#my mom's on vacation with her sister and I really miss her
teacupchimera · 8 months
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Wibta if I told my mom she loves a cat more than her own children.
I do feel like an asshole for this. I’m 17f and I have a younger sister 15F. My parents are married and for the most part good. When have a 12 year old cat that my mom just adores.
This part is all speculation, but when I very young like I was 5 or something my mom had an event that changed a lot. She stayed with her parents and would visits us. My grandparents would help out and no one really ever explained what happened to her but she lived there for like a year, she did move back in with us. My dad got her a cat to cope while she was away. The speculation is she had really bad post partum depression and had a break down. The reason I believe this/and this is my own theory, was when I was struggling mentally, my mom encouraged me to go to a therapist and they asked family history and she said she had struggled with depression/episodes and had tried medication but never stayed on. She just said when she was younger she had a hard time regulating emotions, and she wants me to worry about me and my own emotions. The post patrum comes from the fact that I asked my dad why did you two have kids and he admitted he wanted kids and my mom was more on the fence. I also find it weird she gets really nervous around Mother’s Day and will often try to not celebrate. (She always says she could be a better mom)
My mom is a good mom don’t get me wrong. She’s always encouraged my sister and I to try and do our hobbies. She’ll drive us where we gotta go. I know she works overtime when she wants to make sure we can do stuff for the family. It’s just sometimes, she seems more like a distant mom. She’ll listen to us, do anything asked, but idk how to put it into words.
But she really loves this cat. And I do love our cat too, but this cat and my mom are bonded. The second my mom comes home and the cat greets her and my mom picks her up and kisses her. She calls the cat her pretty princess and a hundred other nicknames. She calls me my dad and sister honey, bunny, and sunny. I know the cat actually makes my mom happy. Her eyes light up when she sees the cat. I know she looks forward to coming home to the cat. When we go on vacations she’ll miss the cat, or if she goes on a work trip she’ll always ask for pictures of the cat or ask to see the cat on FaceTime. She throws a small birthday party for the cat every year and makes a cake. For our birthdays she’ll ask what we want and sometimes she resorts to store bought desserts.
So this is where it gets bad. Our cat is now sick and probably has a year left to live. The vet told my mom she’s a good cat owner and has always done right for her, but with her age, treatment isn’t really the route because it’s not gonna prevent death, so just focus on making the cat happy and comfortable (this vet appointment was her 6 month check up.) My mom hasn’t been doing well mentally. She’s always struggled with mental health. She just seems to have a shakey mind at times if that makes sense. She very much before would hide her struggles, but we knew she’d have them. Before she would like stand still just gripping the counter with one hand. Now my mom is definetly depressed. She will come home be greeted by the cat, and go to her room and cry with the cat. She’s been just not happy.
My sister and I kinda decided to see if telling her we got good grades would cheer her up, and she’ll say good job and will sometimes offer to cook something or get something for us, but her eyes are just like very tired. (There is also an app she can use to check out grades but she never once used it and will just take our word face value) We’ve talked to my dad about this and he basically said that our mom has always loved animals (she use to work with her grandpa at a pet store he owned, but apparently her grandpa wasn’t a good person to most people in the family except her, so that was hard on her). I asked my dad what he thinks and says it’s normal for someone to be sad about this and that he’s gonna work hard or make sure we get all our needs handled. Which is nice, but I kinda wish it was my mom. I don’t feel dire need of anything, I’m just annoyed/jealous a cat can destroy my mom mentally.
My mom has gone over load for the cat. She cooks for her, makes her dinner buys the best food and mixes then. She often cries while cooking, and asks the cat if she likes the food.The cat doesn’t even know what’s happening.
I was looking at prom dresses online and asked my mom to look with me and she was just out of it. She would just say she’d like one or she’s not a fan but don’t let that discourage me. She’s just kinda lifeless. I try talking to her about it and she’ll aplogize and says she’ll get better. (It’s been like a week)
It boiled over when my mom’s sisters came over. (She’s the youngest. One sister has kids and one doesn’t) My mom tried to be happy and perky but ended up crying about the cat. Her sisters kinda said that she’s gotta be strong for her family and my mom just cried saying everything’s gonna be so much harder without the cat. I wasn’t in the room, they were in the basement, and there’s a vent where you can hear everything down there. My sister and I do easedrop to see what they say (her sisters are loud but we can never hear what my mom is saying without the vent. Normally we do it because my mom is a more different interesting person and again we don’t know our mom well. Away from us she kinda puts down the facade and actually talks). I was just angry. Her life isn’t hard. We’re middle class, if she wants to go to therepy she can afford it. We all deal with grief and loss. Yes I’m gonna be sad when our cat passes, but she is an older cat. I don’t imagine my life becoming “harder” other than my mom being depressed, but she is an adult who will heal from this.
After her sisters left and she was doing her night routine, I asked her if she loves the cat more than my sister and I. She said that’s not true and if she could do something more for my sister and I please name it. I told her that that’s the problem is that she does stuff for the cat without thinking, but for us it’s all asking us and she’s the adult she should know. She’s said she’s not a mind reader and she’s gonna rely on the information I give her to help me out where she can. I went to my room because ovbiosuly that conversation wasn’t going anywhere. I feel like my mom understands a cat more than her own daughter.
My dad came in a little while after and we talked. He assured me my mom loves me and this cat has been like an emotional support animal through the years. He mentioned my one friend who has an emotional support dog and compared them and told me that the cat has helped my mom emotionally with emotional regulation and just helps her steady herself. I asked if we were enough, or if my mom regrets having a family and she would just be happier if she just left us for the cat and lived by herself. My dad told me she loves all of us, but depression can be hard to navigate. I asked him about how he wanted us more than our mom and he just said that he was more excited, but my mom wouldn’t have had us unless she wanted us (which I don’t think is totally true.)
I went into my parents room and my mom was there with the cat. Again going to the cat for comfort. I told her I was sorry for saying she loved the cat more than us and she apologized for how her treatment towards the cat can seem that way and if I ever need anything please ask. It made me mad because she again is relying on me to know what’s wrong/ or ask, instead of her just idk taking initiative. I didn’t say that.
I get people can be mentally ill, but she’s also my mom. I do feel bad about telling my mom she loves a cat more than me, but I also don’t feel too reassured.
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ginax0916 · 4 months
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✮‧₊˚✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ✩‧₊˚✮
Little Sister (8yrs old) x triplets
Genre - Sorta Angst & Fluff
Synopsis - When the triplets little sister has been staying with them for a month but she suddenly feels home sick but also guilty.
Matt pov:
Our little sister y/n has been staying with us for a month since our parents wanted to go on vacation. We don’t mind it at all, it’s been pretty fun lately. It just gets hard when we have to film videos or go to meetings that she can’t be in.
“Y/n you ready to go?” Chris called out.
“Yes I’m so excited” She yelled as she ran down the hallway jumping into Chris’s arms.
He laughed and carried out to the car where Nick already was.
“Took y’all long enough” He grumpily said looking at me.
“Hey don’t look at me! It’s y/n who took so long” I lifted my hands in defense.
“Matt! No I didn’t I was very quick!” She protested slurring her words a little as she talked.
“Yes you did sis don’t listen to them” Chris took her side as her buckled her into her car seat and kissed her cheek.
It’s clear that Chris has a favorite sibling.
LS Pov:
My brothers were taking me to Canes for lunch. It’s not much, but to me it’s the best food in the world. A lot of my friends seem to not like it but I don’t understand how! It’s too good.
I remember how mom would take me to this other restaurant in Boston that also had chicken tenders and we would order a big plate and share. I miss her.
Or when dad would take me to the dinner back in town to eat waffles for breakfast every Saturday. I miss him too.
But I’m with my brothers I shouldn’t be missing my parents right?
“Ok we’re here!” Matt yells.
I’m only 8 which means I still have to sit in a car seat. It’s so stupid I’m sure I could be a big girl and seat on the actual seat. I can’t even get out of the car without the help of my brothers because for some reason I can’t get the seatbelt to unlock.
“You exited?” Matt says as he helps me out of the car.
“Yes very” I reply as I take his hand.
“Awwww look how cute they look! She looks so small compared to Matt!” I hear Nick say behind us and a camera click.
We get a table and we order our food. But as we wait a woman that I could’ve sworn was mom walked in.
“Is that mommy?” I ask my brothers. They all turn their head to look at the woman.
“No y/n it’s not. Moms in Hawaii with dad remember?” Nick laughs.
“Oh yea sorry” I say now embarrassed.
“Hey it’s ok I thought it was her too at first” Matt comforts me. I smile at him and rest my head on his arm since he was sat next to me.
I start to feel sleepy since I haven’t taken my daily nap yet. I do everything to keep my eyes open but nothing works. They fall shut and I start to loose consciousness.
“Hey baby wake foods here” Matt rubs my back waking me up.
“Yay” I say in a tired voice as I sit up from Matt. My hair all messed up and my eyes still closed.
“Good nap?” They all laugh and I do too.
As we eat our food I see a little girl walk in with her mom. They’re holding hands and they’re laughing together. She’s holding a shopping bag so it looks like they went to the mall together. It reminds me of me and mom. Is it bad that I really miss her? I shouldn’t miss her I’m with my brothers that I only see once in a while since they live in L.A.
“You ok?” Chris asks.
“Mhm” I nod.
We were just waiting on the check when I see a man walk in. He walks over to the table where the girl and her mom are. He’s the dad. They all sit together and the girl is laughing with her dad and the mom seems to be taking pictures of them. I miss my dad too. I miss being home and going out to eat with my parents. I feel so guilty about missing home because my brothers are doing so much to take care of me. I shouldn’t feel this way.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before my brothers realize.
“Can we go now?” I quietly ask.
“Uh yea come on” Matt says confused at my sudden change of emotion.
As we walk out I feel two pairs of arms launch me up in the air. I start giggling and screeching like crazy and I’m thrown in the air and back down.
“You want ice cream?” Chris says as he holds me instead of launching me.
“No not really” I reply as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“What you always want ice cream” He says stunned.
“I’m full I don’t really want any” I lie. Truth is I do want ice cream I just don’t wanna see more families there that will remind me of home.
“Ok so what ice cream place do we go to?” Nick asks looking at Chris who’s carrying me.
“Uhh she said she doesn’t want ice cream so just go back home I guess” Chris replies.
“What? But y/n you always want ice cream” Matt questions.
“That’s what I said” Chris chuckles.
“I just don’t want it ok!” I say with a ruder tone.
“Ok ok Sorry we’ll go back home” Matt replies looking at Chris and Nick confused.
Once we get home I run into the room where I have been staying and jump onto the bed quickly getting a hold of the stuffed animal my parents gave me. It’s a little frog which is my favorite animal. My dad had sprayed his cologne on it so it would smell like him. And my mom had put one of her bracelets as a necklace on it. So I just laid there on my bed hugging my little frog while looking at a picture of my parents and I. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I miss home.
Nick pov:
I have been editing videos since we got back from lunch. I usually hear y/n laughing or screaming with either Matt or Chris as they play a game or watch a movie. But today it was silent. More silent than it’s ever been. I also don’t hear her little footsteps running around the house which is odd. She had started to act weird after the comment she made about the woman at Canes. And she didn’t want ice cream, which she always wants. I start going downstairs to ask Matt and Chris about it. I see them both sitting on the couch watching Sam and Colby on the t.v.
“Fuck you scared me” Chris yells.
“That’s what you get for watching paranormal videos at 9 pm dumbass” I laugh.
“Ok but on serious note have you guys noticed how down y/n looks today?” I ask them while sitting down at the end of the couch.
“I did yea she seemed upset after lunch” Matt adds on.
“She hasn’t come out of her room since we got back from lunch” Chris comments.
“I think we need to go check on her c’mon” I say standing up heading to her room.
Chris Pov:
I open the door to her room to find y/n asleep hugging her frog stuffed animal with one hand, and hugging a picture with her, mom and dad on it.
“Oh baby” I hear Matt say as he sits next to her on the bed. Nick and I following after him.
“Hmm?” Y/n hums as she starts to wake up.
“You ok?” I ask.
“You guys promise you won’t get mad at me for it?” Y/n sniffles as her eyes start to get glossy.
“We promise” Nick says.
“I- I just really miss mommy and daddy” She starts to cry. Matt quickly wraps his arms around her.
“Hey hey it’s ok” Matt quietly whispers to her as her soft cries are muffled by his sweatshirt.
“Why would we ever get mad at you for missing mom and dad?” I ask her as I pick her up her tiny hand and she wraps her small fingers around mine.
“Because I feel guilty that I really miss home when I’m with you guys” Y/n softly says as she snuggles into me.
“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to feel guilty. It’s ok to miss home. You’re still a kid and you’ve never been away from mom and dad for so long. We’re not mad at all cuz we feel like that sometimes too” Matt says while running his fingers through her hair, something that always calms her down since she was a baby.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/n asks.
“Of course we not y/n. We can FaceTime them together later” Nick chuckles and joins the hug.
“We love you always” I say and kiss her forehead.
“I love you always too” Y/n giggles.
✫・ 。.・゜✭・.・
Opinions on this??
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kazoosandfannypacks · 1 month
same premise as a fake dating au, but make it platonic:
"I've never met you before, but you're the only other woman in this bar and this guy's been creeping on me; can you pretend to be my childhood best friend?"
"I told my sister I was going to babysit her son, but only because I accidentally told my date tonight that I'm a single parent and she wanted to meet my kid."
"This indie cafe offers cheaper drinks if you refer a friend; wanna pretend we know each other?"
"You jokingly said that we've been friends for years, but someone believed it, so even though we've never met each other this is objectively a very funny bit to commit to"
"oh shoot i told my parents i was hanging out with friends but it's actually a date and now my parents are here and can't know about this; quick, let's join these kids from school so it doesn't seem suspicious"
"oh the group discount is a family discount? well, I'd like to introduce my 'siblings'"
"This contest is father/son only and it's been my dream to win this for years, but dad's not in the picture anymore. I know you're just a good friend of my mom, but I know your angle; I'll put in a good word with her if you pretend to be my dad today"
"it's career day at school, but one parent is unemployed and the other one's gone. i know you're just an employee at the coffee shop i study at, but do you think you could take their place?"
"we're dating but if my parents find out they won't let you come on vacation with us so we'll have to pretend to be just friends"
"we're coworkers who look so much alike everyone asks if we're related and from now on we're going to say yes."
"i walked into the restaraunt and made eye contact with my ex while he's on a date with another girl. I can't just walk out and I can't eat alone with him right over there; can I pull up a chair and join you ladies?"
"i want to go on this father/son camping trip, but my dad's not around. you've been my mentor figure at church for a while; wanna pretend to be my dad?"
"i come in and visit with the ladies in the nursing home every month. one lady with dementia thinks I'm her granddaughter and it doesn't help to correct her. the nurses said her family doesn't ever want to visit. she keeps asking about my sister [I don't have a sister] and saying how much she misses her, and I know it's gonna sound really horrible if i ask you to help me lie to an elderly dementia patient, but....."
feel free to add more! tag me if you use these :D
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haleyboook · 6 months
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Christmas cheer
When a relationship not known by Chris’ family is suddenly front and center when he insists on her coming to his family Christmas festivities. Just how insane can she expect it to be? And how bad will it effect her relationship?
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“I just need my bathing suit and I’ll have all my clothes ready to be packed.” I tell him as I hold the laundry basket in my arms
He nods as he remains half out of it staring at me
“What’s on your mind?”
He sighs as he sits up saying “I’m not liking the idea of not being together on Christmas. The best holiday.”
I drop the laundry basket and walk over to him, I sit on the armrest of the chair as he pulls me towards him
His lips press to my shoulder as he says “The Bahamas are so lame right now. Change your flight. Let’s go there for New Years. Boston is so beautiful right now.”
Sighing I say “My whole family is there, and they would love to meet you. You know that. I talk about you all the time and my mom already loves you. Why don’t you come with me? And then we can celebrate New Years with your family?”
Slowly he considers giving in as my eyes practically melt him and my lips press to his as I smile widely
The corners of his lips curve upwards in response to me and he groans saying “My mom and sisters would kill me if I missed Christmas. My nieces and nephews are expecting me there.”
Nodding I sigh saying “So basically we can’t spend the holiday together. And we’re back to square one.”
He smiles to me and says “Yeah. I guess so.”
But that look on his face for a split second was awfully mischievous and I know he’s up to something.
He pushes my hair out of my face and kisses my collarbones as we draw closer to each other
“It’s snowing in Boston. Have you ever been to Boston when it’s snowing?”
“No. I haven’t.”
“Winter is my second favorite season there. A white Christmas is my favorite. And my family goes all nine yards.”
“Oh really? What do they do?”
He smiles and says “Well my whole big family pile into my childhood home and we spend the whole week together. My mom has us baking and cooking all week and we go see a Christmas play on Christmas Eve. And we have a Christmas Eve party after. And Christmas Day is the best, seeing my niece and nephews excitement over the gifts is the best. My mom makes us spiked hot chocolate and we have this massive dinner. It’s literally heaven.”
The pause sits for awhile as I think on my family, my parents have my sisters and all their friends in the Bahamas with them currently
I paid for the vacation, called it an early Christmas gift.
But… Boston doesn’t sound too bad
“If.. I can change my flight, I’m in.”
His eyes widen suddenly as he looks to me surprised saying “You’re serious?”
I scoff saying “Was that not a real offer?”
“No! No it was real. I’ll.. I’ll call my mom telling her you’re coming along.”
I nod and stare at the laundry across the room. I sigh saying “im not going to need that bathing suit am I?”
He laughs whole heartedly and I grumble saying “You owe me time at the beach. I need ocean and sun time.”
“Promise. New Years with your family in the Bahamas. We can stay a week longer than your family. Just us.”
I sigh into him as I grow relaxed, nodding saying “That sounds perfect. Just what I need after the shit-show movie I just wrapped.”
“He was a terrible director.”
“He made me pull my hair out. I need to strictly rely on Greta and Sofia for work. They’re the only tolerable directors I’ve worked with. Besides obviously the marvel projects.”
He nods saying “Making everyone work on a holiday is crazy.”
“Well you saw how well that worked out for him.”
Chris laughs saying “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie crew so happy that an actress went full diva for them.”
“They all deserved to be with their families, regardless if they celebrated the holiday or not.”
“Trust me, I know they were thankful.”
I sigh saying “Yeah…. Now tell me what I need to pack for Boston.”
“You need to start with at least 3-4 coats or jackets.”
I make a winced face and say “You’re kidding.”
“That doesn’t include winter coats. Do you have a winter—”
He pauses as he looks to me as I produce a pinched expression and shrug saying “I don’t own anything like that.”
“We’ve got a lot of work to do then.”
The flight was simple enough, I overpacked and had to check my bag. Chris didn’t have to, he had a small enough bag for it to be a carry on
I realized how big of a mistake it was to check my bag the minute I started looking through the carousels for my suitcase
Only to my surprise it never came around. Chris felt terrible as the flight attendant informed me that my suitcase, along with half the passengers were left to fly out on the next plane
I blinked in response to her, feeling anger rise within me “what do you mean you left my suitcase?”
“It will be delivered here in a few hours. We can ship it to the address you—”
“I just want my things! Why couldn’t you fit my suitcase on the plane?”
“There are certain rules and regulations we need to follow, the flight was sold out and we couldn’t exceed a certain weight—”
“Everything I need is in my suitcase! It’s 25 degrees out! I need my things!”
Chris wraps his arm around me attempting to calm me down saying “Honey… honey it’s alright. We’ll figure it out.”
I scoff saying “Don’t give me that. You carried your suitcase on. You have everything you could possibly need. I have nothing. My scripts were in there. I needed to run those lines.”
He sighs and attempts to comfort me as he looks to the lady saying “How soon will it be shipped?”
“The second it’s in our custody. You should get it by tomorrow.”
“That’s not so bad, you’ll have all your things by tomorrow. In the meantime we’ll figure something out.”
The Bahamas are sounding a lot better now
“Yeah. Okay..” I say unconvinced and on edge
Chris had called his mom a day ago telling her he was bringing his girlfriend and she was surprised to find out so late in advance
Pretty frustrated this is one of the few times she’d even heard about me.
But before I wasn’t even his girlfriend, we were just going on a few dates. He thought it was easier to just say that to his mother instead
We were both so busy, there was no time to share with anyone else but each other
And we used every single minute we could find with the other
He’d fly to me and leave in the morning. Or I’d fly in at 9am and have to leave at 12am.
He knows he should have mentioned his girlfriend earlier, to not only his mother but probably his sisters and practically anyone else in his family
I ask as he drives our rental car towards the house “Scott’s there already?”
He’s the one person I really knew from his family, considering how often he visited
“Yeah. He just got to the house this morning.”
I swallow hard saying “And your mom, Lisa knows I’m coming to Christmas?”
“She knows, relax y/n. There’s nothing to worry about. My mom will love you and we’ll have a great time.”
“So your older is Carly, and Shanna is your younger sister. Then there’s your dad and he’s a dentist. And then there’s miles and—”
“Clearly you’ve done your research.”
I sigh as I run my hands down my face saying “I wouldn’t even need to. You love your family, you talk about them constantly. I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve met them. I could probably recite their birthdays at this point… oh my god. Don’t let me say that to them. I’m losing my mind. I’m so nervous, were you this nervous to meet my mom?”
He laughs as I scramble my sentences together quickly, talking way too fast
“Your mother gave me no warning, I met her in my boxers while I was getting the paper. I had no time to be nervous.”
I smile and look to him saying “She thought you were handsome immediately.”
He shakes his head saying with a chuckle “No, her first comment was asking why I was so pale.”
Laughing I shake my head saying “I can’t believe she said that.”
“She wasn’t wrong.”
He livens up my mood just switching the topic, I feel better already. He squeezes my hand saying “Just don’t overthink this and you’ll do great. Promise.”
And that’s when we turned down a street where I saw a suburban neighborhood, it was different than I was used to
There was an inflatable Santa on the large patch of grass in the front yard and lights thrown up onto the gutters, brightly colored
The driveway was full and it made me uneasy. Chris put the car in park and once he turned off the engine he looked to me “you ready to go in?”
“The gifts were in my suitcase, Chris. I have nothing for them—”
“You have your bright smile. That’s enough, we can go shopping in the morning or wait for your suitcase. All that matters is the gifts under the tree by Christmas.”
A sigh releases my lips as I look to the sprawl of inflatables across the front yard that I hadn’t noticed earlier
Some that are so clearly Boston suburbia that it’s odd to me
“Oh. That’s Jim. Moms had that inflatable for decades. It’s older than all the grandkids combined.”
“What is… it supposed to be?”
“It used to be an 8foot tall snowman, one of the first to be released. But it’s face wore off so is kids drew a new one on with sharpie and… yeah that was the result.”
Scott slowly sneaks around the car, and slams his palms into the glass of my car door
I scream as I jerk my head towards him and heave heavy breaths as my screaming stops
Chris laughs loudly and boisterous as I nearly kick the door open. It hitting Scott as I climb out, pushing his shoulder as his laugher only annoys me
“You’re an asshole!”
He and Chris just think my reaction is the funniest thing possible
“Did you hit your head when you jumped that high?”
He tumbles to the ground as he falls in the snow and practically cries with laughter
I huff in annoyance saying “Why would you do that?”
“He didn’t tell you?” Scott struggles to say as he gasps for air as his laughter slows
I look to Scott saying “We have a whole competition going, scaring each other. We do this basically every time everyone’s home.”
Chris smiles as he says “She has an out, it’s her first Christmas with us. She is free of the jump scares.”
“No way! She needs to experience the evans family Christmas in every way.”
Chris gives Scott a look and I walk away saying “I’m freezing. Can we please go inside.”
Scott nods saying “that sounds like a great idea.”
Chris nods as he lifts his suitcase through the snow and pulls his jacket off as he drapes it over my shoulders
I look to him thankfully as I tighten it around me. I slow to a stop as I wait for one of the two brothers to lead the way
Chris steps in front of me as he says “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just cold—” but I’m cut off by Scott running towards us and throwing a snowball into the back of Chris’ head
Scott laughs as I feel the corners of my smile turning upwards quickly as I laugh quietly as Chris huffs out a breath of annoyance
“oh… little brother you so shouldn’t have started this.”
“Chris.” I plead as his hand digs into the snow
“Just let me reach this little punk a lesson.”
And they’re already at it with each other. I stand there as Chris creates a snow ball throwing it towards his brother as Scott ducks out of the shot
My sisters and I were never like this. They were 12-15 years older than me. By the time I was 5-6 years old they were out of the house or in college. I was basically an only child with occasional visits from my sisters
But Bree moved to England for a job and Elise lives across the US. Hawaii, with her husband. Her husband is stationed in the navy there
I wince as both Scott and Chris tumble roughly into the snow but I smile because it’s hilarious
“They do this often.”
My shoulders jump at the voice, I thought I was alone out here
I look to the woman and say “And I’m sure it’s entertaining every time.” My smile shines towards her and she breathes out a laugh saying “Yeah. Most of the time. I’m Shanna. You must be y/n, his girlfriend. Right?”
Nodding I say “yes, that is me. I’m sorry to intrude on your Christmas, he insisted I have a Boston Christmas.”
“You don’t have family around here?”
I pause and say “They’re in the Bahamas for Christmas.”
“And you picked this over that?” She laughs as I shake my head saying “I couldn’t leave him. We try to spend any second we can together. I’m sorry, are you Carly or Shanna? Chris talks about his sisters so much but I can’t place your name.”
She smiles saying “Shanna. His younger sister.”
“Oh okay. Thank you.
She nods saying “How’d the two of you meet?”
“Work. Of course. There’s not really anywhere else I could’ve meet someone.”
“You’re an actor too?”
I nod and say “Yeah.”
“Are you cold? We could go in while they sort this whole thing out?”
I look towards Chris as he has Scott pinned down with knee pressed against his back.
Scott’s face doesn’t leave the patch of snow as Chris tells him to tap out
I look to their sister saying “Is this normal?”
Shanna smiles saying “Yes. When they’re around each other they get like this. They’re brothers that’s for sure haha.”
I bite at my lip saying “I really am freezing. We could go in.. I’m just anxious.”
“Why don’t you head in while I get these idiots into the house?”
She steps away before I can argue the offer
I swallow hard and walk towards the house, I so don’t want to go in alone
Scott is pulled up from the snow and pushes his brother as he looks to me as Chris brushes off the snow on his clothes
“Babe, you can head in. You look like you’re about to freeze.”
I nod to Chris and ask “Just walk in?”
“My ma doesn’t care, she has everyone just walk right in.”
I stare at the door as I push it open and enter the house. Shutting it behind me to keep all the warmth in the house
I’m first hit with voices and I slow to a stop as I attempt not to intrude
But then I quickly realize they’re talking about me
“No, this is really the first time he’s ever brought her up. He told me all about her a day ago and that she was coming for Christmas.”
“Shanna is laying into her for answers and to find out what kind of person she is. God I hope she’s not some arrogant brat.”
My eyes widen suddenly as my arms drop to my sides quickly
“God knows Chris has poor taste in women. Should be interesting to meet her. From what he’s told me she’s a bit high maintenance.”
My eyebrows shoot up at that and I huff in annoyance
“I can only hope she isn’t some privileged obnoxious child. Chris didn’t give me much, only that they didn’t want to be apart. It sounds like they’re pretty serious.”
“How close could they be if he kept her hidden from us? She’s got to be the reason he skipped literally everything for thanksgiving but the dinner. He literally rolled in here at 3 and left by 8.”
The pause in conversation leaves me frozen in the entry way as I feel like I just stepped into something I shouldn’t hear
“You think he’s fallen for a girl who will keep him from us for holidays? That’s often what happens when a son marries someone.”
“You think they’re getting married?! He hardly knows the girl. God bless her but Chris could never commit to something like that. You know the cycle, give it a few more months and they’ll have moved on.”
“He said she can be difficult, especially under pressure. Like I said super high maintenance.”
“Probably means controlling.”
Excuse me?
“If this girl is wrong for him I’ll have a conversation with him. He’s my son, he’ll listen to me. She’ll be just another ex girlfriend if we don’t like her—”
I can feel the lump in my throat growing as I reach for the door handle but it opens and I take a step back as Chris steps in
He looks to me confused as I remain hovering by the door like I wanted to bolt, his arms find their way around my sides saying “you alright?”
My shoulders tighten and wind up as my whole body tightens up, I shrug in response as I slip from his grasp
Scott shouts “Ma! Chris and y/n are here!”
Chris huffs in response to his brother
The group of people file towards us as my hands pull at the zipper sides of Chris’ jacket that’s tightly wrapped around my body
Tightening it around me
He bounds for his mother, and you could tell how much he loves him mom. That’s a strong hug around her. Clearly he missed her
Maybe she was right, I didn’t think I was keeping him from his family
Suddenly I feel super out of place as their whole family hugs and speaks to each other
Slowly I slip into the background of the family as my back presses to the door, everything growing overwhelming
“My sweet boy. I’m so happy you’re here.”
That word wanders around my head as I feel the weight of it
High maintenance
How could she have all these opinions of me before even meeting me?
Scott pulls away from his older sister saying “y/n, meet my sister Carly… y/n?” He looks behind him not finding me
I’m practically melting through the door as Chris suddenly pulls away from the conversation him and his mother are having
The people in front of me, serving as I wall suddenly break into two groups and the whole Evans family turns towards me
Chris looks to me with a widening smile and walks forward, grabbing my hand and saying “Everyone, this is my girlfriend y/n. I’ll introduce you to each person in a minute. Firstly, this is my ma.”
The woman looks to me and I feel the nauseous feeling grow as I stare at her nervously
She takes a step towards me as Chris’ warm hand leaves my back
She smiles and says “I’m Lisa. It’s so great to meet you.”
My grin slips as she pulls me into a hug and I grow frustrated as she says “Chris just adores you.”
I swear there’s sarcasm coming off her words
“Love, mom. I love her.” Chris confirms as his smile falls from his lips and I’m released. I’m basically introduced around and the minute I’m free from introductions I find Scott
He’s with Carly but I grab his wrist tightly and give him the crazy eyes. He excused himself from his sister as I pull him out front
“I have to get out of here.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
My hands pull down my face as I frown and say “Your mother doesn’t know I heard what she and Carly were saying in the kitchen.”
“What we’re they saying in the kitchen?” He leans forward, practically begging for the information
“Am I controlling?”
“What? Why would you…. Oh.” He pauses as he looks inside the glass panels for a second saying “she doesn’t know you. Don’t take what she said to heart. She probably read a bad article about you.”
I shake my head as I sit down on the front steps and he follows shortly after “They lost my suitcase. I have nothing. I’m feeling insecure enough already. And I know Chris is loving every minute of this but I’m just… overwhelmed and annoyed.”
Scott nods as he rubs my shoulder, and I continue saying “He never told his mom or anyone about me. They don’t know me. Would he have ever told them about me? He basically worships your mom. But I’m not important enough to be a topic?”
“I’m sure he has good reason, bee.”
I huff in response and cover my face saying “This is going to be a long week. You have to promise me you won’t leave my side. If Chris isn’t glued to my side you have to be. Please.”
His eyes widen and he says “That’s a big job.”
I narrow my eyes to him saying “Scott.”
He smiles lightly saying “Fine deal.”
“This is going to be a long week.” We both say in sync
Oh hi! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it! I wanted to create a Christmas story, this is only going to be a few parts, I think (don’t know yet!)
I really enjoyed writing this part, I’m currently working on a part two! I hope you all enjoy this!
Next part>>
Make sure you comment to be added to the taglist!
More will be published soon! Promise!
Make sure you interact with my stories please!
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
〉The "L" Word 〈
| Bangchan |
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Genre: Pure Fluff
Summary: Bang Chan wakes up from a bad dream and seeks comfort from his girlfriend
Pairing: Idol! Bang Chan x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Established relationship. First "I Love You". Crying. Let me know if I missed any!!
Word Count: 1.9k
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~ 3:27am~
The sound of soft, sad sniffles echoing across your bedroom woke you abruptly from your slumber. At first, you were confused, unsure whether you actually heard the noise or if it had just been nothing more than a dream, but the sudden shaky exhale that filled the bed a moment later, followed by a short gasp for air, had your body freezing and your eyes popping open in alert.
You had heard it correctly.
Your boyfriend was crying.
And silently by himself at that.
Without hesitation, you pivoted your body around and snuggled yourself against his back, your arm immediately wrapping around his waist and squeezing him against you in a tight and comforting hug.
Bangchan jumped slightly when you came into contact with him, no doubt surprised that you were awake. A shameful sigh left his body as he relaxed under your touch.
"Baby, are you okay?" you asked as you lifted your head and pressed it into his neck. You planted a soft kiss behind his ear, your hand searching blindly for his. He sniffled once more and wiped at his nose before he let out a soft breath.
"I'm okay, Sweetheart. You can go back to sleep." he tried to reassure you. His hand grabbed ahold of yours and pulled it tighter around him, almost like he was seeking your comfort despite verbally trying to push you away.
You planted another soft kiss below his ear before nudging your nose against his skin, your thumb tracing circles across the back of his hand.
"It doesn't sound like you're okay." you pointed out softly, not wanting to upset him even more than he already seemed to be. "Do you want to talk about it, or do you just want to go back to sleep?" you asked.
Chan was silent for a moment before he surprised you by turning around in your embrace. He wrapped his strong arms around your body and pulled you into his chest, stroking your hair and kissing the top of your head.
"I... I had a bad dream" he whispered around the lump in his throat. Your eyebrows raised in surprise. Usually, it would've taken a lot more coaxing to get him to talk as he was never one to talk easily about his feelings and worries. He must've been really struggling.
"What was it about, Baby?" you asked gently, your hand slipping underneath the hem of his shirt to caress his back. Chan squeezed you tighter against his chest in response.
"It was about my mom," he answered almost too quietly. You took the opportunity to run your nails tenderly across his skin, trying to relax his stiff body enough to continue. A shiver passed through him at your actions.
"In my dream, I was just sitting at home with my mom, dad, and sister. Barry was there too. My mom had made a bunch of food and I ate so much of it. When I got up to leave, I went to hug her goodbye and I just started to cry. I miss her. A lot." Chan swallowed roughly and buried his face into your hair, breathing in the scent of you in an attempt to calm his racing heart. "I miss them all so fucking much."
You felt Chan's body shake slightly as he exhaled, causing you to pull away and look up at him with a soft expression on your face. His hair was a mess, sticking up in every direction possible, and he had tears gently falling down his cheeks. You felt your heart break slightly at the sight of him being so openly vulnerable, looking so lost and scared.
On instinct, you then pulled your hand away from his back and reached up to wipe away the wetness, and hopefully, the heartbreaking expression settled on his face.
"I know you miss them, Baby," you reassured him with a kind smile. "Only a couple more weeks until your vacation and then you can go home and see them, okay? Just a couple more weeks."
Chan hiccuped once before pulling your body up the mattress. You knew he wanted to be cuddled, so you had no problem scooting up to sit against the pillows, your arms automatically spreading to welcome him in.
With a sigh, he fell into your chest and nuzzled his face into your neck, basking in your comfort as he draped half of his body over yours. It was all he needed to relax his racing heart and halt the flow of tears.
And he wasn't heavy by any means. He felt like a weighted blanket, and you too found yourself relaxing the nerves that sparked when you had initially woken up and heard him.
You guys lay silently like that for some time, your arms wrapped around his torso. One hand resumed the scratching across his back while the other stroked his curly hair. Chan's face buried into the crevice of your neck, his shaking body slowly relaxing with each passing minute. You weren't sure how long you guys stayed like that, but you'd lay there for an eternity if it meant helping him feel better.
The two of you had been dating for a little over six months now. You had met by chance in a cafe just over two years ago and slowly began building a friendship that finally blossomed into something more. You were both happy and content with where you were right now in the relationship. Neither one of you had dropped the 'L' word yet, but neither of you needed it.
Well, at least you didn't think you needed it until Chan opened his mouth and spoke into the silence that filled the room, shocking you to the core.
"Do you want to maybe come with me?" he asked. "To meet my family?"
You froze at his question, the hand that was sifting through his soft locks stopped for a moment before starting up again. At your hesitation, Chan pulled himself away and looked up at you with big eyes, a small frown on his face.
"Really?" you asked, trying not to get your hopes up. You only ever discussed meeting the parents a few times. It wasn't much of a big deal to you, but for Chan, it was huge.
He was big on family, you that much from listening to his stories about them and watching his vlogs. He loved his family more than anything. He expressed multiple times throughout your friendship, and relationship thus far, that he'd never brought a girl home before to meet them. He'd only ever do so if he was serious about her and their future together. He would never bring a girl home unless he was planning a life with her.
Meeting his family was sacred.
You tried to keep your heartbeat under control.
"Of course, Sweetheart," Chan responded, completely oblivious to the way your heart was beating frantically against your rib cage despite him lying on top of you.
He pulled away more now to look at your face more thoroughly as he spoke again, his next words sending another wave of emotion and surprise through your body.
"I love them almost as much as I do you. I'm ready for you to meet them."
There it was.
The 'L' word.
You were taken by surprise at this subtle confession and how casually he dropped it into the conversation. You weren't even sure you heard it right. Your eyes widened slightly and your face began to burn bashfully. Chris just smiled up at you, finding your reaction absolutely adorable.
"Did you just...?" you stopped mid-sentence when that beautiful smile of his turned downwards into one of his signature smirks. His face was free of tears, the only evidence of his despair was found in the red, puffy eyes that were staring at you as if you held the sun.
"I did," he confirmed casually before pushing up on his toes and planting a kiss on your cheek. "Is that okay?"
You nodded slowly, completely flustered by his words. Of course, you knew you loved him back. You fell in love with him within the first few months of knowing him, but you never thought he'd fall too. Or that he would be the first to say it.
Even though he didn't actually technically say it.
"I think so," you whispered, swallowing back your own tears that were lodging in your throat. "I think I need to hear you say it though."
He loved you
He loved you.
He. Loved. You
The thought was swirling around in your mind so quickly that it nearly distracted you from catching the heart-stopping, sweet smile he flashed your way. Chan then pulled himself up onto his elbows and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before cupping your face in his palm.
His thumb swiped across your cheek softly, and it wasn't until then did you noticed a tear had managed to escape your eye, softly falling down your cheek.
"I love you, Y/n." he whispered, his eyes holding so much emotion and conviction that you felt like you'd been punched in the chest. Like it was an object that barrelled into you at full force, nearly knocking the wind out of you.
You stared at Chan as the words left his mouth a second time, his eyes searching yours as you got lost in the depths of them. They sparkled in the moonlight that filled the room, happiness, and joy emitting from his bones and encasing the two of you in your own little bubble.
Chan swallowed nervously at your silence.
"You don't have to say it back," he whispered, his thumb still stroking your cheekbone. "I just needed you to know. I love you, and I want you to come home with me and meet my family."
You took a deep breath, your nostrils filling with the scent of him, the scent of home. You smiled, your mind now swirling with the meaning behind his words. He was serious about you and wanted to build a future with you. Sure, you two hadn't been dating long, but he was committed. He was ready.
You took another deep inhale of oxygen and nodded before your lips connected with his forehead.
"I love you too, Chris," you whispered back as you kissed his skin softly. You felt his body relax under your touch, his head falling into your chest in relief. "I would love to meet them."
Chan let out a satisfied sigh and curled his arms around your body before he rolled onto his back, taking you with him.
"For a second there, I thought I scared you off," he murmured. You smirked back at him as you lay across his chest now, your legs tangling intimately with his.
"Not possibly, Channie. You said the 'L' word There's no going back now."
He then reached up and brought your face down to his, lips connecting softly with yours in a sweet and tender kiss.
"No returns, no refunds, no exchanges. I'm all yours."
His hands began to travel and traverse the shape of your body, slowly memorizing every inch of skin and every imperfection that lay upon it as he kissed you again and again. You couldn't help but giggle as a giddy feeling suddenly bubbled up in your stomach at the newfound happiness you didn't think was possible to find.
"Good," he answered against your mouth. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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Hannjis Pookie Wookie Bears 🐻: @moonlightndaydreams @noellllslut @bethanysnow @channieandhisgoonsquad @queenmea604 @newhope8
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soberscientistlife · 1 month
These stories are so heartbreaking. I know so many women that had to make the choice to abort. I will fight and always vote blue to try and protect a woman's right to choose.
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I was 30 years old. I was married. We were happy. We were established. Our 401k runneth over. We decided to start a family. I got pregnant right away. Like right away. We were over the moon. I kept a journal of every day of the magic. I got a bump. I felt our baby kick. I embraced it fully. I rejected tests because "it won't change our path" Emily sent out baby shower invitations. The nursery was under way. And then. I'm almost halfway there! I'm 18 and a half weeks pregnant. The doctor called. It was 7pm. I was out at dinner with my friend Deb. I stepped outside. The day before on a whim I agreed to a blood test. "There's probably nothing to worry about but we need you to come in. There's a 1 in 36 chance something is wrong" I called Liza sobbing. My sister told me to lay out 36 straws and see that there's still such a good chance that everything is fine. I didn't sleep. We drove up to Forsyth because that was the first available amniocentesis. The needle was long. The room was dark. The news was really bad. I changed in that moment forever. It's a girl! We had named her Audrey. Audrey Roesel -- the girl who will make me a mom. She was missing her nasal bone. Her kidneys were tiny. Her heart was missing a chamber. She had an extra chromosome. Part of her brain wasn't formed. Her head was growing at a rate 4x faster than her limbs. I want to be a mom. This is my girl. This situation could really hurt my body. She will be in immeasurable pain. I didn't understand "incompatible with life" I cried. I cried some more. I was already a mom. Moms keep their children from pain. Time is ticking. I'm 19.5 weeks now. We are in Georgia. There's a time limit, you know. It's Labor Day now. Doctors go on vacation. Somehow the world around us keeps on. Not for me. In the interest of time… They sent me to an abortion clinic. Me. At an abortion clinic. After 20 weeks, it's illegal, you know. It's the night before. I ran a bath. I said goodbye to my daughter in that tub. Just the two of us before the world turned upside down. Did you know… You have to go 2 days in a row? 1 to dilate 1 for a D&E It was brutal emotionally. It hurt physically. I begged to be put under. A kind doctor took my hand. His hands were large and warm. He told me I would be a mom one day. He was an angel. I woke up in a group recovery room. In a recliner. Next to a young girl. Maybe 13. She was also recovering. I took her hand. My milk came in. Nobody told me. It hurt in my body and my soul. I grieved. Hard. For months and months. I held onto a teddy bear the size of a newborn. I ached everywhere inside and out. It was a fluke they said. Fast forward four months. Pregnant again. Scared. Excited. First ultrasound. Baby’s gone. Go to the hospital for D&C. This is also considered abortion. They tested the tissue. it was a boy! Chromosomes were normal. Isn’t that good news? Grief ensued. So did genetic testing B and me. I’m not ashamed. I never was. I’m what abortion looks like. So is the 13 year old girl in that recovery room. In Texas we’d be criminals. [And Oklahoma as of 4/14/22] […and in most of the US as of 6/24/22] Access to safe abortion is a woman’s right. And abortion is a decision to be made between a woman, her doctor, her family, and her god. …Not a majority white male cohort of politicians with a false sense of morality. And your judgement? It matters not.
This is why I am pro-choice
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
what about adam begging hughes!sister to come with him to wherever (hopefully anaheim) but she’s skeptical bc she doesn’t want to be a burden but he assures her that he wants nothing more than for her to be with him:)
You’re gonna go far—
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Au Masterlist!!
Adam and Sunny had tearfully parted ways after the draft, she was heading back to Michigan to resume her summer vacation with her brothers and family friends while he and his father flew out to Columbus for their development camp.
"I'm gonna miss you" she mumbled into his chest, tears staining his cotton shirt as she hugged him tightly, for the last time in a while. He placed a kiss on the crown of her head, "it'll only be for a few weeks and then I’ll be there, with Luca, for the rest of the summer" She shook her head as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, “still too long.”
A smile now worked its way onto her lips as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, “you and Gavo can’t have too much fun without me” “Won't be half the fun without you” he mumbled as he placed a kiss on the side of her head, his eyes looking up to see Ellen and Julia crying as they whispered to each other about the young couple.
Sunny pulled away first, "I'm gonna kiss you one more time then I'm gonna go and check-in, cause if I stay any longer Mom is gonna have to pry me off of you" She smiled, his thumb wiped the remainder of tears from her cheek as she cupped his face in her hands. His forehead bumped into hers, "love you" he whispered as he kissed her gently for the last time in a while. "I love you so much," she whispered as she pulled away from him.
Two days later Sunny was finally back in the warmth of her brother's summer house, feeling slightly down as she returned to her life without Adam. With her nose in a book to pass the time, Quinn walked into the room with a soft smile, sitting down next to her as she marked her page and cuddled into his side.
"I think it's over for us," she whispered as Quinn opened his mouth to ask her what was bothering her, "I think he's gonna do great things in Ohio and I'm gonna be a burden back in Michigan," Quinn closed his mouth and hugged her tightly. "I think that you mean a lot to him, and yeah you two are on different paths now, but I think that in the near future, you two will be exactly right where you were meant to be”
The girl smiled softly as her brother hugged her tightly, “when did you get so insightful?” “It comes with old age” he joked, placing a kiss on the top of her head before stealing the remote from beside her.
Her phone buzzed as a voicemail from Adam popped up on her screen, and her brows furrowed as she realized just how zoned out of reality she was.
“Hey sun, I just wanted to call and tell you that I’ve talked with everyone here and I think I’m gonna start my rookie year in September,” she can hear the excitement mixed with sadness in his voice as he lets out a deep breath, “I know it’s not what I planned, but they really want me here, and I think I’m ready” He paused for a second as he thought of his next words, “Call me back when you get this message, I love you”
Her heart dropped to her stomach as he ended the message, immediately dialling his number to call him. Her emotions were running high as the phone began to ring in her ears, “hello?” stopped her pacing around her room the moment he spoke.
“I'm so proud of you,” she spits out as soon as she hears his voice. “So it���s okay with you?” He asks genuinely as he stops pacing around his room and takes a seat on his hotel bed. “More than okay, you worked so hard for all of it”
A moment of silence hit them both.
“What does this mean for us?” She asked quietly, her eyes beginning to water as she heard nothing but silence on the other end. It was the million-dollar question, they both wanted to know where they now sat. She felt secure enough in her love for Adam that she would do long distance for the next three years, but was Adam on that level?
“I don’t want to hold you back, so if you want to call it quits now I understand, I just want what’s best for you” she whispered, begging for some sort of response. “I don’t want us to end sunny,” his brows furrowed as he laid back on his bed, hands massaging his temples as he fought off the stress headache that he’d been harbouring all day, “I want you, I want this.” Sunny nodded even though he couldn’t see her, “if you’d have me, I’d want you here for all of it.”
“In Columbus?” “In Columbus." he paused to let that sink in for a second, really contemplating if he wanted to add this new pressure onto her shoulders, "I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but maybe after UMich you’d consider moving here with me?” his voice laced with nerves, “you don’t have to say yes now, but just think about it for me.” “Wherever you want me, I’ll be there” she whispered as his face broke out into a grin.
He ran a hand through his hair, “So if I asked you to fly out here to be a witness while I sign my ELC you’ll be here?” Her face warmed as, “in a heartbeat” She bit her lip to hold back her smile as she opened her laptop to find flights for the morning
This took me literally three days to write cause I've been so busy, but here.
This is also slightly fueled by the song "You're Gonna Go Far" by Noah Kahan, cause a friend recently told me that this song reminds them of me and now it's the only song I can listen to :)
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thehusbandoden · 9 months
'Us Time' -Dad!Todoroki Shoto x Mom!Reader
A/n: once again I have no freaking clue what to do for the title. I meant to make y/n and Shoto stressed out and stiuff but it's just fluff :)
A/n 2: this is a bit old but decided to finally post it.
General info:
Genre: fluff/ slice of life // wc: 854
Summary: Shoto is tired of barely having any time with you, so he proposes an idea to get you for himself for an entire week.
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"Mama! Mama!"
A voice called, causing you to groan.
"Mama~ it's light outside! Up time!"
Rubbing your eyes, you squint to see your four and a half year old jumping at the side of your bed, h/c locks bouncing up and down.
"C'mhere baby, it's still time to sleep some more." You yawn, reaching your arms out to your youngest.
"No! Sister and brother are up!"
"Oh- are they really?"
"Mhm! Sister says come get you!"
Sighing, you squeeze Shoto's arm that was wrapped around you, trying to let him let go.
"C'mon Sho, the kids need me." You whisper, turning around to play with his mismatched hair.
Whining at the thought of letting you go, Shoto hugged you tightly before slipping his arms down to his side.
"Aki, why don't you go snuggle dada while I go get your siblings ready?" You ask, kissing Shoto's forehead before sliding out of bed, picking Aki up.
Giggling, Aki gave you a kiss on the cheek before hurrying to crawl next to her dad, making him smile warmly.
"I love you both!" You call, already heading towards your twins' rooms.
"Yuki, honey? Are you up?"
Sofltly knocking on the door, you open it to see her room empty.
Assuming that both of them were awake, you wandered to the living room, where they were fighting.
"No! We can not wake up mom! She stayed up late last night!" Daiki whisper-shouted, grey eyes glaring at his twin sister, Yuki.
"But I'm hungry, and we have school today! She can nap when we go to school!" Yuki bit back, face as neutral as her dad's despite her harsh words.
"Shhh it's okay, Daiki." You comfort, wrapping your eldest in a hug, petting his head to help soothe him. "You're sweet, but Yuki's right. I need to be awake to take care of you two."
"No buts! I love taking care of you. If you didn't wake me up I'd be sad that you had to do it all on your own."
"Yuki, thank you for having Aki wake me up."
Yuki simply shrugged, back to her I-don't-care demeanor inherited from her dad. Just like Shoto, you knew that she did care, but she just hid the majority of her emotions. Luckily you had enough experience with Shoto that you knew how and when she needed you, and you were always ready to support her.
"Okay, who's ready for breakfast?" You smile, causing Daiki to smile back at you and Yuki's e/c eyes to shine a bit brighter.
"Love, do you know where my boots are?" Shoto called, causing you to roll your eyes fondly.
"Yeah, they're in our closet! If they're not there check in Aki's!"
"Thanks babe." Shoto smiled, walking over to you to press a kiss to your temple, hand resting on your hip.
"Mhm" you purr, leaning into your husband's touch.
"What do you think about a vacation?" Shoto mused, leaning down to pull on his hero boots.
"That won't really work with the twins schedule for anther few months-"
"I meant for the two of us."
Your breath caught in your throat as Shoto wrapped you in an embrace from behind, pressing a few kisses against your shoulder blades and neck.
"What abou-"
"Fuyumi or mom can take care of the kids. We haven't had us time in months, I miss you."
"I- I don't know Shoto.. that seems like a lot to ask. Plus what about work?"
"Those are just minor details, Love. Do you want to take a week off with me or not?"
"Of course I do but-"
"Then it's settled, I'll get everything prepared for let's say- next month?"
"Okay but-"
"Love, don't worry about it, and just let me handle it." Shoto purred, spinning you around to face him as he kissed your lips sweetly.
"Okay." You sigh, smiling into the kiss.
"I can't wait to have some us time." Shoto sighed, leaning his forehead on yours. "You've been so busy being an awesome mom and I've been working."
"Mhm, it'll be nice." You sigh, wrapping your arms around Shoto's waist.
"Speaking of-"
"Can you flirt elsewhere? We kinda wanna eat without your lovey dovey stuff going on." Daiki grumbled, hugging Aki close to him to shield her eyes.
"We're just hugging." Shoto chuckles, moving towards his kids with a fondness only you and your little family got to see.
"Daiki, you mama needed a hug from her husband. Are you really going to be upset about that?"
Daiki immediately shook his head no, guilt clawing at him for interrupting your comfort.
"I'm sorry mama! Here, my hugs are better than dad's anyways!" Daiki apologized, sticking his tongue out at Shoto before wrapping you in a hug.
"Me too! I wanna hug!" Aki exclaimed, jumping onto Shoto's leg.
Lifting Aki up into his arms, Shoto guided Yuki towards you before enveloping the four of you in a hug, causing you to giggle.
After a minute or so Yuki squirmed away, closely followed by Daiki.
"Mom, you burnt the eggs." Yuki sighed.
"Oh shoot-"
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wildemaven · 1 year
Sweet Creature: Chapter Two
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
WC: 5145
Summary: A washed up movie star with a failing career, fresh out of rehab and looking to turn his life around. He moves back to his small hometown to take a break from stardom and help his sister out with his niece— He’s traded the high-life for school runs and crafting. What he doesn’t except is to meet you, his niece’s school teacher who couldn’t care less about his extensive filmography or his dwindling fame.
Warnings: 18+ Blog; talk of drug use (no actual using), absent parents, mention of food and alcohol, slow burn, brown fuzzy coat, self doubt, break-up mention, annoyance towards actors, cursing, 2nd POV, that should be it but if I missed anything please let me know
A/N: It’s here!! I’m really excited for this chapter, lots of little things I love about that I’m so excited for you to read. This chapter is where we meet reader and learn a little bit about her. I wanted to also note, there will be an eventual nickname used, we just haven’t gotten to it being used yet so for now I’m not mentioning it. The response to this series has been so amazing and I’m so grateful for all the wonderful feedback!! Another big thank you to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for taking the time to beta for me!! You’re a champ for putting up with my spelling errors. Update: adding link to mug that is mentioned -> etsy shop
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“Diem, you can’t really be considering this?! Did you forget, he was literally doing drugs off of your toilet!” 
You pour another glass of a sweet sparkling wine you’d picked up before heading to Diem’s for your weekly chat session, then settling back into the array of plush couch cushions— a night to decompress a bit, vent and just catch up on the week’s happenings. 
“Well, I’ve already considered and told him yes.”
“What?” You nearly spit your drink out in shock. “I don’t want to say I told you so, but I kind of called it when you invited him to Wren’s party. I just— I don’t want to see you hurt again.”
“Look, I know you’re just being protective, and I’m so grateful for that, I truly am— but you have to just let me make this decision and trust that he’s going to be clean like he says he is. This is his longest stay in treatment, that’s got to be a good sign, right?” 
The one thing you loved most about Diem was her big heart and her constant need to mother everyone around her. 
She had literally taken you under her wing when you’d decided to uproot your entire life and move to a random city you had zero ties to. 
A chance meeting in the halls of your new employer, Ojai Valley School, while rounding the corner and bumping into each other. Your stack of lesson plans scattering about the concrete floor and her basket of snacks toppling over— a dozen or so clementine oranges rolling around the haphazard mess of papers. 
In sorting out each other’s disarray, you’d learned she was a parent of a kindergartener, to which you shared being the new first grade teacher. 
Somewhere in the midst of an over abundance of apologies for the mishap and swapping mini life stories on the walk together to your classroom, her daughter’s class coincidentally next door, there was an exchanging of phone numbers and a no pressure invitation for drinks and appetizers at her place— she dubbed it as a proper ‘welcome to the neighborhood.’ 
A week later you found yourself in Diem’s living room bonding over similar interests with wooden platters of too expensive crackers, hard to pronounce cheeses, thinly sliced deli meats paired with quickly mixed and shaken cocktails over ice. 
She shared her struggles being a single mom who was embarking on a new business adventure all while co-parenting with her ex-boyfriend. You learned her family didn’t live close, parents usually traveling through some part of the world or staying in one of their many extravagant vacation homes, while her brother was some big name movie star— Dieter Bravo, whom you’d seen plastered on the covers of gossip magazines. 
There was an instant friendship between the two of you that flourished as the months went on— a sisterly bond you’d never had being an only child. 
Weekly chats developed into spending not only more time with Diem, but with Wren as well. Dinners and movie nights became a regular thing, rotating hosting duties while Wren always had the final say in the movie. You shared your love for art with them as much as you could, making sure to invite them both when a new artist had their latest installment showing at one of the many galleries in town, Wren always so captivated with your interpretations of the art on display, encouraging her to seek out her own. If Diem ever found herself in a pinch with the hotel, you were more than excited to spend more time with Wren, especially on the warmer days where you both could take advantage of the pool and soak up the California sun. 
You felt like an instant local and less of a transplant after a few months, building your own connections with merchants and finding your own niche outside of teaching within Ojai— you were a welcomed presence. 
“I’m sorry Diem, I just have flashbacks to seeing him slumped over on the bathroom floor, high out of his mind— That look on your face ate me up inside.” You sigh at the recollection of your first meeting of her brother Dieter, all disheveled and extremely inebriated. Diem had cried on your shoulder for hours after everyone had left the party, but you did your best to comfort her as time went on. “I’ll be here for you if you need anything.”
She reaches over to you and gives you a hug, reassurance that she appreciates you always having her back. 
“Thank you. I promise, any little inkling of something being off and he’s out. Just try to be a little nice to him, give him a chance to prove himself. He said he’ll be here in a few weeks and I’d love for you two to get a proper meeting, so let me know what your schedule is looking like.”
“I’ll try to be on my best behavior.” You playfully roll your eyes at her, but you would really try to be as open as you could be, especially for her and Wren. 
“Okay, enough about me and my stuff. What’s new with you?? Any hot dates??”
Your dating life was near nonexistent. Yeah, you dated, but that was as far as things went. 
Your last relationship had ended in a breakup before your move. Both of you wanting different things, you wanting him to move with you and him wanting to stay rooted, while also refusing to try the long distance thing, deciding a clean break was best for the both of you. 
“Ugh. I went on one the other day. One of the teachers cornered me in the break room and insisted on setting me up with her neighbor.”
“And, it was a disaster. He was late to the restaurant and then he was excusing himself every fifteen minutes to go to the bar to watch some sport’s playoffs. He also ordered for me off the kid’s menu, said he thought the restaurant was overpriced— he picked it mind you. Safe to say there was nothing ‘hot’ about the date. I literally give up. I’ll live the rest of my life alone— maybe I should get a cat or two.”
Your body slinks back amusingly into the couch cushions. 
“Oh my god. Stop!” She swats jokingly at your limp arm. “You’re so dramatic. Firstly, don’t accept any dates from colleagues— those are always bound to be disastrous! Secondly, you won’t be alone forever. You just have to open yourself up to the possibility of something just happening organically— like fate! Thirdly— no cats! Wren’s allergic and I can’t deal with that mess of meltdowns from her wanting one of her own.”
“Why do you always have to be my voice of reason?!”
“Because that’s what friends are for… Babe!”
“I hate you!” You’re both in a fit of giggles as you toss a pillow across the couch at her. 
“Oh! I do have some good news though! The gallery said they’re holding one last artist showcase before closing the doors and they offered it to me.”
Reverie Studio, a cute little art gallery and workshop space, had become a sanctuary for your creative imagination to live freely. They offered classes throughout the year to varying types of artists, novice to well seasoned, in their workshop space in the back of the gallery. 
The gallery itself was spacious and washed in white, perfect for featuring painted canvases, framed photographs or ceramic sculptures. Giant bright windows facing Main Street, allowed for ample viewing for visitors. 
You’d taken a few classes as a way to submerse yourself into the community, hoping to build some connections with like minded individuals. At one point you’d noticed the bulletin board that held a plethora of business cards, class schedules and other various information about town happenings, had a help wanted flier for the studio itself looking for someone to teach a few classes. You, being a teacher already, as well as an artist, decided to seek out more information. They hired you on the spot and allowed you to decide what classes you wanted to offer. 
The latest flier was informing that the owners decided they would be closing their doors soon. If you had the means, you would have put an offer on the business to keep it open, unfortunately with your salary as a teacher it wouldn’t be feasible. While you were sad you’d be losing Reverie, you were grateful they considered your art to be shown as their last installment. 
“What?! That is amazing! Finally people can see the amazing things you paint— I’ve been dreaming of this moment for you!! Also, I told you my brother’s an artist right?”
“Like, ‘I’m an actor, art is my passion’ while having zero idea how watercolor works…” Air quotes adding emphasis to your mockery.
“I thought you said you were going to be on your best behavior?” She tosses a pillow right back at you, nearly knocking over your empty glass in the process. 
“Sorry, I had to get it out.” Thankfully she could sense your campy tone. 
“I’m going to head out, there’s a stack of papers calling my name that I need to grade.” You state, grabbing your purse and making your way to the front door. “I’ll see you at drop off.” Throwing her a wave as you walk down the path leading to the main sidewalk. 
“Oh! Before I forget, Wren asked if she could come paint sometime. Told her I’d run it by you first and see if there was any space for her.” 
“Of course— Anytime!”
“Perfect. We'll chat more about it later then. Text me when you get home!” Diem leaning into the door frame, practically shouting as you cross the street, knowing you live a less than five minute walk down the block. 
“Oh! And I want to have you over for dinner when Dieter gets here!!”
“Goodnight Diem!” Throwing a lax wave back at her. 
Dieter can’t remember a time he’d slept so well. Could be the comfortable pillow top mattress, or it could be due to the fact this is the most relaxed he’s felt in years. 
There’s clanking coming from what he can only assume is the kitchen, followed by the strong aroma of fresh brewed coffee. Diem is awake, still the early bird that she’s always been. 
He begins to extricate himself from the cushy bed, swinging his legs over the edge, his body following suit into a somewhat hunched over sitting position. His fingers pick at the tiny sleep crystals embedded in the corners of his eyes, a few blinks to adjust to the light, his sight still a bit blurry. 
An audible lazy yawn works its way through his mouth, sleep still ruminating within him for the time being. He reaches over to the side table to grab his black framed glasses, a few swipes over the lens glass with the crumpled top sheet before he’s lifting them to the window for a quick smudge inspection— passable and now snug to his face. 
He convinces his body to rise to his full height, joints and muscles adjusting to their proper positions after several hours of a sedentary vacation. A quick roll of the neck and overhead arm stretches ramp up his alertness. 
Stepping over yesterday’s clothes still plopped in the middle of the floor, he digs through his bags in search of something to cover his boxer clad body with the intent to make the trek through the house to a cup of rich amber heaven. 
The air has a slight chill to it, not an uncommon occurrence being tucked in a valley on a California morning. He pulls on his favorite lounge pants, dark stripes pair with a thin cottony fabric worn in from years of wearing— a security blanket of sorts. Throwing his giant fuzzy overcoat over a wrinkled shirt while taking a few deep breaths, schooling his trepidation and the fact that a new life awaits him on the other side of the door. 
Sure enough, Diem is busy moving about the kitchen. A mom through and through multitasking her way through the morning— coffee made with mugs set out, breakfast of eggs and toast plated waiting to be eaten,  and a million other little tasks that seem to keep her attention focused. 
“I can’t believe you still have that damn coat, I beg you don’t wear it in public.”
“Good morning to you too!” That first sentence a bit gravelly as he looks down to inspect the coat Diem had just insulted. “What’s wrong with my coat?”
“It makes you look— a little tacky and less ‘I’ve finally got my life together.’” He shakes his head at her remark, deciding he’ll leave out the part that it’s just a house coat these days. 
“How’d you sleep?”
“Good. Best sleep I’ve had in awhile. Gonna need to know where I can get one of those beds for home.” Grabbing one of the mugs and pouring himself a decent amount of coffee, then positioning himself onto one of the barstools in front of his awaiting breakfast. 
“That would be a “we’re so proud of you, here’s a bed” gift from mom and dad.” He can sense her somewhat sore tone as she wipes up the counters. 
“You hear from them lately?” 
“Aside from the gifts they send regularly for Wren and a few emails updating on their whereabouts, they seem to be living up to the absentee status quite well.” 
He doesn’t expect the weight of her response to hit him so fiercely, knowing his own presence had been equally lacking as well. 
“I’m sorry.” It seems like the only adequate answer. 
“For what? It’s not your fault our parent’s decision to be unavailable the majority of our lives. I mean, I love them and I know they love us, but they sure have a weird way of showing it.”
“Yeah— well, I can’t say my track record has been any better over the years.” He wishes he could omit the guilt, but acknowledging and accepting his own absence seems like a more appropriate approach to mending the past. 
“Hey, no! I’m not trying to project any of my thoughts onto you.” Her movements halted, giving her full attention to the conversation. “You made an effort, regardless of your— your situation through the years, you still made time for us. We see them maybe twice if we’re lucky. Sometimes they surprise Wren with a FaceTime call, probably so she doesn’t forget what they look like.”
His fork scrapes through his runny eggs, taking his anger out on them seems like a better alternative to a seething phone call to his parents. He’s not sure they’d even answer if he did call. Communication between him and them was tenuous, having sent them a few emails while in rehab, their only response was “That’s great. We love you!”
“Plus, you’re here now. Look at it as a second chance to make up for lost time.” 
Before he’s able to give much thought to the prospect of a second chance, the trotting of tiny footsteps is heard coming from the hall. 
“Uncle Dude!!! You’re here, you’re here!” Wren’s tiny little body launched into his chest as he tried to squat down to her level. 
Uncle Dude. When Wren was younger, she had trouble with his name when her vocabulary started to expand, certain letter patterns fairing more difficult than others. Dieter joked around with the idea of her calling him ‘The Dude’, The Big Lebowski being one of his comfort films. Diem tried everything in her powers to make it not happen, but it only took an entire weekend of Dieter coaching the then 3 year old and Uncle Dude came to be. 
“Hey Birdie! Gosh, you’ve gotten so big!”
“I know, mama said I hafta eat all my vegetables ‘cause they will make me grow and grow and grow.” She wraps her little arms around his neck, squeezing him tight before pulling back and fully inspecting him. “You brought teddy jacket wiff you!!” Her little hands running through the brown sherpa fabric of his coat, which she claimed felt like a teddy bear— Teddy Jacket. 
“Brought it just for you.” He shoots a sarcastic smile over to Diem, who is doing her best to not make her eye rolling obvious, then plants a kiss to Wren’s tiny forehead.
“Okay Miss Wren, you’ve got to eat breakfast and get dressed for school.” Diem pulling out the mom voice, making both him and Wren exchange a brief scrunched expression. 
Wren climbs the legs of the barstool and settles into its seat. “But I wanna stay wiff Uncle Dude! He always gets me donuts for breakfast!” Her little voice floats through the air and wraps itself around his heart, clenching over how much he’s missed her. 
“Uncle Dude is actually taking you to school today, so you’ll have plenty of time before school to hang out. And we can do donuts a different time, eat your eggs then go get yourself dressed.” 
“Are you gonna be here when I get home too?!” Looking at Dieter with pleading eyes. 
“Heck yeah! I’ll be here for a while!” Dieter leans in close enough so only Wren can hear. “If you hurry up, we can get donuts before school, our secret!”
Diem looks over her shoulder at the two of them, an eyebrow cocked at Wren’s abrupt excitement, then looking at Dieter and only getting an innocent shoulder shrug from him. 
“I’m going to head out then if you’ve got this under control.” Dieter nods in agreement, finishing off the remainder of his coffee. “Perfect! I already left a message with the school you’d be dropping her off. No need to worry about picking her up, she has a wellness check with her doctor, so I’ll take her to that before we head home.” Diem scurrying around, grabbing items from different areas of the room and tossing into her oversized tote, before giving a kiss to Wren and quick hug to Dieter. “I’ll see you both later. Love you, bye!!” The door shutting quickly behind her. 
There’s a beat of silence as Wren and Dieter exchange looks, as if they know what each other is thinking. 
“DONUTS!!” Both announce in unison, high fives and uncoordinated movements as they both flail about. 
“Alright Birdie, let’s get dressed and go!”
“Let’s go!!”
As promised, donuts were a designated stop on the way to school. Wren’s excitement was written all over her face as she peered through the bakery case deliberating on her choice. Dieter missed this, moments spent with her as she explored the world around her. Thinking back to his conversation with Diem, this instance is proof second chances exist. 
“Thanks Uncle Dude for the donut!” He glances back at Wren in the rear view mirror, buckled securely into her booster seat, flakes of pink donut frosting smeared around her mouth, curls slightly bouncing as she bobs her head to the music she requested as Dieter buckled her in. 
“No problem Birdie. Here, why don’t you wipe your face— hide the evidence.” He hands her a napkin, hoping she can manage on her own— she seems to do a good enough job of it. 
“Donuts make me happy.” 
“They do, do they?”
“Yeah! They make me smile. Mama says being a movie star makes you happy.”
“She did?” 
“Yep! Does it?”
He thinks it does, or it used to at least. There was a time when the love he had for acting was limitless— he would eat, sleep and breathe acting. Getting sought after roles, memorizing pages worth of lines, stepping into character the instant the director said action. Acting filled a void in him that had been vacant for years. 
“It used to make me really happy.”
“But it doesn’t anymore?” 
“I don’t know, still trying to figure that out.”
“Mama says your heart knows when it’s happy, so just listen to your heart Uncle Dude!”
“I’ll do that, thanks Birdie.”
Most of your school mornings ran the same way. You tend to wake before your alarm ever has a chance to alert you, you’ve made such a habit of it you’re not sure why you bother setting one. You read somewhere about how cold showers at the start of the day help wake your mind, could be total bullshit but for some reason you believe it works— they’re the longest 2 minutes of your day. Being a private school teacher, the attire on school grounds tends to lean more conservative than your ‘normal life uniform’ of sundresses, distressed jeans and comfy band tees, but it makes for a quick selection of dark slacks and a comfortable top. 
The coffee machine has already run through its cycle by the time shoes are on and your school tote is securely placed on your shoulder. Grabbing your favorite coffee mug that reads “Let It Gogh”, a gift from a student last year, you fill it with an adequate amount of coffee and a splash of cream before you're out the door. 
The local bakery is your only stop before work, offering a good selection of breakfast sandwiches, bagels, and an enticing selection of donuts— you may or may not add one to your order of an egg and cheese sandwich some mornings. 
You tend to breeze through your class preparation before the bells ring for the start of school. 
The day's lesson plan already looked over, worksheets separated and ready for the students, and the whiteboard cleaned and daily tasks written out— you find it helps deter your students from having to ask “what are we doing today?” more than necessary. 
There’s usually a good 30 minutes of quiet before the first student arrives, and if there’s no need for you elsewhere on campus, you take the time to read your latest book you picked up from Bart’s Books and hope you can get through a good amount of it the short time you have. 
Like clockwork, your students trickle in with their ‘good mornings’ and vibrant stories about their world. 
Some parents opt for a quick ‘drop and go’, while others linger a bit in the back of the class until you’re ushering them out when the bell rings. You enjoy the parent interaction. It’s usually spent answering homework questions or sharing upcoming events happening in the class, with the occasional non-school related discussions when Diem swings by with Wren— you both getting caught up in some story that is not really relevant to anything school related. 
There’s a quick flash of a familiar little face, Wren placing her purple backpack on its assigned hook, then running back to where you’re standing at your desk. 
“My Uncle Dude brought me today!”
“Your Uncle Dude?” Diem hadn’t mentioned not being able to bring Wren this morning, and you’ve never heard of this “Dude” person before. 
“Yeah! He’s a movie star!!” Her little frame is buzzing with excitement, not able to stand still as she bounces on the balls of her feet. Before you’re able to question her further, she zips off towards her table, waving to someone over your shoulder. “Byyyyye Uncle Dude!!! See you later!!” 
You’d been so wrapped up in your brief conversation with Wren, you hadn’t noticed the man standing at the door to your classroom. 
He doesn’t seem to notice you staring as he leans against the door, watching Wren getting herself situated with her fellow classmates. 
Dieter Bravo. Or at least you think it is. No it definitely is.
The images of your first encounter with him flood your mind. You’re not really sure what you expected when Diem said he was clean and sober now, but you definitely didn’t expect to find him attractive on any level. 
He looks healthy and like he might actually sleep regularly, his eyes seemingly less sunken in from what you can see with his glasses perched perfectly on his face. His hair slightly shorter and still a little bit of a mess but purposefully, it seems to suit him though. 
Your eyes roam a bit further down, noticing he seemed to have traded his disheveled clothes for a more put together yet laid back style. A white t-shirt under a black blazer that seems far too formal for school drop off and a snug pair of dark wash jeans. 
You shouldn’t be ogling him like this, but your brain is having a hard time controlling itself. 
You must have zoned out pretty hard because you didn’t realize he was standing so close now, and attempting to get your attention. 
“Oh— H-hi! Sorry, I was lost in thought there for a second.” You can feel your face heating up, trying to get your thoughts together. 
“Hi, I’m Wren’s teacher—“
“I’m Dieter, Wren’s Uncle—“
You both attempt to introduce yourselves, speaking at the same time, hands knocking into each other awkwardly before properly situating for a shake. 
Heat begins to rise in your body, you’re completely flustered by his subdued energy and the way he’s looking at you with his soft brown eyes. 
“Sorry— you first, please.” 
“I’m Dieter, Wren’s Uncle. Diem asked if I could drop her off, said she already had it called into the front office.” 
“Yes— yes! Sorry, I must have not looked over my notes thoroughly this morning and missed that message.”
“I like your mug.” Pointing to your Van Gogh mug you forgot you were holding, he laughs as he reads the message on the front. 
As if you didn’t know what was already on it, you instinctively lift the mug to view it, like it was your first time seeing it. 
“T-thanks, a student gave it to me last year and it’s kind of become my favorite one to use for school, I’ll be sad if something ever happens to it.” You internally cringe at your tendency to over share, words just aimlessly falling from your mouth, trying to mask your nervousness. 
“Keep it safe then. Anyways— I’m an actor, as Wren so kindly informed you. I normally live down in LA when I’m not shooting movies, but I’m—I’m taking some time off, no movies or anything at the moment, going to spend a few months with my sister and Wren, help out however I can.” 
Ah! There it is, the “I’m an actor” spiel making the attraction you felt towards him flee instantly. While he may be a new cleaned up version of the Dieter Bravo you met a year ago, he’s still just a typical Hollywood actor who likes to talk about himself at any chance he can get. Having had your fair share of run-ins with actors before, they’re all the same as far as you’re concerned— his career holds zero significance to you in any way. 
Releasing a heavy sigh as you remember Diem’s plea to be on your best behavior, you school your annoyance at his mentioning of it.
But unbeknownst to you, he can sense your lack of interest in what he’s saying and decides his introduction is over. 
Thankfully, you’re literally and figuratively saved by the bell. 
“Well, I better let you get to your class then.”
“Yeah— I’m sure I’ll see you around Mr. Bravo. Have a great day.” 
You turn towards your desk hastily placing your mug down in exchange for a stack of worksheets, then making your way to the front of the class to get your lesson started. 
“1-2-3, eyes on me! Good morning everyone! Please get a pencil while I pass these papers out.” 
Dieter stands in the doorway, observing your interactions with your students, a stark contrast to the coldness you’d given him at the end of your conversation. 
The rest of the day flew by once it started, the short interaction with Dieter unfortunately flitted through your mind more than you'd have liked it to. But you didn’t let your aversion towards him have any effect on your day. 
After closing up your class and dropping off attendance sheets in the front office, you made your way home, looking forward to an evening of drinks and gossip. 
A quick change out of your school clothes into some jeans, T-shirt and flip-flops, you filled your canvas tote with a chilled bottle of white wine and the cheeses you’d told Diem you’d bring over. 
Being that it’s roughly a 5 minute walk from your house to Diem’s. The neighborhood is quiet most days, giving you a chance to really enjoy the ambiance of everyone’s front gardens and a few neighborly ‘Hello’s’ as you stroll down the sidewalk.
Nearing Diem’s house, noticing her car in the driveway, a sense of relief washes over you at the thought of Dieter being out and the chance of running into him would be slim. You were ready to unwind for the evening. 
Front door unlocked, you let yourself in— both of you exchanging keys early on in your friendship in the off chance there was an emergency or one of you showed up to a locked door. 
Hearing Diem rustling around in her pantry, not hearing your arrival, you decide to start unpacking your tote and announce your presence. 
“You have no idea how much I need this tonight Diem!”
Not hearing a response from her, you continue placing things on her counter and continue to spill to her. 
“Also! Would have been nice to have a heads up that your brother would be dropping Wren off— was not prepared for that. But what a difference a year makes, he looks good, definitely was attracted to him for a split second— sorry I know you don’t want to hear that, but honestly such a difference from my first interaction with him being when I was yelling at him for being strung out in your bathroom.”
Still no word from her as you open the bottle of wine and unwrap the cheeses in preparation for the evening. 
“You’d be so proud of me too! I was on my best behavior despite how much I was annoyed with listening to him talk about himself— Hey, did you happen to get those crackers with the figs and olives?? I grabbed that honey goat cheese that we like to eat with them.”
The silence carries on from the pantry. No more movement. No sign of Diem. 
“Diem? You okay? Hey, I’m sorry— I shouldn’t have mentioned your brother being attractive— and I honestly was really nice to him. I mean, at least I think I was.”
You can hear Diem finally making her way to join you in the kitchen. 
Only when you look up, prepared to give her a big welcoming smile, your face immediately fades into a look of surprise when you realize it’s not Diem at all— it’s her brother, Dieter. 
“Diem’s not home.”
“Oh fuck—”
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xetswan · 5 months
By Your Side- Prologue
(Joshua Washington X Reader)
(Until Dawn)
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[Prologue] [One] [Two]
“Hey sissy.” Jessica jumps on the end of my bed with a huge grin. I raise a brow, closing my laptop.
“What is it, Jess?” I let out a large sigh causing her to pout out her lip.
“Oh come on, I just wanted to hang out with my older sister.” She nudges my calf, scooting closer to me on the bed.
“Right, you haven’t called me sissy in years.” I call her out, to which my little sister scoffs. Shaking her head in disagreement to my statement.
Right now we’ve been home alone, our parents out for some business trip or so they say. They do this every month or two, telling us a business trip came up that they have to go to when in reality we all know it’s just a mini vacation they want to take without feeling guilty. Something they shouldn’t have to feel guilty for.
“Uh, yes I have. Just the other day. Maybe I just want to say it again.” Jessica argues with me and I let out a small chuckle.
“Okay, I’ll keep you to it, sissy.” I mock her, she tries to hide it but she breaks out into a smile as well.
“Okay, fine. I overheard Hannah saying we’re going to the lodge! Did Josh say anything to you about it?” She hops up on her knees, bouncing on my bed a little bit. “It was mentioned but I don’t think I’m going.” I let out a nervous laugh, I watched as her eyes bulged out of the sockets along with her mouth hung wide open.
“You have to go! Mom and dad won’t let me go unless you do.” She grips on my knee shaking me aggressively.
It’s not that I don’t want to go.
It sounds fun as heck but lately Josh has been acting a little more flirtatious with me and I’m not up for an awkward weekend of the group making fun of us. Ever since Thanksgiving he started becoming more flirty with me. I went to his family’s dinner and I don’t know.
I like him, of course I do. Who wouldn’t in my position I just don’t want our friendship to get messed up in the heat of things.
“I.. I don’t know Jessie. I have a lot of homework to catch up on.” I lie, I’m all caught up. I only have three classes so I also have time to work.
“[Name], please. I’ll clean your car whenever you want me to! And your dishes! For a month!” She pleads with me. I bite the tip of my thumb thinking about it. A weekend with friends might get out minds off of things. Josh might not bother me as much as I think he will. I close my eyes.
“Okay,” I breathe out, “okay, I’ll go but please try to make sure the pranks against me are at a minimum. And don’t worry about cleaning my things.” I slouch down a tad bit only to be brought back up by my sister who squeals and hugs me. “I can’t wait for the invitation to make things official!” She lets me go and excitedly leaves my room.
I hear her call Ashley which surprised me. I didn’t expect her to really become friends with Ashley. It’s better than Emily though.
I check my phone that pings a few times, Josh and Chris’s names pop up and I roll my eyes at what they’re saying.
“Partying it up on Mount Washington!!!!!!!!! What you guys think?” Josh using way too many exclamation points.
“I’m in, you know it!” Chris sends with multiple emojis and I snort out a laugh.
“[Name], how about you?” Josh puts a little winky face to which I roll my eyes, a smirk still laid upon my lips though.
“Hm, I don’t know.” I respond back, Chris sends a gasping face emoji in response to my message.
“You’re the life of the party you have to be there:(“ Chris says.
“Is it worth my time though?” I tease them, obviously I already told Jessica I was going. I’m not backing out of my word but it is fun to mess with my boys.
“Oh wowww, can’t believe Miss chugger won’t come to a party… with provided alcohol.” Josh says, my jaw slacks open in shock.
“Hey, Miss chugger is in the past, dead even and she’s not coming back.” I remind him. In high school we of course were bit of partiers.
I was the worst of the worst when it comes to drinking. I’d out drink everyone, chugging disgusting beers, taking shots of pure vodka like it was nothing. Just thinking about those days makes me want to vomit.
“I miss her:(“ Chris comments,
Josh puts the laughing emoji, “me too:(“ I roll my eyes once again.
“Shut up, I’m coming I already told Jessie I would. Miss chugger on the other hand you guys can forget it.” I turn my phone off after I hit send, getting back on my laptop to watching YouTube videos like I was before Jessica rudely came into my room.
“C’mon, sissy, everyone else is already waiting for us!” Jessica dramatically tugs me onto the cable car.
“You’re really sticking with Sissy now?” I scrunch my face, throwing my backpack onto my back since I just had to get my hat out, somehow I forgot how cold it actually was going to be up here. I was currently wearing a little puffer jacket, a pink slightly cropped sweater underneath with low rise jeans.
“Of course, I told you I might want to say it again and I do!” She folds her arms. I shake my head. “Okay, sorry.” I jokingly say.
As the cable car goes up I glance around. Taking in the beauty of it all.
I used to come up here with the Washington’s for the summer sometimes, this also isn’t my first winter up here. I love the Washington’s, they’ve always welcomed me. It was nice to have a place where I didn’t always have to take Jessica with me since she’s my younger sister our parents always expected me to have her tag along.
I love her and all but it’s cool to have my own time too.
“Look, I see them!” She points over to the group who were actually waiting for us. I glance over and they’re waving to us, so we do it back.
Jessica was practically on the edge of her seat excited to get off. As it gets to where we need to be we rush off and get greeted with hugs from our friends. Even if we’ve seen them just days or a few weeks ago.
“It’s nice to see you actually came!” Josh jokes with me, pulling me into a tight hug.
“Yeah, it was a tough decision.” I mess with him. Chris gives me a small side hug.
“Ready for the weekend Chugger?” He takes my hat off to which I slap him on the arm.
“Chugger doesn’t exist anymore. Give me that!” I jump up to grab from the blond.
“I think I’ll wear it.” He places it on his head. “Doesn’t this look nice on me, Josh?” Chris turns to our other friends as we all start walking. “Oh man, I’d totally take you to the bone zone if you were a girl.” Josh says and I let out a sort of loud laugh.
“The bone zone? God you are so corny.” I hold my stomach.
“Okay, okay, calm down. It wasn’t that funny.” Josh pats my back. Chris tries to hold back his laughter as well.
“Are we almost there yet, my feet are killer from the work out I did earlier.” Matt speaks up from behind us, we stop and turn.
“Just a little bit always, princess.” Beth replies to him. “Ha-ha, I’m serious. I might’ve did a little too much.” He mainly comments the last part to himself. I then hear Mike and Emily flirting with each other making me want to gag but then I also notice how Hannah was staring at them, well staring at Mike.
We began walking again and I slowed down a little bit.
“Hey, Han.” I nudge her arm. She snaps out of her thoughts looking at me.
“Hey [Name].” She gives a small smile. “You like him?” I whisper, her face suddenly then drops.
“Who told you? Did Josh read my journal or something?” She starts to panic but I shush her, calming her down.
“No, no, I saw the way you were looking at them. Either you like him or it’s Emily which is kind of doubtful considering I didn’t think you swung that way. It’s not a bad thing if you did.” I rambled on a little bit, causing her to snicker shaking her head.
“It’s him, I didn’t think I was that obvious.” She shyly rubs her hands together, most likely trying to give herself warmth.
“It’s probably not, I just enjoy observing people sometimes.” I assure her.
“Oh, okay. Well I’ve actually done some observing myself and it seems like you’re avoiding my brother.” She calls me out, my mouth instantly closing having nothing to say in response to that spot on observance she had.
“What? I haven’t- I’m not avoiding him.” I disagree, glancing up to see Josh, Chris and Matt messing with each other as Mike cheers for god knows what they’re doing. “Right, so you not coming over on the weekends to hang out with Josh after Thanksgiving is you not avoiding him?” She questions me.
“Exactly it’s not.” I try to stay confident with my answer, attempting to keep a straight face but once I look at her we both burst into laughter.
“Fine, fine! I am.” I sigh out, kicking the snow as we walk up the trail. “But why? You guys never have a problem.” She frowns.
“It’s a long story.” I bite my bottom lip thinking about all that’s happened.
“We have some time before we get to the house.” She says, shrugging her shoulders. I glance up ahead again, seeing as everyone was pre-occupied with each other.
“Josh and I sort of got flirty with each other. Your brother was super headstrong with it. I kind of did it back. We kissed a few times on Thanksgiving night and since that night I was scared it would ruin our friendship so I cut back. I gave excuses to not come over.” I let out in a low voice so only she could hear. Hannah smiles at me sweetly.
“I know I’m a jerk for it but it’s just my anxiety taking over I guess.” I stare at the ground.
“You’re not a jerk. That also wasn’t a long story.” She comments, both of us laughing once again. “Just talk with Josh. You never know what could happen.” Hannah nudges me, I do it back to her. Both of us smiling. “Okay, I will.” I stand up straighter.
Once we get to the lodge, Josh opens the door dramatically.
“Finally, warmth!” Sam opens her arms, spinning around as she walks further inside. I watch Beth turn the lights on with a smirk watching Sam. “Very exciting.” I agree, tugging my jacket off, holding it in my arm.
“Party time!” Mike announces earning the rest of us to cheer. Josh, Chris, Ashley and I go get our rooms, well Josh is showing us to ours, I’m the last one too. He turns a familiar corner and I start to fold my arms.
“This is your room, Josh.” I point out. “Nice observation.” He smirks, taking my jacket and back from my hands he places them down with his on a chair that’s up against the wall. I shake my head, chuckling.
“Where’s my actual room that I usually sleep in?” I lean against the doorway.
“Oh c’mon, babe. Just this weekend.” He comes up to me, taking one of my hands. “Just this weekend, what?” I raise a brow, confused but also intrigued. He leads me into the room, sitting me down before going back to close the door.
“I mean we both know how we feel about each other. It’s pretty obvious.” He concludes, not exactly looking me in the eyes. “And how do we feel about each other, Joshua?” I stare up at him. His eyes finally meet mine, and it looks like he melted just from our eye contact.
“Y’know…” He mutters, coming closer. “I don’t.” I tease him, standing up to push him down on the bed so I’m in between his legs this time. His hands find my hips, aggressively he squeezes them, lowly groaning.
“[Name], please, you don’t understand what you do to me.” He pulls me closer to him, my chest practically in his face. I feel my face warm up, I wasn’t expecting this. My hand drags up his torso to his face, cradling it as I force him to look up at me.
“Let’s try this out.” I whisper. His eyes lighten up, I feel his grip tighten even more.
“What- what do you mean?” He adjusts himself on the bed, I still stare at his face. “Let’s try out the relationship thing,” I begin and a smile erupts on his face.
“But, if this doesn’t work out, we don’t let our friendship get awkward.” I practically am begging with my facial expression. “It will work out.” He pushes me back a little bit so he can stand up. He kisses me gently, first on the lips then trailing down to my jawline.
“We should get going back down before anyone gets suspicious.” I hum out, feeling his lips begin to touch my neck. I try to push on his chest but he’s gripping my sides so tightly like I’ll run away.
“Let them.” He takes a small break only to work on my neck again. “Josh.” I gasp. He snickers, finally stopping. His eyes trail all over my face then to my neck.
“You might want to cover that up.” He taps the spot he was attacking before grabbing his phone from the bed and walking out. My face scrunches up, confused at first but then I rush over to the mirror, I let out a loud gasp.
“Joshua!!” I hold my neck and I hear him let out a laugh. I sigh, going over to the chair with our stuff and dig in it, finding a stupid thin scarf I brought and neatly wrap it to hide the hickey he gave me.
I finally start heading downstairs, joining the rest of the group who were planning out what we’re doing for the weekend.
Later that night Josh and Chris decided to do a drinking game, I sat next to Josh as Chris sat across from us.
Beth and Sam were watching everything go down. “Come on Chugger, you gotta join us.” Chris practically whines, my eyes roll in response. “I told you she’s dead. Now knock it off.” I wave my hand in a swift movement.
“I liked Chugger, she was sexy.” Josh whispered the last part into my ear. I shove him away from me as my face warmed up.
“What was that? Care to share with the class?” Sam speaks up and I felt my eyes widen.
“Chugger, she was a sexy woman back in the day.” Josh announces and my body shrivels down in embarrassment. “She was a careless teenager.” I disagree. “Same thing.” Chris shrugs his shoulders, picking up a beer and beginning to take the first sip.
I watched as the two get shitfaced with Beth and Sam, us three talking about school work or just things going on in our lives.
Sam decides to join the others and I think Hannah went to go write or something, Beth and I are now taking pictures on our phones acting stupid.
Josh and Chris are passed out now.
“I’m glad you decided to come.” Beth smiles at me and I nod, putting my phone down.
“Me too, even if your brother is annoying. I’m still having fun.” I joke, of course forgetting why I have my scarf on I take it off due to me getting hot and my neck starting to sweat.
“He loves you.” Beth mumbles looking over at her drunken brother, laughing. “I don’t know about love but yeah.” I glance over at him, his face smushed on his arm with his mouth wide open.
“Oh my god.” The girl suddenly whispers and I snap my head over to her. “What? What is it?” I look down at myself to see if she accidentally dropped something on me.
“Is that a hickey?” She flicks the spot on my neck, I hiss, slapping her hand away.
“Is that from Josh?” She breaks out into a small laughing fit.
“What- no, it’s- maybe.” I couldn’t find a good excuse okay? Kill me. “That’s hilarious, Matt owes me fifty bucks.” She throws her head back.
“You bet on our love life?” I crossed my arms. “Everyone practically did. Even Chris.” She gets up to start cleaning after Josh and Chris.
I just sit there, in shock from what she just told me.
Beth leaves the room and I go back to sitting beside Josh, laying my head down on his shoulder. He moves around a little bit. “Hm?” He hums and I shush him.
“Sorry, just wanted to be by you.” I whisper. He grumbles a little bit but harshly leans up to put his arm around me, laying his head back down on his other arm. I smile to myself, laying down on my arm, cuddling up next to him. Our legs now sort of entangled together. I didn’t drink or anything but the tiredness of traveling finally hit me.
I don’t even know how much time has passed but that was until I heard the ending of a conversation.
“Just because he’s class Prez doesn’t mean he belongs to everyone… Mike is my man.” I hear Emily say as they leave the kitchen.
“Hey, Em. I’m not anybody’s man.”
“Whatever you say, Darling!” She sings. I lift my head up for a second but then shrug, going back to sleep, I hear someone walk in but I just ignore it.
Thinking I was going to get to fall asleep for longer I instead get Beth walking in to continue cleaning up, I still let Josh hold onto me but I sit my head up to watch her.
“Hey did you see that? Dad said it’d just be us this weekend.” She turns to us but sees the two boys still passed out.
“He’s been passed out, love. I don’t think you’ll be waking him up anytime soon.” I give her a sad face.
“But what did you see?” I ask. “I thought I saw someone outside. I swear I did.” She frowns, glancing at the window again but she heads over to the counter.
She picks up a bottle that’s in front of us and empty by the way. It’s an older scotch, Jeremiah Cragg.
“Jeez, Josh… Once again brother you outdone us all. She pats the arm that he has around me and I tiredly laugh. I then watch her spin a paper around, picking it up to read it.
“Oh my god. What did our naive sister get herself into now?” Beth turns to us and I raise a brow. “What?” I ask. “Here.” She hands me the paper and I read it. I close my eyes letting out a long breath.
“I think they found out about Hannah’s feelings. This has to be a prank.” I gently pull Josh’s arm off of me and I stand up, placing the paper down and they we look outside to see Hannah crying, running past the window.
“Oh my god.” I gasp.
“Wake Josh I’ll go to the others, I hope that wasn’t Hannah.” She runs outside, I nod. Going over to the passed out drunk. I overhear the others yelling outside for Hannah and then hear Beth run after her sister.
“Josh, Joshua, hun.” I push his body. His snore becomes a little louder and I bite my bottom lip. “Babe, c’mon wake up, Beth and Hannah ran outside.” I say a little loud, shaking him more aggressively.
“What?” He becomes more awake.
“They what?” He lifts his head up.
“The others played a prank on Hannah, I’m guessing it was bad because she ran outside and Beth followed from what I heard.” I tell him, now he’s more alert and he drunkenly stood up. He stumbles a bit so I run over and get him a water.
“Here, drink and let’s go.” I tell him. Suddenly when we saw the group he sobers up.
“What the hell did you guys do!?” Josh angrily shouts, he was holding my hand for support.
“It was just a prank, Josh, we didn’t mean for it to upset her like that.” Emily steps forward and I glare at her. Then at Mike, then to Jessica.
“Especially you, Jessica.” I point a finger at her, her head goes down.
“I can’t believe you guys would do something so stupid like that.” I shake my head, disappointed.
“I tried to warn her, I was too late.” Sam tells me and I smile weakly. “Let’s just hope they come back soon.” I frown.
Soon never came though.
After thirty minutes Josh began to panic and I woke Chris up. Catching him up with everything as we decided to go look for the two sisters.
I called the police and mountain patrol but we never found them.
For months we did search parties, I stayed by Josh’s side, knowing it’s a tough time for him. I barely passed two semesters as I was always with him trying to help.
I didn’t mind it though. I wanted to make sure he was okay. I knew he wasn’t. His parents were rough on him, telling him it was his fault since he was drunk.
It wasn’t his fault. It was our stupid friends fault for playing that dirty prank on Hannah the way they did.
It’s about a year now and no one has even seen a sign of them…
It’s horrible.
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socialfakes · 2 months
crossing enemy lines -connor bedard-
part 2: while in colorado
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
series masterlist
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Liked by _quinnhughes, calemakar_, jackhughes and 221,583 others
y/nhughes | spending some much needed time at emerald lake ❤
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_quinnhughes hope you're having fun on your vacation 😊 | y/nhughes i am 😊 thanks for the gift. ily ❤
user13 are you in bc or colorado?? | y/nhughes colorado & i love it here 😊
calemakar_ what do you think? | y/nhughes it's so beautiful 😍 thank you for tagging along 😊 | calemakar_ my pleasure
user14 she's at emerald lake with cale? | user12 never knew they were friends but i love it | user14 friends or dating? | user12 who knows
mackinnon29 it's the most beautiful part of colorado, isn't it?
user15 this is such a beautiful view. i'm jealous
user16 quinn is the best brother 😭 | y/nhughes indeed he is 😊
user17 knowing that she's there with cale just unlocked a ship i didn't know i needed 😊❤ | user12 hottest new couple? 🤔 | user16 oh for sure 🔥
jamie.drysdale this is my new favorite picture 😍 | y/nhughes 🥰
user18 the fact that cale and y/n are both single, hot af, and hanging out together is absolutely perfect. need this to be real please | y/nhughes 😏
jackhughes i miss you 😔 | y/nhughes i'll be back soon
_connorbedard lovely view ❤
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Liked by calemakar_, _connorbedard, mackinnon29 and 228,917 others
y/nhughes | while i'm here, might as well visit my best friend for a few days ❤😊 i missed him so much honestly 😔 (and yes, he does put maple syrup in his stanley cup) tagged: calemakar_
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calemakar_ i love you so much ❤ | y/nhughes ditto!! 💕
user18 does anybody else believe y/n is extremely lucky? i mean she's got the 3 hottest brothers in the world and her best friend is extremely hot, maybe even hotter. not to mention that she's hot too. like, hand some luck to us too, love ❤
user12 i really didn't know that i needed this friendship to survive but holy cow. 2 beautiful people being friends? i love that shit
bboeser strange strange boy he is | y/nhughes you say boy like he's so much younger than you 😂 | bboeser well he is younger | y/nhughes less than 2 years
nicohischier genuinely great dude
jackhughes love this couple | y/nhughes not a couple 🙄 | mackinnon29 explain the cuddling then 👀 | y/nhughes i hate you
mackinnon29 it was nice to see you in the arena cheering for us 😊 | y/nhughes i was cheering for cale ❤
user17 need you guys to be together. please tell me it's real
lhughes_06 come visit me next time 😭😲 you live closer to me than cale | y/nhughes next time, i promise ❤ | _quinnhughes you promised i was next 🥺 | y/nhughes sorry quinn. you are next ❤ sorry luke (& jack) | jackhughes ❤
elblue6 hope you're having fun, sweetie | y/nhughes always am with cale 😊 | elblue6 just don't be giving me grandbabies yet 😂😉 | y/nhughes mom!! 🙈😅 | _quinnhughes mom, no 😂
trevorzegras the dog is cute
jamie.drysdale cute dog
user11 he's so cute
user8 cale is the best defenseman in the league | _quinnhughes you spelled quinn wrong | user8 i said what i said | y/nhughes i prefer centers over defensemen 🤷🏻‍♀️ but i do agree with you | user12 so you live in chicago and prefer centers? interesting 🤔
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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WIBTA for getting my dad a 50th birthday gift and not my mom? 🐍🐍
my (20nb) dad (49m) is turning 50 in a few weeks. him and my mom (49f) are separated and she is not happy about it. my mother and i don't exactly have the best relationship either (she's not abusive; just a bit toxic and we dont get along).
my mom is also a disney mom and she insists on going to disney during the end of february. i told her i didnt want to go (we are upper middle class and go every few years, and tbh i am tired of disney and would rather go somewhere else if we go on vacation) so she intentionally planned it to be during the time i have mid-winter break so i would HAVE to go. she also invited my younger brother and sister (ages irrelevant, neither adults).
this happens to fall on my dad's 50th birthday.
my dad has been pretty hyped for this birthday for awhile, and is really upset that we're going to be gone that day. mom told him shed pay for his flight down to florida, but he doesn't want to miss any days at work. she also invited her brother, who is someone that my dad dislikes, and my sister's best friend, who is a stranger to my dad and also (imo) not a very nice person.
what i guarantee my dad WANTS is a quiet day/dinner with his family (instead of my mom's) and his friends. going down to disney is stressful for him and isn't something he enjoys, even when him and mom were married. i think my dad should have a day he ENJOYS rather than being forced to do something he dislikes.
what i'm thinking about is getting my dad a birthday present (specifically, going out to eat and paying for it since its one of our favorite things to do) and not getting my mom one (or getting her smth cheap), since she is forcing me on this trip and to miss my dad's 50th birthday. i know that it's petty, but i know that she's aware of what date my dad's birthday falls on and she knew i dont want to go. essentially, the vacation in disney with me is her birthday present.
she could have done this trip any time she wanted without me, and i wouldve been fine. but she chose to do it on the one week i cant say no, and shes already booked everything so i cant back out, so thats not an option. would i be justified, or is my judgement being clouded since my mom and i dont get along?
What are these acronyms?
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lecl3rcw · 9 months
𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊 | Prologue
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Authors note: Hi guys! This is a mini series and my first one at that so I’m a lil scared😀 but I really hope you like this story because I’ve been planning it out for a while now😭 but yes this story will contain angst, and like a lot of fluff:) but yeah I hope everyone will like it💕
This is a prologue!!! A lil chapter on the sister’s dynamic and the exposition!!
The Parisian sky roared as gentle raindrops started to fall against her apartment window. The girl was in her painting studio, where she spends most of her time anyways. Her headphones blasting her favorite song as her shaky hand outlined the last of her painting. As she was about to finish, the ringing of the bell startled her, she groaned as she took her headphones off and went to open the door. When she did tho, she was met with her two older sisters, one carrying the bags of groceries and the other carrying a toddler.
“Oh sorry guys, how long were you out here” she says feeling a little bad. “Don’t worry Y/N, not for long” Her oldest sister Adriana says placing the toddler on the ground as she gives her sister a soft smile, to which she reciprocates.
“What were you doing anyway?” Her middle sister, Julianna asks, “I was just finishing up the last of my painting before my flight tomorrow” she says as she bends down to the toddler’s level, squeezing her in a tight hug as her heart warms at the giggle her niece lets out.
“How are you feeling? I mean leaving so abruptly” Adriana asks putting last of the groceries away, “I feel good, I just need a change of scenery, I don’t think I can live here after everything that has happened” Y/N replies, standing up and going back into her studio. An uncomfortable silence fell upon the two older siblings.
“Julie, I’m really worried about her, she’s not processing anything correctly, she’s refusing to go the therapist, and now she’s moving to a whole new country, where she knows no one, I really don’t think we should let her go” Adriana mumbles anxiously.
“Ada listen, I don’t want her to go either but she’s not a baby anymore, she’s 19 and she’s very responsible, and it’s not like she’s going on vacation, she’s going to study and holding her back from her passion isn’t helping, plus i can go visit her when the Spanish grandprix happens, we have to trust her, she wants to move on with the whole situation with mom and we have to respect that” Julie says rubbing her sister’s shoulder.
The three girls had lost their father at a pretty young age, however the loss of their mother was still very recent. Almost like the ghost of her still haunts them three, everything about her, they miss it all. They stood there silently, uneasy and clenching their heavy hearts.
Once Y/N finished her painting, a genuine smile came across her face. Painting was a passion that she picked up from her mother, that’s how Y/N wanted to keep her memory alive.
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liked by julie_hirose, adriann.a, alexandrasaintmleux and 48,000 others
y/n.hirose a recent painting dump 🫶🏻
julie_hirose Si talentueux💕 (so talented)
^y/n.hirose 😚💕
elainejohansen ugh my best friend is too perfect😔
^y/n.hirose I miss you Lainey🥲💕
alexandrasaintmleux je l'aime tellement😍 (i love it so much)
^y/n.hirose merci mon amour😘 (Thankyou my love)
julieslefttoe her hiatus has ended y’all🤭
charlessssluvrrrr her and Alexandra interacting is genuinely my favorite thing ever🥰
y/nhiroseswardrobe Y/N please post more pics with your incredible outfits🥹
adrianstoofine she’s such a W
Scrolling through her Instagram comments made her feel a litttle happy, with Julianna being so famous, it wasn’t odd to see all her fans being so nice to her. Her peace got interrupted by Julie calling her name.
“You called my name?” Y/N says stepping out of the room, “Well, since you’re leaving, we’d thought that maybe we could make something together and just watch a movie” Adriana speaks, a smile adorning her face, “Princess and the Pauper!!” Adriana’s toddler, Suzette speaks up excitedly clapping her hands, “Well if Suzu wants to watch Barbie, then Barbie it is” Julianna says lifting the little girl up causing her to let out a squeal.
adriann.a posted a story
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seen by charles_leclerc, y.n.hirose, julie_hirose , and 70,000 others
The rest of the night was spent well, jokes were traded, all the food Y/N had made was conquered. Adriana had gone to sleep as Suzu had started to get cranky, leaving just Julie and Y/N. As the two girls were tyding up, Julie said what had been on her mind.
“Y/N listen, I just wanted to say that I’m so proud of the person that you have become you’re so grown and independent and I could never be more proud to call you my younger sister. I just want to say that no matter where you are in the world, me or Adriana? I’m only one call away and don’t be afraid because this is a big step in your life and we’re here to support you through it no matter how much it hurts us and I know that it’s gonna be hard but mom would’ve been so proud of you. We all are.” Julie says cleaning the kitchen counter.
“Julie!? Did my food poisoning you? because why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden” Y/N says dramatically checking Julie’s temperatire warning her a shove. “ this is the last time I’m being supportive of you that one time I decide to be nice and you take advantage of that, so is the last time so live in the moment” she says rolling her eyes, “Thankyou Julie, I love you” Y/N says hugging the taller girl tightly, “I love you too sis, now you have a flight at the crack of dawn tomorrow, so don’t worry about cleaning I got it, just go get some sleep alright?” Julie says pushing Y/N into her room, “Goodnight Julie” she mutters, earning her response.
Once she was done with her skincare, she slipped on her silk pajama as she laid in bed overthinking her decision, is this the right decision, am I doing the right thing, what is this is a mistake?
She groans into her pillow as sleep overtakes her body, with many things she wasn’t sure about, there was one thing she was sure about and that was “Madrid, here I come” she says before sleep finally overtakes her body.
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dayedreamm · 1 year
I forgive you
aged up!Miles Morales x Black!plussize!reader
Warning: some cussing, Minor NSFW, a little self-hate
summary: you get a little jealous that Miles has been spending all of his time with Gwen and you start to doubt his love for you. (they are both 17)
Middle of October Friday 8:30
It was a bit late almost halfway into your date, and Miles was nowhere to be found, It has been the 3rd time he had done this.
so now you sit down at the table alone with a sad-faced waiter walking toward your direction. "hi miss I apologize dearly but my manager says since it has been over 30 minutes if you don't order anything you will have to leave" she says with a sorrow look on her face. "I understand, I will be leaving now I'm sorry, and thank you," I said understanding their policy. I got up and left dry and wet tears staining my face as I walked out the exit, Miles was supposed to be my ride but he was not there. my mom and dad had gone on a vacation for their anniversary so there was someone I could call but I was really dreading it. but in the end, you call the one person that you know was going to make fun of you for this. Your little sister. "Imani can you pick me up please," you say desperate for a ride at this point. "Why do you need a ride Don't you have some type of date tonight," she says smugly. I could tell she has some type of smirk on her face. "listen I'm not in the mood now can you please give me a ride it's raining and I'm wet and cold" I said now getting irritated, basically shivering in my shoes. "fine since I'm a nice sister ill come get you....where was the restaurant again?" she asks. you tell her the address and she says she is on her way
1 hour later...
"-and girl that is such a bummer I couldn't imagine being stood up like that, why are you even going to his house?" she bumbards you with all these questions. although she has a point, truth was you had thought it could be a good idea to be closer to miles, and since your guy's parents are great friends it seemed fine for the time being."if you want you can stay with me and my man" she says in a teasing tone. even though she was younger than you she somehow ended up with a rich boyfriend and moved out of your guy's parent's house to live with him.. long story short they have their own apartment. "as nice as that sounds I think it would be better if I stayed here like I said I would" you figured confronting miles was better then listening to those two have sex all night. you guys pulled to his house and you exited the car and rang the doorbell to his house. his parents had opened the door with shocked looks on their faces, especially the mom she couldn't believe what you had to go through tonight.
About 30 minutes later
you had gotten out of the shower and threw on one of Miles's t-shirts basically swallowing you whole. you sit crisscrossed on his bed just scrolling on your socials...when you come across a video. it was him.. miles.. your miles at a party.. on the rooftop? (let's just pretend somehow you didn't hear it... let's just say you were too sad to hear) you look at the video more closely and you see his arm around some short-haired blonde girl. " a blonde girl really miles" you whispered to yourself as you try not to tear up. you start to look at yourself in the mirror did he not like your curls, the extra thickness of your thighs, the stress marks that would decorate your hips, waist, and breast. you started to pick and nip at your body to possibly figure out the answer cause that blonde girl looked the complete opposite of you. She was skinny, had a different hair texture, probably more extroverted than you. but since his party was more important than his dates with his own girlfriend that he kept blowing it off for some reason. and let's just say you slept it off you a few tears
Miles POV
miles was enjoying himself on the rooftop completely unaware of the mess he put you in, in his bedroom. "yo Miles" his friend called "yea wassup" he hollered back "How was the date with your girl" he said That's when it hit him he forgot all about your guys date....again.. "SHIT..I forgot about it..." Miles started to sprint down the stairs from  the rooftop to his front door and entered in a rush. "MOM can you take me to the restaurant where I had my date," he says in a panic "Too late" she says with a nonchalant attitude, Miles looks confused but she continues to say "She came here already with tears running down her face, but you should know she looked beautiful tonight just for you to leave her high and dry." just as miles was about to look for you his mother talks once again "she also was mumbling something about a blonde girl, miles all I'm going to say is not only am I mad at you I'm also disappointed cause this girl loves you more than anything and you're treating her as if she doesn't exist sometimes Ahora, millas, no tengo idea de lo que vas a hacer, pero será mejor que hagas algo bueno para compensar esto." she says with a sigh before she goes into her bedroom for the night. Miles also takes a large sigh before he mentally punches himself. he walks into his room quietly and is met with your beautiful sleeping figure your face was stained with dry tears and he couldn't feel any more terrible not only was he a bad guest but also a bad boyfriend. "Mi amor, can you please talk to me, I just want to explain myself." he says trying to wake you up "Princesa, por favor, despierte solo para hablar un poco y luego puede reanudar su sueño." he tries once more as he kisses your shoulder and rubs your hips, and soon you start to shake awake. "how was the party miles" you say in a kind of raspy voice but annoyed voice. he lays his body next to yours resting his arm around your waist and gently massaging your thighs  (your pov) "Baby I'm so sorry, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I am really sorry" he tries his best to apologize "Is it cause shes skinnier" you said abruptly, miles doesn't even know what you're talking about in fact he seems confused by your question. "the girl miles you were hugging her while someone took a photo and it was posted" you say tiredly. Were you talking about Gwen? he thinks to himself. " Baby are you talking about Gwen?" he says curiously. you roll your eyes now turning to face him. "i dont know her name i just know apaently she is better than me since she was more important than our date" you say fustrated with the boy in front of you. he looks into your eyes and makes an attempt to kiss your forehead, but you only back away from him still hurt by his actions. " mi amor I am really sorry for what I did, i stupidly forgot our date and-" he says before you interrupt him "miles... how the fuck do you forget a date 3 times" you say refusing to even look at him. he tries to speak but you dont even give him a chance "look its whatever ill just sleep on the couch" you began to get up before he grabs under your thigh so now your straddling his lap "no no your not sleeping on the couch let me explain please" he says in a pleading voice "explain this time or the last 3 times "look just let me explain everything" "fine ok" you say giving him a chance "ok for one I know I have been a terrible boyfriend i mean no words can describe how much i owe you i will make sure i make it up to you.... finals have just been kicking my ass this term and i cant seem to remeber anything i mean i almost forgot my dads own party a few days ago...and there is really no excuse... and for the girl you say she really is nobody she is just someone who helped me with my classes and i happened to see her up there" he says confessing everything "por favor perdóname mi princesa" he says. you couldn't lie to yourself you would always fold when he talked Spanish to you. you leaned down to kiss him on the lips giggling at his blushed expression "hmmm i want to get my nails and toes done and i want a movie night with you here ok" you say demanding your wish "todo lo que digas mami" he say accepting it "ok your forgiven my love" "Genial, ahora trae tu culo sexy aquí." he says as he pulls you by your shirt into a kiss, he nibbles against your bottom lip until you make room for his tongue. He spins you both around unit he's on top and starts to kiss down your neck making hickies "M-miles wait don't make them so noticeable" you say in a breathly moan. "mhm" he says. once hes done with the artwork on your neck, chest, and collarbone, he rises back up and kisses you deeply, his hands under your shirt and you arms around your neck as you lay in each others embrace 
hey guys just for everything to fit i had to post on legacy editor hope it doesn't necessarily change anything but yeah
daydream outtie💖
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Jaune: Shit…
Jeanne: Hey, don’t be upset, three out of five isn’t bad.
Jaune: Zero out of five! I may have hit the target, but none of them are on target!!
Jaune gestured to the target board where three of the throwing knives were in the target, but none of them were in the target’s circle.
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: Well you did hit the target!
Jaune: That’s not good enough!
Jeanne: Hey, no need to shout. You’ll get the hang of this. It will just take time.
Jaune: It’s not the fact I’m missing the target that’s making me upset! It’s you, and your damn smug aura you have around you.
Jeanne: What? What are you talking about, I’m not being smug about anything.
Jaune: Jeanne, you’re finally teaching me how to be good at something I suck at that. Of course you’re going to be a smug little shit about it, and hang that over me.
Jeanne: What! No I wouldn’t!
Jaune: Jeanne, you’re an, Arc. We are surprisingly vindictive, smug little bastards when we want to. You are no exception to this rule. Why do you think my nickname is, ‘The Vindictive One.’
Jeanne: I thought it was, ‘Big J?’
Jaune: …
Jaune: Shut up.
Jeanne: Hehehehe~!
Acheius: Jaune! Jeanne! You out here?
JJ: …
Jaune: Seems like, Papa, and Mama are back.
Jeanne: Evidently so. They’ve not even been gone for a week; I thought they might have a mini vacation while they were gone.
Jaune: Evidently not.
Juniper: Jeanne, Jaune? Where are you?
Jeanne: We’re over here mom! Do you need something?
Juniper: We want to introduce you to someone!
Jaune: You don’t think she means…?
Jeanne: It’s highly plausible.
Through a clearing of the bushes that surrounded their little training field emerged four people. Their parents, Juniper, and Acheius Arc, and Willow Schnee, and her lovely daughter, Winter Schnee.
Jaune: Well I’ll be damned…
Jeanne: She really is our sister then, isn’t she?
Acheius: Was there any doubt she wasn’t?
JJ: Yes.
Acheius: …
Acheius: That’s fair… Anyway, may I introduce you to her mother, Willow Schnee.
Willow: Hello, I am, Willow Schnee, and this my daughter, Winter Schnee. And, I mus say, you two look like the spitting image of your parents~!
Jaune: I’m not so sure about me, but, Jeanne certainly takes after our mother.
Jeanne: Where else do you think I got my glorious looks from~!
Jaune: Actually I referring to the fact you’re both perverted degenerates.
Jeanne: Hey!
Juniper: True.
Jeanne: Mom?!
Jaune: Try to ignore them, and their insanity. Hopefully you’ll be able to tune them out.
Winter: I will try.
Jaune: So, she’s actually our sister; Are you going to start calling yourself, Winter Arc Schnee, or Winter Schnee Arc?
Jeanne: Go with, Winter Arc Schnee! It sounds better.
Winter: I… I haven’t given thought to such a thing. I’m only here at the request of mother, and Mr. Arc to meet the family. I have no plan to integrate myself further into this family.
Jaune: Yeah, that’s not going to happen.
Winter: Excuse me?
Jeanne: She’ll be smothered in so much family love, and affection she have a mid life crisis.
Winter: I’ll what?
Jaune: More of emotional break down from being smother with genuine love, and affection.
Jeanne: Meh. Same difference.
Winter: Okay…?
Jaune: So I take it you met your other sisters before us?
Winter: Yes, I certainly have; they were quite…
Jaune: Odd, weird, creep…?
Jeanne: Unhinged, crazy, deranged…?
Jaune: A bunch of perverts?
Jeanne: Hey!
Winter: Yes… My new half-sisters are quite… peculiar.
Jaune: Well, if you’re anything like me, Winter you’ll eventually be able to tolerate them. Just barely tolerate them that is…
Winter: I see…
Jeanne: So, Winter, you up for a spare?
Winter: Excuse me?
Jeanne: We’re a couple of young hunters-in-training, and we could use a new sparing partner to really refine our skills. And, you look a bit wound up meeting your new brother, and sisters. So, how about a little spare to release all that tension you’ve got building up in you?
Winter: I’m not so…
Acheius: Ahh go ahead, Winter. It’ll be a good bounding moment for the three of you. Plus, the two could do with having someone else to spar with.
Jaune: That, and dad is tired of mom beating him up because he took it too far.
Acheius: Hey! I only did that once.
Jeanne: Are we talking about that one time you launched me into a tree?
Jaune: Or, that one time you broke my nose?
Jeanne: Perhaps is was that one time you skipped me like a stone into a lake?
Jaune: Or, the time you lunched me through the wall of the house?
Jeanne: Or, the…!
Acheius: Enough! I think she gets it!
Willow: Did he really do that to you?
Juniper: Yes, yes he did.
Willow: Oh… Oh my.
Jaune: Don’t worry! We’re, Arc’s!
Jeanne: We’ve got aura like a tank! We’ve never been badly hurt in a spare!
Jaune: Except for that time he broke my nose because he didn’t unlock my aura before we fought.
Jeanne: Yeah, except for that time… So, would you like to have a small bout, Winter?
Winter: …
Winter: Very well, it would be nice to let out some steam.
Jeanne: Alright, lets do this!
Willow: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Acheius: Relax, it will be a good training exercise for the two of them.
Jaune: And, a great bounding moment.
Acheius: And, an excellent bounding moment for the two of them, yes!
Willow: Should I be worried?
Juniper: No, Jeanne will be fine.
Willow: But, what about, Winter?
Juniper: …
Juniper: Jeanne! No semblance!
Jeanne: What?! Why not?
Juniper: Because you’ve been using it too much. And, its highly volatile!
Jeanne: Man… I never get to have any fun…
Jaune: Okay! Challenger’s! I shall be the referee for this fight. So, when I say stop you stop, understood?
Winter: Understood!
Jeanne: Okay fine…
Jaune: Understood?!
Jeanne: Understood, sir!
Jaune: Good. Now, you will fight until your aura enters the red. Understood?
JW: Understood!
Jaune: Sync your aura meters with me.
Jeanne: Sync!
Jaune: Synced.
Winter: …
Winter: Sync.
Jaune: Synced. Contestants take your places!
Jeanne, and Winter stood roughly twenty feet apart, each reading their combat stances. Each drawing their respective weapons.
Winter drew her sabre a practice flourish of motion; spinning the blade before here, before slashing it to the ground behind her, before narrowing her profile to point the blade at her opponent.
Jeanne stood before her opponent without her heavy armour, he recent growth spurts into adulthood rending her armour to cumbersome, and tight to wear effectively anymore. So, she just strode out with just her shield, and sword.
Her shield was a simple kite shield, but unlike her brothers, Jeanne’s shield was a single piece. It was layered with an intercept floral weave engraved upon the polished white metal, and golden details. Deep blue gems where imbedded upon the shield.
Just like her brothers blade, so too did her shield also double for a sheath for her blade, she drew two feet of solid steel, and as she flicked it out, the remaining length of the blade shot out, revealing a four foot long longsword.
She levelled her shield in front of her, and adopted a defensive stance, and levelled her blade towards her opponent.
Jaune stared at the two for a moment before raising his hand, and shouting.
Jaune: …
Jaune: BEGIN!
A glyph appeared under, Winter’s feet that sent her flying towards, Jeanne closing the gap between them in seconds. Winter expected her to be shocked at this sudden burst of speed, but she merely moved her shield to the side, and blocked her attack.
Winter’s sabre sang out as it impacted, Jeanne’s sheild. It sounds like if as one had tapped the side of their wine glass to gain everyone’s attention. So soothing, and beautiful that she almost forgot, Jeanne’s that was coming straight for her.
For such a small girl of fourteen years of age she could hit like a jackhammer when she wanted to. A quick thrust with her longsword, and quick flicks of her wrist lead to, Winter being kept on the back foot for a time. She thought she was dealing with just your average apprentice Hunter. But, the cool, and calm steely gaze that she held within her eyes was something she had seen in only the most experienced of, Hunters.
Winter thought, Jeanne would see this fight as a simple training bout, a young hunter trying to hone their craft, or an excited girl trying to show off to her dear older sister, something she had seen in the eyes of her sister, Weiss dozens of times before. But, these eyes, these were the eyes of someone who took this all seriously. For, Jeanne, this was not some simple training spar, this was life, or death, and if she failed, she would be as good as dead.
It was a chilling, and unnerving thought to behold that such a young girl saw the world in such a way. And, yet it sent a thrill of excitement coursing up her spine as she smiled at the younger girl.
Winter rushed forward wither her semblance, sabre held before her attempting to stab at, Jeanne. But before she could get close, Jeanne kicked up a wall of dirt, clouding her presence. Winter shot threw the cloud, and landed softly barely being able to react in time to block a fierce strick from, Jeanne.
Winter was impressed. Jeanne Arc was quick on her feet, and even quicker with her blade. This duel of there changed from, Winter wanting to blow off some steam to testing to see this extent of this, Hunter’s true abilities.
Winter jumped back giving her some breathing room. She half expected, Jeanne to chase after her, but she held her ground. She probably wanted to catch her breath too, too bad she wasn’t going to let her do so.
Seven glyphs appeared in the air before her, and seven small white, Nevermore’s came flying out towards, Jeanne. Her eyes darted side to side, and held up her shield, and bloke the six, Nevermore’s, before turning around, and cutting down the seventh one. Winter realized why her eyes darted all over the place; she was counting the amount of summons she sent at her, and since the seventh one never hit her shield she knew it was coming from behind her.
Clever girl.
Winter was going to compliment her, but stopped as she noticed her sword be enveloped in a golden hue before it appeared in a sphere at the tip of her swords before she flung it at her at a high speed.
Her eyes widened in shock as the orb came closer to her. She quickly dodged to the side as it neared her, and exploded, sending her flying. She hit the ground with a roll, and she had to start running as a second orb came charging towards her.
As she narrowly dodged the second blast she slammed her sabre into the ground, creating a large white glyph appear in the ground, and soon a large white, Chimera Grimm appeared. It roared as it charged towards, Jeanne as she held her ground. Winter view was blocked by the large beast, Winter was looking forward to seeing, Jeanne face down such a monster. And, she wasn’t let down.
A white silver blade erupted from the skull of the chimera. Had, Jeanne jumped, and thrusted her sword through the chimera’s skull? It was an effective strategy to implement, risky, but effective. What she actually did however, was quite interesting.
A five foot long handle, and a four foot long blade. A spear to keep her foes at a distance, and strong enough to dispatch large foes with ease. It was an impressive sight to see the way, Jeanne could wield such a weapon. Although, she spent more time dodging the weapon, then admiring its beauty.
Her sword thrusts were admirable, Jeanne was capable of preforming were now shown the true power of those thrusts. Winter could feel the air fly past her as she narrowly missed the head of her spear. She spun on the spot, driving her weapon crashing into the ground, sending an explosive blast as it tore up the earth.
Winter knew she couldn’t handle her at a close range anymore, so she made several glyphs in the air, and sent over a dozen flying bolts of white energy towards her. Jeanne’s eyes widened in shock for a moment before she used her spear to destroy several of the bolts, but she didn’t stop enough of them, as several came, and hit her in her side. She weathered the storm, but the impact of the blasts dropped her to her knees. As she was about to stand, Winter struck. Using the cross-guard of her sabre she caught the shaft of, Jeanne’s spear. Jeanne struggled to pull her weapon free from, Winter’s grasp, only to notice at the last second as, Winter jab her in the got with a concealed dagger she kept hidden in her sword.
Winter knocked the wind out of her causing her to lose the grip on her weapon, allowing, Winter to wretch the weapon free from her grasp, and send it flying through the air.
Winter smiled smugly at, Jeanne only for her head to dart to the side, she could feel her aura being sliced up as she noticed a silver feather fly past her. She quickly blocked several more of these feathers only to look down, and see that the feathers we’re actually the design given to a serious of throwing knives, Jeanne apparently carried on her person.
She looked back to see, Jeanne placing her shield on her back before reaching back, and pulling out a pair of knives. She held
She held the blades in a defensive stance, preparing for, Winter’s next strike. Winter readied to strike, her blades held before her. A challenging smirk sent towards, the young Hunter appreciate who sent her back one in kind. The two readied up, their muscles tense as they prepared to lung at their foes, when…!
Jaune: ENOUGH! The spare is over! Winner: Winter Schnee!
Jeanne: What?! Why are you ending the fight! I can still keep going!
Winter: I must agree, I could have kept going myself too.
Jaune: Plausible. But, Jeanne your aura is at 27%. One more good hit, and you would have been out.
Jeanne: Oh shit, really?
Jaune: That, and your weapons we’re starting to glow.
Jeanne: Oh…
Winter: Is that a part of her semblance?
Jaune: It’s a visual cue she’s about to, or is using her semblance.
Winter: And, what is your semblance?
Jaune: Nothing of consequence.
Jaune walked over to, Jeanne spear before wrenching it out of the ground before turning to his sister.
Jaune: Jeanne, catch!
Jaune launched her spear at her with a wicked force, Jeanne simply turned to the side as the spear flew past her until she caught the spear by the pommel as a cloud of dirt flew by her. She grasped the shaft with two hands, twirling it in the air as it shrunk down to its long sword form before placing it back in its sheath on her back. A serious of moves, Winter couldn’t help but notice were highly well practiced.
Jeanne: At least tell me I gave, Winter a good beat down.
Jaune: Her aura is at, 42%.
Jeanne: Nice!
Winter: It is?
And, it was then that, Winter pulled out her scroll to see that her aura had indeed been knocked down to, 42%. She was impressed, she had expected her aura to have dropped 30%, possibly even 40%, but to nearly 60%.
Winter: Impressive, that is quite a remarkable feat.
Jeanne: Aww thanks… But, I would have totally creamed you if I could have used my semblance!
Jaune: Which is why mom said no semblance. You’re starting to use it as a crutch. Even against me.
Jeanne: Hey! You’re the aura tank, and it only get ls worse when you use your damn semblance on top of that!
Winter: You have a semblance; what is it?
Jaune: Aura amplification.
Winter: Aura amplification; what precisely is that?
Jaune: This…
Jaune walked over to, Winter, and held out his arm, and a golden light enveloped his arm to be followed by a blue white light spreading across her arm. She was about to ask what he was doing when she noticed that her aura was nearly at 70%.
Winter: You can recharge people’s auras?!
Jaune: Yep. It uses some of my aura to recharge others, but I can also use it on myself to recharge my own aura. Not to mention when I use it on other’s their semblance gains a boost, and becomes far more powerful. For a short while that is.
Winter: That is quite the impressive semblance…
Jaune: Yep, with my semblance I become an aura tank!
Jeanne: And, with my semblance I become the tanks cannon!
Jeanne: And we become the, Arc Tank!
Winter: …?
Jeanne: Jaune, you’re supposed to join me in this.
Jaune: Come up with a better name, and I might.
Acheius: Haha! Well, Winter, what do you think of your siblings?
Winter: Well, I don’t know what, Jaune is like, but, Jeanne is amazing. She will become a fine Huntress in the future.
Jeanne: Naww… Thanks, Onee-Sama~!
Winter: W-What did you just call me…
Jaune: Onee-Sama? It means big sister. Since, we call everyone else sister, we thought we call you something different, yet the same. Since you are our older sister. Is that okay…
JJ: Onee-Sama~?
Winter: Grk?! It’s fine… Ahem! It’s fine. Perfectly fine.
JJ: Yay!
Acheius: Well, then. Lets go inside. We need to start dinner soon, and I am famished!
Jeanne: See, Willow, they’re getting along just fine.
Willow: Agreed. Uhh… No offence, Juniper. But, those two seem a bit… odd…
Juniper: No offence taken whatsoever! They are weird. Now come along kids! Lets go, and make some hamburgers!
Willow: W-What?
Jaune: Winter?
Winter: Yes?
Jaune: I know we may seem a bit weird. But, you need to remember this; You are a part of our family now. And, we will love, and protect both of you, even at the cost of our lives.
Winter: That’s… Thank you, Jaune, Jeanne.
Jaune: Our pleasure.
Jeanne: Now let’s go eat!
Winter: Yes lets. But, Jaune, can you help me with something first?
Jaune: With what?
Winter: Your… Our sister, Luna said I made it on the list. What list is she referring to?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Imma gonna get my spoon.
Jeanne: Jaune? Jaune don’t!
Jaune: I said if she made her way on to that list I was gonna shank one of you with a rusty spoon! Well guess what; its shanking time!
Jeanne: No wait! Jaune stop! WAAAAITTT!!!
Winter: …
Winter: This really is a weird family…
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