#my guilty pleasure movie
iccedays · 2 years
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".What is it?"
Predators (2010)
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partlysmith · 3 months
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"What's that? It's The Unknown!"
blame @titleknown for the terrible idea to recreate The Unknown -that essential Wonka lore character that everyone knows- in the Tim Burton style
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bananafire11 · 6 months
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some dino doodles. hybrid appreciation because as much as i love love love accurate dinos, boy do i love these guys as well. Indominus Rex and Indoraptor from Jurassic World (2015) and Fallen Kingdom.
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
Visually speaking, the magic in Doctor Strange is the polar opposite of the magic in Harry Potter.
Doctor Strange Magic: Creative, trippy, intricate, varied, inspired
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Harry Potter Magic: “pew pew pew my laser is bigger than yours!”
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geminirum · 3 months
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THE SUN AND THE MOON: luke and leia are, of course, apollo and artemis, the divine twins of mythology; who come into the world, male and female, to restore order to it– star wars: the legacy revealed (2007)
1. the empire strikes back (1980) / 2. sophcole’s antigone: adapted by lewis galantine / 3. the last jedi (2017) / 4. gemini artwork: artist unknown / 5. return of the jedi (1983) / 6. quote by erica sehyun song / 7. red string: artist unknown / 8. a new hope (1977) / 9. antigone, by sopcholes (441 BC) / 10. a new hope (1977) / 11. kenobi (2022) & seven, folklore by taylor swift (2020) / 12. quote by kaman kojouri / 13. the empire strikes back (1980) / 14. star wars: marvel comics #33 (2015), art by salvador larroca / 15. galaxy: artist unknown / 16. sign of the times, harry styles (2017) / 17. empire strikes back (1980) / 18. quote by jean shinoda bolen / 19. a new hope (1977) / 20. melodie ramone, after forever ends / 21. outer space: artist unknown / 22. return of the jedi (1983) & the last jedi (2017) / 23. quote by unknown / 24. return of the jedi (1983)
*please let me know the original creators so i can credit them accordingly*
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Culpa Mía (My fault): Quotes
“- Noah? Isn’t that a boy’s name? (Nick) - Your limited vocabulary doesn’t include the word “unisex”? (Noah)
“- It’s fine. My evening was going to be dull... Now we’ll have something to laugh about.” (Nick)
“- What are you doing? (Noah) - What’s your problem now? (Nick) - I don’t want to die because of a lunatic who can’t drive.” (Noah)
“- You wouldn’t dare. (Nick) - The perfect boy, huh? Damn. You’ve really fooled everyone. (Noah) - I’m perfect in many ways, honey. (Nick) - Modesty isn’t one of them.” (Noah)
“- If you were capable of having emotions, you’d appreciate it.” (Noah)
“- I put you into bed and lots of things happened. (Nick) - You didn’t touch me. That’s what a psychopath would do. You’re more twisted, Nick Leister.” (Noah)
“- Get drunk and make out with some guy?” Or the other way around? Depends on how hot he is.” (Jenna)
“- Stop scaring away everyone who comes near me.” (Noah)
“- Sorry I’m not as complicated as you, racing cars to prove who has a bigger one.” (Noah)
“- Hey, Will! Which one? (Rafaella) - Both are beautiful. (Will) - I’ll tell the designers, but which one should I wear?” (Rafaella)
“- Hey, you know Rodrigo wants to be my boyfriend? (Nick’s sister) - The blond? What will you tell him? (Nick) - No. (Nick’s sister) - Good girl! You’ll only get heartbroken. Do what I do, sis, run away before it’s too late. (Nick) - I have two boyfriends already. Why would I want three?” (Nick’s sister)
“- Don’t let me do this again. (Nick) - Wait, you get close to me and I have to prevent it? (Noah) - I don’t know what’s happening to me.” (Nick)
“- Betty didn’t mean anything. I missed you and she reminded me of you.” (Dan)
“- If our parents catch us it’ll be game over. (Nick) - Is that what you want? (Noah) - No. You? (Nick) - No.” (Noah)
“- Honey, did something happen with Dan? (Rafaella) - No. I just didn’t expected to see him so soon. I was some sort of emotional jet lag. I’ll be fine.” (Noah)
“- He’s after you. You have to stop going out alone. (Nick) - So do you. (Noah) - I’m serious. (Nick) - So am I. (Noah) - Well, let’s stop going out alone. Both of us. (Nick) - Not the most romantic way to say you want to spend more time with me. (Noah) - Do you want to spend more time with me? (Nick) - I can’t. Dan’s still here. (Noah) - Do you still have feelings for him? (Nick) - Does it hurt? (Noah) - We’re being bad again, Freckles. (Nick) - Do you want me to stop? Are you sure you can resist? Why do we girls always get hooked on the bad boys? You’re cocky, liars and you’re violent. (Noah) - You’re wrong. I’m not like that.” (Nick)
“- No! I don’t want Anna to rip my eyeballs out. (Noah) - This had never happened to me with Anna or anyone else. It’s the first time I can’t control myself. (Nick) - Mario is waiting for me. What does he want from you? (Nick) - I just know he smiles when he sees me. (Noah) - Are you going to settle for a smile? (Nick) - Until our faces hurt. (Noah) - That guy has no blood in his veins. He can’t give you what you need. (Nick) - What do I need? (Noah) - You don’t need kisses, you need volcanic eruptions in your mouth. You don’t need caresses, you need furrows burying in deeply until you shiver. Vertigo-inducing whispers in your ear. You don’t need pleasure, you need shivers.” (Nick - Sorry it’s beyond nonsense).
“- Isn’t it exciting? (Nick) - Getting hurt excites you? (Noah) - Pain doesn’t bother me. (Nick) - And your opponent? Do you enjoy hurting others? (Noah) - No, I just like to fight. (Nick) - Well, I don’t get it. (Noah) - It’s a way to blow off steam. (Nick) - From what? What trauma do you have that’s making you do this?” (Noah)
“- What the fuck do you think you’re doing? (Noah) - I don’t know. I’ve never felt jealous of anyone before. You drive me crazy. (Nick) - So this is all you can offer me? This can’t eve happen again. (Noah) - I swear I won’t do it again. (Nick) - No, nothing can happen between us. Ever again. (Noah) - What? Why? What’s wrong? (Nick) - You’re hurting me. (Noah) - Stop messing with my head. (Nick) - What’s wrong with you? Don’t you see? I’m scared. (Noah) - Scared of what? (Nick) - Besides the dark, like a little girl. Of you. I can’t have a violent person in my life again.” (Noah
“- Where are all the cool guys who whisper you sweet things? (Jenna) - Those guys don’t exist. (Noah) - Yeah. (Jenna) - See? Why can’t they say “I love you”? They say “I love you” before sleeping with you. but what they mean is “I want you”. (Noah) - Exactly. (Jenna) - Of course, then they cum and go quiet. Mistake! You have to say it after! That’s when it means something not before.” (Noah)
“- Why do you make it so hard for me to hate you? (Noah) - I would do everything to you, Noah, you know that. But we won’t do anything until there’s no fear left in your eyes.” (Nick)
“- All of this was my fault. Instead of leaving you stranded that day, I should’ve kissed you. If I’d known earlier about your dad... But you know I’d never hurt you. You know that. (Nick) - They know about us. There’s not time for apologies. (Noah) - If loving each other is a sin, then yes, we’re guilty. No. I couldn’t bear it if these were our last kisses. (Nick) - These kisses will last forever. If this is going to be the last time, why don’t we make it our first, too? Just promise me we will never forget it.” (Noah)
“- Are you trying to kill us? (Noah’s father) - Does it matter? We’re already dead.” (Noah)
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nostalgicsneeze · 2 months
so how do we revive the divergent fandom in 2024
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kunselxsoldier · 7 months
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helyiios · 1 month
simon pegg in inheritance (2020) they can never make me hate you
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the-witty-nerd · 1 year
Just so you know I’m blocking anyone who’s being overly negative about the rwrb movie. Trailer is out tomorrow and I want LOVE only on my dash. Thanks so much for understanding!! 😇
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theboarsbride · 8 months
This wasn't great but this is my brand of Trash™️ so I loved it...😔💕
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90% of this movie is literally just Rochester yelling and being a stupid dude bro but that's ok because boys'll be boys, y'know?😩
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marlenacantswim · 5 months
thinking about Freaked (1993) rn. where are my Freaked (1993) fans at? this film to me is like if some guy found a list of all the things i generally like to see in movies and went "ha, so you say, but what if i turned all of them up to eleven and stuffed them into an incredibly cost-ineffective cinematic experience? what then?" and then i genuinely enjoyed it.
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inkyquince · 6 months
everyone talks so much about guilty pleasure movies and stuff, but honestly, guilty pleasure games tell so so so much more.
like, what shit ass game, either with a janky story line, or bad graphics or clunky controls do you love so much even with all the flaws?
like honestly, mine is the thief reboot. like i love the originals, im NOT a heathen, thief deadly shadows esp, but i love this stupid, edgy ass reboot. i love just prowling around and being a menace. when asked what are my favourite games, i will never name it, but its such a guitly pleasure game, i just have to kiss it on the head.
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sunnybabybun · 1 year
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I picked up one of my ✨dream Barbies✨ from childhood and haven’t been able to stop staring since.
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ennaih · 5 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
23. Metal Lords (2022) -- a rewatch
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Culpa Mía (My fault)
I know there are so many wrong things in this story, but I needed it at the right time and at the right moment. 
It’s a feel good movie. A guilty pleasure.
The two protagonist are damn hot. They are a pleasure for the eyes. 
And yes, Nick is handsome and beautiful. 
Aren’t they supposed to be at school, because there’s a single picture of them there. 
Go watch it (oh and Spanish please, because it was terrible in English).
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