#my otp is buck x happiness
beastologist · 5 months
One other reason why I'm more inclined toward Buck & Tommy? They understand each other's line of work, but they are NOT working in the same firehouse. They WON'T be constantly attached to the hips all day at work and outside of work. Just like Hen, Bobby and Chimney do have their significant others outside the 118 firehouse, I would prefer for Buck to have a significant other outside the 118 firehouse, too. Remember how Hen basically said Buck doesn't have anyone outside the 118? That's a potential difference and improvement Tommy could make for Buck.
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hippolotamus · 4 months
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Oh, dear, don't be discouraged I've been exactly where you are for @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
Also! 29 on OTP dialogue for Annie and Brady?
HI JAMIEEEE!!! thank you so much for this other prompt as well!!! sorry it took a bit to get to! :) i must say, this idea swirled in my head for a bit and then, when i felt things in writing were finally going the way i wanted them to, i felt ready to post this!! thank you again!!!! :D
a little while longer
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(a/n): for the annie x brady girlies, with a mix of angst and fluff all at once!!! to say the least, these two have my whole heart and just !!!!!! there was an anon awhile back talking about brady freaking out if he ever saw annie injured or wounded in the slightest way - and well....here ya go! prompt: don't lie to me. i was there.
The soup was probably the best thing she could've had in that moment - despite what little warmth this place provided, the soup was sure to give her enough strength to keep her going. She'd been up most of the night with a nasty, wheezing cough, her nose running and her throat sore as all get-out. Now, with her stomach feeling sour, nose run red from the amount of times she'd wiped it, she felt like she'd been drug behind a truck and tried standing again. But, for now, this little bowl of soup was making her incredibly happy.
Annie looked up and towards where Brady was, sat taking up spoonful after spoonful of soup himself, getting every last bit her possibly could. She had to admit, she was worried about him more often than not - because he spent the majority of his time worrying about her, especially in the past few days. So seeing him eat his fill and focus on himself, settled her for the time being.
"Guys. Guys!" yelling started down the hallway, along with a banging all along the wooden walls of this sad excuse for barracks. Annie met Buck's eyes from beside her at the table and watched as everyone in the tiny bunk room looked towards the doorway to find Benny DeMarco racing in, eyes wide and bloodshot as he made an attempt to catch his breath.
"What is it, Benny?" Bucky said, pushing up from where he leaned against a bunk, forgetting about his soup and focused on the rather frantic nature of Benny there in front of them. Benny took a minute to catch his breath and then pointed outside.
"They got a new group comin' in. Margie may be in that group. We gotta go look." he said quickly, before disappearing again out the door. Annie watched that now-empty doorway and slowly turned to meet Kennedy and Bessie's eyes - there was something unspoken between the three of them that the boys hadn't entirely clued into or focused on. But coming in as a woman was one thing; having survived that level of interrogation was another.
Margie had to.
She had to be in that group.
She was more hopeful than half of them combined.
"Let's go." Annie said, moving to her feet, buttoning her coat and wrapped that scarf around her neck, "C'mon." She was the first out the door, hurrying down the hall, a few echoing footsteps behind her as she pushed outside and attempted to seek out Benny in the crowd. She caught sight of his beanie, and began, rather slowly, moving through the open area towards the gates.
As she got closer, she watched, as if in shaky, frantic real-time capture, as Benny moved along the fence, yelling out, over and over again, before tearing around the edge of the wiring and disappearing into the crowd.
Annie felt her face grow cold and stoic, her shoulders pressed high, her chin pointed up. Her heart pounded as she turned around the edge of the gate and found Benny there on the ground, pulling a rather fragile looking, collapsed, corpse of Margie Harlowe on the ground, her face bloodied, her clothing practically hanging off of her form, and her one shoulder looking twisted in all the wrong places. Then, standing over them, was whom she could only assume as one of the German soldiers who had been begrudgingly dragging Margie along.
This was one of her girls, her flight engineer; bright, sunny Margie, with that beautiful blonde hair that was now all haphazard angles around her shoulders, bright blue eyes that were red and filled with tears and beautiful rosy cheeks that were scarred and bloodied.
Annie slowly looked up at the German who stood silent and still, overtop where Margie was half alive in Benny's arms, her cries weak and pained, Benny's comfort only doing so much to erase the pain of reality.
Annie couldn't take it anymore.
She took three, wide steps forward right into the German's face, without much thought for her own self and stared up at him, her body rigid, her eyes narrowed.
"She's already half-dead," Annie practically spat out, "did you really have to drag her in the dirt like a dying dog!" Any sort of celebration and welcoming immediately went quiet as people turned to look at the female lieutenant who was currently losing it on one of the Germans. Annie's throat tightened.
"How can you just stand there!" Annie managed out again, but she knew she had messed up long before she even had opened her mouth. She should've stayed with her soup, let Benny handle all this. But she couldn't. This was one of her girls, this was Margie Harlowe.
Without warning, the German had grabbed her by the shoulders and swung her around him right into the dirt, her body hitting the ground with a rough whimper, her eyes closing at the pain shooting through her body.
"Annie, don't," came Margie's quiet cry.
"Don't touch her." Benny said, his voice drowned out by the sudden kick of the German's booted foot into Annie's side. She curled into a ball with a strangled cry, tears squeaking out of her eyes, her body begging for some sort of reprieve that wasn't this.
When the German had stepped away, angrily spitting down on her, she heard yelling and a commotion somewhere behind her, which was enough to make her sit up, weakly at that, looking past Benny and Margie in his arms and a few stragglers hanging about.
There, just past them, was Brady, screaming and yelling, being held back by Bucky and Murphy as best as they could hold him, Brady's eyes dead set on the German officer who walked away casually and calmly. Annie turned her quivering eyes to Brady again and watched as he broke free of the bodies holding him back and stomped across the open bit of land, taking his hands on the front of the Germans uniform and slamming him against the rusty wiring, yelling, over and over.
"Don't you dare fucking touch her again!" Brady yelled, his voice sounding like a wild animal's, guttural and raw, as the German yelled back, "Don't lie to me. I was there! I saw you hit her! Don't touch her again!" It didn't take long for the German officer to yell something in German, before swinging at Brady, sending him to the ground.
The brawl turned into a power struggle, the German kicking and punching Brady there on the ground, Brady all but weakened and defenseless. Finally, the two were separated and bodies were left behind and the few groupings that had been out were left behind by the Germans, only watched by guards in the towers. Annie watched as Bucky helped Brady to his feet, Brady struggling to find his footing, before ignoring any possible help, as he ambled over to Annie.
"Annie." he managed out, his voice sounding weak as he collapsed on the ground beside her, his hands reaching forward - he was always reaching for her, they always were with one another - and placing themselves against her cheeks, his thumbs rubbing in circles, "He should've never have hit you. I swear to fucking-"
"John." Annie whispered, slowly bringing her hands to his own cheeks, "You've gotta calm down."
"Not when they hit you, Annie. He did it because he-"
"John." she managed out again, "I'm okay. It's…..Margie." Brady watched her and some sort of realization seemed to hit him. He knew how important the women of Silver Bullets were to her, beyond anything, beyond even herself.
Slowly, the two looked over to Margie there, wrapped in Benny's arms, those tears running down her bloodied cheeks, grasping onto Benny like it was her lifeline. Annie managed to pull herself to her feet, Brady beside her, their hands linking to one another for some sort of support, before she fell to the ground in front of Benny and Margie, her hands shaking as she reached forward. Margie flinched at Annie's touch, her eyes immediately welling with tears - what could they have done to you?
"Hey, Margie, it's me." Annie whispered, reaching her hand forward and softly cupping the girl's cheek, brushing her thumb over her pink, wounded skin, "You're okay." Margie looked up at her with those water-filled blue eyes and let out a croaky cry, reaching up a free hand to lay gently against Annie's hand and nodded.
"I can't believe….I found…you all." Margie managed out, "Benny saw me first……I didn't want anyone to get hurt." Benny let out a quiet, wet laugh, as if holding in any tears he was trying not to shed. Annie looked to Brady, whose face had grown soft and gentle. Brady watched Annie, his face full of love and adoration, that same look she'd gotten the privilege of seeing anytime he watched her.
"You didn't have to go beat up any Germans, Brady." Margie managed out, her hand still grasping Annie's tightly, "You're too kind." The three of them laughed again at Margie's words, before Annie's eyes filled with tears and Margie seemed to notice.
"Don't cry, Bradshaw, I'm still here." Margie said softly, "Look at me."
"I thought you were dead," Annie managed out, her throat filled with emotion, "I should've looked for you….tried to get you to safety-"
"Don't go saying that, Bradshaw," Margie managed out, before letting out a wet, rattling cough, "I got to see Brady beat up a German for a bit. It was worth it."
"I promise it felt just as good as it looked." Brady said quietly.
"Don't give yourself that much credit." Benny offered and the group fell into small bits of laughter again.
By the time they'd gotten Margie up and in the comforting arms of Benny and Bucky who had come racing over like a bat out of hell, Annie had turned to Brady, looking at him bathed in cold sunshine, his face more stressed and sunken in these days, but still the Brady from that first day on base. They watched one another and she smiled slightly, reaching up to run a finger beside the cut near his eyebrow.
"Let me help you dress that," she whispered quietly, her hand cradling his cheek, as he watched her, "thank you for doing that." Brady clenched his jaw.
"He shouldn't have even touched you."
"I shouldn't have gotten in his face. I shouldn't have said a word-"
"You did the right thing, Annie, I know that. They gotta have a little humanity in this place."
"There's barely an ounce of that here." she whispered, voice sorrowful and sad. Brady watched her, before bringing up a hand to clasp around her one against his cheek. For a second, it looked like Brady was going to say something else, but he bit his tongue and continued to watch her instead.
"Does your chest hurt?" he whispered to her, "I'll help you wrap it. I'll scrounge some bandage."
"Only a little," she whispered back, "I'm more worried about your chest. He hit you pretty hard." Brady smiled softly at her and stepped forward, cradling her face in his hands, his beautiful eyes on her own.
"Let me take care of you." he whispered to her, "Let me hold you, just a little while longer." Annie stared up at him and flitted her eyes across his face and lips, before settling on that scar again.
"Only if you let me wrap up your chest." she whispered back to him.
"Only if I can wrap yours." he said back. She stared at him and then smiled softly, nodding, "Is it tender?"
"I'll be okay." she whispered, "You know that."
"I know." Brady whispered, "Sometimes I just….." Annie watched him, her big eyes holding him in her gaze, watching as he watched her back, their emotions hitting a head.
"What?" Annie asked quietly, her voice hidden it felt by the sweeping winds this place had. Brady couldn't get his eyes off her it felt, and like it were the most delicate thing in the world, he pulled her into his arms, probably the warmest hug she'd had since arriving here, and stayed like that. Her heart raced in his embrace and as he pulled back, she looked up into his face right in front of her and licked her lips. The corner of his mouth lifted upwards and she felt her body shiver. Something pulled her closer, she wanted to be closer than they already had been.
"Hey!" Brady and Annie seemed to bounce apart, and they turned to find Bucky walking closer, all smug, hands in his pockets, "We're gonna get Margie comfortable."
"Right." Annie said, stepping back and smoothing out her normally, crumpled clothes, catching Brady's eyes for a second and then pushing her hair behind her ears, "Let's go." She hurried away, towards where Benny was still walking with Margie, as Bucky came to Brady's side. Brady stared at Bucky, who smirked and clapped his shoulder.
"Nothing, nothing," Bucky said, "quite the dragon slayer though, huh."
"Shut up."
"You tell her yet?"
"Shut up, Bucky."
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skylessknights · 5 months
Oooo I haven't done one of these is a while! Thanks for tagging me @sainteda 🥰️💖
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? - Gosh I just looked and I have 66!!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - 175,399k!! That's insaneeeeee
3. What fandoms do you write for? - You know what I don't really write for specific fandoms, it really just depends on my hyper fixations or my otp list. But my main ones are:
9-1-1 (it's been a while)
The Bear
Lord of the Rings
4. Top five fics by kudos - I just looked and...it's literally all my 9-1-1/Buddie fics (I'm not even proud of these ones)😭
Answer Truthfully 
One Step Closer
Morning Surprise
I Miss You, Honey 
Thinking Of You
5. Do you respond to comments? - OF COURSE! I love reading comments, they are the source of my happiness and motivation! 💖
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - You know what ? It has to be the 4x13 speculation fic I wrote for Buddie: Grief Is The Price We Pay For Love (Major death and a whole lot of angst!)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - There's so many to choose from!! But I'll pick my Sydcarmy fic called Love is not our enemy because they kiss at the end!
8. Do you get hate on fics? - Erm...no?? I don't think I have.
9. Do you write smut? - I may write fics with sexual tension and implied sexual content but I never venture into smut.
10. Craziest crossover? - I'm glad you asked! It's not a fic but it's quick edit I did based on a Hannibal x The Bear AU I had in mind. May I'll actually write the fic one day...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Noooo, like I didn't even know this was a thing??? People do this???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - I can't remember honestly 😅
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - No, I don't think I would want to tbh.
14. All time favorite ship? - Gosh that's too hard!! I'll give you my top 3:
SydCarmy (Sydney x Carmy - The Bear)
Kastle (Karen x Frank - Daredevil/The Punisher)
Buddie (Buck x Eddie - 911)
5. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - Gosh there's so many!!! I won't answer this because I will eventually get to them...hopefully...one day...
16. What are your writing strengths? - I would say my poetic style?? I just love using metaphors and allegories to describe characters, worlds and all sorts. I thank The Song of Achilles for inspiring this tbh.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - I think dialogue and my poetic style, because sometimes I can go overboard and just miss the mark 😅
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - LOVE IT!! Any chance I get I will use it!
19. First fandom you wrote in? - I thought it would be Disney's Descendants because that was how I got introduced to Tumblr. But it was actually 9-1-1!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? - I'm going to be biased and say the one that I'm writing right now which is called: The Final Bow
It's a Feyd Rautha x OC multi fic and I'm having so much fun! 💖
Tagging: @drrav3nb, @matan4il, @lemonzestywrites, @tabbytabbytabby, @cinematicnomad
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Just some quick thoughts on All In. There will be spoilers.
Zero Hour
I, 100% did not expect Adam and MJF to win, at all. I expected there to be the initial start of a betrayal or something. I was pleasantly surprised, since I love the two of them.
Aussie Open seems really good. I should probably check out ROH.
Hook is one of my favorite anime protagonists, and Jack Perry has improved so much by being a complete piece of shit.
Also, Taz being hyped up for everything Hook does will literally never get old. Dude just sounds so proud every damn time.
CM Punk vs Samoa Joe
I don't really care a whole lot about CM Punk. I've seen a few of his pre-AEW matches, and I think he cuts a fun promo. I also think he's clearly enjoying himself, which makes watching his matches more enjoyable, in their own way.
That said, watching Samoa Joe just beat the absolute fuck out of Punk for most of the match was beautiful. I missed Joe in the original ROH and TNA/Impact, but his NXT and WWE stuff was so fun. Joe works at such a great pace, too. He literally always feels like a threat.
Seeing "real world championship" in quotes every time they mention CM Punk’s belt always reminds me of when AJ Styles was being announced in WWE as "The Man Who Would Like to be Announced as 'The Face that Runs the Place'"
Golden Elite vs Bullet Club Gold w/ Takeshita
Juice Robinson is my favorite feral little gremlin in pro wrestling.
Jay White is a beautiful piece of shit and I love him for it. He's also so fucking good in the ring.
Takeshita is also fantastic and has been consistently great.
I love how much everyone hates Don Callis.
Golden☆Lovers OTP
Hangman Adam Page is one of all-time favorite wrestlers. Just always happy to see him out there.
Ibushi tried to murder people with his kicks and it was fantastic shit.
A shitty surprise pin on Kenny Omega is absolutely on brand. I was peeved in a good way.
FTR vs Young Bucks
Fuck the Revival. I also like FTR a lot. Been a fan of theirs since NXT, and I loved seeing them draped in gold not that long ago.
I don't always feel like watching a Young Bucks match, but I always enjoy the match when it's done.
FTR and the Bucks were top-tier tag team wrestling today.
I legitimately expected FTR to lose, given the legal troubles that Cash could be facing. Seeing FTR win was a nice surprise.
FTR having arm bands for Brodie Lee, Bray Wyatt, and Jay Briscoe was so sweet, and so sad.
Stadium Stampede
Find someone who loves you as much as Eddie Kingston hates Claudi Castagnoli.
Mox looked so fucking cool walking out.
Oh my god, Trent, why, what the fuck. Please stop.
Someone getting skewers stabbed into their heads will always make me wince and laugh simultaneously.
Penta being walked backstage by medics only to return as Penta Oscuro was amazing shit. Penta is great.
Wheeler Yuta is the perfect person in BCC to be a bloodthirsty little goblin that you want to see eat the pin. He does his job well.
Also Best Friends hugging Yuta only to beat him up was gold.
I lost track of what was happening at least 400 times during the match and I don't care. I was thoroughly entertained.
Dr. Britt Baker, DMD v. Toni Storm v. Saraya v. Hikaru Shida
I assumed Saraya was going to win as soon as I saw her come out to Queen with her entire goddamn family walking out.
Toni Storm is a beautiful disaster.
In the event that Saraya wouldn't be winning, I didn't want Britt to win.
But that's also primarily because I *wanted* Shida to retain. Also, I love that Shida's theme has big 90s X-Men vibes.
Shida in general is just great. She should win every match.
I also just had no real investment in Brit for this match. She just kinda felt like she could have been nearly any other woman from the women's division. She wasn't *bad* by any means, just not someone I was pulling for or against.
I'm curious to see what happens with this implosion of the Outcasts now that Saraya and Toni aren't on good terms.
I dislike Ronnie Radke musically and as a person, so I'm not really thrilled at the idea of hearing Saraya's music more now that she's the champ.
At the same time, given all the shit she's been through, I can't be too mad about them giving her a run.
I still want Shida to have an actual good, long run though. I love her matches.
Christian Cage & Swerve vs. Darby Allin and Sting
Schiavone shouting "IT'S STING" is one of my favorite things in wrestling.
Joker Sting is fun as hell.
Swerve is actually the coolest motherfucker on the entire roster, and it is a literal crime that he doesn't have a belt.
Christian Cage is a menace and I can't get over that he wrestles in a sleeveless turtleneck now.
Darby is here for a good time, not a long time.
Darby shouldn't either, but I'm fairly certain he's not even human anymore.
I love Swerve.
I also love Prince Nana.
Getting all of Wembly to shout "Swerve's house" probably felt cool.
This was fun as hell.
Will Ospreay vs Chris Jericho
Ospreay is so fucking good, dude. Like he's absolutely up there as one of the best to do this. Every match I've seen of his just blows me away.
Jericho is also absolutely one of the most versatile wrestlers of all time. I've seen this man reinvent himself like a dozen times, and every time feels just as natural as the one before it.
If they had Jericho win, there was going to be a riot.
Plz give me more Ospreay matches. Dude can fucking go.
I'm curious to know what happens with Jericho and Sammy now
House of Black vs The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn
HOB walking out with a lantern 😭
The Fireflies 😭
HOB looks so cool in white, holy shit.
I love Julia's hats.
I am not a cop, so obviously I love The Acclaimed.
Billy Gunn coming out in full-on Badd Ass Billy Gunn trunks made me feel like I was 12 again.
I love HOB, but if The Acclaimed didn't win this, after their whole mini arc of Gunn retiring, and Gunn bringing back BABG, I was gonna be mad.
Is there a rule that someone has to wreck Julia's shit every match, because lmao
A lot of fun.
Brody King scares the hell out of me.
Adam Cole vs. MJF
I went into this expecting heartbreak
Adam Cole, who took character inspiration from Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2, comes out sporting some definite Broderlands-vibe gear.
MJF is still wearing BTYBB gear.
MJF as this babyface-leaning thing is actually some of the greatest shit I've ever seen. The whole turmoil over using a weapon feels like Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart.
Cole being a desperate POS to the confused, hurt, and mad MJF was wonderful.
The tombstone onto the announce desk with metal reinforcement was brutal on my knees as a viewer.
lol Roddy. lmao.
MJF and Cole almost having a total falling out after the match was amazing.
Cole opting not to slam the AEW belt into MJF's head after the match, and they hug instead? Cinema.
Was I still deeply concerned that there was going to be a betrayal literally up until the PPV feed stopped? Oh hell yes. I watched Ciampa turn on Gargano after the little copyright stuff showed up in NXT. I will *still* be concerned about that until the moment it happens.
That said, I genuinely don't want it to happen because these dudes work so well together. They're just so fucking dorky in the best way.
Misc. Other Thoughts
I missed whatever happened with Miro and Hobbs, because I just missed the whole first hour of Zero Hour.
Apparently there was Drama involving Punk and Jack Perry-- I guess related to the use of actual glass in the windshield of the car that Hook and Perry wrestled on? Whatever. Punk isn't why I watch this stuff, but I would rather Perry not get screwed.
Why did they keep panning over to Mercedes Moné if she wasn't gonna do anything other than vibe to The Acclaimed's theme?
That being said, I was loving the wig she had on. I've been liking the shorter-cut wigs compared to the long-ass stuff she was wearing as Sasha Banks
A lot of people kept expecting Edge to show up at some point. I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that his contract was extended.
Overall, this was, in all honesty, probably the best wrestling PPV I've ever watched. And, thanks to the invention of VHS tapes in my youth and the WWE Network as an adult, I have seen a *lot* of PPVs. This felt bigger than any Wrestlemania I've watched. I can't compare it to Wrestle Kingdom because I've never actually seen one of those all the way through. But it had numerous people who have been in Wrestle Kingdom matches, which were great.
I'm just annoyed that All Out is next goddamn week, because I don't want to shell out $100 in two weeks for this stuff.
Regardless. I love wrestling. We are in one of the greatest eras of pro wrestling, if not *the* greatest. What a time to be a fan.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 2 years
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I posted 5,495 times in 2022
178 posts created (3%)
5,317 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,495 of my posts in 2022
#buddie - 579 posts
#911 on fox - 567 posts
#evan buckley - 298 posts
#my happy tag - 275 posts
#otp: you can have my back any day - 258 posts
#firefighter husbands - 242 posts
#buck x eddie - 241 posts
#911 spoilers - 228 posts
#otp: you can have my back anytime - 222 posts
#rei hino - 220 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#ok!! ok!!?? lmao? hellooo!!!!! right?? i will be totally normal and not unhinged feral and insane about this 😩😭😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
For Jared Padalecki week day 1 smiling.
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60 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Pride month days 10, 11 and 12
One of my favorite couples who are truly meant to be Brian x Justin from Queer as Folk(US)
Seriously they are soulmates!!!
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See the full post
61 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Can we get Chimney "match maker" Han get Buddie together? Because I need to see what he comes up with that tops "Karen Hen is dead" idea.
73 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
If Supernatural had been on HBO Sam and Dean would be even more obsessed with one another and would have been canon in Playthings when Sam was offering himself to Dean.
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90 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Imagine being able to go into the Tim Drake tag and enjoy Tim content instead of having to scroll past anti Tim posts, posts boosting/celebrating Tim getting used as a punching bag by his family. I just want to enjoy Tim content without all the haters making it an unfun tag.
152 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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fredmundo · 2 months
Hiiii ☺️
Sending you some more! For 911 please ☺️
Oh okay fineeee twist my arm Saturn ✨✨✨
5. something you see in fics a lot and love: mmmm I love a good "Oh. Oh." type moment. That shit always hits. To be specific to 911 I love when a fic focuses on Eddie and his religious trauma or Buck's neglectful parents (i relate to both of these big time). OH! AND I LOVE WHEN fic authors take the time to create texts or social media profiles, posts, etc. for their fics!!!! SOOOOO GOOD
6. something you see in art a lot and love: rn MUSTACHE!!!!!! I want to see it all the time forever yippeeeee!!!!!
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc): IN ANOTHER LIFE!!!!! guys this is a fun episode. I'm sorry it doesn't do exactly what you dreamed up in a hypothetical or deliver on big time buddie goodness but my god is it a fun episode. And in terms of cinematic style it's so unique to the show. It's the only episode of season 6 I think about
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy: Chimney x Maddie. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM. They are so fucking cute. But my OTP is Buddie and I defo care most about that happening.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate: I honestly can't think of any rn. I'm racking my brain but I cannot think of anything lol
17. the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love: mmmmm I love the firefam. I love the comradery and togetherness in the 118. It makes my heart very happy. Especially with the contrast of the Begins episodes and seeing how each character lacked family, support, connection, and then each found it in the 118. GOOD SOUP!
911 specific answers just for my beloved planet<3
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rainismdata · 4 months
Rain is here!! ^^
rainismdata (laufeysongm1n9i) [Ao3]
rainismdata [Twitter/X and Discord]
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[◽️] #hmdlm or "The Living Medicine" is fake tweets of House MD characters; where everybody is alive, healthy, and happy. [◽️] #hilsoneulogy or "Eulogy for The Head and The Heart" is a collection of mini songfic, sickfic, or MCDfic; where I collect my sadness towards House or Wilson's death/sickness/pain in headcanons. [◽️] #hilson ff (with space) is a collection of currently read or subscribed stories (also my recommendations) [◽️]
[◽️] #hmdshots #rainshots or is a collection of LQ screenshots that I took while watching House MD, and then any other movies/series. [◽️] #rainedits is a collection of my amateurly edited pictures (using PicsArt); including wallpaper/lockscreen. [◽️] #rainfics #rainff is a collection of my written stories (fanfictions, prompts, drabble, fake tweet, fake chats, etc). #rainocs is for my OCs. [◽️] rainplays is a collection of me talking about games. [◽️]
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About Me (+preferences):
Welcome to my ✨fantasy world 💖✨
I'm Rain, the “I'm fluent in Google Translate” enjoyer, reader, and writer. [Yes, I am quoting Stephen Strange.]
[[ 2⃣5⃣ she/they 💓💛💙 eng/idn 🔞 (MDNI on NSFW things) ]]
This account stands for every thing I could find or any thing I would read. So, basically I can read anything; and I can just leave it alone if it's not my preferences (on tropes, ships, or genres)
OTPs: Albert×Chris (RE), Batman×Superman (DC), Wong×Strange (Marvel), Wilson×House (House MD), Price×Ghost (CoD), Castiel×Dean (SPN), Eddie×Buck (9-1-1), Maverick×Iceman (TG/TG-M), Higuruma×Nanami (JJK), etc.
I'm also having an agenda with crackpairs/rarepairs.
Also— ✨M-PREG✨
Games I currently got on devices: Arena of Valor, Baldur's Gate 3, Call of Duty (series: OG and Reboot Modern Warfare, Black Ops, Infinite Warfare), Counter Strike, Death Stranding, Dynasty Warriors (6-9), God of War (2018 and Ragnarok), Minecraft, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Resident Evil (4-8, Remake 1-4, Revelations 1-2, Code Veronica), SuperStar rhythm games (ATEEZ, SM, JYP, YG, Cube, Woollim), The Last of Us (1-2), Warriors Orochi (3-4, +Ultimate)
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dividers by: @cafekitsune and @enkeli-moonsys
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Now that you're here—
I do have another account for korean thingie (series, movies, music), but here I am still proudly announcing that I am CREZL's Pretzel 🥨 😌✨ I am a fan of a crossover quartet voice group; Lim Kyuhyung (Tenor/Musical), Jo Jinho (Pop/PENTAGON), Kim Suin (Korean Traditional Musician), and Lee Seungmin (Baritone/Opera).
They covered iCorre! (Jesse & Joy), Faith (Stevie Wonder ft. Ariana Grande), Kill This Love (BLACKPINK), Higher (Michael Bublé) on the show as one of the top three quartet finalists of Phantom Singer season 4. [Also, Faith performance has got them the highest score from producers/judges in the whole seasons (S1-S4); 593 points from 6 producers of one for 98 and five for 99 points.]
Recently, CREZL released a mini album "CRE:㘉" with "Forbidden Love" as the title track and 4 more songs in the album.
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ravipanikar · 3 years
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We might end up real close.
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"Because the one thing I want..."
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"It's something I know I can't have"
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nastyboker · 3 years
For fandom - "School for vampires", for a ship - Leechy/Gothetta, for a character - Ashley (потому что я неожиданная). Полагаю, ты выберешь что-то одно, но мне интересно всё :ДД
Для друзей всё что угодно! :D
001 | Fandom – School for Vampires
Favorite character: I can't pick just one, so... Oskar and Leechy. Also, I like to theorise about Stoker.
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Least Favorite character: Sometimes Polidory and Bruno annoy the shit out of me.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): - Any type of Oskar/Sunshine/Stoker; - Leechy/Gothetta; - Oxblood/Cryptina; - or V-type Alarich/Cryptina/Oxblood (Cryptina tops obvy); - Alarich/Lenny.
Character I find most attractive: Alarich, I guess. But if I watched the show as a kid, I would probably have a crush on Oskar.
Character I would marry: Nobody. x)
Character I would be best friends with: Oskar.
A random thought: What if Oskar is a half-vampire?
An unpopular opinion: Russian dub is better than English dub.
My Canon OTP: Oskar/Sunshine. I believe that Oskar won't be able to date a vampire and building a normal vampire family will be too stressful for him.
My Non-canon OTP: Leechy/Gothetta (more about them down below).
Most Badass Character: Alarich. Sometimes he is just the worst.
Most Epic Villain: The vampire dentist. He is not actually a villain, but he is really epic and terrifying.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ashley/Buck. I don't like ships without any canon justification or a good headcanon. Canonically Buck is a minor and Ashley is 360 y.o. adult (comparing to Alarich who's around 430, Oxblood who's 800 and Lenny who's 200-something and haven't changed a bit since he got bitten). There's absolutely no reason to give Ashley his child body back just to ship him with a kid he doesn't know.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sunshine is too dull. I expected her to get to know the truth about Oskar being a vampire and to learn how to deal with it, to build friendship with other vampires and to have enemies-to-friends dynamic with Gothetta. Unfortunately, the writers didn't develop Sunshine's character in all 4 seasons. The writers also ruined Alarich when he was too cruel to Klot.
Favourite Friendship: Ashley/Klot. Their friendship is just the purest.
Character I most identify with: Oskar. I am also a sensitive people pleaser and picky about food.
Character I wish I could be: Actually I don't know. X)
002 | Ship – Leechy/Gothetta
When I started shipping them: Quite recently, while I was watching the series for the first time. Unfortunately, I don't remember what episode gave me the idea to ship them.
My thoughts: Firstly, Leechy is Gothetta's second best friend after Oscar. They often work together as class partners and teammates. They also like hanging out together without the others, for instance, dancing at a rock concert or swimming in the swamp. So, Leechy and Gothetta seem to enjoy each other's company. Secondly, they share some interests: they both like to learn vampire chemistry and history. Gothetta loves plants and Leechy once mentioned that he had a Venus fly trap but Stoker cut it with Leechy's army knife. Thus, Gothetta and Leechy have something in common but they are quite different characters and that gives potential for an interesting dynamic.
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What makes me happy about them: Just seeing them together makes me happy. X) Sometimes they give me an impression of parent-friends that take care of the rest of the gang.
What makes me sad about them: I wish there was more of their dynamic. It is also sad that when Leechy saves the night or makes a significant contribution for the good of the school, Gothetta praises and kisses Oskar, which is unfair.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The fact that there's no fanfic about them.
Things I look for in fanfic: IDK, anything! X)
My wishlist: I don't have much to add here except that Gothetta needs to realize that she likes Nosferatu-in-shorts kind of guys and nerds with whom she has something to talk about. :^)
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Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's hard to tell, 'cos I think they are perfect for each other. Like I said, I think Oskar should date a human or at least a human and a vampire, so Gothetta/Oskar/Sunshine could work, I guess? The show clearly hints that Stoker has feelings for Gothetta. He even got jealous when he saw her dancing with Leechy. Stoker tried to manhandle her and force her to dance with him, which is why I'm not really sure if they should be together. Maybe someday when Stoker becomes a better person. As for Leechy, he got a gf Ravena in one episode, but all we know about her is that she is all nice and interested in inventions as well as Leechy. Basically, she is an invention herself that was made just for the cliché. So, I don't really mind the Leechy/Ravena ship to exist but I'd like Ravena to have more personality so I could understand their dynamic better and be happy for them.
My happily ever after for them: Okay that's extra corny, but I think of Leechy and Gothetta growing up and becoming new teachers of the school, getting married and maybe having kids in a century or two. c:
003 | Character – Ashley
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How I feel about this character: I was mad at first 'cos Ashley was more of an object than a person – nobody paid much attention to him and he almost never participated in everyone's adventures. Things got better when Leechy made that little robocar for him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Nobody, I guess. X)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Ashley/Klot. I even thought they were brothers at first but it turned out they were just friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Like I said, since he is 360, I see him as an adult. Plus, his voice from English dub doesn't sound childish at all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: It would make more sense if Ashley was either a teacher or a child student that turned into a pile of ash not so long ago. Also, it would be interesting if he was a wheelchair kid who lost his legs on the sun. Maybe I should draw this AU idea later. :D
Favorite friendship for this character: Ashley/Klot. Like I said, PURE!
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My crossover ship: Pff, Ashley/His Highness (A Kind of Magic) 'cos they are totally soulmates! xD
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Parts of Whole
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(No images are mine, but I did edit them. If anyone knows the owners, do let me know so I can credit them)
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes, Sam x Steve (platonic)
Summary: Steve would see his OTP��s ship sail, even from across the grave.
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: mentions of death (nothing graphic and not very sad), language, angst + fluff
A/N: I saw the trailer for tfatws and I just had to write this. This is also my entry for the amazingly talented @sagechanoafterdark and @sweater-daddiesdumbdork challenge (pic prompts above). Thank you for hosting this and being wonderful. The beautiful dividers are made by @firefly-graphics . Huge thanks to @the-inquisitive-hobbit for beta reading and giving me her very valuable insight.
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 It never felt right in his hands. It was his to wield, his to claim, and yet it never felt more foreign. The concentric red and white circles with the star embedded in the blue center glared back at him from the mirror. It had been months, but Sam had never taken this shield with him to any mission. He couldn’t.
It felt starkly cold in his hands, lifeless and materialistic. It was Steve’s symbol of strength and hope. It used to hang on his back, warmed by his body heat. Now, it seemed like the shield only existed to remind him of Steve’s absence. This shield was made for Steve. It belonged to him, it always would. How could he ever stand where he stood? How could Sam ever be the captain that Steve was, take this shield that held more power than a crown on a head?
He put it down again, covering it with a cloth before shutting the door on it, leaning heavily against it. He missed him, he missed him like a throbbing wound that refused to heal. If only he could see the sun shining on those golden locks again, have those baby blue eyes smile at him again. What wouldn’t he give for that.
He didn’t notice he wasn’t alone until a heavy hand was on his shoulder, squeezing gently. Sam didn’t open his eyes, just let the weight of it anchor him, let it bring him back from the chaos that was his mind. The cold metal hand felt like a relief against the overwhelming burden of grief that penetrated his being whenever he touched the circular shield.
“I miss him too.” Bucky said, and Sam opened his eyes. Bucky’s eyes were blue too, slightly grey where Steve’s were green. He could see himself reflected in them and he straightened, looking away, hiding his weakness.
This mantle of Steve Rogers that he was supposed to assume, this legacy he was supposed to take forward felt like cheating. His friend, his mentor, his brother was no more. How could people just expect him to move on? But they did. It didn’t matter he was emotionally compromised, it didn’t matter he wanted to drown, like Steve nearly had at the Potomac all those years ago. The world didn’t wait to create one disaster after another. They needed Captain America then, and they needed him now. Like Fury said, trouble always sticks around.
Sam cleared his throat, making sure he was collected before looking at Bucky again.
“Everything loaded in the Quinjet?” He asked and Bucky nodded. They’ll be leaving for another mission soon, and Sam was glad he’ll have the sounds of battle to drown the war in his heart.
“Sam.” Bucky said once Sam started leaving. “Take it.”
Sam looked at Bucky over his shoulder, his gaze equal parts pain and accusation. Of everyone, Bucky shouldn’t be the one telling him this.
“I’ll meet you in the jet.” He said firmly and quickly marched to his room, shutting the door behind him. He hated coming back to the compound, the lingering memories of their fallen warriors whispering in his ears every time he was here. He preferred his little house in the woods where it was only Bucky and nature with him.
He took out his tactical gear, laying it on the bed and getting out his wings when he heard it.
“You are punishing yourself Sam.” Came his voice.
It was this moment where Sam broke, sliding down the wall and letting a few tears escape. He was gone but he never left him.
“How could you have been so selfish Steve. Why?” He asked, looking up to glare at Steve. Even dead he looked so handsome, so put together with his hands on his hips. He didn’t look like the old man they had buried a month after the battle. No. He was their Steve, their young, beautiful Steve who left them behind.
Sam didn’t know why he saw him. He didn’t know if this was a ghost or a creation of his mind. To him, it was Steve. It was Steve and it was a beautiful suffering to see him again every time he reappeared.
“I am sorry.” Steve said and knelt before Sam, looking apologetic. Sam didn’t try touching him. Not when the first hundred times his hand just went through him.
“You are? What for?” Sam asked. “For leaving behind your shield and title, for leaving me behind, or for abandoning a best friend you promised to walk till the end of the line with? What are you really sorry for Captain?”
Steve didn’t answer, he never did. He let Sam take out his hurt and anger, and Sam cried. In the privacy of his walls, he cried. He was so tired of pretending to be strong, to be happy. He hid behind his jokes and smiles, fooled the world which was so ready to move on while Sam was buried somewhere with Steve in the cemetery, half dead, half alive.
“I am sorry Sam, for everything.” Steve insisted. “But you need to stop punishing yourself for mistakes you never made. You can’t live this way.”
Sam snorted a laugh for even in death Steve was a humanitarian bastard. He didn’t come back to haunt his enemies; oh no the centenarian came back to help his friends. Why didn’t people see that he could never be Steve? That Sam Wilson can never, won’t ever be the Captain that Steven Rogers was.
“I hate you so much Steve, I really do.” Sam whispered, wiping his nose and getting up. Steve watched him getting changed, no barriers of shame between them from that side of the grave.
“You always said that. I have never heard a ‘I love you’ more pronounced than I do in your hate.” Steve commented with a soft smile, it widened when Sam gave him a half-hearted glare. It was amazing how they could go from having a painful conversation to joking, but that was how it worked with Steve. He knew Sam, he knew everything that made him laugh and made him smile.
“What are you doing here anyway? Don’t you have a tea party with Gandhi or some other do-gooder like you in the afterlife?” Sam grumbled, tightening the belt in his suit and attaching his wings to it. Steve chuckled, sitting on the chair and watching Sam with a relaxed smile.
“They are too uptight for me. Mother Teresa tried to adopt me the other day” Steve said, and Sam laughed. His wings were the colours of American Flag, a new change. He grabbed his weapons and fixed Steve with a look, hating and loving him for being so him.
“I’ll see you after the mission?” He asked tentatively. He would never admit it, but he feared one day Steve would disappear again. It was crazy, it was not normal to see dead people, but Sam would rather have a shadow of Steve than just a memory.
“I’ll be here as long as you need me Sam. Always.” Steve said, a sad smile on his face when he saw Sam leaving without the shield.
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Sharon greeted him in the jet, talking to Bucky and the other agents over the blueprint spread before them. Sam nodded his hello, snatching the half empty pack of Cheetos from Bucky’s hand and munching on it.
“So now you want to steal the show and my food. You’re such a dick Wilson.” Bucky said, poking Sam in his shoulder and Sam poked his tongue out at him, a gap-toothed smile on his face. Their previous somber interaction would not be mentioned, filed again like so many inside the neglected corner of their minds.
“Bitch, I paid for grocery this month. This is technically mine.” Sam replied, making Bucky scowl. Sam knew there was a 70-30 chance he’ll find his bed crawling with centipedes when they got back home.
“Charming, boys.” Sharon remarked rolling her eye. “What are you guys doing for Christmas? Must be nice to have a holiday.”
Bucky shrugged, sharing a look with Sam. It was their first Christmas without Steve, a 6 feet 2-inch void always between them.
“Nothing special. Stay home, watch movies, eat a lot.” Bucky said. A lot remained unsaid, but they rarely needed words to communicate anymore. Sam bumped his shoulder in his, offering him some Cheetos to munch while he silently grieved.
“Well, I’ll leave my address here for you to deliver your presents to me.” Sharon joked and Sam laughed softly, mentally making a note to get her something.
“Alright then, and I’ll just casually remark that my phone and laptop are both in serious need for an upgrade. Just saying.” Sam said. “Hey Buck, what are you going to gift me?”
Bucky crumpled the empty chips packet before sending Sam an amused glare, flipping him off.
“A ball gag, so that I can hear something other than your stupid voice.” He snarked.
“Damn dude, at least ask me out for dinner before getting kinky.” Sam winked and Bucky swelled with indignation, pointing an accusing metal finger at Sam.
“I cook dinner 3 times a week you bastard, and I don’t even burn it!” He protested making Sam laugh louder than ever. He loved making Bucky mad, teasing him into an incensed rage that usually ended in a pillow fight or sometimes with Sam’s head in a headlock.
They straightened as they saw the incredulous looks on the new agents’ faces, baby agents as Bucky liked to call them. It was times like these, when both the battle-hardened veterans missed their lost teammates, the inside jokes that were shot around with as much precision as bullets and arrows on the battlefield.
They got to work again, discussing the mission and its details with the other agents. Sam would run point on scaling the territory and fly down to the enemy base with two agents while Bucky would guide him from up here and take out potential threats. They just needed to secure a technological innovation and it didn’t seem too like much work. As Sam poured over the briefing, his eyes subconsciously went over to Bucky who was fiddling with the equipment, making sure everything was in working condition.
If someone had told him a few years ago that Bucky would become his anchor, his solace in his darkest hours, Sam would have punched them in the face. But as it happened, they came to lean on each other, the only unchanged part of their older lives, the only person who made each feel that were still real, still alive. They were still annoyed by each other, but the arguments were more of a routine than an actual expression of resentment.
He didn’t realize he was staring until someone deliberately coughed behind him.
“He is so pretty, isn’t he?” Steve asked, though it was a rhetorical question. Bucky Barnes was a beauty, from his blue grey eyes to the new golden streaks running through his new arm. Sam tried not to notice the way Bucky’s armor clung to his muscles, his face looking almost boyish as he forgot the world and focused on his task.
“I thought you said I’ll see you after the mission.” Sam muttered, taking care that no one noticed him talking to air. He hurriedly looked away from Bucky when their eyes met, a heat rising in his cheeks that made Steve chuckle.
“I said I’ll be there when you need me. And it seems like you do.” Steve commented. He took the seat next to Sam, so near that Sam swore he could feel the heat emanating from his body.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Sam snapped, the smug look on Steve’s face making him wish he could touch him if only to be able to punch him. Stupid blonde best friends with perfect teeth and beautiful smiles and an ass that looked just as round after being dead.
“Oh, I think you do.” Steve said, shifting his gaze to Bucky. “I liked his hair longer but the shorter is going well with the new arm. Don’t you think?”
Despite himself Sam found himself nodding, admiring Bucky as he’d done a thousand times before. He liked his longer hair too, but without them falling in his face, he could see him better. And the arm. The new arm that gave Sam tingles in the most delicious ways, it had him flustered for three whole weeks after Bucky first showed up with it on him.
He didn’t know when it started, but Bucky had somehow become the most beautiful person to Sam. From the way he would make him the perfect mug of coffee to their little kitchen garden they started to keep themselves busy, he loved everything about him. Those moments where he would sense the turmoil inside Sam and silently slip his hands in Sam’s to assure him that he was there, these little moments endeared him even more.
Sam had lost count of how many times Bucky and he had woken up on the couch, sharing a blanket, both silently afraid to sleep alone. He had forgotten how many times he had spent kneeling at Bucky’s bedside, coaxing him out from a nightmare. Every moment spent in each other’s company, laughing, joking, mourning together, it brought them together in a way Sam had never imagined before.
“Tell him” Steve said, a wistful look on his face as he looked at his best friend. “He feels the same. I know.”
Sam shook his head, tearing his eyes away from Bucky with reluctance. He’d already lost so much, he wouldn’t lose Bucky too. Not because he has a minor, very minor teensy tiny crush on him.
“Man, shut the hell up.” He snapped.
“Who’re you talking to?” Bucky called out from across the jet and Sam’s head snapped up, mouth parting a little before he mumbled out a ‘no one’ and focused on the papers in his hand. Sometimes he felt guilty for keeping Steve a secret, for keeping Bucky away from his best friend. He knew Bucky cried into his pillow at nights, he knew because he’d held him then, tried his best to fill the cracks that appeared in the walls of Bucky’s heart as well as his own.
But then, Steve chose to come to him. Chose to talk to Sam. And he was afraid that telling anyone would disturb this magic, whatever this was. That he would once again have to bury Steve. So, he kept quiet. He buried this secret in the deep recesses of his mind, the initial worry of insanity long forgotten in favor of seeing his friend again.
“Do you even have a plan?” Bucky questioned, watching him prepare for the jump. Sam had a job for every agent accompanying him, but the idiot had not outlined anything for himself.
“I do.” Sam said, and when Bucky looked unconvinced, he lightly punched his shoulder. “You’re my plan, my backup. I scream, jump down and get my ass back up.”
Saying this, Sam jumped, the exasperated look on Bucky’s face imprinted behind his eyelids as his wings flared out and he floated.
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Everything that could have gone wrong on this mission did, and Bucky was hysterical even before Sam’s call for backup came. He was going to kick Nick Fury’s ass, but before that he was going to bring his friend back in one-piece and chew him out for giving him a heart attack.
Sam’s wings took most of the weight of the fall, so he came back with a sprained ankle and bruises. Bucky was getting increasingly irritated when they came back home, their little secluded spot in the woods welcoming them with the smell of pine and wild grass.
“It’s not my fault Fury gave us shitty intel.” Sam groaned, “You can stop being salty now.”
Bucky remained quiet, the silent treatment going for almost the third day in row and Sam was at his wits end. It was stupid and ridiculous because Bucky almost always pulled the stupidest moves in the field, like stopping a bomb with his hand or listening to the villain’s evil monologue.
Steve was grinning as he leaned against the edge of the table, and with every suggestive wink he gave Sam, the new Captain America resisted the urge to throw a vase at him.
“He cares so much that he’s speechless.” Steve commented and Sam flipped him off. Dickhead has been giving running commentary of the thick tension in the air since they came back, and Sam was on the verge of calling for an exorcism.
“Why do you do that?” Bucky asked suddenly and Sam was so glad to hear him talk again it took him a while to understand the question.
“This thing, looking somewhere and talking to yourself, or – I don’t know, you keep being weird.”
“You’re the one with the cyborg brain and arm and I’m weird” Sam tried deflecting. Bucky frowned, coming closer to sit near Sam, leaving abandoned Christmas decorations scattered around them. Clint had delivered it for them but neither had the heart to put them up.
“Sam.” Bucky deadpanned, and Sam sighed, resting his head back and avoiding eye contact. He looked at Steve who was still smiling, his beautiful face like a slap on the face and caress on the head at the same time.
It was more difficult than one would assume to explain. Why did Sam see Steve, and why did only Sam see Steve? Was it a hallucination, or his spirit? Would Steve go away if Sam confided in Bucky? Would Bucky be mad he didn’t tell him? There were so many questions, so many doubts, and yet as Sam looked into Bucky’s eyes, shining like sapphires, he couldn’t keep it to himself.
“Its…Its Steve.” He said, looking down and playing with the soft lint on his blanket. He didn’t hear Bucky say anything but moments later a metal hand gripped his, stopping its nervous movements.
Sam gulped, the coolness of Bucky’s hand in his warming his heart, swelling it with hope and an emotion Sam was too afraid to acknowledge.
“Steve, he – he talks to me.” Sam confessed and tentatively looked at Bucky whose eyes were brimming with emotion. He expected him to call him crazy, or to get mad, but what he did not expect was Bucky to shift closer and take Sam’s other hand in his too.
“He talks to me as well.” Bucky said. Sam was breathless, both by the slight smell of cinnamon that came from Bucky and the way Bucky came even closer, close enough that he could count the flecks in his eyes.
“He does?” Sam asked and Bucky nodded.
“I don’t know how he does it with you, but whenever I need him, miss him, I feel him speak to me from here.” With this Bucky placed one of Sam’s hand on his chest, the beating heart under thumping strongly. Unconsciously, Sam’s hand caressed Bucky’s chest, mapped its muscles and the jagged scars that bulged under his left shoulder.
“I see him.” Sam admitted, unable to look away from Bucky. “I can see him”
Tears blurred his vision until they dropped on his cheeks, sliding down, and forging a river down, leaving a trail of hurt, betrayal, and loss in their wake. Bucky’s hand came up to wipe them away, staying on Sam’s cheek, playing with the soft hair on his chin.
“I see him too. In you.” Bucky said and they didn’t know who moved first, but their foreheads were touching and then their lips met in a chaste, hesitant kiss. Sam melted into his touch, molding himself to fall into Bucky’s larger frame, his arms circling his waist and pulling him closer. They kissed as if they had walked a hundred miles just to kiss each other, as if they had saved every last breath just to live this moment.
“I – I, Buck –” Sam began but Bucky shushed him, pulling him into another soul-searching kiss before pulling away.
“I know.” He murmured.
As Sam relaxed in Bucky’s warm embrace, lost himself in the blues of Bucky’s eyes, he noticed Steve from the corner of his eyes. There was sadness on his face, the pain of a goodbye in the creases around his eyes. But when he smiled, he smiled with genuine love and happiness. The two parts of his soul he’d left behind seemed to have found themselves, and with them Steve felt himself complete.
“Till the end of the line pals.” He whispered.
Sam never saw Steve again.
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Their Christmas was not very festive in terms of decoration. There was still too much pain, too much suffering in their hearts. Steve and Nat’s pictures beamed at them from the walls, and Sam sent Pepper the confirmation that they’ll come over for New Years.
It was a beautiful thing about human nature, about how one rises from the ashes to become stronger. Sam and Bucky lost someone, but they found each other. In the shared grieve of their hearts, they discovered the love long buried in there, eagerly waiting to be spread and shared.
They stayed warm under the blanket, wearing oversized sweaters that they wouldn’t be caught dead wearing outside. The sweaters may or may not have been Steve's; the soldiers mutually decided to hold Steve close in this way. Sam’s heart was tripled in size, as his head rested in the crook of Bucky’s neck, the smell of chocolate and cinnamon melting together to make a little world of their own. Sam wondered if he would mind growing out his hair again.
“So, what did you get me?” Sam asked, knowing he wouldn’t mind if Bucky did get him that ball gag. Part of him almost hoping for it.
“How rude Wilson, here I’ve given you all of myself and you still thirst for more.” Bucky mocked and Sam tackled him into a hug, peppering kisses all over his face.
“Bitch, you’re lucky I lo-” Sam cut himself off, suddenly shy. The smirk on Bucky’s face melted into a smile, a hungry look in his eyes.
“Say it” Bucky ordered. And Sam did. The Captain obeyed his Sergeant without hesitation.
“I love you. I love you so freaking much! I got us the cheesiest gifts.” Sam said in excitement. He pulled away long enough to grab his gift from under the bed, giving it to Bucky to open. He watched with his bottom lip between his teeth as Bucky opened the box to pull out two chains, each dangling with a rectangular pendant.
Dog tags.
Their dog tags. Bucky raised his eyes to Sam’s, fisting his hand in Sam’s t-shirt to pull him closer into a searing kiss, all tongue and teeth and moans, hips grinding as passion merged with love and emotion.
“I love you!” Bucky growled and kissed Sam again. “And I got you chocolates that look like dicks. I didn’t know this would happen between us when I bought them, and I was going to give you a hint with them.”
Sam’s laughter echoed around their small house, the dopey smile on his face remaining intact as they ate candy and burnt sparklers into the night. In the colourful light that played on their faces, they held hands together, filling the void that was there with the warmth of each other.
“We can use the shield as a sleigh until you’re comfortable using it as a weapon.” Bucky mused and Sam smiled into his neck, thinking of a certain blond asshole who may have gone away, but will never be lost.
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Permanent Taglist: @what-is-your-wish @shooting-star-love @stanmysoul @sweeterthanthis @scentedsongrebel @muralskins @rayofdawnworld @donutloverxo @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @angrythingstarlight @rockyrogers @slothspaghettiwrites @nerdygirl8203 
CE & Steve : @littlegasps @bluemusickid @harrysthiccthighss @abeyyaaar @slytherinandoutasgard @empath-bunny 
SebStan & Bucky : @sebastiansthot @its-izzys @harrysthiccthighss @empath-bunny
For this fic : @barnesandco​
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sarcasticfina · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
How many works do you have on AO3? 263
What’s your total AO3 word count? 4,901,188
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? including the fandoms on FFnet, that haven't yet been moved over to ao3, that'd be a total of 37. separating the larger fandoms (marvel, dcu) into their individual parts: Thor; Arrow; Smallville; The Vampire Diaries; Glee; Captain America; Supernatural; Teen Wolf; Iron Man; Life with Derek; Firefly; Friday Night Lights; X-Men; Fantastic Four; Harry Potter; Sons of Anarchy; Girl Meets World; Batman; Daredevil; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series; Transformers; Lost Girl; Game of Thrones; Banshee; High School Musical; The OC; One Tree Hill; CSI: New York; Degrassi; Gossip Girl; NCIS; The Unusuals; Criminal Minds; iCarly; Secret Life of the American Teenager; Twilight; and The Listener
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. and I wonder (if everything could ever feel this real forever) - darcy/bucky - Steve tells him that Darcy's harmless. Bucky imagines, on paper, Darcy is harmless. HYDRA wouldn't give her a second glance. But he does. He can barely keep his eyes off her. He's not sure he wants to. | Kudos: 5576
2. I Climbed The Tree To See The World (When The Gusts Came Around To Blow Me Down, I Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me) - darcy centric | darcy/steve - The path to self-discovery, including becoming Coulson's assistant-slash-liaison-slash-bff, Captain America's lady love, and rating fourth on the SHIELD BAMF scale, was like the yellow brick road; it was chaos and confusion around every bend. | Kudos: 3973
3. Take a little piece of my heart (and keep it for yourself) - oliver/felicity - A collection of Olicity prompts on Tumblr posted here for easier access/reading. | Kudos: 3498
4. You put your arms around me (and I'm home) - darcy/bucky - A collection of Darcy/Bucky oneshots, drabbles, and prompt fills. | Kudos: 3293
5. you (anchor me back down) - darcy/bucky - "I'll be right back." Famous last words. | Kudos: 2747
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? not all of them. i do try to keep up on them, especially on longer stories when there's been significant wait times in between chapters, or when a reader is asking a question or is unclear on something. and especially when someone writes a really indepth comment/review, i like to respond to those and talk about motivations and character growth.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I've written a number of fics that either had suicide or major character death, so i'm not sure if one outranks the other in terms of most angsty... hmm... i remember "be still and know that I'm with you (be still and know that I am here)" and "light a match, burn the world to ash (I will watch it die, and hold your hand as I fly)" both got some pretty intense reactions when they were posted. And "It's Your Song That Sets Me Free (I Sing It While I Feel I Can't Go On)" was basically just angst from beginning to end. buuuuut, i think i'll say "so you think you can tell (heaven from hell" was, only because there's a build up of everything going so right, only to pivot at the end, so it feels very bittersweet.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? i loooooove crossovers. i find writing in the marvel fandom makes things quite easy, but also smallville. as long as i can find a common thread, i enjoy finding a way to overlap two shows. i'll say the hardest one to write was "ruby red slippers (unavailable in her size)." I'm not sure why, but i found writing each personality together just felt strange. i liked the idea behind the story, but i definitely remember feeling like i was really forcing myself to keep going, like something just didn't fit right.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? oh, definitely. you cannot please everyone, it's impossible. for the most part, hate comes and i either argue back, take the criticism for what it's worth, or just ignore it when it's baseless. i think the hate that bothered me the most was a homophobic PM someone sent me re: "you know I will adore you ('til eternity)," on FFnet. i actually went and searched it up. they've since blocked me so i can't read our whole thread back and forth. but i did put part of it on tumblr so i could rant on it a bit, so you can see that here.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? ha. yes. depending on the story, it can be really detailed or really flowery. it depends on the ship, the plot, and how graphic i feel like being. i've definitely become more comfortable over the years with my writing. that said, i think everybody likes something different. i once had a reviewer tell me a sex scene was too much, just too intense. it was a stefan/caroline story and to be fair, that entire oneshot was just them fucking, lol, but it is what it is. to each their own.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Multiple times.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! for the record, i am always happy to have my stories translated and shared. i just like having a link sent to me and to be credited.
What’s your all time favorite ship? i have a list of OTPs, because interests change and as shows come and go, my love for a ship can be shelved for a while before it pops back up at random. currently, i can't get enough of buck/eddie from 9-1-1. and, historically, chloe/oliver (smallville) and felicity/oliver (arrow) have been two of my top OTPs. but i think i'd have to go with bonnie/damon. they had all the potential and the show dropped the ball by not exploring it. at the same time, that's kind of a blessing, because i don't trust those writers to properly explore what they had without eventually destroying it for the likes of de/ena. it means a treasure trove for writing where it could have gone and all the what if's.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? the intention is always to finish. but given how i feel about allison mack and how that impacts my feelings re: chloe sullivan, pretty much anything with her as a main character is not something i see myself returning to.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? i'm putting these together because my strength is my weakness. i love to write. when i get an idea, i go all in and i will skip eating and sleeping to just write write write. but i also eventually hit a wall and i get so many ideas that i hyperfocus on one until the steam is gone and then i hyperfocus on the next one to maintain that need to keep writing, accidentally leaving the last story in the dust for entirely too long. i also have clinical depression that comes and goes, which hasn't been super great mixed with covid and isolation, so more often recently, i find myself overly exhausted and despite wanting to write, can rarely get motivated to do so. so, pre-covid, wrote so much i left entirely too many stories dangling. during covid, i've just been reading and struggling to get myself focused enough to do what i love.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i appreciate the authenticity when possible, but i've recently been reading more about how native speakers of other languages feel when a) their language is butchered by google translate, or b) it's just not genuine in terms of how bilingual speakers act or speak.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? it was smallville, but i remember adopting it out to someone else because i wasn't going to finish it. so if you look at my ffnet, the first fandom i wrote for appears to be x-men: the movie, but i remember writing a chloe/oliver story prior to that.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? i have a lot. i mean, on ffnet, i have 576 stories, many of which were transferred over to ao3, with a lot of oneshots and drabbles getting joined together into collections. so there's a ton to pick from that span a 14-ish year timeline.
"you know I will adore you ('til eternity)" and "let me break (the walls that surround me)" hold a special place in my heart.
honestly, each story is important in its own way. there are bits and pieces of each that i love. every time i write something new it feels like my favorite. my best. and then a new idea comes along. there are scenes i've written that i loved more than the whole of what they became. lines that stand out that are almost too good to be a part of the larger picture.
one of my all time favorite passages i've written was bonnie's thoughts on damon and herself in 'if you love me (let me go)":
He is far from perfect. He is a novel of red, corrective ink. He is frayed pages and torn binding. His life, his choices, his mistakes leave lasting effects on everyone he meets.
She is a lifeboat with a hole in it. An anchor that drowns in the sea while everyone else remains steady above. She is both the calm and the storm, and while she screams that she will not be tamed, she cries. Bittersweet tears that go unnoticed and uncared about.
there are other stories, other pieces of dialogue, that i've been proud of. that make me laugh when i re-read them. that make me cry. and i love them. there are others that make me wilt and cringe and regret. it's a process. love and pride and growth, all bound together.
Tagging: @absentlyabbie, @anonymous033, and anyone else who'd like to fill this all out, haha
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novum-constellatio · 4 years
Hello and a belated happy new year~ Maybe Yama and Suga for the OTP thingie? (P.S. I really love your Gebshin Impact headcanons~)
- yamaguchi tadashi x sugawara koushi (ask meme)
a/n: thank you so much for requesting such an adorable pairing <3 I hope you like the way I portrayed them~
warning: none
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1. who tickles who more?
Because Yamaguchi would be too nervous and shy to initiate anything (especially at the beginning of the relationship), I can easily say that Sugawara is the main culprit for, almost, all of their tickle fights. Finding out Yamaguchi is ticklish was one of Sugawara’s greatest achievement in life and he definitely uses that knowledge to his advantage a lot ;3
2. what’s the main reason for tickles?
Sugawara tickles Yamaguchi whenever he’s nervous or when he’s overworking himself! Before a match, he only pokes him teasingly a few times, trying not to make the others notice, and he’d definitely whisper in Yamaguchi’s ear how he’s going to wreck him after the match if he doesn’t calm down - but, he’ll wreck him either way lol
Yamaguchi tickles Sugawara only when he sees Sugawara trying to hide his emotions from others and him (I have this headcanon that Sugawara would be the type to close up and pretend he’s okay when he’s not), so Yamaguchi is always there to offer gentle, almost calming tickles when he sees Sugawara act like that
3. has anyone ever been bruised or even scarred from a tickle fight?
Oh, both are squirmers omg. Yamaguchi can’t keep his feet still when they’re being tickled, so unless Sugawara has a very firm grip on them, he will be kicked in the face. The same goes for Yamaguchi when he wants to surprise Sugawara with some tickles - he has been elbowed in the stomach numerous times cause of that <3
4. how often do they tickle each other?
I’d say pretty often because any gentle touch can easily turn into light tickling when the two are alone - especially during movie nights at each other’s place. I feel like both would be into tickling, to the point that they’d ask the other (more like Sugawara figuring out that Yamaguchi wants tickles and teasing him about it) to tickle them~
5. who is more likely to tear up whilst being tickled?
Both! Yamaguchi because Sugawara can tickle him for ages - tactically so that he can tickle Yamaguchi for longer - and Sugawara because he’s pretty sensitive! If we look past the fact that Yamaguchi is the one getting tickled the most, I do think Sugawara would be the more ticklish one in this duo~
6. who can stand being tickled longer?
Yamaguchi~ combining all of the things I’ve said: likes being tickled, Sugawara tickles him tactically, Sugawara is more ticklish and Yamaguchi only has a few sweet spots - there’s no doubt in my mind that Yamaguchi could be tickled for hours without any major difficulties tbh
7. who’s more sensitive to soft or hard tickles?
Soft tickles absolutely wreck Yamaguchi because they’re the worst for him. Harder tickles are, somehow, much easier to handle for him because Sugawara can only squeeze as hard until it starts actually hurting, while soft tickles seem to play with every single nerve ending he has and Yamaguchi loses it
Unlike Yamaguchi, the harder the touch, the more hysterical Suga becomes! Soft tickles only cause him to giggle and squirm around, while hard tickles make the poor guy buck and trash around, hardly able to breathe due to his laughter. It takes Yamaguchi a long time to get used to that fun fact, but once he does, Sugawara is a ✨ goner ✨
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
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I posted 8,905 times in 2021
250 posts created (3%)
8655 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 34.6 posts.
I added 6,857 tags in 2021
#soulmates - 897 posts
#911 on fox - 785 posts
#wincest - 745 posts
#buddie - 709 posts
#otp: you can't lose him - 696 posts
#epic love story of sam and dean - 677 posts
#buck x eddie - 676 posts
#otp: you can have my back anytime - 630 posts
#my happy tag - 591 posts
#kakaobi - 451 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#if you must go out for whatever reason then keep your mask on and practice social distancing
My Top Posts in 2021
Anyone else beside me so tired of the hellers and their never ending drama? Their hate against Jared because he liked the finale episode? Their lies that they sell over and over until they believe it is true like Jensen hating the finale episode but ignoring that it was the one before the world went into lockdown? The bullying/stalking/death threats? The claims that Dean was suicidal when he wasn't? The claims that they can openly harass Jensen at the cons once they start up again about Destiel?
The fact that Supernatural is over and they still are causing drama?
I love Supernatural. I love Sam and Dean 😍. They will always have a special place in my heart one that can never be replaced. I will keep writing and reading fics about Sam and Dean. I refuse to let spoiled brats take that away from me.
What I will be doing because I am done with the drama and hate is blocking all hellers, Jared haters, Jensen haters, "we are reclaiming Sam" people, Wincest haters who post in the tag or on Wincest posts and Misha cult members who can't use their brains and think.
If you are one of the above people and respond or reblog this post with your hate you will be blocked. I am done with you.
Sincerely a tired Supernatural fan.
113 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 19:53:39 GMT
If your response to Jared and Jensen answer that SPN is and never was about romance is to threaten them or declare they are homophobic please step away from SM and find something positive to do with your life other than threaten people over a fandom ship.
SPN is about the unbreakable love between Sam and Dean who are platonic soulmates, who chose one another above everyone and everything. Who defied Heaven and Hell plans.
J2 said nothing but the truth and I'm sorry that you can't handle having your fanon ship sinking again but it has been almost a year it is time to stop blaming Jared and Jensen for your ship never happening it never was. Jensen has said time and time and time again Dean is straight and Destiel was never going to be.
It has been almost a year and still hellers/minions take every chance to blame/hate Jared and to a smaller degree Jensen. To call them homophobic the moment they deny Destiel.
SPN was never going to be a love story it was always going to be about the bond between Sam and Dean and it is time the hellers realized this.
134 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 04:39:48 GMT
Dear cult like Hellers, 
Jensen is not your Ken doll.
Jensen is not here to be a part of your fetish.
Jensen is far more than one half of your fictional ship, there is no Destiel connection to everything Jensen does. 
Jensen did not write any Destiel songs for the new album. 
Jensen has said time and time again Dean is straight and Destiel does not exist. You refused to believe him when he said that many times, going as far as to label him homophobic and now that SPN is done you still refuse to stop. 
No one was silent. Jensen did not sign a NDA. Jared did not use the final episode to prompt Walker. Jared being shirtless for one final scene of Sam did not prompt Walker or stop making your fanon ship from happening because it was never going to happen.
Dean is straight in canon and he will always be straight everyone from Jensen to Kirpke has said so. And I am bi so you can’t call me homophobic. 
The colour of wall, of light, of what shirt Dean wears or what he eats and listen to doesn’t make him bi. 
The show is over and you still refuse to stop, you refuse to see how toxic you are. The fact that you claim that bullying and death threats is okay. That telling people to die over what they ship because it is you who can not separate fiction from reality and that you put a fictional character above everyone even the actor who plays them shows how harmful the way of thinking you have. 
I know cult like behaviour and you all share the mindset of one. One of the popular blogs post something another one backs up that theory and suddenly you are all prompting it as truth without stopping to think for yourselves. 
And stop treating Jensen like he is yours to do with what you want or that he is supposed to act/think/behave the way you want him to be and then lash out at him when he doesn’t. Treat him with respect and acknowledge that he is his own person and not your doll. 
Signed a tired Jensen Ackles fan
146 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 02:04:55 GMT
Incest is horrible to “ship” and you’re a disgusting person for doing so🤢
MNM I just love the idea of Thor being possessive over Loki. Leaving marks allover his baby brother. Loki loves to tease Thor until his brother has enough and with a growl takes Loki anywhere anyplace to remind Loki and all who are watching that Loki is his. Loki sitting on Thor's massive thighs on the throne of Asgard where everyone can see the King massive fingers opening Loki up until Loki has enough and takes control and starts riding Thor in view of everyone.
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And Sam teasing Dean with coy looks and knowing smiles as someone flirts with him, his smile growing as Dean jaw clench and his eyes darken with lust and possessiveness until he finally snaps and spreads Sam over the hood of the Impala taking him hard and fast marking Sam as his. Then when he has Sam spread out beneath him in the backseat of the Impala and teases him open until Sam is begging for more.
See the full post
156 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 03:30:01 GMT
Happy international women day. Here are my top 10 female characters 😍
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Evie O'Connell
See the full post
425 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 02:32:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
A Tradition
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For @thefanficfaerie​‘s OTP Challenge (2020)   Words: 723 Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader   Prompt: Winter Wonderland: Day 4 - A Tradition  Summary: Reader & Steve are making paper chain garland to decorate with, a tradition she used to do with her brother and sister when she was younger. Being away from the family this year has been hard. Steve thinks he knows of one way he can help his best gal still see her family close. 
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“Now this is a Christmas tradition I know something about.” Steve informed you confidently. The two of you were sitting on the couch in your living room. You were cutting strips of colored paper and looping them through one another to form paper chains. “Buck and I used to make these every year.” He told you as he squeezed a dab of white glue onto one of his paper strips. “We used to have a competition to see who could make the longest one.”
“Well, I know how competitive you can be. I assume you always won?” You guessed. You reached for the scissors and began cutting more paper strips.
“It was probably about half and half.” Steve confessed. “But honestly we always got distracted by something else before a winner was declared.”
“My brother and I used to make these.” You told him. “My sister too, but she didn’t like crafts much. She’d stay for maybe twenty minutes. Just long enough to cut one sheet of paper and glue maybe five or six links before she’d sneak away to play with the cat or do something else. It’s doing little things with them like this that I miss the most. It’s not really the same as an adult.” You sighed. “Though I guess nothing is the same this year.”
“I’m going to make another coffee. Do you want one?” Steve asked picking up his coffee cup.
“No thanks.” You shook your head. Steve disappeared for a while. Longer than a cup of coffee took to make. You didn’t notice because you were occupied with your craft project. When Steve did return, he was holding an iPad and talking to it. “Do you need help with that thing?”
“No, no. I got it.” Steve promised. “It did take me a minute to figure out but…” Steve placed the iPad down on the coffee table. You looked down to see your brother & your sister’s faces looking back at you.
“Hey sis!” Your sister waved excitedly from her half of the screen.
“Steve says you’re making paper chains, like when we were kids?” You brother asked. He tilted the camera on his phone so that you could see his own two kids sitting on the floor of their living room making paper chains. “Great minds think alike, right?” Your brother laughed.
“No way!” Your sister exclaimed. “I made some too, but I did mine last week.” She tilted her head slight and pointed to the background where you could see a small chain of silver and gold hanging across a bookcase in her bedroom.  “Oh, I miss doing those with you guys so much!”
“I miss you guys too!” You blinked, fighting back the happy tears that were threating to spill out. It wasn’t just that you were happy to see and talk with your siblings, though that was important to you too. It was also a comfort to know that they were carrying on small family traditions in their own homes. It felt like you had a small part of each other represented in your houses despite the physical distance away.  
You chatted with your brother and sister for an hour or so. They talked about how they’d been since you talked last. Your niece showed you some drawings she made, and your nephew told you about how much he liked doing school at home. Eventually the call had to come to an end as your sister had grocery shopping to do and your brother had to take his kids to pick out a tree. But you promised to talk again soon before ending the call.
“Thank you.” Was the first thing you said to Steve. “I didn’t know how much I needed that. It helped, talking to them.”
“I know we’re trying to do an old-fashioned Christmas,” Steve said, “But I recognize that technology has it’s benefits too. Just because you and your family can’t physically be together this year, doesn’t mean we can’t all come together to celebrate.”
“I’m genuinely impressed that you knew how to do a three-way Facetime call.” You smiled at him proudly.
“Oh I had no idea.” Steve confessed. “I texted Tony for step-by-step instructions. That’s why it took me so long to make a coffee.”
“Well, the grand gesture is noted just the same.” You insisted.
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