#my fun facts are autism flavoured
bookwormonastring · 2 years
my nephew slept over for the first time on saturday and he’s entered his fun facts era and i love it so much bc i am also in my fun facts era (eternally) and i love hearing other people’s fun facts
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Omg genderfluid person who indicates current gender with those cequin mermaid whatever theyre called on their shirt
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emimii · 2 months
Share your mistoffelees brainrot?? ( ´ ▽ ` )
okay so sorry this took a while to answer anon had to let my thoughts simmer to make sense lol
first things first he has autism cause iii have autism. hes my fave so he gets to be projected onto (but tbf its already a semi-common hc i think)
like from the autism headcanon he tends to go non-verbal often esp when hes exhausted physically or mentally so like at the end of a long day some will try n talk to him and he just stares at them
the autism is genetic btw alonzo has it too but in a different flavour, i think like a difference between their spots on the spectrum is the misto is the hyperexpressive autism and his face is reaaaaally easy to read while alonzo doesnt tend to have his emotions show on his face and also has a more monotone voice
on the topic of alonzo and family im a big monochromatic siblings enjoyer i definitely think they r so so silly, i like to imagine that victoria is hard of hearing and so they’d all know sign language liek… jsl…. jellicle sign language
i mentioned in a couple posts too bustopher is their uncle to me!!! the way in the 1998 film mistos constantly tryn like touch him n everything is so cute hes so excited to see his uncle…
bustopher is like his rich cool uncle who stayed single and unmarried his whole life so hes got a bunch savings and excess cash that he just uses to get crazy gifts for his nephews n niece
i like to imagine misto (and also other magical cats in general) have their powers somewhat connected to the moon so like during the jellicle moon they can achieve crazier feats, like the amount of magic misto does at the ball is a lot more than his average and its also done more easily
i also think mistos one of the shortest if not the shortest cat w the exception of a handful of kittens, and out of pure spite hes always tryna make up with this fact by getting good at everything else
heavy lifting? got it he could princess carry tugger. climbing? easy he can climb on anything. running around? hes fast as hell u see him one side of the room and all of a sudden hes on the other side
i also wish people made misto like somewhat competitive more solely from the one 1982 old gumbie cat performance where he has a tap off with jennyanydots bcuz i think thats fun and silly
i feel like hes an extrovert and myyyy reasoning for this is that he loves talking to people and he craaaves interaction hes just not really good at it sometimes in contrast to tugger who is an introvert to me, just an introvert w unbelievable swag and charisma so everyones around him (which is why you see him off at the side away from everyone at times hes recharging!!!)
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candymoth-art · 1 month
What do you like most about each jsego?
I love JJ's silliness he's so underrated I don't see people talk about him as much but his early cartoon movements and stuff and just general vibe is so fun I love him. I keep finding that people either ignore or infantilise him as if he's not a grown ass man and I think this is to do with the fact that he's canonically disabled but I'll bite my tongue for now.
Chase Brody is so smart and cool like he's chill and has the ability to be silly but he's so nuanced. Like people usually boil him down to himbo (as if we don't have Jackie for that) and act as if he's dumb (@kalcifers-blog feel free to join in cause ik you have a whole monologue on this). He also reminds me of my boyfriend a lot so that contributes to it :>
Henrik being the "serious" one and then turning out to be just as cartoony as all the others. I headcanon him as autistic (though in my opinion they all are just different flavours especially since Sean has said that he thinks he might be too) so I can imagine him just having a very neutral face a lot of the time while doing just the most insane shit with the others. Everyone thinks he's so mysterious but he just has autism.
Jackie is my silly himbo he's the silly guy I can't wait for him to go through the horrors. If the masses want the token dumbass Jackie is literally right there!! He's the transman ever watch him wear the same 3 outfits on rotation I love him.
I love everything about Marvin I have such a crush on him you don't understand. He is so cat. I love him I can't even put it into words all I can say is that while Jackie has no style Marvin is pulling up with the best fits every day.
I don't like Anti/j
I love the idea of him being an ancient eldrith horror who dedicates it's time to bullying a bunch of gay people
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mtndewbajablast · 2 months
hello. i have autism and my special interest is the brand/production history of mountain dew. facts about baja blast for you. (you can decide if they are fun facts or just facts).
so, pepsico chose to develop baja blast specifically for taco bell because mtn dew was already taco bell's most popular soft drink. taco bell customers were apparently around 1.5x more likely to get mountain dew with their meals than anything else and each brand wanted to capitalise off that. the thing about this plan though is that if two things are already a perfect pairing there isn't always much room for improvement, and baja blast is allegedly just normal mountain dew with more lime and a bit of blue colouring. people often think of it as the second successful flavour variant after code red (don't get me started on Dew Red, sans code) but it is actually technically the third. Dew Livewire, an orange variant which is considered a regional flavour today, was released for an exclusive run in the summer of 2003 after the discontinuation of coca-cola's competitor product Surge but before it was more or less replaced by Vault. after the release of coca cola's Vault, Livewire became a permanent flavour but is still subject to a fairly limited availability. today, baja blast exists as one of 14 "baja" themed dew flavour variants, and is one of the only dew flavours that is also specifically sold in an alcoholic form. the weird thing is that baja blast is a taco bell branded drink, but a line of frozen baja margaritas is also sold exclusively through red lobster. they are not now nor have they ever been operated by the same parent company, so i have always wondered about the licensing deal there.
have a good dew i mean day
these ARE fun facts thank u
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springtrappd · 2 months
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@limbsandheads this entire blog has actually been an elaborate operation to convert as many people to vannyism as possible via the "shite posts" of the youth. Glad to see it's working
jokes aside: HEHEHEHE THANK YOU... yeah a big part of getting comfy in my niche here has been getting comfortable enough to actually, like, POST my anaylsis /because/ of the complete lack of it elsewhere. being counterculture can be a tough place to be in! the amount of times i've had to hold myself back or scrap something bc i'm unsure if i'm gonna get dragged into explaining, idk, what a fucking metaphor is or some shit... ugh. awful do not recommend. i'm not sure what's worse: people who refuse to believe that parallels exist, or people that understand that parallels exist but only as fodder for theories (which are, as we all know, the most important part of any satisfying story)
i think people in general have a hostile response to any kind of serious analysis precisely because it's serious; it feels like... there's this pervasive sense -- particularly when you talk to the people that i'm thinking of here -- that academia is somehow Other or (views itself as) Superior in some way, thus making the act of engaging in it about posturing rather than, well. study. people have a very strict idea of what art is, even if only subconsciously, and react accordingly when the Other comes in to try and take away their favourite toy. games are fun; analysis is not. why can't you just let people enjoy things, you're just doing this for attention, etc etc etc. it's a position borne of ignorance, one that assumes that you can separate art from play at all -- and one that finds itself most vulnerable to exploitation. it's fundamentally reactionary rhetoric, is what i'm getting at here, and why i can so easily swap out stupid fnaf jargon for a conservative strawman and still get the point across.
anti-intellectualism sucks because it sucks all the joy out of art. like, for all i joke about being fuelled by spite, you'll find that even my most virulent snark comes from a place of love. i talk about this shit because i love it; because i love the actors and writers and art directors and character designers and production teams and editors, every single one of them, and there's nothing quite as intimate as a dissection. to peel back the layers of a piece of art is to ultimately shine a light on the things beneath -- all the blood and bone and gristle, where the artist has been pressed between the pages... to look at someone and know them, to sit and think about what they wanted to say -- what is that, if not love?
you aren't born knowing how to say "i love you". it's something you've gotta learn. and this is what we in the biz call a """METAPHOR""",
also, while we're here: fun fact! i actually write a lot of my stuff off-the-cuff, which is why the flow is often weird/words are missing/it might take a wild left turn away from the original subject? (like i'm low-key doing rn!) it's something that makes me cringe, but also fuels my desire to get around to writing a proper essay abt this terrible franchise eventually... i've got pages of bullet points & notes scattered around the place (& hundreds of discord messages to pull from, oh god), it's just the practical part of it that makes me want to crawl back into my skin. until then you are stuck with the Crazed Ravings (Autism Flavour), (un)fortunately (depending on how you look at it)
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
Hiiii!!! this is for the match up thingy :3
im fixated on um. oh god. weight in gold - gallant, literally every hozier song ever and if im being honest - dodie. i really like the backing music and lyrics of all these songs and obviously i cant just choose one :3
ok i have no idea what this means but from highest? to lowest it’s apparently 6, 4, 3, 2, 8, 1, 5, 9 and 7
I ABSOLUTELY DO. i love learning so much,, i dont have a favourite but video games or historic events or horror are my favourite genre :3
i dont remember my childhood friends much but i conjured them up because everyone else had one and i felt left out. purely out of spite. but i loved them lots :3
ok. i sleep on my side with my leg out and switch between that and just on my stomach, suffocating in my pillow. and i never sleep in the silence. like i always have headphones on with music or asmr playing
i changed my name!!! i hated my birthname and the one i chose is much better. it also is the name of my sibling which i knew nothing about so i am basically a psychic
oh god. i reallt like gavins recent studying one annnnd ashers cookies one. and the damn bowling one. im gonna stop before i name 100 of them but i love them because they are so comforting and make me overflow in happiness :3 i love them
sam. sorry.. his videos r so boring to me BUT they make good sleep aids :3
princess and the frog, criminal minds and community. its a problem.
HUXLEY!!! oh my god i need to be his best friend and make him pottery SO bad. need to protect him with my life. oh my god. my beloved.
i talk a LOT about space and dinosaurs and the sea :3 i fucking love learning so i have a lot of lil facts from reading encyclopaedias and watching documentaries :3
oh god it changes every fucking time im in there but recently any flavoured milk and red doritos
amazing world of gumball. and uhh any other kids animation shows. reliving my childhood multiple years later smileyfaceemoji
other important stuff is probably my love language? main one is quality time and also gift giving in the sense that i WILL spend 17 hours straight on something if you merely mention it once. do not tempt me. i am the middle child of 5 but the eldest daughter and basically raised my younger siblings haha somoene help. um my MBTI is ISFP, ihave autism and adhd and have horribly high standards for myself!!! haha c: idk what else to say. i quite literallt am always chewing something and its either something that is definitely not edible and needs to be removed or strawberry gum. i also love fruit. so much. and lovingly bullying people is my love language. AND i apparently exude ‘ginger cat’ energy according to literally everyone i have the pleasure of knowing. so loved.
thank u so much for doing this, this was a mountain of an ask omgim sos sorry bff
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You are such a dear- there was so much fun information in your ask for me to work with. Everything you gave me just makes me so sure and brings me such delight to talk about how perfect you would be with David!
One, ginger cat energy combined with big German shepherd energy? Cute as fuck, a match made in heaven. Two, an eldest daughter pairs perfectly with him and his only child/eldest brother in the pack vibes. It’s a lot of responsibility and obligation, I know from personal experience, and being able to chill out with that and just rely on him would be just what you need. Three, David is totally autistic, and we love an A4A couple.
Y’all would generally be just so cute and be exactly what you need in each other’s lives. Type Sixes are characterized as wanting security and support in their lives and relationships, and he heads a security companyyy (/j). Meanwhile you’d bring a joie de vivre and nurturing energy to his home and the pack that would be so appreciated. He’s not the only one who’d love to be around you; it’d be all the Shaws.
Feeling alive all over again/ As deep as the sky that's under my skin/ "Like being in love, " she says, "For the first time"/ Well, maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right/ Where I belong with you tonight/ Like being in love, to feel for the first time
My favorite David headcanon is that a lot of his music taste comes from rock/grunge music Gabe and Juliet (my hc name for his mom) used to play. That is exactly how I know this song, so I think it’s perfect for him. Plus, David seems like the type of guy where that first love is it. He imprints like a duck, mates for life like a penguin; he has you for his first and only love.
Vincent would be a cute runner up because he also has ginger cat energy once he dropped that flirty, Lestat-esque facade, so you’d make a fun, chaotic pair. Elliott, I like because I think you’d like a lot of the same things. He strikes me as the type of guy who would love a good Criminal Minds binge.
note: you’ve got great taste in movies and tv Community is one of my favorite shows 💕 also, thank you for being my fiftieth matchup 💌
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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theoculus124 · 8 months
heyy so for your question thing (btw im self diagnosed and im not sure it's autism, but i know for a fact im some flavour of neurodivergent)
i would die for some fidget toys, good noise-cancelling headphones and someone who doesn't mind me sharing absolutely random facts
but there is smth thats actually helping me
im adhd and i used to always forget to shower and brush my teeth so my hygiene was really bad
idk if youve heard of it but there's this app called finch
it's a self care app and its really fun! ive been using it for half a year now, it's free, and it actually works
thank you so much for letting me rant like this in your inbox haha
- 🌼
Omg I love this,
Thank you so much anon I really appreciate the feedback
this also makes me very happy to hear <3
I'm so glad finch worked for u, Lemme do some more research into it but again tysm for this
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trans-l-lawliet · 5 years
Can you headcanon L and Matsuda being both autistic and/or with ADHD and kinda understanding each other eventual needs please?? And with the reaction/opinions of others (Light, Soichiro, Aizawa, Misa and Mogi)
Hi there! So, my ADHD had me in a pretty intense BNHA lock down (here is my sideblog shameless self promo lmao), and tbh I’m answering this ask first just because of the hilarious irony of it. 
I tried to answer both the premise and how the other characters react, and I’m still in the process of shifting back into Death Note mode, so bear with my dumbass ass
L and Matsuda were peak autism/ADHD solidarity, and they bonded pretty fast over it.
L already knew about Touta because he investigated the police very thoroughly, but Matsuda realised quite fast that Ryuzaki shared certain traits with him.
Both of them loved to sit down “weird”, and would be found discussing the case in the strangest of postures. Once Aizawa walked to Matsuda hanging his legs mid air as he laid down on the couch, while Ryuzaki was sitting on one of the armchairs, face pressed against the arm, his voice muffled as he recited the deaths’ data from the previous week.
“Ryuzaki, I literally can’t take any more information in today, I want to talk about Detective Conan” “Sure, but only if we can talk about my list of sweets after” “Deal. Which country today?” “I’m feeling Italy” “Nice. So, I’m on volume 42 and-”
L wasn’t much of a fan of having to repeat himself, or being interrupted mid sentence, but once Touta explained that it was because of his auditory processing issues, he started to give Matsuda five to ten seconds to reply, and would repeat what he last said if asked, two-three times if needed.
When they became closer and seemed to actually start developing something like friendship, the unstoppable force of Matsuda’s Labrador energy clashed with the immovable object of L’s rejection of physical touch. He tried to learn how to read Ryuzaki’s body language so he could take some steps back if needed, to which L was grateful for.
Once Touta learnt about what flavours L loved, and the right texture he could tolerate for his food, he started bringing snacks to share with him that catered to his needs. Except for eclairs, those were for Ryuzaki alone. The simply thought of eating one made Matsu’s skin crawl.
Ryuzaki completely dropped any form of degradation towards Matsuda after a particular night when he lashed out at him in frustration with the case, and Touta had a panic attack triggered by his RSD. If he ever expressed anything akin to an insult, L always made sure it was clear he was joking, in his own way.
Executive dysfunction had always been a pain to deal with, and Matsuda was no stranger to it, but he grew to be so grateful to have Watari around, he once cried about it.
The man was used to L's own version of it, and to have someone to actually help Matsu out by giving him pointers and tips, as well as a helping hand, it made his heart ache in a good way.
The other members of the Task Force didn’t know how to react at first, because Matsuda restrained a lot when he worked back in the police. They considered him clumsy and a bit of an airhead, but little did they know that the limits he pushed onto himself were to blame for that. 
Being in such a small team, plus being in company of someone who understood his needs better than any other coworker would’ve been able to made him feel more free to just be himself and behave in ways that actually helped him work better.
Like stimming. He didn’t know how much he missed it on a work environment until he was able to bring his favourite pen in and click clack it away while working through reports. Or bouncing his left leg as his right was tucked under himself on the chair.
Mogi had always been one to roll with the punches, and when he found both men in a deep conversation about home decor at three in the morning, he simply sat down with the reports he had brought and started working through them.
Aizawa started being slightly more considerate towards Touta, and tried to reduce his complaining about his attitude, as he caught on the fact that Matsuda had been simply restrained by societal expectations. It wasn’t at the same level, but he could relate to those feelings of inadequacy. This, in turn, softened his attitude towards L as well.
Soichiro, the always diligent leader, noticed how much more productive and eager to work Matsuda was, and tried to silently learn through observation. If he could make it easier for Touta once they had to return to the police, he would.
Light always had these feelings of slight irritation towards Matsuda, that he never put a name of and simply branded as thinking of him as stupid. But L saw right through Light in a lot of aspects, including this one. And He Did Not Like It At All.
When Ryuzaki handcuffed himself to Light, he made sure to invite Matsuda over to indulge in ranting about their interests even more than it was already usual for them. If Light ever complained about how much they were talking, Ryuzaki would tell him that surely Japan’s Top Student could push through and concentrate in whatever he’s doing, no matter if there’s a conversation going on around him.
Misa loved her manager Matsui. And Matsuda was very fond of Misa as well, even if he couldn’t admit it because she was still suspect of being involved in the Kira case, with so much evidence against her… But she was sweet and full of life, and he couldn’t help but admire her.
He never told her, but he was pretty certain the girl had a touch of ADHD herself. They settled in a fun friendship dynamic right from the start, and when they discovered they had the same tastes in music, random karaoke nights in her room were on. He even got Ryuzaki and Light to join once, even if neither of them actually sang a single song.
Touta explained to Misa a bit in regards of how to act around Ryuzaki, because she was Very Loud and even more physical than Matsuda, and he didn’t want his friend to have a meltdown because she just went slightly overboard with her natural excitement. 
Ryuzaki didn’t learn about this until he was reviewing the footage for Misa’s bedroom one night, and he wouldn’t admit it, but it was touching to see someone actually try to be accommodating instead of dismissive.
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ti-bae-rius · 5 years
Hey soooo I have this weird problem where sometimes I’ll be out side or inside a restaurant (any place where there’s people and light) and I’ll get this overwhelming feeling of the need to leave immediately. Suddenly everything will be too loud or too bright, it’s just too much. My mom said that is just “Hyper Sensitivities” that some FIVE YEAR OLD CHILDREN experience which is strange because I’m 13. Are there any ways that you have to deal with that?
Hellooo yes I completely understand. Fun fact: I had a phobia of eating in restaurants for the majority of my life because of this. I’m still working at it, but here’s a few tips I’ve picked up along the way:
- start with less formal places. Sometimes feeling ‘trapped’ by fancy places makes it worse.
- look at the menu before you go. That’s one less thing to focus on. 
- headphones, headphones, headphones. Also, if there’s an outdoor dining bit, even better! You can escape the annoying music they sometimes play and you can totally get away with wearing sun glasses to cope with light sensitivity.
- look on Google when the place is least busy, and go then. You’ll manage to catch the time when the place is less full of people, and thus the staff will have more time to be accommodating of any needs you might have (plus you’ll get your food faster - bonus!)
I know places like this are really hard. Your sensitivies could be a number of things. It could be a sensory processing disorder (or an associated condition like autism or adhd), it could be anxiety (I know my restaurant issues are very linked to my own anxiety), or it could simply be that you’re hypersensitive! Lots of people are and it doesn’t automatically mean you have any kind of condition. It could just be that you’re very receptive (and that’s frustrating, but can also be good. Taste sensitivity can make food taste really great - though it can also mean some flavours are overwhelming)
If there’s anything else I can do, let me know. Good luck with your restaurant escapades. x
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tshirt-style · 3 years
Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt
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Get yourself a copy of 40 Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Days of the Jesus Creed by Scott McKnight, and let’s read through it together and discuss it during Lent. We will start to talk it up beginning February 14th, on our Goodreads page. Come join the discussion! Sometimes the party at Story Coffee gets a little raucous and moves to the It’s a little known fact that the Finns drink more coffee than anyone in the world. Yup, it’s true. Gillian takes us with her to Finland for the first chapter of a new column on My where we will be discovering together habits and traditions of the coffee drinkers around the globe! I will assure you, you’re gonna have fun! If you want to join in the conversation, please feel free to drop me a line and I’ll be happy to squeeze you in for future posts. Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's
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Cloth Face Mask It’s amazing how a few moments more in the roaster and you yield a flavour profile that is Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Whatever's on offer, you're not going there without your book. God only knows what kind of dismally boring outfit these people have planned, and the only way you're going to make it is if you can escape into your book. Besides, you just hit the best part in your book and it will take more than this gang of idiots to pry you away from it. Wear this tee or hoodie and tuck your book into your sleeve. Reading isn't just fundamental, it's a lifesaver. If you didn't read you'd be hopelessly insane. If you didn't read you'd have skyrocketing levels of stress, anger and plain old crankiness. Reading rescued you, but what about the poor dinosaurs? They never got a chance to reduce their stress levels and create happier lives. Now they are all dead. Don't let that happen to you. Keep reading and keep strong. And when you're done, we'd like to borrow those books from you. You Can See More Product: https://trendteeshirts.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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tee4king · 3 years
Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt
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Get yourself a copy of 40 Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Days of the Jesus Creed by Scott McKnight, and let’s read through it together and discuss it during Lent. We will start to talk it up beginning February 14th, on our Goodreads page. Come join the discussion! Sometimes the party at Story Coffee gets a little raucous and moves to the It’s a little known fact that the Finns drink more coffee than anyone in the world. Yup, it’s true. Gillian takes us with her to Finland for the first chapter of a new column on My where we will be discovering together habits and traditions of the coffee drinkers around the globe! I will assure you, you’re gonna have fun! If you want to join in the conversation, please feel free to drop me a line and I’ll be happy to squeeze you in for future posts. Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's
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Cloth Face Mask It’s amazing how a few moments more in the roaster and you yield a flavour profile that is Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Whatever's on offer, you're not going there without your book. God only knows what kind of dismally boring outfit these people have planned, and the only way you're going to make it is if you can escape into your book. Besides, you just hit the best part in your book and it will take more than this gang of idiots to pry you away from it. Wear this tee or hoodie and tuck your book into your sleeve. Reading isn't just fundamental, it's a lifesaver. If you didn't read you'd be hopelessly insane. If you didn't read you'd have skyrocketing levels of stress, anger and plain old crankiness. Reading rescued you, but what about the poor dinosaurs? They never got a chance to reduce their stress levels and create happier lives. Now they are all dead. Don't let that happen to you. Keep reading and keep strong. And when you're done, we'd like to borrow those books from you. You Can See More Product: https://trendteeshirts.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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teetrendstore · 3 years
Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt
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Get yourself a copy of 40 Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Days of the Jesus Creed by Scott McKnight, and let’s read through it together and discuss it during Lent. We will start to talk it up beginning February 14th, on our Goodreads page. Come join the discussion! Sometimes the party at Story Coffee gets a little raucous and moves to the It’s a little known fact that the Finns drink more coffee than anyone in the world. Yup, it’s true. Gillian takes us with her to Finland for the first chapter of a new column on My where we will be discovering together habits and traditions of the coffee drinkers around the globe! I will assure you, you’re gonna have fun! If you want to join in the conversation, please feel free to drop me a line and I’ll be happy to squeeze you in for future posts. Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's
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Cloth Face Mask It’s amazing how a few moments more in the roaster and you yield a flavour profile that is Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Whatever's on offer, you're not going there without your book. God only knows what kind of dismally boring outfit these people have planned, and the only way you're going to make it is if you can escape into your book. Besides, you just hit the best part in your book and it will take more than this gang of idiots to pry you away from it. Wear this tee or hoodie and tuck your book into your sleeve. Reading isn't just fundamental, it's a lifesaver. If you didn't read you'd be hopelessly insane. If you didn't read you'd have skyrocketing levels of stress, anger and plain old crankiness. Reading rescued you, but what about the poor dinosaurs? They never got a chance to reduce their stress levels and create happier lives. Now they are all dead. Don't let that happen to you. Keep reading and keep strong. And when you're done, we'd like to borrow those books from you. You Can See More Product: https://trendteeshirts.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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hotteetrend · 3 years
Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt
Tumblr media
Get yourself a copy of 40 Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Days of the Jesus Creed by Scott McKnight, and let’s read through it together and discuss it during Lent. We will start to talk it up beginning February 14th, on our Goodreads page. Come join the discussion! Sometimes the party at Story Coffee gets a little raucous and moves to the It’s a little known fact that the Finns drink more coffee than anyone in the world. Yup, it’s true. Gillian takes us with her to Finland for the first chapter of a new column on My where we will be discovering together habits and traditions of the coffee drinkers around the globe! I will assure you, you’re gonna have fun! If you want to join in the conversation, please feel free to drop me a line and I’ll be happy to squeeze you in for future posts. Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Cloth Face Mask It’s amazing how a few moments more in the roaster and you yield a flavour profile that is Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle shirt . Whatever's on offer, you're not going there without your book. God only knows what kind of dismally boring outfit these people have planned, and the only way you're going to make it is if you can escape into your book. Besides, you just hit the best part in your book and it will take more than this gang of idiots to pry you away from it. Wear this tee or hoodie and tuck your book into your sleeve. Reading isn't just fundamental, it's a lifesaver. If you didn't read you'd be hopelessly insane. If you didn't read you'd have skyrocketing levels of stress, anger and plain old crankiness. Reading rescued you, but what about the poor dinosaurs? They never got a chance to reduce their stress levels and create happier lives. Now they are all dead. Don't let that happen to you. Keep reading and keep strong. And when you're done, we'd like to borrow those books from you. You Can See More Product: https://trendteeshirts.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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write-n-write-blog · 7 years
M I X E D feelinX
Mixed feelings, I’m a master of it. If someone asks what your greatest strength, greatest talent or your strongest feature is that would be mixed feelings. I master having mixed feelings like no one else! It’s a fact that I really can’t make up my mind about anything and even if I do make a choice, deep down I feel unsure, and I think of all the other options that I could have chosen. I suck the fun out of all my choices. Instead of appreciating what I chose, what I have in front of me, I’m always like: “ but what if I chose that instead, what If my feelings and decisions are not aligned with what I want and who I am? But who am I?” I even have mixed feelings about my character. My “own” personality. What does it even mean to have your “own” personality? I am not sure where my self-doubt roots come from, or what kind of herbal flower remedy I should take daily with my water to get rid of all these doubts and mixed feelings. All I know for sure, the only thing I’m sure about and I don’t have mixed feelings about is that I have mixed feelings. Pizza flavour, major in school, future career, part-time job, the colour of my dress, the way I should do my makeup, who should I be friends with, how close should I get to my friends, who should I marry, and the list goes on and on. My life philosophy; a forever changing one is actually my life philosophy. Something that I do expect myself to be sure of is my philosophy in life, at least for one year. I think I’m on a new philosophy every morning that I wake up. Is my mixed feelings a sign of ADHD? Or maybe Autism? Am I retarded? Or unappreciative? Am I a loser? Is there a remedy to actually cure mixed feelings?… If there is, I look forward to hearing all your answers, also let me know do you feel the same? Cause if you do, please let me know so I know I’m not alone. Also can you please say to what degree do you have mixed feelings? And what do you mostly feel “mixy” about?
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years
On Monday morning, I had my second appointment with counselling psychologist Ms. Angela Ewing at Casey Allied Health in Berwick. Getting a parking spot was a pain in the ass with cars constantly pulling in and out of each bay and most of the spaces being full. I was stressing out because I only had five minutes until my appointment time and getting a spot was tough. Eventually I did find one and hoped that my car wouldn’t be towed away for not parking in the correct parking bay. https://caseyalliedhealth.com.au/se...
Today we discussed issues about making conversation with others in social situations, coping strategies for dealing with anxiety and being tested for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I actually have a family history of it and there is a possibility that I do have it as well. Angela got me to fill out a questionnaire containing 100 questions. I scored 51 which was a borderline result. However, Angela believes that I should get a proper screening test done as my behaviours (fidgeting, forgetfulness, easily distracted) seem to suggest otherwise. https://add.org/adhd-test/
On Monday afternoon, I met up with my Mum at The Main Cafe Bar Restaurant in Berwick. It’s my Mum’s 50th birthday so I decided to surprise her with a shopping bag filled with pressies. I bought her a bunch of purple flowers (her favourite colour), a green tea flavoured beauty pack, a ceramic tealight holder shaped like a teapot and a Bunnings teddy bear. It’s always good to see my mum smiling and happy. We shared a large margarita pizza together and chatted about each other’s mornings. http://www.themainberwick.com.au/
On Tuesday morning, I had an appointment with my support worker Ally at Colourfield Cafe Casey Central. I had a lot of things to get off my chest today starting with the huge 5km run around Lysterfield Lake last Sunday. I found it really tough fitting in socially mainly due to the fact that this group of 20-something UFT Playgrounds members were mostly new to me. I didn’t know what to say or how to make conversation. I’ve always felt like an outsider in these sorts of social situations. Still I tried to blend in at times and decided to leave early as I’d reached my limit.
I’m also considering getting a referral to see a psychiatrist to get tested for ADHD following yesterday’s appointment with Angela. It’s something that I’ve considered over the last few months and it would give me clarity to know whether I have it or not. My cousin was diagnosed with Autism so there is a family history there and could possibly be a genetic disorder.
We also discussed my sexuality and how comfortable I am with it. I came out of the closet as a gay man when I turned 21 years old. Ten years later, I still have moments where I hesitate telling people. It’s not really a big deal to me nor do I feel like I need to broadcast that information so that the entire world knows. I think it’s more of an anxiety issue, being worried of how the other person will react and will it change anything. Most people accept me for who I am, sexuality included, so it shouldn’t really matter.
On Tuesday night, I went to my Body Combat class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. In typical Melbourne style, it was pouring with rain and even some of the streets were flooded. But this didn’t stop me from driving out to my class. I was still feeling a bit sore from my run on Sunday (still not used to those DOMs) but I figured that I could handle it and rest if I needed to.
Tonight was a really tough workout. Even our instructor Cinamon Guerin was getting worn out towards the end of it. The most challenging parts of me involved a flowing movement going from a lunge to a wide side squat and back again (my thighs are really gonna love me tomorrow!). There were also combo sequences involving jab boxes, uppercuts and hooks plus the usual high knee lifts, round-house kicks, side kicks and front kicks. http://w3.lesmills.com/israel/en/cl...On Thursday morning, I had my counseling se 
On Thursday morning, I had my counseling session with Ruth at Piece Together Counselling in Narre Warren. Today we focused on celebrating my positive qualities and achievements. I’m quite a modest person and so I’ve never really boasted or made a big deal about the things that I do so it’s nice hearing it from another person’s perspective. I’m making small steps toward breaking through my mental barriers and being able to achieve my goals in life. I still have moments of self-doubt, jealousy, awkwardness and anxiety but I’m finding ways to better adapt and cope with it. https://www.piecetogethercousellingnarrewarren.org/... 
On Thursday afternoon, I had my one-on-one PT session with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Narre Warren. Today was a really tough session for me, both mentally and physically. I feel like I’m connecting well with Luke on a personal level now and not being afraid of speaking my mind. The warm-up exercises involved a 60m cowboy walk, four rounds of 15 glute bridges and four rounds of kettle bell side stretches. 
The development exercises were definitely the most challenging for me mentally and emotionally. I started doing 12 reps of weighted front squats with 10kg added. I got a little shaky trying to keep my balance and not fall over but I did okay. Next was the box jumps. I was absolutely shitting myself inside. I didn’t want a repeat of my last year’s disastrous attempts where I nearly walked out in tears. 
This was very much a mental with the fear of tripping over the box and making a fool of myself in front of Luke really holding me back. But I kept persevering. I kept telling myself “I’m not going to let that box defeat me”. My thighs were getting more and more fatigued with each attempt but that didn’t stop me. Luke decided to add two foam mats stacked on top of each other for extra height. Boom! I finally did it. It’s going to take time for me to overcome this fear but today I really made some great progress towards it. 
In the workout today, I had to do 30, 20 and 10 reps of the following exercises: Rowing Machine in calorie mode and weighted squats. My goal time was 15 minutes. This was a really tough workout for me as the fatigue was really getting to me. My legs were physically shaking and at one point I nearly dropped the bar but thankfully Luke stood behind me and made sure I kept doing them correctly. I told myself “There’s nothing wrong with struggling. I’m gonna finish this.” And I did. I even smashed my goal time which I didn’t expect. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...    
On Friday morning, I attended my Vinyasa Flow yoga class at Just Be Yoga and Meditation in Beaconsfield. Of course, my DOMs (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) was coming on strong through my legs, thighs and glutes after yesterday’s PT session so I really had to be mindful and not overdo it today. It was another full class with about 10-12 students in the studio. http://www.yogajournal.com/slidesho...  
Today we did the following poses and sequences:
Flowing Sequence 1...From Bound Angle pose (Baddha Konasana) and a Forward Fold, transition into Reverse Table Top, then into Staff pose with a Forward Fold, then transition into Reverse Plank and flow back into Bound Angle pose.  
Flowing Sequence 2...From Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana), move your right foot back into a High Lunge then into Downward Facing Dog, Plank, Chaturanga and up into either Seal pose or Upward Facing Dog pose. Then bring your feet back up to meet your hands, raise your arms up and into Mountain pose (Tadasana)
On Saturday morning, we celebrated Mum’s 50th birthday with a High Tea at our place. We spent the morning getting the outdoor patio area set up with tables, chairs and decorations before the catering staff arrived. It was a lovely day with 15 of Mum’s friends and relatives in attendance. The weather was fairly hot and humid but luckily the undercover roofing provided adequate shade for us all to enjoy the day.
In terms of the food, we were absolutely spoiled with finger sandwiches, mini quiches, scones with jam and cream, strawberries and marshmallows. We also had a selection of teas, coffees and flavoured lemon-lime water. I decided to give Mum one last present and it was a really special one. I bought her an Elvis Presley guitar clock and she absolutely loved it. I was so relieved that it arrived on time as I had to get it posted from interstate.
Later we all engaged in a fun game of pass the parcel which was really entertaining with Mum blowing her whistle to stop passing and unwrap a layer of paper. Everyone got a small present and seemed to enjoy themselves. It was a great idea. 
On Saturday night, we drove down to the city and checked into the Pensione Hotel on Spencer Street. After getting changed, we all walked down to the The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant tram stop near the Queen Victoria Market. Eventually, we boarded the burgundy-coloured tram and sat down inside the booth. This was a whole other level of fancy in terms of being wined and dined. The detailing inside the tram car was immaculate with plush red velvet seating, tasseled lampshades and beautifully furnished wood paneling.
We were in for a long 3 hour dinner with the tram taking us down to South Melbourne, St. Kilda and Albert Park. The five course meal included appetizers (crackers with hummus and red capsicum dips), entree (grilled barramundi fillets), main course (breast of chicken with potatoes and greens), cheese selection (crackers, two specialty cheeses, dried apricots, nuts) and dessert (cheesecake, chocolate brownie, strawberries, blueberries). 
The service was excellent throughout the night with the staff regularly walking through the center aisle and asking the guests whether they’d like another drink. We also had to option of having a coffee, tea or lacquer to finish the night on. Walking back to my hotel room with my step dad and my uncle, I was well and truly knackered, bloated and busting for the toilet. But I have no regrets and I refuse to feel guilty about overindulging for a special occasion. Back on the fitness horse next week! http://tramrestaurant.com.au/ “I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go. Where the wind don’t change and nothing in the ground can ever grow. No hope, just lies and you’re taught to cry into your pillow. But I survived. I’m still breathing, I’m still breathing. I’m alive”                         Sia - Alive (2016) 
“Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I. Oh, I got stamina. Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes. Well, oh, I got stamina...Don’t give up, I won’t give up. Don’t give up, no no no...I’m free to be the greatest, I’m alive.” Sia - The Greatest (2016)  
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