#my mom and I finding a hill in the park a few days ago while a storm is brewing overhead
xdaddysprincessxx · 4 months
Anna please tell me more about Madhouse Joel 🥰😚👀
Honestly he’s my fave 😍😍
Okay so this actually came from an ask @toxicanonymity had gotten, like months ago 🫢
I was gonna do a one shot but honestly it was becoming a monster so I’m breaking it up into different parts. A lil snippet under the cut
Madhouse Joel
Growing up, all the adults around you always pushed you to go to college. You were forever being told that you had to go get a higher education to get a good job and then you had to find a good husband and pop out a few children and be a housewife but also work and make money. Your future was planned out for you without anyone ever even asking what you wanted. That was until the summer you turned sixteen. You still aren’t even sure exactly what happened that day. It was mid July in your small southern town in the middle of Texas. You had ventured out to the big oak tree in your backyard, swinging on the old wooden swing your dad had put up for you when you were five. Lost in your own thoughts as your legs swung back and forth when you heard bloodcurdling screams and shouts before two gun shots went off. You lost both your parents that day. During the trial, your mothers lawyer claimed she lost her mind and went insane to explain why she shot your father in the chest. The judge sent her off to spend the rest of her life in a mental institution while your daddy rest in peace up on the hill about a few miles out from your house.
After being orphaned, your dads sister, Aunt Millie, came to live with you at your house. You always loved her, she was only ten years older than you, making her a guardian at only twenty six. She was the one who supported you when you decided to become a nurse.
It’s been a few years since you graduated college, earning your bachelor’s in nursing with a concentration in psychiatric mental health. You had hoped to work in the psych ward, after seeing how your mom was treated in the hospital, it made you want to make a change. You wanted to improve mental hospitals, so many of them are still very medieval in the practices they continue to do. You knew it would be hard to really make any kind of change but you could at least make life a little better for the patients you worked with.
It had actually been a struggle to find work in any healthcare position after graduation which is why you find yourself in Elmwood now. Elmwood is a small town located down in Texas, a few hours south from where you had gone to school. They aren’t joking when they say it’s a small town, it’s home to a little over 3,000 residents. A majority of those residents come from the patients who live in the Elmwood Sanitarium. The most violent, criminally insane people get sent here. And this is where you find yourself pulling up too on a sunny Monday morning. At least it was sunny before you took a left turn down a dirt road a couple miles back. The sanitarium is hidden back, deep in the woods. As you get closer, the old hospital looks daunting and ominous. It leaves the feeling of a deep pit in your stomach, an uncertainty that something bad is gonna happen that you just can’t shake. Making your way into the parking lot that sits to the side of the hospital, you’re able to find a spot close to the front. Putting your car in park, you grab your purse and take a deep breath in,
“You got this. They reached out to you. They offered you a job because you’re good at what you do,” breathe out, “let’s do this.”
You give yourself a little pep talk to try to help subside this horrible gut feeling you have
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bumblesimagines · 6 months
Silene Oliveira/Tokyo
been a long time since i last saw you.
this reminds me of the night we met.
don't flirt with me. 
been a long time since i last saw you.
this reminds me of the night we met.
don't flirt with me. 
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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Toledo was a beautiful city, not that you'd been given much of a chance to get acquainted with it before being hauled up to a large remote house per The Professor's instructions. But the scenery was beautiful, at least. The view atop the hill allowed for the perfect view of the setting sun, made all the better with beer and the distant sound of music playing from the patio. A perfect evening and a perfect view... ruined by a voice that made your heart clench with bitterness. 
"Been a long time since I last saw you." Her light, airy, far too casual voice reached your ears. Your muscles automatically tensed, fingers tightening around your bottle, and the serenity of the view promptly faded. You bit your tongue and raised the bottle to your lips, finishing the contents and hoping the effects would soothe your mind. "(Y/N)- Or, well... It's Athens now, right? I guess I should get used to that name before the heist."
You stared straight forward, unable to bear the thought of looking at her without wanting to walk out of the whole operation. A face you once loved seeing, muddled with her actions and memories you'd rather forget. She was a reminder of the person who'd truly broken your heart and trust: René. The man who picked you up from juvie and promised to never abandon you like your parents had. The man who taught you everything you needed to know about heists, about guns, and thievery. The man you looked up to dearly and spilled everything to. The man who slept with your girlfriend nearly fifteen years ago. The man who'd been gunned down in the street only a couple weeks prior. Your brother, your confidant, your partner in crime, and the most disgusting man you'd ever known. 
You still remembered that morning when you returned from a night out with friends, hungover as hell but alert enough to notice the scattered beer bottles on the table, the lack of chatter in the small rented apartment, and best of all, the sight of seventeen-year-old Silene in the arms of thirty-one-year old René. You would've found the surprise and horrified looks on their faces humorous if it hadn't been for the betrayal you felt. Half of the morning was spent arguing with René while Silene cried uncontrollably until you grabbed a few things and got into your car, speeding off down the street and never seeing either of them ever again. 
You hardly mourned René when you saw his corpse and face on the news the day of his death. To you, he'd been dead since that fateful day. And you would've moved on, would've finally found some real peace at last, if The Professor hadn't sat beside you at the park a few days later while you watched your kid run around with his friends and offered you a job; A heist that'd leave you with more than enough euros to never work or be apart from your son ever again. Enough money to send him off to college, to find a nice place to settle down, and to live out the rest of your years doing whatever you wanted without having to worry about being arrested during 'work'. 
"This reminds me of the night we met." Silene - No, the code names were necessary, she'd been right in that regard - Tokyo said, her finger dragging down your bicep. You rolled your shoulder to shrug her off, huffing out a soft scoff. "You remember that night? They wouldn't let me into the bar 'cause I was a kid but then you and René vouched-"
"We helped you, got you a fake id, let you stay with us when you had an argument with your mom, and the week after you said you loved me, you fucked my brother and now left him for dead. Don't pretend things between us are fine, Tokyo. Don't flirt with me. Don't talk to me like we're old friends. We're strangers. Nothing more, nothing less. If you're that desperate for dick then maybe go hop on Rio or Denver's." You sneered at her, brushing past her with another scoff and making your way back to the party, back to the rest of your colleagues and away from the woman who'd ruined your life.
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Hidden Truths
Word Count: 1,756
Characters: Derek Hale, Reader, OC Character
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader (gender!netural)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse, flashbacks of past-abuse, slight mentions/hints of sexual assault, angst, very small fluff
A/N: i wouldn’t consider this a dark!fic, but it can possibly be triggering to some, so be careful if you choose to reader
A/N 2: 200th fic!!! Thank you all for supporting me and i forgot to say it but thank you so much for 1.8k! You guys literally help me so much i love you all! Requests are open, I’ll try to do as many as I can!
A/N 3: okay so I started this yesterday but wrote the majority of it today, I’ve been up for nearly 24 hours, all mistakes are my own, and I couldn’t come up with a title... hopefully its not complete BS? anyways ily all
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“What the fuck is wrong with you?” the door slammed shut behind him, the two of you entering the house.
You kept your eye contact to the floor, trying to avoid him.
“You embarrassed me in front of my friends,” his jaw was clenched, anger was seething from him, you could feel it from across the room.
“I'm sorry-”
“Sorry can’t go back in time and fix it. I've had just about enough of you,” your jaw clenched, tears slipping down your cheek. Your heart was beating in the back of your head.
You gasped softly, your eyes opening as you jumped up, looking around the room anxiously.
It’s okay, you’re safe
You let out a shaky breath, before looking down at Derek’s sleeping figure. His hands were on your waist, while you laid back down, stroking his cheek gently.
You looked at the clock, seeing it was nearly 8 as you sighed before you shook him gently.
“Good morning,” you whispered.
He kept his eyes close, pulling you in slightly while a small smile grew on your face.
“Derek, it’s almost 8,” you said.
“We don’t have anything important today,” he argued.
“Come on!” you pulled on his arm while he groaned, before sitting up.
“I’m up now,” he raised an eyebrow.
“I can see that,” you smiled.
He scoffed, before pressing his lips against yours.
“Good morning Ms. (Y/L/N),” you rested your forehead against his.
“Oh, stop calling me that,” you sighed.
“So, about 1,000 people can call you that but I can’t?” 
“Not on weekends and definitely not at 7:43 in the morning,” you heard Derek groan again, looking at the clock.
“Okay, you know what? Waking up early, we can start moving your stuff in here, yeah?” you nodded softly before Derek pressed a kiss against your cheek.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” he got out of bed, before reaching for your hand.
“Will you join me in the shower?” he raised an eyebrow.
You nodded your head, before hearing your phone ringing.
“I’ll be there in one minute,” he nodded, walking into the bathroom while you answered your phone.
“Mom? Why are you awake, it’s not even 8,” you yawned slightly, before pushing yourself to your feet.
Her breathing was uneven on the other line as you frowned, tensing slightly.
“Mom?” you repeated.
“How would you react if I said…” 
“Said what, Mom? You're scaring me.”
“What if I told you a certain someone got out of jail,” you felt your heart stop. You knew what she meant, you knew who she was talking about. 
You felt your breath get hitched in your throat before you swallowed.
“Are you there?”
“Y-Yeah… What do you mean got out of jail? How? He’s supposed to be locked up for 3 more years,” you could feel your heart rate increasing in your chest, while you tried to control your emotions.
“Let him out early, on good behavior.”
“That’s bullshit, Mom.”
“Exactly what I said. Promise me you’ll stay safe,” you nodded before remembering she couldn't see you.
“I promise, Mom,” she hung up the call before you felt your chest ache slightly, feeling fear rising in your bones.
You got a restraining order years ago, but you didn’t think he would care. 
Everything was finally good for you, it took nearly 7 years, but you moved on. You had been with Derek for one whole year, there was no one else you’d ever felt like that about.
He never scared you, not even with being a werewolf. He always showed he cared about you, the two of you barely fought with each other.
Memories began rushing to your head as you sighed, running your fingers through your hair.
You closed your eyes, feeling a tear slip down before you wiped it away.
“Hey, you coming?” you heard Derek call.
“Yeah, be right there!” you quickly wiped away your tears, taking a shaky breath.
You can do this, it’s gonna be okay 
“Are you okay?”
You snapped out of your daydream state, clearing your throat before giving a small smile to Derek.
“I’m fine, why?” you asked softly.
“You've been quiet today. Is everything okay at home?” he stroked your hand softly, placing a box on the floor as you turned to face him.
“Yeah, my mom just wanted to check in on us,” you felt guilty for lying to Derek, but you weren't ready for the truth. Not yet.
You knew you needed to talk about it soon, Derek didn't hide things from you, no matter how bad.
“Okay… you know you can tell me anything, right?” you nodded, before pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
“I know. Thank you,” he put his arm on your waist, before pulling you to your couch.
“There’s only a few boxes left. You should sit down for a minute, I’ll grab the last of your stuff,” Derek said.
“Oh, you don't-”
“It’s okay. I want to,” he pressed a small kiss to your lips, before walking away.
A smile appeared on your face, before you felt a sadness take over you. 
You quickly shot your mom a text, asking if anything had happened, or if she knew where your ex was.
You sat on the couch,  finding it nearly impossible to sit still.
It’s okay, I have Derek 
“Hey,” you tensed slightly, the sting of your bruised eye was blocking all your other senses, you couldn't hear him coming in.
You stood up from the bed, clenched your jaw.
“I wanted to apologize,”  you could smell the stench of alcohol reeking from him, he only ever talked like this when he was drunk.
“It’s okay,” you shook your head.
“It’s my fault, really. I didn't tell you what not to talk about, I thought you would've been smarter to piece it together,” you felt a pang in your chest as you remained stiff.
He stumbled over his feet, walking to you before pressing his lips against yours.
You backed away, shaking your head.
“It’s okay,” you said again.
“Come on,” his hand traveled to your waist, pulling you gently to the bed.
“I’m not in the mood right now,” you said softly.
“Shh,” you felt tears rush to your eyes, knowing what he would do. You couldn't say no.
You nodded softly, seeing a smirk on his face before he directed you to the bed.
You walked outside of your apartment building, taking a deep breath as you rubbed the back of your neck.
You paced around, before biting your nail,  feeling your heart racing. You couldn't calm down, you felt sick.
You looked around anxiously, not exactly sure what you were looking for. You didn't know how long he was out for, but there was no way he would know you were in Beacon Hills.
You heard footsteps behind you, instantly tensing up.
“(Y/N/N),” Derek put his hand on your shoulder as you jumped slightly, before turning to face him.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” you saw Derek tense as you shook your head, your vision getting diverted to something else.
You could hear your heart beating in your ears, hearing Derek’s words from afar.
“We don’t have to do this, you don't have to move into the loft,” he said softly.
“What? N-No, that’s not-” you shook your head.
“You’ve been acting differently all day. If you don't want to do this, you know we don’t have to,” Derek put his hands on both sides of your face, wiping away a tear you didn't know you had.
“No, that’s not why. I’m sorry, it’s just-” you paused, seeing a familiar car parked across the street as you let out a shaky breath, putting your hand over your mouth.
“(Y/N/N), hey,” you saw a worried look on Derek’s face, while he looked into your eyes.
“Can we go back to the loft?” your voice broke slightly before Derek nodded softly.
“Yeah, of course. Come on,” he held your hand while leading you into his car before the two of you drove off.
“Here,” Derek wrapped a blanket around you, while you sat on the couch, your eyes bloodshot.
“I’m sorry for all of this,” you whispered.
“You didn't do anything wrong. Just, please talk to me,” you nodded.
Derek stroked your hand softly, you realized you were shaking.
“Derek… a few years ago, I had this… really bad…” you paused, tears rushing to your eyes as you sniffled, before letting out a shaky exhale.
“H-He went to jail, but then he got out,” your voice broke as you saw Derek tense.
“That's why my mom called me this morning, she was telling me. I saw his car when we were at my apartment, a-and I don't know how he found me, or-” you stopped yourself, before Derek wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You felt a sob erupt from your chest as you buried yourself in his arms.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you before, I’m so sorry I lied to you,” you cried.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, (Y/N). Look,” he wiped your tears, looking into your eyes as you looked back at him.
“You don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I still love you, no matter what and I’m here with you through this. Do you have a restraining order or anything?” Derek started.
You nodded softly.
“Okay, that’s good. I’m not leaving your sight, I guess we’ll have to get used to spending every second of every day with each other. He is a shitty person, you deserved better and I can't believe you… you deserve the world. We're gonna do this, together. I’m right here for you,” you let out a shaky breath before Derek pressed his lips against your forehead.
“I’m scared,” you cried softly.
“It's gonna be okay, (Y/N/N),” he held you tightly, as you rested your head on his chest.
He continued to caress your arm, keeping you calm.
After waiting a few minutes after you fell asleep, Derek lifted you gently, placing you in the bed before he clenched his jaw, his eyes bloodshot, filled with anger and tears.
The thought of anyone even looking at you the wrong way made him mad, he couldn't imagine what happened. All he knew was that he loved you, and he was there for you.
He put his jacket on, grabbing his keys before exiting the loft. 
For (Y/N)
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Run to You Part One
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Derek Morgan x Reader
Words: 2474
Summary: Having been dating for a while, you finally feel comfortable enough to introduce your boyfriend to your daughter, Angelica. Derek takes on the role better than you could have imagined and you start to feel like a family. Then one day, Angelica disappears from a friend’s house and your ex husband starts making demands. 
Notes: Hey look it’s another one shot that got turned into a mini series. Whoops. Anyway, Derek Morgan, like Reid, holds a very special place in my heart and I hope you guys enjoy. Let me know what you think!
More Criminal Minds: HERE
You swirled the wine around in your glass, blowing out a long sigh before checking your watch. You’d been sitting there for about twenty minutes, deflecting glances from the waiter and reading the menu over and over again. You were about to call when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders, the contact nearly making you jump out of your chair. You whirled around, heart pounding and breathing heavy. You sighed with relief when a familiar charming smile greeted you. 
“Jesus, Derek, you’re lucky I didn’t pepper-spray you.” You groused, feeling your body gradually calm down. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips. 
“Sorry, baby, I got caught up at work.” 
“Uhuh.” You coyly turned your head away, pretending to ignore him. He ran his hands up and down your arms, giving you goosebumps. 
“I’ll make it up to you…” He coaxed, his breath hot against the skin of your neck. Damn, he was impossible to be mad at. 
“You’d better.” You surrendered to another kiss before he sat down across from you. 
While you kept up your usual cool and collected appearance, on the inside you were sweating like a pig. Tonight was the night. Usually, on nights like tonight, you would get either dumped or ghosted. Most of the time it was both. But you had a feeling, a desperate hope, that Derek was different. 
“Earth to Y/N.” Derek laughed. You hadn’t realized that you had spaced off. He reached across the table and put his hand on yours. “Where’s your head at, sweetheart?” 
“I, uh,” You laughed nervously, “I was thinking we could go back to my place after this.” The biggest smirk spread across his face. 
“That’s what you’re getting antsy about?” He chuckled, shaking his head. The waiter came back with the check and, though he offered, you took this one. 
“You paid for the last date.” You reasoned, though you also didn’t want him to shell out for dinner if he was going to run off later. 
“Independent woman, I get it.” He teased. He knew that something was off about tonight. You kept looking at your watch, fingers tapping on the table anxiously, and now your eyes kept darting from the check to his face. 
Once the check was taken care of, you both headed back out to the parking lot. Derek took your hand and stopped suddenly, pulling you into his arms. He lifted your chin so that you were looking into his eyes. You looked pretty freaked out about something and it was worrying him. 
“Okay, sweetheart, what’s going on?” 
“What do you mean? Everything’s fine.” You couldn’t even convince yourself, let alone a behavioral profiler. You took a breath and let the tension built up in your shoulders fall. “Okay, there’s something I haven’t been telling you about me and when we go back to my place, you’re going to understand.” His eyes widened. 
“Don’t tell me you're married.” 
“No!” You exclaimed. “Well, not anymore. My ex and I split a long time ago.” 
“I’m confused. You were married?” You nodded, looking down shamefully. Derek put a hand on your cheek. “Baby, you could have told me that.” You let out a frustrated sigh. 
“That’s not the problem, Derek. That’s not the part that sends every other guy I’ve dated running for the hills.” 
“You’re really freaking me out here, Y/N. What is it?” Did you really think he was that kind of guy? You bit your lip nervously. 
“My roommate.” 
Your apartment should have been dark, but the living room lamp lit up the room, revealing the little bundle of blankets curled up on the sofa and the fast-asleep teen in the chair. You sighed, putting your keys in the little bowl on the table and walked over to the couch. You knelt in front of it, searching for a little nose and a pair of eyes. 
“I know you’re awake, Jellybean.” You tapped her nose lightly and earned a chorus of giggles. Her eyes popped open and her arms latched around your neck. 
“I missed you.” She pouted, making you laugh. 
“Baby, it’s only been a couple of hours. Besides, you had Amy to keep you company.” You motioned to the teen who was snoring in the seat across from you. Angelica made a face. 
“Who’s that?” She pointed over your shoulder to an awestruck looking Derek. You picked her up, blankets and all, and walked her over to him. 
“This is Derek. He’s a friend of mommy’s.” You tried to read his expression, but he was just looking at her. 
“Hi Derek, I’m Angelica.” She beamed. He smiled. 
“Hi sweetheart. That’s a really pretty necklace.” He motioned to the chain around her neck. It had a little locket on the end with a picture of the two of you inside. 
“Thanks! It was my mom’s, but she gave it to me for my birthday this year.” 
“Alright, munchkin, why don’t you go brush your teeth and get into bed?” You put her down on the floor, ignoring her pouting lips. “Go.” She scampered off to her room and you slowly looked back up at Derek. “So…”
“I’m going to send Amy home and then can I get you something to drink?” You asked, but you were really waiting for him to run. He nodded. 
“A drink would be great.” 
After Amy was gone and you finally got Angelica to stay in bed, Derek was patiently waiting on the couch, glass of wine in hand, awaiting the explanation that sent most guys out the door. You nervously sat down beside him and took a long drink from your own glass. 
“Your roommate?” Derek chuckled, quirking a brow. You laughed anxiously. 
“Yeah… I was afraid if I came right out and said ‘daughter’ you wouldn’t have even left the parking lot.” You curled your legs up underneath you, trying to get comfortable despite the situation. “That’s also why I didn’t tell you about her sooner. It seems every time I like a guy, he bolts as soon as he finds out I’ve got a kid.” Derek nodded in understanding. 
“How old is she?” 
“She’ll be eight in two months.” You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. “They aren’t kidding when they say they grow up fast.” 
“Yeah, well if she’s anything like her mother, I’m sure she’s a piece of work.” Derek chuckled, teasingly poking your side. He seemed pretty laid back. He wasn’t gunning for the door or itching to leave as soon as your back was turned. His face turned serious, but he still didn’t seem angry. “You know you could have told me, right?” 
“It’s not you, Derek.” You stared at the wine in your glass, watching it swirl around like a crimson whirlpool. “I just have a hard time trusting people, especially when it comes to her. But I’m sure your profiler brain figured that out the day we met.” You cast him a knowing look. He shrugged. 
“I knew that you weren’t telling me something, but I always figured you’d tell me when you were ready to tell me.” He moved closer to you, setting his glass on the coffee table. “And now you have.” 
“I know that this isn’t exactly what you signed up for, and I’m not asking for you to step in and become her dad or anything like that, but I really want to keep seeing you and-” You took a breath. “Sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?” 
“Just a little, but it’s okay.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you both sank further into the couch. “She seems like a good kid.”
“Oh, she is.” You beamed. “She’s smart and way more creative than I ever was at her age. And after everything that’s happened…” You stopped. You didn’t want to get into that now. One big reveal is enough for one night. “She’s a great kid.” 
Derek didn’t miss your hesitation, but he decided not to push it. You would tell him when you were ready. 
Three weeks later
When you stepped into the kitchen, you couldn’t help but laugh. Derek was standing over the stove, eggs cooking in the pan and music playing from your speaker. 
“Alright, show me your moves. Dance with me, Angel.” He laughed, Angelica jumping and spinning around him. Derek was beaming, picking her up in his arms and twirling around, spotting you out of the corner of his eye. “Morning.” 
“Morning momma!” Angelica exclaimed. You smiled and kissed her cheek. 
“Good morning Jellybean.” You kissed Derek, smiling against his lips. “Good morning Derek.” 
“We’re making you breakfast.” Angel grinned. “We’ve got eggs and bacon and french toast.” 
“Don’t forget the coffee.” Derek added. You laughed. 
“No, never forget the coffee.” You poured yourself a cup and watched as Derek continued his playful dancing with your daughter. It was hard to believe that he didn’t know she existed a month ago. In just a few weeks, Derek had become a fixture in her life. He was sweet and funny and, most importantly, he really cared about her. “Oh, Derek, I almost forgot. Could you pick Angel up after school today? I have a bunch of meetings today that are supposed to go late. Obviously if you have to leave for a case, I can figure something else out, but I figured if you were here you might be available?” 
“I’ll let you know if we have to take off, but I should be able to otherwise.” 
“Yay!” Angel cheered, placing a big kiss on his cheek. Derek chuckled. 
“Alright, Angel, you’d better go get ready.” He put her back down. “And if you’re quick, I’ll make you an extra piece of french toast, okay?”
“Okay, Derek!” She grinned and sprinted to her room. You watched him in awe. 
“I can’t believe how good you are with her.” You mused. Derek smirked. 
“What can I say? Chicks love me.” He teased. You rolled your eyes. Dereke snaked an arm around your waist and kissed your cheek. 
“I have two sisters.” He chuckled, shrugging slightly. “Besides, Angel is a sweet girl.”
“She’s crazy about you, that’s for sure.” You laughed lightly, taking another sip of coffee. Everything felt exactly the way it was supposed to. Derek made you feel safer than you had in a long time and, even more, he made you happier than you had been in years. 
Derek gave you a quick kiss goodbye before jetting off to the BAU. You watched his car pull away as he blew a kiss to Angelica with a grin on his face. 
When he got to work, an eagerly curious face was awaiting him. Penelope had been trying to figure out who Derek’s new girl was for a while. He hadn’t told her your name, partially because it was fun to watch her squirm with not knowing, but also because he knew her too well. She’d find out everything she could about you and he wanted to find it out for himself. He didn’t want you getting profiled by anybody else on the team. 
“You can stop grinning like that, babygirl, I’m still not going to tell you.” He smirked. Garcia pouted. 
“I can’t believe you torture me like this.” She huffed. “I am your best friend and therefore am privy to any and all relationship details. Hiding them is like breaching our deepest form of trust.” 
“I have given you details, Penelope.” He chuckled. “I’ve told you I’m seeing someone, it’s more serious than a usual fling, and that you would approve of her.” 
“How do you know I would approve?” Garcia challenged, punching his shoulder. “She’s got to be one hell of a woman to be good enough for my Derek Morgan.” 
“She is, babygirl. Believe me, she is.” He put an arm around her as they walked in together. Prentiss gave the pair a smile. 
“Did he finally tell you who she is?” 
“No and it is killing me!” 
“I still think he made her up to torture us.” Reid laughed as he walked by. Derek thwacked the back of his head and everyone laughed as they went to their piles of dreaded paperwork. Derek stopped by J.J.’s office. 
“Hey, J.J. what does today look like so far? Any cases?” 
“None that aren’t going to take me all day to prepare, why?” She smirked. “Got a hot date with your mystery woman tonight?” Morgan chuckled. 
“Something like that.” 
“Seriously, we are all dying to meet the woman that finally caged our resident playboy.” J.J. whined. 
“You’ll all meet her soon enough, I promise. I just don’t want all of you scaring Y/N off yet.” He wiggled his eyebrows, content with giving her just enough of a clue to appease the beasts for a while. 
Walking back to his desk, he had to shake his head, laughing as J.J. rushed to Garcia’s office to tell her the ‘mystery woman’s’ name. 
The day passed just as J.J. had said. Without a case, it was all catching up on paperwork and studying different cases. Of course, Garcia would be looking up every Y/N in Virginia and Morgan couldn’t help but revel in her vain efforts. 
He was pouring himself another cup of coffee when Prentiss tapped his shoulder. 
“Hey, your phone’s been ringing. I was half tempted to answer just to get it to stop. Can’t you hear it?” 
“I guess my mind was somewhere else.” He shrugged. He finished pouring his coffee and went back to his desk. “SSA Morgan.” 
“Derek…” You tried to calm down enough so you could speak clearly. 
“Y/N? Baby, what is it? Are you okay?” The entire office shifted with him. They saw his body tense and his voice change with concern. 
“It’s Angelica. S-she disappeared from school. They said she was there before recess and when they came back in, she was gone. Derek, he took her. I know he did. If we don’t find her he’s going to-”
“Woah, slow down, baby. I’m coming to you, okay. Where are you, the school?”
“Yeah, but Derek I-”
“I’ll be right there. Don’t go anywhere until I get there.” He hung up and grabbed his jacket. Prentiss looked at him with a worried expression. 
“Morgan, is everything okay?”
“Tell Hotch I had to leave.” 
“Why? What happened?” Reid asked. Derek looked around at all of their concerned faces and sighed. 
“I don’t have time to explain right now and it might be nothing, but if it isn’t…” He hated to admit it, but this wasn’t about his ego. This was about you and Angel. “I might need your help.” 
With that, he was gone, running to the elevator to get to you as fast as he could.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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pretoriafics · 3 years
If I wasn't a goddamn werewolf
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I simply needed to do something with Talia. I think the pack dynamics would be so wonderful with her, with Laura, and with Cora. Should I do a part 2? Let me know <3
Talia just came back from the dead, and she is just trying to figure out what is happening with her son. But when she met you, everything becomes clear. Word count: 1.757 Pairings: Reader x Derek Contain: Pure angst!!; Derek being a dick; Warnings: English is not my main language <3 PART 2 TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST
Things were a true mess these days. The starting point was a resurrection. Nobody knew exactly how Talia arose from the dead, but everyone was trying to find out. Well, after so many years out of the Beacon Hills life, Talia was trying to fix in and absorb what had happened during the time she was dead. Peter had tried and failed to kill his daughter Laura, Cora comes back to the city, and the Hale's had rebuilt their pack with three new members: Boyd, Isaac, and Erica. Derek was happy with the presence of Talia - actually, everyone was - but as a mom, she knew something was pretty wrong. He was being a little bit... sad.
Talia caught Derek thoughtful during the night several times. Sometimes he just simply took his car and disappear. He was also taking time for himself, staying alone with his own thoughts. Talia just simply couldn't figure out what the hell was going on with her son. But when she has begun to think that maybe all of that was just something created inside of a mother's mind, she finds out about everything.
Talia, Derek, and Laura were doing some groceries at a supermarket. Talia and Laura were chatting about the city while taking a few things when suddenly, both of them heard a female voice greeting Derek in the corridor next to them.
"Hey, Derek."
It was you. Laura recognized your voice immediately. Talia's older daughter took her mom's wrist and took her to spy Derek, making a sign with her finger on her lips to her mom stay quiet. When Talia and Laura look at you and Derek, they notice all the signs of a couple in love. Your hearts were beating fast, and your eyes were shining like a thousand stars. You were pretty anxious, like a teenager talking for the first time with your crush. And your voice was so sweet... The air seems to completely disappear from Derek's lungs.
But despite all of the signs of love, Derek didn't reply to you. Actually, seems like the soft expression of love simply disappeared from his face - which was pretty severe and cold now. His facial expressions seem to let you even more anxious. You begun to regret to had the stupid idea to talk with him.
"Uh..." You started to talk, with his lack of answer "I..."
Without saying a word to you, Derek takes a can from the shelves and, simply, walks away from you. It was like you even weren't there. And, God, it broke your heart. Alone in the corridor and without becoming aware that you were being looked closely for Laura and Talia, you let escape a tear that ran through your face. Trying to compose yourself, you breathe in and swipe the tear away. You need to be strong.
When you just simply walk away from that corridor, Talia looks at Laura, pretty confused.
"Is that his ex?"
"No, she is just a girl he met. They started to become friends, but things evolved. Derek had decided to fell apart from her when Kate threatened to do something with her. You know, she was trying to manipulate him. But Derek thought that she would be safer without him. She doesn't know anything about supernatural, so..."
"It's dangerous for her."
"How long ago did this happen?"
Laura drums her fingers on her chin, thoughtfully.
"I think it's been a year..."
"Oh, wow."
"Yeah, I know. You would love to meet her." Laura and Talia walk close to the candies session, looking at you. "Her name is (Y/N). She's a great girl."
"She seems like one."
Laura, Derek, and Talia were putting the groceries into the car - the place where Cora was waiting for her family. Talia was pretty thoughtful, thinking about the issue between you and Derek. Despite thinking that Derek did the right thing, she felt sad about the whole situation. It was pretty clear to her that Derek likes you a lot, and so do you.
Talia was torn from your thoughts when she listened to Cora's voice.
"Oh, I didn't saw her coming into the market."
Derek arches his eyebrows at his sister, walking in the driver's seat direction.
Cora indicates you with a nod in her head, and Derek's sight runs in your direction. Now Derek was looking at you for a distance he could saw you properly. Damn, you were so beautiful... He was pretty sure you did something with your hair, who made you more beautiful than ever. His heart began to race, and his face softened. You were like a sedative for him, with the power to take all of his angry away.
Unless you were next to another guy. In this case, you would stoke his fury just like the gasoline feeds fire. That was the case now.
You were walking in a man's direction, close to an expensive car. Despite being upset and heartbroken, you forced a smile on him, and he gave you a soft and slow kiss. Derek's chest vibrated in a low and threatening roar.
Laura looks at Cora.
"Who's that guy?"
"Well, he's her boyfriend. They're together a few months."
"He's hot. And seems like he's rich too."
Yeah, he was perfect. Derek didn't hate him just because he's the one who touches you now. Derek hates him because that guy was perfect, and better than him in so many aspects. He was rich, handsome, and a perfect gentleman. And he has you.
Oh, God... Derek wants so much for being under his skin for one day... Derek could simply forget all the supernatural bullshit and stay with you without worries. Damn, he wants so much to touch you again and kiss you again. He wants so much to say to you how beautiful you were with whatever you did with your hair, how you smell good, and how sorry he is for hurting you because he would never do that if it weren't for your own good.
If Derek wasn't a goddamn werewolf, he could take that vacation on Hawaii with you that you wanted so much. If he wasn't a goddamn werewolf, he could wake up by your side in the morning - something he never was able to do because of all the supernatural crap in the city. Derek could wake you up with kisses and breakfast in the bed too. If he wasn't a goddamn werewolf, he would take you to live with him on his loft. You would never cry of sadness, just of happiness.
If he wasn't a goddamn werewolf, Derek would give you a ring and would ask if you want to be Mrs. Hale.
Instead of all of it, Derek was forced to broke your heart for your own protection. He was forced to tell you not to talk with him anymore because he never felt anything for you. You were nothing more than a one-night stand, his little toy.
Derek remembers that day like it was yesterday. You were crying like never before while you listened to his sharp words.
"What do I did with you that made you thought you were so special?"
"You are nothing to me."
"I just wanted some fun. You can't blame me."
"Stop acting like a stuping teenager in love!"
It was hurtful to say those words to you. None of them were true. Derek just wanted you to hate him as much as someone could hate. With it, you would stay away from him and all of the danger. In fact, you said that night those three words he wanted you to tell him.
"I hate you!" You yelled, with your face wet in tears. "You are the biggest mistake I could ever make in my entire life!"
Despite saying horrible things to you that had hurt Derek as hell, your words hurt as much as his own. But even with all the emotions conflicting inside himself, Derek even could hear your heartbeat failing. It was the sound of your lie.
Despite all of that, you didn't hate him. You didn't think he was the biggest mistake of your like.
That broke him even more.
Derek just wants to feel you in his arms again and say to you how much he loves you - because, yeah, he really loves you, and he really thinks you are the one. Instead of it, he gives up on your love to keep you alive and safe.
Suddenly, Derek listens to your boyfriend talk with you. He was still with his face close to yours.
"I'm so lucky to have you as my girl." Your boyfriend smiles at you "I love you."
Your heart ached one more time that day. Oh, if those words were from Derek's mouth... But no, you think he hates you. Determined to move on and forget about Hale, you force a smile on your boyfriend.
"I love you too."
Your heartbeat sound failed, and the Hale family on another side of the parking lot could hear your lie. You didn't love your boyfriend but, oh, you really wish you could. He was perfect.
However, you always thought about how boring perfection was and, actually, you would love to be imperfect with Derek.
Your boyfriend gives you a sweet smile and gets into his expensive car. You walk towards the passenger's seat door and, before getting into the car, you look in Derek's direction.
He was looking at you with those beautiful and glacial green eyes. It was pretty hard to pretend he didn't love you because he does so much. While Talia was watching the entire situation, she noticed that yours and Derek's eyes were yelling a silent, dangerous, and forbidden I love you - the one who could let anyone with no air in their lungs.
Then, you breathe in, trying to contain yourself. You got into the car and, then, you and your boyfriend were leaving the parking lot and Derek's sight. If getting away from him and being in another man's arms meant you were safe, then Derek could handle it. However, after looking at the whole situation, Talia was not well with it. Well, Laura and Cora weren't either. They knew about his brother's sincere feelings, and Talia knew it that moment either. The gears inside her brain were already working to find a solution for all of that.
Derek, however, could only think of how much you would never really be his.
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jengis-morrangis · 3 years
Lip Scarf
I made this for the Summer of Pinecest Contest hosted by @pacific-ship. I’d like to thank her for motivating me to get off my lazy butt and write this story. I hope you all enjoy it.
A red, green and white radiance filled Mabels room, giving it a dimly lit warm feeling. Normally she had different string lights hanging in her room that included a variety of colors, but for the holidays she decided to decorate her room in accordance with the season. She took another look around her room, proud of how the decorations came out but feeling strangely foreign in this room.
She had only been at college for a semester, but so much had happened in that time that it felt like an eternity. She had met so many new people and made many new friends. Between college classes and other activities she was swamped. So much so that she even had trouble finding time to call Dipper every once in a while. Which made today all the more exciting.
Mabel had arrived home from college for winter break a few days earlier than Dipper, and had to find things to keep her occupied while she waited for him. After she had unpacked her things and settled back into her room, she decided to explore her old stomping ground. She had visited old friends from high school and greeted her neighbors. She visited an old park her and Dipper used to frequent with her friends and went sledding down one of the snow covered hills.
Back in her room, she heard the distinct sound of a car door slamming outside and quickly ran to the window. She peeked outside and saw a taxi pulling away, as well as the distinct figure of Dipper walking up the walkway to their house. She excitedly skipped into the hallway, downstairs and to the darkened front door. 
She saw the doorknob turning and reached to open it and beat Dipper to the punch. She yanked the door open and Dipper's larger form came falling through with it. Both of them yelped as they collided and tumbled to the ground. 
“What the- Mabel?” Dipper asked, startled.
Mabel giggled as Dipper climbed off of her and got to his knees. He stood up and helped her up as well. Mabel reached through the darkness of the foyer to find the lightswitch and flipped it on. Both her and Dipper flinched as their eyes adjusted to the light. 
Mabel looked at Dipper, and as his face came into focus, Mabel noticed that something was off. It was different than when she had last seen it. It took her a few seconds to realize. Atop Dipper's lip sat a big, bushy chevron mustache.
Mabel couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her jaw fell open and she gawked at him for a few seconds. Dipper looked back at her, clearly feeling suddenly self conscious. He gave a bashful smile in response.
“Hey Mabel.” He said.
Mabel burst out laughing. She couldn’t control herself as she backed into the wall behind her and slid to the floor. She wrapped her arms around herself as she was overcome with laughter and felt a stitch in her side.
After what felt like an eternity, her laughing died down and she looked back up at Dipper. His arms were folded in front of himself, and the lower half of his beet red face was tucked into the neck of his sweater, effectively hiding his mustache.
“Well… I thought it looked good.” He grumbled, clearly embarrassed. 
“Nooo, nooo! It’s great!” She assured him, trying hard to stifle a laugh.
“Oh, please.” He said, starting to sound a bit annoyed. 
“No, seriously. I’m not being sarcastic.” She stood up and walked close to him. “It’s cute.” She said as she lightly brushed it with her fingers. “It’s like a fuzzy little caterpillar.” 
Dipper sighed, clearly this was not the reception he was expecting.
“Well let’s put it to the test. Bring it in for a kiss.” Said Mabel. Tapping a finger to her lips. 
“Okay…” Dipper said, sounded slightly uplifted at the prospect of finally being able to kiss his girlfriend that he’s missed for so long.
They came close and kissed, just as they had countless times before. 
Mabel jumped away with a yelp, rubbing her top lip. “Ow. You stabbed me.” She whined.
Dipper let out a noise that was a mixture of a sigh and a groan. “Fine. I’ll go shave it.” 
Mabel grabbed his sleeve as he turned to walk upstairs and held him still. “Nooo, come on, one more time. I’m sure it’ll be better this time.” Mabel said, still trying to not laugh at the humor of the situation. 
Dipper stared at her. His face wore an expression of clear embarrassment and exhaustion. With one foot on the first step of the staircase, he looked upstairs, then back down at Mabel giving her best puppy eyes
“One more time.” He relented. He took his foot off the steps and turned to face Mabel again. He quickly combed and straightened out his mustache with his fingers to try to reduce the odds of stabbing her again.
They came close again, this time being extra careful during the kiss. It was slower, and thankfully without any stabbing. This time Mabel was actually able to enjoy the kiss, and she realized just how much she missed this. The last time they kissed was just before leaving for college a few short months ago, but in that time she could already feel herself having withdrawals. 
They broke apart and Mabel wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him.
“Feeling better?” Mabel cood to him. 
“Yeah. A little…” He really did sound better. Mabel cupped his face in her hand, running her thumb across his jawline, taking a moment to admire his facial hair. It really was a good mustache. It was fuller than she thought he was capable of, and surprisingly well groomed. This may actually grow on her. Figuratively. 
“You look like dad.” Mabel added. 
Dipper chuckled. “Okay, don’t make this any weirder than it already is.” 
Mabel giggled. “Come here.” She pulled him close and kissed him again. “No go put your stuff away,” Mabel shoo’d him toward the steps. “Mom and dad will be home any minute.
Dinner that night was almost just as awkward as the kissing debacle. The Pines family all sat around the table, eating their food in near silence as they all stole obvious glances at Dipper's mustache. 
He pretended not to notice, trying to start conversations to draw attention away from his face. He asked about what they had done since he and Mabel left, how Mabel’s classes were, and trying to talk about his own experiences. But the conversations were always short lived. 
Mabel looked back and forth between Dipper and their father. The similarities between their mustaches were simultaneously uncanny and comical.
“Saving that for later?” The twin’s father asked when Dipper had a piece of broccoli stuck above his lip. 
Dipper stretched his lip out in search of what his father was referring to, swiping at the hair in search of the particles of food. The rest of the family laughed as he did so.
Dipper sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Only joshing you.” The Pines father said.
“Yeah…” Dipper said.
“I think he looks handsome.” Mabel said from beside him. 
Dipper peeked over to her and smiled. “Well, I guess that’s enough of a reason to keep it.”
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cathrrrine · 3 years
The Devil's In The Details
Originally from my AO3
SPN X MCU - Steve Rogers x Winchester!Reader
Chapter 3 - Little Angel
The sound of rain pattering against the roof of the car almost lulled you to sleep, so you turned up the music, hoping to wake yourself up a little with the upbeat tune playing on the radio. Your fingers tapped against the wheel, enjoying the rhythm of the song.
In front of you was the sleek, black 67’ Chevy Impala that you knew like the back of your hand. How could you not? You basically lived in it for more than half of your life—it was a home for you and your brothers because it was the one constant you had in your lives. You still remembered it’s every nook and cranny and the way the leather seat felt under your skin. If you closed your eyes you could still hear the hum of its engine.
You were following them from behind to drive to their bunker. A day ago you never even thought you’d say that you were going to meet your mom for the first time since you were two years old.
Steve knew about your past. You’ve laid all the cards on the table somewhere along your relationship. He knew about your brothers, your hunting life, the kind of monsters you’ve encountered. He was no stranger to the life you lived before you were an Avenger, so when you told him that your mother was brought back to life, he wasn’t that surprised.
Although he was shocked and in disbelief for a moment, it didn’t take too much to convince him that what you were saying was true. So, here you were with a bag packed if you had to stay overnight, on your way to meet Mary Winchester.
“Be careful, angel face. Call me as soon as you get there and call me if anything happens.” He had told you before you opened the door of your car. “Promise?”
“I promise, babe. Don’t worry about me.” You smiled as he kissed the top of your head. “I’m the one who should be worried. What if James gets his nightmares again?”
“Hey, hey. It’ll be fine. It’s not like this is the first time it will be just the two of us.” He chuckled, looking down to James who was hugging your leg tightly. “Right bud?”
“I’m gonna miss mommy.” He pouted, and you couldn’t resist the urge to bend down and pick him up, setting him on your hip.
“Mommy’s gonna miss you too, pumpkin.” You planted a kiss on his cheek. “Take care of daddy for me, okay?”
“Will you be gone a long time again?”
“No, it won’t be long, baby.” You assured him, but a small part of you wondered if that was going to be the case. You hoped what you said to him was true. Spending a long time away from your baby seemed like a nightmare. “Before you know it, I’ll be here to plant kisses on your cheeks again.”
He giggled, “Okay, mommy.” He grabbed your hair in his tiny fists, making you scrunch your nose up in fondness. After handing him to Steve, Tony and Natasha went over to hug you, knowing that what you were about to face was anything but easy.
“Take care of yourself, kiddo.”
“You know the drill. Call me if you need me.”
Their support meant everything to you. In the whole six years of knowing them, you’ve begun to think of them as family.
You slowed the car down as you turned to a narrow intersection, and you hit the brakes as soon as the Impala in front of you came to a stop.
The place you were parked in front of fit the word ‘bunker’ perfectly. It wasn’t anything flashy or shiny, just a concrete building on a small hill that was covered with patches of dry grass and soil.
You pressed the button that stopped the car engine—thanks to Tony, everyone on the team was suited with high-tech equipment—and stepped out of the car, walking towards your brothers who had done the same.
“This is the bunker, huh?” You shoved your hands in the pockets of your leather jacket, already feeling the chilly breeze.
“Yeah, it’s nothing fancy like your tower. But we make do.” Dean replied with a sharpness to his tone, not even bothering to make eye contact. He strolled off to the entrance and you followed behind, keeping your distance.
When you stepped in, you took in all of it with a wave of an emotion that you couldn’t decipher. You observed the layout of the building; the metal railings in front of you, the high ceilings and the tiled walls. There was a octagon-shaped table with a built-in map on the glass surface, a number of cushioned chairs surrounding it.
You gawked in awe, it wasn’t anything you had expected. Part of you was jealous that your brothers had found the bunker after you had left, but there was a bigger part of you that was elated that your brothers had made it into a home of their own.
You could tell they did so. You recognised a few of their own stuff scattered here and there throughout the room; Sam’s jacket draped over a chair, a coffee mug on the table, a pair Dean’s sunglasses that he had worn since he was 20 near it. It was all just little things, but they were personal items that made it obvious that the space belonged to them.
The three of you had spent so many years living from motel to motel that having a consistent place to go back to every time seemed like heaven. You already knew how that felt like, and you were glad they did too.
“Yeah.” Sam whispered from behind you. “I know.” He saw the glint in your eye when you looked around the room.
You pursed your lips, not knowing what to say.
“Mom’s in there.” Dean pointed through an archway, you looked through it and saw a row of tables lined up. “She knows we brought you.”
You gulped, nervous and excited at the same time. You could feel your heart throbbing in your chest. I’m not ready for this.
“She’s waiting, Y/N.” Sam put a hand on your shoulder, albeit a little reluctantly. “It’s okay.”
Your feet dragged itself to walk down the stairs and through the archway, finding that it was a library room as soon as you saw the bookracks that lined the walls. It was a well-lit space, with a number of magnificent pillars standing in between the bookracks and the tables.
You whipped your head around to see a blonde woman with familiar gray-blue eyes, the same ones you’ve seen in your reflection. Your heart almost stopped at the sight of her. It seemed like a dream to see someone you’ve only ever seen in pictures in the flesh.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Her lips curled up into a small smile as she tried to make light of the situation. Mary took one step towards you. She wasn’t sure what was going through your head, she didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, but all she wanted to do was scoop you up into her arms and embrace you in a bone-crushing hug.
“M-mom.” You stuttered, tears welling up in your eyes. You were at a loss for words. “Hi.”
“Oh, my little angel.” She ran to you, unable to contain it anymore. You let her wrap her arms around you as you nuzzled your face in the crook of her neck. “You’ve gotten so big. Look at you!”
Mary missed her daughter. She wasn’t too glad to hear that you had broken off from the family and didn’t stay in contact with Sam and Dean. Even though she was more than happy to be with her sons, her heart ached at the absence of her only daughter at their reunion, not knowing if she’ll ever get to see you at all.
“I missed you, mom.” You exhaled a shaky breath into her shoulder, arms still wrapped around her like you were clinging on for dear life. She was well aware how meaningful this was for you. For her, it felt like it was just yesterday that she was tucking all of you in bed, but it had been more than thirty years since you last saw her, and that hurt her very deeply. It was emotional for her too, and a little bit strange, but she couldn’t deny that what you were going through was different from what she was feeling.
“God, you’re not so little anymore. I can’t believe it.” She pulled away, wiping the tears off your cheeks with her hands and kissing the top of your head. “I missed you too.”
“I don’t think you know this yet,” you beamed when a thought popped into your head. “I’m a mom now, too.”
“Y/N! That’s amazing.” Her eyebrows shot up, a big grin starting to grow on her face. “You know, I’ve always wanted a grandchild, but this feels weird considering the fact that I still think you’re two years old.”
You laughed, tears still flowing greatly down your cheeks. “Do you want to meet him?”
“Of course, honey. More than anything.” Then she started to wonder, “Do I...get to meet the father too?”
“Yeah, yes please.” Another breathy laugh escaped your lips again, the joy bubbling in your chest was too much to be contained. “His name is Steve Rogers. He’s a great guy, mom. You’ll love him.”
“What about your baby?
“James. He’s three!” You chortled, face beaming with pride. “I have so much to tell you, Mom. You have no idea.”
She brushed a piece of hair out of your face. “I’m here, Y/N. You can tell me all about it.”
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the two men seated on the chairs in the room next to you had been listening quietly to your conversation. Sam threw a look at Dean, a stern gaze that was so bone-chilling, it even made Dean shift in his seat.
“He’s three Dean. She has a three year old son.”
“So?” He tried to look unbothered.
“Don’t you feel any remorse? Regret? She’s been alone all these years without us and we never even sent her a text.”
“She hasn’t been alone, Sammy. She’s obviously had that Captain America dude around for a while, not to mention that she’s friends with the literal Avengers.”
“You know that is not what I mean.” Sam scowled. “We’re her brothers, Dean. We should’ve been there nonetheless.”
Dean rolled his eyes, returning the same dirty look to him before standing up and heading to the kitchen. “I’m not talking about this now.”
Sam sighed, leaning back on his chair as he watched his brother walk away helplessly. He knew pushing him further would do no good.
This was hard for him. Y/N had been there for all his life, before they separated. She always had his back. When he got in trouble, she defended him. When Dean was a bit too annoying, she defended him. And when he wanted to go to Stanford, she defended him. She had been his biggest supporter and was nothing but a good sister to him. He wished he realised that before it was too late.
No matter the hardships he had been through all his life, he knew one thing for sure; his biggest mistake was abandoning Y/N all those years ago.
Would she forgive him for a sin so cruel?
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You’re It
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[gif credit to @ehghtyseven​]
Square: Mechanic!AU ( @supernatural-jackles​ tell me a story bingo)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Her life is falling apart around her. So she heads to her hometown to start fresh. But is she ready to take on what awaits her in Lawrence Kansas.
Warnings: Angst, abusive relationships, domestic assault, break ups, Lisa being a bitch, Death of a character, tears, strong language, smut ( 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it up boys), p in v, pwp (I think anyway)) things moving unrealistically fast but it’s a fiction so, screw realism.
Word Count: 5,400 ish
Bingo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
A/N: This is a long one, I hope you enjoy it. :3
Tears streaming down her face as she drove down the long dark road on the rainy night.
All her belongings in the backseat and trunk of her car.
How she gave him so many chances was beyond her, but he is all out of chances. Out of chances to hurt her again.
An innocent dinner, and one accident brought out the beast in her, now ex-boyfriend.
She’s sure she’s still sporting the red hand mark on her face, a black eye and even a bruise on her shoulder.
But she was heading back to where it all started, her hometown of Lawrence Kansas.
She just reached the outskirts of the city when her car started to act up on her, making a scary noise that sounded expensive.
She saw a sign that caught her eye, made her think of her high school days.
Winchester Garage and Scrap.
Winchester. She knew a Dean Winchester. He was a grade higher than her; she was a junior and he was a senior when they met.
He was always so sweet to her. She even fell for Dean at one point, but it all shattered when she saw him kiss another girl at their prom. Ran home in tears.
She had no choice, her car was about to either die or explode, she had to pull in towards the parking lot.
She saw him.
He hasn’t changed at all, like he doesn’t age.
He came running out, signaling to her to shut her car off. She does as told without hesitation. The sound was scaring her this point.
Clearing her eyes of any tears, dry her face as she got out.
“That don’t sound good, lets get it looked at…” He says. “Wait, do I know you from somewhere?”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N,”
“Your junior prom and my senior prom, damn it’s been a while.” She could tell he’s just making small talk, ignoring the elephant between them.
She nods in agreement.
“You okay? Did…did someone hit you?” he saw it. She knew he saw it. Either the slap mark or the black eye. Either way, he saw it.
“It doesn’t matter Dean; can you please fix my car and I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Doesn’t matter? Someone hurt you Y/N. Come inside, I still have hot coffee going, lets get you out of this rain.”
She nodded following him inside.
 In the waiting room she heard Dean typing away getting her car checked into his system, getting her paperwork started for her, leaving a few other spaces for her to fill in but other than that, he helped her get the ball rolling.
Walking back in the waiting room he saw how small she was making herself become in the room. Something big happened to her, and she wasn’t up for sharing it with him.
He walked up to her, seeing her look up at him with her big eyes, almost puppy like. He handed her the clipboard.
“I filled out what I could for you, I just need your personal info, address, phone number, that sort of thing.”
“Okay.” She says, setting down the coffee and taking the clipboard and pen.
He only saw her write down her phone number.
“You don’t live in town anymore?” he asked curiously.
“No I didn’t, but I’m moving back now.”
“Look, I know something big and bad went down between you and someone. I just…it pisses me off that someone hurt you.”
“You still care about me, why is that?”
“You were my girl; I still consider you my girl. I don’t know what I did that pissed you off, you never wanted to hear from my side.”
“You were kissing another girl on prom night, I saw you.”
“A girl, oh, you mean Abaddon, she’s had a huge crush on me and forced herself on me.”
Her heart was pounding hard against her.
“She…did she did more?”
“No, I pushed her off. And I went to look for you, and when I couldn’t find you, I knew what her plan was.”
“She did that on purpose, in hopes I’d see it and break up with you. So you’d be up for grabs for her…that bitch!”
“Y/N, that was almost ten years ago now, she married Michael, and they been married for about three years now…let it go.”
She hid her face in embarrassment, forcing the tears back.
“I was with Lucifer,”
“Michael’s brother, why he’s such a dick?”
“He comforted me after what I saw. And after I graduated, I followed him to LA. We tried to be together but he just…kept hurting me.”
She saw his jaw clench tight. A vein popping from the side of his neck. He was pissed, beyond pissed if there ever was such thing.
“First was he hit me when I didn’t want to have sex with him, I told him it was too fast. He broke my nose in the process. I left him for a few days, and he came crawling back, apologizing. I gave him a second chance. Second, he hits me when I was trying to talk to him…about something, I don’t remember. I woke up in the hospital with a concussion. The story was I fell down the stairs. He apologizes to me and I told him he has one last chance…”
“Y/N, why were you giving him so many chances?”
“I thought he loved me. But after tonight, I guess he never really loved me.”
“Does he know where you went?”
“I never told him, he stormed out of the house to a bar most likely. I packed up everything and just left. I may have sped rather…fast, I just wanted to get away from him.”
“Well, you’re safe here sweetheart.”
Her lips twitched upward in a small smile.
“What about you Dean? Did you find someone?”
“Not really, nothing but break ups. Lisa and I had a bad break up just recently. Told me how weak I was for not trying.”
“What, trying what?”
“Just being with her. I was always at work, away at college, going to classes. Working my old job with my Uncle, and then opening this bad boy. She thought I wasn’t trying. But really I was making this all for her, and the family she wanted. But I guess that wasn’t good enough for her.”
“No Dean, she wasn’t good enough. She was being a bitch.” She encourages.
“I guess, but now I’m just wanting to be single for a bit. Maybe the right girl will show up.” he smirks.
“Dean…we both have been hurt, let’s just go slow. Lets try to be friends again first.”
“I can live with that.” He says. “Lets get your car in here.”
He managed to push her car in, having her steer it in the garage.
“I’ll work on it first thing in the morning.” He mentions. “Now, since you just got into town, you probably don’t have a place to stay, do you?”
“Well, my dad is still here. I’m gonna stay with him.”
“Didn’t you hear what happened though?”
“I know, he’s been down hill since mom died from Cancer. He practically gave up. I hope I can help lift his spirits now that I’m home.”
“Well that, but there’s something else. Yesterday, did he tell you?”
She shook her head.
“He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It had already spread, it’s too advanced for treatment. My dad told me.”
Her heart sank. “He didn’t mention that to me. But he did sound different when I spoke to him.”
“Do you want me to go with you? Get you settled in?”
“Please.” Her eyes glistened with more tears. “I don’t want to go alone; I don’t know what I’m in for when I see him.”
“It’s okay sweetheart, let’s get your things in my truck and we’ll get going.”
“Do you still have her? The impala?”
“I do, she’s tucked away at my house in the garage. I take her out once in a while. Maybe tomorrow I can give you a ride in her. Take your mind off things.”
“I’d love that Dean, thank you.”
Giving her a kind smile, he began moving her things from her car to his truck. Pulling the tarp cover over the bed to protect whatever he got in the bed of the truck.
 Driving through the streets of Lawrence she looked out her window, seeing all that has changed.
“So, what do you do since High school?”
“I’m a writer.”
“Oh nice, got any books out yet?”
“I have a few out there. All romantics.”
“Working on anything new?”
“No, been kind of in a rough spot lately.”
“Oh, with…I gotchyou now. Well, don’t worry, I’m sure once things calm down it’ll come to you.”
“I hope so.”
He pulled down the familiar street. The same street she grew up on. Pulling into the familiar driveway seeing the familiar family house.
“He’s still here, after all these years.”
“Yeah, my guess is he misses your mom, you, your brothers.”
She nods, getting out.
She walks up the path to the front door, Dean behind her carrying some of her bags.
She see’s one of her brothers stepping out of the house.
“Hey shortie.”
“Hey big bro.” she says. Getting a big hug from him.
“You want us to hunt this fucker down?”
“No, he’s not worth it.” she says pulling away.
“Hey Dean,”
“What’s up Peirce.”
“Nothing new. Oh, Becky and I are expecting, she wants to invite you to the baby shower.”
“That soon?” Y/N asks.
“You remember Becky?”
“Oh that Becky, okay, I get why she’s doing it this early.” She giggles. “She should wait, what if it’s a girl and you got all boy stuff? Or a boy and all girl stuff?”
“I don’t know, I’m sure she has a plan for it.” He says. “Here, come in guys.”
“How’s dad?” Y/N asks entering into the foyer.
“Not good. His nurse is here. She thinks, with him knowing his family is here he might be heading out soon.”
She nods. “I haven’t even seen him yet.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll see him tomorrow. Because I’m sure he wants to see you.”
She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up at Dean he gives her a sweet smile.
“She has her stuff in my truck if you want to help me move her in?” Dean asks.
“Sure thing.”
Her brother and Dean begin making trips from his truck to the house. While she wonders the house. Seeing everything as she left it. Finding a picture of her mom with her, her dad, and her two brothers. A tear finding it’s way to the surface, a tight feeling building tighter in her chest.
So much has happened so far, and she is making a big change in her life.
Hearing the door close takes her out of her haze.
“Alright that’s the last of them, Y/N, I’m gonna head. I’ll pick you up around eight, Fridays are my short days.” Dean says coming up behind her.
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
Dean nods with a smile, offering a hug. She doesn’t hesitate. She needed a hug.
He takes her in close and tight to his chest.
“You’re okay now, you’re safe. Everything is going to be okay sweetheart.” He whispers.
She nods against his chest. Holding back the tears.
He pulls away, giving her one final smile before kissing the top of her head.
“See you tomorrow.” He says. She nods again as he walks out the door, heading home.
“I’m not okay.” She chokes out before a sob wracks through her.
Her brother doesn’t hesitate in hugging her quickly as she broke down.
“It’s okay baby sis, I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you  again. Like Dean said, your safe.”
She nods as she cries against her big brother.
 The next morning she woke up, still heavy with memories of last night but the light for a hopeful future tried to beat down the heaviness she felt.
She got up to take a quick morning shower.
Once she got out and cleaned up she saw her nurse in the kitchen getting what looked like a water mug.
“You my dad’s nurse?” she asked sweetly.
“I am honey, he’s doing okay right now, but his body is getting tired.”
“I know, my mom was the same with her cancer.”
“It can take a big toll on the body. If you want to see him he’s up.”
She nods. Not thinking twice she heads up to his room. Seeing her dad lying in bed, peacefully dozing off.
“Hi daddy.”
“Hey buttercup.” He says groggily with a smile.
He saw the remaining evidence of last night.
“Do I need to send my boys after that son of a bitch?”
“No dad, he’s not worth it. He doesn’t even know I’m here.”
“Good. You know you always have a home here.”
She smiles, taking a seat on his bed. Taking his hand in hers. Her dad rubbing a thumb atop her knuckles.
“I know this sucks sweetie, you getting back after all this time and I’m dying.”
She shakes her head. “Don’t worry about me dad. I got Peirce and Zane, and Dean too.”
“You and that boy back together?”
“We’re just trying for friends right now dad. We both have been through really shitty relationships.”
“He made you so happy.”
She nods. “I know dad, he still does. He’s taking me out for a ride in his car when he gets off at the garage.”
“That’s nice of him.”
She nods.
“Sweetheart, there’s something I need to tell you as well.”
“What is it?”
“You’re getting this house, I want you to have a family in this house so you can tell your kids all the good stories, the bad stories. Tell them you grew up in this house.”
“Dad, I don’t know if I can…”
“The boys are moving back, Zane got himself a job with John Winchester on the police force.”
“Zane still a cop, even after all the crap that’s gone down?”
“He’s a strong man now.”
She nods. “That he is.”
“Peirce and his wife, his wife got a job as a news anchor here, and he is gonna work with Dean in the garage.”
“He never mentioned that to me.”
“Yeah, Peirce has a knack for fixing up cars. Then again, Dean did show him all sorts of stuff after you left. He didn’t know what to do.”
“Then again, he and Dean did graduate at the same time.”
“Yes, that too. But the family is going to be here.” Her dad says, bringing a hand up to her cheek, brushing a thumb across her cheekbone. Her hand helping him hold it there.
“It’s going to be okay Buttercup. You won’t be alone here.”
“I know daddy.”
“I love you all so much.”
She fought the sobs so hard, she brought herself down to his chest, hugging him gently.
“I love you too Dad.”
 That afternoon, she spent some time walking around the town. Seeing things being the same and different all at once. She saw what used to be Dairy Queen get turned into a Starbucks.
Taking her dad’s car she drove around the town, even finding Dean’s garage not far from the city limits.
Pulling in, she decided to stop by and visit.
Walking in she saw a line of people, one woman growing impatient turning around to leave.
This is a bad time. She thought. Until she saw a certain someone at the desk.
“Hey Sweetheart,” Dean says, typing away. “I would love to visit but I’m really busy.”
“Can I help?”
“You want to help?”
“Yeah, just show me the desk work, I want to help you out.”
“Okay, come around here.”
Dean showed her how to fill out the information in the computer system, giving the customers their papers to fill out.
Showing her how to process them through the system. Showing what to do when the work is done, and what to do at the end of the day.
He was shocked at how fast she worked on the computer. Typing faster than he could. The line got shrunk down quickly, everyone getting checked in.
“I am a computer nerd too after all.”
“I forget, you’re like Sammy.”
“Now, get to work so we can catch up.”
He chuckles as he turns around to the garage, getting everyone’s cars in and working on them.
Peirce popping in covered in oil and grease.
“Hey sis, got anymore?”
“One more, You guys are quick.”
“A lot of it is oil changes and tire rotations. Some are break pad changes. So, some simple ones.”
“Last one is a rattling noise in her engine.” She says handing him the file.
“Alright, I’ll get to it.” he says taking the file with the keys attached.
She smiles rolling her eyes, shaking her head. In the back of her mind, she thinks she may have found a good day job. It’s simple, fast paced for sure, but she loved doing it, nonetheless.
The workday was coming to a close, Y/N finishing up the paperwork.
“Y/N, We’re done, Dean’s also almost done with your car.” Peirce says coming in behind her.
“You drove that thing hard, talk about perfect timing.”
“How bad was it?”
“Well, a cylinder burst, and the belt broke. That thing was about to blow.”
“How was he able to fix the cylinder?”
“Chevy’s are easy to come by. He had the right parts, and he was able to fix that, and get you a new belt.”
“He was in here last night wasn’t he, he didn’t go home.”
Peirce held his hands up. “You have to talk to him about that one.”
She shook her head. “Somethings going on, I know it.” she gets up from the desk and heads into the garage.
Seeing him working under the hood of her car.
“Dean, did you go home at all last night?”
“Why?” he asks, grunting as he tightened parts to her engine.
“Its just, engine work, now I’m no expert but that takes a lot of time to work on. Sure you had the parts but, to be done with my car this fast when any other shop would be done with it in a few days. You got done with it in one.”
He got up, wiping his hands. “What are you trying to say?”
“Is there a reason you’re not wanting to go home? Working at odd hours?”
“You sound just like Lisa.” He grumbled.
“Dean, I’m just worried about you is all. I don’t want you working yourself to death.”
“I’m not working myself to death.”
“Then why were you here last night and not at home resting?”
His jaw clenched, not wanting to talk about it.
“Dean, if you’re wanting to try again, you have to open up a bit. I opened up everything I could to you yesterday.”
He looked down at his hands, wiping his hands out of nervous habit.
“We both might have something in common, we had abusive relationships.”
“She…she didn’t…”
“She’d hit me, punch me. And for a small girl, she can hit. She had no reason. I’d come home late, she’d hit me, hurt me. I get home early, same thing. She wanted more with me, but I didn’t. All the late hours working, was to stay away from her. I moved out after I broke up with her. she knows where I live. One night she tried to…”
“Did you call the police, get a restraining order on her?”
“I did, but it doesn’t matter, apparently when guys go through this it’s no big deal.”
“It is too a big deal Dean.”
They sat in silence for a beat, Y/N trying to think what she could do.
“Can’t you move again?”
“I could but I don’t want to move too far from work, you know.”
The sound of tire screeches outside tore them from their conversation.
Peirce came running in as fast as he could.
“Dean, dude, she’s coming!”
“She, as in?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, Lisa. And dude, she’s pissed.”
“Call your dad, now Dean.” Y/N ordered.
Dean did as told. When another set of tires came tearing in.
Y/N saw red. Abusive partners, she was getting really tired of how sick and ugly people would get with people they ‘loved’.
She was in auto pilot. She marched out of the garage and towards Lisa.
“Out of the way bitch.”
“He’s not in there skank.”
“The fuck did you call me?”
“Apparently you’re deaf too, here, let me say it slower for you. Skank.”
“You fuckin’ bitch!” she screams. And begins throwing punches at her, wildly.
Y/N able to dodge most of them, blocking the others that got close.
“Y/N stop, the cops are coming!” Peirce warned.
“I’m not doing anything she is!”
“Fuck off!” Lisa screamed.
Dean came into view from the garage. Tearing Lisa’s attention from Y/N to him.
“There you are, the fuck are you doing?”
“We’re done Lisa, I told you.”
“You don’t get to end shit with me Winchester.”
Peirce got himself between her and him, y/n not far behind.
Lisa landed a strong punch on Peirce.
Y/N’s eye’s bulged in rage. She had grabbed onto Lisa’s shirt from behind, pulling her away from her brother before she could land another punch on him. But pulling her so hard she lost her footing and fell on her rear.
“You don’t touch him, or my brother you hear me bitch!”
“The fuck you care, you left him first!”
“At least I didn’t lay a hand on him.”
Lisa jumped up, ready to throw more punches, when a man in uniform. John Winchester came in behind, pulling Lisa’s arms behind her, cuffing her.
“What the fuck!”
“You’re under arrest for domestic assault and aggravated assault.” He says firmly.
“Bull shit, you got no proof!”
“I have my POV cam on honey, I was sitting not far from you. I saw everything.”
“Fuck off!” she screeched.
“No one hurts my son and gets away with it. Lets go.” He pulls her to his cruiser.
Y/N turned her attention to her brother.
She saw Dean sat next to him, handing him an ice pack.
“You okay Peirce?”
“Damn she can throw a punch.”
“Yeah, she’s bad news.” Dean goes.
“Yeah but ignore that, my sis is super woman, she just fucking tossed her like she was nothing!” Peirce laughed with a proud smile.
“Well, no one hurts my family and gets away with it.”
She saw Dean nod lowly. “And no one hurts my friends and gets away with it.”
Dean looks up at her, a confused furrow on his brow before he smiled sweetly at her comment.
“Now I think someone is safe to go home from work now.” She says.
“Yeah, thank god she’s been caught.”
 She drove her dad’s car back home, seeing more cars by her dad’s house.
Getting out, she hurries inside.
The house full of family members she hasn’t seen in years.
Her nurse coming down the stairs.
“He just took a turn; I suggest saying your goodbyes.”
Her eyes filled with thick tears; a sob tore at her throat.
She felt two pairs of hands on her shoulders. Looking to her right she see’s Peirce. And Zane on her left.
The siblings head upstairs to his room. Their dad laid there, his breathing labored and shallow. Clearly suffering.
Zane taking one side of the bed, Y/N and Peirce walking around to the other side. The three holding their dads hand.
“Daddy, we’re here. Everything is okay.” Y/N says.
“Yeah dad, we’ll be okay. We’ll look after Y/N.” Zane says.
“I’ll take good care of the house.” Y/N adds.
“We’ll take care of each other.” Peirce adds after her.
His breathing quickened, pained. They squeezed his hands.
“Daddy it’s okay, you can rest now. We’ll be okay.” Y/N says, holding back the tears.
They felt their dad give a slight squeeze of their hands before his hand going limp.
He let out his last breath, his monitors flatlining.
Y/N let out a pained sob as her hands flew to her mouth to hold back yells of the pain of loss.
Pierce quickly brought his sister in his arms. Zane walking around the bed, hugging his brother and sister as they allowed themselves to cry.
 It seemed like forever, they exited the room, slowly descending the stairs.
Y/N see’s Dean by the door. She quickly descended the last few steps and walks over to him.
Dean didn’t hesitate to hold her closely as she cried against him.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay sweetheart. I got you.”
After an hour of hanging with the family, their extended family leave for the night. The brothers staying, Dean as well.
They sat in the family room, Y/N sitting against Dean, Peirce sitting with his wife and Zane sitting on the end of the couch.
“If you want, one of us can stay here with you.” Peirce says.
“But babe, the baby shower.” Becky begs.
“I think it can hold until I feel okay again, please.”
“Okay, that seems fair.” She says. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay baby.” Peirce says, kissing atop Becky’s head.
“I think I’ll be fine,” Y/n says.
“I can stay with her. Besides, I don’t feel safe at my house despite Lisa being arrested and everything.”
“You’re more than welcome Dean.” Zane says.
Peirce nodding in agreement. “Totally.”
“Besides, we probably should go, get some rest and all that.” Peirce says, after seeing Becky yawn.
They all got up from the couch, exchanging hugs with their sister and sister in law.
“Call us if you need anything okay shortie.”
“Will do big bro.” she smiles
 That night, she got out of the shower with red puffy eyes. She managed to get totally dried off and dressed for bed.
Heading to her room she finds Dean dressed in his pajamas.
“Hope you don’t mind sharing.”
“I don’t mind really. Because, screw going slow, I need you right now.” She says a sob cracking through the surface.
Dean hurries to her, bring her in his arms.
“I’m right here sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers.
He manages to help her into bed, he climbs in on his side of the bed and quickly wraps his arms around her as she continued to cry her eyes out.
He holds her close, placing a kiss atop her forehead, a silent promise that he’s there.
 She woke up the next morning, feeling like she didn’t sleep a wink.
She saw the bed was empty, no sign of Dean but the kitchen smelling of breakfast.
She gets up and heads down to the kitchen. Seeing him dressed and by the stove cooking bacon and eggs.
“Morning beautiful girl.”
“Morning handsome.” She smiles.
“How do you like your bacon?”
“Well not burnt.”
“Come on, crispy bacon is good!” he says playfully.
“Blah!” she fake gags.
Dean rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
“I take it you didn’t sleep good.”
“No, I’m tired.”
“Well, I’m off today. My shop is closed on the weekends. So, we can stay in, clean up the house. Or I can take you on that drive.”
“I want to see baby.”
“A drive it is.”
 After a delicious breakfast, she quickly showers off last nights tears. And dresses quickly, eager to see his 67 impala.
She walks out the door to find it parked in her driveway behind her dad’s car.
Dean sitting on her hood.
“She’s still as beautiful as ever.” She says walking up to him.
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“Stop you hopeless romantic.”
He chuckles hopping off the hood.
“I’m only a hopeless romantic for you.”
She giggles.
“There’s that smile, ready for a nice drive?”
“So ready.”
He walks around to the driver side as she gets in the passenger side.
 He managed to find a nice spot in an abandoned field, overlooking the city of Lawrence.
“Thank you Dean, I really enjoyed this.”
“Glad you did. I enjoyed having you here.”
She looks up towards him, her lips finding his in a sweet and loving kiss.
She felt his hand come up behind her head, brushing through her hair, as he deepened the kiss.
“Sweetheart, if we keep this up, I’m not gonna last.”
“It’s okay Dean,” she says against his lips. Kissing him hard.
He adjusts himself; she adjusts herself with him as he gently guides her down to her back. His hands exploring her body, her hands feeling his strong arms, shoulders, and chest. Shedding their clothes as everything escalates, their lips not leaving.
She laid their completely bare and naked before him. She can feel his eyes roam her body; she felt the urge to hide herself away.
“So gorgeous.” He whispers.
His lips finding hers again, distracting her from his member hardening against her thigh.
She ground her hips against him, pulling a grunt out of him. He pulls away from her kiss.
“Are you sure?”
“Like I said last night, I don’t care anymore right now, I need you Dean. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, you sure?”
“So sure, you are it.”
He smiles proudly, kissing her again as he slowly brought himself into her.
She moaned against his lips as he got himself completely seated within her.
“You good?”
“So good.” She says, grinding her hips, urging him to move.
He begins a steady rhythm, not too hard or rough. Just making her feel good, good enough to forget all that has happened int heir life.
His hands braced against he passenger, the window down giving him a good grip as he drove into her.
“Fuck, faster Dean.” She begs.
His hips begin speeding up in intensity, drawing them closer to their end.
“Fuck sweetheart, you feel so amazing.”
“You too baby,” she pants.
A familiar heated coil builds up in intensity in her belly with every pounding he gave her. He began to speed up, he was close as well.
“Fuck Dean, close…”
“Go for it baby.” He pants.
Her walls clamp hard around him, spurring him into his end as she could feel a rope of thick, sticky come spill out of him. As he came with a guttural groan, her name falling off his lips.
His hips spudder against her as he kept coming, throwing her in a second orgasm, her legs shaking around him as she wrapped them around his waist. His name fall off her lips in a small scream as she came.
His hips thrust slowly to a stop as they came down from their highs, his lips finding hers once again.
“You okay sweetheart?”
“Much better, now that I have you.”
He smiles proudly again before kissing her again. His hips coming to life again.
“You got the stamina of a teenager, you know that.”
“You’re worth making love to for hours baby, you up for round two?”
“Give it to me baby.”
 She can’t help but think of all that’s happened in the course of twenty four to forty eight hours.
She left her boyfriend who never truly loved her, returned home to start fresh.
Thankful she found her first love still waiting for her, ready to give her all the love he was about to give her.
As he drove down the long stretch of road back into town, she sat close to his side with his arm around her. Feeling his warmth radiating off of him. She snuggles close to him. Feeling him give her an assuring squeeze as he drove back to her house.
She was ready for what life was about to throw her way with her knight in shining armor for who she knows she can trust with all her heart, and who she knows really loves her.
A/N: What’d you think? Let me know, feedback is always appreciated. :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @flamencodiva​, @akshi8278​, @megzdoodle​, @misfit0118​, @anotherspnfanfic​, @shawnie74​, @lyarr24​, @missmemoire09​, @racetrackheart, @spnbaby-67​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 4/18/2021
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vespertineart · 3 years
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"𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕘𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕗."
Jotaro kujo x Fem! reader
Life moves so fast. Too fast, for your liking. Maybe it's because your childhood wasn't the nicest, so you have wallowed in the sadness it brought you too much that you weren't aware of time, or the fact that you were so wrapped up in one future, you thought your life depended on nothing but academic purpose. At least then. Or maybe it's because you never realized how much you've wanted to do in your life until three years ago. You're still young, though a young adult, and you shouldn't be worried about the consequences of things you never did. Though, maybe they would affect you later on.
It's always been overwhelmingly depressing when you realize you can't relate to that flurrery feeling every one of your classmates told you about when bungee jumping or simply touching a manta ray. Never have you had the chance to visit a very famous amusement park because of how expensive it was. All of that would make you the odd one out in any friend group, which is why you never bothered to start a close friendship with someone.
However, this year was different. Let aside the fact that you missed out on all your school year's material, you experienced something far more exciting than anyone's ever had. Your mind still finds itself boggled by the sudden event. One second you're with your classmate who you knew nothing about at the time, and the next he's in jail, and you're with his grandfather trying nag get him out.
You can't even bring yourself to comprehend how you even got a grip on the whole situation, how you managed to have yourself thrown into the formula, from going to Egypt and saving Miss Holly, to fighting Dio and even almost dying with Kakyoin and Avdol who are currently in different hospitals. It all still feels so surreal.
Unconsciously, as you reminisce, your fingers brush the large scar that lays unveiled on the surface of your forearm, reaching from your wrist to your cheek, a few scabs still blanketing random edges on it. Soon, your hands found themselves reaching your currently broken and cast ankle. Your crutches lay limp on your leg. Your skin is cold, and so is the wind hitting it. For May, this is probably the longest it has taken to become warm.
"Oi, yn." You're snapped out of your daze when a certain deep voice calls out to you, a coherent tinge of worry trailing at the end of the person's greeting.
The all-familiar, stinging scent of cologne immediately assures you of who this person is. You let out a sigh, dipping your head down, eyes closed, a delightful sense of relief washing over you.
"Hey, Jojo. Thanks," you greet as you take a weak hold of the beer can your companion bought you. After a while of shuffling, both of you got your backs comfortable on the strong walls of the school's roof, taking in the cool wind as it brushes through your hair. The sun is set, but there is still a bit of sunlight left, it mixes beautifully with the soft white streetlights and spots of yellow, red and blue in the far distance which homes and billboards emit. If you focus enough, you can see a light silhouette of hills.
Jojo. Jotaro kujo. You recite that name on your tongue every night, sometimes in fear you might forget it. Some of his admirers despise you for it. For having the advantage of calling out to him whenever you want and he'd answer you, and only you. Your classmates say you're extremely lucky, like you've won a million-dollar bet for being his first and closest female friend. He's never down to open up, but from your experience, he's desperate for any type of companionship. However, the so-called advantages were never what this was all about for you. If it was, you'd know barely anything about each other, and you're glad you could become more than just classmates after the whole Egypt thing. To you, his friendship depended and revolved more around trust and means of comfort than just mainly using him for safety and assumed attention. The fact that he's truly a hard to crack shell of a man—that you somehow managed to turn into ash the moment you told him to 'get the fuck out of the jail room, you look ridiculous' —never mattered to you more than how closer you wish to get to him. Focusing in front of you again you watch the colors of the clouds merge with the dark purple of the sky. The stars are already out, and a beautiful half-moon is shining brighter than ever. You pout, disappointed of the incoming inability to see it in full display due to the sky's current cloudy state.
"Old man called me yesterday." You turned your head to Jotaro, eyes immediately locking with his. Just the simple fact that both of you go out of your ways to fully focus on each other makes your relationship all the more mutual. Jotaro, especially, he's never felt as easy with anyone as he has with you, and kakyoin, too, but he'd never say it directly to any of you . At night, when he's lost in his thought, he finds himself thinking of you. How kind you are and how you never seem to see the bad in anything despite having a bad past. He'd never admit it let alone say it with his tongue but he tries to take advantage of that kindness, in a way to make sure nothing will happen to you. He can't afford to lose anyone else. He also doesn't know if the fact that he thinks of you is more embarrassing, or the fact that he secretly wants to let his walls down in front of you one day. The thought comforts him, but, as usual, he's too meek about it, since there were many times his 'kindness' would be misunderstood as romantic intent. Well, he's doubting that, anyways, specifically with you.
"hm?" you reply, taking a sip of the refreshing drink in your hand. Your fingers wrap around each other, holding the can in a tight and secure grip. You're prone to dropping your drinks now and then, so you found this to be the most practical way of 'protecting them'. Yes, you look stupid when you end up dropping them either way. You two always get a good laugh from it, so at least there isn't any embarrassment happening.
"He was wondering if you wanted to stay with us for a couple more weeks. Mom misses you already." Jotaro exhales, smoke filling the air around you and mixing with his musky cologne to create an unbearable scent you never wanted to forget. The mention of Mr. Joestar for the third time this month makes your eyes widen. It was all for the same reason too. You lived alone for a long time now, and you've gotten very used to the lonely and eerie feeling of your dark home at night. However, of course, after meeting the Joestars, Joseph couldn't possibly leave you without pampering you so much, especially after helping with saving his precious daughter. You were grateful. You always are for what he does for you, but just enough for him to make you basically live with him is something you can't quite afford. Not money-wise, it's just that you don't have anything to give them in return, and offering your life also meant living with them. The cycle goes on.
With a grunt, you twist your form to face Jotaro, your hands pushing hard on the floor to support your frail physique.
"Jojo...I really appreciate it, but I have things to do at my house. I need to clean it, take care of the food that's been in the fridge for almost a month now. Maybe another time, but I really don't want to trouble you guys like this. You've done way too much for me already," you excuse, trying your best to scoot closer to your friend. As a final task for the day, you set yourself up on your knees and wrap your arms around the much larger man, patting him on the back a couple of times before planting a heavy peck on his forehead. "And you can stop worrying about me so much now, Joot. I'm really fine, thanks to you." A warm smile graces your lips as you speak your soft words to Jotaro, seeing his panicked eyes slowly close as he scoffs, pushing you away and hiding his rose-tinted face with the shadow of his hat.
"I'm still walking you home."
As much as you want to, you can't complain with a broken ankle. Who knows what might happen if you're too slow with walking? Over his dead body will Jotaro Kujo let anyone lay a finger on you...
The slow crunching of pebble and dust under heavy boots and the repetitive melody of crickets in the grass is enough to get you woozy in the freezing weather of tonight. The wind started picking up a long while ago, and you fear it might get worse before you reach your home. Clouds are grey and dull as they sway in a quick pace in the blue-black sky. The vigorous rustling of trees makes your ears tingle. Your pores are open with sweat, the droplets slowly trickling down your face and quickly drying out. Your arms over your crutches, your stomach hurting from excessive contraction, your breath becomes heavy, and your chest begins to hurt. It's been well over 20 minutes since you guys have been walking, and you're starting to hate yourself for letting Jotaro deal with your snail-paced struggle on a day like this.
Without a word, you sigh, then slowly crouch down to reach the floor. However, from how your ankle is positioned, the momentum you pushed yourself down with was faster than you anticipated, and you gasp. Bracing yourself for impact, you let go of your crutches hastily, spreading your arms in front of you to prepare support. Your eyes close tightly and you clench your stomach, a second away from hitting the concrete before feeling a soft barrier holding you up. Slowly, you open your eyes again, to find none other than Jotaro, encasing you in his large, jacket-cushioned arms. Without a chance to react, you feel yourself getting pulled up, hoisted up a millimeter high and huddled in your friend's arms again only this time in a better position for him to be able to swing your legs over to the side.
"Good grief, woman. What the hell were you doing?!" At this position, you can clearly hear the growl in Jotaro's voice. Heck, his breath is right in your ear. Inevitably, you shiver, letting out a huff of air. You feel yourself blush out of embarrassment when he gives you a side eye and you prepare to find a good answer to his question.
"Sorry, I wanted to sit down a bit...I uh..wasnt expecting to...fall-"
"Whatever, just stop talking or you'll die. And you're freezing ," Jotaro interrupts, leaning down to grab your crutches, still holding onto you. His head rests on your shoulder as he bends down, his fingers curling with ease around the handles.
Still shocked from the sudden ordeal, you start shuffling in Jotaro's arms, earning a grunt from him.
"Stay still, yn, for fuck's sake!"
"I-I can still walk on my own, JoJo!"
Annoyingly, or rather, smugly, Jotaro ignores your comment, only dragging his disagreement further by hoisting you up further so your figure is tucked snuggly between his arms. This proves his previous comment of how cold you actually are, seeing as you immediately melt into his arms, eyes almost instantly closing as you sigh, taking in the comfortable warmth of the thick fabric of his clothes.
when you look back at him, you decide not to complain any more when he raises an eyebrow at you and lets out chuckle. You just stare at the fading stars, keeping the image of his rare smile in your head along your little journey.
As you space out, your eyes having no place to stay still as the clouds move endlessly, you shake your head, feeling the pain in the back of your head from how dizzy you've become. This world is too big for even eyes to bear. you let out a mall sigh, the incoming comfort quickly cut off as you gasp. A wet droplet found its way on your nose uninvited. You look at Jotaro, expecting to see his face dotted with a bit if sweat, but that wasn't the case. Another droplet, and a third, and soon you see one slip off from Jotaro's hat. Oh... Ooooh...
Oh shit.
You gasp once more, suddenly sitting up and causing Jotaro to retract his head with a grunt.
"What the hell?!"
"Jojo it's raining!"
"And..?! Jeez you overreact."
With a pout, you hit the top of your friend's head, earning a stutter from him.
"C-can you walk a bit faster..? I can't have you getting sick, " you complain, clutching onto the chain dangling from JoJo's collar as a way to nudge him into agreeing to your order.
"That's not happening, y/n just sit back down-" As if to mock him, the clouds let out a loud clap of thunder, The rain quickly picking up with the wind. As fast as this happened, you and Jotaro are now almost drenched in water. You cross your arms, looking up at Mcedgy with a smug expression on your face.
He sighs heavily, tugging the brim of his hat and letting out his famous
"Good grief..." before wrapping his jacket around you like a stolen package and trudging quickly. A few moments pass before he starts to run.
Surprisingly, your house isn't that far away anymore. You'd expect that from someone twice your height running. Currently, your friend is huffing, occasionally spitting excess water away from his mouth.
"We're here."
He stops running, just jogging his way around a building before setting you down on the floor, waiting until you regained balance to give you your crutches back. You hiss at how cold the air is, your body quickly shivering.
You quickly find your keys from your pocket before limping to your front door and opening it with a satisfying click, taking your single wet shoe off and stepping into your house, again, cringing because of how cold the floor has gotten. As you manage to trudge to pull a shawl you found hanging on a chair, you turn back to the door, facing Jotaro again.
"Thanks for walking me here JoJo. It was definitely a pain, I'm sorry," you apologize, a wide smile on your face, rubbing the back of your neck.
"It's fine," says Jojo, already lighting his third cigarette of the day and placing it between his lips.
There's a long silence between the two of you, the heavy sound of rain and occasional thunder being the only thing breaking it. Your breaths are heavy because of the weather, and you do nothing but stare at each other. It seems none of you want to turn away for some reason. both of you are worried for each other. It takes another while before any of you finally move, Jotaro shuffling off of the steps in front of your door and turning around with a small farewell.
You, knocked out of your trance, call out to him again, making him stop. Now in your garden, completely soaked, Jotaro turns his head to you. His cigarette is barely lit anymore.
"Umm...I just realized your house is too far away," you start, catching your friend's attention. He slowly walks back to you, shoving his hands in his pockets. He only hums in response.
"Uh...I just...don't want you walking all that way again, and further so why-"
"I'm not coming inside your house," Jotaro cuts you off, causing you to stutter and blink a couple of times. However, you've already made up your mind and there's no way you're turning back now.
"No, JoJo, you are, and I'm serious right now!," you protest, trying your best to sound strict as you walk to take a hold of Jotaro's arm with your free one and pulling him under the dry safety of your door. When he realized he stepped in with his shoes, he quickly retreats, pulling on his hat and looking away.
Jeez, you're so naïve. Little do you know, Jotaro is only concerned about causing you any harm. He'd rather shrivel up and die from hypothermia than have you affected by him. But...refusing is never an option with you at this point. If anything, he doubts you won't end up following him until he's already at his own house, still trying to nag him further. He grunts, shaking his head then looking back to you.
"Jesus, fine."
Your face quickly lights up with a smile, and you drag Jotaro inside your house —with a limp—and make him take his jacket off. As much as he somewhat doesn't want to be here, Jotaro sighs in relief, shuddering at the warmth of your home.
{2901 words}
This is just something to start writing here. I'm not sure how to feel about it but I hope you like it lol, you can imagine what happens next. this seems very random and messy, which it is but I promise I'll come back with better content lmfao.
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Worried Days
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Anonymous said:
also, if you’re still taking requests, number 8 and 10 from the angst prompt list with rafe please :) 
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” 
“I’m worried about you.”  
Prompt list: 
Requests: Open 
Warnings: Depressive episode, cursing, angst 
A/N: These were requested so long ago, but I’m just now getting to them. My requests are open if you’d like one written from the prompt list or just have any requests.  
For days now you had been in your own head. You couldn’t get out of bed, couldn’t bring yourself to eat, no shower, no contact with the Pogues, no contact with your boyfriend. Rafe. He deserves so much better than you. Rafe had been bending over backwards since he learned how your family had been falling apart. He surprised the whole island and himself when he found he had a sweet spot for you. You were a Pogue who lived on the connection of Figure Eight and The Cut. Your friends weren’t too pleased to find you dating Rafe, but you settled the beef between him and your friends. Some days they’d even hang out despite still not liking one another. 
You sighed and turned over pulling your comforter up again. You had been spiraling for a few weeks, but couldn’t tell anyone. Rafe had exams for college, and Kie and Sarah had to worry about Midsummers, and the guys had heavy work schedules to get to. You didn’t want to burden anyone so you let it get bad, leaving you bed ridden for the past three days now. 
For three days you hadn’t seen your dad. He’d packed his bags finally and told you, your siblings, and your mom he had found another family to be a part of. You brother was leaving for college so he didn’t stay and your little sister was forced to stay with your grandparents near Chapel Hill while your mom recuperated. 
You looked at the family pictures that lined your walls and you began to cry again. You somehow felt this was your fault. This had to have been your fault. Your siblings were perfect, your brother was attending Harvard for business and your little sister was no trouble compared to you when you were her age. 
Why can’t I be a better daughter? Why did I have to be the disgrace of the family? Why can’t anyone in my life stay? What’s wrong with me? 
Sobs ran through your body as you allowed your brain to wander to the dark spaces you knew it shouldn’t. On days like this you’d message Rafe and he’d hold you but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it, to bother him today. 
You allowed yourself to cry for a while longer and then pushed yourself out of bed. Today you would shower and take a walk to the beach. You can’t wallow in pity forever. 
Your shower wasn’t as hot as you normally liked it, but you didn’t mind you just needed to wash your hair and shave quickly. You’d probably shower again when you got home since you wanted to surf. Your mind wandered again while you shampooed your hair. Does Rafe even care about me? Has he tried to reach out? 
You shook your head and got out of the shower pulling a bikini on and pulling your keys and your phone off of your bedside table. You didn’t bother turning your phone back on no need to see no one reached out to you in the three days it’d been off. 
Before you knew it your drive to the beach was over and you were quickly  pulling your surfboard down from the roof of your car and heading towards the sand. You paddled out pretty far and just sat on top of your board staring out into the water. You loved surfing and the water usually calmed you, but today it was causing you to feel like you couldn’t move. 
You watched as a wave came towards and you half-heartedly paddled towards it attempting to pull yourself up onto your board, but the wave completely wiped you out. Your body slammed into the water and gasped taking in water. You tried to swim to the surface panicked. When you finally reached the surface you coughed up the water you just breathed in. You felt arms wrap around your body and you screamed. 
“Hey, hey it’s me. It’s Rafe.” 
You breathed a sigh as tears came to your eyes. He placed you back up on your board and started to swim, dragging your board behind him, to the shore. 
“Y/N what happened?” Rafe asked looking at your tear stained cheeks as your feet met the shore. 
“I missed the wave.” You mumbled. 
“Baby, you never miss a wave like that, it looked like you didn’t try. That’s not what I’m talking about though.” He breathed. 
You just stared at him. 
“Nobody’s seen you in days. I haven’t heard from you in days. What’s been going on baby?” 
“My dad finally left. It’s been a long time coming as you know. The past few weeks have been hard, I felt myself spiraling but I couldn’t bother you or the Pogues. You’re so busy you don’t need to worry about me.” You mumbled dropping your head to look at your feet in the sand. 
“I was worried about you though. I’m worried about you now. Y/N/N you can’t just do that. I will NEVER be too busy for you. I love you. I will always be here to pick you back up and put your pieces back together. Okay?” He said holding your chin to stare into your eyes. 
You nodded. 
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled quietly. 
“Don’t be sorry. Let’s get you home.” He said softly. 
“I don’t want to go home Rafe. I don’t want be in that fucking house. There’s just too many memories why weren’t we good enough for him? Why wasn’t I good enough for him?” 
He looked at you sadly and nodded. 
“We can go to mine. Dad won’t mind. We’ll talk about this there.” He said placing a kiss to your head. 
You wrapped an arm around Rafe’s waist and walked to where your car was parked. Rafe shoved your surfboard on top of your car and then opened the door for you. 
“Drive safe, I’ll meet you at mine.” He said placing a kiss to your lips as you nodded. 
You frowned as you noticed the worry in Rafe’s eyes as he climbed onto his bike and started towards his house. You reversed and began to follow him.  
You pulled into his driveway behind him and climbed out of your car, grabbing one of Rafe’s shirts from the backseat. He helped you pull it over your head before he placed a kiss to your lips. 
“I love you. You know that bug?” Rafe said softly. 
“I know you do. I love you too.” You said back quietly. 
He smiled and grabbed your hand. “Wanna play some Mortal Kombat?” He questioned you. 
“Hell yeah I’m done to beat your ass.” You said with a smile. 
“There’s my girl.” He said with a grin. You laughed as you followed him in. 
You followed Rafe to his room after saying hi to Mr.C and Sarah as you passed. 
“Y/N/N I want you to know that you are always good enough, it doesn’t matter who the person is. You are enough. If someone is willing to walk out of your life, that’s their loss. Don’t let it twist your mind. It’s not your fault he left, and it will never be your fault he left. Don’t let your brain do the comparison thing I’m sure it’s already done. There is no one like you and that’s because you are absolutely perfect in the way that you are. No one can be you, not you business major brother, and not your little sister. No kid he finds with a new woman will be able to replace what he left behind, okay?” He said. 
You nodded feeling tears come to your eyes. 
“Baby don’t cry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said quickly, pulling you into him. 
“I needed to hear that. I was in my bed for three days letting thoughts of how he left because I wasn’t good enough run through my head. It’s hard to not let it happen.” You said sobbing. 
“I know it is princess, that’s why you let people help. You don’t have to do it alone.” He said into your hair. 
As quickly as your sobs started they stopped and Rafe was running his fingers through your hair as you hiccupped. He knew this was your favorite thing he did when you were sad other than running his hand up and down your back. 
“Let’s order some food, and then we’ll play MK.” He said as he reached for his phone. 
“Okay. I’m gonna change.” You said heading to his dresser where you kept some extra clothes. You pulled out a bra, underwear, and a pair of shorts before heading to Rafe’s closet and grabbing a shirt and heading into the bathroom. 
You walked back out and grabbed a controller as you waited for the food. 
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Take me Home, Country Roads
A Writer Wednesday Story
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels/GN! Reader
Word Count: 2,313
Warnings: Mentions of Jack’s late wife, but this is entirely fluff
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
You and Jack had never had an easy relationship, but it all seems to be coming together now. Especially after you and him decided to have a kid via surrogate. The only issue? Your daughter is nine hours away. I guess this calls for a road trip. 
The prompt for this week’s Writer Wednesday was given, as always, by the lovely @autumnleaves1991-blog. 
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“Baby,” Jack shook your shoulder, making you groan and roll over in bed. “Baby.” 
“What?” You said slowly, sufficiently cranky after having been woken up before the sun rose. The clock over Jack’s shoulder read 2:37, and you really wanted to hit him. Why the hell were you awake?
Jack kissed you, and you had half a mind to bite him for waking you up so damn early. “Daniels,” you said against his lips. “You aren’t winning yourself any points with me right now.” 
“Mhm,” Jack hummed. “C’mon. We have to go.” 
“Go?” You sat up, rubbing your eyes. “Go where?” 
One of Jack’s old shirts was tossed in your direction, and he smiled. “We’re picking Frankie up today.” 
Immediately, you felt giddiness fill your stomach as you jumped up, suddenly very eager. You passed Jack, the both of you going about your morning routines in a very rushed way. Today was the day you and Jack were going to drive from your house in Texas all the way out to the middle of New Mexico to pick up your newborn daughter, Marie Francesca Daniels. 
It was nearly three in the morning by the time you were ready to go. Jack yawned, filling a travel mug with coffee and handing you your own travel mug. “Do we have everything?” 
You nodded. “Car seat is in the car already,” you said, checking the items off your fingers as you went. “Diaper bag was packed yesterday, I have that audiobook downloaded, you have the address in your phone, and I just packed snacks.” 
Jack smiled, kissing your forehead. “Are you ready?” 
“No,” you admitted. “But at the same time, yes. I can’t wait to have her here.” 
“I can’t either,” Jack reassured. “C’mon, we have to hit the road.” 
Despite the early hour, you didn’t sleep at all in the car, opting to instead listen to the audiobook you had picked and relax, watching night darkened landmarks pass you by. Exhilaration kept your eyes as open as they’d get until breakfast, and you paid half attention to the book while Jack drove beside you. 
Nine and a half months ago, you and Jack had sat down to have a very serious discussion. Did you want kids or not? Jack had, obviously, said yes, but after the catastrophe that was his late wife, he was hesitant. You were in a similar boat. Kids would’ve been nice, especially considering your ranch house was built for a family, but the process of having kids was something you could never see yourself doing. So after much discussion and a few angry nights, you and Jack found a surrogate. She wasn’t that far away, and she was super sweet. The three of you had met once, to confirm the pregnancy, and all of you had cried. Since then, her health had been well and steady, and last week she’d given birth to your baby girl. She was named after two of Jack’s great grandmothers, one from his mom’s side and one from his dad’s. 
The sun rose earlier than you expected, peering over the hills as Jack continued westward. The hospital in New Mexico was nearly nine hours away, meaning you wouldn’t even reach it until a bit past noon, and you wouldn’t be returning home until well after nine pm. But you didn’t mind, not for this. 
Nearly four hours into the trip, at 7 in the morning, Jack found a relatively healthy place to stop for breakfast. He walked in and got two bagels while you sat in the car, texting the surrogate. She had just woken up, and was almost as excited as you and Jack were for today. 
“Whatcha doing?” Jack asked, getting back into the car and handing you a paper bag with your bagels in it. 
“Texting Jackie,” you said. “She says Frankie is doing a-ok, and is eager to come home with us.” 
Jack smiled. “Still can’t believe you let me name her Francesca.” He handed you your bagel, and you grinned. 
“We made a deal,” you said. “You could name her Francesa as long as it wasn’t her first name. No matter what, I knew we’d be calling her Frankie.” 
“We can call her Marie when she’s in trouble,” Jack said, leaning in close and giving you a kiss. “Thank you.” 
“For what?” You asked, laughing as Jack trailed his kisses down, tickling your skin with his facial hair. 
Jack smiled, humming against your skin. “For letting us have a baby.” 
“Oh Jack,” you murmured, abandoning your breakfast so you could turn your full attention to your cowboy husband. “I wasn’t ever going to stop you from raising a family. Ever.” 
“I know,” Jack reassured. “What do you think about having another one? That house has room for three or four.” 
That brought a huge smile to your face. “Jack,” you said seriously, humor tinting your voice. “Let’s focus on one for now. We can revisit this conversation in two years.” 
Jack pouted, but accepted, leaning back so he could eat his bagel and get back on the road. You ate slower than Jack, absorbing the audiobook you’d started playing again and enjoying seeing all the passing land outside the car. 
A few more hours into your trip, and you were bored out of your mind. The book was super good, and you kept trying to focus your attention on that, but nothing could kill the boredom that was building in your chest. 
“What time is it?” 
Jack sighed. “Ten minutes since the last time you asked,” he said, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. “It’s about ten thirty.” 
You groaned. “Fuck,” you said, dragging the word out. “I’m so damn bored.” 
Jack chuckled. “My laptop is in the back if you want to screw around with that solitaire program.” 
It was better than doing a whole load of nothing, so you grabbed Jack’s laptop and set it up on top of your thighs. “Am I even allowed to use this?” 
“Why wouldn’t you be allowed to use it?” Jack asked. 
“What if I uncover some big Statesman secrets,” you said, logging in regardless. “What if I destroy the world?” 
Jack smiled. “You cannot destroy the world from my laptop,” he reassured. “Not that one, at least.” 
“This one?” You looked up, surprised. “You mean to tell me you can destroy the world from a laptop you own?” 
Now Jack was full on laughing. “Yeah!” He said. “My work laptop. It stays at work though.” 
You made a face. “Well that’s boring,” you decided, clicking on a solitaire game. “When do you want to grab lunch?” 
Jack shrugged. “According to the GPS, we’ll get there a little after noon, so what do you say to eleven thirty? That way we have time to eat and stuff, plus the car won’t smell.” 
It seemed reasonable to you, so you nodded. “Sounds good,” you said, sliding down in your seat and beginning a forty five minute long solitaire tournament with yourself. 
“Babe,” Jack said softly after you finished the tenth game, nudging you. “Take a look at this.” 
You shut the laptop off and looked up, immediately feeling yourself gasp. Outside the car was a sight you wished you could experience forever. The road stretched on as far as you could see, empty except for you and Jack. The sky was a beautiful picturesque blue with only the barest clouds, none of which dared block the sun. The earth was a gorgeous orange dirt, striped in various shades. Ahead of you stood a few mesas, breaking up the flat expanse of land. It was perfection, and you couldn’t help but pull out your phone to snap a picture. 
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed softly. “Absolutely beautiful.” 
Jack smiled. “There’s a small town ten minutes from here,” he said. “We can stop to grab lunch, and then it’s only another half hour until we’re there.” 
You looked at Jack, surprised. “Was I really playing solitaire for that long?” 
“Yes you were.” 
Lunch ended up being from a food truck, considering that was all you could find in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico. When you got out of the car, you immediately groaned, stretching your legs out and feeling your back pop. 
Jack smiled, grabbing his hat. “Feeling okay over there?” 
You shrugged. “I’ve been through worse,” you decided, looking around. “This place is so cool.” 
“Reminds me of where I grew up,” Jack said, putting his arm around you. “Although my hometown had more grass and less sand.” 
While you two ate at a small picnic table, you texted Jackie, telling her you were only half an hour away. She responded with enthusiasm, and you sent her the picture you took of the landscape. 
The final leg of your trip was very quiet. The audiobook had finished, and neither of you wanted to break the delicate silence in the car. Well, silence was relative, considering Jack was humming John Denver while he drove, but you didn’t mind. 
When you finally pulled into the hospital parking lot, you had trouble getting out of the car. Inside that building was your baby, your little girl. When you looked over at Jack, he looked just as nervous as you. “Ready cowboy?” 
“Ready,” Jack confirmed, taking your hand. “Let’s do this.” 
Finding the room wasn’t hard. A very sweet nurse led you to Jackie’s room, and you stared at the door for a solid minute before knocking. 
“You’re here!” Jackie said, smiling as Jack opened the door. “She’s been an angel for me all morning.” 
You nodded, unable to speak. Wrapped in a soft blanket in Jackie’s arms was your baby. You and Jack had both seen photos, but it seemed nothing would compare to the real thing. Jackie stood, still holding Frankie. “Do you want to hold her?” 
Jack stepped forward, and Jackie put Frankie down in his arms. Jack smiled, cradling Frankie close to his body. “Hey baby,” he said softly. “It’s me, your daddy.” 
Jackie stepped back, towards you. “He’s a natural,” she whispered to you. 
You nodded. “Thank you so much,” you said. “I don’t ever think I’ll be able to thank you enough for what you’ve given us.” 
Jackie smiled. “I’m just glad I was able to help you two.” 
After nearly half an hour of sitting and waiting, you and Jack both holding Frankie, a doctor came around to release her. He checked your daughter over and deemed her okay to leave, and the four of you all walked out together. Jackie waved and smiled from her car as she drove away, rolling her window down to give you one final goodbye. 
You got into the driver’s seat, looking back at Jack, who was settling Frankie into her car seat. “How goes it back there cowboy?” 
“Got it!” Jack said triumphantly, smiling and kissing Frankie’s head. “Sleep tight baby girl.” He closed the backseat door and got into the passenger seat. “Still can’t believe she’s ours.” 
You smiled, taking his hand. “We have a daughter.” 
Jack nodded, his eyes watering. “A daughter,” he said softly. 
By the time you were half an hour away from the hospital, it began to feel more real. Every so often, Jack would check the backseat, finding Frankie asleep every time. She slept soundly, and you almost recommended Jack do the same. He’d been up since really early, and you could tell he needed rest. 
Two hours towards home, you realized that would’ve been disastrous. 
Frankie started to cry, and almost immediately, Jack looked at you. “What’s going on?” He asked, eyes wide. “Is she okay?” 
You nodded. “She’s probably hungry,” you said, carefully pulling over and putting the car in park. “Her bottle is in the diaper bag.” 
Jack took a breath and nodded. “Okay,” he said. “I got this.” 
He got out of the car and picked Frankie up, carrying her to the front seat with him. “That’s it,” he said softly, grabbing the bottle and beginning to feed her. 
You smiled, grabbing your phone to take a picture and send it to every single one of Jack’s coworkers who you had contact with.
“What are you doing?” Jack asked, barely looking up at you. 
“Giving Tequila sufficient blackmail,” you said with a smile. “And showing Ginger her new niece.” 
Jack made a face, laughing when he looked back at Frankie and found her copying his scrunched up face. “Aren’t you just a little troublemaker?” He said. “I know my mama can’t wait to meet you, bumblebee. How’s that sound? Wanna get spoiled by your abuelita?” 
You couldn’t help but smile at that. “Jack,” you said. “Put Frankie back in her car seat, I have to keep driving.” 
“Can I hold her for a bit?” Jack asked, looking up at you with his pleading puppy eyes. “Please?” 
Taking a deep breath, you sighed. “Fine,” you said. “But only for a little bit.” 
Jack smiled, twisting a bit so he could get himself buckled back in. As he did so, you turned the radio on, dialing the volume down a bit. 
You drove like that for a bit, with Jack cradling Frankie in the front seat. He hummed along to the radio, rocking Frankie as he hummed. Finally, the cursed song began to play, and Jack lit up. 
“Almost heaven, West Virginia. Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the trees. Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze,” he sang along softly with John Denver, and you smiled, turning the radio up a bit. Jack continued to sing, putting a gentle lull over the car as you continued your drive home, your tiny family of three comfortable and together at last. 
“Country roads, take me home, to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain mama. Take me home, country roads.”
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leafs-lover · 4 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 36
Chapter 36
Series Masterlist
Summary: With the stress of the pregnancy and planning the wedding, you and Fred get away for a couple days.
Warning: Swearing, smut
Word Count: 6500
“Mommy why can’t I come?” Oliver whines.
It’s the all-star break, and you are all in California, Fred’s parents flew out and met you 2 days ago. You had a relaxing day at the beach with them and then yesterday you all ventured to Disney Land. Oliver practically dragged Ernst and Fred around the park on every ride, and the twins spent the entire time taking in the sights and sounds, crying when you tried to get a picture of them with Mickey Mouse.
Now Fred has a two day trip planned for the two of you, leaving the boys with his parents before you all fly back to Pittsburgh. Oliver has been loving the time with everyone the past couple days and doesn’t understand why everyone can’t stay together.
Fred rejoined the Penguins shortly after Christmas and you immediately noticed a shift in Oliver’s behaviour. He had more temper tantrums and some days he cried over the most ridiculous things; one day he cried because his bath was “too wet” and another day because you didn’t let him eat jam. Not with food, just actual jam with a spoon.
You know part of it is him being a toddler, but a big part of it is because he was so used to having Fred around. Once Fred was ready to return the Penguins were leaving on a road trip, so he went from having Fred around every day to not seeing him for eight straight days. And on the second day that was when everything started.
Just as he was readjusting the all-star break came and Oliver re-attached himself to Fred and basically hasn’t let him out of sight. While you fully expected the entire break to be spent with your boys; Fred wanted to spend a couple days away just the two of you. He says you are too stressed with the kids, the pregnancy and planning the wedding and you deserve a couple days away from everything.
“No I’m sorry bud you have to stay with grandma and grandpa for a couple days” you say to your pouting toddler.
“I want to come” he stomps his foot in displeasure. As much as you know you can’t encourage his bad behaviour by smiling or laughing; sometimes it’s hard. And this is one of those times. A small smirk forms on your face as your eyes look away trying to not show him any emotion when you hear Fred’s heavy steps enter the room.
“Ollie mom said no so it means no” he scolds.
Oliver exhales heavily and stomps his feet again. Your eyes find Fred and he just shakes his head at you watching as you hold in some laughter. “Keep it up and you’re going on timeout” Fred says sternly. Oliver huffs in response and walks out of the room and you finally allow a few chuckles to fall from your lips.
“You’re unbelievable” he mumbles putting the last few items in the bag,
“I know but it’s been like this for 3 weeks and sometimes I just can’t take it seriously” you reply and Fred rolls his eyes.
You feel a slight tingling in your core; the assertiveness isn’t something you normally see from Fred. You don’t like that it’s directed towards Oliver’s bad behaviour, but when he uses that tone it gets you wet; and your pregnancy hormones don’t help either.
You take a deep breathe through your nose but as you exhale through your mouth a small moan escapes. Fred stops zipping up the bag to shoot you a questioning glance. His eyes scan over your face “you alright” he questions and you give him a slight nod before he leaves the room.
Pretty soon you and Fred are on the road driving along the coast. Fred left the rental SUV with his parents so they can fit the kids. The two of you have the windows of the car down; the warm California air blowing through your hair. Fred has one hand on the wheel the other glued to your stomach hoping to feel one of the kicks that recently started.
You stare out the window breathing in the salty air, feeling the sun kiss your shoulder. Apart from some minor traffic the drive is relatively smooth. After about two hours you pull up to a beautiful Spanish hotel. It has light coloured stucco on the outside surrounding large pillars and archways; you pull your sunglasses down your nose to scan around the grounds.
There are a few fountains, and a couple small buildings in the distance. Each building is fixed with black clay tiles and there are multiple palm trees surrounding the property. Fred doesn’t stop at the main building, instead continuing down the property road.
You see some beautiful rolling hills in the background from the Los Peñasquitos Canyon. You take in the sights when you see a tee for a golf course. You immediately turn your head to Fred with a smirk and he shifts in his seat chuckling slightly.
“Is this a vacation for us or a golf trip for you” you tease.
“I can’t help it if the best vacation spot in San Diego also has the only championship golf course” he laughs. You shake your head pushing your glasses back over your eyes as he pulls up to another building putting the car in park.
“Don’t worry I didn’t bring my clubs I’m not going to golf” he gets out of the car and walks around to open your door.
“Oh that’s a shame” you take his hand and step out of the car “could have used a couple hours alone.”
Fred gently closes your door and pushes you back against the car. You feel the warm metal on the back of your arms, Fred closing the gap between your bodies. He stares down at you, bringing his hands to either side of you. “I don’t plan on leaving you alone for a minute” he growls. He is so close you can feel his mustache on your ear, his warm breath on your neck sending goosebumps down your spine.
You moan smelling his cologne and he quickly turns away, leaving your knees to almost give out. He grabs the bag and grips your wrist pulling you inside. You expect it to be a building with a couple separate hotel rooms; instead it is a giant foyer with marble stone and a spiral staircase. Fred leaves the bag on the ground and pulls you down the hall.
You walk by a beautiful kitchen but Fred doesn’t let you stop mumbling something about how you won’t be spending any time there. Next is the massive living room with a floor to ceiling fireplace and a large bar that connect to a private terrace that overlooks the golf course and pools. Despite the proximity to the pools your area is secluded, various shrubs protecting your privacy.
There is a longue area with a small hot tub; you stand in awe of your surroundings when Fred’s large hands come up behind you. His hands gently rub over your stomach, Fred leans down his breath on your neck.
“Don’t worry I got them to turn the temp down for you” he mumbles against your jaw. Your neck tilts wrapping his arms tighter around you; leaning back into his chest. “This place is amazing babe” you say feeling his lips on your shoulder. Through his gentle kisses the straps of your dress fall down your skin “you’re amazing” he murmurs against you “let’s go see the rest.”
You pull your strap back up as he tugs you inside and up the stairs. You explore the first two doors each bedroom being large enough to be the master, before Fred opens the beautiful oversized double doors. There is a California King overlooking the deck perfect for watching sunsets. You take a few minutes exploring all the different rooms before returning to find Fred sitting on the end of the bed.
“Babe we don’t need all this” you say hands landing on his shoulder. His find the back of your thighs pushing the hem of your dress up as his thumbs dig into your skin.
It is a three bedroom private house, each room having an ensuite and walk-in closet. The master however has two closets, an office and an attached gym space. While this could be useful for an extended stay with the kids, two nights with just the two of you means most of the space will be unused.
“It’s our babymoon” he shrugs.
“Babymoon?” you ask laughing slightly, pulling his lips onto yours.
“Yeah it’s a vacation before the baby comes” he explains.
“We didn’t do one with the other two pregnancies”
“Well with Ollie I think it’s pretty obvious why we didn’t, but I did take you to Denmark. And with the twins I don’t think you would have lasted in a car that long for us to get away. Although given what happened I wish I had of planned something, maybe things would have been different” he says tailing off for a second. “But I figured since it’s our last pregnancy we should do one. And you just need some time away babe.”
“Okay but do we need all of this? It’s a big space”
“I considered getting a room in the main building” he pulls you closer to his broad shoulders one hand trailing up to your ass “but I didn’t want to get a noise complaint.”
He gives you a firm squeeze eliciting a squeal from you. He falls onto his back pulling you down on top of him. The two of you spend a few hours tangled in bed, clothes haphazardly strewn around the room. Fred switches from his mouth to his fingers to his hard cock, you’ve had so many orgasms you’ve lose count. By the end you don’t know what causes you to pull apart; the soreness of your heat or the rumbling of your stomachs.
It’s your last afternoon away and time has flown by. The two of you have taken a few walks around the property, and are now on a hike into the canyon to a small waterfall. Since you are on the resort during off-peak time and haven’t seen anyone since you left for your walk over a half hour ago.
You read about a nearby waterfall and wanted to check it out. Fred was concerned the walk might be too hard, even though you aren’t that pregnant yet but you managed to convince him to do the short hike through the canyon.
About twenty minutes in you could feel the sweat dripping down your back so you were very happy when you rounded the corner and found the pool. Today is abnormally hot day in California, so the refreshingly cool water was nice against your warm skin.
You spent a few minutes wading through the water before finding your way to the waterfall. You tilt your head back running your hands through your hair as the water trails down your body. You glance at Fred from the corner of your eye; his gaze locked on your body. He watches the water roll off your sun kissed skin and over your bump; and you see the fabric of his shorts begin to tent.
“The waterfall is nice” you smile walking over to him.
“Looked like it” he smirks as your hands wrap around his tanned neck.
“I brought you here because you told me the view is spectacular” he says pressing his hands into your back. “You have spent the entire time looking at me.”
“My view is very nice” you smirk up at him. His once golden brown eyes are pooling with lust as he closes the gap; pulling your lips to his. Your tongues danced in the others mouth for who know how long. Not only does his skin have the glow of the sun he tastes like it too.
The kiss starts slow and passionate but quickly turns into a fight for dominance, tongues against one another, teeth slightly clashing. Every time one of you pulls away to catch your breath the others lips would quickly find them. Your lips are swollen, your chap stick smeared on his, you can taste the sweat that has pooled on his upper lip. His fingers begin to slowly trail down your warm skin, slipping under your bikini bottoms.
A light breeze rustles the leaves of the trees; the waterfall gently crashes into the water around you. That alone is enough to take your breath away, but instead the man in front of you keeps stealing it. He spins you around; your hands landing on one of the large granite boulders surrounding the waterfall.
His knee gently spreads your legs apart, one of his large hands slinking down the front of your bathing suit. It reaches your core, gently stroking over it.
You whimper at the contact. Partially because of how much you want him, the other part because of how sensitive you are. His tongue grazes along the skin of your neck; biting and sucking love marks.
A shiver dances down your spine while his hands trail over your waist. Growling, he presses his clothed member into your back. He begins to push your bathing suit down your legs when you hear some voices coming up the trail.
You hear some Danish fall from his lips as he pulls your bathing suit back up your body “If we had of stayed in our room nobody would have interrupted us” he groans pulling himself out of the water.
“Yeah but we wouldn’t have seen the waterfall in our room” you tease taking his hand. He helps you out with ease, carefully guiding you away from the slick surface.
“You barely looked at the waterfall. You practically mauled me once we got here” he laughs handing you your clothes. You scoff in response, but you know it’s true. Your mouth clamps shut while a devilish grin spreads across his face.
“It’s the hormones” you mumble pulling your dress up your body. You hear the other group’s voices getting louder as they approach the waterfall.
“I don’t care what it is I like it” he gently lifts your chin and presses a soft kiss to your lips. You hear the sound of a camera shutter and pull away, seeing Fred captured a picture with the waterfall in the background.
“Figured we should get one picture together people like to see vacation pictures” he gently kisses your temple. “I mean the ones I took last night cannot be shared.”
Your eyes go wide and heat reaches your cheeks, but a smile crosses your face. He pulls you into his chest, hiding your embarrassment in his shirt. “Should let me take more pictures, maybe a video…be useful on the road.”
“Frederik” you scold as the group walks by; they are too engaged in their own conversation to hear you.
“Definitely say that in the video” he smirks.
Before you have a chance to respond he gives you a soft smack on the ass and walks away. You stand stunned for a few seconds before catching up to him, his arm wrapping over your shoulder while you begin the short hike back.
“What should I wear tonight?” you ask standing in your bathrobe. You just washed off the sunscreen and sweat from your body and are preparing for your final dinner tonight. You are leaning against the door frame brushing your teeth while Fred grips his shirt.
You watch as the fabric moist with sweat is clinging to his body. He pulls it up revealing his stomach followed by his chest. Your eyes however don’t follow the trail of exposed skin, instead they linger an inch above his hiking shorts that are hanging a little too low, waiting to be dropped.
“(Y/N)” he snaps his fingers and your eyes meet his. He has a smirk on his face but ignores what you are doing. “I said we’re ordering room service and staying in so wear whatever.”
“Okay” you smile.
You hear the sound of his shorts hitting the floor and you stop listening; your eyes following the sound. You stare over his body, your eyes flutter closed as his boxers land on the floor. When you finally open them you see Fred’s ass as he walks towards the shower. You aren’t sure if it’s the steam from the shower or your core being ignited by his naked body, but you feel your hands get clammy and your entire body gets hot.
“Hey babe” you moan wrapping your arms around Fred; your face is pressed into his back breathing in his cologne and body wash, your hand resting low on his stomach. He adjusts to pull you in front of him placing a soft kiss on your head.
“Hey beautiful” he mumbles against your skin. You shake your head slightly rolling your eyes but before you can say anything his lips find yours. You are wearing a pair of sweat shorts and a loose t-shirt; no make-up and after drying your hair you pulled it into a messy bun on top of your head. Fred must have sensed your energy level, because he is wearing a simple grey t-shirt with some loose track pants.
“Dinner’s here” he says leading you out to the back deck. He takes you to the table placing a fleece blanket over your lap. While the temperature during the day gets pretty warm; at night it can get fairly cool. Fred knowing you get cold pretty easily is always one step ahead, doing anything he can to keep you comfortable.
He sets a plate in front of you, pulling off the lid to reveal your favourite meal, one you haven’t had in ages. It can take a bit of time to prepare and with three young children you haven’t had the time.
“How did you manage this? It’s not on the room service menu” you say. Fred’s hand gently rubs your back “I have my ways” he responds.
You fall into easy conversation; you try to bring up the wedding but Fred immediately shuts down your attempts telling you this trip is supposed to help you forget about all that stress. But planning a wedding in a foreign country has proven difficult; especially with the language barrier.
While you speak some Danish, you struggle when people speak too fast for you to process what they are saying. And the planner speaks some English but there are definitely some gaps between the two of you. Charlotte has been helping meeting with the planner on occasion and some of the vendors to help give you a better idea of how things will look.
But she showed up with a list of topics, pictures and videos of place settings and décor ideas the planner has been working on. She hoped the videos would help you visualize how everything will appear on your wedding day; but it also meant an extensive list of items to tackle in a short period of time.
A part of you wishes you took Fred’s offer to postpone the wedding until the following summer; or to do it in North America. But you know everything will fall into place and be worth it in the end.
Fred finishes his dinner first, pulling the white cotton napkin up to his lips. He gently runs the fabric through his fingers, you watch as the fabric dances through his digits. You get lost watching him fold the fabric and drop it on his lap. As his fingers dip out of view you wish it was your folds his fingers would be dipping inside of.
Fred puts his plate back on the tray and stares out at the golf course watching the sun begin to disappear out of view. The wind from earlier has died down, the only sound is the occasional bird and the faint sprinklers running in the distance. You finish your dinner; the sound of your cutlery on the plate catches Fred’s attention.
“You like your dinner” he asks turning his head to yours.
“It was amazing” you respond as he takes your plate setting it on the tray. He grabs two other plates bringing them over, and pulling the lid off to reveal a small white cake and another that has larger chocolate cake, that is more than enough for the two of you.
“I think one cake is enough” you laugh. While you have had some cravings you haven’t been craving many sweets; let alone two cakes. He sets the knife and two plates on the table and sits down. He taps on his leg, indicating for you to join. You sit on his lap pulling the blanket over yourself your legs.
“This one” he runs his finger through the chocolate icing and brings it to your mouth. You open your mouth and he slips his finger in. Your mouth closes around him; your tongue licks up the side cleaning the icing off. A light moan leaves your lips your eyes staying locked on his. He pulls it out with a grin “is just a normal chocolate cake.”
His index finger reaches over to gather some of the icing from the other cake. “And this one” he brings it to your mouth again. Your smile and open your mouth again; bringing your tongue out to lick the icing off. You almost see Fred shudder under you, a groan leaving him when your lips wrap around his finger.
“This one” he repeats through a shaky exhale “is a special cake.” He slowly pulls his finger from you and you quirk and eye brow at him.
“See at that ultrasound a few days ago the doctor determined the gender. I called and got them to send the results to the hotel and this cake can tell us what’s going on in here” his hand rubs over your stomach. Your head falls back with a groan and you laugh lightly. While you have found out during the last two pregnancies a part of you doesn’t want to find out for this one.
“We don’t have to, that’s why I got the second cake. We can not eat the vanilla one, leave it and not find out” he says. “Instead of a crazy party I thought maybe we could go simple, like with Ollie.”
You smile remembering Canada Day almost four years ago, showing up at his apartment with a little white box. You were worried with the humid Toronto air the icing might melt off and you had no idea if he wanted to know the gender, and in all honestly you barely remember the actual eating of the cupcake. You remember the excitement finding out you were going to have a son, and what happened after.
“I thought maybe this one could be a surprise.”
“A surprise” his body shakes with laughter. “You want a surprise? You who plans every detail wants this to be a surprise? You plan our dinners out the week before.”
You laugh slightly and curl up more into his lap, your hand falling onto his chest. “I mean we have three kids, and we know this one will grow out of clothes before it has a chance to wear them all. Apart from picking a name why does it matter to find out? And we can pick two names.”
You stare into his dark brown eyes, glistening under the light of the moon. He brings his lips to yours, his mustache tickling your upper lip, his hand tangling in your hair. His tongue slips inside your mouth, moaning as your tongue does to his what it did his finger. Your tongues swirl in each other’s mouths; your hands gently raking through his beard.
He pulls away; sucking on your lower lip. He grins at you “we don’t have to find out babe.” He leans forward putting the lid back on the one cake “that’s why I got two.”
“Do you want to find out?” you ask with a sigh because if he is committed to the idea you would do it for him.
“Like you said it doesn’t really matter and even if we pick out a name we’ll probably change it. Ollie didn’t have a name for an entire day”
“That’s not what I asked” you respond.
“We both have to be 100% because there is no going back. So if you aren’t 100% sure we won’t.”
He grabs a fork and dives into the cake, not even bothering to cut a piece. He brings it to your mouth your lips closing around it. He slowly pulls the fork out eyes never leaving yours as he grabs another bite, this time for himself.
You continue to sit on his lap while he feeds you cake. Every two or three bites you get he gives one to himself. After eating more than a third of the cake Fred sets the fork down. He wipes away some icing that is clinging to the edge of your lip, sucking it off his thumb.
Without saying anything you pull yourself from his lap and put the plates of cake back on the tray. You begin to make your way inside. Looking over your shoulder with a smirk you see Fred following behind you, setting the tray on the kitchen table. You continue to walk down the hall barely making it a few feet when catches up to you.
He quickly picks you up, eliciting a squeal from you. Your arms wrap around his neck while carried you bridal style up the stairs. Your mouth finds his neck and begins to suck a few centimetres from his ear. You hear a soft groan as you shift slightly get closer and suck harder.
“Baby” he groans but you don’t let up, teeth grazing along his skin. “(Y/N) we have to see my mom tomorrow you really want to do that in such an obvious spot?”
You pull your head away eyes narrowing as you smirk at him. He places you on the bed and pulls his shirt off revealing his toned chest. Your eyes go wide and you take a gulp taking in his body, a sight you have yet to get used to.
The bed dips and Fred’s mouth finds your neck his hand pushing the fabric up your stomach grazing over your bump. His teeth find your ear lobe as your back arches; your head falling onto the pillow.
A light moan leaves your lips; Fred’s mouth only leaves momentarily to pull your shirt over your head. He groans when he sees you aren’t wearing a bra, before long Fred’s mouth is back on you. He mumbles praises in between kissing your breast; you are so caught up in your pleasure you can barely focus on his voice. His hand finds your other one and begins to roll your nipple through his calloused fingers.
“You look so beautiful” he gently places some soft kisses on your stomach. Your back arches and your breathing increases, trying to focus on Fred’s voice. His mouth trails up your body gently sucking on your collarbone “so beautiful with my baby in your belly.”
“Fred” you croak. You feel him smile against your skin but he just presses his mouth in harder to your shoulder sucking a spot against your skin. His entire hand cups your breast beginning to massage it; your neck tilting to allow him more access.
“You’re gonna look so good with my dick in you soon” he mumbles in your ear.
“Fred” you groan finding the strength to push his shoulders “yeah baby” he smirks his head popping up.
“Remember years ago when we found out we were having a boy with Ollie” you ask getting your breath back.
“Mhm” he responds. He lifts higher to look down into your eyes, his brown eyes glazed with arousal staring down at you as his hand running through your hair.
“Remember how after you took me back to your room”
“Mhm” he hums. You pull his face closer, lips hovering an inch from yours. His chain dangles down hitting your chin his warm breath blowing on you.
“Remember when…”
“I pinned you against the door” he smirks bringing his mouth back to your neck
“Yeah…” you trail off. “I was thinking after that.”
“When I fucked your throat” he purrs against your skin.
“Before that” you groan “you tied me up and…blindfolded me.”
You feel his mouth curl up against your neck, his dick twitching against your hip. Mumbled curse words spill from his neck; as he slowly rises from the bed. He walks over to the dresser and begins rummaging through the drawers; you quickly pull your shorts down your legs throwing them into the growing pile of discarded clothes.
Fred walks out of the closet and seeing you naked splayed on the bed for him he quickly shimmies out of his pants. A gasp leaves you as his hard cock slaps against his stomach. In a few long strides Fred is straddling your chest, while he pulls your hands above your head.
Cool leather rubs against your wrists, as he fastens them to the headboard. After he tightens the belt you give your wrists a tug; Fred grins looking at his work.
You feel your mouth water knowing his hard cock is centimetres from your lips oozing with precum. You lick your lips and raise your head attempting to take him in. The last thing you see is Fred’s grin before the silk tie is wrapped around your eyes.
“You good elskede?” he asks.
“Yes” you hiss in response. The anticipation has your heat inflamed and dripping but Fred takes his time. He begins to slowly shift down the bed, leaving warm open mouth kisses on your body. You clench your thighs in search of friction and swear you hear him mumbling against your skin.
The weight around you shifts while he trails down your body, soon your legs are hooked over Fred’s shoulders. He blows on your folds sending a shiver coursing through your body. His tongue gently licks up your folds as you squirm under him.
“You taste so good” he mumbles his beard rubbing on the inside of your legs. One of his hands grip your thighs, nails digging into them as the other attaches to your clit. His thumb presses soft circles into your clit as his tongue flicks into your pussy. Two fingers slip inside you and scissor you open slowly thrusting inside you.
“Fuck” you gasp as his long fingers pump in and out of your folds. You try to reach down to grip his red locks but instead the leather snaps your wrists back down causing you to groan.
“You wanted to be tied up babygirl” he chuckles softly sucking on the inside of your thigh. His fingers increase in speed, his thumb pressing harder into your bundle of nerves.
Your moans turn to whimpers as your orgasm begins to approach. Fred sensing you’re getting close and replaces his thumb with his mouth, sucking hard. His fingers hit deep and hard with each thrust while your legs tighten around his head.
You roll your hips, pressing your clit into his mouth. Fred groans into your pussy, his lips vibrating against your core. Fred continues his pace; sucking on your clit. Deep groans and slews of curse words are filling the room. You are thankful Fred got you a private house; any neighbours would for sure file a noise complaint due to the sounds you are making.
Again you try to move your arms and the belt snaps pulling you back down to the mattress. You feel your orgasm rip through you, Fred working you through it. His fingers pump in and out of your walls groaning as your warm cum spills down his fingers. You bite your bottom lip drawing blood, your breath temporarily getting caught in your chest.
His fingers slow as your orgasm tapers off before finally pulling them out of you. His tongue gently finds your folds, lapping up your juices. Finally his mouth pulls away and he sets your legs down crawling up your body.
“You okay?” he mumbles into your neck. You can feel his hard member poking at your entrance and you nod in response.
“Need words elskede” his member gently stroking over your folds coating itself in your juice.
“Yes” you pant out “so good.”
Your hips arch up trying to get some more contact but Fred pulls away slightly with a deep seeded chuckle. “Blindfold okay? Want your hands undone?” he asks.
You smile slightly, even though you can’t see his face you can feel the concern and love radiating from his voice. “I’m good babe, promise.”
That’s all Fred needs to hear. Gentle, but intentional; he slides in, agonizingly slow. He pulls back painfully slow and your legs wrap around his back. Your warm heat welcomes him, pulling further inside. You feel one of his large hands reach the back of your thigh lifting your ass to give him a deeper angle.
“More” you groan after a few slow thrusts. Fred chuckles and snaps his hips increasing his speed. His hands roam up the underside of your thigh and give your ass a firm squeeze. His mouth dips down kissing the space between your breasts. Your back arches in response, his beard tickling your chest.
Fred hits your cervix with every thrust at a feverish pace. His large hand rubs over your stomach before finding your breast, engulfing the whole thing with his hand. He pinches your nipple and you roll your hips up on him.
You try to move your hands once more groaning with the restrictions. You make a fist, nails digging into your palms; likely leaving crescent shaped marks. His hand drags lightly up your skin before finding your neck. His thumb strokes over your skin a few times, lightly gripping you.
“Fre…eddd…ie” you moan punctuated by every one of his thrusts, the headboard rattling against the wall.
You can feel the familiar bubbling deep in your core, your second orgasm of the night developing. You feel him stutter chasing his own release. His hand around your neck begins to tighten; your airway being restricted.
You feel beads of sweat land on your chest as curse words fall from his lips. His hand tightens and he gives you a few more deep thrusts before your orgasm washes over you. Your walls clench around him, legs tightening around his back as your heels dig into his back,
Fred works you through your high as you scream his name. You feel Fred’s dick twitch and he spills deep inside of you with a loud groan. Warm ribbons coats your walls white and Fred collapses on top of you He releases your throat and you take a few gasps, your lungs refilling with oxygen.
His head lands in the crook of your neck and you feel his chest heaving as he catches his breath. You both lie in post orgasmic bliss, Fred murmuring incoherent praises against your shoulder.
After a few minutes you feel Fred tug on the end of his tie, releasing it from your face. You blink a few times your eyes adjusting to the light. Fred reaches above you and undoes the belt, the buckle clanging as he throws it on the wood floor.
“Hey” Fred whispers.
“Hi” you smile.
“That okay?” he asks pulling your hands down; gently rubbing over the red marks on your wrists where some bruises will likely be tomorrow.
You hum in response, Fred’s lips gently press against yours. He slowly pulls out; some of his cum leaking down your thighs as you groan from the emptiness. He crawls off the bed and you roll over grabbing your water from the bedside table.
Fred returns with some clothes setting them on the bed beside you as he brings a damp towel to your folds. You whimper at the contact while he gently wipes you up and throws the towel on the floor. He pulls a clean pair of boxers up his broad thighs and a t-shirt over your shoulders.
A large yawn falls from your lips and Fred helps you under the duvet and you curl up beside him. His hand lands on your stomach his thumb rubbing soft circles as you quickly fall asleep.
The next morning you crawl into back into bed, Fred still asleep. You prop the pillows against the headboard and sit upright looking over to the man beside you. He is lying on his stomach arms stretched under his pillows. Messy red locks have fallen into his eyes and are splayed over the pillow.
You bring the steaming mug up to your lips, lemon and honey filling the air. You take a few sips before setting the cup down bringing over the plate. You take a mouthful of food and the sound of your fork hitting the plate causes Fred to stir.
“Morning” you say softly brushing his hair back.
“Morning” he says through a raspy voice, eyes fluttering open.
“Are you eating cake?” he mumbles and you just laugh in response bringing another bite to your lips.
“You can’t eat cake for breakfast” he scolds.
“Says who; I’m an adult” you retort eating another bite.
He shakes his head and crawls up beside you. You set the fork down and brush a few stray hairs away from his eyes. Fred turns his attention to your stomach, talking to your growing bump as his hand soothes over it. You set the plate on the bedside table and grab your mug. You close your eyes, running your hands through his hair listening to his calming voice.
“Babe, why are both the cakes here?” he asks.
“I was thinking maybe we could find out” you say and Fred crawls up your body slightly.
“Yeah?” he asks. You nod in response and are immediately met by a soft kiss. You reach over and grab the vanilla cake but before you can dig in Fred stops you.
“So this cake is a little different” he explains. “I know you hate the colours that go along with the gender stereotypes. So instead of pink and blue there is banana for a boy or grape for a girl.”
“So the cake is flavoured?” you ask.
“No cake is vanilla but the icing inside is flavoured to match one of the fruits” he says.
“And why banana and grape?” you ask.
“Well banana starts with B like boy and grape starts with”
“G” you cut him off.
Fred grabs the second fork “ready” he raises his eyebrow at you “close your eyes.”
You give him a sideways glance “they told me the flavours are better when faint. That they can become overpowering, so they also recommended dying the icing” he explains. “But let’s see if we can tell from the taste first.”
“Okay” you say closing your eyes “ready.”
Next Chapter
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
It’s You pt. 1
Pairing: Duff McKagan x (fem) reader
Words: 2,002k.
Summary: You and Duff are best friends and you help him to impress a girl. You should be happy for him, but then why do you feel sad? You couldn’t like him, could you? (fluff + angst) 
A/N: 1- So, it got bigger than I expected, so I'll post the second part in the future.
         2- I didn't want to use a name for the girl, just in case it was someone's name, because it would be weird lol. Therefore, we are always calling her "She".
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​ @ladieswttda​ add yourself to my tag list :)
Part 2
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It was the year of 1983, Y/N was at The Rainbow with her friends, drinking and laughing about something, when he entered the place. He had blue hair and almost didn’t pass through the door due to his height. 
He looked so lost, checking booth after booth, trying to find something. He moved towards the bar, where he sat and asked for a beer. 
Y/N didn’t know why, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. So she decided to go and start a conversation. Draining the rest of her beer she stood up and moved towards the open seat beside him.
 “I’ve never seen you here.” He looked to the side and saw a tall girl with a kind smile on her face. “I’m Y/N, by the way!”. She extended her hand for him to shake. 
“I’m Duff.” He gave her a small smile and shook her hand, wishing he had put on a nicer jacket. “Funny name.” She said while asking for another beer. 
“So, where are you from?” She drank from the bottle and his eyes moved to her lips. He looked to her eyes and realized she was staring at him, waiting for his answer.
He cleared his throat. “Seattle” 
“Cool, I’m from Sitka.” He looked at her as if he was trying to think where the hell that city was. “It’s in Alaska.” She stated and saw his eyes light up a little with realization.
“So… What brings a Seattle boy to California?” He looked into her eyes and said firmly “I’m going to be in a band!” From hearing that Y/N had no doubt, he would be. The way he said it as if it was the only thing he was sure in his life, made her even more curious about him.
“What about you? California doesn't seem like something Alaskan people are into.” She laughed slightly and he thought that was a heavenly sound. “I got tired of nothing happening in my life. Wanted some change. So one day I decided I would come here.” 
“What do you do here?” He asked after he drank from his beer. “I'm a photographer!” He raised his brows. “Maybe when you find a band I can take the pictures for you!” 
He smiled at her. She was the first person to be nice to him in that town. Ever since he arrived the only human contacts he had were with the grumpy lady from the hotel he was staying at, and a man who he bumped into, on his way to the bar. 
“When did you get here? You still look kinda lost.” Duff looked at her and asked for another beer before answering. “Yesterday. I’m staying in a hotel down the street until I find somewhere to stay.” 
“If I were you, I wouldn’t stay there. A friend of mine stayed and got one of his bags stolen. Nobody really checks to see if the rooms are safe and shit.” 
This made Duff worried. He had all his guitars there. “Where do you think I could stay?” 
“There is a nice place near the beach, but it’s kind of expensive.” He frowned worriedly. 
“I haven’t got a job yet, can’t stay in somewhere that costs too much.” 
She finished her beer and thought for a while. “You know what? Fuck it. You can stay at my place for a while.”
“Re-really?” She got him surprised, that’s for sure. She nodded her head and giggled at his expression. “But you don’t even know me.” He said.
“Yeah, but I know how it is to be new in somewhere you don’t know anyone.” She paused for a while. “Plus, you’re a nice guy. I can see it in your eyes.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck yeah, Duff!” He laughed at her exasperation. 
She stood up and took a ten-dollar bill out of her jeans pocket putting it on the counter. “Come on, let’s take your stuff from that place before it’s too late.” 
Now it was 1986. They became best friends after that night. Duff stayed at Y/N’s place for about two weeks until he found someone to share an apartment with. She helped him find a job and went with him on his first rehearsal with Road Crew.
She saw Road Crew slowly fade as Duff was invited to this new band Guns n Roses. She saw how in doubt he was about leaving a punk band to be in a rock one. She also saw how happy he was after his first gig with them and from that day on, she knew they would make it big.
She was always there, helping them with everything and being their number one fan. 
It was a strangely cold night in March, she was at the hell house with the boys, watching a horror movie and eating pizza. That’s when Duff entered the house. He slammed the front door shut and went straight to his room. Something had happened.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N followed him, closing his door behind her. He was walking from one wall to another while mumbling something. “What’s going on Duff?” 
He looked at her for a while before he started to speak. “She said I’m nobody!” Y/N frowned. “Said my band is nothing.” He was so exasperated. “Said that I can call her when we are famous” He ran his hands through his hair.
Y/N knew who he was talking about. She was a secretary Duff met a couple of weeks ago at The Rainbow. He was head over hills for her since day one. Always trying to impress her, but she always dismissed him.
“Fucking bitch.” Y/N said. “Fuck her, you deserve better than someone who cares for this crap.” 
He rolled his eyes. He didn’t like it when Y/N talked like that about her. He knew she never really liked her, always saying that she wasn’t nice or that she didn’t like her personality, but still, he liked her.
It was true, Y/N didn’t like her at all. But it was because she was a bitch. Y/N didn’t like calling someone that, but it was true. Every time Duff was around, she would ask him if she was beautiful, touch his arm suggestively or call him “Duffy” and then, when he tried to start some sort of conversation, she would completely ignore him or answer in the rudest way. Y/N hated that because she knew how bad Duff got every time it happened.
“I’ll make it big Y/N! I’ll prove to her that I am somebody. And then we will finally be together!” Y/N rolled her eyes. “You never listen to me do you?” She said, exiting the bedroom and closing the door once again. 
Two weeks passed after that, and on March 26, Guns signed with Geffen Records. That was it. That contract said they were serious and said they were starting to make it big. 
She went out with the boys that night to celebrate, drinking until late. Around 3 am she helped Izzy and Axl drag the other three back to their house. She was so wasted that she ended up passing out on the couch. 
The next morning she woke up to someone talking excitedly. She looked to her side and saw Duff on the phone. “Probably telling his mom.” she thought to herself. Closing her eyes she decided to sleep a bit more. 
Before she could sleep again, she felt someone shaking her. “Y/N! Wake up!” It was Duff. 
“What?” She said. Her voice raspy due to her sleepiness. “I called Jane and…” Before he could finish she interjected. “Who the fuck is Jane?” 
“Her friend, the one with black hair.” Y/N thought for a while. “The nice one?”
“Yeah Y/N, the nice one. Continuing… I told her we got the label and said I wanted to make her a surprise, and Jane said they are going to the amusement park tomorrow, so I guess I’m going too.” He laughed a little. 
Y/N didn’t say anything, because she had nothing nice to say. She just wanted to roll her eyes and say that he was being stupid, but decided to remain silent. 
“Can you paint my hair today? I want to look nice.” He was smiling like a child. “Fine, but only if you let me sleep.” He nodded fastly and left the living room.
She didn’t know why, but she felt a tightness in her heart. She thought about Duff and her together and she started to feel a certain sadness fill her chest. She sighed and covered her head with a pillow, hoping that she could sleep soon, so she wouldn’t have to think about that anymore. 
The afternoon arrived and she was awakened by Slash, who slightly touched her shoulder, telling her they had made lunch. She got up stretching her body and moving towards the kitchen. 
After lunch, she went to the drug store with Duff. They bought all the necessary products to bleach his hair and she had to hear him talking about her the whole way. She wanted so bad to throw the plastic bag with the products on his head and tell him to shut up, but decided against it. 
Back at the house, duff grabbed a chair and sat in front of the bathroom mirror with a bag of Doritos in his lap, while Y/N worked on his hair. 
All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix started playing on the small radio they took along. Y/N lightened a cigarette taking a drag from it while dancing. She loved Hendrix. 
She moved with every guitar note she listened, and Duff could do nothing but to watch her from the mirror, almost as if she had hypnotized him. She was the coolest girl he knew, with so much attitude and sweetness at the same time, he didn’t even know why, but she fascinated him in every single way.
He laughed as she stopped moving and started to pretend she was playing guitar. She was horrible at playing, Slash, Izzy and even him had tried teaching her, but she always got frustrated after a few minutes and damned that to hell.  The music came to an end, and she started to focus on Duff’s hair again.
After a good 1 hour, Duff's hair was done. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror and high fived Y/N, thanking her. They exited the bathroom and went to the backyard, where the boys were. 
Duff grabbed a beer and sat beside Axl and Izzy on the bench while Y/N moved to the grass area and started playing with Izzy’s dog. 
“Feeling ready to impress her now?” Axl asked. “Fuck yeah!”
“I still think you’re making a mistake by going after her.” Axl said and Duff frowned. “If she didn’t want to be with you while you were growing, she doesn’t deserve to be with you now.” 
“Cut it, man, you don’t know her” He replied while drinking from his beer. “And do you?” It was Izzy. Duff rolled his eyes and watched Y/N. She giggled while playing with the dog’s ears. 
"You know… I always thought you and Y/N would end up together" Axl said.
"I don't know man, but there is a strong connection between the two of you." Hearing that Duff looked back to Y/N, he saw she was now fake fighting with Slash and a small smile appeared on his lips.
"Plus, friends don't look at each other like that!"
"What do you mean?" Duff frowned.
"Like, the way you look at each other, is as if you loved each other." 
"Just like you were looking at her now." Izzy added.
Duff didn't say anything, he drank from his beer and started to think. Could he love Y/N in a way that friends shouldn't love each other?
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Fifteen (pt 2)
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tw: none, fluffy
wc: 2337
Part one!
Spencer almost ran every red light and stop sign on his drive home. He didn’t even put the radio on. The only music was the sound of his ragged breath and skyrocketing heart beat. It hadn’t sunk in for him yet that you were really, truly, gone. You had only called it quits a few weeks ago, and work was okay. Good even. Hotch was nice enough to split you guys up a lot, sending you with JJ or Derek and Spencer with the newest member, Alex Blake. In the few small interactions you had, the two of you were better than you had been during the last few months of your relationship. It was just like the old days, before everything went sour. He guessed that was just you faking how much pain you were really in, and he was right. He cursed himself for not noticing that either. 
He sat on his couch and opened up the box again to find envelope 1: 
“Okay, Hey Spence. I’ll try not to be so long winded, but bear with me throughout this. I want you to really understand what happened between us. 
These are going to go chronologically, so the story starts before we even started dating. The story starts the day I realized I loved you. November 17, 2010. So please take out: 
1. Welcome Interstate Managers- Fountains of Wayne. 
Please direct your attention to track 3. Stacy’s Mom. This may be my favorite memento from us. It’s so innocent. We were so innocent then, but not anymore.”
He took the disk out and ran his hands over the case. It had never been opened and still had the plastic film on it. He flipped it over and read the track list to find #3, ‘Stacy’s Mom’. He immediately knew where this was going. The memory hit him like a sack of bricks, knocking the air out of him and making it hard to breathe. 
“This also may be one of my favorites because it’s so not you. No one would think that Stacy’s Mom of all songs would be so important to us. But it is, because it was the beginning. 
We had just gotten back from that weird, awful case in LA. The one where the taxi driver had the weird smell thing and would remove skin from the victim’s feet? And Emily was being suspicious? Yeah, we had just gotten back from that one and Derek and I had each given you $50 to finish the paperwork for us. We were joking around and arguing about basketball of all things. I don’t have an eidetic memory but I remember that day so clearly. 
“Is this really the hill you want to die on Derek Morgan?” I said. 
“Yes, Y/N, Michael Jordan will always be the best basketball player of all time,” Derek said back.
“I’m just saying Lebron or Kobe could definitely pass him at some point! Especially now that Lebron’s on the Heat. Him, Wade, and Bosh are going to kill it.” 
“Why do you know so much about basketball Y/N?”
You weren’t paying attention to us. You were doing the work we should have been doing. You always were the good one, Spence. When Em or D  or I would go off the rails, you always kept it together. I admire you for that. I had a crush on you at the time. It wasn’t full blown yet, but it was enough to make me flustered and blushing any time I was near you. 
I told Derek that I was a pretty big basketball fan because my brother had drilled it all into me when I was a kid. He scoffed and told me I didn’t seem like the sporty type. 
“Well not everyone can kick down a door in one move like you, but I’m pretty athletic!” I argued. 
“Athletic? C’mon Y/L/N, Hotch keeps you and Reid at the stations for a reason. You’re not a bad shot but your specialty is interrogation.”
I faked offense, being dramatic as usual. But, really I was a little hurt and D could tell. You had finished the paperwork then, and handed both of us files. 
“Do you think I’m athletic?” I asked you. 
You smiled shyly, “I mean, you’re not the most athletic but you’re not bad.”
“See?” Derek said, and I shoved him playfully. 
“I’m not exactly athletic either,” You said, and you did the tongue thing that you don’t even know you do. The one where you poke it out of one side of your mouth. It makes me a little weak in the knees. 
“I was bad at everything at the Academy Y/N.”
“Yeah? Like what?” I asked, “You’re good at everything.” Derek laughed, but I meant it. You are good at everything.
“Marksmanship, physical training, obstacle course, Hogan's Alley, you know, pretty much everything that wasn't technically book related. They ultimately had to make exceptions to allow me into the field.” You admitted, getting a sheepish smile on your face.”
Spencer stopped reading then, and wiped his eyes. He had allowed a few tears to fall as he read. He remembered this day so fondly. You guys have always been friends; the whole team is a family. But you always stuck more around Emily and Derek when you could. You worked with Spencer well, it wasn’t that you didn’t like him. In hindsight, you avoided him because of your crush on him. The thought made a smile creep up on his face. It was a watery smile, but still a smile. At that time in his life he was so insecure and unsure of himself but you always made him feel validated. When he would go on his rambling tangents about weird facts you always smiled and nodded when the others tuned him out. He needed that then, and, honestly, still needs it now. 
All of you, especially Spencer, were still reeling from the loss of JJ to the state department. It was a constant reminder of how quickly everything could fall apart. So, he needed good memories, good days. Days like November 17. A few of his tears smeared the ink and mixed with your dried tear stains. He sighed, how did he get here, only being close to you through mixed tears? He shook the thoughts away and kept reading. 
“This is a long one, sorry Spence, but the backstory is important I think. So anyways, we handed in the paperwork you did for us and we all went down to the parking garage together. Derek got in his car and left, probably to meet some girl of the week. Emily was gone, she was still being weird, which we all learned about later. Rossi? Hotch? Garcia? Who knows where they were. All that mattered was you and me, laughing about how not athletic we are as we made our way to our cars that we parked next to each other every day. I don’t even remember how we started the parking thing, but if I got there and I saw your car I made sure to be next to it. And you did the same. Somehow it made me feel safe. And of course, that day your car wouldn’t start. So I graciously tried to help you jump it, but still nothing. You reeled off the facts of how jumping a car works, but alas that did not get your crappy sedan to start. The two of us trying to fix a car is about as ridiculous as it gets. After our third jump attempt we gave up and I said I’d drive you home and we would get Derek to help us fix it tomorrow. You agreed and got in the passenger seat. There was crap everywhere, there always was. You always hated that. 
“How do you have like eight outfits just in the car?” You asked, tossing a dress into the back seat. 
“I have to always be prepared,” I said back, stifling a laugh. 
“Oh? And what does this prepare you for?” You asked me, holding up a tank that would barely cover my chest. 
I grabbed it from you and blushed. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say. 
“I’m kidding Y/N,” You said and we both laughed. It felt so right. So comfortable. 
You had on a very Spencer Reid outfit that day. Purple dress shirt, dark blue cardigan, purple and blue tie. You’re striking. Derek doesn’t lie when he calls you ‘Pretty boy’.
But anyways, before I fall back in love with you just by descriptions—“
He had to put the paper down then. It hurt. Every word hurt. You’d fallen out of love with him? You said the last rule was he had to remember that you loved him. You did love him, you just weren’t in love with him anymore. There is very big difference. He thought he may throw up again but he took a few deep breaths, the same way you taught him to when he’d get overwhelmed, and kept going. 
“We were sitting there and I started driving and I turned the radio up. You made that face, you always do when I put on top hits. 
“Sorry I don’t have a lot of Beethoven,” I joked at a red light. You looked over at me, and we made eye contact, which caused my breath to catch in my throat. 
“It’s alright,” You cleared your throat, “I know every word to every song I’ve ever heard, so I can follow along.”
“Okay, what’s this one?” I challenged, turning up the radio. 
“Rolling in the Deep, Adele” 
We played that game for a while. You guessing songs and me laughing. You got every single one right. 
“Oh! I need to turn this one up! I love this song!” I said. It was the very beginning of Stacy’s Mom. 
“Sing with me, Genius.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not singing! I-I can’t sing!”
“Too late, it’s starting.”
“As long as you promise to sing with me.”
We had our first pinky promise then. Your pinky was so long and large, mine so tiny. 
“Did your mom get back from her business trip?” I started and you added the “business trip” in the background. 
“Is she there or is she tryna give me the sli-i-i-i-ip? Give me the slip?”
You took over then, I think the line resonated with you, “You know, I'm not the little boy that I used to be. I'm all grown up now baby, can't you see?”
Then we took the chorus and the rest of the song together, jamming out like teenagers. My heart swelled. You singing, so relaxed with me, just made me so happy. You were comfortable with me. And your singing voice is pretty good too Spen, maybe if you hadn’t been groomed for the FBI you would’ve made a good singer. 
“I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom.”
We finished the song together, practically yelling, and when we looked up we both realized I missed the exit for your place. I made a u-turn and dropped you off, vehemently apologizing for messing up. Directions were always your thing, not mine. You smiled and said thank you, and even pulled me in for a hug. When we came out of the hug, we made eye contact. The steamy kind like in movies before the two main characters make out. I almost leaned in to kiss you, but I pulled back and left. You waved to me from the door.  
The whole ride home I was freaking out. My heart was going insane. That’s the day I fell in love with you, Spencer Reid. I was teetering on the edge already, but sitting in my car with you, scream-singing Stacy’s Mom, that’s when I fell into the water. So put the CD in a player, turn it on, and listen to Stacy’s Mom. Every time I hear that song I will think of you, sometimes I even play it on purpose just to remember that day. To remember how complete I felt. Remember the electricity and tension. Remember how that’s the day you fell in love with me too. When the 3 minutes and 18 seconds of the song are done, go to envelope 2.” 
Spencer put the paper down and shakily tore off the plastic. You were right, that was when he told you he fell in love with you, but really he had been in love with you a long time before then. He had fallen for you almost immediately after you joined the unit, but he didn’t say anything. He told you he fell in love with you the same moment you fell in love with him because that would be perfect. And you deserve perfect. 
Spencer remembers a different day as the one when he fell in love with you. It was the first day you were introduced to everyone and Rossi raved about all your skills to the team. You dressed to impress that day, and impress you had. Not just your beauty, but your brain. That’s what he really fell in love with first. But that was almost five years ago. When his hair was too long and shaggy; a homeless poet was what he liked to call himself. 
When the song ended, he started it over. 
“She’s all I want and I’ve waited for so long,” Was another line he yelled extra loud, but you hadn’t written about it. He belted that one out because that was how he felt about you. How he still feels about you. He suddenly felt so claustrophobic, ripping off his tie and opening the top few buttons of his shirt. He paced around the room, the song still playing in the background. ‘How did this happen?’ He asked himself again. He lived it with you and still didn’t know quite how this happened. Knowing the answer was hidden in those pages, he got himself together enough to open up envelope 2.
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ravenforce · 4 years
Stark Legacy III
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff x Maria Hill x Reader
Word Count: 2869
A/N: Oh gosh. I’m so sorry I haven’t been updated a lot of fics recently. There’s no excuse except that Animal Crossing New Horizon is taking up so much of my time but I am working on being more productive. Also, it doesn’t help that somehow I can’t seem to come to terms with this chapter. I feel like everything I write is shit. That’s why I’m trying to let the creative energy blockage to pass. I hope you guys like this chapter. Stay safe. xx
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Parts: 1 | 2  | 4  | 5 | 6
After a week of poking and prodding at the Avengers compound, Fury finally agreed to let you stay off-site. Not that he has any say on your decision, anyway. He’s not the boss of you. You knew it will only cause more valuable time to be wasted if you resist, you compromised by letting Happy be assigned to you. The same way he was assigned to the handle Spider-man before. You felt like a child, it was ridiculous.
“Are you sure you don’t want to take back your position in the office?” Pepper asked as she enters the living room where you’ve been watching the city from its floor-to-ceiling windows. Happy drove you directly to Stark Tower, which Pepper handed the keys back to you. It’s now the Avengers Tower but technically it is still owned by Stark Industries. Thus, still owned by you, Pepper and Morgan.
You took a minute looking out the view before turning back towards your sister-in-law. You walked towards her at the centre of the room and gave her arms a squeeze. “Stark Industries is better off in your hands, P.”
She smiled at you before pulling you into a hug for the nth time since she found out that you’re alive.
“What are you gonna do?” Before you can answer, the door to the penthouse and came walking in is Happy with a beautiful little girl in tow.
“Hey,” Happy greeted. “Sorry, we’re a bit late. Someone made one too many stops at the labs.”
Pepper beckoned the girl over, and immediately she took her mother’s hand. “Morgan, I’d like you to meet somebody.” Morgan took one look at you. A look of recognition passes on her face before she let go of Pepper’s hand to run towards you. She came barreling to your leg.
“Hey,” you greeted while running your hand over her soft hair. You look at Pepper with a questioning look.
“Morgan, do you know who this is?” Morgan pulled away from where she’s perched on your leg and look back at Pepper.
“Yes, mom. She’s Y/N Stark. Daddy’s baby sister.” She turned back to you with a smile.
You crouched down in front of her. You offered her your hand to shake but Morgan had another idea. She threw her arms around your neck and nearly tackled you down in a tight hug. You chuckled. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Morgan Stark.”
She giggled and pulled away. “You’re a silly humanoid.”
Everyone stopped and stared at the little girl. Pepper recovered first. “Sweetheart, how’d you know that word?” She asked. Morgan only looked at you before running her hand over where your ball-joints are connected.
“Dad told me everything.” You rolled your eyes internally at your brother, wherever he is. “I’m not sure how it worked but Dad said you’re the best sister ever, and that when you wake up, you’ll be the best aunt too.”
That got you down on your ass on the floor. You can’t cry, not really but at that moment, had you been human, you would’ve been crying your eyes out. Suddenly, sitting there on the floor with your brother’s offspring in front of you, you were overcome with so much grief. Life wasn’t fair.
Why did your brother have to die, and you, survive? He had more to live for than you. He has a wife. He has a daughter. He was happy. He deserved to live, too.
Morgan cupped your face. She must have seen through your robotic face. “It’s okay Y/N. We’ll be okay.”
You blinked twice at her before nodding. She’s an intuitive, emphatic kid. She is really Pepper and Tony’s daughter. No question about that. Then Morgan started chewing at her bottom lip.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just…” she paused. She looked unsure of what to ask or how to ask her question. So, you run your hand through her hair and assured her that she could ask you anything. “…uhm. I just want to know how your body is operating? Is F.R.I.D.A.Y installed in your core? Or was it J.A.R.V.I.S?”
“Morgan!” Pepper admonished, and for Morgan’s part, she looked sheepish. You can only gape at your eight-years-old niece for a minute. She truly is a Stark and one that hanged out with her dad too much, apparently.
“Well, right now there’s no AI installed in this body but I’m planning to put one on my own. Maybe you could help me name it when it’s done?”
Morgan grinned before launching in a barrage of questions, only child geniuses could ask at that age.
“Excuse me, Y/N.” Pepper cut in through your nerd conversation with Morgan. “Do you mind if I use the kitchen to make us dinner? I don’t think the little one would want to leave soon.”
“Knock yourself out. Happy stocked up before we arrived.” That’s all the answer Pepper got before you and Morgan moved from the floor to your new bedroom to continue geeking out about your robotics.
Happy sidled up to the blonde as they watch you two happily chatting. “It’s a match made in heaven,” Happy teased; earning a soft chuckle from Pepper.
“Yeah. Finally, someone who can keep up with her.”
Morgan and Pepper are really close but Pepper suspects that Morgan misses having someone geeky in the house that can talk to her about engineering, robotics, science, history, etc.
Morgan and Pepper stayed for two nights in the tower. You wished they could have stayed longer but Morgan has school but Pepper promised they’ll be back every weekend. Without Morgan in the house, it’s far too quiet even with Happy around. Speaking of the man, you found him after your shower, lounging at the bar over some S.H.I.E.L.D folders. 
“Busy?” you asked as you went to the coffee machine by instinct. Happy watched you freeze for a moment but he didn’t say anything. He understood that you’re still coping with your new normal.
“Nope. Why?” He closed all his open folders but left them on the counter. 
You turned towards him with a smile. “Great. I need your help.” 
When you said you needed his help. He thought maybe you needed help where he can use his talents as an agent but instead he found himself dusting around Tony’s old on-site lab. It looks exactly the same as the last time Tony used it. Not a single furniture and equipment out of place. It was nostalgic and bittersweet to be there again. 
“Ugh!” He groaned after putting one more box in the storage room. You looked at your friend as he sweats through his shirt and stretches his back. 
“Tired already?” You asked in a teasing voice. 
“My back is killing me, and aren’t you?” You laughed and he turned to look at you. For a minute he forgot you are not exactly human anymore. A few nights ago you mentioned, post-human, and he thought it was quite a fitting classification. He decided that’s what he’s gonna use from then on.
“Actually, I can do this all day.” Happy rolled his eyes at you before giving you the finger. You laughed hard before you walked towards him.
“Sit down. Let the one who can’t get backaches do the heavy lifting.” He can hear the joy in your voice as you continue to tease him of his fragility. You handed him your new tablet, while you started carrying the rest of the boxes into storage. 
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
You stopped and chuckled. You pulled out a folded paper from your pocket. It’s a list of equipment and materials. “Please, purchase everything on that list. You can find most of them from Stark Industries. The rest you can outsource on Amazon.” 
Happy looked at the list and started putting everything in your cart. “Are you building something?”
You dusted your hand and locked the storage room. You plopped down on Tony’s couch and looked at Happy as he concentrates on finding the right items with the right specs for you. 
“Yes.” When no other word from you was forthcoming, he looked up at you. You can see the question in his eyes but before he can voice it out, you threw him a rolled-up parchment. He barely caught it and he glared at you. When he opened it, his eyes almost popped out of its socket. 
“Y/N.” He pause to consider what this little project means.  
“You’re not?” he broke off in the middle. 
“I am.” 
The dream team is spending their much deserved weekend off after being away for a month-long mission in Hungary. Usually, they would spend their weekend at home after long missions but they’ve been coup up in the safe house for a month and had only been going out on surveillance twice in every week. So, to change things up a little bit, they found themselves out on a bustling Saturday night. The plan was simple: have dinner on Wanda and Carol’s restaurant of choice, and maybe a walk along the park to aid their digestion.
“Oh, this is so good,” Carol nearly moaned after taking her first bite on the strawberry shortcake they ordered for dessert.
“I’m really glad we’re able to do this.” They all smiled at Wanda before Nat reached out and wipe the icing that stuck on the side of her lips. Wanda blushed. After all this time, Natasha still makes her flush like crazy, and it doesn’t help that she’s the smoothest out of all of them. Except with you, that is.
It’s an observation she gathered from the handful of times they’ve interacted with you in the HQ. Even Carol and Maria agrees that Nat is uncharacteristically a mess whenever you’re around. It’s a topic they have yet the time, and the energy to breach with the redhead.
“To us.” Maria raised her glass and everybody promptly clinked their glasses together. Not a minute after, the sound of sirens was heard along the street. They looked at each other before pulling out their phones, and they were shocked to see multiple miscalls from HQ.
“Shit.” They groaned collectively but before they can even think to stand and bolt, another restaurant patron yelled.
It’s like time stood still. Even with years of work and training, they were rendered frozen and rooted in place, waiting for the inevitable to hit. After Thanos, they all had to undergo mandatory therapy for PTSD. Nat and Wanda went because losing Clint and Vision still haunts their dreams, Maria for being dusted herself, and Carol for stress management.
“Ms Stark that missile is heading straight for Agent Hill, Danvers, Romanoff, and Maximoff.”
“What?” You yelled at your newly developed AI before putting more speed to catch the missile. You can see the four idiots just standing there frozen. You caught glimpse of the missile timer, and you thought you’re not gonna make it into the stratosphere before it explodes. So, you raced ahead of it and triggered one of your suit’s new feature: electromagnet shield before it exploded in your chest.
Maria squinted as they watch the missile approached their location. Something else is flying towards them. Something she can’t put a finger on but oh so familiar.
“Is that - ” She wasn’t able to finish the question before Carol and Natasha were tackling her and Wanda on the ground. Then the missile exploded.
For a minute, there’s a ringing in their ear, and they were severely disoriented. Carol and Natasha rolled away from their girlfriends and laid their back, feeling the cold, concrete floor. They tried to blink rapidly to clear the white spots that are floating around their vision. Maria was the first to sit up, followed by Carol, then Natasha and Wanda. They looked at each other, making sure everyone was unharmed. 
“What just happened?” Carol asked, with her hand outstretched to help everyone up. 
Wanda was quiet for a moment before she was running towards the balcony, where a few customers are gathered around the mouth of the restaurant, hovering around something. Before they could question her what’s up, she just jumped out of the balcony instead of using the stairs like a normal person. 
“Shit. What now?” Nat followed Wanda over the balcony and landed gracefully at the sidewalk. Carol floated down on her Captain Marvel suit, while Maria exited the establishment through the front door. She walked towards the crowd and whipped out her badge to clear the bystanders. Carol, Nat, and Wanda helped to make a perimeter, so their girlfriend can assess the situation. 
When they saw what it is, they were frozen for the second time around that night. 
“Who is that? Is that RESCUE? Is she gonna be okay?”
An onslaught of questions was thrown to them but they have absolutely no clue how to answer. The suit does look a little like Pepper’s RESCUE but instead of blue and white, this one is pure black. The helmet is unmistakably Iron Man’s original design. 
“It’s Y/N,” Wanda whispered as she and Carol crowd over your body to shield you from everyone’s view. Maria is frantically typing on her phone, asking for a pickup team on their location ASAP. Nat’s crouched down and poking at your helmet. 
“The blast must have knocked her out.” Another poke to the helmet.
“Stop poking me, Agent Romanoff. It’s a rude way to say thanks.” She startled when she heard your voice before the lights on your helmet came back on. She stood up and sidled with Maria. Captain Marvel offered her hand and you took it. 
“Thank you.” 
“No, thank you for saving us back there.” You opted to nod at the Captain since she can’t see you smile and you don’t want to retract your helmet and expose yourself. You hovered over the ground and looked behind them.
Nat caught the action, as small as it. “We’re attracting too much attention. Meet us back at the HQ.”
“The tower is closer.” They all turned to Maria for consent and she freely gave it. 
Before you can fly off, a young boy yelled. “Hey! Are you RESCUE?” 
You hovered back down and crouched in front of him. “No, I’m not but we’re friends.”
“What’s your name then?”
“I’m Phantom.” You pinched the boy’s cheeks before flying back to the tower. You looked back and saw him smiling and waving at you.
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crystalrainwing · 3 years
hey hey hey august can I hear the wasp story?
i will begin with a small bit of context. my mom used to be fatally allergic to wasps, specifically yellowjackets. i can’t remember what it was exactly but she had something done to make her not allergic to them anymore, or at least barely allergic. my dad has adhd and he also has a pretty skewed sense of danger; he’s very impulsive and these things combined have resulted in some... interesting... things.
THE FIRST (major) WASP STORY, aka my dad makes questionable decisions: part one
i can’t remember whether this was before or after The Wasp Incident but i believe it was before. at this point in time my youngest sister, squid, was probably four or five and EXTREMELY afraid of wasps because of something that happened when she was 2. at our old house, during the summer she wouldn’t go downstairs because wasps lived in our air conditioning and they’d get blown out into the main room down there. anyways. the rest of us didn’t like wasps either.
except, of course, my dad. my dad was and is not afraid of wasps.
outside my parents’ window was a massive wasp nest. one of the bowling- or basket-ball sized ones. mostly they didn’t bother us. my dad once stuck his hand in the nest just for funsies and only got stung like. 3 or 4 times. so. not too aggressive.
my dad, on this day, was leaf blowing our concrete patio. and the window was RIGHT there.
he wondered, what would happen if i stuck the leaf blower in here and turned it on?
so. he did.
we couldn’t leave the house for a day and a half. but the wasp nest was gone, at least, i guess.
THE SECOND (major) WASP STORY, aka my dad makes questionable decisions part two
this was maybe a year ago (so after The Incident). now there’s a kind of hornets called bald faced hornets. we were already familiar with them from The Incident. they’re mostly okay, because they won’t attack until you’re near their home (usually in a tree). but once they do, their venom is particularly painful. (unrelated but every year they’d eat any apples that fell to the ground and they’d get drunk cause the apples were a little fermented. it’s really funny.)
so in our cherry trees was a big wasp nest. we, of course, wanted to eat the cherries but me and my sisters were willing to just. not go near the tree; that particular tree did not in fact grow any cherries. my dad, being unafraid and bored, decided to find a way to get rid of it.
his original plan was to ‘just stomp on it.’ don’t ask me how that would work because i simply don’t know. he didn’t either. that was the end of the plan. notable problems include the fact that it was in a tree and the fact that it was full of wasps.
anyways. my mom told him that was not actually a good plan but tragically couldn’t convince him to just. leave it alone. the revised plan was to 1. go up a ladder to the nest. 2. cut it down with a... knife? saw? i don’t remember. 3. drop the whole nest + the branch into a bucket and finally, 4. shove a lid on the bucket real fast.
he didn’t even make it to step 2.
me and my sisters were outside, a fair bit away, watching. we knew it was going to be terrible and hilarious. and it was! i actually have the whole thing on video, somewhere; if i can find it and it doesn’t have anyone’s faces on it then i might post it here.
so here’s my dad, standing on a wobbly ladder which is right next to a very steep hill (our yard was essentially a downhill, a few feet of flat ground, and another downhill. good for sledding though). on the ground beneath him, the wasp bucket, and in his hand a dull serrated knife.
being who he was he decided to take a look at the wasps and stuck his hand right next to them. ‘oh,’ i hear him say. ‘these guys are aggressive.’
‘oh, they’re really aggressive.’ he drops the knife. the wasps come out.
we (me and my sisters) start running. behind us, my dad is yelling for us to get inside quickly and close the door because the wasps are CHASING him.
well. we couldn’t go outside that evening, but in the end the only consequence was my dad was in a lot of pain and had like, a fever and stuff from the venom (surprise surprise! they were bald faced hornets), and my cat acted drunk cause she got stung too.
pretty big consequence, let’s be real. i think my dad must feel pain less than other people, because... well. we all have learned th hard way how much bald faced hornets stings hurt.
THE WASP INCIDENT, aka a bizarre series of increasingly terrible misfortunes
the day of The Incident was perfectly normal. we went to a river with some friends, which was fun if a bit cold. i don’t remember the time spent at the river.
soon it came time to leave. we had planned on taking a picture together, but well, too bad. we would go home without it. oh, how i wish we would have gone home without it.
my sister, as mentioned before, was terrified of wasps. and there were a few wasps hanging around; we were near water, no big deal. if she saw one she’d scream, though.
into the woods we went, trying to find a place to take a picture (we stayed on the trail, though; there were some very little kids with us).
i clearly remember the moments before Disaster Struck. a 10 year old me found a beautiful flower. some cool mushrooms.
‘oh, here’s a good place for a picture,’ i hear behind me. the parents stood on the trail, while all the kids stood on a slope directly next to it. there was a nice log adding to the picture, it was very aesthetic, i’m sure.
suddenly, squid starts screaming. no big deal, she is five and screams a lot. she just saw a wasp, probably, or maybe hadden pinched her.
there was a little pinch on my leg. stinging nettle? maybe.
another. these hurt too bad to be stinging nettle. i didn’t know what was going on but we all ran down the slope faster than we’d ever run before.
i was feeling terrible pricks all over my body. please understand these were truly terrible. they were enough to bring me to tears with just one sting.
as everybody ran down the trail towards the cars and, presumably, safety, my mom ripped my shirt off for me because THERE WAS A WASP STUCK INSIDE MY SHIRT. once i got it out i understood what was going on - we were being attacked by wasps. everyone else was out of sight, around a bend in the trail, but i could hear their distant screams as i walked slowly and leisurely down the trail, in intense pain. i thought the trees were very pretty, and the sky very blue.
when i got to the parking lot i was met with the sight of my youngest sister, no pants or shirt on, crying hysterically and my friend doing the same. poor squid, five years old and deathly afraid of wasps, had been stung over 12 times by some of the wasps that personally i have found to be most painful. they’d gotten in her clothes.
the end of the story, right? you’re probably thinking. we go home, squid is even more scared of wasps, that’s it.
well, not quite. remember how i mentioned my mom used to be allergic to wasps? specifically, yellowjackets? and only yellowjackets?
as it turns out, bald faced hornets ARE yellowjackets. and in saving my sister from the wasps stuck in her clothes my mom had been stung six. times.
so. here we are. four parents, at least three crying children, in the middle of the woods 2 hours from civilization and, more importantly a HOSPITAL. someone camping nearby had benadryl but no one had an epi pen, and my mom was having an allergic reaction. she wasn’t going into anaphylactic shock, luckily.
but she still needed an epi pen, because she could.
just down the road was a boy scout camp, and for the first time we had good luck - there were people there. and a medical tent. we took her in, they were confused but they gave her an epi pen. i sat in the car with my friend, who was still crying. she gave me licorice. after an hour or so, my mom was fine. and we went home.
in the end everything was okay, and i have a fun story to tell. also happy to report that squid’s fear of wasps isn’t as severe these days, shes 10 now.
anyways. here are three of the reasons im not fond of wasps, and three of my favourite stories to tell friends (sorry to my irl friends who’ve heard this story SO. many times.)
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