#my ocs: grace mason
jemmalynette · 3 months
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International Women's Day Challenge 2024 for @oc-challenges
Day Three: "In March I'll be rested, caught up and human." (March 8th)
“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles” - Audrey Hepburn
Tags: @littletonpace @arrthurpendragon @alchemypanda
Colouring by UrbanFlowerGraphic
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pain-is-too-tired · 18 days
More Godly Games memes-
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I laughed too hard making this one dbdb
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elgaravel · 4 months
spare jasper crumbs 🤲🙇🏻‍♀️ FIVE RANDOM FACTS!
1. Even though they didn't know him well, Jas has a tattoo of a rook chess piece on their forearm for their dad.
2. Speaking of their dad, they spent a lot of their life idolizing him (despite him dying when they were 2 LMFAO). They thought that things would've been a lot different with him around and that they might've had a good childhood with him around 😭. Now that they're older, it's something they've let go of but it was another point of contention between them and Rebecca for a long time.
3. They graduated high school a year late. They were a little distracted with Crime™ and shenanigans, and also just struggled a lot bc they learned differently than what was being taught.
4. Their favorite bands/artists are Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, and The Cranberries. Major side eye from whatever poor bastard (usually some member of UB) has to ride with them.
5. Their nose is kinda crooked from breaking it a few times, mostly from old streetfights or eating shit really bad in their youth. Also a couple slightly chipped teeth.
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littletonpace · 6 months
The Last Light - Grace & Rebecca Mason
A gift for @jemmalynette :) Merry Christmas!
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
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Grace Mason & Miles Wray for @jemmalynette
I hope you like it!
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harringtonstilinski · 2 years
You’ll Always Be My Hero - Chapter 80 ; Apotheosis
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Emma Thomas (OC) Word Count: 3,893 Warnings: angst, squint for fluff, mentions of injuries, A/N: Hi, friends! Chapter 80 is here! I can’t believe we’re almost in the home stretch of this series! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Stiles and I took the file that Melissa had with her and took it to Deaton. Why we took it to Deaton, I wasn’t sure, but here we were; walking with him through the clinic as he looked at the file.
“Vanishing twin syndrome?” he asked.
“This is part of your expertise, right?” Stiles asked.
“Babe, the man deals with animals and supernatural creatures, not humans,” I said.
Deaton looked over at us. “She’s right.” He looked back down at the file, setting it down on the exam table.
The back door opening had all three of us looking in that direction. What I didn’t expect to see was Scott and Liam bring in the Surgeon Dread Doctor.
“He’s still alive,” Scott said. Him and Liam laid the Surgeon on the table. “Can you keep him alive?”
“I’m not sure he technically is alive,” Deaton said, going to unbutton the Surgeon’s shirt.
Stiles put his arm around my waist, pulling me against him as I stood between him and Scott.
“Screw keeping him alive,” Liam said. “How do we get him to talk?”
“Personally, I don’t think we utilize torture nearly enough,” Stiles said. 
I leaned my head against his shoulder. Not getting enough sleep was exhausting.
Liam looked up in our direction. “Did you hear that?”
After a few seconds, the Surgeon jolted up from his lying position, emitting a high-pitched noise that had all of us covering our ears, bending forward. Everything in the room shook like there was an earthquake happening. I closed my eyes tight, feeling Stiles trying to cover me as best he could with his own body. I still had my eyes closed, a headache forming from the noise. I felt two pairs of hands on me, moving me out of the way of whatever’s happening.
Uncovering my ears, I turned and saw that every piece of metal equipment and table was against the door.
“Stop,” Deaton said, stopping Scott and Liam in their tracks. “It’s electrified.”
Scott’s body language told me that he was listening in on the conversation taking place outside. 
Stiles wrapped his arms around me, asking quietly, “Are you okay?”
I nodded my head, staring at the back of Scott’s head.
“The cane,” Scott whispered.
“But they took it. They took the cane,” Liam added.
“Mind filling the ones who don’t have supernatural hearing in?” I asked.
“Argent took the cane,” Scott said.
“Well, that’s just peachy.”
Scott started looking through the file after we moved everything back in place once it became demagnetized… or non-electrified. “Maybe there’s something in here. Something about how he was a Genetic Chimera.”
“Mason had a vanishing twin,” I sighed.
“Now we’ve got a vanishing Mason,” Stiles said.
“What does that have to do with him turning into a 250 year old French guy?” Liam wondered. “How does that even happen?”
“Hold on, Scott might have something,” Deaton said, pointing to Scott. “Mason’s twin wasn’t entirely gone. That’s what made him a Genetic Chimera.”
We all looked at Scott, who said, “The DNA was still there.”
“Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well.”
“How?” Stiles asked.
Deaton looked at me, nodding to give me the go ahead to start explaining. How he knew I knew, I’ll never know… wait.
“Life is energy. Energy doesn’t just disappear,” I said. 
“The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world, but there are some rules that simply won’t break,” Deaton added.
“So Mason can’t just be gone?” Liam asked.
“Somewhere in Sebastien he has to still exist in some form,” I said, leaning my hands on the table in front of me. I watched Stiles pick up the mask, looking at it as I continued. “A spark of energy, a flicker of memory.”
“Hang on…” Stiles said. “Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned.”
“He said, that’s not my name,” Liam informed.
“He finally remembered his name,” Scott said.
“Damnatio Memoriae,” Stiles and I said.
“That’s what they wanted,” Liam said. “They wanted Sebastien to remember his name.”
“Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?” Deaton asked. “Emma, since you have werewolf blood in you, this applies to you as well.”
Scott and I looked at each other, knowing what it meant. He only knows because I told him after doing all that research after he was first bitten. “It turns back to human.”
“What does that mean?” Liam asked. “Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason’s name and turn him back?”
I felt three pairs of eyes on me with Scott’s next words. “Not someone…”
I looked at Scott, Stiles and Deaton, rolling my head back with my eyes closed. “Why is it always me?”
Stiles grabbed his phone from his pocket and texted our dads, letting them know about Sebastien while Mom picked me up to head to the station to meet up with Lydia. But not before giving Stiles a kiss.
Hayden and I got to the station at around the same time, walking through together. We looked around, seeing her sister, Sheriff and my dad on the floor.
I looked over at Lydia, seeing Sebastien coming at her, claws and fangs on display for the entire station to see.
Right before Sebastien got to Lydia, I pushed her out of the way and faced him, letting out a high-pitched scream that took over as he dug his claws into my neck. My scream was so powerful that it sent him crashing into the wall behind him.
Feeling the blood coming out of my neck, I put my hands over the wounds, dropping to my knees. Lydia rushed to my side just as Sheriff and Dad were getting to their feet.
Just as I was starting to fall back, Dad wrapped me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style out to his cruiser, Sheriff and Lydia following.
Dad drove as fast as he could to the hospital, Sheriff and Lydia helping me out after Dad put the car in park. He ran to my side, picking me up bridal style again and rushing into the building, my godfather and best friend following.
I still had my hands around my neck, whimpering in pain as Sheriff called out for Melissa.
A few hours after I had, yet another surgery, Sheriff and Dad left so that I could get some rest, but Lydia, as always, refused to leave my side. I had fallen asleep sometime after, tired from the last few days.
I woke up feeling someone sitting on the side of my bed, holding my hand. I grunted as I looked over at Lydia.
“Hey. You alright?” Stiles asked.
“Did-- did you find… something else?” I grunted. It hurt like a bitch to talk. “Another solution?”
I heard Lydia’s heels click on the ground as she walked to my other side, putting her hand on my arm.
Stiles sighed. “No. Well, maybe.” He looked up at Lydia then back down at me. “It’s you and Lydia.”
I looked over at her, smirking a bit. “Badass bitches on parade.”
I felt Scott and Liam somewhere in the building before Scott walked into my room.
“Hey, Em. How you feeling?” he asked.
I gave him a look, then turned my eyes over to Stiles.
“She can’t really talk. Sebastien almost got her vocal chord,” Stiles answered for me.
Scott nodded and looked down. 
“Scotty,” I groaned. He looked up at me. “It’s not your fault,” I said, voice going in and out.
“Em, if I’d had just--”
“You can’t protect everyone, Scotty.”
Lydia smoothed my hair down, shushing me. “Try not to talk too much. Doctors orders.”
“You know she never listens,” Stiles said.
The four of us chuckled, me barely.
“Alright. I’m gonna update Liam. He’s worried about you,” Scott said.
I lifted the left corner of my mouth, letting Scott know that I appreciated it. He walked out of the room, giving that same small smile I’d just given him.
Lydia moved towards the door, grabbing her purse. Stiles placed a long kiss on my head before looking me in the eyes. “I’ll be back. I promise.”
I nodded and patted at his stomach, hearing it growling. He chuckled and placed a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling away and walking out the door behind Lydia.
A few minutes went by before Scott and Liam walked in my room and over to either side of me. 
“We’re gonna help you sit up,” Scott said, him and Liam placing their hands on my shoulders. “Ready?”
I nodded, both werewolves helping me sit up, gently. I groaned in protest, the pain in my neck causing discomfort.
The door opened, Melissa, Stiles and Lydia walking in before Lydia closed the door.
Melissa walked to my left side, Liam moving out of the way. “Emma, this is gonna have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it.”
“It’s a cortisone shot. It’s gonna bring the inflammation down,” Scott informed.
I nodded, watching as Melissa pulled said medicine from her sweater pocket, uncapping the needle. I put my arm out, thinking she was gonna put it in my arm. 
“Not there,” she confirmed.
I gave her a look that said I wasn’t happy with that answer.
“I can hear the sass laced in your voice with that look,” she said. She sighed and put her hands up on my neck, pulling the tape and gauze back, a groan coming from my lips.
“Oh, yeah, okay, babe, I love you, but I’m gonna need to leave,” Stiles said. 
“You’re not going anywhere. Get over here and hold your girlfriend's hand.”
“Okay, fine. I’m not leaving, but I still might faint.”
“What are you gonna do when you two have children?” Lydia asked.
“Faint,” Stiles said, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.
“Okay,” Melissa said, softly, gently taking a hold of my chin. “Here we go.”
I took a few deep breaths, not taking my eyes off Stiles. Melissa didn’t even get 6 inches to my neck before we all heard a thud, a space where Liam was standing. I rolled my eyes before Scott went to move.
“You, stay by her side, I’ll get him,” Lydia said.
Scott grabbed my hand in preparation. 
“Okay, Emma, this is gonna hurt like a bitch,” Melissa said. With that little bit of a warning, she stuck the needle in my neck, whimpers coming from me, and hand breaking for my best friend and boyfriend.
As she squeezed the medicine in my neck, I took in a deep breath, wanting this to be over as fast as possible. When the medicine was out of the syringe, she removed it from my neck and replaced the tape and gauze.
Lydia walked over to my side, helping me off the bed. Stiles rushed over to my side, as well, helping Lydia dress me in my regular clothes after Melissa and the werewolves exited the room.
After getting into the elevator and going down to the first floor, Stiles, Scott, Lydia and Liam helped me walk out.
“Okay, I’ll get Malia. Text me when you find Parrish,” Stiles said, giving me a quick kiss on my temple.
“Hold on,” Scott said.
Liam and Lydia held me up as Scott let go to give Stiles something from his jacket pocket.
Stiles took it, looking back up at Scott. “What is this?”
“Something I’ve been working on for a while,” Scott said. “Just make sure Malia gets it.”
“Okay. Is it a Plan B?” Stiles asked, moving over towards me.
“It was Plan A,” Scott said.
“Plan A never works,” Stiles said, putting his hand on my upper arm.
I looked back and forth between the two best friends.
“This one will,” Scott said.
“Okay,” Stiles said, looking down at me.
I looked up at him, giving him questioning eyes. 
“Be careful. Please,” he said.
I pursed my lips together, hearing a chuckle from Lydia. “She’ll be fine,” Lydia said. “She’s with me. Another badass Banshee.”
“Fair enough,” he said, kissing my temple once more before turning around to walk off.
I whined in protest, causing him to turn back to me… with a chuckle. I had my lips puckered, wanting one more kiss from him before he left me to be a hero. He placed his lips on mine, a sweet kiss following.
He pulled away, looking deep into my eyes. “I love you.” “I love you, too,” I mouthed.
He turned around again, actually making his way out of the hospital.
We piled into my Jeep that my Mom had apparently dropped off and drove to the tunnels, getting out and trying to find our way to… wherever the hell we needed.
“Scott,” Liam whispered.
We were standing by a grate as I looked around.
“Do you hear that?”
“I heard that,” Lydia said. “Em?”
I shook my head. “No.”
“Emma, save your voice,” Scott said. More like demanded.
Liam stepped forward a couple steps, water splashing a little bit at his feet.
I heard what sounded like electricity. “I hear it now.”
“Em, Lydia, get out of the water!” Liam said, pushing Lydia out of the water… who pushed me out of the water.
Just as soon as Lydia and I touched the wall and pressed ourselves against it, Liam and Scott got electrocuted by the water, both of them going down to the ground and screaming.
Lydia started guiding me away from them before we came face to face with Theo, who grabbed my arms. “Sorry, Emma,” he said. I gave him a confused look before he placed a kiss on my forehead, turned us both and pushed me over Scott and Liam and into a hole. Thankfully, Scott reached forward and grabbed my right wrist before I could fall the whole way down.
I reached up and grabbed his arm with my left hand, holding on for dear life… literally. “Don’t let go, please, don’t let go,” I whimpered.
“Save your voice. Em, save your voice,” he said.
I watched as Theo knelt by Scott, digging his claws into Scotts side. I gasped as Scott groaned at being stabbed.
“Feel that, Scott?” Theo asked.
Scott gasped as I let out a breath.
“Kanima venom,” Theo said, listening to Scott’s breathing. “Just let it happen. Let it go.”
Scott’s grip on my wrist started to loosen, so I let out a small scream, shaking my head. 
“Let everything go.”
“No!” Scott groaned, both of us letting go of each other as I fell the rest of the way, screaming as best I could. I felt a pain on the left side of my chest, feeling the area. Nothing was there. I got up from my fall, feeling around the walls to watch where I was going in this dark area.
I felt a door handle and tried to slide the door open, but to no avail. I reached up and placed my hand on the gauze. I looked around the area that was dimly lit, realizing that Lydia wasn’t near me. I guess Theo didn’t do anything to her like he did me. I guess she was still with Scott and Liam.
I turned back to the door, grabbing the handle and trying my best to yank the bitch open. Still didn’t work. I strained and pulled at the door, but it still wouldn’t open.
Something coming through the side of the door caught my attention. I smiled a little at recognizing the katana. I heard her sword clanking against the door before I moved from it before it fell. I looked up at the source and smiled.
“Sorry I’m late,” Kira said. 
I ran up to her, giving her a hug, Lydia coming up next to us. We engaged in a small group hug before we parted. I gave Kira questioning eyes, her nodding her head. “I’ll explain everything later.”
We started running towards where we thought Scott and Liam would be. Stopping at hearing Sebastien’s voice, I looked at Lydia who nodded at me. I looked back over at Sebastien.
“Mason,” I said, to which Sebastien looked over at me and started walking towards us.
“I think you’re gonna need to try it a little louder,” Kira said.
I sighed and looked at Lydia, who nodded her head again. Sebastien’s eyes glowed white as Lydia put her hands on my shoulders.
Sebastien transformed into the Beast, Lydia and I yelling, “MASON!” 
It was weird because you could see the power of our voices together, almost like a soundwave going towards the Beast, knocking him down to the ground before essentially exploding into black smoke.
I gasped, seeing Mason running out of the smoke and right into Corey’s arms. Wait, Corey was here? He’s gotta stop doing that invisible mess. I smiled at seeing Mason again, but something else caught my eye.
What was left of the Beast, screaming as it floated through the tunnels around us, Parrish catching it, yelling out for Scott.
Said Alpha jumped forward, grabbing the pike off the ground and hurling it towards Parrish and the Beast, said pike impaling the Beast. 
The Beast vanished in Parrish’s arms, his flames dying out and looking at us.
I ran up to Scott, engulfing him in a hug, which he returned.
“Is everyone okay?” Scott asked.
“Not everyone,” Theo sneered from behind us.
I looked to my right, seeing Theo standing with electricity crackling all over him. Scott growled and moved me behind him.
Kira jumped in front of us, twirling her sword around and sending the electricity that Theo tried throwing at us right back at him, her eyes glowing Orange. “The Skinwalkers have a message for you, Theo.”
Theo stopped his crackling, looking absolutely terrified.
“Your sister wants to see you.” Kira stabbed her katana in the ground, cracking the concrete all the way to Theo, a hole forming before him. A hand popped out from the hole, scaring the life out of me. I put my hand on Scott’s shoulder, seeing what I guessed to be Theo’s sister crawling out of the hole.
“Remind me to never watch The Ring with Stiles ever again,” I whispered in Scott’s ear, to which he nodded.
Theo’s sister grabbed his ankle, twisted him and started dragging him into the hole with her. “Scott, help me!” Theo screamed. “No! No! Scott, help me! Scott! No! Scott! Help me!”
His sister was relentless as she pulled him in the hole, not caring that he was crying for help. After they were both back in the hole, the concrete went back to normal; no cracks, nothing, it was like nothing even happened.
I took Scott and Liam to the clinic, feeling that Hayden was there. Since she was a new pack member because of her relationship with Liam, I could now feel her presence. Same with Mason. I knew that Hayden was at the clinic, anyway, because she texted me, letting me know that she was there.
I went to the station, surprising my parents, who were worried sick about me… as they should. They carefully wrapped me in their different hugs, careful to avoid my neck.
Dad pointed to Sheriff’s office, letting me know that Sheriff wanted to see me. I turned and locked eyes with my godfather, running into his office and giving him my own hug. 
Sneakers squeaking on the floor let me know that Stiles was here… well, I already knew. I felt him coming into the building.
I turned and smiled at him, running the few feet to him. I jumped in his arms, careful not to damage my neck anymore. “We did it,” I whispered. I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “We saved Mason.” I smiled as he let out a breath.
We both walked into the office, sitting down on the couch. We watched as Sheriff packed some stuff away in a box.
“You both saved their lives,” Sheriff said. 
I wrapped my arms around Stiles’ right one, resting my chin on his shoulder, smiling.
“Mason. Malia. Half the population of Beacon Hills,” Sheriff continued. “That’s gotta feel pretty good.”
Stiles turned his head, lightly pressing his lips to my forehead. He sighed as he turned his head back to look at his dad. I rested the side of my head on his shoulder, feeling him rest his head on mine. “It did. For a while.”
“But it’s something you want to feel again,” Sheriff said.
“Yeah,” Stiles said. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Welcome to your future career in law enforcement,” Sheriff said, Dad joining in.
We lifted our heads up, me turning to look at my dad.
I turned my head back to look at Stiles, him doing the same as I said, “Deputy Stiles Stilinski. Got a nice ring to it.”
“So does Attorney Emma Thomas,” Stiles said.
I smiled at him, putting my hand on his cheek, leaning forward to press my lips on his.
Stiles and I left for school, not really wanting to be here. We just wanted to skip today, spend some time together at home.
Right before our class ended, I got a text from Scott, saying that Kira was with the Skinwalkers, and that she’d be back whenever she’d figure out how to not let the Fox take control.
“She’ll be back. She still has to graduate,” I said, lacing mine and Stiles’ fingers together as we walked down the hall.
“That’s the thing, baby, I don’t know,” he said. “When we started this school year, I was so stressed about everyone ending up in the same place after we graduate.”
“I know. I was there,” I sassed.
He sighed. “But I don’t think it matters. We always seem to find each other anyway. Even Allison.”
I stopped walking, tugging on his hand as he kept walking. He turned around, facing me.
“He didn’t tell you,” he said.
“I would know if he did, but he didn’t.”
“It was in the tunnels. When Sebastien had his hands around Scott’s throat. The guy probably didn’t even know what he was doing. His claws got into Scott’s neck. He was going to kill him, but then he stopped and he said a name… Marie-Jeanne.”
“He saw Scotty’s memories,” I said. 
“He saw Allison,” Stiles whispered.
“They must’ve looked like each other. I mean, maybe exactly like each other.”
“It gave Scott a chance to break free. She saved him. Allison saved his life.”
I smiled and started walking with him towards the library, finding the table that Scott set his stuff down at.
Lydia sat down next to me as I sat across from Stiles, who was sitting next to his best friend.
I watched as Scott came down the steps, and patted Stiles on the shoulder as he sat down in front of Lydia.
I looked at my boyfriend and best friends, wondering where life would take us. We had a few more months of Senior year left, but that didn’t stop me from wondering. These next few months were going to be some of the best of our lives.
I could feel it.
A/N 2: hi, friends! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! let me know what you thought! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @quanticobae​ @mischiefandi​ @kellyashcroft​ @lauren-novak​
YABMH Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​ @stixnstripesworld​ @sammypotato67​ @originalamethysthealer @alittlebitofeverythinggg​ @katemusic @hcomet28​ @good-vibes-and-glitter​ @louie-bug​ @luckylovestruck @quxxnxfhxll @lettersofwrittencollective​ @shawty-fenty​ @onelesslonelygirlbieber6​ @kenziemaehl @gabxbyr​​ @hogwartsstar​ @theycallmegreentea​
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*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from Emma and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of Jeff Davis. Our home slice Emma was made up all by me. As well we her parents and their storyline throughout the series.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on June 17, 2022
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
alsksls fam !! you like sub radio too !!!!! they're one of my favorite bands now i love them sm !!!
Yeah!!! Their music is so good! I found them through their Stacy’s Dad song they did, my sister sent it to me, and then I started listening to their other stuff and it’s so good. Like their music is exactly the kind that I love and the lyrics are perfection. And it’s like, the kind of good that I like so much I can hear not only the lyrics but all the instruments and I could just listen to the music and it would be such a vibe and there’s not a lot of music I feel that way about. They are easily at the top of my favorites right now.
What are your favorite songs? I haven’t listened to a whole lot because my brain has just wanted to listen to the few I already know on repeat so I haven’t gotten around to listening to a bunch.
But I *love* Cool, Better Than That, Room For You, What You Want To Hear, Out Of My Mind, and 1990 Something.
Room For You is definitely my top one, I just love the “We’re not in love, but my heart still has room for you” vibe as an aro person.
But Cool is also so good because it is a trans song!! It went straight on my gender playlist.
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mattmurdocksthighs · 2 months
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name: andromeda 'andy' mendoza love interest: jake mason godly parent: hecate powers: mystiokinesis, mist control, umbrakinesis status: dead faceclaim: olivia rodrigo
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name: blake newton love interest: reyna ramirez arellano, vera alvarez (oc) godly parent: hephaestus powers: mechanics, technokinesis faceclaim: erana james
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name: lydia king love interest: zoë nightshade, connor stoll godly parent: apollo powers: precognition, archery, vitakinesis faceclaim: lilia buckingham
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name: ezra finley love interest: jason grace godly parent: demeter powers: chlorokinesis, geokinesis faceclaim: william franklyn-miller
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name: millie spencer love interest: godly parent: hades affiliation: hunters of artemis powers: necromancy, phobikinesis, umbrakinesis - eternal youth, archery, enhanced physical prowess, zoolingualism faceclaim: malina weissman
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name: christopher 'kit' andrews love interest: milo river (oc) godly parent: ares powers: telumkinesis, enhanced physical prowess, enhanced war strategies, fighting skills faceclaim: caleb mclaughlin
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name: milo river love interest: kit andrews (oc) godly parent: aphrodite powers: amokinesis, charm speak, french fluency faceclaim: maxwells acee donovan
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name: marnie dianna lincoln love interest: piper mclean godly parent: hebe powers: faceclaim: ella purnell
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name: damon vaughn love interest: travis stoll godly parent: dionysus powers: chlorokinesis, ability to cure + cause madness faceclaim: joe keery
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name: cassandra 'cassie' diaz love interest: godly parent: hermes powers: enhanced speed, audiokinesis, enhanced theft abilities faceclaim: xochitl gomez
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name: evan reeves love interest: godly parent: hypnos powers: hypokinesis faceclaim: noah jupe
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name: nina walters love interest: godly parent: nemesis powers: control over body\spiritual balance, can curse someone with bad luck faceclaim: sadie sink
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name: nicholas larson love interest: leo valdez godly parent: nike powers: enhanced physical prowess, can manifest golden wings on back, ability to use any weapon, can curse someone to lose faceclaim: louis partridge
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name: vera alvarez love interest: blake newton (oc) godly parent: tyche powers: luck manipulation, natural gambler faceclaim: isabela merced
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name: livia zhou love interest: luke castellan, helios godly parent: hera powers: faceclaim: lola tung
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wr1tten · 2 months
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like this for a starter from my 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 ; ( ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˢᵖᵉᶜⁱᶠʸ! )
PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON — bridgerton // fc : nicola coughlan. , EDWINA SHARMA — bridgerton // fc : charithra chandran. , KATE SHARMA — bridgerton // fc : simone ashley. , DONATELLA DRAGNA — caraval // fc : valentina zenere. , CAMILA ALVEREZ — daisy jones and the six // fc : alexxis lemire. , BILLY DUNNE — daisy jones and the six // fc : sam claflin. , DAISY JONES — daisy jones and the six // fc : riley keough. , KAREN SIRKO — daisy jones and the six // fc : suki waterhouse. , JUDE DUARTE — folk of the air // fc : bruna marquezine, DAISY BUCHANAN — the great gatsby // fc : lily james. , MINTHE — greek mythology // fc : anya chalotra. , MATTHIAS HELVAR — grishaverse // fc : calahan skogman. , ZOYA NAZYALENSKY — grishaverse // fc : sujaya dasgupta. , KARINE NOVIKOV — grishaverse oc // fc : adelaide kane. , LUCY GRAY BAIRD — the hunger games: ballad of songbirds and snakes // fc : rachel zegler. , JOHANNA MASON — the hunger games // fc : amber midthunder. , PEETA MELLARK — the hunger games // fc : froy gutierrez. , FINNICK ODAIR — the hunger games // fc : alex fitzalan. , SEJANUS PLINTH — the hunger games: ballad of songbirds and snakes // fc : josh andres rivera. , DANTE ALEXANDER — percy jackson and the olympians oc // fc : tom blyth. , ANNABETH CHASE — percy jackson and the olympians // fc : leah jeffries. , THALIA GRACE — percy jackson and the olympians // fc : lola flanery. , ASHLEY GREENHAW — malibu rising // fc : madison iseman. , ALEX CLAREMONT-DIAZ — red, white, and royal blue // fc : taylor zakhar perez. , HENRY FOX — red, white, and royal blue // fc : nicholas galtizine. , MAXON SCHREAVE — the selection // fc : nicholas galtizine. ;
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crownleys · 9 months
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I've recently started playing a repeat of the first Mason route I played, with my OC Ori!
Ori's one of my absolute darlings and an OC I've had for a long time so I had fun popping her into Wayhaven (though, it was a mistake to play her as my first playthrough because I had a harder time getting attached to the guys than I did with the girls when I played Kira, lol!).
Some facts!
She's an absolute people person but as a Detective she'd have a mind for the science side of things. In any other modern AU she's typically a veterinarian!
She's tall! 5'11. Would wear heels just to be able to look Mason dead in the eyes.
She has a tongue piercing >:3
Her car before the silver hatchback would have been a zippy little red car that isn't around anymore for a few reasons
Would have been that girl in high school who was like, the coolest and friendliest girl you knew. Didn't tolerate assholes, and would have made an effort to be nice to everyone
She did have a bit of a wild child phase when she was 17ish though, which is the origin story of the tongue piercing and the little red car
The type to have been prom queen (probably to Bobby's prom king, lol)
SPEAKING of Bobby, she takes none of his shit. They're 'ex friends' but it'd much more be the case of he tried it and and she sensed his bullshit from a mile away and didn't tolerate it. She thinks it's funny when he tries to get under her skin now and is the queen of ".... lol! anyways"-ing him.
Felix would be her bff :)
The watch she wears would have been one of Rooks old ones she convinced Rebecca to let her have.
She gets along well with Rebecca! She loves her mom very dearly. She figured out pretty young how much Rook's death hurt her and can tell how much pain she's been in over it, and gives her a lot of grace over it.
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jemmalynette · 5 months
Not Dead Yet chapter 40
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Title: Not Dead Yet
Rating: T
Warnings: Some violence & death but not too graphic
Characters: Grace Mason (OC), Hal Mason, Ben Mason, Matt Mason, Tom Mason, Casey Taylor (OC by littletonpace), Anne Glass, Jimmy Boland, Capt Weaver and most of the other main cast.
Summary: Sequel to Heartbeat Away from Death and Grace Mason and The Battle of Fitchburg. Season 2. Three months have passed since Tom took off on the alien ship and he’s finally back, much to the relief of Grace and her brothers. But life hasn’t got much easier since his return. Now Grace must navigate new threats from the alien enemy, loss of a loved one, and the promise of a new safe haven. But can she make it with her family in one piece?​
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30593189/chapters/133646518
FF.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13859316/40/Not-Dead-Yet
A/N: If you haven’t read my previous fics - Heartbeat Away From Death & Grace Mason and the Battle of Fitchburg - it covers the events of S1 and the off-screen battle that took place between S1 & 2 so please read, they can be found on my fanfic.net/AO3 page! This fic will also feature Casey Taylor, an OC created by my friend littletonpace. Casey’s story can be found on her fanfic.net page, entitled When Skies Are Grey.
Beautiful banner by @arrthurpendragon
This Chapter - Chapter 40. Grace and the Second Mass have a chance to meet with the rebel skitters, but all doesn't go to plan.
Tags: @littletonpace​​​ @ocappreciationtag​​​ @allaboutocs​​​ @ochub​​​ @ocs-supporting-ocs​​​ @alchemypanda​​​ ​​​ @arrthurpendragon
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hearttohaato · 8 months
Encanto OC Event Week 2
Part 2: Tomás Herrera & Others
(Part 1 Here)
The second half of my OC relationship info post - this'll include some info about Tomás's bonds with my other OCs, as well as those background OCs' relationships with each other and canon characters.
Tomás in regards to his natal family:
Tomás is the youngest in a family of four, born to Lucía and Horacio Herrera.
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Lucía was a schoolteacher and volunteer in the town library, who passed away when Tomás was still a child. Tomás loved and admired his mother, considering her to have been a saint in life. The memories he has of her are fond ones, recalling her as being a kind woman without a bad word to say about anyone. He thinks highly of her optimism and humility, and her ability to make anyone feel understood and listened to.
Lucía as well as Tomás's older brother, Mateo, are both canonically deceased as per the events of the story the Herrera family is introduced in. This leaves Tomás and his father as the last living of their family within the Encanto.
Horacio used to be a mason, having to retire early due to weakness in his legs. Between this and the loss of his parents, his wife, and eventually his oldest son, Horacio sometimes thinks he's cursed - but his one silver lining is his remaining son, Tomás. Horacio has zero qualms about being openly affectionate with Tomás both physically and verbally, and though he's a little oblivious at times, he only wants the best for his boy. Tomás in turn is a loyal and protective son to Horacio, willing to put up with a little embarrassment if it makes his father happy. It doesn't matter how old Tomás gets, he'll always be his papá's conejito.
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Art by cringecanto (right)
It's a bit self-indulgent of me, but I'm of the mind that when Tomás marries into the family, Casita springs up a small in-law suite for Horacio so he won't have to spend his days in an empty house. I also am of the mind that in their youth Horacio and Bruno were quite friendly with each other, due to both more or less being underdogs with not a lot of friends between them.
Horacio likely approached Bruno before his wife's passing, just on the off chance he saw her make a miraculous recovery. That isn't what he saw, of course. But though devastated, Horacio accepted the result with as much grace as he could and didn't blame Bruno or his visions for the bad news.
They ended up losing touch when Bruno became more withdrawn and eventually "left", but upon Bruno's return to society their friendship ends up picking right back up where it left off. When Tomás marries into the family and Horacio tags along, he and Bruno spend a good amount of their time having tea and playing cards as old men tend to do.
The rest under the cut to spare the poor dashboards out there!
The Patch:
The Patch, or El Parche, is the group name I use to refer to Camilo's small group of older friends, including Tomás (as introduced in the previous post). They're childhood friends; as a unit and individually they're all well-liked young men within their peers and the community as a whole, decently popular in different ways. They initially were meant to be unnamed background characters whose designs were pulled from random Encantownies, but I accidentally got attached to them and now they all have proper designs and development. Such is my life.--
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Cristián Vargas, Rafael Molina, Santiago Torres, Tomás Herrera
Santiago (22) is the oldest not only of the friend group but of his own siblings, of which he's got 6 younger sisters and brothers. He's the designated 'mom friend' by nature, easily slotting into leadership positions and able to keep a handle on multiple goings-on at once. That said he very much is a mother hen type, a bit fussy and prone to scolding his siblings and friends (usually Rafael) whenever they start steering towards bad decisions.
Tomás and Santi are usually on the same page when it comes to caution and forethought, contrasting with Rafa and Cris's more go-with-the-flow attitudes. Santi's compassionate nature makes it easy for him to pick up on what Tomás is feeling without him voicing it, taking it upon himself to either make decisions based on what Tomás would most prefer or urging the others to do so instead. Tomás appreciates Santi looking out for him, feeling it alleviates pressure off of his own shoulders when he's unsure of what to do.
Rafael (21) is the most boisterous of all of them, the beacon of activity and extroversion to balance out his more subdued companions. He's a risk-taker and extremely liberal-minded about topics that usually wouldn't be openly bragged out, often leading to Santi urging him to keep it down (which will inevitably be ignored or expanded upon specifically to make Santi flustered).
His loud and brash personality clashes with Tomás's reserved ways, but the two have a unique bond despite the expected incompatibility; Rafael is not at all discouraged by Tomás's quietness and Tomás isn't put off by Rafael's brazenness. They both think the other is easy to communicate with - Tomás never has to guess what Rafa's feelings are and Rafa likes Tomás's predilection for being a listening ear.
Cristián (20) is far old enough now to have an identity and social circle separate to those of his twin brother César, but when he was a young child he used to be very shy and hesitant to leave his brother's side. When Santi and Rafa became his friends it was the first time he felt comfortable with something (or someone) that was more or less his own - so when his new friends started chatting with Tomás he felt a little threatened. Fears of abandonment were unfounded though, as not only did his friends not dump him in favor of the New Kid, but he very quickly realized why they liked Tomás and ended up getting attached to him too.
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As adults they have similar mellow temperaments and get along quite nicely, though Cris's vastly improved self-assurance has made him a lot more laidback and unflappable than the more organized and prim Tomás. Tomás admires Cris's ability to be both steadfast and considerate, unwavering in what he believes in but knowing when to handle situations with delicateness and care.
When Camilo entered the picture and turned the Patch into a five-man-band, all four of the older members collectively decided that he was more or less their joint little brother. Santiago attempts to provide Camilo with proper advice and look out for him in ways an older brother should, which often means trying to make sure Rafael keeps his crude language in check around him. Rafael usually does not, taking a completely different approach to being and older brother and totally enabling Camilo's mischievous nature. Cristián is somewhere in the middle, oftentimes siding with Santi or Rafa purely based on what he think would have the most entertaining result.
Beyond this though Cris is a unique source of understanding for Camilo, as Cris is the only other person he knows who doesn't experience romantic attraction for anyone and has no interest in dating. He could have asked Bruno, of course, but solidarity feels a little better coming from someone close to his own age rather than his quirky hermit uncle.--
Cris, Santi and Rafa are the older brothers to Cecilia, Alejandra and Juancho (the town kids) respectively.
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Other relationships to Encantownies include:
Santi and Alejandra have five other siblings, and José (the tall fellow Camilo shifts into near the start of the movie) is their tío. Osvaldo is a tío to Rafael and Juancho, as well as their teenaged sister. Cris's parents are seen bringing Cecilia into Casita before Antonio's ceremony, and his twin brother César is the young man who asks Luisa to help upright his leaning house.
Other OCs:
Claudia Reyes (19) is the young lady with the drum seen during The Family Madrigal, whose family owns the music shop they're playing in front of. Beside her are her brother-in-law on the left and her father on the right.
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She's Rafael's long-time girlfriend, on his same wavelength of open-mindedness and free spirit. They've been in a strange will-they-won't-they situation since they were teenagers, with Rafael playing it off like they're not all that serious and just messing around. Everyone knows Rafa's totally full of it and is head over heels for her though, including Claudia who's more or less just waiting for him to finally get around to proposing. They're going to have at least 4 kids together.
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She knows the rest of the Patch more or less as her boyfriend's friends, but there's still rapport between them and Claudia's more than welcome to hang with the boys whenever she wants. On top of that, she's also Luisa's good friend who oftentimes will suggest Luisa try out outrageous things in an effort to push her out of her comfort zone.
The town librarian, usually referred to as the Maestro, is an enigmatic yet helpful figure in town whose mission in life is the sharing of knowledge. They can be considered everyone's friend, though like Horacio they have a kinship with Bruno that goes back quite a few years. All perfectly platonic, mind you! Additionally, given Lucía's history of volunteering in the library, the Maestro also is on good terms with the Herrera family and still keeps in touch with Horacio pretty regularly.
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And I think those are the most notable relationships to get into for now! Up next will be the AU posts, and... boy, do I have a lot of those. 🫠
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emotionalcadaver · 9 months
Rules: I figured we needed a little more OC appreciation, so if you have OCs, list your favorite piece of work you have done for them, then tag ten people. It can be anything from a fic to a piece of art to a moodboard! And feel free to expand on why you like that specific work so much if you'd like. If you have multiple OCs, list your favorite piece for each one!
Tagging @moral-terpitude, @runnning-outof-time, @zablife, @shelbydelrey, @eclecticwildflowers, @cillmequick, @call-sign-shark, @confidentandgood, @emilynightshade89, @areyenotfondofmelobster, and anyone else who would like to participate, feel free to say I tagged you!
Vanessa Sullivan (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
How to Make a Monster: Essentially her origin story and how she met and became involved with Jonathan. I had so much fun examining her psychology and motivations, and the development of her relationship with Jonathan is I think one of the better steady burn romances I've written.
Lucy Winters (Peaky Blinders)
Lady of the Various Sorrows: This was the hardest to pick just one because I have so many fics that I'm proud of for this OC. But this is a fic I'd had in my head for a long time before it was written and I'm really proud of how I built up to it over time in my other works with her and the balance of angst and fluff. I think it's the best depiction I've done of Lucy, Tommy, and Grace's relationship.
Alice Emerson (Inception)
A Sleepless Dream: I'm a sucker for childhood best friends to lovers and this fic allowed me to entirely indulge on that trope to my heart's content. Both Alice and Robert are very sweet, sensitive people which was a bit new for me to write since many of my characters are more emotionally guarded. I'm still really proud of how I managed to expand more on Robert's character from what we get of him in the film.
Daisy Preston (Dunkirk)
In the Heart of War: This was my first ever attempt to write one of my OCs into the canon story they were involved in, and I'm still very happy with the result!
Rose Mason (In Time)
The Clockwork Laws: I say this with love, but this fic was a pain in the ass to write. I went back multiple times once I got about halfway through and scrapped everything and started over because I wasn't happy with it. The canon material made it a challenge to write from a worldbuilding standpoint, but that ended up being kinda fun in the end. Also was my first time dabbling in writing enemies to lovers.
Lily Callaghan (Platoon)
Arrival: It was a scene I'd had in my head for a long time, and I really enjoyed being able to capture that moment when Lily first meets Elias and also her anxiety and fear over being sent to war.
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littletonpace · 2 years
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O C   H A L L O W E E N   C H A L L E N G E   2 0 2 2 everything else  /  day twenty-four: squad goals ↳ oc’s as tibby, carmen, lena, and bridget from the sisterhood of the travelling pants
Andie Morgan as Tibby Rollins Ali Christopher as Lena Kaligaris Avery Littleton as Bridget Vreeland Grace Mason as Carmen Lowell
taglist: @jemmalynette, @allaboutocs, @ochub, @arrthurpendragon, @ocappreciationtag, @oc-challenges
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allisluv · 4 months
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grace, she / her, infj, scorpio, 16, lesbian, irish, avid rachel zegler lover, finnick odair brain rot.
guidelines below the cut <3
things i will NOT write about
— noncon, sexual assault, abuse, pedophilia, self/harm and / or certain disorders that i may not be experienced to talk about
nsfw thoughts are allowed but please note that i’ll only write what i’m comfortable with
if there’s any questions about my boundaries or you just aren’t sure if something falls under a category, please just send me an ask!! if i’m not comfortable with a topic, i’ll just let you know, no hard feelings!
i’m currently hyper fixated on my original characters and the hunger games so those requests would likely be answered quickly <3
characters i write for:
the hunger games universe: finnick odair, katniss everdeen, annie cresta, johanna mason, lucy gray baird, sejanus plinth, peeta mellark, tigris.
teen wolf: allison argent, malia tate, scott mccall and isaac lahey
criminal minds: aaron hotchner, derek morgan, jj, emily prentiss, spencer reid and penelope garcia
top gun maverick: natasha “phoenix” trace, jake “hangman” seresin and mickey “fanboy” garcia
marauders: james potter, remus lupin, lily evans, and narcissa black
all of my ocs
these are the characters i will write for but i will talk about any characters from these fandoms!!
if you’re coming from my wattpad /tiktok please send me any thoughts you may have about my ocs /realationships that you may have been to afraid to ask! the whole reason i’m making this account is to reach out with more people <33
🪐🌺🌞🕸🫀💜☀️🫐🪥🐬 🟡🐁
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harringtonstilinski · 2 years
You’ll Always Be My Hero - Chapter 82 ; Superposition
Author: @harringtonstilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Emma Thomas (OC) Word Count: 6,758 Warnings: angst, A/N: Hi, friends! 82 Chapters down, 18 to go!! Emma is going to be with Scott (platonically) until Chapter 90. If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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You know what’s boring? Doing homework with no music in the background.
You know what’s even more boring? Watching two werewolves practice lacrosse.
I watched as Scott scooped up a ball, then turned to face behind him.
“Did you feel that?” Scott asked.
“Are you asking the werewolf or the banshee?” I asked, taking a small break from homework to look over the plays of the next lacrosse game.
“Then no.”
“Feel what?” Liam asked, twisting his stick in his hands.
Scott turned back to face Liam. “Thought I heard something.” He looked behind him again for a moment before turning back around. “Forget it. Alright, let’s keep going,” he said before tossing the ball to Liam… who easily caught it.
“Or we could call it,” Liam said.
“We gotta work on your back shots,” Scott countered.
“His back shots?” I asked, incredulously.
“Yeah, why?” Liam asked.
“Liam, they suck,” Scott said.
“What are you talking about?” Liam and I asked.
“Your back shots… which suck. You should know this, Em. You’re the Assistant Coach.”
“Uhm…” I said. “Do your back shot, Liam. Make the Alpha happy.”
Liam scooped up a ball and shot it over his back, the ball landing in the net… about six different times.
“Are you sure it’s not your back shots that need work, Scotty?” I asked.
He looked at me like he was confused. “I must’ve been thinking about someone else.”
I nodded my head, lips pulled into a knot. “Yeah, probably.”
“Maybe someone else who should be Captain?” Liam said, tossing a ball to Scott.
“We’ll make it,” the Alpha said.
The lights in the stadium turned off, sending me into a small happy dance from my place in the grass.
“Well, guess we have to go now,” Liam said.
“Thank the good Lord above! My ass hurts from sitting for so long,” I sassed, standing up.
Scott looked at me, a small grin on his face… which made me groan in protest. 
“No, we don’t,” Scott said.
“Oh, Scotty, no!” I whined, stomping my foot once.
He flashed his Alpha Reds, which made Liam’s Beta Golds shine… where’s my Banshee Greens, you ask? Right here.
They continued to play for a couple of more hours before I called it a night. “Alright, my two favorite werewolves, I’m gonna call it a night. Bobby’s coming over for dinner… or did come over for dinner. Please, for all that is good and awesome in this world, don’t stay here too late.”
Scott chuckled. “Alright, Em. We promise.”
“One more hour. Tops,” Liam said.
“Good! I don’t wanna have to bench you two because you can’t stay awake in class,” I said, giving them a chuckle. “I’ll see you later.”
As I was walking back through the halls, I found my uncle… bitching at the kids who stayed super late for their extra credit assignment.
“Your teenage years are not the time for academic achievement,” Coach said.
“Yes, they are,” Mason said.
“That’s a lie sold to you by the government,” Coach countered, finger pointed at Mason. “Go find some girls, get into trouble. Live a little.”
I rushed over at the word girls. “Uh, Coach, they’re gay.”
Coach looked at me. “Even better,” he said, looking back at Mason and Corey. “Go gays! Now get out of my face! I don’t get paid to lock up after you losers.”
“Yes, you do,” Mason said.
“Get out of here! Go wreak some havoc like the other kids,” Coach said, closing the doors and turning around to face me with his fist in the air… before putting it down to point at me. “And you! You know how upset your mother is that you didn’t show up for dinner?” “You knew I was here with Scott and Liam. They’re out at the field practicing right now,” I said, pointing behind me in whatever direction.
“What were you doing out there?”
“Being Assistant Coach and looking over the plays for the next game… and providing.. moral support?”
He nodded a couple times. “My office. Tomorrow morning. With breakfast.”
He looked like he was thinking about it. “Sure.” He leaned forward, placing a kiss to my forehead. “Now, go home and get some sleep.”
“Alright. Love you, Bobby!”
“Yeah, yeah. Love you, too.”
Well, my idea of getting in my Jeep to drive away from this school and going home sounded like a great idea… until I got a call from Corey, telling me to get back inside the school immediately.
I walked in the doors with Scott and Liam, who found me and told me that something was happening to Mason. As soon as we rounded the corner in the library, said boy was about to bash our heads in with a fire extinguisher. 
“Mason, it’s us!” I yelled.
“They were here. The Ghost Riders,” Mason said, putting his object down.
I looked over at Corey and pulled him into a bone crushing hug before pulling away to look at Mason. 
“Here? Just now?” Scott asked.
“I thought they left when the storm left,” Liam said.
“I guess not, because two of them were right up there,” Mason said, pointing to a couple of spots where the Ghost Riders were spotted.
“What were they doing?” Scott asked.
“We didn’t see when they came in. We only saw them when we turned invisible.”
I looked at Corey right as Liam started speaking. “You brought him into this?”
“He was trying to protect me,” Mason said, getting in between Corey, myself and Liam.
Corey looked at me. “They didn’t seem to care about us. They-- they walked right by us.”
“You’re very lucky. What happened after?” I asked, crossing my arms.
We all looked between Corey and Mason, waiting for an explanation. 
“Uh-- then they just jumped down and left,” Mason said.
Scott looked up at the second story, my eyes stayed on my cousin and his boyfriend to make sure they were alright.
“That’s it?” Liam asked.
Mason and Corey looked at each other. “Yeah,” Corey said. 
“They didn’t take someone?” I asked.
“There was nobody else in here?” Scott added, coming up to stand behind me.
Mason and Corey looked at each other again, then back at us. “No. It-- It was just us.”
After finally making it home, I showered and dried my hair, dressed for bed and crawled in. I was fast asleep in seconds, a new personal record.
It wasn’t until about 1:30 in the morning when I woke up to the strangest sound ever. A male’s voice asking, “Do you see him?”
A loud thud sounded after that, causing me to sit straight up in my bed. I heard a train outside my window along with the wheels screeching on the tracks. I looked around, seeing an orange yellow light shining through my windows, the noise itself causing me a little discomfort.
It wasn’t until I saw my mom walking through my bedroom door all frantic a few moments later. 
“Emma, what’s wrong?” she asked.
“Did you hear that?” I asked.
“I heard you screaming.”
“No,” I said, swallowing hard. “It-- it-- it was the sound… of a train… passing through my room.”
She walked over to my bed and sat on the edge of it. “Oh, sweetheart, you were having a nightmare.”
“No, I wasn’t,” I said, as she reached over and grabbed my hand. “It wasn’t a--”
“Well, there wasn’t a train and we haven’t had an earthquake, so--,” Mom said, sighing. “It must’ve been a bad dream.” She stood up and pushed some of my hair back, placing a kiss on my hairline. “Go back to sleep, honey. I’ll see you in the morning.” With that, she turned and walked out of my room, taking one last look at me before closing my door.
“But I wasn’t asleep,” I muttered to myself.
I sighed and pushed my hair back with my hands before placing my hands back on my bed. I looked at the picture that was sitting on my dresser in a beautiful frame. 
I tilted my head to the side, eyebrows scrunched together as I got up out of bed and walked over to my dresser. I picked up the frame and looked down at the picture.
“What?” I mumbled. What confused me about the picture was my arm was in the air with my hand hanging there, as well. I was kissing the air for no apparent reason.
I decided to call Scott to see what he thought about the photo since we all got one printed.
“Em?” Scott greeted.
“Are you looking at the same picture I am?” I said.
“Yeah, the one of all of us?”
“That’s the one. Look at it. Why am I holding onto nothing?”
Scott went silent. “I don’t know.”
“I sense an investigation in our midst.”
I ended up going back to sleep after having a small talk with Scott. So, I did what any sensible Senior would do; I got up and got ready for my day then headed off to school. I met Lydia in the parking lot, as she had just gotten out of her car as I had parked mine. We walked in the school together and I noticed that everyone seemed to be doing just fine.
I saw a girl dressed how I would and a boy dressed in a plaid shirt, and oddly enough, looking at the plaid made me feel all warm and safe inside, and I couldn’t tell you why.
I told Lydia that I would meet her after class as I stood by a locker. I tried to open it, but I couldn’t get the combination right for some reason and I was starting to grow frustrated. I turned around and leaned against the lockers, wondering why the locker number 1075 felt so much like home to me.
When I finally realized that I needed to be on the practice field for the lacrosse team, I rushed over out of the locker hall and straight to the field, spotting Liam doing the same.
“That is Captain material,” Coach said, standing next to Scott… who wasn’t playing.
“You’re late,” Coach and Scott said.
I looked between them and Liam, finally setting my sights on Liam and crossing my arms. “Yeah, Dunbar. You’re late. Which makes you not Captain material.”
“You’re not out of the clear yet, missy,” Coach said.
“I know, I’m sorry,” I said, shame filling my voice as I uncrossed my arms and dropped my head.
“Liam is Captain material,” Scott said. He started to say something else about Liam, but Coach decided that he’d heard enough and blew his whistle.
“Let’s go. Gather around, listen up,” Coach said. “Thanks to McCall’s selfish desire to focus on his grades and his graduation, we are leaderless. You want to be a champion, you wanna be a hero? Now’s your shot.”
“Alright, boys. Line up,” I said, clapping my hands. They all just stood there. “Assistant Coach, let’s go!” At that, they all lined up in two rows… facing Liam… who was at the end.
“Emma, take charge,” Coach said.
I sighed, rolled my eyes and looked out at our players. “Alright, all you wannabe Captains, I wanna see you tear each other apart.” I put the whistle between my teeth, saying, “Let’s go!” before blowing the whistle to start the play.
Liam ran and dodged a player before being crowbarred to the ground. 
“Definitely not Captain material there, Dumb-bar,” Coach said.
“Dunbar,” I corrected, leaning over to Coach.
“That’s what I said.”
“No, it’s not-- you know what, nevermind.”
Liam turned his head to face us. “He said Dumb-bar.”
“And your mouth just bought you equipment duty,” Coach said, kneeling to get closer to Liam.
Scott and I looked at each other like is he for real.
Liam took off his helmet and ran off the field. 
“Bobby, Bobby, Bobby,” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.
After practice was over, Scott and I sat in the locker room, waiting for Liam to return with the equipment the other players left out. Liam set the bags down against the wall near Coach’s office, turning to look at me and Scott, who was tying up his boots.
“I blew it, didn’t I?” Liam asked.
Scott sat up and sighed, resting his elbows on his knees. “You blew it off.”
“You’d have to be trying in order to blow it,” I said, coping Scott’s movements, but lacing my fingers.
Liam sighed and looked around for a moment. “Maybe someone else can be Captain. With schoolwork and all the other stuff we have to deal with--”
I shifted on the bench to face Liam and Scott more. “Devenford Prep started practice three weeks before us. Riverside two weeks. We’re behind before we even start. Half our team can’t even cradle the ball, let alone score.”
Scott and I stood up, Liam looking directly at Scott.
“Why can’t you stay Captain?” Liam asked Scott.
“I’m graduating. Ya’know, I’m not-- we’re not gonna be here next year,” Scott said, taking a couple steps towards Liam. “Somebody’s gotta step up and fill in the gap. It should be you.”
“Yeah?” Liam asked, then looked at me. “Well, Coach doesn’t want me.”
“Liam,” I said, Gentle Emma working her way out. 
“I don’t know if the team wants me.”
“It’s not up to them! It’s up to you!” I said, taking the few steps towards the werewolves. Aggressive Emma is out now. “You have to want this… because they’re gonna keep coming at you. They’re gonna keep knocking you down. And you have to get back up. You have to show them that you can get back up.” I looked over at Scott then back at Liam. “Leaders don’t run.”
At the sound of clapping, we all turned our attention to the source. Coach.
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about, McCall,” Coach said.
“But Coach, that was all Emma, not me,” Scott said.
“Doesn’t matter. That’s exactly the intensity this team needs. And you,” Coach said, looking from Scott to Liam. “I’m looking forward to crushing that little adorable baby face of yours.” Chuckling, he turned around and went back into his office, closing the door behind him.
Liam turned and faced me and Scott, looking at me like I had some sort of explanation. 
I sighed, “It's a curse being related to that man sometimes. I gotta get to class.” I hugged each werewolf before walking out of the locker room and straight to my class, which had Lydia and Malia in it.
Lydia and I walked in at the same time, with the same looks on our faces. We sat down in our respective seats, Mrs. Fleming getting started right away.
“I’m impressed… with most of you,” Mrs. Fleming said, standing from her desk. “Really speaks to your study habits and your commitment to your own education. Everyone else, see me for extra help.” She placed Malia’s paper down on her desk, a red D- on the front. 
I noticed Malia gripping the desk, claws out. I reached over and tapped Lydia on the arm after getting my paper back from Mrs. Fleming. “Lyds,” I whispered. “Malia’s claws are out.”
Malia turned to look at Mrs. Fleming, Lydia taking action. “Mrs. Fleming, uhm--”
“I already told you, Lydia, as well as Emma, I don’t give extra credit on alternate equations based on your own theoretical findings,” Mrs. Fleming said.
“Well, okay then,” Lydia said, turning back to face the front. “Claws. Malia. Malia, claws.”
She loosened her grip on the desk, her claws put away, and I let out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding.
For some reason, I got this overwhelming feeling about the locker I tried to open this morning. So, I grabbed my bag, put my paper into it and stood up. “Uhm, Mrs. Fleming--”
“Yes, Emma. You can come get today’s assignment and go visit your dad,” she said.
I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water before nodding and walking up to her desk, grabbing said assignment and walking out into the hallway. I spotted Scott standing at the locker, just looking at it.
“Got a weird feeling about it, too?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yeah.” He put his hand on it, trying to get a feel for it, but ended up taking his hand off and started to walk away.
I, on the other hand, put my own hand on it, seeing if my Banshee senses would tingle… and to my surprise, a little something. 
“Remember the ring,” that same male voice said. I took my hand off the locker and reached under my shirt, pulling out said ring. 
Scott walked back over. “What’s that? How long have you had that?”
“It’s Claudia’s. She gave it to me at the start of the year. Said it meant so much to her that she wanted me to have it,” I said. “But this guy's voice just told me to remember the ring.”
“But what’s so special about it?”
I sighed and looked down at the ring. “It was her engagement ring.”
“Looks more like a promise ring to me.”
I had a flashback moment to the point where I received this ring. I couldn’t put a face to the person that slid it onto my finger, but all I knew in that moment as I squeezed the ring in my hand was that I loved this ring with everything that I had. “I gotta get back to class. I’ll catch you later.”
Scott nodded and headed off in the direction of his class.
I was walking down the hallway towards my classroom when I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing an older gentleman with a newspaper standing at the end of the hall. I looked around the hallway and behind me before looking back at the gentleman and walking more towards him.
“Excuse me, who are you?” I asked him. He didn’t answer, just stayed looking at his newspaper. “What are you doing at this school? Are you a teacher? Part of the front office faculty? Hall monitor that never left?”
Still no answer. I sighed and slapped my hand against my leg, frustrated. I looked back at the gentleman, ready to give him a piece of my mind when he looked up from his newspaper. He opened his mouth like he was gonna say something, but all that came out was the same sounds that I heard last night; a train rattling and the wheels screeching on the tracks.
I covered my ears at the sound, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. I opened them again, looking all around me, gasping in the air that I had held during the sounds.
“Holy shit,” I whispered to myself.
I decided that I was going to check myself out instead of just walking out of school today. When I got to the front office, however, I saw my cousin and his boyfriend standing at the front desk.
“Werewolf stuff,” I heard Mason say.
I quickly made my way over to Mason, Corey and Mrs. Martin. “What are you talking about?” I asked, leaning against the desk next to Corey.
Mrs. Martin sighed and took off her glasses. “I thought I made it clear that Beacon Hills High School is a dedicated safe place. I had to convince 23 students that what they saw in the library last semester was a large bear and the fangs on Scott McCall were the result of acute Teenage Hallucination Syndrome.”
“What is Teenage Hallucination Syndrome?” Corey asked. Bless this innocent werechameleon.
“I have no idea,” Mrs. Martin said.
“But we think someone could be missing,” Mason said. “And they could be in danger.”
“Well, I can assure you that nobody has reported a student missing,” she said, looking at the absentee list. “And all absentees are accounted for.” She started guiding them out of the office. “Gentlemen, I appreciate your concern and I thank you for your vigilance. Remember, safe space. Now, go back to class.”
“We don’t have class,” Mason said.
I facepalmed at his response.
“Then go back to something. Anything.” 
She closed the door and walked over to me. “Emma, what can I do for you?”
“I need to check myself out… if that’s at all possible,” I said.
“You’re not 18 yet,” she said.
I groaned. “Mrs. Martin, come on. You’ve known me since like 7th grade. Have I ever been called out of class? Have I ever not come to school sick? I literally have perfect attendance.”
She leveled me with a look.
“Okay, fine, maybe that’s down the drain, but look. I just need a day. I need to see my dad or my mom or my boy--” I stopped my words, wanting to say that I had a boyfriend… when I didn’t. “Forget it. I’ll just stay here and drown in boredom. I know almost all the material anyway.”
I walked out of the office and down the hall a little, seeing the same guy from earlier with his newspaper walking down the hall. I decided to follow him, basically chasing after him. I ran out of the double doors at the end of the hall, finding myself in the same spot I was in a couple of nights ago when Dad and Sheriff were here because of the body that got called in. I looked around, confused as to how I actually got here, but fear ended up taking over for a moment. 
“You know me. Oh, thank God, you know me,” that same male voice said.
I looked around everywhere, the wind kicking the leaves up.
“Do you see him?”
I looked at the tree beside me before I found my arms up in the air as if they were wrapped around someone’s neck before they moved down to where their arms would be. I also felt hands on my cheeks, so loving.
“Do you see him? Alright, come on, come on!”
I felt myself being dragged away, running down the sidewalk.
“This way. Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop! This way, this way.”
I turned to look behind me, hearing horses whinnying. “Where are they?” I yelled.
“Everywhere! Will you forget me?”
I turned to look off the side. “I won’t-- I won’t!” I ran out into the street, not thinking.
“Emma, look out!” 
I was pulled back from getting hit by a car… at my own fault. I looked back at who my savior was, hoping it was the male I kept hearing, but alas. It wasn’t. It was Malia.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment. “I’m fine.”
I watched the last bit of her nod after I opened my eyes. 
“What were you doing?” she asked.
Tears lined my eyes as I looked at her. “Trying to remember.” I shook my head and walked around her, going back inside the school.
What I didn’t expect to see was Scott standing at that locker trying to look into the vents with the flashlight on his phone.
“Scotty? What’cha doing?” I asked, clasping my hands behind my back.
“Trying to find a way into this locker.”
I hummed. “Have you tried the combination?”
He looked at me as I raised a brow. “No.”
“Do you know it?”
“Do you?”
I looked down in shame. “No.” I picked my head up and watched as he looked around before he grabbed the lock, fully prepared to break the bitch off.
“Ohhhh, good idea,” I said, bringing my hands in front of me and rubbing them together.
“You’re too eager.”
“Look, this is the first normal thing that’s happened in like two days, alright?”
He went back to the lock, starting his pull on it, but before it could actually break, a voice sounded behind us.
“What’cha doing?”
We turned around, seeing the new, good looking teacher, Mr. Douglas. Did I mention that he was good looking?
Scott looked from me back to the locker. “Uh, nothing. Just checking out this locker.” He pulled on it, checking it out… as he stated.
“Is it either of yours?” Douglas asked.
I chuckled. “Ya’know. It’s the funniest thing.”
“You wanna explain it to me?”
My chuckles turned to one of nerves before I sighed. “Not really. About the locker.”
Douglas hummed. “I’m relatively new here, but I’m pretty sure breaking into someone else’s locker is against the rules.”
Scott and I gave nervous chuckles. “We’re not breaking into someone else’s locker.”
“Miss Thomas, what does this look like to you?” Douglas asked.
I smiled at him sweetly… like every other girl at this school. “Like we’re breaking into someone else’s locker.”
“Yeah… uh… I think we’ll go to class now,” Scott said, putting his arm around my shoulders. He started guiding me to the doors at the end of the hall.
“Yeah, probably a good idea,” Douglas agreed.
During our free period, Scott wanted me to come to Deaton’s with him, so being the good friend that I am, I went with him… since we both have the same thing to talk to him about.
Once we got to the clinic, Scott handed Deaton the piece of blue glass from the magic bullet.
“We keep having these feelings like there’s something missing. Holes in our memories,” Scott said.  “Like this. I took that from a windshield from the Sheriff’s Impound Lot but I can’t remember why I was there.”
“Yeah, I was there, as well, and I can’t figure out why,” I added.
“The subconscious can be a conduit for our memories,” Deaton said. “Dreams and waking dreams can be powerful tools to help us remember.”
I sighed. “Do you think this is all connected? The Ghost Riders, the Wild Hunt, the holes?” 
 “The Wild Hunt are drawn to war and mayhem. I’ve never heard of it doing anything to anyone’s memory.” Deaton handed Scott the medical equipment that the windshield piece was on. “It’s almost like you have a form of Phantom Limb Syndrome.”
Scott looked at me, waiting for me to explain further.
I sighed. “It’s common in war. Amputees can have the sensation of an itch they can’t scratch or a pain that couldn’t possibly be there. The missing limb is so important that the brain acts like it’s still there.”
“So, our subconscious is trying to tell us what’s missing?” Scott asked, looking from me to Deaton.
“It may be,” Deaton said.
“How the hell do we figure out what it’s saying?” I asked, resting my elbows on the table and placing my face in my hands.
“Well, Emma, the easiest way to do that would be to simply go to sleep.”
After taking Scott back to the school to get his bike, I drove myself home, had dinner with my parents then went upstairs to get ready for bed.
I looked at the picture frame on my nightstand, seeing a strange photo of myself sitting in the frame. What was in the frame was me looking at the air beside me, my arm in the air behind me, smiling. It also seems like I had my head resting against something… or someone.
I shook my head and decided to just crawl into bed, forgoing the reading.
I fell asleep in no time after cuddling with my favorite pillow… which I don’t remember how I got. I couldn’t have been asleep for more than an hour before I got a call from Scott, telling me to meet him in the Preserve.
As quietly as I could, I snuck out of the house, knowing I’ve done this before, but not remembering who with. I got in my Jeep, carefully shutting the door before starting it up and peeling out of the driveway.
Once I got to the Preserve, I started walking towards the spot where I was hearing voices.
“Where’s Emma?” Malia asked.
“Right here,” I said, yawning.
“Hey,” Scott said, walking over to me to give me a flashlight and a hug.
“Hey, Scotty. So, why are we out here in the middle of the night?” I asked, rubbing my arm, not really feeling super safe after my adventures five years ago.
“So, I went to bed at home and I woke up out in the woods,” he explained. “About a mile out. I think there’s a reason why this has happened.” He looked at me. “We’ve been out here before. It was the beginning of Sophomore year  the night before tryouts for First Line. I remember because it was all I could think about.” He started walking out in the woods, arm around my shoulders. 
Don’t get me wrong, I felt safe with Scott, but… not as safe as I should’ve felt.
“I remember,” I said. “I was out here with you.”
“What were you two doing?” Malia asked.
“Looking for a dead body.”
We walked in silence for a second before Lydia said, “That’s morbid.”
“So then, what were we doing out here all alone?” Scott asked, squeezing my shoulders.
“I wish I could help you, but Emma and I were on the outs then, and I didn’t know you,” Lydia said.
“I was still a coyote so I might’ve tried to eat it,” Malia said.
“Deaton said that our subconscious was trying to tell us something,” I said, shaking my head. “But we need you guys to help us figure out what it’s saying.”
“Maybe you were a curious teenager. You heard there was a body,” Lydia suggested.
“But how? I never watched the news. And I didn’t have a police scanner,” Scott said.
“But I did,” I said, looking up at Scott. “Have a police scanner. In my dad’s cruiser. But you came and got me that night after my dad had already left and my mom was home.”
“Scott, your mom works at the hospital. Maybe she got called in and you overheard her?” Malia suggested as well.
Scott stopped walking and turned us around to face the girls. “My mom wasn’t home that night.”
Scott and I looked at each other. “I live five miles from here. You only live on the other side of the Preserve. How did we get here?”
“You drove,” Malia said.
“We didn’t have vehicles yet,” I said.
“You ran.”
“I couldn’t have. I had asthma,” Scott said.
I had a flashback to that night. “I remember you saying my name after I stood up from where we hid for a moment. But I didn’t stand on my own,” I said, turning around with my thinking. “I was pulled up by my arm.” I started walking, everyone else following.
“Yeah, I remember. We were hiding, but they knew that we were there.”
“Scott, maybe you made a ton of noise with your asthmatic breathing,” Malia said.
“How would they know that it was me?” Scott asked.
“I got caught by my dad and Sheriff, who both knew that you were out here with me,” I said.
“Why would the Sheriff and your dad even think that we would be out here?” Scott asked.
“Because like most deaths in this town, it was related to the supernatural,” Lydia said.
“I wasn’t supernatural. I mean, this was the night that I was bitten.” Scott thought back to the night he was bitten. “I wasn’t a werewolf yet. And we weren’t out here alone.” He sighed. “I know this sounds crazy, but I think we had a best friend, and I think he was out here with us that night.”
“It doesn’t sound crazy,” Malia said. “I know that someone chained me up and I think they wanted me to stay human.”
As Malia spoke, I reached into my shirt, grabbing my ring and holding it tight.
“I came to school this morning and I was so sure I was supposed to meet someone,” I said, Lydia nodding.
“I was pretty sure I was supposed to take you to your locker until that someone arrived,” Lydia said.
“But I couldn’t remember who it was supposed to be,” I added, looking down at nothing. I sighed and squeezed my ring harder, but was careful not to break it. “I have been looking for them all damn day. Whoever it is, I think I loved him. No. I know for a fact that I love him. And I think he gave me this,” I said, showing the girls my ring.
We all looked at each other for confirmation before Scott spoke up. “What if we’re all missing the same person?” Scott pulled out the photo I had printed for all of us, showing it to the girls. “And I think that he was in this picture.”
“Scotty, he was in the picture. He was sitting right there. What the hell else would I be kissing? Air?” I sassed. I sighed and looked at the time on my phone. “As much fun as this has been, I gotta get to the diner and pick up a burger for my dad. Mom’s working late at the office… again.”
“Alright, well, be careful,” Scott said.
“Call me if you can think of anything else or if you need me somewhere else, got it?”
Scott nodded before I walked up to Lydia and gave her a hug. I shocked the hell out of myself and Malia by giving her one as well. After saying my goodbyes, I walked back to my Jeep, getting in and heading to the diner to place my dad’s order. 
After receiving his order, I drove straight to the station, to which the front desk officer let me right in… like I’ve done this about a thousand times before, which felt weird, but normal at the same time.
I walked up to my dad’s desk, setting the bag down and placing a hand on the desk and the other on my hip. “Dinner. Take a break from work and eat.”
He chuckled. “You always know exactly what to say to get me to stop working.”
“That’s because I’m your daughter, and you have to do what I say,” I sassed, moving to a leaning seat on the desk.
He opened the bag and smiled at the aroma the burger gave off. “You are my favorite child.”
I chuckled. “Daddy, I’m your only child.”
We both realized what I had said and gave off sad looks.
“Only living child,” I muttered quietly.
“Hey,” Dad said with a mouthful of burger. “That wasn’t your fault. Don’t feel guilty about it.”
“It’s hard not to, Dad,” I said.
My attention was brought to my godmother, Claudia, walking through the station with a bag of her own in hand. 
“Dinner for Sheriff?” I asked.
“Well, what I’m gonna try and get him to eat,” she said, looking at the bag.
“Can I see what’s inside the bag?” I asked, taking quick steps over to her.
“Hey, Emma. Why is there--” Dad said.
“Just a second, Daddy,” I said, digging through the bag. I looked back up at Claudia, an unimpressed look on my face. “A salad? Really?”
“What? He needs to start eating healthier. Once you find your person, you’re gonna do everything in your power to try and help him live a super long and happy life,” she said, before turning around and walking into Sheriff’s office.
I rolled my eyes and walked back to my dad’s desk, reaching in the bag. I motioned to Sheriff’s door, full on sass mode. Dad nodded his head in understanding before I put the burger and fries behind my back and walked into his office.
“Emma, what a nice surprise,” Sheriff said, a smile plastered on his face.
“Well, I wouldn’t be a good goddaughter if I didn’t show my face every once in a while,” I said.
“Anyway,” Claudia said. She placed the salad on his desk and looked at me before looking back at Sheriff. “I had a hunch you probably forgot about dinner.”
Sheriff moved the box a little. “Oh, it’s uh-- What, uh-- what, what is quinoa?”
“It’s quinoa. Quinoa and kale.”
Sheriff removed the fork from its plastic wrapper. “Oh, that’s--that’s…” He opened the top of the plastic box. “Well, uh, you’re--you’re always looking out for me.” 
Claudia looked at me, while putting her hand on his shoulder. “Well, I want you around for a long, long time.”
I watched with amusement as he took a small bite, not really wanting to. I shook my head as he hummed, walking over to his desk and closing the lid. “I present to you, your delicious dinner,” I said, placing the burger and fries on his desk, garnering a laugh from him.
“And this is why you’re my favorite,” he said.
I pretended to be bashful with a little bit of sass added in. “Well, what can I say?”
Sheriff looked at Claudia. “Happy?”
“Always,” she answered.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that’s my cue to leave,” I said. “I’ll just be-- yeah.” I walked out of the office and back to my dad’s desk. I went to sit back down when I got a text from Scott, telling me to meet him at the clinic.
“Daddy, I gotta go. Scott needs me at the clinic,” I said, putting my phone in my back pocket.
“Alright, sweetheart. Be safe,” he said.
“Always am.” I leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek before jetting out of the station.
Arriving at the clinic, I didn’t know what to expect. All I knew was that when I got there, Lydia was sitting at the table with the windshield piece in front of her hanging by thread and light shining underneath it.
“Anyone care to explain what’s going on?” I asked.
“Well, since you weren’t here, Lydia’s gonna conduct a little experiment for us,” Deaton said.
“Look, I know we’re both Banshee’s, but we’re not lab rats.
Without missing a beat, Lydia said, “I volunteered.”
I looked at her for a moment before chuckling nervously. “Well, nevermind then.”
“Now, she just magically writes down all the answers?” Malia asked.
“It’s not quite that simple,” Deaton said. 
“It never is,” Lydia said, getting more comfortable on the stool.
“In automatic writing, the hand moves outside of any conscious awareness,” Deaton explained. “Now, hopefully the silence, the darkness, and the light will allow you to find a more comfortable, relaxed, trance-like state. Lydia, I want you to stare into the light. And let go of all thought.” Deaton looked from Lydia to us, nodding with his head that we should leave the room and give Lydia the quiet she needs.
I watched as Lydia picked up her pen and clicked it, setting the ball on the paper. She looked at the light and got busy focusing before I saw her pen move just a touch.
“I have to warn you,” Deaton said. “We may not be able to access these memories.”
“Why not?” Scott asked.
“The legend has always been that the Wild Hunt takes people. But if what you’re telling me is right, the truth is much worse. They erase people from reality.” 
After looking at Lydia scribble on the paper, I looked up at Scott, who was already looking down at me. 
“How do we remember someone who has been completely erased from our minds?” I asked.
It was quiet, except for Lydia’s scribbling. 
“Maybe he hasn’t been,” Malia said, nodding towards Lydia.
“Oh, is she okay? Should we stop her?” Scott asked.
Deaton put his arm across me and Scott, but I ducked under his arm, walking towards my Banshee friend.
“Lydia? Lydia? Slow down,” I said, soothingly.
Deaton turned off the light and Lydia dropped her pen, breathing heavily. She was still in her trance-like state.
“Is she okay?” Scott asked, leaning down a little closer to her.
I put a hand on her shoulder. “Lyds?”
From the corner of my eye, I saw Malia pick up the paper Lydia was scribbling on. “What does mischief mean?”
“Why does that ring a bell?” I asked no one in particular.
“That’s not what she wrote,” Scott said, after seeing the paper. “Em, come look at this.”
I rounded the table and saw the word that Lydia had scribbled. Warmth immediately fled my body, and I grabbed at my ring again. I’ve been doing this a lot lately.
Lydia gasped and looked up at us. “What the hell is a Stiles?”
A/N 2: hi, friends! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! let me know what you thought! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
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*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from Emma and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of Jeff Davis. Our home slice Emma was made up all by me. As well we her parents and their storyline throughout the series.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on June 29, 2022
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