#my inner wolf
ilovecryoffearsm · 1 month
Fuck everyone i wanna walk out of my room naked and just do whatever the fuck i want but these nasty greasy old pigs are in my fucking living room instead of going on a walk that their fatasses need kill ypurself oh my goodness gracious no playlist seems to put feminine rage jnto words and i think im experiencing that rn cause j feel a bunch of other shit but i don't know what i am if im woman or not or whatever the fuuu TV g i fud fuck jdjcbxwudbrhec eycsibc i hate this
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sundays-wing-piercing · 4 months
Helloooo, I hope you don’t mind that I just hop in here to send some Sunday prompt ideas cause why not (hehe)
A hurt/comfort idea with Sunday and injured s/o, what if s/o escaped a life-threatening situation without his knowledge and returned to him, only for Sunday to realize that theyre bleeding out heavily. Luckily he managed to get assistance before things took a turn for the worse, scolding them for being so reckless and for not telling him, he was just so worried :( (bonus if its a path destruction follower s/o)
Second idea, what if s/o’s running a delirious, high fever, all shits and giggling while Sunday is sitting at their bedside, feeding them necessary food and medicine while patting their hot forehead with a cool cloth, reassuring them that he loves them and that they’ll be fine soon
man i just rlly love me some hurt/comfort prompts 😞☺️
Honey darling don't worry it's what I do LOVE THESE IDEAS OMG
The first one I'd imagine that after you barely escaped death your mind's all over the place but even then one thought outshines the others. You don't know if you're gonna die or not. The unbearable pain along with the trail of blood staining your fingers do convince you to the first option but either way, you'd want to atleast see him one last time. You're practically limping, trying to stay awake just a little bit longer and once you finally meet him your body completely gives up just in time.
You weren't met with the cold floor as you expected. But instead, a terrified man who shouts your name begging you to stay awake. It appears that he had caught you in his arms just as he always did. Though you wonder if it's gonna be his last.
Fortunately Sunday got you help as soon as possible. You were ofcourse unconcious but atleast not forever. Atleast that's what he hoped. Gosh all he felt was rage but to who? Was it to the person or thing that caused this? Was it to you who gave little to no thought wether you'd get out of this battle alive or not? Or was it to him who'd wish he had the time to protect you? Even though theres no way he could've have predicted this, he was still angry at himself.
What kind of fool falls for the same mistake twice. All he could do is cover his face in the blanket that you slept in out of shame. That is until a hand gently stroked his hair. Oh you thought he was gonna start crying? Nah hes straight up scolding you like- actually raising his voice. Although you feel guilty of making him worry like this, you can't help but smile at how much he cares for you enough to get mad about it.
Halfway through his scolding you find how his words seemed to come out more hoarse until it ultimately stops. Hes crying. Ah now you really feel bad. You can't really do much in your current state other than cupping his face making him look at you in the eye. Your thumb brush away the tears that escape the corners of his eye as you blurt out an apology. One that he refuses to accept at the moment but deep down, he loves you too much to be petty. As of now you'll just have to comfort him until you both succumb to the exhaustion.
Second one is just you waking up looking absolutely terrible but you insist that everything is fine. Right as you're about to get ready for work Sunday immediately pulled you back down to the bed as he presses his cold fingers to your forehead. Yup, it's a fever alrighty. A really bad one in fact. And so he decides to take a day off to tend to you and despite your complains he absolutely insist on taking care of you.
But ofcourse you decide to use this opportunity to your advantage. Right as he brings you something to eat you're whining to him about how you don't have the appetite to eat. Theres no way he'll buy into this. Holy shit he did. He's actually and willingly spoon feeding you slowly and patiently and even made sure to stop for a break if you can't take anymore so you don't vomit all over the place.
But incase you do, he's at your side holding your hair and patting your back till you're all done. He gently cleans you up and brings you a fresh comfy set of clothes that are just right for you. And once you're finished he'll hold you close and whisper sweet affirmations to calm you down. Even if you apologize for burdening him he'll deny it all with a gentle smile. Different from his charming public persona one. Even if he has to get up to do the same thing in the middle of the night he'll never blame you. It's not something in your control afterall. Please do the same if he ends up getting sick from you.
Wow. Thats a lotta words. But as always SMASH THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON. LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND MAKE SURE TO HIT THE BELL SO YOULL GET NOTIFIED ON MY NEWEST VIDEO. THIS IS SUNDAYS WING PIERCING, SIGNING OFF. *insert 2017 yt outro of my username with cool effects as playing with fire by blackpink plays in the background* Im so sorry for that
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wickedlittlecritta · 5 months
my personal headcanon is that the clans don’t have gender roles. the caste system just obliterates that. especially for the warriors
think about it: they’re all test tube grown. reproduction is completely decoupled from sex. there’s little indication that sexism really exists in their society, and why would it? might makes right and they’re all genetically engineered to be the perfect warriors. people are pissed when natasha kerensky becomes khan not because she's a woman (and she's not the first or last female khan), but because she was out fucking around with the dragoons for several decades. and then sex is canonically just a social bonding thing--fwb is the norm.
for me, this is prime ground for a society in which you ask the average member of the warrior caste what their sexual orientation and gender is and they just look at you blankly. no idea what the fuck you're talking about. they identify as a warrior. that's it
but also you cannot tell me that the science caste is not down to do any combination of transition surgery possible. you got dysphoria? we can fix it!! you want DD tits and a dick? done.
they must have insane neo pussy game is what i'm saying.
i think he/she pronouns hang on in like, a formal/poetic way (especially since they have that whole thing about linguistic preservation), but you cannot tell me that the people who invented the word "batchall" would not eventually start inventing neopronouns specifically to indicate what caste someone's in or something.
really, if you want the clans to be just so weird and super alien to everyone else, making them get real fucking weird with gender is a great way to do that imo
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yummy-teeth · 1 year
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!! original image on the keep reading 🤯🤯🤯
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birdthatisbored · 9 months
Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days *once* but Doug Eiffel did it like a hundred times *and* he went bald because of it. So who's God's real specialest little boy huh? Not J boy that's for sure
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shroom-gloom · 29 days
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mary and wolf, fallout new vegas ocs B)
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outragedslime · 2 years
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"u guys dont see him? :("
maybe hunter can still see a little flapjack doin their thing in his minds eye idk. theyre just chilling while everyone else is emo.
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boy with a dog motif ?!
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boxdstars · 5 months
more mara ramblings because i’m at work and bored :)
Amara is the apex predator. Not only because she’s a werewolf, and literally is on top of the food chain in that regard. But no, it’s actually outside of her lycanthropy.
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Shes cunning and driven and she knows exactly what she wants and can do. She became the crossed wands champion her fourth year, started her own far more secret midnight version of the club. Trained relentlessly, studied the field, planted the seeds to become the tactican she’d become later in life. And post-bite, because she knows that her time will be up inevitably once someone finds out the truth, she is relentless about it.
When she starts her aurorship she is ruthless, wolfish in the way she meticulously stalks her targets, decisive in the ways she disposes of them. She has to be sneaky at first, the unforgivables are unforgivable for a reason. But once you reach a untouchable threshold of status.. is anyone going to wring their hands over the way it all happened?
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tiabwwtws-art · 9 months
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Only just barely started a new playthrough of Sekiro but VIDEO GAME‼️
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Thinking about a concept for parabolan doc…
He looks no different, really. Normal human person. Nothing unusual.
But the shadow on the wall behind him, red-eyed and wolf-headed, watches you just as keenly as he does.
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naiad-ni · 2 years
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multi-level-shipper · 9 months
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So I have a very particular location in my Inner Ink project that's mostly occupied by Borises, and obviously I had to start playing around with what the patrons of said place look like
More info under the cut:
From left to right:
Edgar/Boris, mouth is muzzled to prevent them from biting people and poisoning them
Generally disgruntled guy who worked in Heavenly Toys
Lost One/Boris: had to give at least one of them lop ears, the pups keep trying to pull on them
3-eared Boris who's just happy to be here
While I think ink creatures generally have limitations on what injuries they can sustain, sometimes they luck(?) out and now there's a plank in their brain
Alice/Boris: an excuse to give a Boris a human eye because it looks metal as fuck
Boris/Charley: mostly scavenges for scraps to keep themself together, as their body is unstable and excess ink tends to run off unless it's really strong, and it's hard to find the good shit
Lenny and Spider: Two Lost Ones that have been bouncing around in my brain. One was a reporter that was never found again and the other has that dawg in him. Or...spider, rather
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bunkernine · 1 year
Jason being the dumbest person in tlh is the funniest thing ever because how did he just say "i think im supposed to be the leader of the 7... I'm worried piper... 😫" And leo and piper seriously hyped him up trying to support him and saying he's fine like they hadn't watch him continuously get his ass kicked and risk his life for the dumbest things for the past couple of days. he must've been so cute to them cuz that's wild. u know they shouldve just locked eyes and then go, "hey jason, we need to talk...." Even funnier that they STILL hyped him up when in the next books he was still unsure about it and everything was going to shit and they had their own problems to deal with, like those really are best friends. They know ur probably about to take the biggest L of your LIFE but they're still saying ur a winner. Love
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wolves-facts · 7 months
What’s your favourite kind of wolf?
Oh hello there! Obviously I like gray wolves as a species (as opposed to say, red wolves), but I wouldn't say I have a favorite subspecies. I do have some favorite colors and markings though! While I think all wolves are beautiful, I particularly like black wolves, wolves with black and brown streaks/patches, and brown wolves with the almost "color-point" pattern where their faces and legs are darker than their main body. I'd say my "inner wolf" is black and brown.
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[ID: Three photos of wolves. The first is standing in profile with its head raised and turned toward the camera. It has fur that is black on top, deep warm brown underneath, and with pale patches on its rump. The second wolf is walking through deep snow, with its tail raised and head facing the camera. It is mostly black, with streaks and patches of pale brown around its neck, chest, rump, and tail. The last wolf is walking in profile. It has mottled pale brown fur on most of its body, but its legs, face, and tail tip are almost black. /end ID]
Image credits: McKenzie Greenly, Conrad Tan, Ron Niebrugge
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kivaember · 3 months
bc zoids was my first ever mecha obsession it only makes sense to smoosh zoids and ac6 together and im thinking of the types of zoids the ac6 characters would pilot...
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It suits 621 bc this is a mass-produced ZOID but is a solid performer... ALSO DOG REFERENCE. I did look at the bird Zoids but none of them really matched 621 really... I wanted to stick to a ZOID that was deemed 'basic' in terms of like, it's a dime a dozen, just to fit with LOADER 4.
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Aside from the wolf motif, Command Wolf fits Rusty because it's a very adaptable and decent ZOID. You can easily switch out its armament, and it's one of the fastest land-based ZOIDs around. Also, again, wolf motif. Rusty would pilot the SHIT out of this and put a symbolic muzzle on it too why not
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Listen. I just like the look of this thing and Freud would definitely pilot it. Mortars launched from its tail? Giant fuck off gatling cannon its spine? Dual cannons on its shoulders? Sure yeah why not.
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There are slim pickings for insect ZOIDs but this one is definitely Iguazu, if only bc it has the mandibles like the ants in his design but is also a beetle... also he could be that fucker that'd have a land-based ZOID that could also fly like a little bitch or stick to ceilings.
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I honestly did think about going for the bull ZOIDs or something, but in the end he's Liger tail, and while the drei panther ain't a liger, I think it suits him well enough with the dakka dakka and the great spinning shields of death. Hell on four legs indeed.
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This is the only pretty bird ZOID that doesn't stand like it doesn't have knees, and Ayre deserves to have a pretty ZOID okay.
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Since dinosaur ZOIDs are a Pretty Big Deal with HAL itself is basically a C-Weapon, I went with Xeno Rex just to reflect that. Also t-rexes are cool.
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I wouldn't mind ALLMIND picking me up in her giant t-rex robot pincers like i'm a bug tbh
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