#my mum finding out im failing and getting mad at me i guess?
ABSOLUTE GEM OF A MAN I CANT EVEN EXPRESS HOW I FEEL ABOUT JIM WITHOUT SOUNDING FERAL AND CRINGE CRONGE (potential verbal appreciation post? It’ll probs be rotting in my drafts HAHSHD)
Also can we talk about how pretty Nina’s voice is when she’s serious, it really reminds me of nausicaa’s voice WHIHC IS A WIN WIN!
Really wanted to find out their real names
Johan being a menace to society (in the worst way possible) never fails to make me giggle
Adding on, Roberto is a meme of a character cos just when you think everything is going okay, he makes an appearance and suddenly you know damn well everything is not going okay anymore
wim being so adorbs <33
Eva redemption arc I mean queen was lowkey killing it throughout the series.. sometimes questionable but otherwise ily (but I HATED how she treated tenma 😒)
What was Johan and Nina’s mum doing bro- did that favouritism play a role in this outrage.. guess we’ll never know!
LUNGE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ARC REAL?? When he said he’d buy a beer for grimmer n they can talk about this whole case 💔💔
Nah Lunge was mad funny, his only personality trait was hunting tenma down,, then half way through the series he goes “I’ve made a fatal mistake 😗” n reconsiders his life decisions. The audacity,, and I was loving it.
okay after some reflection johan saying "which one didn't she need" or stmhn like that at the end BAFFLED me. it made me really sad too
oh yeah HAHAHAHA johan being an iconic cross dresser. you can't tell me he wasn't rocking that outfit when he was with suk... also when he dressed as young anna HIS FACE WAS SO FUNNY "welcome back! :D" bro is so devious HEGHAHSDG
just thhnking about that tenma push up scene it had me giggling and swinging my feet OGH LET;S NOT FORGET WHEN HE WAS LIKE "good girl" TO NINA .... that's the stuff i want to hear frfr
on a serious note though, he's such a good father figure. this man would make the best father ever.. i've seen multiple comments saying that even johan saw him as a father figure and LORD DOES THAT MAKE ME UPSET :(((((
that nameless monster book spoke facts at the end tho, johan is such a beautiful name no joke
his hair looks so fluffy too
HAHA no how about the scream he scrumpt i was lowkey embarrassed like johan you can scream sm better than that.
idk why but he's so fine when he drops the ground- both times in the library and in the rain. i swear it's the hair and his back
yk this anime reminds me of that one tiktok sounds with the garden song that says "no matter where you are, everyone is always connected". it's quite cool to think about it holistically, but in a sense it's also so surreal, and even scary. this masterpiece is an extreme reflection of our world imo, with many elements of truth and reality. anyways i'll leave this kind of stuff for another post (draft lol). but honestly though, i really liked this series. maybe since it's older, it has that sense of authenticity?? not invalidating other anime series but idk. i really enjoyed it.
im jus reading about tenma's childhood rn :')
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hearties-circus · 4 years
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Prompt of sorts i guess?
Read the story ‘the family you choose by TunaFishChris’ good story set in ATLA but when I finished reading it my brain threw more plot bunnies at me. Help.
Same soulmates verse but its ozai not azulon who burns zukos off, azulon does have one but its on his head covered by hair n it was for his wife so when she dies azulon goes a little mad n as this was during ozais formulation years n while iroh is away its no surprise that ozai ends up like he does. Half natural inclination n half nurture or lack there of. Sozin was soulmates with roku, loosing him n being partly responsible got rid of any sanity he still had thus war n genocide with gusto. Ozai is the only born royal with no marks n sees it as a strength, zuko gets his down his spine for his soul family always having his back n such. Ozai nearly cripples zuko getting rid of them. Lala (is easier n faster to write) gets her marks when she is with zuko, zuko is always with her, mum told him that he was a big brother n that big brothers looked after their little siblings, zuko loves his little sister, he takes her everywhere. So when her mark appear he very quickly covers them, takes them to a discreet doc in town to get cover cream for her n starts teaching her to NEVER talk about them to anyone but him, not mother not father, no one. It works the cream n the where they appear on the body mean she is not found out by ozai. This changes alot. Once azulon gets his mind back after his wifes death he is tired of war but realises that no one will believe him wanting to end the war, he looks at his sons, iroh has too much blood on his hands n likes fighting too much to be the one to take over from him. Ozai is too cruel, twisted n power hungry for it to be him. Lu ten is promising but after talking with him (under the pretences of teaching him royal politics, laws n other things that the presumed heir would need to know) azulon discovers that lu ten does not want to rule and to force him to do so would only make him resent the throne. Lu ten suggests zuko instead, zuko loves the nation n the ppl, zuko is a naturally caring n protective person, zuko already sneaks out n mingles with citizens who can’t seem to help loving him, he just draws everyone in. Lu ten suggests having zuko (and lala if zuzu is there so is she) attend these lessons with azulon n Lu ten the excuse given to allow it is that zuko is to be trained to be Lu tens advisor when he is firelord. Its the other way round really but no one else needs to know that yet, zuko can be the lord, Lu ten n lala the advisors. Lu ten is the one keeps the farce going n keeps the target for assassination on his back rather than his little cousins. Lu ten is reported dead at ba sing se but is alive just so injured n with amnesia, possibly also damage to his chi so he can’t bend. Is picked up by the boulder who was an army soldier but leaves after that battle as he can’t stand to see that much blood anymore. Lu ten has soul marks but they hang on his skin like a very log hanging belt no one is going to notice them unless he gets naked. Growing up zuko n lala discover they r soul mates, lala is far more stable as she knows her brother will always love her no matter what she does n without conditions like father. She still is terrifying but she is loyal to zuko n only plays at being loyal to ozai. When Lu ten is reported dead n ozai makes a play for the throne azulon sees his chance n when says ozai must lose a son, he doesn’t want zuko dead, he plans to remove zuko from ozai family line register n either take him in as his own son or to have iroh take zuko in. Either way zuko was never going to die. Lala not knowing this is scared her only person will be taken from her goes to mother as even though mother doesn’t love her she loves zuko n will be willing to protect him, that done she goes n spends the night with zuko in case father sends assassins. Ursa makes the poison n gives it to ozai n then runs, it isn’t fatal poison she is hoping that ozai will mess up, azulon to survive but proof that ozai tried to kill him will see ozai either in prison till he dies or being executed for treason. Either way zuko is safe from his father n azulon can’t kill zuko as he will be the only remaining male heir, ozai dead, iroh too old to have more children n azula being too young n too female for most of the war counsellors to take seriously. Ozai adds something of his own to the poison, not completely trusting ursa (I wonder y) the poison ends up stimulating death long enough for azulon to be declared dead, ozai crowned n shit started. Azulons body is secreted away by a small group of loyal followers n his health slowly, very slowly returns, he is an OLD man even if the poison doesn’t kill him it does still kick his ass a bit. Ozai ups his campaign to get rid of zuko, lala quickly becomes VERY good at acting, manipulation n fighting to counter this n keep her dum dum alive, zuko becomes paranoid as hell but reaches new heights in stealth, weaponry n first aid. Lala is counting down the days till she has a valid excuse to kill ozai. Azulon is pissed as hell that he can’t do anything from where he is apart from try to help zuko as much as he can by sending ppl he trusts to teach him n look after him. Iroh comes back n really throws a spanner in the works, dismissing his fathers ppl from around zuko, in the (how many??) months that he is back before zuko is shipped out has the highest number of nearly successful assassination attempts on zuko since ursa left. Ozai is not impressed (that they failed), lala is adding uncles name to her shit list, azulon is just mystified as to how his son who is a supposedly great tactician can be so damn stupid.
Then the agni kai happens n azulon is too pissed off at ozai to care about iroh anymore. Azula is leaving with zuko “as otherwise his only example of fire bending will be uncle father n really even dum dum is better than that, besides then if zuko dishonours the family I can kill him straight away.” She has spent too long keeping him alive now for him to ruin all her efforts now. Zuko still has the same soul mates but also has the marks for Lu ten, azula n yue. Azula has zuko, toph n yue. Lu ten has zuko, azula n boulder at the least. Toph has azula added to her group. 6 months after zuko is banished azulon manages to find their location n reach them before they leave, takes over teaching them again n rips iroh several new ones while the crew watches in awe n horror. Azulon finds out about zukos marks n what ozai did n nearly sinks the ship in his rage, lala is glad to find someone else to help her keep zuko alive even if she doesn’t fully trust him, the only one who gets that treasure is zuko. With azulon backing his thoughts about stopping the war n to start helping the ppl of his nation zuko is different by the time aang gets freed, he n lala (im still coming with u dum dum) start working with the gaang earlier n things go smoother? The fire royals end up going to the northern city with them where they meet yue, she n azula bond, azula teaches her to be terrifying, azulon just watches n makes cutting remarks on how stupid the norths misogyny is n just how under prepared they r for anything really, the small fleet of their southern sisters tribe could lay seige, win n not loose more than maybe 5 ppl n they r all non benders. Water ppl being pissed that they can’t kill azulon due to him not being fire lord anymore n is just a doting grandfather really look at how harmless n unarmed I am, they have no claimable vendetta to excuse their killing him as lawful by tribe standards, as the tribe isolated itself n has had no real damage from azulon, also he has already been declared dead which is throwing them a little. Hahn being stupid enough to try n take azulon on, azulons bitch face is epic n lala vows to replicate it one day. Political marriage betrothal between yue n zuko? This azulon is a mix of grumpy old man, sarcastic little shit n im-too-fabulous-for-this attitude. When they find toph is also when they find boulder n Lu ten, zuko n azula bond with him n that breaks the amnesia n katara might be able to help heal his chi?
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I am extremely curious how dumb this loser has acted this time if your whole fam is like >>>>>>>>
and upfront as i said in the tags, this isn’t super hot scalding tea like the time he cheated, but just dumbfuckery and him not wanting to learn while also being an ass. so yeah no biggie just idioticy but like.... i also hate his guts so lmao so i mentally make it all worse in my head cause i hate him
so my sister and bf work together cause he is kinda creepy and keeps switching jobs when she switches jobs so that he can work with her btw did i tell you he is very controlling and obsessive about her whereabouts he even called my mum once when he couldnt find her on the tracking app that he wanted her to have on her phone ANYWAY also working as a waiter at the same restaurant
and disclaimer: working as a waiter or not having the highest grades do not make you dumb. sheer and utter incompetence to grasp that you’re an idiot and not wanting to improve makes you dumb. he’s the latter.
also context: my entire family has worked in wait staff
BASICALLY he absolutely fucking sucks at his job up till the point where my sister can’t handle working with him and again, it’s his first time waiting tables so he can learn BUT THIS BITCH has the audacity to command my sister all the time and boss her around when my sister points out that he sucks
and we all go: “this is kinda rude and unreal, cause he has no business acting so bossy when he doesn’t even put any effort in his work”
sis: “yeah but he is just trying to be kind he doesn’t want to be bossy or rude”
us: “.... GIRL if he can’t wait tables that is fine but when you call him out on it or want to help him, he gotta know that you know better”
and tbh my entire fam is just like... HOW can she not see this? like, she talks about the crappy stuff he does at work (like rudely yelling from 2 metres apart to guests: “yo, you guys done? want the receipt?” when my sister asks him to ask if guests want the receipt) and she keeps asking for confirmation that she’s not bad for thinking he’s bad at his job (“you guys think that’s weird too, right? i mean, you shouldn’t do that, right? so you say it’s rude, okay, right? i am not wrong in feeling uncomfortable and embarrased, right?”)
so we confirm that it is just bad manners but that he can learn like we all did, since waiting tables is a skill (which, as you read, he puts no effort in), but she still just.... idk... i sometimes thinks she doesn’t want to admit that he is just not the perfect guy that she wants him to be. and she knows that he isn’t perfect. one thing that i GENUINELY admire from my sister is that she does not put up with all the crap he pulls (altho... i also dont understand why they just haven’t broken up yet like when will she SNAP). but yeah, she immediately jumps into his defense and i just think that it’s shitty. she knows he’s being unnecessarily rude and that she knows better. we confirm that multiple times. and then she immediately goes “oh but no he isn’t commanding he’s just- he doesn’t know better”
... babe
also since this guys is so unnecessarily obsessive about my sister’s behaviour and he continuously criticises her for little things she likes, i also just cant fucking stand him having the sheer audacity to act controlling and commanding over this. but he’s also a fucking cunt so i couldve seen it coming so me being surprised is on me i guess
basically i felt my braincells diE  every time my sister talked about how bad he is at his job and AGAIN it’s a skill that you can learn and i can imagine that he just never was in that environment before but just the lack of motivation to even try to learn is YIKES to me, especially since my sister is the most driven person ever. she works hard for things she wants. she flaunts her knowledge. i mean do i think she’s stupid for taking him back in the first place, yeah, but apart from that i cannot emphasise how competent she is
but this relationship just also brings out the worst in my sister and the gap in competence makes it worse and worse
his sorry ass hasn’t finished high school after failing several times and AGAIN that does not make a person less valuable (academic pretention is yikes), but he doesn’t even try and basically me and the fam believe he is straight up lying now cause he was supposed to hear if he has finally graduated around a month ago
my sis: “oh, he said he hasn’t gotten results yet”
us: “.... you know that all high schools are closed since the year has ended and that summer vacation started 1 week ago and that the test happened more than a month ago”
my sis: “YEAH but there’s less strictness and more extensions due to corona”
me: “yeah true but i just did a 5 second google search and even the extended deadline is over”
fam: “has he at least applied for further education??”
sis: “well no but he says he still has time”
me: “YEAH and ANOTHER 5 second google search showed that that extended deadline ended 2.5 months ago”
AND AGAIN your scholary achievements do not make you any less value bla bla bla, but he had A WHOLE DAMN YEAR to do one subject and even my sister said that it’s super easy and she doesnt get why he hasn’t passed it, but he just did nothing and he knows that my sister finds it very important that he can at least do something cause again she’s super driven and it makes her feel bad of her achievements
which is a RED FLAG. you know, women having to tone down their achievements in order to not outshine men’s fragility cause they don’t want a woman to be better than them
but i think she just realised that he’d been lying and yeah we all felt kinda bad for her, cause she doesn’t deserve that. she left and me and my parents just looked at each other like “would he lie about something so big?”
all of us collectively: “YEAH”
... i mean, he lied about cheating
i just for once want him to stop lying with his hypocritical ass. this bitch lies all the damn time but the moment he finds out my sister called a boy a year ago before they were dating, he needs to hear EVERYTHING (lol about that one time he tried to expose my sister for talking to a guy regularly even before they were dating.... it was our cousin Bobbie). so yeah he needs to know everything or he gets super weird but he can lie about shit like this (and cheating cause truly i wont be surprised if he’s done it again tbh)
and ugh this is a messy reply but just.... 
I FIND HIM SO STUPID FOR THIS and i feel so bad for my sister cause i can imagine that it’s not nice for her to hear all of this either, but FACE IT, this dude hasn’t tried to do shit for a year and now he’s lying and it just makes me so damn mad and she needs to hear it
i feel like this isn’t even the worst thing he’s done cause not knowing how to wait tables does not make you a bad human being, but this relationship is so incredibly unhealthy and toxic that ive reached a point that i am even worried for his well-being (and i FUCKING HATE HIS GUTS). this relation makes both of them so vile and it shows their worst and toxic sides, and i know my sister only does it to show him how unhealthy his behaviour is, but come on COME ON one day she’s gonna snap/
so these things just make it all worse for them in the bigger picture and either he gotta clear up his act or they just gotta break the fuck up
since i have no hope in the first possibility, im gonna join my grandma in praying for the second one
and that’s why we’re all like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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becausegayisokay · 7 years
1 through 85? Please?
1. Are looks important in a relationship? - I personally care way more about a person's character than their looks, but who doesn't like to have a girlfriend/boyfriend who's hot as fuck.2. Are relationships ever worth it? - Yes! Even if they don't work out, you never lose, you just learn. 3. Are you a virgin? - Nope. 4. Are you in a relationship? - Still not answering that question, because if I was, I wouldn't want anyone to try and ruin it. 5. Are you in love? - With food, yes. 6. Are you single this year? - That's basically the same as number 4, so same answer for that. 7. Can you commit to one person? - Right now? Maybe, in general? yes. 8. Describe your crush? - She's just the most beautiful human being I've ever laid my eyes on, so caring and sweet. 9. Describe your perfect mate? - I'd call my mates the perfect mates. They're always there for me but if I tell them I don't want to talk about it then they just let me be for a bit. They get drunk with me and accept when I don't feel like drinking. They're just amazing. 10. Do you believe in love at first sight? - I'm not sure to be honest, because I've never experienced it. 11. Do you ever want to get married? - I'd love to but it's not necessary, so it's basically up to my future girlfriend. 12. Do you forgive betrayal? - I do, even if I shouldn't. 13. Do you get jealous easily? - I do get jealous but not too easily. 14. Do you have a crush on anyone? - I already described my crush in number 8. so, yes. 15. Do you have any piercings? - Nope16. Do you have any tattoos? - No, not yet. 17. Do you like kissing in public? - I prefer kissing in private but I don't mind it. 18. Oh well just noticed 18 is missing. 19. and 19 is missing as well. 20. Do you shower everyday? - Pretty much, yes. 21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? - Idk, you tell me. 22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? - I also don't know, if you are, please tell me! 23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? - I've never ever cheated on anyone and I never will. So, yes. 24. Do you think you'll be married in 5 years? - I doubt it, but who knows. 25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? - Yes. 26. Has anyone told you they don't want to ever lose you? - Yes. 27. Has anyone ever wrote a song or poem for you? - Not that I know. 28. Have you ever been cheated on? - Yes. 29. Have you ever cheated on someone? - No and I never would. 30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? - No but I'd still like to make my belly slimmer. 31. Have you ever cried over a girl/guy? - Yes. 32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? - Yeah, it's not nice.33. Have you ever had sex wit a man? - Nope #goldstarlesbian34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? - Yes. 35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? - Yes but only someone 2 years older than me. 36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? - Yes. 37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? - Not that I know. 38. Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to? - Do you ever expect to like someone? 39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have? - Yes, unfortunately. 40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? - No, I suck at writing. 41. Have you hd sex so far this year? - Yes. 42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Depends.. 43. How long was your longest relationship? - about 8 months. 44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Boyfriends 2, girlfriends 3.45. How many people did you kiss im 2011? - 2011?! I can't really remember but either 0 or 1. 46. How many times did you have sex last year? - Quite a few times. 47. How old are you? 22 and a quarter. 48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? - I'd be sad but would wish them good luck and be happy for them. 49. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, what is your favourite thing about him/her? I always had loads of favourite things about my boyfriends/girlfriends. 50. If your first true love would knock on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? - My first true love and I are friends, nothing more, nothing less. No apology needed but I wouldn't take her back. 51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? - I would only do absolutely everything for myself. I'd do a shit load for others but never everything. 52. Is there anyone you've given up on? why? - if you mean relationship wise, yes, my ex but that was ages ago. If you mean in general, no I don't think so. 53. Is there someone mad because you're dating/talking to the person you are? - Not that I know of, no one ever has been mad at me for me liking someone I think. 54. Is there someone you'll never forget? - Yes. 55. Share a relationship story? - Once upon a time I had a long distance relationship with my ex and I was at work for 13 hours one day and didn't go to hers afterwards (2 1/2 hour train ride), because I was tired af, then she was absolutely mad at me, went out and cheated on me, telling me it was all my own fault. The end. 56. State 8 facts about youe body? - (1) overweight (2) blue-grey eyes(3) small(4) dark blonde hair(5) big butt(6) big boobs(7) long hair(8) eyebrows not on fleek57. Things you want to say to an ex? - Thank you for everything. 58. What are five ways to win your heart? - (1) Just treat me right(2) Smile at me when I make you happy(3) Joke around (4) Don't lie to me(5) Just be yourself59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) - Will post one in a minute. 60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? - 2 years. 61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? - Their smile. 62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? - Just treat me right and don't cheat on me, also be yourself. 63. What is your definition of having sex? - Just making someone cum I guess. 64. What is your definition of cheating? - I don't know if cuddling counts as cheating? I guess it depends on who you cuddle with but kisses, sexting and sex for sure.65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? - Don't have a favourite routine, I just let things happen. 66. What is your favourite role play? - I've never done roleplays. 67. What is your idea of the perfect date? - It's not about what or where it is, it is about the person you're with. 68. What is your sexual orientation? Girls only. 69. What turns you off? - When they just start talking about disgusting stuff. 70. What turns you on? - Neck kissing, making out, boob/ass grabbing. 71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? - I seriously can't remember. 72. What words do you like to hear during sex? - "Don't stop, I'm gonna cum". 73. What's something sweet you'd like someone to do for you? - I don't know, don't really have anything on my mind. 74. What's the most superficial characteristics you look for? - As English is only my second language I don't know what you want to know from me, if someone tells me I'll answer that later. 75. What's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? - In a relationship, surprising me for my birthday. In general, my friends and family made a surprise welcome back party for me when I came back from living in England for one year. 76. What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for someone? - I don't know what people think are cute but I also surprise visited my ex for her birthday. 77. What's your opinion on age differences in relationships? - If the younger person is at least 16 thwy should be old enough to know themselves what's good for them. 78. What's your dirtiest secret? - I'm not too dirty tbh. 79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? - Quite a whilw ago, because my girlfriend at the time went on holiday with her ex as they are friends. 80. When was the last time you told someone you love them? - Just told my mum. 81. Who are five people you find attractive? -(1) Justin Bieber #fangirling (2) Angelina Jolie(3) Emma Watson (4) Phoebe Tonkin(5) Cara Delevingne82. Who's the last person you hugged? - My best friend. 83. Who was your first kiss with? - My very first kiss was with my best friend in kindergarten, my first real kiss was with my ex boyfriend. 84. Why did your last relationship fail? - Because she cheated on me. 85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? - Yes.
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artificialzeezee · 7 years
Honesty hour: makeup tips, song recs and fmk for the first three early outs of each season ^^
Makeup tips:  (I’m only good at eyeliner tbh so uh I’m the worst person to ask for tips but here we go I guess!)
Don’t let no one tell you a lot of eyeliner is for the evening. Wear all the fucking eyeliner you want, because 1. more than likely the girl behind the counter when you’re shopping will fucking gush over your makeup and 2. guys leave you be cause you look kind of scary. 
Don’t rely heavily on trying to copy YouTubers makeup tutorial. Honestly it’s best to just go with the flow and learn yourself, because YouTubers have been practicing forever, it’s not going to be as simple as they make it look and then you’ll feel discouraged if it doesn’t look the same. Take inspiration, by all means, but don’t rely on makeup artists tips if you’re a beginner.
Fuck expensive eyeliners, but don’t trust cheap ones (this kind of applies to all makeup tbh). Generally look for what is between £5-10, unless you have the money to be wasting but like eh I’ve used dozens upon dozens of types of eyeliners and the best for me is waterproof rimmel and it’s like £6, and once my mum got me a really good one for christmas and it was awful and dried up too quickly.
White liner can make your eyes look bigger, it’s cool, and girls in clubs love it. Guys, not so much. 
Not everyone has a steady hand, and thats okay! If you want to get straighter eyeliner flicks, use different pens, and don’t do it all at once. I usually draw the shape and then get a very thin pen to finish the end. Also, dont colour in your flick until the shapes are even both sides, because if you need to correct it, it’s a lot less mess and easier not to smudge! 
I like to use my finger tip to smudge/blend my eyeshadow, I find it works better than any brushes do. I usually use a darker shade (like a brown unless im doing mad wacky colours) on the crease of my eye and then colour around. 
If you’re pale as fuck like myself and you can’t find a foundation that is light enough for your skin, ALWAYS COVER YOUR NECK TOO SO THERE’S NO MAKEUP LINE FROM YOUR FACE TO YOUR PALE AS NECK, and buy a (FUCKING WHITE) translucent powder and just fucking go to town! I know, I know, they say don’t cake on the foundation but fuck those people, I’m Irish, I needed to find my own fucking thing to do to pretend I wasn’t a ghost. 
Draw hearts on your cheek. It’s cute, strangers compliment you and you can be like “ha everyone likes me why am i even with you loser” to your other half. 
You don’t need to have a full face to look good. I mean, if you want to do everything, fucking do it man, good on you, but honestly not everyone should. For example, I have thick eyebrows so I don’t draw on eyebrows, but my eyebrows look good on me and I’d look weird with anything else, as well as I have pretty decent, defined cheekbones so I don’t need to contour. Some people try to tell you to do the whole package but fuck em if you don’t want to, just do what you want. It’s boring and cliche but if you don’t need to, why bother? (even then, Im saying “need”, it’s more if you want to.)
These weren’t really tips were they……….
Song recs:
Ansel Elgort - Home Alone
Lana Del Rey - The Man I Love
Lana Del Rey - Off To The Races
Anastacia - I’m Out of Love
Lia Marie Johnson - DNA
Wake Owl - Wild Country 
Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It?
Hozier - Someone New
Benjamin Clementine - London
The Cranberries - Zombie 
Tom Jones - Mamma Told Me Not to Come
Panic! At The Disco - Camisado 
Panic! At The Disco - Build God, Then We’ll Talk
Fall Out Boy - 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
Muna - Everything
Owl City - Humbug
Sia - Move Your Body 
Lady Gaga - Monster
Lady Gaga - Princess Die (now this one, there’s this live one she sang that…ugh, is everything, if you’re a Gaga fan and haven’t watched it, go my children! But there’s also this one that some people don’t think is her singing but regardless it’s the song)
Lady Gaga - John Wayne
Sam Sparro - Black & Gold
CeeLo Green - Anyway
The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues
Katy Perry - Hummingbird Heartbeat
Lorde - Green light
The Black Eyed Peas - Gone Going
The Buddles - Video Killed The Radio Store
The Might be Giants - Bird House in Your Soul
ABC - When Smokey Sings
Season 1 - Fuck Tammie, Kill Akashia and Marry Porkchop. It was a tough choice between the first two tbh, but I know for sure my feelings for Porkchop.
Season 2 - Fuck Mystique, kill Nicole and Marry Shangela
Season 3 - Fuck Phoenix, Kill Venus and Marry Mimi. I fucking love Mimi, she picked a bitch up and it never fails to make my mother cry with laughter.
Season 4 - Fuck Lashauwn, Kill Alisa and Marry The Princess
Season 5 - Fuck Penny, Kill Serena and Marry Monica
Season 6 - who cares they’re not Bianca (but for real, Fuck Kelly, Kill Magnolia, Marry Vivacious)
Season 7 - Fuck Jasmine, Kill Sasha and Marry Tempest. This was hard too because I use to really dislike Jasmine but some of her rants I fucking love and I respect some her opinions, and I don’t really know Sasha. She apparently made a Fall Out reference on the show my other half got so, there’s that…
Season 8 - MARRY LAILA
Thanks doll
2 notes · View notes
james-melody · 4 years
Rant: feel free to ignore if you don't wanna see because I understand some people won't wanna. Im just ranting here because sometimes venting is good and I don't like to disturb individual people about things when theyre clearly dealing with much much worse :D. Okay disclaimer out of the way
I'm just feeling so miserable right now. And by right now I guess I mean for the past week or 2 straight. Maybe it started even bolefote then? I'm not sure but I'm fuckijg miserable
I have an incoherent mess of thoughts so I don't know where to start. I dont feel like im living. I just feel like i exist and the only reason I exist is because I havent stopped existing yet. Thats where my mind is at at the moment. I think i spend 70% of my time awake feeling miserable and existential now. Ill wake up feeling fresh and then i start thinking and feel as my existence shrinks back into its depressed state
My mind is constantly dominated by existential dread. I think of how time is so limited and one day I'll die and there'll be nothing. I dont knkw what happens after that and its inevitable and thats terrifying. I have one shot at a life that is destined to end and that scares me shitless. Someone will talk about the past and i immediately think that people born in those times are aging closer to death and soon im gonna be that close.
Everything feels the same now. I just wake up at 6:30 feeling miserable until like 10AM and then by the time evening arrives im back to the same depressed state again. I sleep, wake up and do it again, every day feeling the same waste of time stepping towards the day I die and im exhausted of it.
I dont have any time to truly relax because I work 8-4 and then constantly have the copious amounts of college work for the summer, a short film, friends want to hang out, private projects I want to do but preoccupied, a relationship to uphold which I constantly feel as though I'm neglecting too much and just the dread of the future. Going hack to college, the hell hole which stresses and emotionally breaks me ehich is bound to be worse when I return due to the amount of work, stress, pressure and resurfacing of personal dramas which STILL affect me and im not ready to deal woth again. The future after that and the pressure of being an adult and making careers out of my failing college life and anything else future related.
I've stopped caring for basic things such as hygiene in brushing teeth, showering etc and have no regards for my eating constantly seeking out comfort foods until I feel sick which i inevitably feel bad about later.
I feel like im going through teen angst later than I was supposed to because I had a pretty easy high school and now I just feel snappy and angsty all the time. I find myself becoming more and more angry with the world whether the be political issues or the education system because im a lazy and incompetent student or getting angry at things or people like swearing at my hair because its knotty or, even worse, snapping and getting upset and mad at my mum or feeling the urge to be a complete asshole to my boyfriend who deserves nothing but love, attention and affection.
I find moments of escapism which help for a bit but that just all in all takes away from any time doing something productive or spending time with my boyfriend or friends who are all just disappointed and upset woth me because I come across as neglectful which I'm not doing on purpose.
The other night I was close to crying because of how drained I felt from doing nothing but go to work and stress about college work and noticed that I felt that way for the past nearly week at that point
I also wanna say that I do have days that are better than others such as the other week when I went to see the Gig with my BF. That was genuinely the first day in a long time where I didnt feel down but despite that, the very next day I was back to feeling miserable again
I know now im gonna wake up in 6 hours feeling miserble, go to work, constantly feel bad about neglecting or accidentally hurting or upsetting people im close to filled with existential dread only to get home, not do work, not do anything productive because I try to make myself feel better which works momentarily but then by the time eventing Hits it'll be back to square one because that's how it always is
It never stops being like that
This is just the miserable cycle my forgettable existance has become
I wanna vent about it without directly bringing individuals into it to not leech off of people or have them stop opening up to me because all of a sudden I need a little help because that just makes me feel worse so I thought tumblr will do i guess. Idk. I've just had this boiling up for ao long and could still go on but I have to sleep for work tomorow
If you read this far then you're a maniac
0 notes
What is the purpose of car insurance?
"What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered, yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments.  I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money?  I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Rental Insurance?
I will be going to the US soon. I am a US citizen but do not live in the US. I will be going to visit family for a month and will be renting a car. My question is this, do I need to get the insurance from the vendor or is there a 3rd party insurance I can puchase? Most of the car rental places have LDW / CDW insurance for purchase but this almost doubles the cost of rental. My credit cards and car insurance here in my country of residence do not cover car rentals so I will have to get something. Does anybody know of a different route to take other than purchasing at the vendor?""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting. And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it? I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i have a 2005 mazada 6, and im just looking fot the cheapest car insurance in pa. dose anyone know of any?""
Best Insurance cover for 18 years?
Kindly tell me a way so that I can ensure a fix monthly income of 20,000 Rs. What is the easiest way to achieve this ? MF ? LIC ? What should be my investment every month and for how many months ? Thanks..""
Motorcycle insurance?
What should I be expecting to pay for insurance? I'm single, male, and 23 years old, and I would be getting my first bike. Geico quoted me at about $3360/yr, is this good/bad? Do you think other companies can do better? How much bodily injury coverage should I get?""
Heath insurance?
the comapny i work for is taking insurance premium out but the insurance premium is not being paid.......what can we do as employees?
Good/cheap insurance plans?
Hello! I am a 21 year old mother of 2 ( a 13 mo. old and a 26. mo. old) My husband and I do not qualify for medicaid (apparently you have to be dang near homeless) and we need health insurance. He has a heart condition (hes 25! ) and I tend to get sick alot! lol anyone have any ideas for affordable health insurance?? ( under $100 /mo if possible) thanks for your time, Be Blessed!""
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
Can i buy my car back of an insurance company and get the damaged repaired myself ?
Hello last Tuesday someone banged into the back of my car and left a big dent with paint coming off. There is not much damaged but the insurance companies evaluators said that he will have to cut it out and replace it and im afraid they will write the car off due to the cost. if this happens can i buy the car back of the insurance company ? and also i have been told if i buy the car back i have to take up to Birmingham to reregister it ? is their any truth in this ?. My cousin said he could knock the dent out if i buy it back. Please please help :)
What will life insurance cost me ? Ballpark!!
what will life insurance cost me? im just looking for a ballpark price. i know i know . factors. just say im 40, a little over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 i have 10 at work. so if i die my family gets 100,000.00 what is this called. life term? or something. like i said just looking for a W.A.G. per month 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks""
Car insurance advice needed for a 17 year old?
As I said in my previous question. I recently bought a Citroen AX 988cc for 500 and paid 2800 insurance for a year. I thought It was really good as all of my mates had paid well over 3000 for their Fiestas etc. I got alot of answers saying I had been ripped off. I would be so happy if you could tell me of a better deal. I called a total of 46 insurance companies, and used comparison websites on a variety of insurance group 1 cars. And this was the very cheapest I could find. Initially Iwanted a VW Golf. (Not the GTI Version) But I was quoted 9000 a year, not bad but I dont earn that much yet. I have 3 jobs but all are minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, 7pm-11.20pm). Could you give me a better deal. Where to go, what other car would be cheaper, and general advice on getting it as cheap as olot of people in my previous question told me they got it. Thanks.""
What do I need before I get car insurance besides license?
I have my license, and a car that I bought that is in my dad's name. He wants to transfer ownership to my name, inspection expired in 2007 (I haven't driven for about a year). First, do I need to have a car in my name to get insurance, or can I just get ins. with the car in my dad's name then transfer the title later? (with no ins. changes) 2nd, to get insurance do I need to pass inspection, or can I just get ins. first?""
Estimate for car insurance?
I'm looking to buy like a 2003 eclipse or something cheap but nice for myself, I turn 18 in a week so it will be after i'm 18.. but under my step dads name and everything.. he has a minivan for geico and we live in queens new york, he pays around $110 for full coverage, will my insurance be much more since it's a coupe..? my mom keeps going on about how sports cars are priced more for insurance, which I understand.. but will it really be MUCH more? I mean it's not a bmw or a SL65 ... it's a crappy old v4 eclipse..""
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Do parking tickets make your insurance go up?
i just got one last night for $40. guess i didn't have a permit to park on that street during those hours. i have state farm auto insurance. i'll pay it right away, but will it raise my insurance rate?""
I cant find car insurance for under 3 grand. im 17?
Im 17,male. got my driving test in a couple of weeks. I already have a car but i cant find insurance anywhere for what i can afford! the cheapest ive found is about 2800. my car is a 1.1 peugeot 1997 106 xl independance. I got this model thinking it would be cheaper to insure because its alarmed, you have to enter a code before you can start the engine. i cant afford to pay almost 3 grand! im lookin to pay 1100-1200. the only way ive found this is if i put it as my mums car and me as a named driver but i know this would be fraud... ive been told the company quinn is cheap but i called them and they quoted me around 3400... my postcode is in the low catagory or a or whatever and the car will be parked on a drive! any ideas?""
Would car insurance be expensive for a Mazda RX-8?
expensive being around sportscar/ muscle car range or like a regular cars insurance?
Car Insurance for a 2004 Mustang?
Im about to be 15 and im starting drivers ed next week and I was looking at cars and I really want a 2004 mustang. I live in a small town, im a girl, and my parents have Allstate. About how much would it cost me?""
How much should it cost for a 16 years old driver to get a insurance?
How much should it cost for a 16 years old driver to get a insurance?
16 year old car insurance?
im about to buy a 1997 honda civic ex and i was wondering what my car insurance might be if it helps im a guy in florida and im 16 thanks
Life and income insurance?
If I started income and life insurance when i started property investment for investment purpose only to cover investment,are the monthly premiums tax deductible""
Ridiculously high car insurance quotes?
My renewal quote from Admiral was 1,300 and shopping around most were higher. Best I got was just over 700 with Allianz. I own a 2,500 10-year-old Rover 75. Everyone I ask pays about 200 - 300 whether old or newer cars, powerful and sporty or economical family cars. My brother, 2 years younger who has points on his licence and owns a 3L BMW pays about 250. I tried my details with his postcode out of interest on the Allianz site and my quote was 300 more (over 1,000) than with my own postcode. Why is this and how can I get my quotes down?""
How does business insurance work in a lawsuit?
As a small business, I'm finally getting around to looking at business insurance. God forbid I should get sued, but that would be the only reason I would get insurance at this point. If I get sued (assuming I did nothing wrong that would terminate coverage), what are my responsibilities with regard to paying legal fees? What role will the insurance company play or what control will they have in the litigation process?""
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
What type of insurance is auto insurance?
http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0200-industry/0050-renew-license/0200-requirements/index.cfm out of all these types which is for auto? and if i wanted to work in a place that sells life insurance do i have to get certified for that too?
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered, yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments.  I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money?  I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.
Would I be saving money if I bought a car and did the liability only insurance policy?
Right now, I am 17 years old and I have had my license since April 28th 2011. My family is on Allstate and their policy states that as long as I am driving a car which is not registered to my own name, I have to do full coverage (this is very expensive <$2000 since I am a new driver). If I buy a cheap car, one with a $1000 price tag, will I be saving money? Liability only insurance is cheaper, but by what amount? Is it worth driving a cheaper car?""
Question about my 18 year old and insurance
I have an 18 year old who takes ADHD medication which without insurance costs well over $300 a month. She is not interested in going to college at this point so I'm not sure how much longer I can keep her on my insurance plan. Assuming it takes her awhile to find a job with good insurance does anyone have any suggestions on how to make her medical needs affordable for her?
Wht is d difference between 1 st party insurance and 3 rd party insurance?
i have a honda deo 2004 model which insurance should i go for ...why and how much should it cost?
Car insurance= cover all drivers?
if somebody has car insurance with everything on it possible as far as what you can buy ( plans like pip, medical, liablity etc ) is any driver of that car, covered if in a wreck? or will the person driving been liable? geico""
Which insurance is cheaper for 19 years old person?
Which insurance is cheaper for 19 years old person? is it state farm(the one i have now) or geico. or please tell me what is the cheapest insurance company?
Has cost of car insurance for girls been raised to match that of boys?
By girls and boys I mean, 17-25 who are given the most expensive insurance rates. Boys have had to pay more for insurance than girls, but I thought the companies were forced to make them equal recently? Has that been put in place or not yet? This is in the UK by the way.""
What should i do about car insurance?
Basically in 2009 i got caught speeding without insurance. Biggest Mistake of my life. Lost my licence and had to start from provisional again. Now i have passed my test and it is a few years on i dont know what to do about getting insurance. I refuse to drive without it now. The thing i need to know is do i tell my insurance company about the claims that were less than 5 years ago or don't i? the reason is because my licence was taken away without a ban put back to provisional and now re-started fresh so do i still have to put them or not? Also if i do what would happen if i don't? Just out of curiosity as it would be a lot cheaper but if i have to i will obviously. Thanks
Insurance change help?
i am with geico and i want to go to allstate do i surrender my plates to switch insurance or do i keep the plates and call they and they will transfer me
I need 3 insurances anyone know good insurances?
I need three insurances. Does anybody know any very good insurances? The insurance I have is freaking crap, so I want to change everything, so I need 3 insurances. I want the best ones but I know those ones are high price that's what I was told, so I just need 3 very good ones with a reasonable price. The 3 insurances I need are cosmetic dental, pet insurance, sports insurance. Went to the dentist and found that I need little work and all of the work is cosmetic. Insurance that I have doesn't cover cosmetic things. I have 3 pets and I need pet insurance. The last one I need is a sports one. My insurance won't cover sports or fitness. I need sports insurance that is great. The sport that I'm trying to get into is wrestling yes professional wrestling like WWE type. I need sports or extreme sports insurance that will cover on those type of extreme sports. I was told that There is a insurance that covers everything sports, cosmetic and pet insurance but I don't know how true that is, but if there's a one please tell me. Anyways anybody let about these 3 insurance that I need. Thank You so much to whoever read and answers my question and helping me. Thank You.""
Effect of credit score on car insurance.?
What effect does bad credit have on your car insurance price, if any?""
""Rover car 1996 and 1989ford transit van, one insurance?""
how much for comprehensive 1years Insurance for 40year's no claims, now aged 66years old.""
How much would i save on insurance by taking the motorcycle safety course?
and is their other beneifits to taking the safety course like, getting a discount at the dealer place or something""
Would owning a Honda Civic coupe increase my car insurance rates?
I'm 18 & planning to switch to a Honda Civic soon. I'm meaning to get a coupe, but I heard that my insurance rate would go sky-high just because it's a coupe. Is this true? & if so, by how much? Thanks.""
""Anyone in Miami, Florida have preferred medical insurance?
I am looking for affordable heath care for myself and children and was offered health insurance named preferred medical insurance. Is it any good? Is their any other affordable insurances out there in south Miami Florida?
How much can you lie while obtaining new auto insurance?
I'd like to know... Whenever you're trying to obtain new auto insurance they take your driver's license number & social security number.. You'd think that they could look up any tickets/accidents you've gotten into. BUT, why do they ask? If you forget an incident, will they find out? This is coming from a 21 year old who was already paying $1,200 over 6 months for insurance and was involved in an rear-end collision doing 15 in congestion on the interstate, now my premium is $2000 for 6 months.""
Car insurance rates after having license for 3 years?
I'm 26, had license for only 3 years. About to get my own insurance, just the basic state minimum, nothing fancy. Nationwide gave me an online quote of 204$ for 6 months... That doesn't sound right, sounds low, that's about $35 a month. In January I got insurance for only s month and it was $70 a month... Of course I hadnt had my license 3 years yet.""
Should i trust AIS insurance broker company?
ais charges for broker fee only for one time, is that true? i have farmers right now. but AIS offer me mas cheaper insurance (mercury). but i'm not familiar with AIS company. do they have any headen charges that they never mention??? please help!!! thanks""
California after fires?
How long will it take for life in South California to return to normal? I mean quality of air, infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How was it in 2003? For example, for how long the ash will still be in the air?""
Rental car insurance?
I just rented a car from Budget and it being my first rental, I wasn't exactly sure of all the terms and conditions... unbeknownst to me I could have used my own full coverage insurance with me. I flew out of state and rented a car for the wedding and just assumed I would need to buy their insurance policy, no one ever told me different. I did take my policy with me, but was never asked for that information. Then I get the bill back and they charged me 32.50 a day! Has anyone ever had this happen and how lenient are they if you've already returned the rental? Anything I can do? I'm back at work and won't be able to call in until this afternoon, just wanted some feedback. Thanks in advance.""
Insurance rate?
best insurance company in clear lake, houston""
Insurance for teen driver?
i live in california and i just turned 18 and i got my license back in december. i want to know if say my parent's car has insurance, does that mean anyone can drive it? or is there such thing as each individual person needs to have insurance along with insurance for the car for it to be driven legally?""
I need a site where I can compare health insurance quotes from the top companies. Any help will be appreciated?
Health Insurance Quotes Needed Online...
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??
what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??
Would you switch car insurance companies after 10 years to save money?
Since 1997 I've been with the same car insurance company. Have had FANTASTIC service and support with claims and general questions. I use the same company for car insurance, home owner's insurance, life insurance, and to manage my IRA. When pricing out alternatives I realize that I could save about $50 a month by switching my car insurance to esurance. I attempted to get my current insurance to match their price without success. I'm very leery about possibly loosing my excellent service and support from my current company. Would you switch to a new company, and possibly a worse company, to save money?? I can easily afford my current company, but I'd obviously love having an extra $50 a month to plan with.""
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered, yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments.  I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money?  I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.
How much monthly would it cost for me to get an apartment in the US?
I would like to know the total living costs... Plus food, gas, insurance, electricity, everything... Like the average cost... I know the apartment would be $460, I already found one, but I don't know how much it would be for everything else included.""
MotorBike Insurance For CBT...?
i was just wondering if i bought a Honda CBR 125r and i got a provisional license ad done the CBT would i need insurance to ride on the roads for 2 years or would i not need insurance until i could save up money for lessons, theory and practical test....???""
Insurance with US license. Loophole or stupidity?
I am an 18 year old british citizen. I lived in the US for 6-7 years and got a license at the age of 16. I am now in the process of getting car insurance. and am wondering if this 'loophole' is technically legal. I can drive on my US license for up to 12 months, during that 12 months I can get a UK prov. license. take the driving lessons and do the theory/test to get my full UK license. while shopping around last night I noticed a website saying 'provisional insurance is cheap, but expect it to go up once you pass your test.' Now, I understand the reason why it's cheaper is due to the fact that you probably wouldn't be driving as much, and you need a 'known' driver with you in the car while you're driving. However, couldn't I be considered my own driver? If I have a provisional license would I not be eligable for provisional license insurance? is this legal? or am I just being a hopeful idiot?""
Car Insurance?
how much car insurance do i pay for a 6000 dollar car
Name some good life insurance companies?
Burial insurance I need for future.
What is the best car insurance for someone in their 20s?
What is the best car insurance for someone in their 20s?
2004 Mitsubishi Lancer ES Insurance?
Is a 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (automatic, 4 door sedan) significantly more expensive to insure than a 1993 Honda Accord LX (also automatic, 4 door sedan)? I am 18 and have had my drivers license for 2 months.""
What does 1000 or 500 deductible mean when you're getting car insurance?
Before I get my car insurance I would like to know what this means,and what is better.""
Can the government require us to buy insurance?
If the government requires us to buy insurance, cant they force us to buy anything they want? Couldnt they also forbid us to buy something they dont want us to buy? What happens if the insurance cost a million dollars and we don't want to buy it? We can no longer refuse to buy it. We are required to buy through the government. How does that empower the consumer?""
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used.
Im depressed because i cant get good price on car insurance :(?
I am 21 old male. I passed my driving test 5 months ago and my premium is way too high because I have 3 points on my licence. They were not displaying L plates. I really feel bad because my parents don't drive and I think it would be great to help out with the shooping at least. car insurance is coming up as 3000 and i cant afford. I really want to be there for my parents and drive to work in the early mornings. :( any ideas?
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
Car accident/car insurance help 18 year old girl?
i am an 18 year old girl (almost 19) living near miami, fl. i am looking to get my own car insurance eventually i have had 2 major accidents -the first one was when i was 17. totaled a 93 bmw in the rain, no other cars involved. i was in the hospital for a week -the second one was recently, i rear ended a small car with my 98 mountaineer. i got a careless driving ticket. the damage is pretty bad (mostly to the radiator) i have also had 2 speeding tickets, both when i was under 18. right now i am looking to get a 2004-2010 used 4x4 pickup truck how much would car insurance cost me per month (estimate) and what would be the best company for me to go with?""
If an insurance company estimated the damage on my car at $800 and I later find out it is way more can I go ba?
My car got hit, their insurance company sent me to a mechanic shop to get an estimate, they said $823 and the insurance sent me the check. I just took the car to the dealership and they said the damage was $3100, can I go back to the insurance and ask for the difference?""
Health Insurance....I need some...?
I live in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i need some affordable insurance...any good ideas.""
Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?
Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?
How much is insurance for mopeds?
i dont want specifics but what is the range? More that car insurance,same less?Is it really worth it?""
How can I take my ohio's driver test without car insurance?
I have my permit, learned how to drive and found a friend who is willing to let me use their car. But Im not covered under anyones insurance. I dont have any family to help. I cant get a car without a license and I cant get that without insurance but I cant get insurance without a car so it doesnt make sense.""
Where can I find cheap Van insurance for a 19year old?
I have recently started up a new business, and I am about to employ a 19year old with a previous driving conviction. I need him to drive a van so I am wondering what the best way to get him insured is- Through my policy? or is their a business insurance policy for driving I can look into? Any advice is much appreciated""
Is insure.com legit?
I was wondering if the site insure.com is legit and If they have good rates
Iininsurance on celica or rx 8?
Heres my situation at the moment currently i have celica,supra and skyline in my drive way and have rx8 and rx7 comming this summer Now i know i wont be able to afford insurance on rx7 supra or skyline But im wondering rx8 evolve (231ps) or celica How much would insurance cost Info on me No ncb Got driver license for few months 18year old University student living away Live in uk midlands""
Car Insurance and deductible payment?
My car window got smashed in and my windshield got cracked from vandalism. Nothing was stolen. I am taking my car in for inspection today. My question is, if my car deductible is $500, and if the resulting cost of the repair is less than the deductible, do I have to pay the deductible? It just doesn't seem correct to pay $250 each month, and then have to pay on top of that $500 for a repair that we could have saved up to pay for? Does anyone know if we have to pay the deductible if our repair cost is less than the deductible?""
How much will my car insurance cost? (Teenager)?
I am 16 years of age, and will be in 11th grade as of the next school year. I had B Honor Roll the last two years of school. I will be most likely driving my mother's Nissan Quest (2013) or my father's Nissan Titan (I do not remember the year). I am currently enrolled in Driver's Ed, and will get my permit once I finished. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, if that is helpful. I need to know for a Driver's Ed assignment. I was supposed to ask my parents, but they don't know, and I know they will forget soon.""
Is 39.56 pounds every month good scooter insurance?
hey guys i have a yamaha maxter 125cc scooter but i cant get cheap insurance :/ the lowest one is 39.56 do you think i can get cheaper? am 19 am in london please suggest cheaper companys
A question about car insurance.?
My girlfriend hit a small deer about 6 months ago, it did not do much damage, I called the insurance company and asked them what to do, they asked me what it did and then told me it probably was not worth it since she we have a 500 dollar deductible. Well today I took it in and got the oil changed and asked how much the headlamp was to fix so they looked at the car and told me that deer did about 1500 in damage. Is there anything I can do or am i screwed?""
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered, yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments.  I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money?  I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.
""If I have no car or house, do i still have to pay taxes and insurance?""
When I'm 18, i will use the bus and an apartment in Miami do i sitll have to pay any type of taxes? (besides the money taken from my paycheck at work) Also, is the only insurance i have to pay is life insurance and health insurance? How much will those cost me?""
Auto insurance for 16 year old female? r/o/p?
I'm sixteen, will be added to my mother's insurance plan. I will be the primary driver of a 2006 prius. I have good grades, and also, there are 2 cars between my mother and I. I am also located in CT! Can anyone give me an estimate of my yearly insurance cost?""
Insurance for polyp biopsy?
Hi.my aunt is 41 years old. She is really concerned she might have cancer, which I hope it's not. She had no insurance but wants to find one do she could get the necessary test done. She already got one test done that showed she had an hernia in her stomach, but that's not what she is concerned, she is more concerned because they found polyps in her stomach and also neck. Idk if my facts are right,I don't even know if u can get them in your neck.anyway she needs to get them biopsy to see if there malignant or not. What is a good insurance that isn't so expensive andshe can get a quote of. We live in California.and shell just be getting insurance just for herself. Or what can she do to get this procedure done. are all polyps cancerous""
What's the song from the new progressive motorcycle insurance commercial?
it's a rock song
Against my religion to have health insurance?
I live in the US and it is against my religion to have health insurance. If I will be forced to buy Obamacare, it will disrespect my God and I will never be allowed entry to paradise. I don't want to ruin my mortal life and my afterlife. Am I exempt from buying Obamacare now since it's very intolerant and hateful to force a man of God like myself to purchase this health insurance?""
""If I ride my friends motorcycle, do I need insurance?""
I have my license, and will be getting my own bike at some point, but for now, if I drive my friends motorcycle around, do I need insurance for it? Or does his cover me?""
How much is car insurance for a range rover a month?
I'm almost 16 and I wanted to know how much is car insurance for a Range Rover HSE, since that's the car i want.""
Someone who knows California car insurance?
So my parents are out of town for the weekend and my aunt is watching us. My brother has his permit and he was driving my aunt & I around. My aunt was in the passenger seat. So my mom called saying that my brother can't drive until she gets back because he is not under her insurance. Is this true ? Or is she just saying that ?
Car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
Hello Yesterday, I passed my driving test and am, of course, really looking forward to driving. I spotted a Renault Clio I liked with a 1.1 litre engine. It's nothing special, just a first car (which would mean the world to me) I was always aware insurance was going to be a struggle. I insured myself with Provisional Marmalade while I was still learning, so I could drive my mum and dad's car as additional practice. Prov. Marm. have another part to their company, Young Marmalade for newly passed drivers, apparently giving you the best quotes, however I couldn't find anything under 3000! I am a 17 year old boy living in the Northeast of Scotland, one of the most common places for a collision in the whole of the UK. However, I am not in anyway a dangerous driver. My dad has been driving for 50 years and told me he feels very safe while driving with me as a learner, and I always stay within the speed limit, with the exception of if I don't realise I'm doing over the limit. My mum and dad have been saving some money for me for about 10 years, but it's only about 1300, and I don't have any more money apart from that. It's not going to be enough and I have really been let down by the insurance, because that Clio I saw was 600. The lowest quote I managed to find was 1634.70 a year from the Co-Operative Young Driver insurance, and with that you get a device fitted in your car to monitor how you drive, and if you drive within speed limits, and safely, I guess your monthly cost comes down a little bit. Anyway, I'm waffling on here. My question was, does anybody know of a REALLY good insurer for 17 year old boys who would: -take their price down for one of thse devices being fitted -offer decent discounts for Pass Plus or an Advanced Driving course? A car and amazingly cheap insurance would mean the world to me at the moment, because there's nothing worse than the feeling of only getting 1 minor fault on your test then realising you can't drive due to the greedy bastard insurance companies. Thanks for all the help.""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
""Okay so sent off for my provisional license and thinking about cars and insurance now, just need a little help?""
Okay so I'm 16, turning 17 very soon and going to start driing lessons soon, but I need a car after that and I'm going to have to pay the majority of the insurance and the car myself. I only have a part time job where I work thursday evening and saturday mornings at like 6.00 an hour. What car is a good car for a person my age, what about insurance for that car how much is that going to cost? Overall what would you say is the total amount I should save up in order to get a car and decent insurance? Thanks :)""
Car insurance for a young driver?
I Live in NSW Australia and I am getting a car for my 16th birthday..I will also only be on my lurners permits (L Plates). I was thinking about getting a 4 scylinder 80s modle celica. but I have been told because its a 2 door sports car the insurance will be verry high for someone who is 16. is this true..and are there any things I realy should know?
Insurance for modified car advice !!?
i want to buy a car that has full interior and exterior body work done to it, will this effecct the insurance ?? also the engine has had a 'ecu chip' and air filter added/changed so will this effect insurance in any way ?? and can i get replys from someone who knows what there on about no some random answer thanks""
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
California's low income auto insurance program?
Does anyone know what its called? Or the name of an insurance agency in the Los Angeles/ long beach area, where i can purchase this insurance from please? For some reason i haven't been able to get on the dmv.gov.ca web sight. Thank u""
How does a car insurance work?
So the other day i hit an 06 mustang and it left a 1 inch dent it was very small i exchanged info and all then the lady called me and told me the damages were $1008 my insurance said they are going to go check the car to make sure, i was just wondering the dent seemed like a $250 dent will the insurance give them what they say or what the lady says its supposedly worth?""
Can people under 18 get their own car insurance?
My stepdad does not want to let me onto his car insurance because he doesn't trust me. Can I even get my own insurance before I turn 18?
If you studied car insurance quotes previously you will know that a Q.B.P. accurate quote takes this many minutes?
Maternity insurance coverage?
I have been searching for insurance coverage for weeks now and I can't find a single plan that includes maternity coverage (not even the hospital stay for the birth) I live in colorado and I am currently not pregnant and I currently don't have insurance. I just want to be covered because i'm a healthy 22 year old married woman and you never know what will happen. does anyone have insurance that covered their pregnancy? what are my options? what did you do?
Full Coverage Insurance?
is full coverage insurance suppose to follow u to your next vehicle for the first 30-60 days?
Maternity Leave Insurance?
My husbands cousin told me about an insurance that covered her maternity leave. She got this insurance when she was 5 months pregnant and it covered her for 3 months of time off. My employer does not offer paid time off and I need an insurance that will cover my maternity leave even though Im pregnant right now. She doesnt remember what insurance it was.
How much does it cost to go for an eye exam in new jersey without insurance?
I want to get my eyes checked and have no insurance.I was wondering how much it would cost? Is lenscrafters good or more expensive? pearl vision?
""Lawsuits have been limited to $250,000 in California for years now - insurance costs haven't gone down...?
...at all. Why do Republicans pretend that is the solution to healthcare costs?
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered, yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments.  I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money?  I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.
0 notes
Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10?
"Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10?
My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""In NJ, Can you get a driver's lincense but not have car insurance or a car/drive? TEN POINTSS?""
I'm 18 years old, female. I've always wanted my driver's license. I have my permit that now expired. My parents won't let me get it because they don't want me to get into an accident and because they said insurance is sooo HIGH! Is it possible to pass my driver license test and not be on an insurance policy and not drive any car? Not drive at all, just own the license. I have a job and would get my own policy, but it would just be even more expensive!""
Whats a guess from the different cost on insurance between a bike and a car?
would it be something like bike - $100 month car - $200-$300 month
Car Insurance for Citroen Saxo?
So i've been looking at cars seeing as im 17 and learning to drive. Well i really like a car ive seen which is a Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre and 2003 model. Round about how much insurance would it be? one of my parents would be on the insurance also and they have no claims. I'm female by the way if that makes much of a difference? Help would b appreciated :)
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
If i take an online drivers ed what will it do to the price of my car insurance?
The insurance companys told me that my insurance would be cheaper if i take the actual driving class. but will it still be as cheap if i do the class online?
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
HELP!!!! Insurance company saying I owe money after a car accident that happened 2 years ago! What do I do?
2 years ago I got into a 4 car pile up accident. The accident was my fault. After the wreck happened, my insurance company took care of all the people who were involved in the wreck but me because I had only liability. No one was hurt in the wreck. I recieved a letter from my insurance company that I owed them $700.00. I paid it and they told me everything was taken care of and never heard anything about the accident. Now 2 years later I get a letter from the Credit Collection company saying I owe them $82,000 dollars!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!? How do I find out what they want me to pay so much money for??? and what do I do if i cant pay this!? there is NO WAY I can afford to pay that much $$!!! How do I keep my credit from messing up or is it already messed up since the collectio company sent me a letter??? PLEASE HELP! anyone who knows anything about this or has been through this...""
Affordable health insurance/maternity coverage?
My husband and I are considering trying to conceive our second baby in the next few months. Only problem is went husband works construction and they don't offer insurance. We have private insurance but it only covers preventative. Have you ever been in this situation? What solutions have or did you find? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Why can't responsible working people get low-cost health insurance?
Here's my big fault: I have no fatherless children, in fact, I have no children. Yet I have to hear a girl that I work with (who makes more than I do) talk about how she has state health insurance (I believe Medicaid) at an extremely low cost, since she made the decision to have a child with a man that she knew was a criminal, and is now serving time in prison. (And oh yeah, I drive an 11-year-old car, she just recently got a new one. But I know, that's easy when you get a free ride for the necessities.) So, why can't there be affordable health insurance for everyone, even if you did not choose to pump out a child (or children) you knew you could not afford to take care of?""
Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car?
Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996""
INSURANCE on a BMW 318i 2.0L coupe for a 17 year old? UK?
how much will insurance cost if my dad were to add me to his policy as an additional driver? i'm not fronting, its his car and he will use it most of the time... -- 17 year old just passed test -- 2004 BMW 318i COUPE 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- dad is 50 with 20 years UK driving exp all answers appreciated :)""
Car Insurance quotes madness--------?
I am 26 and looking to buy a car. I am a new driver who has only just passed my test. Can I get a reasonable insurance quote? and if so where? I personally hate the idea of handing over 1000+ to a company who in all honesty will sell on my details to a multitude of companies, and not pay-out anyway. i am getting really annoyed by qoutes of 1000, 2000 and in one case 4000 for an 800 1.2L hatchback. I know it is wrong to be thinking this, but is looks cheaper to be an uninsured driver. as I will only have to pay a 300 fine if caught.""
I just gave up my car and turned in my insurance?
I just gave up my car and turned in my insurance .I will drive my childrens cars from time to time .My insurance coverage was adequate and included an auto liability of $1,000,000.bodily inj of $1,000,000 and property damage the same .Since my children have only the minimum ,how can I continue to get the same protection when driving their cars.""
Homeowners insurance question?
I've carried my auto and homeowners insurance with State Farm for about 15 years. I've had multiple auto claims but only one claim on my homeowners poicy. I had my roof replaced about four years ago when most houses in the area were damaged by hail. I've been very happy dealing with state farm but I'm considering a change to travelers. Travelers sent me a quote that if accurate reduces my homeowner insurance to about $900 per year as compared to the slightly lower benefits from State Farm which is costing $1200 every six months. What opinion do you have of these two companies and what do you base it on. Will Travelers drop me after the first claim and do they pay claims quickly? Please give your opinion on my making a change. Thanks.
Insurance quote!!!!!!!!?
abut how much will it cost to insure a 2002 suburban for a 16 yearold male in dallas texas with a 3.5 gpa
What is the cheapest car insurance for teens to buy themselves?
I'm 19 years old and shortly will buy my own car. I'm trying to be independent and need to buy my own affordable car insurance for my car. The quotes from name brand insurance co. like geico and progressive are between $800-$1300/mo. That is so crazy and obviously cannot afford that. Does anybody know where I can find reasonable priced insurance (non name brands) that just covers the minimum? My budget is $100 and less. BTW, I live in SouthFlorida.""
Will 1 speeding ticket effect my insurance rates in Maryland?
Erie Insurance policy, 83 in a 65, 2 points, no other tickets. Will this effect my insurance cost in Maryland?""
Is the premium the only determinant of how much your health insurance costs?
Does the deductible matter? Does a possible subsidy change things? And most importantly, are you taking into account what you would have to pay out of pocket for things your junk plan does not cover? In the long run, even if your premium goes up but you get better coverage, you will save money.""
Cheapest Car Insurance For Me?
I currently have commerce insurance company. I drive a Nissan Versa Hatchback 2011 I have been a licensed driver for the past 8 years without accidents or tickets I am looking for the cheapest auto insurance I can get I am currently financing my car for the next 5 years just to build on credit. I would like for you to let me know what I should. Oh I am also on my own and paying rent on a two family home I pay all my bills on time so there is no issues I have Three jobs and one of them being my full time job. Thanks
Should I Get Title Insurance?
I have an opportunity to buy a lot near a lake in Missouri from a lake association for $300. There has been no other owner of the property in the past 30 years or so (since before the lake itself was created and the association was established). As great of a deal as this price sounds, I have the option to pay another $125 for title insurance. Would it be worth it to pay for that insurance considering the amount I am paying for the lot itself? Also, I am not planning to build on the lot any time soon, I just want it to allow for access to the lake and the priveledges of the lake association.""
Cheapest car insurance?
What would be the cheapest car insurance for a low income 18 year old female who has had two tickets. I have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I live in Oklahoma if that helps.
How much more will the insurance go up? From Ford Ranger to Ford Mustang.?
I saw my dad right a check for my ranger to the insurance place for $75.. im about to get a 2003 mustang. How much will it cost for that on estimate just liability and it'll be on my parents insurance? Im 16 year old male with a 3.0 gpa. I have my own job too.
What is the best life insurance for a young person 22-35?
I want to be able to use it against my mortgage. Is it possible to get money from it and not have to pay it back after a while or something? And will that change my policy in anyway?
Bankers home insurance in Florida dog question?
I currently have bankers home insurance for home insurance and wondered if there are any dogs that are not allowed or would cause my insurance bill to go up?
Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10?
My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.
Would my insurance rate go up on a car with more features?
I'm buying a car today and I already have the insuance and can leave with the car today once I give a down payment. However, the car dealer and I were speaking on the phone and he told me he can give me the same car and year but with more features like a Nav Panel on the dashboard and bluetooth and a couple of other smaller details like USB ports. Now my question would be, with these new features that don't exactly change much from the car I was originally getting, would this make my insurance go up?""
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
""Need cheap auto insurance, Arizona?""
only drive 2 miles a couple times a week, never had a accident or ticket; 63yrs old,Mesa,AZ""
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Can i cash a check from an auto insurance company and not fix my car?
i had hit a deer yesterday, i had made a claim with my insurance company. When they send me a check for the damages, can i cash that check and fix the car myself and not go to a body shop?""
""Question about vsp eye insurance? around how much would glasses, contacts, exam cost?""
hey im new to the job world and i got guardian dental insurance and i think its comes with free vsp too. and the guardian insurance worker told me i'd tell them my social security number and tell them i have vsp to qualify or something. im going to go to a private office that accepts vsp. i want to get an eye exam, get 1 pair of prescription glasses and contact lens fitting and contacts. i dont have a credit card yet so i plan to pay with cash but i dont know how much to withdraw out of the bank to bring with me. i live in georgia, near atlanta by the way. or should i just go to lenscrafters or visonworks or something like that? could you give me an estimate of how much each would be when using vsp, if you have it? and if i used the insurance would i have to pay all the amount there and the insurance company would evaluate my claim and send me money back..? i dont know so how would that work too. thanks for your time in advance.""
Disability Insurance question?
Can an individual buy short term disability insurance themselves without going thru a business? Can I purchase Aflac on my own, or some other disability insurance?""
""Has anyone heard of this company Affordable Health & Benefits, LLC.?""
I'm looking to get health, dental, and vision insurance. I looked online at a couple sites and found this one. It looks really good but I'm a little worried it might be a scam ...show more""
Does a ticket make ur car insurance go up?
ok so im not going in to details about how this happened but basically i got a ticket for driving on the wrong side of the road. will that make my car insurance go up? im 16 if that makes any difference to it...but some telll me it will and some tell me it wont help???
Can i pay for a car and insurance together monthly?
Like on finance or something? so i pay the insurance and the car price on a newish car both at the same time each month?
How ill this effect my car insurance quote?
there is a question on an money supermarket asking if i have access to any other vehicles. my answer would be company vehicle, excluding social how would this effect my insurance quote? also how would company vehicle, including social effect my qoute? Thanks""
Can auto insurance company refuse to pay claims if Company Vehicle?
I have a company vehicle for 5 years now and ok to use for personal needs. Now they have come out with new company policy. It states if in an accident on weekends or whenever it is used for personal reasons and I am in an at fault accident all damages and claims will be denied. Another words if I get in a wreck and do damages to vehicles, bodily injury or whatever while driving after work hours or weekends their insurance company will not pay any claims. It states I am responsible for all damages if using for personal use in an at fault accident. Question is can they actually do that. Can their insurance legally deny all claims due to the fact the I was using the vehicle outside of normal hours and for personal use.""
Motorcycle and car insurance?
I want to get a motorbike but cant afford to run my car also. Put a question on here the other day about running a bike only all year round and been sort of put off by responses re winter riding. Is it possible to road tax and insure a car for half a year only and then for other half of year not road tax/insure it. During that period to insure and tax bike instead if put car on private driveway and not use it for that period? So basically run car half year in crap weather and bike other half in good? Whats the reprocussions insurance wise if thats possible? UK answers would be more usefull as thats where I live! thanks!
Looking for catastrophic health insurance.?
Self employed paying $1,200 a month for health insurance. I want to self insure but would like to get some kind of catastrophic health insurance if there is such a thing.""
Cheapest car to insure for 17 year old male in Toronto?
Im looking to buy a car and i live in the toronto area. Insurance is not the cheapest here. I was wondering what my best bet was in terms of insurance. Im looking for cars, not minivans,suvs, trucks...etc""
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
im doing thiss on my phone im at work so i cant call an insurance company. please help
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am a 16 year old male in the state of Massachusetts and I'm wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1986 Monte Carlo SS.
ABC news did a #realmoney story on How to find affordable dental insurances or plans; Baton Rouge?
How can people save money and still get the best dental care in Baton Rouge. What insurance is best for a family of 5? ABC news did a segment on #realmoney and I am wondering more ...show more
Insurance for acura rsx?
I am thinking about getting an acura base rsx. Im 16 years old. How much would insurance be I live in ky
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
Auto Insurance for an 18yr old?
I'm 18 almost 19 and I am looking for an auto insurance policy away from my parents because I am about to have my own car in my name. How do I figure the rates for my own auto insurance policy because I am confused when I try to figure it out on the insurance websites.
Car insurance rate differences between the years question?
Okay, I'm almost going to be looking for car soon, and I'm wondering, since I'll only be a 16 year old boy, insurance will be really damn high for me, and I was curious, say you have two cars of the same model, trim, style, transmission, driving record, miles, engine wear, etc. One car is something made in the late eighties or early nineties while the other car is late nineties or early 2000s. What I basically want to know, is, which car would have a cheaper insurance premium? (approximately. I know you cant give me an exact number.)""
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
""How much, on average, would it cost to get a Thyroid Function Test? (No insurance) Info on Hypothyroidism?""
I was told that I might have Hypothyroidism because of my constant low blood pressure & low body temp. I was reading the symptoms and seem to have the following. Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia) Fatigue Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold Depression Constipation Muscle cramps and joint pain Arthritis Thin, brittle fingernails Brittle hair Paleness Dry, itchy skin Weight gain Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows Low basal body temperature Impaired memory Impaired cognitive function (brain fog) and inattentiveness <-all the time now Migraine headache Sluggish reflexes Anxiety/panic attacks <All the time now Increased need for sleep <All the time now Irritability and mood instability <All the time now Decreased sense of taste and smell Depression (Had <that for years and years now) Could it be the depression & Borderline Personality Disorder causing this or thyroid problems causing the Mental issues? Thanks for any info!""
Adding additional drivers to my car insurance..?
Will adding my mom or dad (perfect driving record) affect them or their insurance at all? Or, if I got into an accident, would it go on their record? The policy would still be in my name...they would simply be listed as a secondary driver. Please only knowledgeable answers. It's crucial I get this figured out correctly.""
Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10?
My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.
Best choice for auto insurance?
I'm 16 and just got my drivers license and need auto insurance. What would be my best choice?
How can you figure out how much insurance will cost before buying a car?
How can you figure out how much insurance will cost before buying a car?
""HELP, car insurance!?""
I am 15, going on 16, and I am looking into a Vauxhall Astra 1.6i 16V SXi 3dr Sport Hatch for around 4000. It's a car that is nice, but I could easily afford it due to my savings and work etc. I was wondering, when I am 17, how much would it cost me to insure the car at its cheapest?! This is an example of the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I am looking into this early so that I get a head start and can get everything sorted as soon as I'm legally aloud to drive. How much would it be to insure the car for a 17 year old male living in Bradford? Any help is appreciated, thank you!""
Is motorcycle insurance available for six months?
I live in an area where I can only ride for half the year, yet all of the policies cover 12 months. Does anyone know of a company that offers six month packages? A second question, does taking a Riding course offer a sizable discount with insurance companies? Thanks""
Is insurance expensive for two cars (one person)?
I have an automatic car right now and I really wanted a manual but not as an everyday driver.One to just work on and drive occasionally. Can i just switch my insurance from one car to the next, instead of paying for two at the same time?""
Having car insurance cancelled??
my payment is due in a few days, and due to financial difficulties, im not going to be able to pay my car insurance on time. when i go to the web site (i have progressive) it says pending cancelation on 7/27/08 ... can they do this? what should i do?""
When is car insurance invalid?
Is car insurance invalid if a car is neither taxed nor Sorned? I forgot to tax my car - is my insurance invalid until I renew it?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
Where to buy cheap auto insurance?
Im 19 years old and I have had my license for about a year. I have no speeding tickets and have never been in a wreck. My driving record is picture perfect. I have been driving my moms car and she has had me under her insurance so it was really cheap. But Im getting ready to buy an 06' Chevy Colbat and where I am buying it off a car lot, she cant afford to put me under her name on insurance, becuase I will have to get full coverage as where as before I had liability. Is there a place in WV or somewhere online that offers reasonable prices on full coverage insurance for someone of my age. My mom is telling me my insurance is going to be about as much as my car payment. Is there any way to get it lower? I need a cheap place for insurance! Thnks.""
Car insurance?
If i have bought a car but but the car is not insured, then can someone else who is fully comp drive my car?""
What is a good website for getting non owner sr22 insurance?
Non owner sr22 insurance. I don't own a car and I do not have the time to make calls for insurance quotes. So I'm looking for a good website for getting cheap non owners sr22 insurance. Anybody knows someone? Thanks
HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!?
I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.""
""Car insurance for new driver, help please?""
I'm 18 and I have just passed my test about a week ago, and am looking for insurance etc. But the quotes I'm getting are all about 2,500, which I cannot afford at all as I'm a student. I haven't bought a car yet, as I want to find a good quote first, but the details I have been putting in so far is Vauxhall Corsa 1.0l 3dr age 1999. Surely, this is neither a powerful nor new car, so I don't understand why I'm getting quotes of 2 and a half grand?! I have tried different cars, as well (renault clios, ford fiestas and polos) but it has made little difference. :( I know that the insurance is always going to be high for new young drievrs, but this is really taking the piss, if I'm honest. I have tried about 20-30 different comparison sites and individual company sites, and this is so far the best I'm getting. I've been putting in third party cover and social + pleasure travel or whatever it is. Also, that the car will be parked on a driveway over night. I will be 19 in four months, so is there a chance that insurance will have gone down by then, because it wouldn't be that long to wait. But otherwise, any suggestions, please, are there any details I should change, about the car or the insurance etc. Please help!! :( Thanks in advance""
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
How to get insurance when pregnant?
whats the fastest way to get insurance when pregnant im already about 14 weeks
Thank you ahead for answer my question. I live in MA, I'm a homeowner of a 3 units property in Boston. When I bought that house, my insurance agent for my AUTO said that I have to ...show more""
What types of insurance would a spin cycling instructor require?
exmaple public liability, and why would they need these types of insurance""
What is the best and most affordable whole life insurance i can get for my mother who is 77?
what's the best and most affordable whole life policy i can get for my mother who is 77 and has numerous health concerns?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance in texas?
i need to get a 1 month auto insurance for my 94 mustang whats the cheapest i can get it for and also about how much would i have to pay to put it under my name
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
How much do you pay for health insurance?
How are you covered? Through your employer, self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid?""
Can insurance rates go up if...?
If you have a provisional license issued and you get a citation for carrying passengers in your car before your 5 months is up, can your insurance rates go up? If so, how much?""
About how much would insurance be on a used 2005 Ford Mustang per year?
I'm a male. I live in Reno, NV It has 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission 2 wheel drive - rear The car cost $10,880""
Can someone answer my health insurance question?
I currently am paying for COBRA. I am 61 years old, female. I am on long term disability & disability social security. I am able to get medicare when I am 62. I have a pre existing condition, COPD. Looks like no one will accept me, except Blue Cross. I need a medical supplement PLUS an exceptional prescription plan. I am on many meds, including oxygen 24/7. I make too much money to qualify for medicaid or any other help. ANY of you insurance agents have any ideas? I will be 62 on April 5th. Any help is much appreciated. I have searched & looked on the internet & most of them I do not trust. I have heard too many bad stories about them. I am paying $490.00 a month plus co pays now & it is killing me.""
Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10?
My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable car insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is not less expensive in general, but any suggestions would help.""
Where can i get two wheeler insurance policies through online?
i need to buy insurance policies.
Will my car insurance go up?
Recently I was parked outside of my boyfriend's house and somebody had pulled out of a driveway and hit my car, leaving a big hole in my fender and a bit of a bend in the bumper. I had done absolutely nothing wrong, I wasn't even aware it had happened until somebody said they saw it. Nothing illegal was done on my behalf. They have been nothing but rude to me so I want to put it through my insurance, and I was wondering if MY insurance will go up because of this?""
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
""Can a person with a driver's license but no insurance, legally drive another person's car?
I live in Pa. Can a friend who is a licensed driver but has no car insurance drive another person's vehicle legally? What are some problems which could happen?
What should I do? I got a letter from car insurance company saying they want full reimbursement!?
Okay, about 6 months ago I was involved in a car accident that resulted in both of our cars being totaled. I had to be sent to the hospital and the other person didn't but it was determined it was my fault and I had NO insurance at the time. My parents had insurance on the car but the insurance didn't want to pay for it. The other person had full coverage but now they sent me a letter asking for full reimbursement or else they will file a lawsuit against me! I don't know what to do! I have no money, I'm just a 19 yr old kid that goes to community college with a part time job! What should I do??""
Auto Insurance Price?
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much my auto insurance would cost per year? I'm a 19 year old female purchasing a 2000 Toyota camry.
Where can I find affordable health insurance with no waiting period for maternity coverage?
We're residents of Virginia, but use a doctor and hospital in North Carolina, and can't seem to find a thing. Doesn't need to pick it up as a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn't find a thing for us. Any help is appreciated.""
Medical Cancer insurance?
my brother had cancer in the past. can he be covered by anyone now?? If he can what medical insurance?
Life Insurance for over 40's?
Is there an over 40's plan in the UK that lasts more than 11 years. Know of any companies, tried direct line not luck. Thanks""
How can I get US health insurance for my (non US residents) parents (in late 50's)?
This is both an Immigration question and a Health Insurance question. My parents will start living in the US several months a year or more as legal visitors to live with us until they get green cards and can move here permanently. They are close 56, 59 years old. How do I go about getting them health insurance so unexpected health concerns don't ruin them, they can get their prescriptions filled w/o paying an arm and a leg, etc? Are there specialized US insurance companies that offer insurance to non-residents that's worth anything? I don't need the gimmicky travel insurance that won't cover anything or require outrageous deductibles and paperwork sent to some tax haven country ... I need a reliable US insurer who can be found, operates under laws of US, has customer service who can explain their policies, etc.""
Should people who do not own cars be forced to buy car insurance?
so that the insurance would be cheaper for those who can't really afford the premiums? That's what Hillary wants to do with Health insurance. She wants to force young people who very rarely need it to buy it so that it would be more affordable for others.
What is an independant insurance adjuster?
I need to know what what types of insurances adjusters there are and what each type does.
How to do teens afford cars without going under their parents insurance?
Hello, so my friends have their g2 and their parents pay for their insurance. My fathers cheap in ways and he doesn't want me under his insurance. I do have my own car it's a ...show more""
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
Are minors required to have car insurance in California?
I'm reading the drivers handbook and it doesn't mention anything about that, it only says if you are emancipated that they require it.""
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
Is progressive a good insurance? what's the best insurance?
i got a great quote from progressive but not sure if they're any good...are they a pretty good insurance? or if there's one better?
Which life insurance company is best in settling claims?
Which life insurance company is best in setting claims? I want to but a term insurance for 25 yrs. I am 35 now. Please suggest good plan and insurance comany. Is there any databse where we get more information of claim record.
What is the cheapest Sr22 insurance in california?
I am 20 years old Dwv suspended my liscense for a year,i payed all my ticket fees,they were all mostly speeding,i had a total of 6 points on my record.where can i find cheap liabilty insurance?""
""My car insurance company sent me forms to fill out, after an accident. Do I need to do it?""
The police report states that I am not at fault. The passenger in my was badly hurt. My insurer wants me/my passenger to fill out a medical release/history form. I see no benefit in doing so. If the other driver does not have insurance, and we are not yet sure that they do, my insurer would pay my claim/my passengers claim under my uninsured coverage. If they have my passenger's medical history, they could try to find reasons to limit how much to pay out. They also want me to fill out a Report of Traffic Accident form. I have given a statement to the police, who said I'm not at fault. The other driver was cited, and I have also given an oral/recorded statement to my insurer. I don't' see the need to fill out an accident form. It just seems that my insurer is trying to cover their on *** in case my uninsured coverage kicks in. What if I don't fill these form out?""
Can the auto insurance company pay me directly and not pay body repair shop?
So about 3 weeks ago some guy backed into my car and it was his fault... His insurance company said take my car to a body shop repair and they will pay the repair shop only.. I wanna take my car to different shops and get few estimates and have the insurance company pay me.. I wanna decide weather to fix the car or keep the cash (maybe sell my car and get a better one)... It's my car and I have the title for it.. Why should the damn insurance company control what to do with own my car or control how the repair process goes!!! it's a 1995 nissan 240sx... Please tell me if I can make the insurance company to write me a check. thanks!
""As an estimation, how much would an 18 year old have to pay for insurance on a Mercedes Benz?""
I am 18 years old, and I have a beautiful opportunity to buy a Mercedez Benz for incredibly cheap. Problem is, I cannot buy the car until I know whether the insurance would be affordable or not. I did get a DUI when I was 17 years old, but it was reduced down to a Reckless Driving charge, considering it was my first offense, and a minor one at that. I do not have anything else on my record, including my driving record. The car is a 2002 Mercedez Benz ML320 that just barely hit the mark for 114,000 miles the other day. I have tried looking for insurance quotes but they all ask how many miles I put on it annually and how many days I drive it to work and all that junk. I cant answer these questions because the car is not yet mine. So I turned to this website for help! Somebody please help me with just a simple but relevant estimate as to how much money I would have to pay for insurance on this car. I do not wish to have the car under double-coverage. Just the cheapest form of insurance that would still cover my car if I were to get in an accident. Please and thank you! :D""
Im 18 with no no claims need fast car low insurance group!?
im 18 (just) been drivin a year on mums policy no smashes no points no nothing i just sold my car and i been looking at honda crx's insurance turned round and said NO!!! grrr kill them. but yeah i got 1.5k to spend on a decent car with low insurance group? any ideas? cant really find a website that compares speed and insurance group, any ideas welcome thanks in advance!!!""
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that pays the Medicare B premium?
I live in the formerly great state of California. A friend has her Medicare B insurance premiums paid by her insurance company. She was employed by a school system in California. Is there such a plan for non-school retirees? My current insurance says everyone must pay the Medicare B premium.
Can car insurance companies commit an offence? IN10?
My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.
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