#my migraines dont feel AS BAD as they did over the weekend
xysidhequeen · 2 years
Me: The migraines are getting better! :D
The Migraines: No the fuck we are not
Me, in pain: They’re. Getting. Better.
The Migraines: Suffer
Me: If I say it enough, it'll be true
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beautyindisguise00 · 4 years
Are you one of those people that LOVE to hug others?
Thursday October 1 2020 @2:53pm
1. When was the last time someone saw you naked? last weekend. my boyfriend
2. If you could bring someone back from the dead and spend an hour with them, who would it be and what would you do/say? my grandma. i’d ask her how she felt about how things are going with the big three family now
3. What is the greatest loss you’ve endured? my grandma
4. How would you describe your current mood? calm and relaxed
5. When was the last time you did something you were embarrassed by? crying myself to sleep last night. ugh, im so sensitive sometimes.
6. What was the last thing you lied about? i dont remember. haha
7. Where is your favorite place to have sex? still have my v-card,but the bed. haha
8. What is your earliest memory? getting lost at a sports tournament. haha
9. Do you ever drink or get high alone? i drink by myself, but not to get drunk
10. What type of a drunk are you? very chatty and giddy
11. What song (or a few songs, whatever) means a lot to you and why? there’s a lot.
12. When was the last time you revealed your feelings for someone? Were they accepted or rejected? last weekend to a guy friend, Luke last weekend to my boyfriend a few weeks ago to my best friend, Angela all where of different feelings, but thankfully they were all very accepting
13. What was the reason behind your last visit to the hospital? visiting a friend who was in a motorcycle accident
14. How do you tend to deal with a breakup? i haven’t been through a bad breakup and i hope i wont ever, but if i ever do. i’d probably cry myself to sleep each night and go through the motions through the day. i’d stay off social media until i’m ready to show my ex what he’s lost
15. What is the “worst” drug you’ve done? Are there any you will never try, or any you want to try? i’ve never done drugs
16. What is something you’ve done that you truly regret? forgetting to log out of my facebook messenger on my mom’s phone....
17. What does it mean to you to be a good person? Do you feel you are a good person? someone’s who’s kind. goes out of their way to help others. and many more. i can be a good person, but im not always
18. What is your philosophy on life/how do you generally choose to live or conduct yourself? enjoy life. be kind to others. bring glory to God
19. Do you view animals as being just as important as people? Why or why not? animals should be treated with care and kindness. 
20. When was the last time you were up all night and why? my boyfriend and i were out with his family
21. What is the worst thing you’ve done to yourself? What is the worst thing someone else has done to you? not love myself like i should be. form options about me without getting to know me
22. What is the most personal thing you’re willing to reveal? depends on who you are
23. What made you stop talking to the last person you cut out of your life? we just grew apart. neither one of us put effort in the friendship anymore
24. Is there a situation or person you haven’t been able to get over/forgive? not anymore, i’ve learned and moved on
25. Who was the last person to yell at you? Did you yell back? i havent been yelled at in a while.
26. Where did your last injury come from? no major injuries lately. the last one i can recall was when one of my kiddos rammed into my toes and my toe nail chipped off
27. What are some kinks or turn-ons you have, if any? uhhhh, neck kisses, dirty talk, nip play. hahahaha
28. What are you like during arguments? stubborn. haha. and i try to be right all the time. 
29. What is the worst thing you have said to another person? they’re a b
30. Where do you like to be kissed? lips and neck
31. What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they are telling you how they feel? the first one
32. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way? i was tired, sleep deprived, had a migraine from drinking too much. so i got upset at my boyfriend, but at least i knew not to say anything i’d regret to him.  we talked about it the day after and we’re all good now.
33. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them? if i wasnt already with my mom, then my mom. i’d tell her i love her and everyone else. i would want to hear her voice before i go.
34. You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid? i’d tell those who are important to me first and spend as much time as i could with them.at first, i’d be afraid, but i know where i’m going so i’d just miss everyone more than anything
35. You can have one of the following two things. Which do you choose? Why? i dont see the choices
36. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late even once more, you are fired. Do you take the time to save the dogs life? Why or Why not? i can’t see my boss saying that to me, but i’d do my best to save that dog
37. Would you rather be hurt by the one you trust the most or the one you love the most? well, essentially, they’re the same people so I’d end up getting hurt by both
38. Your best friend confesses that he/she has feelings for you more than just friendship. He/she is falling in love with you. What do you (or did you) do/say? my best friend is my boyfriend. haha
39. Think of the last person who you know that died. You have the chance to give them 1 hour of life back, but you have to give up one year of yours. Do you do it? Why or Why not? yes. I’d do that for my boyfriend so he’d be able to send one more hour with his grandpa
40. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend? yes. haha
41. Does love = sex? not for everyone
42.Your boss tells your coworker that they have to let them go because of work shortage, and they are the newest employee. You have been there much longer. Your coworker has a family to support and no other means of income. Do you go to your boss and offer to leave the company? Why or Why not? honestly no. I also have financial things to take care of my own. I would very horrible, but i just can’t
43.When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person? just shared my intimacy life with a guy friend on a long road trip. nothing too bad, but i dont really talk about stuff that personal to me. haha
44. What would be (or what was) harder for you to tell a member of the opposite sex, you love them or that you do not love them back? that i didn’t love them back or more so the feeling was not mutual 
45. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose? my love for people. you can’t tell me to stop loving someone
46. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them. Who were they to you? my kiddos at work
47. If there was one moment and one time in the last month what would you change and why? honestly, i cant think of anything. not saying this last month was perfect, but it wasnt too bad
48.Imagine it is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you? uhh, a wwe fighter. haha jk probably my boyfriend
49. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not? yes. i’d always to try save a life
50.You are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your rationale for making the decision? neither one of my grandmas are here 
51. Are you old fashioned? in some ways
52. When was the last time you were nice to someone and did NOT expect anything in return for it? work. haha
53.Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why? how it is true love when there’s a broken heart?
54.If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be? being able to travel anywhere and anytime
55. What was the last thing you ate? a chocolate chip muffin
56. What kind of guys are you usually attracted to? guys who are kind to others, athletic, and hott. haha. honest truth
57. What’s the stupidest thing that’s happened to you that ended a friendship? they drunk way to much and got on my nerves
58. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve had sex at a time? vcard stil here but when my boyfriend comes to visit, we get intimate about 2-3 time a day. hahahaha morning, mid day, and night. lol
59. What reality shows do you watch? not much. sometimes KUWTK here and there 60. Post a video of yourself here: no thank you
61. Where do you work? at a daycare
62. Have you ever gone up to a car thinking it was yours and tried to get in it? no i always check the plates
63. Where do you buy most of your clothes? tj maxx
64. If you were very intelligent and had the capability to have any profession, what would you like to be? teacher. haha
65. What’s your most irrational fear? use to be dolls. ahaha
66. How many radio stations do you listen to? i have about five saved on my car, but i dont really listen to the radio often. i usually just listen to my own music
67. What kind of music do they have? today’s top hits and Christian
68. Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii? hawaii!!
69. Musicals: Yay or Nay? depends some yes some i’d pass
70. What are the next concerts you’ll be going to? i dont have any planned right now
71. What was the last conversation you had with your best friend about? the meeting we had
72. Are you one of those people that LOVE to hug others? nah, depends on the person but a quick hug is okay if we’re not that close, but if we are then sure, hug on!
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vexley · 7 years
Just Things About Riverdale, Chapter Ten: The Lost Weekend
Well, here we fucking go.
Oh god.
“I barely acknowledge my own birthday.”
Same, dude. Same.
We’re finally talking about Archie “mysterious” mother.
Official divorce. Damn. What went down, seriously?
Two years, holy shit.
Ah, Fred is leaving. The whole scene-jumping sequences involving dumb high-schoolers  partying is starting to make sense, unfortunately.
“Friendervention.” I don’t know why I’m laughing, but I’m laughing.
Archie & Betty?
“Three musketeers!” Aw.
“I thought maybe I’d surprise him.”
Yeah, that sounds like a bad idea.
“I think the best gift that I could give to Jughead would be to stay away.”
I hurt in places that don’t exist.
Hostile eye-contact with the Pussy Cats.
I hope they fuck Archie UP.
Sorry, it’s been a long day, I’m feeling a little hostile.
“Jughead’s never had a Birthday party!”
Archie’s head-nod.
Jughead and Betty clearly weren’t super close before the start of the school year, if she’s had no idea about that. How do you not know something like that about a friend?
Am I actually, like, sort of--maybe--classifying Archie as the Better Friend during this episode?
I’m not sure how to deal with this?
“A low-key surprise party!”
Archie’s anxious head shake.
“Jughead doesn’t like his birthday!”
Okay, guys, fine.
“Jughead is a lone wolf.” He fucking sounds like he’s quoting Jughead.
What part of “Don’t turn around” do they not understand???
“Not that I care because he’s evil incarnate.”
“You don’t have to go Dark Betty on me.”
Betty has so many fucking rage issues, and I find it alarmingly relatable.
I really want her to punch him in his smug little FACE.
“But I can damn well make sure my boyfriend has the best Birthday of his life.”
I’m having flashbacks to that stupid fucking baby shower.
“Screw it, I’m with Betty.”
I was fucking rooting for you, man.
“It’s going to be epic.”
It’s going to be catastrophic, calling it now.
“I didn’t mean to ambush you.”
Are you sure? Because it looks to me like you meant to ambush him.
“You’re really falling for this Jones boy, aren’t you?”
I really just love the fact that there’s no judgement. Alice is straight up supporting her daughter; it’s such a violent turn-around from the Alice we knew Before.
Excuse me for a moment, I just need to go into another room and spend 5 to 10 minutes squealing over the fact that Jughead apparently comes with his own sound-effects.
This episode is uncomfortably relatable.
75 years? Holy shit.
This whole HBIC face-off just feels really...superfluous?
Also, I’m really disappointed that Cheryl and Veronica’s friendship just went up in flames, before my very eyes.
I have no fucking words for how angry I am.
Like, is Chuck really supposed to be some kind of threat?
Because, honestly? Who fucking gives a shit?
There is absolutely nothing threatening about that fucking toad.
Emotional blackmail, signed with love by Daddy. Nice.
“Do I look like Jughead to you?”
Maybe in the right lighting.
“You really shouldn’t have.”
“...Are you drunk?”
Wow, yeah, just kinda hit me that Jughead would automatically know. How could he not?
A Spanish Happy Birthday! <3
I love the fact that they incorporate Veronica’s heritage into the show with little things like that.
“Thanks everyone,” he says with no sincerity, at all.
“Oh, it’s Kevin.”
Wow, hot damn, what a voice.
“That was..haunting, Betty.”
LMAO, yeah it was.
Wow, I paused the episode to type out my thoughts, and Betty is right in the middle of kissing Jughead’s cheek. In the other Just Things About posts that I’ve written, I know that I’ve mentioned the expression on Jughead’s face when Betty kisses him. The only way I can think to describe him in those moments is warm.
Right here, though, as Jughead stares down at that (honestly) weird-ass cake, and Betty pecks him on the cheek, Jughead reminds me of the cold. There is no warmth in his expression; there’s no happiness there.
I suppose that, essentially, Jughead looks the way that he currently feels.
(That feeling that he described to Archie over an entire pan of pizza in the Andrews’ kitchen.)
Jughead looks overwhelmingly, achingly alone, and it’s an unsettling thing to see when he is surrounded by people who claim to be his friends.
“I wish it were just the two of us right now.”
“That makes two of us.”
“Why the hell is everything so doom and gloom with you, Jug?”
It’s a real fucking mystery.
“I’m not normal. I’m not wired to be normal.”
“Did you really think you could throw a party without inviting moi?”
Why don’t these people lock their doors? It’s like they want to be robbed.
“Screw it, one in the kitchen, one in the backyard!”
I vote that we take Jughead and give him to some better friends, who’s with me?
“Valerie’s here, and I think she wants me back.”
“Now we’re here, in the middle of a Seth Rogan movie.”
I don’t even know why I’m laughing.
Why does this keep happening?
Oh shit.
“I’m sorry that, after you sexually harassed those girls, there were actual consequences, Chuck.”
“These kids are more on-the-ball than the Sheriff.”
You have no fucking clue.
Alice Cooper, with the fucking binoculars. I can’t even.
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in.”
I’m okay. I am so okay. I am, like, the most okay ever.
I don’t feel SAD. Like, what even are emotions, you know? I don’t fucking know.
“Why are you getting so upset?”
Hmm, maybe it’s because you did the complete opposite of what he wanted on a day that he clearly can’t stand.
“I hate that word.”
“We’re on borrowed time.”
“Or until Archie changes his mind and says he wants to be with you?”
I, uh
“You shut me out, remember? It’s too late.”
Melody, being there for her girl.
Ugh. Archie, you dumbass.
On today’s episode of Archie Makes Bad Decisions.
“This whole night is bad luck.”
FP’s Concerned Dad(tm) expression.
Cheryl and Chuck are, like, the worst tag-team in the history of ever.
“But did you love him, maybe, in ways that a sister shouldn’t?”
Holy hell on ice.
“I want you to go back inside and talk to your girl.”
“Don’t run away! You’ve got something good here, with her, with your friends! Something that--something that we could never give you.”
“Snakes don’t shed their skin so easily.”
Omg, Alice Cooper makes so much more sense, now.
Does she have the tattoo? I really hope she has the tattoo.
“And all this time, I thought you were a lover, not a fighter.” “I’m both; I’ve got layers.”
Like an onion?
“Maybe I’m not used to it, maybe I’m scared.”
Oh, Betty.
Jughead’s expression when he sees Betty’s palms.
His hands around hers, his lips pressed to her knuckles.
The way Betty looks at Jughead while he’s looking down at their hands, like he’s something special, and she doesn’t understand how she got so lucky.
“By Monday, this will all be but a dream. Trust me, no one will remember anything.”
Pfffffffffttt. Okay, sweetie, if you say so.
“Why do I keep doing this?”
I’ve been wondering the same thing. Only, like, along the lines of, “Why does he keep doing this?”
“I keep wrecking things.”
Again, except, “He keeps wrecking things.”
“Welcome to my life.”
Please don’t start.
There she goes.
“Everyday I wonder, what if I had left Riverdale with my mom?”
It’s like the writer’s are handing out prompts to fanfic authors.
“We all are, Archie, and honestly? You less than most.”
He took the mattress on the floor, that is so cute.
“Dont worry, my lips are sealed.”
Damnit all, can’t you guys be friends already?
“I believe in you, Mom.”
I need glasses.
“So, you and Veronica?”
Pinky out when he takes a drink.
“This is a small town, but it’s not that small.”
Shit is about to go doooooown.
Some much needed Beronica.
“The last time you brought me baked goods was because you kissed Archie.”
Betty&Veronica holding hands.
Oh, fuck off, you Actual Five Headed Dragon.
“We’re home.”
Oh shit.
I wasn’t going to do this tonight, because I just got off work, I’ve got the mother of all migraines, and I wasn’t sure I’d be coherent enough to take everything in and then spit out proper notes. So, I may come back to this episode at a later date, when I’m a little more awake, and add to it, like I did with Chapter Eight (?).
No, scratch that, I will definitely revisit and add a part two, because there was so much that I didn’t address, because I just??? I can’t even properly express the way I felt about some of these scenes right now, I’m really drained from work, and there’s a lot that I really do want to talk about.
On the upside, this time Jughead’s birthday was just as shitty as every other day of the year.
Okay, sorry, I’m going.
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ceceliapegasus · 7 years
@ ami wtf why r u such a liar tbh
friend, i do not know but i really meant it when i said i’d bottle my emotions but this weekend’s latest stress escapade may or may not have seriously given me an aneurysm lm@0
wnya sorry not sorry nobody actually reads this and to the one person i know that does read this, i am so sorry i do not deserve you as a friend because i am actually a terrible person as you will see ahead, but i love and appreciate you and any future friendship you may give me, thank you for always being there
ahem ahem
anyway this long diary.txt dump , i am hoping will alleviate the headache itself, by coming clean with my “ emotional baggage “ weh ami, weh
uh, just to document my progress ?
i take nightly flexeril ( 10 mg ) and motrin ( 600 mg ) and have been for the past week ( ? ) - ish and this is unchanged
i took one 500 mg tylenol 3 days ago, no relief to headache
2 days ago, took 1000 mg of tylenol for the headache, no improvement
yesterday, took a total of 2000 mg tylenol, 100 in the morning and 1000 with my nightly flexeril and motrin after dinner, no improvement
today around 1330, took an aleve ( 220 mg ), nothing
about an hour ago, at like, 2130 ? i took an aspirin ( 81 mg ) just to test if im stroking out or smth from all the bad emo stuff im putting myself through but it has done nothing yet
which is both good ( i didnt have a stroke ? ) and bad ( my head still hurts )
im on the verge of tears, which is making my headache worse again honestly, but i cant help it and im just so lonely and unstable right now
but anyway, to the main ( ? ) point of this post i suppose
ive been stressing over something not within my capacity of control nor is it any of my business being upset over because it physically has nothing to do with me but i am inherently a jealous person and have been since all of my previous friendships ( ? ) have ended the same way and as i have repeatedly grinded in my oh-so personal-online-not-really-personal-and-actually-very-public diary right here, ive never liked who i was, i dont think i ever will, and no matter how much i want to change i do not think my emotions will, lol :3c
essentially, i suppose change makes me uncomfortable
i ,, , dont even want to get into this because its ridiculously obvious when i say it out loud but im so uncomfortable with the fact that someone i know and felt so close to did not disclose their personal affairs to me, which is, fucking, absolutely, NONE OF MY !! GODDAMN BUSINESS !! SO WHY AM I ?? SO NOSY !?
but due to this fact, having been left in the dark to let my brain think whatever bad thoughts it wants, i have become uncomfortable with the people they hang out with the most due to the ... sexual openness the friend displays ( ? ) towards my said friend when said friend never ... mentioned anything ??? about them or this aspect even tho said friend is low key not open about their personal life at all... ( which isnt bad ) which is why i never spoke of this situation at all, up until a point where it became ( too late to ask and ) obvious and out in the open that, wow, ami you big buffoon, this was consensual the whole time probably and is now public, congrats you disgusting shitstain for thinking otherwise and, for being a terrible person because theyre cute together and appreciate each other very much
and to be perfectly honest im just acting like a kid who had their favorite toy taken / given away, and i demand to be treated as such a fool because i deserve nothing but pity in this situation
but uh, point in case tldr i just, had to unfollow a sweet person, whom i actually share a few interests with, i noticed, but nonetheless a nice person who has been nothing but sweet and civil to me, simply because we share a common friend and said mutual is happy while i marinate in envy hell b/c i feel like ive been kicked out of the bff spot ? ? ? ( SEE: X ) even tho im sure, in retrospect, i never owned the spot nor did it exist firstly
ANYWAY, thats as vague as i can GET without it being obvious but it still is obvious eskbjvldznsfbohdnljbs
if you finished this, feel free to CONFRONT ME cause i mean honestly i made a big deal out of this for nothing cause i felt bad and it snowballed and i still feel bad but for 30 extra reasons so im at that point, sorry
UHM, ANYWAY x2, i hope this somehow helps with the headache ? cause this is the only thing i can honestly think of that is legitimately causing it
and i put my gross ass out there so no ragrets i guess. ill blow my brains out tho if it doesnt improve b/c that just leads me more to believe i gave myself a tumor for /NOTHIN/
i just somehow came to the conclusion you were being extorted or something so here we are wwwwwwwwwww and now i guess im bitter cause i was wrong ? i DUNNO, sorry
ur also free to shoot me after reading this whole atrocious shebang :3c treat me like dirt step on m i dont deserve your friendship, in all seriousness, or the attention it took to get through this shady ass note soo lemme know !  ♡ if u wanna
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Not sure- yet.
I just played guitar for the first time in a while. I still can, sort of. I dont even know where to begin in regards to how different, surprising and difficult my life has been since moving here/that last post.
That comfort zone thing I spoke of? Very real. I have spent the bulk of my time feeling as though my clothes and skin have been removed. As if Im just walking around with no coating, no barrier between me and life’s sensations. In the beginning, I didnt really realize what was happening. I went to see a therapist at my school in November, then there were fires and mudslides and I didnt make it back into therapy around April? Things got dark.
Fall wasnt too bad- classes were manageable, everything was still new and exciting. I tend to feel warmer when its cold out, as well. The holidays were intense. I experienced an extremely bizarre “ocular aura” migraine right around thanksgiving and had to get an MRI. I sat down to write a paper and was thrown into complete and utter confusion. My vision went funny and everything was looking mildly psychedelic. It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life. The boy im with threw a tantrum the day it happened. The visual symtoms lingered for weeks. This boy also threw a tantrum on christmas eve. Nothing new about that. I then emerged from my favorite time of year directly into horrible meteorological tragedy.
When classes started in Spring, I sort of fell apart. I was consumed with anxiety and stress- convinced I wouldnt make it through some of my classes.
You know, Im trying to write this and my boyfriend just came home from the gym wanted to talk about yet another of our fights that ocured this morning. One in which he lost his shit because I called him messy. I have been working on being okay with being wrong as well as saying sorry and I did that earlier today and he is just pushing and pushing and fucking pushing. I am not sorry for earlier today. When he was talking to me just now I got the distinct instinct to pierce the inside of my mouth with my teeth. Deciding against this, I clenched my teeth with the interior of my mouth between them. At his last request to admit even more fault, I promptly stated, “I dont want to talk about this anymore.” In that moment, I hated him.
Anyways, back to Spring quarter. This boy and I went to Portland- fought the whole time. That was a bit of a turning point, truthfully. After that trip I spent practically every weekend in Los Angeles, visiting with old friends and one new one in particular. This consumed me. I reached a new level of uncontrollable and relentless obsession. There were moments I really thought I was on the brink of coming undone. This went on until late June, when I decided to make a decision that might free myself from my self constructed prison of secrecy, lies and deceit. When I was home in Santa Barbara I would spend entire days in bed, on my phone, fucking with myself and watching netflix. After I made this decision, everything sort of shifted.
Here we are in August. Im trying my best to salvage whats left of my likely failed relationship, I have one year left of school, I switched my emphasis to GIS which could prove to be more difficult than Im prepared for, I work for the same company Ive worked for since October of last year, my mom is having a heart procedure done on monday, I havent spoken to Lindsey in just over a year, I have started vaping CBD oil, Ive become more confident in my decision to walk away from AA, my realtionship with my dad has been strained but recently better after discussing it with my therapist, my brother has blood cancer and married his german girlfriend, my other brother is moving back to australia soon and I have no idea what Im going to do after I graduate.
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in-paradox-space · 7 years
very long rambly text post, you know the drill
you’ll get nothing out of reading it, you may as well scroll.
It’s fucking painful. 
I barely even know her
but I can’t stop thinking about her
I’ve met her once, I shouldn’t feel this way about her.
I can’t concentrate on anything.
I just really really want to be around her.
I miss her.
and its really fucking painful to think she probably just wanted to get away from me 
I need to work on improving my skills before college starts. I need to be able to pick myself up, eat the right foods, shower and sleep at the right times
I can’t. I can only think about her
and its weird. I have had crushes before, painful ones, for girls and guys.
and I’ve spent nights awake because of it
but this is making me really sad
to feel like I’ll never be with her and she’ll probably never approve of me
she probably thinks I’m really weird
and that I just want a hookup
because our mutual friends made it out like that before they invited her
she’s a regular girl
I met her one night
and I don’t understand.
It would make sense for me to enjoy being around her and wanting to chill with her again
but it does not make sense that I feel like this
that she comes into my mind every single minute
and she makes it hard to focus on anything
I want to look at all the units on my course, and visualize how I can get the best grades in each one
I want to research some shit to buy 
I need to choose a good cheap bag to order from china or somewhere cheap
I can not concentrate on any of it. 
My mind is only interested in thinking of her
I’ve been waiting for a camera for weeks, it arrived today
I unboxed it. 
the tag and the plastic was still there
I need to format an SD Card and change the date/time settings
the box had the big bubble wrap 
why am I not excited? 
I don’t give a shit 
I don’t.
I only seem to care about her right now
and it feels like a drug craving
like im low
I need her to pick my serotonin up
and I think, relationships, crushes, love, affection, sex, all that shit
it kind of is like a drug 
not in a poetic way
but its basically the same release of chemicals in the brain
and you think about it every day
you look forward to it
and you feel highs and lows
pick me ups and comedowns
the rushes, the emotions
you change and shape your life to suit it, you make compromises
and its all for a release of the chemicals your brain creates
i know im not the first one to point this out
but im growing aware of it
and I’ve always been aware its just chemicals
an illusion, a distraction from what is important
and I know in reality it doesnt mean shit. I should move on and get on with whats important
but heres the thing
its making me low, because somewhere along the lines my serotonin or dopamine or one of those kind of things has been thrown off balance
and thats basically what happens when you want more cocaine, but it would be more extreme with cocaine of course
I want to see her again.
I dont want to ask my friends to invite her out again, its embarrassing that im interested
and i feel sort of uncomfortable knowing my friend fucked her that one time
i dont even care what we do
i just want to be around her
and i am well aware of how creepy this is 
considering i dont know her
and I spent one night with her
and if anyone spouted this shit to me, I’d think they were just being really dramatic
and they just wished they lived inside a movie
theres not really a pattern to when I think of her
and i find it so strange, because I really really dont know her
but I feel so strongly about her, like I would with a crush from high school
it just does not make sense, logically, to me.
but I will be thinking of anything and I’m suddenly overcome with this unique feeling
a reminder through my whole body
that I really really fucking like being around her
and I just want to be around her again
a feeling exactly like seriously craving a certain drug which you haven’t done for a day or so, but its less physical pain and more feeling emotion through a sense of weakness in your  body
 i wont tonight because i might not be thinking straight
but im considering just talking to my friend about it
and trying to see her again
and i want her to like me, but authenticity is important
but i wouldnt want them to set me up
and honestly i dont think she wants any of this
even if she did date me it’d probably be for 3 days and she’d move on
and she is the kind of girl I’d be friends with
but I really don’t consider people like her as anything more
she liked blink 182 and generic pop rock
i didnt even care about that
you can like whatever you like, but a part of my interest is usually dictated by that
i just liked her more
simply because I was learning more about her
and my god
I would fucking hate anybody who was talking like me right now
I will get over her. 
but for now I’m enjoying hearing her voice as I sleep
I think it happens to most people, it almost always happens to me after doing ecstasy 
the next few nights have mild hallucinations 
kind of abstract and psychedelic 
rarely scary but I have had very very fearful nights of paranoia a few days after in the past
they’re mainly voices
its like certain phrases keep being replayed in your ears over and over
not thought out but heard
like theyre really there
and you know theyre not there
but you feel as if these people are really around you
and youre in the same place
and you dont question it at all
you believe they are there
and its not imposing, it doesnt raise any questions. you’re physically in your bedroom but you look around, you hear them, youre really in the place you were the other night
and eventually when youre really drifting off
it becomes lucid visual
and you see them but you also dont
and its just certain things being replayed
and it has the potential to turn into a bad trip but its mostly pleasant and soothing
and I can still hear her voice
I still hear my friends and his girlfriends
but I hear hers too
I love it
I don’t want it to go away
I cant think of what she says
well theres one phrase
and again it makes absolutely no fucking sense
shes just a completely regular fucking girl, with her own interests and experiences
some we share. some we dont
and i met her fucking once, spent one night high with her. we didnt even kiss. hugged once
she didnt express any interest
didnt show any signs of it
and my heart feels fucking weak
and my body is released with, is it endorphins? 
it feels like when something release endorphins
an opiate effect.
im going to see her again
i wish my brain could take that in
so it will stop distracting me with thoughts of her at this crucial part of the year
the version of me from a year ago would feel disgusted by these posts
and I’m sorry, old me
I’ll always be me
ill feel that same way about love again
i dont know what this is
i think im physically dependent on codeine again
and that might have influenced me being sick before
i took some when i got off the bus but it didnt change much
im going to go cold turkey anyway
i was planning on taking some at a gig but i begged kek, bargained to not be sick until im off the bus
and i made a sort of deal that i will sacrifice taking codeine at the gig
then bargained some more and said id stop
idk if it was them who helped me 
but a deal is a deal
and it will still be a fucking good show
would probably love it more if I was high though
im gonna have to forget that
and I feel sick again
im going to wash my hair and sleep
I started college today
I got up at 6am, and I would’ve made it on time but I was almost sick on the bus ride.
I didn’t want that to be my first impression so I went home.
I think it’s because of the weekend. I don’t take alcohol very well, even a little. Or cigarettes. I just get migraines from anything slightly unhealthy. 
I think its more of a delayed hangover/comedown though. 
If the pills are 200mg each, I did roughly 700-900mg of MDMA on over two different days.
I started one day, rested the next and continued the day after that.
to some thats a lot. 
To others it’s a milestone they’re way past. 
It’s the most I think I’ve done in that timeframe though though. 
I’m still very tired after sleeping through the afternoon and very weak. 
I want to make it tomorrow but I don’t think I will. 
It’s a shame. I want to ace the first project and make a good first impression. 
I told them I get ill a lot, they should understand but I think they’ll be suspicious that I just happen to be seriously ill on the first day
especially after talking about how much better I am compared to the start of the year in the interview
Now im going to think of a personal tag for her,
one memorable that isnt her name
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