#my names for steve's parents
dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
I'm suddenly imagining Steve’s parents as James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter.
"Have you ever played the Floor is Lava game?" Eddie asked Steve.
They were lounging at Steve's house, watching TV when Eddie suggested the game. They had flipped through the channels, but they found nothing they wanted to watch at the moment.
"No," Steve scoffed. "What's that?"
"Oh, right. You're an only child with boring parents. My mom used to play it with me when I was little. The concept of the game is that you have to avoid touching the floor because it's made of Lava," Eddie grinned. "You wanna play?"
An hour later, pillows were rearranged on the floor as well as the furniture. They had been hopping around on them for a while now, Eddie telling an outlandish tale of Lava Pirates. Steve had made it safely to the couch, but Eddie was still on the coffee table. The pillows in between them had been knocked aside, and now Eddie had to make it from the coffee table to the couch. There was a huge gap.
"I don't think I'm going to make it. Tell everyone that I love them," Eddie said dramatically. "Go on without me!"
"Oh, for fu - just jump, Eddie!" Steve exclaimed.
Eddie jumped, his feet barely making it to the edge of the couch, and he almost stumbled into the Lava if it hadn't been for Steve grabbing the front of his shirt. Steve pulled him onto the couch and into his arms, wrapping one arm around his waist to stable him.
"My hero!" Eddie said, batting his eyelashes.
Eddie pressed his hands to Steve’s chest, breathing heavily as he stared into his eyes. They were both breathing heavily. Steve pulled him closer until their bodies were pressed together. He took the opportunity to kiss Eddie, pressing his lips gently against his. He smiled when he felt Eddie kiss him back. It was brief, though, because Eddie was suddenly pulling back.
"I'm sorry," Eddie said quickly. "I'm not like that. I mean, it's okay if you are, but I'm not - I'm not like that."
"Okay," Steve said, his voice filled with emotion, and he tried not to look at Eddie, his face red from embarrassment.
Eddie stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do as he watched his friend's eyes fill up with tears. He jumped down from the couch and started putting on his shoes.
"I'm going to go now," Eddie said, but Steve didn't say anything. "Uh, see you later."
Eddie started walking towards the door, and as he left, the last thing he heard was the sound of a sob coming from Steve. He hated that sound. Eddie's chest fluttered with this heavy weight, and he found it hard to breathe. He wasn't like that, was he? Shit, he needed to call Ronnie.
A couple of days later. . .
Steve thought he had been hiding his emotions all day at work, but apparently, he was wrong.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" Robin asked as soon as they sat down for their break.
"What are you talking about?" Steve asked with a sigh.
"I mean. You've been in a mood all day. You were even rude to the customers," Robin said. "So, rude that they gave you looks, they made complaints to me. You even snapped at me earlier."
"I did?" Steve asked in surprise.
"What's going on?" Robin asked softly.
"I, uh, kissed Eddie," Steve revealed, fiddling with his lunch.
"Okay, so it didn't go well. What happened?" She asked.
He told her all about the game they played and how Steve had saved him. He trailed off near the end.
"We were wrong about him, Robin," he said.
"He's not like us," Steve said, shrugging. "He told me. I just need some time to move on, get over him, and then we can go back to being friends. I just want him to be a part of my life, and I'll take whatever he can give me."
"No! No! He is like us! There's no way my radar is off about this," Robin frowned.
"It's okay, Robin. I'll be okay," Steve said.
"Are you sure he didn't kiss you back?" Robin asked.
"I didn't say that he didn't," he said.
"So, he did kiss you?" She asked.
"Yeah, but I'm sure it was like a reflex," Steve said.
"Okay. What did he say exactly after that?" Robin asked.
"He said that he wasn't like that, but it was okay if I was, but he just wasn't like that," Steve replied.
"Wait, so he said it twice?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, why?"
Robin frowned thoughtfully as she tapped her chin. She placed her hands on the table in front of him.
"Okay, I don't want to give you false hope, but maybe it was us who's the problem. We kind of assumed that Eddie's the kind of guy who always knew about himself like we did," Robin said. "But maybe that's not the case."
"Are you saying that I awakened something in him?" Steve said.
"It's a possibility," Robin said softly. "Maybe he just needs time."
Steve smiled, feeling a little more hopeful than he had in days. Yeah, he could give Eddie all of the time in the world.
A few days later. . .
Steve was sitting on the couch, pouting as he stared at the blank TV screen. Every so often, he would glance at the direction of the kitchen, where the phone was, and hoped it would ring. Maggie Harrington plopped onto the coffee table in front of her son and placed his feet in her lap.
"Whatcha doing, Bebie?" Maggie asked.
"Wishing that the phone would ring," Steve said.
"Well, you know what they say about a watched pot," Maggie chuckled, but Steve didn't laugh. "Honey, you have to give him more time than this. Not everyone is like us."
"I know," Steve frowned. "I just don't want to lose him."
"No matter what happens, he'd be an idiot not to be a part of your life," Maggie said.
Thunder clapped loudly outside, and suddenly, there came the sound of hard rain beating against the roof. Steve jumped, and Maggie squeezed his feet to calm him down. A few moments later, the front door opened and closed.
"Mags, do you know anything about this wet metalhead loitering about outside? I don't think he belongs to anyone. I don't see any tags. Do you think Steve might like him?" John asked.
He and Eddie appeared in the door, a wide grin on his face. Meanwhile, Eddie's eyes were wide as he looked at Steve, his hair dripping wet.
"Dad!" Steve exclaimed, blushing.
Eddie pulled crushed, wet flowers out of his vest and held them out for Steve.
"These are for you," Eddie said, and Steve took them with a smile.
"Aw, he got him flowers," Maggie said, cooing.
"Mom, Dad, can you give us a minute?" Steve asked.
"You're right, Steve, he is cute," Maggie said, flipping up her thumbs at him.
"Mom!" Steve yelled.
"Come on, Mags," John said, pulling her out of the room.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't even think about if your parents even know about you," Eddie blushed.
"Oh, we know, and we were so proud of Bebie when he came out to us!" Maggie yelled from the hallway. "Besides, we're both lavender married. I'm a lesbian and John's gay!"
"Sorry, son, she got away from me!" John called. "Slippery little witch."
"Bebie?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"When I was little, I had this lisp, and I would pronounce my name like Stebe," Steve rolled his eyes. "Then mom kind of ran with the name."
"And it was the cutest little lisp," Maggie said, popping her head in. "You should have seen him when he was little. He was such a mama's boy. You know, I have a picture of him, trying to walk around in my heels. It's so - "
"Mom! Please!" Steve yelled, torn between laughing and crying.
"Mrs. Harrington - " Eddie started to say.
"Maggie," she corrected with a grin.
"Maggie, you know, if you wanted to talk about how cute Steve is, then we can have lunch, and you can tell me all the embarrassing stories about him then?" Eddie asked with a grin. "Okay?"
"Okay!" Maggie exclaimed and left the room.
"Sorry about them," Steve said, shaking his head.
"So, if they're, uh, lavender married, how did - " Eddie started to say.
"I'm adopted," Steve said.
"Ah," Eddie said, and suddenly, he pulled a rock out of his pocket. "I also found this because it reminded me of your eyes."
"Thanks," Steve said, grinning, clutching it to his chest.
"Look, when I said I wasn't like that, I thought that I wasn't like that, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really am like that. It wasn't just because so many people assume that about me. I always scoffed at them because I'm a freak, so that must mean I must be like that too, right? You came into my life and woke me up. I've always been like that, I just didn't want to recognize it because I'm already different enough, even though I know that there's nothing wrong with being different," Eddie said. "I want to be with you, but I'm still sort of figuring things out."
"We can take things as slow as you want," Steve said.
"A little kiss wouldn't be too fast, though," Eddie grinned as he took Steve’s hands in his.
Steve leaned forward and kissed him gently, pulling him close. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Eddie's.
"I think we can tell your parents to come back in now," Eddie laugh.
"Mom, Dad!" Steve called out.
Maggie came in with a pile of clothes and a towel.
"I brought you some clothes and something to dry off with," Maggie said.
"Thanks, I had completely forgotten that I was dripping on your carpet," Eddie said cheerfully.
When he came back, dressed in Steve's sweats, he plopped down next to Steve on the couch and snuggled into his arms.
"So, Steve always complained about how you guys are away a lot and how much he misses you," Eddie said. "Like an idiot, I assumed the worst. I think that's because of my own shitty dad, so I apologize because you guys are awesome."
"Well, the last few years have kind of been difficult," John replied. "We've been trying to retire my dad's insurance company for a while now so we can spend more time with Steve, but my partner of 15 years who has occasionally been my partner on and off as well, revealed to me that he's been embezzling from the company over the last few years so we have been trying to clean that mess up. We were supposed to hand over the company over to him, and now that's all fucked up. So, we have also been looking for a suitable and trustworthy replacement to take over the company that my dad built from the ground up, a company my dad built to be inclusive for everyone."
"Shit, that fucking sucks," Eddie said with wide eyes.
"It does fucking suck," John sighed. "But Steve and Mags here have been my rock. Couldn't get through this without them."
There was silence for a while and then Eddie leaned forward with a smirk.
"So, Maggie, where is this picture of Steve in your heels that you spoke of?" Eddie asked, and John laughed while Maggie shrieked.
"I'm going to get the photo album," she said and jumped up.
"You're in for it now, son," John said.
"Mom! Please!"
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“So how did you know?”
“Know what?”
“Y’know, how did you know.”
“Dingus, I’m gonna need you to spell it out for me here, the Russians did a number on how many of my braincells are actually working.”
“How did you know that you liked girls?”
Robin Buckley immediately pushed herself up so she was resting on her elbows, head tilted to catch Steve Harrington’s eyes in the low light of their hospital room.
They weren’t originally even going to go to the hospital, if Robin was being honest. They had just wanted to slip away back to their respective homes, but then Melissa and Richard Buckley caught wind that Robin was hurt. Then the both of them realized that Steve’s parents (if Robin has to use that term to describe them) had less than zero intention of sending anyone to pick up Steve.
Then EMS made the light suggestion of both of them probably needing to go to Hawkins General Hospital… and well, while Melissa and Richard did tend to lead toward more natural remedies… one couldn’t fix a concussion or a drugging with an unknown substance with essential oils and hope.
“Robbie? Did you OD over there?” Steve had himself up on his elbows, easily mimicking Robin. That’s the thing that makes the inside of Robin ache, that he’s so like her. She knows that she’s an only child, knows that, but sometimes Steve’ll just… do something and it makes her question it. Makes her wonder how she spent so long without him, without another brain and two legs and arms and so much hair. “Robbie?”
“No, I am still alive.” Robin slowly spoke, before she let out a soft sigh. “Why do you ask?”
“Like-” Steve huffed as he shook his head from side to side, before he used the one hand that was free from the pulse monitor and saline drip to card through his hair. It’s sleep ruffled, and if he uses product (Robin is sure he does), it’s for sure gone. Steve looks up though, and his eyes are so earnest that it causes something to hurt inside of Robin. “never mind just ignore- fuck - just ignore me.”
“I couldn’t ignore you if I tried, you idiot.” Robin let out a huff, and she winced as the PICC line in her arm shifted as tilted to be able to fully face Steve on her side. “But I just, dingus, this is out of left field for even you.”
“How so?”
“Did you even know that, that people like me even existed until a couple of hours ago?” Robin kept her voice soft, especially as Steve huffed out an indignant sounding sigh. Robin sighs though, and then she cards her own hand through her hair, and forges onward. “I think I’ve just… always known.”
“Yeah like-” Robin shrugged, a careful movement of her shoulders. “When I was like, eight? My uh, parents sent me to this camp thing- like summer camp kind of like what Dustin went to? But with, y’know, with the swimming and archery and dude I was fucking awful at it.” Steve let out a soft and watery laugh at Robin’s rambling, and that gave Robin enough power to continue. “But we uh, had these like songs we had to learn? And there was this uh, girl counselor there that had to teach me because you know, that was her job.”
“Yeah, and uh. She couldn’t have been older than I am now but man…” Robin let out a slow whistle, and allowed herself to fully melt into the hospital cot she’s laid up on. “All I could think was that I just wanted to be with her. Like not even kissing because I thought kissing was gross then, still do now kinda but anyway- I wanted to like, hold her hand and shit. Do the cheesy stuff I’d seen in the movies, y’know?”
Steve huffed out his own laugh, and he tilted his head to lean against his pillows instead of facing Robin. Robin watched though, quiet for once, as Steve swallowed once and then twice- before he cleared his throat.
“I knew it existed before you.”
“Girls liking girls.” Steve’s voice is barely above a whisper, even as Robin can hear him gulp in a lungful of air. “And boys liking boys.”
“You did?” Robin kept her voice quiet, gentle, as coaxing as she could- especially when she could see Steve’s throat bob. “Dingus?”
“I…” Steve doesn’t continue, and that’s enough.
Enough to Robin that she pushed herself up, and ignored the pain that ricocheted down her spine like needles. Ignored Steve’s hurried ‘what are-’, as she stumbled out of her hospital bed and right to Steve’s. She made sure to drag her IV pole and the monitor with her, situating it as best as she could next to Steve’s. Robin huffed quietly as the pain trickled down her spine, and she couldn’t help but smile as Steve curled his hand carefully around her wrist and tugged.
Robin got comfortable, let Steve fret over her as best as he could, his fingers only ever-so slightly trembling as he made sure that the line in her arm wasn’t kinked up. They were pressed close, side to side and hip to hip, and Robin tilted her head down until it was rested on Steve’s shoulder.
“Wanna keep going, Stevie?”
“I…” Steve huffed again, a small indignant noise that Robin mimicked.
They sat like that then, just the two of them for a moment, before Steve continued slowly.
“I’ve never, told anyone this- like I’ve told Tommy H. so much shit about me - but this is… Robin this is different.” Steve speaks in a hurried and stilted way, like he’s stringing together bits and pieces of sentences, and it shouldn’t work.
But it does because he’s Steve and she’s Robin.
And truthfully, Robin likes that. That they’re Steve and Robin. SteveandRobin. RobinandSteve. Likes that the two of them are so in tune that even her own mother didn’t want to separate them.
That had to mean something in the end, didn’t it?
“Tell me, whatever… whenever.” Robin murmured as she turned her head so she could press a soft kiss to Steve’s shoulder. The hospital gown is thin enough she can feel the heat of his skin from up under it, and that’s grounding. Grounding even as Steve drew in a shaky breath, audibly swallowing again. “Whenever you’re ready, I’m here.”
“I didn’t uh, notice Tammy in Ms. Click’s class or uh, you for a reason.” Steve slowly spoke, eyes wet, and Robin can hear his sniffle as he tried to reign his emotions back. “Ms. Click made him sit uh, right by her desk at the front of the room.”
And oh.
If that doesn’t immediately settle something that just usually writhes around in Robin’s chest.
“Him?” Robin is gentle, gentler than she thinks she’s ever been.
“Uh, yeah… Eddie Munson?” Steve huffed out an almost dry laugh, the only thing that he does that ever remotely reminds her of his time as his high school “King Steve” persona. “He uh, got this bat tattoo right before that year’s Thanksgiving break and all I could do was just… gawk at him.”
“And then what?” Robin knew she was pushing, searching for information, but she can’t help it. Not when Steve is right next to her, hip to hip and thigh to thigh. Not when he’s like her. In all the ways that matter.
“I went home and screamed into my pillow.”
Robin immediately smacked Steve’s thigh with the knuckles of her left hand- grinning in triumph when Steve let out a squawk of laughter.
“Eddie Munson?”
“What about him?”
“He’s… he’s a total dud!”
“No he’s not!”
“He stepped in my mashed potatoes once! That is totally total dud material!”
“No way!”
“He wants to be like, like a metal singer!”
“He has a band! Dreams!”
“Do you even know if he can hold a tune?”
“Well, no-”
“Total. Dud.”
Robin grinned wide as Steve launched into a very quick defense about Eddie, and she decides then and there that Steve and her? They’ll be just fine.
Especially if she can get Eddie to come into Steve and her’s orbit just a bit, to see if the crush is still there.
Because while Robin may not have all of the gay knowledge in the world, there is one thing for a complete certainty that she knows.
The black hanky that Eddie kept in his pocket?
Robin chuffed to herself, before she tilted so she could lay on her side- nose tucked into the place where Steve’s neck and shoulder met.
Right before she falls asleep though, Robin does a very important thing on a mental whiteboard.
You Rule: 1
You Suck: 0
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hope you all enjoyed! truthfully think this is one of my favorite things i have written. love platonic stobin. <3
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milf-harrington · 2 years
inspired by @flashyysins
Two days after Hawkins was almost split open, Robin saw a woman pacing in the hospital waiting room.
There were plenty of other people as well, sitting or standing or walking the length of the room in a similar pattern, but there was something about the woman that Robin noticed. It wasn't just that she was beautiful, which she was- it's that there was something familiar about her.
She was in blue jeans and an old-school Hawkins High Letterman jacket, light brown hair twisted up in a claw clip. Robin had never met her before, she'd remember that at the very least, but still.
Something about the angle of her nose or the gentle waves of her hair felt like something Robin had seen before, something she'd be able to find in a crowded room or across a street.
But Robin had somewhere to be, so she shook off the odd feeling, and followed the familiar path to Steve's room.
"Hey Stevie."
Steve's smile was tired, but he was looking more lively than when he'd passed out in the waiting room the other day, so she'd take it.
"Robbie, you left me hanging yesterday."
She snorted and dropped into one of the chairs by his bed, swinging her legs over the arm rest and cradling the bag she'd brought with her in her lap. "You're the one who fell asleep during visiting hours."
He rolled his eyes, and she happily noted the colour returning to his skin. "You should be exempt from visiting hours, you're like...essential to my recovery or something."
She laughed to hide the way those words curled soft and warm around her heart, eyes stinging until she blinked it away. The dumbass had almost over-worked himself to the point of no recovery. "'Exempt?' Someone's been reading a dictionary- did one of your children leave theirs behind?"
"Oh fuck you-"
They were interrupted by a knock on the door, and Robin was startled to see the woman from the waiting room hovering behind a nurse.
"You have a new visitor Mr Harrington."
Even knee-deep in confused intrigue, Robin couldn't help but dramatically mouth Mr Harrington over her own shoulder, pleased at the face he pulled in retaliation.
And then the door shut, and Steve looked up to find the woman-from-the-waiting room standing at the end of the bed.
Robin saw his brain grind to a halt at the sight of her.
It was silent (well, as much as it could be in a hospital room, what with all the beeping and whirring) as they took each other in, and Robin slowly brought her knees in closer to her chest like it would shield her from the vague awkwardness chewing at her.
And then-
"Fucking hell, Eve." The woman breathed out, white knuckling the bar at the end of his bed.
At the same time, Steve's face scrunched up as he demanded: "What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? You're in hospital!"
"I thought you were in New York!"
"Yeah and then I got a call from Hawkins General that my little brother was dying in a hospital bed! Thank you for keeping me as your emergency contact, by the way."
"Well-" Steve spluttered and then crossed his arms over his chest, wincing at the pressure on his injuries. "Obviously."
Several things clicked into place like undone locks. Steve had almost been too comfortable about "feminine" topics for as long as she'd been an active member of his life- and even slightly before.
(He'd once run out of Scoops to buy her pads when she'd started her period in the middle of a shift. At the time she'd figured he was just trying really hard to beat the still a douche-bag allegations.)
Then there were the sweaters that he wouldn't confess to the origin of, the jokes he'd make about Robin "not being the only woman in his life" that she'd thought were about Nancy Wheeler, the vehement denial that the rom-com collection in the theatre room were his.
And, while Robin hated to enforce gender stereotypes, he'd always had the kind of mean girl cattiness that was usually only forged in teenaged girls and merely rubbed off on others.
Of course Steve Harrington had a sister.
Now Robin understood why she'd seemed so familiar in the waiting room.
"What happened to you?"
Simultaneously, Robin and Steve shifted uncomfortably, meeting each others eyes and coming up blank on both ends.
Steve's sister swallowed, jaw clenched and lip quivering as she look back and forth between them. She seemed suddenly fragile, like Steve after a nightmare, or right before he'd collapsed in the waiting room after carrying Eddie inside.
Steve cracked first. "Lou-"
"Don't fucking lie to me, Stephen. This is the third time you've ended up in hospital since your senior year."
Steve blinked, startled. "How did you-"
"I'm your sister." She seethed, and Robin could see flickers of Steve with an axe in his hand in the arch of her shoulders. "You might have told the hospital not to call but I still have friends in this town. If that Hargrove asshole wasn't already dead-"
"It was a serial killer." Robin blurted, drawing Steve's sisters' attention to her. "I don't now if you heard about it, but someone was going around killing teenagers. It started with Chrissy Cunningham- she was a cheerleader? kind of cute in a preppy sort of way, but, um- she was killed in our friends living room and then he sort of got blamed for it because, I mean, it was pretty sketchy but he didn't do it! I promise, Eddie didn't- anyway, there was this whole witch hunt, and two more people died which just sort of made it worse for Eddie and a group of us were trying to, like, clear his name, you know? Because we knew he didn't do it and we didn't want him to get killed next, but then one of our other friends - this girl, Max, she's a riot - she was being targeted by the real killer so we came up with this...really stupid plan to catch the killer but everything went sort of tits up and Eddie and Steve both got, well-" She waved her hands at the bandage around Steve's throat and the bruising around his wrists from the vines. "And Max, she broke her elbow and her knee when she fell, and I think Dustin twisted his ankle? So now Max and Eddie and Steve are all in hospital and Dustin has these crutches that he doesn't want to use but, I mean, Steve always makes him because it's Steve, and we don't really know if Eddie's okay yet but no one's come to tell us he's not so we're still hopeful-"
Robin shut her mouth, and took a deep breath through her nose. Steve's sister was staring at her in the startled sort of awe that Robin was used to seeing when she got going. She had the lungs of a trumpet player, it wasn't hard for her to talk until she forgot where she'd started.
"You fought a serial killer?" Steve's sister - Lou? - asked, and Robin hysterically felt like she should offer up her seat.
Steve, bless him, only nodded. Lou stared, lips pressed into a thin line and nostrils flared slightly.
And then, quite abruptly, she was straightening her back and stepping around the bed to hold out a hand to Robin. "Louisa Harrington."
Robin blinked, and shook her hand. "Robin Buckley."
Louisa nodded, like that made sense, and smiled the same cupids-bow smile as her brother. "The best friend- it's good to meet the other half of my brothers brain. Clearly the better half, considering you aren't the one in the hospital bed."
Steve made an offended noise, and Robin grinned.
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Steve and Eddie have a sweet little black cat named Jujubee. The party are all suprised that she doesnt have a more metal name like Ozzy or Dio and wonder how Steve managed to win that fight. Steve didnt win they just compromised on something that could be shortened to something cute. Her full name is Judas The Betrayer.
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munsonfamilyband · 3 months
I'm in the mood to give Steve good parents so fuck it, here we go.
Steve's dad, I always name him Richard, was lower middle class growing up, he wasn't poor but he also wasn't anywhere near his mom, Elizabeth. Betsy was the child of Italian immigrants (I personally love the idea they're Sicilian) and her dad had managed to open a thriving business when he first emigrated. She grew up wealthy, but her parents always made sure that their children knew that they weren't special - experiencing the discrimination her parents went through as immigrants definitely helped with making that message stick.
She was a cheerleader in High School but she also worked on the school newspaper and worked as a camp counselor during the summers. Steve's dad was a mathlete and head of the debate club. They met when Betsy approached him for an interview for a recent debate success.
Betsy was best friends with Sue Anderson (she was a bridesmaid in her wedding to Charles Sinclair) and friendly with both Karen Childress and Joyce Moldano until Karen started ditching them to hang out with her "boyfriend" Ted Wheeler (both Sue and Betsy tried to get her to see that he was much too old but she wouldn't listen). Joyce was a more complicated falling out that happened slowly as Lonnie Byers started showing interest and then started isolating her from all of her friends. Betsy still sent a gift to Karen, both for her and her new baby, when she found out that Karen had given birth. She also went to Joyce personally with lasagna when she heard about Lonnie running out of town.
Rich was best friends with Donnie Henderson, pushing him to pursue Claudia Yount when they were juniors, going on double dates with them when he and Betsy got together (after she got sick of his longing looks that he thought he was hiding and wasn't so she asked him when he was taking her on a date). He and Charles Sinclair were mathletes together and he gave Betsy tips to pass along to Sue when she had spilled that her friend had a crush on him. Rich had always been friendly with Jim Hopper Jr. but he was also friends with the Munson brothers and they didn't seem to like him that much. Wayne seemed nicer so on one occasion Rich tried to approach him and ask if he had done something to offend them, but Wayne had been two years older than him at the time and just scoffed and told him to run home to daddy.
(Years later he found out that Al had told Wayne that Rich had said something rude to him about being trailer trash. He only said that because he had been pissed seeing Rich sit with Lizzie Franklin at lunch, having forgotten that they were on the debate team together, nevermind the fact that almost everyone knew that Rich was gone on Betsy Lombardi.)
Betsy loved to read, and when Steve was little she would read to him all the time. (It's part of why they missed Steve's dyslexia.) As he got slightly older she started reading her favorite fairy tales to him, and then eventually when he asked for something new she broke out the Hobbit and they would cuddle up in his race car bed and she would read until he fell asleep.
Rich loved sci fi, any kind he could get his hands on. He would record episodes of Star Trek and he and Steve would sit on the couch together on Saturdays and spend all afternoon and night watching it together. When the first Star Wars came out he and Steve went together to go see it, then made them both lightsabers out of cardboard when they got home. Betsy would find them in the basement wearing blankets secured with safety pins like robes and dueling with their lightsabers. She managed to get it on tape once.
When Steve got to middle school his parents couldn't avoid the travel they needed to do for work any longer. Betsy went out and got them a very expensive cell phone and made sure to put the number on the fridge so Steve could see it and call anytime he needed them. They also made sure to call at least every other night, but in the early years it was often every night and only got less frequent when Steve got to high school.
They sent him little gifts from wherever they were staying, Steve getting a package at least once per trip. Sometimes it had candies and snacks, sometimes it was figurines and magnets, sometimes they even sent him clothing they thought he would like (Betsy keeps his measurements updated regularly so they can send him things that fit).
As Steve got older he went through the period of feeling embarrassed by how close he was to his parents, so he often didn't tell people about them other than saying that they weren't home often.
When he went through the events of '83, he managed to hold out for 3 days of not wanted to bother his parents before he called and begged for one of them to come home. Steve knew contracts, and he knew that the NDA the government made him sign wasn't legally binding without his parents there, so he could tell them everything. His parents were home a day later and he fell into his mom's arms and told them everything. The following year he was too out of it in the hospital from the concussion Billy gave him to properly give his parents number. When he got home, after Hopper refused to let him out of his sight for 4 days, he was able to call them and his mom rushed home, arriving that same day. A similar thing happened after the mall fire in '85 except his parents had been called by Sue about the fire so Steve never managed to call. When they arrived at the hospital it was only Steve and Robin, who they loved instantly.
When they heard about the earthquake on the news, they both immediately got on a flight home. Only, that was finally when everyone else learned about them because Steve's room was very full. Betsy had tunnel vision and ran to Steve's bedside, petting his hair while he blinked awake, while Rich went to Robin and pulled her into a tight hug that she returned without hesitation. Everyone else in the room was completely confused by these two people's appearance until Robin introduced them, so Steve could sleep again.
A month or so later Steve came to them, clearly nervous, and explained that while he did like girls he also liked boys and he might have a boyfriend, maybe? Betsy and Rich glanced at each other for just one moment of eye contact before they both stood and pulled Steve into a group hug. They reassured him that they loved him and just want him to be safe, then they demanded to meet this boy that has Steve so flustered.
Later that week they were reintroduced to Eddie, who had been unconscious when they had come to the hospital. Instantly they adored him. Rich and he had a long conversation about Star Trek and rock music, Eddie even giving Rich some recommendations for some metal that he might like. Betsy somehow had an even longer conversation about Lord of the Rings and she even grabbed a notepad when he started explaining Dungeons and Dragons to her. Steve was definitely jealous that his parents were taking up all of his time with Eddie but he was also so glad they liked him, and very clearly approved of him.
When Eddie went to the Harringtons years later and mentioned wanting to ask Steve to illegally marry him, Betsy burst into tears and grabbed Eddie in a bone crushing hug. Rich clearly had tears in his eyes and clapped a hand on Eddie's shoulder and told him they whenever they did it, wherever they did it, they would happily be there and would love to be involved in planning however they could.
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envyenvys · 19 days
‘Just fleshing out’ a background character for a fic is so dangerous bc either all you do is slap a name on some guy who shows up one time and go on with your life, or you end up pathologically obsessed with a character that not only doesn’t exist anywhere except your own head, but at this point might also be directly contradicting whatever slivers of canon information they actually have
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
I need to know your thoughts on this: Steve's parents as the couple from Gone Girl
reading this ask made me feel like i was in big brother, because we have talked about steve’s parents being gone girl in the gc so much lmao
anyway, i’m actually obsessed with it.
i love steve’s parents being crazy girls (shoutout to our insane mr h kidnappee aus lmao), and the idea that steve’s parents go through some gone girl shit then pop out steve is hilarious to me.
steve’s mother coming from money, then marrying mr h and moving to a small town to deal with his ailing parents, he starts cheating with a younger woman etc is actually my preferred hc for their backstory, so even without all the actual… gone girl stuff lol, i think it suits them.
oh and mrs h getting pregnant to baby trap mr h is so fun
i also LOVE the implications of like. amy does all her gone girl shit after realising she’s being cheated on, and we know that steve goes crazy after he thinks he’s been cheated on, and i absolutely believe he got that from his mommy and it’s just… mrs h faking her own death and kidnapping is real to me!!!
mrs h being “well known” enough according to steve that she’s on his resume, and amy having the community rally around her disappearance.
mr h smiling for a photo while pleading for his wife to be found…. yeah that’s just canon.
there’s really just nothing to hate. great au all around, and i need the fic yesterday.
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
stevie just hit the wall
aka the multi chapter bowling for soup inspired Stevie fic where i give her a midlife crisis and a second chance at dating a rockstar.
transfem!Steve Harrington; Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham; Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley; Steve Harrington & Chrissy Cunningham
“Maybe I should have just stayed with him, Robs. I mean I'm not getting any younger. “Okay 1. Tommy was using you to cheat on his wife of 10 years, remember, Carol?” “They were on a break. Basically separated.”  She keeps going like Stevie hadn’t spoken, “2. He called you dude every time you went out with him cause he was a total chaser. And most importantly 3. He was a fucking CPA Evie, what a snore.”
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guest-1-2-3 · 2 years
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"Wait. Has Tholomule been your last name THIS WHOLE TIME?!"
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
1967. A couple in Hawkins, Indiana adopt a one year old little boy; they name their bubbly son Steve. 2,000 miles away, a little baby named William turns six months old, and sees the beach for the first time. For a moment, their dysfunctional families appear happy.
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28 years later, those babies have a little one of their own, Christie-Ann Elizabeth Lee Harrington-Hargrove.
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hypnoscry · 2 years
Steve loves wham and tears for fears and Madonna, he loves letting the radio play while he drives to no where in particular, but he’s also a huge opera guy and loves musicals.
Fat chance that Richard and Maria Harrington have any pop albums for their absurdly (and disgustingly over the top) record player set up, but they do have operas and musicals (and orchestral) albums and records, and little Stevie needed some background noise, some other sound beside himself in the house (they had a tv, but he wasn’t allowed to touch it “Steven you are not to lay a hand on this while we’re away, understand.”)
So yeah, Steve Harrington enjoys the top 40s, and a few bands Eddie’s shown him, but they weren’t his favourite, nowhere close, not even— he loves waltzing around his house to La Gioconda, and doing dramatic retellings of the Wiz and Grease.
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Steve remembers the last time he had a birthday party, when he was 8. Everyone from school came, but they spent more time talking to each other then to him. Steve, who had invited the whole class, but only wanted his parents to show up. Steve who was 8 when he realized he was the only one whose parents weren't at their own kid's birthday party. Steve who vows never to have another birthday party because he is ashamed of his own parents. Steve who cries that night, while the nanny holds him close. Steve who wishes the nanny was his real mother as she tucked him into bed and wished him one final happy birthday at the end of the day. Steve who got a call from his parents four days later wishing him happy birthday. Steve who realized they never got his birthday right.
Steve who had to grow up too soon, because as soon as he was 12, his dad deemed him able to stay by himself and fired the nanny who raised him. The nanny who always made him his favorite cake and sang happy birthday real loud to him. Steve who never got to say goodbye, because he found out in a birthday card from his parents, and the nanny was already gone. Steve who hates his 12th birthday because that's the only time his parents got his birthday right, and he wishes they had forgotten for a little while longer so he could still have the nanny in his life. Steve who hates his birthday with a passion....
But Steve who makes sure everyone else's birthday gets celebrated. Because you can say "ugh I don't care " but he knows that deep down it is nice to be remembered and feel special. Because he doesn't want anyone to feel how he felt. Steve who encourages the kids to have parties, because even though they've been through the most traumatic shit and grown up too quickly, they deserve to be kids. Steve who has a list of everyone's favorite cake so he can buy it for their birthday. Steve who takes extra time to make sure the gifts are wrapped perfectly. Steve who hates his own birthday, but loves seeing his friends' faces light up on theirs.
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wheucto · 2 years
what if fan was also a robot
#wheucto#wheucto speaks#Sorry i'm situationsing him. Again#i've rotated this idea in my head for a while#i dont know who would create him. test tube and cobs come to mind but those seem. boring? unoriginal?#also w test tube as his creator that would make bot's creation weird.#'oh no_ my robot is sad. i will simply build another one to make him happy. this will work perfectly well and not cause any consequences.'#steve cobs. i can reason with that sure makes sense. just. seems unoriginal?#but other than those two_ who could make him?#i thought maybe he was made by parents who couldnt have children normally (whatever that is for objects) or something similar#but??? idk man. maybe it'd be more interesting if it was by a canonical character#orr maybe by Evil Corps (We Want To Take Over The World) for Malicious™ purposes. specifically an 'evil' company#now just gonna. throw some names out there#mephone. idk why he would??? maybe he wanted a friend... can he even make other robots?#taco. but this would make her microphone alliance arc irrelevant and i dont want to change what happens in canon.#hmmm rolling the dice in my head. bomb. idk i just landed on him. mad scientist bomb maybe?#cheesy. makes him as a joke. somehow_ he actually creates a sentient AI. ummmm. hey_ how about we join this reality show together?#oh wow you're very enthusiastic um ahaha. wow.#pickle. makes him as like a gaming ai or smth? for a video game? and then is like. Oh. idk if he'd give him a body or if fan just has to -#- do it himself. somehow. and 3d prints himself a body or smth#cabby. ok i was thinking mostly s1 and maybe s2 butttttt cabby seems like an interesting choice. she does have a lot of knowledge#she was probably a fan of i.i. before joining. also it does seem ooc for her to eliminate her robot in favor of the prize#though i wonder what would be the purpose in making him for her. the prize money? what does she plan to do then? also what if fan finds out#i like this actually filing it for later#apple. the idea of her somehow being able to make complex and lifelike robots is very silly to me. she makes him as a friend.#unfortunately one day he disappears <///3. after going to purgatory mansion_ she offhandedly mentions creating fan to bow#(bow is very confused on how her stupid little idiot friend (affectionate) can make a robot that acts so much like a regulaf object person)#ok i've exhausted all ideas. going to continue rotating my various ideas on this au in my mind#im rereading this and i think i mistyped when i said 'it seems ooc for [cabby]' i think i meant to say doesnt seem
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sosoane1 · 2 years
One Line One Fic
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @captainjimothycarter thx <3​
1. I Feel Good (The X Files)
He was holding her close, whispering the lyrics into her ear. Squeezing her tighter, but still, lovingly he planted a kiss on her neck. Muffling the lyrics he was saying. 
2. The complication of getting a prescription refill (The X Files)
She turned to look at him, realizing he didn’t care she saw him shirtless. She shrugged saying ‘‘Well, yeah, I suspected it for a while now. I just figured you would tell me when you're ready. It didn’t feel right to ask. It’s not of my business, as long as you’re happy Mulder.’’ 
3. Jim The Fish (DW 11xRiver)
‘Sweety, you can’t just take a fish out of a pond and keep it.’ She looked at the poor creature who was clearly struggling. She gently took it from his hands and released it back into the water. The fish gladly swam away, but then returned holding his head out of the water. 
4. Take me as you found me or leave me to die (The X Files) (yes the title is super dramatic)
She knew the distance between them had been slowly growing to the size of a canyon. She hated having to push him away, but it seemed like her only option to keep herself from breaking her own heart. Like she was letting herself down slowly. 
5. He Chose Me (Steggy)
So he was surprised when she said his name. First, he was surprised she was still awake, they had been lying in bed for about half an hour. And then when the words registered in his brain, he wasn’t sure he heard her right 
6. Mulder's birthday gift (The X Files)
As per usual, when Emily spotted her parents from the playground, she ran to them and demanded a piggyback ride back to the car, which Mulder obliged. He helped her buckle up as Scully started the car. The drive home was pleasant, Emily recounted how she learned that a caterpillar could become a butterfly. And said they had to draw butterflies, so she had a new artwork for Mulder’s art gallery. 
7. Nobody warned you about me? (DW 11xRiver)
Finally, they saw it, the big blue box. Like a beacon in the sea of all the people. The Tardis was standing exactly where they left it. River thanked god it was because she was not ready to drag The Doctor around the town to look for his box. 
8. A Well-Devised Plan (The X Files)
Everything was going to perfectly until the was a knock at the door. 
9. White Christmas (Steggy)
One day he hoped to work up the courage to go up to her and tell her how he feels. But just because she doesn’t mind his staring, it doesn’t mean that she feels the same way. So for now he will be content with watching from afar. Admiring her determination, her strength, her heart, her soul, everything about her. 
10. Your smile fades in the summer (The X Files)
‘‘This is my sister I was telling you about, the smart one’’ Melissa started. ‘‘Dana, right? My name’s Fox Mulder, but everyone calls me, Mulder.’’ He put his hand out to her but she just stared at it.
Not tagging anyone but if you want to do it concider yourself tagged
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robbiebucks · 1 month
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Robin approaches the woman a little hesitantly, hints of a smile on her face. "Hi, uh, so you don't know me - but my name is Robin. I'm Steve's best friend, I don't know if he's mentioned me? Anyways ... I thought I'd introduce myself because I know he's living here now. Well not here." They gesture around the restaurant. "But with you and all, and well you're probably gonna see a lot of me. Like a lot. 'Cause wherever Steve goes, I go. We don't spend a whole lot of time apart, it's not good for us. Pretty sure the world will actually end if we do. There's scientific research on it. Don't fact check that." A little nod. "Anyways, so yeah. Hi - I will be invading your home for the foreseeable future and I'd apologize, but I'm admittedly not that sorry." Another pause before. "By the way, when I say best friends, I mean that. Best friends. Like platonic with a capital P best friends. We're twins separated at the womb, honestly practically like the same person. There's nothing more going on here. Not to mention I'm like a total raging lesbian."
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stellarspecter · 1 year
Ok guys st daemon au what would robin's daemon be. I've seen squirrel, ladybug, fruit bat, bat-eared fox, hummingbird, hawk, and sugar glider in different fics. I feel like making her a robin feels too on the nose lol and I kind of like the small mammal route but I'm not sure which one. If I had more concrete options I would make a poll but idk, does anyone have any thoughts on this
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