#my god you've gotten fat
sanguineterrain · 1 year
Feel like I’m so basic but Jason Todd with a crush and him having zero social skills and just being super clumsy despite being highly competent when he’s in the field. Crush is like real sweet and kind maybe a service worker ✨
anon u are so true and real for this bc jason is definitely an unsocialized cat when he has a crush 💓
jason todd x gn!reader. shyish/anxious jason with a big fat crush. baker reader. annoying customer. the duality of jason todd. 1.6k words.
also i fully believe that silently leaving huge tips as a way to flirt is like. a wayne trait. 100% that family does that bc of bruce.
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
Business has been slow.
It's not like you expect your cafe to be packed to the rafters all day long, but you've had a grand total of four customers today. One of them only came in to ask where Starbucks was.
Frankly, you're not sure the cafe can afford to stay afloat for much longer. Gotham isn't known to preserve small businesses, and the conglomerates (cough, Wayne Enterprises) are taking over the world anyway.
So today is a reading day. You might even close early.
You're at a table in the back, so absorbed in Poirot's sleuthing that you don't hear the door open. It isn't until you turn the page and look up that you see your resident lurker waiting quietly at the display case. You flinch so hard that you spill iced tea on your jeans.
"Shit," you murmur, grabbing a wad of napkins and patting yourself dry.
Jason (as is written on his coffee cup) looks up from the pastries, teal eyes wide. You smile briefly at him. For such a big guy, his footsteps are astonishingly soft.
"Is everything okay?" he asks, voice rough like he doesn't speak much.
"Yeah, fine. You just startled me—I didn't hear you come in. Were you waiting long? Sorry about that."
"Oh. No, I wasn't. Sorry." He shifts weight between his feet. "You seemed pretty engrossed in your book. I didn't, uh, want to disturb you."
"Oh, hey, don't worry about that! It's literally my job to be here," you say, though you can't help but melt over how freaking sweet that is.
Jason visits you a minimum of twice a week. He's been coming for a couple of weeks. You know a whole three things about him: he's a university student, he pretty much only dresses in red or black, and he's unfairly cute.
At first, you were reasonably wary of him because it's Gotham, and he's so damn quiet. It's a little scary. You thought maybe he was an undercover spy casing the joint. Now you know he's just awkward.
"Slow day?" he asks.
"Slow year, more like. How are you? How was your exam?"
He blinks. "Exam?"
"Didn't you have an American lit exam last week?"
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Wow. Yes, I did. It was okay. Got an A."
"That's great! I knew you'd ace it."
His cheeks turn pink. Okay, you actually know four things about him: he blushes a lot.
You go to start the coffee machine. "Do you think you'll—"
"I-I have to go."
You watch, stunned, as he hurries out the door. That's when you notice the fifty dollar bill in your tip jar.
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You don't know if you should bring up yesterday. Jason's back; that probably means everything's fine, right? You're not sure if you said something wrong, though. You've gone over the interaction a hundred times since and you can't figure out why he's so skittish around you.
"Hi. Hibiscus tea, please," he says, stoic as always.
You prepare his order, yesterday's interaction still fresh in your head. You should say something, shouldn't you? Or...
"Sorry about yesterday," Jason blurts, so fast you almost miss it. "Running out, I mean. I was, uh—I forgot something."
Well. Looks like he's going to bring it up for you.
"Oh, you don't have to apologize! If I said something wrong..."
Jason shakes his head fervently. "No, God no. You're perfect."
Your eyebrows shoot up. He turns red this time.
"I mean—not perf—well, you're amazing, don't get me wrong! Except, like, what is perfect, y'know? My brother has gotten into the habit of calling everything perfection like some kind of sitcom character. Alfred will make pie, and Dick'll go, "Alfie, that was perfection." And I feel like it's such an exaggeration—"
Jason's mouth snaps closed. He rubs his forehead.
"Um, I actually have chronic foot-in-mouth disease. It gets really, stupidly bad. Sorry."
You're trying hard not to giggle. You want to smother him in frosting and take a bite.
"You're really sweet, you know that?" you say.
"I'm really not," he says with a sigh.
"Not true. Can you do me a favor?"
You go into the kitchen and return with your latest experiment: matcha cream puffs.
"Do you mind trying these for me? You're not allergic to anything, are you?"
Jason's shoulders hunch. "Are you sure you want my opinion?"
"Of course I'm sure," you say happily. "I trust you."
"You trust me," he repeats quietly.
Jason takes a puff and bites. He starts to nod.
"It's really good. You're really—all your creations are—yeah. It's good."
You squint. "No notes? Really?"
"They're perfection, as my brother would say."
Fuck, you like him so much.
"Have another one," you say, pushing the tray towards him.
"I shouldn't—"
"Wait! I'll pack you some!" you interrupt, flitting back to the kitchen to get a Tupperware.
Jason helplessly accepts the container of puffs you shove into his hands.
"Let me pay-" he tries to say, but you shake your head.
"Nope! I won't accept payment for these. Not from my favorite customer."
"Your favorite?"
"My favorite," you confirm, grinning.
"Oh." His ears turn pink as he walks to the door, cream puffs in hand. "Uh, right. Thanks. See you tomorrow."
"Jason? Don't you want your tea?"
"Shit. Yeah." He returns to the counter and takes his drink. This he insists on paying for, so you let him, because you do have rent to pay, after all.
"So nice to see you!" you add, because the stiffness in his gait is kind of throwing you off.
He just nods, slipping out the door as quietly as he came.
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Today, Jason's in a red workout tank. You have to make the conscious effort to not ogle his arms.
"Hey, Jason!" you say cheerily.
"Hi," he says softly.
"The usual?" you ask, and he looks up in surprise.
"You know my order?"
You gently roll your eyes. "Of course I know your order, silly. Favorite customer, remember?"
"Oh." He looks away, brow furrowed. Then he turns to you and his expression smooths over. "Yes, please. Thanks."
"Sure. Give me one second? I just have to finish decorating some sugar cookies."
"Take your time," Jason says, then goes to skulk by the window.
The door is suddenly swung harder than necessary, thumping the glass.
You look up from the cookies. A man in a suit is waving his phone impatiently.
"I ordered a dozen muffins. Where are they, huh?" he demands.
"Oh, right! Well, you called ten minutes ago, so they won't be ready till six, sir. Can I get you something while you wait?"
He scoffs and stomps to the counter. You almost back down, but you don't; that's exactly what these bullies want.
"This is exactly why no one eats at dinky cafes like yours. You can't even do this!" he fumes, shoving a finger in your face.
"Sir, like I said, the muffins are baking..."
"I know the city's health inspector personally," the man spits viciously. "One call, and I can—"
"Say one more word."
You blink as Jason is suddenly between you and the customer, stood at his full height. He's all muscle and broad shoulders, looming over the guy. You peek around him.
"What the fuck, man?" the angry customer squawks. "Move!"
"No, you move," Jason says, tone lethal. "Sit quietly at a table and wait for your muffins to bake. Then you can thank the nice baker for waiting on your sorry ass and you're not gonna come back. They have far more patience for entitled fucks than I do."
"Fuck you," the man spits.
Jason calmly closes the distance between them and whispers in his ear, hand like a vice around the jerk's shoulder. You watch as he turns pale, eyes growing wider.
"Sound good?" Jason asks pleasantly, all teeth. The man gapes at him.
Wow. Yeah. This is really doing something for you.
The oven dings. You go to retrieve the muffins, packing them as quickly as possible. You give him the box and the man nods.
"Thanks," he mumbles, then scurries out of the store.
Jason turns to you, and it's like looking at a completely different person.
"You okay?" he asks, posture stiff like he's still prepared for a fight.
You nod, a little dazed.
"Yeah. Wow. Jason, I... you didn't have to do that. I mean, thank you for doing it, but..."
"Hey, that guy was a jackass. And if you have trouble with him or anyone else, call me, okay?"
This side of him stuns you. If you didn't know better, you'd think he had this exchange regularly.
"Call you?" you ask, smiling. "How will I call you if I don't have your number?"
He freezes, eyes wide. "Oh. Uh. Um..."
You lean over, elbows on your counter. He watches you. You cup your hand around your mouth, pretending to divulge a secret.
"This is where you, the cute guy who frequents my struggling cafe, gives me your number."
"You think I'm cute?" he asks.
"Devastatingly so," you say, grinning.
He's quiet for a long moment. Your smile starts to dim.
"Did I read this wrong?" you ask. "If I came off too strong..."
"No!" he says a little too loud. Jason winces. "Sorry. No. I... you're... fuck, I'm not good at this. I don't even really drink tea or coffee, to be honest. I just come in to see you."
"You do?"
Jason sighs. "Yeah. Shit. That's creepy, isn't it?"
You laugh and he visibly softens.
"No, Jason," you say warmly. "It's sweet."
"So can I still ask you on a proper date? Not coffee."
You grin. "That would be perfection."
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oceantornadoo · 6 months
Please I just want to say I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK HUHBBDEUBYUVTYVTUOVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you could come up with anything more on the Simon Riley Cut-bulk-the-bird-said-she-liked-me-big-thing I will be your servant forever.
tw: body talk (i headcanon simon as someone who shops in the big & tall section so i think his clothes would fit the body type of every reader. if you shop in that same section, imagine him being MORE bigger and taller than you. mans is 6'4 fr)
(a few months later)
simon almost ripped the shirt off his body in frustration. another piece of clothing he had outgrown. he added it to the pile of clothes that he couldn't fit anymore. sleeves too tight, stomach pushing out the fabric. sure he was still in shape, could pass the military physical easily, but he was no longer the lean 22-year-old he once was, muscles now hidden under layers of fat. and he hated it.
there was a knock at the door. still a little pissed off, he opened it with more force than necessary, grunting out "what." before even looking down at who knocked. just his luck, it was you, the one person he tried to be nice to.
"what's got you so grumpy?" you smiled up at him, all sugar and spice. you loved simon's growls, the social anxiety and introvertedness he hid under irritation. it just made it more valuable whenever he laughed at one of your god-awful puns or let you lay on his shoulder. you were never second-guessing if he liked you, mostly because he hated everyone else.
"sorry, didn't see it was you. was jus' doing some spring cleaning." you laughed, a tinkling sound that transitioned into a snort. he loved your insane laughter, a real sound of joy. you peered around his large torso and spotted the pile of clothes on his bed. "doing a big donation, simon?" it was always a punch to the gut to hear his name come out of your mouth, laced with sarcasm and cheek. ever since he told you you could say it in private with him a month ago, you never stopped using it. "somethin' like that. clothes piss me off." you huffed, pushing past him easily as he let you into his room. he closed the door behind you, trying to calm his heart rate as he saw you, here, in his space. like you were his too.
"what did the poor fabric do to you?" you sorted through the clothes, seeing nothing wrong with most. they were all practical clothes, but none had noticeable holes or wear. he mumbled something, too low for you to catch it. "say that again?" he scratched his head and looked away, almost meek. "said they don't fit." ah, there was the problem. "that's okay. just means your muscles are too big." you tried to give a compliment, anything to get rid of the storms in his eyes. "nah. 've gotten fat." you put the shirt you were holding down with force, stomping over to where he had now taken a seat at his spare chair. you stepped between his legs, which opened easily for you. you gripped his chin and turned it towards you, forcing eye contact. "so what? just means you've been eating well, simon. nothing wrong with that."
he looked down, almost reminding you of a kicked puppy. "you don't care?" you weren't dating, yet, but you two had some sort of a romantic understanding. some acknowledgement of there being more, an exclusive connection between you two. "no. i like my men big. like when you can throw me around." he barked out a laugh, surprised at your admission. you smiled back, satisfied. getting a laugh out of him was 80% of the battle. "and these clothes are still good for something." his eyes were on you again, questioning.
you walked back to the bed, full of confidence now. turning to face him, you slowly grabbed the hem of your shirt, untucking it from your tactical pants. he wasn't wearing his mask, so you could see his mouth physically drop at the action. ever so slowly, you raised your arms, bringing your shirt with you. you tossed the shirt aside, standing in front of him with only your bra and pants on. his eyes were dark with desire and he made a move to stand up, but you commanded him with a sharp "sit." like a loyal guard dog, he lowered himself back into his chair, complete captivated.
turning back to the bed, you grabbed one of his outgrown sweatshirts and put it on. it smelled like him, that masculine scent tinged with the cologne he sometimes wore. "see?" you gestured to the sweatshirt, too big on you. "you just gave me a bunch of free clothes." he grunted, still fixated on the sweatshirt. his lack of response made you nervous. "what?" you asked. "give us a spin." you spun slowly, trying not to smile too much. god, the things this man does to you.
"'like seeing my last name on you."
now whose jaw was dropping?
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es-draws · 6 months
My hand traces the smooth curve of her belly before coming to rest just beneath her navel. The softness of it fills my palm, presses against my fingertips, swells with all its plushness under my touch.
Her own hands join mine, and I feel my fingertips sink deeper into her velvety skin.
"Feel how soft I'm getting."
She squeezes, and a handful of newfound fat bulges within my grip.
"God I love it."
"I'm getting so big..."
"You've done so well, I'm so proud of how much you've grown."
"My pants have gotten so tight, I couldn't wait for you to take them off me."
"You don't even know how hot that is..."
She pulls me close until our lips are nearly brushing, until I can see the eagerness in her longing eyes.
"I've grown so big, and round, and soft. All for you. All because of you."
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hucownikki · 1 year
oh my god how fat you've gotten is unreal
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Now to become unrecognizable 🥵 🐮
Because I can't stop this
(As if I want to)
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
ahhh congrats on your milestone leah!! you deserve it all and more!
oh my god all these prompts are so good and you write everyone so well, how can we choose? for your event, may I suggest eren and "this this the first time i've felt the need to confess." or "it's okay, we're the best of friends."
ty for hosting this! I can't wait to see everything you come out with ٩(⌒‿⌒)۶
a/n: drunk eren and dd reader, mutual pining but eren is shameless and reader has class, LOSER CORE EREN, reader referred to as "ma'am" once in a teasing context
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If anyone saw this situation out of context, it might be funny. But in content—your context specifically—it's nothing less than a headache.
Because you've been saddled with the pleasure of driving home an absolutely trashed Eren, pulling him by his collar to your car as he whines and thrashes with objections.
"One date," he repeats, plopping dead weight into the passenger seat of your car and looking up at you with clouded eyes.
Your response is expected, "Nope."
Eren opens his mouth, but before you can hear whatever bullshit he was conjuring up, you shut his door and walk over to the other side of the car.
Without fail, as soon as you open your door, he's continuing his pleading.
"Just dinner? That's literally all I'm asking for, just one dinner where—"
"You know," you interrupt him as you slide into the driver's seat, "you're a sloppy drunk."
You watch the thought process (or lack thereof) in his mind as he smirks and leans his seat further back, "Drinking isn't the only thing I do sloppy if you—"
"Don't finish that sentence."
Eren's eyes travel in amusement from your blushing and aggravated face to where you turn the key in the ignition and white knuckle the steering wheel. He huffs and kisses his teeth, before defeatedly joking.
"Too far?"
You don't speak, but the glare you shoot him says enough. He holds his hands up in defense and turns his attention to his window.
Silence takes over the car for a few peaceful moments and you don't bring yourself to question it, because Eren not talking is a whole lot better than Eren talking. Not only talking, but asking you out—something he's never thought to do before in the entire three years of knowing you.
Between your own exhaustion and his pathetic alcohol tolerance, you're almost positive you can write it off as nonsense. That is, until Eren opens his big fat mouth up again.
"What if I beg?"
At a red light, you rest your forehead against the steering wheel in exasperation. You hear him borderline giggle as the action gently beeps on your horn.
Your voice comes weak, "Since when do you even want to ask me out? Are you that off your ass right now?"
That changes something in him, because even though he is off his ass right now, he's wanted to ask you out when he was sober about ten times over by now. It's not his fault he's never gotten the courage to do so until now. Right?
"No, fuck no, I—" he stumbles over the slurred syllables as his brain fogs, "I mean, I am drunk, yeah. But I've been far drunker."
Comically, you stare through him, as if he doesn't have a single thought in his puny little brain. When the light turns green, you turn away from him and start driving again, suddenly far too calm for his liking.
"Believe it or not, that doesn't make me feel any better."
Eren rubs his blurry eyes with a calloused hand. "Shit—yeah, I know, okay? Just, hold on. Let me start over, 'cause I do really do wanna buy you dinner and—”
"Why now?"
"Not now," he states matter of fact, "when I'm sober and know where my wallet is."
"No, Eren," your voice is soft now, humiliated. You won't even look at him when you weakly whisper, "Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"
He takes pride in the way he holds your stare for all of three seconds, before turning down and looking at his shoelaces.
"This is just the first time I've felt the need to confess," he mumbles.
You deadpan, "The first time?"
"There were other times you kept it to yourself?
"Like two whole years worth, yeah," he huffs under his breath. "But I wasn't gonna lead with that because that sounds lame and this makes me sound more manly and suave."
The car hums beneath him when he hears you laugh, and his drunk mind can't tell if it's out of pity or honest amusement, but he likes the sound of it all the same.
Though your words might be meant to sting, the delivery is silky when you tease, "I'm driving you home because you can't handle your liquor. Nothing about you is manly or suave right now."
He nods along obediently, "Okay, sorry."
Turning his attention back to the condensation dripping from the window, he suddenly speaks so gently that you'd think he was sober if you didn't see what he drank tonight.
"If you don't actually wanna go out, you can just reject me already. It's fine."
Now it's Eren who won't meet your eye as you're pulling up to his house on the corner of the street. Throwing the car into park and tapping his bicep, he slowly sighs, a bit embarrassed but too drunk to actually care.
"Tell you what," you breathe, and you're surprised Eren's neck doesn't snap on impact with the speed he turns to face you. You bite your cheek at his desperation and exhale, "If you wake up in the morning and still want to take me to dinner, then we can talk about it tomorrow."
"Yeah?" you swear you can physically see the light reenter his eyes at your simple words.
Nodding, you smile. "Yeah, but for now, get your ass in your apartment and drink a shit ton of water."
Gently shoving him, Eren gets out of the car. In the slightly drizzling rain, his eyes never leave yours as his lanky legs stand up and he salutes in a corny way, "Yes, ma'am."
You reach over the middle console to pull his door shut, but before you can even grab it, he's reaching for the handle and holding it open.
"What now?" exasperation crawls from your throat.
You watch unimpressed as he pats down all of his pockets before meekly whispering.
"…Do you have my house keys?"
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blueberryarchive · 9 months
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 18+
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 3.2k words
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ still working on it. smut (non-con, mnster fucking, long tongue, bg dck! jimin, somnophilia, forced voyeurism?) scary (?) confusing, angst.
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If there is a God, he must be a cynical, cruel, tentative being.
Jimin squeezed his chin hard, his skull throbbing, eyes fixed on your wool coat-clad back. He was beginning to hate that olive green macrame that contorted in your tense muscles that you hadn't let him see for a couple of weeks.
Jimin thought that maybe it was your period the reason you didn't want him to touch you, that the headaches at night were from the stress of being so far from society. 
He always tried to be a good husband: making you tea, murmuring sweet nothings to you before going to sleep, giving you your space while he took Pepper for a walk to the lake. But winter has gotten crueler, the naked trees are like veins in the eyes of the white sky, pulsant and hideous, and your wall has grown in size. 
The nights have become silent. You only know how to do one activity besides sleeping: cooking. Mainly meats: grilled, baked, stewed and steamed. With spices, drunk in wine, boiled with basil, cut into pieces, and shredded by hand. Jimin started to hate the pungent smell of dead cows. 
Every night, you ate quietly at the table, and for Jimin to get the words out of you, it felt like he had to put his hand down your throat and spread them on the table. Barely audible, barely sentences.
It was a late winter afternoon, Jimin had tried to be flirty for the first time in a while since there was little time before he had to work again, and he wouldn't see you again for months.
It was a simple kiss on your neck that made your skin crawl, and you almost cut yourself with the knife in fear.
He was now sitting at the island, the kitchen illuminated by the grayish sun of cold afternoons. You were cutting the fat from a calf with the precision of a butcher. Jimin had both hands covering his mouth, thoughtful.
"Mom asked about you. I told her you were at the lake." He murmured to cut the tension of that odd rejection.
"I was sleeping." You put the knife aside, looking for another piece of meat in the refrigerator. Almost four pounds on the table, but Jimin didn't want to engage in your weird fucking activities.
"I've already told her like twice that you've been sleeping, she'll think you're sick or something."
You did not answer.
"I'm fine, it's just the nightmares. I don't sleep at night."
"I know, I know." Jimin sighed. 
He felt sorry about every time he found you curled up on the living room furniture, sweaty and breathing fast; you were sleeping but seemed forced. 
"When we go to Joon's house in the summer, we'll look for a doctor."
Your head tensed, tilting. Then you denied it.
"Don't you want to see a doctor?"
"I'm not going to Namjoon's house this year." You huffed like it was obvious.
Jimin frowned, both hands falling to the cold marble in surprise.
"But this year I'm bringing my parents to meet you, Namjoon is getting married in July, I don't-" he snapped, but you shook your head again while still doing your mechanical cut and throw movement.
Jimin cleared his throat, and you looked at him out of the corner of your eye.
"What?" You responded innocently.
"You really don't want to see my mom?"
"Jimin, I'm getting tired of this."
"What are you going to do, take another nap?"
The blood from the meat on your hands began to drip down to your wrists, the metallic smell causing you a voracious appetite.
"You want wine with the grill?"
"Are you fucking serious right now?"
You sighed, counting to ten. Just a few more hours.
"You can invite her to the cabin, if that's what you want. God knows how much we need someone else in this place."
"I already told you we'll go in a week."
"Without consulting me."
"What should we talk about? We've been planning this for a year."
"I don't feel like going anymore."
"These days you don't feel like doing shit."
You chopped the carrots on the bloody board, the chopping making noises in the immense silence between the two of you.
"It's like you want me to leave." He spoke.
You stood up when you pressed the knife on the cutting board; the tip stuck into the wood. 
That violence, pure and irrational force.
You looked at him with erratic eyes, Jimin didn't know if you were offended or not. Your hands clenched the counter, and your lips trembled trying to say something.
When you lowered your gaze, Jimin knew that your shoulders had not collapsed because of his tone, but because what he said was true.
"Oh my God, I'm right." A pained laugh. His body leaned back on the island that separated you two. "Is there anyone else?"
Jimin's skin chilled when before turning to the meat again, barely visible, he saw a tiny smile lining your lips. Self-conscious and cruel.
Before he could think, the sweet husband's façade had broken and with long steps, he approached until he turned you over with his fists in that damn coat. You looked at him with wide eyes, and you wiped your mouth as if the fact that Jimin was going to kiss you disgusted you. The blood of the calf covers your lips.
You were cruel, and he wanted so much to love you, to hug you and hit that distant look on your features. To squeeze your cheeks and spit in your face so you get off that fucking cloud. That you wouldn't look at him with so much hate, with that thousand-yard stare. Take that fucking knife and put it near your beautiful neck and scream 'LOVE ME AGAIN, I FUCKING DESERVE IT'.
"You think this is a fucking game? I've been wanting things to go back to normal since October, but you," His nose wrinkled. "You have become nothing, you are just another object in this useless old cabin."
Your eyes seemed to get closer and closer to Jimin's, your pupils dilating.
"And even as an object I can't fuck you, you're useless." He let go of your coat and walked away, each word dying in his throat. He couldn't believe that he could talk to his wife like that, what kind of man was he?
Then, a single person came to his head.
"Are you seeing Ryan?"
Ryan was the one who sold the land to Jimin, every now and then he would pass by the road and stop to drink coffee and fish in the lake with Jimin. It's not that Ryan is an attractive man, nor a man who knew how to talk to women because he was a first-class hermit. He was not a man you would cause your marriage to fail with...
"That's it. I'm going to sell the house."
"No." You were quick, your shoulders rose as if a puppeteer had lifted your strings, and you trembled again, denying.
"No, please."
"So it is because of Ryan?'
You inhaled all the air in the room, your eyes a predator. 
"Ryan is a parasite in front of him, filth, a mere fly on the wall." You barked causing echoes to reverberate off the walls of your boyfriend's chest. Your trembling fingers covered your mouth instantly.
The knife in your hand, the fingers bloody from the fresh meat, that green coat that you didn't take off, the tangled hair. Jimin didn't recognize you, your sweetness had turned bitter; like a viscous liquid made from plants. Raw and strange.
"You're a fucking whore." His voice trembled, the sting of tears wanting to flow like shooting water.
He took his coat, with a whistle he called Pepper and they both went with a roar through the wide, dense forest.
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The afternoon became denser in the forest, the leaves did not move and Pepper spent the entire way sniffing the trees, howling at the birds that passed by without squawking. Jimin put a hand in his coat, the other looking for some signal to call Hoseok, his mother, the damn police. Whoever.
He found his headphones in his jacket and placed them on top of his head, connecting them to his cell phone. He turned on the Bluetooth.
"Come on, fuck." He mumbled until Hoseok's number started ringing in his ears. It rang once, twice, five times before he could hear anything.
"Seok, couldn't you last longer to answer the damn call?" The lake did not move, his boots made the wood of the dock squeak as he walked from one side to the other. 
"No, I just need you to help me with something, I don't want Joon or my mom to worry, but I need you to find a doctor and come here...p-preferably someone with knowledge of mental problems."
"Hello? Hoseok, hello." He repeated, turning on the Bluetooth again. 
"No, it's just a little seasonal depression, but I don't want it to escalate into something worse."
"Shit, fucking headphones." On impulse, he grabbed the device with the cell phone and threw it as hard as possible into the gray water.
And with the cell phone falling, he glimpsed the pale skin of a being on the other side of the lake, it didn't look like a bear or a deer. Pepper started barking, loud and fast.
"Quiet." Jimin tried not to alarm the creature emanating from the foliage, his dark eyes approaching the evening light.
Jimin stayed still until he saw how the creature's feet approached the tip of the other dock, his eyes narrowed to see his own reflection, blonde hair, and the same features. A being as tall and wide as a log, he was wearing a coat that Jimin had given up for lost months ago, but it was dirty and torn due to the size of the beast.
He was seeing a Behemoth in his own skin. A dim Jimin, a monster, an abomination of himself.
His feet began to move as the animal threw itself toward the water in his direction. Pepper stayed behind him, but he couldn't think of saving her. He was going to die.
He prayed it was a hallucination of his tired brain, a joke of his own mind. But he could hear the earth tremble with each approaching footstep.
Every tree looked the same, the path home had vanished and all he could do was scream for his mother, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Mom, please, help. Help." He screamed as his feet were grabbed, the wet earth choking on his whimpers.
"Help!" The creature screamed even louder, in the same voice but drowned.
Crawling wasn't worth it, the creature had grabbed him by his hair and flipped him over. Seeing his face, rough and full of scratches, caused an abominable pain in Jimin's chest; he wanted to vomit out his organs and die before continuing with this terrifying reality.
The last thing he remembers is his head crashing into a log, the guttural roar of his mammoth twin, and the green inferno engulfing his body as he falls to the ground.
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When he opened his eyes, Jimin was in his room, his body tied to a couch in the corner. His mouth was muffled with a kitchen rag: the disgusting, metallic taste of the beef made him nauseous.
His eyes were guided to where your body was lying, you had the Prince t-shirt that Jimin had given you on. Your wet hair, the smell of coconut shampoo, the shower running in the other room, Pepper's howling in the distance. This was the first time you looked so angelic in a long time, so peaceful in your own dreams.
He couldn't move, his body felt heavy and slow. His fingers moved, his eyes too but it was as if it was a ghost of his body.
You sighed suddenly. With his hair standing on end, Jimin tried to call you but his voice didn't come out of his lips, a mere hoarse. Word dust.
Your body stood up unsteadily. You rolled your head to the entrance and smiled: there it was, on all fours, his mouth dirty with blood from the meat you had saved for him, those cupped pupils that you missed.
His body crawled closer until it reached your knees where he pressed his huge hand on one of your thighs, the wine bottle running down your body with each touch.
"Love," he roared until he climbed and transformed into a tower above you, nearly seven feet of pure dedication. You fed him daily with everything you had in the house. "My love."
That's what he called you. Jimin shook his head in the corner, his eyes threatening to close, his neck stretched out trying to reach you uselessly.
"Ah," his pale black tongue unrolled to reveal discolored pills at the tip.
You stuck out your tongue and let the creature's hands squeeze your neck so you would open wide, open better so his tongue would enter directly into your throat. The tickling in your esophagus from the movement of the wet muscle had your core tight.
When you stuck your tongue out, saliva connected both of your mouths, your eyes tilted; drunk and in love.
"More," he claimed, taking your small body in his hands until he had you anchored to his waist, both legs dangling. His fingers tore away what was covering your pussy, and Jimin could see the marks on your body, some yellowish about to fade, others a vivid red.
You lowered his sweat with the balls of your feet, his thick red cock throbbing at your entrance. Your body began to feel the effect of the sleeping pills, turning you into a nebula hanging from a warm mass.
When the tip entered you screamed into his chest, your nails scratching the flesh until it bled. The monster groaned in pain and knocked you to the ground causing the floor to shake with the weight of both of you.
You didn't have time to complain as his sharp teeth clamped down on your shoulder to keep you from moving as he took his cock all the way in, blood pouring from your shoulder.
The pain was such that you imagined how the inside of your organs was breaking, the bones creaking under his hands on your breasts, your voice becoming a thread until it was silent with each roar in your ear.
The watery, repetitive sound. The bulbous tip covered in juices went in and out so easily that the fabric covering your stomach seemed like it wanted to tear at any moment.
"Fuck, fuck, Minnie. Hurts good." It was like you were communicating with a caveman, but your brain didn't function properly when it came to him.
"Good, I like hurting you." Thick, dark blood ran down to his chin as his tongue smothered you again. Your eyes closing, your hands trapped in one of his. Your moans cover the dark heart of the beast with a soft layer until your limbs gave up, unconscious and so wet for them.
Little human trapped in his forest, an inferior being praising a God she does not understand out of pure lust. You were adorable, warm inside, you made him big and unstoppable and he thanked you by filling you with his cum every night after you fed him. That was your only request, every time.
Now he was named Minnie and you shouted his name every time he did something right. Learned words like more, hurt, inside, want, fuck.
And just because he molded himself into something you already had, you adored him.
His tongue came out to snake around one of your breasts, his wide, long thumb holding your mouth open. Your dead eyes casually open to see your tied husband, your head wobbling and arms hagging in the air with every pounding like a rag doll.
He couldn't bare it, you were being raped in front of his eyes, and he couldn't do anything else than stare at your unconscious body, like a fucking parasite, filth, a simple fly on the wall. 
With a few steps, the creature approached Jimin, leaving your warm body on his lap. Your eyelids throbbed softly regardless of how the demon destroyed your pussy with every crash of his hips. 
Your lips were wet with foreign blood, wet hair stuck to your temples, and open hands that fell to each side of the furniture.
You looked like the girl he had that morning when he showed you the cabin, like the one from the first night when you two made love on the living room rug, like the one that bathed naked in the lake even though someone could see her. 
A nymph, just a beautiful wildflower.
And Jimin knew at that moment why that beast had you in his claws, why he grabbed you by the neck and squeezed you to wake up from your sweet dream. 
When you looked up and saw your husband's face, Jimin knew that he had to give up, because that thousand-yard look was a path that was forbidden to him, that he did not know and could not learn.
You were no longer his but from the forest. A red and grotesque fairy, who moaned instead of singing and collected bones instead of flowers.
And yet you were more beautiful than ever.
You smiled at Jimin and your hands moved down his face to remove the dish towel and kiss him like you've never done before. The sulfuric smell of a dead animal on your soft lips was enchanting.
"Oh, God, yes." You whispered in your sleepy voice.
The Beast bruised your hips until pumping your pussy with cum, thick and gray.
You and Jimin looked at the growling monster, picking up pieces of the wooden floor with its long nails. They looked up, and exhaled deeply, snorting like an angry bull seeking respect.
Before you could say anything, he was gone. Leaving your bruised body between your tied husband's legs.
Your fingers brushed your face as you felt something damp: the tears in Jimin's eyes flowed like summer rain, thick and abundant.
"Tell your mom you'll find a better girl, okay?" Your lips trembled, trying to dry each drop from which another came out. Jimin nodded, bringing your forehead to his.
"Am I really not going to see you anymore?"
"Any time you want," you assured, your voice echoing a dozen times like whispers spreading across the room. A choir of hushed angels saying the same thing over and over again. 
"Every time it rains, leave the door open, and I'll know you need me."
Your naked body turned to place Jimin's head on your chest, he sobbed himself to sleep, and you counted his eyelashes until it was time to leave.
With a kiss on his forehead, you let him sleep, when he woke up you were no longer there, the green coat was hanging in the back yard and the smell of your hair filled every corner, a floral ghost.
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monpalace · 1 year
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ships .. (ocarina of time/majora's mask) link/reader, fierce deity/reader.
content .. the boys (separately) with a reader who feeds them well, and the fruits of their loving labor.
warnings .. unedited. no pronouns used (you/your). reader is implied to have more meat on their bones (vaguely). reader is in their housespouse era and they aren't even married (legally). non-graphic vomit and forgetting to eat mentioned (link). link and fierce deity are taller than reader. fierce deity is named aram for writings sake. reader is implied to be a god of sorts (fierce deity). fierce deity is literally my oc at this point.
notes .. my schnookums thought they could have big cheeks and get away from me? my cutie patooties thought that i wouldn't write about them eating right? my pookie bears thought that i wouldn't fulfill my duties as their #1? my baby faced sweethearts thought i wouldn't spend 2hrs looking for pictures like those? my favorite white boys? my honeybuns? my hollywood stars? my sugarpies?
i'll eat them. omnom
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LINK has always been rather thin. That was especially the case when he was a child. Something about a Kokiri child's diet not fitting what a Hylian needed always kept him frail.
When you both were children, he had quickly gotten used to you plucking his arm when it was idle to compare his lack of fat to your surplus.
(He never minded. He always looked forward to being reminded why he put one foot in front of the other every day during his fight against Ganon, or repeated cycle after cycle when it came to Majora.)
(Funnily enough, you had always made fun of him for being shorter than you as a child as well. You always mentioned he needed to drink more milk and eat more cuccos so he'd one day pass you.)
It was when you were able to cook more than simple meals and wouldn't risk burning down your cottage that you would invite (force) Link over more often than you already have.
Link had always tried to limit his visits to when he absolutely needed to. Free food, bed, shelter, care, supplies, clothes, bathes (the list was endless), and whatnot were always appreciated, but he never wanted to become to comfortable lest he wake up one day (or night. Or afternoon. His internal clock was always ruined when it came to sleeping at your cabin) and decide not return to the world outside.
He does his best to turn down any seconds, or thirds, or fourths, or fifths, and so on you may offer him when he does stay long enough for you to finish whatever extravagant meal you made just for him.
Past experiences often make him sick (with trauma or physically) and result in him vomiting his food, but there's always more from you to replace what he had just eaten and the meal before (if he remembered to eat it).
What he can't finish at the table (or on the sofa, or in the bed), he takes with him when he leaves. Link is respectful in all meanings of the word and hates to leave anything to waste.
When it comes to thanks, he either finds ways to help around your cottage or brings back items from new regions for you to cook. Whether it be repairing the busted bathroom door you've been complaining about before fixing your water faucet so the pressure is what you want it to be, or bringing back a spice the Gorons specialize in you've mentioned wanting to try, Link typically feels his gifts fall lackluster when compared to your treatment of him.
(He trusts your skill and creativity enough to know you won't poison him on accident. He never brings back any recipes or instructions either if it's not a dangerous material.)
(He's always excited to try whatever new dish you've concocted, so his only condition is that you wait for his return to cook whatever it is he brought you. "A celebration, of sorts," he calls it.)
A look in a lone puddle had told him his cheeks had gotten fatter. He supposes he now understands why he was refused entry into one of the pubs when he had to retrieve Malon and Cremia's uncle.
He had noticed that the details of his arms were less visible through his shirts when a Goron had pinched one,— not in the same way you did when you were younger— he had mentioned that he had an amount of muscle and fat to be proud of before asking him to join a tournament. Any attempts prior to were quickly shut down.
During a day of horseback archery with the Gerudo, the sweltering sun had gotten to him enough that he had to remove his tunic and the shirt underneath to feel some sort of relief. One of the women who were training him took a look at his stomach and nodded approvingly, mentioning that he should praise his soon-to-be spouse for feeding him so well.
The last nail in the coffin came when he was riding Epona into Castle Town. His tunic felt uncomfortably small and his tights (curse those damned tights) felt as thought they were stretched more across the expanse of his thighs than they usually were.
He's back in your cottage when he finally vocalizes his thoughts, preferring you to any other tailor or seamstress in the country. "I've gotten to big for my clothes," he either sighs or signs to you while eating. His gaze held a thousand yards in them, idly watching his clothes move with the wind.
The tunic, hat, tights, boots hang outside the window on a string connected to your shed. They had to be washed after a (admittedly well-planned— even if they don't think) ambush by a hoard of chu-chus.
You throw a hazy look to them before returning to the bowl you were tirelessly mixing. You were making dinner, he thinks, or maybe it was in preparation for the big breakfast you were making with the variety of bread from the Gerudo he brought back.
You'd already given him a large snack earlier.
The thought makes him look down at the plate in his lap. Every spot of it was filled and piled with bread, and eggs, and meats, and jams. He couldn't see the white bottom of it even as he pushed and prodded around.
He takes a bite of it gratefully.
"I saw you before you left not even three days ago. You fit everything fine enough to me." At some point you had stopped stirring and held the bowl out to him. Link grabs something off the plate and dips it in without a thought, eating it before responding with a hum of approval. "I can make adjustments to then, if you'd like."
You leave the bowl with him before attending to something on the stove.
"Please," he responds, halfway through another bite of the (what he now recognized as) Gerudo bread and cocoa dip you had made. "Different pants would be nice, though. It'd be a nice excuse to finally get rid of those tights." Both tasted sweet by themselves, he realized, but left a calmer aftertaste that he'd like to savor.
"You've always hated the tights," you hum in response, moving from the stove to the coolers that he'd built you after bringing you a large fish that only lived in Zora's Domain. "What would you want to move on to now? Leggings? Shorts?"
Link watches you remove a pitcher from one of the coolers. He isn't sure how long it's been in there (he doesn't even remember watching you make it), but he assumes you took some ice out so the pink liquid wouldn't freeze over into complete ice.
He watches you try to take a cup from one of the cupboards, watching you struggle to grab his favorite one from the higher shelves.
He stands from the chair sat just outside the kitchen (he liked to watch you cook when you had the time), placing the bowl and plate on one of the many cleared counters (you liked to clean as you worked), and grabs the cup for you.
Link lowers his head with his hand when he hands the cup off, head resting upon the crown of yours as he watches you pour the pink liquid into it, idle arms wrapping around your waist as he makes some slick comment about eating enough milk and cuccos for your liking.
You don't elbow him in the stomach like you might have when you were younger and he doesn't hold the cup above your head teasingly like when he was younger to (— then again, he had to climb a counter to get it out of your reach.)
Instead, you wordlessly pass the cup back to him and he wordlessly drinks it despite not knowing what it was.
He likes it, as he does all your works, and notes how it was both sweet and sour. A taste that fills both his childhood need for sweet all the time and his older palate's need for other tastes.
Handing the cup back, Link tilts his head so he can press a kiss to your crown. "Anything you'd think I'd look good in," he finally responds, the flavor of the moment leaving a tooth-achingly sweet taste on his tongue.
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ARAM is often humbled in your abode.
He may have acted arrogant to others in his younger years and horrifyingly aloof now that he's a more seasoned god, but he never failed to (willingly) crumble to his knees when in your presence during either times of his life.
He had no need for the sustenance mortals require, prayers and whispers of his name were always good enough for him, but he'd kiss the ground you walk on if it meant you'd bless him with another food you've created (he already does).
Aram is the provider to your fire-lit home, an arrangement the two have been living by for as long as he can remember.
He is the sword to your shield. The arrow to your quiver. The moon to ever burning sun (which he did create for you, after all). The wound for your gauze. The life to your world— and one cannot live peacefully without the other.
Your food had quickly become an addiction to Aram. He'd eat as much as often as he could, giving little response to when questioned why he loves it so much.
("Because it comes from your hands," he once explained hours later when you were sleeping. "Your hands, that create all. That nourish all it touches and replenishes all that is extinct. I am your antithesis, and I must destroy that which I love."
(You never had the heart to ask again.)
He has enough sense to slow his eating around you. One concerned comment about him choking was enough for him to indulge in needless your wishes, but a question regarding its taste had him eating like a mortal.
His relationship with food prior to getting hooked onto yours was brief and filled with obligation. He never ate to feel full, only to make the people he was fighting with shut up and leave him out of whatever conversation they were having.
It never lingered in his stomach like a warm fireplace that others had described it as. It never made him warm and filled with love. It never gave him the energy he needed to keep fighting.
It just went through his digestive tract (why did he even have one?) and disappeared like an heavy smog finally dispersed by a strong gust of wind before he had to fight again.
When a war was over, you always came. You took the battle-shaken soldiers away when it was their time and healed their ailments if they were able to withstand everything. You went through war-stricken cities and set everything as they should have been. You feed and clothe and bandage and sew and reunite and Aram isn't sure why he lingered.
He's seen the effects of what you can do long after you've left. He knows of the good you're capable of doing just as much as he knows the bad he can cause.
He craves your touch when he sees it at its peak. He indulges himself when he sees it first-hand.
Aram understands what the soldiers mean when you beckon him closer and offer him food, uncaring of how he stands tall above all else.
The soup warms his insides. The flavor resides on his tongue hours after he's finished it. His energy, though far from depleted, had made him feel as though he were a youngling again.
He craves more.
The addiction to your presence and your food (and subsequently, you) had started then. It's an event he could easily recall when asked, one he would happily recount to you if you ever forgot where his devotion to you started.
Meeting after a war or battle had become frequent enough that he had finally learned your name; not some silly alias those who followed you often referred to you as. He felt like one of those lovesick children soldiers talk about, tripping over himself and his words.
He's curious to you, an admirer more than a stalker, fortunately. When he wasn't on the battlefront, he was always hovering around as you worked, busying his hands with whatever task you've given him after noticing his lack of mortality.
You treated him well; doing so even after the era of wars were long gone and he was seldom needed. You cared for him as though he were one of the many wounded soldiers with no family to return to once all was done and said— and to an extent, he was.
He's eating when you bring attention to his softer thigh.
You were reading to him, a romantic thriller that held as much of his attention that your captivating voice did. His gaze focused heavily on you, watching as you lick your lips after each page, how your eyes rake over the page to ensure the tone you speak the next sentence in is correct. He notes how you shift less often, how he doesn't have to move you further up his lap so you can lean against his stomach.
"It's not as painful to sit on you anymore." Aram doesn't think that line was in the book, but he doesn't mention it. It dawns that you were talking to him when you look up, using your finger as a bookmark as you closed the book around it. "Have you gained weight?"
He's a big man; it's a fact he's known since the beginning of his existence. He has large arms, muscles well know for how he snatched prey up to bring back to you. His height made it a simple feat to reach into the trees and capture any avian you wanted to experiment with that night. His legs that would stomp on any fish swimming downstream during a day at the lake you suggested.
He was sculpted by the Goddesses themselves. If they hadn't meant for his body to change along with his lifestyle, they wouldn't have designed him to dough.
(He'd never be ashamed in the fact either. He was contented knowing he had someone to dote over him constantly; a sentiment he had gained after recalling a conversation with wedded soldiers.)
(Also, the prospect of defacing what the Goddesses had long since disgraced was exciting, in a way.)
Aram doesn't look at himself, already well-acquainted with his body as his brow raises in amusement. "You feed me well, My Grace," he responds with a peck on your temple, "I would hope to become more comfortable for your pleasure." He refused to stop eating as he indulged you in conversation, the leg you sat on jumping once in place of his busy hands.
You hum that sweet, quiet hum of yours that Aram has come to associate with your contentedness (he aimed to hear to several tomes every day). Removing yourself from his lap, discarding the novel to the side as you raise your hands to cup his cheeks. "It suits you. You look healthy. Happy."
"Did I look ill before?"
You don't fluster as you might have like in your younger years. He's honored to have grown alongside you, reminiscent of the older couples you've both watched and escorted when he was still an active god.
The same filling feeling your food gives him fills his heart. The lingering sense of peace that he felt since meeting you dancing through his body when your thumbs rub the apples of his cheeks, the softest and fondest gaze anyone's ever given him in your eyes.
"No," you answer in a quiet voice only he'd be able to hear. "Never. You've always looked perfect."
And Aram has never been more thankful that he separated himself from the Goddesses as he preens under your touch. Never been more thankful that he lingered after the war was done. Never been more thankful that he had readjusted his psyche to more readily accept your gifts and affection.
He frees a hand to cradle to back of your head, a threat to all that aren't you, and brings you beneath his chin in a protective gesture. "As have you," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. "And as you always will be."
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rubyreduji · 2 years
[i fucking caved oh my god this is going to haunt me forever]
[minors dni] [read part 1 here]
for some reason you ridiculously thought that things would improve after you slept with wonwoo, but it seems that things have just gotten worse
wonwoo's grossness has seemed to seep out from his room and into your shared spaces; dirty clothes strewn around the bathroom, used dished left on the table, he's even started gaming in the living room just to bother you. he's always there when you get home from work, a lazy smirk plastered on his features while he jabs at the controller buttons. you can't remember the last time wonwoo made food that wasn't cereal or reheating leftovers that you made. he doesn't have a problem making you do all the work and embarassingly enough you find yourself bending to his will
the worst part of the whole situation though, is the fact that you two have done nothing since the first time
he hasnt tried to touch you once. not even an innocent brush past you in the hallway touch. absolutely nothing. and you know that you should be overjoyed over this fact but it's secretly been driving you crazy
you don't even like wonwoo!!! so you don't know why you've been so desperate for him to put his hands on you. it's gotten to the point where you've purposely been wearing more revealing clothing around the apartment in hopes that you can tempt him
it's not working though, in fact wonwoo is just temping you more with his lack of pants everytime he games in the living room. you can always see the slight outline of his dick against his boxers and it drives you crazy
it's not like wonwoo has gotten more reserved, in fact you think he's gotten more shameless. he walks in on you showering so he can take a piss (and he never puts the toilet seat back down) and he still makes lewd comments about how "fat your tits look" in your shirt. there was even that one time he left his used fleshlight on the counter for you to find. the only thing he hasn't done is make any serious advances towards you and as desperate as you are for him you still want to keep some sort of dignity
and by some sort of dignity you mean that you won't stoop as low as to beg wonwoo to fuck you again, but you're not be able to stop thinking about it
for the first time in what feels like forever wonwoo has decided to actually leave the apartment, he put on pants and everything. you're not sure what he's up to but you can't bring yourself to care when he's out of the apartment, finally giving you a moment alone
there's plenty of things you can do now that you have some free time to yourself but there's really only one thing you can't do when wonwoo is home
shamelessly you quickly scurry into your room and close the door before shucking off your pants and burying yourself into your bed
you've been so worked up lately and haven't been able to do anything about it. your hands go right away to roaming over your body, feeling yourself up, touching in all the places you know makes your pussy wet
it doesn't take long for you to be aching, you've been waiting for this for a while now and you can't help but be a little desperate now that you can finally let go
your fingers flit down between your legs and you're able to relieve some of your aching as you start to rub your clothed clit. you muffle your moans at first before you remember that you're alone and can be as loud as you want. you let out a shaky moan as you quicken your pace a bit
your underwear are soaked now and you push them off your hips and down your legs. your pussy is slick with arousal and you're able to push two fingers into you right away
you pump your fingers and in and out of you as you moan into the air. as you fuck yourself your mind wanders to wonwoo and how his fingers felt so much better inside of you. you hate that you can't get your digusting roommate out of your head but you can't help but wish it was him knuckle deep inside you instead. you try your best to push him out of your fantasies but he keeps coming back
you think about his long gamer skilled fingers flitting over your body before he pushed them deep inside you, pressing into your g-spot. his name slips past your lips and you're too far gone to chide yourself for it
you reach up to pinch one of your nipples as you think about him shoving his cock in you as he forces his tongue into your mouth. the though has your pussy clenching and you've been so needy lately that you can already feel yourself getting close
"well what do we have here?" a voice tuts from your doorway
the voice makes you jump a bit and you quickly scramble to cover yourself up
"ah, ah, ah, don't do that pretty girl" you recgonize the voice as your roommate as he stalks over to your bed and grabs your arm before you can fully pull the blankets over your body
"wonwoo" your voice sounds less scolding and more like a moan and you flush realizing that your true intentions have become apparent
"aww poor baby," wonwoo coos, his tone laced with condescension. "if you wanted to get off so bad you should have just told me"
you can't stand it. you can't stand the way wonwoo is smirking at you with that smug look on his face but you can't do anything about it because wonwoo's got a grip on your arm and your pussy is wet and aching to get off
"do you need me to help?"
you want to tell him no. you wan't to tear your arm away and kick him out. out of the whole apartment for good. but instead you just mewl and give a small nod and before you know it wonwoo's got two digits buried deep inside your cunt
"that's a good girl, taking everything i give to her"
wonwoo's musky cologne fills your noise and you nearly choke. his hair hangs in his face, limp from a few days of not being washed. he stares down at you with a predatory gaze
"p-please woo"
"please what? you need more? fine, but don't complain about it later"
wonwoo pulls his fingers out of you and you whimper a bit. you watch as wonwoo shoves his joggers off his hips and you gasp a bit when his dick pops out. you barely have time to even process that wonwoo was going comando under his pants before he's grabbing you and flipping you over so your ass sits high in the air while your face is pressed into your pillow
without a word wonwoo lines his cock up and shoves it into your dripping cunt. he immediately starts to thrust into you with a vigor you've never experienced before. you moan into your pillow as your fingers scramble to find purchase on your sheets. you can hear the slap of wonwoo's balls against your clit as he continues to snap his hips into yours
wonwoo reaches down and grabs a handful of your hair, gripping onto you as he presses you even further into the bed. he fucks you with only his own pleasure in mind but you don't even care, enjoying the way he fills you up so deep
"you know y/n, you're such a dirty girl. you wanna know why?"
you only moan in response
"you're a dirty girl because you like it. you like when i treat you like this, like my little cocksleeve. you're my slut now, yeah?"
you do your best to nod but it's hard while wonwoo still has a grip on your hair
"oh and what would your brother say? what would he say if he knew you were here getting off by his best friend? that you like how i stick my dick inside of you and fill you with my cum" wonwoo growls into your ear as he continues to piston into you
you can't form words, feeling too good from wonwoo's cock inside you. you've barely even thought about the fact your brother is friends with wonwoo and you groan
"oh would you like that? like if he knew you were here getting fucked like a bitch in heat. that you're now my little plaything and that's it" wonwoo picks your body up off the bed and presses your back to his front, his hand snaking up body to grab you around your neck
your pussy squeezes wonwoo's cock tight as he tightens his grip on your neck. his free hand travels down your body and he flicks your clit. you cry out in pain but wonwoo laughs at the way your insides still pulsate around him
"fuck y/n i'm gonna cum"
wonwoo's rhythm turns messy as he bends both of your bodies down onto the bed, rutting into you trying to reach his high. your body is warm and wanting as wonwoo covers your whole body with his
"s-shit" wonwoo cums with a curse. his cock digs deep into you as he fills you up with his load. the warm feeling of wonwoo's seed inside of you has you cumming on his cock as well
your pussy flutters around wonwoo as he thrusts into you through your highs. wonwoo is panting by the time he pulls out of you and rolls onto his back next to you
you're also panting as you do your best to recover from your orgasm. you can feel the way wonwoo's thick cum slides out of you and onto your bedsheets
suddenly you feel wonwoo's nose digging into your neck as he rubs your hip with his palm
"i love fucking you y/n, you feel so good, make me cum so hard" wonwoo whispers into your ear as he continues to nose at your neck "i knew you wanted me baby, fuck nearly made me cum in my pants all those times you were walking around the apartment in just your panties. glad to know you want me just as much as i want you. now i'll be sure to use you whenever i want"
you let out the smallest of whimpers at the idea, just knowing that you'd be waiting until next time
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anyone with a reader that has a hyperfixation on man tiddies
Immediately thought of Taiju-
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There was only one person who was allowed to touch Taiju Shiba, and that was his boyfriend. His boyfriend was a bit stupid; stupid as in as soon as he met Taiju he asked him on a date. Taiju was caught off guard, processing for a bit before beating the living shit out of the guy. And even after being beaten to hell and back. Before (Name) could pass out he smiled sloppily, swaying on his feet. "Your really handsome, go on date with me?" He asked, clearly being hit over the head a little too hard as he immediately passed out after.
Taiju had marked it down as the weirdest day of his life on his calendar... Literally. January 31st was the first time someone asked him out before and after being beaten. And to say he wasn't at least a little curious was a fat ass lie. And thus here he was, his deranged little boyfriend clinging to his arm as they walked back to Taiju's place. Yuzuha greeting her older brother as usual as he tossed off his jacket and gloves.
Taiju sighed in exhaustion, sitting back on the couch. His boyfriend didn't waste any time, sitting on Taiju's lap and nuzzling into his chest and pressing his face into his lover's tits. Taiju sighed, gently petting the other's hair as he casually fondled the eldest Shiba's tits.
"God... Why did I chose this one?" Taiju mumbled, earning a sleepy giggle from his boyfriend. Who was looking up at him with large doe eyes.
"Because I'm just amazing?" He responded, his voiced slightly muffled from Taiju's chest. Taiju huffed angrily and pressed (Name)'s face even more into his chest.
"No... You were just too stupid for me to ignore." He insulted, (Name) hummed thoughtless as he turned his head to the side to be more easily heard.
"I'm not stupid... I'm just eccentric." He countered, Taiju laughed heartily and shook his head.
"No. You're just really dumb." (Name) huffed, pressing his nose into Taiju's chest - earning a disappointed sigh from the other.
"Yeah but I'm your dumb boyfriend." He mumbled with a smile. Taiju snorted, wrapping his arms around the smaller.
"Yeah you've got that right. You're mine." He whispered into the other's ear, nuzzling his face into his boyfriend's hair. (Name) hummed, already used to Taiju's possessive nature; he actually found it very entertaining to see Taiju scare off anyone who tried to touch his precious little idiot.
"Yeah yeah. I'm all yours you giant fucking grizzly bear." He mumbled, already half asleep. Taiju let out a quiet sigh as (Name) quietly squeezed his tits, at first he found (Name)'s love for his tits to be... Odd to say the least; but at this point he's gotten used to the nearly constant groping in private.
Taiju smirked a little, maybe there's a way he could get back at his little perverted idiot. He slowly trailed his hand down and started gently massaging the soft flesh of (Name)'s thighs, eliciting a surprised yelp.
"Taiju!" He cried out, sitting up straight from the initial shock. Taiju hummed slyly, smirking at the other's flustered expression.
"What? Only you can be a bit of a perv? I think not, darling... I should be able to play with what's mine~" he cooed sadistically, pulling his lover closer and gently pressing their noses together.
"Yes, it's my job to be a perv and you get to be my human pillow slash stress ball!" He exclaimed, Taiju chuckled giving the other a small kiss. The older sighed and silently nuzzled into (Name)'s neck, leaving small kisses at his collarbones.
"That doesn't seem to be very fair of a trade... Guess you have ways to make up for it hm?" (Name)'s breath hitched as he realized Taiju's implications.
"Nope! It's nap time, you can fuck me later." He grumbled, earning a quiet huff from the larger as he let (Name) go back to snuggling into his chest.
"Fucking tease." He whispered.
"You know you love me." (Name) mumbled back, falling almost completely limp in Taiju's arms as he fell asleep.
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I love to hear you beg, fatass. God you're so deliciously pathetic. Begging for me to ruin you and you love every second of it. You need to be a lot fatter for me to come play with you, don't you think? My hands on your body would be a hell of a reward. I'll tell you what, you're going to fatten yourself up. You're going to get nice and soft and plump and then I'm going to stuff you and fuck you myself, okay?
I need those tits to droop and sag. I need that belly rounder and wider and to get in your way. I need those thighs to soften up and that ass to balloon. I want it to be painfully obvious just how fat you've gotten so quickly. I don't want you to be able to hide it. I want you to outgrow your clothes. I want you slower, lazier, and more stupid. I want your first thoughts of the day to be food and your second to be how hard you are just thinking about it. I want you to get hard every time you stuff your fat pig face. Then I want you to show off for me. Each stretch mark like a little trophy. Each new roll a prize. And I want you to celebrate it by stuffing yourself even fuller.
God, look at that belly fat jiggle. Does it feel good piggy? To stroke for me? You're going to cum, okay? You're going to cum so fucking hard... and then, you're going to stuff yourself again.
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mooodyblue · 11 months
Could you write something about caregiver Elvis and his self-conscious little?
Like when it's time for their bottle they refuse to drink, and they stop sitting on his lap and start to play quietly by themselves instead of playing energetically with Elvis or Jerry because they think that they have gained weight.
thank you for the request ^^
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pairing: cg!elvis x gn!little!reader
wc: 855
warnings: body image issues
➸ masterlist
there was a saying that you gain weight when you're in a happy relationship. you tried to make that not the case for your current relationship, despite your love for elvis.
elvis noticed how hesitant you were about being little today. he just wasn't sure why. it was always the two of you playing, him bouncing you on his lap and sometimes picking you up to twirl you around in the sparkly new dress or outfit that you bought. but not today. something felt off.
no pretty clothes, none of the clothes you wore that made you feel little….not even a bottle. you were wrapped up in a blanket, staring at the tv blankly. he wandered into the living room, looking over at you, “baby,” he cooed, “you want your bottle?”
“no.” you muttered back.
what? no bottle? “a-are ya sure, honey?” he asked curiously. it was so unlike you to not want a bottle, you always wanted milk or a sippy cup full of apple juice. “how ‘bout a snack?”
“no.” you said again.
“well, sheesh darlin’, at least have some manners n’ say no, thank you.” he put his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. “what’s got ya all grouchy today?” he walked over to you, sitting on the sofa.
“‘m fine.” you kept your eyes glued to the tv, only speaking in short sentences.
he shook his head and picked you up gently to set you on his lap, a soft whine escaping your lips. this was the problem. elvis grunted when he picked you up, he used to never grunt. the only reasoning in your brain was that you’d gained a bit of weight. you wanted to climb off his lap, hide yourself away, but you knew he’d just get mad. “ah, i know what ya need. a nice nap, huh?” he suggested, grinning.
you couldn’t say no to a nap. except that nap only made you feel worse.
elvis did his best to cheer you up. eventually, you were in your own other world, on the floor playing with blocks as you proudly spelled out words that he said to you. it was a good distraction from the vile thoughts inside your brain.
he got down on the floor beside you, pulling you into his lap as he began to help you stack letters together. you let a tiny whine out, trying to wiggle out of his hold. “you got ants in your pants?” elvis teased. you escaped from his hold, crawling away and moving to play with something else by yourself.
“alright…” he sighed, crawling over to you and sitting beside you. “what’s gotten into you today, baby? what’s the matter, huh?” he rubbed his hand in circles on your back gently.
you shook your head, hiding away from him.
“honey…” he frowned.
the look on elvis’s face was enough to make you cave in. “‘m not little enough.” you muttered, picking at the plush carpet underneath you.
he turned to you confused, “not lil’ enough?” he repeated back. “what do you mean? you’re my baby, aren’t ya? my little one?”
“‘too….big.” you didn't look at him, keeping your head down.
“big?” he repeated, confused.
elvis widened his eyes, “woah! now, hold on.” he tilted your face up with his fingers underneath your chin, forcing you to look at him. “where the hell did that come from? we don't use those words in that way in this house.” he said sternly.
“y-you make noises when y-you pick me up ‘n you're always like…’oh you've had enough’ when ‘m havin’ a bottle o-or a snack and—”
“baby…baby, my god” he quickly interrupted, putting his hands on your cheeks. “don't go talkin' like that. it hurts my feelings.” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, taking your hands in his. “you know why i tell ya when you've had enough? cause if i don't—you’ll go ‘n eat or drink too much ‘n get yourself an upset tummy. then you'll be cryin' ‘bout how icky you feel, we don't want that, do we?”
he interrupted you again, “and baby, i’m an old man. my body ain't what it used to be. them nosies i’m makin’ when i pick you up or sit you in my lap? they're old man noises, honey.” he chuckled. “give your old man a break.”
“daddy’s not old….” you pouted.
elvis let out a small laugh, “well, thank you. but i’m serious, baby. i love you. i don't care how much ya weigh and it ain't none of my business. you're beautiful, lil’ one. i love all of ya.”
you hated when you let your insecurities get to you when you were little, especially when it was when you felt the safest. but elvis’s sweet words and reminders made you feel a little better. you gave him a small smile, nodding. “i love you too, daddy. ‘m sorry.”
“can daddy hold ya in his lap again? we gotta finish this lil’ tower you got goin’ on here.” he ushered you over, lifting you up and setting you in his lap—now without the grunts.
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samstclair · 3 months
Joel Miller's Survivor
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Joel Miller X Reader
Anonymous Request
"Hey Sam! Hope you're still alive. You've been like ghost, and I'm getting worried about my request not being fulfilled, AND your health, of course or whatever! Yeah so can you get to it already? Joel X reader, simple. Can you make Y/N be like traveling with them or some shit? I don't know. But do your thing when you've crawled out of your hole!"
Word Count: long bro
As you lied in your bed, rotting (you have not gotten up in the three hours you've been awake [so now it's almost 12 in the afternoon]), feeling like absolute dog shit for:
1. your empty tummy, 
2. not having showered in a week despite you paying your water bills, 
3. your internet running at the speed of a geriatric snail so no more fan-cam edits, ALSO despite paying your internet bills, 
3. just feeling like an overall ball of grease and oil that could, if necessary, fill a car's gas tank, 
4. not having gotten up in those three hours, 
and 5., perhaps most importantly, the world ending :(
you gazed out your window into the morning (afternoon, actually), light that peered through. It was scenic really, little puffs of dust, some asbestos tinkled in, gliding softly in the air. It hit you - this is not fun or fresh. This sucks dick, actually. 
You rose, stretching, a big big biiiiigggggg stretch, cracking every conceivable bone in your body, trying to avoid looking in the mirror that could potentially reveal your physically-troubled state. You didn't even have to look to know the condition your hair was in - actually let's not talk about the hair. You'll spiral. If we can't see it, it's not real :D
"Fleabag said it best. Hair IS everything," you thought to yourself, thinking about avoiding the mirror. "Oh my god I could SOOOOO binge Fleabag right now -"
But you knew that wasn't an available way to veg out. As mentioned before, your power, water, and internet were out. You supposed it came with the world ending and all. 
"Grrrjsdjaksdfnbdsjdskjjfs," your tummy said. You cradled it like a mother holding her child. 
"Mama needs to eat soon...", you thought wearily.
You rose and peered out the window - and it was the same old shit. Those cracked-out girlies were still on the prowl, being the biggest cockblocks you've ever encountered in your life for some good food. 
"But girl, we gotta eat! We have to soon," your brain said. "You can't keep this shit up! REAL calories and shit actually do matter!"
"But bitch how? Those fat asses on the street are gonna try to toss up with you again!" the other side of your brain said. 
"So what? You're gonna keep living off three-month old Halloween candy?? Those Twix's are tasting more like the processed chocolate that they are every DAY! Stop playing around and gaslighting yourself into thinking they're good, girl!" the other side argued back. "THINK about it. You bought those to sneak in to watching Dune in theaters. And not even the second Dune, the first. They're literally vintage." 
"What's stomach gotta say?" the other side shot back, quite angrily. 
"Grhjdkajdjsjdfoifdiosiojf," your stomach replied. You knew what that meant a little all too well - your stomach couldn't take it anymore. She wasn't even sentient enough to respond.
"FUCK!" you bursted aloud! So loud that the cracked-out girlies out on the street got startled and did a little jump! 
You absolutely HATED being hungry. If this experience had taught you anything, it's the appreciation of a good ass fucking meal. You were, after all, a self-proclaimed 'fat ass bitch'. So how were you gonna live up to that now? 
You began to reminisce about your favorite dishes, even though you knew it wasn't gonna be a good idea for your mental health. 
Bandeja paisa...
McDonald's cheeseburger with Big Mac sauce...plz McDonald's worker, don't forget the sauce........
Publix sub...
Mango chunks with tajin...
Provolone cheese and salami...
Korean corndogs...
A fat ass burrito...
Little Caesars breadsticks...
Auntie Anne's organic cinnamon rolls...
Vodka pasta...
Coconut chickpea curry...
...a bowl of assorted fruit but none of that honeydew cantaloupe bullshit...
"FUCK!" you yelled again. They also jumped! again. "How the FUCK did I go from drinking tiki cocktails on the beach to the WALKING FUCKING DEAD?!?!?!?!??!!!!! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING RICK HERE PROVIDING FOR ME!!!"
You slammed yourself back on the bed, ready to cry - both from the acceptance that this was your new reality and slamming yourself a little too hard that you felt a spring bust up into your thoracic spine. You hated yourself for talking shit about that cantaloupe and honeydew. Yeah they're ass and should NOT have a place in a fruit bowl but that was real fucking food. Real SUSTENANCE!!! And what did you do? You fed it to the fucking seagulls on the beach and used it to pelt those fuck ass middle schoolers who wouldn't stop quoting Adin Ross, when you could have enjoyed it yourself. Had it been now, you would've Iron Clawed those birds and children for those two dookie ass fruits just for a taste of something REAL. Not moldy chocolate from a Costco bag that you snuck into Lynch's Dune. (Yeah girl, I'm not talking the Timothee one. I'm taking the Kyle MacLachlan one. I said they were vintage!)
How did we get here?
Well, we'll revisit this question later, cause right now you have come to one FINAL decision - food. You. Need. Food. 
"Fuck it bro," you told yourself, tears welling in your eyes as you climbed out of your bed and made your way downstairs to the exit. "If there's no fine-ass cowboy police officer with a big ass nose to do it for me, I guess mama gotta do it herself." 
You slipped on your old-reliable Crocs (the Lightening McQueen editions so you could go fast), then opened your back sliding glass door as to avoid the crackhead girlies on the street out front, the sun nearly blinding you solar-eclipse style. You felt like a hostage released from a hole after months of being, well, held hostage. 
"Is this what Saddam felt like?," you thought.
A wave of complete euphoria went over you as you heard the birds chirp, the wind fly by, the smell of green grass with a little hint of deteriorating carcasses - it felt GOOD to be outside. Though you have had some bouts of homebody phases, you were never not missing the great outdoors. Besides the mosquitoes and the balls-hot sun, and the occasional dead bodies. But, you reminded yourself, we have to make the BEST of these types of situations. 
You closed the glass door, quietly, cause those electric-chair looking victims had the most insane hearing, (making, admittedly, quite jealous since you're sure you lost a percentage of your own hearing prematurely after the introduction of AirPods.)
You then walked across your now overgrown garden, which under any other circumstances, could have passed off as a big whimsical fairy garden with the grass now being several feet tall, little ladybugs and shit nestled between. But now, shit made you feel like you were in a jungle back in 'Nam, circa 1970, pushing the foliage out of your face as you got across, bracing yourself for running into a spider web or a gnat smacking you in the face. 
Once you saw the backyard gate, you opened it quietly and peered out onto the street - it was quiet, ODDLY quiet, with not one of those cockblockers in sight. You knew better, however, looks can be deceiving. We all thought those Polly Pocket outfits looked pretty good, but the gastrologist telling your parents that their elementary-school child has a rubber dress lodged in one of their intestines actually isn't pretty good. 
You crept out, tiptoeing like a cartoon character or Drake sneaking past Travis Scott to whisper his verses on MELTDOWN, making sure to stay EXTRA vigilant of your surroundings. You needed to master the art of NOT disassociating, which basically meant undoing all your previous masterings of the craft. It was extremely difficult, but it was needed - slipping up LITERALLY means death here. On some for realizies shit. On some getting eaten out by and not in the good way shit. (That was disgusting I apologize - Sam)
As you crept down the street, passing down the backdrop to your average end-of-the-world surroundings with moldy houses and charred cars, you tried to remember the way to the Target. You were shit at directions and there was no Apple Maps to help you now. You just had to rely on your primal instincts of location - which, suffice to say, were usually not that good. But, when food's involved, you could track like a Neanderthal holding a spear hunting a fat ass mammoth with a posse of your fellow Neanderthal girls, you know, like, primal. 
You turned the corner, sure of where you were going and worried about your luck thus far. No zombie in sight oh shit never mind there's one across the other side of the street. 
It kept twitching in its tweaked state, continuously running into a fence since it was blind with that ugly ass toe fungus all up in its face. 
"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit," you told yourself. Asshole clenching, toes squeezing downward, you calmed yourself down. It was the blind one so girl you're good! Just creep by quietly, ain't nothing to it! 
You took in a deep breath - tap in tap in tap in girl! Just walk on past! 
"Okay, okay," you told yourself. "Girl CHILL! Let's go okay, one, two, three - oh fuck I'm fucking shitting myself -" 
But then, it hit you - you literally had no reason to be scared. You literally lived in New York. You took those subways, you knew how to handle characters like that. 
Like a light switch normally does, you switched. You felt all that fear drain out of you, like the shit you took earlier - quick and easy (it was diarrhea, so, not really a good analogy metaphorically). You walked on down, even giving a friendly wave at the fungus girl. They're people too! You remembered to tell yourself, you CANNOT judge someone by their appearance! They're just going through it, I mean, after all, we've all been in that depressive episode/state before. Why hate when you can relate? Exactly!  In all honesty, your hair right now probably isn't making you look well-adjusted. We all have our bad days <3 Just don't look at them too long and you're good! 
As you passed by, it occurred to you - you have not been out in a MINUTE. All that hubbub and for what? You just had to wave and walk past. This brought a refreshing smile to your face, happy that you were grounded back to your reality. 
"Pharrell was right. Look at the birds," you told yourself as you strolled along by, "look at the bees."
Though there were no birds or bees in sight, and the possible thought crossing your mind that you hallucinated the birds' chirps earlier, you thought it best to live in this pretend state. It helps being fake happy sometimes, after all! More and more that carbon dioxide leak in your house was sounding less like a theory and more like a fact!
You continued on, now remembering the area - Target was only a block or two away. Just in and out and oh shit there's another depressed tweaker right in front a couple feet away from you. 
This time, it wasn't one of those fungus girls. It was the one who could see AND hear. Talk about double fucking whammy. And she clocked your ass, head swinging inhumanely fast to look you straight in the face. 
"DAMN BITCH! YOU UGLY AS FUCK?!" you thought to yourself, unfortunately your instant, innate reaction.
"Hey, girl!" you said, friendly, trying to maintain your mindset from earlier. You waved and walked past, she seemed so taken aback from your friendliness that you left her stunted. She just stayed behind and watched. And on you walked on blissfully. 
But you weren't walking for long when you heard the pitter patter of those steps RACING behind you. You whipped around. Again, you were shit at directions and feet and all, but you were PRETTY sure that you'd walked several feet farther away, so why was the ugly fungus-but-no-fungus girl HELLA close to you right now?
The girl stopped, now confronted. 
You waited for a response. 
Apparently, so did she.
Y'all just stood there, silent.
"Girl, I said what?"
You shrugged, rolling your eyes and turned back. But again, that pitter fucking patter. 
You whipped around, quicker. She stopped her running, caught again. 
"Bitch, chill. I know your ass is not chasing at me," you warned. 
Nothing. Again.
You turned back around, walking a little faster. "Flaka drug ass bitch," you said under your breath. 
You whipped around again so fast you gave yourself whiplash and vertigo at the same time. 
 She stopped. 
"Bitch," you said, annoyed. 
"Ahfsjjdshhuweuifw," she mumbled. 
"I'm sorry?" you asked, genuinely confused at her mumbling. 
She had a dumbfounded face, despite not having the greatest ability to make expressions (half her face looked like those Barbie dolls Shane Dawson used to incinerate back on old YouTube). You inspected her closer. She definitely needed some Accutane treatment, cause apparently everyone ALL gave up skincare this year. 
"Sadjksfjdksjc," she snarled again, "sdfhjdsf, sdfhuwjsjioisd?" 
"Girl, I don't know," you replied, sassy. "I don't know what the fuck you're saying, to be honest."
"Sjdklasjfoijdjdisjfids," she mumbled.  
"Girl, speak the fuck up!"
The zombie huffed. "SJDJDFSAFIDSD!!!!" She put her hands on her waist, annoyed too.
You felt bad. You genuinely had no idea what she was saying, and it didn't sound like it ended in anything you could just reply with a quick and safe, 'yeah' or 'thank you' to. You couldn't even fake laugh. Awkward. Awco fucking taco. 
You two just stood there, face to face. A little standoff, perhaps? 
This encounter reminded you of the first time you encountered one of these girlies. It was on your walk home after you left your White Lotus resort from your month long stay....
"Ghrskjdsksfs," the girlie said from behind. It made you jump.
"OH MY GOD!" you yelled, both out of fear of her popping out of nowhere and of course, her appearance. "Girl, I don't wanna be rude, but you look BUSTED as fuck!"
She didn't respond. You soon found out she took offense to that.
She began to follow and chase you all the way home and up to your doorstep. High key on some harassment shit. You had to barricade yourself in, cause girl was trying to hug you or something and you love being nice to strangers but didn't wanna contract bed bugs, so you pushed the bitch down the porch in time for you to lock that door. She fucked up your Ring camera too from banging on the door, so shit was personal. 
You did NOT want to get physical with this girl now, but if push comes to shove, LITERALLY, then it'll have to do. 
And that was your mindset from then on. Anyway, back to the Western standoff:
"Okay, girl, look just back the fuck up, okay?" you warned. "I'm being like - soooo serious right now." 
You turned back around and continued down, a little hurriedly and checking behind yourself a little more often, but that girl got the memo. For a few more blocks, she was out of sight. 
You hated being rude, but, that's what being a girl entails sometimes.
"Horror nights came a little early this year," you told yourself, shaking your head, "some people don't have any self-awareness at all. So sad." 
Finally making it, you saw the big ass red target signaling it was a Target up above, with some extra cute greenery and mold growing inside of it. You liked the whole post-apocalyptic aesthetic, actually, but we keep that to ourselves. Other people's disadvantages are not cute to make an aesthetic out of, after all.
Inside, shit was ran SACKED. Others had gotten there before, the shelves wiped clean (figuratively, cause the shelves were filthy). It gave you STRONG COVID flashbacks. But, you were not here for toilet paper, you were here for FOOD, remember? 
You went to the back, avoiding broken pieces of glass and other unidentifiable and possibly tetanus-infested objects, looking for the produce and dairy section. It smelled of dampness and poop. Not great. 
"While I'm here, I wonder if they have some tampons, maybe? Actually, maybe they have some ZYN?" you wondered. After all, no one was readily available to supply you with an Elf Bar, your original being LONG dead. A girl still needed to tell her nicotine craving to chill out. You weighed your options: 
Having reciting gums > not having ZYN
Options seemed to talk for themselves. 
Anyway, you kept searching for any remnants of a SEALED package of food, but, unfortunately, there was none. If there were, it was moldy to the house boots down and def not edible to most people. You rummaged through and through, over and over - nothing. 
You took a deep, shaky breath in, feeling those panicky tears coming in, your hunger more unbearable. 
"Dude it's that, it's that I'm about to lose my fucking mind, bro," you mumbled manically to yourself as you continued to rummage like a raccoon. This made you sympathize with them, those girls live hard lives. If you were RJ, you would've stolen that bear's food too.
You picked through the remaining bags, inspecting the see-through plastic while holding it like it was an object from Chernobyl - at the very tip with the most minimal amount of skin to package contact possible. You held them up to the light and god forgive you, gave them a little sniff. When you made that mistake once, you assured maybe it was best not to do it again, the mildew-rotting scent so horridly offensive to your nasal passage that it nearly catapulted you into the ether. 
You sat down, ready to welcome that panic attack breakdown, but soon shot yourself up after smacking your ass right into a cold septic puddle of rainwater (or so you hoped) dripping from the rotted ceiling. In just in your "I <3 ORLANDO" Spongebob-themed PJ shorts, you were never more sure that you just contracted yourself a yeast infection. And by the way you also caught a glimpse of your hair in the reflection of the puddle. 
And this was it. 
You broke. 
Your hair looked like Beetlejuice. 
You looked like Beetlejuice.
"I'm losing my mind? I'm losing my mind. THIS IS SO FUCKED!" you exclaimed, oddly enough in the exact likeness of Shane Dawson's freakout in that one instagram live reacting to Tati Westbrook's YouTube video. (What's with Shane today?) "Oh my god? Oh my god?"
You were manic. This was it. This was it - 
But wait - you forgot the canned food section? 
A lone Chef Boyardee ravioli sat on the shelf, waiting, seemingly, just for you. She looked beautiful. Stunning. Heavenly. 
You feverishly snatched the fuck out of that can, and in such power popped the lid off wide open, the colors of that red tomato sauce and surfacing ravioli packets swimming delightedly. You did it. You tapped into your inner Neanderthal, strength and all.
You downed that shit all in one go, feeling its room temperature-ness sink from your throat down to your intestines, down past that lodged Polly Pocket dress, into the acidic pit of your belly. You felt all your stomach cells jump collectively with such joy, imagining the cheering sounding just like what Horton heard on that speck. 
You smiled so happily and genuine, with the exact likeness of Mark Weins. 
You moaned, quite audibly. It was delectable. 
You had to hit it, you NEEDED to hit it, just like Mark - 
"Mmm, woooowwAAAGAHAHAH - "
" - OH SHI -"
-You ragdolled onto the floor -
-Fragments of cement bursted all around you -
-You went blind-
And then, it was all silent.
Your moment of bliss completely evaporated, by a blue pick-up crashing into the Target, right into the produce and dairy section you were in seconds before, in another world...
Your ears rang, you were covered in dust, with the remaining red Chef Boyardee sauce all up on your face. 
The entire building SHOOK with more pebbles and asbestos from the roof dropped onto the floor, along with the rattling of the glass windows.
The sound of insane gunfire soon followed. 
You remained soldier-style onto the ground, like one taking it for the team by taking in all the impact of a land mind, belly to the ground. Though you couldn't see it what was happening, your soy face was NASTY. 
"Bro whaaatttt????" you whispered. "All this for toilet paper????" 
You crouched up, peering a little outside, to see a car on fire, along with more of that loud ass fucking gunfire and people ducking for cover. Shit was a real Call of Duty game. Shit was a real war zone. You were stupefied, stunned, SAT! Then, to the right -
"SCREEEECHCHCHHCHHCHCH BOOOF BOOOM PAPRATATATATA!!!!" More cars whipped around the corner outside, like for real Fast and Furious shit! 
"Uh," you thought to yourself, no longer wanting to watch like a noisy pedestrian, "uhhhhhh, yeah this ain't for me. A girl like me is NOT supposed to be here! This ain't my business! War is for boys <3"
You quickly made a go for the exit, only to find it blocked by some grown ass man and child. They quickly clocked you, safe to say, both parties knowing that seeing another person this close right now is not a great sign. 
The man pointed his gun to you as he stayed down with the girl, avoiding the incoming shots. 
"Wait, THEY'RE the ones being shot at?" you realized, "nah bro I'm good."
"Oh, don't mind me!" you quickly said in your sweet, customer service voice, "I'm just gonna, gonna go ahead and, yeah," you inched closer to the back door and saw yourself out to the alleyway behind the place, managing to casually dodge every incoming bullet at you by a hair. After shutting that shit behind you, you stood straighter, dusted some of the dust off, and thought it best to go on back home and pretend that nothing happened, as always.
You actually ended up knocking out NASTY in the alleyway. Like, unbeknownst to you, multiple of those fungus girls walked by you thinking you were already dead. 
You stirred, delirious and confused, like an old person snapping out of a moment's dementia. It was nearing sundown by now, with the sunset casting its glow on the desolate alley buildings. 
You rubbed your slept-swollen face after you cranked yourself up with shaky ass arms, genuinely trying to remember the events that brought you here in the first place. You were like a shell-shocked vet. 
"Bro...where the fuck....?" you looked around, trying to piece everything together - but you thought that might be too much work, so you opted to doing your own version of the Irish goodbye and leaving without addressing the previous events <3. 
"I get those frat boys. Last night really WAS a movie," you thought as you walked out of the alley, looking left and right trying to remember how the fuck you were gonna take your ass back now - like NOW cause nighttime is not the place to be around these girlies. You played Minecraft. You knew the vibe. They seemed to be more rabid and unpredictable, which safe to say, is NOT your fave combo. You could so fuck up a bag of Combo's right now.
You dusted more dirt from your SpongeBob shorts, and tried to fix your botched hair, but was briefly and heavily distracted by a dust particle getting into your eye - causing such emergency and panic. 
"Oh fuck oh fuck no get out get OUT!" you worried, trying to pry whatever foreign conspirator of a dust particle that was currently committing espionage in your eye socket, albeit looking quite disturbing doing so. 
After prying that bitch out, you wiped your face and to your fucking dismay, spotted red stains all up on your hands. Your heart fell to the empty distilled pits of your stomach, to the pits of your gooch - 
"IS THAT FUCKING BLOOD? OH MY GOD AM I FUCKING, LIKE, HURT?!" you freaked - you were quite literally wounded in battle. You took a sniff. "Oh, just tomato sauce. I'm so silly!" 
You smiled to yourself happily, slowly remembering that ravioli - the one highlight of this mess. Your tummy rumbled. 
"If only there was a cart full of foo - oh my god there's one right there," in front of you was a shopping cart that apparently spawned out of nowhere filled with goodies. Literally perfect!
You approached it, mesmerized by its contents - more canned ravioli, Dolly Parton's buttercream frosting, a tub of fresh watermelon, some bags of gummy worms, some bags of Wingstop wings (with fries and ranch!), tubs of water (of which you credited this random shopping cart being sent from some higher power because it wasn't Dasani or Zephryhill), Combo's and, perhaps most importantly, a jar of spear dill pickles. 
You could've cried. 
And you did. 
But you stopped after like ten seconds because remember it's nighttime a girl needs to GO!
You took that shopping cart and began walking down the scene where that Fast and Furious ass scene went down, now lifeless of any activity but bullet-riddled crashed cars, piles of broken cement, dead bodies, and random spouts of smoke. You felt like just a girl, walking down an average street in New York, living a single, nepo-fueled and quaint life. 
"If only I had my headphones," you thought, now saddened that your phone and sound-proof headphones had been long-dead. "I LITERALLY pay my fucking bills, like?" 
You continued walking, just a girl with her shopping cart, when you spotted a clearing in some forest area, which seemed very familiar to you. 
"Lowkey, I think this is a short-cut to my house?" you said to someone, apparently. (There's no one around you but that's never stopped you.)
You went down into the wood, like a girl with just her shopping cart going through a magical Studio-Ghibli-esque forest that sprouted between two demolished buildings into some portal into the spirit world. Though it was pretty difficult to push the lowkey-broken shopping cart on anything but flat flooring, causing you to have some bouts of intolerable anger so powerful it helped you yank the wheels stuck on uprooted roots, you thought, "hey, things could lowkey be worse? Like, let's just remember what Vanessa Hudgens said, 'Like, yeah, people are gonna die which is terrible but like...inevitable?' "
And people did die, BUT, you did have Wingstop fries, so. 
And now, it wasn't just a whole shopping cart of goodies that you would return home with, but some granola?!
A pile of perfectly placed granola sat pretty on the ground in front of you, with some berries and yogurt bits scattered in - just fucking delicious and any vegan mommy's dreams.
"Oh my god," your mouth salivating, inhumanely - a Kubrick stare fell over your face as you eyed the fuck out of that horse feed.
"I could lowkey fuck UP some granola," your stomach said, the only decipherable thing she's said in a loooooooong time. Long time.
When you clocked out of your gaze, you walked on over, ready to scoop up the entire pile, relishing in the self-fulfillment and satisfaction you imagined was what those Neanderthals felt way back when. This little hunting and gathering thing we got going on here? Ain't that hard. 
You stood over it, grabbing the pile that happened to be conveniently sitting on a plastic mat, attached with some strings that went places you didn't really give a fuck to know about. All that mattered, was that the stars were aligned for you tonight, the moon must've been in your favor. You didn't need a tarot reader to know that life, well, was good now. Life laugh love even through apocalypse <3
"Man, mama eaten GOOOOOOD tonight!" you bellowed, giggling, dancing slightly back and forth like the fat ass you are, "I wondered if the Neanderthals ever dabbled in a little grano - "
You froze. 
Ain't. No. Fucking. Way. 
You looked up slowly. 
"Biiiiitccchhhhhh," you said, in disbelief. 
"Grajsdhfsajdsk," she said, more sassier than ever. 
"No - NO! This is MINE!" you warned the same fungus girl from earlier. She stood, several feet away, creepily standing in the dark now that the sun was pretty much set. Let's just say, HELLA liminal spaces-core. HELLA ominous with it.
She didn't reply. Instead, she began creeping closer to you, looking at you up and down like an old man checking out a girl walking by who HAPPENS to be in a tank top. You loved your LGBTQ+, but girl needed to be a little smoother in her approach! 
"No. Back off NOW!" you shot back, now standing straighter. After some time out in this life, you learned it's best to approach these girls like you would a bear, if, ideally, you were able to keep yourself calm enough so much so you could think clearly - just stand straight and tall. Stand your GROUND stand your GRANOLA if you will. 
"I'm warning you, girl. No means no. I found it first, fair and fucking square." 
She kept coming, now closer than ever. She wasn't taking no for an answer. You almost gagged at her peeling face, icked the fuck out, but didn't wanna be THAT outwardly rude. She was looking you up and DOWN. (It admittedly boosted your ego up a little, like, were you lowkey hot right now?)
It was clear she wasn't backing down. Your bear tactic went down the toilet. 
She began running. 
"Jesus, fine we can share, girl, okay?"
Let's just say, she meant business. Bitch was about to pimp-slap you across the face for that granola. 
"Bro it's that I said we could shaAAAAAAAAAAA - "
But itt was too quick. Too sudden. 
One moment you were about to post-up with the fungus tweaker and the next you were plummeted to the ground by an unseeable force, every ounce of wind pushed out from every crevice of your body, the granola popping into the air like confetti that became shrapnel against the fungus girl, lodging itself into her already fucked-up face.
You gasped for air, in complete shock, whatever force holding you down to the ground - you looked up to see what actual 200+ pound of muscle football fuck just tackled you. Is the granola like the football right now? Did you just touchdown or whatever right now? 
It was him - the same guy from earlier. 
You were too exasperated to speak, literally non-verbal. All he saw were your wide ass eyes, gaping open mouth begging for air like a fish out of water (fish don't breath air, little fun fact! :D) and Beetlejuice hairdo, some tomato sauce still crusted around your lips. 
He suddenly lifted himself up, whipped out a bat from his side and beat that fungus girl to DEATH. Like, BEAT. 
"Oh fffff - uckaaaa," you were able to muster, "there go my Chiro sessions -" 
You rose up, struggling, feeling physically and spiritually like a stomped-on roach, watching this man absolutely go ballistic on the girl. She wasn't even identifiable anymore, just a big mess of red gross goo and shit. 
The little girl from earlier stood closely, like you, just completely entranced with the very ugly and quite frankly inappropriate violence for a child like her to be witnessing. It was like the Reddit 50/50 challenge all over again. (P.S. so like if you look up what that challenge is DON'T press images like I absentmindedly just did literally right after typing that to see if it was still up - Sam <3).
After he was done wailing, he stood straight, caught his breath, bringing himself back to reality from that outburst. He wiped blood off his dome and looked to you, a face of both complete disappointment and disgust that only comes with a man 50 and up. 
Your short-tempered, therapist-diagnosed anger flew over you - physically raging like a boy who got his house blown up by a creeper in Minecraft. Again, what did we say about nighttime???
After your spewing, you took a deep breath. It felt pretty good, you even smiled. 
His face fell. 
"Are you fucking crazy?" he bellowed back, "Are you out of your mind?! What were you thinking?!"
"I was literally JUST sharing food. I had that handled. I was like, breaking - breaking bad. Like Jesus..?" you knew there was something wrong there. Now you felt embarrassed. "No, wait - that's bread. Whatever fuck it I FUCKED THAT UP! But I'm NOT meth head, I'm NOT LIKE HER!" you pointed at the now mass of flesh and fungi. Gross. 
"I just saved your fucking life," he now came in close, towering over you and pointing, intimidating and furious. His southern drawl was in full action. (Uh oh you found this hot little does he know). "That granola back there was a fucking deer trap!" 
"Well," you started, biting your tongue like a mom, "it seems you've trapped my 'deer' ol' hear -" 
The girl stepped forward before you could finish that not well-timed flirt. "Wait, aren't you from the supermarket? Earlier?" she asks, now laughing, "That was crazy!" 
"Ellie, don't." The man stepped back, guarding the girl from you. He was weary. "Who are you?"
"I'm me," you said, arms crossed, unplucked and overgrown eyebrows raised. "Who are you?"
"Joel....?" the girl named Ellie said, worriedly. He seemed to chill out a bit. He looked over to her with a face that read: Don't worry. I know this bimbo means no harm." 
During that moment, you really took the scene in - and that scene? This man in front of you with the hick ass name Joel. Joel? Well, 
"Why he kindaaaaaa," BOTH sides of your brain said. "No, no I can't. Not here and not again, like time and place," you thought to yourself, but unbeknownst to you you said aloud. Safe to say, they looked at you oddly.
But you couldn't control your thoughts or your emotions. They are, after all, your thoughts and emotions which are usually, like Vanessa said, inevitable? 
He was tall, burly, and graying - with such a masculine aura it was insane. The strong, silent types, as your ex-boyfriend/ex-sugar daddy, Tony Soprano, would've adored. His whole rugged look - dirt on the face, unkept hair and facial hair, tired eyes, somewhat smelly...
Then it hit you. 
Is this it? 
Is this him? 
Is this your RICK?????
You didn't realize it, but you were staring. Not in the Kubrick this-bitch-fucking-crazy way, but in the, this-bitch-out-of-it way. You shook yourself back to reality. If you were going to bag this man, you needed to act indifferent. 
A moment went by, no one spoke.
"Well.... y'all gonna eat this?" you asked, motioning to all the scattered granola.
They didn't reply.
"Okay slay!" You bent down to start picking up all the pieces. You weren't, after all, gonna let all that go to waste like these bozos would. 
You popped one in your mouth, chomping that stale piece. "Mmmm. Mhm. Yeah. Sprout's. Def." 
You continued to pick them up, the man named Joel now scoffing in disbelief of the situation. You perked up and turned to the Ellie girl. "Hey girlie, you want?" 
Ellie the girl happily grabbed some, chewing on it for what looked like the first time. You were confused, judging, but thought it best to not judge. 
All three of you stood straight, frozen. 
Another fungus bitch pulled up, arms out and perked up at the sight of y'all - his possible little buffet. He had on a Vineyard Vines t-shirt and a pair of Sperry's. In summation? Ugly. His face was also fucked up.
"Oh, my god," you said, over it, "what ever happened to finders fucking keepers? Y'all getting on my damn NERVES! Hold this girl," you passed the collected granola into Ellie's arms. Joel, getting prepped to probably curb stomp this once-private and probably racist schoolboy, soon stopped once he saw you step up to the ring. 
As mentioned before, you never liked to resort to violence, but there comes a time...
You grabbed that zombie by the hair, and began to wail on it with one punch after another, grabbing it's man-bun ponytail and slamming its body onto the ground, continuing to obliterate it's my-daddy-has-a-boat ass, completely disassociating with anger. 
Joel and Ellie watched in both horror and amazement at your abilities. 
"You fucking bitch back the FUCK off bro!" you muttered. The last time you fought with this same manner and vigor was in the school bathrooms over a juul. Those cookie-monster PJ pants girls taught you well. 
Once you landed him in an induced coma, you rose up, took in a deep breath and searched his Bermuda short's side pockets, feeling for the all familiar shape. And there she was. 
You pulled it out - there she was in all her beauty. 
"Speaking of!" you said, examining the blueberry fume. As mentioned, it was just like those bathroom fights. "Yes YES! I used to know a girl who FUCKED these up! I just KNEW he'd carry!" 
Just then, the rich boy moved. You clocked it, and kicked it on its side. It rose and quickly ran off, frightened, as you continued to yell some more obscenities. You hit the fume - shit was still kicking. 
You turned back. "Sorry guys, I'm just, I try to be patient with them, and I am, don't get me wrong. I know COVID has everyone acting, you know, off their shit but," you looked to the now deceased fungus tweaker. "Poor girl. She just wanted some granola bits." 
Joel furrowed his brows, very confused. "Why would you be 'patient' with them? They're infected!" 
"Hey! That's not a nice way to characterize victims of diseases - drugs are real, like don't you know about fenty? And I'm not even talking about Rihan -"
"They're runners! They're not human!"
You turned back to the limping 'runner', now confused too. 
"Runners?" you asked, turning back. 
Joel nodded. "Yeah. Infected. Undead." 
"You mean, like, zombies?"
Joel took a minute, seemingly embarrassed that he hadn't thought of something so obvious as that sooner. 
"You know," you shrugged, tired, blowing out an obnoxious cloud of smoke from the fume, a cloud, if you will, "they're just going through it." 
Ellie looked to Joel, unsure of what to make of your comments. 
It was now nighttime, and after massively failing to locate or find your way back home, Joel, out of pity that you were a bit of a bimbo, allowed you to stay with them for one night. 
You all were camped (ew I know) in the middle of a forest, it was pitch black outside all except for the small fire in front of you all where Joel had baked beans cooking. Apparently, your perfect shopping cart with the goodies vaporized into the air, because it was nowhere in sight after the whole shabackle and hubbub. Joel suggested in a, what you swore was, passive-aggressive way, that you were so starved you began hallucinating it. You knew that was most probably the case but would've rather eat a fungus off one of those 'runners' or whatever's faces than admit that. And you would've, again, rather eat that toe fungus than mentioned your probable house's carbon dioxide leakage.
Anyway, back to the scene - Ellie is knocked out in her sleeping bag, leaving you and Joel to sit across from each other in a pretty awkward silence as you ate those gross ass beans. There were some moments you caught yourself about to complain about them and claim they tasted like 'dick', but thought it best not to. But, you needed to say something about this, you couldn't just hold it in. 
"How's the beans?" Joel asked, quietly and moodily as usual.
"Tbh," you said, the first thing spoken in like an hour, "...I just want, like, sushi, man."
His face fell a bit.
"But this isn't bad! Trust me!" you quickly tried saving yourself, feeling very quite bad, "look, I've had beans in England. Some say the bean capital of the world, there's literally a dude from there named Mr. Bean. And this is so much better."
He was too confused to reply.
You felt a fly buzz by your ear - one of your number one hated sensories to be crossed - and smacked it. You HATED the outdoors too, as much as you hated these beans. It reminded you of when you had exited your home after months being inside and how quickly that 'touching-grass' shit got old. 
But still, no complaining. 
You glanced over at him, and you couldn't help but think - man this dude looks familiar. Very familiar. You weren't sure if it's just cause you haven't seen another person in some time, or in this case, another man in so long that your brain basically said: "man = every other man" and that's the reason you thought he looked 'familiar'. But, no, no - you'd SEEN this man before. Did you have a dream about him? No, that was Rick. Actually, now that you thought about it, he lowkey looked like some of your ex's? 
"What's your name?" you asked, trying to break the awkward silence. You knew, but had forgotten. 
He hesitated, his grumpy ass chewing on those beans. "Joel. Joel Miller." 
"Oh my god, you're real?" And that was it - THAT'S why he looked familiar! "I literally wrote a fan fiction about you in class, and submitted that as my final! Everything really does come full circle when you think about it." You went back to eating your beans, waiting for him to respond, which he didn't really do a lot. You thought it best to move on. 
"Well, Joel. Can I tell you something?" 
He hesitated again, a little longer. "What?"
"So like, I've only been out here for like, a week? Or two? To be honest I don't remember. Could be a month, but like, what happened?"
"What do you mean what happened?" that southern drawl coming out more now that he was annoyed/mad that you'd even ask a question like that. 
You shrugged and looked around. "Like, all this?" you said, obviously. 
He let out a tired breath.
"Well, there were this fungu -"
Just as he was about to explain, you interrupted, unknowingly, going on more about your cluelessness. 
" - Like, one minute I'm in a resort, you know, the White Lotus one, sipping marg's on the beach, for like a month? My ex-boyfriend slash sugar daddy at the time, AND I only say ex cause he hasn't gotten back to me since all this shit happened so I just assumed he broke it off with me but whatever, that's not the point, Tony - Tony's his name - paid for my stay. It was great, I was living pretty, you know, lavishly? VERY lavishly, actually. I was tanning, being massaged, going through a whole cleanse, you know? No phone, no internet. I had a bunch of books recommendations from TikTok, but to be honest I didn't really read them cause the words just don't process, you know? You just need to bring it with you to make people THINK you read, you know? Anyway, I'm there, and who do I see? Fucking Jared Leto! Yeah, that creepy ass bitch! He had his whole cult there, like they're weird Jonestown retreat or whatever, and I wanted to join cause it looked fun but I knew I probably couldn't be married to him, you know, how all those cult leaders are. Anyway whatever, it was great. I was having a great time, Big Ange was even there and she left me her green glasses and I've been meaning to give them back to her - "
"- Where'd you say you were staying at again?"
"White Lotus? In Jersey?"
"There's a beach resort in Jersey?"
"No, I know what you mean. It's where Tony was from, but it's a faux beach. The beach? It's faux. Stops the smell of rotting 'whacked' bodies, you know, cause that's not very resort like?"
He nodded, he understood. 
"Yeah. Anyway," you said, annoyed he interrupted you, "I'm there, in my room, sleeping, and there's a knock at my door. I go and it's the lobby guy or whatever, he's like rushing me out telling me about how my stay is over cause there's a cold going around and I have to leave, like? I'm sorry, I paid - well Tony paid - for the whole month and a half? But what am I gonna do, you know? So I'm like fine fucking party poopers, and they kick me out, like a fucking cartoon, down the steps of the place and toss my luggage. At first I was mad, cause like, what's a little cold? And then I look outside where they kicked me out and the world is like, over? Everything ended? Over a fucking cold? Shit was like, demolished. And then they shut the door behind me leaving me to fend for myself, like I'm sorry? Do I look like Bear Grylls? Do I look like 'Survivor'? Like I got this shit handled? So whatever, I walked back home and let's just say: Culture. Shock. Insane. Like, whaaattttt? Covid was worse than I thought! Then I get home, my power's out, my water, everything. And shit was DIRTY! Like as if I'd been gone for twenty fucking years. I couldn't check Twitter or anything, it wasn't loading so I couldn't find out what the big deal was. Like, guys, can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now? AND I had a blister on my toe from the walk! It sucked!" 
(Told you we'd revisit! Now, we're revisited!)
Once you were finished with your impromptu story time, Joel intently listening, he went onto explain after the whole lore of the political and economic state of the world right now, how it wasn't even political or economic, just a virus. Shit was crazy. Fungus, coffee beans and spinach, Fire fly people, rations, explosions, the whole deal. You were tapped in, realizing you didn't space out cause he was just so fine to look out you genuinely cared about what he had to say. And he said it. 
A sullenness came over him, and you hated to say - it was pretty hot. But time and place! It just occurred to you that he didn't seem like the type to open up, so him being vulnerable just made you think, wow, he's a human! And he's hot! 
After he finished, there was a sad silence in the air. 
"Man....covid really was worse than I thought," you replied. 
"Now do you get it? They're not real people or 'girlies'. They're infected," he said. "Do you have any experience with them? Besides the one you beat on and scared away today?"
"What makes you think I don't have any experience?" you replied, with a little flirtatious-sass in your voice. You knew you didn't have experience. 
"Cause no experienced person would have willingly beaten up an infected the way you did without fear of being scratched or bit. It was reckless and stupid what you did."
"Yeah but I fucked his ass up," you said, hyping yourself up in the process. "But lol you're kinda right. Nah, yeah the most experience I have with zombies is Black Ops. Those bitches give me the heeby JEEBIES!" 
"You think this Tony is still alive?"
"I don't know, actually," you said. "We got into a pretty bad argument before I left, that's why I left, you know, to the resort, for some space and a break between each other. So I doubt he'd call me back now." 
"What about?"
"He's like a big animal guy, you know? Whatever, his fucking horse died and I literally didn't know, no one told me. There was a candle lit at the vet when they were putting him down and I was like, as a joke, 'guys! It's lit right now!' and he was all like, 'what he fuck is wrong with you?'. He was annnnggrryyyyyyy. I didn't read the paper beside the candle saying to be quiet, that they were putting it down," you said, shrugging. "Really sad. She was a pretty horse, you know? Cunty." 
Joel nodded. This was all a very serious affair for him. It bummed you out, everything was so serious and sad out here. 
"So these zombies aren't girl's girls after all? They're like, anti-girlies?" you asked, mainly as a statement of fact you were coming to terms with rather than a question. 
"I guess so," he said. "Whatever the fuck that means," he also said, not as audible. That explosion earlier left you more partially deaf. 
He looked down and continued to fiddle and play with his beans with his fork, not taking much interest in his appetite anymore.  There was a moment of silence between you guys, more comfortable than before. You both felt the bond of this shared experience bring you guys together a bit, in this very moment. He didn't feel much of a stranger anymore, and neither did you to him. You felt, truly, he was a man who lost something too...
The solemness on him, again you hated to admit, you found very attractive. EXTREMELY attractive, actually. The last time you saw a relatively attractive man was months ago at the resort, and he was, unfortunately, (but not unfortunately for the gays) a gay man. RIP ARMAND <3. So safe to say, you were rabidly horndogging. He was the type of man that has a LOT of shit going on, but doesn't talk about it, but DOES look like it. 
But you knew how to handle this - it wasn't your first rodeo. 
"So are you, like, single, orrr...?" you asked, sheepishly, acting like you are so not trying to get at him right now. 
"Why do you ask?" he replied, somewhat guarded. 
"Well cause you got a daughter and all, like is there a wife orrr - ?"
" - She's not my daughter." 
"Damn. Okay. So you're like babysitting orrr?"
He thought for a moment. "Sure," he replied, cautiously. 
"Man, you're just triggering my daddy issues!" you joked but it horrendously didn't land, "just kidding!" You giggled, casually and nervously. What happened to time and place?
Remember how I said Joel just let you stay with them for one night? Well now it's been like six months and you're halfway across the country, in another truck! Yay!
Despite him giving clear signs that you two were to part, (not wanting to outright DIRECTLY say so cause he didn't wanna be rude), it was clear you weren't able to those read social cues that well. (Actually, you did, you read them quite well, but wanted to pretend not to because he was now your Rick and you lowkey mentally imprinted on him on some Twilight shit). He eventually gave up all hope, pitying you in a way. The only positive he saw was how you did all the talking with Ellie, since his ass is basically mute.
You became a sort of bigger sister/cool aunt for her, which you ate the fuck up. You had to fill her in on EVERYTHING: the Dramageddon lore, the Challengers summer experience, Ariana Grande/Spongebob fiasco, Kendrick v. Drake beef, Jojo's Karma's a Bitch and how she's the first self-proclaimed lesbian to ever exist, Colleen Ballinger's ukulele apology, finding out about the Queen's death and Twitter, the Montgomery riverfront fight, and more that aren't too important to mention. You thought it best to fill her in on shit a girl her age would fuck up, like what kid cares about the political and economic state of the world right now? Anyway you two got along very well, she made you giggle and you made her giggle, the perfect vibe! Joel lowkey admired you for, (and found it hot), the way you were with her. What could you say? All those years in early childhood back in high school meant something after all! Not just D grades and getting caught with a cart in your backpack!
Speaking of Joel, he definitely wouldn't show it, but like I said, he began to like you a bit. Actually, fuck that middle school shit and 'liking' - he began to FALL for you! On some romantic period piece shit! And who wouldn't? Besides those moldy Spongebob shorts, crusty yet fast Lightening McQueen Crocs and Beetlejuice hair, you were a natural beauty! Girl you were bad asf!!!!
Now in another pick-up, y'all were moving cross cuntry. You had your feet out the window, letting them get that breeze as you watched the Microsoft Windows default wallpaper-esque landscape pass on by. Ellie was in the back reading her nerd ass comic books, while Joel drove, of course, in silence. You were literally his passenger princess. If only you had a phone and AUX, cause your Spotify roadtrip playlist would so hit right now.
But again, what's in Ohio?
All you knew, was that they needed to get to Ohio. What's in Ohio? Who the fuck knows. Logan Paul? London? Yes, there's a London in Ohio, you knew that all to well when you accidentally booked a flight there instead of the actual London in England high off a Benadryl pill. But you wouldn't mention that to Joel.
You weren't sure what the fuck was up with Ohio, all he said was that they needed to get there. You thought it best not to question too much, afraid of losing that passenger princess spot.
(hey! it's Sam and my dumbass just realized that it's Utah they're going to, not Ohio. Apparently they wanna meet up with the Mormons, not Prime's own, Logan Paul. Whatever same hick ass states anyway I'm not gonna change it so proceed!)
"I wish I had my phone or AUX right now," you said, sadly. "I have this Spotify roadtrip playlist that would sooooo hit right now."
He gave you a side eye, his normal response.
"What song would you play?" Ellie asked.
"Hmm, let me think," you said, now thinking. "Probably like, Lana's cover of 'Take Me Home, Country Roads'? You know, cause we're like on country roads right now."
Joel gave you another side eye. You peeped. This was a perfect prying moment!
"Do you know that song?" you asked Joel. Y'all barely spoke anything personal (actually, YOU spoke at lengths, without being asked, about your personal stuff, but not vice versa. He was a great listener, though).
"Yeah. I know it," he said, quietly. You knew there was more.
Just as you were about to say something, he interrupted.
"But I don't know who that 'Lana' is."
"Oh, Joel, you'd fuck UP Lana! She's like the bridge between girlies and middle-aged men, not for the same reasons but a bridge nonetheless!"
You all then began to talk about music, but it usually involved just you and Ellie pairing up to bully, in a friendly way, Joel. It was fun to make fun of him, in a friendly way. You got so much enjoyment out of bugging these grown ass men, cause their egos were so fragile. You also just kind of found it hot that you could do that, with Joel as NO exception.
As mentioned before, he was very quiet. And you're a talker. See the problem? You were waiting for the right moment, when after all this buildup and trust would, well, buildup into trust, enough for him to open up to you. And when that day comes, it won't be just his mouth opening up!
You also got pretty good at learning how to defend yourself against the zombie girlies. Not that you didn't know before, but now, with Joel's help, you were able to take down multiple at once. You ate that shit up, feeling like one of those hot Resident Evil characters. Joel was even impressed, which made you pretend more like it was 'no biggie' as you'd usually say. What you didn't say, of course, was how your asshole clenched from fear every time you saw one and how you ached all over from fighting! But why would you?! Appearances are lowkey everything!!
The skyline of the city finally came into view. Fuck if you knew which city it was, you lost track. Your stomach rumbled. You cradled it as if you were "so I'm thirty-four weeks today", softly and longingly. You needed to eat. The rumble was loud, causing Joel to look over.
"You okay?"
"Does it sound like it? I'm hungry," you said. "Where's my fume?" You began to pat yourself down for that appetite suppressant, having an addict's moment of panic that you may have lost it. You didn't, she just thought she'd be funny and slip between the cracks of the chair and armrest. You pulled that bitch out and envisioned it was a Five Guy's cheeseburger as you inhaled that faux blueberry chemical.
"Guys, what's this?" Ellie asked, reaching over to the front, pointing to a roll of sushi illustrated in her comic. You didn't know Batman had time to eat sushi, but,
"Oh, FUCK!" you bellowed. "Sorry, Ellie. Excuse my French. I could so eat that right now."
You then caught a glimpse of a rather large scar on her forearm. Shit looked crazy.
"Uh, Ellie," you said. "I don't wanna like, overstep or be rude, I know it's none of my business."
Joel and Ellie suddenly tensed up. At this moment, they both knew the mistake Ellie had just made. You didn't, of course, which was why they were concerned.
Ellie backed up softly, quickly covering up her scar. Joel shifted in his seat.
"Uh, yeah? What is it?" Ellie asked wearily.
"That scar," you said.
Ellie gulped. Joel tightened his grip on the wheel.
"You should slap some scar cream on that. Like, Mederma? Ever heard of it?"
"Mederma?" Ellie asked.
Joel let out a relieved breath. He raked his hand through his hair, self-soothingly. They were good. Thank god for your lack of social cues.
"It's, uh, a scar cream," Joel answered lowly.
"It helps, trust. Once, I was on a city bike in Miami Beach, fell right onto the concrete and ate shit. It was bad, but once that scar closed, I lathered that cream on, and that's it. Now I don't even remember where the scar is. The doctor said it was from memory loss after smacking my head on the ground, but I really think it was the Mederma. So yeah. Get some if you can," you said.
"Uh huh. Okay," Ellie said. She wasn't really listening, instead trying to relax herself from you almost finding out about what was really in Ohio (Utah). And you wanna know something? It's not Logan Paul (Mormons).
"Anyway, yeah that food? It's sushi. It's sooooo good. So good," you said, reminiscing about those rolls. "So good. So so sooooo good."
"What's sushi?"
"Anything you want it to be, honestly. But usually fish," you said.
You took a moment.
"FUCK!" you yelled again, the anger of craving sushi so animalistic, "Sorry, sorry. I just, I just really want sushi. I wish you could try it Ellie, I think you'd like it. Joel, do you like sushi?"
"Never had it."
"I've never had it."
"How have you never had sushi?"
"I just haven't."
"Well, you should."
"I can't."
"Why not? You allergic to fish?"
"Cause we're in a goddamn apocalypse," he replied, this time quite irritated.
"Well, if you do, let me know. I want a piece," you said, a little sassy, looking back out the window.
He then turned to give you a hard look. It was a mix of anger and confusion, the usual.
"You know," he started, trying to think of the words, "you're weir -"
" - JOEL WATCH OUT!!!!!!!"
Joel shot his head straight forward, to see a zombie standing in the middle of the road.
He swerved, causing you're not-wearing-seatbelt-ass to slam into the passenger car door, then rag doll as you held on for dear life on the grab handles above as you flipped over and over and over and over and over and over from the sheer power and magnitude of that swerve.
"OH SHI -"
You looked like Jay Leno in that one video where the car repeatedly flips over and over, with Joel holding his arm out trying to keep you down (didn't work).
It just kept going.
Kept going.
Yo lowkey when this gonna stop?
SJKDFASKLJDFS boom pop.....crash...
It finally stopped!
You groaned awake, feeling FUCKED up your shit was ROCKED.
"Get up! GET UP!" Joel yelled, already having been out the car with Ellie.
"Oh my god okay chill I literally just flipped?"
"It's a trap! They're raiders!"
"What -"
You rolled your eyes bro not again.
All three of you took cover behind the now dilapidated truck as the raiders shot from the other side of the road.
You weren't even scared now, just over it like? Likeeee???????
Joel started shooting back, and so did you and though your aim was pretty shit you managed to take out some of them. You found that not looking and just shooting overhead and all over the place was the best tactic! Let the bullet find its own way <3
"Oh my god, Joel, I got an idea!" you said.
"What?!" he bellowed, very busy with the whole gunfire and all.
"We should make a bomb!"
"Mazel tov cocktail?"
"You mean molotov?!"
"Why are you correcting me? We have to think fast not be correcting each other get your priorities straight Joel oh my god?! Am I the only one taking this seriously?!?!?"
You dropped that gun on the floor and began to craft the bomb with such efficiency and grace, you felt like a little brainiac. You thought this may have been how the Unabomber felt like if he actually succeeded. (Thank god he didn't though lol right?? btw fbi I'm not a terrorist sympathizer!!! - Sam)
Let's just say - the pressure was on! As you were crafting the bomb, shots continue to fly by overhead, blowing comically large holes in Beetlejuice-esque hair. Joel kept rushing you, which you didn't appreciate like no shit I'm trying to go fast? Why would I not be trying to go fast dumbass?
Once you finished, you lit the cloth's end and turned to Joel and threw it at him, "THINK FAST JOEL!"
He, petrified, grabbed it in midair and looked at you with a look of complete awe. And it wasn't the good kind. More a look of horror, actually. Offended horror.
In disbelief, he threw the molotov on the other side of the car and took cover.
You all ducked, and you took out your Dollar Store sunnies to cover your eyes from, essentially, the war crime you've just committed.
Let's just say - Oppenheimer would've been jealous. It wasn't your first time making a molotov, but something was different in the air that day, because you pretty much made the equivalent of one atomic bomb in that little glass Jarritos bottle.
The light from the bomb was so bright, for a second's moment, everything seemed still and dead silent, muted almost, as the bright glare lit everything around you all - you all braced yourselves, readying for the sound - the boom.
And girl.
Did it boom.
"Boom," said the Jarritos bottle.
The bomb? Yeah, pretty big. The effectiveness? Yeah, pretty and literally groundbreaking. The sound? Yeah, deafening.
Shards of metal, glass, unidentifiable body parts, and other mumbo jumbo flew right past you all from behind the truck, as you all huddled together, still tense from the impact.
If it wasn't for the fact that, as previously mentioned, you were already lowkey deaf from AirPods, you'd definitely be a mute. The sound riveted through all y'all's ear drums, sprinkling in a little tinnitus behind.
You guys crept up to see the damage. You pretty much did more than enough, they all literally died. The coast was definitely clear and y'all were good to go!
You three then grabbed your bags and started to walk down the road into the city, all in a stunned silence. You weren't that stunned, really, (it wasn't your first time making bombs as you did notably do some freelance work for Escobar), but Ellie and Joel had the same look like that one pic of that thousand-yard-stare soldier.
Joel was also quite pissed off, he just had that grumpy ass face he always has, but more intense. You assumed it was cause of the whole shabackle, but couldn't understand why he didn't see a reason to smile right now like? We're literally walking alive! Yeah, walking instead of driving, but alive!
"Uh, what's with the long face girl?" you asked, trying to spread your happiness.
He didn't respond.
As you got closer to the city, your patience was running thinner. The big ass backpack you had on kept slipping cause one of the straps was fucked up, causing you to have to constantly shift it upwards. It was reallllyyyyy starting to tick you off. You felt like a middle schooler who hasn't learned it's cooler to just bring a folder and chewed up pencil to school. It was also heavy as fuck with a ton of random bullshit like Joel's Linda Ronstadt CD's and Ellie's nerd ass comic books. Look, you were all for physical media, but you were also all about setting the bag on fire and catapulting it Ancient Rome style for another raider's battle. You kept this to yourself until then, though, like mama's lil secret <3.
Now in the city, you guys took a shortcut through some random building. You weren't sure it was a smart shortcut, cause it's a random building, but you were too exhausted to really gaf and ask. Plus, Joel didn't seem in the mood. He never was.
You were all creeping through the abandoned, smelly, rotting, moldy hallways, finding out it used to be a dispensary, and thought you could find some, you know, good loot or whatever. So you mentioned to Joel and Ellie that'd you look around and split off. Joel knew you were going to look for any scraps of weed like a raccoon feign, (your blueberry vape died during the battle)
You turned a corner, into a room, then looked around carefully. The place seemed pretty empty, so your guard? Very down.
"Slippppppping I'm slippingggggg," said the bag.
"Oh. My. Fucking. God," you said through gritted teeth, feeling a rise of deep anger. You violently thrusted it back on your shoulder, sore from the weight as you turned a corner. "Fucking dumbass back pack -"
You then hit the wall, as you were too distracted and fixated on the bag.
"Oh fuck," you said, rubbing your head. You looked up.
It wasn't a wall, it was actually the fupa of a giant bloater. You stood, petrified, stunned - almost collapsing onto the ground from the fear that plummeted into you - you were Wendy Williams as the Statue of Liberty.
Then, it burped, just staring down at you.
Like a cartoon, you jumped in the air, turned the other way and hauled absolute ASS out of there.
"GUYS!!!! GUYS, WE GOT A FLOATER!!!!!!" you screamed, running and running, doing what you perhaps always seemed to do best.
It started to chase you, it's fee fi fo fum ass stomps echoing from behind. This was some temple run ass shit.
"Feee....Fi.....Fo.....Fummmm.....," the bloater's steps said.
You then felt that all too familiar feeling, down there. And not the good kind. You had to shit. That bloater? Yeah. Scared you so much it made your butthole say,
"I need to shit."
The anxiety of 1. a bloater, 2. your need to go shit, and 3. you not being able to locate neither Joel or Ellie, filled you with such dread. You really did now gaf.
Every thought raced through your mind - did they die? Did they abandoned you? Or worse, did they stop somewhere to eat WITHOUT you????
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod," you rambled, holding one hand on your ass to keep the shit in and the other on that backpack strap.
"Slipping I'm slipping again!!!!" the bag said.
"OhmygodIHATETHISFUCKASSBACKPACK!!!!!" you screamed, then proceeded to grab it and yeet it full force at the bloater's fupa.
The power of your thrust was so monstrous it caused the bloater to fly mid-air backwards for several feet and land right through a glass window.
You didn't stop to check it out, now instead enjoying the free weight literally off your back and your faster paced running. Those Lightening McQueen Crocs were now in full force, in sports mode and ready to go. With every step, the sounds of tiny yet serious little engines squeaked out from below the heel.
You then spotted the pair, and to your relief they hadn't died, left you, or were eating. No, instead they were huddled in a corner, crouched down and holding their fingers to their mouth. It looked as though they were telling you to be quiet.
"Do you guys want me to be quiet?" you asked. At that moment, Joel's spirit died. He let his head fall in general disappointment.
Turns out, an entire group of clickers were in the room next door, overstimulated, triggered and ready to pounce, triggered from your maniacal distant screaming.
"Ohhh," you mouthed, nodding overtly your head in full understanding. You crept on over, now huddled with them.
"Where's your bag?" Ellie whispered.
"What bag?" you asked, then looking away as if disinterested. You thought the best way to explain the absence of the bag was to gaslight them into thinking there was no bag in the first place. "So what now?"
"Joel?" Ellie asked.
Joel thought for a moment. "We're going to walk across the room, quietly and slowly to the exit on the other side. No fighting, no shooting," he whispered.
"Okay lieutenant," you said, biting your tongue like a white mom. This was again your attempt at flirting but it didn't work. You really needed to better your timing.
You three began to creep down the hallway, and at first it was working great, up until two random stray clicker girls were hanging out at the exit doors.
You three stopped, Joel thought for a moment on how to handle this.
You couldn't stop. You still needed to shit, and you needed to shit now. You felt your asshole gaping for air, knowing that a fart was the last thing needed now. You held that shit in, but alas some things cannot be held in forever....
"Joel," you whispered in his ear, "I like, have to shit, bad. Like, emergency. Can we speed this up?"
He heard you and decided to ignore you.
He took out his gun, then turned to you both. "I'm gonna shoot, but then you two need to run through those doors. Don't stop and don't look back."
You two nodded.
He aimed, but at that moment, you had no control.
You couldn't hold her in anymore.
This was it.
You can't control nature's course.
You farted.
And he shoted.
But your fart was like a silencer? It worked? It was so subtle and swift, and its duration lasted long enough for two shots that the clickers took it as another one of their co-clickers farting.
The two fungi bitches dropped dead and nothing followed.
"Did you just fart?" Joel asked, breaking the silence.
"No, no - that was the bloater?" you turned behind, again using the gaslighting tactic. He looked behind, too, confused, and since you knew that bloater was probably busy reading comic books and listening to Linda Ronstadt some ways away, you thought it best to move on.
"So like we gonna go orrrr....?" you asked.
"We need to run," Joel said.
"Don't need to tell me twice!" you said before hightailing outta there, your Crocs doing wonders, and leaving them in the dust, (it was actually asbestos).
Running? Running was what you did best. It was so basic, so innate, there was really nothing to it. You always thought, had it not been for all these setbacks in your life, these side quests that just kept side questing you, you lowkey could've been a runner? Not the crackhead Flaka drug ones but, the other type of runner. But oh well c'est la vie.
You three made it out and ran for what seemed like miles and miles (it was across the street), before you stopped from the force of your imminent shit. Joel and Ellie ran past you, not waiting to save your ass, and climbed down some rubble. You tapped back in.
"Joel! JOEL!"
He turned to you, flustered and annoyed as the group of zombies echoed behind y'all like the sounds of minions.
You looked down the rubble - you theoretically could, but didn't wanna make one wrong move and ledge your asshole open. Of course, though, you couldn't tell him that, boys aren't supposed to know that girls shit. So you hoped that maybe you acting as a girlie who needed a guy's unnecessary chivalry could so hit right now. He wasn't biting.
"WHAT?" he yelled, literally less than three feet below you.
It wasn't gonna work. The zombies incoherent ramblings grew louder and louder behind you. Looks like plan B - you needed to give him no choice.
He started to run back towards Ellie, before you stopped him.
"JOEL! CATCH MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Like a baby who's dropped into the pool for the first time to 'learn how to swim' without any sense of physical agency or control, like a manic person running with their hands up and mouth agape, like a true damsel in distress, you hauled yourself off of that three-foot ledge, aiming for Joel's heroic yet un-consenting arms, all in a slo-mo.
Joel literally had no choice but to catch you, so he did, and your fat ass made him fall backwards onto the ground where it really fucked up his 50 year old, seniors discount breakfast-ass back.
"Oh fuck," you said, like a wounded grandma.
Joel groaned. You two looked at one another in the face, quite close, cause you were literally on top of him? Like omg this is so rom-com! Enemies to lover's type! Except you were always his enemy and you always thought he'd be your lover <3
Time stood still as you looked into one another's eyes. It was as if the whole world had stopped, and it was only you two - you inspected every wrinkle, gray hair, blackhead - he was beautiful.
"Uh, guys! We need to go?!" Ellie shouted.
"Oh shit I forgot -" you said and bounced right up, remembering your shit, and back to leaving.
You three were back to running, since it was not only your favorite activity but a common pastime in apocalyptic worlds. You were up ahead, again fueled by your natural instincts needing to shit, its adrenaline pumping through your veins as if you were the Flaka fungi people. It caused you to momentarily ponder - is the real reason why all these zombies are irritable is because they need to shit but can't, so they've been backed up for YEARS? A shiver went down your neck at just the thought.
You turned a corner between buildings, before stopping again in your tracks. A whole fucking HERD OF THEM BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!
You were frozen, petrified, stunned, silenced. Your face couldn't help but go into its natural fight or flight state - the soy face. And a mega one at that.
Joel stopped, looked at you frightened.
"What? What is it?!" he asked desperately.
But there was no time. Cause guess what? There's now bandits!!!
Then THEY started to chase you. Fuck the clickers. Fuck an iClicker!
You couldn't help but giggle. You couldn't help but be amused. Why are a bunch of bandits chasing a girl in SpongeBob shorts? Like they think you got the goods like that?! What's a girl with Spongebob shorts got? A probable yeast infection?
You didn't realize it, but your giggles were actually audible. You sounded like Pops from Regular Show.
"I'm just a girl, like whaaaaaa?" you giggled and shouted, running still. "Like, leave me alone what the fuck?!?!? This is crazy omg!!!"
Even Joel was confused, running beside you, thinking, 'why is this bitch giggling?'
Even the bandits took notice and got weirded out. So weirded out they actually stopped chasing y'all. You were treating an ambush like a frolicking sesh in the garden.
You supposed it was your brain trying to protect you, seeing that you were in actual danger of being killed. Maybe you genuinely couldn't believe it? Who knows. (I'm not a psychologist I'm sam st. Clair)
You all finally made it to a supermarket, where you boarded yourselves up once you scoped the place out. It was nighttime now, hella dark out and you couldn't guess shit where y'all were at. You just relied that Joel knew, it was your default since he's the self-proclaimed Rick of this little posse y'all got.
Anyway, you three split off, maybe because you all were tired of all the socializing you guys did back there. You didn't mind being alone, it gave you the opportunity to fart without anyone around to sniff or judge, or both. Speaking of farting, you took your shit the moment you slammed your ass on the toilet in the back, where the manager's office was. Shit was monstrous and you were sure you might've contracted some of the fungi since you were so determined to sit down that you didn't notice spores all up on the seat. But oh well. Your ass did start to itch, but you relied on your body to figure it out.
You got so bored you decided to walk up and down the smelly aisles, then found a pack of untouched, one of a kind, rare finds, vintage ZooPals. You remembered that Joel was making dinner, so thought these would be perfect!
You grabbed them fast, then went to present them to him. He was not so impressed.
"Joel, check it," you said, acting as if you were Christian Bale in American Psycho showing off your business card.
"That's extra weight," he said, dismissively and went back to cooking the beans.
"Are you kidding me?! This is some fine China right here," you protested. "Your boomer ass might be having a dementia episode or something not remembering the sheer value of what it is to eat off a ZooPal's plate."
His demeanor got sadder. You feared you might've crossed the line with the dementia comment.
"No," he mumbled solemnly. "They remind me of my daughter."
Your face dropped.
"Yikes. Sorry about that luv," (when you felt awkward you opted to go British). You then walked away. Best avoid that <3
That night you guys ate the beans and left in the morning, since Joel said apparently a supermarket isn't the best place to hide. You weren't sure why - if they carried ZooPal's, who know what else they could be hiding?
You kept walking down the street until you found a car that looked recently used. Joel tried starting it with the cables and shit whatever they do in the movies when they jumpstart a car. Red wire blue wire green fish two fish one fish blue fish.
"Can I drive?" you asked. You weren't sure what got into you, you literally don't have a license. Not that traffic violations mattered in these parts, but because you couldn't even tell left from right.
He gave you a look. "Fine."
"That was easy," you said.
As he began fixing it up, Ellie pointed to an object on the dashboard.
"What's that?" she asked.
You looked.
Oh no.
Not on my car.
"No. Not on my fucking car."
You grabbed that octopus stuffed animal dashboard bullshit, swung and threw that shit so far that it broke a nearby high-rise apartment window and exploded. It was a bomb and you inadvertently just saved everyone's life.
"How'd you know that was a bomb?" Joel asked, incredulously.
You knew the answer was that you didn't know it was a bomb, it was cause you actually hated nothing more on this earth than those octopus dashboard plushies, because every bad driver in a BMW happens to have one, so you thought you should go with the flow.
"I told you. I worked for Escobar. I can smell a bomb," you said.
"Wow. That's a crazy nose you have. It's like your superpower," Ellie said, geeking out.
"If it really was a superpower, I'd been able to stop Oppenheimer," you said.
She didn't get it.
Joel looked up, again, confused why you would say that in the first place.
"Sorry, it's before your time," you said, moving on quickly.
The car started and you three hopped in, ready to drive y'alls asses OUT OF HERE! You were excited, feeling that this was gonna be like a little roadtrip movie.
It was only two miles since you guys have driven and you had to contain your giddiness. Joel definitely wasn't happy and Ellie was to herself in the back reading her nerd ass comics. You just looked crazy laughing to yourself. You were just looking forward to the roadtrip vibes, FINALLY you guys found an actual working car so no more walking no more dilapidated backs no more annoying backpacks and oh shit there's a spider.
"OH SHIT THERE'S A SPIDER!!!" you freaked, seeing it dance slowly from the roof, hanging onto its web and literally three inches away from your face. You began to move yourself away, moving the steering wheel with it and thus moving the whole car off the road.
"Okay, calm down I got it -" Joel said.
"No Joel it's that I can't dude no Joel get it GET IT!" you demanded, feeling like an entity just possessed you with how deep and demented your voice got from the fear.
"Just keep the damn car still I can't grab it!"
He really couldn't, the more you turned the car, the more the spider swayed into your face, causing you to turn the car more and causing Joel to have trouble actually getting it. He was getting frustrated.
"Joel, we're gonna crash!" Ellie cried, trying to hide behind the seat.
The screaming and shouting also wasn't helping the vibe at all.
"I can't dude no Joel it's that I can't BRO FUCK! GET THAT BITCH!" you kept crying, "I'M NOT JOKING BRO!"
Y'all crashed.
The random light post just HAPPENED to be in the way. Thankfully you guys weren't hurt, you just fucked up the car bad. And Joel was pissed. When he's mad, he's quiet. And he was QUIET.
"Well that was short," Ellie said as you three just stood looking at the demolished car. "So what now?"
The 'what now' was actually that you guys found a safe house literally less than a mile away. God finally gave y'all a little break!
It was down the road, in a little suburb. It seemed to have belonged to others, since it was all boarded up and defensed up and the only sign of life left in the house was a infected fungi girl strapped to a chair in the bedroom, placed in front of a tv screen playing a VHS tape of Friends.
You thought it best to put it out of its misery, so you turned off the tv.
You patted her on the back, caring and lovingly as she snarled at you, "No one deserves to be forced to sit and watch Friends, not even in the apocalypse."
You closed the door, leaving her at peace and again, out of her her torture.
Time passed. Joel was about to start cooking beans and Ellie left to go take a much needed power nap in the guest bedroom. You offered Joel to rest and that you'd cook instead. Little did he know how much of an exclusive this was with you, bitch you didn't cook. But you felt pretty bad for the whole spider thing and thought, hey, what's a little cooking? What's a little meal prep?
Joel said his very weary 'thanks' and went to rest on the couch, while you went into the kitchen. He looked genuinely happy to see you take the responsibility. And you were genuinely happy in other places too at the idea of you cooking for him <3 and Ellie ofc. And yourself, who could forget your fat ass?
Time passed, maybe a little too long of a time to make beans, when you had finally finished. Though you were pretty sure all the garnishes left in the kitchen were expired and no, those are not flakes of oregano but flakes of mold, they actually came out pretty good. You prepped three beautiful plates, on the fine China (ZooPal's, Ellie got the duck plate, Joel the ladybug, and you the frog), and went to push the kitchen door to present your dish as if you were battling Bobby Flay on that one kitchen show with the other woman with white hair that looks like she'd be one of the emotions from Inside Out.
"Dinner's ready! -" you said cheerily, until you realized - it wasn't just Joel who would see your dish. Not Ellie. Not even Bobby Flay - it was the raiders. Again. They were all up in your living room, def crossing the maximum capacity. They just couldn't seem to get enough of you and you didn't want to come off as narcissistic but guessed your personality had to be addictive.
You all took a minute, assessing the situation. Actually, you ALL took that minute. You just stood there, plates filled with beans, and they stood there, guns filled with bullets, with Joel and Ellie on their knees with their wrists tied behind their backs.
The silence kept going.
You just stood there.
"Wait, so -," your bimbo ass said, very Trisha-esque, not even able to come to form a conclusion. You were just so confused. "Wait -"
And there it is again.
Someone tackled you. AGAIN.
Not only did your body go flying underneath the massive weight that just sumo slammed itself into you, but so did the beans. The beans? Yeah, they were airborne. The ZooPal plates? In flight.
The mass was actually a man who was attempting to zip tie your wrists now that he had you pinned down. However, he underestimated your irritability when you were hungry.
Mama's hungry.....and mama wants her beans.....and what mama wants...........mama GETS.........
You had just about had enough.
You threw him off with such strength that could only come with a girl's rage. A rage so deep, so visceral and seemingly uncontrollable, one that could set you back on all the self-help and patience exercises that you've practiced. No. That's it. She's gonna pop, and just like the shit from earlier - some things just cannot be held in forever.
You rose up, looking briefly over at the man who's back slammed against the window, where he then tumbled and tumbled to who knows what fate, but a fate just the same as that bloater earlier.
The raiders were too aghast at your abilities.
"I just, I can't," you started, panicky. "I can't hold it in anymore."
You almost started crying from the mania. You looked very unstable, cause you were.
You took a deep breath, but knew one thing - you've been holding this anger, this wrath in for so long, now it's time for her to be released.
One of the raiders caught on and began to back up. His buddies followed, scared, almost like watching a Jack in the box as a grown adult, but that childlike fear still imprinted in your innermost being.
"Hey listen, we'll just get out of -"
After your spew that gave you the same catharsis akin to rapping a Nicki Minaj verse word for word, they put their hands up in surrender and backed on out, suddenly becoming overly-friendly while you followed them out to the porch. You had the same aura as a a 'get off my property or I'll shoot' type.
"Sorry for disturbing you, ma'am."
"Have a nice day, Ms., sorry about that."
"Lovely house and beans."
"Have a good day."
"Bye bye now."
"Great plates."
"I like what you did with your hair, ma'am. Very unique."
You turned back around into the house, overhearing one of their conversations as they got farther and farther (not only are you partially deaf, but you have super-hearing).
"I think that's the same girl from earlier, with the weird giggles from earlier?"
"Yeah. The Spongebob shorts, remember?"
"Oh, fuck. You're right."
You couldn't help but not smile hard. You like, lowkey did that? No violence or anything. MLK was lowkey right.
But that smile soon fell once you got back into the house, remembering what literally just happened. Seeing your hard work splattered all over the floor was like seeing your own world end. By then, Joel was already untied and had just finished Ellie's.
"That was INSANE!" Ellie said, excitedly. "Did you see their faces?! That was so sick!"
"Thanks, Ellie. I'm lowkey gonna cry now, so those words of positive affirmation do help."
"Wait, don't," Joel said, oddly caring.
"Of course I'm gonna cry! I'M FUCKING HUNGRY oh my god what's that?"
Joel had reached into his bag, pulling out three very familiar containers.
"I'd, uh, hope we could be eatin' this, too," he said sheepishly, as he revealed they were perfect condition, ready-to-eat, beautifully displayed fat rolls of sushi.
You at the very moment became a belieber in spontaneous combustion, because you'd never been so hot so quick, it was just too hot. Joel was too hot. Sushi was too hot too, and he got you sushi?! That's like double the hot! This is Hot Ones DA BOMB!!
"Oh my god, Joel - you didn't," you held your hands to your face, in such happiness and surprise. It looked as if Joel had just proposed to you and the ring was a singular spicy tuna roll.
Joel smiled softly, a rarity around these parts. You found that glimpse of another side of him so interesting, intriguing - attractive. You always knew he was hot, and knew you wouldn't say no to your bestowed Rick, but DAMN like Kendrick's 2017 hit-album he was fine as FUCK right now.
"Contain it girl, contain it," the voices told yourself.
"How'd you get this?!" you asked, taking it as he reached them out for you. You inspected them, you weren't sure if it was because you were hallucinating from the hunger, but they looked exactly like Studio Ghibli food, your fat ass was about to feast. You felt the salivation like those rabies victims outside.
"I'm a smuggler. It's my job," he said, which you swore was flirting-ly but unfortunately didn't have any of your girls around to tell this too and get their opinion :( so you decided to live with your delusion that it was!
You wanted to kiss him so bad for that, you could've cried. And you did.
You three sat around the campfire, eating, talking, laughing, all good vibes. Ellie had finally tried sushi for the first time and loved it, as you went on to explain the days of the Barbenheimer summer. (You thought she needed to dip her toes into Oppenheimer lore somehow already.)
"Hey, sorry you guys had to see me like that," you said, finishing your roll. "I just get like, really annoyed when people stop me from eating food when I'm hungry. Like, that's me time, you know? It's personal."
"What are you talking about?! That was so good! They were shitting their pants!" asked Ellie.
"Lol me," you spat. You hoped they didn't catch that.
"You - you really scared them off there," mustered Joel, impressed.
"Thanks," you said, taking whatever compliment that man could give to heart.
"If only we had you during our shootout, back at the Target," Joel said. "I thought you were a runner, first time I saw you."
"Why's that?"
"You had all that," he motioned to his face, "red stuff, all on your mouth and chin. Thought it was blood."
"Oh, that was Chef Boyardee! You know him?"
Did he know him.
Did he know him?
Girl he was a single father once of course he knew him.
And what else did he know?
He knew he was in love with you, in love with Y/N...
"I, uh, love -"
"- Joel loves Chef Boyardee. He got all excited when he found a can, once," Ellie said, interrupting him.
"Because that's what the Chef intended with his creation," you said, not really one hundred percent sure what that meant. And neither did Joel or Ellie. Anyway,
Time passed, you guys cleaned up and Ellie had gone to sleep.
You and Joel were sat on the swinging bench on the porch outside, passing your blueberry fume back and forth like a blunt (it actually wasn't dead, contrary to popular belief). He wasn't really a fan, but didn't want to tell you no.
You'd been out for some time, enjoying the warm (lowkey hot) breeze and of course, Joel's company. He was a man of few words, unfortunately, but it did make him hotter. Like, why so mysterious?
"So how'd you really get that sushi?" you asked, after some unimportant small talk.
"When we were at the supermarket," he said. "Wanted to surprise you."
"That's so hot," you said immediately.
"It's so hot right now, that's what I meant," you spat and took your fume from him, taking in an unnecessarily giant hit.
"Well, wanna go back inside?"
Another silence.
"You know, I wanted to uh, thank you, for being nice with Ellie and all," he said, "it's uh, it's nice."
"No probs. She's funny. Reminds me of a younger TikTok-obsessed cousin, you know? The kind you're excited to see on Christmas?"
"Yeah, yeah. I understand," he said. He didn't.
The silence continued. And you had to admit, it was getting awkward. Something needed to happen. And your pervert mind knew what would be perfect right now -
" - My daughter loved Chef Boyardee," Joel then said, really out of nowhere.
You turned to him. For a moment, you genuinely forgot he had a daughter. You didn't really like comforting people when you were horned up, but there was no escaping this. Who knows if he's ever said this before? Maybe you're the one - the special one - that gets to hear this exclusive tidbit. So you complied. Sometimes people needed a shoulder to lean on, so you decided right there and then, (and apparently Joel too), that you'd be that shoulder...
"That's crazy," you said. So little words, yet so much meaning.
"It is," he said, smoking the fume.
"My ex-sugar daddy, the guy that I told you about, do you remember?" you asked, he nodded his head. He did remember. "Well, yeah, he actually had a health scare once. Chef Boyardee, specifically the ravioli, was all he ate when he was separated from his wife. She used to cook all these real pasta dishes, so when he was living on his own he was pretty much incapable of cooking anything besides a bowl of cereal. He just ate Chef Boyardee ravioli all day and his cholesterol went up. It was crazy."
"Yeah. And it was kinda weird, you know, because he was Italian. I didn't think Italians accepted the Chef as one of their own."
"I guess he did."
"Yeah. I miss him."
Joel turned to you.
You realized your mistake. You DON'T bring up an ex on the first date hello?!?! HELLO (@ALL THE BOYS IN THE WORLD HELLO?!?!?!)
"I mean, I miss the old world, you know. Like, how you miss your daughter," you explained. "Association and all."
"I'm sorry if I'm a little, you know," he said, "If I don't come off very - personable. You've, uh, been a great help to us both. To me."
"Of course! It's okay. It's kinda hard to keep manners going when more than half of the population are demented cannibals and the other wanna rob you all the time."
You both smiled softly. You provided him the warmth he needed, the warmth that could always greet him at the end of the day, reminding him that there's always room for warmth. You are his sun, his warmth. You're his heating pad, the warmth of a heating pad.
"I don't, I don't say this much. Not at all, actually, not until you brought up the 'association' thing, but - you remind me of the old world," he said.
Your ass couldn't help but smile.
"Oh my god Joel that's like so sweet!" you said, before jumping on him to give him a big hug! He hugged tightly back, he then threw you back on the bench and you felt his member pressed against your leg. He then began kissing you, his tongue licking your lips for entrance. You let him in. Your tongues fought for dominance but you let him win. He eventually started going down on you, taking your "I <3 ORLANDO" Spongebob-themed PJ shorts off, and started kissing your labia.
"This...this is a labia," he said, his southern drawl coming out in full force.
"Oh my god this is just like my fic!"
You lifted your legs as he began to eat you out, his wet breath on your cooter. He held your foot up and raised himself, ready to press his member into your entrance. Your eyes were closed, ready to take the man from Austin, Texas in. This is it. No Flaka girls, no fungus-infested toilets, no Chef Boyardee-obsessed raiders, nothing - just you and Joel.
Hope you enjoyed!
~Sam St. Clair
P.S. - I'm not actually dead! I've been in hospital. So, almost. I've now learned that sanding your tires down to make them look cleaner and smoother and prettier is actually quite dangerous.
xoxo, again,
~Sam St. Clair
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darkestspring · 2 years
Instead of Luke going to Storms End Rheanyras only daughter goes. Her and Aemond were close as children. She was the one who sent him sapphires for his eye. Both still love each other, and upon the news of Aemond agreeing to marry one of Borros daughter, she gets angry and offers herself to Borros, with the prospect of having a son of his own.
Of course Aemond will not let that happen. So what does he do. Chases her down in the court yard and fucks her. She's his, she has always belonged to him amd he will not let some illiterate fat lord take her from him.
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You remembered everything so vividly, sometimes you believed it was a curse rather than the blessing that your mother and stepfather believed it was.
The moment you had offered to go instead of Luke, to spare him from danger, you felt the dread sink to the bottom of your stomach.
"Swear to me, to the gods. That you will go as a messenger, not a warrior." Your mother had pleaded, her warm hands on your cheeks with a look of desperation in her eyes. "Promise me."
"I promise, mother."
You had never forgotten that night, the night where Aemond had lost his eye. You had remembered his insults towards your brothers, how you had sobbed at the sight of him. Aemond, who had always kept you company and let you braid flowers into his hair so you could learn how to do it on yourself. Aemond, who had defended you to his mother. Aemond, who you had always loved.
"Hey, boy." You ran your hand over the scales of your dragon, Achyls. He was as old as Vhagar, one of the oldest dragons.
His bright red eyes stared down at you before snorting and leaning his head down.
"I know, you're so tired but we need to make a trip. Think you can do that for me?" You asked softly, leaning your forehead against his neck.
That had led to this. Aemond had gotten there before you did, you heart fluttered at the sight of him and you hated yourself for it.
"Which one of my daughters will your brothers marry." Borros demanded as Aemond's eye remained trained on her.
"My brothers are betrothed or babes still." Your eyes met Aemond's before you stood straighter. Your heart hurt from the news that Aemond would marry one of his daughters. "I will marry you and give you a son instead."
Aemond faltered at your statement and anger filled him. Aemond had always been capable of great anger, great cruelty, to all except you. He had loved you all his life, craved to marry you. He would not let this stand.
"You may return, I will decide soon." Borros announced and you didn't hesitate to turn away, away from Aemond, only angering him further.
He followed you out in quick steps as you approached Achlys who was chirping happily at Vhagar who looked equally happy. Their original riders had also been in love, you remembered.
"What was that?" Aemond had demanded once he reached you. "To offer yourself, are you stupid? You must be."
You turned and glared at him with forced hatred in your eyes. "As opposed to you marrying one of his daughters? The stupid one is not me."
"If you're so determined, I'll have to ruin such opportunities." Aemond hisses, his hair soaking as he started to rip your riding gear off with such force.
"Let go of me, Aemond! You have no say in any of my choices." You hissed, you nails scratching into his neck.
"That's where you're wrong, sweetness. You've been mine since the day you were born. I have been patient and kind but no more. I will take what is mine." Aemond's words were harsh as he pushed you to the ground.
His fingers brushed up against the most sensitive part of you, as his other hand hurried to undo the strings of his breeches. "I'll just have to claim you to let everyone else know."
"Aemond, stop this. You cannot do this."
He laughed, raspy and hysterical. "Cannot?" He asked, his hand finishing pulling his breeches down and he crouched down, graping your jaw. "You are mine, I can do whatever I want with you. I will give you a child after this. Solidify my claim on you."
That should not have made you throb but it did, wetness dripped down and he chuckled. "You say no but you're dripping for me. Admit your desires, you want me."
"I do not." You turned your head away as much as you could before he tugged you back before removing his hand to guide his cock inside you.
"You do, don't deny your desires." He tsked before sliding slowly inside of you. "Shit."
You were so tight around him, a real joy.
"Aemond." The cry that escaped you was filthy, and loud. Aemond felt victorious. You were his, there was no way you wouldn't be his wife. He had loved you since he knew what love was and he'd be damned if anyone took you from him.
He would burn this world to the ground before he allowed that to happen.
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yawn-junn · 1 year
hii can i request prompt 1 for riize's wonbin and prompt 19 for eunseok?
☆Comfort - Eunseok☆
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☆special thanks to: anon, Riize, eunseok
☆Note: hello sorry you had to wait so long for this but I hope you enjoy and, remember you are beautiful dont let others get to your head if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or some comfort you can always DM me and I'll comfort you remember you are worth everything if someone tells you other wise you tell me and I'll kick there ass for you
☆TW: insecure reader : mentions of being bullied : mentions of name calling : mentions of beauty standards : body shaming : mentions of body weight : mentions of hate comments : reading hate comments :
☆Words: 686
☆taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
☆Prompt: I swear your like a god(dess) walking this earth
8-30-23 - 9-27/28-23
You were often told how you never fit the beauty standard, from being either called too skinny or, too fat.  Eunseok never thought that of you, to him you were a god(ess) the most beautiful human he's ever seen but his comments were constantly overshadowed by other people
There mean comments made you take down your photos and almost delete your account. Eunseok noticed how distant you've gotten and how you'd jump or yelp when he touched certain parts of your body, he didn't say anything afraid of overstepping or blowing something out of proportion, that was until today Eunseok had caught you reading hate comments while tears build up in your eyes
"Oh...sweetie.." He said barley above a whisper his voice making you jump and spin around "where you-" you tried to ask only to be cut off with a small nod "you know it's not true, right?" Eunseok said taking your hands in his causing you to drop the phone "but..." You tried to speak but Eunseok once again cut you off "shhh don't say anything" he said "your beyond beautiful" he continued pulling you into his chest
"one of a kind beautiful, other people are blind if they can't see just how amazing you are inside and out" he comforted while softly rubbing your back, his words caused the building tears to fall his sweater now had two deep wet spots on the shoulder, not that Eunseok minded
"Your like a god(ess) walking this earth" he said pulling your face out of his shoulder "other people are beyond stupid honey....look at me" he continued pulling your eyes back on to him, Eunseok went quiet for a moment before speaking "don't think I'm lying to you...I would never lie to you, your truly the most beautiful person I've ever seen" Eunseok said as his eyes trailed down to your lips
"Eunseok-" you tried to speak but once again he cut you off not by words this time but with his lips meeting yours. He touched you like you were a fragile peace of art work, like as if you weren't handled with care you could break at any moment, the kiss was filled with so much emotion between the two of you
After what felt like an eternity the two of you pulled away "I don't deserve you" Eunseok said trailing his hand to your hair "your so perfect it's a shame you can't see the same" he continued "....thank you" you said quietly "don't thank me, I'm just helping you see the truth" he said petting your hair
"I'll tell you what" he commented as he stood up "let me call my company real quick" he said grabbing the phone off the floor before walking out the room, a minute or two later he came back with a small smile "can you clear your schedule for a few weeks?" He asked
You answered by nodding your head "perfect, pack warm clothes" he said before going back on the phone, you looked up at him confused "were going on a get away but we're leaving the phone and electronics here" he explained "Eunseok.." you said getting up to hug him "I love you so much, if anything I don't deserve you, your amazing" you praised digging your face in his neck
Your words caused a string of giggles to leave Eunseok "nono this is to prove your amazing a god(ess) one of a kind irreplaceable" he said wrapping his arms around your waist. Until the day of the trip Eunseok spent all his free time with you and constantly checking up on you throughout the day. Eunseok is truly one of a kind a once in a life time lover and your soulmate.
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resowrites · 1 year
Growing Pains - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry does his best to reassure his pregnant wife about her changing body…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, some talk of body image issues, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1320
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Growing Pains - oneshot.
"Are these scales broken?" Her voice echoed from the bathroom, causing Henry to look up from the book he was reading.
"No, why?"
"It says I've gained three pounds!"
"… So?"
"What do you mean 'so?'" He blinked, unsure of the correct response.
"Well… you're pregnant. Surely you expected to start gaining a bit of weight?" Her mouth dropped open.
"Three pounds is hardly a 'bit' of weight, I'm not even out of the first trimester!" She harrumphed and began stepping on and off the scale.
"Careful, you'll break them."
"Why, cos now I've gotten so fat?!" She snapped.
"Okay, this is obviously gunna be a long one," Henry muttered as he temporarily closed his book.
"What was that?"
"Nothing! Ollie, I don't know what you expect me to say, just try turning them on and off again." She began fiddling with the underside of the scales, though a much deeper frown appeared on her face.
"Now it says 'error,' oh God, am I so big I've busted them?"
"No, now come to bed."
"What happened to the manual scales you had?"
"I dunno, all we've got is the kitchen scales--"
"And how am I expected to use them?!"
"Well, I suppose you could always weigh yourself bit by bit and then add up the numbers?" He could see her nostrils flare. "Or I could fill the bath to the brim and measure the volume of water spilled--"
"Carry on matey and I will drown you in that bloody bathtub!"
"See? You don't want my ideas you just want to mean. Well, I'll bid you goodnight, madam." Henry then turned over to go to sleep.
"Oh no you don't!" She ripped back the bed covers.
"You know those scales probably are broken, you must have burned a good two hundred calories just this last half an hour having a go at me--"
"Oh shut up!"
"Why?! All I've done is try and help you!"
"No, you haven't, you've just been a little turd as per usual."
"Well then stop being ridiculous and come to bed, you look fine."
"Just fine?!" He sighed.
"Ravishing, exquisite, magnificent… now come to bed." She stepped off the scales a final time and turned to look at Henry pleadingly.
"Darling, I need you to be honest."
"Uh oh…"
"Is my arse the size of Japan?" He struggled not to laugh.
"… Which part?" She huffed and threw a toilet roll at Henry. "Oh come on, you were begging for that! If you're that concerned about your arse, come over here and let me get a good look at it…"
"I think not, pervert. God, I can't believe I've put on so much weight, at this rate I'll have a backside a hundred miles wide by the end of my pregnancy!"
"That's about the size of Osaka isn't it?"
"Henry, this is not a joke!"
"Well, are you sure you weren't three pounds heavier beforehand?"
"Calm down, I was only trying to help! You look beautiful Ollie, always have, always will." But she wasn't listening.
"Perhaps the weight's gone to my chest, do my boobs look bigger?"
"How would I know? You won't rest them on my face for me to be able to tell." That time she threw a towel at him. "Will you please stop chucking the contents of our bathroom at me?!"
"No, I will not. Now answer me, do my boobs look bigger?"
"I dunno, stand to the side--"
"Well, what a bloody surprise! Anyway, you don't want reassurance you just want someone to be mad at. It's not my fault you're pregnant!"
"Oh no, then whose fault is it? Our Amazon driver?"
"Oh that reminds me, did my protein powder come today--"
"Alright, alright. And if you're looking for tampons to throw they're on the second shelf in the bathroom cabinet." She then got so mad she slammed the bathroom door, causing Henry to giggle. "Do you want me to bring in your pillow so you can be comfier?"
"Fuck off."
"Suit yourself. I wouldn't sleep in the bath though, it'll make your snoring echo." She unexpectedly opened the door.
"You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overreact. Come here…" She held out her arms for a hug and he darted out of bed, eager to oblige. But without warning, she shoved Henry into the bathroom and locked the door.
"What… what are you doing? Ollie?! Let me out!"
"No, I don't think I will. Goodnight Henry, if you get cold wrap yourself in the shower curtain--"
"Wait! I'm sorry okay?!"
"No, you're not, you were rude and unsupportive of your pregnant wife--"
"Yes, and I'm sorry--"
"Don't interrupt! You have to learn Henry, and if that means you spend the night in the bathroom, then so be it."
"Well at least let me say goodnight to the baby!"
"Nope, they're annoyed with you too."
"How can you tell?"
"Cos I've got heartburn--"
"Then let me out and I'll bring you up a cup of tea and Rennies--"
"Nope, not good enough." He wracked his brains.
"Alright then, how about a foot rub?" She considered it for a moment. Henry seized his chance. "And you don't look bigger to me, but even if you did it wouldn't matter. I'd love you if you weighed a thousand pounds--"
"Are you trying to tell me I look ginormous?!" He swallowed hard.
"No! Just that I don't care what happens either way. I love you, darling - big arse or small." Henry could practically feel her anger radiating toward him. She then became eerily quiet and he half expected an axe to crash through the bathroom door. "Ollie? Is everything okay? Can you open the door? I'm not sure I locked all the knives away in the kitchen…" But what Henry heard in response sounded like whimpering. She was crying. His heart lept into his throat. "Ollie, let me out, please. Ollie? Oh, darling… I'm sorry, okay? There's no need to get upset, I was just joking! You know I never know what to say, I'm a man, alright? Stupidity is second nature to us… Ollie? Just open the door so I can see you're alright." Reluctantly she agreed and the look on her face made Henry's stomach drop. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Now, you listen to me. You're growing a human life. It's messy, difficult, and yes, your body's going to change. But it's the last thing I want you to worry about--"
"But what if you won't find me attractive anymore!" She wailed.
"Don't be daft--"
"Henry, stop acting like we're a regular couple. You could have anyone--"
"Stop right there. I chose you to be my wife for a reason. And no, it wasn't just the sex," she rolled her eyes. "Now, you and your lovely arse are going to get into this bed so it can be appreciated in all its glory--" she quickly dashed to the wardrobe, removing something Henry could only get a glimpse of. When he saw what she put on, he burst out laughing. "I didn't know they were remaking Little House on the Prairie!" She threw an alarm clock at Henry though he managed to catch it one-handed.
"Stop it! You said I was attractive no matter what!"
"Yeah, but there's a limit! Did my mum loan you that?" He pointed up and down at the long, cotton nightie.
"No, she did not! And if you don't mind, I'm already feeling self-conscious!"
"Well, there's no need to wear a potato sack! Hang on, I think I've got some long johns I can put on…" She threw up her hands in defeat and swiftly removed the nightdress. Henry let out a low whistle. "Much better! Come here, you…" She giggled as he chased her into bed.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo
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chubbycelebs · 10 months
The Weight of Fame (part 4)
"What the fuck has happened to you!" was the first thing Harry's manager said to him when he saw just how big he had gotten in his time off. "You're a hog! No you're bigger then a hog you fucking whale!" Harry was in total shock. Of course he had gotten fat, he wasn't oblivious to the fact he weighed over twice the amount he weighed before, but he did not expect his manager to react like this. His manager now red in the face went over to the obese Harry and grabbed his jiggly belly shaking it in shock. Harry couldn't help but smirk as he felt his body jiggle. He looked at his manager with a slight smile but his manager didn't react the same as him. "My god boy. What are we going to do with you?" Harry's grin faded.
After many many hours of teasing, bullying, and very hateful things said to Harry about his weight gain, they settled on an agreement that Harry had another year to lose the weight before he could release music. Harry was so distraught. He was finally happy with his body and his lifestyle, even though he was over 300lbs. And he was also so ready to release new music for his fans, but now he couldn't even do this. He felt like he had to give up his happiness to keep his career. He had no choice. Harry heaved his fat body off the sofa and slouched upstairs to his bedroom. He grabbed some tight, far too small gym clothes and threw them onto his bed. He pulled off his tight clothes leaving his naked body on show. He waddled over to the mirror and felt up his huge body. He loved his huge body but there was nothing he could do. So we waddled back over to his bed, he squeezed into his tight gym clothes and headed to the gym.
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The obese Harry stumbled onto the treadmill for the first time in well over a year, turned it on and started to run. Not even 5 minutes into running and Harry was sweating, soaking his shirt making it stick to his fat rolls. He was huffing and puffing gasping for air. He hadn't realised how out of shape he was. Yes he was obese but out of shape? He pushed through for another 5 minutes but he had to stop. Absolutly dripping in sweat he knew he needed help. He called up a personal trainer and before he knew it, he was round at Harry's home gym to train him.
After the first few weeks of Harry struggling to even do a star jump, he finally started to get fitter again. Even though his reflection showed his figure getting thinner, he felt good working out and getting fit again. But working out also made him realise how fat he truly was. When he ran on the treadmill he loved the feeling of his chest jiggling on top of his belly, and his belly slapping on his lap. Feeling his sweat drip down his back soaking his shirt just sealed the deal that he had truly ruined his body. He would love the feeling of being exhausted working out knowing that it would've been so easy for him a year ago.
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Even though he was very on it with his working out, Harry couldn't stop eating. After each workout he would still stuff his belly full of food. It got to a point where Harry would work out loads but eat bigger, stopping him from losing weight. At the 6 month mark when his manager came back to check on him he wasn't happy with Harry's eating. "Harry Harry Harry..." he said shaking his head, "you've done well but come on chubs stop stuffing your face." Harry looked at his manager, with a half eaten burger in his hand and mouth full of the rest. After this Harry tried his hardest to stop his stuffing sessions.
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Harry's weight was starting to drop now for good. Just a bloated soft gut was left for him to lose. His manager was very happy with this and started his album roll out. Photo shoots were being booked and promo needed to be done. However with Harry's soft figure still sticking around, he needed to go around it. His manager came up with the idea for Harry to wear corsets when out and being photographed. He was squeezed tightly into a corset every morning, his fat love handles barely squeezing in. He'd go around his day barely being able to breath and then get home and explode out of it. As he undid the tie his fat gut would push the corset open, his belly jiggling free.
The weeks passed and Harry was down to a good weight, still soft and still sporting a belly but it was easily concealed now. He was starting the roll out of his album and was in the spot light.
Harry couldn't lose the last few pounds however. He would sit at home after a long day and still longed for the huge body he once had. His little escape would be stuffing his belly in the evening to still feel his soft belly full and bloated. He would still find tight clothes and squeeze into them, stuffing his belly full and fat and feel his body expand out of the clothes. Harry had itched his gainer instinct and he couldn't get enough of it now. He couldn't wait for the next time he could let go and grow huge once again, maybe get bigger then he could imagine.
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Thank you so much for you guys patience with this series. I hope you enjoyed it. I know it's a different ending than expected but I hope its a good difference. Again any ideas for new stories pls let me know. Thank you guys!
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