#my mom picked me up and we cried hard lol
kedsandtubesocks · 6 months
all of you are the reminders that love always heals and returns to us, even when evening feels so intense and sharp - love comes back and sits with us and comforts us and I’m so grateful and lucky to find it among you darlings
my heart can’t handle how overwhelmed it is realizing how blessed I am to know you all
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whentherewerebicycles · 2 months
gosh I’m obsessed with this little baby. here are six new things:
he loves hanging out in his crib first thing in the morning just kicking his legs and looking around while I take the dogs out. lately he’s starting practicing his cooing in the mornings and I love getting my coffee/breakfast ready while I listen to him say “ooo! aaa!” quietly to himself over and over again.
he cries real tears now which is very sweet and also so sad ahaha especially when you’re changing him or making him sit up to burp or something and he starts bawling like this terrible betrayal has broken his heart
he used to shriek/cry/get terribly upset when I picked him up and moved him places but I’ve noticed if I give him advance warning he handles the transitions better. so now I say “owen, can I pick you up?” or “owen, can I move you to the swing?” and if you give him a second to realize what’s happening before you scoop him up he’s like ok cool! I like the idea of respecting his autonomy as a baby lol so it’s a nice way for me to practice asking or giving him a heads up before we do stuff.
nothing is cuter than watching him kick and kick. he hangs out on a quilt on the deck most evenings while I cook and he just quietly kicks and moves his arms SO much and so gracefully?? he looks like a swimmer or a ballet dancer and he seems so at peace when he’s left to kick to his heart’s content. I love watching him. also sometimes he gets this expression of intent focus on his face and kicks really hard for a long stretch of time before relaxing and going back to his ballet dancer moves.
he still doesn’t smile much and I was really noticing it at the baby group where the other two-month-olds were doing tons of social smiles at their mothers. but I feel like he has a wonderfully expressive face and he’s so alert/visibly engaged in the world around him so I’m not going to worry about it. I think he’s just kind of a calm serious little guy. he often looks happy, he just doesn’t quite smile.
gosh he loves music! one of the moms at the group started singing a goodbye song to the babies at the end as we were leaving. he was lying on this floor mat and she was across the room by the door and he twisted his whole body around so he could stare at her the whole time she was singing.
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poppykreslina · 2 months
Robert Hawkins info Post :
He was a big music fan, here’s a list of artists Rob liked.
1. MushroomHead
2. HIM band
3. BlackStreet
4. Misfits
5. Dr Dre
6. DMX
7. Lil wyte
8. Judas Priest
9. Dope
Anything besides country music
His close Friend he was living with at the time told me about the time when he seen Rob return to school after being sent away. He said “ So a couple years go by and l'm in computer class and he's just like heyyyy what's up man and I go holy shit Robby what's up like where have you been. And I remember him telling me he was like man I got sent away like I tried to kill my step mom because she was being a bitch I sprayed raid on her food. And to me at the time I was like kind of laughing like are you serious and just it sounded so stupid it was kind of funny and l'm just like wth hell but we started talking again just immediately picked up right where we left off we were laughing like hyenas never laughed so hard in my life”
“ We would tell jokes and stories and make fun of people and this time it was like we were best friends I'd see him in the halls and say hi but we never hung out out side of class”
His friend also told me about Kaci. The girl he cheated on like twice
“ I knew Kaci and we were talking and they met then rob asked me if Kaci could come over and yeah they hooked up in my basement lol
I could hear it and it was the funniest thing ever”
“ I remember when he got her too like I was jealous because I had a crush on her for the longest and she was hot she liked me but as soon as she met Rob she was just like omg he's the sexiest person I ever seen and I'm like who rob and you look at him and he's all feeble and like ohhh h-h-heyyyy”
“ My friends were there too and yeah... He put the work in on that poor girl
She was screaming his name and you just heard this smacking noise we were like damn rob”
The girl Rob threatened
“ So the girl that he threatened or whatever was his ex girlfriend and I don't know what they were arguing about but I think it was because he wanted to go back to his girlfriend Kaci he cheated on her with that girl and then he apologized to Kacie said he loved her and didn't want to be with the other girl and she flipped out or something and he just said like leave me alone or l'm gonna k*ll you
About Robs mom Molly
“ That's what really pissed him off too is his mom didn't want anything to do with him at all until she found out he was living with us and he even told me like man my mom's being all nice I think his mom was just jealous or she thought we had money or something but she tricked him into letting her back in his life and she let him borrow that jeep and he was so happy he's like man I finally got wheels my mom is talking to me then she did what she always did she turned in him told him how pathetic he was and that she wanted all her stuff back and that what did it. He couldn't handle it anymore and he snapped
Idk what that lady's problem is but shes evil”
Friend telling me what it was like when living with him
“ I just remembered like sitting down at the dinner table with him and my parents and we would be eating steak like regularly my dad always got good beef and grilled all the time he would always say how good everything was
And he like our dogs was always petting them”
Fake Fight Scene Vids
“We did like fake fight scenes and off roading four-wheeling we go to gun range film us shooting stuff we made a manikin and threw at people from inside the woods
I had this crappy purple truck but I cut the exhaust off it and put mud tires on it and we like tricked it out we put big huge stereo speakers in the back and black lights“
1. He was 5’7 (I asked a family member so don’t question it 😐)
2. He taught his sisters how to do the “blood” sign
3. His friends grandma made him a blanket and Rob said it was the best thing ever given to him. When the grandma passed away he even cried.
4. He had a stonery type voice lol
5. He would smoke a pack of cigarettes in one day
6. He worked at McDonald’s and Runza
7. Day before the shooting his friend tested out his gun while Rob was at work because he thought they were going to the shooting range the next day . When Rob found out about it he was furious telling his friend “you’re not supposed to touch that” going off on him.
Concerts Rob Went to
MushroomHead (2004)
Kottonmouth (2006-7??) Rob and His friend got kicked out of the venue because they were both caught smoking pot
All info found out by me
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my-own-walker · 1 year
im so sorry it wouldn't let me answer you abt the tate langdon ask, pre death please and thank u
I Can't Handle Change
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note: it's been so long since i wrote anything tate. this should be fun!!
summary: pre-death tate gets comfort from the reader after a fight with his mom 🥺
warnings: sad angsty tate, kissing lol,
Little things wore Tate down over time.
He once told me that he spent a whole afternoon picking fresh lilacs and daffodils out of his mother's garden, arranging them into the prettiest bouquet for her. He was 11. If you truly let that sink in, it's astounding that an 11-year-old boy was sweet enough to do that for his mom. Her response to the gesture was to shout at him about ruining all the hard work she'd put into the gardening.
She threw the handmade bunch into the trash right in front of him. Held his head straight to make him watch and all. The pretty purple and yellow petals crashed down into the can with a thunk.
Their relationship didn't change. Especially when Larry came into their lives. Constance was an interesting woman. She was in no way fit to mother the children she birthed. Her narcissistic tendencies drew her to do things to the children that made them resent her. It seemed she resented them right back.
Tate and Constance were constantly at war with each other over the whole Larry thing. He didn't know what he wanted, but it for sure wasn't a new dad. Nothing could truly fill the void inside of him. If anything, his mother and Larry were working in tandem to dig even more out of his soul, shoveling heaps of it out of him and discarding it right before his eyes. Just like Constance did with the flowers.
When I came along things changed for Tate. We met in school. I'd spend afternoons at his place. Somewhere along the way we started dating. He possessed this all-encompassing love within him. Since he was a child, its tendrils reached out, longing for someone to latch onto to disseminate the intense feeling. He was a lover, but also the child of someone with no room for real love in her life.
I embraced his need for connection. His intensity. Tate was emotional and strong-willed. The love he gave me was the warm embrace that you crave on winter's coldest nights. It was slippery quicksand, pulling me in with no regard for my control.
She hated me, Constance. She didn't like my presence. My effect on her 'beautiful boy.' It was a game of cat and mouse. She didn't want his love, but she wanted him to keep trying. The thrill of rejecting him intoxicated her. When I came into Tate's life, he stopped trying to connect with her. He finally found someone that would accept him.
On a rainy day in November, Constance and Tate went at it again. She expressed her intent to keep Larry in his life.
'He's your new father and you have to DEAL with it!' she screamed.
Larry watched from the corner as she slapped Tate across his face. The coward didn't even say a word. No mother should be hitting her son. Instead, Larry wore a smirk so devilish he could be a minion of Satan, for all anyone knew.
Tate didn't even say a word. He stormed out of the door and straight in the direction of my house. I lived two miles away. He trudged all that way in the pouring rain. When he arrived at my doorstep, he was soaked right through to the skin, shivering from the cold. He broke down on my front porch. Body-wracking sobs left his lips as he crouched down into a ball. I pulled him up by his armpits and guided him inside.
When we got to my room, I immediately stripped him of all his wet clothes and gave him some of the stuff I had stolen from his room. A sweater, some loose-fitting jeans, and a cardigan. I wrapped him in the layers, shushing him as he cried through the process. He collapsed into a heap on top of my duvet cover, face in his hands. Still shivering, he let out another heart-wrenching sob.
I hurried over to the bed and wrapped him in my embrace. His head rested on my chest and his body rested in between my legs. I sat up against the headboard, running my fingers through his hair, letting him cry it out. After some time, his cries became softer.
'Nothing I do is ever good enough,' Tate sniffed.
'You know that's not true,' I tutted. 'You are good enough.'
'No,' he whined, 'With her. In her eyes.' I knew he meant his mother. I didn't even have to ask.
'What happened, love?' I asked softly.
'It's just that ugly motherfucker again,' he sighed. 'She keeps saying he's my dad. She wants me to call him dad.' I stared off for a second not sure what to say. I kissed the top of his head.
'You shouldn't have to call him that,' I decided. He sobbed loudly again.
'She hit me, Y/N.'
I gasped and grabbed his head, turning it to make him look at me. And there it was, clear as day. A welt forming over his eye. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it earlier.
'I ignore him now. I don't insult him. I stay away. But now she wants me to call him dad,' he cried. 'Nothing I do is ever good enough. She knows I can't handle change.'
'Oh, baby. I am so sorry,' I whispered. Looking into his glassy eyes, I saw a brokenness I had never seen before. She went too far, as she always did. I kissed the tip of his nose. 'I'm sure that feels great, huh?' I half-laughed, sardonically, running my thumb gently over his swollen face.
His hand reached up and wiped my cheek. I didn't even realize I had started crying, too. I loved him so much and hated to see him hurting.
'Please, don't worry about me,' I said softly. 'I just cry when you cry. I'm a big dork.'
'I love you so much, Y/N,' he rasped.
'I love you more,' I replied. He sat up more so his face was level with mine. Leaning in, he kissed me delicately. He always kissed me so tenderly, his soft lips caressing mine so beautifully. Tate truly meant his kisses. They had intentions behind them. It was his way of saying 'thank you,' or 'I love you.' None of his kisses were meaningless.
The tenderness dissolved into a passion. We had this insatiable need to be closer to one another. We stayed like this for what felt like forever. Kissing in our mutual bliss. His ever-present need to give love and be loved in return was being fulfilled.
And with that, the broken parts of him began to heal again.
Quickie but a goodie! Thank you for this request. I like writing Tate. He's a moody lil boy.
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akatsuki-shin · 8 months
So I found this around, can I ask for Gojo/ Geto?
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
- Still cries watching Titanic
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
- Remembers anniversaries
- Brings up having kids
Wow some of these questions are real tricky 😂 Because in my head, they actually often think of the same thing, but Gojo may express his thoughts in words or action, but Geto may keep it to himself or express it in such a subtle way that other people don't notice.
But I'll do my best. Let's see...
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Gojo :3 But sometimes Geto will give him forehead kissies to when he wants to spoil him
Gets jealous the most: Geto, but since Gojo's jealousy is much more visible to other people, they often think it's Gojo because Geto is so quiet about it that people don't know he feels jealous until it becomes too much for him to hide
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Geto because Gojo is canonically a lightweight (I think he will avoid drinking as much as he can because he is aware of this, but maybe in a slice of life universe, there will be some occasions where he can't avoid drinking)
Takes care of on sick days: Gojo strikes me as someone who doesn't get sick often so he may be the one taking care of Geto (though when it's Geto's turn to take care of him, he does it better than any mom or auntie Gojo has ever known lol)
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: That menace named Gojo Satoru will definitely drag Geto into the water before they end up in a water splashing war
Gives unprompted massages: Gojo because I believe his love language comes more from actions that you can immediately see and notice rather than the subtle ones
Drives/rides shotgun: Young Master Gojo Satoru must have a lot of cars at home so he drives and Geto has the exclusive privilege of sitting next to him
Has the better parental relationship: This one is pretty hard to answer because we know next to nothing about Geto's parents in canon :')) But considering how he could kill them without batting an eye simply for being non-sorcerers, I think Gojo probably has better relationship with his parents because he doesn't seem to have huge family issues (even though I'm sure being the strongest has been a burden for him since a young age)
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Kinky is Gojo Satoru's middle name so yeah, him
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Gojo lmao
Still cries watching Titanic: Geto because I think emotional scenes will affect him more than Gojo
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Gojo is the one who excitedly suggests the idea; Geto displays a disinterested face but he secretly likes it
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: I...don't really understand this question, sorry, but if it's about who gives expensive gifts, I'm pretty sure it will be Gojo and his unlimited money works
Makes the other eat breakfast: Geto will go out of his way handfeeding Gojo if he needs to and Gojo's temper tantrum won't phase him
Remembers anniversaries: Geto of course <3
Brings up having kids: Geto thinks of it first but doesn't say it until one day, Gojo suddenly brings up the topic, surprising him
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dentist-brainsurgeon · 4 months
All things considered yesterday was probably the best case scenario
The Good:
My sister didn't know that my brother and I were showing up so she got the double whammy surprise, she damn near fainted and cried lol. I gave her a massive hug and picked her up(I should not have done that, my weight limit is 20 pounds💀) had some bonding moments, I was apprehensive about seeing my brother considering the baggage™️and just his non response to what I drew for him a few months back but to my surprise he played nice and did thank me for drawing that and we talked about nerd shit a lot, I had a Rusty from Armored Core keychain on me and he pointed it out and talked about what kits we like running in AC6. And since this was in Cali traffic was abysmal, I had forgotten how bad it was to get anywhere, so like 3 hours after the graduation came dinner Time, to the place we would always go to for celebrations, except they had a rebranding that sucks ass but w/e. My brother, dad and I all were chatting about nerd shit and after a time came gift time, and when she opened the gift I got her, she almost cried!! Bc it was something that had a lot of story behind it and incredibly hard to find(she also had a hard time looking for it for years!) We were all super excited and thrown back at what it was and she gave me a big teary eyed hug 🥺 and my brother gave me a fist bump and a hug about that too, so a BIG winner winner chicken dinner moment. While my mom wasn't paying attention my sister gave me her number!! And my brother wanted to be friends on discord (we'll see how that goes ig)
The bad:
My mom has not changed a bit, color me surprised. I never looked her in the eye and stiffened up any time she touched me and just gave very short flat answers any time she tried to talk to me, I didn't want to cause a scene(it's my sister's graduation so that was a big no no for me) and she made her very awful racist, sexist "statistically you should've been pregnant in high school and had your third kid by now(me), you should be in prison(my brother) and you should be on drugs(my sister)🤪🤪🤪" joke(that really wasn't originally a "joke") and I mentioned to both my siblings how she hadn't changed a bit after all these years. During dinner time she ordered pizza n salad, and my sister wanted to order something, cuz y'know, ITS HER DAY, but mom wouldn't let her, I wanted to order her food for her but knowing mom, I didn't want it to be a problem at dinner or after dinner, so I ended up not ordering for my sister. Another thing, I don't remember what the conversation was, but my mom blurred out "oh you can't ruin my, I mean her day like that 🤪" and my sister looked so disgusted, and I gave her a knowing but reassuring look and nod, and not long after that my mom said once my sister turns 18 she's going to become a raging alcoholic and do lines of coke off a strippers dick amongst a lot of other crude statements that would be bad any other day but just downright awful oh her 17yo daughters graduation, absolutely deranged woman, and I gave my sister yet another knowing look. I can't wait til my sister gets out of there by any means necessary, I do hope this whole ordeal is a wake up call to both my siblings that maybe our one shared parent is just revolting and maybe they can distance themselves from her eventually. My sister is such a sweetie, she doesn't deserve this and it's such a shame no matter how much our mom can pretend and manipulate people into believing she's grown, she has not changed, not moved a centimeter and she's nearing 60 at this point
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its my sisters birthday in two days, and i was thinking about what to get her. but the thing is i think im the only one, and i've been kinda in charge of gifts for a while now. my parents kinda have stopped.. thinking hard about presents...? i dunno. for the past year or so from my sisters reactions the gifts i get and pick out for her are her favorites. its not that my parents are bad gift givers; they got my sister a cute notebook from her last birthday and she's been using it all year for her drawings. and they just booked a hotel water park thingy for her birthday which cost a lot, so they do care!! and there's a school camp trip thats in two weeks that she's going too (and im going to help out thanks to a program at our school) but so far all the gifts that i had to argue with my mom to buy were all from me. yesterday i had a small argument with her about gifts. she told me that she had an ideas, and that was to get her a bracelet. i asked her what else. she was quiet for a good 10 seconds and then i asked again, and she got all kinda mad and said 'i dont have to tell you everything' and i think i speak for all kids is that thats the reaction of a parent who doesnt know. its the same as because i said so. i've found two other gifts for her that are on sale and i hope that my mom will get them for her. she told me that 'i cant do everything for her' and yeah well i wouldnt be if i knew that you were already doing so.
i remember when i was in fifth grade, me and my friend were talking about our birthdays since they were on the same day, and after she told me about what she did she asked me what i did. i told her i went to a trampoline park. she asked what i got. i said i didnt get anything. she was shocked. my teacher asked us what we did too, and when i was answering she asked what else we did. i was quiet for a few seconds, and she asked if we went out to a restaurant. i lied and said that we did, that we went to a fancy one. she asked for the name and i said i didnt remember. we were actually supposed to go to one of my favorite places. it was simple and nothing fancy but i really liked their burritos lol. we didnt go tho, my mom (kindly may i add; i feel like i've portraying her as bad but i swear she's good) asked if she could just make salmon at home instead because it was easier. i said okay, because yeah i would have prefered to go out but i liked the fish she made. to my memory though she didnt end up making it. my mom actually got mad at us that year, so none of my siblings or i got any gifts. it was okay though. we still had fun though.
two years ago, a week ago my mom had to fly back to her old home because my grandpa (her dad) died. i cried in the front of the whole class for a bit when i was called to leave early. but basically my mom was leaving and was going to be back on my birthday. when she came back, we welcomed her and all. i was waiting for her to say happy birthday to me. i tried to tell her and get her to say happy birthday excitedly, but i dont think she did. she gave me a smile and nod and turned back to my dad. tbh it was valid. her dad died a week ago and she hadnt seen her family back at her home in a year and us in a week. i think i still cried a bit in the car ride form the airport though. we waited until saturday to do something for my birthday. but like, it wasnt all that bad though. she brought back gifts, and i got two, maybe three extras vs my siblings as a birthday gift. they were really nice. we celebrated my birthday two days after on a saturday, with cake and happy birthday.
but yeah. this al got really off topic. hopefully my mom listen to me about my sister or gets her some stuff on her own.
dunno if this counts as one of your weird anons, but yeah. praying i dont come off as selfish im just getting my thoughts out. your my new therapy inbox if thats okay. thanks.
-bad at feelings anon (help im writing this and listening to gracie adams and some ttpd there were some tears at some point)
It’s ok I can be your therapy inbox if you’d like
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chweverni · 9 months
got the music in you, baby
pairing - lee jung chan (dino) x reader synopsis - yes, you are the youngest in your family; yes, you are the perfect pancake with no personality; yes, you're overlooked, a lot actually. and maybe a guy you had no intention of making friends with, actually gets you. and maybe you kinda like it. warnings; kinda angsty, they turn from ?? to ??(with possibilities of being lovers in the near future), reader trauma dumps to dino but that's all! (also this kinda revolves around middle school so sorry for that <3) author's note; exam szn ended y'all!! but this was kinda written based on my life lol i've been having a hard time irl lately but its fine, bc just like dino, i never bow <3 btw dino is pink!!
today's the last day of exams, you're sitting in front of your school desk, with your answer sheet which you revised three times already. honestly, the test today was quite easy, and you don't understand why you cried over the stupid dates in history when they came up in MCQs instead. you sighed, as you checked the wall clock.
three minutes more till the final bell. you began spinning your pen in your hand impatiently, as the invigilator got up from his seat to collect your papers. you packed your belongings in your bag and the bell finally rung. chaos was restored as students got up from their seats to discuss their answers with their peers.
you would've talked with them too, if it weren't for lee jung chan, your desk mate who got you first.
"y/n-nie!! wait up for me! we have to talk!"
you turned around to face the boy in confusion, as he smiled at you. "how'd you do in your test?". why was he asking me that? you tilted your head towards the right and asked why. chan simply replied, "eh just curious how my amazing desk mate did in her test, nothing more, nothing less." he shot out his smile again, this time holding your shoulders and turning you back towards the door, as he pushed you outside along with him.
"okay, what do you want?"
"so i was wondering if you'd tell me what you were up to just a few days earlier at the convenience store nearby at 10 pm into the night?"
what the fuck. how'd he know about that?
okay, let's rewind back to last saturday and find out.
"mom! i ranked second in that math olympiad i attempted earlier!", you screamed from your room with excitement. you ran outside your room, carrying your laptop to the kitchen to show her the e-mail. "how much did your sister get? check that for me pretty please." your mom replied, eyes fixated on the vegetables she was cutting on the cutting board. ouch. you did as she asked anyway and replied,
"she got 52 originally but after counting in the negative marks, its added up to 32, placing her on the 15th Merit rank."
your older sister stood beside your mom, explaining why she scored less, your achievement being long forgotten. i mean, is wanting encouragement and appreciation from your parents selfish? you watched your mom as she comforted her and talked about some tuition classes your sister could sign up for to score better next time.
your mother admired your sister more, because the first pancake is always spoilt, and has more personality, with burnt edges and unwanted curves which made it interesting. the second ones were more perfect, made with care in the beginning, just to be eaten afterwards. they had no personality or quirks. and maybe you were fine with being perfect. but maybe not. atleast not this time.
you got up, headed to your room, picked up some money from the drawer and went outside to the convenience store nearby. the clock read 9:45 pm. but man, you really craved something spicy to burn down your throat because a big lump had formed there, and it was definitely not thinking of going away.
you went inside, and bought two cups of instant ramen and opened one immediately as you sat on one of the mini tables there to eat.
you wanted to feel fine, but the parasitic thought of being an unwanted child rang at the back of your head. you had experienced numerous instances where your achievements were overlooked by your lovely sister, who always seemed to do it better the second chance. you didn't really mind it all these years, but it had finally reached your head and wasn't planning on leaving.
thinking about it involuntarily pulled out tears from you and you began ugly crying your eyes and heart out as you slurped in the spicy ramen. god, this felt so good. all the weird burdens you tucked away in your sleep were lifting off of your body and you cried more. it was therapeutic to do and you wondered why you didn't do it sooner.
and little did you know, lee jung chan, your deskmate at school, who had just gotten there to get himself a can of soda, had the perfect luck to be a witness to this.
now, he could let it go, but he could not, possibly.
because if it weren't for his very big and obvious to everyone but not you crush on you that made him stop on his way back and think about approaching you after exams at school, he would've totally just stride back home and study.
back to the hallways, dino stared at you with high expectations, that you'll tell him what happened, while you just stood there,
"why are we doing this again? i think we've talked like three times this whole year."
"it's actually eight.. but never mind!"
"you counted?"
dino just cleared his throat and looked at you with those piercing eyes of his again.
i mean trauma dumping in front of a teenage boy who you barely knew didn't feel like a foreign concept because boys were stupid and how was chan any different?
but something about his demeanor made you dumber, and you proceeded to tell him everything about last saturday, as you two walked out the school, towards that same convenience store.
chan was surprisingly a good listener and you noticed that he would think it through and ask," can i advise you on this?", which you found really cute but you're too tough to actually admit it.
both of you counted the money you had on yourselves and bought two cups of instant ramen again.
now you stood across dino, in a mini table, and your conversation now concerned cats, instead of your very terrible saturday.
"don't you think naming cats Ivan, The Terrible would actually be accurate? as they literally assert their dominance on your bed after they become comfy!"
"and how would you know that?"
you asked, a playful smile plastered on your face, as you noticed the slight red blush that ran through his face due to the spice levels of the ramen. that kinda made your heart flutter, but you ignored that. chan replied soon after with a cute pout on his face, "because i own one! they're so bossy! i literally scoop their heavy duties with my hand and that's how they reward me." You chuckled at his words.
"did you just.. chuckle?" "am i not allowed to .. ?" "so you did!"
chan's smile grew wider over the seconds and he began rambling with the speed of light, "OMG! i made you smile! oh wait- a chuckle is more than just a smile! i made your mood just ten times brighter! we should totally hang out more! see, our interests line up so well! you're welcome to come and hang in my house anytime, y/n-nie! i'm always there, teehee."
that was.. something.
why'd that something make you feel giddy?
the end! (or nah depends on you! yes, you! lmk if you want an extension of this!!)
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr. come back for more! reqs for short drabbles are now open woohoo!!!!
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youracecard · 3 months
Tw: vent, Sa
Lol. Yap sesh.
Im feeling. Not great again. These feeling are always at the top of my head, I haven't had a moment of peace in the past three weeks. I can't enjoy a time of hanging out with anyone or talking with anyone without thinking of it. So uh, just gonna.. yap here about it. Its hard to talk to any irls about it and i dont wanna annoy my discord pals w more yapping bout this topic
Silly anim becuz. I dont know. I needed to create something.
When i was younger, about 8 or 7 or. Or. Or. I dont remembwr any more. I cant fucking remember. I had a babysitter, his name was. Dumb to me, i guess. John or whatevwr. I only remembwr personal details like that because of his sister, she had the same name as the person who used to be my best friend so i got really easily attached. She was. The one who taught me how to shuffle a deck of cards lol
I remember John bringing me upstairs one day
Its all. Gone. I only remember a few things and i hate thqt. I need to remember, but i dont know how.
"Youre so beutiful!" "Do you have any friends at school?" eh.. not really, ahah.. "I can be your friend!"
"Do you know what sex is?"
"Do you want to try?"
"Its our secret"
"You cant tell your mom or dad."
God. Fuck. Oh my god. Why did i have to be so stupid? What in my stupid little dumb brain saif it would be a good idea?
I didnt know what sex was at thw time. After some years, my parwnts had "the talk" with me.
it all clicked.
i needed to tell them.
i HAD to.
But, i needed the right time.
So i waited,
And waited,
And waited,
I cant remembwr how much time had passed. But, i do remember the sinking feeling of my chest every day. Guilt was building. What if it was too late? What would happen if i told them?
One day, they were coming home
I told them i needed to talk to thwm.
And talk we did
I dont remember anything from that day to thw first day i went to the people who were supposed to help
I rememeber the yellow room, the oneway mirror they hid behind, i remember the little bag they gave me.I still have the pretty blue quilt in my bedroom, laying on my messy floor among a buncha papers.
I was so 'brave'. Apparently though, it wasnt enough.
I recently had a breakdown where i cried at a theater rehearsel, and my dad came to pick me up. He was so mad at me. I couldnt tell him qhat was wrong, i was still crying and my younger sibling was RIGHT thwre. Eventually, he told her to get in the car. Lucky me.
I told him why i had the 'breakdown', and he told me that. The guy was never arrested. Fun. Thats fun. My dad comforted me and made up a lie to tell my siblings, and we went to get some food to cheer me up.
It was. Scary. I feel so bad, I couldnt say enough and that man is still out there. Its my fault. I dont know how to fix myself and just let myself forget. I guess im just gonna be like this forevwr.
I can never experiance a happy moment without thinking about what happened.
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coffeebanana · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @ladyofthenoodle and @kasienda
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, although my middle name is a family name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I think a few weeks ago? I watched "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" and KJBSDFKBJD. Like that movie is such a fun mix of WTF is even going on craziness and contemplating the point of existence and exploring complicated family feelings and the end is weirdly heartwarming--particularly the interactions between the mother and daughter, which is what really got me. And I was watching with one of my best friends and like right after the movie ended he was like "if we were rocks you'd be the googly eyes"--which makes no sense if you haven't seen the movie but that made me cry again because kajdfbksjbf it was so oddly sweet. (Though that was a mixture of hysterical laughter and crying ajsdjfsvjhv in a good way though!)
3. Do you have kids?
nope. maybe one day if i ever get my life together LOL
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
idk if it's a lot?? though i'm probably single-handedly responsible for teaching my brother sarcasm (he's 7 years younger than me so when he was learning would have been right as i was entering those peak sarcasm years LOL)
sarcasm is still deeply engrained in me though, and i nowadays when i use it i definitely pay more attention to how people react to it (ie whether they picked up on it) because i tend to deliver it in a very matter-of-fact voice. like, one of my favourite stupid sarcastic comments to make is whenever something weird weather-wise happens i'll be "but thank god climate change is fake, right?" and KJABFDKSJBD i've gotten some WEIRD LOOKS saying that one around ppl who don't know me that well and then i have to explain myself 😭
5. What sports do you play/have played?
i used to figure skate!! my mom was a coach when i was growing up, so i would joke that i lived part-time at the ice rink. it was kind of inevitable 😂. but i was never good at the jumps. i prefered ice dance or synchronized skating (think synchronized swimming but on the ice)
and i also used to play hockey!? very different environment LOL and my hockey teammates would sometimes tease me for showing up to a game in a dress after skating practice on days i had both but it was all in good fun
now...now i really SHOULD do something kajsdkbfsj
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
i...really have no idea.
7. What’s your eye color?
hazel? i think?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. scary movies don't really freak me out but i guess i just find them sort of...low-reward? i'm not a movie person to begin with because it's hard for me to get invested in the characters in such a short amount of time. with horror movies that's even harder because they're all about shock value instead of getting to know the characters
9. Any special talents?
i am very very good at puns. does that count? 😂
10. Where were you born?
canada. on the west coast
11. What are your hobbies?
when i have energy/motivation i really enjoy cooking (or baking, but with baking i have to actually measure ingredients and with cooking i just sort of go with the flow). my new apartment is going to have space for a dishwasher--which really is the most exciting thing in my life right now--so i'm hoping that motivates me to cook more!!
12. Do you have pets?
yes!!! i have a ginger cat and her name is Curie (namesake Marie Curie because i'm a proud little nerd like that). I love her she's so stupid and has tried to eat plastic TOO MANY TIMES but every morning and night she will curl up on my chest when i'm in bed and she's just a precious bean
13. How tall are you?
5'5.5 (166cm). but i would have been taller if my spine had known how to grow straight 😔
14. Favorite subject in school?
science!! i had the same science teacher in high school from grades 8-10 (aka the only teacher in the french immersion department who was really qualified to teach it 😂) and i ADORED HER. from day one i was hooked--like she even made syllabus day fun. so i owe my love of science in part to her, really.
in university i realized i liked chemistry best amongst the sciences, so that was my major. and my favourite class i ever took was intro to quantum chemistry (which is really just quantum physics but the math was geared more towards what us chemistry students were familiar with)
15. Dream job?
okay, avoiding the typical "i do not dream of labour" answer...i really don't know. which is a problem. like i genuinely have no idea what i could do long-term that would actually make me happy and i just hope i figure it out at some point akjsdkfsjbd ... I feel like I was not supposed to leave paragraph responses for some of these but akjfkdsjbgd i can admit i like to talk about myself, okay? Anyways! I think I can find 15 mutuals who as far as i know haven't been tagged yet.
@ck2k18, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, @redundant-lava, @maridotnet, @celestialtitania, @talkstoself, @saiikavon, @sunfoxfic, @rosiesared, @mexicancat-girl, @tiredfloridianbutverygay, @fortuna-et-cataclysmos, @zenniaphoenix, @eggothemusicalwaffle, @bocadelicate
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isa-ah · 2 years
*coughs up blood* i just sent the message to my mom that im cutting contact lol for people who are nosey
I'm about to start a new chapter in my life, so it's time to tie up loose ends with people who will not be turning the page with me.
This begs the question; how patient should you be? How long do you give someone to learn, to make the choice to grow, and to find their respect for the people around them? Days, weeks, months, years? Because I've been waiting for nearly a decade and I'm tired of it.
I thought for a long time that tolerance was the best I could hope for. Gritted teeth and being allowed to sit at the table with everyone else. Not being openly mocked. I thought, when I was a kid with no self worth, that that was the best it could ever be. But I'm older now. I'm an adult, I'm getting married, I have mature peers, and I've started to realize how absolutely bullshit that is.
I deserver unyielding support and love. I deserve respect. And I'm getting it- from Lo's mom, from Lo's family. They've shown up en masse to celebrate with us. Not a single person has questioned my identity, has made me feel disgusting or unwelcomed or decieved. They're ecstatic to be involved in the planning and execution of our union- and it's lead to questions not about me, but about YOU.
They want to know why YOU'RE not involved. They want to know why I cried so hard I nearly threw up when Drew told me he would never support us. They want to know why I don't have a SINGLE family member in attendance. And when I tried to explain it, how it happened, the resurgence of disbelieving disgust I was met with made me realize they're right to feel that way.
These strangers have shown me more compassion and understanding than you ever have. You've had nearly a decade to figure yourself out, to step up and become a better person. To not just tolerate, but to LOVE me. And you haven't. And I've lost any expectation for you to. It's 2022 and you've done nothing to unpack your internalized homophobia.
And the funniest part is, it's not just you! You've made my brothers into bigots as well.
I tried. I fucking tried. I pressed for family dinners. For outings together. For conversations between us, between you and my soon to be husband, so you could understand that we're not monsters. We're just people. We love and support each other, and we were trying to establish something of that with you.
What we got in return was consistent homophobic and racist commentary and jokes over the dinner table. Rape jokes, Holocaust jokes, and your daily usage of the word "gypped"- an anti Romani slur coined as part of the genocide of Lo's ancestors. We tried to grin and bare it, under the assumption that with time you'd learn, but fuck. Why are we the ones left holding the bag?
We put up with your nasty bullshit, and you can't even make an appearance? You can't even say NO? You ignored me when I tried to ask you to come to our wedding. To my FACE, you IGNORED me. You did NOT even RESPECT me enough in that moment to say NO. I gave you THREE chances. And you could not even be bothered to say no.
And so, why am I still trying? Why am I holding the line, keeping communications valid, when after so long you've done nothing but regress? You're a worse person now than you were when my grandparents died. You taught me the foundations of anti racism and that gay people were just normal people. So why are you so unbearably nasty now? What happened?
Well. I don't know how to tell you this, but it's a line you've chosen to cross. You are, and I mean this genuinely from the bottom of my heart, a religious extremist. You've chosen the white person's guide to colonization over your own child- again and again and again and again. And for the last time. I won't keep asking you to pick when I know I'm only going to lose.
I hope that in time you'll find your humanity again. That you'll start to unpack and understand how far beyond any level of tolerance or compassion you've swung. How much you've not only hurt me, but damaged my brothers world views. They're going to struggle to ever settle into any space that isn't unambiguously straight, white and religious. They're going to internalize things deeply- DEEPLY- about their own worth and the worth of people who aren't exactly like them. And it's going to hurt when the day finally comes that they have to confront the knots on knots on knots that you've allowed to be tied up within them.
I know, because I'm nearly twenty-six and I'm still dealing with the fringes of what I was taught as a child.
It's not too late for you to grow and change. I'm not writing you off. But I'm not going to keep channels of communication open for someone who thinks so lowly of me and my husband. I love you. But I'm done.
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oasissimming · 1 year
15 questions about me!
I'm so glad I got tagged! I really wanted to do an about me post but I was hoping someone would tag me! Thank you so much @zoeoe-sims I really appreciate it!
Are you named after anyone?
No, I don't think so but my Mom told me I was almost named Abigale! I'm glad she named me Isabelle. I feel like that name fits me more than Abigale/Abbey does.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry all the time. I have bipolar disorder and I just had a really bad manic episode last week. Last Saturday I was practically un-consolable for like no reason.
Do you have kids?
No! And I really don't want any! I have a list of reasons why I can't have/don't want kids.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hmmm, not really?
What sports do you play/have you played? 
I tried playing tennis in middle school but I was completely terrible at it. I will never again do any kind of group sport lol.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I pick up on how people treat others pretty quick. I can notice right away if you're a kind person. I do not tolerate any kind of bullying or hate talk. I will always speak out if I hear people being mean.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way! I'm such a chicken I swear. I think the scariest movie I've ever been able to sit through was Coraline. It's okay you can laugh at me I know it's pretty pathetic lol.
Any special talents? 
I'm a very creative person. I like to paint/draw in my free time when I'm not playing the sims! You should look up my insta if you'd like to see my art! Just look up Isabelleskapikart.
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I can also make Yoshi noises like owowowo and wahhh! lol
Where were you born?
Columbus, Ohio!
What are your hobbies?
I like to make art (I think I already discussed this?)! And I love to play any kind of open sandbox/creative game. I like playing Minecraft and Cities Skylines when I'm not playing the sims 3. I also like to go to the park on the weekends with my dog Prince!
Do you have any pets?
Omg yes I have so many. I have a dog (Prince) a cat (Pippin), several aquariums and a paludarium with vampire crabs. In the fish tanks I have a betta fish named Snowball, many cherry and amano shrimps/snails, some aquatic frogs, a dwarf crayfish, and a few more fish. My boyfriend and I love animals. It's like a zoo here in my apartment. We just recently made a tank for a jumping spider too.
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How tall are you?
too short!
Fave subject in school?
Hmmm I like art class but I didn't really like my high school art teacher. He wasn't very nice and I feel like we had different ideas of the style of art that we like. It was actually the first class I failed in high school lol. School was pretty hard for me though. I was really overwhelmed with all the coursework I had to do, so a lot of times my art projects would get put on the back burner.
Dream job?
Being a full time professional artist! I know I keep talking about my art but it's a huge passion of mine.
Eye color? 
I have hazel eyes. My Mom has green eyes and my Dad has blue eyes so I got a mix of the two.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 2 years
15 questions & 15 tags
tagged by Alex @gothbat99 thank you my love!
1. Are you named after anyone? 
My full name, technically yes? My parents were teenagers when i was born and as unprepared as any 17/18 year old would be. One of my aunts was holding me and said "I had a friend named THIS growing up, she was really pretty." and my mom heard the name and knew it was mine! My middle name is after my mom's childhood best friend (again, teenagers.)
My nickname, Sen, is a shortened version of my childhood nickname, coined by my little brother who had a hard time talking for the first few years of his life.
2. When was the last time you cried? 
When I was reading the last chapter of @hexiewrites beloved hockey AU!!! the rainbow imagery just GOT ME!!!
3. Do you have kids? 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Their eyes
6. What's your eye color? 
Dark brown!
7. Scary movies or happy endings? 
Happy endings for sure. My real life has been scary enough!
8. Any special talents? 
My memory. I'll just remember the most random facts that I hear, it's like photographic memory but with hearing things? Very good with faces and names too. My brain is just a bank full of random facts about people I probably only met once. But also of people in my life now.
9. Where were you born? 
In a hospital.
10. What are your hobbies? 
Writing, reading. Just getting into bookbinding (gf bought me a laser printer for my bday!) and am currently wrestling with a typeset of missed connections fic as my tester fic. Once I get good, expect messages from me asking if i could bind your fics LOL
11. Do you have any pets? 
I wish!!!!
12. Have you played/do you play any sports? 
To no one's surprise, I was a cheerleader from age 7 to 18. I was also a varsity swimmer for 4 years in high school, ran 2 seasons of cross country, and did 1 season of soccer!
As an adult I realized I hate the gym, so I go on runs in my neighborhood and go on hikes! New years resolution is to move my body more, so I plan to pick up yoga at some point!
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?  
History! Started in 5th grade when we were learning about American History and the fixation remained through college. Which is why I am a barista with a Bachelor's in History, focused on the US!
15. Dream job? 
Screenwriter for films/tv! Would also love to work in production. Maybe write a novel or two.
NOT tagging 15 people but will tag a lot! Again, sorry if you've already done this/been tagged!
@kkpwnall @judasofsuburbia @cheatghost @sharpbutsoft @himboharringtxn @stargyles @hexiewrites @serskets
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krustworld · 11 months
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I’m a special type of lonely cuz I’ve been naturally popular my whole life.….technically I don’t know that’s not the case for everybody. Anywys My parents never let me have friends (cuz of religion) so I never learned how to cultivate my ppl skills. Now I’m behind and even tho ppl want to like me…im strange and most ppl don’t fuck with that. Even tho they say they do/will I swear so few ppl
Are even 1% open minded ! It’s chill it’s so hard forme to actually connect w people it’s not worth it rather throw myself into my art. Plus I can be myself around my few friends. It sucked growing up not being able to do anything I wanted to do it definetly made my mental problems worse for context I got taken away from my birth mother at a young age I don’t wanna say why bc I love her so much don’t wanna put her on blast but she lost custody had no visitation rights and I didn’t even talk to her on the phone until I ran away at 17! By that time I didn’t remember what she looked like I used to cry about that all the time cuz I thought she was gonna die and I’d never rememeber again I just remembered that she was beautiful and had the greenest eyes in the world! When she picked up the phone I fell to my knees and cried for the first time in 8 years my chest was going crazy is all I could remeber. Anyways My dad and stepmom raised me across the country and they were super super religious and never let me out of their sight it oh yeah we also had this family restaurant that no kidding! I worked at every single day even after school until close and every single day of the summer from open to close ! Which during the summer we would close at 10 pm or later sometimes lollll we would consistently get home at midnight cuz all the cleaning everyday (during summer) was way more than 12 hours everyday god it makes me sad I should’ve been having a childhood bro and oh yes I was the only one in the family who didn’t have a day off every week[or ever!!! Not even once!) cuz young =strong and oh yeah it’s my fault they’re in debt cuz my mom crazy this was something that was regularly said to my young impressionable heart! I would tell u more but I don’t want anybody to get in trouble lollll for real u guys have no idea it was torture especially after being able to do whatever I wanted in the early years of my life it’s so hard to be nice to myself cuz I’ve been treated with such hostility by the ppl supposed to nurture me they literally used me for money and getting their anger out lol yeah living with my mother had it’s problems but I had already learned to deal with them and found identity/security in them and taking me away from her just stripped me of my identity not to mention MY MOTHER and gave me new problems that were just too much with all the other shit that doesn’t just go away cuz I’m not actively there anymore! Ur souls lives everywhere you go that’s why u have to be careful with yourself and with ur kids </3 also for the record I love my dad and stepmom don’t think they meant to be so cruel to me they’re just hurt
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postwarlevi · 1 year
( ˃ᆺ˂) *clears throat* Elizaaa!
So... 😚😍🏝️ please hehe
happy neigh
Helloooo my friend!! OMG LOL you're too funny! Thank you for sending me these! Sorry I took some time to respond but I think I made up for it!
😚What was your first kiss like?
Ohhh Charlotte!! Um, I was a nervous wreck. Jean will lie and say he wasn't but he totally was too. We started as just friends and wasn't sure how the other was feeling but both felt a change at some point. I was invited to a work party and asked Jean to come with me. I didn't need a plus one but thought of him right away. He said yes and and even though I introduced him as a friend everyone kept saying what a nice couple we were. We went along with it and it felt natural and at the end of the night while making sure I got in okay, Jean said we do make a good couple and might as well make it official... that goodnight kiss was our first and I didn't sleep a wink all night LOL.
😍 When or how did you realize you fell in love with your f/o? How or when did your f/o realize they fell in love with you?
I don't know if there is one moment exactly but let's see... I feel like I knew way before I realized it, you know? Lots of little things like Jean being nice to animals, seeing him interact with his mom, seeing him interact with my crazy family. I was having a hard week and though I tried to hide it, I was at my wits end. That Friday night I came home and Jean had let himself in (he had permission of course) and had my cats fed and made dinner and dessert and had already cleaned up the dishes. He had my sheets and towels washed, he didn't do my clothes cause that's more personal. The place was vacuumed, basically all the regular chores I would've had to do were done so I could relax. He served dinner and let me pick out a movie. I could've cried because I was so drained and he did everything for me. I think I might've realized then I was in love with him.
Jean will say he was always in love with me, and he may have been. I think he likes that I can argue with him without getting really upset. That I love him mom and let her teach me how to make all his favorites. The first time I really saw his eyes shine though that I would say he really knew, was after a night out with friends where some of the guys were messing with him cause they know he'll get annoyed. Usually it's all in fun but I could see he wasn't into it. I knew if I said something they'd heckle him more so I faked sick and asked to leave. On the way home I told him they were just playing and not to listen to those idiots (and a few other choice words no one ever really hears me say that made me actually laugh). At home we settled down quick and I cuddled him and I told him I'd tell them to their faces next time if he wanted. I think that moment he knew I'd always be on his side and if he wasn't sure about the L word before, he was then. (And yes I did tell them how stupid they were next time and Jean didn't mind, he loved it actually).
We just know how to comfort each other :)
🏝️ What would a beach date with your f/o look like?
I think that's the one you meant? 🏖 close enough LOL. Anyway, Jean has to talk me into going to the beach, he loves it but I'm not into sand, salty water or wearing a bathing suit. But one day we wind up going and I wear a bathing suit under a sun dress and we pack some snacks and head out. We find a spot for our things and leave our shoes behind and walk along the beach together during early morning. He sees movement in the water and this fool jumps into the water while I yell at him for his safety and don't go further. Turns out it's just some fish and he swims about and gets me to come in up to my knees but doesn't push me more. Soon we go back to our spot and lay out on the blanket and eat our snacks as more people arrive to the beach. If I was going to swim that chance is gone because I'm shy about bathing suits and Jean doesn't mind. He sets up an umbrella so I can hang back and read and he goes back in the water a bit. I'm soon smiling and laughing watching a group of young kids talk him into games in the water. Then they all invite us to play some ball and build castles on the sand so I join in too.
Generally beach days go like this, but every once in a while I work up the nerve to show off my bathing suit and Jean will hold me and bring me out into the water. Then all I have to worry about are sharks and seahorses :D
Self ship asks
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anotherwvba · 1 year
20 Questions with Cutie Hondo
excerpt from WVBA Online Magazine
WVBA Online is here with another survey to get better acquainted with another Women’s Circuit competitor. Today, it's the kawaii KO artist herself, Cutie Hondo.
Q: What’s your favorite sandwich and where did you eat it?
A: Coach 'Cane's gonna hate this, but it's Big Mac. I know... I know... they are terrible for you, but I used to get McDonald's back home as a treat as a kid. It's nostalgia.
Q: What’s your favorite place on earth?
A: Shinjuku Gyoen. It's beautiful and you can just lose yourself on a nice afternoon with a sketch pad and some charcoal.
Q: What’s one place you’ve visited that you never want to return to?
A: Can I say this? Should I? Okay... here goes. Our staff chiropractor's office? He's a nice old man, and he's very good. But swear I've seen his table in history books showing torture devices. Kowai!
Q: What’s the best show on TV right now?
A: This is my guilty pleasure. I *love* Kamen Rider. I never miss an episode. So right now, it's Kamen Rider Gotchard.
Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: Hmm... I'm not really picky like that. Rice? No, wait... Niki's mom's mashed potatoes were amazing. Mashed potatoes. Wait... hold on... then there's Coach 'Cane's fish tacos... man...
Q: What’s the worst movie you ever saw?
A: My brother's gonna hate this... The Hidden Fortress. Piston loves chambara, um... samurai movies. The Hidden Fortress is one of his favorites, but I've had to sit through it SO. MANY. TIMES!
Q: What’s the best thing you’ve read in the last five years?
A: A text that Viktor Von Kaiser sent me the day after my fight with Niki. I shared it with her as soon as I read it and we both cried ugly tears. It meant so much and showed me the camaraderie that my brother talks about around here.
Q: What’s the one item of clothing you couldn’t live without?
A: My apron. Painting is my calming place right now. My art apron was a gift from my mother on my tenth birthday. Don't know what I'd do without it.
Q: If you could only bring three things with you on a deserted island, what would you pick?
A: Um... a boat and two 55 gallon drums of gas? No... Niki tried something like that? Of course, she did... lol! Then I guess my watercolors, my brushes, and the biggest box of watercolor paper I can find.
Q: If you could save one material thing from a fire, what would you save?
A: My apron. No contest.
Q: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
A: How to explain it? People don't try new things because they fear... failure. It's okay to fail. That's where lessons are learned. That's where we grow. It's one thing to not try because you are incapable or uninterested, it's another it's a fear of failure holding you back. There are people that will rally around you if you try and you let them.
Q: What is your favorite movie of all time?
A: That's so hard! Just one?! Okay... okay... if I've got to pick one, then it's Howl's Moving Castle. Warning to all the readers out there, respect fire or your pork products will never be safe.
Q: What is the best concert you have ever been to?
A: This is so cheesy, but it was in 2012. I was, like, 6 years old. It was the Kamen Rider × Super Sentai Live and Show. The big shows then were Kamen Rider Fourze and... oh yeah... Gokaiger! Sugoi!
Q: What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
A: So, I don't really date. I'm a homebody. I'd rather relax with my canvas and palette in a garden or curl up and watch a movie or hit the gym and train. But, I promise you, Niki's trying to change that! She might have a future as a nakōdo if she ever gets sick of computers.
Q: Would you rather be hot or cold?
A: This is weird. I'd rather be cold because it's easier to stay warm than cool. But... your girl *LOVES* waterparks! And Six Flags White Water and Hurricane Cove here in Atlanta... hanpa nai!
Q: What’s your favorite karaoke song?
A: I know I said I don't go out, but I do love some karaoke. Switch On by Anna Tsuchiya is probably my favorite. Just so nostalgic.
Q: What’s your favorite quote?
A: Sugar Ray Robinson was one of the great boxers ever, but this quote... it's poetry and so true. "Every move you make starts with your heart."
Q: What was the best meal you ever ate?
A: A: This is going to be so weird... before we left Japan, I begged to go to the Billy the Kid Steakhouse in Koto-ku. It's owned by Kurata Tetsuo, Kamen Rider Black. And it was awesome!
Q: What’s your least favorite genre of music?
A: No one can explain death metal to me. I just don't understand. Niki said the same thing? No way!
Q: Do you like coffee or tea better?
A: Tea. I'm such a tea snob. My apartment is almost a shrine to tea, all kinds. I even love your southern iced tea. It's so refreshing on a summer day as I practice my calligraphy or read a book.
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