#my head hurts :( im so ready to come back to gang au
steviesbicrisis · 2 years
I was thinking about the bnha au annd ( if you dont mind) i want to see what quirks will have the gang
Eddie will has a bat quirk (of course) maybe something like hawks or tokoyami, or maybe something like he has to consume blood to use his quirk? (because he is a "villain")
Steve is complicate, because his thing is that he´s strong, but i like to think that something like kirishima´s quirk? you know, to protect people, maybe he can deflect blows to him? but that sounds weird
Robin maybe will has a support quirk, because she´s clumsy and can´t run. She can see patterns or something like that? or see a bit of the future, like nighteye and because that she is so nervous??
And Nancy maybe something she didnt used for combat until she needed it? I was thinking on perfect aim and she used it for take photos but taking photos is a jonathan thing so im not sure
Sorry if this doesnt has sense and my english sucks. I really liked your idea!
First off, never apologize for your English!! I can understand you just fine + it's not my first language either so I could never judge you ;) I wanna give you a well-thought answer because I love this input!
Eddie Munson Quirk: bloodsucker. The name is pretty self-explanatory, his quirk is activated by drinking the tiniest amount of blood but the more he drinks it, the stronger he gets. He hasn't discovered yet all the powers he could get but some of those include: super hearing, getting a pair of bat wings, sharper teeth and fangs, and becoming a full bat. Weaknesses: the more bat-alike powers he gets, he also gets deficits like bad eyesight, being weaker under the sunlight, the inability to speak (he can only make high-pitched noises) and a desire to hunt hard to control. Hero costume: obviously, he has a black cape, not only for the aesthetic but also to protect him from the sun. His belt is equipped with blood vials ready to be drank and a pair of glasses to help him out when his eyesight gets worse. Other notes: if the need for blood (like Toga) wasn't enough to make him villain-like, losing control and going full predator scares people off. He has never hurt anyone but one time he got pretty close. He isn't bloodthirsty when in human form, but the more blood he drinks the more blood he wants.
Steve Harrington Quirk: magnetic force. Steve can make his whole body turn into steel but also attract any type of metal around him. He uses his quirk to attract the enemies or their attacks toward him and then absorbs them in his steel form. The steel form also makes him stronger. Weaknesses: he can hold his steel form only for a certain amount of time. The magnetic power still works when he's in human form, only weaker. He takes a bad habit to attract and take hits for his allies even if he can't use the steel form to absorb them. Hero costume: he's equipped with metal bracelets he can throw to his enemies in case they have no metal on them: they latch to arms/legs and then Steve can use his quirk on them. Other notes: being used to taking hits for others, he has a high tolerance for pain. He's stubborn and doesn't listen when people tell him to take it easy, Robin especially because she can predict when Steve will go too far. His blood contains high levels of iron, so it's very nutritious for Eddie.
Robin Buckley Quirk: Oracle. Her quirk is still a mystery to her and her doctors. She gets prophetic messages in her head but they're hard to decipher so she spends most of her time in the library trying to solve the riddle in her head. She can sense the immediate intentions of people when they're about to make a decision and whatever the consequences will be. Weaknesses: her quirk is unpredictable, time and mind consuming. Her prophecies could be about a new Villain as much as about what she should get for dinner, but she never knows until she deciphers the clues. Her quirk isn't much help on battlegrounds so she usually stays back and gives advice based on the intentions she feels coming from the enemy. Hero costume: she carries a crystal ball which is completely useless but adds to the aesthetic. She has a blindfold she wears to help her focus on her predictions. She also carries a notebook with the main facts she might need to solve a prophecy. Other notes: she comes across as a super indecisive person, she actually sees the consequences of her own choices before making them so she takes a little time to try out all of her options.
Nancy Wheeler (I couldn't think of anything different from what I already wrote in my other post, I hope it's okay T.T) Quirk: Sniping. Everything she throws always lands where she wants it to, she has to stare at the target she wants to hit until she hits it. Weaknesses: her quirk is effective only if she can keep eye contact with the target, even blinking once makes her throws/hits ineffective. She has to see clearly her target, and the more she uses her quirk the less precise she gets. Hero costume: she wears glasses that protect her eyes and help her see long-distance targets. She carries different types of weapons, her favorite being guns. Other notes: sometimes she would practice her quirk with Steve, she would aim bullets at her target and he would try to attract them away from it. Her quirk was effective 99% of the time (that 1% was Steve getting hit by the bullet, making them decide to never try it again).
Loved thinking of these!! honestly I could do this all day, I wish I had the talent to draw them in hero costumes and make proper profiles ahahah thank you for this ask <3
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charmspoint · 2 years
Mother chapter 7 Son: Notice the warning signs
In which Kenjaku and Satoru have a little talk and Satoru learns some gossip
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hongjoongslut · 3 years
Royal Enemies
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psychopath!hongjoong x queen!reader
summary: ever since you were young, kim hongjoong was your enemy. you hated him but he was so perfect in every way. for years, he tried to be with you. due to his criminal family and your royal family, it was taboo. now that you’re both grown, he comes to find you, but not without leaving hints before he shows up.
word count: 3.2k
warnings:royal!au, mentions of blood, knives, parents death but doesn’t describe the actual death, beheading, crime scene photos. hongjoong being kinda a psychopath (obviously), tatted!joong, personalservant!mingi, personalbodyguard!yunho, hongjoong uses a shit ton of pet names, oral (m receiving), talk of birth control, unprotected sex, aftercare, sorta enemies to lovers??, mentions of hongjoong’s gang
A/N: i think that’s all the warnings, let me know if i missed something. also i was inspired by a tiktok imagine to write this 😂 also the italics are when reader is in thought mode
why did he have to be so damn perfect? you were raised to hate his...kind. your parents have had his parents arrested before, even threatened to behead them. he wanted you for so long, even when you were such young children. he would always come to you with a dandelion, saying it would match the yellow earrings you always wore. time after time, you refused him, hurting him and you inside.
your crowing ceremony was filled with the town citizens. you knew hongjoong and his family was banished from this town. you didn’t have to worry about dealing with them no further, or so you thought. unfortunately your parents passed a year after you became queen. you luckily had enough experience and knowledge to fight for yourself.
“your majesty, this was sent in. it has nothing on it but your name. should i throw it away?” your servant asks. “actually Mingi, let me see it please.” he hands you the envelope and bows before leaving you be. you opened the envelope slowly, slightly worried of what was inside. it was a letter from what you can see.
“Y/N, it’s been so long sweetheart. im proud of you finally becoming the queen. you always deserved that crown. you looked gorgeous that day.” you pause reading to see a polariod of you being crowned taped to the back of the envelope. “it’s a gorgeous picture, isn’t it? im going to let you hold it for me while i do some business. im coming back to town soon to see you, my love. you can no longer deny me now that your family is gone. i know you felt the same way about me as i did you. don’t worry pretty princess, everything will be okay. see you soon.-Joongie”
your eyes widen. he was there at the ceremony. he was banished, how did he pass through without detection? part of you felt nervous, knowing his family reputation, but the other actually felt a little...excited? it’s been so long, he’s probably grown into a handsome man. you shake your head, clearing all thoughts.
“everyone, i called you here because someone from my past is supposed to come into town. he isn’t an old friend...well, he kinda is. but he’s dangerous.” you somehow managed to find a sorta recent picture of him. damn did he look good. “his name is kim hongjoong. if you see him, bring him to me immediately, alive. he is too dangerous to be in this town.” your guards all bowed and left, except for yunho. “your majesty?” you turn, seeing your personal guard. “what’s up yunho?” you smile. he really is like a lost puppy. “that’s...the kid from our childhood, right? the one who was so in love with you and would try everyday to be with you?” you sigh, nodding along. “how do you know he’s dangerous? maybe he just wants to reunite?” he’s too innocent. “yunho, his family is an infamous killer group. he was probably born holding a cleaver in his fist. he wants to come here to see me, and me alone. god knows what he’ll do to the people if they get in his way.” he nods. “yes, your majesty. My guards and I will do everything it takes to protect you and this town.” you smile at him, watching him leave the room.
now it’s getting scary. the other day, a dandelion was on your nightstand. none of your guards or anyone else in the castle put it there. notes were left almost everyday, containing pictures of you and stuff he has said to you in the past.
“these will match your yellow earrings perfectly, darling.”
“black has always been your color, my love.”
“i will see you soon. dress nice for me,will you?”
you may have been nervous, but regardless tradition is tradition. for centuries, this town has a big party at the castle to celebrate the queen and her 2 year anniversary. your parents never told you why, and it was kinda confusing. why was it 2 years instead of 5 or 10? you stare at the mirror, preparing yourself to give a speech due to the suspicious activity in the town recently.
“Hello everyone. I know lately there have been some suspicious activity happening around here, but do not fear. my guards have this place locked down. we are safe here. we will have the traditional party at 6. dress as you like and just remember to be careful!” the crowd cheers. you smile and bow before rushing to get ready.
your makeup was done so heavenly. a beautiful smoky eye look to compliment your gorgeous black lace dress. of course, you asked your suitor to add a lace cape. yes, you were extra alright. his words kept replaying in your head. is he coming tonight? he said see you soon. he said to dress pretty. what’s gonna happen? you check your watch, seeing it’s almost time to open the doors. you got this.
it’s been an hour and so far everything has runned smoothly. people have come up to you and thanked you, took pictures with you and some old childhood friends came to catch up and they were totally not jealous.
it’s rounding 10:30 PM and most have left due to having work early next morning. you couldn’t relate. you didn’t realize you had pockets in your dress until now, when you tried to scratch your thigh. some fabrics always make you itch. there was something in there, however. maybe it was a surprise letter from the suitor, or someone in the castle or one of the townspeople? you opened it, all you read was a time.
“12 PM. i suggest you be in the castle, waiting for me on your throne.
you told the guards to end the party early, and to tell everyone to be safe and careful. you sat in your thone, not because he told you to. you wanted to. or maybe it was both. you told yunho of the little note you found and he has been by you ever since.
screams fill your ears. he’s here. yunho eased you, holding his weapon ready. the front doors swung open, revealing a bloody, wearing all black kim hongjoong.
“stop right now, hongjoong.” hongjoong laughs. “Jeong Yunho? it’s been a minute man. hope everything is well. don’t worry, i won’t your pretty little princess. all i want is a talk. “i’m not leaving her side. you’re dangerous.” he laughs, slightly louder. “dangerous? oh please, you remember how i was. i would cry if someone killed a fly near me. i need to talk to her alone.” before yunho could say anything, you stopped him. “i got this yunho, you go check on the other staff and stay away from here.” he hesitated but nodded and ran.
“Y/N. you look as lovely as ever. and you even wore black like i mentioned? you must love me.” you scoff. “i barely remembered you name. what makes you think you can come into my town and scare all these innocent people, when all you wanted was me?” he steps closer, now about a foot in front of you. “you don’t remember how mischievous and sneaky i was? i’d always make a little treasure hunt for you. if you lost your earring, i’d find it fast and make a little hunt for you just so you can find it. plus, the dandelions.” he always was a little mischievous. “so why did you come to see me, joongie?” he smiles. “you really are innocent, aren’t you? i know you know that i was madly in love with you, and still am.” your jaw drops. you knew he loved you then but still now? “you can’t love someone if you know little to nothing about them.” he steps closer, making you grip your hidden knife. gotta love having hidey spots. “really? i saw your eyes light up when they showed the photos of murders my parents did. i always saw it. the way you got excited when they would lock someone up. the way you smiled when they beheaded that guard that was secretly our bitch. you’re a psychopath just as i am. you can just easily hide it.” no, he’s not right. is he? you stood there, trying to find words to spit at him. “princess, listen to me. we can rule this town. there wouldn’t be any criminal activity at all. especially if my crew were part of the guards. i’ll spare you the details for now, but they get the job done efficiently.”
you step back, revealing your knife, which is ironically black. “if you want me joongie, come get me then.” he pulls his bloody knife out, flicking some blood on the marble floor. someone will clean this up later. “you said if i want you, well in what way sweetheart? i don’t want to kill you unless you harm me. but…” he pauses, a smirk crawling into his lips “i want you under me screaming for me. take that as you will, but tell me which way you want so i can know how to proceed. why did he have to be so damn attractive. “then throw your knife to the side. i will mine at the same time.” he lowers his knife, staring at you. “i’ll throw mine, but i’ll let you keep yours honey. in case you need it to protect you from actual harm.” his knife clatters on the floor, spots of blood flying from it. why was it so beautiful? his hands were raised in the air. “do what you want, your majesty.” shouldn’t have said that.
“follow me to my bedroom, i don’t want anyone to see what im about to do to you. it will absolutely scar them.” he smiles. “you’re a kinky queen? was not expecting that.” he starts to laugh but you point right at his adam’s apple. “i would watch what you say right now. i’m in charge of how you die.” he nods, following you.
you have the knife to his back, slowly leading him to sit on your bed. “i wanted to talk in here so it’s more private. this is my business, not the castles.” he smirks, nothing leaving his lips. “why do you..” you pause, feeling your anger boil up. you push him back and crawl on top of him. “always have to be so attractive, yet so dangerous? why do i want you when i know i shouldn’t? tell me why you have been fucking with my head since i was a kid!” you yell, not realizing how close your lips are to his. “because princess, that’s how attraction works. your brain and heart go at war until one wins. how about you end the war and kiss me?” he whispers, grabbing your cheek softly. your breath shakes before you crash your lips to his.
instantly, fire fills your body. you want to make him pay for making you feel this way about him. your tongues fought for dominance. you were going to win, but his hand comes to your throat, bringing you off his lips. “such a dirty girl. are you sure you want this?” yes, more than you fucking know. “maybe i should ask you the same thing, you fucking bottom.” that switched something in him, his eyes fueling with even more lust. he slaps your ass, you do your best to keep your moan in. you won’t win this easily, joongie. “such a filthy fucking mouth for a queen. don’t you think? you may be a brat to others, but you will not be one with me. you will take what i give you and obey me. or else…” his hand grazes your thigh, right near your knife. “we might have to see how well this knife really works.”
he stand you up off the bed. “im gonna take my sweet time with you princess. i’ve been waiting for this for years.” he slowly unzips your back, letting the dress fall to your hips. surprise, i wore expensive lingerie, waiting for you. “look at this, looks like you’re dirtier than i thought. the people think you’re this sweet, innocent woman. i know you’re nothing but a psychopath who loves to play a facade.” you step out of the dress, facing you and hongjoong in the mirror. “look at how sexy you are princess. so beautiful, so pure. this skin…” he stops to feel your body, his main focus on your chest. “so markable...fuck.” you turn to face him, smirking. “get on the bed, criminal.” he quirked his eyebrow, smiling at the name. you’re back on top of him, kissing him fiercely as you unbutton his shirt. his chest reveals so many tattoos that blend so beautifully together. you stopped to feel his toned ink covered chest. “like what you see princess?” you nod, feeling your way to where his pants border his hips. he leans you off him, pulling his pants down. holy shit. he looks so sexy. it looks so.. big. “you’re staring, princess.” you snap out of your thoughts, remembering where you were. he lays you so gently on the bed, slowly kissing down your body. he leaves marks all down your chest. “joongie-“ you moan in such bliss, your hands finding his hair to tug. you can feel your arousal almost running down your thigh. luckily this lingerie set was crotch-less.
he slowly runs his fingers through your folds, groaning when he felt your arousal drown his digits. “so fucking wet baby…fuck”. he slowly inserts one finger, both of you groaning in unison. “so tight..no one has taken proper care of you,have they princess?” you shake your head, your mind too clouded with lust to speak a word. please keep going joongie. he removed his finger, sucking your arousal off. “so sweet, sweeter than anything i’ve ever had.” he comes back to kiss you, slowly to allow you to taste your arousal. you push him back to take off his boxers, watching his cock spring free from the almost offensive material. holy shit. he is big. “don’t worry pretty, it will fit and i’ll make sure to not hurt you...too much” you laugh at his comment. you stick your tongue out to tease his tip. he hisses at the contact. “you better not fucking tease me y/n. you will not like the consequences.” try me. you so wanted to tease him, but you were desperate to have his cock in you one way or another. you slowly lower your mouth almost all the way to the base, beautiful moans and choked groans leaving hongjoong’s lips. “shit, your mouth is so perfect baby.” you lick the underside of his cock, spreading your saliva everywhere. he owes me for ruining my makeup. his hands reach behind your head, placing his hands on you, but not moving. i see what you want. you come off his cock to catch a breath. “fyi joongie, i know what you wanna do.” you smile and wink. he smirks. “what’s your safe world darling?” he grabs your cheek, rubbing it softly. “you’re gonna think it’s stupid, but it’s pepper.” he laughs. “i mean, if it works it works.” you laugh with him, staring into his eyes. why did i choose to ignore this side of him? you slowly ease his cock back into your mouth, his hands resuming his previous placement. he slowly thrust into your mouth, the tip reaching the back of your throat. “fuck..” he sighs. he slowly speeds up, your body is trying to make you gag, but you push it down. i’m not showing him any signs of weakness. his pace is almost inhumane, your throat beginning to burn at the force. “shit shit shit...god you’re so perfect.” he removes your head, lifting it to see your makeup ruined. “i already thought you were gorgeous, but with your makeup ruined, you look so heavenly.” you smile, crawling back into the bed. he follows you, crawling on top. “are you on birth control baby?” he asks as he leaves more hickies down your chest. “y-yes, just fuck me joongie, please” he lines himself up, coating his tip in your arousal. he slowly pushes himself in, watching your face scrunch in pleasure. fuck. he’s so big. “holy shit y/n, i am not gonna last long. your pussy is so fucking perfect” he inches himself in until he bottoms out. his eyes close, the pleasure being too much. “joongie, please move” he pulls back a little, just to push himself all the way back in. his pace started off slow, low groans emitting from his lips. “so beautiful baby, so fucking beautiful” he goes faster, moans filling the room. “so big, so full joongie” he smiles, kissing your forehead. i love him. a knot in your stomach begins to tighten. “so-so close joongie-e..please please let me cum” he thrusts so fast, bringing his hand to rub your clit. “me too angel. you can do it baby, cum all over my fucking cock. show me what a dirty girl you really are.” the knot snaps, your vision flashing white. “good girl.” you’re still coming down from your euphoria when you feel his hot cum paint your walls. he eases himself out of you and lays next to you. “are you okay princess? did i hurt you?” you laugh. that’s really ironic. “im okay joongie. you didn’t hurt me.” you cuddle up in his arms, not wanting to leave your bed. “i know you’re comfy, but i have to clean you up” he gets up, grabbing your hand. “to your bath, my queen”
warmth fills your body. you’ve never let anyone bathe you before. you were way too insecure and wouldn’t dare make one of your workers do so. “such a beautiful woman.” he washes your body, being very careful around your chest area. “how am i gonna hide these baby?” you pout. he giggles, kissing your cheek. “don’t worry my love, i have a right hand woman that is absolutely excellent in makeup. she’s good at covering wounds and etc, so i assume she can hide a hickey.” you smile, tiredness filling your eyes. he dries you off and carries you back to your bed. “i would let you wear my clothes, but they’re kinda dirty at the moment..” you and him laugh. “i’ll be okay. but you owe me.” he nods and bows. he joins you in your bed, cuddling you close. “thank you princess for finally accepting my love. you don’t know how long i’ve wanted this. us together, you.” you were too tired to form a sentence, so you hummed in agreement. should i tell him? you both lay in silence, basking in each other’s warmth. “baby?” you ask, opening your eyes. you lean your head up to see hongjoong’s face. “yes my love?” you smile and kiss him. “I love you.” he smiles and brings you impossibly closer.
“i love you more my queen.”
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: You Getting Shot
Summary: you get shot and the boys handle the situation differently than expected.
Request: Anonymous said:
Mafia bts reaction to their s/o accidently or on purpose getting shot?
Warnings: angsttt, mafia!au, mentions of being shot. Taehyung is a dick in this im sorry, mentions of the boys wanting to murder the person who shot you, fluff, yoongi bloodlust,
W.C.: 2-300 for each member (1.7k)
Notes: Friday I am getting my puppy!!!!
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“Oh fuck.” Seokjin sighed as he watched you play with the guns that he has laid out on the table in the weapon room.
“What?” You laughed, confused on why your boyfriend is acting as if you are about to hurt yourself or someone. “I know what I am doing.”
Seokjin let out a nervous laugh at your words, cautiously walking up to you. The most feared mafia leader in the world is nervous of his own fiancée that is holding a gun for the first time. Not knowing what a certain switch does, you flicked it, and not knowing that the switch turns off the safety, you pulled back the trigger and a loud, ricocheting sound sounded in the room followed by a loud cry of pain coming from you.
Realizing what just has happened, Seokjin let out a loud curse, rushing towards.
“Oh, fuck!” You screeched, holding onto your thigh, trying to not pass out from the blood that is now covering your hands.
“You’re such an idiot, Jagi!” Seokjin scolded, picking you up bridal style, carrying you out of the room in a hurry to the headquarters doctors’ room.
“Did Noona just shoot herself?” Jungkook asked as Seokjin jogged passed him.
“Possibly,” you answered, doing the best as you could to not break down crying.
Yoongi was already having a bad day. Having to deal with the new rookies he brought in, getting threats from a gang in the east, and having little to none sleep. It was as if he was ticking time bomb ready to explode at any second.
The last thing he needed was getting a call from the hospital, saying that you were a victim of a crossfire shooting.
So, here he was, sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in the room where you were attached to tubes and wires, the agonizingly beat from the heart monitor mocking him. Tears were streaking down his face, face red and expression heartbroken.
“Hyung,” Namjoon spoke out, knocking on the door softly.
Looking up, Yoongi gave him a death glare, not in the mood to deal with anything. “What do you want, Namjoon?” Yoongi growled out, voice croaky.
“The gang from the east, the one who has been making threats… they’re the ones who shot Y/N.”
To say that Namjoon was scared would be an understatement – from all of the years of knowing Yoongi, Namjoon has never seen the look that Yoongi is showing, which is bloodlust.
“You’re so stupid!” Hoseok growled out at you, an angry look on his face. “You’re so Goddamn stupid! Why would you do that?” He clutched you closer to him, right hand adding pressure to your shoulder where you got shot at.
A laugh escaped your lips, which earned a glare from Hoseok. “What? You’d think I’d let you get shot by a crazy psychopath named Richie?” wincing at the pain that came from your shoulder, the action did not go unnoticed by your husband who then lessen the pressure he has on the wound.
“Yes! I am supposed to be the one who protects you, not the other way around.”
“You’re such a child,” you grumbled, shaking your head disappointedly.
“How am I the child?”
“Because you’re acting like one, Hope. In this relationship, we protect each other, no matter the consequences.”
“You could have gotten killed!”
“Yeah, and? I’d do it again just to make sure you are safe, because I love you dammit.”
Pulling you up closer to him, Hoseok pressed a kiss to your forehead, eyes closed to keep the tears from falling. Pulling away, he rested his chin on the top of your head, keeping you close to him as possible, body crouched over you in a protective manner. “I love you too, idiot.”
To say Namjoon was not surprised by the phone call that he got from the maknae would be an understatement. Namjoon knew that once you got into the car with Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung to go to the gun range to practice on your aim, he knew something bad would come out of it – and being right all the time can be exhausting.
“What do you mean she shot herself in the leg?” Namjoon sighed into the phone, pinching his nose from irritation.
“I don’t know, Hyung! We only had our backs turned for five seconds, and then we heard a bang! and next thing we know, Noona was crying and there was blood!”
“You allowed Y/N to hold a gun without any supervision?! You know how clumsy she is! She is worse than me, Jungkook!”
“That is factual, Hyung. But this isn’t our fault!”
“How is this not your fault? You were the ones with her! And my stupid ass allowed her to go with you three.”
“Can you please stop yelling? You’re stressing me out and I am the one driving!”
“You’re the one driving?!”
The sound of the call being disconnected told Namjoon everything.
“I’m going to kill all four of them.” Namjoon swore as he grabbed his coat and keys so he can meet you four at the hospital. “They’re so dead.”
You woke up to the sound of your boyfriend moving around the bedroom, failing at trying to be quiet for your sake. Sitting up, groaning at the pain the shot up your lower body, your movements caught your boyfriends’ attention.
“Jagia, why are up?” Jimin asked concern, sitting down beside you on the bed.
“Because I heard you, why are you up at 3:17 a.m.?” You asked, doing a one over on him. Jimin was wearing all black, his gun tucked into his pants and knife tucked into its holster on his calf. It was now silent confirmation that Jimin was going to kill the gunman who shot you at the drug store just a few days ago. “You’re going to kill him…” you trailed off.
“I am, he deserves it. He shot you, he deserves the consequences.” Jimin spoke harshly, the whole incident making him angrier by the second.
“Why can’t you let the cops handle it? they’ve already tracked him down, you don’t need to do anything else.”
Sighing, Jimin ran his hands over his face. Taking your hand into his, he brought your hand up to his face, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “I know you don’t want me too, but I am still going to do it. I do not agree with our justice system, and I believe that they’ll let him walk and he’ll do it again. This will give me a sense of peace and knowing that he is gone will give me some sort of justice.”
Knowing that you cannot do anything else, and Jimin with his mind already set, it is a losing battle for you. Nodding your head reluctantly, you squeezed his hand. “I love you, be safe okay? Don’t be back too late, Jiminie.”
“I love you too, Jagi.”
Ever since you got shot, your boyfriend Taehyung has been distant from you. His actions have been bringing you more pain than the actual wound you got. Instead of taking care of you, the maids that he has have been the ones taking care of you. What makes you feel even more shitty is that he has not even came to check up on you once, and it has been a week since your accident.
Deciding that enough is enough when he decided to ignore your fifth call of the day, you ignored the protests from the maids and got up. Realizing that they cannot stop you, they decided to help you get dressed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie and shoes. Helping you down the stairs, Jungkook carried you out to the car, listening to your demands about taking you to the headquarters where Taehyung is at. Once you got to the headquarters, Jungkook helped you to your boyfriend’s office, giving you an encouraging smile before you knocked on the double doors. Hearing footsteps come your way; you began to feel nervous about the meeting with your boyfriend. When Taehyung opened the door, he held an irritated look.
“What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn’t be moving, doctors’ orders.” Your boyfriend scolded you, making you feel smaller than him.
“I wanted to see you,” you stated strongly.
“I’m busy right now, have Jungkook take you home.”
“Why are you acting like this?” You asked irritated, feeling hurt by your boyfriends’ words. “You haven’t even seen me this whole time, not once checking up on me. Do you not care?” Your voice shook at the end, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Please, Y/N, go home and stay in bed. It is not good for you to be out and about. I’ll see you when I get home.” And at that, he closed the door, leaving you all alone once again.
“Jungkook, I don’t need all of these blankets.” You explained to your boyfriend who is wrapping you up in five blankets.
“Yes, you do. Doctor said that you need to be on bed rest for two weeks due to your wound, so I am going to make sure you are comfortable because you will be here for a while.” Jungkook spoke out, ignoring your words.
“I will be just fine in our bed where there is a TV and comfy bed. I don’t want to be on the couch for the next 14 days. I want to be in our bed.”
Looking up at you, bewildered at your statement, he stomped his foot like a child. “Why didn’t you just say that fifteen minutes ago?” He shouted exasperatedly; hands thrown up in the air.
“Well, if you would’ve just listened to me the first time, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“I thought I was being a good boyfriend, but now it looks like I’ve failed once again.”
“Stop being a baby and take me up to our room so we can cuddle before you go and hunt down that man who shot me, okay? Please?”
Not needing to say anymore, Jungkook picked you up bridal style, running down the hall like a mad man, excited at the thought of cuddles.
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the-artist-rae · 3 years
Trolls 4 au idea
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Edit: i just realised theres already a thistle (who apparently s real name is Dennis??) so i gotta rename my character 😭
So basically im writing a mock script for a trolls 4. I want to write one for trolls 3 but .... I WANT BROBBY CHILDREN, so here we are. Basically in my au, poppy and branch have a set of twins. A girl named Aster who is bright blue with pinkish purple undertones and a boy named Thistle. But, theyre shocked and suprized to find out thistle comes out of his bright purple egg, grey!
A time skip happens and a argument between him and his father causes branch to loose some of his colors.
The argument is set up like:
Branch finds his son in his pod sitting in darkness.
Branch- so ya like it dark, huh?
Thistle- yeah, so what of it.
Branch-Nothing i just was wondering if u wanted to-
Thistle- I dont.
Branch- look i just want you to be happy and find your true colors...
Thistle- sounds like you just want me to be like Aster!
Branch- Now hey now, i didnt say that! Ive been in your place before and i know how you feel, and i dont want someone i care and love to feel that way!
Thistle- You dont know what i feel! All you want me to be is the same happy annoying and insane troll... Just like everyone else!
Branch- Hey, No-
Thistle- I HATE YOU!
Thistle stops for a moment and looks at his father to see his skin darken, widening his eyes. He gets angry at himself and runs away.
Thistle runs to his friend Fern in hope of him knowing a way to get his true colors in hope itll reverse the color loss on branch. Fern tells thistle of a guardian troll of purity who live in a mountain who can give him his colors. Thistle tells his parents that hes going to travel and see aunt Barb, and they go on their adventure!
On the first day they run into a rock/classical troll who lives in the Forrest by herself because her parents are deceased and she had no idea there was other people (basically a tarzan situation but she knows how to talk and has basic understanding of most things) ... The situation is, Thistle and Fern stop to make camp, roasting marshmallows. And out of nowhere a arrow zings right in front of Thistle's face! Him and Fern crowd together to see a dark figure come out of a bush and she says "Who are you?" In a somewhat demanding tone. And they shiver in fear " We're just travelers!! Please dont hurt us!!". She sighs and and chuckles," Oh, i thought you were here to hurt ME!".... This all comes to a conversation that Fern leads and that she'll join them cuz she knows her way around the Forrest.
In the background through out the story, villain trolls are introduced into the story who gave Fern the map and everything about the purity troll who can grant only one trolls wish. And throughout the movie they follow the gang and get caught into their hijinks.
Having Button (the female troll) in the mix has gotten Thistle to come out of his shell and he slowly starts getting happier and sings throughout the movie.
When they finally reach the mountain they come to a cave with paintings and rural architecture. At the end of the cave is a clearing with a waterfall. The waterfall spreads to find a troll pure of white and glowing in a deep sleep in a coven.
The villain characters seep out of the darkness with evil laughter. " Nice job Fern you got us where we need to"
The rest of the gang gasps and gets tied up.
"Well take it from here". Turns out, the purity trolls was sleeping on a gem. And the gem was the wish granting miracle not the troll. They grab the gem and head to troll village where they plan using the gem to destroy it.
Thistle and button get into an argument over whether they should try to save the village. He believes its too late to save anyone. Button unties herself with and arrow tip that was seeping out of her back pack. And says," Well , i do!". She unties Thistle and makes her way out of the cave.
Thistle sits there and sings a song thinking about his family and Button which gives him the courage to start running also.
He makes it to the village before the fern and his crew. And runs straight to his mom and warns her of whats happening. Before he can explain she starts off saying how he looks so different and brighter and why hes back early. After he explains, she tells branch of whats happening and puts everyone in the bunker. The villains make it to the village and one says, " well isnt this a nice beaut, its about to get a whole lot MESSIER!".
Fern is shocked to hear their plans of wrecking the village, he just wanted to be the new ruler in a world where trolls respected him. They tie him up. And the villain crowd together to think of the exact words on how to word out the wish. The leader gets up and points the gem outward "alright get ready for my wish to destroy the village" and at this second and arrow hits the gem and falls down the hill they were standing on and lands into the village. She and the villains start running to gem. Alas, branch grabs it. Poppy stands beside him. "Not today!". The villains look at him and scoff. "You think we were the only ones?". They gasp and turn around to find villainous trolls surrounding them. They fidget before the leader says " dont even think about saying no" and two trolls come out holding button. Thistle, who had been sitting on the side lines murmurs to himself," no this cant happen! No, no,no..!!" And starts running and startles the villains grabbing the gem. Suprizing everyone. Branch says," Son.... Dont..!".
Thistle looks at him with scrunched eyebrows,"i have to." The leader says with a slight panicked voice,"i wouldnt do that boy...!"
Thistle whispers to the gem ," i wish for this gem to be destroyed" . the gem floats into the air, shining brighter than anything they've ever seen and deteriorates into glitter falling to the ground. The light from the gem had flushed through the crowd causing them to have a slight amnesia and questioning "hey,why are we here?".
The trolls in the bunker come out celebrating. Buttons runs to Thistle and hugs him and he hugs back. Poppy and branch run to him. Saying things things like ,"what were u thinking you couldve got hurt?!". Thistle looks into his fathers eyes and replies," Because, i love you.". His parents both look back at him shocked. And slowly but surely from top to bottom his true colors fill in. A bright purple pink. His parents exclaim in happiness and branchs colors get brighter as well. They get excited,hugging and laughing and crying. Thistle points out Button who had wondered a little father to give him space with his parents and brings her into the hug. In which poppy winces," ughhh whats that smell???" And button moves to the side chuckling nervously. "Uhhh... Shes been homeless for awhile give her a break." And chuckles.
The purity troll comes out flowing from the sky to everyone saying how she thanks Thistle for awakening her from her slumber by destroying the gem and continues ,"Ive been asleep for sometime, now lets paRTY!!".
Then theirs the end song where everyone sings. The purity comes up to Thistle and aster and gives them crowns of flowers and robes. Everyone cheers. And we fade to black with a circle transition popping up of fern tide up, " Uhhh hey guys anyone here??? Can someone please tell me whats going on??!!!" And the screen goes black showing the rest of the credits.
These are just the main points. Of course Aster is more involved in the story. I just didnt wanna type all that down cuz i have a big phone and small hands haha.
But as for my trolls 3 au ... Its basically the generic set up of branch trying to propose to poppy throughout the film...and id like to add a backstory of his parents and them not actually being dead and survived escaping the bergins.
But anyways here are some of my character designs!!
Soundtrack ideas-
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Aster design i havent yet finalised so yeahhhh but i plan on her having two ponytails!
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stoppingby · 4 years
Any Reylo fic recs?
i’ve actually wanted to do a big fic rec for a while, so this is the perfect opportunity! 
i’ve gathered a list of classic tropes and tried to pick one or two favorites for each! this is by no means a comprehensive list, and if you guys like this, i would be happy to do another edition later on! these are all mostly fluffy as that’s what i usually prefer, but as with most reylo fics there is a lot of explicit content, so please mind the ratings!
without further ado, i present...
stoppingby’s first reylo fic rec: tropey favorites!
Arranged marriage? And Closer Still Is Never Enough - lovefrompluto (15K, E). sweet, tender & caring prince ben. rey is special, and he knows that. reminds me why i love fanfic - watching them fall in love a million different ways.
Best friends-to-lovers? i’ve been in love with you for ages (and i can’t seem to get it right) - akosmia (10K, T). when who you want is right under your nose, and not only can they give you everything you want, they want to. ben cares for rey without hope or agenda. 
Bleed Me Dry, I Don’t Mind - AttackoftheDarkCurses (12K, E). best friends to lovers from two perspectives. a little growing up together, a little university AU. they slip into love without even realizing.
Canonverse? chase all your cares away - LovesBitca8 (4K, E). ben defects to the resistance. rey loves his smile and is determined to get one out of him. 
Coffee shop? maybe i just wanna be yours - akosmia (13K, T). ben compulsively offers favors to rey’s friends. in return, they meddle. it’s a 5+1 (i am obsessed with those as you will come to find out).
Emotional hurt/comfort? thrilled by the still of your hand - akosmia (9K, T). canondivergent. ben is touch starved after… everything. rey helps. i cried multiple times, and i loved it.
Serotonin and Dopamine - pontmercy44 (28K, E). this is so unique. very realistic in the way that it shows the work that goes into a relationship. i won’t give away too much, but mental heath issues are integral to the plot, so be forewarned. 
Enemies-to-lovers? Left Handed Kisses - Ever-so-reylo (18K, E). a reylo classic. assistant district attorney vs criminal defense lawyer. hatefucking turns into something more.
Epistolary (including forms of communication)? Hanging on the Telephone - jeeno2 (11K, E). rey gets a sext from a wrong number. sure, she should ignore it and move on. but where’s the fun in that?
our love was meant to be (my love came back to me)  - BensCalligraphySet (3K, T). in this life, ben finds letters in a bottle from someone who seemed to know him in a previous one. the galaxy gives them another chance. 
Fake dating? Let Me Dream, Let Me Stay - Melusine11 (38K, E). rey backs herself into a lie and asks her coworker kylo to pretend to be her boyfriend at rose and finn’s wedding. they roadtrip, they share a bed, they eat at a punny restaurant. so much fun!
Roommates? Closer to Fine - jeeno2 (15K, E). pregnant rey needs a roommate and moves in with medical student ben. there’s a lot to be scared about, but they’re not alone. 
Someone You Love(d) - AttackoftheDarkCurses (39K, E). rey and prince!ben are college roommates. they end up spending break together with leia, han, breha, and padme. they claim to hate each other and misunderstandings ensue. so many tropes i can’t even list them. 
Flower shop/tattoo parlor? alderaan places - nymja (5K, T). a classic take on a classic trope. it’s valentine’s day!
Friends with benefits? Making Love Out of Nothing At All - LoveofEscapism (4K, E). ben will do anything rey asks. so hot, but full of emotion. 
Two to Tango - crossingwinter (6K, E). i love this one. absolutely nails the heart wrenching emotion of knowing you’ve made a mistake in the moment before you fix it.
Funny? First Order IT, Can I Get Your User ID? - krossartist (14K, T). witty banter and childish name calling with a small touch of hurt/comfort. adorable!
Harry Potter AU? the water smells like you - shruggyben (3K, G). every ship needs an HP ‘verse amortentia fic! feat. professor leia organa.
High school? The Buddy List - violethoure666 (23K, E). since reading it a few weeks ago, this has quickly become one of my favorites! if you miss the aughts this one's for you! AIM messenger drives the story. 
Medieval/Royalty? Tangled, but Unbroken - AttackoftheDarkCurses (20K, M). growing up together, star-crossed lovers, alderaanian hair braiding - what more could you want? my fave tag on this: uncle luke is a reylo.
Neighbors? Flux & Solder - angharabbit (23K, E). another one of my all time favorites. new neighbors ben and rey help each other with trauma. feels like a rainy day from the thunder through the rainbow. make sure you read the tags before reading this incredible work!
Office romance? Minus 1 - Ever-so-reylo (5K, E). rey sends a text to the wrong office IM number. rey doesn’t know who she’s texting, but friendship and… more develops.
keep calm and let HR handle it - hi_raeth (11K, T). another 5+1! ben is the CEO and rey is the HR director. coworkers to confidantes to lovers. super sweet.
Oneshot? spring will come again - prncesselene (8K, M). over the course of a year, rey’s life changes completely as she renovates padme amidala’s old greenhouse. 
Only one bed? under thy own life’s key - galvanator (23K, E). sexy with great emotional depth, but it’s the sequel trilogy gang that makes this stand out in the trope! makes me wish we got a post-TROS everyone-lives sitcom.
Romcom-inspired? if you’re ready comic get it - violethoure666 (28K, E). if You’ve Got Mail was with tumblr mutuals and a comic book store. 
We Never Met - KyloTrashForever (3K, E). that scene in When Harry Met Sally where the older couple talks about meeting in the elevator. what happens when two people who are constantly just missing each other finally meet?
Slow burn? My Heart Always Belonged To You - JGoose13 (52K, E). Persuasion AU! reylo + jane austen = magic. 
Soulmates? wholly to be a fool - bigfootsflannel (9K, T). when your soulmate confesses their love, their words appear on your arm. ben makes a drunken confession.
Stuck/stranded together? a place to go - delia-pavorum (52K, E). rey and ben go looking for solitude in luke’s cabin. they don’t get off on the best foot before getting snowed in. sickfic (which i think there is far too little of in reylo fanfic)! beautiful and warm.
University/college? Sociology of Sexuality - Celia_and (4K, E). ben is that just-playing-devil’s-advocate kid in class that we all have to put up with. y’all this is so hot. if this happened in my real life, i think i would never recover.
Work-in-progress? flesh stays no farther reason - galvanator (20K, E). i drop EVERYTHING when this updates! ben and rey are from completely different circumstances, but that doesn’t stop a hookup from turning into something more. i feel like this fic gets their dynamic so right, and i am anxiously awaiting the conclusion in two chapters!
My comfort fic? bloom (you fill my lungs with sweetness, you fill my head with you) - akosmia (12K, T). i’ve read this again and again and i don’t plan on stopping. blind bestselling author ben solo needs a scribe. rey gets the job. there is cooking, there is domesticity, there are overwhelming emotions. my go-to. 
as i’ve said before, akosmia (@kylorensx) is my all time favorite fanfic author. the fact that we are mutuals blows my mind daily. please please go read all of her stuff. you won’t regret it!
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jksofficialwifey · 5 years
Mindflayed | JJK pt.1
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A JK halloween fic/Stranger Things AU
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: horror, smut, e2l, f2l, angst, cnc, breeding kink, daddy kink, choking kink.
Summary: Strange things happen after a one night stand with your friend, Jeon Jungkook. But you didn’t realize it’s only the beginning, and Jungkook is not who he seems. 
A/N: this is a short series lol bec im 2 lazy to write a long fic. I still hope you hoez enjoy tho! 🥴🥵 my halloween gift for y'all 💜
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You recently moved to Hawkins, Indiana after staying 21 years at your family’s place or more like hellhole. In this town, you met a guy named Jungkook and his crackheady lookin gang. (his friends) they didn’t really do crack though, they were just dorks.
You became friends with them, and they made adjusting to the new town a whole lot better. You didn’t think strange things would happen in this town, as cliché as it seems- nothing ever happens here, they say. One night, seemed to change that though. You were currently on the couch, trying to doze off while watching TV with Jungkook. He was probs already asleep you thought, well that was until he inched a bit closer to you.
You paid no mind to it, since he was probably just sleepy and it probably didn’t mean anything. Well, now his head was on your shoulder. Okay? maybe he likes to cuddle? you didn’t feel uncomfortable really, because he was your friend and he was cute too. You just hoped he couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating at his very close proximity.
Then it happened, you weren’t sure when but he was breathing on your neck. Was he awake? he was kissing your sensitive spot, like he knew it. he was peppering small but sensual kisses to your neck. You were still immobile, because of the emotions you were feeling at his sudden actions. 
He was awake now, you were quite sure. He looked at you and you couldn’t really decipher what his eyes were trying to tell. They were dark and clouded. Was it with lust? or was it with hate? you weren’t sure. You didn’t really think he’d have feelings for you, and he didn’t show signs of being interested with you at first, so you aren’t sure what to do now. You didn’t have time to decide though, because he already did it for you by attaching his lips on yours. He was kissing you kinda rough but in a good way. You kissed him back soon enough, you just blamed it on your raging hormones. Maybe you were ovulating and getting your period soon. After the passionate kiss, you think he stopped just to tell you, 
“I want you." 
He said, voice a bit hoarse from kissing. "Do you want me too y/n?” His question caught you a bit off guard. “Jungkook… I…” you actually didn’t know what to say. All you knew was that you felt good, but could you really do more than hook up with him? won’t it ruin your friendship that was just beginning to bloom?
“Answer me, baby. Do you want me too or not?” His tone demanding. He looked so hot with his long black curly hair and annoyed facial expression that you couldn’t say no. “Yes, I want you Jungkook.” you said voice barely a whisper, you were still too shy to admit it. 
But then, he curled his fingers around your neck almost choking you but not quite, and then said, “I can’t hear you babe, I need you to say it properly and louder so I can hear.” He then removed the fingers wrapped around your neck. “I want you, Jungkook. I really do.” You said voice much louder this time. “That’s my good girl. It’s good that you want me, cos I want to breed you. Can I breed you kitten?”
He said, catching you off guard again with his dirty talk. Well, if that was his kink too, then who were you to disagree with him? you were on the pill anyway. “I’d love for you to Jungkook…” You replied. 
“Call me daddy, kitten. Say it again.” he demanded. 
“I’d love for you to breed me, daddy.” He then smirked, seemingly pleased with what you said. “Part your legs then baby, let me take care of you first.” he said, and you did as you were told. You parted your legs and he peppered soft kisses on your thighs. Then he started getting a little rough and leaving bites as he goes near to where you want him the most.  
To your surprise, he fingered you first. Inserting one, and then two fingers inside your tight hole. Making digit eights on your clit, and soon enough you were shaking and cumming just from his fingers. He licked them, and watched your post orgasm face. He couldn’t deny he enjoyed seeing you like this. You’d make a perfect vessel for his offspring to be in. So if in case he dies, there will still be a mindflayer in this realm. A new one. Of course he had to use this mortal’s body to get what he wants, but he knows it’ll be worth it anyway when his plan succeeds.
He doesn’t waste time and eats you out before you can even recover. Using his tongue like he was made to do this. To do you. Licking and sucking on your sore clit like he was paid to. Leading you to your 2nd orgasm. “Are you ready to take my cock now baby? can you still take another mind blowing orgasm?”
Jungkook asked you, while you were still coming down from your high. “I dunno kook… I meant daddy- I’m pretty spent, but I’ll try.” you tiredly replied. “I’m sure you can handle one more baby, you’re a tough girl. And you’re my tough girl.” he said seductively, giving you hope that you can still take one last orgasm at least. He then picked you up bridal style and went to his room. And after laying u on his bed, without warning, he slipped his big fat cock inside you stretching your walls in a good way. In a satisfying kinda way. He was pounding into you with so much force you don’t even know where he got his strength from.
And after a while- you came the hardest you could. And he does too, inside you. Creaming your pussy with his dark-ish cum? or were your mind just playing tricks with you? maybe you were just really exhausted, you did orgasm 3 times now. 
You were so sensitive and sore, but Jungkook wanted to go at it again. You can’t believe his stamina. He wanted to fuck you doggystyle and so he did. He loved the feeling of reaching inside you even deeper, and cumming inside you even more. After you got your 4th orgasm of the night, you just wanted to sleep, too tired to get out of jungkook’s bed and take a shower. Jungkook decided he wanted to make small talk anyway. 
“Y/N, you’re still awake right?” he asked. 
“Yea, guess I am since you’re keeping me awake.” You teased. “Sorry…I just wanted to ask about what happened with us tonight…You’ll keep our offspring right?” He said, voice seeming much deeper than his usual one. It was kinda creepy, his voice and his question. 
What did he mean by keeping your offspring? “Offspring? I don’t understand what you mean Jungkook, I’m on the pill.” You retorted. “You mean you’re using protection? you can’t get pregnant?” he asked, voice seeming a little mad to be not. You nodded, obviously to say yes. Albeit, quite frustrated with his reaction.
Well shit, he can’t get you pregnant if you’re preventing yourself from the actuality of it. He was mad and pissed. You were a useless bitch then. He was gonna kill you. And so he did, by bashing your head against the wall repeatedly. But, of course, only in his mind. He couldn’t kill you yet, or another useless mortal. It would arouse suspicion, and he was trying to avoid that for now. Because he still needs to accomplish his plan, and he doesn’t want any distractions. The friends of this mortal’s body he’s inhibiting- mustn’t find out. 
Hopefully, they’re too stupid just like this mortal Jungkook, If he hadn’t followed the rats, then he wouldn’t have found him. His curiosity for the unknown had killed him. Though, the shadow monster still would’ve chosen and possessed another host, to help in making his plans come to life. And if the real Jungkook was here, well, he probably won’t be doing this with you. It’s pityfully pathetic how hard he’s trying to take control back of his own body, he’s also really quite idiotic, he should know that his attempts are futile.
But, the mindflayer took pity on him for a bit, to see what he would do. If he could warn her somehow, of what’s going on inside of him and what’s gonna happen to this town. So, he let him take control just for a little while, and warned him to hurry up before he ran out of time. 
Jungkook sucks in a breath, shock flooding through him now that he’s finally back in his own body and consciousness. Though he knows this wouldn’t last long, and he’ll corrupt him again. He has to warn you, all of you. And you all need to stay away from him. “Y/N, wake up! wake up! You need to get the fuck out.” He yells to you and woke you up with a start. “Jungkook, what the fuck? it’s still 3am can’t you at least let me stay til the morning?” You were embarrassed and appalled at his rude behavior. 
You just fell asleep, and here he was wanting you to get out of bed and his house, away from him. Wow, he was totes such a gentleman. Men really only want you as their sextoy. “I can’t explain right now, but I don’t want to hurt you anymore than i already did. So please listen to me and just go.” He said with his voice tired. 
Was he tired from awhile ago? or was he sick? You looked at him closely, and realized there were dark bags around his eyes, and he looked more exhausted than he did last night. “Jungkook, what do you mean? you didn’t hurt me. I enjoyed it, I mean- I wanted it too. Did you regret what we did last night?” You said frustrated and meekly. “I did. It was a mistake, and now I want you to go.” he said so coldly, and he looked like he meant it.
I wanted it too. But at the right time, and I wanted it to be me, the real me to do it with you. Jungkook said in his mind, the words he couldn’t say right now to you. He grabbed your arm and made you wear a big and long sweater, then gave you some pants but he was already ushering you to go outside before you could even put them on. You couldn’t believe he could be so cruel. His front door was now open, and he was just waiting for you to finally get out and leave him. But you didn’t leave without telling him, “You’re such a cock you know that? don’t worry I’ll never talk to you again.”
And that was the last words you ever spoke to him. Jungkook was hurt. Physically, mentally and emotionally. He was also drained because of everything. Maybe he had himself to blame, maybe if he didn’t let his curiosity get the best out of him and followed the goddamn rats, this wouldn’t have happened. But, he also knows that the mind flayer would’ve just chose another host. It wouldn’t stop at anything. But what it didn’t know or might have underestimated is that, Jungkook wouldn’t stop at anything too. He just needs to get it back. His supernatural abilities, he lost it because of a tragic incident before. But he knows it will come back. And when it does, (hopefully it will, before the mindflayer kills everyone and he’s too late-) He’s gonna save everyone: You, his friends, his town, and himself. And that dickhead mindflayer will be eradicated forever.
Part 2 coming soon. ty for reading! pls reblog and comment if you liked it, positive comments and feedback are highly appreciated 😊 Reblog and tell me if you want to be added on the next taglist! 💜
A/N; also, my mindflayer in this fic is kinda ¼ human or at least it was human before shsh. and it’s a very horny mindflayer 🤣 it wanted to breed y/n to create a demon heir/child so if inc it dies, there would be a new evil monster to create havoc in the town. fortunately y/n was on b/c so thank the gods for that. 😂
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celinecooperjones · 4 years
WIP Title Game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
tagged by @northern-serpent
tagging @deargrilledcheesusyouredelicious & @halcooper (I apologize if either of you have done this already.)
I don’t think I have too, too many WIP’s but we shall see.
In order of most recently modified:
Illicit Affairs- AU mini fic, in which FP and Alice have never met before and he starts working at the same law firm as her. She hates him at first but soon realizes, maybe he’s not all that bad.
Two Pink Lines- the current fic im working on, only two chapters left in it. Set in season 3 but, (for the most-part), not canon compliant, Alice and FP have started up an secret relationship, and Alice accidentally gets pregnant. FP winds up in jail because he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit... or did he?
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days- based off the movie, I was on a major roll with it but I just need to rewatch the movie to remember all the sabotages they do and I just don’t want to right now lol.
Chaperones- a oneshot taking place in my Northside Diaries series where Alice and FP are chaperones on Betty and Jughead’s school trip, all the while they’re secretly having an affair.
Don’t have a title for this one yet- I think it’s going to be a non-fanfiction story (shocking, I know), but I also could make it Falice? I don’t know I kinda wanna explore doing some original work, because I used to love doing that. Anyway, premise is, single mom, two young kids (I’m thinking daughters?), her daughters call the fire department because they got their kite stuck in a tree. And some sparks fly (ha, get it?) when the mom and the firefighter who answered the call, meet. But is she ready to date again?
How To Save a Life- I have absolutely nothing written for this, but it’s going to be based off the Denny & Izzy storyline from season 2 of Greys Anatomy.
Safe Haven- based off the movie. I had this idea of doing a series called “Falice Film Festival”, where I took famous movies and popped Falice into the starring roles, which is why there are so many movie inspired fics on this list.
Speaking of fics inspired by movies, I also had a “The Vow” esque Oneshot, and a “Dirty Dancing” au. The latter of which has nothing but the first one has a quote.
You and Me- All the times FP and Alice hooked up through the years. (It’s softer than it sounds lol.)
Rivermom’s Sex and The City- I don’t know what I have planned for this and I don’t know if I’ll write it but it just came to me when bringing SATC, and I thought it would be fun to see the Riverdale mom’s in that show. (And by the way here’s how I see them: Alice- Samantha, Mary- Miranda, Hermione- Carrie, Sierra- Charlotte.)
Here You Come Again (Again)- this isn’t what it will be called, I just don’t have another idea for a title yet. But it’s a sequel to my oneshot Here You Come Again, which accounts the events leading up to season 1 in my own personal canon. This one would focus on the events of season 1 (and possibly 2), and what happened in the scenes we didn’t see, like Alice dealing with the news of FP getting arrested, the Chic situation, and ya da ya da.
Baby Blue- Oh I have such a soft spot for this one I’m just completely stumped with it and haven’t touched it since March. It focuses on Alice’s life up until season 1 (y’all seeing a theme here?), and shows all the things that have lead up to her being the cold, closed off woman we met in season 1.
Parentdale- a script I’m writing because I want a Parentdale spin-off.
Curtain Call- famous Falice au fic! FP is a famous singer and runs into Alice at a cafe. She’s a songwriter and an up-and-coming musician, and the two of them embark on tour together.
Just Friends- Teen Falice fic that I think will be posted after I finish Illicit Affairs (mentioned above). Honestly just wanted another excuse to write a Fred and Alice friendship and I got a fun little idea for a fic, so stay tuned for that!
Who’s The Boss- based off the tv show Who’s The Boss, because I just thought it would be kinda fun. Might be a fic, might just be a long Oneshot, haven’t decided. I wrote the idea down last October though lol.
Jurassic Park 3 Inspired- I completely forgot I wrote this down and I genuinely do not think I will write it haha. It would of taken the general plot from Jurassic Park 3 (separated couple’s son goes missing, said couple goes to find him, fall back in love along the way), just minus the dinosaurs.
Bury The Evidence- I also forgot I wrote this idea down, but it’s a fun one. Falice have never met before, FP has just joined the Serpents and heads to the Wyrm to pick up his Serpent jacket. He runs into Alice, the girlfriend of the gang’s leader and hears strange noises coming from the office she was just in. When he walks in, he finds her standing over the gang leader’s body. And well... they’ve gotta bury the evidence.
Home- this one is one I’m just not sure about posting? FP moves to Riverdale after being discharged from the military. He instantly falls for his pretty blonde neighbour, but he suffers from PTSD and doesn’t want to let her into his life in fear of hurting her. Heavily inspired by the Owen and Cristina storyline in Greys Anatomy, but you know, not as toxic.
How It Began- A teen Parentdale fic I started years ago and have left untouched. I’ve gotten lots of comments wanting me to update but I just don’t like where I’ve taken the story so I think updating would entail a rewrite of the last chunk of chapters. Maybe some day though.
Ok so I definitely had more than I thought. Someone kick my butt and tell me to finish these because I forgot about most of them.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA+Minor Trio Reacting to an MC in the Mafia
requested: y e s 
a/n: listen,,,,, im a huge sucker for mafia au’s ,, and perhaps i’ll upload a full story with all of them on Patreon! So stay tuned for that one! Definitely more mafia AU type things coming soon though  if you want to see more mysme mafia and want to support my work, feel free to buy me a coffee!
warnings: vanderwoods is really good
-Prohibition-Era Italian Mafia mod Alex 
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- corporate heir of a multi-million won company married to the runaway child- now mafia member? my god what a cliche
-it’d originally been a few weeks before he’d planned to propose when he suddenly realized that he had... never actually met your family? He’d always figured that you’d tell him when you felt comfortable enough, or when you felt like it, but he genuinely wanted to propose, to marry you and make you his, however he felt he needed your fathers approval, something.
-he’s surprisingly calm when you tell him the truth, that you’d run away from home at a young age and upon asking for a job at the local bar, as anything, someone who works in the back and does inventory, trash person, anything, you’d found out that this bar was a front for a mafia organization, who’d promptly adopted you and taken care of you ever since 
-you’re not sure what kind of reaction you expected from him, but you receive none, only an understanding nod and a question, same as before, “Can I meet them?”
-the next day you take him down to where you work, a lovely little rustic bar downtown. 
-he notices as you visibly relax when you take him into the back, smile spreading on your face as you greet various members cheerfully, a reluctant grin, changing to a threatening frown when they noticed Jumin holding your hand and following you to the back
-you’re not expecting the meeting to go well, pacing around the door, where your boss, is privately speaking to Jumin, hand placed firmly on your grip of your gun, finger threateningly over the safety lock, ready to fire if something bad went down
-so you’re exceedingly surprised when the two come back out on an embrace, chuckling as they greet you. waving the two of you off with a genuinely kind smile, you turn to Jumin, demanding an explanation as you get back into the car.
- “Jumin?????” you gesture wildly, inviting the explanation.
- “Yes dear? - Home, Driver Kim please” he nods in Driver Kims direction.
-He gives no explanation, knowing it’s going to drive you insane, only says, “We’re having dinner with your family next week by the way.”
-corporate mafia family
-her dream, to own her own cafe, with you! her love, her joy, her future wife!
-so she can’t understand you when you’re extremely hesitant to leave your job, what looked like a? boring bartending job?
-she knew there was something you weren't telling her, and she ends up figuring it out herself, putting two and two together, using various news reports about the bar, mixed with information (or lack thereof) of the manager of the place
-she stomps up to you in a cold but angry manner, and thrusts a piece of paper in your hands, a list of collected evidence. “Tell me you’re not part of a gang MC.”
-her voice is scarily cold, but hints of tears that threaten to swallow her whole still manage to reflect through her voice.
-you explain your story, the whole ordeal since you ran away until you found the job, to how they all took care of you, and hey its not like you were the most powerful one, you were moreso like the little sibling of the group, still having skills but never in any direct danger.
-she doesnt speak to you for two days, “contemplating the information” (aka making you feel guilty for hiding this)
-when she sees just how broken down and sad you are as you get into bed, movements sluggish as you flop into the comfort of your shared bed, it finally makes her realize that,, this was something you had chosen as a child and even if she wasn’t okay with it, it wasn’t her choice to make. This was your family and she had to respect that. 
-biting on the inside of her lip, she slips next to you, pulling you towards her silently. resting your head on her chest, you look up at her hopefully, “does this mean I’m forgiven?”
-the ghost of a smile graces her face as she closes her eyes, “We’ll see tomorrow. Lets sleep for now y/n.”
-when jaehee meets the crew its a lovely spring night and,, well,,,, basically they end up scared of her and you’ve never been more in love with the woman sitting across from you at the dinner table
-nonononononono his sweet baby angel cant be in the mafia
-the fact that you’re you know,, a part of the mafia doesn’t even register in yoosungs brain, his main concern is that you’ll get hurt, that something will happen to you in the line of duty and you won't come home
-you assure him that you’re mainly the person who talks to the targets beforehand, gathering intel and helping prepare for the missions
-you dont necessarily tell him much about anything or anyone, preferring to keep him in the dark, for his own safety
-of course you’d mentioned Yoosung to Byung-Hee, the mafia boss and your paternal figure, but he’d never thought much of Yoosung; that is until Yoosung bursts into the storage rom of the bar, and with around 15 different guns pointed at him, he threatens Byung-Hee, that if he ever dare let anything happen to you, he’d come in and kill him himself, using his medical knowledge to make his death look like an accident
-Byung-Hee is,, amused. Yoosung is not threatening in the least, but the dedication it took to march into mafia headquarters uninvited and threaten the leader while thirteen different people had their guns trained directly at him,,, shit takes guts
-All he does is nod, extending his hand to shake Yoosungs, who is,, extremely confused. When Yoosung’s hand reached Byung-Hees however,, the boss yanks Yoosung close, whispering in a threatening manner that if h e ever hurt you, he’d kill him in the most painful way possible and no one would ever know
-needless to say as soon as he gets back home, the adrenaline rush fades and runs directly into your confused embrace as he cries, mumbling something about how you’ll always be safe and his promises
-sjdhfskjdfh bitch you think you’re dangerous? i’m part of the mf mafia
-he never found much about you when he looked you up, only records that existed were report card grades in elementary and middle school, but past that it was as if you’d fallen off the face of the earth; no credit cards, social media accounts, guilty 2 am internet purchases, not even so much as a water and power bill or an address, until you suddenly reappeared three years ago, but it’s still not much
-the two of you drive the rest of the messenger to insanity, and even your FBI agents are sick of see your texts to each other, questions masked in playfulness, both trying to get the truth out of each other. Nothing making sense except to the two of you
-often he’ll poke you awake in the middle of the night, glasses slipping down his nose rapidly as he pesters you with incoherent questions about your past; but all you do is shift, intertwining your legs with his and pushing him back down to the bed, placing your head on his chest as you go back to sleep
-its around six months later post having moved in together when the two of you when you decide enough is enough. the truth had to come out sometime no? the two of you gather all the fast food and snacks you can, and facing each other sitting cross legged on the couch, no interruptions, you take turns firing questions at each other, answering them no matter how hard it might have been
-his reaction to you being in the mafia is at first, concerned. because he knows how mafias operate, and the last thing he would want is for a client to come into his job and for your gang to be the target that needs to be eliminated. 
-his next question is what level of illegality do you operate at?
-with your response being an even 5, he presses for more. you explain how you take funds from the rich, expose the businessmen who steal from the company’s funds, bribe and threaten powerful congresspeople to pass better laws to help the poor, the basic steal from the rich, give to the poor type deal
-he listens intently, the story of how you got to this point completely capturing him. he never thinks badly about you; in a way you guys were helping out the world. if he spins it the right way, its almost like the two of you are doing the same job, just different methods
-work buddies! while he hacks and does his work for the agency, you’re right there sitting next to him trying to learn all you can about your next target and making a detailed plan, on constant call with Hyun Ki and Hyun Shik, dubbed the “intelligence twins.” When you’re getting visibly stressed he reaches over, gently squeezing your hand reassuringly as he breaks out the HBC for the both of you to take a short break, and when he gets stressed you do the same. 
-finally having a place to rant about work, of course neither of you can ever disclose the targets names, but its still good to get things off of your chest
-honestly the only thing he has trouble believing is that you’re an actual bartender. “yes seven, i actually went to school to get my certificate for this” “why u always lyyyiiinn”
-when he sees something on the news, another politician knocked down from the public eye, a mysterious amount of money donated to the local orphanage, he makes sure to congratulate you, genuinely grinning as he picks you up to kiss you, proud of his s/o 
-if you’re chosen to do some first hand intel, go down and charm someone into signing x y or z paper or get them to a secondary location, he uses his own skills to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing bad happens 
-when its time to meet the family, he goes in jokes ablaze, making what was supposed to be a refined mafia dinner at an upscale restaurant a comedy center,, and the lack of fear on his behalf frankly amuses the boss. sevens a mess the whole dinner. he observes the similarities between the gang and the RFA, both having the same familial dynamic between each other, a kind of comfort and complete happiness. 
-of course as soon as you get married he instantly becomes a part of the family as well
-they hate him. like,,, they love him but also hate him.
-terrible jokes from his part; “hey y/n can you take care of this client for me? here kind of a dick but i’m not allowed to say anything. it'd be great if,,,, something happened to their money”
-he knows you’d never do it to anyone that doesn’t deserve it but its a funny bit that keeps the two of you sane
- “absolutley not mc”
-he hates your job already, working at a bar in downtown, but the fact that its just a Front for a Mafia gang? that you’re a Part of?
-absolutely not.
-he springs into protective mode instantly, launching himself into a long rant on how he’s going to get you out of there, you dont need to worry because you dont have to be there, no matter what dirt they have on you, what you did in the past, he still loves you and he’s going to help you no matter what it takes
-meanwhile youre sitting there watching him pace around, trying not to burst out laughing
-when you explain to him that they’re quite fair, a robin hood type deal made of people who grew up poor, people who were cheated by the government and were forced into poverty, broke their way through the ranks and were trying to help others that were currently in their situation, taking from the rich, bribing businessmen in high power to put forward better laws for consideration, dropping money on random peoples doorstep, all under the cover of anonymity.
-he sits on this for a while, trying to digest what you’d just said. as much as he hates it, he empathizes with the situations that brought you there, and his opinion of this gang has,, drastically changed
-he’s still wary of your safety, hence you suggest he meet the members himself
-bringing out all the toughness he can muster, he strides in with you at his side, cooly talking to the intelligence twins, Hyun Ki and Hyun Shik. He meets others, Jae-Sang and Byung-Hee, and they accept him into the family surprisingly quickly
-he gets along with everyone,, r e a l l y well
-nervous boye 
-he doesn’t want you to get hurt, but he understand your reasoning as to why you started in the business of money laundering, understands better than most
-he listens to your story, about the way you ran away and straight into the arms of Byung-Hee, who offered you a job. With no other choice you joined, but eventually warmed up to the idea, and now you love them like family
-of course, he cant help but call you during your lunch break, needing to hear your voice and make sure you’re okay, that you haven't been killed or turned into a murderous member
-a part of him does think its somewhat cool, especially the fact that you willingly got in and can belong to a group like this and not be you know,, abused traumatized and poisoned repeatedly.
-when he finally meets them, he barely musters a word or two, but as time goes on, he gets increasingly comfortable with them. if you trust them, he trusts them.
-he cant go through this cult mafia shit again bro
-it takes a lot of reassurance that the boss is actually fair, and even proving to him that you guys dont do others harm, nor do you forcibly recruit people
-you tell him about how they took you in as a scared and alone high schooler, essentially adopted and raised you, gave you a job, a roof over your head and urged you to do what you want in life
-of course theres the thing that you cant officially leave them, so technically you are trapped there, but they took pity on you, looking at you as a little sibling, and at most they only make you gather intel or have you as the driver
-he’s not the most calm about it, but he understands that they’re your true family, and he tries his best to get along with them, trying to view the members as multiple brothers sisters and or parents instead of,,, dangerous mafia members
-he seems extremely calm and chill whenever you guys all go for dinner, very professional and sleek, but in reality he’s trying not to run into the restroom and escape through the window
-you started off as his client, the one he were supposed to gather intel on and report back to the boss, find his way to your own boss and kill him
-so when Vanderwood found out that you were also the rfa he felt like the luckiest man in the world
-he pretty much always hangs out in the bar during your shift, trying to overhear any useful information; but damn he never expected you to look,, like that.
-week after week, he finds himself enraptured in your beauty, buying water after water, trying to be smooth as he talks to you
-he convinces himself that the little flutter he gets whenever you smile, when your fingers momentarily touch his as you give him yet Another glass of water no ice,, your focus when you experiment with different drinks, the way you get ridiculously excited when said experimental drink turns out good, immediately giving Vanderwood a glass,,, missions,, weren't supposed to be like this right?
-he pries, asking about your boss, but its the adoration of which you speak of Byung-Hee that breaks him, the gestures you make as you talk about him like family
-he skulks back to base, head running wildly. he knows he can’t let you go, he cant fall in love with a client, however he can't bring himself to bring you or your family harm. 
-trying desperately to regain his composure, he spins a story how the original intel he received must have been wrong, because there was no hidden agenda behind the bar. He makes up a lie how he went through the bank statements, hacked the system, did it all, but the bar was 100% clean
-he knows he can never go back, to you, but just protecting you will have to be enough
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chogiwank · 6 years
Why Don’t We Go? | Mafia!Jeno | Fluff&Makeout
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Word Count: 1,117
Pairing: Mafia!Jeno x Mafia!FemaleReader
Warnings: making out sesh?? No actual sex (like penetration,, fingering,, oral or anything), but they’re just very touchy??,, like the mention of his boner?? honestly i like to think this is more fluff than anything but idk if my fluff sucks ass or not oops     ALSO not 100% proofread
A/N: so this is an anon request from last year oops so so SO SORRY for such a delay personally im not very good at actual mafia aus,, so i decided to make this more of a fluff and i hope you like it!! thank you for being so patient! We appreciate your support so much !! <3 - Doyoung’s Darling
“So we just committed an $18.9 million money heist, and now we’re making cupcakes?”
“Yeah basically,” He shrugged. “gang life isn’t that bad like this, now is it?” The two laughed covered in flour, surely to leave their black shirts marked with white stains. He finished blending ingredients for the frosting as she put in the last bit of the mixture into the cupcake tray. Placing the tray in the preheated oven, the two set the timer waiting excitedly like two puppy dogs for their treat. You could practically see them waving their tails.
“Do you ever wish you could have a different life?” The unexpected question he blurted caused her to furrow her brows. “You know, not have to kill someone before you can even eat breakfast?”
“I mean, it would be nice to have a normal day for once. To not have gang wars and sleep at night without having someone want to kill you.”
Nodding his head in agreement. “Would you leave if you had the chance?”
“Hmm, it depends.” She avoids eye contact with the boy, sticking a finger into the frosting scooping out a bit.
“Meaning?” He cocks his head to the side.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” She giggles as she smashed the frosting on the bridge of his nose. Making a quick escape from the kitchen to the living room, she stands behind the red couch guarding herself.
“That’s not fair Y/N!” he whines standing on the other side of the couch, frosting bowl in his hands.
“Bite me.” Sticking her tongue out, mocking the boy playfully. Jumping over the couch to catch her and get his revenge, she runs around to the opposite side laughing. Chasing after her around the room, dodging the pillows thrown at him, grinning when he finally traps her as she trips turning a corner. Approaching her with a devilish smile having her scoot back closer into the corner, ultimately trapping herself more.
Although still releasing uncontrollable giggles, she squirms under him as he cages her between his legs eventually smearing the frosting onto her cheek.
“Gotcha” He smirked.
“Such a triumph, Lee Jeno!” She teases. “What shall be your reward?”
“Hmm…” he furrows his eyebrows, a hand stroking his chin pretending to think. “A kiss, perhaps?” His lighthearted tone caused her nose to scrunch up, seeing his eyes turn to crescent moons when she said yes. Leaning down to place an innocent soft kiss upon her lips, cupping her cheeks in his palms as the two smiled into the loving lip lock.
Separating due to the ding of the timer signalling their cupcakes were ready. Standing up and helping Y/N up, he picks up the steel bowl on the ground walking after her into the kitchen. The two took out the baking tray, decorating the cupcakes with frosting, sprinkles, cherries and chocolate dipped strawberries they each chose.
“Now, since those are done, can I finish getting my reward?” Jeno says smugly.
“Excuse me?” She raises a brow, placing a hand on her hip.
“Clearly, we were rudely interrupted,” he points towards the decorated treats. “so now we have to finish.”
“Fine,” she sighs. “Come here, idiot.” Resting her arms on his shoulders, pulling the smiling boy closer to interlock lips. Continuing the previous loving kiss as she plays with the hairs on his nape. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he taps her thigh with the other, gripping onto them as she wraps her legs around his torso. Blindly attempting to walk towards the couch, accidentally bumping into it having him fall forward on top of her. Supporting himself up by his grip on the armrest.
“Shit, sorry.”  he softly apologizes. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head, no. “Quite a fall though, I don’t think we’ve had time together for a while.” He gave a silly smile, “I think so too. I’ve missed it.” Sitting down beside her on the couch, he pulls her onto his lap, changing their position. Her thighs now straddling him as she sat on top. Meshing their lips together with the same gentleness but a greater passion. Possible amour fou? A strong infatuation? Whatever it may be, it was intense at the moment. Wandering hands exploring her body - up and down her sides, an occasional squeeze of a boob or a handful of ass resulting in a small squeal.
Her hand tangled up in his blonde locks, the other between them, trailing down his chest and fiddling with the button of his jeans. The kiss heated with a small groan when she softly bites his bottom lip.
“A little excited there?” She winks, eyebrows teasingly wiggle down at his forming erection.
“Can you blame me? You’re gorgeous.” His eyes showed fire as he pulled off her shirt, the article carelessly tossed away. He pulls her closer, breasts at eye-level allowing him to suck on the supple skin, leaving a purple flower framed with light teeth marks. Mouths clashing into hot, open-mouthed kisses fighting for dominance to lead the next steps. Ultimately, they rest on the red couch, chests heaving as the two pace their breaths. Naked chests pressed tightly together, the half-clothed couple wholeheartedly laughs at their inability to fornicate - assuring each other it’s completely okay. Of course, neither was exactly conservative nor having diffidence with the other, but there wasn’t any actual sexual intercourse involved yet.
As time passed and the two settled their breathing Jeno spoke his answer to his previously asked question. “I’ve wanted to quit this life, for a long time but…” She tilted her head waiting for him to continue. “I’m really sick of it, but I stay, I’ve stayed because of you.” Stroking her cheek, a sincere gaze into her eyes as he spoke.
“Jeno, this is all I’ve got…”
“No, you have more than you think-“
“Shut up and let me speak.” She places a finger on his lips. “I’ve got only this life because it’s all I’ve known ever since that day.” She sighs, gently holding his hand. “Ever since I got saved by Taeyong, I’ve been told I owe my life. I had plans to have a job, I wanted to pursue so much - but after that incident, I lost a lot. I know you lost a lot for yourself too.”
“I know, it sucks. I want out, I’ve never wanted it, just walked in at the wrong place at the wrong time when they were killing. Now everything’s fucked up.” Interlacing fingers with tender smiles at one another.
“You want to do it?” She whispered.
“You want to run away together?” Jeno gave a bright-eyed smile.
“Whenever you call it, I’m in.”
Anon asked: if the requests r open can I request mafia!au jeno making out sesh ,, make it however you want I just rlly love me some mafia au jeno Also your blog?? Golden.
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So I’m finally getting around to writing out a bunch of info about my Sander Sides au so I hope youre all ready--(its like 1 am im so sorry for any spelling mistakes and missed tags)
So its 1 am on a work night and I cant sleep and I’ve had lots of ideas and canon things for this au bouncing around my head for days and now TONIGHTS THE NIGHT ITS HAPPENING IM DELIVERING YOU ALL THE DETAILS AND EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF AND TYPE 
Also please feel free to ask about this! I know I got a few new followers from all my recent sander sides art and also thanks to @sugarglider9603 reblogging some art I made of their au I got the biggest flood of exposure and attention on my art ive ever had and I have so much to thank them for, for all recent exposure ive gotten the past couple days( theyre so sweet and lovely and easy to talk to sugar deserves all the love--) and its given me a huge surge of motivation and confidence to post this. And please, my inbox is always open to talk about my aus or my art! Ask questions, send requests, send headcanons or ideas, send fluff angst im open to anything and I try to do all requests sent to me(sooner or later)
Oh oh! and please id you catch any and all the little inspirations or anything let me know
And finally this au is a LAMP au with Remile and Demus on the side
Ahem ahem anyway onto the au!!!
More under the cut so I dont flood your screen too bad!
Ok so! 
This Au was originally inspired by @residentanchor‘s amazing fanfic A Lesson in Practicality and also a little bit by @prettyinaccurate‘s fanged virgil au( I’ll get more into that further down) 
So it takes place in a (currently) unnamed bigger city I based off San Francisco and Sacramento( because I live in Cali and those are the two major cities ive really visited ya know?) The boys are all in various stages of their twenties when they move into a four bedroom apartment together: Patton Foster is the oldest of the roomies at 27, then Logan Masters at 26, Roman Prince at 24, and finally Virgil Collins at 22. They move in together because it all works out for them really, the apartment is in a good distance to all their current jobs, whether by bus or even in Pat’s case in walking distance and with all four of them it was well affordable and was pretty nice. I mean hey it even came with a little communal balcony ( since theyre on third floor of the building) 
Things are understandably a little rocky at first , i mean isnt it always though?
Virgil has alot of anxiety and so he tends not to talk really at all at the beginning unless he ABSOLUTELY had to, mostly communicating in noncomittal noises and soft grumbles, and he was fresh out of collage and barely two years into his job and out on his own for the first time and he wasnt really ready for it either like christ too many people
Patton was bright bubbly and caring. This wasnt his first rodeo with roomies, I mean cmon, hes been sharing a room with his older brother Damian(deceit) on and off almost all his freakin life, nor was it his first time living on his own with strangers(hes lived in two different parts of two when he was job hopping before he settled down in his current part time job)
Roman was extroverted loud and exciteable, he too was used to sharing his living space( he had TWO siblings after all) and before he had moved into the apartment he had tried living on his own and with other roommates while he attended collage, but those just didnt work out well ( he ended up staying with his older brother Remy in his studio apartment across the city while he finished out that semester and searched for a job to keep an income.
Logan was serious minded stern toned and confident, he had a minor degree in teaching that he was slowly repursueing and had been out on his own for awhile before he had moved in. And though cold at first he soon found his group of housemates...enjoyable.
Its about a month into them living together that they learn exactly why despite slowly getting close and getting to know each other Virgil still kept a wide distance: He had entirely sharp teeth.
“ I dunno....I was born with them..theyve always been a sharp pain in my ass...” - virgil, about his teeth
Of course just having sharp teeth wasnt bad enough oh no. You see a few years back when he was about 18 he was young and dumb and made horrifically stupid and reckless decisions under peer pressure and ended up doing something that not only pointedly (haha oh god im not funny) chipped his front teeth but it fucked up his teeth pretty majorly, he went from having a normal overbite to almost having a goddamn underbite and crooked all his teeth, and the only way to fix it( because somehow miraculous for all the damage done it turned out to be mostly reversable aside from the chipping) was getting braces to realign his teeth. So he’s had pretty purple braces over his fangs since he was 18 and they werent expected to come off until he was AT LEAST 25 and he was insecure about them. ( he got mocked for them through his two and a half years of junior collage)
Once the gang finds out they are understanding and helpful and dont make a big deal about it( though virgil gains a significant amount of more vampire related nicknames from roman)
Once they get close and comfortable around each other the apartment is pretty warm and lively! 
Virgil works at the art store as an assistant manager and head stocker( a bit of a dream come true since he was an art student)
Roman works as a part time waiter at a family resturant as well as working at a nearby theater( he was of course a lovely theater major) 
Patton worked at a nearby cafe and bakery as a bit of everything! He helped wait tables, serve behind the counter, and helped in the back in the kitchen( the owners were family friends and he’d been working there almost four to five years at that point, boi knows how to do everything) 
Logan worked at a big name bookstore, and also provided tutoring sessions for highschool students on the side by commision
More FACTS~~
Family ages for the big families go as follows:
Fosters: Damian(28), Patton(27)
Prince: Remy(26), Roman(24, older twin by 10 minutes), Remus(24, younger twin)
Emile is 27 and is a licensed therapist and works as a counselor for young adults that volunteers at the nearby library to ready to children
Remy works as a coffee barista in Emile’s building
Remus does alot of odd jobs, kinda working as an independent for hire and gets a surprising steady flow of work and pay. Hes still a trash man though, but hes a successful trash man( partly thanks to Damian calling in favors with connections)
Damian works at a law firm slowly moving into the position of prosecutor
Virgil doesnt really get along with his family and at some point Emile offers to take virgil in as his adopted brother, with Damian assuring him if he wanted concrete legal papers to start changing his last name, cutting ties with his family, anything needed for it he’d see to it that they’d be providing(something our boi really appreciates)
Remy visits Emile on his breaks since hes literally just...two hallways down and vice versa
Damian and Remus live together in the next, slightly smaller city over because Damian’s work transferred him to a different office in order for him to keep moving up in the ranks so to speak. 
Hes also good at what he does.
Family nights happen whenever they can
Patton got to teach them how to cook alot of complicatied dishes from scratch, a bonding time he adores
Roman got Virgil an Espeon hoodie after they all start dating and virgil loves it and wears it alot around the house because its a thicker hoodie and warm( though he tries to ignore the big ears and the obnovious tail
Virgil also loves visiting Roman’s work on what Ro likes to refer to as “ hellish days” AKA kids day which means goofy kid friendly theme days. His favorite was probably alice in wonderland day when Roman was Tweedle Dee
Roman played J.D at the local theater and likes to hum some of the his songs to switch up the Disney
The balcony is covered in houseplants and and a corner of old blankets and pillows to sit and chill on
Once a month Logan and Patton have what is affectionately referred to as the Cat Discourse
After any particularly rough days at work Patton tends to massage Logan’s shoulders and back to make sure Lo doesnt get any really bad stress knots
in return when Logan sees Patton’s head a hard day he makes Patton’s favorite drink and pulls him into a hug and let the older man fall asleep in his arms while they watch movies
Pat and roman sense each other’s bad days and order in some cliche diner food and hole up in pattons room with Pattons computer and relax the shittiness away with comedy specials and movies 
Likewise Virgil has a knack of picking up Roman’s bad days and always grabs a couple glasses and a bottle kinda cheap wine and they end up curling up together on Romans bed marathoning Disney movies on Virgil’s laptop 
and when Virgil closes himself off more than normal Logan manages to lure him out of his room and they end up sitting out on the balcony quietly talking and stargazing
so loving and fond and soft with each other
you hurt one of them you gonna get BEAT by the others. 
Speaking of getting beat, never EVER mess with Roman or Remus in Remy’s proximity
Remy Andrew Prince can and WILL fuck you right up if you hurt his little brothers. He’s protective.
and where Remy will rearrange your face Damian will ruin you mentally and legally if you so much as mistreat a single freckle on his little brother’s face, despite knowing that Patton is fully capable of taking care of himself. 
Everyone protects Virgil, dont mess with or hurt virgil or you have the pack coming for ya throat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all I have for right now! Of course more will be added but now its almost three in the morning and I have work at 1:30pm and im sleepy finally! But I hope you guys like this! And please, feel free to talk to me about it, my inbox is always open!!
Taglist: @phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @loganberrysanders
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lemonjoonah · 6 years
Under Fire - Pt 15
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Title: Under Fire Word Count: 6K Rating: M Genre: Gang AU/ Mafia AU, Drama, Slow Burn Romance Warnings: Violence, Smut Scene (Fingering, Oral (F receiving), Unprotected Sex, Masturbation, Voyeurism (3rd party viewer without consent to watch)) Pairings: Hyung Line x Reader (Primarily Namjoon x Reader), very slight OT7 x Reader.   Pairings (in this chapter):  Namjoon x Reader, Suga x Reader, J-Hope x Reader, Jin x Reader
Summary: As a child you lived among the most wealthy and powerful, after the death of your mother you were shipped off to stay with her sister. Even after finishing your education you continue to live apart from the elite, but a visit home creates an unexpected disaster. You are suddenly roped into a darker world, and who better to be your guide than the infamous gang known as BTS.
Chapter 15 -  Display of Dominance
The day of, preparations are running smoothly. You and JK are setting up a secure line that will handle possible interference from other radios, while V beefs up the security at the manor and repairs your father’s watch for you to wear.
You eye the radios with envy. Jk notices, but continues with his work. At 6 pm Suga comes to fetch JK and V. JK grasps you hand before leaving slipping an earpiece into your palm, giving you a small smile as he leaves.
Suga closes the door behind JK leaving the two of you alone. “I know you’ve been hiding something. Should we be expecting your company tonight despite RM’s instructions?”
You panic wondering if he had told Namjoon of his suspicions, “Suga I don’t plan on going against his orders.”
“So you have no intention of sneaking out tonight?”
“What would you do... If you were in my position?”
“I’d tell him to go fuck himself.”
You smile treading carefully upon your words. “Unless RM admits his mistake I have no plans to attend.”
Suga’s eyes narrow noticing the thought you had put into your statement, but he doesn’t push any further. Instead he pulls out a small handgun with a holster from inside his jacket “While you’re alone, I want you to have this. V has set up the panic room but a little extra protection couldn’t hurt. You’ll be okay to use it if necessary?”
You nod hoping that the ceasefire would hold strong.
You take your laptop downstairs so you can hold your video conference in the sitting room right next to the foyer.  Seeing all of them ready to leave in high fashion suites was unexpected.
“50% of the accords is just showboating. We have to remind them the wealth we’re bringing to the table,” V explains.
There is still a part of you expecting Namjoon to change his mind. A part of you that expects him to pull you out into the SUV and accompany them. You hate the thought of having to resort to your underhanded tactics.
Half of the team is still upset, the other half ashamed, Namjoon being the only outlier who stands strong. He’s also the last to exit, lingering after the rest of the members have left. You notice your father’s ring on the hand holding the door. It’s the first time he’s worn it since the day you had given it up.  
“You can still change your mind Namjoon.” You nod the the heirloom upon his finger.  “Please don’t cut me out like he did. I can’t go through that again.” You plead with him, hoping that he would understand the overwhelming feeling of worthlessness he has added to your fear of being alone.    
“I know it may seem weak of me to keep you here, but I can’t take you with me. I won’t be able to concentrate knowing that I have just put you in harms way. I am just trying to do what’s best for my team. That includes you.” With that he shuts the door behind him.
You have 30 minutes to prepare before your call. You had not anticipated the dress code of the meeting quickly running back to your room to change. Taking out one of the dresses from Gucci that Hope had inquired about.  A bright red gown form fitting down to the floor. The sleeves and neckline are what truly makes it unique with the lace giving it the appearance of flames crawling up your arms to your collar. You tuck your mother’s pendant into your dress, keeping it close, but perhaps not as close as Suga’s useful gift which you’ve just strapped to the inside of your thigh.
Upon looking in the mirror you  find your scarred shoulder fully on display. You consider trying to find a method to cover it, but this crowd is far different than your elite connections. They shouldn’t see a scar as a weakness but as a strength.
Before returning to your computer, you grab a suit jacket to cover the top half of the dress. Not wishing to appear as if you are sidestepping this meeting for another event. You ready yourself at the desk tucking your ear piece in.
You listen as they step out into the lot of the warehouse with the slamming of car doors.
A notification pops up on your computer, reading ...Incoming call: Mr. Shin... You answer pulling the video feed up on the screen.
“Thank you, for meeting with me Miss Park.”
“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Shin.” You get straight to the point with no time to waste. “After reviewing your needs I can see that you’ll need a large amount of assistance to continue running.”
“That is correct.”
“In that case I wish to set you up directly with one of our donors who as expressed an interest in your program. I feel that this might be a better fit, not only will you get the funding you require  but they will be able to address any other needs you have in a timely manner.”
“That would be ideal.”
“If I may, I would like to introduce Mr. Dae.” Dae joined the conversation with a simple greeting a mere second after you clicked adding his account to the call. “He is a bank manager that has reached out to me with the hopes of increasing the company’s philanthropy efforts. I’m sure you two gentleman have much to discuss. I don’t wish to get in your way.”
“Thank  you again, Miss Park.”
“Yes, thank you for this opportunity.” You detect a bit of cynicism in Dae’s voice, so you pull him over the coals one last time before logging off.
“Mr. Shin if anything in this arrangement does not work for your program, you have my office’s number.  Don’t hesitate to reach out, I will happily find a replacement if necessary...”
You end the call just in time to hear your team being greeted, leaving you to assume they had entered the warehouse. Namjoon issues directions, “Split up like we discussed earlier, Hope and V, Jimin and Jin, JK you’re with me.  Suga wait here, we’ll use this as a rendezvous point. Let’s try to keep it level till midnight”  
You pull out your phone finding Wonho in your contact list and sending a brief message.
...Fancy giving me a lift?...
...I thought you would never ask...
You throw your blazer aside before exiting the manor.
Their van pulls up in front just as you make it to the gate. Minhyuk opens the sliding door. “I can see why they left you behind, you’re far to distracting.”
You jump into the back. “I’ll take that as a complement.”  
“We are going to get in such shit for this,” Shownu sighs.
“Your agreement with RM, he expects a full report every time you meet right?”
“Well it’s convenient then that I didn’t tell you of my plans before. You won’t see him again until we’re already there. You aren’t breaking any rules.”
Kihyun shakes his head and smiles.
JK had given them access to the com-line, allowing everyone to listen on the drive over. The negotiations don’t seem to be going well.
You can hear several people ask of your whereabouts. Your team’s reply is always the same.
“She is maintaining her cover at a meeting for her families foundation.”
There are several scoffs, some people coming back with insults of an elitist nature while others imply that you’re too scared to face them.
As you reach the warehouse things go from bad to worse. You hear Namjoon’s voice on the line. “We’re almost dead in the water, even VIXX is holding out saying that the wish to meet Fire before entering into a full agreement.”
You really didn’t want to have to do this, but how else would you gain the upper hand for your team. “IM I need you to program this call to go out to this number 15 minutes after we go in.” You hand him a slip of paper and a flash drive with an altered audio file.
“Are you fucking crazy? This could get us killed!” He passes the info over to Kihyun and Wonho for them to take a look.
“You have to trust me, I have a plan. Even if I go in there they still might not take me seriously.”
As if on cue you hear over the radio someone suggesting to Hope if you’re “free” for the evening he would consider making a deal. Hope’s response brings a chuckle to your lips, “You know what, I’ll ask her. Come find me after 12 and I’ll give you her response.”
Everyone looks to Kihyun for the final verdict who reluctantly agrees. “All right we’ll do it... what do you need from us?
“A clear path and provide cover while I deal with the situation.”
As the clock hits 8 pm Shownu opens the door to exit the van.
“No wait, I can’t go in yet.”
“Why not.”
“I made a promise to someone.”
Your can hear the members of you team bickering inside.
“We’re fucked...”
“When is Monsta X getting here?”
“They should be here by now.”
“Why aren’t they answering, JK you gave them access to the line right?”
Suga’s voice rings out clearly amidst the others. “Just say it RM, this would have gone better if Fire was here.”   
“What good will that do us now?”
“Just admit your fucking mistake!” Suga seethes.
“Okay, you’re right, I shouldn’t have kept her out of this. I misjudged the situation.”
“Thank you Suga,” You whisper to yourself, before turning back to Shownu. “Right, now we can go.”
Inserting the earpiece back in you exit the van first. Wonho escorts you to the door, sporting a half smile as he looks down at you. You grip his arm tightly mentally preparing yourself to meet some of the most wanted in Seoul. Shownu speaks to the man guarding the door through the hatch.
Every head turned the second you entered the building. With your chin up you evaluate the space. The old owner had made good progress with the renovations, but judging from the broken windows and age of discarded objects he had given up several years ago. There are seats and tables everywhere with drinks on hand. If you hadn’t have known what you were walking into, you might have thought you were in for a simple night out at a dingy rundown bar.
The doorman holds out an empty hand to you. “Gun.” It’s not a request but a demand.
You scoff at the idea of leaving yourself unarmed in a place like this, but when Monsta X starts pulling out their own, you understand that it’s non negotiable. That this must be their way of implementing the cease fire on site. You scan the room questioning how effective it is, almost certain that there must be concealed guns and knives hiding in suit jackets of the other attendees. Not wanting to get caught with yours though, you reluctantly comply. Opening your dress from the side you expose your leg pulling out the gun that Suga had given you.
“You’ll get it back when you leave.” Wonho whispers in your ear try to ease your distress as you relinquish the firearm.   
You find Suga amongst the crowd first. Sitting alone in a booth taking a sip of beer as he gazes upon you with a smirk on his face. He lifts a finger pointing up to the level above you. Looking down over the railing is Namjoon caught between shock and anger. You smile back at him tilting your head, watching his brow furrow even more.
You take your time approaching Suga giving some of the other members a chance to collect around the table first.
“Sorry I’m late, luckily I was able to hitch a ride.”
A few groups started to move into earshot, you hate the haughty tone you’ve set for yourself, but if they wanted a fearless patron on their level that’s what you would show them.
“What about the meeting?” V asks.
“I convinced one of the bank managers that he should pledge his own money or I would take mine from them. They’re sorting out the business matters now, I figured I would leave the boring matters to them.”
V smiles at the prospect of using the banker.
“I’ve asked Monsta X to join us for the night, I figured we could discuss a few matters.” The observers around you drink in the act.
J-Hope guides you into a booth seat wedging you between himself and Jin. He whispers in you ear, “This is a nice surprise.” His fingers trail the lace of you dress on the back of your shoulder.
“Just think, you might have missed this sight had I not come.” You snap back playfully.
Namjoon approaches the table last taking the seat directly across from you with a dark expression. “The meeting with Shin?”
He nods back sternly, you know he’s holding himself back unable to call you out in front of potential allies. You take another glance around focusing this time on the warehouse’s occupants, spotting EXO and GOT7 sitting together from across the room. You freeze in anger. As their members speak among themselves, Chanyeol’s eyes meet yours.
You phone vibrates in your clutch. You pull it out perplexed when you see no one else at the table with their phone out.
...I’ve been looking for you everywhere, you haven’t been out with the others...
...Is this why he won’t let you out to play Angel?...
He sends a suggestive photo of you pulling your gun out from your dress.
...Does he like to keep you locked away for himself? I guess we aren’t so different in that regard...
You take a sharp inhale attempting to remain calm, knowing he’s watching your reaction. “JK I think you might have forgotten to change something. Henry had my number didn’t he?”
He whispers a quiet swear. Namjoons eyes widen for a fraction of a second before his jaw clenches, V places a hand on his shoulder to remind him of his own orders. “Keep it together.”
Jin disregards V, pulling your phone away from you and ripping out the sim card after reading the messages.
With his anger on display he’s playing right into Chanyeol's hand. You tilt Jin’s head towards you with a finger under his jaw moving closer you whisper into his ear. “Don’t let him get to you, just play along. Hold on to what he can’t.” With that you give him a lingering kiss to the edge of his mouth. Jin smiles back at you with a smirk placing an arm around your waist.  
You look over wishing to gauge Chanyeol's reaction to your display but the path between you becomes blocked. Another exceptionally tall gang moves in your direction, this had to be VIXX. Jin pulls his arm back as they greet you.
“Call me Fire.”
“We were worried that you wouldn’t be able to make an appearance tonight.”
“I had the same worry.”
“We were in talks with RM before, but we wanted to be sure of your true motives before agreeing.”
Before you can respond you hear the whistle of several police sirens approaching. You heart stops... Why are there so many?... Your steps replay in your mind. It was a simple trespassing call that you had recorded, an anonymous tip to get them to make an appearance.
You had given it to IM to program so you would not be seen making a call just before they arrive, but from the sounds of it  the police had sent at least a dozen responders. This was not part of the plan.
The room freezes for a moment each group unsure of how to proceed. Everyone makes a break for the back, with the exception of Monsta X. With a nod from Wonho they continue to act on your orders despite the unexpected aggressive response by the police.
Jin slides you out of the booth but Namjoon grabs you by the upper arm in an attempt to guide you deeper into the warehouse. You pull away, with the intent of moving in the opposite direction. The longer you wait to head them off the more danger you are putting your team in.  
He grabs your waist and tries to pull you along again. “(Y/N) you have to move away. This is exactly why I didn’t want you to come, what will happen if your caught among this crowd?”
“Nothing, because no one is going to be arrested...” You hiss back to him trying to keep the conversation between you two.
His eyes widen, “You didn’t...”
“I made a mistake, there was far more of a reaction than I intended. Get the others out and let me handle this.”
He doesn’t move.
“Please just trust me.”
He slowly lets go of you but remains by your side giving orders to the others. “Jin you're with us. Suga and Hope take the others back, get them out if this goes south.”
“I would rather stay.” Suga retorts.
“Suga please...” You beg. He locks eyes with you before turning away as directed.
Loud knocks echo through the building as Namjoon takes you to the door. You notice several other groups attempting to fade away into the darkness. The doorman had been pushed out of the way by Shownu, with the guns restored to their grasp the rest of Monsta X takes posts nearby. Making it look like the were ready to shut down the police if necessary.
With a deep breath and insuring the view behind you was clear. you open the door to several officers heavily geared up. Namjoon remains concealed behind the door with Jin at your other side to assist with the police. You concentrate on defusing the situation as quickly as possible. “Officers what can I help you with?”
They look taken aback by you and Jin’s appearance. “We’ve received a report of possible trespassing, do you have permission to be here?”
“Ah I see, it’s all a misunderstanding.” You pull the deed out of your clutch. “I purchased this lot just recently. We have plans to re-purpose the building. I figured it would be fun to have my investors over for a bit of a celebration before we start the work. Forgive them for not coming to greet you too they are evaluating the other rooms.” You take a pause while they examine the paperwork. “I’m sorry you had to drive all the way out here for a call like this, and so many of you too.”
He hands back the paper with a smile. “We just wanted to make sure. Would you mind if we took a look around? This area can get a little dodgy at night.”
You remain calm knowing the disaster that would strike if they gained access, “I will have to decline your request, unless you have a warrant that is.” You chuckle trying to keep things light. “Sorry, some of my fellow investors are quite private and would not appreciate the intrustion. But thank you for concern.”
“Sorry for the interruption then. Everything seems to be in order, we’ll head out.”
You let out a sigh and they pull away. Namjoon whispers for the team over the mic to return to the table.
You wait at the front until ever car leaves before stepping back to the booth. your team has once again occupied and taking a seat, with Monsta X taking the next table over. Jin sits down beside you awestruck. Namjoon takes your other side gripping your wrist beneath the table. You find it difficult to tell if he is clinging to you out of anger or worry.   
The rest of the attendees slowly crept back out with the same look on their faces as Jin. You look over to where EXO and GOT7 were seated only to find the space vacant. You can only assume they slipped out the second they heard sirens. Keeping Chanyeol’s affiliation to EXO from the police was clearly a higher priority over gaining more allies.
 VIXX approached once again. “Gentleman, we are clear to continue if you wish?” You offer with a small grin.
There’s a silent nod from their leader N.
“You asked before what my motives are. I simply want to look after my people and take revenge on those who took something from us. But in order to do that we need to increase our numbers.  
N responds positively, “RM if the deal is on the table, I think we can make this work.”
Seventeen, iKon, and Pentagon would also sign on before the end of the night. They’re all relatively fresh according to J-Hope, but numerous in members.
You leave shortly before midnight, everyone retreating before the end of the ceasefire. Saying goodbye to Monsta X at their van before you go your separate ways.
“Thank you for going against your better judgement.”
“Your full of surprises, working with you should be interesting.” Kihyun comments
Wonho waves you off with a reluctant look, “We’ll see you soon.”
It’s a loud car ride home. The younger boys celebrating the successful end of the accords. Namjoon keeps glancing over to you as you sit on the other side of Suga.
As you pull into the manor’s garage Namjoon calls out. “Fire I need to talk to you...privately.”
“Come on RM, no more work tonight. We should celebrate.” V whines.
“You guys go ahead and get started, we’ll join you later.” Namjoon answers.
He pulls you into his office and shuts the door behind. Leaving you by the door he marches away running his hands through his hair and shaking his head. When he turns back to you it’s with overwhelming anger. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“What do you mean what was I thinking? I saved our chances by showing up!”  
“That’s not what I’m talking about. Would you care to inform me why you thought it would be a good idea to call the police?”
“I had to prove myself to them. Those people don’t fear each other as they do losing their freedom behind bars, or they wouldn’t hold something like this. If they could see me in control of what they feared most maybe I could gain their trust.” You take a breath hoping that your motives behind the idea would finally dawn on him. “I made an anonymous trespassing call. There shouldn’t have been that many responders, I was planning on handling it with Monsta X without getting you involved.”
“People could have died tonight, you put your whole team in danger.”
“No! I told you to leave, you insisted on staying with Jin.”
He continues disregarding your correction, while taking a step towards you. “Not to mention the possibility of blowing our cover. We have worked hard to stay off the police’s radar and out of their books. If someone had reacted impulsively, if one of the officers was killed... having their blood on our hands would have changed that.”  
You remain silent as he continues advancing upon you, making his point known.
“What if another gang found out you had called them? Both us and Monsta X wouldn’t have been able to keep all of them away from you, we wouldn’t have been able to save you from their onslaught.” He’s close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin. “You plan for the best outcome knowing that the worst is always a possibility. If you’re not willing to make that sacrifice for the goal then you change the plan. I’m not willing to sacrifice your life for the sake of your prestige.”
“Do you think I like working behind your back? I know I fucked up, but so did you. If you had included me I wouldn’t have had to resort to my own plans.  You have to understand if you continue to try to bench me from this I will not hesitate to work alone. This is what you wanted me to do Namjoon, in the beginning this is what you wanted. What changed?”
“Your motives changed. I heard you the other night speaking to Wonho. You risked your life for us not the goal. Do you know what your father said to me when I spoke to him after meeting you in Busan? When I expressed that we should tell you the truth? He was worried that you would fall in too fast too quickly. He was right, I’m trying to fix that now. We’re not worth you risking your life. I’m trying to save you from yourself. So please, just let me protect you.” There’s a soft sigh along with his last words. He locks his eyes with yours as if looking for you to give in.  
  “You honestly think that? How can you expect me to place your lives any lower than my own? You saw how I lived before I came here, how alone I was. I can’t risk losing you, I won’t go back to that life without you. I won’t watch from the sidelines as you put yourself in danger for my sake. But don’t expect me to believe that you would let me risk more for the goal. You said it yourself, you wouldn’t be able to concentrate knowing I would be in danger. It’s not just my motives that have changed Namjoon.”
You turn towards the door again thinking that the conversation is over. As you reach out grab the handle Namjoon takes your hand and turns you around. Your back is pressed to the door as he leans against you. His other hand rests on your jaw tilting your head up with his thumb resting at the corner of your mouth.
“You’re right, I hate the thought of you walking into the line of fire. But if it had been anyone else who pulled that stunt I would have to cast them out from the team. You’re lucky I’m so fucking selfish, that I can’t seem to let you go. I would do anything to prevent you from walking out that door. ”
You allow your free hand to rest on his chest, you look down fingering one of his shirt buttons before looking back up to his eyes. “Then give me back my reason to stay. I’m tired of fighting you Namjoon.” You realize how much you had missed this, having him hold you close, feeling his touch on your skin.
You grab his shirt pulling him down to meet you. You must have taken him by surprise as both his hands slam against the wood on either side of your head to keep his balance. He presses further against you, a subtle groan escapes him. As you release his shirt he lifts you up. Carrying you in his arms he places you on the edge of his desk. His full lips move to your neck, giving you the occasional nip against your skin. With each bite you gasp, his lips pull tight, smiling at you reaction to him. His hands trail up your thigh, one of them finding its way beneath the fabric. Locating the holster with the gun. “You have a lot of explaining to do wearing something like this.” He sets your gun to the side but comes back to grip to the strap on your leg pushing it up just a little higher on your thigh.
You reach for his suit jacket pulling it off before your fingers move to unbuttoning his shirt.
“The dress or the gun?” You tease, as he slowly unlatches the leather strap.
Instead of letting it fall to the floor he pulls it tighter across your sensitive skin, causing you to yelp as he gives you his answer. “Both.”   
He continues to hold on as his nips your skin harshly, giving you no reprieve. “Even before you got there, I had men inquiring for you, wanting to see if they could take a turn with you. Knowing you were safe back home was the only thing that kept me from reacting. I should have strapped you to the fucking bed to keep you here.” He growls.
“I find it hard to believe that you would leave me like that.” You whisper back.
“No you’re right. I would have brought you to the verge coming and then finished you when I return. Since that’s exactly what you did to me tonight.” The tips of his fingers brush the back of your neck searching for the zipper and dragging it down. “The second you stepped in you had me on the edge. I was forced to keep to myself, bound by those watching, when all I wanted to do was rip off this fucking dress and take you in front of them.   
His hands roll over your shoulders as he exposes your skin. The lace dress falls as you stand for a moment letting it slip to the floor, before returning to your seat on the desk.  He takes off his pants in a swift motion and throws them down next to you.
His index finger tips the cup of your bra allowing him to trail kissed down to your breast. Giving him a moan of pleasure, you urge him to continue, he slowly unfixes the clasp releasing you from it. His warm hands softly roam your chest dragging his fingers back and forth. His mouth assists by giving you the occasional flick of his tongue. While he is distracted you remove your now damp underwear, packing it in the pocket of his pants as a surprise for later.
He reaches down. Letting out a gasp when he finds that you have removed your final piece of clothing.  His fingers tease between your wet folds. “You have no idea how much I wanted to do this as I sat beside you.” His other hand returns to your chin tilting your face up to him . “Having them watch as you react to my touch. Having my fingers coated with you as I shook the hands of others.”
You give him a smirk back playing along, but your face begins to heat with thought of such an act, “Then why didn’t you?”
He reaches deeper inside you but only for a moment, just long enough to extract a moan from your lips. “I told you, I’m selfish. Seeing you like this, completely undone, that’s my privilege.”
He brings his index, now slick from you, to his mouth for a taste. Groaning as he samples you. “Sweeter than sweet.” He whispers quietly with a smirk. He kneels in front of you. As if hungering for more he parts your lower lips with his tongue lapping at your juices. With every brush of his tongue he sends jolts through you. Teasing with long and short strokes.   
Despite his boldness you could still feel his fingers tremble as they trail across your thighs. Even now he was holding back, protecting you from his full strength and demand. Your fingers trail along his jaw tilting his head up. He rises back up to meet you, capturing you lips once more as he release himself from his boxers.
“Are you ready for me baby?” Hearing the word baby roll off his tongue is all the encouragement you need to slide forward on the desk to meet him, but his hands hold your hips in place. “Tell me what you want first.”
“You... fuck I want you inside me.” You trail your fingers along his shaft teasing him. He lets out a low growl moving himself closer. You continue to drive your point across as you direct him further, “No need to be gentle. I promise I won’t break.”
A lusting groan breaks from him as his first thrust glides in filling you. His power enough to push you further on the desk, He counteracts his force with one hand gripping your hips the other tugging on the holster he left strapped to you. With every push he leaves you gasping, your moans rising in volume as he plunges deeper.
POV ???
Pulling up the camera feed to RM’s office was a mistake. It had been a long night. I didn’t want to wait if you and RM where going to continue fighting for hours. I just wanted to see if you were starting to come to a resolution. I had turned down my phone volume so the other members around me wouldn’t hear your spat. But now, staring at the screen I realize they would have heard something far different.
The camera is placed on the wall overlooking the front of the desk. RM’s back is to the shot, but you, you are in clear view of the lens. I watch as your dress falls to the floor... I watch as he softly kisses your chest drawing it to his mouth... I watch as you carefully slip your underwear into his pocket. I know this is wrong but I can’t tear my eyes away.
I  place my hand into my pocket to conceal my growing erection. But it’s only made worse when I see him push his fingers inside of you. The silence is killing me, I desperately wish to hear the moans coming from your lips. I dim the screen and pause the footage carefully getting up. I tell the others to continue on without me and inform them of my destination.
I can’t get there fast enough. Once alone I rewind and turn on the audio. Your sinful sounds claim me through the speaker, they alone would be enough to satisfy my need for you. I lick my lips, as RM sucks on his fingers dripping with your wetness. Letting out a groan myself as I watch him go down on you. My craving for you grows stronger, making me to criticize his simple taste of you. Oh how I would drink from you. I can only imagine what it would be like to draw my tongue across your slit as my mouth encases your folds. I picture you bucking against my caresses with pleasure, holding you in place I would roam deeper with my tongue than he ever could.   
I growl with approval when I hear the vulgarity of your words. Here you are begging him for more, when I’m ready to give everything to you in that moment, my body, heart and soul... they’re all yours.
I meet my complete downfall when I see your face as he enters you. I unbuckle my pants reaching in to grip myself. Every whimper from you causes me to pulse against my hand. I bite my lip as I watch your nails dig into his back, you leave marks that I can only envy. As he carries you closer to your climax, I observe a blush creep onto your skin. I disregard his name falling between your moans. Knowing my own would sound so much sweeter coming from your lips.
You shudder one last time as you cry out in ecstasy. Collapsing back on to the desk after he too releases.
I pause the footage berating myself for what I had just witnessed. But the swell in my hand is still prominent, my disgust is not enough to prevent me from scanning the footage back. I close my eyes, roll my head back and continue to take pleasure from your passionate voice. The voice that burns me from the inside.
AN: Welp I think that’s my best cliff hanger to date... so you can either live in despair for a week or two not knowing who the POV belongs to... or you can play my horrible little game of finding the clues and hints I (in true LeMonJoonAh fashion) left for you. I would love to hear your guesses.
Also, side note this was the first smut scene(s) I’ve ever written, thoughts and feedback are welcome!
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waitinginthedarke · 5 years
He’ll be wrong, for you.
A BTS/Kim Taehyung Fanfiction
Summary : What happens when you take on Kim Taehyung… Type: Mafia!AU (BTS)
********************Prologue********************* Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
‘Have you got any coffee?’
The question is asked in a gravelly voice, the sight of the warehouse presenting itself to you through a slightly blurred, and exhausted, vision, but you still manage to seek him out in the darkness, his omniscient smirk being illuminated by the single table-side light that separated the space between your two chairs.
‘And why might you be asking that, Angel?’
A spark of irritation flickers in your stomach at the pet name, tiredness weighing down on your responses to him, but you’re too spent to really acknowledge it with how much you desperately needed caffeine, and deeply despised your need to sleep.
‘Taehyung, have you got any or-‘
‘Its 5am, Y/n. …maybe instead of drinking coffee, you should consider getting some sleep?’
The way he cuts you off forces a biting reply to the forefront of your tongue, but before the words can leave your lips, you’d caught sight of the worried expression he was watching you with, your eyes slowly following the length of his arm till you see the way he’d reached over to gently cover your hand with his.
‘I don’t need-‘
‘The guys went to bed almost two hours ago, beautiful. And I’ve spent the past two hours watching you try not to fall asleep in that chair, despite me telling you amusing stories about the gang.’ He points out, a wry smile curling the edges of his lips, despite the deep bow in his brow, one that grows larger as he gets elegantly to his feet and takes a step toward you only to come to kneel at your feet.
‘Whatever it is that’s brought you here tonight, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. …but what I do want you to do…is to forget about it whilst you’re here; …you’re safe with me.’
He speaks the words with such sincerity as he peers up at you, his hair falling into his eyes slightly where he’d spent his evening nervously, or perhaps stressfully, raking his fingers through it. In that moment you think you might tell him everything, that you might spill your life into his lap; the ugly dark truth.
…but then you think about the way he’ll run away from you…the way he’d walk away in just the same way all the others had. 
You weren’t sure why the thought of him turning away from you bothered you so, this man who, for all intents and purposes should be your enemy, whose warehouse you’d waltzed into this evening with no idea as to why but every intention to stay...
... you just knew you didn’t want to lose him just yet.
‘I’m not going to judge you, y/n. …I just want to make sure you’re at your best so that you can deal with whatever it is that’s plaguing you. …I might have only know you for a few days, but you’ve always intrigued me from a distance. I’ve always found you-‘
‘What do you mean from a distance?’ you cut him off, the last corner of your brain that wasn’t laden with exhaustion picking up on the odd use of words that hinted at something further, and you find yourself watching him carefully as his eyes widen just the tiniest bit.
‘I monitor all the gangs in the area closely, y/n. I didn’t come to be of the caliber I am by ignoring others and simply focusing on my own wants for my gang.’ He explains, squeezing your hand gently and distracting you momentarily with its warmth and reassuring feel, before you’re quickly looking back up at him.
‘When you say monitor,….’ You begin, brain working faster than your conscious reactions as hope burns beneath your rib cage, the thought that maybe he already knew about your past and was still ready to accept you causing your heart to pound as your breathing silently speeds up.
‘I study my rivals. I learn their weaknesses and their strengths. I infiltrate other gangs databases so that I’m ready for any kind of attack I may encounter-‘
‘So you know the-you know everyone’s pasts? You know-‘
‘I know almost everything about you since you joined Kyuho’s gang…yes.’ Taehyung confirms, a glint of unsurity in the depths of his gaze as he watches you accept this information, but the way he’d worded his confession had you worrying about something much different than what he was concerned about.
‘since I joined…so you don’t-‘
‘I know the entire backstory of every single assassin and trainee in your gang,’ he begins intently, eyes flickering between yours as if he was searching you for something, and before he could even speak the words, you knew what he was going to say.
‘…except yours. Your file, before you met Kyuho, …was blank.’
A measure of despair enters you, the hope that had been building in your gut instantly being dashed as you realize he didn’t know. The need to run begins to tighten your muscles, a moisture welling in your eyes, and you quickly move your gaze from his, staring at your joined hands momentarily before all the defense strategies you’d adopted as habit over time suddenly swarm your body, taking away any control your subconscious had.
‘I think I should probably go. …get back to work and all-‘
His face fills your vision as he pulls you back to him from where you’d got to your feet and attempted to move away, and despite your cemented need to escape, you find your steely façade fracturing under the concerned expression he was pinning you down with.
‘I don’t care who you were before, y/n. We all come to be where we are for different reasons…but what brings us together is a need for comfort, and a need for revenge- it doesn’t matter how pretty you try to make the situation.’ He begins, his hold on your arm where he’d grabbed you being secure, like it could stay there forever and you’d never grow weary of it.
‘Please don’t run off because you’re scared about what I might think of your past…we’ve all got demons, angel…’
The need to flee takes a pause with those words, your eyes immediately flickering up to his to see him staring down at your hands once more as he slowly comes to grasp your fingers with his own, before peering up at you and offering you a timidly reassuring smile.
‘Please tell me you wont leave just yet.’
It’s the way he says the words so quietly, so timidly, that has you realizing the position you’d found yourself in; standing defenseless before the master assassin Kim Taehyung himself…with your heart racing at the way his eyes watched you closely as his tongue slipped out to moisten his lips.
You shouldn’t have gotten this close.
‘I have to go.’ You murmur, swallowing thickly as you battle against your desire to stay, seeing the light in his eyes dim as he frowns at your hasty retreat, a look of hurt painting his features as his grip on you loosens so that you can put some distance between you.
But even as you get to the doorway that would take you back outside, you find yourself slowing despite yourself, slowly turning back to look at him only to see him stood in the exact same space as he looks back at you, mournful expression flicking momentarily with hope at your pause, before his features become painted stoically once again when you make no move to return.
And its that charade of indifference that he shows you, the sight making you crave his soft side once more, that has you speaking your next words.
‘I’ll be back…I promise.’
‘And where have you been all night?’
You roll your eyes at Kyuho’s abrupt, demanding question as you stroll into HQ a few hours later, barely 20 minutes of sleep under your belt, and only 4 shots of espresso to keep you going.
‘What jobs have you got for me today?’ is all you respond, not wanting to talk to him after what he’d said the night before, but knowing you had some unfinished business to attend to. 
‘Are you going to answer my question or-‘
‘Im just here to finish what I started.’ You cut Kyuho off, the interruption pulling you from your memories of the way Taehyung had held your hand more or less all night, and you flash your gaze up to look at your boss directly in the eye, finding him looking back at you with a steely gaze that flashes with mild surprise.
‘And what exactly-‘
‘Just give me my file for the day. I want to get finished asap.’
All he can do is stare at you with a single raised brow, before turning around to retrieve your prepared instructions, muttering something under his breath as he does so. As he turns back to offer you the file you can see he’s about to say something, but before he can say anything you’re snatching the thin paper folder from him and heading for the door.
‘Y/N, I want to talk-‘
‘Works calling.’ You shout over your shoulder, hating the way you felt bad about your actions with the hint of regret you could hear in his words. But before you let yourself get hung up on him, you were mounting your motorcycle and speeding toward the destination of the day’s first tests.
You preferred the hand to hand combat; the pure rush of adrenaline that takes over every move you make until you find yourself blending into a machine of pure strength and skill, only surfacing from the high of it all once all danger had dispersed from your immediate path.
So few combatants that you faced these days really appreciated the focus and skill that was required for physical attacks, preferring to hide behind guns or other such weaponry that showed just how cowardly they truly were.
The person you faced now, for example, was clearly lost without the aid that he was so used to having, his nun-chucks lay 10 meters to the left where you’d thrown them only a moment before. However, it had only taken you seconds to realize that they were the only thing this guy was really skilled with; the sight of his hands trembling slightly where they were pursed before him making your lip curl, not in amusement, but anger at his clear disregard for the basic knowledge and skill of combat.
‘Just give up, it will be easier for you. I’ll even let you go if you tell me where your boss is hiding.’ You tell him, voice neutral, emotionless, not allowing him any advantage as you hold your ground, slowly, un-susceptibly moving closer to him as he continues to bounce ridiculously on his toes.
‘I’ll never give up. You’re the one that should turn around little lady.’
Boy did he sounds like a walking cliché.
For the past 30 seconds you’d been waiting for the swipe of his right arm to jut out toward your throat, the constant eyeing of your jugular having given away his intentions before he’d even consciously decided on making the attempt. Sadly for him though, you’d already plotted your own plan of attack, within miliseconds having his face pressed harshly to the concrete, and your knee forced snuggly against his spine, his cry of pain in response resonating around the darkened shipping yard.
‘I’ll give you one more chance. And I swear to god if you call me ‘little lady’ once more I will rip your arms from your sockets without thinking twice; don’t think I wont.’ You explain, leaning down to hiss the words in his ear as you hold his arms tightly behind his back, daring him to move as you wait for him to show his understanding with a barely susceptible nod of his head.
But of course, his ego ended up getting the better of him, and within minutes you were leaving him in a heap of collapsed limbs on the concrete, the groans and cries of pain emanating from him as you walked away with the USB he’d had hidden in his jacket, proof that if you made a promise to someone, even if it was to rip their arms out of their sockets…
…you were going to keep it
‘Boss, she’s back.’
You’d had all day to think over what had happened the night before, how Taehyung had confessed that he knew everything about you but the thing you simultaneously wished he did and didn’t know most. You’d spent almost every waking hour thinking about how you could tell him, what you wanted to say to him…..considering the way you’d found yourself thinking about him…
And yet you’d still arrived at the warehouse with no idea of what you really wanted to say-
-or why you’d even returned.
The simple sentence that had been called by Jungkook into the vast space of the room had been enough to conjure him from the small office hidden in the corner, the second he appeared in the doorway, hands in his pockets, regarding you across the space with a level yet silently thankful quirk of his lips causing your pulse to thunder in your ears as you look back at him, trying to stifle the smile that wanted to grace itself for him.
But that’s before his expression is suddenly slashed by one of concern.
‘What happened?’
Confused, you watch him stalk across the space towards you, eyes drifting over your body and bringing your attention down to your clothes, causing you to recall the struggles of your last mission in which you’d been painted by a couple of bloody spatters in a dirty brawl.
‘Oh, its nothing…I just- I should’ve gone home to change before I came, but-‘
The end of the sentence stops short on the end of your tongue, the words ‘I couldn’t wait to see you’ hanging silently in the air between you, and when your gaze flickers doe-like up to him you see him looking down at you with silent intrigue, mouth quirking into a knowing smile where his friends could only see his back as he stood before you, and the private moment had you subconsciously biting your lip as you continue to hold his gaze, heart racing in your chest.
‘Perhaps you’d like to get a fresh shirt.’ He mused, his statement seeming to offer you the chance to leave, but just as he sees the logical answer conflict in your gaze, he’s quickly remedying his choice of words, into one more promising for you to stay.
‘I have one in the office.’
Every time you saw him again, you found yourself getting caught up in his beauty. Compared to all the other mafia bosses that you’d ever met, with their hard faces, stubble sharpened jawlines, and perfectly gelled hair, the clean, smooth skin, soft sweeping hair, and perfectly sculpted features of the man before you always caught you off guard, causing you to admire his angelic perfection for a few moments before he caught you looking-
-as he did in that moment.
‘Come with me.’
The dagger-like, curious gazes of Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook staked themselves into you as you followed their leader across the warehouse floor and into his office without a word of explanation, the silence the moment held feeling like it was weighing you down up until the moment he shut the door behind you, and the two of you were alone once more.
His switch from mafia boss to caring man was almost instantaneous with the click of the door shutting.
‘How was your day?’
You watch him as he moves past you to a closet in an alcove of the room, his question being dropped into your hands as casually as though the two of you were life long friends, and despite your awareness of the fact you hadn’t automatically responded to his inquest with an answer, you couldn’t help but watch after him, confusion clouding your mind as you work to get your brain to catch up with the moment, and to stop dwelling on the way his hand had felt clutching yours as he’d pulled you into the small room.
‘That bad?’
His voice suddenly being in front of you, snaps you from your thoughts, your gaze shooting upwards to find him looking down at you with an eyebrow raised, smolder subconsciously twisting his features as he waits for your answer.
You hadn’t even noticed the shirt he’d been holding before him, the way his hand suddenly clasps around your own as you go to take it from him causing you to nervously swallow as you wait for his next move, letting go of the breath you’d been holding when his hand gently drops from yours, before thanking him quietly.
‘I’ll leave you alone for a moment.’ He murmurs, his expression when you glance up at him being clouded with concern, and the way he looks at his feet, eyes not meeting yours, has you suddenly reaching for him before he can walk away.
His instinctive, instantaneous turn of his head in your direction, eyes lighting up as every facet of his body seems to fine-tune itself to you has every concern you had trying to battle their way out of your mouth at once, the need to tell him just how you felt, the confusion, and the blind want for him bubbling to the surface…
…only for your instinctive assassin nature to smother them as though they were the enemy.
‘Thank you.’
‘No problem, Angel.’
Staring at his back as he disappears out of the door, you’re left wishing you could have said more.
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Greasy Baby
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Genre: fluff, greaser!hyuck
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N this au stems from some enlightening conversations with @cinanamon who is graciously allowing me to use some of her ideas, this one’s for you bb ;))))
greaser!hyuck is...a lil shit to say the least
like ye he’s a handsome boi i mean,,,imagine him in a leather jacket,,,hair gelled back,,,yes pls
but he knows him and his group of bois (dreamies hello) are hot shit and he’s not afraid to show that he knows it
him and the dreamies are always seen cruising around town,,, harassing hollerin at the ladies from the inside of hyuck’s beat up mustang (is that a time period correct car??? idk and idc to look it up lol)
he never actually physically harasses anyone, it’s all fun and games (for them at least don’t accept cat calling kids men ain’t shit)
there’s just...nothing else really for them to do around town
the only forms of entertainment come from the drive in theater and the soda shop that all the kids hang out at after school
he attends his local university since him and the gang come from a small town and didn’t really care to leave or have the grades to go to a better school
and you...well you don’t really know why you decided to attend a university in such a dinky little town
maybe it’s because you wanted a change of pace from the city, and maybe it’s because it’s your mother’s alma mater and you spent a few of your summers there
but somehow you find yourself at the school
the only problem is,,,everyone who attends the school grew up in the dumb town,,,meaning everyone already knows each other and has their friend groups and cliques
leaving you to fend for yourself and kind of live as an outsider
sure you make acquaintances in your classes but,,,it’s hard for you to make solid friends when everyone else already knows everything about everyone else 
so you’ve been living your life on campus, smiling at the acquaintances you’ve made when you pass by them on the street, but you never really hang out with anyone after school
your sophomore year you got a job at the soda shop bc college ain’t cheap and they were hiring
surprisingly enough you made close friends through the job, your coworkers went to the same uni as you and the clientele were also in some of your classes
so you began to actually go out more (when you weren’t working obvi)
on day you were on campus walking to your next class and you saw one of said new friends
but while you were distracted with waving to them you bumped into someone and woop guess who????
you guessed it our boy hyuck with the rest of 00 line walking past
he was bouta pop off but then he sees it’s you the cute lil waitress from the soda shop that he’s lowkey seen around and been crushing on for a few months now
so when he sees you stuttering out an apology bc boi is brighter than the damn son and took your breath away
he just smirks and lets out a lil chuckle and just says ‘don’t worry about it sweetcheeks’ with a wink and then he’s off
you stand there for a moment in shock bc like obvi you know who he is even if you’ve only been around a few years who tf doesn’t know hyuck and co
and ofc your friends all saw and were like...b don’t even worry about it he just be like that sometimes ya know
and you’re like yea u right and forget about the whole encounter
but guess who doesn’t ohohoho it’s mister lee donghyuck himself he be thinking about it the rest of the day bc wow you’re even prettier up close huh
and the rest of dream are like...mmhmm ok mr. lee not sus at all we’re on. to. you.
so guess where hyuck ever so casually zooms off to after his classes are over????
oh boy you guessed it right off to the soda shop but oomph poor bb you’re not actually working that day and bb is sad :(((( meanwhile his boys are just laughing at him bc omg hyuck is so w hi p pe d
so now bb is going to the shop every moment he can until!!! finally!!! you’re working again god bless!!!
as soon as he sees you’re working baby sits bolt up right and starts fixing his slicked back hair that he had totally not been running his hands through out of nerves
the other boys weren’t there bc??? they have better places to be than at the soda shop for the 50000 time that day even though chenle and jisung had been there earlier just to laugh at him
but now holy shit you’re coming over and you look so cute in the dumb poodle skirt they make you wear as a uniform with your hair placed in a high ponytail
meanwhile you’re sw e a t i n g bc shit it’s hyuck and he’s still a handsome ass boy and you have to serve his table n ow f u c k
so you sidle on over and give him your usual spiel asking what he’d like to order n shit
and this boy omf remember when i said he was annoying?
well yea he fucking goes ‘are you on the menu bc I’d certainly like to have a piece of you’
and you’re like...boy tf oh my god i want to SLAP him 
but you grin through it like ha ha...funny ok...our specials for today are...
hyuck ain’t listening anymore bc he’s busy mentally kicking himself bc??? really hyuck??? you’re trying to make her like you wtf were you t h in k i ng
so he just points at some random thing on the menu, his head hanging in shame
and yea you’d think it was cute if he hadn’t just gotten on your damn nerves
but, alas, you have to continue serving the boy who had ordered literally just a fried egg but you know who were you to judge
he eats the egg rather quickly and then just...sits there...not doing anything...and you don’t know what to do like you can’t kick him out he did order something and it’s not particularly busy
meanwhile hyuck’s head is spinning trying to think of how to woo you after completely embarrassing himself earlier
after like an hour passes you head over to him, ready to ask him again if he wants anything else to eat 
but as soon as you get to him he jolts upright scaring the shit out of you and he’s like fuck sorry i didn’t mean to scare you 
and you’re like it’s fine now seriously do you want anything else-
but he cuts you off and suddenly...lee donghyuck?? is grabbing onto your hand??? and rapidly apologizing to you for being so Gross earlier
you gotta shake the boy off of you and honestly,,,he’s really endearing like aw he’s so embarrassed what a bb
when you get out of his grip you’re like bro it’s ok tbh i get much worse all the time
suddenlt hyuck is ready to f i g ht like who tf??? i will square up 
in your head you’re like,,,bitch ik you catcall don’t even try...but in reality you’re like mmmhmm sure ok you couldn’t hurt a damn fly
hyuck is angery now like wdym im tough >:( don’t you see my leather jacket and cool hair and car???
and you,,,oh you little reader pat lee donghyuck’s fUCkiNg head and now he is blushing oooooh
in a smol voice he asks for his check and leaves you a v generous tip despite your protests
and by that time his confidence seems to come back bc he winks and tells you he’ll be back
you giggle and give him a lil wave bc...wow lee donghyuck is just a cute shy lil bb hehe
and now hyuck is coming in every day,,,sometimes with his boys,,,sometimes alone but no matter what he’s always sure to, in a respectful manner, flirt with you and chat you up while dream just look on in amusement bc, again, hyuck is wh i p p e d
y’all just kinda...live like that for a few weeks but it’s v clear to e v er y body that there is shit going down between the two of you
like at this point hyuck’s hanging around campus with you too so like,,,everyone and their mother knows at this point bc,,,like i said earlier,,,everyone in this damn town knows everything about everyone
so ya’ll are stagnant, hyuck flirting, you laughing and sometimes flirting back
until one day ohhh boy there’s a new boul in town and he is not ashamed at all
and by that i mean he’s the biggest fucking asshole to ever step foot in the town, thinking he’s hot shit and everybody wants him when everyone hates his g u t s
and this boy has been hanging around the shop, livin his life, waiting for his moment to strike
but uh oh he made a mistake bc the first person he attempts to come on to...is you
and hyuck has been there bc he knows this guy has been hanging around and he wants to keep an eye on you his girl
it was a good thing too bc... this boul is going all out
tugging lightly at your skirt when you come to take his order while he uses the same cringy line hyuck used on you that first day
and hyuck knows you’re a big girl who can handle herself which you make very clear by firmly rejecting him with a smile plastered across your face
but...boy does not and will not let up
and you’re getting more and more frustrated and hyuck can tell esp when you keep throwing exasperated looks in his direction w the occasional eye roll
he would laugh but he’s too busy trying not to flip his shit
until boy fuckin just goes to grab your ass and you immediately move back, ready to reprimand him
but all thoughts are brushed aside when a loud crash sounds followed by heavy footsteps
hyucky had stood up so harshly that his chair had fallen over but he hadn’t even bothered to fix it bc he immediately stormed over to you, loosely wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side 
he is m a d like you thought he couldn’t fight before but now he looks like he could rip a guys head off and you lowkey find it hot but that’s not what’s important right now
the guy is like oh woops sorry bro didn’t know she was taken but hyuck is not having it going off about how you shouldn’t treat anyone like that period no matter if they’re in a relationship or not
and yes hyuck and his friends had been the same way a few months before but meeting you changed his way of thinking and his friends as well
bc the idiots had never had any female acquaintances before but now they have you and you’re like a sister to them except for hyuck obvi bc he’s in looove
anyway back to the matter at hand i swear i keep going on tangents soz
you have to calm hyuck down before he actually punches this guy in the nose and the guy throws some money on the table before booking it out of there bc he’s high key scared rn lol puddy
your boss comes out and is like...y’all good? and you’re like uhhh yea mind if i talk to him for a minute? n he’s like ya sure whatever
so you pull hyuck over to a back room and you’re like,,,bro,,,wtf you good now??
but hyuck is on a roll now and just flat out says ‘i’ve liked you for a while now so will you do me the honor of being my gf?’
you ??? for a second before snapping himself out of it and you’re like ??? hell yea boi tf???
so now y’all are dating woo!!!
he makes sure to come to the shop whenever you’re working
at first he even would miss classes but you were not gonna have that oh no education comes first kids >:(((
and he was like ugh ok fine but he always managed to get other dreamies to be there when he couldn’t just so he knows you’re ok :(((
you get really close with the other dreamies tho so now you’re all one happy family
even when hyuck isn’t at your shift he makes sure to pick you up afterwards
waiting outside, leaning against his beat up mustang …leather jacket on…waiting for you to come out…and when you walk up to him he grabs you by the waist…pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead…before opening the door for you…driving off to who knows where…but neither of you care as long as you’re together…
sometimes you go to the drive in and cuddle up in the backseat making out for the duration of the movie hehe
you climb onto his lap and sometimes you can hear the people in the next car wooping and hyuck just gives them the finger before bringing his hand back to settle on the back of your thigh
ahem anyways enough of that
other times you just,,, drive around,,, windows down,,, blasting music and laughing,,, just living your life as two college students should hyuck’s hand resting on your thigh shhhh
you always stop at the same dingy diner that’s hidden away on some side road
(shout out to steph for this next part love you bb uwu)
and hyuck always rummages through his pockets  for change to buy you a drink, even when you say he doesn’t have to and you know he doesn’t always have the most money he says he wants to
trips to the diner are always followed by sunset drives where you have to remind him to watch the road bc  he finds it so much fun to smiles t you and try to kiss you while driving and you scold him that he’s going to die one day, him saying it’s better to live hard, die young
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Louder: part 1
This takes place in the CGW AU, a collaborative universe by @ao719, @speedyoperarascalparty, @cocomaxley, @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. You can find other works from our crazy universe HERE
This takes place before Genevieve and Rashads wedding. It is a follow up to Never give up (a one shot featuring Leo x Alicia) which was basically the birth of this crazy gang. It is very smutty you can find that HERE.
Rating: Mature, smut content inside
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The five ladies stepped excitedly out of the suv, it was girls night and they looked forward to this night every week. Each of the girls took time picking and planning an activity, this particular week was Alicia's turn. "Ok girls, whos ready to get shit faced and paint?" She clapped her hands. "I'm ready to drink, but paintin, not so much. I had to paint a gold fish in middle school. It came out looking like an orange turd floating in the water." Stephanie said with a serious expression. The girls bust out laughing as they walked into the studio.
They each took a seat in front of an easel while an employee came around filling wine glasses. "Anitah took a look at the little bit of liquid in the bottom of the glass and spoke up. "Honey, these ladies and I are going to need alot more then this. I'll gladly pay you guys an extra $200 if you keep our glasses full." The employee nodded and took the cash filling the girls glasses up. An instructor stepped in front of the group. "Hello ladies, I am Gwendolyn and tonight we will be painting the Eiffel Tower in the spring time." She pulled out a painting with the Eiffel Tower in the distance, its reflection in watrr surrounded by chery blossoms. "Has anyone ever been to the effiel tower in the spring." She questioned. The girls all raised their hands. "I've had sex on the Eiffel Tower in the spring." Anitah whispered as she giggled. "Sir would you like to paint too? We have an extra seat?" Gwendolyn asked Brad. "No mam, I am here to observe." Anitah rolled her eyes "Brad, sit down and fricken paint."
"Yes, your grace."
Leo, Maxwell and Drake walked into the study joining Liam, Rashad and Bastien. "Who's ready to pay me?" Leo gloated. Drake rolled his eyes "Yeah ok Rhys, we will see who pays who." "Im glad I can join you guys this time, Stephanie is out with the girls and Savanah offered to watch Evie for us." Maxwell grinned as he grabbed a handfull of pretzels and sat down.
Several hands into the game the guys were feeling the effects of their drinks. Drake slid a large bet into the center "what'll it be boys?" Leo shot him a smirk. "I'll raise you. Go big or go home. That's my motto for poker and the bed room." He winked. Liam rolled his eyes "I fold, but im pretty sure we've already established I'm just as qualified to get the job done big bro." Liam gave him a sloppy grin. "Now boys, lets not forget who has double digits!" Drake sipped his whiskey, pleased with himself. Maxwell and Rashad each shared a look, remembering the night they played never have I ever after Maxwell and Stephanie's baby shower.
"Ok Walker, you have more O's, but when it comes to who can make them scream louder, I got that hands down." Leo gloated taking a long sip of his scotch. "You got jokes Rhys, I'm pretty sure Pam and I have got you beat in that department too."
"Now wait a minute, im petty sure Anitah has both of you beat there." Liam spoke up. "Genevieve, has a set of lungs on her, I'd be willing to bet she could give the ladies a run for their money." Rashad interjected. Maxwell giggled "My red is a firey, fiesty one, she is quite loud don't count her out." The five men stared each other down.
"Ok, since all of you think you have what it takes how about we put it to the test?" Leo looked back and forth between the men. "And how do you suppose we do this?" Liam arched hos brow. "The camping trip, this weekend." Drake said never taking his eyes off his friends. "Deal" the unanimously agreed as they sat back in their chairs. "Ahh guys? How do we tell who's louder? We'll need a judge." Maxwell stated, as their heads turned to face Bastien. "Not even an option fellas, I told you already, you're on your own."
The girls were about 7 bottles of wine in and feeling good. They had just about finished up their paintings when Anitah asked for another bottle to be brought out. "Um, this is the last bottle, do you ladies really need another?" Gwendolyn pleaded. "I am the queen of Gordon, bring me the bottle." She demanded. Gwendolyn nodded and returned a moment later refilling the girls glasses. "How you doing over there queen or Gordon?" Alicia snorted. "Greaaaaat! This thing is fucking awesome. How bout you guys?" Anitah slurred. " I like mine, mines pretty. Im gonna make Leo hang it in the bed room... I hope it doesn't fall off the wall though." Alicia giggled.
Pam held hers up in the air. "I'm done, its nothing special." Genevieve snorted "yeah your full of shit, its a damn masterpiece. Mine, well a five year old could paint better then this shit."
Stephanie placed a hand on Genevieves arm. "Nah girl your doin fine, bless your heart. This paintin's so ugly it'd make a freight train take a dirt road." She motioned to her work. Anitah topped her glass of again finishing off the bottle. "Shiiiit were outta wine. How you doing Brad?" Anitah giggled. "No worries, I brought back up." The ladies cheered as pam pulled put a bottle.
"Ah we dont allow outside alcohol in the studio." Gwendolyn spoke up. Anitah shot her a look. "Gwendolyn, Do you know who I am?" "Ah ye- yes your majesty." Anitah nodded "ok then, the bottle stays. Heres some extra cash for your troubles." Anitah smirked. Alicia pulled out her phone to take a picture accidentally calling Leo on video chat.
Leos phone rang Drake glanced down at the phone and snorted. "Hey Leo, sexy wifey is calling." Leo grinned as the others laughed. "A video call. She must miss my face." He pressed the button "hey baby having fun?" Only she wasnt looking at the screen. Leo could see the art studio, and hear the girls laughing. He heard Anitah ask Brad how he was doing over ther. "Anitah get down, your gonna hurt yourself." Alicia giggled. Liam came over behind Leo. "What are you watching?" His eyes went wide at the sight. Anitah walked over to the table in the center of the room and climbed up. She laid down on her side seductively and said "paint me like one of your french ladies." The girls laughed hysterically. The last thing they seen was paint fly across the room before the call ended.
"This is ridiculous!" Genevieve shouted in frustration as she tossed her paint brush, causing pink paint to fly across hitting Anitah in the face. Anitah gasped. "Gen, what the hell?"
"Ooops, sorry." Genevieve tried stifling a laugh but her attempts were futile. Anitah grabbed a paint brush and flung blue paint at Genevieve splashing across her cheeks and hitting Stephanie in the process. "Awe hell no." Stephanie grabbed a hanful of paint and flung it at Anitah. Alicia and pam looked on at the three, un touched by the paint filled fued until Alicia laughed and Anitah took a paint brush and smeared a line straigh across her chest. "You shouldn't have done that queenie." Alicia giggled as she picked up a bottle of purple pain and squeezed it on her head. Anitah squealed as the two started dumping paint all over each other.
Brad came running across the room "your majesty." His foot hit a puddle of paint and he fell on his ass, sliding across rhe floor leaving a brown streak across it. The girls laughed hysterically "looks like ole Brad left a skid mark." Stephanie howled.
Pam sat there drinking straight out of the bottle. "you guys done yet?" She groaned, a stream of blue pant splashed across the side of her head. "Oh, now you've done it." Pam jumped up and flung paint in all directions. The girls laughed and screamed until Gwendolyn came back into the room "what is going on here?" They immediately froze. "This concludes tonight's session, please get out!" She seethed. The girls took their paintings, and piled into the suv. Completely paint covered, somehow their paintings remained unscathed by the paint war.
Liam stood there jaw clenched "Bastien, please inform Brad to bring my wife home, immediately." " Yes sir." Bastiens phone rang as he stepped outside of the study. "Well, it seems the girls had fun." Leo chuckled. Liam shot him a look. "At least there wasn't anyone else there." Rashad tried to make light of the situation. Bastien entered the room "ah sir." "Yes Bastien. " liam sighed. "That was the art studio, it appears the girls have been banned." The men all turned to face Bastien. Liam ran his hand down his face "of course they have." "Theres more." Bastien continued "it also seems they caused some Damage and destruction of property."
"Bastien please inform the studio that we will cover all Damages, also please make them sign a non disclosure form." Bastien nodded and excited the room. "Damages? That doesnt sound like my Genevieve." Rashad defended. "My red is fiesty, but I cant see her trashing a place... Ok maybe." Maxwell shrugged. "Pam wouldn't do that, theres got to be more to this Li." Drake shook his head. Leo snorted. "We chose American women gentlemen. they're hot headed, hot tempered and hot blooded." "My queen has alot of explaining to do when she gets here." Liam exhaled with a clenched jaw.
Finally they heard a loud yelling coming from the foyer. "HONEY WERE HOOOOOME." Alicia screamed as the girls giggled. "There they are now." Leo chuckled.
The girls stumbled into the palace Anitah took off her shoes kicking them across the room, followed by her shirt. "I need a shower." Alicia kicked her shoes off and pulled down her jeans tossing them. "I need one too." Genevieve already had her shirt off and was working on her pants as they climbed the stairs. Stephanie and pam made short work of theor clothes tossing them aside as the five made their way to the royal Quaters.
"My showers the biggest, we can all get in there." She announced as the girls piled into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. "Mmm bop, do a dop a do oop do it up my doo op." Alicia sang. "Ew, did you say do it up your doo op?" Anitah squealed. "Thats not how the song goes." Genevieve laughed. "Oh yeah, you sing ot then. Ok. "Mmbop do a dop a do op do it up my doo op." Genevieve giggled. "See?!" Alicia laughed as the girls joined in singing very drunk and very off key.
The guys walked out of the study making their way to the stairs when they noticed several articles of clothing strewn about. "Well, looks like they're naked where ever they are. " leo smirked. "And covered in paint." Drake picked up a paint covered shirt "this is pams." The made their way towards the royal quaters when they heard the singing. The door was wide open. They walked in and heard the water running. They opened the bathroom door to find all five women crammed into the shower. "Jesus christ they're packed in there like sardines." Drake ran his hands through his hair.
"Heeey baby."Alicia turned to see Leo, her white bra and panties soaked, showing everything. Leo groaned at the sight adjusting his pants. "Why dont you come on out of there love." He smirked. "No! Were showering." Anitah hollered. "Anitah get out of there right away?" Liam demanded. "Are you angry, my king?" Anitah batted her lashes at him. "Anitah." He warned.
"Ok, Pam lets go." Drake opened the shower door he tried to reach in and grab pam but almost touched Genevieves ass. "Ahhhh, shit. Umm pam baby come here." Pam walked closer to the door when drake grabbed her tossing her over his shoulder, he tried to make a run for it but as he turned he slipped on the wet marble floor and fell on his ass dropping pam on top of him. "Shit baby, are you ok?" He held pam in her arms. Pam looked up at him laughing hard a loud snort escaped her. "Jesus, ok lets get you to bed."
Stephanie was the next to climb out, running right into Maxwell's arms. "Come on rose bud, lets go to bed." He took her hand.
Rashad walked over to the shower "Genevieve." He softly called her name "come on, lets go to bed." Genevieve giggled and climbed out of the shower "night ladies."
"And then there were two." Anitah giggled as her and Alicia danced around under the water. "Ok love, why dont you come with me and we can continue this shower together huh?" Leo gave Alicia that sly look that made her weak in the knees. She jumped out of the shower and into his arms wrapping her legs around him. "Anitah. Come on." Liam sighed. She shut the water off and climbed out. Liam gave her a towel "your angry my king." He shot her a look. "I am." Anitah bit her lip "good."
Liam walked with Leo to the door, Alicia placing kisses on his neck, completely oblivious to anything else. "I think I know just the judge for this weekend." Liam smirked. "Uh huh, jesus baby. Li, can you ah, get on with it." Leo groaned as Alicia continued to kiss his neck. "Brad."
Leo nodded his head and quickly took off. Liam turned to Anitah. "You my queen, you're in trouble. " Anitah squealed as Liam chased her through their quaters.
Tagging: @gardeningourmet @carabeth @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @hopefulmoonobject @alicars  @katurrade  @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world  @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @liam-rhys-x-mc-x-constantine @riseandshinelittleblossom @wannabemc2 @gibbles82 @editboutique @lodberg @zaffrenotes
@moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetween2loves @ownworldresident @perfectprofessorherokid @enmchoices
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a-spoopy-bird · 6 years
Non-Voltron au continued
The phone rang over and over. A click. Voicemail again. “Uh, hey Lance, it’s Keith again. Are- are you okay? You never showed up to physics today… I’m kinda worried. Uh, text me. Call me. Anything to let me know you’re alive. Actually, I’m coming over. So, if you’re even hearing my voice right now, then get ready.” Keith hang up. He was more than kinda worried. Lance has tried to kill himself before. Sometimes, Keith didn’t know if the one bridge accident was a blessing or not. Having Lance as a friend, while mildly annoying, was better than Keith expected. Lance did his best to hide his problems, hiding behind jokes and horrible flirting attempts. It’s been a few months since the Bridge Accident, and Lance has only shown his true colors when he was alone. Keith just happened to find Lance a few times. Keith shuddered at the memory.
He had been walking home later than usual. He was cautious. This was the time the druggies and the gangs came out. He’d have to be careful. He glanced down an alley and stopped flat. “Lance?” Leaning against a wall, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was uncoordinated.
“Keith, wussup?” Lance stumbled over. He was obviously higher than an airplane.
“Lance, come on, I’m taking you home.”
“No, no, don’t do that, please Keith.” Lance stumbled and leaned against the wall again.
“Why not?” Keith had little patience for high people. They were slow and clumsy, and usually said stuff that made no sense.
“I kinda came here to escape them, ya know?”
“Lance,” Keith sighed and shook his head. “Fine, then come on.”
“Not back home.” It was a statement, but it also felt like a question.
“No, you’re coming to my place so that you don’t do something stupid.”
“’Ight.” Lance walked with Keith, steps dragging slightly, teetering on every step. Keith did his best to support Lance, but he was a lot taller than Keith, which presented a problem. Lance couldn’t walk straight, and he seemed to want to just fall over.
Finally, finally they made it to Keith’s small studio apartment. Keith helped Lance up the stairs, with a lot of Heys, That’s my foots, and Stop it, come ons. Lance was settling down on Keith’s couch, and Keith was getting some blankets from a closet.
“Why do they hate me?” Keith froze. Lance was looking down at his hands, limp on his lap.
“Like, I didn’t even do anything, ya know? They just don’t really understand. They get it that I’m into dick, that was mostly fine. My gram hates it, but whatever. I just- why don’t they see mental health kids, like, people with depression, as people who need help? Since when was that a thing?”
Keith put down the blanket. “Well, sometimes people, especially older generations, don’t see depression as a real thing. They mislead themselves by telling people they’re just a little sad.”
“Don’t they, like, care, though? Isn’t that what parents are supposed to do? Care?”
Keith sighed, getting the blanket. “I don’t know Lance. My dad left when I was a kid, and my mom was a drug addict. I don’t have much experience with real parents.” Keith brought the blanket over.
Lance sighed. “Keith, I didn’t do something wrong, did I?”
“No, you didn’t. Stop stressing it. Depression is very real, and they don’t seem to know that.”
“But- but they also just never has- have time for me, like? I might as well be invisible. Betcha they won’t notice I’m gone.” He laughed without humor at that.
“Give me your phone.”
“Wha- why?”
“I need to message Hunk, and I don’t have his number.” It was a lie. Keith felt spiteful. Lance’s parents should pay more attention to their kids, especially with all the sadness in that household.
“Ight, the password’s Shakira Shakira, with both s’s capitil- capitalized.”
“Go to bed,” Keith said, unfolding the blanket. “It’s late, and you’re high as hell.”
“So I’m low?”
“You know damn well what I mean, Lance.”
“Yeah, yeah, g’night, Keith.”
“Night Lance.” Keith turned towards Lance’s phone. He pulled up his mom’s number and punched it into his phone.
Keith Kogane: Hey, im keith, one of lances friends. I just wanted to let you know he was staying with me tonight.
Rosetta McClain: thank you. May I ask how you got this number?
Keith Kogane: Lance gave it too me. If you want, I can delete it
Rosetta McClain: no its fine. Thanks for looking after my boy
Keith Kogane: no problem
Rosetta didn’t answer after that. Keith wondered if she was just playing nice. Keith looked over at Lance. He had tears on his cheeks. Keith wondered if he even felt them.
“Lance?” Keith asked gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Why does everything hurt so much?” He whispered. “Why doesn’t she care? Why does he-” Lance’s voice broke. “Why doesn’t he give a rat’s ass? Do I- is this what I get? For being suicidal? For being a- a screw up?”
“Lance,” Keith said firmly, cupping Lance’s face between his hands. “You are not, I repeat, are not, a screw up.” Keith felt like someone was twisting his heart. “I don’t know why they don’t care, but look. You have Shiro, you have Hunk, Pidge, Allura, and Coran. And you have me. We will always, always be there for you.”
Lance’s pink eyes stared up at Keith, full of sadness and hope. “Really?”
Keith nodded.
But that was back in November. About two months after he had stopped Lance at the bridge. Then, back in January, he had heard Lance, thinking no one was around, talking to himself. About his family. About his thoughts. About how he feared himself. About how the darkness of his room terrified him, the way he could go months with his mask on, about how he was never enough. Keith didn’t intervene that time.
It was March. Lance has been drawing back. Only Keith has noticed.
He was at Lance’s house. How did that happen? The family minivan wasn’t there; the McClain family had gone on a vacation to their grandparent’s house. Lance had college, so he didn’t go. Besides, he had said, I don’t particularly like my grandparents. Keith knocked on the door. Loudly. Keith checked his phone. 3:27 AM. Lance was hopefully asleep. But the bags that have been under his eyes for the past week said otherwise.
“Lance, come on, open up.” Keith would never admit how scared he was. “Lance, if you don’t open this door, I’ll open it and hunt you down.” Thirty seconds passed. Forty-five. A minute. “Fine. I’m coming in.” Keith opened the door and walked into the empty house.
“Lance?” He called, walking through the halls of the house. “Come on, Lance, I’m taking you to McDonald’s.”
No answer.
“Lance?” Fear crept into Keith’s voice. “Come on, I don’t want to breach your privacy like this.” He continued to walk around the house, checking everywhere.
Keith stopped at a closed door. The light was on. He knocked. “Lance? You in there?”
One second. Two. Four. Twelve.
“Lance?” No answer. Keith sighed. “Fine. I’m going to open the door now.” Keith slowly opened it, tentatively looking in.
Lance was on the floor, not moving. Some pill bottles were spilled around him. His forearms were a mess from new and old wounds. Blood was pooled on the brown bathroom tiles. A bloodied kitchen knife lay next to him.
“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.” Keith mumbled. “Lance, co- come on.” His breath hitched. He carefully picked his way through the mess. “You- you idiot.” He reached out to feel his pulse.
There was a weak fluttering beat. Momentary relief flew through Keith. He had to get him to a hospital. But in this city, would it just be faster to call an uber or an ambulance? Or just drive himself? Keith didn’t know. He had to stanch the bleeding. He looked around the small bathroom. He found two towels.
Lance’s arms looked worse when they were cleaned up. Long, deep cuts ran from wrist to elbow. He had lost so much blood. Keith taped the towels around his arms. He picked him up bridal style. Jesus, he was so pale. His usual tan skin was pale and clammy and cold. Keith carefully made his way to his red Honda Civic. Carefully buckling lance into the front seat, Keith took off, going as fast as legally possible.
The hospital’s lights glared down at him. He picked up Lance after unbuckling him. He walked as fast as he could. The secretary glance up when the doors opened, then did a double take. She called for a doctor to come and take him back. Keith sat in the waiting room. He pulled out his phone.
Keith Kogane: I have some bad news
Keith Kogane: Lance is in the hospital.
Keith Kogane: he cut himself up and took a bunch of pills
Keith Kogane: i rushed him to the er but he was really pale and cold
Keith Kogane: I don’t know what to do know besides just sit here
Shiro: Do you want me to come down?
Keith Kogane: if you want to
Shiro: I’ll be down in a bit
Keith Kogane: ok
Hunk Garrett: oh no! do you know if he’s going to be okay?
Keith Kogane: No they haven’t told me anything yet. I assume they’re going to flush his stomach, clean his cuts, and tr to get more blood into him.
Hunk Garrett: im coming down give me a sec
Pidge Holt: wait whats happening
Pidge Holt: oh fuck ok im coming down
Shiro: you cant drive
Pidge Holt: yeah I live close to the hospital be right there
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