#langst family notice me
autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
fic rec friday 58
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
The Value of a Moment by @a-fools-errand
When Lance’s previously obsolete skills in language suddenly become very useful, he finds himself wondering why aliens can’t account for the fact that humans, particularly him, need sleep and would prefer linear timelines. (Or: an Arrival AU because I love that movie)
yall OBSESSED does not begin to cover it. i have never read a fic where lance was so goddamn cool. and in like. the insanest of ways?? like of course lance is a polyglot but THIS....this is a whole new level. i havent even finished it fully yet but like god this thing is so fucking cool. if ur looking for a longfic stop looking
2. Rest Stop by @flaming-potato-arsonarson
Lance wasn't like the rest of the world. And he had never had a loving mother tell him it made him stronger for it. So he told himself, gathering up his courage and grit to face a world of winged humanity, when he, in fact, has no wings and turns into a mermaid instead. A world that wants him to die. So he'd keep this secret like a knife in his boot, a sharp weapon until he died on his own terms. Not because of who he was. Except, Team Voltron isn't so sure why Lance is all rough edges and sharp points about showing off his wings. Or acting like a member of the Flock in general. It's clear he cares for them, but he's never shown an intimate part of him. Until he has to.
oh god this has gotta be one of my CLASSIC fics. read it a few dozen times. i read it right when it came out, six ish years ago (goddamn), i can remember curling up in my old bunk bad and eating this up as the hours ticked by. i was HOOKED. my jaw was dropped my eyes were glued. could not get enough. if youre looking for mermaid lance with a twist....brother this is it
3. Looking for Rain by @thewriter2
Like most things, it starts with the little things: his smile, his confidence, his talent. Eventually, all these little things add up to one big thing that threatens to crash over them like a heavy rain. But, maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe something beautiful would come from it. A 5+1 (really a 10+1) of Lance and Keith falling in love.
oh god guys..... @thewriter2 knows how to fucking haunt you. if a 10+1 (!!) isnt enough for you, i want you to know this line has been echoing in my head since i first read: "He looks at you like you’re a storm and he’s a desert desperate to drown." UM??? EXCUSE ME???? SIMILE OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY???? keith being so so visibly obviously in love with lance is my actual roman empire shit never leaves my mind
4. Astronauts by @thewriter2
When they entered the Blue Lion, Keith was Lance’s rival--the person Lance was working so hard to surpass. But slowly, Lance found himself thinking of Keith less as a rival and more as something close to a friend. So of course, Lance’s traitor of a heart decided that it would be Lance’s kind of friend that it would fall in love with.
tags to sell you: "keith is a dork but lance loves him anyway" (dorky keith my beloved), "hunk is an a+ friend" (yes he is), "lance is a lovesick fool" (yeah), and "allura is older sister goals" yes yes YES you get it. and like....while keith pov is my favourite to write by far, lances pov as he realises he is in love....that will always hold such a special special place in my heart
5. his own worth by frogsterz
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
now usually anything but team as family isnt my deal. im not big on classic langst. but keith as a knight in shining armour.....what can i say i am weak willed. deeply. also " It’s what made it worse. I miss home and I miss being held and the rain, and I loved you. I thought you hated me." got me so bad got me WEAK like i have never recovered from that line and i doubt i ever will
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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a-spoopy-bird · 6 years
Non-Voltron au continued
The phone rang over and over. A click. Voicemail again. “Uh, hey Lance, it’s Keith again. Are- are you okay? You never showed up to physics today… I’m kinda worried. Uh, text me. Call me. Anything to let me know you’re alive. Actually, I’m coming over. So, if you’re even hearing my voice right now, then get ready.” Keith hang up. He was more than kinda worried. Lance has tried to kill himself before. Sometimes, Keith didn’t know if the one bridge accident was a blessing or not. Having Lance as a friend, while mildly annoying, was better than Keith expected. Lance did his best to hide his problems, hiding behind jokes and horrible flirting attempts. It’s been a few months since the Bridge Accident, and Lance has only shown his true colors when he was alone. Keith just happened to find Lance a few times. Keith shuddered at the memory.
He had been walking home later than usual. He was cautious. This was the time the druggies and the gangs came out. He’d have to be careful. He glanced down an alley and stopped flat. “Lance?” Leaning against a wall, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was uncoordinated.
“Keith, wussup?” Lance stumbled over. He was obviously higher than an airplane.
“Lance, come on, I’m taking you home.”
“No, no, don’t do that, please Keith.” Lance stumbled and leaned against the wall again.
“Why not?” Keith had little patience for high people. They were slow and clumsy, and usually said stuff that made no sense.
“I kinda came here to escape them, ya know?”
“Lance,” Keith sighed and shook his head. “Fine, then come on.”
“Not back home.” It was a statement, but it also felt like a question.
“No, you’re coming to my place so that you don’t do something stupid.”
“’Ight.” Lance walked with Keith, steps dragging slightly, teetering on every step. Keith did his best to support Lance, but he was a lot taller than Keith, which presented a problem. Lance couldn’t walk straight, and he seemed to want to just fall over.
Finally, finally they made it to Keith’s small studio apartment. Keith helped Lance up the stairs, with a lot of Heys, That’s my foots, and Stop it, come ons. Lance was settling down on Keith’s couch, and Keith was getting some blankets from a closet.
“Why do they hate me?” Keith froze. Lance was looking down at his hands, limp on his lap.
“Like, I didn’t even do anything, ya know? They just don’t really understand. They get it that I’m into dick, that was mostly fine. My gram hates it, but whatever. I just- why don’t they see mental health kids, like, people with depression, as people who need help? Since when was that a thing?”
Keith put down the blanket. “Well, sometimes people, especially older generations, don’t see depression as a real thing. They mislead themselves by telling people they’re just a little sad.”
“Don’t they, like, care, though? Isn’t that what parents are supposed to do? Care?”
Keith sighed, getting the blanket. “I don’t know Lance. My dad left when I was a kid, and my mom was a drug addict. I don’t have much experience with real parents.” Keith brought the blanket over.
Lance sighed. “Keith, I didn’t do something wrong, did I?”
“No, you didn’t. Stop stressing it. Depression is very real, and they don’t seem to know that.”
“But- but they also just never has- have time for me, like? I might as well be invisible. Betcha they won’t notice I’m gone.” He laughed without humor at that.
“Give me your phone.”
“Wha- why?”
“I need to message Hunk, and I don’t have his number.” It was a lie. Keith felt spiteful. Lance’s parents should pay more attention to their kids, especially with all the sadness in that household.
“Ight, the password’s Shakira Shakira, with both s’s capitil- capitalized.”
“Go to bed,” Keith said, unfolding the blanket. “It’s late, and you’re high as hell.”
“So I’m low?”
“You know damn well what I mean, Lance.”
“Yeah, yeah, g’night, Keith.”
“Night Lance.” Keith turned towards Lance’s phone. He pulled up his mom’s number and punched it into his phone.
Keith Kogane: Hey, im keith, one of lances friends. I just wanted to let you know he was staying with me tonight.
Rosetta McClain: thank you. May I ask how you got this number?
Keith Kogane: Lance gave it too me. If you want, I can delete it
Rosetta McClain: no its fine. Thanks for looking after my boy
Keith Kogane: no problem
Rosetta didn’t answer after that. Keith wondered if she was just playing nice. Keith looked over at Lance. He had tears on his cheeks. Keith wondered if he even felt them.
“Lance?” Keith asked gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Why does everything hurt so much?” He whispered. “Why doesn’t she care? Why does he-” Lance’s voice broke. “Why doesn’t he give a rat’s ass? Do I- is this what I get? For being suicidal? For being a- a screw up?”
“Lance,” Keith said firmly, cupping Lance’s face between his hands. “You are not, I repeat, are not, a screw up.” Keith felt like someone was twisting his heart. “I don’t know why they don’t care, but look. You have Shiro, you have Hunk, Pidge, Allura, and Coran. And you have me. We will always, always be there for you.”
Lance’s pink eyes stared up at Keith, full of sadness and hope. “Really?”
Keith nodded.
But that was back in November. About two months after he had stopped Lance at the bridge. Then, back in January, he had heard Lance, thinking no one was around, talking to himself. About his family. About his thoughts. About how he feared himself. About how the darkness of his room terrified him, the way he could go months with his mask on, about how he was never enough. Keith didn’t intervene that time.
It was March. Lance has been drawing back. Only Keith has noticed.
He was at Lance’s house. How did that happen? The family minivan wasn’t there; the McClain family had gone on a vacation to their grandparent’s house. Lance had college, so he didn’t go. Besides, he had said, I don’t particularly like my grandparents. Keith knocked on the door. Loudly. Keith checked his phone. 3:27 AM. Lance was hopefully asleep. But the bags that have been under his eyes for the past week said otherwise.
“Lance, come on, open up.” Keith would never admit how scared he was. “Lance, if you don’t open this door, I’ll open it and hunt you down.” Thirty seconds passed. Forty-five. A minute. “Fine. I’m coming in.” Keith opened the door and walked into the empty house.
“Lance?” He called, walking through the halls of the house. “Come on, Lance, I’m taking you to McDonald’s.”
No answer.
“Lance?” Fear crept into Keith’s voice. “Come on, I don’t want to breach your privacy like this.” He continued to walk around the house, checking everywhere.
Keith stopped at a closed door. The light was on. He knocked. “Lance? You in there?”
One second. Two. Four. Twelve.
“Lance?” No answer. Keith sighed. “Fine. I’m going to open the door now.” Keith slowly opened it, tentatively looking in.
Lance was on the floor, not moving. Some pill bottles were spilled around him. His forearms were a mess from new and old wounds. Blood was pooled on the brown bathroom tiles. A bloodied kitchen knife lay next to him.
“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.” Keith mumbled. “Lance, co- come on.” His breath hitched. He carefully picked his way through the mess. “You- you idiot.” He reached out to feel his pulse.
There was a weak fluttering beat. Momentary relief flew through Keith. He had to get him to a hospital. But in this city, would it just be faster to call an uber or an ambulance? Or just drive himself? Keith didn’t know. He had to stanch the bleeding. He looked around the small bathroom. He found two towels.
Lance’s arms looked worse when they were cleaned up. Long, deep cuts ran from wrist to elbow. He had lost so much blood. Keith taped the towels around his arms. He picked him up bridal style. Jesus, he was so pale. His usual tan skin was pale and clammy and cold. Keith carefully made his way to his red Honda Civic. Carefully buckling lance into the front seat, Keith took off, going as fast as legally possible.
The hospital’s lights glared down at him. He picked up Lance after unbuckling him. He walked as fast as he could. The secretary glance up when the doors opened, then did a double take. She called for a doctor to come and take him back. Keith sat in the waiting room. He pulled out his phone.
Keith Kogane: I have some bad news
Keith Kogane: Lance is in the hospital.
Keith Kogane: he cut himself up and took a bunch of pills
Keith Kogane: i rushed him to the er but he was really pale and cold
Keith Kogane: I don’t know what to do know besides just sit here
Shiro: Do you want me to come down?
Keith Kogane: if you want to
Shiro: I’ll be down in a bit
Keith Kogane: ok
Hunk Garrett: oh no! do you know if he’s going to be okay?
Keith Kogane: No they haven’t told me anything yet. I assume they’re going to flush his stomach, clean his cuts, and tr to get more blood into him.
Hunk Garrett: im coming down give me a sec
Pidge Holt: wait whats happening
Pidge Holt: oh fuck ok im coming down
Shiro: you cant drive
Pidge Holt: yeah I live close to the hospital be right there
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cluelesslesbian · 3 years
• lance choses his room first because he's pretty overwhelmed by the whole situation
• one minute he's seeing what pidge is up to with hunk back at the garrison
• the next, he's flying in a mechanical blue lion, meeting alteans in some castle on another planet
• he needed some alone time to think things over
• him, hunk, pidge, shiro and ugh- mullet head, are supposed to become the paladins of voltron?
• it was a lot to take in
• when could he see his family?
• would they possibly take a pit stop to earth?
• his family doesn't have a clue on where he is
• keith is following not far behind and notices which bedroom lance chooses
• he looks around the hall as if someone would be there to judge his decision
• and chooses the room right beside lance's
• not because he wanted some excuse to be near lance of course to possibly get rid of the whole rivalry thing
• it just...happened accidentally
• he finds himself regretting his decision
• when lance finds out he's a little taken back, assuming he'd choose a room next to shiro's
• he wasn't going to admit this either because they're rivals 😤
• but he was a bit happy to have keith's room near his
• and would hide how he really feels with a "god. i can't believe mr. drop out PURPOSELY choose his room next to mine just to bug the shit out of me, smh."
• keith's response to that would be something like: "ha...yeah, cause i hate you. a lot. there's no other reason why i choose that room. nope. not at all."
• lance gets obnoxious by blasting music in his bedroom purposely during random times of the day, singing along with the songs
• keith either kicks the wall (which does nothing)
• or comes in the room with his knife held up high
• because of their rooms being together, they're told to wake each other up
• keith ends up having to wake up lance more other than vice versa
• he walks into the room, awkwardly standing there and just kind of staring before actually attempting to wake him up
• he slides lance's headphones down gently and nudges his shoulder
• lance only mumbles, reaching out to grab keith's arm
• keith has a small gay panic and ends up yelling his name, yanking his arm away
• which freaks the fuck out of lance
• he doesn't shut up about how keith "aggressively woke me up like the castle was on fire! i thought getting older meant i wouldn't get crazy wake up calls like the one's my siblings would do."
• the rare and i mean rare times when lance wakes keith up
• lance will barley touch keith's shoulder and he jolts awake, grabbing his knife from under the pillow
• some nights when keith wakes up, due to a nightmare, he hears the gentle yet muffled from a guitar coming from lance's room
• sometimes he'll even hear him singing softly
• it soothes keith, making it easier for him to fall back asleep
• one time keith accidentally walks in on lance playing the guitar during the day
• he sorta freezes up but relaxes his shoulders after a moment
• they just sort of stare at each other in awkward silence
• keith: you know- i've heard you play before- not to sound creepy or anything...and uh, you're pretty good
lance: really? thanks man. playing usually helps me cope when i'm down in the dumps and has just become a hobby of mine
• then lance gives keith the softest smile ever that makes keith's heart pump as if he'd just ran laps around the castle
• he makes up a lame excuse to leave
• lance frowns at his sudden excuse and assumes he'd said the wrong things and starts apologizing
• keith waves him off, apologizing himself, telling lance he wouldn't mind hearing him play some more
• so lance offers he sits across from him as he played
• lance explains the song he's playing was his mothers favorite song, singing the lyrics in spanish
• keith had no idea what he was saying, but that didn't matter
• what mattered was the joy displayed on his face as he sung, confidence shining through his eyes
• at this moment keith had come to realize that his crush he had on lance might be something more
this one went from klance having rooms next to each other to keith pinning over lance playing the guitar- whoops
— 🌙 moon anon
I cannot believe we have no context for how the paladins chose their rooms?? Like ajdkfl WHAT YOU WROTE IS SO GOOD- the creators couldve totally shown us how the paladins would cope after tough battles by showing us a scene like that???
aaaanyways now for my screeching
I LOVE the langst. like srsly.
Lance would totally feel comfortable with Keith's room next to his- BECAUSE Keith doesn't remember know him as well as the Garrison Duo
Like hear me out,, it's so much easier to let yourself feel sad when you know you don't have to worry about?? making others feel responsible for it????
So Hunk and Pidge would only make him bottle up his feelings more,
Hunk especially would feel bad about Lance feeling bad which would make Lance feel bad and itll just spiral right there
and Shiro is his HERO- absolutely no way Lance wants to show "weakness" around him (very unhealthy mindset btw! feelings ain't bad to have, but I get idk wanting to pretend youre invincible to look good in front of people u admire :/ )
But Keith???? yeah. he'll work....
idk maybe I'm projecting too much with that^ one ahdjfk MOVING ON
awkward keith checking to make sure no one is gathering evidence that he's a simp??? hilarious and completely logical bc pidge and shiro would DRAG HIS ASS if they found out 😂
klance x music! klance x music! klance x music!!!
like that whole last scene was so soft I'm in love with it 🥺❤
@lesbianklance come get yall juice
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orvillian · 5 years
Remember (Langst)
He hasn't eaten in....he doesn't remember how long it's been. He hasn't slept for almost as long. He doesn't mean to. He just forgets. He forgets a lot of things nowadays.
He thinks the team notices but he doesn't remember how they treated him before. He just knows that they look at him differently. He sits in his room mostly. Sometimes he thinks. Most times he just stares. His mind goes blank and he stays like that for hours.
He was staring now. No thoughts. Just...nothing. It was a knock that pulled him out of his staring. It was coming from his door.
"Hey buddy...it's time for dinner. I made your favorite." a voice said from the other side of the door. Who was it? He couldn't remember. He didn't recognize their voices anymore. He had to see them to tell them apart. He was standing at the door. When did I get there? He doesn't remember. He opens the door and sees who's standing before him. Who is it? He has to think for a moment. It's Hunk. He smiles at the man. This is Hunk.
He doesn't remember exactly who Hunk is. He just knows that he's important. He doesn't know why. He chooses not to think about it too hard. If he thinks he gets lost and he doesn't want to get lost.
Hunk is walking away. He thinks he's supposed to follow him. He does.
He's in the kitchen now. I don't remember walking here. He ignores the thought. He ignores everything he forgets. It's better that way.
"Hey, Lance. How are you holding up?" A voice asks. He looks towards it. Who is it? He thinks again. That's Shiro his brain supplies. He nods. He know's he likes Shiro. He doesn't know why. He just does.
They're all staring at him, he realizes. They want him to answer. He forces a smile. "I'm fine" he says. He's lying. He doesn't even know what he's lying about. He just knows he is.
He's sitting at the table. He doesn't remember sitting down. A plate is placed in front of him. He stares at the hand. Who's hand is it? He can't remember. He looks at the face. That's Coran his mind tells him. The orange hair gives it away. The man, Coran, smiles at him. It's not a happy smile. He remember the man's happy smiles. This isn't one of them. He frowns. Has he made the man mad?
He looks back to his plate. What food is this? He remembers the man-Hunk-told him it was his favorite. He doesn't remember what his favorite is. He doesn't remember anything he likes. Except for the people. He looks around the table. He remember he likes them.
He looks back at the plate. He still can't remember what it is. "It's garlic knots" a small voice beside him provides. He looks over at it. Pidgehe remembers. He looks at the plate again. Garlic knots. That sounds..right to him. He thinks maybe it really is his favorite.
He picks up a fork. He tries the food. It's good. He eats more, and he realizes he is starving. When was the last time I ate? He asks himself. He realizes he can't remember. It's probably been a while.
His plate is empty. Did I eat everything? He doesn't remember eating. He knows he did because he feels fuller.
"Do you want more?" a voice asks. He looks up. That's Hunk. He shakes his head at the other boy. He's already forgotten his own hunger.
"Lance..we're having a team training exercise. I think it would be nice if you participated." He looks at the speaker. She's pretty. Allura, he remembers. He looks around. Everyone is staring at him. He nods. Maybe it can help me remember. He knows it probably won't but he has to try.
They're in the recreation room. He doesn't remember how they got there. He tries not to think about it.
Why am I in the recreation room? He's already forgotten. He looks to the others in the room, hoping they can explain. A voice starts speaking from the corner. It's Allura.
She's explaining the exercise. It's a mind melding exercise. What's that? He doesn't remember what mind melding is. A hand is on his shoulder. "You're gonna need this. We're opening our minds to each other." The voice is attached to the hand. He looks up at the face. The boy is pale. He has dark hair. He's holding out a...headpiece? That's Keith. Take the headpiece his mind says
He listens to it. He takes the headpiece and puts it on. This seems to make the pale boy- Keith- relax. He looks around. Everyone else is wearing a headpiece too. He doesn't know why. He knows Keith told him what but he can't remember what he told him. He just knows it was important.
The woman is speaking again. Her name is...Allura? She's telling them that they're going to be opening their minds to each other. It's a trust exercise, she says.
He thinks that sounds like a good idea. Maybe it can help him remember. He doesn't even know why he wants to remember. He just knows that he does.
They're not in the recreation room anymore. They're someone else. He doesn't know where. He looks around. The others are here as well.
Allura is speaking again. They're in some sort of......astral plane? It's where all of their minds connect.
Why are we here? He's already forgotten what they're supposed to be doing. He knows where they are but he doesn't know why.
Someone is speaking. It's the smaller one. Pidge. They say they're gonna go first. Go first in what? He tries to remember. Memory sharing. Opening minds. Trust. fragments of a memory erupt. That's right he thinks. That's what....Allura? said they were going to do. Maybe this really will help.
They're in a...classroom? Where am I? How did I get here? He doesn't remember coming here.
The small one..Pidge is speaking again. It's their memory. School. Right before Matt left for Kerberos. Who's Matt? He looks around. No one here is Matt.
Another memory. They're somewhere else. He see's a ship. Pidge is there. They're talking to someone else. He looks like a taller version of Pidge. Matt he remembers. Pidge's Brother. He hands Pidge his glasses. That's where they come from.
A new memory. The TV is on. A woman is crying. Pidge's mom. Pidge watches from the stair case. A ship has crashed. A mission gone wrong. Kerberos. It says that they're dead. Who? He tries to remember. He knows he knows. Matt. Pidge's Dad. Shiro.
Pidge is cutting off their hair. They sneak out. They have signed up for something. They arrive at a building. The Garrison. They enter.
They're on the garrison roof. He is there. So is..Hunk? Something crashes. Shiro. They try to rescue him. The pale boy shows up. Keith. He takes them to his shack.
They're all in a cave. He is standing in front of lion. Blue. She's mine. He knocks. She takes them in.
They're in the castle. Allura falls out of a pod. They are safe.
They're back in the astral plane. Pidge is crying. The others seem.....proud.
Why are they proud? He's already forgotten what he saw.
Keith is next. They start at a graveyard. Keith's dad. Keith is crying.
They're in a......Foster home? Keith is in a bed. He's crying again. He has a knife in his hand. It looks...familiar. He knows this knife.
They're back in the astral plane. When did we get here? He knows there was more to Keith's memories. He just wasn't there for them. He does that sometimes.
The tall man comes next. Shiro. They start at the Garrison. A tan man is there. Adam. Shiro's fiance. Shiro is smiling. He seems happy.
He retreats. He tunes it out. He doesn't mean to. He tries to return. They are back in the Astral plane.
The one who gave him food is next. Hunk.
Lance isn't even there for the first memory.
He's back on the plane. They're telling him its his turn. My turn for what? He can't remember what they want him to do.
Open your mind his brain says. That sounds right.
He opens his mind.
They're in Cuba. A smaller version of himself sits on the beach. He is happy.
They're in America. He is pressed against a wall. 3 older boys are there. The leader of the group is hitting him. It's because he speaks Spanish.
That's the first time he starts to forget.
They are at his house. He isn't eating. He isn't speaking. He can't remember anything. His family is worried. They take him to a doctor.
That's when they hear it for the first time. He's depressed. Major depressive disorder.
It all goes downhill from there.
He's at the garrison. There is where he has his second major episode.
Useless. Cargo Pilot. Should've been like Keith. Not good enough. Nothing.
That's what everyone said.
It happened again. He stopped eating. Stopped Sleeping. Stopped talking. Stopped thinking. Stopped remembering.
He stayed like that for months.
It was Hunk that finally pulled him out of it. His only friend. Things were okay for a while after that.
They were at the castle now.
It happened again.
Be more like Keith. Be more serious. Seventh Wheel. Useless. Should've done better. Should've been better. Worthless. Nothing.
That's what the team said. That's what he thought.
He dealt with it for a while. Until it got too much.
So he stopped eating. Stopped sleeping. Stopped thinking. Stopped talking. Stopped remembering.
He's back in the astral plane.
The others are hugging him. Why? They are apologizing. What for? He doesn't remember what they did.
They are back in the recreation room. He looks around. Everyone is crying. Why? He doesn't remember.
They say it's going to be okay. They're gonna be better.
He closes his eyes and hugs them back. He doesn't remember what's gonna be better but he believes them.
Everything would be okay.
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keith-is-not-an-emo · 6 years
which fics are you reading atm if you don’t mind sharing? ty!
Oh boy anon, oh boy.
You don’t know what you’ve done.
There will be E rated fics but they won’t solely be smut fics or too extreme.
edit: it seems like you can’t access the post from your dashboard so you have to be on my blog to see it *sighs* good job tumblr, like always.
star-crossed by realfakedoors (or anything they write, you’ll be seeing a lot of that here)
They said, once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a peaceful and prosperous kingdom, rich in romance and tradition. They said the Prince would host a ball, and choose his spouse, and they would live happily ever after.Well, they lied.
Keith is a Prince, and Lance lives with his shitty extended family. Neither of them are very happy, and when they meet, they’re surprised to have so much in common. Strangers, to friends, and then, well…
Meanwhile, Hunk is a sweetheart, Pidge is an iconic asexual, Shiro is a supportive Knight Dad™, Allura isn’t here for anyone’s crap, and there’s some political shit going on that forces them all together.
okay so how do i say it? it might be fave kl fic atm. this is my dirty laundry, my on thin ice. i love eveeery thing about it. i literally drop anything im doing if i see it updated. Also the last chapter? got me Shook.
also i KNOW about that big E rating there but the smut is in only one chap and i think the author marked it so it’s totally complementary and doesn’t add anything to the story so don’t worry.
breakfast on the moon by DairyFarmer (also very very recommended author!!)
Future Prom King, student body president, and all around hottie Lance McClain is abducted from his home in Arizona in 1997.
He is found decades later in the clearance section of an Earth paraphernalia store by the Paladins of Voltron.
another one of my big faves atm. everyone is very attentive of lance which is *clenches fist and wipes tear* very good. also it screams future langst and i cant wait :) (im kind of a langst hoe sorry not sorry)
let’s play pretend and hope it comes true by fevered_dreams
The Kingdom of Altea was quickly heading towards ruin. At least, it had been until the Royal Family’s eldest daughter had been born as an alpha. The people had rejoiced at her birth, and there was hope yet for a new ruler and a future secured. Even the fact that the second Royal Child had been born a beta couldn’t dampen their spirits.
Except Lance was not an beta. He was just an omega, trying his best to keep the charade going with a set of spells, pills, and all the tinctures he could brew because being an omega was dangerous. Being an omega made him something to be had, a rusted tool of barter worth less than scraps in return, and Altea couldn’t afford to let him go.
But, if Lance’s luck would have it, Prince Keith of the Blade wouldn’t mind being lied to too much.
okay okay in my defence, this one STILL doesn’t have smut. only kinda steamy make-out sessions. also don’t let the a/b/o scare you, there is talk about the dynamics but not so much in the sexual way, u’kno?
anything by BleuSarcelle, but if i have to chose one, let’s go with Of Pink Freckles and Green Moles
Lance now can see the boy’s face and he can only stare at the pretty color in the boy’s eyes before he’s suddenly being squished by two hands.
“Papa!” the boy shouts happily back at the adult that makes his way other them hurriedly. The boy hardly notices, still too fixed on squeezing Lance’s cheeks for a second longer before he giggles. “Papa, ugly!”
“Keith, no! Oh my god -”
“Ugly,” the boy repeats obliviously, patting Lance’s cheeks with a proud gleam in his eyes. “Ooh-gly!”
Lance doesn’t know what that word means but for some reason, it makes him cry harder.
[Or the one where Keith and Lance meet when they are two and three years old respectively and spend their entire childhood going through charity contests. Lance says they are rivals, Keith only hears ‘best friends’.]
super cute G kidfic.
Ground Control to Major Tom by yourfavoritetsundre
A year after Keith and Lance have a big falling out, Lance is…well, he’s not missing. He’s fine. He’s just not telling anyone where he is. Keith decides maybe the best way to apologize for being an absolute monster is to track him down.
Following Lance’s path of self-discovery, Keith starts to remember all the things about Lance he had buried years before. Because of the war, because of the Blade, because of Allura. And he starts to realize that maybe he’s to blame for more than he thought.
Meanwhile, Curtis just wants to plan his quiznacking wedding.
post-s8 fic
Written in Sand by MuseofWriting
Lance wakes up in a hospital on Earth to discover he has been missing for four months, with no memory of Voltron or the Galra. Drawn inexplicably to the desert where they found him, he discovers a hut full of research and notes that may provide the key to his missing memories. With secrets and conspiracies surrounding him, and the Garrison potentially hiding far more than he could ever have imagined, Lance grows to trust the notes in the desert - but he may not believe the person who claims he wrote them.
this one has been around for a while (a year to be precise) and i thinks its pretty aknowledged in the fandom but *shrugs* 
until we get there by starlightment
Sometimes his mind is cruel. He’ll wake in the dead of night, drowning in his sweat, choking on his tears. He’ll clutch at old bedsheets until his knuckles fade to white. He’ll shiver in the darkness, and the light blue marks beneath his eyes will start to burn, and his lungs will heave, aching for a breath that just isn’t there.
And sometimes Keith comes to visit.
Those are the best days, Lance thinks.
Those are the days when it’s easiest to breathe.
Or: Lance loses himself a little bit, but Keith is there to help him find it again.
post-s8 fic. i think i dont even need to present they author since they’re better know for writing something blue (i heard wonders abt it but havent found the chance to read it yet). also i cant fucking wait for their new fic like im vibrating here on my seat bc i LOVEEEE the trope of jock keith / nerd/prep lance dont judge me
sunflower by xintong (uuh i think i dont have to introduce this author either lmao)
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who’s always been there for him.
another post-s8 fic because honestly i needed healing at that time okay. super soft and cute and uuughhhh i cant deal
Pretty Ob(li)vious by msmooseberry
Lance loves make-up and being pretty while wearing it. Unfortunately, even in the world where Earth becomes one of the main centres of intergalactic communication and home to many races, his hobbies are still largely frowned upon. He never wanted other cadets at the Galaxy Garrison to find out, especially not his half-Galra crush, but that is exactly what happens. Lance prepares for the hate or ridicule at best, but the reaction he gets is something else entirely. Who knew Galra viewed lilac sparkly lips as a betrothal symbol?
keith finding lance the most beautiful being ever? uuh yeah? gimme that shit
Chestnut And Onyx by MilkTeaMiku (great author too!)
If his eyes weren’t deceiving him, Keith looked a little flushed. He crossed his arms over his chest, wings all puffed up and ruffled like he was preening. “I didn’t know you were that flexible,” he said. And then he looked angry, and his wings puffed up even more, and he stormed away. -Lance thinks his wings aren’t all that pretty, but Keith has other ideas. If only Lance knew.
langst wing-fic. what could i ask more for?
you’re lucky that’s what i like by zenstrike
Lance rescues a hamster from certain doom.
or, Lance has Keith wrapped around his little finger and doesn’t even realize it.
just. take the whole fucking thing. just take it
aaand these are the ones that appear on my feed that have been updated recently since most of them aren’t finished (sowwy). the bad thing about reading a lot of fics and having bad memory is that i already forgot half of my fave fics, probably, lmao.
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mizu-writes-kumo · 6 years
Been watching Sword art online. And it gave me an idea. A shance au, were lance gets trapped in a video game. If he dies in the game, he dies in real life. The only way to get out is to beat the game. He meets shiro a leader to the voltron guild.
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I am here for this!  Because one, I like Sword Art Online, and second quality concept.  And I’m going to hurt my soul a little with a touch of Langst.  
So like Lance is like a beta tester for the game, which lets say is like a space age fantasy game or whatever, like months before it’s scheduled to be released.  To like work out bugs and get testimonies about the system and game play, before the masses get it, and Lance won like the opportunity in a drawing, and he’s excited to just have like a preview of the full game.   And there was like a small number of people that got the opportunity (like a hundred or so)  But a disgruntled programmer (aka Haggar) released a virus that traps the beta testers in the game, and kind holds them for ransoms, because reasons.
The company more than readily pays the ransom and helps the authorities track Haggar down, and arrest her.  But it is too late to save anyone, all the beta testers are trapped, their game vitals are crazy connected to their actual brain.  Meaning they not only feel everything like it’s real, they will die is they obviously die in the game. (Something all the beta players knew when the virus took over, cause Haggar told them she insured the gaming company can’t save them, and it will basically be there ruin,  They either beat the game or died.  And generally was just like good luck getting to the end of the game, before peacing out).  The company finds this out at a later date, when they start to clear up the virus, but none of the players wake up, or they are still dropping off.
And this where my take splits into two.  And where it also get’s really rather long….so under the cut!
One is, that the company clears enough of the virus for it to be safe for new players to enter the game.  By this time, there are may like a half of the beta players left, scattered about, which the company it trying to get to one place to care for them.  And the company sets up the Voltron Guild, and builds like a team to go inside and help the remaining beta testers.  Like of weapons experts, tactical experts, survival exports, doctors and nurses, psychiatrists, game designers, and like ex-military people that volunteer to help.
Lance is like one of the top five leaders in the game, just because he’s good at the game, and a distance fighter, so he notices things.  Plus he doesn’t stupidly try to barrel through level bosses alone.  And among the others players, you want to plan something, you go to Lance and you do what he says because he’s good at strategizing and knowing when things are off.  But a lot of players don’t like him, because he tries to still have fun in the game, and treats it that way, so he doesn’t go like crazy.  So he doesn’t exactly have friends, because like one or two other players that realize what he’s doing.
So when Lance notices the Voltron Guild on a new level they open, he waltzes on over.  Cause like Guilds help, they have quests for like hidden items, and stuff (though must other beta players avoid them because they are just NPCs and stuff, and they just need to get through the game).  Lance figures he held off long enough for that reason, why not check out this new guild cause they sound cool.  And like if he can’t make actual people friends, well why not befriend a computer so he’s not completely lonely.  There he meets Shiro, the leader (and unknown to him like an actual real person in charge of the operation), and they hit off, and Lance joins the guild (and he’s the only one for like a while, much to the team and companies horror.)
It’s all good though, Shiro and his team (the other paladins Matt, Allura, and Coran accordingly of course, along with other personnel) train Lance and give him all kind of cool things for quests to find things.  And he really starts to befriend them all, even though he thinks NPCs he doesn’t really care, they nicer to him than everyone else, even though they weirdly try to push Lance to get others to join.  Which he does, but again the beta players are down by a chunk again, and resistant to him, so it’s not easy.  However, they realize he is getting cool shit that his helping him like plow through things.
And over time Shiro and Lance grow close, like to the point for falling in love, but never saying anything.  Because, Lance thinks it’s said he’s falling for a computer program rather than a person.  And well Shiro doesn’t want to be unprofessional and say anything, because he’s literally trying to save Lance and everyone else.  So it’s just a lot of painful pinning and feelings, cause Lance confides in Shiro thinking he’s a program, and says he’s lonely and it’s hard and everything, which turns Shiro into an emotional mess when he logs out and can walk down the hall to where Lance’s body is laying.
Eventually they bet the game, and the renaming beta players are free.  But Lance lingers a bit, because he wants to say good bye the the Guild characters he befriended, only they’re all gone.  Like totally not around, the Guild doesn’t even really exist any more.  Which hurts Lance a little, but he logs out, and wakes up in a bed that was not where he was when first logged on, and sits up, and finds like Shiro hovering beside him worriedly (cause Lance didn’t wake up in the mass log out of the others, so the team is freaked out about their friend)  And he’s just like “You’re real!?”
(Alternatively, there is a version of the above where Shiro is actually a NPC that Lance meets in the game, and Lance wakes up to find his nurse to look exactly like Shiro.  Cause Matt was a one of game designers and was like “I’m going to make you a character in this game, and everything.”  So Lance is both confused and like happy.)
The other is, the whole Voltron team are Beta testers that get trapped, Allura and Coran work their way into the game to help and guide, cause like it’s needed.  And Shiro basically founds the Voltron Guild, and is like a game player that Lance looks up to a bit.  Lance is a decent player, one of the top twenty. So he is very surprised when Shiro seeks him out and asks him to join the Guild personally.  And they fall in love, fighting for their lives together, and get like game married cause one of them almost died and it was just too much.  And desperately try to find each other when they are freed from the game, and just cuddle, while their families are like “???????” about it, cause they’ve literally never see the other person before, what is happening.
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ao3feed-klance · 5 years
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Ifqk7b
by ItsLulu
Lance will keep his status a secret or he'll die trying
 or where lance has a hard time being a omega and his life just gets worse when he notices the pill bottles are empty
Words: 1468, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Lance (Voltron), Alpha Keith (Voltron), Alpha Shiro (Voltron), Beta Hunk (Voltron), Beta Pidge | Katie Holt, Beta Allura (Voltron), Beta Coran (Voltron), Angst, background & cameo characters - Freeform, Depressed Lance (Voltron), References to Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Trust Issues, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Disaster Lance (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Langst, im sorry lance, I do love him i swear, Keith (Voltron) Has Issues, ill tag as i go - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Fluff, Gay Keith (Voltron), Gay Panic, Slow Burn Keith/Lance (Voltron), Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has Anxiety, Lance (Voltron) Has Panic Attacks, Lance (Voltron) Has Issues, Oblivious Keith (Voltron), both are oblivious, Smol dumb gays in love, klance, Explicit Language, There is no Tag order :/, Lance (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Keith's There for the bi boi, I don't even know anymore send help, Please Don't Hate Me, Protective Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Lance gets captured, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, lotor is really bad, Hurt Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Ifqk7b
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kurara-black-blog · 6 years
[Third Player] Chapter Four: Not Lance
Date: 06/01/19
Words: 1953
Warnings: Langst, Kangst, Klangst, half Galra Keith finding about his Galra heritage, Keith being a gay disaster.
Tag: @moonsworllld ; @xarphay ; @skydisneylover ; @fangirlinguntildawn ;  @mutantgurls ; @spooky-the-owl ; @hauntedfreakdeputyhero ; @goldengaytime404
A/N: I’ll tag you on future chapters if you ask! If you ask!
Previous: Clones
Next: SOON?
THIS FIC HAS A ROLEPLAY BLOG!! Go talk with 3P!Lance!
For a lone wolf, Keith hated loneliness. With a passion.
He learned how to deal with it, yes, he spent quite a long time in exile that he forced himself into. Didn’t mean he had to like it.
News flash: He didn’t.
Not one bit.
News flash: He also had no idea how to solve that.
Childhood? He had no idea how to be social.
Teenager years? He had no idea how to be social.
There was a time he truly believed he would have no idea how to be social in adulthood too.
And he had been okay with that. He was fine with being, as Adam used to say, a “social-weirdo”. He could deal with the loneliness. He had Shiro and Shiro’s weird ass friend and Shiro’s cool fiancée. Keith could deal with it all. He was fine, truly.
Then a boy with blue eyes, loud voice and louder personality appeared. And suddenly Keith wanted to be social.
Only with the boy, but still.
Keith wanted to be social.
(Let that sink in.)
Adam had laughed enough for an entire year the day Keith told him that.
The he gave Keith the very helpful advice of “Take your time, but don’t wait too much. I know that boy; he won’t disregard someone trying to be friendly”, which Keith was glad because he really didn’t want to hear the “just tell him” bullshit he was sure he would’ve gotten with Shiro… Or Shiro’s weird ass friend.
Keith could take his time just fine. The problem was the “not too much” part.
The problem was the glow the blue-eyed boy emitted.
The problem was the shine of his bluest blue eyes.
The problem was the brightness of his smile.
The boy was made of light.
And Keith was a “shadow gremlin”, as Shiro’s weird ass friend used to call him.
Light made him run.
And run he did.
Until they met again. Until the boy—Lance, his name was Lance—shone brightly in front of him once more. And he brought with him the chance of belonging.
Belonging somewhere.
Having a family to call his.
And Keith would be forever grateful for that, no matter how much he would deny if someone asked. He would be forever grateful for Lance.
Falling in love with Lance only made that feeling ten times stronger.
If before he wanted to be social, after he fell—hard, I might add—, he wanted to be a constant in Lance’s life.
And, yes, that maybe sounded a tad creepy, but he couldn’t help himself.
He wanted to be part of Lance’s life just as much as he wanted Lance to be part of his life.
Then Adam’s advice came to bit his butt. “Take your time, but not too much”. He took too long, go figure, and when he was finally ready to confess to Lance those feelings of his, Lance was taken away.
Now, Keith wasn’t a religious person.
(If God existed, Keith wasn’t sure They liked him very much, and the feeling was mutual.)
But if that was how Hell felt like, he could understand why people ran from it their entire lives.
That was something he wished to no one… Other than Haggar. And Zarkon too, but mostly Haggar.
When they found Lance, he was happy, more than happy, he was ecstatic!
Except something screamed at him, something deep within him. And it was screaming “wrong, wrong, wrong” at max volume.
And that something didn’t stop, no, it stayed and it screamed and he was going crazy. It seemed to have a particular dislike for Lance, which was weird… Unless something really was wrong with Lance, which wasn’t the case for Lance had been acting like himself. Sometimes he got that pained look in his eyes, talked aloud with himself, or would lose himself inside his mind for hours to no end, but, hey, you try to survive being kidnapped and experimented on by Haggar and come back without at least some weird mannerisms.
Thankfully, and maybe a bit creepily, Coran noticed how bothered Keith was.
Coran had been acting weirdly around Lance. Still treated him with kindness, but he seemed to keep some distance. It was very, very odd, as Coran saw Lance as his son—there was a debate if Coran saw every one of them as his children and, in Keith’s opinion, Coran saw them more as nieces and nephews than his own kids like he did with Lance and Allura—and would usually be the first to jump in an opportunity to get Lance alone so they could clean the Castle—again—and talk. After they rescued Lance, Coran was hesitant in approaching the boy. And the oddest part is that Lance looked alright with it?
Like he expected and respected Coran’s uneasiness?
Nonetheless, Coran gave Keith help in the form of a book. A book about Galra biology.
Keith had the feeling the man was trying to tell him something.
News flesh: He was right.
Coran gave him a book with a marked page. A marked page about senses and mating.
To say Keith took some time to muster enough courage to read that page is an understatement.
(You can’t just give a book like that to a disaster child, Coran, the quiznack?)
Keith would never admit it, but the book was of great help. Closing it, the Red Paladin sighed. Thinking back to everything that happened, Coran’s question after they told him how they rescued Lance.
“Is that so?” The uneasiness in the man’s voice was subtle, but there. Coran was staring at the Blue Paladin sandwiched between Pidge and Hunk with a faraway look in his face, one hand nervously fidgeting with his mustache.
Keith left the book on his bed, finally understanding that subtlety was not his forte and if he wanted some answers, he would have to ask. With determined steps, he left his room, doing a beeline to Lance’s room. Pieces of the book echoing inside his mind.
“Once a Galra finds a suitable mate, they will develop a sensitivity towards said mate. Their senses will attune with the mate, so the Galra can provide the chosen one with whatever is needed. While it is more common for that to happen to only one or two of their senses, it is not impossible for all five of them to suffer the change. Some Galra have reported some sort of sixth sense, the ability of feeling the energy of their mate, but it’s unclear if it’s something on its own or a result of the mating bond, as it is a mental connection.”
He didn’t need to be a Pidge to understand what that meant. He had recognized Lance as a suitable mate—another thing he wouldn’t admit any time soon—and his senses had attuned with Lance. All five of them, by what he could understand. That said, for his senses to respond to Lance that way, he could think of only two possibilities. One was that there was something very wrong with Lance, wrong enough to bother Keith’s senses and distance Coran. The other was… That Lance, the Lance they had with them, wasn’t their Lance.
Keith didn’t knew which one was scarier. Each brought their own set of problems and their own headache.
With a deep intake of air, Keith knocked on the Blue Paladin’s door.
“Come in.”
Time for the truth.
“Who are you and where is Lance?”
Okay, maybe he could’ve said something—anything—else, preferably something that didn’t make him sound like a suspicious lunatic, but Keith was well aware of his non-existent people skills, as discussed before. Usually he would let Lance do the talking, seeing as the Cuban boy could easily control a conversation and had a better understanding of people, emotions and social cues.
Anyways, Keith already expected Lance to react strongly to his curiosity, even more after how he worded it, but he didn’t expect for the boy to sigh silently and close his eyes.
Wait, did it mean he was right and that boy wasn’t his Lance?
“Galra senses, he did alert me about them.” Lance looked at him with hollow eyes. “Shit down, Keith—”he gestured to the bed he’d been sitting on even before the Red Paladin came in—“I’ll explain everything.”
“So, you’re a clone made by Haggar from Lance’s hand that she cut off?”
“And you’re connected to him because of that?”
“Lance is with Haggar, who thinks he’s her son and is training him to be a weapon for the Empire?”
“Yes, well. She used the whole “son” thing to make Lance loyal to her, but by what he told me, she’s being swallowed by her own lie.”
“He’s planning on bringing the Empire down from the inside by gaining Haggar’s loyalty, killing Zarkon and taking his place so there won’t be a lack of power that could bring someone just as bad?”
“And he told you to stay here with us?”
“Yes. I was supposed to be programmed by Haggar to destroy Voltron, but the danger of making a perfect clone is that it will act the way the original would.”
“You’re not acting like Lance.”
“I am not Lance.”
Silence, heavy and deafening.
“I will understand if you feel the need to beat me, Keith. In fact, please, go ahead.”
Keith choked on the air going to his lungs. How could that boy—that thing ask that?! Didn’t it have instincts or something? Was it out of its mind?
“It’s hard, you know. Because I’m not him, and you guys love me as if I was and I want the love, I truly do, but… But I’m not him. I want the be loved for me. I want the laughs and the smiles and the affection to be directed at me, not at Lance.”
Tears were running on its cheeks. Keith’s heart clenched. No matter what it was, that face was still Lance’s and wasn’t suited for anything that wasn’t satisfaction and happiness. Don’t get him wrong, it was still beautiful with the trails left by the salty water and the dark blue of bluest blue, but it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right.
It wasn’t right.
“But Lance promised me, he promised me I would be free to be. To be whoever and whatever I wanted. And I’ll do anything for that to happen. So please, Keith, please don’t tell them!” Begging, it was begging. “Please, let Lance work his plans! Please let me keep this hope!”
The clone startled when Keith’s fist hit the mattress near it.
Damn it, Keith wanted to punch something.
Getting up hastily, the Red Paladin hurried to leave the room, but stopped at the entrance. If the situation was different, if things were different, he would’ve stayed and dried the tears, hugged the fears, soothed the pain. He would’ve done everything and then some more for his Lance, but that wasn’t his Lance.
“I won’t tell them yet because I trust Lance and his plans.” In and out, slow calming breaths. “But if you do anything that I don’t like, I won’t hesitate to throw you into an airlock.”
“Understood.” Too soft, its—his voice was too soft. Too damn soft.
But it wasn’t his Lance’s voice. It didn’t make his heart go crazy or a whole zoo run a marathon inside his chest.
“You’re not the one I’m going to beat up.”
With that he left, promising himself to punch Lance—his Lance, the real Lance, the one his heart adored—as soon as possible.
And maybe kiss the Cuban while he was at it.
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Langst (Last Words)
Summary: Basically, a story where Shiro gets the paladins to tape a recording of what they want to tell the others e.g. last wish, etc. They are only able to play them if one of them dies, you get the drift.
no ones POV
It’s been 3 weeks since Lance sacrificed himself for the others.
“It’s time to accept that he’s gone,” Allura stated trying to hid the sorrow in her voice.
Hunk was sitting on the cough going over memories of lance and him as children and all the trouble they use to get in to. 
Pidge’s mind was blank for the first time after becoming a paladin. If she was thinking about something it was about all the times she’d made fun of lance for his bad english and how the last real conversation they had together. She told him, how he was an idiot and that she wished she could replace him with anyone less annoying then him.
Keith was broken, it had been so long since any of them got hurt, he forgot how it was war and that people got hurt, some even died. But it had to Lance why couldn’t have been someone else anyone was better, as long as it was Lance.
Shiro was tired, he hadn’t been sleeping at all, ever since lance disappeared. But why should he sleep, lance doesn’t get to sleep, he doesn’t get to anything; he can’t eat, laugh, smile anything so why should shiro get too. It isn’t fair.
So when the recording started everyone held their breath as a smiling lance came on screen.
~ Start of recording ~
“Is this thing on” Lances familiar voice was heard as he fiddled with something behind the camera. 
“Damn! I’ve never been any good at this, maybe I’ll just get Pidge to help later if this doesn’t work,” Lance muttered to himself as he came and sat in front of the camera. His piercing blue eyes, looking into the camera with an innocent gleam to them.
He looked at the camera, a little embarrassed 
“GAAgh, why do I have to do this again, it’s embarrassing,” he wined as he looks off camera, 
“I told you it so we have something to show, your family, if something unfortunate happens, which it won’t” Shiro familiar voice could be heard along with a faint chuckle 
“Oh shut up” Lance said with an annoyed look.
“Come on Keith lets leave this little sour puss to his video log” Shiro said with a little chuckle as he came on camera and kissed Lance on the forehead before walking of screen, Keith following close behind, but not before posing for the camera and kissing Lance on the cheek.
Lance was quiet even after the paladins heard the doors slide open and shut clear indicating that Shiro and Keith had left the room. Lance sighed 
“Right back to business, let’s see, I’m suppose to, say where I want to be buried and stuff right”
--- A pang of guilt it Shiro’s heart as watch the screen, they didn’t have lance’s body, it went missing. He looked to Keith and noticed his hands clenched, He placed his hand over his clenched fist and gave him a reassuring smile ‘it wasn’t your fault.’
“Well in case I do die, then I would prefer to be cremated and let loss on the open sea in Cuba, but if that ain’t possible than inside the galra air vents so I can give them one last annoyance even after death” Lance said making funny hand movement like he was shooting galra forces, but  that came to an end when he slipped and face planted the floor.
“Hehe that could have gone better” Lance said rubbing his nose. “But if your going to show this video to my family, I just want to say to Mama,  Papi,  Apollo, Calisto, Mayte, Novia, and Carlo. Te amo y siento que me marcho antes que tu” 
--- Hunk listened to Lance’s words and repeated them in his head over and over again before he was forced back into reality by Coran’s hand on his shoulder. Knowing why everyone was looking at him, he was crying.
“Sorry it’s just, he sounded like he knew it was going to happen” Hunk said, surprised by how small his voice sounded.
“God I hate this emotional Crap,” Lance said sniffing as he tried to hide the tears in his eyes. 
“Mama, you always said you’d kill me if I came back with so much as a scratch on me, but does this count, as a scratch probably not right” Lance laughed, 
“But I’ll have you know, Novia was right”
--- ‘wait what,’ Novia? If Keith remembered correctly Novia was the first to know about Lance sexuality and preferences, Apollo was the the second oldest and most energetic surprisingly enough, then Novia was an angel with intelligence and beauty and  Carlo was rude and rather loud but lance loved him anyway then there was Calisto and Mayte, Keith remembered Lance bragging about how beautiful they both were and how much Lance loved all his siblings made Kieth a little jealous about how he didn’t have any siblings, 
“Now...  Hunk and Pidge” Lance said his face showing a serious frown 
--- Keith heard Hunk breathe hitch and he looked over to see both staring at the screen as if Lance would disappear if they looked away
“I know I shouldn’t be saying this but I have to get it off my chest, Okay....” Lance looked super guilty which confused everyone what was he hiding.
“You know the puppy, we found outside of Garrison on one of our late night explorations and we decided to keep it in Hunk and my room but then it disappeared.... Well it didn’t disappear while you were away on engineering camp, when I was looking after it I noticed a bump on it’s belly so I took it to the vet to see what was up found out it had cancer and it was at the point it was better to put it down, and I didn’t tell you and I thought it would be better, then you got angry and upset and you guys were angry at me for like a month.....
Sorry for lying to you and thank you for being my friends and I guess I’ll go see how that dog’s feeling now,” sorry for leaving you
--- Pidge looked at the screen, seriously his last message to them and it was about a bloody mongrel they found over 4 years ago. He was still feeling bad about that, but for some reason it made Pidge laugh, a dog, a fucking dog.
Everyone was so confused as they stared at  Pidge, she was laughing, it wasn’t a happy laugh.
Allura didn’t know why she did it, but she was drawn to the feeling Pidge need someone, as she pulled pidge into a hug cradling her head as her laughter became tears and wines 
Coran wasted no time as he took Allura and pidge and left the room. 
The room went quiet, Shiro looked over to Hunk, He had never seen the big man look so small before. 
“I think I should go see how Pidge is doing” Hunk said with a broken smile plastered to his face. Shiro listen to the door slide open and close.
Shiro looked back to the screen it was the only light in this pitch black room.
“Umm Right still have two more people to say bye too. I just want to say before I get to the end. Shiro, you are the strongest person I know, when I felt weak you gave me a back to lean on and when ever I felt like shit you would give me love that I could never repay, I love you and Keith you’re a proper arsehole and I hate your guts but you and I had a lot of bonding moments and I love your jokes and your silly mullet, I love you, both of you. So to end this great life I want to say that to my loves Shiro, Keith I leave my everything,  my makeup kit, my giant blue lion response best to blue or Kitty Kat,..... and my heart. I’m gonna miss you guys and I still and always will love you” Lance said smiling as if he could see his right through the screen
“Oi Lance, hurry up man or Allura’s going have our asses” as a small smiling pidge and a worried looking Hunk came running up to Lance and yanking him out of screen. 
As the screen went blank.
--- Shiro didn’t realise he was crying until he felt water land on his hand, he had cried the whole three weeks after Lance’s death, alone in his room. But for some reason it felt like the first time he really realised that Lance isn’t coming back and he didn’t care who saw.
“love you” 
--- Keith didn’t know how he felt at that moment, he was numb, in his head all he could think was ‘ is this real, it must be some prank there’s no way Lance is gone no no no no no no no no’
He looked over to the man sitting next to him hoping to see his boyfriend laughing saying ‘how it as all a funny joke that everyone was play on him’, lance was in the other room waiting to jump out and scare him, but no what he saw was his strong boyfriend that didn’t even let torture by the galra scare him, crying. 
All they could say was things were never the same. Lance was gone and he wasn’t coming back.
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sparklebitch · 6 years
After a couple days after The Lance dying incident, Lance suddenly feels really sick and nauseous (after they got shiro and everything they went to a near by planet to get what they need before they go to earth) Lance suddenly feels super tired so he excuses himself from breakfast and goes to his room and sleeps all day and night. The next morning he wakes up to feel really sore, when he looks over at a mirror he screams bc hes altean (he's basically the male version of Allura)part1lookfor part2
“Everyone comes running into his room and they all just stare at Lance while Lance freaks out. Coran looks at everyone and then back to Lance he then gets in a defensive position and asks where Lance was Lance looks at Coran and screams I AM LANCE WHAT HAPPENED TO ME Allura remembers when Lance died and how she revived him, she then tells everyone else what happened and then shiro sits down next to Lance and puts his one arm around him and tries to comfort Lance and then you can end it(shance?)p2″
“Hey, can you do some Shance Langst? I’m really fucked up over the new season”
“hi i’m not sure where to send in a langst prompt but may you write one that addresses the after affect of how lance feels about essentially dying or almost dying n being revived by allura??? preferably after season six while they are traveling back to earth or something !!! thank u”
A lot of people asked for Shance Langst so here it is! Also I know it’s kind of lazy to put this many prompts in one fic but I have a ton and they basically all say the same thing so… yeah lol.
Trigger warnings are posted in the tags.
“Hey, uh, I think I’m going to take a nap” Lance said,standing up from the table. Shiro frowned up at Lance in concern.
“You just woke up” he stated. “Are you feelingalright?” he asked quietly. Lance stared down at his feet and gulped.
“I should be asking you that” Lance said, ignoring his question. Lance had gone toShiro’s door crying more times than he was willing to admit in the last fewdays. As soon as he would fall asleep he would have nightmares about dying. Hehadn’t had time to process his own death and resurrection, so it wasmanifesting in his dreams.
“Lance,” Shiro loosely gripped Lance’s wrist. “Do youwant to talk about it?” Most of the time when he ended up crying in Shiro’s bedhe felt awful. He apologized over and over for inconveniencing Shiro. Shiro wasthe one who had been trapped in his lion’s consciousness, unable to communicatewith anyone.
“I’m fine, Shiro” Lance assured him. “I just didn’tget enough sleep” he met Shiro’s eyes to convince him that he really was okay.Shiro searched Lance’s face, and then reluctantly let go of his wrist.
“Alright…” Lance crossed his arms and nodded his headat Shiro before leaving the room. The moment he was alone in the hallway hedoubled over and gripped his head. He felt awful. His stomach was cramping, andhis head was pounding. Lance felt like his skull was going to burst. He took aminute to steady himself and then he continued on toward his room.
When he finally arrived at his room he fell face downon his bed and curled up into a ball. He was so tired and sore that he couldbarely move. Lance let his head drop down on to the pillow and let the sleep overtakehim.
~   ~
Lance was groggy when he woke up. His whole body ached.Every inch of his skin felt like it was on fire. Lance groaned and rolled overon his bed. He had no idea what time it was. It had to be late. He probablymissed dinner. Lance stood up and stretched. Aside from the weird sensations onhis skin he felt much better. The nap had really helped. He didn’t feel nauseousany more.
It wasn’t until Lance walked into the bathroom that henoticed the changes in his appearance. It took him a moment to realize that theface in the mirror wasn’t his. Or at least, the him that he remembered.
His eyes were the first thing he noticed. They weren’tmuch different, aside from the alarming brightness of them. It wasn’t that thecolor had changed, they were just… brighter. At first, he disregarded it ashaving gotten too much sleep, but then his gaze traveled to his hair. It wassnow-white. Lance frowned in confusion. He rubbed his eyes and then blinked themrapidly before turning back to the mirror. His hair hadn’t changed.
“What the hell?” Lance whispered. His eyes were suddenlydrawn down to his cheeks, where two dimly glowing marks were, prominently standingout the light pink against his skin. And his ears. They were larger than morepointed, like Allura’s.
Lance froze after studying his appearance for far toolong. He looked… exactly like Allura. But why would he look like Allura? Unless…
Lance let out a startled scream, his chest fillingwith fear. He dropped to the ground so that he wouldn’t have to look at himselfany longer. He pulled his knees to his chest as panic welled up inside of him.He was barely aware of the scream still ripping through his throat, until someonepounded on the door.
“Lance? What’s going on? What’s happening?” Coran’s voicecalled through the door. Lance’s screams cut off into whimpers.
What had happened to him? Why did he look like that?
“Move out of the way!” Shiro’s voice boomed. There wasa loud crash as he rammed into the door, breaking it open. He stumbled throughand grabbed ahold of the counter to keep from falling over. Coran and Allura rushedthrough the door after him. Coran was the first to see Lance, curled up againstthe wall. Lance lifted his eyes to meet Coran’s, shooting him a desperatepleading look.
“Who are you?” Coran demanded to know. “Where’s Lance?What did you do with him!?” Allura tensed as she noticed the white-haired boycrouching on the floor.
“How did you get in here?” she asked sharply. Lance beganto cry desperately.
“It- it’s me” he babbled. “It’s me! It’s me, Lance. I’mLance! I swear I’m Lance” Allura took a threatening step toward Lance, preparingto demand answers, but Shiro stepped in front of her, blocking her from Lance.
“If you really are Lance, then—” Shiro shot a look atAllura. Lance was sobbing now, trying to hide himself in his arms. “Shiro, wehave to ask questions. We didn’t ask you questions and—” Her sentence trailedoff, the implication very clear. Shiro glanced at Lance, cowering on the floor,and then back at Allura. “If you really are Lance, then how did this happen?”She asked. “Lance is not Altean”
“A- Altean?” Lance stuttered, tears still streamingdown his face. He had been thinking it, but he didn’t understand how. Why.
“Yes. That’s what I said” Allura said, her voiceclipped. “Lance is not- not Altean…” her voice trailed off. She turned to Shiroand then looked back at Lance. Her eyes suddenly widened in realization. “Oh mygod” she breathed.
“What? Princess, what is it?” Coran asked with a frown.Allura covered her mouth with her hand.
“When he died…” she whispered. “I had to bring himback… It must have transferred over and turned him Altean” she said in disbelief.Coran shook his head.
“But that doesn’t make sense” he said. “You brought Shiroback and he isn’t Altean”
“But Shiro’s body didn’t die. His spirit was simply lockedaway in the lion. All I did was put it back where it belong. But Lance… He died.He stopped breathing, his heart stopped beating. I had to do more than justbring his spirit back. I had to bring his body back as well” While she wasexplaining this, Shiro crouched down in front of Lance.
“Hey, are you alright?” he whispered. Lance wasshaking as he continued to cry.
“I- I- I don’t understand what’s happening” Lancesobbed. Shiro settled down next to Lance and slung his arm around him.
“Shh… you’re alright” Shiro said soothingly. “You’realright. Nothing’s wrong” Allura was still rambling to Coran about how it waspossible. “Guys” Shiro said sternly to them. They looked at him in surprise,completely forgetting that they were even there. They quietly made their wayout of the room, leaving Lance and Shiro alone. “What are you thinking, Lance?”Shiro asked, saying the same things he did to calm Lance down when he came tohim in the middle of the night.
“I can’t—” Lance shook his head, causing a few moretears to fall down his cheeks. Shiro leaned over and wiped them away.
“Yes, you can” he said gently. “What are you thinking?”
“I- I diedShiro” Lance said, his eyes unusually wide and his mouth hanging open. He was feelinga combination of confusion, fear, and horror. He hadn’t processed his deathvery well. There hadn’t been time before, but now…
Now all Lance had was time.
“But you came back. You’re alive, Lance. You’re okay”Lance clenched his fists.
“I know but… what if I hadn’t” Lance said, tilting hischin up to look at Shiro. “I- I could’ve- what if I—” Shiro rubbed Lance’s armto try and calm him down.
“But you didn’t die, Lance. You survived. We bothsurvived. I never thought that I was going to escape, but I did. I know it wasscary. Terrifying, even. But you can’t lose faith in us, in your team. We’vealways got your back” Lance listened to his words and then sighed.
“I know…” he chewed on his lip as he rubbed his eyes. “You’reright” Something was still bothering him, Shiro could tell.
“What else is bothering you?”
“I look… I’m different now. I look like a differentperson now” he said, his voice small.
“That’s okay” Shiro said. “People change. And look” Shirosaid, brushing Lance’s hair out of his face. “We match” Lance let out a halflaugh half sob and leaned into Shiro’s touch. Shiro pulled Lance closer
“What if my family doesn’t recognize me?” he asked quietly,laying his head down on Shiro’s chest. Shiro had to strain to hear him. “Whenwe get back to Earth?”
“Lance are you kidding me?” Shiro laughed. “It doesn’tmatter how much your appearance changed, you family will always remember you”
“Are you sure?” Lance asked. Shiro tightened his grip onLance.
“I promise” he bent down and kissed the top of Lance’swhite hair. The corner of Lance’s mouth curled up and he closed his eyes.
“I love you” he said. Shiro looked down in surprise.
“I- I love you, too, Lance” Shiro said with a smile.
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ao3-feed-shadam · 6 years
Temporary Mistakes (Voltron)
by ItsLulu
A Voltron Klance FanFic
It was supposed to be a test, An experiment to see if they noticed, To see if they cared, To see if he mattered, But they didn't, He didn't,
A once temporary idea may now become Permanent Solution.
Some mistakes aren't revertable or forgivable and are meant to last forever
-Read Tags / Warnings And Know Your Triggers-
Words: 601, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi, F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Depressed Lance (Voltron), Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Trust Issues, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Langst, Mute Lance (Voltron), im sorry lance, I do love him i swear, Keith (Voltron) Has Issues, Everyone else are Assholes, How Do I Tag, first story on here yay, lets do this thing, i did a thing, ill tag as i go - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Fluff and Angst, Gay Keith (Voltron), Gay Panic, Slow Burn, Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Spanish with translations, Angst with a Happy Ending, Oblivious Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has ADHD, Lance (Voltron) Has Anxiety, Lance (Voltron) Has Self-Esteem Issues, Lance (Voltron) Has Panic Attacks, Lance (Voltron) Has Issues, Oblivious Keith (Voltron), both are oblivious, Smol dumb gays in love, to many Tags oml, but not enough, i promises i love the voltron crew, i love klance to, klance, Explicit Language, Alternate Universe - Human, No aliens :3, Eating Disorders, There is no Tag order :/, Lance (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Keith's There for the bi boi, I don't even know anymore, send help, don't hate me plz, Alternate Universe - High School, Protectiveness
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/18133529
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a-spoopy-bird · 6 years
Glowing Eyes
Sorry ubt immean take this langst as tribute for my absence!
We all are stranger creatures than when we all started out as kids. Culture forbid.
The paladins were going to stay on Earth for a while, learning about this new Altean. This gave time for them to chill. Sure, they’d train, and they would strengthen diplomatic connections, but it seems like the Galran threat was gone.
They mourned the lost, and honor ceremonies were given to them, awards and medals for their bravery. Lance let his little relatives put on the badges, laughing as they went around, pretending to use a blaster. He remembered being that young, only five or six, and he would also play games like that, his dad looking on and laughing. His grin widened. These guys were the best.
“Lance, what’s this?” Joseph asked, picking up Lance’s bayard. He hadn’t explained it yet, because, after all, there had been a lot going on with ceremonies and recovering.
“This, is my bayard.” Lance said with a flair of drama. “It’s my weapon. It’s different for everybody.”
“Cool! How does it work?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. Something about Altean alchemy. You’d have to ask Coran. It might take a few minutes to get an answer though.” Lance grinned.
“What does it do?” He asked, looking at it.
“It’s different for everyone. Some people, like me,” He grinned, “have several bayard forms. It doesn’t matter which bayard you use, it’ll take the same shape.”
“How do you know?”
“I originally piloted the Blue Lion. She’s pretty great, but Keith left Red to Black, so I got a promotion. Allura took Blue, so I passed on the bayard.” He explained.
“What are your bayards?” Marco asked.
Lance grinned. “I have a blaster, sniper rifle, and I got a sword.”
The was a chorus of woahs and wows. “Show us!”
“Maybe later. I don’t think the nurses would like it very much if I just started activating my bayard.”
They pouted, but then moved on. “Tell us space stories!”
Lance smiled. It was good to be home, however different it was.
We have romantic fantasies about what dying truly is. Fall off the grid.
“You died?” Veronica gasped. Lance was in the middle of telling her a story.
“Yeah, it’s nothing compared to what Shiro went through. He died, was cloned, then his soul was forced into his clone.” Lance said hotly.
“Now you’re just lying.”
“I am not! Anyway, Allura saved me with her crazy Altean magic.”
“A lot seems to happen with you and Allura.” Veronica said. Lance felt the nudge to open up.
“You’re getting sloppy, I felt that one a mile away.” He snorted.
Veronica shrugged. “Worth a shot. Are you two dating or…?”
Lance blushed instantly. “Wh- what, no, we’re just friends. Besides, she just got over Lotor.”
“Space prince?”
Lance’s shoulders tensed ever so slightly. “Yeah. He had us all. He was bad, being Zarkon’s son, then he was on our side, then he went insane from quintessence, like Haggar and Zarkon did. It was hard on Allura. She was in love with him, the version he told us.” Lance’s shoulders fell. “Honestly, I didn’t trust him, but I thought it was just my jealousy. He got so close to Allura so quickly, and I had been with her for several months and made less progress. But, my gut was right. He lied to us all, and that put the universe in jeopardy.” He shrugged. “We left him in the quintessence field.”
“That must’ve been rough.”
Lance laughed. “Understatement of the year.”
Veronica studied Lance, noticing how he didn’t laugh as long, he didn’t make as many jokes. He looked like the same Lance, but the Galra had hardened him into someone almost completely different.
We live for the night’s décor, it reveals what we dream of.
Lance missed looking up at a night sky. After so many nights and days of being in one, it looked so much better being on the ground. The stars, familiar constellations blinked down at him, a comfort from his childhood.
“Lance? Are you down there?” Keith’s voice floated over the little ledge that was washed out by the sea.
Slightly confused, Lance called back, “Yeah, there’s a slight lip.” He watched as Keith got down and sat beside him. “What’s up?”
“I needed to get away from the Garrison and Griffin. He’s such an asshole.”
Lance smirked. “Didn’t you guys fight all the time?”
“Still do.” Keith grunted, looking at the moonlight that bounced off the waves.
Lance looked up at the stars. “I wonder how many of these are planets we visited.” He wondered aloud.
Keith looked at Lance, then the sky. “I don’t know.”
Lance fell silent. He stared at the stars, expression content and a bit sad too. He thought of the countless battles, and of how often he wanted to come home, just too look at his stars again. Slowly, he relaxed, leaning into the embankment, letting out a soft sigh. This was his reward for making it through the war.
He didn’t notice Keith looking at him, wondering why Lance wasn’t trying to pick a fight.
I know there’s someone at the door. They come for help of this I’m sure.
“You wanna talk about it?” Lance heard Keith ask. He had fallen asleep at the embankment and had just jolted awake. He knew instinctively he was pale and clammy. It happened every time he had a nightmare.
The image of Galran sentries bearing down on him flashed through his mind. He suppressed a shudder. “No, it’s fine. I should get home. Don’t want them to think I disappeared again,” Lance joked, grin obviously forced.
Keith watched as Lance got up and left him alone under the stars on Veradero beach.
But do I want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes?
Lance walked to his hiding spot. He wasn’t even sure if it was there anymore, but it remained intact. Just a tree with a platform in its branches. It was about fifteen feet up, but he had made a small ladder up.
Curling around his knees, he let out a quiet, dry sob. Was he ever going to be free from the Galra? He let the tension slowly leave his body. It’d be fine, he was finally home. He could chill sometimes, not fearing an attack any second.
I’m holding onto what I know, and what I know I must let go.
Having Keith back after a month of him being gone was weird. Lance didn’t really know what to do. Half of him wanted to fight with him, but the other half wanted to drop it. This resulted in some very mixed signals.
“Your hair needs cut,” Mrs. Holt said one day as they chilled in the Garrison lounge.
“I’ve been saying that for months.” Lance snorted.
Keith fingered his hair. “I don’t know, I kinda like it long.”
It doesn’t look half bad. Lance thought, but he didn’t know how to say that. “It’s more of a mullet this way. It’s better.”
Keith glared.
“But it’s so long, just a trim,” Mrs. Holt continued. “It’d be so much easier to manage.”
“Thanks for the offer, Mrs. Holt, but I think I’ll keep it for now.” Keith said politely but continued to glare at Lance.
But I would rather sing a song, for the eyes to sing along.
Lance was getting used to waking up in his own sweat, visions of towering sentries and cruisers and fighters burnt onto his eyelids. He would silently sneak out of his house, or the Garrison, or where ever he had fell asleep at, and go to his hideout, his guitar in a waterproof case. He’d pull it out and sing softly, relaxing into the music.
For now, he would be safe.
We all know somebody who knows somebody’s who’s doing great.
Lance sat politely as Hunk and Pidge talked about how good it was to be on Earth again, even if they didn’t have as advanced of technology. They compared notes as he sat in the background, half listening. They didn’t seem to be haunted by the war.
We all know people who know people who are flying straight.
“Paladins, we have to continue training with out lions.” Allura said. “We can’t let our bonds grow stale.”
Lance climbed into Red, feeling his impatient and violent nature, but also feeling his protectiveness and fierce love for the other paladins. Especially his paladin, Lance.
Lance missed Blue, for sure, but Red was also great. Red wasn’t as chill as Blue. Red wanted Lance to be the best he could be, and so did Blue, but Blue was more maternal about it. Red let Lance make mistakes. When it got out of hand he stepped in. Or fell onto.
They did drills for hours. Red responded well, even occasionally giving Lance tips about his flying form. Red was speedy, so Lance had to take it down a notch. But Red was also temperamental, so when the team got slightly heated at him, Red bristled. Lance soothed him. It was fine. He was fine.
He felt Red questioning how firm his belief was. He knew Red knew he was lying. Red had a direct link with his mind, of course he knew. He knew about the nightmares and the panic attacks and the absolutely, mind numbing, body freezing fear that took him over.
But I’ll kindly enter into rooms of depression, while ceiling fans and idle hands will take my life again.
By this time, Lance knew he should confide in someone besides his giant mechanical cat. It wasn’t getting better on its own, as Lance had hoped. He thought about Hunk or Pidge or Shiro, but none of them seemed right. He wanted to go to his family, but he’s been gone for so long and he didn’t know if they’d be awake right now. It was… three in the morning.
He huffed. This isn’t what he had planned for when they finally came home. Then again, he hadn’t planned on being in some sort of stasis for three years. He sighed, just staring at the ceiling. Shark stickers that glow in the dark dotted his ceiling. He remembered naming them when he got them, but by now he forgot the names. All he knew is that one was Hunk, for his best friend.
He heard a soft knock on his door. Who the hell was awake? He considered grabbing his bayard and snatched it from his dresser. He slowly opened the door, bayard up, but not activated.
“Jesus, Lance, I’m not here to kill you.” Veronica whispered, entering his room. “Why are you up?”
“I could ask the same thing,” he whispered back, putting down the weapon.
“I asked you first.” She said, falling into the familiar pattern of their talks.
“What is this, middle school?” Lance scoffed quietly. “I just couldn’t sleep.”
“Bullshit.” She answered. Lance looked up, ready to defend his claim. “You didn’t sleep at all last night either. When I came in to check, you weren’t even here.” She accused. It was true. He had snuck out to his hideout again.
“I don’t really want to talk about it.” He muttered, looking down. “You should get some rest.”
“I’m not going to bed until you tell me what’s up.”
Lance sat there tired and exasperated. Veronica knew he valued his family’s needs over his own personal ones. He also knew she had his best interest at heart. But he really, really didn’t want to talk about it.
“You know, you don’t have to be Red Paladin, you can just be Lance.” She said, her voice concerned and honest.
He felt his shoulders slump. Those words crashed down on him. He suspected Veronica saw through him, and maybe Keith. “Fine. It just seems silly to me. It just a few bad dreams.”
“Every night?”
“Most nights. So, I leave with my guitar and just softly play. It’s not really a big deal.”
Veronica wasn’t really convinced. “Okay. Try to get some sleep, okay?” Lance nodded, and she left.
Lance bit his lip. He wanted to tell Veronica everything, like they were kids again. Instead, he found himself texting Keith to meet him at the embankment. He snuck out his window, knowing Veronica wasn’t asleep yet, and crept off.
The tide was in, and the water was a few feet below Lance’s feet. He figured it would be a few hours until Keith showed up. After all, it was four in the morning.
We live for the night’s décor, it reveals what we dream of.
“Lance?” Keith called. Lance blinked and sat up. Keith jumped off the embankment and sat down. “It’s four in the morning, why are you up?” Lance felt Keith studying his reaction.
Lance chose his words very carefully. “I just- uh, I haven’t been sleeping well, and you’re the team leader, plus, Pidge and Hunk are busy with Garrison tech things, so I-” He broke off, knowing he had started to ramble.
“Nightmares?” Keith asked quietly.
Lance bit his lip and nodded. “How’d you know?”
“I had the same problem. When the Blade showed up and showed their symbol, I realized I might be part Galra, and I was terrified. I had nightmares about it. It made me moodier and more irritable.” Keith said.
Lance hung his head. “I don’t really hate your mullet.” He muttered.
Keith raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I don’t actually hate your mullet.” He said a little louder, head almost between his knees. He felt his face heat up. “I hated how you were better. I was kind of jealous. Griffin was your rival, not me.”
“I was always confused about why you’d make fun of my hair and purposely press my buttons.”
Lance looked up at the now waning moon. It was funny how the night air and sky seemed to strip you away until you were left naked, nothing left but your true self. “Yeah I was just extremely jealous. You could fly great, you never had to study, you picked fights when I probably would have cried.”
Keith looked at Lance, obviously confused as to why Lance was opening up to him.  “I didn’t like getting into fights. People just said the wrong stuff.” He paused. “Those people were assholes.” Keith didn’t like how sad it was getting. Lance was the happy-go-lucky guy on the team, being sad didn’t look right on him.
Lance laughed half-heartedly, then looked at Keith. “I want to show you something.” He decided, getting up. He went down the beach until he found his gnarled tree.
I know there’s someone at the door they come for help of this I’m sure.
But do I want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes?
Lance heaved up onto the platform, waiting for Keith.
“What is this?”
“This,” Lance said with a flair of pride and drama, “is my Quiet Place. When I come here, I just chill. It’s not exactly a panic room, but it’s close.”
“Why are you showing me this?” Keith asked, looking at the carvings on the trunks and the floor.
“Well, you’re our leader, and there’s really no one else right now…” Lance bit his tongue. He wasn’t thinking when he brought Keith here.
I’m holding onto what I know and what I know I must let go.
But I would rather sing a song for the eyes to sing along.
“Lance?” Keith asked softly. “Do you- do you want to talk about it?”
Lance shrugged, rubbing his arm. He sat down, motioning for Keith to do the same. It was kind of cramped, but Lance got out his guitar. “So, when I come up here, I just sort of play until lyrics come to me.” He tuned it. “And since we’ve been home, I’ve written all of these.” Lance brought out a stack of sheet music. “This is seven songs, and it takes a few days, generally, to write one. They aren’t very good.” He added, watching Keith as he read them.
Lance started to play one of his favorites.
This room is far too dark for us to stay around.
Redemption’s not that far and darkness is going down.
Keith listened to the minor key cords and the lyrics that seemed to come effortlessly. The more he listened, the better he understood what Lance was going through. Almost impeccably, it molds into a different song. It was slightly more depressing, Lance strumming harder and more passionately. Keith listened, Lance’s singing just as soft as before, barely escalating over the guitar.
This room is far too dark for us to stay around.
Redemption’s not that far and darkness is going down.
Keith wanted to interrupt but wanted to hear the rest of the song.  Lance didn’t seem to remember Keith was there as he kept playing, getting louder and more passionate, until he stopped, with a slow, sad strum.
Lance didn’t look up.
“Lance, do you- you want to talk?” He asked softly.
Lance shook his head no. He slowly put the guitar away then hugged himself, refusing to look up. He took a shuddering breath. “I- I don’t understand,” He started, voice congested and full of sorrow. “I don’t understand why after- after everything we’ve done, I breakdown when we’re safe.”
“And it’s not like I’m scared!” Lance said, voice stronger, fueled by anger at his own weakness. “I don’t understand it! I don’t feel scared, I know I’m safe, but there’s still this lingering paranoia and I’m just so, tired, of being afraid.” He ended it with a contained sob.
“After how long in space, it’s okay to feel like this.” Keith said without knowing what he was saying. “How many times were we woken up by the alarms blaring, or a rattling explosion when Coran forgot the proximity alarms? We’ve been through so much. You more. I spent two years on the back of a space whale bonding with my mom.” Keith knew Lance knew the stab at humor was weak. Lance hardly laughed. He just sort of jerked, a weak chuckle that sounded more like a sigh. “You aren’t going to be alright right away. Just give it time.”
“But- what if we don’t have time?” Lance chocked out. “There could be an attack from any of the Galra who are fighting for power.”
“If you keep focusing on the bad, you lose sight of the good.”
Lance’s head bobbed, but his lips quivered, holding back tears.
I’m holding onto what I know and what I know I must let go.
But I would rather sing a song for the eyes to sing along.
They sat in silence. Lance wished Keith would say something to get rid of the despair still welling up inside of him, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. He had to take action. But he was scared. What would happen? Would he start to sob? Get thrown into another panic attack? Even at the thought he felt his chest constricting. He didn’t want to vanish inside a panicked shell in front of Keith.
In front of anyone.
La di da da, la di da di da,
La di da da, la di da di da,
La di da da, la di da da, la di da da, la di da.
Time passes. It’s natural. But other things don’t. Lance didn’t recover. He just got better at hiding it. He got worse. Nothing was alright anymore. He just wanted to leave and never come back, or to be in Blue’s cockpit one last time. He missed her but respected her decision to block him out. She was, after all, a wise Lion of Voltron, and he was just a silly human trying to keep it together.
For the eyes to sing along.
“Lance!” They were calling out his name. He had vanished from the Garrison overnight, leaving a note.
Make them stop.
Lance quivered and shook in his tree house, too tired and panicked to play. He bit his lip so hard it bled. His hands were gripped in his hair, tugging at his scalp. They were too loud, they called so, so loud, he couldn’t ignore the truths.
Make them stop.
“Lance!” Hunk was near tears. Pidge was on his shoulders, hoping to see any sign of him. Keith had gone off on his own. Hunk had lost track of where Allura, Coran, and Veronica had gone. When had this happened? Hours ago? Hunk was going to breakdown.
Pidge realized that. She hopped down from his back. “Hunk look at me.” She said. He didn’t. “Hunk.” She said again, quieter. “We’re going to find him, okay?”
Hunk nodded. Still too close to tears for Pidge to feel safe on his shoulders.
Keith had stalked off on his own. He had a suspicion of where Lance was but didn’t want to tell the others. That was Lance’s call.
Still. Sneaking out at night, while he did it regularly, wasn’t good. He had left a note, which really wasn’t good. The shaky writing and the panicked message was hard to read, but they went out anyways.
Lance quivered. They had passed right in front of his tree. He felt like he was being chocked. He couldn’t breathe. He was sliding out of control. He couldn’t control his body, oh God, he was drowning. His hands were fists, but he couldn’t feel his fingers. He strangled out a gasp, desperate for air.
Make them stop.
Keith stood a bit away from the tree. He could hear Lance strangled breathing. He swallowed. He went forward cautiously.
“Lance?” Lance heard his name from far, far away. He couldn’t look up, he could feel his hand or feet, he was going to throw up, God, this isn’t good God, please-
Suddenly there was a hand on his back. He flinched. He felt someone wipe the tears off his face. The touch was so unexpected, Lance tried to scoot back, his brain yelling to stop but his body continuing.
His hand slid off the edge of the platform. He strangled a gasp, new, fresh fear washing through him. Arms were around him, keeping him on the platform. He struggled to leave. The arms held fast.
The arms of the enemy. He thought, lungs being crushed. He wasn’t getting enough air. He was going to die. He was going to vomit. He was going to die here in the arms of what he’s been running from with its smells of man shampoo and leather in his nose.
Men’s shampoo and leather? Lance took a shuddering sniff. And sweat? Who smelt like th-
Lance froze. He couldn’t breathe for a different reason now.
Make them stop.
Keith locked his arms around Lance. If he wasn’t careful, Lance would end up taking both of them out of the tree. He made small shushing noises, no knowing what to do, or what was wrong. Lance kept pushing away, trying to escape, struggling for breath. He pulled him as close as possible, forming a cage with his arms.
Lance froze. Keith hesitantly released some of the tension in his arms. “Lance?”
Lance said something against his chest that Keith couldn’t hear. “What?”
“I’m sorry.” His voice was thick. Keith saw how pale he was. This wasn’t the Lance that he went up to space with. This was a scared teenager needing comfort.
“Why are you sorry?” Keith asked, shifted so that Lance could be in less danger of falling off.
“Because I’m weak, and pathetic, and I’m just-”
“You’re just brave, and funny, and a good friend.” Keith cut in.
“How can you say that? You hardly hang around me.” His voice was thick and muffled by his shirt, but Keith clearly heard the pain in it.
“Just because I don’t hang out with you doesn’t mean that stuff isn’t true.” Keith said, confused about where all this was coming from.  “Just look at you and Hunk. You guys are always there for each other.”
“Yeah, but he has Pidge now. They have technical junk to work on.” Lance sniffed. “I’d just be a third wheel.”
“Lance, they enjoy your company. Both of them are out trying to find you.”
“Oh, man, I just made them worry more, we should go.” Lance pulled back, wiping tears off his face.
“Slow down, don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.” Keith said. He didn’t want Lance to get worked up. Keith could tell he was tired from the panic attack, and no doubt running from the Garrison base to the tree.
“Keith, just- please. I don’t want to talk about it.” Lance looked away. He could barely think straight. His gay panic and an actual panic attack hadn’t been good on his energy, which was already low form countless nights not sleeping. He just wanted to sleep until he didn’t like Keith.
Lance could feel Keith trying to sort out what to do. He almost heard the click of the last piece, the decision, falling into place.
“When I was with Krolia on the space whale, we had a big blow up.” Keith started. “We were getting a little stir crazy, and there was a really small thing that had escalated far too quickly. We both said some hurtful things. It ended with me yelling that I wished I hadn’t found her and storming off with Kosmo.” Lance looked at Keith. He was looking into his lap. “I could tell Kosmo didn’t like it. I didn’t even like it. But I was too stubborn to walk back to my mom and tell her I was sorry. I didn’t see the moment was right for me to apologize and did it far too late.” Keith looked up. The starts of tears were in his eyes. “I feel like you might be the same way. You apologize way too often, for stuff that isn’t even your fault.”
Lance shook his head. “Keith, I’m just- so, tired, please,” He looked up. It felt like his bones weighed too much for him to support. “I just want to sleep.”
Keith paused forever. Lance was terrified he was going to refuse. Then he nodded. “Where?”
The question caught him off guard. “What?”
“Where do you want to sleep? Here, the Garrison, your house?”
Lance was caught off guard by how considerate Keith was being. “I don’t want to move.” Lance said. “Is it okay if I just, sorta…” He trailed off, too tired to form the sentence. He leaned forward and practically collapsed onto Keith.
Keith rubbed Lance’s back, not knowing what to do. Lance sighed, relaxing until he was in the familiar space between awake and asleep. He was half aware of Keith humming, then singing.
“Make them stop.”
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ao3feed-safeklance · 6 years
Temporary Mistakes (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3kfQt
by ItsLulu
A Voltron Klance FanFic
It was supposed to be a test, An experiment to see if they noticed, To see if they cared, To see if he mattered, But they didn't, He didn't,
A once temporary idea may now become Permanent Solution.
Some mistakes aren't revertable or forgivable and are meant to last forever
-Read Tags / Warnings And Know Your Triggers-
Words: 601, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Depressed Lance (Voltron), Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Trust Issues, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Langst, Mute Lance (Voltron), im sorry lance, I do love him i swear, Protective Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) Has Issues, Everyone else are Assholes, How Do I Tag, first story on here yay, lets do this thing, i did a thing, ill tag as i go - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Fluff and Angst, Gay Keith (Voltron), Gay Panic, Slow Burn, Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Spanish with translations, Angst with a Happy Ending, Oblivious Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has ADHD, Lance (Voltron) Has Anxiety, Lance (Voltron) Has Self-Esteem Issues, Lance (Voltron) Has Panic Attacks, Lance (Voltron) Has Issues, Oblivious Keith (Voltron), both are oblivious, Smol dumb gays in love, to many Tags oml, but not enough, i promises i love the voltron crew, i love klance to, klance, Explicit Language, Alternate Universe - Human, No aliens :3, Eating Disorders, There is no Tag order :/, Lance (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Keith's There for the bi boi, I don't even know anymore, send help, don't hate me plz, Alternate Universe - High School
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3kfQt
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ao3feed-lotura · 6 years
Temporary Mistakes (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3kfQt
by ItsLulu
A Voltron Klance FanFic
  It was supposed to be a test, An experiment to see if they noticed, To see if they cared, To see if he mattered, But they didn't, He didn't,
    A once temporary idea may now become Permanent Solution.
    Some mistakes aren't revertable or forgivable and are meant to last forever
  -Read Tags / Warnings And Know Your Triggers-
Words: 601, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Depressed Lance (Voltron), Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Trust Issues, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Langst, Mute Lance (Voltron), im sorry lance, I do love him i swear, Protective Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) Has Issues, Everyone else are Assholes, How Do I Tag, first story on here yay, lets do this thing, i did a thing, ill tag as i go - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Fluff and Angst, Gay Keith (Voltron), Gay Panic, Slow Burn, Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Spanish with translations, Angst with a Happy Ending, Oblivious Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has ADHD, Lance (Voltron) Has Anxiety, Lance (Voltron) Has Self-Esteem Issues, Lance (Voltron) Has Panic Attacks, Lance (Voltron) Has Issues, Oblivious Keith (Voltron), both are oblivious, Smol dumb gays in love, to many Tags oml, but not enough, i promises i love the voltron crew, i love klance to, klance, Explicit Language, Alternate Universe - Human, No aliens :3, Eating Disorders, There is no Tag order :/, Lance (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Keith's There for the bi boi, I don't even know anymore, send help, don't hate me plz, Alternate Universe - High School
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Y3kfQt
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Temporary Mistakes (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at Temporary Mistakes (Voltron)
by ItsLulu
A Voltron Klance FanFic
  It was supposed to be a test, An experiment to see if they noticed, To see if they cared, To see if he mattered, But they didn't, He didn't,
    A once temporary idea may now become Permanent Solution.
    Some mistakes aren't revertable or forgivable and are meant to last forever
  -Read Tags / Warnings And Know Your Triggers-
Words: 601, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Depressed Lance (Voltron), Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Trust Issues, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Langst, Mute Lance (Voltron), im sorry lance, I do love him i swear, Protective Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) Has Issues, Everyone else are Assholes, How Do I Tag, first story on here yay, lets do this thing, i did a thing, ill tag as i go - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Fluff and Angst, Gay Keith (Voltron), Gay Panic, Slow Burn, Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Spanish with translations, Angst with a Happy Ending, Oblivious Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has ADHD, Lance (Voltron) Has Anxiety, Lance (Voltron) Has Self-Esteem Issues, Lance (Voltron) Has Panic Attacks, Lance (Voltron) Has Issues, Oblivious Keith (Voltron), both are oblivious, Smol dumb gays in love, to many Tags oml, but not enough, i promises i love the voltron crew, i love klance to, klance, Explicit Language, Alternate Universe - Human, No aliens :3, Eating Disorders, There is no Tag order :/, Lance (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Keith's There for the bi boi, I don't even know anymore, send help, don't hate me plz
read it on the AO3 at Temporary Mistakes (Voltron)
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mizu-writes-kumo · 6 years
I loved your part 2 of White Flag!!! Although I loved everyone else (bc I love me some Langst and love hurting) I liked yours the best!!! I felt like there was actually some closure and you're right the team had that hour to process everything and I see them wanting to protect him and keep an eye on him. I love that your addressing his death, esp if the team process it and talks it thorough instead of jumping to conclusions or lashing out w/o apologizing after. Thank you for another parr!!
Thank you so much!  I am glad you have liked everything comes out around this story.
But yeah, I see the team reacting in shook and horror to the fact that Lance died and they didn’t know.  And I also get that is going to make them react harshly to the idea.  And if Lance came out five minutes later, I can totally see mostly everyone kind of yelling at Lance, because it’s easy to put the blame and anger on Lance.  He died and they didn’t know, like how dare he.  But it’s all out of fear and pain, they don’t really mean everything they say to Lance, and like anger such a natural human reaction to somethings.  Not to mention the second stage of grief.  
Given some time to think and process, things become different.  Cause it’s a lot harder to be mad at someone for dying, after one realizes that the real issue is they had no idea said death even happened.  The root of the problem is kind of more visible.  So when Lance comes out, they are just the comfort him stage because it’s a lot, and they don’t know what Lance has been through in the realm.
Plus the team is not mad at Lance for dying. Cause really that’s not really on Lance in most death situations.  They are more mad because it happened and no one even knew.  Which puts a lot of factors and possibilities of how and why that happened in front of them to address about their team infrastructure.  And yeah they are all going to jump on the Protect Lance Wagon real quick (Shiro is already there and Coran is like pulling it.).
Personally, I can never really picture Shiro and/or Hunk ever snapping at Lance for dying.  I think the two of them would honestly be more scared that they would go to just make sure he was okay.  Maybe in Shiro, his worry would manifest into some stern talking/lecturing, but never yelling, and straight up followed by making sure Lance is okay and realizing he’s important to the team as an individual. Pidge, I can see sort of holding a “grudge” about it.  But ultimately it’s over really quick, and goes to stage of making sure Lance is okay.  Allura would likely internalize everything and distance herself physically and emotionally.  Just to process things, but it would come off like she doesn’t care, when really she is completely torn up.  But she would come around.  
Keith is the only one I can see being angry about it for a while and really holding on to.  Kind of digging into it all.  But ultimately it’s just because he is afraid, and he’s realize/be told repeatedly and harshly that he is being a jerk and apologize.  And not just like ‘I’m sorry for being a jerk’ like actually open up and try to explain where he is emotionally coming and reacting from.
But again, given time to process things without Lance, really gives the team time to focus blame where it’s true.  They didn’t notice Lance died (the headcanon that both Lance and Allura didn’t know has kind of become my jam because drama and it better explains it never being addressed in canon.) and they should of.  They need to make sure it never happens again, to anyone, but specifically Lance.  And they need to address the fact that it happened as a group, and talk about it like civil people.
The team is really like a family in my mind.  Families aren’t perfect, but they come to get the fix things where they can.  
So yeah, the team’s talk to going to be a lot of apologizing to Lance, and making him feel important.  You know like a “Sorry we really didn’t know that you died, this is really an issue.” while Lance is like “Didn’t realize it myself, so no big”  As well as promising to try and be better.  Among other things, cause other stuff is going to come up of course.  And they all just try to move forward as a stronger unit.
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