#my jessays
ingoodjesst · 10 months
one thing i really like about the apothecary diaries is how fluidly maomao moves between high- and low-class society, between the rear palace and the pleasure district, allowing us to see the parallels in the power dynamics. in both settings, we see women trying to make the most of their relative stations with whatever tools available to them, which are often shared. much of the politics of the series centers women and the ways they try to navigate the world through seduction, marriage, beauty, fashion, manipulation, etc, because these are the things they're valued for. their appearance, their social graces, their "purity", their marriageability, their ability to bear children, and beyond - these all lend political, economic, and social leverage to themselves and their families regardless of class.
the mystery angle in particular enables the story to closely examine what tools and motives are available to women in the apothecary diaries in a way that's contextualized and humanized. it's also how the series highlights said women operating with a keen awareness of society's expectations and systems. whether that's applying deathly white powder to maintain impractical beauty standards, faking illnesses to deter certain visitors, using parlor tricks to subtly punish callous men, or wearing ostentatious outfits to hide a certain truth, each mystery we encounter reveals more about what it means to navigate the world of the apothecary diaries as a woman in addition to revealing their cleverness (or lack thereof) in doing so.
maomao is no exception to the rule, often weighing similar questions of propriety and power before she acts - although she does engage from a unique position. she's a literate woman from the lower class with special circumstances surrounding her birth, versed as an apothecary, and favored by highly ranked members of the court. this, plus her marked lack of ambition beyond medicine, gives her a lot of mobility between and (relatively) unbiased insight into both the high- and low-ranked parts of society. in turn, we readers are given a fantastic protagonist to explore what i consider a core draw of the series: seeing how maomao chooses to move through the world, highly conscious of her own social positioning as well as that of all the other women around her
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Today, I saw an Instagram reel complaining about how fanfic authors apologize for late updates in the notes of their stories and that readers “don’t want to hear it,” they just want the fic to be updated and there are a ton of comments like this one in agreement
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and frankly, as a fanfic writer, I just have to say this kind of attitude is really consistently disappointing and frequently makes me not want to write for fandom anymore. I don’t know how many times we as creators have to tell readers that you are not entitled to our work before y’all comprehend that. Fanfic is a privilege, not a commodity.  
Readers need to learn how to be aware that there’s a real person with a real life writing and sharing this work. And you complaining that you had to “beg” for an update is not the time-consuming difficulty you think it is in comparison to how long it takes a creator to actually make something. We don’t just shit out content when it fits our fancy. 
Fanfic is something people do for free with their own valuable time. We are not machines just cranking out random half-assed works. We come up with ideas, we plan, and we spend God knows how many hours and days actually creating our content because it’s something that we enjoy doing, and are excited to share with others, not something we feel an obligation to create for you. And the second that readers start acting like they’re entitled to our work is when it stops being fun. 
In short, please just learn how to be respectful and kind to creators and understand that we literally owe you jackshit and if you treat us with this kind of attitude, we will stop making content for you because you simply do not deserve it.   
TL;DR: if you act like fanfic authors don’t have lives outside of fic, you’re a cunt, and we deserve better.
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magentagalaxies · 8 months
making my own post bc i have thoughts and i don't want to keep having to go back and forth with tags and replies on someone else's post:
anyway original post i started this conversation on: @charlotterenaissance
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my tag essay:
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@liliana-von-k's reply:
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(all this context is bc i have even more thoughts so i thought i should make my own post)
anyway to respond to that i 100% agree!! it also reminds me of something from my very first conversation with bruce (when we did a zoom interview before we knew each other) which idk if i've posted this aspect of before: i forget what my exact question was but i essentially brought up this kind of paradigm the KITH's female characters are often discussed in and how it's kind of strange comparing it to the actual representation of female characters in the show. like, sure dave "passes" the most as a conventionally-attractive female character, but also i'd honestly say any of the kids in the hall can pass as female, not even just from a genderqueer perspective but from a not all women are "conventionally attractive" perspective. like i know cis women who have a jawline like bruce's or a nose like scott's or any other feature that isn't seen as "feminine" from (often white-eurocentric) beauty standards and many of them are gorgeous.
and the fact that KITH's female characters are often discussed through a lens of "who plays the best woman" (meaning the one who "passes" according to beauty standards) is as frustrating as it is fascinating bc i really do think it points to the way the media tries to comprehend this gender nonconformity and shove it into a box they can understand. because the kids in the hall have already destroyed the most obvious box their female characters could be put in - yes, they are male comedians, but even though the most often way society rationalizes men dressing femininely is as a comedic act (whether as a man purposefully trying to elicit comedy via feminine actions and dress or via a man who genuinely enjoys feminine expression being made an object of ridicule via comedy), the kids in the hall break this framework (this "binary", if you will) by being comedians who are in control of the audience's laughter, but playing their femininity as genuine. you don't laugh with them at their femininity because they do not laugh at femininity, but you also can't make their femininity the subject of ridicule because their position as comedians means they are at once in on the joke and steering the joke in another direction. this technique is more subtextual (and likely subconscious) in the portrayal of female characters, but it's a tactic scott knowingly (and expertly) employs when playing buddy cole
so since the "men in dresses equals comedy" box is eliminated, cishet society feels the need to create another box for them to rationalize this gender nonconformity in, by attributing it to a spectacle other than humor. so they decide to instead view these gender transgressions through the lens of beauty and sexual attractiveness. this also helps rationalize any confusing attraction a cishet person has to one of the kids in the hall dressed as a woman - they pass too well, or at least whichever one you're attracted to (most often dave) does. making a spectacle of the kids in the hall playing women eliminates any confusion or implications that maybe gender and sexuality isn't as rigid as we think, by othering these performers as a special case and convincing yourself that there is no real woman who looks like dave foley in drag, and if there was she would be cis.
it's a slightly better box to be in than having the femininity be the target of ridicule, but it still misses the point that the femininity explored in kids in the hall is not meant to be othered. it leaves out so many of the show's most iconic female characters - fran is not glamorous, but she is a realistic woman. chicken lady is more chicken than lady, but she is still a well-written female character - and reduces others to their attractiveness when the sketch itself is not about that at all. and when i brought this up to bruce he sounded as though he had been waiting for someone to make this analysis, because even though the guys joke about it themselves it is at times uncomfortable to be in an interview that focuses so much on how the interviewer finds dave in drag sexy, or picking apart which physical aspect of the guys passes best. i think i remember bruce saying something to the effect of "no one's asking which one of us is the most hot playing a business man, but that's just as different of a person from us as playing a woman"
and it's interesting to think about this in the context of how the media in general treats people who identify as women in this framework of focusing on physical attractiveness all the time. in recent years, this behavior is more widely known to be sexist af so the overtness has declined (tho is it absolutely still present to some degree), but since the kids in the hall are all male it's fair game to make these sorts of comments about their female characters to their face, because it's spectacle and separate from them. even the exact same people who would call out a comment being made about a cis female comedian are often oblivious of how it could potentially apply to these male comedians, or have other bizarre lines within their ability to rationalize this gender nonconformity for themselves.
take the "wedding dresses" sketch that was censored from the amazon revival for example (this sketch was showcased at sketchfest's "scenes they wouldn't let us do" and has appeared in kith live shows since 2015). this sketch was censored because even though amazon would let the guys play women (and even then it was often an uphill battle), they would not let the wedding dresses sketch air because it featured men wearing wedding dresses in a comedic setting. the rule of thumb seemingly is: men wearing dresses is always comedic (and therefore transphobic), unless he (typically dave foley) passes too well, in which case trans people have nothing to do with the conversation. but the fact that they were men dressed femininely was never the point of the joke, it was the idea of a wedding dress, a significant garment symbolizing an event meant to be only worn for one day, being these guys' everyday wear and all the conflicts and community that came from that. it was an ode to the outsiders, a celebration of those who live and present unconventionally. and the fact that it's never about gender is in itself the most upliftingly genderqueer thing of all.
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reckless-glitch · 11 months
um weird request but could you either make your Scarlet stuff available as a pdf or put it on ao3 so I can download it as an ebook? it's just easier for me to digest things on my kindle if not that's ok! I understand!
Oh! yeah totally I'll figure out which one I wanna do and then post the link over on @scarlet-legacy
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tempvoir · 8 months
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Jessay bitch we NEED to cook oh my gosh 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
to the anon who wrote that juicy jessai smut: it was very poggers (thank u for making me the top, ur very cool and based <3) but please come off of anon so I can post it!! otherwise I'll have to keep it in my drafts since I can't verify your age >.<
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 6 ("Presenting Lorelai Gilmore") Part 1
Read all previous commentaries here. Jess is here. And inside that comically large sack of stuff he bought in, he is carrying The Agonies. Okay, let's not panic, we have some breathing room in early season 2, because in some of the early Jess episodes it looks like they weren't quite sure what to do with him yet and would just kinda stick him in the first or last minute of the episode showing him wiping down tables at the diner and stuff. But The Agonies are coming. Rory: In the future am I going to be working at CNN or just walking around their offices carrying a basket of sandwiches? That second thing.
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Swing and A Miss, Netflix Captioner. Jessay! "I'm sorry I'm late to work Uncle Luke but since you're apparently in no rush to to give me my own bedroom this is the only time of day I get a chance to jerk off." Lorelai: Gross t-shirt. Nobody asked you. We see Emily gossiping with her DAR biddies. There's a chill in the air. Evil is afoot. Rory shows up at the Biddy Conference to pick up a book from Richard, blissfully unaware of the hell that will soon be unleashed upon her. The biddies descend on Rory, and our sweet, naive summer child has soon voluntarily accepted to "come out" at the debuntate ball.
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Good for you honey. Does Paris know? Lorelai: Rory, do you know what a coming out party says? It says "Hi, I'm Rory, I'm of good breeding and marriagable age and I will now parade around in front of young men of similary good breeding and marriagable age so they can all take a good long look at me. Like animals being up for bid at the county fair." Dean & Lane got married (and pregnant) when they were 19 and Logan proposed to Rory when she was 21 so being a breedable marriagable teenager is kind of par for the course in The Hollow. A bridal auction sounds like an idea right up Taylor Doose's alley, don't give him any ideas. Rory: It says your father is supposed to present you at the ceremony. Aw, god damn it! I was fully prepared for Forrester being an intregral part of this episode but I once again did not anticipate the arrival of CrustyPher and the horrors are flooding back. It's going to be an AssClown Double Feature!
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Pictured: The Horror. Is this a cosmic joke, a curse upon me, for saying "Thank God Lorelai didn't call Christopher again" at the end of my last review? Christopher makes a joke that Lorelai called him because all of her "976 numbers were busy". Okay, that joke even went partially over my crusty Millennial ass at first because I've only ever heard of people saying "900 numbers". He meant a phone sex hotline. The gymnastics that AmyShermanPalladino performed to insert subtle dirty jokes into this show under the radar are nothing short of breathtaking. Is that why Lorelai doesn't pay Luke for her coffee? Because she's in debt over over a crushing phone sex hotline addiction? Miss Patty entertains the gents who call the Stars Hollow phone sex hotline and Kirk is for the ladies.
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I'm sorry I'm just trying to distract myself from the Upcoming Horrors. Lorelai: This is very important to your daughter and she has never asked you for anything, and although your constant non presence in her life and your lack of ever showing up when you promise to be there or calling when you say you're going to call or basically doing anything you promise to do would tend to indicate that you owe her big time, and before you say no, I want you to take a minute to remember you have a great daughter and she has a mother who will hunt you down like a half price Kate Spade purse if you disappoint her. Wow that is so terribly sad. Rip him a new asshole Lorelai!
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Not this assclown smiling clownily while the mother of his child rips into him for being a shitty father. Crustypher blows Lorelai's mind when he actually agrees to escort Rory to the cotillion. The hilariously vague Netflix description of this episode reads "Lorelai finds herself attracted to a changed man." I'm nervous. The Horrors, they are upon us now.
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Oh hey there's Dean's self portrait behind the couch. And now for your favorite game and mine, "Bargaining WIth Buttheads."
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Prince Charming here didn't have his nap and bottle today so he's having a widdle shitfit. He's gonna give Wory a widdle utlimatum before he agrees to escort her to the ball.
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This seems like a bizarre, lopsided compromise. He'll dress up in a coat and tails and go to a frigging cotillion as long as she watches some dumb tv show with him for the next month...? You held all the chips in this bargain, buddy. You could have asked for a handjob. At least a handjob. Maybe even two. Maybe DURING Battlebots. Maybe then you wouldn't be so cranky. I'm spearheading a new initiative called Handjobs For The Hollow. More handjobs all around for the men in The Hollow to mellow them out.
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I'm not a religious person, but leave poor God out of this.
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Rory:"Is it a sack filled with 16 years of back child support payments?"
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Rory needs to take that thing, bludgeon Crusty, then go inside and bludgeon Dean. An opportunity like this rarely presents it self more than once.
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I'm just saying, Jack Pearson died saving his family from a house fire.
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Me: Lorelai, you're going to end up the subject of a true crime podcast. Lorelai: What's a podcast? Me: Nevermind...
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Oooh, shopping bags. Looks like someone Escaped The Hollow And Visited The Real World™ Swell, even Richard is being a dickhead too. Get your peanuts, get your popcorn, It's a Three Ring Butt Circus and all the clowns are present and accounted for.
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It's the Waltz Of The Sugarplum Buttheads.
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Oh please do go on Crusty...Enlighten us with your crusty widsom...so, yeah while you're doing that, I'm just going to be...over here. Doing...stuff.
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He always looks chronically constipated. Someone had to say it.
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This cannot be good.
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As always, Miss Patty has no chill. She is my hero.
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Please tell me she poisoned his latte when he had his back turned. Lorelai: Asking Luke to make a chai anything is insane. Crusty: I think he just threw a cinnamon stick in some tea. Lorelai: It wasn't a cinnamon stick. Ah, so Luke poisoned his drink. My good man.
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Damn. So close :(
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Fascinating. Just fascinating. Do go on. I'm just going to be over there...buying some popcorn... Crusty sits Lorelai down to mansplain what a job is. See, it's this thing where you go to the same place every day, and then at the end of the day you feel like you've done something and earned something. My man Crusty here didn't think he'd like having one of these job things, but shucks, he was pleased to discover that he "quite enjoys the stability." Jack Pearson also went back into a burning house to save the dog. I'm just saying.
Lorelai and Crusty turn around to see Dean about to hurl Rory to the ground inside Miss Patty's.
He can't kiss, he has no rhythm, he's not attractive, he's dull, he's mean, and he's not very smart, but damn, the ladies love Dean for some reason, especially Rory's mom.
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Crusty and Dean searching for their reflections in the mirror and coming up empty because they're ButtVampires.
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Tie it nice and tight, Crusty. Lorelai, mocking high society debutantes: Idk how Rory is ever going to make it in society! She's going to get a job and only get married once! Well, Lorelai is no Miss Cleo, that's for sure.
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Lorelai: My parents are openly fighting. They've never done that before. What should I do? Crusty: Move to California, that's what I do when my parents fight. That sentence doesn't make any sense. Sounds like The Male Gilmore Girls Characters California Wormhole (which has at one point or another swallowed Max, Jess, and Dave Rygalski) sucked up another victim but unfortunately It didn't like how he tasted and spit him back out to Connecticut.
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But just like your promises to your daughter, you didn't keep your word and let us all down by not having one. Crusty: I have to stay up to do work. Lorelai: *laughs* Sorry, I keep forgetting that's not a joke anymore. Jack Pearson served in Vietnam, I'm just saying.
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glavilio · 2 years
hi jessay did you have any other animals you considered for your sona. i was torn between snowleopard and cow and CROCODILE if yoooou caaaaan beeelieve it
YES! you know my primary fursona gladiolus is a striped hyena (tho i sometimes like giving her a lion tail) and i have a secondary sona that is explicitly a brown-hyena/lion hybrid. i've always considered lions to be the animal that's the most 'me', so that's the main one. the two other animals i really like and will eventually make sonas of are mudi dogs and jacob sheep. they're so cute!
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.... to explain because I forget people don't have access to my BrainThoughts: I was browsing your art and saw Jesse in one of your polls and my brain Audio just said HEY JESSAY I never watched the show and I was basically like WHO SAID THAT. And went on to like semi stress about where the HECK that was from and what caused it (it was Jesse. Like your oc Jesse. Just his name caused this).
Now with that out the way, I have the Brain Image of Jesse chilling but God OUT of Nowhere plays that soundbite and Jesse is Scared for a good few hours. That was me. (: anyway have nice day silly!!!
nodding i understand i too get phrases stuck in my head outta nowhere.
jesse hearing his name being called out but theres no source and now hes just still alone with his thoughts:
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kylejsugarman · 2 years
considering changing my icon to the new jessay but its been this alvin show valentines card for sooo long and i still really love it and think it matches the theme of my blog perfectly.....suppose i will just change my discord icon again
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electaaaaa · 2 years
Yo moots watch out for tumblr user @/jessaie she was being really weird dm’d me out of no where and tried to get personal info ask to set up times to chat was like twice my age ect
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ingoodjesst · 6 months
literally how fucked up is it that you could wish for anything in the world, knowing that your life got fucked up at so many turns by other people, yet your one wish is easing the regret that you never got the chance to truly know him, understand him until it was too late. you were rivals; you weren't real friends but you were, you wanted to be. you wanted to be something else too. you wanted your wish to be more than just undoing someone else's bad decisions, you wanted it to be something - or someone - good that you chose.
you wanted to just spend time together; little more than playing chess with each other would fulfill your deepest desires. and it's no less than what both of them wanted. it's so gay it kills me
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daydadahlias · 5 months
i want to hear the glee thoughts and feelings
ok ur so gonna regret u asked this
So, I watched glee way back when in middle school (before I knew what a lot of the words they said meant <3 I remember watching the first time episode and having no fucking idea what was going on <3) and I really loved it!! who doesn't love a jam yknow?? and, obviously, i attached myself to Blaine very quickly because his voice is just my favorite and he puts out nothing but bangers. this last week, I've gone back and rewatched seasons 2 and 3 (because that was peak Blaine Anderson) and - because I'm the world's most needlessly passionate person - I'm getting a little fucking worked up about it !!
It will never fail to bewilder me how much of a literal SHIT HEAD Kurt Hummel was. Like, I know that we as audience members are supposed to align ourselves with him because he's an OG character and he's a queer kid just trying to be himself or whatever, but frankly it doesn't pay that much to "just be yourself" when yourself SUCKS! kurt fucking SUCKS dude. He is so whiney and so selfish and blatantly rude. and he is a shitty ass boyfriend to Blaine!
this is also rooted in my absolute maniacal frustration that Blaine never gets to be a character of his own. His character is always (throughout the entirety of the show) written within the context of Kurt and Klaine. It's very much Ken and Barbie-esque with the whole "Ken only has a good day when Barbie looks at him." Like we never get to know anything about Blaine's personal life except for ?? a throwaway line that his dad (who we never meet) is homophobic? and also that he was gay bashed when he was 15. And, just to bitch about that, it will never not piss me off to insane lengths that Kurt wanted to go to prom so he made Blaine go with him even though Blaine was blatantly triggered by it. The literal dialogue exchange in the episode (S2E20) is Blaine detailing this very traumatic experience and saying "this is just a bit of a sore spot for me" and Kurt replies "this is perfect." LIKE WHAT?? WHATTTT?? what do you mean it's PERFECT?? your boyfriend is clearly uncomfortable and triggered by this!! do not make this man go to prom with you!! And then, in that same episode, Kurt very blatantly outs Blaine's secret trauma to his family without any fucking care whatsoever for what Blaine actually went through (which is crazy considering Kurt was bullied too and should have some goddamn sympathy for the situation??). and look at my boy!! he's CLEARLY UNCOMFORTABLE!! does Kurt give a fuck?? no he does not! and he literally never apologizes for this!!
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gif credit (love this set and creator btw)
This is after they're dating and there are MANY more instances when they're dating that Kurt blatantly bulldozed over Blaine's boundaries with reckless fucking abandon. And any single time they ever get into an argument, Blaine has to be the one to apologize to KURT? like even when Kurt is the one who cheats on him in Season 3?? Blaine has to apologize to him for being insecure?? Or in Season 5 when Blaine is experiencing a lot of insecurity (which was also a crazy arc considering how attractive his actor, Darren, is?? and I always loathe when shows add unnecessary fatphobia plotlines for literal skinny characters but that's a different tangent) and he told Kurt and Kurt's response was quite literally "I'm not going to apologize for being better than you." Like that's a fucking insane thing to say to your boyfriend who is standing in your kitchen crying, saying he's scared you're "going to wake up one day and realize [you] don't love him anymore" (S5E16). AND THEN?? IN AN EVEN MORE INSANE TURN OF EVENTS?? literally a handful of episodes later that's EXACTLY what happens!! Just out of the blue, Kurt decides he doesn't love Blaine anymore and breaks up with him?? Which was an absurd plotline?? (as most plotlines from season 4 and on are).
I'm also just going to add that Ryan Murphy does not know Blaine Anderson like I do, clearly, because there is nothing at all in his character that insinuates he'd be a cheater especially considering his ENTIRE PERSONALITY REVOLVES AROUND KURT. which is some fucking lazy ass writing, I'm just gonna say.
Also, further defending Blaine and calling Kurt out for being a SHITHEAD! there's that whole episode "Blame it on the Alchohol" where Blaine and Kurt go over to Rachel's house for a party and Blaine gets literally blackout drunk and kisses Rachel during a spin the bottle game. Immediately, the fact that Kurt gets so upset over them kissing says a lot about how self-involved and psychotically jealous he is (considering he and Blaine were NOT together at this point and Blaine had literally actively said he did not want to be in a relationship with Kurt).
And then this will also always bother me?? Blaine was blackout?? So Kurt drove him home?? and let Blaine sleep in his bed??? with him??? which, based on the way Kurt was acting and how possessive he always was over Blaine, this was Weird. Like if you can drive your drunk friend somewhere, why aren't you driving them back to their OWN home?? especially when Blaine wakes up in the episode (looking very cute, I will say) and his immediate reaction is "Where am I?" Like that's fucked up???? And then, later, in the same episode, Blaine says he thinks he might be bi and Kurt goes off his fucking ROCKER. and is so blatantly biphobic !! and it's gross !! and the only reason he is is because he wants Blaine to himself even though Blaine literally said he wasn't interested!!!
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including gifs of drunk!blaine bc he's cute <3
And to talk down to your supposed best friend?? And act like you know him better than he knows himself?? yeah it was fucked up and biphobia is never cute. and, also, all Kurt ever did was pretty much blatantly pressure Blaine into dating him?? Like he was constantly all over him and then, the second they got together, the writers were like "ok and now blaine's only personality trait is loving Kurt." Which never made any sense to me considering that Kurt is constantly talking down to him? He constantly (multiple times in multiple episodes) complains about how talented Blaine is. Which is just not something you fucking do to someone you supposedly love and respect??
Before they were even dating, Kurt complained to Blaine that he "always has solos" and "right now, it feels like we're Blaine and the pips" and also a very underhanded comment about how "I know we're all supposed to be do-whopping behind Blaine while he sings every Katy Perry song" (S2E16). All of these things are just blatantly belittling? Also, tea time, but Kurt's ass was not fucking talented enough to be making bold ass claims about how he should be singing lead vocals.
Once they're dating, Blaine and Kurt both try out for the musical. When Kurt finds out that Blaine is trying for the lead, he immediately becomes standoffish and Blaine clearly panics, making a comment about how seniors should get the leads, not juniors. And Kurt goes "yeah that's usually how it works!" So then Blaine completely fucking forfeits the part! He auditions for a side role so that Kurt can get it and Kurt won't see him as a "threat" but then, because Blaine is so fucking good (and better than Kurt cough cough), he gets cast and Kurt is fucking pissed about it !!! (S3E02).
Once they are dating, Kurt literally cheats on Blaine, then claims that it's "okay" because it's "just texting" and, when Blaine says he's hurt, Kurt calls him crazy?? (S3E17) He never once apologizes to Blaine for what he did, only saying "I'm sorry if this upsets you but it's okay" which is not a fucking apology!! And Blaine ends up being the one apologizing to Kurt at the end of the episode, saying that he's insecure!! But Kurt does about fuck all to actually care for him!! And, during that scene, he says "Do you know how many times I've had to sit on a stool and watch you perform?" Like how fucking shitty is that to say to someone you love? Literally All Kurt does the entire series is make Blaine feel bad about how good he is??
there's a lot of other moments where Kurt is really just blatantly fucking mean to Blaine but I'm going to stop there because this is getting <3 really long <3 and I'm going to take a deep breath.
Blaine literally transferred schools to be with Kurt because Kurt pressured him into it?? Like there were literally scenes where Kurt was like "you should change schools" and Blaine went "aww no I don't wanna :(" and then Kurt continued to pressure him into it?? it's not something he ever should have even proposed in the first place?? But then when Blaine actually did transfer - and made it blatantly clear to Kurt that he did it for him - all of a sudden Kurt was like "aw noo u shouldn't have done this for lil ol mee!" (S3E01). Which was some BULLSHIT! but i am gonna include a gif of new kid blaine because look at this fucking cutie !!!
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gif credit (i luv u klainegifs)
ok so, after Kurt pressures Blaine into going to his school and all of Kurt's friends are blatantly fucking mEAN to Blaine (despite him being the most talented member of the club cough cough), there's the scene where they all go to prom. Now this one.... oh this one makes me mad. And this makes me mad because it's just clearly rooted in the outright racism of Glee. And here's the reasons I'm mad:
Darren Criss (Blaine's actor) is Asian-American but Glee pretends like Blaine Anderson is a white character.
A fun fact for you about Glee is that Darren Criss auditioned for Glee's first season with his natural hair (big, fluffy, curly, beautiful) and he did not get a part. However, he auditioned again for the second season with his hair short and gelled back and he did get the part. Notice anything fucking weird about that???? he was just as fucking talented with the curly hair !!
Glee gels Blaine's hair so fucking much in later seasons that he literally develops helmet head. Look at the difference between season 2 and season 6:
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4. There was one episode (a different prom episode in season 3) where they did release the curls. and they pretended like my boy was UGLY!?! LOOK AT HIM
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he's literally precious. But also, the producers of Glee went out of their way to try and make his curls look bad?? like they purposefully tried to give him bad hair?? and make fun of his natural curls?? and this was kurt's actual fucking reaction to seeing his boyfriend's natural hair for the first time:
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he says "oh my dear god" in horror. like kurt literally go fuck yourself. Everyone is so fucking mean to Blaine when he ungels his hair!! and it's because they're RACIST!!!! name one curly-haired character in Glee. I'll wait.
I never liked Kurt but him reacting so cruelly to blaine's natural hair (and then Blaine never ungelling his hair again) is one of my biggest problems with him.
in conclusion, I will never fucking forgive the way that Glee treated Blaine. My beautiful baby boy and his bowties deserved better.
the end.
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magentagalaxies · 11 months
Kids in the Archive: Episode 3
hi everyone you know the deal - i uncovered a bunch of original scripts for kith sketches with the help of the wonderful bruce mcculloch and now i'm here to bring you all a behind-the-scenes comparison of script and screen!
Previous Episodes: Episode 1 - armada finale ("do we make it?") Episode 2 - fran & gordon: the vacation
today's episode is dedicated to @ofkithandmckinney as we cover the script of their favorite sketch, s2e1's "comfortable"
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the thing that immediately sets "comfortable" apart from all the other scripts i own is the multicolored paper is it printed on, with some parts being on pink and others on blue. this is not accidental - each color denotes a specific revision date which is standard practice for tv production, though comfortable is the only script in my collection in this style. the date for pink revisions is may 22nd 1990, while blue revisions were june third of the same year. while taking photos of the scripts, my phone tries to color-balance the images automatically to make it look like black text on a white background, so i had to trick my phone into letting me show off the pink pages here today
The Casting
since the opening of this script is near-identical to what we seen onscreen, I decided to use this section to highlight an interesting (and at times confusing) element of this script, which is that dave and mark's roles are occasionally switched. at times dave is designated as scott's character's wife and mark as the other husband. on a related note, this also wasn't initially written as a nina sketch, with the character being referred to as "marion" in this draft. all in all, while thinking about this alternate version of "comfortable" is fun, i frankly cannot imagine anyone else playing these roles, as all of them bring the perfect type of energy. plus, this nina appearance relates it to my web of kith sketches that exist in the same universe
The "Improv"
this script also allows us to clear up a misconception i've seen in the youtube comments of various uploads of this sketch: people claiming "i want you in me" was improvised
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i can see where this misconception came from - while adhering to the script very faithfully, at this point in the sketch things feel like they're starting to fly off the rails, and each of the actors are struggling not to break. plus, this is totally something scott would do. there's a chance this could have been improvised during a rehearsal or table read (it is on the blue pages after all) but in the version that was broadcast this line was expected. however, there is a possibly-improvised moment in the recording which wasn't in the script. after scott's character takes his pants off there's a moment where he starts singing hava nagila - in the script it just says "da da da da". why scott chose to commemorate this moment with hava nagila we may never know
The Ending
unlike our past few sketches, there's no big difference between the script's ending and the final moments of the sketch on tv. all the beats are accounted for, with most variations stemming from the goldmine that is getting nina in this situation
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as soon as i saw this script in storage i knew i needed it in my collection (with bruce's permission of course), and with all these fascinating production elements it certainly delivered. beyond that, comfortable is one of my favorite sketches as well, because i vividly remember the first time i watched it in the summer of 2022
pre-2022 i'd seen some kids in the hall before, but they'd always been scattered sketches and individual episodes all from season one. when i got into season 2 i didn't know what to expect. would this increased attention and production value make the kids less willing to push the boundaries? would they end up like snl? looking back it's hilarious i could ever think that about this troupe, but i identify "comfortable" as the sketch that really set the tone for what i was in for with season 2. the living room setup and premise of an awkward gathering feel similar to any number of middle-of-the-road snl sketches, which lulled me into a false sense of mundanity, until scott keeps pushing the limits and eventually starts straight-up fucking kevin mcdonald on the table. of course this season wasn't going to be your standard fare sketch show, as pretty soon after followed sizzler and sizzler and the iconic "touch bellini" contest, but as i saw the world of these suburban couples' descend into chaos it was comforting that this punk rock sensibility wasn't over yet.
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reckless-glitch · 11 months
how do you keep momentum for writing about your OC when no one else cares about them?
.........i don't know how to answer this without feeling insulted
I mean...the answer is just...they're your OC, someone (you) cares about them and if that's not enough for you then pick a different thing to obsess over
hope that helps I guess
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polyglottishthings · 2 years
Sometimes i look at my bf and go "JESSAY" and he goes completely deadpan and says "we have to cook..."
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