#my mumbly mumbly (subtitled) voice
izzymalec · 1 year
biggest mystery about hannibal is how i understood anything when watching it 10 years ago
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Please remember this is fan-made alternative universe content! None of this is cannon! <3
I had some folks saying they wanted to comfort wally, and a peep saying that they wanted to comfort wally if home had hurt them, or if wally was having a breakdown! So... You better be ready for this angst
This one is almost 2 minutes, so it's.. A long one! The audio is a bit muffled and shaky, so you may wanna glance at the subtitles every now and then!
BIG TW: ANGST, Heavy breathing, sobbing, implied violence, implied stitching, violent/damaging behavior/context, breakdown, etc! I'd suggest skipping if these themes lay heavy on you!
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Subtitles, wally speakin: [muffled sobbing & mumbling] uh.. Neighbor!.. Hi!... H-how are y-...no I'm- I'm fine! Really! My hands just a little...you know..in pain... U-uhm.. [y/n takes wally's hurt arm from behind his back to look at it] uhh!...i-i can explain this! Really i-i can! I-it's just home got a little.. Upset with me and... You know!.. [slowly beginning to breakdown into sobs] You know how home gets when he's upset... [crying] I'm fine!... Im fine.... [y/n begins to stitch & bandage his arm] O-okay alright.. It's not that bad!.. I mean-......thank you....[Shaky breathing] ow!... [long pause]....I don't..... Know what I'm doing wrong.... Im not.. Doing anything wrong am I...? I don't-.. I don't know anymore...I thought I was.. doing everything correct i mean.... I've stayed here, I've done everything I was supposed to do... I wouldn't go out when he told me not to!... I just-.. I just can't seem to....just get everything exactly correct anymore.....[pause] Yeah.. Yeah I'm fine!.. Sorry I've just..never had my arm stitched like this before... T-thank you neighbor... I'll be fine.. Right..? [y/n pulls him into a close embrace] Oh!.....thank you for.. Holding.. me... Your arms feel very.. Comforting and... Warm.. Thank you... Please please don't let go for a little bit.... Thank you..
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laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Wild Luxury date translation + video with sub EN
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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The slightly cool fingertips keep teasing and rubbing my wrist. In an ambiguous and ticklish feeling, the silk ribbon is tied into a bow.
My hands are completely restrained.
“If this student has no objections, then let's begin-”
“From now on, use your body's intuition to find the answer.”
”Give your body completely to me.”
[Warning]: The content of this date is borderline explicit and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 16 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
[Video + English subtitle]
(T/N: I highly recommend watch the date in video format or following the voice acting for complete experience.)
[Transcript ver]
=Part 1=
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MC: The engagement banquet has been canceled?
I stand there in shock, watching Lucien take the steaming iron from my hand and turn it off.
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Lucien: Hm, Xiao Fan just called and told me about it.
A trace of regret flashed across Lucien's expression. I open my mouth, so shocked that I don't know what to say for a moment.
The purpose of our trip was to attend the engagement banquet of Xiao Fan and Xiao Su, researchers from the Ultima Bioresearch Centre.
Since they met through Lucien's research project, they invited Lucien to be the witness for the engagement banquet.
We also arrived at this famous glamping hotel a day early to coincide with the rehearsal.
We had planned to spend a pleasant weekend here after the banquet, but now...
MC: Did something unexpected happen? Did they fight? Was it an impulsive decision? Or is there some other reason?
Seeing me keep asking questions, Lucien seems a bit helpless. He leads me to sit on the sofa where he sits down with me.
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Lucien: I admit that the Great Producer is indeed very imaginative, but none of these are the reason for the cancellation of the engagement banquet.
Lucien: Their reason seems to be very simple.
Lucien: -When they finally reached the stage of engagement, they realized that they could no longer avoid the issues that had been left unresolved in their relationship. They needed to work together to resolve them.
Lucien: So they decided to take a break for a while and calm down.
MC: …The reason is so sensible, huh?
MC: But when it comes to your rigorous and restrained researchers, it somehow makes sense…
I mumble to myself and see a smile on the corner of Lucien's lips. He crosses his arms and tilts his chin up, looking at me thoughtfully.
Lucien: Seems that MC has some bias toward researchers?
Lucien: How could you forget that you and I have done some "crazy" things together that were not so rigorous and restrained.
Lucien: It seems that the forgetful producer needs to be reminded.
(T/N: call-back to Crazy Date!)
As he said that, he moved closer to me, and his warm fingers twirled the strands of hair near my ears, causing a tickling sensation on my face.
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MC: There's no need to bother Professor Lucien~ I admit that I was not rigorous enough and had subconscious stereotypes!
I coyly raised my hands and saw his serious expression turn into a faint smile, only then did I let out a sigh.
MC: Okay, since it's their relationship, we don't need to say anything more.
MC: Shall we pack our bags and get ready to go home now?
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Lucien: (chuckle) No need to rush.
Lucien: We can start our vacation here, just as we planned.
I blink in confusion, not understanding what Lucien means.
MC: But the engagement banquet has been canceled. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to stay here...
Lucien: Let us stay and enjoy our holiday, this is also Xiao Fan's invitation.
Lucien raises his chin and looks back at the private garden outside the window. The brilliant sunset reflected in his eyes, showing a beautiful glow.
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Lucien: They said that because they had to deal with the nagging of their elders, they couldn't get away to appreciate the beautiful spring scenery here.
Lucien: So they entrusted us with the task of cherishing this springtime scenery for them.
I follow his gaze and look out the window, realizing what this "invitation" really means.
MC: Lucien, I sincerely take back the biased words that I just said.
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MC: The researchers are not only strict and frenzied, but also understand the ways of the world and romance.
There's a chuckle from behind. Lucien gets up and walks straight to the hanging ironing machine. He then takes down the white shirt I just ironed.
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Lucien: Being able to get approval from the great producer, I, on behalf of myself, express this researcher's most sincere thanks.
Lucien: And I would like to extend a formal invitation to you for a deeper understanding. How about it?
As he speaks, he undoes his shirt buttons one by one, revealing the smooth lines of his body.
Lucien: Since my girlfriend specifically picked out this shirt for our vacation, I must make good use of it.
His long fingers move slowly to the last button. With a slight sound, his muscular chest is bared before me, causing me to unconsciously swallow.
But in the next moment, he deftly puts on the white shirt in his hand, smirking slightly and extending his hand to me.
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Lucien: (chuckle)So, would you like to go out and take a stroll?
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=Part 2=
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Our vacation began with an unexpected event.
Amidst the blooming flowers, chirping birds, and wild swans playing in the spring water, it felt like we had stumbled upon a utopia.
Before we knew it, we walked to the venue where the engagement banquet was originally held.
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The waiters are removing the venue. They remove the tablecloths and chair covers, leaving them bare. There are many colorful balloons scattered on the grass.
The mix of warm and cozy colors amidst the messy leftovers left me with a feeling I couldn't quite describe. I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia.
MC: Sigh...I remember when I went to see you at the research institute, and saw Xiao Fan giving Xiao Su a handmade lunchbox.
MC: I also saw them holding hands and going home together several times, with Xiao Su holding a big bouquet of flowers...
MC: They were so in love... how did things come to this?
Compared to my sighs and lamentations, Lucien's expression remains indifferent, and I can't discern any emotions from him.
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Lucien: I think there may be a connection between loving each other and sustaining intimacy, but it's not necessarily a cause-and-effect relationship.
Lucien: In the same way, we can't deny the beautiful feelings they once had, simply based on the choices they've now made.
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MC: That's true, but for people who were once in love but unable to make it last until the end, they must feel some sort of regret.
I can't help but pout. Lucien is about to move his lips and say something when a loud noise comes from not far away.
As we look around, we see waiters working together to carry a backdrop sign bearing the words "Eternal Love" and walk out the door.
Waiter A: Engagement without engagement is a plague. Back home, it is said that if you attend this kind of engagement banquet that gets canceled on short notice, it will affect your marriage.
Waiter B: Fake or not, it is important to go to the temple to pray and get rid of bad luck.
As they pass by us, they seem to catch a glimpse of us holding hands tightly, and their conversation abruptly stops, leaving the air thick with awkward silence.
I squeeze Lucien's palm. I want to quickly leave this awkward atmosphere.
Suddenly, there is a "crack" sound from behind us, and I instinctively turn my head to see the backdrop sign being snapped in half as it passes by the exhibition booth.
The word "eternal" just happened to break from it, like a wordless declaration, and I can't help but frown at it.
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I subconsciously look at Lucien. He looks the same as usual, his eyes only lightly fall on this little incident for half a second and then look back at me.
I'm familiar with those smiling eyes, but for some reason, my mind was disturbed momentarily by the emotions that came out of nowhere.
I struggle to make the tone of my voice rise naturally and mentally tell myself not to think about it.
MC: Let's go, let's go somewhere else and take a look~
In order to shake off the negative vibe, we explore several other scenic spots in the hotel without even realizing it, until we arrive at a wishing fountain.
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The sunset pours on the shimmering water, and the ripples are finely divided. A sculpture of the God of Love stands in the middle of the fountain.
MC: "Love wishing fountain, couples who both toss wishing silver coin into the square platform in the fountain, their love will be blessed forever."
I read the introduction plaque quietly and found the coin bank on one side. I eagerly picked up two silver coins.
MC: Although it's a bit childish, since we've stumbled upon it, Professor Lucien, would you accompany me in playing?
Lucien bends his eyes and leans down.
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Lucien: How will you pay for this "playmate"?
His gaze seems to skim over my lips, and the end of his eyes is raised in a sly arc. I stand on my tiptoes and give him a quick kiss on the lips.
MC: Is this payment enough?
Lucien: Hmm... it seems a bit lacking in sincerity.
His feigned thoughtful voice was heard next to my ear as he clasped my waist with a little force, the sudden close proximity caused my heart to skip half a beat.
Lucien: So, I need to ask for some additional payment.
As he speaks, he leans down and lifts my chin, using his fingertip to lightly caress my lips.
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I almost melt in his intense gaze and unconsciously close my eyes. With a light chuckle, he presses his warm and moist lips against mine.
The tip of his tongue gently circles around my lips before unreasonably prying them apart, bringing a familiar wet and warm sensation.
His hot fingertips slowly trail up from my waist, causing a burst of sensitivity to spread until his palm grasps the back of my head, deepening the kiss.
I have no resistance and can only let him capture my breath.
Lucien: Now, this transaction seems quite profitable.
His heavy breath falls evenly on my lips, creating an enchanting tide of heat. The tip of my tongue is lightly nibbled again before he pulls away from me.
My brain is still buzzing, and the flush on my face has not yet faded.
But my gradually clear mind made me open my eyes wide, and after confirming that no one was around, I couldn't resist the urge to pinch his palm.
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MC: Lucien! We are in public place…
Lucien: A "reasonable fee" for public places. Miss, do you have any objections?
He teasingly narrows his eyes. His sly expression makes me lightly hit him on the chest again.
MC: ...I can never win against you!
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Lucien: (chuckle) Since I've already charged the "fee", it's only reasonable for me to fulfill your wish.
Lucien calmly takes the silver coin from my hand and walks to the wishing fountain.
He rolls up half of his sleeve and stares at the square platform. The sunlight falls on his eyelashes, casting a small shadow on his face.
At the next moment, he slightly moves his wrist, and after a sharp throwing action -
The wishing coin makes a beautiful arc in the air, drops into the fountain, and lands on the square platform without a hitch.
I can't help but admire the sharpness of his stance, which overlaps with that of the theater bar on the cruise ship not long ago.
(T/N: call-back to Slow Motion Fireworks MQ!)
MC: As expected of "Mr. Challenger", he played steadily as always!
Lucien: I remember that MC's hit rate was equally impressive.
MC: That's all thanks to you. But today's game seems a lot less difficult than the dart throwing.
I said while following the example and mimicking Lucien's posture to toss the silver coin away. "flop"- the silver coin falls into the water, far from reaching the square platform.
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Lucien: Looks like this lady is a bit overconfident.
Lucien's teasing tone makes me stick out my tongue in embarrassment. I take the silver coin he handed me again, and use double the strength to throw it out.
This time it tumbles down to the other end of the wishing fountain with a clink.
MC: ...Again, too much force.
I adjust the strength, watching as the silver coin finally falls to the square platform this time, but it gets lifted up again by a slight ripple of water and slowly falls from the square platform.
The ridiculous rumors from the waiter's mouth now come to my mind. My heart feels blocked, and there's a vague feeling of unhappiness.
Unwillingly, I walked to the coin bank, but the next second I stood still-it was empty, and the silver coin was gone.
I point to the coin bank with a little bit of resentment.
MC: How can a hotel of this class be so stingy?
Lucien's eyes flicker as if he is holding back a laugh.
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Lucien: Do you want me to ask for some more at the front desk?
MC: No need. After all, it's only a wishing fountain in a hotel. If you didn't make it, then you didn't make it.
His thoughtful gaze crosses my face and he glances aside at the introductory plaque.
Lucien: Is that so? I thought MC wanted our love to be blessed for a long time. That's why she worked so hard to throw the coins.
MC: ...I just think that it's fun, and as a scientist's girlfriend, I'm not so superstitious.
Lucien raises his eyebrows non-committally and looks at me with probing eyes. I unconsciously avert my eyes, not wanting him to find my little thoughts
The next second, however, I hear the sound of his footsteps.
I turn my head to see Lucien go to the other side of the wishing fountain, leaning over as if to pick up something, and then shake his hand to me.
The round coin reflects the golden light of the sunset, and Lucien's face is shrouded in a layer of faint gold.
Lucien: But I occasionally want to be a scientist who is so superstitious.
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Lucien: So why don't we give it another shot, my Miss Producer?
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=Part 3=
MC: ...Oh, how could I forget that there's still another one here~
The surprise spread in the bottom of my heart as I exclaimed in a small voice. I quickly walked towards Lucien and solemnly took the silver coin from his hand.
Sensing his half-smiling eyes, I quickly clear my throat and hold back my little smile.
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MC: For the sake of Professor Lucien's invitation, I will try again!
But the moment I'm about to throw it, my thoughts suddenly get confused for some reason, and my raised hand hangs in midair.
Lucien: ...
With a sigh, a familiar scent gathers me into a warm embrace.
A slender hand closes around the back of my hand and gently squeezes the fingers holding the silver coin.
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Lucien: (chuckle) MC doesn't seem to understand what I just said.
Lucien: I mean, since I'm the one who's "superstitious", why don't we try it together this time?
I blink belatedly and suddenly understand what he means.
MC: But if we throw them together, doesn't it count as cheating?
Lucien turns his head and gestures to me to look at the introductory plaque with his eyes.
Lucien: "Couples who both toss wishing silver coin into the square platform in the fountain…"
Lucien: The rules don't require couples to throw alone.
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He pauses and affectionately presses his forehead closer to mine.
Lucien: Moreover, making a wish is a matter of sincere faith, and it can come true.
Lucien: Don't you think that the combined sincerity of the two of us would be more likely to move the God of Love?
His bewitching voice makes my mind sway, and the inner conflict in my heart begins to waver involuntarily.
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Lucien: Then I'll take it as you've agreed.
Lucien: Now, just relax and feel me.
Without giving me a chance to refuse, Lucien has already caught hold of my fingers.
His low and hoarse breath lingers by my ear, causing me to lean back into the embrace behind me uncontrollably.
The warm and soft scent spreads around, passing through my clothes and blending with my scorching body temperature, sticking closely to me.
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Lucien: Good, just give yourself to me. 3, 2, 1 -
At the moment the countdown ends, a familiar arc of light flashes and slowly descends toward the lonely silver coin.
On the square platform, two wishing coins are overlapped, emitting a bright and shining light.
MC: Wow, we won!
I can't help but excitedly throw myself into Lucien's arms, and a low laugh spills out from his chest.
Lucien: (chuckle) Doesn't it seem like the less-superstitious scientist's girlfriend is even happier than I am now?
His emphasis on certain words makes me sheepishly raise my gaze, and meet with his teasing eyes.
Realizing that my little thoughts have been completely exposed, I simply act like a spoiled child and snuggle in his arms.
MC: I admit -- I really do want to hit the mark and get some good omens.
MC: After all, the cancellation of the engagement banquet was so sudden, and the rumors that those waiters spoke of made me a little concerned...
MC: Coincidentally, when I saw this wishing pool, I inexplicably fell into the mood of 'must hit the mark'.
Lucien: (chuckle) Is that all there is to it?
The muffled sound of his chest echoes in my ear as Lucien calmly takes over the conversation.
Lucien: Why do I remember a little girl furrowing her brows when the backdrop sign broke?
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MC: …You noticed that?
MC: I-I just thought it was a little unlucky that the backdrop was broken at that exact moment, and we happened to see it.
MC: But thinking about it carefully, there's really nothing to be concerned about, really!
Upon hearing my words, Lucien slightly lowers his body, gently looking into my eyes with tenderness.
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Lucien: It doesn't really matter even if you mind.
Lucien: The reason why people often care about things that do not meet their expectations is often a reflection of their positive expectations for the things they cherish.
Lucien: The more cherished, the more it is cared about.
Lucien: But I hope that the next time MC makes a wish for something like "eternity" for our relationship-
Lucien: Instead of relying on these external factors, we should focus on ourselves.
His calm voice carries an unquestionable conviction. I gaze fixedly into his eyes, and the jumbled thoughts in my heart are like being gently soothed, giving rise to a sweet feeling.
MC: Professor Lucien is absolutely right. From now on, I will only focus on you and won't be disturbed by any inexplicable external factors.
Lucien: Words alone are not enough to prove it.
A curve forms at the corner of Lucien's lips, and he slightly opens the distance between us. He pretends to be serious as he crosses his arm.
Lucien: I believe that this student's future performance still needs another 'test' to prove it.
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MC: Please instruct me, Professor Lucien~
(T/N: This sentence is often used to express a respectful request for guidance or advice from someone in a position of authority or expertise.)
As I stand up straight with the appearance of a well-behaved student, Lucien raises his eyebrows and takes me to a private garden within the suite by the hand.
He inserts the key that matches the room card into the garden lock and opens the door.
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The bright light penetrates through the treetops and casts dappled light on the white hammock. The garden is pleasantly fragrant.
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Lucien casually leans against the flower rack, and a hint of ambiguous light flickers in his eyes as he looks at me.
I inexplicably swallow my saliva and maintain my inner composure.
MC:  Are we going to conduct the 'test' here?
Lucien: Um. In this 'test', our bodies are indispensable 'teaching tools', so...
His loose-fitting shirt is playfully blown open by a gentle breeze, revealing a vast expanse of skin and springtime sunlight pouring out from his collar.
Lucien: I need a "classroom" that is private enough.
I don't know what he's going to do, but my ears inexplicably feel hot.
Lucien's eyes are shimmering with a deep glow, and his hot palm grips my wrist, pulling me to sit on the hammock.
Lucien: To successfully complete this "test", I need to exercise some teacher's rights first.
The exquisite silver key suddenly hangs from his fingertips, and the amethysts embedded in it shine with a translucent light, barely grazing his alluring chest.
Lucien: Control the testing time and also control any factors that may affect the "exam discipline", which is-
He suddenly pulls out the soft satin ribbon on the flower stand and has already suppressed his smile, his eyes deep and mysterious.
Lucien: -You.
His steady heartbeat quickly envelops me as his scorching breath falls on my neck. I stand still as if enchanted, letting him wrap the soft silk around my wrist, loop by loop.
The slightly cool fingertips keep teasing and rubbing my wrist. In an ambiguous and ticklish feeling, the silk ribbon is tied into a bow.
My hands are completely restrained.
Lucien: If this student has no objections, then let's begin-
Lucien: From now on, use your body's intuition to find the answer.
Lucien: Give your body completely to me.
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=Part 4=
(T/N: -if you didn’t listen to the voice in this part you’re missing on a LOT of stuff. I won’t describe every… interesting sounds that he makes here bc that means I have to describe almost EVERY SINGLE LINE that he said in this part. so, please go watch/listen *wink*)
I instinctively moved my wrist and realized that Lucien had tied it tightly. A soft touch suddenly covered my forehead, like a light feather brushing by.
At the same time, the silver key in his hand reflects a fine, dazzling light, and my gaze follows its light arc, and then it falls back to the balance point.
The next moment, Lucien's kiss also ends, and the warmth on my forehead disappears with it.
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Lucien: This is my first question. MC can answer now.
MC: ...?
Like a student caught daydreaming during an exam, I stammered and couldn't come up with a coherent response.
Lucien: That means we need to focus on the next question.
Lucien doesn't seem surprised. Instead, he affectionately taps my nose as if it's expected. Then, he applies a slight force on the wrist, and the silver key swings again-
He bends down and takes my earlobe into his mouth, his hot breath brushing against my cheek and sending a shiver down my spine. I squirm and turn my head, tickled by the sensation.
He presses his fingertips against my chin, forcing me to endure his increasingly scorching demands.
Lucien: [subtle wet sounds] This student is zoning out again.
The tips of his teeth playfully scrape against my ear, stirring up a tingling sensation that sends electric currents coursing through my body.
MC: Because it's so ticklish…
I murmur to surrender myself to him, my voice overflowing with sickly sweetness. But he has no intention of letting me go, burying himself in my neck, his moist breath brushing against my skin.
He carefully nibbles, and the dense needle-like sensation brings a wave of heat, making my breathing gradually erratic.
Lucien: What about here, do you just feel ticklish too?
His fingertip falls on my chest, tracing circles in a bewitching manner. I feel restless and want to reach out and hold him, but the frustrating sense of restraint follows closely.
Just then, Lucien withdrew, and the no longer anchored hammock swayed gently, leaving me feeling as if I were falling into a void.
I raise my eyes in confusion and notice that the silver key has stopped swinging at some point. As my vision gradually focuses, a sudden realization dawns on me.
Does each swing of the silver key hold some meaning?
Lucien: Judging by the expression on this student's face, it seems that she's about to find the answer.
As he speak, the silver key sways again and Lucien's kiss lands on my lips once more.
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He gently penetrates my unguarded teeth, and I instinctively close my eyes, feeling him roam and lick over every inch of my mouth.
In the tight embrace of our burning breaths, he nibbles on my tongue and lip, causing me to let out a whimper.
Amidst the tender entanglement, a vague thought flickers in my mind, but it is quickly drowned out by his overwhelming presence.
I decide not to think about anything and simply focus on indulging in the kiss, letting his intoxicating scent fill me up with every breath.
Time seems to slow down in this trance-like state as our entangled breaths become increasingly drawn out.
It feels like we've been in this moment for an entire enchanting spring
The sound of the silver key swishing through the air gradually stops, and when I gasp and open my eyes, the pendulum has just returned to its balanced state.
I think I know the answer now.
Lucien: Are you ready to answer this time?
Lucien playfully breathes softly next to my ear.
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MC: Professor Lucien has put in so much effort, so of course I can't let you down. However…
I calm my slightly erratic breathing and bite down on the silver key under his gaze.
MC: I want to extend this analogy to other situations.
MC: Can the teacher cooperate with me to check if my answer is correct?
It seems like he didn't expect me to say that, and there's a hint of interest in his eyes.
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Lucien: (chuckle) More than willing.
I wink at him and my bound hands loop around the back of his neck, pulling him gently towards me.
MC: That would trouble you to swing the key again, teacher.
Lucien obediently applies force with his fingertips, but the gradually deepening smile in his eyes shows that he is not at all under anyone's control.
The silver key swings as I let my gaze linger on his thin lips for a moment, then I lightly bite his lip.
I put my legs down from the hammock, bend my knee, and slowly press it between his legs, climbing up little by little.
His indifferent gaze freezes for a moment, and as his Adam's apple bobs, a rare blush suddenly creeps up to the corners of his eyes.
Seeing this, I mischievously increase the pressure on my knee until it lightly passes a scorching hot area.
Lucien: (grunts sexily)...
A sultry grunt escapes his throat, and the fingers that have been holding me tightly around the waist suddenly tighten even more. I press heavily against him as the curtains sway together.
The crisp sound of metal hitting the ground suddenly comes, and I can't help but look down. I see the silver key already slipping from his hand and falling to the ground.
I was about to say something when a cold touch fell on my face, and the darkening sky began to drizzle with small raindrops.
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Lucien: (grunts and whispers hoarsely) Do you need to continue checking?
A hoarse voice comes through, and I fall into that hazy and enticing gaze, my mind swaying slightly.
I instinctively grip the back of his neck tightly and wrap my legs around his waist, until there is no gap left between us.
MC: Of course we should continue.
I lightly hook my leg and kick the silver key on the ground away. Lucien deeply looks at me, momentarily in a daze.
MC: How could the teacher be distracted while checking the answer?
I wink at him, my fingertips lightly exerting pressure on the back of his head, bringing us closer again.
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MC: I want you to focus only on the present moment, on my breath, my touch, and my kisses.
Amidst increasingly scorching breaths, I hook my fingers around his neck and trace his gentle eyes inch by inch with my gaze.
MC: Isn't this the principle that Professor Lucien wants to tell me?
His burning breath is slightly stagnant. Lucien's eyes flicker gently, like a soft bright white moonlight.
The next moment, his palm moves to my lower back, giving a firm push as he lifts me up from the hammock and strides toward the room.
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Lucien: You're really a clever girl.
Those delighted eyes keep gazing at me, full of warmth and tenderness.
(T/N: THE VOICE THAT HE MAKES HERE AFTER THIS IS GODLY. BLESS XIA LEI. also no, u can’t convince me they’re not f-ing in this, the desc is very subtle but you can HEAR it from his voice;))))
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We walk to the room like this, until I am gently placed on the sofa and he unties the silk from my wrist.
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In the next second, Lucien moves forward, his reassuring scent makes me feel unbalanced, but my heart is filled with joy.
Lucien: Congratulations to this student for passing my "test." However, I want to share the most important lesson.
I feel a moist sensation on my back as his lips graze over it, causing a ticklish sensation that spreads through my body.
MC: …What?
The arm around my waist tightened, and a deep breath fell on my back again, mixed with the wet and tingling sensation, creating a great sense of satisfaction.
Lucien: I have always felt that "eternity" is a very abstract adjective.
Lucien: I prefer to experience the present moment to understand the meaning of 'eternity' rather than reaching for it.
Lucien: But when I'm with you...
Lucien: Every moment, the joy and excitement I feel are more intense than the previous one.
Lucien: This makes me have to admit-
Lucien: While wanting to hold onto every moment tightly, I also unconsciously start to have expectations and concerns for the future.
Lucien: Looking forward to our next trip, next experience, or the next crazy adventure.
The warm sucking sensation continues to fall on my skin, with a slight sting spreading all over my body, until it arrives in the deepest part of my heart.
Lucien: Perhaps this part is what you have taught me unconsciously.
Lucien: So, for a long period of time to come...
Lucien: Let Teacher MC attentively evaluate my learning outcomes.
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[Dating Diary]
Lucien was invited by a newly engaged couple from the Ultima Bioresearch Centre to attend their engagement banquet as their witness. However, when we arrived, the engagement banquet was suddenly canceled. The couple was very laid-back and asked us to stay at the Wild and Luxury Hotel for the vacation as planned.
We started our vacation unexpectedly. A series of unfortunate events made me feel uneasy, so when we passed by the wishing fountain, I pulled Lucien to throw a wishing coin together, hoping for good luck.
Lucien noticed my little scheme and helped me get the good luck I wanted. His comfort completely swept away my little bad mood. But at that moment, Lucien said he wanted to give me a "small test." Intimacy in the garden quickly led me to the answer to the "small test." But I didn't want to just obediently answer the question, so I used his method of asking questions and told him the answer."
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Oppenheimer / immediate thoughts
ok nolan fans let's talk, i just got back.
i am very well acquainted with 20th century american history but i did not do any additional research on oppenheimer the man or the trinity test because i wanted to be surprised by the movie's narrative and imagery, so keep that in mind as you read. i'm not fact-checking for the time being... i want to go do my own reading at my leisure when it's not past midnight.
DON'T GO SEE IT IN IMAX. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND A HEADACHE. it's not inception or dunkirk or the batman films or interstellar. just go to your local theater or wait until it's available to stream. trust me on this. i'll explain why in the spoilers section below.
-this was the least nolan-y film that nolan has ever made. i see more of following in it (his very first film) than i do any other project. it was definitely a bit of a different direction for him.
-this is basically a biopic of sorts about oppenheimer. it's not about the war nor is it really about the bomb. it's about an awkward, conflicted, and possibly mentally ill physics genius who seems to not know how to do much in life beyond quantum physics theory. like yes, he's got a brilliant mind, but he's far from a well-rounded, impressive human being. the guy was a hot mess long before anyone mentioned the word bomb.
-taking that into consideration, i can see how the suffering of humans (whether the navajo nation in new mexico, or the japanese people) doesn't play a role in the film. japanese victims are mentioned, but briefly in one scene. that doesn't make any of this right. in fact a more entertaining, eye-opening, and timely film should have included more of both - but i see now that nolan wanted to focus on ONE man and cillian is indeed in practically every. single. scene.
-cillian should be nominated for an oscar and win it.
-humans are very complex and you CAN both build the bomb AND feel bad about it, yes it's entirely possible and normal, but the film is still 3 hours of white guilt. i'm openly saying it. the reason you shouldn't see it in imax is because it's 3 hours of middle aged white men sitting around making terrible decisions. it's SO MUCH TALKING, jesus.
-IMAX cameras are stupidly loud, which is why most filmmakers don't use them. you can't hear dialogue. they're for action scenes. so that very much explains why i was just ITCHING for subtitles on this. so many different accents and everyone mumbling and the score was louder than their voices and ARGHHH nolan why.
-female characters are unremarkable and underused. i know nolan and i know how he uses female characters. at this point i'm convinced he just doesn't know how to write them, and he can only work with male-driven stories and you know what... fine. it is what it is. unless he brings female writers on board, nothing will change, because he can't do it himself.
-why are there sudden bare tiddies in a nolan film. fanboys, did u love it? did u get what u wanted? was that it? finally, a sex scene in a nolan film? it added nothing and i could argue it took some things away. sorry folks. entirely unnecessary.
-ok THE BEST PART was the surprise cameos. cillian was in every scene and yet he was the least famous person among big oscar winners sometimes! it was wild! i was internally screaming at gary oldman as harry truman. excellent choice to play him like the clown he was. AND EINSTEIN??? did y'all catch that or no??? i knew it right away from the voice and the kind eyes. it's the GUY FROM THE PIT IN THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. he helps bruce recover, and narrates the ascent of "the child". terrific casting! and i haven't checked IMDB yet, but is borden (not named after the character from the prestige!) played by the arkham patient from the dark knight? the one who gets shot in the leg and interrogated by harvey dent?? tell me i am recognizing the right guy! and then we had matthew modine... casey affleck... rami malek who appeared for like 3 mins maybe?! AND Y'ALL, JOSH HARTNETT????????????????? OMG my biggest crush when i was 15. that was craaaazy. but i do like seeing nolan bring back his friends... it's very much a nolan circle as we all know. and once you're in it, you're in it!
-the use of sound was VERY GOOD. the explosion actually being silent, because light reaches us before sound? but also the way the buildup was so intense and so hyped up and then just.... complete silence to reflect on the monstrosity being produced, and how nothing will be the same.
-there was a lot of train sounds to emphasize the railroad, but also... anyone notice that the stomping noise in oppenheimer's head almost felt like a train was coming through? TELL ME YOU DIDN'T THINK ABOUT COBB'S GUILTY CONSCIENCE IN INCEPTION, and how a train would ram through the dream. nolan doing an homage to himself is absolutely hysterical and i am here for it i guess.
-i'm not sure how audiences abroad will feel about all the scenes in washington with congressional testimony. does that stuff carry over well? do you get the references? it's such inside baseball, i know, and it adds so much time to the film, and yet MORE scenes with middle aged white men talking. i could have done with less of the black and white "present day" scenes and more about the impact of the bomb, or maybe more about kitty's life and how she overcame her (presumed?) alcoholism and depression.
-the casual discussion about the 11 cities shortlisted to drop the atomic bomb "but not kyoto because of its cultural importance" made people laugh in the theater as intended, but honestly like... nothing in the movie is funny. it's really heavy stuff and i still stand by the fact that the bomb should never have been produced, despite what oppenheimer and others tried to say. because even its production is incredibly dangerous. it's not just about where you fucking drop it.
-did i mention there is too much matt damon. like, too much.
-rami malek is the only person of color with a speaking role in this film. that's right.
-ok what else guys??? i wanna hear thoughts. there's a lot more but i'm so tired at this hour
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room-surprise · 6 months
Dungeon Meshi Anime Review, Season 2, Episode 14 review
This is technically the second cour of Dungeon Meshi, with a new opening and ending so we've made it to season 2, baby!
Happy Kabru day! I think Trigger did a great job with this so I don't have a lot to talk about.
Spoilers below!
The new OP is really nicely animated and very sweet, but I don't really like it. I think the song isn't as good as the first OP and the visuals just don't really excite or interest me the way the first OP did. It's cute though! I think it would have made a great ending...
The ending is wonderful like before, with more beautiful illustrations. Are these also by Kui? Will we get Kui illustrations for every ending? That would be so fantastic! I like this song better than the new OP song...
What the hell are Fleki and Lycion laughing at in the ending. Just pointing and laughing at a water fountain...
There my darling lad Kabru goes, killing again! Good for him.
Animated very nicely, conveys just how fast and lethal Kabru is against human opponents. I hope that anime onlies are now worrying about Laios and his party! That's what they should be worrying about!
Love that they managed to capture Kui's insanely wonderful fight choreography, Kabru switching targets last second after doing a fake-out, and then stealing one person's sword to use it to kill two other people... He's so slick, and Trigger captured it so well.
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Sadly no improvements (extra clarity) was added to any of the talking scenes in this ep that start to explain Kabru and his party's motivations. I didn't expect them to change anything though, so it's still as good as it was in the manga, which is still pretty damn good... But would have been nice to have someone tighten up the dialog and make it flow more like human conversation.
Characters sitting around and talking about stuff that isn't monster biology or cooking is probably Kui's greatest weak points as an author, and I don't blame her at all, but it's the one blind spot she could use a liiiiiiittle extra help with. At least in the first half of the manga. Towards the end she gets way better at it. Practice does that to you!
EDIT: Trigger made Holm eat meat!!! He's a religious vegetarian!!!! Oops.
SO.... english dub issues.
The cast is still generally great and the dub script is generally superior to the Japanese subtitles, though it seems like the Japanese subs might be getting better? Or this episode was unusually bad in English so the Japanese subs seemed better.
Kabru's voice in English...
The thing about Kabru's character is that he changes how he talks and acts depending on who he's talking to. The Japanese version does this relatively well.
It's mostly about the pitch of Kabru's voice and how sweet his tone is. He's trying to make himself sound non-threatening, polite, and friendly. And then when he's not doing that, he sounds more stern and mature, talking in a deeper pitch without being so self-effacing.
The English version... is struggling a bit with this.
In the other episodes it sounded alright, but in this episode Kabru's voice actor, for whatever reason, seemed to be mumbling/slurring his words, not enunciating, and cutting off and shortening his words, shoulda, woulda, kinda, and talking in a more "relaxed" and informal manner
This isn't inherently a problem, but since nobody else in the anime so far talks like this, what does this style of speaking signify? Why is Kabru talking like this for this entire episode?
Is it because Kabru's from the West? Do all the people in the West talk that way? Will the elves talk like that?
Since they didn't match Zon and Leed's way of speaking to each other I doubt they'll follow through with this...
If it's meant to make Kabru sound "tough", why does Kabru do it the entire episode and not just with the corpse retrievers? Why does he keep talking that way while talking to his friends?
Even if sounding "tough" is what he's trying to accomplish, Kabru wasn't really being tough in those scenes, he was being tricky and conniving... And then with his friends he was being curious and solving a mystery.
It's not the worst performance I've ever heard, but it's a change/addition with no basis in the original version, so as with Leed and Zon, I'm left wondering "why are you doing this? What are you trying to tell us about the characters?"
I'll have to go back and listen to Kabru's earlier appearances to see if he sounds the same in those, but I really don't remember him talking this way before...
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justsomeclintasha · 1 year
Clint closes his eyes, sinking back into the comfort of the couch. He’s tired. Tired of reading the subtitles. Tired of not being able to hear the coffee maker. Tired of having to lip read conversations he doesn’t catch most of.
Tired of feeling left out.
It’s been three days. Shield, as advanced as they are with everything else, takes forever to repair his hearing aids, and Natasha isn’t even here to keep his mind off it. She had texted him earlier to let him know her mission is over. She’ll be home tomorrow. He misses her.
Lucky pushes his head onto Clint’s lap, sensing his frustration, and he scratches the dog gently under his chin. He could just ask Tony for help.
Useless, his father scoffs. Deaf and stupid.
He swallows.
All you’ll ever be is a burden.
His throat is tight.
Lucky nudges closer, but he stands, making his way towards the lab before he can change his mind. His heart is hammering in his chest.
“Shut up,” he whispers to the voice in his head. Predictably, he doesn’t get an answer. A slight panic starts to set in as he finds Tony splicing two wires together.
Hey birdbrain. What’s up?
The text appears on a holographic screen in front of him. It bothers him more than it should.
“I need-“ He clears his throat, wonders if the volume is right. “Can you make me a pair of hearing aids?”
Tony spins his chair and reaches in the cabinet behind him. He tosses a slim purple case. Clint opens it to find a brand new set of aids already in there. He slips them in his ears. It takes a few moments of adjusting, but they’re good, better than the ones Shield gave him last time.
“Sound okay? Got a few extra sets in there if you ever need. Stuck with purple cuz I know you like it but there’s a sweet silver glitter pair for next time you have to dress up.”
Clint drops into the chair across from him, hands suddenly sweaty.
“Why what?”
“Why did you.. you don’t have to make accommodations just for me.”
“You say it like it’s a problem. It’s not.” Tony glances up. “You’re not,” he emphasizes. He sets the wires aside, twisting a spare piece between his fingers. He can be patient when he wants to be.
“I wasn’t always deaf,” he says finally, like an admission.
“You weren’t?”
“You’ve read my file.”
“Nope.” Clint stares at him. “Never saw any reason to. Jarvis ran a background check initially and decided you passed. That’s good enough for me.”
“There is no way I would ever pass a background check.” Tony grins.
“Well, okay, he may have overlooked some stuff, but he’s a good judge of character.”
“I uh.. didn’t have a great childhood.” Clint waves him off as he opens his mouth to interrupt. “Dad was always drunk. Beat the hearing out of me when I was.. eight. Scariest thing to wake up and not be able to hear your own voice. Lots of hospitals and people asking questions. If one doctor got suspicious we bounced to another.”
“You don’t have to hide anymore.”
“Always felt like a burden.”
“You’re not.”
“I’m working on it. Just get caught up in my head sometimes,” he mumbles, awkwardly running a hand through his hair. A soft scratching noise has them both looking towards the door. “Sorry, just Lucky. He knows he’s not allowed in here.”
“Jarvis, let him in.” Lucky bounds over and sniffs Clint’s hand experimentally.
“I’m alright, buddy.” Satisfied, the dog moves to Tony, who pulls a bag of treats from the drawer and gives him two. “I knew he was gaining weight! I thought it was Steve the whole time!”
“He’s a good boy,” Tony defends. Lucky’s tail thumps loudly against the desk, and Clint can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah he is.”
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yawn-junn · 5 months
Hiii~ Can I request Big O!cean reaction to watching horror movies with crush or s/o who is obsessed with this stuff? Love your writing btw 🩵
ꪆৎHorror Hours w/Big Ocean .ᐟ
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๋࣭⭑Special Thanks Too: anon, big ocean
๋࣭⭑Note: hello! I'm glad you like my work enough to request! You're welcome to request whenever you'd like
๋࣭⭑Taglist: no one yet but if you wanna join you're welcome to dm me, comment under here or send an ask
๋࣭⭑CW: mentions of horror movies : mentions of jump scares : teasing : mentions of killers : gore : mentions of drinks :
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩Hyunjin
Hyunjin sat next to you on the couch, the bowl of popcorn disregarded on the coffee table as you giggle too yourself, the movie for you has been forgotten as you focused you're attention on you're boyfriend who was hiding behind the shared blanket, his eyes so full of fear as he watched the killer in action on the screen. Jumping at every noise and pausing whenever the music went silent, soon it got too much for him as he hid his face behind you're shoulder, making you're quiet giggles audible. "It's not funny" Hyunjin said, his voice mumbled behind you're shoulder, "no? I think it is" you teased trying to calm you're giggles, only to fail when Hyunjin lightly pinched you're thigh under the blanket. Once you've calmed you're giggled you silently comforted the poor man next to you, later that night as y'all went to bed Hyunjin kept checking down the hallway in fear of the killer coming to slash the both of you.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩Chanyeon
Chanyeon had just come out of you're shared room, putting his hearing aids up to charge since it was pretty late at night, the two of you decided to watch a movie giving you the choice to pick you put on one of you're favorites, making sure the subtitles where Chanyeon could see them, signing to one another for confirmation. The movie began, even tho you've seen the movie more than you could count the jump scares still got you making Chanyeon chuckle, none of them really getting him as he focused his attention on to you're hand drawing random shapes and words as he thought, glancing up at the TV he seen a gruesomly disgusting scene, making him jump and let out what he thought as a little scream, his loud scream made you jump into panic as you looked at him, signing a quick "you ok?" Chanyeon puts a hand on his heart and nods signing with one hand and speaking "it just spooked me" he said laughing shyly making you giggle, soon Chanyeon ended up passing out on you're shoulder.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩Jiseok
Jiseok originally didn't know you loved horror movies, he invited you over to the dorm while the other two went out, putting on a horror movie hoping to have you cling to him out of fear. To his surprise you were giggling through the whole movie everytime a jump scare happened, sighing he relaxed more into the couch if of disappointment not even caring about the movie anymore. You glanced over at him and noticed how flat his face looked, you put you're drink down, pulling the blanket over him as you snuggled into his arm, holding it between yours. Closing you're eyes you took a short nap while Jiseok smiled above you gently caressing you're hair.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
Happy to help! Aaand you know what - there is a bit more. When you look inside Zevlor's pod, you can notice his mouth move as if he is mumbling something in his dream, and it grabbed my attention. I stayed for a while and realised he DOES talk. Not all lines are voiced so it was even harder to notice, but there are subtitles for each one (the first 4 are voiced and they absolutely fucked me up, sorry I don't have a video)
These are the tiniest bread crumbs ever, but honestly it blows my mind how Larian did not need to add such detail - yet they did. (also haven't seen anyone posting this, if it was found already then oops sorry >.>)
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I’m going to need a minute. Or six. On one hand I’m glad my curiosity led you to your own curiosity which led to discovering this.
On the other, this dealt like 40d4 emotional damage to me. I am downed. Out of combat. It’s actually canonical that he’s trapped in an endless nightmare repeating exactly what the absolute wants him to see. Imagine living in that hell perpetually :(
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cookies-over-yonder · 9 months
CO-WRITTEN BY @silverlistenstothings
Taylor faints, Hermie calls in backup, and Nicky gets to be a dad.
Part 24 of The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Roommates
Whatever anime Taylor has dragged Hermie into watching this time around admittedly holds their attention more than most, despite—or maybe because of— the fact that it’s less action-oriented than his usual picks. 
It’s comfy , Taylor had explained in a half-whine, and my head hurts, so I need it . Hermie would argue that reading subtitles from a screen is maybe one of the worst things to do while having a headache, but Taylor was insistent and it was a different type of headache anyways, so Hermie let it be. 
Taylor seems to be enjoying it well enough, curled quietly against Hermie’s side. Hermie is a little worried about how quiet he is, but they can at least pretend that Taylor is just enjoying the show as much as he can through his headache. Besides, the sheer amount of heat he's radiating is probably more concerning, and Hermie isn’t saying anything about that either, so they let it be. 
After a while, Taylor shifts, sitting up and stretching his arms in the air.
Hermie hums questioningly, shifting in their spot on the couch to face Taylor directly.
“Gonna get some water," he explains, grabbing his cane and standing up slowly. He grabs an empty cup from with his free hand, and Hermie notices the way it's shaking more than earlier.
His breathing gets a little heavy, and once the cup slips out of his grasp and falls to the floor Hermie's standing too, and putting a hand on his arm and—
"Hermie," Taylor breathes out, swaying a little to the side.
"I'm here, Taylor, what's wrong?"
Taylor isn't looking at them, he's looking ahead, and blinking slowly. "I…" he takes a few breaths, slow and big, "I'm… dizzy…"
"Alright, let's sit back down," Hermie says, putting another hand on his other arm and turning Taylor toward him. His eyes are half lidded now, and his breaths get faster, and it's at this point Hermie realizes that Taylor feels very, very hot. His arms are burning up, and his face is red too.
"Hermie, uhh, Hermie—" he mumbles, slurring his words, and his head dips a little, and—
"Okay, okay, Taylor, come, let's sit down," Hermie says again, this time making a move to bring him down toward the couch, but Taylor doesn't seem to register it at all, and Hermie hears the clatter of his cane against the floor, and he's muttering something, but all that Hermie catches is 'hot,' and his eyes are shutting, and he's tipping forward and—
"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor , hey— "
Taylor falls limp, collapsing against Hermie, who just barely manages to keep from falling backward themself.
Fuck . As Hermie stumbles back beneath his weight to sit on the couch, they press a shaky hand against his neck. They can’t feel his pulse because their hands are shaking but they can feel him breathing. 
He’s alive, of course he’s alive. but he’s still not moving and Hermie may or may not be freaking the fuck out about it. The weight of Taylor unconscious against them is something they thought they’ve gotten used to considering how often they pass out on or under or around each other, but it’s different now, heavier, and Taylor is burning up. As much as Hermie tends to like the pressure, the heat and sensation of being trapped is making their stomach roll with unpleasant memories. 
They need out . The swell of panic has them pushing Taylor away before they can think better of it. Luckily, Hermie is more slippery than strong and they end up squirming out from under him and up over the back of the couch instead of pushing him off.  
They stand behind the couch, fighting for breath and to get their thoughts in order. They feel a bit less like they’re about to die but Taylor might still and they need to fix this but they don’t know how to. 
“Taylor—“ their voice comes out choked, and they swallow thickly. “Hey, hey, Taylor, can you wake up? Please?”
They lean over the back of the couch to tap an open palm against Taylor’s far-too-hot cheek. Taylor’s eyes blink open, half-lidded and bleary. Taylor mumbles something in the same vague shape of Hermie’s name, and Hermie lets out a sharp breath of relief. 
Taylor starts to shift to sit up. “Wha—”
“Don’t move,” Hermie instructs, pushing Taylor back down. “I’m getting you water.”
Hermie pushes off the back of the couch and heads up the stairs. Glancing over their shoulder, they see Taylor staring hazily in their direction. As hesitant as they are to leave him, they head upstairs and begin to fill the cup. They worry their lower lip between their teeth as they wait impatiently. 
They shouldn’t have left Taylor. They’re fucking this up, even if they don’t know what this is, exactly.  They should not be the one handling this, but they’re the only one here right now. 
Okay. Okay. Symptoms: headache, shaking hands, overheating, and of course, fainting. Taylor seems to have headaches more often than not and as a demon he—
As a demon . This might be a demon thing. The amount of heat Taylor was producing was way too much for a human. 
God, they hate phoning in help, but this is about Taylor, not them.
They fish their phone out of their pocket and open up a message to Nicky.
To: Nicky 
hey so taylor just passed out
he’s burning up so like is that a demon thing? hasn’t happened to me but im built different ig
he’s not literally on fire btw
or at least he wasn’t last time i checked?
Hermie slides their phone back into their pocket, shuts off the water, retrieves a reusable straw from the cabinet, and rushes back downstairs. Luckily, Taylor remains not on fire. Hermie breathes out a sigh of relief, holding out the glass. Taylor reaches out with trembling hands. 
Considering what happened earlier, they decide maybe this isn’t the best way to go about things. Instead, they hold the glass with one hand and tilt the straw toward Taylor with the other. He closes his eyes and takes a sip.
“What.. what happened…” he mumbles, eyes still closed.
Not on fire, but still clearly not doing well. Is forgetting what happened immediately normal with fainting? Hermie has no idea. They’ve got a weak constitution, but they’ve never collapsed like that before. Has Taylor? Maybe this is normal for him? He would have told them, wouldn’t he have? Or, no, probably not, Taylor wouldn’t tell someone like Hermie about something like that. Too honest, too vulnerable. Nobody tells people like Hermie things like that. 
Taylor’s hand slips from the glass, and Hermie’s eyes snap back to him. Taylor looks expectant, a soft furrow between his brows. Hermie only just now remembers that they were asked a question. 
“You fainted,” Hermie explains, watching Taylor’s face. 
“ What!? ” Taylor exclaims, eyes wide but still bleary. He tries to sit up again, and Hermie pushes him back down with a bit more force than necessary. Taylor makes a weak, unhappy noise. 
“So I take it this hasn’t happened before?” 
“No, I… wha…” Taylor mumbles, and his face scrunches up. “‘M cold…”
“No, pretty sure you’re way too hot,” Hermie says. “Drink more water.”
Taylor whines some mumbly equivalent of “too cold,” and Hermie shoves the straw into his mouth despite his protests.
“ Drink. ”
He does so with a whine.
“I texted your dad for help, okay?”
Taylor hums in acknowledgement, though from the hazy look in his eyes Hermie can’t be sure he understood. 
Taylor spits out the straw eventually, having drained half the glass in short order. They know drinking too much water too quickly can be bad, and Hermie wonders if they should have slowed him down. Nothing to be done about it now, they suppose, pushing away the anxiety. 
They perch on the armrest of the couch beside Taylor, glancing between him and the stairwell, as if looking towards the door will make Nicky appear at it any sooner. Taylor flails a hand at Hermie, grabbing onto their pant leg and trying to pull them down onto the couch. Considering his weakened state, it doesn’t really work.
“What? What’s all this?” Hermie asks, gesturing at Taylor’s hand.
“Hug?” Taylor requests. 
The memory of being trapped beneath Taylor while he was burning up has Hermie’s heart skipping a beat. They very much do not want a hug right now, not while Taylor’s still radiating heat, their skin prickles just thinking about it, but they don’t know how to—
The doorbell rings, and Hermie lets out a sharp sigh of relief. Saved by the bell.
“Whossat…?” Taylor mumbles, again trying to sit up. Again, Hermie pushes him down as they slide off the arm of the couch.
“Your dad, remember? I called him over,” Hermie reminds him. Taylor whines as Hermie moves away. They’re hesitant to leave his side, but the doorbell rings again and they know they have to answer it. “I’ll be right back, okay?” 
Taylor grumbles something unintelligible, but makes no further move to stop them. Hermie resists the urge to do something stupid and familial like ruffle his hair as they leave the room. 
They go upstairs to open the door, but hesitate beside it for the moment. Taylor isn’t entirely out of the woods yet, but it’s not like he’s dying , probably. Hermie shouldn’t have texted Nicky.
The doorbell rings again, and Hermie opens the door before they can agonize over it any more.
“Hey,” Nicky says, trying and failing to sound casual. 
His eyes dart around as soon as the door opens, as if he expects to see Taylor dead on the couch behind them. Eventually his eyes settle on Hermie, and they wonder if Nicky sees the same anxiety reflected back. 
“You good?” Nicky asks first, and Hermie is so entirely baffled by the question that they can’t respond for a moment. “Hermie—“
“Yes,” Hermie cuts in quickly, feeling a bit off balance. “You shouldn’t be asking me that, Taylor’s in the basement, he’s the one you should be worried about.”
“I’m capable of worrying about multiple things at once,” Nicky points out. “A lot of things, actually, so many things all the time.”
“Fuck off, go check on your son,” Hermie snaps, stepping out of the doorway and pointing towards the basement. Nicky looks baffled by the response, but obeys. 
Hermie follows Nicky down the steps at the same anxious pace because who knows what could have happened to Taylor in the time they’d been gone—nothing. Probably nothing.
Indeed, as they enter the room, Taylor doesn’t seem to be doing any worse. Not necessarily any better either, but definitely not worse. 
“Taylor?” Nicky says, stepping toward the couch.
“Dad?” Taylor moves to get up—a fatal mistake—and he’s about to tumble onto the floor when Nicky runs over to catch him. Taylor whines, and his breathing gets heavier, the same way it did before he passed out.
“Kid, hey, try not to move too much, okay?” Nicky whispers, guiding Taylor back to lying on the couch.
Hermie stands by the staircase watching as Nicky presses the back of his hand against Taylor’s forehead and the side of his neck as Taylor whines in protest.
“You’re burning up, kiddo. Here,” Nicky says, picking up the glass of water for him to drink. “Hermie, can you get me a couple ice packs?”
Hermie jolts to attention at the sudden reminder that they’re a person that exists, nodding quickly and immediately heading for the stairs. Usually they’d at least whine about being ordered around, but this time they’re just glad to be of use, glad to know what to do and have someone else to blame if they’re wrong to do it. 
They retrieve as many ice packs as they can find and a few bags of frozen vegetables for good measure before returning to the basement, lingering beside the couch with their bounty extended towards Nicky and their fingers slowly freezing off. Nicky gives them a grateful, if frazzled, smile, and takes one of the ice packs from the pile. He smoothes Taylor’s hair out of the way and slides it behind his neck. Taylor flinches and whines, but Nicky soothes him with a freezer-chilled hand on his forehead and some comforting nonsense sounds. 
“Hold this,” Nicky says, taking another ice pack from Hermie and putting it in Taylor’s hands. “It’ll help you cool down.”
“‘S cold… don’t wanna…”
“It’ll make you feel better.”
Nicky cups Taylor’s cheek and plants a kiss on his forehead, and Taylor sniffles, his eyes growing teary.
“Want Mommy…” he whines, and the tears start to fall down his face.
Nicky’s expression falters for a flicker of a moment, but he regains his composure just as fast. “She’s on her way. I called her after Hermie texted me.”
Taylor’s face scrunches up and he sobs some vague string of syllables resembling I want mommy again, and Nicky wipes away a tear with his thumb and runs his fingers through Taylor’s hair.
“She’s coming, okay?”
Almost as if on cue, a set of footsteps comes rushing down the stairs.
“Taylor, baby, I’m here,” Cassandra says, giving him a hug and peppering kisses on the top of his head, and he whines, struggling to return the embrace.
And this is Hermie’s cue to leave. Too many cooks in the kitchen, as it were, and it wasn’t ever really Hermie’s kitchen in the first place. 
They slip out and travel back up the steps quickly and quietly.
Now they can return to invisibility. It’s what they’re good at. Now that they’re alone, they can sort through… all that. They still don’t know what happened to Taylor, but they suppose it doesn’t really matter as long as they know how to help. Evidently fetching water was a good move, and they should have grabbed ice packs as well. All and all, it hardly seemed to be an emergency, but they had panicked anyway. They’re still panicking a bit, actually, but— 
“Hey,” Nicky greets, knocking on the wall by the stairs as he climbs them to make his presence known. 
Hermie whips around to face him, shoving those feelings away before Nicky can see them. It doesn’t work as well as they hoped, anxiety still clawing at their throat. 
“… hi.” Hermie says hesitantly, and they know they should be able to read Nicky’s expression, but they just can’t bring themself to look at his face for long enough to parse it. They stare at the scuffed toes of his leather boots instead.
“Taylor’s okay,” Nicky reassures, and Hermie tries not to flinch. Of course Taylor is okay, Hermie freaked out over nothing and called Nicky over and made Cass come home from work early for no reason and they’re an idiot and they’re in trouble. 
“I know,” Hermie says. They sound pathetic, like a scolded child even to their own ears. 
Nicky is quiet for a while, probably figuring out how to tell a kid off when said kid isn’t his own and he kinda sucks as a dad anyways.
“I know,” Hermie repeats, a bit frantically. They pause a moment, reigning it in, sucking in a breath. “I know I shouldn’t have texted you, that was stupid.”
“He was fine obviously and I shouldn’t have wasted your time or Cassandra’s time and I should have been able to handle things on my own,” Hermie rushes to clarify. “I was stupid and I shouldn’t have done that.”
“What? No, man, I was gonna thank you, actually,” Nicky says, and Hermie looks up at him in surprise. “Yeah, Taylor was fine, but I’m still glad you let me know. Glad you’re looking out for him.” 
… this isn’t how things are supposed to go. Hermie is supposed to be in trouble. At the very least, they shouldn’t be getting praised . They scan Nicky’s face for any hint of an ulterior motive, but he seems genuine. This is wrong. Hermie doesn’t know their lines. 
“I know that kinda stuff is pretty stressful, so like… you good?”
Hermie is being shoved further and further off course. They can’t seem to regain their balance. 
“Y— uh— yeah, yes, I’m— I’m good? Yeah.” Why is the anxiety hitting them now of all times? They can’t afford to falter under Nicky’s scrutiny. “I’m not the— Taylor’s the one who fainted like that, I’m— I’m fine. It’s fine.” 
“Nobody who’s actually fine says they’re fine that many times,” Nicky notes. “Trust me, I know this whole song and dance.”
That tracks with what Hermie knows about his relationship with Glenn at least. Still, the attention is making Hermie’s skin crawl (and isn’t that interesting? They thought they liked being the center of attention.) so they change the subject.
“So what was all that anyways?” Hermie says, waving a hand in the direction of the basement. Nicky sighs like he knows exactly what Hermie is doing, but accepts the diversion. 
“Heat exhaustion, basically. Pretty standard half-demon stuff,” Nicky says. “The demon side of him is cranking up the heat and it’s too hot for the human parts to handle. I’m surprised it took this long for something like this to happen.”
“Glad you were around to phone for help when it finally did,” Hermie says sharply. “If this happened while you were fucking off in Hell, who knows how Cassandra would have handled it.” 
“She’s a good mom, she would have figured it out,” Nicky says, sounding pained. “Besides, I would’ve known if it was really bad.”
“Right, you can always swoop in to save the day, none of the guilt and none of the responsibility,” Hermie says. Nicky winces, and oh , that’s so much better. Hermie is back in control. “Are we done here? I am.” 
Hermie ignores him as they turn away and head upstairs. They probably could have maneuvered around that conversation a bit more elegantly, but as they slam the door behind them, they can’t bring themself to care. They got the information they needed. Taylor is fine. Everything is fine.
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jasima · 1 year
Just got back from NAME ME LAWLAND - film/documentary about a Deaf Kurdish boy in the UK learning BSL.
Great film. GO SEE IT. I recommend it.
I loved the theme. I loved the message, and all of what it said. The people in it and the writers - great job.
For purposes of "should I go see it?" ignore the rest of this post the answer is YES (there will also be no spoilers). This is a vent. I am angyposting.
But whoever was in charge of which shots were chosen to be put where and how;
Do better.
Because I can think of only one, maybe two, scenes in the whole thing with a single full sentence of BSL.
Every single fucking time a person began to sign they CUT AWAY. WHY?????
The whole thing was subtitled. With speech this means that the speech can still be heard over whatever other emotional visuals you choose. But with sign they cut away and FORCED the audience to watch the subtitles. I was looking foward to watching a film in BSL but I couldn't from how it was put together.
Sometimes the cut aways happened mid conversation towards the 'listener' - which meant that sentences were choppy and broken up - at one point it was at a KEY MOMENT in describing how something worked.
Other times a new person was signing - only guessable by context and perhaps the occasional mumble - but WHO IS THAT? WHY AREN'T YOU SHOWING ME?
Not only that but at times there was the sounds of smacking lips and popping that we do when we sign as DHH people (I am HoH) BUT NO SIGNS. That felt so abled gaze because its precisely hearing (and HH) that is included for - not Deaf.
It seems like it goes in this order;
Clueless Hearing people
BSL learner hearing people
Literate Deaf people
Language deprived Deaf people
Because it would serve the purpose of educating a clueless hearing person stunningly. And a BSL learning hearing person would also get a lot out of it.
For literate Deaf people its accessible and me and friends/aquainances (other Deafies who watched) it loved it. There were silent cheers 🙌 from multiple parts of the cinema at various moments because its still a great film with all the right messages.
But its about a boy who has been language deprived. And I don't know about Lawland - maybe his English is stunning, but many language deprived people (or folks failed by the education system) whos' main language is BSL or another sign language might struggle to read a whole films' worth of subtitles.
In fact I'm pretty sure one or two of my Deafie friends there might've struggled a little.
You make a film ABOUT a person and then make it inaccessible TO people like that. You have all these messages of how important BSL is and how its our language as the Deaf community and yet YOUR CAMERAS ARE SO SHY ABOUT ACTUALLY FILMING AND SHOWING THE LANGUAGE.
And it was such an easy fix - JUST SHOW US THEIR HANDS👐.*
*Preferably the whole body because BSL uses the whole body but the hands alone will do.
If you want to keep the artsy visuals thats fine but perhaps split the screen in half to show us the visual and the hands or SOMETHING.
There was a line in the film saying roughly "other people take away my voice and speak for me" and thats what you did film - you took away the ACTUAL PERSONS' SIGNS YOU FILMED and replaced it with translated captions.
It low key ruined the whole experience. I left the cinema so happy and so mad because I get it in something like Eternals by Marvel (with the Deaf superhero) - we are an extra audience, not the focus. BUT even they did it better. She was at least in the frame most of the time even if the camera did tend to wander a little so that her hands fell out of frame.
This isn't the first film to have done this and won't be the last but it has made me the angriest because it was THIS CLOSE🤏 to being ✨Perfect✨ and yet you couldn't even bother being even a little flexible to actually accomodate Deaf people within your hearing cinematographic norms.
Lastly - what this does is it SHOWS me that sign languages aren't respected by cinema. And despite it wanting to do the opposite it reinforces that. Because if I were hearing I would've heard every. single. word. that a person spoke. But I barely saw half of what was signed.
And so the angy washes out of me like a retreating tide and I retreat with it like the sea to eat my tea.🌊
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satanicsanity · 1 year
I can't find the request but someone wanted wally just being mad/upset so.. Here ya are!- (maybe I'm seeing shit again idk-)
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Tw: wally being quite pissed off/saying shut up (not to you/the listener, though!)
Subtitles, wally speaking: [wally mumbling] Huh? Oh, Hello neighbor. Yeah I'm-I'm fine, I'm just not really feeling well right now. Why? Oh i dunno! Maybe because a certain.. Barnaby. Decided it would be hilarious.. To dump water on my hair, after I had just spent.. Hours of my morning.. Fixing it up. Oh i-.. I love all my neighbors I really really do. But sometimes they just get on my nerves! [forced chuckle] well, I don't have the energy to fix my hair today, so we're going with a lazy ponytail. And if anyone here doesn't like it, they can just Shut up. Because I do not care! Anyways, I'm off to make something for Barnaby! A little surprise, I guess you could say. Hehe! Alright, I'll see you later neighbor! [wally proceeds to mumble angrily under his breath]
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antiquatedsimmer · 10 months
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Subtitles Below:
Helena calmly closed Lucile's bedroom door and fetched the small wooden stool from her desk before She began gently brushing through her daughter's hair. "My sweet, I've traveled far and wide in life, and I believe that what you and Jackson were envisioning were not precisely aligned."
Lucile's sniffles were slowly coming to a stop, but she instantly began to tense up defensively at hearing her mother's words. She didn't understand…she didn't know Jackson as she did.
"I didn't imagine it Mama." Lucile said firmly. "He loves me… or," her defensive nature dropped along with her voice, "I thought he did."
"Someone who is right for you and loves you, Lucile, won't hide the fact that he's married," Helena stated firmly. For a brief moment, Lucile felt a fiery spark of anger. "What do you know!" she snapped at Helena. However, that angry spark instantly died once she saw the seriousness in her mother's face.
"Maybe," Lucile mumbled awkwardly, "maybe... it's a misunderstanding." Helena took a deep breath before continuing, "My darling, I know because I've been with many men who've used the same tricks that Jackson used with you." For a moment, Lucile was stunned. "W-what do you mean?" Helena continued, "Before I met your father, I was in a bad place…I made a lot of mistakes and had to do a lot of things I didn't want to do to survive. That includes… sleeping with a lot of men for money." Lucile was shocked in what she was hearing, she had no idea her mom was a prostitute. " Does…. Does daddy know? Why didn't your parents take care of you? "
" I never had a Father and your grandmother got very sick and passed away a long time ago " Helena responded.
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uygfiug · 3 months
just saw a guy with the most mumbly hard to understand voice say that subtitles are only becoming more common bc peoples attention spans are shit & therefore we should actually stop making subtitles available. what. i have a fucking auditory processing disorder my dude. also not everyone knows english?
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
hey storm but I think I’m gonna have to disagree with you on this one!, I don’t think it’s a matter of believing for the live you’ve linked in that tumblr ask but a matter of acknowledging. in that specific live I’m certain jimin was there and I don’t think there’s much to explain bc frankly that was straight up Jimins voice and he was given subtitles unless I’m absolutely delusional and hearing things 😭 which I hope I’m not since I have very sensitive hearing. but I personally think he wasn’t trying to hide jimin bc they were doing something sneaky or he didn’t want ppl to know but they just wanted to spend more time with eo. The live in question is jks 7/30/2021 live where he does karaoke and takes requests from army’s, my reasoning for believing jimin was there is because I think they just like to spend that much time together as jm told us in a vminkook live where he tells us that jk visits his room three times a day and just sits there and does nothing so I’m assuming that applies in their everyday life including just the time they were in the hotels. And we almost always see jikook gravitating towards eo and just sitting and basking in each others presence in bangtan bombs and memories and all contents while doing nth so i didn’t assume it’d be a big deal if jm just accompanied him while he spent time w army during a solo live.
but there was also the matter of where jm would sit, in Jimins birthday live in 2021 we see a sort of stool/chair in the corner of Jimins live which i assume is the one jk used when he joins him in the live but it also seems like a good place for somebody to sit on as well esp if the camera is turned away from that direction and is portrait like we had in that live of jks that I’ve been referencing.
And we also have in jimins live after he topped the billboard charts where he says he was alone that night but at the beginning of the live he says in Korean “hurry leave” and there’s breathing from smn else and what lots of jikooks assume a kiss sound and a sort of scoff (could be a stretch but idk)(and around 17.23 of the live smn says iloveyou in Korean as he talks ab charging his phone) and im definitely not saying he’s lying but he absolutely doesn’t have to say that he was w anyone and he owns the right to keep that to himself but I’m just using this to say that he didn’t have to outright make jms presence known in that 7/30 live for us to recognise that he was there.
But I think my biggest reasoning for believing jimin was there was bc he was and that was his voice, i don’t think it was jk mumbling at all bc jk and jm have never sounded alike especially when comparing their two voices and not just that but the audio was given subtitles so there definitely was a voice coming from smn that wasn’t jk bc jks lips didn’t even move and if they did it wasn’t enough to illicit a sentence that was understandable. THAT ABSOLUTELY SOUNDS LIKE JIMIN i lowkey can’t believe it’s even a question that’s him😭😭
if hope I don’t sound passive aggressive at all😭 I just firmly believe and know he was there but if I’m wrong I shall never interact with ‘theories’ like this again but I never believe any so this is always special to me.
Hey again storm I’m the anon that talked ab jm being in that one jk live where he did karaoke, I still stand by my point but I wanted to add that jk kept taking glances in that direction also💀😭 that was a key point idk how I forgot it. I’m not obsessed isw (w them maybe but not this specific topic)
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My post you linked:
Lmao hi anon. I can appreciate the passion and your belief here for sure. And that's fine. Unfortunately you won't change my mind, I dont think Jimin was there and that's okay. Im good to agree to disagree if you are! In the end, Together on vlive or not, it doesn't change anything for me about their dynamics. And it shouldn't for anyone else either. Thank you for sharing with me your thoughts though! 💜
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paladinbaby · 2 years
59, 63, and 65 for nettle!
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
i think bc of the way she’s grown up nettle has very much made a conscious decision that like she doesn’t need close relationships/ that it’s fine to be just like independent and untethered. and while that v much comes from a place in my brain it’s not something i agree w and i think part of the situation she’s in now is her working out that it isn’t and hasn’t been working for her
63 - what’s a meme that you associate with them?
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[Image Description: an animated screen cap of a white man in a lab coat holding a gun. The subtitle reads ‘I’m a healer, but…’ End ID.]
65. what would their go to karaoke song be?
as it was harry styles or weightless all time low i think. she could maybe be convinced into something off paramore after laughter but i don’t think her singing voice is great she just kinda shouts or mumbles her way through.
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theclo4ked1 · 5 months
iiiIIT'S SUMMER! Well, not quite, but close (enough...) I feel so free, but you know what isn't free? My laptop's storage space, there's a gigabyte and a half left on the C drive right now, but that hinders the performance; it frees its own space so I can put more things, but that's not good since the computer needs those resources to function goodly, or so I've heard.
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This is why I am (not) launching a Kickstarter to buy a Faster Stronger Better Gaben- I mean a cooler computer, preferably a desktop tower. Here's a list of perks and things YOU will RECEIVE If you support me:
...and as a bonus,  
Please (do not) donate! Give to the (not so) needy XP... Alright alright, I was just playin'. I finally caught another break so now I can rest and do other things like: cleaning... AHEM so, some days ago, I made a short post hinting at something I was doing relating to Dora the Explorer, if it wasn't obvious. If you know me, you'd know that show (the first four seasons anyway) is a...pretty significant part of my life, and I look forward to what plans the creators have in store for her future.
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Hm, what's that? A reboot on Paramount+? One season has been released? Oh, okay, yeah I'll give it a look- Kathleen Herles returns as a voice? Holy. Miér-coles. Okay real talk, I was gonna watch regardless of if she was gonna come back as a voice, if she would come back at all. I actually just watched the first Paramount+ episode, not the ones pre-released on YouTube, and when I finished watching it, I thought to myself...
Huh. I don't think I learned much of anything.
Maybe the point is to just entertain children, and if that's the case, fine. But in my opinion, that makes this reboot far less interesting. Y'know I wrote this big ass post to the Forum for the franchise's fandom wiki giving a critical look at the reboot, "Dora '24", and comparing it to the original show that I lovingly call "Dora2K" because the show began airing in 2000, but did you know it was being produced in the late '90s? I call them by numbers after "Dora" because the new show is just called "DORA", subtitled "Say Hola to Adventure". Anyways, I'd appreciate if you read it, and gave me your thoughts either here or there. Actually, I found out today that someone wanted to know about a Discord to talk about the show, one that I did want to lead, but wasn't sure how it would go, how to promote it, who would help moderate; the works. Okay okay okay okay, enough pr'amble, (more like mumble lol (could you even call it preamble? i got caught up in things again, im so sorry)) BEHOLD, MY FLOATING MA- *skips cutscene*
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This, my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, is my BIG FUCKING THING! I'm not just referencing the Shadow the Hedgehog Fandub unnecessarily, no, this paper is approximately 4'x6'. "seee~, moy grahn-day" teehee Yes, this is what was brewing at D(ora) ‘n D(rawing). I planned for a cubism kind of drawing, then saw it after it was finished and decided it wasn't exactly cubism, then I was told it looked like cubism, so ultimately... It'S iS CuBiSm!!! I didn't explain it before, but the drawing takes from that scene from the live-action movie where Dora's cutting a GOT damn rug at the high school dance. She dances in a style that mimics animals from the rainforest, but the thing about that scene is that it's just Dora on the floor-a. Everybody else is by the wall, not on the dance floor at all because it's an awkward event, as any school would have it. I call this piece "Disco Dorka: Inspiring Sunshine", but I shortened it to the subtitle when sharing it with peers. "Inspiring", because the whole scene with Dora just being herself, not giving a damn (though I can't remember if she knew the other students were making fun of her right there) is inspiring to me. "Sunshine" comes from the sun costume Dora wore because it was a solar system-themed school dance. You may have noticed this is an ink drawing as opposed to my pencil or a digital drawings. A month or two ago, I was introduced to ink, and of course, that changed my life. I wholeheartedly adore ink, THIS is what I needed, it's a digital exclusive thing I can achieve only on a computer screen; it flows, it can make thick black lines THATS LIKE MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD but its messy but like OMG WHO. DA HELL. CARES?
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Being introduced to ink really helped me to find myself, artistically, and my, is it freeing to know what I can do; what kinda potential I had. I apologize if it sounds like I'm bragging, but I think maybe it shows that finding out exactly what you're made of requires you to go outta your zone. Not your comfort zone, just what you know. Explore. (oh my god thats dora's whole thing, wtf why does it loop back) Last thing I wanna bring up is the text. I was told by peers that adding text is something that defines my ink style, it makes it mine. Probably not unique, I shouldn't have to say "i KnOw I'm NoT tHe FiRsT", but I know. I'mnotthefirstHAHA The text references Season 3 and parts of 4 of "Dora2K", y'know, the stars that Dora and Boots caught like Pokémon? It confuses me, do the stars travel from Star Mountain and are returned there from a wormhole in the Star Pocket, or is the Star Mountain in the pocket a pocket dimension, or OUGH! MY HEAD. The movie, as far as I know, makes no reference to this. I thought of writing REACH FOR THE STARS but then I was like "nah that's Sonic, this is about Dora now change it" and so i did. Ah, that's all I wanna say about my cool thing. These last four months have certainly been a trip, but now you can expect MORE ART probably. I'd get back to playing Sonic Mania (which is apparently bad now??) but I'm too tired...zzzzzzz... zzzz- oh yeah thanks for reading... z.....zzzz......zzzzzzz.......
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