#the near fainting sometimes when I wake up and move
xysidhequeen · 2 years
Me: The migraines are getting better! :D
The Migraines: No the fuck we are not
Me, in pain: They’re. Getting. Better.
The Migraines: Suffer
Me: If I say it enough, it'll be true
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starchaserwrites · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic / march 15: use / word count: 456
"Regulus? Please don't hang up!,” the person on the other end of the line says as soon as he picks up the call. “I know you told me you never wanted to hear from me again, but I really need to hear your voice," It's three in the morning and the incoming call dragged him out of the peaceful sleep he was having.
A moment passes and the man continues with an abnormal speech rhythm. "Well, if you don't want to say anything just listen. I miss you incredibly much… and I know I need to move on, but how could I look away now that I've seen you?" there is the faint sound of clinking glasses and laughter. "I think I'm starting to forget things about you that I never thought I'd have to forget. I can't remember which of the bookshops near your flat you like best, or what brand of pencils you prefer to use," a hint of anguish and despair creeps in at the end of the sentence.
"Oh, by the way your favorite black hoodie is still here, I didn’t forget about it! It still smells vaguely of you and sometimes I wake up thinking that you'll be on the other side of the bed and that this will all have been a bad dream. Please come get it whenever you want, it would be more than nice to see you.
“Anyway, I'm surprised you're so quiet and haven't insulted me yet, I hope it's a sign that you're not so angry anymore. It hurts me every moment we are apart, and if you forgive me I promise I won't fail you ever again… I'm so sorry and I love you." the sound of sobs fills the line.
"Hey, do yourself a favour and never call this number again or you will regret it." James Potter answers in a steady voice.
The caller audibly gasps. “Wha— who are you? Where is Reggie?”
“I’m his boyfriend, that’s all you need to know,” the arm around his waist pulls him closer. “If you ever call again, I won’t be this calm, be warmed.”
"James, who is it?" asks a sleepy Regulus as he snuggles closer to his chest.
James is more than fed up with the pathetic speech, but he ends the call with a pleased smirk when Regulus' ex starts to protest after hearing his voice.
"Wrong number." 
It's the fourth time this month that the ex-boyfriend who cheated on Regulus has called. James and Regulus are not together (at least not yet), but after seeing him torn to pieces after the break-up, James refuses to let the bastard hurt him anymore.
Wrapping Regulus in his arms they go back to sleep.
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wannabeschyulersister · 5 months
so long, chicago
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Without the warmth of your things in the apartment, it looked sad and cold. The boxes that you packed were stacked along the hallway. Movers were scheduled to help you in the next hour.
Your belongings would be traveling across the country with you following.
After one last sweep of the apartment to make sure you weren’t forgetting anything, you stood at the large bay window facing the city. A city that you once considered home.
You’d miss Chicago. You’d miss the people that you’d met. The connections that you formed. The memories. The laughter.
The sound of the front door opening snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned and saw Carmen walk in. You didn’t expect for him to be home anytime soon. You’d hoped that you could avoid the last interaction.
“Hey.” You said softly.
He nodded, “I thought you’d be halfway outta town by now.”
“The movers should be here any minute.”
Carmen took off his coat and placed it on the right hook near the door. Yours would normally go on the left but it was currently sitting on top of one of your suitcases.
“Richie said you stopped by the restaurant last night.”
“Yeah, I wanted to tell him goodbye.”
“I guess that’s nice.”
“You guess?”
“What do you expect for me to say, (Y/n)? I love that you’re abandoning me and everyone you’ve met here?”
“Abandoning you?” You couldn’t believe that he really said that.
“We’ve been together for six fuckin’ years! One day you wake up and realize you don’t want to be with me anymore out of the fuckin’ blue!”
“Out of the blue?,” you raised your voice, “Carmen, I dreaded making that decision for months! You were so out of touch that you didn’t even realize that we had stopped acting like a couple long before I ending things.”
Carmen chuckled bitterly, “That’s not true.”
You hadn’t planned on leaving on ugly terms with Carmen. If anything, you wanted it to be civil. You were huge parts of each other’s lives. Under all of the pain and heartbreak, there was love.
“I was the only person trying in this relationship. You would get home at one or two in the morning and I’d try waiting around just so we can have a conversation after not seeing each other all day. I planned date nights and tried to pry you out of that kitchen to notice that I was practically falling apart at the seams!” You confessed. It hurt you that he hadn’t even noticed.
“Relationships are hard! That why you have to make them work!” Carmen was visibly upset at how the conversation was going.
“I was the only one fighting for this, Carmen! When was the last time you bought me flowers or texted me to see how my day was going? I barely even heard an ‘I love you’.”
“I do love you. So much that I don’t want you to go and move to San Diego. You belong here with me and- and with your friends. People that care about you!”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough. I’m tired, Carmen. Tired of feeling like I don’t mean shit to you. I need to be with someone that wants to be with me. I want someone that won’t make me feel alone when we are together.”
Carmen closed the space between you two. It was the closest he’d been to you in days. He still smelled of the cologne that you bought him for Christmas with a faintness of the cigarette he must’ve smoked before.
“I thought we’d spend the rest of our lives together.” He said softly.
“If you thought so, then why aren’t we married? I’ve had friends in shorter relationships that have taken the next step. I’ve waited for so long for you to ask me to be your wife and every anniversary that passes, I know that it’s not going to happen. I don’t want to leave. I really loved living here. This felt like home more than any place I’ve lived in, but I can’t stay here.”
“I’ve been a fuckin’ selfish asshole. I’m sorry. You don’t know how sorry I am. Please, I’ll make things up to you. I’ll change.”
“And when things get hard? When you get busy and stressed at the restaurant, then what? It goes back to how things were? I can’t put myself through that. I can’t take that chance.” It killed you seeing him so upset but when you broke up with him, it was like you could breathe again.
You were becoming the person that you used to be. You didn’t want to sacrifice yourself for someone else that didn’t give you the time of day.
Three knocks to the front door made you step away from Carmen. You opened the door and saw the movers with a dollie and a couple of extra boxes.
“Excuse me.” You felt Carmen grab his coat and brush past you. Part of you wanted to chase him down and wrap your arms around him. You didn’t want the last image you had of him to be so hurt.
As you watched the movers grab your boxes and take them down to the awaiting truck, you grabbed the letter that you wrote for Carmen. You planned to leave it on the kitchen counter.
You didn’t know if he’d even read it. Maybe he would rip it up into tiny pieces. Maybe he would read it over and over again.
It wasn’t up for you to wonder. You were at peace with your decision and that’s all that mattered.
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hihello-pinky · 6 months
Sight (4)
Suna Rintarou x F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintarou had to learn this the hard way.
WARNINGS: descriptive smut, foul language, implied multiple rounds of sex
WC: 2.7k
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
Here's part 4! As usual, thank you for waiting for the update. This is quite a short chapter and you can treat it as an extended calm before the storm.
Spoiler alert for the next part: that's where all hell breaks loose HAHA (okay, maybe an exaggeration).
Kindly reblog and/or leave a comment if you liked this short update!
part one part two part three
kofi ~
If someone told you a few months ago that one morning you’d wake up to the sight of your husband watching you intently while you slept, you would have laughed at their face and dismissed them.
But alas, here you are, slowly blinking the sleep away from your eyes as you make out Rintarou’s face. You half expect him to turn away and pretend he wasn’t watching you but to your surprise, he only raises an eyebrow at you. “Morning”.
You try to sit up but immediately groan as your body protests in pain. Rintarou chuckles a little as he offers help. “Too sore?”
“And whose fault is that?” You retort as you let him help you while at the same time trying to hide your blushing face, knowing that you’re miserably failing.
Rin hums before replying with a smirk. “I definitely wasn’t the one who sugggested for more…”
Your eyes widen before you playfully swat his hands away. He laughs again, the sound foreign to your ears not but unwelcome. You silently hope you’ll be able to hear it a lot more often soon. “Rintarou!”
The two of you are interrupted by the sound of incessant knocking on your bedroom door. It prompts you to look at the clock. “Oh my god, it’s late!”
Rintarou tilts his head to the side. “It’s Saturday though?”
Before you can answer, the sound of your kids’ concerned voices rings through the door. “Mom? Dad? Where are you… We’re scared.”
You hear a muffled groan from your husband as he pulls away from you and you hastily get yourself prepared.
Suna watches as you cook pancakes for breakfast. He can hear the kids playing in the living room, the sound of the cartoons they had insisted to “watch” playing in the background.
“Is it not tiring?”
You send him a curious glance before returning your attention to the pan. “Cooking?”
“All the house work,” he clarifies as he moves from the kitchen island to join you near the stove. “You never tried to ask if we could hire a new helper when Jiri left.”
He feels you tense a bit once he’s standing close to you. “I like doing all the work.”
“Still, a little help would have been nice, right?”
He’s surprised when you turn to him, an outstretched hand holding a spatula. With a smile, you tell him, “Not from a stranger.
Suna reluctantly takes the tool from you and you laugh a liittle. “You don’t know how to cook?” He feels sheepish as he nods. You purse your lips. “Okay. Maybe you can help with other chores.”
As you try to take the spatula back from him, Suna softly grasps your hand. The action surprises even him.
“What?” He tries to conceal a smirk as he notices the faint blush beginning to color your face.
“I’d like it if we spend a few hours every week where you teach me the ways around the kitchen.”
“I’m not really good at cooking. Why don’t you ask Osamu instead?”
Suna gives you a rather mischievous smile as he maneuvers your hands so that the spatula is placed on the counter. Your fingers are intertwined, his wedding ring digging into yours “I’m not married to Osamu, why would I want to spend time in the kitchen with him?”
“Grandpa, Grandma, Mommy and Dad almost burned the kitchen!” You watch as Risa. runs towards her grandmother’s open arms while Ryuu runs to his grandfather.
Rintarou’s mother sends you a curious look and before you can respond, he goes to her and kisses her on the cheek. “We just got pre-occupied.”
The statement makes Rintarou’s mother let out an excited squeal as she beams at you. “Are we going to expect some good news soon?”
You instantly blush, realizing what she was implying. “T-That’s not…"
“Honey,” Your father-in-law says as your husband hands him the kids’ bags. “Don’t embarrass them like that.”
The statement reminds you that over the past years, the two of you have somehow managed to convince Suna’s parents that after the forced marriage, you were able to actually work out together as a couple. Though you wonder how stories of Rin’s numerous affairs manage to evade them.
You go and give goodbye hugs to your children. “You two behave, okay?”
Ryuu nods and smiles at you, his smile very similar to his father’s. “Yes, Mommy. Risa is the one who doesn’t behave.”
Your daughter’s protests die down as you plant a kiss on the top of her head. “Shh, Risa. Don’t listen to your brother’s teasing.”
Rintarou laughs a little as he ruffles the kids’ hairs one after the other. “Don’t give your grandma and grandpa headaches, okay?”
“Okay, Dad!"
As soon as Rin’s parents and the kids drive off, you’re left alone with him. “I should probably go do laundry…”
“Do you need help?” He asks as he shuts the front door.
“Not really…”
A small smile finds its way to your lips. “But if you want to help, I’m not gonna stop you.”
When you let Rintarou help you in doing the laundry, you weren’t expecting that it wouldn’t be the only thing he’d be… doing. You can barely recall the things leading to your current predicament: you seated on top of the washing machine as Rin slowly thrusts into you.
“Shit,” he curses against your ear hotly. “This feels so good.”
Your grip on his bicep tightens at the pleasure coursing through your body. “Rin, I’m almost there.”
At your words, his movements speed up. His heavy pants not helping you hold back your release. You tighten around him and just as you reach your orgasm, Rin thrusts harder. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna cum.”
Groans and heavy breathing reverberate in the laundry room as you’re both trying to recover from your orgasms.
He’s the one who catches his breath first. “I’m gonna pull out, okay?”
Too exhausted to come up with a reply, you only nod your head. However, the drag of his cock as he pulls out makes you whine in sensitivity and you reach out to his arm to try to slow him down.
“Fuck, sorry.” You close your eyes as you feel your mixed liquids beginning to slip out. Neither of you try to wipe them.
Rin breaks the silence before it can fully take place. “I have a question.”
“How come you never got pregnant despite the times I fucked you in the last four years?”
Despite your current position, his question still makes you blush. You only mutter one word. “Contraceptives.”
He’s quiet for a while. “I see.”
For the rest of the day, Rintarou helped you in doing the house chores. But for every time you finish one task, you somehow find yourself doing some sort of… intimate act with him.
“Listen, I’m happy to hear that you’re both spending more time together,” Sacha says over the phone. “But it’s concerning me that all you do is have sex. Do you two even talk?”
You’re currently propped against your bed while Rin is in the shower. You look at the door to the bathroom before turning back to your phone screen, where Sacha is currently doing her night skincare routine. “We do talk… just about regular stuff.”
Even through Facetime, you can hear the deep sigh from your friend. “That’s not good. At all.”
You know it as well but truth be told, you’re scared to initiate deep or serious talks with your husband, the last time being when you asked him for divorce. “I’m aware but I don’t know how to bring it up. What if he decides to block me out again?”
Sacha gently taps the moisturizing cream on her cheek for better absorption. “Then this resolve of him trying to make your marriage work is a big fucking joke. Make sure to call him out.”
It’s your turn to let out a deep sigh. “Okay. I’ll try to find the perfect time to bring it up.”
In the background, you hear the shower turning off. “I’ll be hanging up now, ‘Cha. Talk to you again soon.”
“Sure, dear. And see you soon?”
“Yeah, see you soon.”
Sacha waves through the screen and makes a kissy face. “Bye! Love you!” You smile at your friend as you faintly hear the sound of the bathroom door opening.
“Love you too, bye!”
As the call ends, you feel Rintarou looking at you. You meet his gaze. “What is it?”
He blinks, as if only now realizing that he was staring. “Nothing,” he replies as he makes his way across the room to retrieve clothes.
Just like the night before, you try your hardest not to watch him, ignoring the way droplets of water slide from the tips of his hair down to his nape.
You try to break the silence that was starting to take over the room. “How was today? Doing chores with me?”
You can tell your question surprises him and you can’t even blame him. In your attempt to make small talk, that was the first thing that popped into your mind.
Suna pulls a gray tank top over his head as he wears sweats. He walks over to you after he drapes his towel against the chair by the vanity. “Fun, I guess.”
He stops at the edge of the bed, still standing, and cocks his head to the side as if daring you to ask him more questions. You decide to take the challenge. “Which parts were fun?”
Rintarou’s answer is immediate. “Spending time with you.”
In response, you can already feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, especially since the next question is already leaving your mouth. “You mean the part where we have sex?”
You half expect him to laugh, his lips curving into his signature smirk. Instead, he looks into your eyes seriously. “No. I meant the part where you were telling me what you usually do and showing me how I can help. I liked watching the way your brows furrow in concentration and the way your lips pout when you’re trying to think of how to explain stuff to me.”
He retains the eye contact as he finishes talking. When you don’t respond, he finally moves again and joins you on the bed. “Y/N.”
Your breath hitches as Suna comes closer. “Y-Yes?”
“We need to talk.”
You nod slowly, still processing what’s currently happening.
Rin shakes his head. “That’s not talking.”
You clear your throat. “Okay.” A long inhale. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Us.” His hand moves to hold yours but at the last second, he pulls back, putting it at his side instead. “I meant it when I told you weeks ago that I want to make our marriage work. But it’s not just about us not fighting anymore and being on good terms. It’s not just about me stopping with my cruel treatment of you from before.
“Do you know what the hardest part was for me for the past years? Fighting my attraction to you. What I’m trying to say is, I actually want a relationship with you, not just have marriage as merely a label.”
You open your mouth to speak but he puts a finger against it. “Let me finish, please?” The pleading look in his eyes, partnered with the gentleness with which he put his finger against your lips, urges you to nod in agreement.
“I know I was a horrible person to you. I took advantage of you when you were drunk because I was young and stupid and rebellious. Actually, I think I’m still stupid because when we were forced to get married, I threw away the chance of making it up to you and still treated you harshly. Instead of apologizing, I resented you because I thought you were taking away from me my freedom.
“And that’s fucked up because I was the one who took everything away from you. So, really. I don’t think I can ever apologize enough for everything I put you through. In fact, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But if you ever decide to forgive me and give me a chance to make it up to you, I would cherish it.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N, and I’m not just pertaining to your physical appearance. You have a beautiful heart and soul, you’re a beautiful person who does not deserve everything that happened to you because of me. I’m sorry, I don’t think I will ever stop apologizing to you. But still, I want to have another real chance with you.
“I’ve been denying my attraction to you for years and I’m now tired of running away. I want to know you more, Y/N. And in return, I want you to know me as well. Will you give us a chance?”
Surely, he must be able to hear the loud thumping of your heart. You’re at a loss of words. This is the most he has ever spoken to you.
Suna looks at you gently. “You don’t have to answer right away.”
You know that, but still, you reach for his hand on the bed. “When I was younger and read stories of people giving second chances, I always got frustrated. Why would they risk getting hurt by the same person again? I told myself I would never make the same decisions as them.”
He adjusts your hands so that he can rub his thumb against your palm. His eyes do the talking for him. “Go on.”
“Yet, look at me. Weeks ago, I agreed to give our marriage a chance. And just now… I want to tell you that I feel the same about wanting to start over again. I want us to get to know each other more.
“I don’t know what’s next to come, if we’ll even have a happy ending. But I want to take the risk with you, Rin.”
Your eyes meet his and the sincerity in them almost makes you tear up. You remain with locked eyes until finally, he says, “I’m glad. Thank you, Y/N.”
What he does next makes your heart pound against your chest. He leans forward, his breath warm against your face as he squeezes your still intertwined hands. You feel your cheeks heat up as his lips touch your forehead.
Rintarou leans back and gives you a soft smile. “Let’s go to sleep?”
Still flustered from his sudden forehead kiss, you can only respond with a nod.
Suna has always been an early riser. As a student, the habit paid off a lot as it allowed him to have ample time for academics and volleyball. As a young adult, it was useful when it came to escaping from awkward morning-after conversations with his one night stands.
Now, he’s beginning to discover another appreciation for his body clock. Similar to the day before, waking up before you gives him time to observe your features.
You look peaceful when asleep.
Now that the denial of his attraction to you is thrown out the window, it seems to Suna that he can’t get enough of you. Your soft, steady breathing and the serene look on your face tugs at his heart.
The feeling of wanting to protect you from anything that can potentially hurt you almost makes him scoff at himself. After all, he was the one that hurt you in the past few years.
If he wants to protect you from pain, he really should just distance himself from you. But Suna knows that he’s a selfish person. So, he’ll take another route instead: change and improve himself. Be someone who won’t hurt you; someone worthy to stay at your side.
It’s the determination that came to him last night, when he had closed his eyes trying to go to sleep, basking in the warmth of your body beside him.
For all the years of taking you for granted, Suna vowed to himself that from now on, he’s going to cherish every moment he spends with you.
taglist (lmk if you wanna be added or if you changed your user): @warrior-of-justice @alisa--things @wolffmaiden @kurookinnie @simp-nerd-16  @alex-is-100 @k4g3hika @harukaaaaa172993 @themoonreflectsthesun  @lvjycrow @cantbedenied @sweetlikerockcandy @sirimiripetrichor @yamiakari-chi  @noideawhothatis @nervouscoffeetaco @lovemyfamily4ever-blog nervouscoffeetaco  kamukayakmonyet  yuqixidle ieathairs  cantbedenied  gariben  beomeomgyu  esmeisdrunk-blog  123j456l  iluv-ace  semitje @justablogforreblogs @alienvarmint @itohsi @tamimemo @mshope16 @jeonsfizz @syndyj @susuarin @ssc7514 @tkooooop @lialoveskaisersomuch @dilucsleftshoelace @bakingcuriosity
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mya-jaa5 · 3 months
My Affection
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You were walking into your home per usual, it was a bit late since you hung out with your friends after school, while walking in your mother should’ve had dinner almost ready, your father sitting on the couch watching tv in the living room. A normal day…
Your ex boyfriend Scaramouche, he was the perfect boyfriend at first, always giving you your needs, spending time with you, calling you, you know the stuff you’d want in a relationship, you knew he was loyal…. But he was too possessive, he’s always adjusting his schedule to meet yours, it’s not a problem but sometimes you wonder and ask, he’d always get offended asking why can’t he be around you, he is your boyfriend after all… Then he started getting irritated whenever you wanted to hang out with your friends during lunch or after school. He started to get mad when you interacted with other people, it got to the point he’d get mad at you for talking to your family! Snatching your phone whenever your on a call with someone just to see who your talking too, he was getting disrespectful now…. Always telling you that you only need him, and you shouldn’t spend your time on other people but him, it’s like he expected you to actually keep up with this… He was pushing the relationship fast, too fast to your liking. So you ended it with him, it overwhelmed you.
Scaramouche didn’t take this lightly obviously, first he tried winning you over just with him, he goes up to you talking to you as if you are still together?? He even tried giving you a forehead kiss, but you kept denying him, you know better. gotta stand on business 🙎🏽‍♀️
This makes him mad, why are you being so stubborn? it’s not like he cheated on you, why are you acting like this? You don’t even want his kisses? You even started ignoring him.. how dare you, who do you think you are?
Raging thoughts cloud Scaramouche each time he makes an effort to get you back, only to get nothing. 
He needed to show you he wants you back, he starts following you to convince you to get back together with him, he did it multiple times at school, and he started doing it outside of school! Even when your out with your parents when your alone for a moment he just suddenly comes up to you… it’s like he’s everywhere….
A few days ago you were talking to your friends, Scara walked over and pulled you from your friends conversation, took you to a far away tree behind the school and he started threatening you, telling you if you didn’t get back together with him he’d kill your family, and kidnap you, that he’s tired of playing these “games” with you. All while getting in your face to prove his point.
This was crazy, you pushed him off of you and told him off, telling him you’ll never get back with him and to fuck off.
You walked off angry.
But truthfully, he was furious, outraged even. 
This scared you but you never took him serious , what causes someone to say this…?
You close your front door, went you take off your shoes. When you walk in you instead hear silence, you set you bag down near the hallway and head to the kitchen, you don’t see your mom? Maybe she’s at the store..? Weird… Nothing made, nothing was touched, you walk toward the living room seeing a red splash on the side wall, confused you get to the living room you see your parent dead, slaughtered, massacred, murdered.
You stare wide eye silent for about 30 seconds, then screaming and dropping to the floor crying, you take out your phone to call 911, while trying to check if your parents are okay, getting blood all over your hands and shirt… But you start to feel faint, seeing a purple smoke appear in the room, soon your knocked unconscious….
You start to wake up…. “Where am i…?” you think to yourself, you hear water droplets, and slight moving, your in water? warm water… it’s quiet relaxing, slowly you open your eyes… The bathroom is mesmerizing, it’s a blue and white marble wall paper and it has dim lights, much to your liking… Which is weird…
“oh… your finally up..?”
you get startled, scara was bathing with you?
“You smell so nice… i missed you y/n…”
He kissed your neck tenderly while his hands crept up to your boobs massaging both of them, he chuckled feeling your arch a bit.
“Calm down im just washing you…”
“Shut up… don’t touch me!” 
You try to move away but your still weak? You can barely lift up your arm, you can only really stay on scara…
He stops kissing your neck and instead reaches one of his hands for a scrub, taking some coconut scented body wash and gently washing your skin. You frown at this, why is he taking care of you, if only he knew how much he irritated you… Him still slightly caressing you’re other boob…
“This is our first time…. Taking a bath together, i’ve always looked forward to doing this with you.”
Scaramouche confessed, which angered you.
you decide to stay silent, he doesn’t deserve your words or attention.
“That day i threatened you, you left your phone on the bench. You know i think it’s cute you still have my birthday as your password..”
Your surprised…. That means he.. That’s why he threatened you that day…?
Scara chuckles feeling you tense. 
“What i don’t think is cute is that you were texting another guy, really y/n? Did you really think you were gonna to move on? He’ll never be able to handle you.. Why would you ever leave me…”
He continued to wash you though a little rougher and fast… He was clearly getting angry… Your definitely not going to worsted the situation by barking back… Choosing to stay silent you wait for what he’ll say next…
“You weren’t understanding, i’ve did everything for you, i’ve only ever looked out for you, and this is how i get treated? You were supposed to come back with me the first time i asked you, but you so stubborn and let it escalate to this..”
He lets go of the scrub and it floats on top of the water, he grips your waist and turns you around, when you look at him he looks mad, your nervous. 
He brings his hand to your cheek caressing it
“Your staying here for now on, you can’t go out anymore, you have to prove your obedience if you want to live a normal life, to finish school, you know.”
what? you can’t sit here and not say anything.
“G-Get away! You killed my parents! And you think i would-“
“Get over it. Your parents are dead they lived a pathetic life” Scara coldly said.
You sharply inhale, how dare he? He doesn’t understand how much you loved them. Soon you feel your eyes tear up.
Scara rolls his eyes “You’ll get over it”
He looks at you and slightly smirks.
“You know i’ve never seen you cry before… Your eyelashes are pretty long, you cry a lot?”
Its like he’s taunting you. 
“Hey hey it’s a joke don’t cry more… Listen if your worried it not gonna hurt you..”
he got closer to you, sorta sitting in your lap, looking down on you.
“Its been a while since we did anything intimate…”
Really? He’s bringing up being intimate? He clearly doesn’t take you serious. 
“no i’m mourning, don’t rush me”
you heard him make a “tch” sound, instead he placed his head on your shoulder. and wrapped his arms around your waist 
“fine i wont…”
Its silent… 
“i missed you… i missed this”
You wanna make a big sigh, maybe it’ll make him drown you.
Trying to think back how normal your life was before, wondering if you took it for granted, and got this for being selfish or wanting more… Missing your dear parents… Wondering if all those times you spent being mean to them was worth it. You stare at the water lost in thought just wondering what will happen now your in this situation. knowing you can’t escape it. Or Scara…
Moments pass and your pulled out your thoughts as he suddenly gets up, he gets out the tub and puts a towel around his waist.
Its not like he’s not hot, but he’s a bad person, and this is a pretty fucked up situation, anyways you didn’t look at him as he got out, wanting to give him privacy despite him going through your phone while you two weren’t together…
“Be ready for dinner at 12:30, your outfit is picked out already, we’re eating your favorite” 
he saids while washing his face in the sink.
You nod and he takes your answer and leaves the bathroom… You don’t feel as weak anymore, so you get out and dry yourself, what time is it? And why is dinner so late? Whatever, you wonder what type of clothes he got you…
To your surprise it’s fresh new clothes he bought you. Its just a simple matching shirt and shorts, he also got you basic white garments, with a tiny pink ribbon bot in the middle of both the clothing, it’s cute. just to your liking… Which is weird, he knows a lot about you more than yourself… Anyways you brush your teeth wash your face, your ready… you got this for sure, what could go bad ?
ermmm end 😝 ? or maybe part 2 👻
i’m good at writing and coming up w good story’s but when it’s like i actually gotta wrote a part2 or sum it just be like what am i gon come up w next, this story is kidna random but lmk if y’all like it 💃🏽 no specific age i’m just going by mine. proofread but not at the same time
also idk what title i should make this 😭?
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christinarowie332 · 9 months
whatever you say
matt sturniolo x reader
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he wants her , she wants him gone
warnings : suggestive, will have multiple parts .
as i make my way through the dark house , i feel the cold floor against the skin on my feet , it aches to the point of my steps quickening as i make my way towards the bathroom . it’s near matthews bedroom so i try and be quiet , not wanting to wake him up and be stuck in a conversation , or for him to see me looking so disheveled due to my lack of sleep . as i pass his door slowly i hear faint sounds of gravity falls playing on his tv , fashioning a small smile on my face as i roll my eyes at his immaturity sometimes.
i make my way into the bathroom, switching on the light to see myself in the mirror . my shorts hanging off my hips and my tank top rested against my bare chest. i look good . after staring at myself in the mirror for a little bit too long , i wrap my hair in my fist , pulling the strands away from my face before wrapping a bobble around it .
grabbing matt’s face wash , i pump it into my hand and turn the tap on with my wrist , feeling the cold water splash on my bare stomach as i lean over the sink . lathering the soap in my hands , i feel the softness against my palms , the cold water rolling down my forearms as i rub the soap over my face. after rinsing my face again i take a breath , washing my face instantly refreshing me and making my nose run slightly , the cold air making its way into my lungs , stinging my nose slightly. after wiping my face with a towel , i grab the handle of the door , attempting to press it down but my face scrunches up at it going down on its own , the door opening independently.
i’m met with matt’s hair , his eyes towards the floor as he rubs his hands against his face . he meets my eyes and flinches slightly , not expecting to be met with someone else on the other end of the door . my eyes move down to his bare chest , his collarbones flexing as he takes a suprised breath , his muscles tensing as his hand moves to cross his arms . “hey” his voice is raspy and deeper from lack of use , his lips turn into a smirk as he notices me still looking at his body subconsciously , before flicking towards his face as he speaks.
“sorry” i mumble before attempting to walk past him in the doorway , his hand reaches on front of me , leaning it against the door frame , blocking me from leaving the room . “where are you going?” he says . tilting his head to attempt to get me to make eye contact .
“away from you obviously” i say still trying to get past him , my efforts are in vain as he moves his body to block the doorway fully , putting his hands in the pockets of his loose pajama pants and adjusting them inside the fabric, puffing his chest slightly as he takes a step closer to me . i take a step back, becoming increasingly aware of the tension that’s rising slowly , as much as i hate to admit it , he looks good . but he of course is a dick. “oh please you love me really”
there it is .
“matt . please move . being in this close of a proximity to you is having detrimental effects to me.” i say , tilting my head , trying to keep my voice monotone as possible and keep the shakeyness at bay .
“oh yeah ? i’m having this much of an effect on you just from standing here?” he replies , taking a daring step forward , tilting his head and narrowing his eyes .
“no i mean like you make me sick , you are vomit inducing matthew , now move “ i reply , attempting to walk around him , me matches my steps , like being locked in a perfectly paced dance with him , fighting to be rid of his presence and the intoxicating smell of his cologne still on his skin . it’s only when i realise i can smell him , i also realise how close i’ve allowed him to get , i can feel the heat rolling off his chest as it heaves in front on me . a stark contrast to the cold air against my feet . he notices it too , as a small knowing smile makes its way across his features, before he takes a respectful step back into the doorway.
“you look nice like this” he says , his eyes moving over my face before attempting to move the wet hair from my forehead . in a trance i let him , before slapping his hand away as he removes it , making his lips curl upwards and a small laugh leave his nose . he looks around the room , attempting to find the reason i was in here , his eyebrows furrow at the wet towel sprawled over his sink , then the open bottle of his face wash and soap bubbles left or on the sink . he smiles and meets my eyes . the usual calculated smirks and sarcasm gone for a second , a softness in his eyes . one i haven’t seen in what could be years . it almost caught me off guard , allowed my walls i had built up to falter slightly as i allow his hand to meet my face , thumb gliding across my skin softly . his touch gentle and soothing against my cold cheeks .
almost and slightly .
i slapped his hand away as quickly as it met my face . his gaze flashing back to normal in a second. recovering quickly as he laughs under his breath . “careful” he says moving backwards again .
“what?” i breathe out ,moving towards the door slowly , my brain still fuzzy with thoughts i push away . my main goal to make those thoughts stop being getting through that door . preferably without jumping matt’s bones but with the way he’s standing right now i don’t care if i hate him i would- . ENOUGH . “what” i repeat again .
“i said careful … you almost gave up the act” he replies leaning against the door frame fully , leaving enough room for me to get past . tight squeeze but it’s enough. i need air .
“what act?” i reply, attempting to make my way past him. holding my breath as my body presses against his in the doorway , his bare chest against mine . he inhales quickly through his nose at the coldness of my skin , looking down at me through hooded eyes . he grabs my waist gently as we are both sandwiched between the archway of the open door . i ignore the feeling of his bare skin against mine , i ignore the pulsing in my ears as he looks at me intently. and i ignore the slight pressing bulge pressing against my stomach at how close were pressed against each other . the only thing i can focus on is his breath , fanning against my face . a tightness in my chest at the grip on my waist falls and he speaks again .
“the act where you pretend your not completely obsessed with me”
heyy …. hey ….. how y’all doin ……
my break lasted 20 minutes i’m so refreshed 😇
( i love a slow burn )
this is loosely based on damon salvatore and elana gilbert lowkey 🤓
@querenciasturniolo @ermdontmindthisaccount @recklesssturniolo @tackycrown @udonotknowme @urmyslxt @iheart2021chris @its-jennarose @oversturn @plasticferal @paper-crab @parkerssecrets @strniohoeee @daddyslilchickenfingers @freshlovehacker @flowerxbunnie @kiarastromboli @kenzieiskoolaid @kvtie444 @loveesiren @lustfulslxt @lunarsturniolo @chrisenthusiast @cabincorematt @bluesturniolo333 @biimpanicking @nickenthusiast @mattslolita @mattsbratt @mangosrar @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @chrisolivia4l @slut4chr1s @fredswh0re
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crispys-records · 3 months
travis is the whipped one in any ship hes in but i like to imagine hes especially whipped in zanvis.
like here he is pining for this hot emo freak with the most gorgeous eyes and beautiful laugh and he looks good in everything but especially all black and his voice makes u swoon and (ayesha erotica anyone)
travis gains more confidence once he graduates highschool. and when he realizes that zane lives on the same street as him, hes brought back to his immature highschool days staring longingly at any hot person who doesn't want anything to do with him who passes him in the halls.
hes 14 again, leaning against the lockers and talking to his confidence coach when he gets distracted. not by a hot girl, but by the prettiest boy hes ever seen, sulking to class with a glare that would make anyone faint. he clearly doesn't want a single person to go near him. and travis, ever the unconfident one, wants a piece of that. dante thinks its for a girl. like that hot katelyn chick travis used to stare at? its gotta be her. but sometimes travis will disapear after school, and dante will find him staring at something or someone behind the bleachers and he starts to piece together that travis's type in men is INSANE.
travis never ends up mustering up the courage, but now hes an adult. hes hotter, more charismatic, better. so he waltzes right up to zane's house, knocks on his door, and totally makes a fool of himself. zane sees right through it. he'd find it endearing if he cared, but theres better things to care about than some idiot trying to cozy up with him. So travis is mostly ignored.
zane's days are filled with monotony. he wakes up, gets dressed, works for several hours, and leaves the house for one reason or another. but at some point, travis starts appearing in his point of view, forcing himself into the routine. its not wake up, work, go out, sleep anymore. its wake up, work, talk to travis, sleep. they (reluctantly) exchange numbers. now its wake up, text travis, work, talk to travis, sleep. zane starts to miss when travis isnt there, starts to relish in those moments when they talk. his pride is too much, though, so he'll insist its because travis and aphmau are friends. hes adamant that aphmau's influencing him, that he and travis get along through no fault of his own. hes a tough, emo guy who hates the sun. he couldn’t possibly like a guy as bright as one. no matter how endearing he is. no matter how much he knows they like each other.
as their friendship grows, and they start to hang out with each other exclusively, zane realizes something. travis is popular. a lot of girls, and even some guys, fall for his stupid faux confidence shtick. in a way, it makes zane feel triumphant. he knows that its all an act. he knows the real travis. but it also pisses him off, how travis doesn't even brush them off when theyre together. theyre not in any kind of relationship, not like that. but zane knows travis likes him, so why isnt he saying anything? zane thinks about it more, and realizes that oh. he likes travis too. maybe even more than he realized.
its not long before zane's infamous glare reaches the others. people learn to steer clear of travis when zane's next to him. and as travis starts to second guess himself, zane grows more confident of his and travis's future relationship that hasnt even happened yet meanwhile, travis's confidence starts to slip again. why arent people coming up to him as much? is he unattractive? how can he impress zane without fans now? he starts to postpone his confession, worrying that he isnt worthy enough of zanes love and affection.nevermind the fact that zane's been more physically affectionate. zane leans on travis's shoulder now, grabs him by the wrist and pulls him along, plays with his hair when hes bored. travis is too wrapped up in his head to even realize that he has a chance.
meanwhile, zane, realizing travis wont be making a move anytime soon, wonders if travis even likes him anymore. why wasnt he paying attention to the affection hes been giving him? why wont he say anything? a quick conversation with aphmau later, and he figures out that if he doesnt make the first move, no one will, and theyll be stuck in this limbo forever. so zane does. he says fuck it one day and asks travis if he likes him. travis panicks, thinks that zane is disgusted, starts apologizing profusely, saying he was sorry that it was so obvious and how could he bother zane like that. hes rambling, he wont shut up. zane shuts him up with a kiss. and thats his answer.
zane is cool as shit btw hes so hot. travis is this pathetic loser and probably like taller than zane and is probably the top in the relationship but zane is COOL. he kabedons travis and says cool shit and takes the lead in the relationship. HES the handsome cool boyfriend and travis is the pathetic one. zane takes TRAVIS on dates. zane is the one who the pays the check at restaurants. god i love emo boys
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emocowboylvr · 9 months
hii! would you be interested in doing a fic or headcanons about carl x narcoleptic!reader? it's just i never see it anywhere and i really struggle sometimes. you don't have to --just asking, but thank you. <3
Hi!! Yes of course. To do this i definitely had to educate myself a little further due to the fact that I only know the super basic information about narcolepsy. I'm happy to learn more and to do this for you!! (Also sorry it took so long.)
Thank you for requesting this and feel free to give me feedback and send more requests if you like this one.
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Narcolepsy is tough to have during the apocalypse.
It’s important to be constantly alert and awake, but that’s just not something you could do. You often felt drowsy, if not completely exhausted or drained, and the consistent moving, running, and fighting definitely didn’t help.
When Rick and Daryl, while out on a run, found you alone in the woods one day, they brought you back to Alexandria, where you met Carl.
Since Carl was your age, the two of you became friends very easily.
At first, it worried Carl that you were so tired during the day and he suspected that there were further problems, such as you not being able to fall asleep at Alexandria for some reason, or even the possibility of you being sick.
When you became closer, he asked questions, and you told him that you were narcoleptic, which led to a long discussion and a learning opportunity for him because he was uneducated on the topic.
Since the apocalypse started when he was so young, he is uneducated on a lot of topics concerning disorders or anything medical.
When you started dating, he tried to understand more about it, but at first was a little confused. He would recommend things that you know wouldn’t help, but you still thought it was cute that he was trying.
He never got annoyed when you’d fall asleep during the day, not even a little bit. He’d just use it as an excuse to hold you.
Carl is definitely a physical touch kind of guy, though he doesn’t like to show it in front of other people.
When he’s near the group he’ll do very subtle things, like put the side of his foot against yours or his pinky finger through your belt loop. If he’s feeling touchy that day he might hold your hand in front of everyone. But in the seclusion of the two of you he’s all over you.
But his favorite form of physical contact: getting away from everyone else and finding a comfortable spot for the two of you two lay down, where he would allow you to fall asleep on top of him, while he flips through the pages of a comic book he’s already read a thousand times.
The sound of his thumping heartbeat could be heard in one ear and the faint sound of his breathing could be heard in your other. You had always thought that it helped you sleep easier. You felt like it kept you asleep and from waking up during the night so often and you didn't have as many nightmares.
Maybe you just told yourself that because you liked when he held you.
Carl also loves to have “sleepovers”, although he hardly sleeps. He isn’t an insomniac or anything, but he often has a hard time falling asleep. He keeps himself up with his thoughts. But the weight of your body on his, and your soft skin that he would very gently caress in order to not wake you, would help him relax.
Sometimes you’d wake up after a nightmare, very visibly upset. Being narcoleptic, you had them often, and the apocalypse and your traumas from it really made it worse.
Your sudden stirring in bed would wake him from his sleep, and every time he would pull you closer to him, lazily tracing circles over your back or running his hands through your hair. He would place soft, loving kisses on your forehead or the bridge of your nose, and very groggily he’d mumble something like “Come here, it’s okay” or “Go back to sleep, I’ve got you.” Before he’d fall back asleep himself, probably before you did.
Of course, like every other capable member in Alexandria, you had to pitch in, which you didn’t mind, but you had night watch, and god was it hard to keep yourself from drifting off. It was only for half the night once a week, but still torture nonetheless. The moonlit sky and the faint wind in your ears almost lulled you to sleep. Your eyelids would feel like they weighed ten pounds and your body would just beg you to let it rest. But you fought it.
You’d force yourself to pace around or sing a song you used to love to keep yourself from falling into the drowsy temptation.
Sometimes, when Carl couldn’t sleep he’d come out there with you and talk to you, and every once in a while, you couldn’t help but lean on his shoulder and shut your eyes.
Every now and then he’d come out there to talk to you and he'd have to watch you struggle to keep yourself awake. He just couldn’t let you fight yourself to keep your eyes open so he’d sneak you inside really quickly, tuck you in, and take your shift for you, even though he’s already done his.
I really hope this is good enough, and honestly, like I said, I'm still learning about narcolepsy, so feel free to tell me anything I could do differently!!
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
30 Asks! Thank you!! :)) 🦒
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I have developed a few backstory ideas for almost all the characters, I could talk a bit about those at least! :000
First, Home. (Wally's house) Home is supposed to be a living entity with unknown intentions.. so far I haven't planned out any major ways that it interacts with anyone. Other than it watching Wally sleep at night.. the feeling is so intense and disturbing that he constantly wakes up feeling anxious..
Speaking of Wally, he's supposed to be this genuinely innocent friend of the neighborhood and he has no idea that his house is alive. Wally thinks that he just has some kind of sleeping and anxiety issues which is why he keeps waking up at night feeling afraid and uncomfortable. That's also why I always draw him with bags under his eyes and my explanation for why he talks the way he does. <XDD The poor guy cant get a good night sleep! Sometimes when his "anxiety" gets really bad he'll go crash at Barnaby's house for a night or two. For some reason he feels a lot safer there..
Speaking of Barnaby, I haven't thought too much about his backstory. But I like the idea that he's a lot like sans. XDD By that I mean he's a goofy guy but there's a lot more too his character and he's a lot more intelligent than people think he is. Barnaby is actually very aware of what's going on around him. He's the first to know when one of his neighbors isn't doing well and the first to figure out what's bothering them. Even if he's not close friends with them.
Also tacking on a last minute note on Barnaby- I like think Barnaby has lived in the neighborhood for a very long time. If not the longest. He was there to see Howdy open shop and saw Julie, Sally and Frank all move in. He was the first neighbor everyone became acquainted with and he always made everyone feel right at home. Barnaby is so friend shaped 🥺💞💞
Next is Julie. I haven't done the best job at showing it when I draw her.. but Julie is intended to kiiind'a be an amalgamation of all the neighbors. What I mean by this, is her and her sisters are naturally these huge horrible looking beasts that live in the woods. But Julie was able to slowly transform herself and modify her appearance to look more.. friendly! So that she could become a resident of the neighborhood and not scare anyone away <XDD
How she did this is she just studied the neighbors from the bushes and modeled her appearance after them. Long eye lashes like Poppy, Different colored nose like Howdy,, and since she never saw anyone else bare foot.. Little feet paws like Barnaby <XDD She kind'a kicks herself for that one. Turns out the people she was trying to mimic the most, Wally and Eddie, don't have paws for feet- But that's alright. No one really questions it!
Now Eddie is the usual interpretation I think. He was originally a real human but now he's a neighbor with no memory of who he once was.. he doesn't really remember his childhood or where he came from. He's also just generally forgetful. 😅 The only thing he consistently does right is get everyone's mail delivered right on time!
I have ideas of him having hallucinations, strange dreams or even fainting spells when he encounters something significant from his past life. I considered one of the triggers for his spells could be imagery of an orange cat. Maybe he had one as a pet in his original life? If he ever encountered one and then fainted.. he might just start telling the neighbors that he's allergic to cats.. <XD idk, I haven't fully thought that all through yet XDD
Sally is the last I'll comment on. Her story keeps changing up but I have solid ideas for her biology.
I want her to be an actual celestial being of some kind. I imagined her being a glowing star child that is always warm to the touch. She can control/dim her light pretty significantly but she can never fully go dark. So she's hard to sleep near during sleep overs <XDD
Speaking of sleep overs, I actually imagined that she doesn't need to sleep! Perhaps its like the gems from Steven Universe. She can sleep if she wants to but she doesn't need to by any means. She gets all her energy from what she eats! I also pictured her wearing what ever she wants year round! She absolutely thrives in the sunlight and her body is much stronger than the cold around her. So she can wear shorts in the winter and sweaters in the summer all she wants! Lucky gal.. <XDD
I have some ideas for the other neighbors, but this is already a wall of text. Maybe next time <XDD
Perhaps I should go back sometime and draw these guys again :00 At least get around to redesigning Sally and Julie, it could be fun! :}}
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XDDD AAAA IDK!! Its been a while since I've thought about him! XDD
Hmm let me think... well, He's a loyal and devoted servant of the king and his family. Almost to the extent you'd wonder if he's been brainwashed or cursed..
I've haven't thought too much about his backstory or how he came to be in the position of power that he's in.. But I do have some ideas floating around for how me may interact with some of the Koopalings. :00
The main idea I had in mind was Morton coming to him and voicing and insecurity of some kind, putting himself down in the process. perhaps he said it absentmindedly.. but Commander was quick to defend him, bowing at his feet "Who dared to speak to my Lord in this way? With your command, I shall have their head!" Upon explaining that no, no one said that to him.. he just feels that way.. Commander has a talk with him that boosts his confidence. Not sure what exactly the insecurity could be.. perhaps Mortons appearance? <:0
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(In response to this post)
Aww! I love those names!! :DD Though I don't know if its just me, but I feel like the names should be swapped? <XD Idk- the plup roly poly feels more like a Bernard than a Diego to me. But I totally agree withy them having Tea on Tuesdays! XDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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<XDD Sorry you had to scroll so far to find Octonauts- but I'm glad you liked what you saw! :))
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@lolzwaitwhat (Love your username XDD)
They will be forever confused yet grateful. 🥺🥺💞💞💞
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I'm still open for suggestions! And I don't get as many as people seem to think I do.. 😅 also thank you! I'll do my best! <XD
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(Referencing this post)
As for the canvas size, yeahh, for the pixel stuff the canvas's are absolutely tiny. That first dragon drawing is on like a 300-300 canvas. If I were to post it as is it would be really small if you tried to view it. Soooo I just copy/pasted and blew the image up to like 800/800. Its a lil blurry but that's okay <XDD
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XDD Thank you! Man its been years since I've done an OC trade..
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Oh wow.. neotony.. that's so interesting! I learned something new today! :00 And yeah! Perhaps it could be! :0000
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*snimfle...* ..am I weewy yow favowite? 🥹💞💞💞 fank you!!
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Its cool to hear that you wanna try FireAlpaca! Though I warn you, it can be a but buggy/wonky at times! <XDD It takes some time to learn how to work around its quirks <XD
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I have not heard of it, no.. but upon Googling it, I love the art style! :))
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Do I like Jax? Personally I think he's pretty funny, but he's hard to like because he's such a jerk. <XD Although I'm not totally set in my opinions on him. I know there's a lot of angst going on behind the scenes that probably helps to explain his behavior.. I'm sure once we see that backstory- if we ever do, I'll like him a lot more :))
My opinion on the FNAF movie is it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. :00 My favorite parts were the inclusion/intended inclusion of MatPat, Markiplier and other Youtubers. I also FLIPPED OUT when Bonnie was the first to move. Just like the game! And it recreated that initial horror so well XDD Overall I'd say 7/10, WOULD watch it again! :))
My FNAF AU has been shelved hard. 😔 I've been battling health problems for almost a year now. I don't have the strength to comfortably sit at my desktop PC long enough to work on those comics right now.. All these recent posts of mine have been drawn from the couch on this old laptop, where I don't have access to any of my FNAF stuff from my main PC.. its been rough man. 😔
The cookie crew is doing well! I've actually been thinking about drawing them again soon.. 👀
The Factual fam is the same! Doing great, thinking I might draw them again soon! :))
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Awe, thank you!! I've thought about making some kind of merchandise on and off. Since all these medical expenses are really starting to stack up.. so its really encouraging to hear that some folks would be interested! <:}}}
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Oh boy have I. <XDD Ya'll were right, my heart was NOT ready for Appa's episode 🥺💔💔💔 I already have something angsty in mind for that but I'm having trouble with trying to make that comic..
I'm looking for an opportunity where Aang, Appa and the gang are all back together and traveling like usual. Then when they set up camp for the day is where the angst will strike- but it seems like right after they got Appa back the gang split up..
Soo I'm just continuing to watch for now. Perhaps the angst I have in mind will occur later? Or perhaps the perfect gap in time I'm waiting for is only a few episodes away. Who knows <XDD
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XDD Noooo!! Why do that??
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XDD THANK YOU!! I'm glad you think so! :))
I haven't drawn much for it yet because Its a little challenging for me to draw fanart the way I want to for series that have a linear story.. if that makes any sense-
Shows like SpongeBob or series likeeee.... Welcome home? Things where its more of "a day in the life of" type deal. I can draw fanart and funny scenarios for those a lot easier. Where as with Avatar I'm still kind'a waiting for the perfect gap in the story where I can draw goofy group shenanigans without thinking "Oh wait they'd be dealing with this plot point during this comic..." does that make sense?? <XDD
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:0... huh?
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🫠Not really- but I'm hoping this is all over soon <:)
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<XDD I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with those names- the osc fandom..?
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Fank you 😌
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I'm hanging in there as best I can 🫠🫠🫠
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When he said "Well, how did I get here?" I felt that 💔
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Oh my goodness I love this beautiful puppo 🥺🥺🥺
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@tallchest13-blog (Link to document)
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@chimerathekid (Image is from this post)
XDDD That's how I like to interpret him at least! XDD
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Ah yes! The mystery dungeon games!! :DD Someone told me about those games and the key to getting Grim to mega evolve! The empowerment seed!! :DD
I was gonna make a comic about it, buuuut after sketching it all? It came out to like 4 parts and 80 canvases. With 3-6 drawings per canvas. Soooo I might not get around to finishing that... 😅
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@minnesotamedic186 (In response to this ask post)
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I don't know if my Gengar in game has that trait or not- but it looks like it wouldn't be too much of a bother! :0 Google seems to say that it only has a 30% chance of disabling attacks that hurt the user. So as long as none of Grim's friends decide to fight him it shouldn't effect them XDD
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coff-in · 4 months
HIIII!!! I would like to request a Baby sis reader x Ashley and Andrew were Reader is like their personal nurse and has the most out of pocket impulsive though and isn't afraid of saying them when she wants.
Like we're they would be standing near the ledge if a bridge and Reader would just say randomly say "I would be nice to jump won't it?" and Andrew would just stare at her with a look of terror (He has though and done worse though)
But back to the Nurse part she carrys a doctors bag with medication and bandages/bandaids (she also has poison). Sometimes when Andrew and Ashley argue she would just stand there like 🧍‍♀️ knowing damn well she going have to patch them both up after this
(Preferably before and after the sacrifice of the cultist)
notes from coff-in: this is pretty wholesome, guh i just AAAUUGH i love it. i want them to be happy with each other you know? this was so good i just had to brain dump onto this request, it really got me thinking. thank you for requesting!! :D
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] younger than ashley by about a year, mentions or allusions to incest (nothing outright but im hinting at it), talks/mentions of suicide
i can see [reader] getting inspired to be a nurse when leyley got sick once. andy had to go to the store to get medicine for her and told [reader] to stay home and watch her. she tells leyley that she's going to be okay, "nurse [reader] and doctor andy are here to help you get better!" it made leyley so happy seeing [reader] and andy take care of her like that! i doubt she'd ever purposely get herself sick like that again, but it sparked something in [reader]--- being able to care for her siblings and feel necessary to them, to feel needed (i sprinkle insecurity everywhere)
during school, [reader] had a major interest in biology and health class (or the european equivalents i guess? i'm from the U.S. so i don't know much) and passing with good grades in those classes. she has a big medical or emergency kit in their bedroom for her to use and practice with. whenever andrew or ashley hurt themselves they always come over to [reader] so she can take a look at it because she insists on it.
she gets on andrew's case a couple of times about his smoking, about how it's not good for his lungs, could and will cause him lung cancer, etc etc it's mostly stuff he's heard before from her and their family. the thing that causes him to snap back into reality is [reader] saying her thoughts out loud, something along the lines of "i wish i could just suck the nicotine from your mouth so you don't have to risk it". he just looks at her bewildered (holy shit wouldn't that be KISSING???? 🙀🙀🙀) in fact [reader] would say a lot of weird shit while patching up her siblings.
"andrew, your hands are so big... and clammy, is your fever causing that?" "ashley your blood is such a pretty color. i would wear it as lipstick if i could." "hey andrew, did you know that you snore sometimes? you're so peaceful when you sleep, it makes me want to never wake you up." i think she just says weird shit in general, girly can NOT keep her thoughts to herself. the kids at her school dub her as weird and freaky, like ashley, and it causes them to grow closer together (especially with the one-year age gap) they eat lunch together and stick to each other like glue. they went to prom together too!! ashley invited [reader] over to her senior prom (andrew's there too if he could make it) and they dance with each other
"you guys look so beautiful... you two look like a couple" [reader] would giggle at andrew and ashley. andrew blushes at that comment and ashley makes it worse by saying "i know!!"
great times.... then they get quarantined :) not so great time, the lack of food as [reader] anout their health, especially since ashley insists on being active-- moving around and doing chores. she has to sometimes force ashley to get back into bed so she doesn't make herself faint again (andrew has [reader] help him move her to the couch or bed when this happens). i think [reader] would be strung up about starving too because it's not an easy fic for her; she can't just kiss the wound and put a band aid over it. not being able to help her siblings stresses her out and andrew and ashely notice this. they constantly have to remind her that it's not her fault that they're starving and she has nothing to apologize for
gods it would be awful if [reader] started to get suicidal too, or at least start becoming self sacrificing. "i could jump off the balcony..." she says out of nowhere when they're all watching TV "there's be one less mouth to feed, more food for you guys" and andrew and ashley are just like "NO". it honestly breaks their hearts seeing their baby sister feel so down and sad due to this fucking quarantine. "maybe i could chop off my arm and--" "[reader] SHUT UP!!! NO KILLING YOURSELF!!!"
(this definitely lead to the siblings cuddling or sleeping with [reader] not only to comfort themselves but also [reader], to make sure that she's alive too, you know? listening to her breathing and heart beat and feeling her warmth... maybe holding her tighter and closer, wrapping their arms around her in a tight hold. their heart cracks a little bit every time they hear her stomach growl in hunger. it's awful that she's withering away in this apartment and they hate that she blames herself in some capacity that they're suffering too when none of it is their fault; they're all suffering.)
speaking of chopping off arms, [reader] is immediately like "hey look food :D" when the cultist drops dead in the apartment. she helps andrew cut the cultists up while ashley cooks up dinner/breakfast and she's like "did you know that cooked human smells like pork" and andrew is like "please shut up". she also catches on quickly that the apartment isn't "quarantined due to contaminated water" but as a scheme to harvest organs. she's like " 3 x AB? like the blood type?" and "a book on human organs? huh... guys i think they're trying to take our organs" omg the interaction with the lady in 302 or whatever would be so fucking funny. ashley's accusing her of being a slut for food and [reader]'s like "so do you whore yourself out?"
(thinking back to that scene where someone got carried out of the apartment by ambulance, ashley's like "maybe they'd get me food if i got pregnant" and [reader]'s like "who's going to fuck you, andrew? besides pregnancy takes a lot of energy from the body and you need proper nutrition to make it and---" while andrew and ashley are just looking at her with wide eyes like 👁️👁️)
once they leave the apartment and get to the motel, [reader] probably gets her poison around here. idk how she got it earlier if she did. AAAAAHHHH THIS IS A COOL IDEA
thank you 'nonnie for ur genius. ur generosity knows mo bounds; i'm tearing into this shit like a mom stew (this is delicious food omg)
i hope you liked this, and indulge :3
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justxiao · 1 year
Dang It.
Xiao x M!Reader
Warning! Modern AU! You and Xiao live in the same house. You're some kind of a CEO of a company.
—You were sick, but didn't tell anyone. Not even you boyfriend.
NOTICE !! If you're female and feel comfortable reading for male reader then I do not mind at all.
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" I'm home.. " you said as you walked inside of your apartment. You could hear a pair of footsteps coming near, you hanged your jacket and opened you arms to the sides. A smaller figure hugged your body, his arms wrapping around your waist.
" Welcome back.. " his voice was muffled beacuse of the shirt you were wearing. His body felt so cold against yours and you were really happy about that. Your head was spinning, and you felt hot but cold at the same time, making you lose your balance sometimes.
" You're late. " your boyfriend, Xiao, he could get angry at you beacuse of the smallest things but you knew it was beacuse he worried about you so much.
He had already pulled away from your hug and started pouting, he noticed you were leaning on the wall for support but didn't say anything.
" I know, I'm..so...so sorry my love. I know you wanted to have dinner today but...the company is so—difficult..these days." you said while going inside, you stopped your sentences at some point beacuse you felt like there was some kind of ax was cutting your head.
" You could've call me. I was waiting for you for the past 30 minutes. If you couldn't call then you could just texted me, you're really irresponsible sometimes Y/N " Xiao then went to the kitchen to warm up your dinner, you could tell he was upset and you tasked yourself to take him to a fancy dinner next week to make it up.
As you were trying to get out of your work clothes, your head throbbed again. It was getting a little to much, you were sweating and feeling so cold at the same time. Did you overwork today? Feeling sick was not like a 'you thing'.
You leaned on the wall for support, the room was spinning. Oh god, you had a meeting to attend tommorrow. This was bad, what will you do?
You dropped a cup that was on the table near you, luckily it didn't break. You leaned down to take it.
Suddenly your eyes felt so heavy and you legs felt like they couldn't carry you anymore. You heard a cracking sound, Oh god. I think you fell on the glass. You felt a warm liquid on your right arm, then closed your eyes and decided to get some rest.
Xiao was downstairs, preparing the table. As he was pouring down some drinks, he heard a cracking sond the a thud.
'Did he break something again? This is the third time this week.' He thought as he frowned while thinking.
"Y/N did you break my favorite cup?!" he shouted to you, he waited for your respond while walking towards the stairs.
You respond never came.
He waited for your sweet voice again, waiting for you to make an excuse that you didn't do it on purpose.
It never came.
"Y/N?" He called out to you as he slowly started to climb the stairs.
"Love?" he hoped you would respond to this at least.
You didn't.
He hurried to your shared room and opened the door, his eyes searching for your figure. He stepped inside, When he took the second step, something pierced his foot. When he looked down, he saw that the handle of his favorite glass was the thing that had pierced him.
His eyes followed the broken pieces and finally stopped at your lying figure. For some reason he was in shock and couldn't move, why were you on the ground?
There was blood on the floor, your arms were bleeding beacuse of the glass pieces cutting your skin.
" Y/N!! " he fell down on his knees next to you.
"Hey, hey. Wake up! Y/N?" He lightly slapped your face a few times, you didn't wake up. He felt like crying, you were never one to faint or sleep until necessary. Xiao didn't know what to do.
He touched your forehead, 'He's burning' he said to himself as he grabbed you from your waist and leaned your body on himself. You were heavier and...taller than him so he had trouble sitting you on the bed.
Xiao quickly went to get some wet towels to put it on your head and some painkillers if you woke up.
'Oh god oh god oh god oh god—' he put the towel on your forehead his hands were shaking, making the situation even harder.
"I should bandage the scars, yeah, calm down Xiao. He just fainted beacuse he's dumb enough to not tell me he was sick." Xiao talked to himself, cussing at you time to time.
You opened you eyes, feeling arms squeezing you tightly. Something was wet on your forehead, bringing you some peace from the headaches and the fever.
"Ugh..." you grabbed your head and got into a sitting pozition. Xiao was lying next to you, you could tell he was crying. 'Ugh, so I fainted afterall...'
You kissed Xiao a few times, "I guess I need to take you on 2 fancy dinners now huh?" you smiled at his sleeping face.
"....You better.." he muttered while smiling.
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Centaur/deer Simeon headcanons
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Warning: there are NSFW heancanons near the end. 
Simeon is a very active centaur, he doesn’t sleep a lot, instead spends his time picking berries and walking around the forest. You were surprised when you found out that he has a cozy wooden house where he spends his nights.
He likes to plant flowers near the lawn of his house. He is generally a lover of gardening, in addition to caring for flower beds, he also grows vegetables. He cooks well, but does not eat meals that contain meat.
Initially, there was no furniture in his house for you to sit down, but after meeting you, he made a chair and even a bed for you with his own hands. He does not lie on the bed, prefers to sleep on soft grass, under warm sunlight.
Relationship with him:
He is very careful with strangers, and in most cases he avoids people, believing that they are dangerous. 
It takes a lot of time to get close to him, but after you manage to get his trust, you can consider yourself lucky. He is very courteous and understanding, as you get to know him better, you begin to notice that he becomes more open in your company. He is not afraid to seem vulnerable in front of you, he is happy to pay a lot of attention to you.
He likes to make nice gestures to you, like picking a bouquet of flowers for you, making sweets from those fruits that he grows himself. Simeon loves to spend time with you lying on the glades. He likes it when you gently touch his horns, and the curiosity with which you study his body.
He likes to ride you on himself. At first you resisted a lot, worrying that you would cause him inconvenience, but he insisted that you sit on him. He can take you for a ride with the breeze. He likes the way your hair is blowing in the wind during your little races.
On your first anniversary, you gave jewelry for his horns. Simeon was very pleased with your nice gesture. He asked you to help with putting on your gift. "MC, my dear, it's so beautiful, thank you, I will carefully carry your gift" - he kissed you on the cheek. Simeon never takes off your jewelry, even if it sometimes interferes with him.
During the breeding seasons, he gets a little aggressive, but not towards you. Simeon openly shows signs of jealousy (even if he has no competition) and does not give you the opportunity to move away from him too far. He is very tactile, asks for long hugs, sniffs you. By such actions, he shows that you are his mate, and that you belong to each other. He also leaves hickeys in prominent places so that others can admire his signs of love for you.
He likes to fall asleep with you in his arms. He is comforted by your quiet sighs, he likes to press his head against your heart.
NSFW headcanons:
Simeon loves cockwarming. He believes that this is the most special kind of intimacy. He likes how the two of you become one, this action is perceived by him as something sacred.
He has an average attraction to sexual needs. Likes to make love with you two or three times a week. He sees sex as an opportunity to show his adoration from the physical side, nothing more. If you have an increased sexuality, then he will have sex with you more often. He will be rude if you wish it, he is usually very gentle with you. Usually. Until the breeding season comes. As mentioned earlier, during the breeding season, Simeon changes. He is very persistent, ready to fuck you all day long. It becomes difficult for him to control his animal instincts. He seems to become a predator, which is very contradictory to his character and behavior. Because of the long incessant sex, you faint, and wake up to the sight of Simeon still moving in you. "Are you awake? Mgh… Ah~ you're so small, just a little more and I'll tear your hole and you"
After the end of the season, he asks for forgiveness for a long time and takes care of your tired body. He kisses every scratch, bite, mark, hickey that remains from his stormy libido. "MS, come on, I'll massage your sides to make you feel a little better?". You can't hold a grudge against him for long, and end up forgiving him. 
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leoncillo · 1 year
Oh me oh my. I wrote again. What has come over me lately? Tsk tsk
Anyway, reader has chronic pain (namely fibromyalgia and MS), the clone brothers risk it all to help them. I think this one is gender neutral as well? I didn't edit this one either so I might've slipped up and used "she" somewhere. Will probably put this on AO3 too. Reader is Black.
The Hantengu Clones brave the sun to take care of reader
Your eyes slowly cracked open one morning. The light from the sun being extra harsh to you and your aching head. Your throat was bone dry, your body heavy, and you felt pain on every inch of your body. Quickly as you could, you checked the bedside table for your daily meds only to realize you forgot to pick up the refills from the pharmacy.
"Oh... I'm so doomed" you groaned.
You climbed out of bed before the room started spinning and you stumbled a bit, your blood pressure not getting the memo that you're upright. Noticing your boyfriends weren't with you, you decided to find them and try to start your day the best you could.
Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Aizetsu, and even little Zohakuten were standing around in the kitchen bantering about breakfast that Sekido made before they all turned to your slumped form leaving your room. The men grew completely silent as they watched you walk with a limp to the refrigerator. Your eyes were glossy, but vacant like you were moving on auto pilot. You hair was a mess and if they looked closely they could see you breathing heavily. You wordlessly opened the fridge to grab the carton of orange juice just for it to fall straight out of your hand like butter. It seemed like an eternity had passed before you noticed and looked down at your hand to find you had little feeling in it.
"Y/N, are you okay?" asked Karaku as he stepped towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You flinched like you just noticed his presence before you started to cry and eventually wail.
"What did you do, asshole?!" shouted Sekido, as he punched Karaku in the chest.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Maybe we can fix it. Don't cry. I get sad when you cry" said Aizetsu, who hovered near you unsure if he could touch you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but everything started spinning again and you felt yourself falling before everything went black.
A few minutes later you found yourself waking up on the couch with five pairs of eyes watching over you.
"Y/N, can you hear me?!" Urogi shouted and you flinched at the noise.
"Not so loud. You're upsetting them. I hate when they're upset" said Zohakuten.
"Ugh I'm up, I'm up" you said in a non convincing voice.
"Why did you faint on us? Don't tell me you've caught a cold! Irresponsible ass humans" said Sekido.
You looked down at your lap, anxiously grabbing the blanket and biting your lower lip. "So there's something I never told you guys about me. You see I have several chronic illnesses and they're all incurable. Some days are better than others and some days are really really bad."
"What illnesses do you have?" said Urogi, leaning in closer in curiosity.
"Well the main ones are fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis" you said, only to look up at them all with their heads tilted in confusion like puppies.
"Fibromyalgia causes me to hurt all over my body. Especially 18 main points like my shoulders. Even this blanket and my clothes kinda hurt. It usually flares up after I do too much in a day."
"Ooh that explains why you started crying. Sorry Y/N!" said Karaku, who went to rub your shoulder before catching himself. "Maybe that's not the best idea right now."
"Okay and what's the muscle cytosis thing?" asked Urogi.
"It's called multiple sclerosis, you dunce!"
"So you guys know about the immune system and everything, right? It's supposed to fight off illnesses and keep the body healthy, but sometimes it gets confused and fights the body instead. With MS, my immune system attacks my brain and spinal cord. Sometimes parts of my body goes numb or burns, like my feet, or my eyesight blurs, if not, goes out altogether. Among other things. That illness will get worse over time, too."
"Why didn't you tell us about something so important? It makes me sad when you hide stuff from us" said Aizetsu, tearing up.
You looked away from them back to your lap. "I'm not used to people sticking around after they know my situation and limitations. And that's just with humans! You guys are like ten humans each. I didn't want y'all to think I was a burden and leave because I can't keep up. Usually I have medicine to help me feel a little better or at least ignore some of it, but I was so busy I forgot to pick up my refills. I can't really move too far like this so I'm kinda screwed."
Zohakuten rushed to you in haste and palmed your face, squishing your cheeks together. "What do you need us to do? How can we help?"
"Well heat 'akes 'ith worse so keepin' me coo', but I nedth my med'cine the most. And a good hea'thy dwink" you said.
You all turned and glanced at the window and the rays of sunshine being blocked out. "I'll go first thing at sunset" said Zohakuten, as he released your cheeks and went to make a list of things to buy.
"He's such a good boy" you said, proudly.
"Let me help! I'm good too!" shouted Urogi.
"We'll all split up and get something from the list. We'll get back faster that way." said Sekido.
They all helped you back to bed and tried to make you as comfortable as possible. It wasn't enough and they all stood on edge as they heard you tossing and thrashing in the other room. The pain driving you up the wall like you were being torn apart limb from limb.
"Oh no!" said Aizetsu, staring at his phone. "It says the pharmacy will close before sunset. It's not like the convenience store will have these kinds of drugs."
"Maybe I can fly really fast and stick to the shadows to-"
"To turn into fried chicken?" said Karaku with a huff.
"I could have my dragons go get it."
"And tear up the whole roadway?" asked Aizetsu.
They all grew quiet in defeat before realizing Sekido was mysteriously silent.
"I might have a solution," he began and pulled out a box from his kimono sleeve.
"Douma recommended these patches of wisteria and spider lily flower. Supposedly, they'll let us go into the daylight without turning to ashes immediately."
"That's great! Y/N will feel better in no time!" said Urogi.
"What's the catch?" said Karaku and Zohakuten in unison.
"The patch does have the wisteria component so our powers, speed, and regeneration will be slowed greatly. We'll be out there longer than we would if it were night and while we won't turn to ash, we'll still feel the pain of burning."
They all fell silent again before they jumped at the sound of a loud crying and sobbing coming from your room.
Before they knew it, they were each putting on a patch and preparing to get whatever you needed.
At some point, you were so tired from the pain that you fell asleep only to jolt awake at the overwhelming smell of burning entering your nostrils.
Springing up out of bed thinking something caught fire, an actual common occurrence in the house, you ran to the kitchen as best you could only to see a pile of smoking bodies twitching and breathing heavily.
Without saying anything, they each sat up, still regenerating, and held out a bag to you. Urogi had your medicine, but was nursing a severely burnt wing and talon. Sekido had tubs of ice cream in one arm, while the other was burned away. Aizetsu had a bouquet of flowers and a severe burn along his torso and back. Karaku had a bunch of differently flavored hydrating sports drinks, but one of his horns, arms, and some of his hair was singed. Lastly, Zohakuten beat a drum and a small dragon held out a bear plushie that was wrapped in bandages that said "Get well soon" while the boy nursed his burned face and burns on his legs and most of his drums.
You lips trembled before you fell to your knees and burst in tears, lunging to wrap your arms around as many of them as you could.
"Did we mess up? A-Are these not your favorite flowers?" asked Aizetsu.
"Do you hate the bear? It's the one I hated the least" asked Zohakuten.
"If you don't like any of these flavors, I don't care. We don't waste food in this house" said Sekido.
"I know you don't like blue flavor, but I wanted to get one of each. I suggest the green one first" said Karaku with a wink and a wince.
"And I have the most important thing! The medicine!" said Urogi, puffing his chest out in pride as whatever feathers he had left turned fluffy and excited.
"Thank you!" you said hugging them tighter and crying harder.
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imaginethatneathuh · 9 months
Lies: Baldur - God of War (2018)
Baldur x Reader, friends to potential lovers
The reader is trying to sleep, but their friend Baldur interrupts. They eventually end up cuddling, leading to Baldur finding out something new about his curse.
TW/CW: Mentions of Baldur's curse, mental deterioration, insomnia, loneliness.
Word Count: 2.1+K
Staring at the wood above you, you make out the profile of a screaming face in the knot. You tilt your head to the side, and the face transforms in the faint firelight. It’s now a fist with a few missing fingers. Titling your head back into its original position, you giggle.
‘It looks better as a face,’ you decide.
You’d entertained yourself for hours like this, imagining random things and talking to yourself in your head. Despite the intent to sleep, you couldn’t seem to settle down enough to do so. A million and one thoughts wheeled around in your head. The one person who, without fail, quelled those thoughts wasn’t here. But you had to sleep one way or another, with or without him.
The smile falls from your face as you turn onto your side, pulling the heavy furs and blankets over your body. They act as an impenetrable shield against the chill of the late-night air that would likely seep through by morning.
Your mind drifted back to your friend as you tried to get comfortable.
Despite how odd he’d become over the years, your dear friend’s presence was a comfort that often allowed you to rest when you otherwise couldn’t. He was your safe place. Without him, you felt exposed and vulnerable to anything and anyone who could hurt you.
If you were lucky, he might come in later and lay with you. He did that sometimes. It was nice.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and hope to find sleep soon.
You wake, mouth dry, to a cold, dark room lit only by the moon’s will.
The fire has long since been snuffed out by neglect. The chill in the air made you pause. Your small home usually held heat well; it was only when the door opened that heat escaped into the cold of the night.
In the shadows lurking around the room, you feel like someone is there, watching your every move. Just watching and nothing more. Their eyes bear into you as if probing, searching for something that remains hidden from them.
You sigh and tug the covers closer.
“How much longer are you going to stare at me, Baldur?” You ask, frustration flickering through your tone. It didn’t stay long, fading as quickly as it came. Though you tried, you couldn’t remain mad or even annoyed at the god for long. You cared for him too much.
A small chuckle sounds through the dark room. “I don’t know. However long I feel like it, I suppose.”
Opening your eyes, you sit and push your covers off. “Come here.” You pat the space next to you on the bed.
There’s a creak as Baldur stands from a chair he’d put in the corner. “You do know I can’t feel a thing, right?” He asked, almost teasingly, though there was a tinge of sadness and longing behind it. “I don’t know what you’re hoping to accomplish by getting me into bed.”
You snort as he nears. “If you must know, I plan on using you as a pillow,” you say as you move around some more, pushing yourself as far from the edge as possible.
It’s your bed’s turn to creak as Baldur sits, his eyes glued to it as he manoeuvres his way around. He’d learned early on that it was nearly impossible to navigate in the dark without touch.
It was yet another thing stolen from him by this damn curse.
“Lay down, Baldur,” you grumble as you grab the top layer of your covers.
With only an eye-roll, he does as you say, flopping onto your bed. Despite the force, it didn’t knock the breath out of him like it would have a normal person. Like it used to do to him.
It was strange how much he missed the little things like that. Things as simple as the wind against his skin, the feel of clothing on his body, and even getting out of breath. He longed for it all desperately now that it was out of his reach.
He watched you intently as you folded a blanket up and laid it over his chest. Baldur wished he could feel it. Not only did he miss the simple feeling of the cloth itself, but he also missed you. The absence of your warm, gentle touch left a hole in his heart.
“What’s that for?” He asked, focusing back on you in the dim moonlight.
He barely made out your shrug.
“Knowing you, you probably walked out here without anything more than your trousers, and I don’t feel like getting poked in the face by your nipples.”
That caused him to laugh as you landed on his chest with a thud, pulling your covers with you.
“Fair enough,” he muttered in the dark.
At that moment, he wished he could feel you trying to get comfortable on his chest. Instead, all he could do was hear the shifting of your covers and your light grunts and grumbles.
There was once a time when that wasn’t the case. Years ago, Baldur remembered, he could feel your warmth leeching into him, your skin against his own, and your nails tracing random patterns or the intricate curves of his tattoos.
He’d missed his chance back then to tell you how he felt. Now, though, he didn’t feel like he deserved what little you gave him.
Baldur knew that he wasn’t the same god as he once was. He knew he’d broken down mentally, little by little, as the years went by. Shit, he knew that even if he got his ability to feel back right this very second and started to get back what he’d lost mentally, it wouldn’t be fair of him to ask you to wait for him to recover. He loved you too much to ask that of you.
Baldur wondered why you still let him keep the key you’d given him, why you let him watch over you as you slept even though he no longer could enjoy something so simple, and especially why you invited him to stay beside you in your bed.
It felt like someone else should be here, in his place. Someone who could wrap their arms around you without needing to see precisely what they were doing. Someone who could feel you against them. Someone who was warm and wouldn’t poke your eye out with their hard nipple.
You didn’t seem to mind, though. Every night he came, you worked with it rather than telling him to stop coming, never complaining for more than a joke.
Sometimes, he could almost forget, even briefly, that he was cursed. If he recalled his last memories of this where he could feel you, he could almost believe the curse was just some horrid dream and nothing more.
The thought made him want to weep.
But he couldn’t do that.
When he was alone, he’d weep. Let the tears stream down his face until they were all dried up, and all that’s left is a yearning to feel their path along his cheeks and for your delicate touch to wipe them away. 
But not here. Not now. The last thing he wanted was to scare you with his tears.
He released a shaky breath and stared at the ceiling, wishing this whole thing was just some cruel nightmare he would wake from.
It wasn’t, though, and he knew it.
Still, a god can dream.
You hummed as you snuggled against him, letting an ungloved hand dip beneath the blanket you’d laid on his chest.
It had been years since you’d touched him skin-on-skin. It was usually when you’d lay your head on his chest on nights like these. These times were the only times you could stand touching anyone’s skin. But you mostly let it happen because it was Baldur, and you enjoyed the feel of him. No one else mattered, not when you had him.
You sighed, content, as your hand met his stomach, flattening itself against the tattooed skin. You traced a few hearts over the inked patterns for a moment before stilling. You pushed your hand up in one fluid motion, nails wracking a path across his chest to rest on his other pec.
Baldur paused in his thoughts. He could have sworn that he felt something on his chest. A fleeting feeling that disappeared just as quick as it came. It was almost like a ghost of a sensation. In the back of his mind, he knew it was nothing more than a phantom of a touch once familiar to him, his mind tricking him into thinking he was feeling something based on old memories when, in reality, he was still as numb as ever. Still, though, he indulged this phantom feeling and let his mind wander back to his last night of being able to feel you. The caress of your hand against his upper chest, rubbing against his skin. Honestly, it felt so real it almost made him cry.
He swallowed the tears, though.
If his crying woke you up… Well, that’d be just another thing to feel guilty over.
He heard you hum quietly, swearing he felt your hand move against his body, your nails lightly tracing over his tattoos as if by memory.
It was just a lie, though. Baldur had to remind himself of that. His mind was just lying to him. After all, he couldn’t feel anything else. Not the air on his face, the blankets covering him, or the clothes on his body. It would be crazy, even for him, to believe he could feel you and nothing else.
It had to be crazier than even him, but he felt your hand move against him again, and it felt so fucking real, so real that it had to be.
Still, Baldur could not let himself get his hopes up. After all, he still couldn’t feel anything else.
He was quiet as he asked, barely a murmur as he said: “Are you moving?”
After you didn’t respond, he tried again, a little louder: “Are you moving?”
You sniffled and nodded lazily against his chest. Then, of course, you remembered he couldn’t feel anything and whispered a yes.
“Why?” You asked.
Baldur bolted up like lighting did down, pushing you and the blanket from his chest.
“Baldur!” You huffed.
“Sorry,” he said.
Baldur squinted, trying to make you out in the dark before touching what he hoped was your shoulder. Upon touching it, he quickly realised that it was not your shoulder but your neck.
“Baldur, that’s my neck. Let go.”
He let out a huff and a laugh in complete disbelief.
“I know, I know it’s your neck. It’s too big to be your shoulder,” Baldur said, his voice cracking. “Far softer, too.”
“I- I can feel.” He paused as he gently cupped your face with one hand. “I can feel you.”
Tears fell freely from his eyes, but he didn’t know that. Nor did he really care.
“You’re all I can feel, but I can still feel you!”
You paused, astonished, before you grinned like a madman in the dark. Instinctively, you reached out to him, wanting to get as close as possible. Before the curse, he had craved affection like an addict. You knew his yearning had only increased after all these years of nothingness.
“That’s great, Baldur,” you said. “I’m happy for you.”
Then, something odd happened.
You felt his other hand resting on your cheek before he kissed you.
Soft and gentle like kitten fur.
Yeah, you were pretty sure that was a kiss. The pressure of another’s lips against your own made that clear. It was surreal. Still, your tired mind couldn’t catch up to what was happening until it was too late to respond in kind.
Taking this as a sign of rejection, Baldur pulled away. And, though you couldn’t see it, Baldur found himself cringing in wait, expecting your rejection.
He allowed his mind to wander as silence consumed your home. Would you hit him? Maybe yell and ask him what it was, exactly, that made him think it was okay to kiss you? Worse yet, what if you told him to leave and never speak to you again?
“Baldur,” you said.
“Did you just kiss me?”
You could hear him gulping.
“Could you do it again?”
Baldur giggled at that before giving your lips a light peck again.
You hummed as he pulled away, chasing his lips for one more kiss before he let his hands rest on your shoulders and trace down your arms.
Baldur rested his forehead against yours, and you knew he was grinning even without a light.
You squeezed one of his sides before speaking. “Can I sleep now?”
He snorted before falling back onto the bed. “Fine, but I’m not letting you go.”
“I’m okay with that.”
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lustytears · 10 months
Ron Weasley Headcanons | Smut and Fluff
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ron weasley x f!reader
most is completely safe unless you scroll to the smut section, but i’d recommend not clicking on this if you’re below 16. you have been warned.
Fluff |
oh, this guy is crazy for you. i mean, like super crazy.
everything you do turns his knickers into a twist.
he just loves it when you play with his hair, especially when you sneak into his dormitory and into his bedroom, where you admire his ginger locks of hair. it makes him fall asleep instantly, his hand tucked between your waist, his other hand pulling you into his chest, where he buries his head into the crook of your neck. makes him happy.
for one thing, he enjoys being your study partner. personally, i’d imagine he gets off track. “hey,” you snapped your fingers in his lazed state. “wake up!” he jumped, a list of repeated apologies falling from his mouth. “you agreed to helping me with my transfiguration test!” you pleaded, exclaiming and complaining about how tired he looked. “i’m sorry, sweets… what were you talking about, hm?” he’d glance his eyes through the old, yellow-stained textbook. you’d smile, mumbling to yourself about how cute it was when his hair would flop over his face when he laid down on the desk.
if you think he isn’t gonna reward you, you’re wrong. you’ve seen the “5 galleons, 10 galleons” scene between him and his twin brothers. he’d probably try to beg to fred and george, asking them ways to make it up to his girlfriend if you were upset about something.
“come on! i’m your brother. the least you could do is help me out?” he explained. “help? you?” fred and george said in unison. “c’mere, lover boy,” the boys would tease ron, their knuckles shaking and messing up his hair, laughing and giggling would follow.
he was kind of nervous introducing you to his family, but when harry was considered apart of the family, he doubted his mother and father wouldn’t love you. his twin brothers loved you, percy sometimes questioned ron’s romantic appreciation (ron had a habit of finding his fingers near your hair every time you and him sat near eachother,) bill and charlie didn’t mind you, and ginny was completely in love with you. ginny went as far as asking ron if you were to be expected at every holiday and birthday they celebrated.
i think it’s already canon that ron HATES when people give him suits or something to wear (considering the yule ball,) but when you bought a suit from one of the nearby muggle towns, he kind of questioned it, but liked the idea of wearing a black tuxedo. “well,” he examined the outfit, his eyes swiftly moved up and down as he looked at any noticeable details of the suit. “it sure is quite nice.” you smiled, the remark staining a permanent reminder that he adored you.
trust me, you’ve been caught a variety of times trying to sneak into his room, and the same goes vice versa. harry used to be kind of upset at your snogging sessions, but he got used to them when he saw how affectionate the both of you were at dinner in the dining room.
speaking of food, he’d be the type to try and steal your food. you see how hermione smacks him with the nearest object at her hand when he eats too loudly, too fast, or eats a ton. “ron!” you smacked his hand lightly. sad, puppy eyes pleaded for a piece of your food. it made him frown. “fine, ron. you can take a piece.” you’d cross your arms, watching him form a cute grin that would brighten the rest of your day. he’d nibble on the food, a mumbled “thank you” would come from his mouth.
he loves kissing you in the hallways. you’d lean into the corner, allowing him to give faint kisses on your forehead before the both of you had no choice but to part to your own separate classes. “i promise, love. i’ll see you tonight, yeah?” you’d watch him walk away, a sad, yet proud grin would paint your face. you’d hear the distant call from a professor telling you, “get to class, miss l/n!” and you couldn’t help but giggle, your mind set on the memory of his lips as your shoes clacked in the hallways, jogging to your next class.
he’s been late a few times to class, mainly for you. self-explainable.
hugging you when you sleep, pampering kisses all over your neck is his favorite activity.
Smut |
oh, this man…
i’m not the type to specify dick sizes, but let’s just say he’s coming in at 6-7 inches erect, a good 5 when soft.
receiving blowjobs and public sex is his favorite combination. you wouldn’t believe the amount of times he’s snuck you into the bathrooms, locking the bathroom stall with a spell. you’d get down on your knees, swirling the tip of his cock around your tongue like it was a lollipop. his eyes roll back every time your fingers touch the veins on his shaft. he especially ascends to heaven and beyond when you allow him to use your hair to guide his cock down your throat.
just try and tell me this man doesn’t whimper like crazy in bed. he fucking loves releasing all of his audible pleasure into your ears. “o-oh… yeah, love… just like that,” he’d cry out, twisting and turning when his dick met the right spot inside of you.
basically, he’s such a huge switch.
for example, if it’s just casual sex, prepare for him to whimper and moan and squirm every time you touch him, but if he catches you winking at another guy or if another guy flirts with you, he’s gonna fuck you like his dick was made to be inside of your tight cunt only.
his favorite position is probably cowgirl. he loves pulling on your hair when you ride his cock, your hips swaying back and forth, teasing his cock as it twitches inside of you.
“hush it, darling,” he whispered. he’d put his hand over your mouth, violently snapping his hips into you. his fingernails carved crescent-shaped marks into your hips. he just fucking loves it when he gets to fuck you in an environment when you’re forced to both be quiet.
he’s an ass guy. he loves staring at your ass. when he’s done rambling to harry about his day at bed, he’ll make sure he’s asleep before pulling out his cock and imagining sticking it deep in your ass. makes him cum instantly. the surprise on harry’s scarred face when he realizes why ron is jerking around under the covers instantly makes him shut his eyes and turn back around.
he’s not too big on cumming inside of you, but your back, your stomach, your tits, your ass, your face… god, there’s just so many places. besides your ass, i’d say he loves cumming on your stomach and seeing it seep down off and onto the covers when you’re laying down.
he’s sweet when it comes to aftercare. “are you okay, love? want an extra pillow? here, take mine,” he’d lift your head up, placing an extra one beneath your head. he’d grab a warm rag, wiping you off and kissing your chest and stomach. he sometimes just wants to fuck you again after seeing you all cleaned up and asleep.
make him feel appreciated, and i promise, sex with him is amazing. he’s so scared to move too fast in worries of injuring you, but affirmation is important for him or else you’re probably not getting what you want.
might write a draco malfoy one next idk guys. happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it 🦃 🎉
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puhpandas · 1 year
(1,485 words)
Evan has a nightmare during a sleepover with Gregory and accidentally wakes him up in the process. Gregory, of course, offers him comfort. Even if he is delirious from sleep and spouting nonsense.
Evan doesnt know what time it is when he gasps awake from his nightmare. Its sometime late, if the pitch blackness of the room and faint sounds of cicadas and crickets outside are any indication. Gregory is still sleeping soundly adjacent to him on his bed as he huffs for air, unfiltered fear gripping his lungs.
He props himself up on his air mattress, trying to calm his hammering heart as the fluffy throw blanket Gregory had given him to cover up with slides off of his shoulders. Flashes of the frankly offputting nightmare appear over his eyes in the dark, and he tries to rub them away with his clammy, shaking hands.
It's not the first time Evan's had nightmares like these. Far from it. Sometimes, he'll shoot awake in his room and think he sees shadows of what monstr of the week he'd dreamed about in the corners, and his stomach will be so on fire he'll be shaking intensely, unable to fall back asleep.
That's what's happening now. Allthough its frustrating how much his brain seems to hate him, Evan cant find it in him to be annoyed right now. He almost never can. The fear that he'd experienced in the dream has clung to him like a tick, and it makes his breaths shaky and harsh.
Sweat clings to his clothes, soaking theough and making his skin sticky. Albeit shakily, he moves off of the air mattress, too paranoid to stay on top of it lest he somehow gets the bed Gregory's family had generously donated to him dirty. He shifts near the middle of the side of Gregory's bed, sitting on his carpet and curling up as small as hes able.
He tries really hard to stay quiet for Gregory, but this is a particularly bad one. That feeling he always gets when he has a nightmare, and wakes up feeling off and disoriented is sticking with him. His heart thrums uncomfortably in his chest, and he clutches his knees he has pulled up to his chest, trying to will the anxiety away.
Despite how hard he tries, his eyes blow open when he let's out the smallest whimper, the terror and the dark getting too much. He holds his breath, staying completely silent for what feels like hours as he strains his ears for signs of Gregory waking up.
His heart has long since stopped when he risks a glance behind him. It's the exact same time Gregory stirs just enough to land a hand on his shoulder, and Evan startles hard, gasping harshly.
After he wills his heart to stop almost imploding, Evan breathes out, trying to calm down. Guilt curls in his stomach when Gregory raises his head from his pillow, eyes bleary and hair sticking up. His face is just visible over the edge of the bed, and Evan's only able to see his expression because of the moonlight shining through the blinds.
The hand squeezes a bit tighter, and then "Ev'n?"
Evan's brows furrow, the feeling of fear and guilt mixing together into an ugly poison in his gut. He shakes his head, trying to will the unease to fall away. This, undoubtedly, is worse than before.
"Its me." He replies, after a moment, soft as ever. He swallows thickly, before, "I-- I'm sorry I woke you up. Just go back to sleep, please. I-- I promise I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me."
Despite Evan's attempts, it seems even through Gregory's barely-awake state he can still call Evan's bluff. Evan watches Gregory's form under his blanket shift, rolling out of view from the edge of the bed to closer to the wall.
"No you're not." Gregory tells him, voice rough from sleep. His words slur in that way that tells you the person you're speaking to isnt fully aware. "I h'rd you. Just... if somethings wrong jus... come up here."
Evan's eyes widen, and panic grips his insides at that. "No, no!" Evan attempts, waving his hands even though Gregory probably cant even open his eyes enough to see him. "I dont need you to do that, I swear. I'm fine. You take your bed and I'll have mine."
Evan has calmed himself down from nightmares plenty of times before. Even if it did take almost an hour or more each time. He doesn't need Gregory to offer his own bed to him.
But Evan should know by now that Gregory wont allow him to suffer in silence. No matter how much he insists. So really, when Gregory flails a hand around and off of the bed, tugging at Evan's sleeve and mumbling things about 'Not leaving you to be scared', he shouldn't be suprised.
Still. When Evan eventually climbs into Gregory's bed and tucks himself under the thick comforter, the sheets coming pre-warmed, its almost like the unease and anxiety of his terrifying nightmare melts off a little. Especially since he can feel the almost personal heater-like warmth of Gregory's back pressed up against his side.
Gregorys bed is just a twin, so it takes some squeezing, but they both fit. Before, Evan would just have Fredbear to tuck under his arm when he inevitably had to try to fall back asleep in his own house. Never in a million years did he consider going to his Father or Michael for comfort. The idea of having a person to keep him company never crossed his mind.
When Evan has calmed down significantly since climbing in bed, he relaxes some more, finally feeling more fit to sleep as he says, "Thank you, Gregory." Evan shuts his eyes, body still faintly trembling but feeling more relaxed. "...I do feel better. A lot better."
Evan thinks Gregory may have nodded off already when he doesnt respond right away, but then he shifts slightly. "T'ld you." He mumbles. "...You gotta stop being scared of bothering me. I want you to feel better more than having m' bed I sleep in every day."
Evan chuckles slightly. "Night, you mean." But warmth overcomes the last bits of chill in his stomach when he smiles earnestly into one of Gregory's pillows, tugging the comforter above his chin. "And... I will. From now on. You just might have to knock some sense into me first."
"I will." Gregory replies. He's still awake somehow (if you describe this as being 'awake') despite being dead still against Evan, as unmoving as a boulder. Then, to Evan's amusement, he mumbles, "I gotta learn to knock sense into things somewhere. H'w'll I be able to join the... the laser force if I dont?"
It takes a moment for Evan to process it, but then he cant help the giggle he stifles into Gregory's comforter. "The laser force?" He prompts.
"Mhm. Theres... laser guns, and I have to track down three targets bef're theyll let me join."
As Evan's eyes grow more and more tired from how comfortable hes becoming tucked safely into Gregory's bed, Gregorys comforting presence at his shoulder, and warmth surrounding him and pulling him more and more under, he just smiles, cheek smashing into the plush of Gregory's pillow. "Heh. You can do it, Gregory. I believe in you."
"Mm. I'll st'll come visit you... even after I'm deployed." Is the last thing Gregory says before his words trail off and his body goes completely slack against Evan, signaling hes asleep.
Evan has one more round of quiet, silent laughter before his eyelids slip shut, as heavy as iron, and his body relaxed. He falls asleep himself, smile on his face and any remnants of terror from his nightmare wiped away.
Evan's last thought is how much more being in Gregory's bed, in his room, in his house, feels like home than his own room, where he could really never fully relax. Where the threats were real.
When they wake up that coming morning, any of Evan's previous unsettled feelings are completely absent, replaced with amusement and contentment when he peels his eyes open to sunlight peeking through the blinds and Gregory's face smushed into his pillow, drool stained into the case. Gregory wakes up to Evan's giggles, and after realizing what, or who hes laughing at, grabs one of his plush pillows molded like something and begins pelting Evan with it.
Naturally, Evan shrieks, throat dry in that way that only happens when you've slept good, and shields himself. When he throws the comforter off of himself, falling onto the air mattress and bouncing, he laughs even more.
Evan grabs his own pillow from what was supposed to have been his bed for the night, and strikes back, getting a few hits of his own in.
Gregory's room is filled with laughter that morning, between Evan and his best friend, and later, when he has time to reminisce on the night, he realizes he had gotten no more nightmares.
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