#my jim is an ass oop
hearts4hughes · 1 year
beach boy | jamie drysdale
(jamie drysdale x zegras! sister)
a/n: this is part 2 to ‘oops…’ . a lot of people seemed to like the jamie drysdale x zegras! reader trope, so i made another one! maybe this will turn into an insta au🤷🏻‍♀️
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liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, and more
y/nzegras beach day with my adorable (and confused) boyfriend!
tagged: jamie.drysdale
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trevorzegras get your ass off my instagram…
y/nzegras are you ever happy?
trevorzegras i was before you started dating jim
jamie.drysdale you did me dirty with that photo :(((
y/nzegras nooo you are so cute and hot
trevorzegras i just threw up in my mouth
y/nzegras good for you ig????
yourbff suns out, bums out😎🍑
liked by y/nzegras
jackhughes put on some clothing!
y/nzegras get a front tooth!
jackhughes that was too far y/n😦
fan07 jamie’s abs🥹🥹🥹 i’m literally melting
fan34 trying to be happy for you, but im actually just incredibly jealous
fan062 it’s so fun watching trevor and y/n bicker in the comments😭
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liked by y/nzegras, masonmctavish23, and more
jamie.drysdale fun in the sun✌🏻☀️
tagged: y/nzegras
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y/nzegras you’re getting better at captions!!!
jamie.drysdale learned from the best
y/nzegras 🥵🥵🥵🥵
y/nzegras daddy
jamie.drysdale 🤭🤭
trevorzegras OH MY GOD
trevorzegras WHAT THE FUCK
y/nzegras …
trevorzegras i need to get my eyes bleached
masonmctavish23 🔥🔥
fan1 his caption is so cute omg
trevorzegras get your head away from her butt
y/nzegras omg you’re so embarrassing
trevorzegras yk what’s embarrassing? publicly calling MY BEST FRIEND daddy.
y/nzegras i wasn’t lying tho🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
fan07 we love you jam!!
fan3 did y/n just call jamie daddy?? she’s so iconic
liked by jamie.drysdale
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
I have a request for headcanons of the Gotham rogues having met the Y/N when they were ig sane aka. not evil and then awhile after just seeing them at Arkham, now knowing they went down the same pit they had.
At least they can be a new rogue!
( I'm thinking of them liking each other romantically beforehand and then Y/N poof is now not sane- like oops but you can still date 🤷‍♀️ )
Hi dear, thank you for your request! And so sorry for the delay! I like the concept, it's a really plausible one. The idea of them meeting each other again in Arkham and bonding because of their common misfortune and spiralling to hell is a very good one! *Barbara vibes here*😂
I made scenarios with the reader being friend or sort of with the villains first, since I thought it would be fitting, I hope it's ok for you dear. I went with: Ed, Oswald, Victor and Jonathan. Tell me if you want to read more headcanons with other villains.
So here it is:
Warning: violence, blood, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, Arkham (hey, it can be traumatising, ask Oswald and Ed), English is not my first language I'm working on it.
Word Count: 3.685
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You were Kringle's coworker and met Eddy at the GCPD.
Even if you worked with the other woman you were never really close, mostly because of the awful way she treated Ed at first.
Even if he was a dork, you used to find him endearing and always gave his riddles a shot, succeeding or not to answer correctly.
If you were good at riddles, Ed would immediately become your partner in riddle-crime, always searching for a good one able to stump you.
If riddles weren't your forte, he appreciated your effort and gentleness. You really were trying and he really loved the spark of comprehension in your eyes when he would give you the correct answer and how you would facepalm and curse at how obvious it was when you were thinking about it.
Your closeness would earn you a lot of teasing from Jim, Harvey and the other cops, most of the times it would be mean remarks targeting Ed, though.
But you both knew the truth: Nygma was still obsess with Kringle. You, on the other hand, always had a soft spot for him. You didn't need to be a genius, though, to know your attraction for dear Ed was only a one side one. So you never told him anything about it.
When Ed started to lose it, you truly were horrified. Why? How? What was happening to him? You did your best to team up with Jim in order to bring your lovely co-worker back to you.
You already know the result: it will be an epic fail. For Jim, you and finally Ed who will be send to Arkham.
Then, your own little descent into hell happened.
Without Ed, you were now the new GCPD's scapegoat. Those guys never learn anything, right?
Hell at work and in your personal life: losing a close relative, meeting someone who hurt you badly, money issues, illness... choose your weapon and be ready to see your uneventful life burst into flames for the worse...or maybe the better?
You would wreak absolute havoc in Gotham, so much, Gordon himself had to go after you and managed to arrest you.
"What happened to you Y/N?! Ed wasn't enough? Why did you have to follow his path?!" He asked-yelled, the deep hurt visible in his eyes.
Goodbye Gotham, hello Arkham. Guess who you met again here?
“No waaay ∼ Look at you my dear, you are positively stunning!” His taunting voice would call you from the other side of the refectory. “Did you missed me so much you decided to pursue me here? My, oh my, I’m honoured!” *Yes, you can hit his pompous ass, please do it*
Riddler had to stop his mocking, though. When he saw you so numb, his felt his heart clench painfully. He appreciated you a lot back then. And seeing you so hollow made him drop his cocky act. 
“Are you ok dear?” He would ask, joining you at your table and cautiously seating in front of you with his brows furrowed. “What happened?”
And you would tell him. How your life became a living hell when he was gone. How everything crumbled around you until your mind didn’t have any other choice than snap. 
Goodness. He empathized. He truly did. His own snapping was relatively fresh after all. 
He would make his own little mission to protect you from Strange and his little human experiments, he would try his best to lift your spirit and even create special riddles only for you. Don’t worry about answering wrong, you wouldn’t die for it, he swore. 
Now that Kringle was out of the picture, Ed would finally see you. See how you were always kind with his dork him, how you tried to save him when everything went south for him, how you would discreetly wrinkle your cute nose when something was bothering you but you were too polite to point it out loud. God what was he thinking while running after his previous doomed love when you, who never tried to change anything with him, was just under his nose. He would feel like the biggest fool into the whole city let me tell you. 
He wouldn’t mind you being now judged as insane. He wouldn’t mind your illness. He would only mind how a blushing mess he was gradually becoming when you were near him. And he would only mind about ensuring your security: inside of Arkham, outside of it when he would convince Oswald to get you out too. 
Be ready to be the one receiving muffins with a bullet in it, flowers, poems, and any romantic gift you can think about. 
Bonus: he will always keep a picture of the two of you inside of his wallet. You both were in Arkham’s uniform at the cafeteria while he was teaching you how to play chess with a paper handmade one he created just for you. He would never admit it to anyone but he thought you were the cutest thing in your uniform. 
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You fist met Oswald when he entered the little tailor shop you owned.
He needed a new suit for his grand debuts in the mafia’s world, when he started to work for Fish. 
He wouldn’t be very kind during his first visits. But he came back every times, finding your sense of fashion and sewing technique terrific. 
He finally decided to compliment them once, bringing you to talk about a lot of things: suits, buttons, and more dangerous subjects like his mother and his growing criminal career. Nothing too touchy, though. Oswald is a cautious little thing and he also didn’t want you to sell any information or, if you really were as kind as you looked, make you a target if anyone wanted to hurt him. 
Soon, you would become his little secret. His breath of fresh air. He would even try to hide your friendship to his dear mother, too afraid she insults you or demand him to stop seeing you. 
But Gertrude is perceptive in her own way and would suspect something. Because of Oswald’s stupid happy smile whenever he was putting one of your creation, she would stay silent and let him think he was so good at keeping secrets. She swore to tore you apart if you ever dare to break his lovely son’s heart, though. 
Your relationship reached an important point when he would met you just after Fish defeat and flee, thanks to Victor. His clothes and face were a total mess. 
So you patched his suit and him, without asking questions you knew he wouldn’t answer. 
But he decided to speak. Well, not really speak, he vented. His nerves cracking and his temper starting to get the best of him. He always tried to keep it tamed near you, too afraid about your possible reaction. 
You didn’t run away. You let him yell, smash his hands and fists against your furniture, and offered him some tea, fruits and biscuits. 
“Poof” angry Oswald was now tamed. You’re a wizard/witch reader, be ready to receive a letter from Hogwarts in the following days.
After this, Cobblepot’s fondness for you will know no limit. As his dear friend, he would always make sure your shop and you were ok, even when everything around him was burning. 
But Gotham is Gotham, you know. Trouble, misery, and disasters always find their way to you. 
It started with an arson. Your shop was burned to the very ground. By who? Oswald swore to investigate and help you build it back, even better than before. 
But he wasn’t that rich at this time, so you did what any citizen would have done: you called the insurance, you went to the illustrious Gotham Central Bank and ask for their help to lend you the funds you needed. 
Condensed, their answer was pretty much a: “LMAO no fucking way, please go die somewhere in the dark alone.” Pretty much. With prettier and complex words, but the meaning was the same. 
Oswald was livid. You too. But you’ll eventually find a way to back up on your feet. Right? *Spoiler: no*
Your chance definitely left you when a few weeks later, Oswald get caught and sent to Arkham, letting you all alone to deal with your problem and Cobblepot’s foes who somehow had heard about you. 
Domino effect. It would always be your answer to the “What happened to you?” inevitable question. You lost it. You snapped. Nobody, except Oswald, was keen on helping you in this hell hole. Nobody would care if you were to die alone in a dark and shady alley. 
Why would you care about robbing the bank then? And other banks, galleries, rich people in town? Money was the key. You needed money. In fact, it became your obsession. Money will guarantee you a home, you will never lose yours ever again. Money will guarantee you security, power, and quick solutions whenever you may be in need for one. 
You get caught too. Your total obsession for money making you the perfect new candidate to the only asylum in town. Not like you cared. Your precious money was safe, you made sure of it. But from Arkham, it would be a little bit difficult to reach. 
Life decided to stop being a bitch when you saw your dear friend again. 
“Y/N?!” You heard him yell when you were escorted to the cell next to his own. “Oh my god my dear, I am so sorry I wasn’t here for you! But what are you doing here! It must be a mistake! Guards! Let us go this instant, we aren’t mentally ill for heaven’s sake!” 
Like Ed, Oswald will make sure no harm was done to you in Arkham. Yes, he would even protect you from Jerome. He would never let the freak touch a single hair of your head. You were too precious. 
Oswald would also make sure to get you out. Even after Strange little mind game on him. He would never forget you or judge you a bad influence for him. 
Of course he’ll notice your newfound obsession for money. But he understands. Better, he will make sure to help you make and steal a lot of it. 
He asked you to move in with him during his mayor campaign, implored you to stay during his Gotham’s throne conquest - for your own security. In fact, he will want you with him at all times. You, his dearest friend. The only one who, he knew, would never turn their back on him. 
Be ready to catch him facing empty chairs a few times when you come back home. “Don’t panic, he’s practicing his confession,” Olga told you in her language that you obviously don’t understand a word about. 
Gifts. Gifts everywhere. Everyday. For no reason. He likes to spoil you rotten. “Can’t you see this boy fell head over heels for you, idiot?” Would sigh Olga every time. Of course, both of you will miss it every time, demanding her to speak in freaking ENGLISH... Poor you guys... It will take ages. 
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Victor met you for the first time at the Lady's illegal casino.
You weren't an assassin yourself, by no means. Just here to work as an accountant. You knew about the Lady's business and ensure she never had any issue with her money, writing her contracts for her and it was all.
When the most famous assassin in town showed his bald head in the casino and the Lady wasn't here, he pretexted he was "just passing by" and got lost here. Dude... I mean...
You had to facepalm. Which made him laugh like an idiot. You knew who he was, but also were accustomed to assassins at this point so it wasn't like you were going to pee in your pants while being in front of him. He liked it.
You introduced yourself properly and explained you worked for the Lady and was aware he was supposed to come to see her.
You offered him a drink on the house and humor him with small talk while waiting for your boss.
When she finally showed up, the three of you moved in a seclude area to talk business. Something about a contract the Lady wanted to make with Victor, with the benediction of Carmine Falcone.
He was amazed by how composed and organized you were. Clinical. Like any good assassin should be, even if you weren't one. He absolutely loved your quick wit and the dark jokes you would offer from time to time to help lightening the mood when tension was getting too intense. Damn, you were good!
Victor being Victor, he quickly became fascinated by you, following you everywhere in town with or without you knowing.
You caught him stalking you once when you stopped by a pizza truck, asking for a calzone.
"Add one pepperoni please. Oh! And a milkshake too." Came his voice from behind you, making you jump out of your skin and curse him like a sailor.
"What the hell?! Are you following me? I mean, for real?! DUDE!" You yelled in pure outrage.
He wouldn't even try to hide it. Simply offering you his irritating "Uh-uh".
"What for? Plan to kill me or something?" You asked.
His long silence wasn't mean to threaten you, no. He was admiring your nerves of steel. Also questioning your sanity a bit, truth be told. But since you made him a really good impression so far, he decided you were impressive.
"Not today", he just said with a shrug. Ok, so he wanted to play friends or something so stupidly mondain like this. Again, you decided to humor him.
Guess what, after a few times of totally not planned encounters, you started to really get close to each other. Even exchange numbers at some point.
He would always find the time to pay you a little visit at the casino at the end of your shift and appreciate the strange normalcy it gave him.
Everything was fine until one day, the Lady's illegal casino was under attack, getting nearly everyone killed brutally.
You survived somehow. You weren't an assassin but it didn't mean they didn't taught you a thing or two, like surviving *the irony* or using weapons.
When the GCPD FINALLY arrived, they caught you, covered in blood and utterly shocked. You were still processing everything happening and your world falling apart.
Your distressed attitude and shock were the main reasons why you were send to Arkham, in hope they would help you to get through it and release you after it.
They didn't plan the bloodbath would have turned one very dangerous switch inside of you. The blood, the thrill, the smell of powder, the pure rush of adrenaline. God you wanted more.
A month later maybe, guess who also found his ass in the same facility? But yes of course: Victor Zsasz.
His goofy grin threatened to split his jaw in half when he saw you: "Hey Sweets! Knew you survived!"
It wouldn't need much for him to understand what switch was activated inside of you. And he was positively thrilled by it!
He offered to train you, respected when you declined joining the Zsaszettes and came with another idea: introduce you to Falcone/Oswald (depending on where you want to stand in the timeline) and make you their brand new accountant-assassin.
Be ready to find him glued to you at anytime, you were his little secret crush back then, you're now his new God/Goddess and nothing will stop him to worship you properly, not even you. You'll see you were made for each other, eventually.
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You were Jonathan's classmate and friend.
You weren't as easy spook as him so you often where his emotional support and bodyguard, especially at school with bullies. No need to be a total badass, your fondness for him was enough to give you the courage to shut up the boys or girls making fun of him and you, or give them a proper beating if you feel like so.
His sensibility always touched you deeply, and you were always here whenever he needed to vent about something or talk about his fears.
This is how you learned about the arson taking the life of his mother. The gradual shutting of his father and his obsession with fear and how to tame it.
When it was only researches, you found yourself really interested in Jonathan's father discoveries, as much as Jonathan himself. He was always a little genius in science and physics. Share it with him or not, your interest for the fear field wasn't feigned.
He gladly explained whatever you didn't understand and even suggested a few theories, sharing them with you.
It could have stayed this way, a passion, a subject of research. But it had to escalate when Jon's father started to look for unwilling test subjects.
You weren't aware of it at first. Unsuspecting, until you found Jonathan doubled in half on the floor of the school's bathroom one day, crying like a river and mumbling nonsense about him being a monster and going straight to hell.
You rushed to him, crouching at his level and tried to shake him out of his shock. "Jon'! Hey! Look at me! What are you talking about, you're no monster! Something happened? Please talk to me."
Poor boy was an absolute mess but managed to hear you and let you help him to sit. And he spoke. Oh good lord, he spoke for an hour or so, telling you everything about his father and what he was doing to poor gothamites. How he was forced into this total craziness and how he started to fear his father will ask him to use you as a test subject one day.
Horrified. That's how you felt, frankly. You had to stay silent for a good five minutes to process everything your friend just told you.
But you liked Jonathan, and he wasn't responsible of his father madness, right?
You comforted him, swearing it was not his fault and he wasn't a monster.
When he finally stopped crying, you swore to him that you'll never tell it to anyone, not even the police *You were teens. Teens do stupid things like this. Well, adults too when you think about it...*
He would come to you every time his father would terrify some innocent in town, crying for hours on your shoulders.
When his dad used the toxin on him, he was on phone with you, making you yell bloody murder on the other side of the line and dropping everything you were doing to run to his house.
You crumbled when you saw your best friend on the ground under his phobia: a huge scarecrow, yelling, crying and spasming like he was having a heart attack. You rushed to him and pushed Harvey away, "He's my friend! Oh my god! Please do something!" You pleaded in tears, having to be manhandled by Jim to allow emergency services to reach him.
You were at the hospital everyday, hating you for not having call the GCPD sooner. Maybe it would have saved Jon. The guilt was eating you alive. When the docteur told you he was a lost cause, you felt like going into a tailspin. Then, came the numbness.
When Jonathan was transferred into an asylum where visits weren't allowed, you made a new friend: depression.
Nothing could help you, you wanted to die. Die for being responsible of your friend distress, die because all you were able to feel was pain.
You went to his house one day, when the guilt and pain were too much to bear. You found yourself inside his father's old office and started to rummage around his things. There, a syringe. With some shady yellow liquid floating inside of it.
You didn't had any idea about what was inside. But at this point, you didn't care any more. You took it in your hands, looked at it just a second before plunging it directly on your upper arm, emptying it in it.
Your yells of absolute terror were what made neighbors call the police, thinking a murder was happening in Crane's old house. When Gordon and Bullock found you, they felt ice in their veins. You were Jonathan's friend. The one who found him with them that night. The one who always was by his side at the hospital before his transfer. Jim felt he failed you. Harvey too.
You went through the exact same hell as Jonathan. First the delirium, the nightmares... When you finally managed to wake up, your diagnosis was the same as him: a lost cause. Arkham was your new stop. They didn't want to send you to the same facility's Jonathan was in, too afraid it would be too much of a shock for both of you guys.
Oh but fate has its own ways. And you finally saw each other again, years later. When he was now incarcerated as Scarecrow.
He recognized you immediately. Not believing what he was seeing. What happened to you? He tried to find you when he started his criminal career but it was like your very existence vanished from earth.
He was always perceptive. A minute was enough for him to understand: you were exposed to his toxin. Well, to his father's toxin.
He was as sorry for you as he was impress when you explained him you took the same dose of toxin he took a few years back and was still living to tell the tale.
Since you were his friend *cough* and also school sweetheart *cough*, and now totally immune to his fear toxin, he decided it was time for him to take care of you and make sure you were always safe.
Be ready for a clingy best friend-lover, for cuddles every times you two are alone, to weird scary gifts, halloween chocolates, dead flowers and basically any weird thing he would find romantic or cute.
A/N - I hope you liked it! Have a beautiful day/night my dear, take care!
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lola-andheruniverse · 2 years
SDCC got me in my feelings so much that I decided to rewatch The Walking Dead for the gazillion time. The first season is just a cinematography experience, isn't it? We have so many incredible scenes that put us on the edge of our seats! And every actor gives great performances, even those who appears only one or two episodes. So, because I love making random lists with gifs, here's my
🧟 10 highlights of TWD Season 1 in no particular order 🧟
1. Rick, Morgan and Duane just enjoying the hot water while showering on the sheriff's office. It's one of those simple and tender scenes TWD always knew how to do so we could connect with the characters.
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2. Jacqui! Just every scene with her. She's funny and kind and brave. I love the little moment she has when she is sitting all alone on the Winnebago stairs mourning Jim. I would gladly trade her for a few characters that we've met later and are still alive on the show.
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3. Glenn being Glenn: "Oops, let me get the cowboy/sheriff hat too!"
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4. Andrea and Amy bonding time. Oh the coloring of this scene. How we the audience understand their whole dynamic by just watching this moment. One of my favourites!
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5. Merle and how he's capable of saying something offensive on every single phrase that comes out of his mouth. I love him!
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6. Little Carl and his little t-shirt with a dog paw.
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7. Daryl's little angry fits and jokes. Zero patience, lots of sass.
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8. Carol finding a grenade on Rick's clothes and going "hum, finders keepers" LOL Good for her cause then she proceeded to save TF asses for the first time.
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9. The beginning of CARYL - not only because of the pickaxe scene, but how they start to be framed together from this episode on.
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10. Rick's insistence on wearing his full deputy uniform. Yep, it's a metaphor of where his mind, heart and soul are on S1, holding on to order and civilization, yada yada. But I find it hilarious.
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dumdumsun · 10 months
Wax and Wane
A/N: Welcome back, my luvs! Long time, no see... Oops. So sorry for the long ass wait, babes. I had a lot (and I mean a lot) going on. Many not-so-great times, I'm still trying to sort myself out after several nights of absolutely no sleep. And now I'm back in college, yay... Another big explanation for the lateness is the unfortunate fact that I just don't like s3 all that much, so half the time I was writing this, it was a trekking. That doesn't mean I didn't want to write this, because I did. When I wasn't writing for this, I was thinking about it all the time. And now all I can think about is the s4 book XD.
On the note about Will. Yes, I know, he was confirmed gay. You will see changes in the second chapter, so try and bear through he and Doc being a couple in this first one. I didn't want to make his character gay in my series until it was confirmed by someone from the show. Unfortunately, it wasn't confirmed until after s4 came out so... yeah. You'll be happy to see some changes and I'll be happy to not be labeled as homophobic anymore ❤️
For anyone who was on the first and second taglist, but do not see their handle in this one, plz lmk because it didn't let me tag a lot of you. And if you wanna be added to the list, then also lmk. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this first chapter!
Warnings: non-permanent heterosexual relationship between Will and Doc, mentions of blood and death
Word Count: 5692
Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?
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Within the woods on a warm summer’s night sat a cabin belonging to Hawkins, Indiana’s finest police Chief, Jim Hopper. The Chief had been spending his evening as he usually did as of late, which consisted of Magnum P.I. episodes with some sort of snack clutched in his hands and shoved into his face in handfuls. His poison for this evening was a bag of Tostitos tortilla chips paired with a jar of salsa.
“Don’t look at the dogs, work the lock.”
He really did try to distract himself from the two teenagers in the other room. He promised that he wouldn’t watch their every move.
“Work the lock. Work the lock. Don’t look at the dogs.”
He was getting better at giving them space. At least, he was working on getting better. Glaring at the television, he threw another salsa-soaked chip into his mouth.
“You looked at the dogs.”
Hopper swiped up his beer can and took a hearty gulp of it. He shouldn’t even think about peeking at them. He promised himself that he would try to make this work. Setting his can down, he wiped his lips free of any alcohol before quickly glancing at the door to El’s room. And that was it. That was all it took. Very slowly, Hopper reclined his chair.
“Sometimes everything goes exactly as planned.”
The workings of his chair creaked the farther back he reclined. In the three-inch sliver between the door and the threshold, he could make out Mike Wheeler sitting on El’s bed, the sound of Corey Hart lowly playing from her radio. Curious, and maybe a bit accusatory already, he leaned back further.
“Sometimes it doesn’t.”
That was when he practically fumed at the sight of the Wheeler boy’s lips smashed against his daughter’s.
“Hey!” He shouted. Startled, the two looked up and El’s hand shot out, the door slamming shut. Angered even further, Hopper shot out of his seat. “Hey! Three-inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!”
He went to burst into her room, but when he turned the doorknob, he found that it was locked. In disbelief, he jiggled the knob some more. “El, open this door. Open the-” He successfully threw the door open, frown deepening when he saw El sitting at the head of her bed with a look of feigned shock on her face, a book open in her hands. At the foot of her bed was Mike, a comic in his hands and wearing a smug smile.
“What’s wrong?” The boy nearly laughed.
After a hasty getaway, Mike was speeding down the street on his bike, his walkie wedged between his handlebar and his light. “My god, that was priceless! Did you see his face?!”
“It was like a tomato.” El laughed through the walkie.
“Yeah, a fat tomato.”
“I wish I was still with you.”
“I know. Me, too. But I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? First thing.”
With a smirk, he pedaled harder. After some time, he was beginning to see the neon lights of Starcourt Mall up ahead. The shopping center had become the ultimate location for the residents of Hawkins to shop, eat and seek entertainment. It was the usual spot for the Party to unite and spend time together. Minus El, for she was still keeping her head down for another six months before she was free to become a member of society.
At the sound of another pair of tires against asphalt concrete, Mike looked to his left to see his sister rolling up next to him on her own bike. Although it had been nearly seven months now, Mike was still adjusting to the changes he saw within Doc. Yes, she obviously was getting older, they all were; her hair had grown out even more over the months, her facial features were gaining structure and losing their babyness, she was definitely getting taller, though he did like to tease that in the future their height would settle and he would tower over her still.
“You’re late again.” He smirked, the girl widening her eyes with a grin.
“So are you.”
“Where’ve you even been?”
“Well, I was at the pool all day with the girls, but we went back to Brenda’s with her mom.”
That was another change Mike was getting used to. As if a flip had been switched, Doc had suddenly started spending much more time with Brenda and Sheriece. He noticed that in the past, she was so worried about being in the Party that the two girls would be sidelined and nearly forgotten, only receiving Doc’s attention when Mike would shove her aside and exclude her. Once she was welcomed in the Party, she spent even less time with her friends.
Lately, though, ever since the spring, Brenda and Sheriece were the only words coming from her mouth. Every weekend, she was either sleeping over at their house or Mike was covering his ears at night to muffle their giggles when she would host a sleepover. He was glad his sister was balancing her friend groups, but he wondered if she would be able to breathe air being away from the two of them. They had quite the influence on her as well.
Growing up, Doc never came across as the “girly” type, but now all she cared about were her looks. In the past, he could count on his hands how many times he’s seen her casually wear a dress and now, right beside him, she was wearing a denim overall dress on top of a yellow blouse. Instead of her signature black-and-red rollerskates were a pair of white converses, yellow socks peeking out. She hardly ever wore her skates anymore.
“I’ll race you there.”
“You’re on!”
He sometimes missed his sister, but he knew that she deserved this happiness. That wasn’t to say she never spent time with the Party. It was just that when she did, she was a bit distant. Mike knew that part of the reason Doc was pulling away was because of what happened last November. When Will had been possessed by the Mind Flayer, she used an excessive amount of power to save him, El closing the gate and ending it all. At least, that was the theory the two of them came up with. They couldn’t think of any other reason her power would vanish like that.
In the following months, whenever she was around the Party, it seemed like her smile stretched just a bit too far and that her laughs were a little forced.
Arriving at Starcourt Mall, the two rode through the parking lot littered with cars and moving people before they reached the bike rack near the entrance, Doc triumphantly reaching it first. Though, the victory was short-lived when she saw three figures standing there expectantly.
“You’re late.” Lucas crossed his arms as the two hopped off their bikes.
“Sorry.” She whispered.
“Sorry!” Mike sighed as Max came up behind her boyfriend.
“We’re gonna miss the opening.” Will chided.
“Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let’s go!”
Lucas mocked his friend's words as the Party followed Mike into the mall. When she caught up to Will, Doc threw her arms around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Missed you.”
“Yeah,” He quietly chuckled, gently patting her hands. “Missed you, too.”
Doc giggled and pulled away enough for just one arm to be wrapped around him, Will moving a hand to the middle of her back as they tuned in to their friends’ conversation.
“Let me guess,” Lucas teased. “You were busy.”
Mike cringed at the kissy noises his friend made. “Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas.”
“‘Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends’.”
“Lucas, stop.” Max sighed.
“Will thinks it’s funny.” He motioned to said boy, who was snickering next to his girlfriend.
“Because it is.” Will agreed, Mike rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, it’s so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend.”
Amused by his sarcasm, Lucas wrapped an arm around Max’s shoulders and pulled her close. “I’m spending romantic time with my girlfriend.”
Doc chuckled at Max’s attempt to keep her growing smile at bay, but it was no use. At her laugh, Will looked over at her, receiving a quick peck to the lips, the tips of his ears burning a bright red in response. As the five hurriedly moved through crowds of people with hushed apologies, Will tried desperately to keep up with Doc, who was pulling him along with her by the hand.
If tallies had to be kept, Will would have the most out of all the Party members to spend the most time with Doc. This was foreseeable since the two had been inseparable for the past year and a half. Through thick and thin, the two of them remained a couple. Even the moments when Will couldn’t even remember his girlfriend. When Doc wasn’t with Brenda and Sheriece, you could find her in Castle Byers with her boyfriend, the boy coming up with D&D campaigns while she talked his ear off about what new designs she was brainstorming. And yes, even those times were brief compared to what she gave the two girls.
“Hey, watch it!” A girl shouted when Mike stumbled into her.
“Yeah! Watch it, nerd!”
The Party’s attention was brought to Erica Sinclair, sitting and enjoying ice cream cones with her posse. Doc always did admire the girl’s spunk, which was much more than Lucas could say.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Isn’t it time you died?”
“Mall rat!”
“Fart face!”
With nothing else to quip with, Lucas stuck his tongue out at her and blew a raspberry before Max grabbed him by the elbow. “Oh, now that was mature.” She scolded before pulling him with her and the others into the Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlor.
The place was full of customers, as per usual, but no line was formed at the register. Mike led his group right up to the very disinterested employee. She wore a red, white and navy blue sailor costume with an embarrassingly adorable sailor hat atop her light brown bob. With very intense eye contact, Mike annoyingly rang the bell at the counter repeatedly.
“Hey, dingus, your children are here.”
Behind her, the glass doors slid open to reveal The Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington in a similar costume, his luscious locs concealed by the sailor hat. With an unimpressed look, he leaned on the counter. “Again? Seriously?”
Mike rang the bell one more time in response.
Disgruntled, Steve led the five kids to the back of the parlor and opened the door for them. One by one, they all filed out and into the hall. “Come on, come on.” He urged them. “I swear, if anybody hears about this-”
“We’re dead!” They called back. With a heavy sigh and a shake of his head, Steve returned to work, the door closing behind him. Those kids would be the death of him one day.
Within the halls of the theater, the employee door opened, Mike peeking his head out and looking around. “All clear.” He nodded, pushing the door open and quickly leading his friends down the hall until they reached a theater next to a poster advertising Day of the Dead. The Party was lucky enough to find five empty seats in two of the middle rows. Doc, Mike and Will took the open three while Max and Lucas took the two in front of them. “See, Lucas? We made it.”
“We missed the previews.” He whispered back.
“Still made it. Fart face.” Max playfully snickered, her boyfriend making a face at her before they were shushed by a stranger.
As the movie started up, Will opened up his backpack and passed smuggled snacks to his friends in front of him. He then turned to his right to pass some to Mike, then to his left to Doc, earning a sweet smile from her. Silence fell over the audience as the screen brightened with the opening of the movie. Doc didn’t recognize the actress she was presented with, (her mother would easily tell her it was Lori Cardille) but the opening scene already disturbed her.
The way the woman sat alone in a white room, staring at a calendar, surfaced so many unwanted memories to Doc’s mind. Faint memories of a white room where she would color, or where she would perform tests for Dr Martin Brenner, or when the guards would punish her for failing. She tried her best to keep them at bay so that she could enjoy the movie, but the chilling music accompanying the film didn’t help. Absently, her hand found Will’s and their fingers intertwined and locked. Sensing her unease, he gave her a comforting squeeze.
Before the movie could progress any further, the audio slowed to a stop as the screen went dark, sending the audience into a fit of groans and dissatisfied exclamations. Unbeknownst to them, this had happened with every other theater and spread to the entire mall. Lights vanished, fountains fell, escalators and mini-carousels came to abrupt stops. When the power outage reached Scoops Ahoy, Steve snapped his head up.
“That’s weird.” He hummed, strolling over to the light switch and flipping it down, then up, then down, then up, then down, then up-
“That isn’t gonna work, dingus.” His coworker rolled her eyes.
“Oh, really?” He challenged, flicking the switch even faster, much to her annoyance.
The outage reached the rest of Hawkins, bathing the entire town in darkness. A presence loomed over them all. It was a presence that was banished, but not defeated. It promised destruction, it promised bloodshed, and it promised a meeting with a certain group of young teens.
It was a presence that Doc couldn’t feel, even if it was right in front of her.
Within seconds, Hawkins brightened and Starcourt was neon once again. The lights returned, the fountains sprouted, and people jerked forward with the sudden movement of the escalators and carousels. At Scoops Ahoy, Steve had just flicked the switch up when the parlor lit up once again. He smugly shrugged at his coworker and returned to the counter.
“Let there be light.”
In the theaters, the crowd erupted into cheers when the projector came to life and brought their movie back to them. Unlike everyone else, though, Will’s smile began to fade. That presence, though Doc couldn’t feel it, was still there. And he could definitely feel it. His body stiffened as he reached a hand to graze the goosebumps formed on the back of his neck. The cheering around him was swallowed by a memory of November.
He tried to run. The sort of shadow being, rising tall enough to tower over everyone, everything. The sky lit up in a frightening red as the storm brewed behind the creature. No matter how fast he ran, it was always right there. Even as he screamed, it came nearer. And nearer. Until it had nowhere else to go but within him, forcing its way into his being.
And another memory.
Will and Doc’s screams filled the room as the dark entity flooded out of every place in the boy’s face it had entered before. It swirled up to the ceiling as a way to collect itself, and when it was done, it bolted out of the cabin, crashing through the door.
Will let out a startled gasp and ripped his hand away from his neck as he turned to Mike’s concerned eyes. He gave his friend a quick once-over. “You okay?”
Will blinked. “Y-Yeah.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” He nodded. Hesitantly, Mike turned back to the screen. Will let out a slow breath and moved his gaze over to Doc, who hadn’t even noticed his current state. She was just like that recently, very unaware, a bit inconsiderate. In this case, though, he was grateful for it. He didn’t want her worrying. She was finally happy.
So, he held her hand tighter and went back to watching the movie.
Nancy shot up in bed, heart hammering in her chest.
She hurriedly reached over to her wrist watch on the nightstand and widened her eyes at the time. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
“Wh- What’s wrong?” Jonathan sat up beside her, tired and discombobulated.
“It’s almost nine.”
“What?!” He moved his blanket to see that his alarm clock blinked twelve o’clock.
“We forgot to reset the clocks. The power went out last night, remember?”
Cursing aloud, Jonathan scrambled out of bed with his girlfriend and hurriedly got dressed. After slipping on his shirt, he dived across the other side of the bed to reach his pants, falling to the ground as he tried to shove his legs in. Nancy got dressed much faster than him and hurried to his window. Her purse flew outside, then her shoes before she hopped out the window to make an escape to the car. Jonathan was in the process of finishing the last couple buttons on his shirt as he walked out of his room.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Joyce rushed over to him. “Wait up.”
“Oh, no, I’ll eat at work. I’m late.”
“No.” She reached up and used her thumb to wipe away the kissy mark on his face. “Your cheek.”
With an embarrassed chuckle, he moved her hand away and backed into the living room. “Alright, alright. I gotta run.”
“Alright.” Joyce threw her hands up in surrender.
“See you later.” He called out before he disappeared out the door.
“Ugh. Gross.” Will muttered as his mother returned to the kitchen table.
Joyce snickered. “Oh, don’t be like that. You and (Y/N) can be gross sometimes, too.”
He stiffened as he twisted the top off of the syrup. “We are not like that.”
“You might be when you’re older.” She nudged him as she picked up her fork to resume her breakfast. Will irritably sighed.
“I doubt that.”
“Okay.” Her attention was brought to the mess on the floor in front of the fridge. “Hey. What happened here?” She asked as she rose to her feet and walked over to the papers and magnets in a pile on the floor.
“I don’t know.” Will shrugged and returned to his food. Joyce sighed and crouched down, sticking papers back onto the fridge. When she got to the last one, a bittersweet smile graced her features as her heart swelled in affection. Pursing her lips to suppress a tremble, she stood back up and hung the drawing Will had made of a true hero back in its rightful place.
Bob Newby. Superhero.
On the road, Jonathan drove as fast as he could with Nancy hurriedly doing her makeup in the passenger seat, eyes glued to her mirror. “Can you please drive faster?”
“Do you wanna break down?” He tried a smile as he patted the dashboard. “We’re lucky this thing still drives at all.”
“I’m serious, Jonathan, I can’t be late.”
“You mean we can’t be late.”
“No, I mean I can’t be late. They like you no matter what you do.”
“Hey, they like you, too.” He gently patted her knee.
“Yeah. They like that I’m a coffee delivery machine. They don’t actually like me or respect me as a living, breathing human with a brain.”
Once again, he tried gently rubbing her leg in a comforting manner as he gave her another smile. “Hey, you just gotta be patient, okay? They’re set in their ways, you know? But… once they realize what a gifted writer you are, they’ll come around.”
“I really don’t need a Jonathan Byers pep talk right now.” She snapped. “Can you just… please, drive faster?”
He sighed, speeding up the car the best he could. “Okay…”
Crossing their path on the other side of the road was a car belonging to Claudia Henderson. Beside her in the passenger seat was her son, headset on as he repeated the same phrase.
“This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over.”
Not even a second later, he tried again.
“This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over.”
His tone grew irritable and impatient.
“I repeat. This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over.”
Then, he snapped.
“I repeat. This is goddamn Gold Leader-”
“Dusty!” Claudia scolded.
“Relax! For goodness’ sake.”
“I’m in range. They should be answering.”
“You’ve been away a whole month, honeybun.” She shrugged. “Maybe they just… forgot.”
Just in her tone, he knew his mother didn’t want to say it. Maybe because she knew there was some truth to it. Mike and El were together, Lucas and Max were together, Doc had lots of exciting things going on, a new mall opened up. Everything was changing while he was gone, but he didn’t think it would completely wipe the memory of him from his friends’ minds. They had to remember he was coming home. 
They had to remember.
After his mother dropped him off at home, he made a beeline to his room. With a defeated sigh, he plopped his duffle bag on his bed and sat down beside it, burying his face into his hands. His first day back and he had no plans to spend time with any of his friends. His face brightened just a bit when he noticed his beloved Yertle, comfortably in his new terrarium.
“At least someone’s happy I’m home.” He quietly chuckled. Suddenly, a robotic voice startled him into a standing position. Every toy in his room that moved or made noise sounded and grouped together in the middle of his floor. His R2D2, his chimp that banged its cymbals, his toy tank that made shooting noises, all of them. He looked even mildly offended when one of his toys spit little rings at his chest.
This wasn’t right. None of this was. He began panicking, hoping that he wasn’t making yet another strange discovery having to deal with supernatural powers. He noticed that his toys were filing out of his room and into the hallways. So, quickly thinking, he grabbed his choice of weapon off his desk.
The Farrah Fawcett spray never failed him before, and it wouldn’t now.
Dustin let the weapon leave the room before him, stepping out into the hall and cautiously following his line of toys. “It’s just a dream.” He told himself. “You’re dreaming.”
Behind the wall that separated the living room and kitchen stood Max, her back against the wall as she stealthily watched Dustin follow the toys in the living room. She turned to Lucas, who stood next to her. He grinned and turned to Doc, who turned to Will, who turned to Mike, who turned to El.
“Now!” He whispered. El opened her eyes, blood dribbling from her nose.
All at once, the toys powered down in the middle of the living room. Confused, Dustin ran over to them and knelt down, lifting them up one by one to examine them. His friends silently crept up behind him, noise makers ready in their mouths, Lucas holding a banner they all made that read WELCOME HOME DUSTIN.
As Lucas properly held up the banner, everyone looked to Max. She excitedly held up her fingers to signal them.
At once, everyone happily sounded their noisemakers, but they immediately stopped when Dustin fearfully screamed and spun around, assaulting Lucas’s eyes with his hairspray.
Happy cheering, splashing of water, and chanting of ‘marco, polo’ brought the joy that radiated from Hawkins’s public pool. If there was any other place in town that was as lively as the mall, it was the pool. It was the perfect spot for parents to cool off while letting their children blow off steam, all while socializing.
And socializing Karen Wheeler did. She sat perched upon her lawn chair, a romance novel in one hand and a coke can in the other, the tip of her straw stained pink with her lipstick. On either side of her were some of the other stay-at-home mothers of Maple Street. She was so engrossed in her novel that she almost didn’t catch what the woman beside her said.
“Ladies,” She tilted her sunglasses to the edge of her nose. “She’s coming down.”
Upon seeing Heather Holloway descend her post on the lifeguard’s chair, the four straightened their posture, checked their hair, got into seductive poses, and turned to the pool shed.
The door opened to reveal Hawkins’s heartthrob, Billy Hargrove. His shirtless body glistened in the sun, his gorgeous blond curls moved with the very light breeze, his dazzling blue eyes were concealed by his sunglasses sat on the bridge of his nose. After discarding his cigarette, he began his stroll towards his chair. His gaze scanned the entire area in search of anything he had control over. It was his shift, this was his turf, and he called the shots.
He knew every girl in Hawkins had eyes on him, but that wasn’t his focus at the moment. There was something at this pool, something not quite right, that he needed to take into his hands. Catching sight of it, his whistle that sat around his neck and on his chest was lifted to his lips before he blew into it. Instantly, the entire pool went silent and everyone’s attention was brought to a chubby little boy who was caught red-handed, running around the pool. At the sound of the whistle, the poor victim froze in his spot.
“Hey, lard-ass!” Billy bellowed. “No running on my watch! I gotta warn you again, and you’re banned for life. You wanna be banned, lard-ass?”
Timidly, he shook his head.
“Didn’t think so.”
And, with a blow of his whistle, the pool unpaused. Only this time, the little boy walked away with his head down. Satisfied, Billy continued his stroll. When he noticed the Maple Street Mothers, he nodded to them in greeting. “Afternoon, ladies.”
“Afternoon, Billy.” They seductively responded in unison.
“Dig the new suit, Mrs Wheeler.” A small smirk quirked on his lips.
“Thank you.” Karen grinned.
Billy turned the corner before climbing the small ladder and taking place on his throne. It was a safe distance away from the mothers to gawk and drool over him without him noticing. But he knew they were, and they knew he knew, and they loved it. A nice piece of meat didn’t come often in Hawkins, so it was only logical that the eager women would feast their eyes upon him any moment they could.
The woman of the Wheeler residence was lucky enough to get him in her house last fall when he was looking for his stepsister. She had hardly been wearing any clothes upon their first interaction and the way he looked at her sent her skin blazing. She was never able to quite shake that feeling he gave her, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. He was brilliant, he was beautiful, he was powerful and he knew it.
And Karen Wheeler was all in.
From in the pool, a head of chocolate brown hair surfaced from the water. Brenda wiped at her face to clear her vision. “How long was that?”
“Ugh, look, girl.” Sheriece mumbled, her eyes glued to the mothers. “That is so gross.”
“I know.” Brenda rolled her eyes. “Could you imagine the look on (Y/N)’s face if she saw the way her mom was staring at Billy Hargrove?”
Sheriece sadly sighed. “I miss my friend.”
“Me, too,” The brunette floated on her back. “But she can’t be here, she’s celebrating Dustin.”
A moment of silence sat between them before they started giddily giggling about the Henderson boy.
In a much quieter and vacant part of Hawkins was the downtown area. With the opening of Starcourt Mall, many small businesses had closed down, much to the townees’ distress. The only form of business that was lively in the downtown area was The Hawkins Post. Which was Nancy’s current destination.
She tried to calm her breathing as she sped down the sidewalk to her place of work, a brown bag clutched in one hand. She checked her watch again and again worriedly as she sped up her pace. She could not be late. She could not.
Entering the building, she quickly and politely set down sandwiches on the desks of the writers, the ladies thanking Nancy as their gazes hardly left their work. Her next stop was the darkroom. As usual, she completely ignored the warning sign and pushed the door wide open. Jonathan, bathed in red like the rest of the room, frantically turned to her.
“Oh, no, no, no, no! Nancy!”
“Sorry.” She whispered and set his sandwich down. With an eye roll at his dramatic behavior, she shut the door and headed for the lion’s den. Pushing open the glass door to the conference room, she began passing out sandwiches to her superiors all sat together at the table as they passed around ideas for the front page of the paper.
“How about a piece on Iran?”
“I want something local.”
“I hear there’s a beauty pageant at the fair this year.”
“Yeah, I’m looking for above the fold here, Bruce.”
“Then clearly you haven’t seen Lucy Lebrock,” Bruce cupped his hands at his chest to mimic breasts. “...because I’m not sure she’ll fit above the fold!”
The men erupted into laughter, Nancy cutting a look to Bruce as she set his sandwich down for him. “Fellas!” Their boss called out. “In six hours, we go to print. I need something real.”
“Oh, I think they’re real.”
As the men laughed again, Nancy paused at the door. She had no more sandwiches to hand out. She wasn’t needed here anymore. But she so clearly was. These men didn’t know the first thing about stories worth reading. At this point, she wouldn’t be surprised if the headline of the paper read about some missing dog on a cul-de-sac. Inhaling deeply, she dove right into untrifled water.
“What about Starcourt?”
The room went silent as all eyes were on her, some eyes on other parts of her. She tried to ignore it as she continued. “I-I was just… thinking…” A deadly thing for a woman to do. “I mean, I know everyone loves the mall, but… how many small businesses have closed since it opened? Like, five on Main, at least. It’s changing the fabric of our town in a way-”
“‘The Death of Small-Town America’.” Bruce pitched a headline idea, receiving a hopeful nod from her. “I like it. I like it a lot. But I think I’ve got something even spicier. It’s about… the missing mustard on my hamburger!”
Once again, the room exploded into laughter as Nancy’s eyes flitted away defeatedly.
“You think you can follow the clues and solve the case of the missing condiment, Nancy Drew?” He mocked above the laughter.
“Sorry.” She whispered and took the sandwich back. Breathing in through her nose and out her mouth, she threw the door open and hurried out of the room as Bruce taunted,
“Look out, Phil, she might be after your job!”
At the Henderson residence, Lucas had his head in the kitchen sink, warm water running over his assaulted eyes. He winced and hissed in pain as he slowly stood up straight, slowly blinking as he tried to regulate his sight. He’d kill Dustin for this.
“Better?” Max asked in front of him.
“Still stings.” He sighed out. Blinking some more, his vision began to clear as he noticed a red dot on his girlfriend’s forehead. “Is that a new zit?”
Max widened her eyes and grabbed hold of the back of his head. “What is wrong with you?”
“I was just asking!” He screamed out in pain as his face was shoved back into the stream of water.
In Dustin’s bedroom, the boy was excitedly showing off his contraptions he had gotten from camp. He was currently showing off a device that resembled a windmill, using his other hand to crank and spin it. “I call it the Forever Clock. Alright? Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse.”
He handed it off to Doc, who held one side of it, Will holding the other. They both stared at it in wonder as Dustin took out another contraption. This one was a hammer with several objects stuck to its handle.
“Then I give you…” He pressed some sort of button that made the hammer shake. “...the Slammer.” He chuckled as El, attached to Mike’s arm, moved away from it. Doc and Will were only partially paying attention, Doc attempting to make the Forever Clock move by blowing on it, Will watching her in interest.
“Pretty neat, huh? But this…” He put the Slammer away and picked up his duffel bag, grunting as he plopped it on the ground. They knelt down with him, Doc putting the object in her hands off to the side. “...this is my masterpiece.”
He unzipped the bag with a grin on his face. “I would like you to meet… Cerebro.”
The four stared at the millions of pieces within the bag. Nothing was formed, which made it hard for them to understand what Dustin was showing them. “What exactly are we looking at here?” Mike voiced their confusion.
“An unassembled one-of-a-kind battery-powered radio tower.”
The room did not match the enthusiasm Dustin possessed. Will slowly nodded. “So, it’s a… a ham radio.”
“The Cadillac of ham radios. This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances. I’m talking North Pole to South.”
“That’s actually pretty cool.” Doc shared a nod with her boyfriend, who looked on his other side to see that Mike and El were still not impressed.
“It’s more than ‘pretty cool’, Doc. With this baby, I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose.”
Now there was something that got their attention.
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5 notes · View notes
jennawynn · 5 months
Chronotrek TOS to series finale
oops, I did it again... I forgot to update. got lost in the sauce. or something.
Honestly, I thought I had been updating at least once a season, but I guess not. Also got distracted binging the entire series of The Expanse in about a week over the holidays. BUT I just finished the Original Series. So I guess we'll go broad strokes since the play by play is pointless.
TLDR: How fucking disappointing an end.
Season 2-
Unlike much of TOS to new!Trek, T'Pring is spot on for appearance. Not that I think it's important or even a _good_ thing for most of them to be beholden to the original, but I was impressed by that. Though the whole 'property of the victor' thing is very squicky. I thought the Vulcans were 'evolved'. And then I guess he didn't gotta fuck after all.
By 2, Uhura's actually doing work. She's not just eye candy on the bridge. But then they have Jim say that finding a girl on the ship is losing an officer. Because women can't fucking exist without being partnered and can't be partnered and still work. This bullshit was actually still happening in the Navy when I was in. Men were unwilling to invest time and training in women because we'd just get married and get out to have babies anyway where a man is likely to stay in and retire. The men in my class in boot camp were told by their instructors that women join to find men, not because we actually wanted to serve or excel.
8- (Jim across the intercom) Scotty! Scotty! Stop getting your ass kicked and respond so I can tell you there's an intruder in your area! Scotty! Scotty, respond!
I hate this so much. Like when Jim and Uhura were in cells and the dude was obviously assaulting her and Jim kept shouting 'what's happening? are you ok? what's happening? what are you doing? are you ok?' like Jim, ffs, use some context clues, some deductive reasoning, and stop shouting for people to acknowledge you and DO SOMETHING.
Rainn Wilson was a good choice for Mudd in New!Trek though.
Why would they have to pay royalties? I thought this was post-currency? Post-scarcity? Is there still money?
9- This one was also squicky. So obsessed with gender. Body takeover, "love" that isn't recognized as such until it's wearing a pretty face. But of course one is a man and one is perceived as a woman so therefore let's change everything we thought so we can stay together and call it love.
10- Amanda's a pretty good reconstruction too, if aged down in New!Trek.
14- I wasn't expecting them to go the "Jack the Ripper is an immortal alien" route.
It always cracks me up when they cut to a super wide angle shot of a fight to sub in stunt doubles who are really obvious, though I suppose they wouldn't have been on a 60s tv.
19 Heeeey Dr. M'Benga!
This whole thing with the exotic witch women and how sexual she is and how she's dressed. Like that's not dumb enough, she lets herself get grappled more than once posturing with the phaser but defaulting to the dagger. Shoot one and they'd fall in line! But gotta keep reinforcing the idea that men are stronger than women.
21- Jim's look of indignation at Spock's statement that he would fit right in as a Nazi lmao
22- I don't know why I never realized that Trek is all (at least so far) in the Milky Way, that they don't even get as far as Andromeda.
26- so they can just. time travel. at will. what?
Season 3
3- hold up, roll that back. there's an ancient pregenitor superrace that seeded humanoids everywhere? This is the first I recall it being mentioned in Trek (though the trope or a version of it is also in the expanse, mass effect, etc.) "Preservers". Is it ever explored more? It's a surprise to Bones and maybe Spock too- certainly not common knowledge.
This is from before 3, but I really like the way Bones and Spock have this begrudgingly respectful relationship, like brothers. They tease and pick at each other, but have each others' backs against anything (besides Jim maybe)
4- Kirk can see the kid doing the thing. Fuckin' ground him.
Spock says fuck them kids.
Ugly = Bad was alive and well in the 60s.
5- And then they somehow have a discussion that Good =/= Beautiful in the very next episode.
Gen Obs- It feels like TOS spends more time on the bridge than other shows. The Bridge or the planet they're on. The other shows so far show more engine room, hallways, ready rooms, bunks, etc. Other places on the ship than just the bridge. They have them in TOS, but they seem underutilized. I don't have the data to back it up and couldn't find it (which was surprising to me).
Another obs- they overcommunicate for the audience's sake, but rarely with each other. Kirk never explains his thought process or orders to the people he leaves in command. When something planetside affects the ship, he doesn't tell them, he just says 'I'll take care of it down here'. His crew and his backup are often left in the dark.
13- There's so much in this one I don't like but the line about Kirk being into spanking made me smirk. Canonically in love with the Enterprise indeed.
14- Jim: Mr. Spock and I are brothers! Spock: Captain Kirk is speaking figuratively and with undue emotion Kirk: *offended face* Spock: However, what he says is logical and I do agree with it.
19 Kirk did seem to become more of a manwhore the longer the season went, no? Why did they all lose their shit so much around women? It's exhausting.
22- I love that Scotty gets to wear tartan/kilt in dress uniform.
heeeyyyy Kahless
24- And the disappointing end. In this idolized utopian setting, not only is it not permitted for a woman to be a starship captain, but then they "prove" that women are too emotional to command.
The last line of the whole series: "Her life could have been as rich as any woman's if only...."
Not as rich as any person's. And if only she'd been content to her 2nd class status and not pushed for equality. How fucking disappointing.
Everyone always points to 'the actresses WANTED to wear miniskirts because empowerment' when they talk about the sexism of the original series, and I tried to watch with that in mind, but that just feels like a smoke screen for the actual shitty sexist takes.
The show equates a woman with emotion and sexuality. She's a good officer right up until she falls in love (or someone falls in love with her), then she's just a woman- a liability and a pleasure object. They only use women in episodes that require someone to be or fall in love with them. Even Uhura and Chapel aren't completely immune, though they are the biggest exceptions and the only recurring female characters. Though of course Uhura's the comms officer (cause women talk) and Chapel's a nurse (not a doctor).
Like even if you remove the miniskirts and the gross inappropriate touching from the equation, there's still a lot of ick happening. They can imagine a future where the races are equal but not the sexes.
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angelsdean · 2 years
hi darling ♡
what's your latest saddest dean thought at the moment? you always shatter my heart with your dean thought and i need it to hurt sjfhdhs <3
this got so long oops !
hiii sana<3 hmm ok well idk about saddest but here is my sad dean thought of the day that i've been twirling around in mind since seeing kath @caskarass's very hilarious post abt sam and cas fighting over cas bringing up sam's embarrassing childhood prayers. so like, dean's there and he's watching all of this go down and at first he's doubled over laughing his ass off because he's always up for embarrassing his little bro and having CAS tease sammy too is just soo !! yeah that's his bestie, they're all family and cas gets a pass to tease the heck out of sam! but then. after they've all settled down again and they've all returned to their research or whatever they were doing before this, dean just sits there thinking about what cas said, that he and the other angels all heard sam's silly prayers. which means…which means they heard /dean's/ too. because yes, as a child, especially when he was very young, in those first few years after the fire, he prayed. he held on to the words his mom always used to tell him, "angels are watching over you." he was still young, still wanted to believe that good things could happen, that someone would come and save him, make everything better, help his dad stop being so sad and angry. hold sammy when he cries. bring his mom back. so little dean started praying sometimes. pastor jim taught them a few prayers like the hail mary and our father. but he also told them they could ask god for help too. so, sometimes, after a bad night or when he was sad or scared, he'd pray. but not to god, no, he'd pray specifically to the angels his mom said were watching over him. and he'd ask them to help him and sammy. he'd ask them for food or money. he'd ask them to make his dad happy. he'd ask them come and take him away and bring him to his mama in heaven. (more under the cut because i’m evil)
so dean thinks about all those little prayers, and realizes the angels all heard him. and did nothing. he's not mad at cas, doesn't blame him or anything because cas didn't even know him then, and even if cas wanted to intervene he knows the other angels wouldn't have let him. but it just hits him hard, and he slips away to his room and just lays there, his chest clenching painfully as it hits him again that his whole life really was just entertainment for an uncaring god and he was purposely made to suffer again and again for chuck's ~narrative~
he curls into himself and just remembers laying like this as a small child on motel room beds, silently pleading with the angels to please please come please please save him. and while no angels came then, one seeks him out now. cas feels his longing, his distress and goes looking for him, knocks softly on his door, asks, "Dean?"
And dean sits up, murmurs to come in, makes space for cas to sit beside him. Cas asks, "What's wrong?" and dean's instinct is to brush him off, say "Nothing. I'm fine." and move on. But. But this is Cas. His best friend. The love of his life. Dean /likes/ talking to Cas. Even when the stuff they talk about is bad or uncomfortable, he still finds he wants to talk to him about these things. So he tells him about the prayers he already knows Cas has heard. And Cas ends up holding him and telling him he wishes he could have done something then, wishes he could go back and protect dean's younger self. Dean cries a little, face burrowed against Cas's chest, overwhelmed by Cas's love and care. And he still mourns the suffering he went through as a kid, and he's still pissed as fuck at Chuck. But he's glad to be where he is now, to have this angel, to have someone who loves him as deeply and unconditionally as Cas does. It's something he never thought he'd have, something he never even dared pray for. But he has it now, he has it.
sorryyyyy this got so long lmao anyways here are your dean feels, sana enjoy<3
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leatherbookmark · 11 months
hmmmm i'm on ep 5 so far, but i can def see why some people didn't really like the season that much
(gomens spoilers, obviously)
it was... i think i have the same problem w/ it as with kinnporsche, namely that in theory it has all the good bits, but in practice, it just doesn't land. the pacing is kind of all over the place, some events are given way too much screentime, and overall the show is 6 episodes long but i often felt it was drawn out. like the nazi zombies. haha funny, but... what for, exactly? it felt like a bunch of loose ideas tied together with a string and a prayer.
we're also getting lots of flashbacks, and they're fun and nice to look at i guess, and you can't say that two beings older than the world should only be shown in present times now, but iiiii sort of feel that way anyway? it might be because i watched without subs or earphones so there were some parts i didn't exactly understand, but for example, what was the job story for? what was the edinburgh story for? they didn't feel like natural elements of the story but rather something that someone Came Up With To Connect The Dots And Fill The Gaps, and i don't really like when stories feel like they've been Written, you feel me?
and also. relationships. i just don't... really... feel... much... again, the Has Been Written problem. based on what i've seen, i thought ziracro, nina/maggie and gabriel jim/beelzebub moments would be peppered throughout all the episodes, that i'd see them gradually getting closer to their romantic conclusions, but apparently jimzebub is an episode 6 surprise, and the rest is just... there. nina and maggie have zero chemistry, there's nothing, really, in their interactions, and i've already seen metas about how it's to show that you can't make people love each other, and i mean, yes, correct, maybe it will appear so in the final episode, but so far it just looks like they didn't think it through. why is maggie crushing on nina? what does nina think about maggie, or her girlfriend, and if she's so controlling then why doesn't she just break up? sure, sure, "it's not easy to leave a controlling partner" but i don't want to Assume/Know that's the case, i want to see it! we could've had the girlfriend appearing in person, so that we could see how loving and caring she is, and then... oops, yeah, too loving and too caring, that's too much! but we'd have seen how happy nina was with her, and that it's not just a case of "she's just bad, dump her ass". now nina has been dumped instead, and i think i'm supposed to feel something about it? i'm not quite sure, but i don't. it just happened.
ziracro is similar in that yyeah, crowley's worried about aziraphale's safety, threatens jimbriel and it's very cool, but again, it doesn't land! their current times interactions are too scattered. if two guys who've lived for thousands of years are supposed to be figuring themselves out romantically now, then we should be seeing more of them in this now! continuing from where we left off in s1, having it acknowledged nice and thick so i could get my teeth into it properly! but instead i feel like i barely got a taste. if episode six is supposed to feature the kiss and crowley "preparing to confess his feelings to aziraphale", thanks wikipedia, i should be feeling it's a natural conclusion of the events! and i don't. i often need time to process what really happened in a show, or a rewatch, so maybe my brain's just overwhelmed rn, but what exactly did happen over the course of those 5 episodes that has crowley wanting to confess? too much side dishes, not enough of a substantial main dish, is what i'm saying.
and again maybe there's something wrong with me and not the show, maybe i've lost the ability to engage in new shows emotionally! (though i'm out there crying about atz fanfiction, so i don't know) but like. i can see the fanservice, i can enjoy it, i would've said it was fun -- not revolutionary, but then i don't think the show wanted to be revolutionary -- but it's also frustrating, in that i am cheap and yet it doesn't work on me. idk, man.
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goofyjelly · 10 months
Star Trek TOS (2x02) : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Oop Scotty is in love (this girl WILL die)
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Vulcans are a bummer, so don't beam down the sad man >:(
Again with the casual Vulcan slander! Why do they keep doing my boy dirty like that???
Fjsldjskdj oh no the girl Scotty likes beamed down, she's not beaming back up 💀💀💀 Scotty can't have shit on the enterprise 🥲
Hehe the hand is so silly
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Fascinating ✨✨✨
Oop Scotty's crush is a mythology nerd she's DEFINITELY leaving Scotty for Apollo or something INSANE like that.
Kirk , you can't really immediately believe he's the God Apollo-
oh fuck no I was KIDDING! I was KIDDING when I said that girl would fall in love w-
"you seem wize, for a woman" excuse me???
I can excuse the god-like wrath, but NOT THE SEXISM
Scotty 🥺 the narrative hates you, I'm so sorry 😭
Ah jeez, she's DEFINITELY into it 💀💀💀
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BWAHAHAHAJ GHE COSTUME CHANGE WHY- WHY?! She really just immediately abandoned the captain and the enterprise. Like girlie you took an oath. DONT ACT LIKE THIS IS A SACRIFICE TO YOU-
Scotty is so sweet,
Okay Kirks right, maybe I was so fast to judge her, maybe she's trying to get info. The star trek pattern of lots of dumb women is getting to me.
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Spock, you're doing great, but this clearly isn't working
She seems a bit too smiley to be doing this for "strategic purposes" 💀
Ooo okay so in star trek universe Greek mythology is real but they were all aliens? Okay, thats definitely a choice™
"God's took mortals to love and care for-" oh oop called it.
"Spock's contaminating this boy, Jim" awwwwww Chekov <3
Apollo really out here with an extra organ in his body oh boy.
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Scotty, sweetie, you're amazing, but-
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Shatner's acting is so fucking funny for some reason oh my gosh Kirk is choking on the ground I should NOT be laughing right now 💀
Also I know they just casually mentioned it as a Bit, but i think it's so cute that Spock is mentoring Chekov or something to that affect.
Uh oh I think Apollo is worn out a bit. LIKE THAT CAT IN THE RUSSIAN STORY- Pavel, never change.
Uhura is tinkering ✨✨✨ love her
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"I can think of no one better equipped to handle it" SO TRUE, SPOCK!!!
wait does that girl have god powers now or-
"Mankind has no need for gods" oo? " we find the one quite valuable" OOOOH okay.
"GO!" They really went full on middle school lunch room on his ass fjskjfkdjdk
Lieutenant, stop getting emotionally attached to the Greek god Apollo 💀💀💀 Kirk is so done oh my gosh
Im hoping she's actually super smart and this whole attitude is an act. I may have to apologize to women again.
Become the mother of a new race of gods AYOOOO?????? UM???
okay he needs to stop , actually. Yup nope okay she's down BAD. Poor Scotty 😭
Kirk : "how old are you?"
Chekov : "22"
Kirk : "then I better handle it-"
Pavel 🥺 you're like a child to everyone here, how the fuck did you graduate the academy at 22-
In like ten minutes I've went from calling him Chekov to Pavel , the illness is real.
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Kirk, your rizz might not be able to get us outta this one
Kirk, Tell that to Spock's parents. Being from different species didn't stop them if you know what I mean-
She's trying to switch back to being On Duty , yes you're a scientist. I KNEW SHE WAS A SPECIALIST OF MYTHS. "Illogical. I could no more love you than I could love a piece of bacteria"
I owe women another apology, she's back ✨
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The end 😃
W H a t
Okay that's not the most insane thing ever, actually. The ending felt a tiny bit rushed but that could've just been me.
Also Chekov is literally a child compared to everyone else on board- like of course 22 isn't a child but Kirk is, I wanna say, in his mid thirties at least (based on how long ago he says things took place in his life and how old he was then; like Taurus 4 and different things hes done as a lieutenant ), and no one else in the main cast is supposed to be 22.
That was a decent episode; not one of my favs but definitely not the worst. I probably won't do a rewatch for a while, but that's cus I have odd taste lol.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 06x18 Frontierland
“Wyoming? You mean Whyyyy Moaning? Mmm” “Oh yeah. Super obvious” “Time is fluid. Just like my sexuality. You can bend it on occasion. Hahaha” “Check out Cas’s face - this is peak Castiel” “Heeheee” “It’s high noon in sunrise apparently” laughter
Singing along to the cowboy music
“Oh yeah. Just rip the nails out with your fingers. It’s that easy” Misha Collins is in this episode
“Jim’s Beaver” “what a weird choice of music” “I don’t know the Star Trek references”
“Is Cas detained? I don’t remember” laughter
“Going native, huh?” Dean’s really excited
“Hell yeah brother” laughter
“That was easy” “Fkn city boy”
“Watch where you fkn step. Rule #1” “Oops” “Is he going to let what others think affect them that hard?” “That’s fucked” “the fuck are we doing?” “oh nice” “Should have asked where to get real gear, I guess” “haha” laughing at Dean’s face
“It’s not that fkn hard to ride a horse” “alright then” “nice” “Got him” “oh boy” “way to go murdering your friends dude. Geez” “That’s a really easy way to identify him” laughter 
“Jesus Christ” “what the fuck” “This is a very fresh Hollywood set” “With a face like that, he’s totally going to give you the gun” “What’s a truckasaurus?”
“Truckasaurus is from the Simpsons” laughter 
“Just the tip, though” “That nail is going to be important later, probably” laughter
“How is this guy going to know the lingo?” “Not very Western music” “We haven’t even left Frontierland and we’re back on the spn train” “Well you gotta go quick. You’re about to get summoned back, and you need some phoenix mojo or whatever the fuck it is” “Some kinky ass shit right here” “They must have crazy arthritis. Holy shit” “Got him” “You need a chunk of that. Quick quick” “Don’t leave the gun…idiot” “I don’t know who Annie Oakley is” “what a load of shit” “Do these guys spend all their time getting their hair done over the rest of their costume because holy shit” “Alright then”
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 6 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 8 🕺🏼
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✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I think that my coach is a witch. Like seriously she has magical powers and I am scared of her. A witch.
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I can help. My aunt is a witch, witchyness run in my family.
I can DM you some recipes to protect yourself if she casts curses on you.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Omg help this was a one-time thought I had when I just got to know my coach. I’ve come to learn that she is a nice witch 💜💜 Also she’s kind of been a mentor for me and my gf with some non-training related things… :3
I’m still interested in getting those recipes tho
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
I need to write something out. The person will hopefully never know this is about them until I tell them. It does not have any structure at all, I’m just writing out what I think in a sentence at a time.
I love everything about you
Your smile, shining up the room
Your laughter, like music to my ears
When you sing, it’s even more than music
Your voice can fill a stadium, and it has
When I met your you were so shy
Look at you now, my butterfly
Even though that was the only thing that rhymed
You must understand that what I feel for you can’t be tied down to poetry’s rules
I just need to express it all
It’s just a draft, after all
I love your locks and how you dream
When I look at you, I think see a violet stream
When you look at me, you beam
We’re only friends
I hope we can be more
But it’s ok the way it is, too
But I will always cherish you, and hope that one day it be us two
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
WOW Amiga!! Even if it had no structure it really got me!!
I’m super-duper-curious who this is about 🤭 You have to tell me when you’re ready.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
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✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
My awkward ass seeing a girl blow a kiss for a video and me blowing a kiss back because I thought she blew it at me???
I’m glad she didn’t see me because eigoelfkeosofkqkfkoei
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Maybe I did blow it at you, even if I didn’t see you blow one back 😉 You’ll never know
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Ámbar, just a heads up, that person you flirt with is Jim. Not a dude name Jim, it’s Jimena that we know.
Took me a while to figure out but yeah. You’ve been flirting with a girl.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Yeah no, dear weirdass ex who was pretty cool when we were 15 but now I don’t know why I even was attracted to you, I know. In difference to you I know everything about everyone because I pay attention.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Well, nonetheless Jim has a girlfriend so it doesn’t look good if you go flirt with someone taken
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Says you?
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Ámbar is allowed to flirt with Jim 💜
💍 queenoftherink Follow
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Well OK then, Jim’s girlfriend
According to me y’all have been thirsting over me in secret ever since you broke into my house to ”meet Sebastian Villalobos” and I found you literally crawling on the floor hiding behind my couch. The reason you let me flirt with your gf is because you’re equally into me. I’m flattered.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Wait, creyendoenmi is Jim’s girlfriend?! Is that why you won’t say her name, Ámbar?
I’m gonna really start paying attention at J&R now
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Oops. I guess you girls need to stop making out backstage now
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
… you know about that?
💍 queenoftherink Follow
I know everything and more. I’ve walked in on you several times and you did not even notice me.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
… did you want to join us?
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I can immediately sense when my friends have something going on and they are so DELUSIONAL. Everyone knows they are in love before they know it.
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
Everyone also knows that you are in love with someone and you have no idea.
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Can you elaborate on that??
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Who am I in love with??
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Naty I’ve been trying to ask you this both in irl and online. Please reply.
It’s very important for me to know who Cami has a crush on.
#as her childhood rival it’s my job to know #so I can tease her
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👨‍🍳 kunsts-best-chef Follow
Hello! On my new youtube video I will show you how to make a cake cake by using substitutes if you don't have all the ingredients you think you have at home! Link in bio!
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Why go through all that work instead of just using cake mix... just put water or milk in powder and done.
👨‍🍳 kunsts-best-chef Follow
Assuming that I would ever use cake mix is the most offensive thing I've ever heard. I also don't think it tastes good at all, it tastes... superficial.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Then find a way to get cake mix to taste better then? You're a chef or whatever, I don't know you.
👨‍🍳 kunsts-best-chef Follow
... I guess that can be my next youtube video
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
My morning today:
Woke up at 7 and stood up in my bed, thinking about getting dressed, going downstairs to eat breakfast, go brush my teeth, grab my skates, skate to Jam and Roller and spend the day there
I thought about this for so long I forgot that I had not actually left my bedroom yet
It wasn't until my cousin came into my room at 8:30 asking why I was standing like a statue on my bed that I snapped out of it and went to get dressed
She was still there as I undressed and I forgot to tell her I was changing out of my pajamas, so she was a bit caught off guard just seeing me take my shirt off, and she quickly looked away
We went down to breakfast together and I asked her if I had been to Jam and Roller today. She said "no, they have not even opened yet"
At breakfast I accidentally put sugar in my juice
Then I was about to leave, but my cousin stopped me and said I forgot my skates. I facepalmed because how could I forget my skates!!
Halfway skating to Jam and Roller I realized I had forgotten to brush my teeth and went back to do that.
When I came back, I forgot what I was supposed to do and started to clean my room because I realized it was messy.
My cousin came into my room with my toothbrush, and said "I don't know what you would do without me". I brushed my teeth for 5 minutes and then remembered I needed to clean my room and I needed to do it right now!!
My cousin was like "no you don't have to clean your room we have staff members for that because we are rich" and I was like... oh.
We roller skated to Jam and Roller together! And now I'm here with my friends!! <33
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
Sometimes it feels slightly weird that two of the people I’ve kissed has also kissed my cousin. How is it possible two people who both are so different from each other also went to kiss and date two really different girls-
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I think it’s funny 😂
🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
I think none of you should kiss at all! You are way too young to engage in such activities!
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Who are you? 🤔
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Don’t interact with him, Lunita. I’ve seen him around other blogs I follow. They must have blocked him and thus he searches for new people
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📸 felicityfornow Follow
Fun fact: This account started just to mess with some girls at my school, and then it ended with me walking around in a wig and having a whole secret identity everyone wanted to find out about
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
It reminds me of when I wanted to spy on my ex and thus dressed up in a wig and glasses. Then it escalated really hard and he fell in love with my secret identity
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Haha! My crush fell in love with my secret identity too. It was a whole mess.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
There’s something with Buenos Aires and just having stuff like this happen 🤣 Idk there must be something in the water but I feel like everyone I know that lives here just do crazy stuff 🤣🤣 At first I just thought argentineans just were like that™️ but then I started to do weird stuff too
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Why has everyone I dated consistently had black hair?
It’s such a random fact but like ?? do I have a type I didn’t realize I had??
My crush now is a brunette tho
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
:o !! Some more clues about your secret crush! This is exciting >:3 I’m gonna figure it out
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Am I gonna have do start a yearly count on this post too
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
A big sign I should have realized I was gay sooner was the fact that, when everyone started to hit puberty I spent way more time focused on looking how my best friend's body changed rather than my own.
I recall one time in like 8th grade when we changed for gym class and I caught myself staring at her changing clothes, and being like... well. I caught myself then decided it was a great idea to STARE AT THE OTHERS just to show that I wasn't just staring at her...
After at least 10 weird looks from all the girls in the changing room I decided to always look down at the ground in the changing rooms in school.
We're not gonna discuss how it was showering after class with my bestie wondering why I didn't want to shower when it had been all fine all previous times...
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Hi sweetie
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
Being an "early bloomer" meant that I was more popular than I already was in middle school. People came to me and asked questions like "oh how does it feel to have a period", "how does it feel to wear a bra" and I felt so cool about it at the time...
But I was also literally 11. I knew as little as everyone else, trust me I was not very mature just because I hit puberty early lol
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I never understood the thing about "early" and "late" bloomers, and why you treat someone more adult or more like a child because of it? It's like when you lose your baby teeth. Some people lose their baby teeth when they are 5 and others don't lose their first baby tooth until they are 9. It has nothing to do with immaturity. Same thing with puberty, really. An 11 year old is an 11 year old and should always be treated as an 11 year old regardless how "early" or "late" they are in puberty. Same thing with someone who is 14. They should be treated like their age, not how developed their bodies are.
I've met people who has told me they felt so distressed and "behind" because they had not really hit puberty, and even people feeling childish because they had not lost a single baby tooth when they were 7, while "everyone else" had. And people who were early and felt this pressure and expectation of being more mature because of it.
Like, for me, it just happened when it happened and I never felt like I was "late" or "early" with anything. I felt like people wanted me to feel like I had to compare with everyone else, but for some reason but it just wasn't a big deal for me.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Luna I am so jealous of your mind right now... I'm not that very often but like I am now.
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excavatinglizard · 3 years
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While walking to class, I was struck by an image of Bones proposing while Jim sang in the kitchen
I originally sent this as a text to my friend:
What about their actual proposal? I think it’d go something like this:
Bones comes down in the morning and Jim’s making breakfast in the kitchen. He’s got some old earth music going and he’s signing along. He’s a bit out of tune but he looks so happy, and it’s not like Bones is going to say anything about it. He’s happy to stand in the morning light and listen to the man he loves enjoying himself.
Jim does a little shimmy as he spins around to deposit the pan of bacon back on the stove, and Bones suddenly realizes that… this is where he wants to be, forever.
The next time Jim turns around, Bones has fumbled out the ring box, and they both freeze. The music’s still playing in the background, but the words have died on Jim’s lips.
Jim’s the one who moves first, wrapping his arms around Bones and laughing
‘Jesus, Bones. You couldn’t wait till I was dressed?’
Then they’re both laughing and maybe crying a little bit, and eventually Jim pulls himself away, only to return with his own box. This isn't like the other times, where they were acting for someone else. This is just for them, and no matter what Jim might say, he wouldn't have had it any other way.
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missantichrist · 5 years
Ngl I’d read the fuck out of some f!readerxBrooke smut. Especially if reader got to dominate the fuck out of her.
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Spock Canonically Trying and Failing to Stop Thinking About Jim Kirk: A Series (brought to you by Gene Roddenberry)
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Spock *Dramatically*: Jim! Goodbye my . . . my t'hy'la. This is the last time I will permit myself to think of you or even your name again.*Arm flung over eyes for brooding effect*
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Spock: *Thinking* But what was it that Jim Kirk had once said?
Vulcan elder: Yo SPOCK. Stop thinking about your human boyfriend. We've been over this. Stop making us call you out like this.
Spock: Oops👀Right right right shit, don't think about Jim - yup, supposed to be completing Kolinahr -
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Vulcan elders: . . . Dude. Seriously? Your human boyfriend is still living in there, rent free. Like he is all up in your headspace, you dudes are legit mind bonded. Congratulations. You own a human.
Spock: Shit shit shit. OK I swear this is the last time. No take backs.
Vulcan elders: Get on up out of here. Get gone. Damn. Human lovin' ass lineage, the works of them; merciful Surak this family . . .
Later in the novel, on the Enterprise:
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So apparently Spock knows this part of the ship as the place officers go when they are dtf and it's this unsaid respected thing that happens on the Enterprise. Canonically.
And it's Spock's favourite part of the ship. Y'know. For "many pleasures".
And then whaddya know, he immediately starts thinking about:
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James T Kirk. And whoops, he also dropped a T'hy'la with that. I mean, hol' up:
"The other physiological changes which beset him on entering the bridge were so shocking that they made him scorn himself (👀). . . on the bridge -- Kirk! The mere name made Spock groan inwardly as he remembered what it had cost him to turn away from that welcome. T'hy'la!"🤯☠
My brother in Christ are you kidding me?
Am I expected to brush this off as "just bro things"?
Is this how other people are out here thinking about their best friends? Did I miss the memo?
Because I do not. Inwardly groan while thinking of my bestie as a friend-brother-lover in the make out spot on the Enterprise as people have sex in the background (canonically).
Just as an FYI.
And I need a break to take my inhaler bc I'm wheezing and laughing-
Ok we're back. Ahem.
Spock's favourite part of the ship is also the place people come to get it on. And he immediately starts thinking about Jim Kirk again while he's there, listening to people have sex.
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Now Kirk and Spock are all unabashed about it.
It's out there, cut it, it's done, pack it up we are done pretending, we are married, we are in love here people, deal with it.
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Spock's absolutely feeling himself like:
Fuck yeah, I'm thinking about Jim Kirk. And what? Love is the best thing in the whole damn galaxy and I'm done being mad about it.
Jim: "Let the church say amen."
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(I can't believe the man Gene Roddenberry wrote this. Right in front of our faces. Like this book exists? It's canon? How is there even any room for debate anymore? Spock is obsessed with Jim Kirk and vice versa. It is written. WE HAVE RECEIPTS.)
Source: Star Trek The Motion Picture Novel, Gene Roddenberry, Dec. 1979
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 8
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You get a preview of what it’s like to be working with Mackenzie.
Warnings: I apologize as there is no smut in here lmfao but there is a stubborn Bucky lols
A/N: The jitters just never go away whenever I post a new part for this ajkcnjasncakjcnakj I find this part boring tbh but uhh things will start picking up again in the next part I promise
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Bucky decided to push through with his partnership with Wilson Enterprises. It was a big one, so it definitely required the entire team's effort and perseverance. Apparently, this is the company's biggest, most major project yet so this was going to look really good in your resume. It would also provide you with more credibility to further excel in your career.
Except that Bucky actually hired a marketing consultant to take over the entire project as his revenge.
"Any questions? About the project or about Kenzie?" Bucky asked, standing in front of the conference room, next to Mackenzie.
You confidently raised your hand when no one else did. Bucky tilted his head, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He knew you were affected, of fucking course you were!
"Yes?" he called out.
You stood up and sighed softly, "I mean this in the most respectful way, Mister Barnes." you said, emphasizing his name. "But as the head of marketing, what exactly is my role here? Given that Mackenzie was hired to spearhead the marketing aspect of this project." you said, giving Mackenzie a passive aggressive smile.
"I don't want to overstep on some boundaries here, that's why I'm asking. I just want clarity, that's all." you said.
Bucky was about to respond when Mackenzie stopped him, grabbing his arm and squeezing it before taking over the floor. You narrowed your eyes at how her slender fingers were wrapped around Bucky's arm.
"Honey..." Mackenzie started. "There's nothing to worry about, this is a collaborative work between you and I. So think of yourself as my assistant, someone to help me out with the project." she responded.
"I'm not an assistant, Mackenzie." you said, smiling at her.
Mackenzie laughed, "I'm sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have used that term. Oops." she said. "Although, I believe I have more experience in this area so maybe consider me a mentor?" she suggested.
Bucky cleared his throat, "If you have certain ideas, you can discuss it with her. She is a consultant after all. Given her impressive experience in the field, I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two from her."
The meeting was wrapped up by noon and you simply couldn't wait to get yourself out of the conference room. You didn't feel like talking to Bucky anymore in all honesty, not after what he was doing. You knew this was just to spite you, get you to cave in first and give in to him.
All the more that you wouldn't, especially not when he actually used your job against you.
Everyone started rushing out of the conference room, ready to head out for lunch. As soon as you reached the doorway, you overheard the short conversation between Bucky and Mackenzie.
"Hey Bucky, we still up for lunch?"
The bathroom was empty when you stepped inside and thank god for that because you couldn't hold back your emotions any further. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, not because you were hurt. Fuck no, you were angry and frustrated. So fucking angry at yourself for getting into this mess, at Bucky for being such an entitled prick, at the entire world for plotting against you.
You groaned in irritation as you wiped away your tears, sniffing as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You worked your ass off for this job, for your position. You risked your dignity when you let Bucky fuck you. You weren't going to let someone take that away from you.
You quickly fixed yourself when the door opened, followed by the loud clacking of someone's heels.
"Omg, are you crying?" Beverly gasped, rushing over to you.
You snickered, "No." you lied, "My eyes are itchy." you huffed out before noticing that Beverly was holding a sandwich in her hand.
"Why did you bring your sandwich here?" you curiously asked.
Beverly shrugged, "The pantry's full and the other girls don't exactly seem to like me...so..."
You shook your head and sighed, "Come with me, let's have lunch out. I need to get out of this fucking place anyway."
"Yay, omg! I knew you were nice! You're like, the only girl who actually talked to me nicely." Beverly said, tagging behind you as you exited the bathroom.
"Oh, there you are!" Mark called out. "I was looking for you. Wanna grab lunch? Oh...who's this?" he asked, noticing the blonde girl trailing behind you.
"I'm Beverly! I'm Sir James' new secretary." she introduced excitedly.
You sighed, "Don't ask me why." you said when Mark turned to you with a confused look, still not sure what happened to Bucky's previous secretary.
"So, lunch out? With Bev?" you asked.
You were completely zoning out during lunch despite the ongoing conversation between Mark and Bev, something about yoga? You honestly couldn't care less, not when you were feeling so conflicted about your current situation.
Would Bucky actually go that far just to get you back? Or does he actually hate you for saying no to him and is basically using his authority to make your life a living hell?
"So I heard about the new girl." Mark said, that snapped you out of your trance.
"Huh?" you asked.
"I find it weird for Mister Barnes to hire someone when you're here." Mark pointed out. "I mean, are you okay with that or..."
You snorted, "Fuck no. Look, I'm not gonna be the bigger person here. I was offended as fuck." you admitted.
"Yeah, it's super weird because she was hired through Tinder or something. Is that even legal?" Beverly pointed out as she scrolled through her phone.
You and Mark turned to her abruptly, "Tinder? Wait, what?" you asked.
Beverly chuckled, "I heard them talking this morning and Kenzie was like, 'It's so funny that we matched on Tinder and ended up doing business there you know' and I'm like omg Sir James has Tinder and I have one too but I never saw him there, bummer."
"Motherfucker." you hissed out.
Mark made a face, "Are you okay?" he carefully asked. "You've been really tensed since last week."
Apparently, Bucky never deleted his Tinder and have been swiping right on women. And that's how he met Mackenzie who just happened to be a marketing consultant. Now you were just furious, was he fucking her too? Has he been fucking other women this entire time?
"Hey, Bev..." you said, a plan hatching inside your mind. "Can I ask you a favor?" you asked nicely.
Beverly nodded, "Um duh, you're basically my office BFF now."
"If you ever hear Mister Barnes and Mackenzie talk about hmm, I don't know...something interesting. Maybe about the project...me 'cause you know, I'm the head of marketing and Mackenzie’s in the same field...let me know, will ya?" you asked.
Mark chuckled nervously, "I don't know what's going on but isn't that an invasion of privacy?"
"She's not going to eavesdrop, Mark. She'll just...listen closely." you explained.
"Bev might get in trouble if Mister Barnes finds out." Mark warned.
You waved a hand, "She'll be fine, Mark. She's his secretary, she has to know everything. Besides, I'm not going to let her get in trouble, if she does then I'll take care of it."
Beverly squealed in delight, "Omg, you are not my office BFF. You're like my office mom! You and Mark are literally my office parents." she said, lifting her phone up in the air.
"Selfie! This one goes to the 'gram." she said, taking a quick photo of the three of you.
She then proceeded to edit the photo while you and Mark continued eating lunch.
"Bev, you should really put your phone away and eat first. We have less than half an hour left for lunch break." Mark called out.
Beverly groaned and rolled her eyes, "Way to get into the role, Mark. You're such a dad."
You snorted, "Yeah. Loosen up, daddy." you teased.
"Playing family after just one date, huh."
Bucky's presence in the same restaurant should've really intimidated you, most especially that he just witnessed you tease Mark like that. But you were too mad at him to even care, what was the point even? He didn't believe you even when you told him the truth that Mark was just a friend.
Why even try now?
"Hi Sir James." Beverly greeted happily.
"Mister Barnes." Mark acknowledged.
Bucky ignored them and kept his eyes on you. You didn't falter under his gaze and simply stared back at him with blank eyes. It's as if a staring competition took place when the both of you merely looked at each other, neither of you looking away nor attempting to do so.
"How was that date last Friday, Jim?" Bucky asked, his eyes still trained on yours.
Mark made a funny face at the name that Bucky called him but shrugged anyway. Before he could even respond, you decided to answer on his behalf. If Bucky wanted to spite you, you'd give him a taste of his own medicine.
"It was actually great. We might go on another one this Friday." you said.
"We are?" Mark asked in a whisper.
Bucky's hand landed on Mark's shoulder, "Don't count on it, Andrew. She's going to be doing a lot of work on Friday due to the project." he said through gritted teeth.
You shrugged, "Oh, but I thought Mackenzie's doing all my work?"
"I'm ready to head back, Buck."
Speak of the devil herself. Mackenzie weaved through the tables and approached Bucky, her face brightening up when she saw you, Mark and Beverly.
"Oh, hey you." she greeted you. "Look, I think we may have started off on the wrong foot earlier. I'm not here to take your job, just here to spice things up a bit. Improve your ideas, give Bucky some assistance." she chuckled, holding onto Bucky's arm yet again.
You fought back the urge to grab your glass of water and throw it at her face. As the saying goes, kill them with kindness. So you merely shrugged and extended an arm for a handshake.
"Of course. I would love to improve your ideas as well, you know. Just a healthy discourse between two marketing professionals. We good?" you said.
Mackenzie forced out a chuckle and reached for your hand, "We’re good. I look forward to working with you." she said before turning back to Bucky who was still gazing at you.
"Let's go?" she asked sweetly.
Bucky smirked at you before wrapping an arm around Mackenzie's waist, guiding her out of the restaurant the same way he did to you. You were too focused on Bucky's body language around Mackenzie that you failed to notice that Mark was watching you closely, your expressions and how you reacted towards Bucky.
"I think I know what's happening."
"You what?!"
"Shhh!" you hushed Mark and peeked out of the empty pantry to make sure the coast was clear.
Mark noticed the tension between you and Bucky and he came to a conclusion that the both of you dated at one point. He wasn't really wrong but he wasn't right either. So you decided to tell him everything, from the moment you matched with Bucky on Tinder until your last conversation with him last Saturday.
"I honestly thought you were dating, I didn't know there was sex involved. No wonder he had been calling me weird names." he said incredulously. "Was that you and Mister Barnes that Janet reported to the HR?" he asked, stifling his laughter.
You groaned, "Yes. Ugh, gave me a panic attack when I found out about that incident report." you said.
"Hey..." Mark called out. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this. Your secret is safe with me." he reassured.
You nodded, "I think it was about time that I told someone about us anyway. This whole situation is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do next. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, I shouldn't have said that we were going out again. I don't want you or your job getting compromised because of our petty fight." you exhaled.
You had to admit, you felt so much better now after confiding with Mark. It somewhat alleviated the weight on your shoulders, knowing that there was someone aware of what you were going through. Who would've thought that this person would end up being Mark? You did have friends outside of work of course, but you felt like they all wouldn't really understand the situation.
Half would hate you for rejecting Bucky and the other half would hate you for even swiping right on him.
"Do you mind an unsolicited advice?" Mark asked.
"Not at all." you said.
"Ignore him. Don't let him or Mackenzie get to you. Do what you do best, you're great at your job and you'll be fine. That might get him to realize that you're not a prize to be won. And if he still doesn't see that, then that's his loss. You're more than just that hot marketing girl at work." Mark said.
You laughed at his last statement, "Hot marketing girl at work?" you asked, shaking your head.
"It's true. So if in any case you decide to ditch the CEO and move on, you know where to find me." he joked, throwing a wink your way.
You wanted to finish all your reports so you could focus on the huge project so you decided to work until around nine in the evening. The floor was already empty by the time you were done. Bucky seemed to be working too, given that he was still replying to e-mails at this hour. Wanting to get all the reports over with, you decided to submit it to him before going home.
During the elevator ride to Bucky’s floor, you couldn’t help but wonder whether he was alone in the office. Would Mackenzie be there with him? Even at this hour? Your grip on the folder tightened at the thought of catching them in the act.
But did you have any right to feel this way though?
Brushing off the thoughts, you exhaled loudly and prepared yourself for whatever it was you were to witness. Upon reaching the door to Bucky’s office, you slightly turned your head to listen to anything. It was quiet. No hushed whispers nor strained grunts-- they weren’t fucking, thank goodness for that.
You decided not to knock and just walk inside like you used to, reminding yourself of Mark’s advice.
Don’t let Bucky get to you.
When you saw Bucky hunched over his desk, typing away on his e-mails instead of bending a certain brunette somewhere in his office, you had to admit that you were relieved. He looked up and his eyes looked dead tired, you almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“You should really learn how to knock.” Bucky called out, slamming his laptop shut.
“Look, Bucky. I was just rushing to submit these reports so I can go home.” you explained and placed the folder on top of his desk.
Bucky frowned, “I said to call me Mister Barnes.”
You huffed out, “I honestly don’t care, Bucky. I’m not playing your damn games anymore.” you said and turned around.
A hand on your arm pulled you back, harshly turning you around to face Bucky. He was fuming, as usual. At this point, you were no longer fazed.
“You think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” he asked.
You clenched your jaw and pulled your arm back, “I’m not doing anything. You bring in Beverly or Mackenzie or whoever it is that you have up your sleeve. I don’t fucking care. I just want to focus on work.” you said and stepped away.
“And you should too, Bucky.” you added.
“I don’t believe you.” he said.
You sighed, your shoulders dropping from exhaustion at this whole shenanigan. “I’m done, Bucky.”
And with that you turned around to exit his office, leaving Bucky unsure whether you truly meant what you said. A victorious smirk graced your lips as you walked back to the elevator.
You were far from done.
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​​ @weird-mumbling​​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @mostly-marvel-musings​​ @squishybabies​​ @megzdoodle​​ @suchababie​​ @annathesillyfriend​​ @xhollycowx​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​​ @gogolucky13​​ @countonthesun​​ @iloveshawnieboi​​ @learisa​​ @borikenlove​​ @scarlet-natasha89​​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​​ @jessou893​​ @stealapizzamyheart​​ @bagelofthelord​​ @mxnt​​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​​ @ohladymacbeth​​ @wildflowergubler​​ @supraveng​​ @twinerd14​​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​​ @charminivy​​ @amelia-song-pond​​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​​ @mcubqrnes @im-squished​​ @tcc-gizmachine​​ @sipsteacasually​​ @prettyintopeerpressure​​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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i just rewatched Unbecoming and just ughh
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Last night at around 11 pm - 1 am I watched @pixiecaps favorite movie, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. This movie fucked me up and made me feel weird. I liked it a little and the everything just makes me think so much
here are my thoughts and emotions during the film. Please don’t read if you don’t want spoilers and excuse my spelling. It was late and I was tired
I was enjoying their love and then he started crying in his car
This tech is so casually used it makes me wonder how it would be used in real life. We would jump at it so quickly. But heartbreak is what makes us human and produces human things. Art comes from heartbreak and experience
The shit is fucking surreal
Elijah wood is good at playing a weird character and Jim is good at an awkward character
Their relationship looked really good at the beginning but it seems tired and angry often. They want to love each other but also tear each other apart
They are going to pour something I know it
Patrick is too much for me. Pantie thief
That is horrifying no face uggjjjjhhhhh
Clementine is very insecure. She seems to get so angry when people can’t keep up. She fears and talks over
Not saying Joel is better. He doesn’t talk and shuts things down
They look like a good couple but they are like bundles of twisted wires, itching to snap.
These technicians do not give a fuck do they?
How do they get their jobs done at alllll
They had happy moments but the negative overwhelmed them :(
So surreal
Ohh patrick is a litttttle freaky thief
This memory scene is quite strange. I like her outfit tho
He’s off the map!
Pix are you sure this is not a horror movie? Their lack of faces are telling me otherwise
May i say i love the music and sound design
Also the transtions and weirdness! This feels like a new world but its the mind.
You think the snow was powdered sugar
I think mary also wants to fuck howard or she just really looks up to him
Howard seems like a well mannered man who cares
No offense but does any one really remember quotes like that well
Its too late for me fighting sleep for movie and hw
Oh she kissed him… so i was right! I’m great at predictions :)
Oop mary gets around huh
Howard! I had hope for you. Think about your wife and kids you nasty old wrinkly man
This is one disastrous night
Hehe he was caught and he’s in trouble
Im worried about Joel
Poor Mrs. Howard’s wife she has only been on screen for like 15 secs I feel for her. She is my favorite now maybe she just looks so worn down she hasn’t even spoken
She was here for one scene and she is just great. I wish she didn’t have to get hurt this way. And she just hits Stan, roasts her husband, and drives off! As she should, queen.
Poor mary she just felt old heartache. I do not like Howard at all. I hope pigeons eat his ass
Okay I get Clementine. At least she admits she’s fucked up. I wish they could have stayed happy
Everyone in this movie is fucked up tho hmmm
Fuck this procedure it’s dumb as fuck and hurts people
I despise ads let me watch my movie grrrrrr
One question was the beginning like the not going to work and talking on the train fake?
The spotlight on the face
I am not choking up with 17 mins left
Surreal beautiful heartbreaking scary. Human. That’s this film
“We’ll talk” but will they?
Oh oho oho is is the beginning after the wipe
It’s all coming together oh ho ho
Fuck patrick btw elijah wood did a greeat job
Why did i think it was a bite mark head in hands
Badass Mary chaotic but badass
Sure eharmony blah blah real love. Let me watch my movie
I am crying, i i blame you pix so much
Like i said before, this film is human. In a messy ugly way. In a surreal artistically beautiful way. It’s so real. We want to erase what hurt us but we end up coming back. We miss it because we loved it
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