug, we're getting out of here; trust me." "I like you, Seaweed Brain." He stands there in shock, mouth hanging open, unable to believe that you like him back.
After Percy managed to confess that he also liked you, you enjoyed teasing him about his stunned reaction. But deep down, you were terrified that he might have said he didn't like you back.
Percy becomes incredibly protective of you.
"Touch her, and you'll be dead."
You love stormy days and spend hours on the beach with Percy because he can control the water, ensuring you both stay dry.
"Isn't it beautiful?" "What, little storm?" You pause, gazing out at the tumultuous sea, the waves crashing against the shore. "It's like the ocean is in harmony with this storm. It's as if they understand each other, finding peace in the chaos." "Maybe," Percy finally responds, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Maybe storms and the sea have a way of finding peace in chaos because they understand that even in the wildest moments, there's a certain kind of order."
You appreciate the profound simplicity of his words, and in that moment, he wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. For the first time in a long while, you feel at home
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