#my grammar is kinda shit rn
windstir · 2 years
the need to write an asheiji fanfic / oneshot where the angst is minimum, this is not focused on their trauma.
they're older, this is post banana fish.
idk where they live (japan or america) but they live in a small apartment with a cat Eiji got somewhere on the streets and Ash couldn't say no to that little rascal. they both go to therapy, crack jokes at each other (like calling the other idiot, bitch, dumbass, just ... typical couple stuff) do shit couples do, and they also keep contact with Sing! (and, therefore, they also know a bit about what Yut lung is doing, Yue and Sing live together.)
and, sometimes, they have these little moments where they realize how far they've come, and how their pasts don't define the amount of shit they endured at such a young age, because it wasn't their fault, they were children, teens, they were young.
and that's okay!
they're just grieving, growing, and healing together :)
the past is not gone, but it's simply a bad memory, the past will always be in the past. it didn't make them stronger, because that wasn't what they needed at the time, but they're alive, safe ... that's all that matters.
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chisungie · 2 months
#love love looooveee enst stories even if engstar only has stuff for me to reread !!#its still allo v fun and sweet bc its been a while! these charas r so dear to me 🥺💖#but THIS PROOFREADINGS STILLHORRENDOUS... come on... and ik its hard to get their diff talking styles across for some charas but COME ON#fan translations w less people (usually 1-3 ) people have been better edited for spelling/grammar mistakes#AND given indepth translation notes for certain tricky jpn phrases being translated like. come onn i know what quality translations looklik#also why do they just. miss out on punctuation at the ends of lines sometimes. like what? why would you not put smn there???#anyway complaining aside. well i am reading the older idol stories actually but icb these never got fixed...#ummmmm ill try to read the newer stuff in a bit!!#but kogyyy <33 rinne and meru <333 missed those dudes i will be reading more of ur eng stories soon!!!!!!!!!!!#also girl this shit is hard to play on pc like. its not bad but i. my brain doesnt comprehend left side vs right side.#i usually tap it as it comes down.. and my attention is on the last note i hit and if the next note is to the left of it i hit left.#to the right of it means i hit right but thats not always correct 😭😭#IM ALSO PJSK TRAINED RN SO I. I LET GO OF MY SLIDERS TOO EARLY 😭😭😭😭 SOB i have to play on mobile if i wanna play....#44597#WOW what do u mean i just got back and did ONE ten pull and got the ttsm link click card im so 😭😭#i think i got kogas on uhhh. kr. funnily enough. but that was super long ago???? huh#i dont rmr how much i needed for that but wow. desire sensor real. i didnt want this i kinda wanted an offrate but hes pretty its ok LOL
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you know what?? Fuck it, there's something I've GOTTA talk about:
(don't worry this isn't like a serious post or anything. also its gonna be really badly written with grammar errors because I'm just really excited to finally be talking about this and I'm shaking like a leaf) (also, if you don't agree with this that is completely fine; everybody ships different ships, this is just one that I personally love and me explaining how it came to be and how I image it. I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything, this is just for fun. If you don't like, that's fine! All I ask is that there is no hate and that you just move on. Thank you!)
I love rairpairs. Like, LOVE them. Anyone who's seen my old transformers art knows that I ship DreadOp which is like, a nonexistent ship. like, the ship equivalent of being an endangered species (there's like 10 fics about it on AO3, so you KNOW it's rare). There's a few examples of me being like this but this is the best example that i have.
But this has gotten to the point where i have done something absolutely ridiculous: I have created an entirely new ship- no, TWO entirely new ships (I'm only going to be focusing on one rn). AND I'VE GOTTA TALK ABOUT THEM because honestly? I love them! so, what monstrosity have I created? Whoo... prepare yourselves (especially you, dark cacao cookie fans...)
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Yep. Don't hate me. Please hear me out because honestly iv'e seen more heinous ships in my time on the internet.
so, first of all, the white dude is known as the milk village elder in CRK, and we only see him once in the entire game (that i know of). I love taking npc's and giving them characters, so this is kinda how this happened. I'm gonna start by talking about the milk dude and how i headcannon/ imagine him because it will come into play later.
I gave the milk village elder the name Whole Milk Cookie, because i couldn't exactly call him Milk Cookie; that names already been taken
Whole Milk Cookie isn't actually anyone's grandfather, despite him being called grandad/ grandpappy in the actual game. We never see anyone his age in the milk village, and I like to imagine that its sorta like an honorary title. Like, he acts like everyone's grandpa, so everyone calls him grandpa but no one is actually related to him.
Whole Milk Cookie is like, ungodly sweet. Like, diabetes kind of sweet. its ridiculous. there are only a few ways to get him angry; and trust me, you don't want to...
He's strong. Like, think Hollyberry type strong. Gives the BEST hugs too.
Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but people suspect that he's actually much older than he looks. This could be caused by his extreme talent with the milk that comes from the villages well; if its used right, the milk can cure disease, help pains, or even extend someone's lifespan/ help retain youth. either that or he's some sort of demon but hey, who's counting?
got all that? good. Now the question everybody's asking; why the hell do i ship this? What's the story here? What's the origin? Well hold onto your pants folks because this is where we get into me overanalyzing shit.
behold the line that started it all:
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This is so SO vague. why the hell did they put this in here it is SO VAUGE. what does he mean by "THAT king"? you know what it sounds like? someone reminiscing of their time with a loved one who has now changed....
they never elaborate on what exactly this line means and this is the very last line we hear Whole Milk Cookie say in the main story
wondering where exactly he's gone instead of wondering when he's coming back? idk man you sound worried about him...
also saying "laid your eyes upon" just sounds so gay/loving and i don't know why. yeah your laying something thats for sure glfbnvbrfnjkrb (im so sorry)
There's also this line:
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The ally thing is kind of given, but why and how isn't this guy talking shit about dark Cacao? Like, he has EVERY right to! but he's not.... its almost like he cares.... and sure he mentions the generation thing but just because your parents were friends with some dude doesn't mean you necessarily like them right? so what gives??
Then there's the matter of Dark Cacao Cookies SON:
now Dark Chocolate usually doesn't have any milk/dairy in it, but it DOES need a fat, which whole milk DOES have!!
So, in theory, it would make sense for cacao and milk to make chocolate of some kind, AND it would account for Dark Choco Cookie having a lighter skin tone than his father (lighter eyes and the double white hair streak too)
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I also like the story implications outside of cannon:
two people who would generally not be allowed to be in a relationship due to differing status keep a relationship going for years behind the backs of their communities
Dark Cacao Cookie taking full responsibility for taking care of their son, only for everything to become too overwhelming and he begins to remove himself from everything emotionally, wanting to give his son over to his other father to be properly taken care of but can't due to the dangers that poses for everyone in his family
Dark Choco nearly kills him and Dark Cacao has to exile him and (because of a mix of psychological manipulation, grief, and regret) locks up the citadel, leaving Whole Milk Cookie out of the picture entirely
Whole Milk Cookie stews in anger due to everything that's happened and Dark Cacao cookie not taking proper care of their son but eventually falls into guilt as well because he saw the signs of stress and overworking from his partner and didn't step in, assuming that everything was fine (but is still mostly mad at Cacao because he REALLY fucked up and it's not an excuse)
Gingerbrave and the crew comes strolling up and gets the citadel open, and Dark Cacao admits to Dark Choco that he didn't care enough and that he should have done things differently, and that he loves his son. Dark Choco leaves the cookies of darkness and begins a journey of recovery while Dark Cacao vows to do better for his family and kingdom in the future.
Dark Cacao meets up with Whole Milk Cookie to truly apologize to him, admitting everything he's done wrong and that he should have done far, FAR better. He tells WM that he deserves better than him
Whole Milk is obviously still angry and will never forgive Dark Cacao for what he's done. but he still loves him despite everything and would much rather the two of them work together to fix things (not necessarily romantically, more just not hating each other wise) moving forward instead of breaking things off and stewing in grief and anger.
The two of them take things extremely slow and carefully because it's been a long and difficult process, but they, eventually, get back to where they were.
Their recovery process takes years, but by that point Dark Cacao has improved himself exponentially, wanting nothing but the best for his partner and kingdom (and now knowing exactly what NOT to do) They also eventually find Dark Choco Cookie and fix things with him, but that's a whole other can of worms I'm not going to open here.
Just generally a story of two very different people, who despite goin through unimaginable hardships, do their very best despite the circumstances. they love each other more than even they realize and the fact that they are able to fix what was broken by their own hands is a testament to that, despite all of the arguments and tears along the way.
TLDR: Dark Cacao fucks up, his husband is mad but still loves him because he knows him better than anyone else, Dark Cacao actually makes an effort and succeeds to be much much better, and the two of them eventually figure things out. An unlikely love story :)
Ok, wow, that was a lot and kinda sad. But there are a few thiings that i couldn't fit into the rest of this so imma just stick them here:
Whole Milk Cookie finds Immense joy in picking up his husband and throwing him across his shoulder like some kind of really important sack
Whole Milk calls Dark Cacao "Cacao bean"
Dark Cacao loves Whole Milk Cookies cooking to a stupid extent
Dark Cacao loves playing with his husbands fluffy hair
the two of them will often help each other do their hair because they both just have SO MUCH of it
Dark Cacao, despite popular belief, is a flustered mess around his husband and can very often be found blushing like a madman whenever Whole Milk uses his strength
these two have the ABSOLOUTE WORST bedheads. Like, Cacao HAS to braid his hair before going to bed because otherwise the two of them will wake up tangled in it. And Whole Milk will just have an untamable afro.
uhh anyways. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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4-linz · 9 months
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Pairing: wooyoung x y/n
Genre: fluff, chaotic fluff lol
Warnings: some cursing(I gotta stay minimal with it tho bc I write these on my school comp 😭) , wooyoung is kinda panicking lol, wooyoung is called an attention whore but in a good way pls dont hate me 😭 ,reader is called ning like 3 times , grammar might not be correct I'm tired lol, I think that's it
Summary: wooyoung is confused on how you got into his heart, he never told anyone about his mental list he made, not even san so that should say something, so how did you do it? Was its on purpose to mess with him? Or on accident
Wc. 1.69k
A/n I wanted to write and I had just reread @yuyusuyu princess chronicles and I wanted to do something similar with wooyoung :) pls I'm dieing I h8 using ppls ideas but I'm in writers block and I need to write rn 😭 so creds to @yuyusuyu for the idea lol I hope this is good cuz I luv her work and I don't wanna ruin her reputation lol I also have a feeling this is gonna be a short fic bc again I'm in writers block and that's all i can take rn lolz
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Wooyoung never thought he could find a relationship that was near the thing he and san had going on (even san doesnt know whats happening tbh), but here we are, you slowly winning over his heart. How? He doesn't know. He has a very very very very very- i can keep going but what i mean is he has a very secret procedure that even san doesnt know about, but it's a way you can take over his love life, so you somehow slowly completing the 5 steps was very concerning.
Step 1. Treat him like royalty
Well you don't have to bow down and worship him but you just have to treat him him like the mona lisa, praise him- and maybe worship him, he likes to be praised and feel noticed-attention whore is his middle name after all- so when you walk into the room with him and everyone else and you notice him first and COMPLIMENT HIM AND ONLY HIM?!?! He was feeling a little lightheaded, “ oh hi woo! I like your hair, it looks different! In a good way of course-” you said slightly rambling at the end “ oh- um yea… i um-” he stumbled out “ i uh WASHED IT, yea, yea i washed it." He said trying to redeem himself and act cool because seonghwa was looking at him weird. “ for once you washed it” san said scoffing, without him knowing- or did he? San had saved him from an awkward situation “HEY i do wash my hair thank you very much” he said huffing, pouting but quickly opening his eyes when he heard you laugh.
Step 2. Find him funny
(or just try to laugh at his ridiculous jokes)
The sound of your laughter filled his dorm, san had left to go out with Seonghwa, leaving him alone and so of course he invited you just so he could hang out with his now crush for a movie night!! Why else would he invite you over…?He found himself in a trance listening to your laughs, they sounded like music to his ears, literally he was listening to the rhythm in your laughs and thought they sounded so much like you, the beat matched your personality. ‘ wooyoung stop that's weird, and nothing like you.’ he said when he came out of his little bubble when ever he heard your voice tinted with worry as your friend was looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face and was very silent, which was very concerning given its wooyoung. The look of worry on your face made his heart flutter, where you really worried for him…? ‘ shit im fucked’ he thought
Stept 3. Worry/care for him
“ wooyoung? Are you in there?” your voice sounding small compared to the yelp wooyoung let out upon hearing your voice in his dorm.” OW SHIT, ning is that you?!” he yelped, he had hurt his leg and couldn't attend practice, him not being there worried you given he had always been there, so you went to his dorm. “Woo what were you thinking laying on the edge of the couch,be careful you could hurt yourself more if you do that?!” You said scolding him lightly,the worry in your face very clear,” you didn't hurt yourself more did you?, here let me get you some food so you don't have to walk.” wooyoung hoped you didn't notice the slight blush on his face when you lifted his chin forcefully checking to see if he hurt his face during the fall. “ Goddammit, step 3 , 2 more to go and I'm done for..” he mumbled “ did you say something?” you said, peaking your head out of the other room. “ OH-UM-NO '' he quickly said, hoping you don't suspect anything and hoping you truly had not heard anything he said.
Step 4. Being rough with him.
(do i really ahve to explain?)
Wooyoung's heart fluttered when you cupped his face and moved it left to right to see if he had hurt his face, he had fallen trying to learn how to skate. He had failed horribly but that's not what mattered right now, what mattered was you were holding his face. “ Wooyoung, I told you, you have to be more careful” you said with a slight pout, worried about your best friend. You had to put your whole body strength into helping him up because he was so zoned out all his body weight was on the floor. But the words that snapped him out of his little trance were enough to heal him right then and there “ when we get home do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?”
Step 5. Physical affection.
“Ninggg hurry up and bring the popcorn” wooyoung shouted, he had been alone in his and sans dorn because apparently san couldn't deal with wooyoung's ramblings about you so he left with seonghwa, of well at least that means he can invite you over more right? Wrong, this is the first time in weeks he's invited you over because he couldn't muster up the courage to ask you.” I'm right here..?” you said laughing when he turned around and saw you, his eyes widened in amazement on how you could find that much popcorn in his house, where it came from? No idea he's been trying to find popcorn for a month and has found none so how did you find some? No clue, but he didn't really care as his heart picked up when you sat very close to him. Very close.and his heart picked up even more realizing you two were watching a scary movie. He could be your knight in shining armor and hold you close when you got scared. Well you ended up holding him like he's a baby but that didn't matter to him even though he's going to be very embarrassed later. What mattered right now to him was trying to calm his heart, from the jumpscares and the fact that you two were there cuddling?! Mostly the first option , but hey those things were scary, don't judge>:(
Another time he found himself in this situation was on his birthday, wooyoung and you tangled up in each other limbs, the others where getting the place ready so of course you offered to keep him busy while the others fixed up the dorm for him, so you invited him over, which he couldn't say no to you. He was laying on you the couch and you were running your hands through his hair, which in hindsight helped him alot with what he was going to ask you. You had single handedly finished all 5 steps without knowing? Or maybe you did know? He doesn't know but he needs to ask you about it. It's been eating him alive for the past week. He knows he shouldn't ask on his birthday because what if you say no? But he couldn't wait because, what if you say yes? No birthday present could top that. Here he goes, his heart racing he manages to strangle out a “ hey ning…? “ ew he thought, why did it sound like that, he was cringing until he heard you say back “ yes? Did you need something?” you smiling down at him calmed him down a lot more than he thought “ can i ask you something?” he took a deep breath “ of course, anything woo” you laid your phone down to put all attention on him, still playing with his hair. “ i um- do you um “ he stuttered “ dammit” he said sitting up “ is there something wrong wooyoung?” concern filling your face “ i like you. Like I ‘like like’ you.” he said getting it out there, but before you could say anything he continued “ and i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime…?” he couldn't look you in the face because he felt like he would explode. For real he was holding his breath for so long he felt like he was going to burst. “ woo i-” you giggled and he turned around ready to be faced with rejection. “ of course i will” you cupped his face and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He looked like a lost puppy, eyes wide and frozen in shock “ wait you- you like me to?” ugh he sounded like a 2nd grader finding out their crush likes them back. “ Of course I do woo, who wouldn't love you?” you giggled at the end. Just as wooyoung went to speak he got interrupted by your phone going off saying it was time to bring him back to the dorm for his surprise.
Hwa: hey were done over here if you wanna bring him back
You: okay! But warn san if he's coming back to stay with wooyoung lol
Hwa: oh good lord
Smiling at yourself you took him by the hand and told him you two where going back to his dorm for something.Lets just say he went back to the dorm holding your hand and he was the happiest birthday boy in the world. But wooyoung had one more question before he went back to the dorm "wait so did you know about the list or not?" He questioned you "what list?" You questioned back "wait so your telling me you completed a whole goddammit list without knowing it ever even existed?!" He squealed out "Oops" you shrugged and laughed
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sturnwrld · 3 months
The party🫀 C.S.
Warnings: sumttt✨
a/n: Hii babess i know i haven't been writing, honestly don't even know why. Anyways hope you enjoy this story and please send in requests. Any feedback and tips on how to improve are much appreciated. Also, very insecure about this so please don't be harsh. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.💓
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I just got out of a 2y toxic relationship, i felt like absolute shit but my girlfriend dragged me out of the house to go to some house party. ''Y/n get your ass out of bed, it's been 3 months, forget about that dick!'' Mia said. she is my best friend and i love her, but God she can be so persistent. ''Mia i just can't, i really don't have the energy.'' i said while hiding under my duvet. ''Please y/n, i hears Marc's gonna be there.'' Mia had the biggest crush on Marc for as long as i can remember. ''Please y/n, for me.'' she whined. ''Ughh, fine but just because i love you.'' ''OMGG, thankk you you're the best'' she said as she happily jumped around.
We started getting ready, i wore a black mini dress which complimented my figure nicely and some black heels. i did my makeup and called the cab to take us to the party. When we got there we went to get a drink, after a few minutes Mia had to go to the bathroom so I stood by the drinks. I was looking around when I heard a voice behind me ''Hey, whacha drinking?'' as turned around i saw a brown haired boy with the most beautiful blue eyes, he was smiling down at me waiting for an answer. ''Oh, just a gin tonic.'' ''Oh, nice. I'm Chris btw.'' he said putting out his hand for me to shake. ''I'm y/n, nice to meet you.'' ''So what brings you here?'' he asked looking down at me. ''Umm.. well my friend actually dragged me here so she could try and hook up with her crush soo i'm just kinda stuck here…'' And yeah there she was, in the corner of my eye i could see, Mia talking to Marc, i was definitely stuck here.
''Oh, wanna go for a smoke?'' he asks. ''Yes, please.'' I answered practically begging not to be alone. We went out to the porch, lighted a cigarette Chris spoke ''You look really nice.'' ''Oh, um thank you, you too.'' He just smiled. ''So you have a boyfriend?'' he asks. ''No, um not anymore at least.'' i answer with a shaky voice, still not over the whole situation. ''What happened, if you don't mind me asking?'' ''Well, to save you the details, he was a narcissistic piece of shit. We were together for 2 years after i found out he was cheating on me 3 months ago….'' ''Omg, that's awful, I'm so sorry to hear that.'' he replies . ''Yeah it's fine. Soo you got a special someone?'' i ask excitedly, honestly hoping he would say no. ''No, i do not.'' he replies chuckling. I just smile, trying to hide my excitement..
''Do you wanna go somewhere more private to talk?'' he asks, and i nod. He takes my hand as we make our way upstairs throughout the people. After we find a empty room, which was surprisingly very hard, Chris closes the door behind us and sits next to me on the bed. We were chatting for a bit about family, school and stuff like that when he says ''You look very pretty rn'' that sentence makes my heart flutter. i mean have you seen that man?! i smile, we just look at each other for a moment, and he starts leaning in, my stomach fills with butterflies as our lips collide. The kiss was soft at first, so innocent.
Things hot heated very fast, after a while i feel him tugging on the bottom of my dress. He stops for a second looking at me for approval, i nod, desperate to feel his touch. he took my dress of and he started taking of his shirt. we were now laying on the bed, he climbed on top of me kissing me hungrily this time. i tug at his belt, he gets the hint and takes of his trousers. ''Are you sure?'' he asks ''Yes Chris please i need you.'' i beg pathetically. As he starts pushing his length into me, a gasp escapes my mouth, he was so big i could barely take him. He starts ponding into me, i moan unable to hold it in ''Yes let me hear those pretty sounds, so perfect'' he says heavily breathing. ''Omg Chris you feel so fucking good'' i could barely speak. His veiny hand snakes around my neck, squeezing slightly. ''So perfect for me princess.'' he says in a low tone sending me over the edge. As I clench around his length, he releases inside of me letting out a groan. He pulls out of me and roles over on his back, we just lay there for a moment, both out of breath.
He puts his arm around me and pulls me in closer, kissing my forehead. I could feel my cheeks burning red. ''Are you okay, not hurt or anything?'' he asks. ''I'm perfect'' i respond. He smiles, we just lay there in silence, sharing a few kisses. After a while I needed to find Mia and get home sense it was getting late. To be honest I wanted to stay there for an eternity if I could, but Mia was surely searching for me.
''So, um I should really get going, it's getting late, I need to find my friend'' i say with a smile, honestly feeling bad that i need to leave. Chris says he understands, we exchange numbers I kiss him one last time and get going. I went out to call a cab and there i find Mia visibly drunk. ''Heyyy y/nn, where have you been, I've been searching all over for youuu..'' she says drunkenly. ''Okayy now take it easy lets go home..'' i say helping her walk to the cab. We get to mine i put Mia in bed so she can sleep, i decided to check my phone.
There was a message from Chris asking me to hang out again some time soon. I was over the moon. I replied obviously saying yes. After a bit of texting back and forth, I went to bed not being able to take my mind off of Chris and tonight- which wouldn't have happened without Mia and her persistence.
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mochamoth · 2 days
samarina magical girl headcanons?
I have a few headcanons so far and the whole plot is kinda done! Uhh sorry this is a bit of a rant in advance! Feel free to just skip to the headcanons, the order doesn't matter too much (also mild spoilers for the canon gamee!!)
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So this takes place sometime in the early 2000s, not modern but also not the canon 1940s time era. The backstories are pretty much the same except the Ninth Circle has an even sharper eye on Samarie. At some point Marina catches Samarie stalking her and gives her a talking to. But, after several apologies and begging from Samarie, Marina decided to get to know her a lil better. They slowly become friends overtime until some plot stuff happens and they die. I don't have a solid idea yet but I was thinking what if the Ninth Circle was more of a lab than a "school". Still a cult but y'know the vibes are a bit different. They catch the two running away and threaten to shoot Marina if she doesn't turn Samarie back in. Marina refuses, they shoot, Samarie takes the shot for her but unfortunately they just shoot Marina anyways afterwards.
Somewhat luckily Samarie was close enough with the Gods to make some sorta deal with Rher specifically (for arguments sake let's pretend in this au Rher is still semi close with humans). Marina and her would be allowed to live and be resurrected, in exchange for.. Well idk yet. I was thinking something to do with Moonscorching. Maybe every night they turn, or every few days, full moon, you know something like that.
So they're brought back to life, but both have MUCH stronger magic. Not only that but Samarie doesn't feel as sick as she used to be. The two later on realize they're stereotypical ✨️magical girls✨️ and fight against "villains" ig. The villains would be actual enemies from the games. Uhh I might add other characters to this au later on, but for now it's just my own little corny ship indulgent au so yeah!
(Sorry for any grammar errors I am tired lol)
Actual Headcanons:
Samarie uses a Star themed staff while Marina uses a Moon themed staff. I just thought it fit their souls aesthetic wise!
Samarie has extremely powerful magic, but is a terrible fighter. She's clumsy, messy, and a nervous wreck. Marina is a bit weaker magic-wise, but is wayy better in combat. She's more confident, focused, and skilled.
I think it'd be funny as shit to make Black Kalev their little sidekick.
They're constantly saving eachother. Usually it's Marina saving Samarie, but if Marina is in danger Samarie fucking kicks ass. She's still a crazy girl after all.
They have more stereotypical sparkly magic cuz.. Well magical girl. But they can still use other canon spells. It's just less convenient.
Their staffs will transform when they do. When they're not in their combat fits the staffs both turn into crystals. Both wear them around their necks like necklaces.
They can't use the gifted magic without the staffs. Basically they're witches in a way.
They do flirt on the battlefield cuz that's romantic imo. It's more Marina flirting and Samarie being a gay mess but that still counts!
In this au they're not dating (yet). Samarie obviously has a massive crush (or obsession) with Marina, and again after becoming friends Marina develops a crush back on her.
This has nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with the au, Samarie has autism. I didn't know where else I'd share that hc so taking my chance rn.
Samarie still isn't used to the outfit change. Especially Marina's outfit (she is a lesbian disaster).
They rest and cuddle together after long battles. It'd be cute okay?
I might add more later (in which case I will post), and yes this is out of character. Sorry abt that. Uhh also I've never seen a magical girl anime. Like ever! I want to. I really wanna watch a few, just haven't gotten around to it.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
With your language AU, I remember watching a video about a guy speaking angrily nonesense in an Indian accent and people thinking he was very angry. Imagine this as the Creator speaks angry gibberish to people and they just assume that the Creator is cursing them or something. (Or like when they speak gibberish to babies and everyone's like, "Aw the Creator is teaching that baby their divine language")
✨️I look pretty good for a dead bitch✨️
She's alivveee!!!
Whats up i almost passed away from sheer academic workload, but im not in the ground yet 🥰 And with drafts outta my ass! :D
Hope yall ready for ur regularly scheduled Bullshit Genshin Sagau <3
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Well at least i can do polls thru this in the future?? Idk tumblr is ass so we'll see how this accidental test works out...
So these were the first thngs i thought of and its not super long bc ASKERS R GENIUSES OKAY
Saw the gif and couldnt help but think this is how ppl like Alhaitham or Diluc would react to u "speaking ur langauge"
"Our langauage" aka being a SIM 💀
Stop Albedo would ask you to teach him ur lang/grammar rules 😭
What u gonna do when Zhongli asks you to teach him some words-
Your ass: "GIGGLABAH means beautiful :) "✨️
Zhongli: "Oh thank you, how different from our own version, so excited sounding..."
You walk by him strolling the harbor and he just smiles at you and says
"You look gigglabah today my liege."
(honestly ppl paint him as oblivious but he kinda seemed like the type of bastard who seems like he's not aware but sometimes he secretly knows the truth, he's just getting too much amusement out of it to stop doing it, LOL he does shit like the above to see YOUR reaction- LMAO)
You're a maniac pls tell me u dont pass on simlish to all the serious characters-
(& he's not the only one, others too like Kaveh, YELAN, Ningguang, Nahida, DILUC, AYAKA LMAO-)
Some ppl i could see taking ur gibberish bullshittery and whether they believe its real or not is irrelevant bc theyre using it anyway-
And i dont mean in a good way 😭
"Be cheerful like the hugkukie,
and may your cup never leaky!"
And Diluc loves you.
Really he does, deeper than he thinks-
But his eye is twitching LMAOO
(Ok but if you did like multiple of these language shenanigans thruout the asks ive gotten, Kaeya would literally grow so fond of you and associate you with goofy funny shit that makes him laugh so hard that everytime he sees you he automatically is beaming with a smile, or trying to supress a warm grin- this got away from me but its 1:44am for me rn so i would love a smiley Kaeya rn -)
Speaking language bs I have my 2nd oral exam for spanish tomorrow, pls send whatever good vibes u got and i am also really open to prayers from any religion as well. sobs
Hope anyone got any enjoyment out of my response bc tbh the ask is what rlly matters to me atp lmao
Until the next shenanigan-
Safe travels,
♡the beloveds mwah ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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fernsnailz · 1 year
Do you have thoughts about Shadow’s potential Pokémon team? 👉🏽👈🏽
ough my god ok. i'm so tired so excuse any grammar mistakes but i got mons on the brain so here we go
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ok so. absol. this guy is literally called the disaster pokemon because it tends to show up right before shit goes down and so people tend to blame it for natural disasters - however it's actually WARNING people of disasters, not causing them. some dex entries:
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idk how to fully put this into words but like. the rejection it faces from humanity despite genuinely trying to help them and consistently persisting despite it all is. that's shadow. that's it man. absol could also work well with silver so i declare that absol is the official sonic 06 pokemon
type null is. it's literally just shadow. it even has the inhibitor rings and everything like come on
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i do think that type null would eventually evolve into silvally alongside shadow, but it takes some time since it's a friendship evolution
ummm clefairy is cute and funny and i like it. also it's connected to the moon which shadow is heavily connected to thematically after kinda esploding it. idk how to describe it but it makes sense in my mind that shadow would connect with the funny moon pokemon as like. not a way to make up for his mistakes, but more to come to terms with them? there's something there that i can't describe rn but it just makes so much sense to me i promise
ok galarian moltres is. shadow colored. and also cool. BUT i did give sonic galarian zapdos so i kinda wanted to continue that theme, and with that in mind i think i would give silver galarian articuno to sorta fill out that trio
not gonna lie i mostly put scolipede here as a placeholder because i love scolipede but i think it kinda works as a black arms connection? idk they all kinda look like bugs. bro im so tired LMAOO
hydreigon is here because i saw it on the list of pokemon and immediately went "BIOLIZARD!!!!!! BIOLIZARD!!!!!!!!" and i want shadow to have a very edgy and overpowered dragon type
ok yeah that's it. i purposefully did not include mewtwo
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murdrdocs · 8 months
celeste I’m dying and need help (this is super fucking long I’m actually so sorry)
so this guy that I’ve been friends with since literally 8th fucking grade likes me and asked me to go out with him but I don’t like him back but I’m too scared to reject him because I’m the type of person to feel AWFUL if I hurt someone’s feelings. Everyone tells me that it’s not my problem and that I shouldn’t feel bad but like I CANT.
I really wished I liked him bc he’s super sweet and literally said he’d buy me sour patch kids and give them to me when we go out (but I feel bad when people buy things/do nice things for me too) and I’ve been trying to give him so many hints by either straight up avoiding him when he asks me out (this is all over text btw) and I also told him “if I wanted sour patch kids, yk id get them myself. plus I feel bad when people buy things for me” and he’s like persistent on it.
and to make it worse, he got rejected by a different girl a few months ago and literally cried. me and my friends (cause he’s in our friend group) were like “comforting him” (basically telling him she wasn’t worth his time bc she was kinda rude abt rejecting him) and stuff like that, so I don’t wanna hurt him again.
he knows I had a toxic ex but doesn’t know the full extent, and bc of that ex, I’ve literally not had a crush since him bc he traumatized me.
anyways I genuinely tried summarizing this super quick but I’m sorry it got so long, I understand if you don’t want to respond/read the whole thing, but if you do then thank you!!! <333 (sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I’m just panicking rn and my autocorrect is working overtime)
okay i'm gonna give it to u so straight: u gotta bite the bullet man. i get that ur empathetic but think abt this, if u do go out w him your feelings are most likely not going to change. then you'll be stuck, eventually he'll figure out/find out that u don't rlly like him. and it'll be a massive gigantic shit of a mess.
it sucks and it can be a sticky situation but the only way you'll get out of it is by being honest and putting ur foot down so to speak. plus it'll suck for a little while but if he's a good and true friend, he'll eventually move on and you guys will be just Friends again. and you can't be upset abt it forever like actually. you'll feel bad for a little while but eventually your body/mind will do what it needs to and you'll be okay again.
as for going abt it, avoidance neverrrr works in my experience. (been there trust) you have to tell him straight up that u dont want him. and if he is still persistent, then that's a major red flag (also trust me) and u do not want that in ur life.
also also, ppl get hurt unfortunately that is a part of life. if u don't hurt him, someone else will (sounds bad but it's true) and u aren't responsible for other ppl's feelings/how they react. all u can do is live ur truth and look out for no. 1.
anyway i hoped this helped? i am ... not the best at giving advice pertaining to men/guys/boy species without being a bitch abt it but i truly did try to set aside my erm ... dislike to help u. but get other advice too and ultimately go w ur gut (and ur head be logical but not too logical)
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lazyassryan · 4 months
Okayyyyy, it’s Yugioh GX AU rant time. Time to get my game on and hang out in the school yard, I guess…
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Some trigger warning before we start the ranting; fire, burning houses, Yubel in general (they play heavy in here), mentions of curses, and some other things I may not pick up on. I have mental illness I’m sorry.
Okay, so welcome to my Feral!Judai AU… umm so shall we start from the beginning?
Jaden Yuki, an average kid that no one seems to understand. His life is like him, normal. He plays with his “imaginary” friend, who he lovingly calls “Yubel” and his parents work all the time, but that’s beside the point. One night as Jaden and his family were sleeping, a loud boom went off. Someone was having a gender reveal party and it set the house on fire, Yubel, being worried for Jaden’s safety, took him and the Yu-Gi-Oh™️ cards to the nearby forest, and there they lived for many years. Yubel teaching Jaden the basics of American Sign Language (ASL), how to communicate and how to duel, which proved useful as he got older.
Speaking of getting older… Jay got older, Yubel got further. I think I put it best like this, “…The only person to guide him was slowly fading from his memory with age. Imaginary friends don’t last forever, even wild children grow up.”, which I wrote about two months ago in a Google doc. But anyways his hair now grown out and frizzed, mind so unkept yet tamed to the wild, it was almost as if an animal would be attending the duel academy. And everybody knew. He skipped prep, going straight for the big leagues of this academy, it’s because he didn’t know he needed to go to prep or really any school. He had someone’s teachings, a mother? A parent perhaps? He had forgotten by now… but they haven’t.
Yubel has cursed Jaden and one other person for some evil scheme, but they must wait to see their lovely Jaden. Time heals all wounds but not in this case, time only makes them worse…
Yubel’s curse; it makes anyone who touches you feel the need to protect you in some way, even if they hate you. The person will still hate you just feel conflicted. It was the last thing Yubel gave Jaden, to protect him and his innocents from the outside world, from people.
(Unoriginal and kinda Marry Sue-ish, he grows more mature when all the shit goes down and Yubel takes Jessie, I promise. I just don’t feel like detailing his whole life rn. Pure edited and reviewed for grammar and spelling mistakes by; @steelgritandironwill HAI BUBBBYYY!!!!)
Some pics of my son!!!❤️❤️💖💖
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fandomsniper · 8 months
I have been sitting on this au for a while now because I got obsessed with this song
and rn I'm putting a trigger warning for underage s3x work and overall stuff in that theme, so u have been warned
it's on ao3 because I went waayyy to overboard, it was supposed to be a quick description but it's over 2k words long 💀
but here you have a bit of it to see if you are interested in reading it
we are starting from the very popular trope of street rat Kallus, him and his family are living in the lowest levels of Coruscant. At that point it's only him, his mom and his older (by 4 years) sister, Kallus' dad died in a work related accident (he was a factory worker so let's say he got crushed by some machinery or something) and his younger brother died from some hardcore pneumonia. Kallus' mom has two jobs that pay absolute shit, his sister can't find anything beside some odd jobs here and there and as a 13 year old all he can really do is pick some pockets and/or steal to try and help his mom and sister. At that age he already hit his first growth spurt so he looks a bit older than he is, what I'm getting at is that one day he tries to pick pocket some flashy dude (which was pretty weird because what is this well dressed guy doing in the slums but who cares, he prolly has a lot of cash) but he gets caught. This guy gets one look at 13 year old Kallus and he can see right through this kid, he grins sweetly at him and starts to play this nice man who wants to help a kid and his family get out of a tight spot so he offers Kal a deal, he will give his mom and sister enough money to get out of this gutter and start a good life and Kallus will perform for him to pay it off. Kallus took the deal, he didn't care what he would have to do because, frankly, he would lie down his life for his mom and sister, the guy actually makes him sign a fucking contract for this. Kallus signs the damn contact and takes the cash the guy gives him, his now boss tells him that both of them are flying off the planet the next day and tells him to meet him right in this spot on that certain time, and he better be there because if he isn't, well, he will need to say goodbye to his precious family. Kal runs back home, gives his mom and sister the money and tells them that he will work off planet for a while, he doesn't know where but he will try his hardest to communicate with them somehow.
the rest is on ao3 :3 but bellow I'm gonna leave some authors notes heh
"well that's all I got, there is so many holes in this, lack of names etc. because I'm on and off about this au. Though, I have a few scenes in my head that are connected to the song itself so I can write those out withe the lyrics they match with if anyone is interested in all of this :))"
also 2 things, I would be happy to hear some feedback form u! I have no one to talk about this so I will be happy about anything :'D, and sorry about any grammar mistakes, I'm kinda brain dead rn pfff
sorry again that it has to be in two separate places, tumblr has a word limit 🙃🙃
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey love!! i have a LOT to say... so buckle in
one- new layout!
two- boyfriend is back from japan i missed him way too much 😅
my oldest brother has always been an asshole, ive also never been that close to him anyway, but he's still an asshole
and my middle brother is like literally my best friend and loves my boyfriend as well so yk we super close and shit
SO MY OLDEST BROTHER was talking shit about my relationship around my middle brother and my brother slapped him in the face (or maybe punched idek the whole story) so now everyone is like so confused and stuff (including me) and kao feels so bad bc he feels like he started it even tho its not his fault 😭 and my middle brother is stressing out bc he just "ruined his whole relationship with his brother" and my older brother... well idrk about him bc we talk only when we need to
anyway so today like at 12 the fam scheduled a zoom meeting so i can talk to everyone to try and see whats going on yk and there was this big argument between my mom and my oldest bro and now everything is so tense and stuff... BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE my exams are done and now i can focus on more things other than math and econ (regretting my major choices HARD rn)
hows your school and stuff? pls stay safe and drink lots of water <33
(omg whenever i ask someone about school i feel old)
i have so many stories i need to tell you but im going to hold it in so i dont write a whole novel
(sorry for my grammar and stuff i do math for a reason man)
i’m buckled in 🫡
firstly: you’re new layout is so cute <3
secondly: ahhh i’m picturing the romantic airport reunion! like running to each other at the airport 😍
NOW HERES THE TEA 🍵 🫖 !! I STAN YOUR MIDDLE BROTHER!! hopefully your oldest brother can see how much of a shit he was being and apologize. Also idk which brother’s wedding your planning but he should either be thankful because a. you’re putting so much effort to help one of your brothers and shut his mouth or b. your planning his wedding so he should shut his mouth…either way he should be quiet 🤐
^^this gets me heated cause i have a good relationship with my only sibling and i would never talk shit about his girlfriend :( !!
eyyy i forgot it’s exam season and i’m regretting not studying because my exams are next week 😢 YOURE MAJORING IN MATH AND ECON??? you’re stronger than me 😰 i’m basically failing calculus rn…i’m a business major basically meaning i don’t know what do do with my life yet hahaha
school right now is basically the calm before the storm, all the teachers are rushing to get everything done before all the exams go down and finalizing all my college stuff…i’m planning on going on hiatus for a week or two during all my final exams but hopefully my haechan smau will be done by then 🤞🤞🤞 and I'll still be online and stuff just won’t be posting and texts/reactions gotta keep my sanity somehow
also it was bring your child to work day today and i never felt so old…
i’m a grammar.ly person so if my grammar is wrong i’ll blame it on the app being stupid,, the amount of times i re-read all my work to make sure everything is okay is honestly insane (if i say i haven’t read over what i’ve written it was because i was sleep deprived)
can’t wait to here all your stories <3 my life is kinda boring rn sooo i’m all ears 😍😍❤️
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baeshijima · 2 years
HI SO I recently literally just now thought about this yea okay I’m very messy at writing or conveying my thoughts, so I hope you’ll get what I’m trying to… say? APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE 🫡🫡 AND FOR RANDOMLY SWIRCHING TO CAPS LOCK and for possible grammar mistakes okok I’ll stop
So rn I just can’t stop thinking about how okay Alhaitham is just human and he makes mistakes (duh). Just haven’t really read anything about that as of now and IVE BEEN ON AN ALHAITHAM FIC N STUFF READING SPREE, CONVINCED IVE READ NEARLY EVERYTHING—sorry.
But knowing his personality, I feel like he must be like a perfectionist kinda dude who just NEEDS everything to be right and correct and whatever so he really doesn’t make that many mistakes- but imagine um the reader and him just I DONT KNOW I—ok so he made something for some assignment or something (back in Akademiya days) and let’s say it’s basically the strong subject of reader and Alhaitham isn’t nearly as good as them with that subject? Ykwim? Yeah SORRY anyways yeah I think he would try to like deny the shit out of reader like no I couldn’t have made a mistake, but the reader insists on like him having made one but he insists he didn’t, kinda ignorant of him. This resulting in some sorta argument or whatever and eventually um made reader just 🤷‍♀️ whatever and leave him be, since he probably wouldn’t change his mind no matter how much they’d argue with him. But okay after that (because I hate leaving it at angst when it’s something like this bad communication(questionable, feels like its more just perfectionism peak) shit) Alhaitham must be rethinking what happened as in the much dreaded argument (bc hes such a simp for us 😼😼 (other way around rlly)), possibly regretting even having an argument about it since he could’ve just checked the papers or whatever, asked reader about their thoughts and what the mistake was instead of just straight up denying the possibility of a mistake and all. So at some point alhaitham does run it down with some professor of the subject or whatever, turns out he DID make a mistake and now he really does regret having had that argument with reader. Poor soul. Right, I like to imagine (since im an emotional fuccc) reader to kinda avoid him to show they’re upset about Alhaitham’s lashing out on them, and that was also the reason why Alhaitham started to regret it and blablah BUT YEA YOU GET THE POINT SKFBDJ 😼😼 Alhaitham apologizing? Yes he should. Ugh I want to hug this bastard and bury my face into his tits.
Also, just wanted to make sure to tell u this isn’t a request I just needed to desperately share this thought since the friend i spam hcs and shit with is currently dead asleep 🫡
I love you (andallurhaithamcontentitgivesmebutterflies), stay hydrated, eat some stuff ‘n have a great day or night!! 🫶🫶🫶
YES YES YESAJS TO THIS CONCEPT GOOD LORDASLFHDA while i am an advocate for haitham acting like he doesnt listen to ur suggestions but quietly takes them on board and mulls over the concepts in his head, i also am an advocate for akademiya student haitham being an arrogant perfectionist who only trusts his own methodology over anyone elses input or concerns !!
and ngl this concept would be so so good for him as a point of development, where he learns to take on board the opinions of those around him as opposed to remaining stubborn and tunnel-visioned in his own mistakes and shortcomings (still a gremlin, but not as much as before) !! AND THEN HIM HAVING TEH GUILT EAT AWAY AT HIM THE LONGER READER IGNORES HIM IS SO !!! SO ???? SO <33333
as they all say, distance makes the heart fonder 😌 and in haithams case, makes him a kinda changed man bc he only changes for reader 😌
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mak1lol · 2 years
✨️My Sodor 1980 plans for 2023 ✨️
So funny story,my mid 2022 brain wanted to make an AU about comedy but then in december my brain was like "nvm lets just go with a more lore setting ig?"
Keep in mind my grammar and english are the worst cause even tho english was my first langgue,as an indonesia that grammar and english kinda go poof-
-Whats the story about and how the story works?
-well its a more mysterie solving AU,the world of sodor has well a LOT of secrets and those secrets are more reveald as the story progreses
-the main Act (chapters 1-11) are 1-11 story arcs.Each follows kinda the same setting where they solve mysteries.
-The special Act (S.A) are re-written ttte movies that fit the au mostly,however not all of the movies are present in the au (looking at you misty island)
-focuses on many characters.the steam team (1-6),little western,and characters appear in the ttte movies (like scotsman,hiro,spencer etc) and more!!
-✉️ Sodors Mailbox ✉️
-aka my ask box, you can ask the characters,the story or just me in general,Go wild with it!
-Ships? 👀👀
-Ehhh thats a story for a another day.... tho i might share 2 of the more widely exepted ones (aka most plp ship)
-Frankie x hurricane (the JBS main antagonist couples)
-And for the rest well......... Just wait for that secret to be reveald by me ;-;
-Ref sheets?
-WORK IN PROGRESS RN JUST BE PATIENT ;-; ;-; (probably redesigning some)
-what about your lore blog? Are you still gonna use it?
-the answer is No unfortunely
-@sodor-1980-au blog is pretty much Dead at this point,im still putting it up cause if anybodys intrested in my original plan there you go
-Sodor shinanegans
-this is a w.i.p thing so this might not be present but bassicly its just my way of trying to include some of my original plan
And thats it what i want to talk about!! This au is inspried by @bruhstation CSTM (GOD YOUR AU IS SO GOOD HOLLY SHIT)
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 2 months
Could i massively improve my writing and probably the amount of people reading it by learning how to stay in consistent tense, use punctuation and grammar properly as welll as many other things? Almost definitely. But as my art becomes the closest thing i have to a job im beginning to value my writing more and more as something completely separate from my income. I strive to improve my art for the dual benefit of i want to get better and it selling better, but with my writing? i would love to be able to do multichapter stuff [RIP Detective AU i swear i will try to finish chapter two again... uhh tomorrow?] but i love love love doing my shorter glimpses into my characters that ive been doing. Maybe in a year or less i will suddenly want to improve my writing but frankly rn i couldnt give less of a shit, its a way for me to create and rn i dont stress about my technical skill which im so glad for. I already struggle with finding the time and enerjy for editing and finishing my writing, if i actually cared about it being 'good quality writing'?? i might as well never write again.
Uh that kinda came out of nowhere but tldr if your waiting for me to be able to do basic grammer shit like keep to one tense for a fic before you read it i am genuinely sorry but i dont think that is gonna happen, writing is slowly becoming my true do it entirely for myself hobby
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terzoslvt · 1 year
Hello welcome to my third account on Tumblr
Also this is my third account the other I can't tell you...yeah those of them already got banned BC I talk some shit but don't mind it we just leave that shit shall we?
So I'm Asmo I have so many nickname but you can call me by this name
- Asmo
- Star
And yes I have so nickname...but I mostly love if you call me vens because that's was my real name...feel free to call me whatever you're want i would appreciate it , if you understand me..
And if you saw my bio ...make sure to check my tiktok account ...username tiktok is on the bio...follow me on tiktok so you can comment because the stupid tiktok won't allow people to comment on my video only for followers...so that's mean you have pressed the follow button cutely okay :) but don't get me wrong I don't force you so yuhh
And also if you feel bad or something....just leaves comments about yourself mabye I can help<3 ...also many people knows me but not that much...and please don't try to hurt yourself or being emo ...Mabye we can talk ? And remember....daddy here :) JUST TALK TO ME DONT BEING EMO OKAY ....LEAVE A COMMENT ABOUT YOURSELF
And I also do some story.....don't mind me if my grammar is bad....just correct me okay...I don't mind it at all...I would love if you correct me ....
you can see I'm everywhere on tiktok fyp...my username are kinda mess up...it's sometimes disturb people...
And also please tag me in omega ghoul fanart because I'm on my way to eat those fresh arts ....I just couldn't hold pookie wookie....tag me at every ghost fanarts rn ✨🔫
I'm your dad 🤭 I mean ...I'm ready to hear everything about yourself so please if you have some family issue or some other things that's disturbing you...I'm here ...always here 🙋🙋I'm your little pookie wookie
And oh!
For the haters : i don't give a fuck bc who want to give up that easily right? So keep bubbling me with those shit words idc...I got so many haters yo 😍😍💖💖 so stay mad and stay being broke ...
Also ask me anything ..
High Obsession On Tobias Why Not ( Pussies)
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