taxkha · 4 months
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"Don't mess it up."
"Oh, shush. I won't."
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stemmmm · 3 months
saved a caterpillar on the sidewalk!
good end: it was a rare or endangered species!
bad end: it was super invasive and should have been killed on the spot!
TRUE END: i cannot find it on google
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bookcub · 4 months
finally started loveless by alice oseman, which is often considered THE ace book of all time and so far i am vibing with the rep but plot wise i am not quite feeling it
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mag-lore · 1 month
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✷Elrond x Celebrían✷
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bungouchronicles · 2 months
Who's gonna take care of Aya now that she's lost both of her dads on the same day!? I know it sure isn't gonna be her bio dad!!
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crepegosette · 1 year
hima about latin america/central asia/africa/caribbean
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hima about ships, roman emperors, and micronations no one even knows about
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at soccer practice earlier one of my teammates said "i have a friend who identifies as a girl its kinda weird but whatever" and my closeted trans ass was just kinda. standing there. and i thought you guys should hear about this
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pipinpali · 10 days
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this had in the back of my mind for like,, a day,
I needed to free my thoughts
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f4y3w00d5 · 11 months
Anything interesting happen?
I meannnnnnnnn i broke down and freaked out today?
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falldogbombsthemoon · 4 months
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Bowies in the first Zoolander movie
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Haven't watched the movie yet, but I believe to have seen that scene
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toopunkrockforshul · 24 days
Have had a horrible headache all day today and I haven't gotten my room organized at all 😞
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mossmotif · 2 months
im having soo much fun with this hunter!yuuta and wolf!reader fic you guys..
like im still trying to get their dynamics down based on the few drabbles ive written for them and everything...and thinking about reader's body and monstrous traits has been so cool
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i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Hello friends!
As I said in my last post, I’m back!! Many apologies for disappearing into thin air after the last full length post in January, things just got crazy with the Spring semester. I was taking my big Writing Seminar class for my History Major, and researching and writing my big final paper (which was required to be 22-25 pages long and which I turned in at 49 pages long of course). I simply did not have the time, space, or mental capacity to devote the level of effort required for developing my original story and for the upkeep of this blog. 
And even after the semester ended, I got sidetracked by starting an internship for my major as well as starting a new part time job over the summer and the pet project of creating a website for my Aunt’s small business. Unfortunately, writing for personal enjoyment fell to the wayside for me for over half a year. But now, with a new semester kicking off, I’m back! ᕱ__ᕱ
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Some of you may be thinking, but Clementine! It’s the start of a new semester, aren’t you going to still be too busy with college for this blog? Well…yes, I will be busy with college (and all the stuff I have to do to prep for my graduation in December)! But also no, I won’t be too busy for this blog. There are a multitude of reasons for this. For example, the fact that I’ve been cracking down on my procrastination habits over the past year and have been seeing some improvement, or the fact that I am only taking four classes this semester. But the main reason I will for sure have the time to devote to this blog and my personal creative writing again is thus: it’s become an assignment for one of my classes again! 
(Hello again, Professor M! You’ll be sick of me and my rambles by the end of the semester I promise. ᕱ__<)
I won’t bore y’all with the details but basically I’ll be picking up right where I left off with this blog, except this time I’m going to: 
#1 -  Try to be more active on this account that just my weekly posts for class. (I finally downloaded tumblr onto my phone so I should be able to partake in some doom scrolling on here as well as instagram lol.)
And #2 - For my posts that are for class, I’m going to try to have a little more focus that I did previously. As I’ve discussed here before, worldbuilding is extremely important to me, but it is also one of the parts I dread the most about developing my original story. So, I’m using my class assignment as an excuse to force myself to do at least a little something with world building and/or the development of my original story’s magic system every week.
But, as many of you know, the best laid plans often go awry, so strap in folks. It’s gonna get interesting. (But that’s the fun part after all! ᕱ__ᕱ) Hopefully, I’ll see y’all soon!
Dot your j’s and cross your t’s!
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
Also PS. I have a writing playlist that I've made (which I will share at some point) and the song that inspired it was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AUn3kNda0k
It's so beautiful and awesome and epic that I just had to share! That's all. ᕱ__ᕱ
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colosseumofblahaj · 3 months
i'm in a car blasting songs trying to work out which work with cosplay plans i have, interspersed with the occasional episode of Wolf 359 and TMA/TMAGP
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help we moved all the furniture into the new house today and i am in so much pain
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memoryyong · 10 months
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Shout out to my mom for the early Chanukah present! She knows how much of a nerd I am lol
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