#my procella
mirikitakato · 1 month
[Translation] Summer 2024 Owen SR Card: Want this?
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Owen is indirectly teaching Cain about magic and spirits again, kinda!
Character: Cain, Owen.
Card Story: Don't play around too much.
Episode 1
Owen: Ugh, so hot...
Cain: Alright, alright! Don’t get so mad. Look, I’ll return this, okay?
Owen: Sir Knight.
Cain: Ah...Owen.
Squirrel-like creature: Squeals!
Owen: ...What? Seems like you’re being threatened quite a bit.
Cain: Well... ya see, that orange tree over there, there’s fruit on it, right? This little guy was eating the fruit so happily, you know? So I just took one to try...
Squirrel-like creature: Squeals!
Owen: ..........Now I get it. So he’s angry because you took his food. Poor thing. Come here. What a terrible knight he is, stealing food from such a small and weak creature like you.
Cain: I told you I didn’t do it on purpose…
Owen: But the fact remains that you took it. Why don’t you try to appease him? Like this, for example. “Cuore Memini"
Cain: What...? You’re using magic to spray water on the tree branch...? ……Whoa!? A rainbow-colored smoke came out!?
Squirrel-like creature: Squeals squeals!
Owen: This tree is a native species of this land. Murr just came up to me and started blabbering, although I didn’t ask. Apparently, to absorb moisture efficiently, it heats the water it touches and turns it into steam to bathe in.
Episode 2
Cain: Oh! How interesting! It was like seeing a real rainbow, so beautiful. This little guy is happy too.
Squirrel-like creature: Squeals squeals!
Owen: He says it’s fun. As an apology for taking his fruit, you should try it too.
Cain: Ah, okay. Well then..."Gladius Procella".
Squirrel-like creature: Squeals squeals!
Cain: Oh, he looks so happy! I'm glad his mood has improved.
Owen: He says he wants to see more. Why don't you try increasing the amount of water you cast? If you increase the amount of steam that rises, you might get a bigger rainbow.
Cain: You’re right. Well then, a special service for you, little guy!
Cain: "Gladius Procella"!
Cain: Whoa!? What is that, an earthquake...?
Squirrel-like creature: Squeals!
Cain: Ouch! Don't bite my foot. I'm not the one causing this earthquake...
Owen: Ahaha. It's because you're carelessly using too much magic in a place where there are fierce spirits. The spirits have warned you not to run wild in this land.
Cain: ...................Right. I forgot this was that kind of place. But it was you who incited me to do it.
Owen: It's your lack of knowledge that's the problem. I guess you're still just a rookie.
Card Episode: Just like a prank toy.
Akira: The flowers in the flower bed are blooming beautifully today. I’ve been watering them regularly... Huh? There’s a big branch stuck in the soil...has this been here before?
Owen: That’s something I picked up from the Crimson Flame Mountain.
Akira: Owen.
Owen: See those small orange fruits? When they fall, beautiful flowers bloom, so water that branch too.
Akira: Oh, really? I see. Since it's hot today, let's give it plenty of water. Still, it’s unusual for Owen to bring back souvenirs like this... Whoa, what!?
Owen: Ahaha. Good reaction.
Akira: There’s rainbow-colored smoke rising...It’s beautiful but it seems a little dangerous...
Owen: Since it's a plant that grows naturally in a scorching hot land, it's greedy for water. It turns the water it touches into steam and bathes its entire body in it. It’ll probably wither soon because the soil doesn’t suit it. But until then, let’s leave it stuck there.
Akira: And he’s gone… Hmm... Well, it might be a waste to pull it out right away. I’ll leave it stuck there for a little while longer.
--- Home-screen voiceline---
Good morning, Sage. I saw you were tossing and turning, so I thought I'd do you a favor and turn your bed into ice. I didn't expect you to be so happy that you were trembling and couldn't speak..Haha, should I do it again tomorrow?
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cainluvr69 · 2 months
"The Young Wolf's Eyes Stay Fixed on the Dawn" Cain SSR Card Story - The Greatest Blessing
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OF NOTE: There is a little popup before this card story saying it contains spoilers for the associated event, so watch out! (I haven't read the event either yet, so there's a non-zero chance this translation is getting updated once I have!)
Cain: So this is where the Wandering Lamentation's…where Renard's remains were found?
Arthur: Yes, where those flowers are. It's an offering.
Now that the Wandering Lamentation's curse had subsided, Cain, Arthur, and I ventured into the forest outside the crumbling city walls.
Akira: (We came out here thinking we could find a memento of Rhody's brother for him, but…)
Cain: The grass is so thick it's hard to see anything. Let me try using magic to look for it.
Arthur: Yes, please do.
Cain: <Gladius Procella> …I think I can feel something from over there. Let's move, guys.
Akira: Okay!
Arthur: Yes, let's!
Cain: I felt something right around here. I'm pretty sure it wasn't underground, but on the surface…
Arthur: …Oh! Cain, Master Sage, look over there. There's something stuck in the trunk of that tree.
Akira: Oh, there is! It's…what is that? It looks like a rusty metal pole or something…?
Cain: It's a dagger. It looks like it's a matching set with the sword Renard's ghost was weilding.
Akira: A dagger? I wonder why it's stuck in a tree…ah…
Arthur: …I imagine he also drew that dagger while under attack. It must have been thrown from his hand during the battle.
Cain: Yeah… I think I can pull it out with my magic, so lemme give it a shot.
Cain extended his hand in the direction of the dagger. As if that gesture were one of invitation, the dagger plucked itself from the tree trunk and floated through the air before carefully lowering itself into his palm.
Cain: …And done.
Akira: Thank you!
Arthur: My… Now that I've gotten a better look at it, this rust is a touch extreme, isn't it.
Akira: It really is… Maybe we could clean it up a little bit before taking it back to Rhody? It's not like I know much about blade maintenance, but maybe we could wash it or something…?
Cain: Not washing it, but giving it some proper attention. I do know my way around how to take care of a blade for everyday use. Mind letting me try my hand at it once we get back to town?
Akira: Of course! Please do, Cain.
Arthur: Here's some water, Cain.
Akira: I brought a bunch of thin rags, too. Is this enough?
Cain: Perfect. Thanks, both of you.
After we explained the situation, the tavern master gladly lent us a table to use to use. There was a couple small bottles and a whetstone sitting lined up on top of a table sized for four people to sit around.
Cain: Alright. Time to take a crack at this.
Cain began his work with a careful and conscientious hand. He used a powder, stone, and oil, none of which I knew the proper names of, spreading the powder and oil on the blade and then scraping it off, sharpening the edge, over and over. At first it didn't seem like he was having any effect on the rust that pitted the blade, but soon enough, I started to see it begin to flake away.
Akira: Oh…! Right here you've totally taken off the rust! I can see the color of the metal again!
Arthur: It's true! Thank goodness…! Wonderful work as always, Cain.
Cain: Thanks. I had the ins and outs of the proper technique drilled into me all the way back when I was still a page in the Knights. Alright, let's do one last round of sharpening and polish it with oil, aaaand… Here, what do you think? I cleaned it up pretty well, yeah?
Arthur: Oh my…! Amazing, it looks brand-new!
Akira: It's sparkling! …And… (…The blade is a lot smaller than I thought it would be…)
Perhaps it was simply the natural result of removing the rust, but it was a lot easier to see how small it was now that I took another close look at it. It was about the size that a little kid could comfortably grasp it--definitely not something that looked like it could stand up to the cruelty of the people who had attacked Renard in the first place.
Arthur: …He was a very brave boy. So brave as to warrant one of his opponents knocking this blade so far out of his hand it got stuck up a tree.
Akira: But he still turned into a monster, lingering for more than a decade…
My chest ached as I stared at the stone floor underfoot. But as my gaze lowered, Cain raised his head, holding the dagger up. I saw him squint his eyes a bit, as if he were looking at something dazzlingly bright.
Cain: …This might sound kinda weird, but… I admire Renard, up to and including the fact that he turned into a monster.
Akira: You…do?
Cain: Yep. He unflinchingly faced up to opponents much stronger than him, putting his life on the line for the person most important to him. And when he died and became a monster, he still wanted nothing more than for that person--his little brother--to be safe. Neither of those are the kind of thing the average guy off the street could do.
Cain smiled at the dagger in his hand. His expression was equal parts admiring and mournful.
Cain: Renard was a wonderful knight, even if he didn't have the title of one.
Arthur: …Yes. You're absolutely right. As wonderful a knight as you are today, Cain--the greatest in all the country.
Cain: …!
Cain: …Thank you for the kind words, Prince Arthur.
Arthur: Please don't try to brush it off like that. I'm only speaking the truth.
Cain: But I mean, your words deserve that kind of humility. Because to me…no, to every single knight in the country, they're the greatest blessing you could bestow. I am so grateful that even though I'm no longer part of the order, even though my title has been stripped away, I can still be your knight.
Cain fell to one knee in a proud and reverent bow. I thought that Arthur would tell him to rise, the way he always did, but not this time. Instead, he put a kind hand on Cain's shoulder. This sight, within a tavern that still held the lingering scent of violence and fear and suffering, was that of a sun-dappled painting on a museum wall.
Cain: …
Cain said nothing, but offered the dagger up to Arthur. And Arthur, already knowing what he had to do, accepted it.
Arthur: …O, brave knight. Your efforts have protected the life of a single one of my countrymen. I thank you. Please, rest peacefully.
The dagger's blade caught the light streaming through a window. It was radiant. Cain spread a clean piece of cloth and carefully took the blade back from Arthur.
Cain: …And now we're done. I'll hold onto this until everything finishes settling down and we can take this to Rhody.
Arthur: Of course. I'm sure Renard would be most pleased with you of all people carrying it.
Akira: I agree. Cain's like a brother-in-arms for him, after all.
Cain: Yeah.
Cain nodded, preparing to wrap the dagger in the fabric, abruptly snapped his head back up. He looked at Arthur…and then, at me. And then he looked down at the blade again, carefully wrapping it up. I heard the murmuring of a prayer being folded into the package in his hands.
Cain: Even if your body has turned to ash. Even if you're nothing more than the soul that's left behind. May you always stay at the side of the one you wish to protect…
I could've sworn I saw a flicker of light on the dagger's blade as he spoke. It was, perhaps, a nod of agreement from someone just as strong of heart, as proud and unyielding.
Training Episode - The Journey to Joining
Akira: Are there a lot of people who travel to one of the Knights' forts to become one?
Cain: Yep. There were a couple of my seniors who'd done exactly that, actually. When I was still a brat, I'd go around begging them to tell me what their journeys were like. I sure heard a bunch of wild stories from that.
Akira: Woah! Like what?
Cain: Like how they took down a bear bigger than a house, or how they got attacked while making camp, that kind of thing. The ones about turning the tables on someone who tried to rob them in the night got me every time.
Akira: Huh?! That makes it sound like you'd need more lives than a cat just to become a knight in the first place!
Cain: I mean, I'm pretty sure most of them were bullshit. They were usually drunk when telling them, and when they sobered up, they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about when I asked.
Akira: (Wow, that's all it takes to make my belief crumble…)
Cain: But no matter what kind of journey they took, they were still so dead-set on becoming a knight that they made that journey in the first place. They were all strong enough to make me think, hey, maybe they really did go through all the crazy stuff they told me about. I hated losing to them, though.
Akira: Woah, and that's coming from the Town of Glory's number one shining star. It's unbelievable to think that you ever lost…
Cain: Ahaha! Of course I did. Losing just made me even stronger. Strong enough to beat 'em all the next time I challenged them. If I can beat guys who took down bears the sizes of houses or monsters of bandits in the night, then…doesn't that also sound like a path to strength?
Cain: (He sounds exactly like the protagonist of a sports manga! So cool…!)
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agirlattea · 7 months
Mahoyaku Spell Translations:
- Characters are from the main storyline only (Ms1, Ms1.5/Anni1, Anni2, Ms2, Anni4)
- All translations are my own, but I used google translate to define the Latin words
Sage’s Wizards:
Central Wizards:
- Oz
Spell: Vox Noct
Lit. Vokusunoku
Meaning: The Voice of the Night
Vox: Latin word for “voice”
Noct: Lain word for “night”
- Arthur Granvelle
Spell: Pernoctant Nix Zo
Lit. Parunokutan Nikusujio
Meaning: I spent a night in the snow with Oz
Pernoctant: Latin for “spend the night”
Nix: Latin word for “Snow”
Zo: Oz backwards
- Cain Knightly
Spell: Gladious Procella
Lit. Guradiasu Purosera
Meaning: Sword Storm or Storm of Swords
Gladious: Latin word for “Sword”
Procella: Latin word for “Storm”
- Riquet Ortiz
Spell: Sanretia Edif
Lit. Sanretia Edifu
Meaning: Eternal Faith
Sanretia: The Latin word “Aiternus” backwards, which means “eternal”
Edif: The Latin word “Fide” backwards, which means “by faith”
Northern Wizards:
- Snow and White
Spell: Nos Comunia
Lit. Nosucomunia
Meaning: We are one
Lit. We are common/ we have in common (Common meaning the same, presumably as each other)
Nos: Latin word for “us”
Comunia: Latin word for “common” or “the same”
- Mithra
Spell: Arthim
Lit. Arushimu
Meaning: Mithra’s name backwards
Arshim: (roughly) ミスラ (Misura) backwards
Mi su ra -> A ru shi m
(Because the romanization of Misura is Mithra, I changed Arsim to Arthim)
- Owen
Spell: Cur Memini
Lit. Kure Memini
Meaning: Why remember? or Why do I remember?
Cur: Latin word for “why”
Memini: Latin for “I remember”
Spell: Quare Morito
Lit. Kuare Morito
Meaning: Why die? or Why did he die?
Quare: Latin word for “why”
Morito: Latin word for “dying”
- Bradley Bain
Spell: Adono Potensum
Lit. Adonopotensumu
Meaning: I give power
Adono: Latin for “I give”
Potensum: Latin word for “Powerful”
Eastern Wizards:
- Faust Lavinia
Spell: Satilliuqnart Mul Kred
Lit. Satirukunato Murukurido
Meaning: Many tranquil beliefs
Satilliuqnart: The Latin word “Tranquillitas”, meaning “Tranquility” backwards
Mul: Latin word for “many”
Kred: Latin for “believe”
- Shino Sherwood
Spell: Matzah Sudipas
Lit. Matsa Sudipasu
Meaning: Good bread or Tasty bread
Matzah: A type of unleavened flat bread, part of Jewish cuisine
Sapidus: Latin for “tasty”
- Heathcliff Blanchett
Spell: Repusev Aivurup Sonus
Lit. Repusevaivurupu Sonusu
Meaning: Dusk and the sound of rainfall
(Heathcliff’s own translation, which can be found Main Story 1, chapter 4.3 In Order to Become a Wizard)
Repusev: Vesuper (vesperi), the Latin word for“evening”, backwards,
Aivurup: Purvia (Pulvia), the Latin word for “rain”, backwards
Sonus: Latin word for “sound”
- Nero Turner
Spell: Adnodus Omnis
Lit. Adonodisu Omunisu
Meaning: To tie all things together or All things tied together
Adnodus: Latin for “knotted”
Omnis: Latin word for “all”, “every”, or “any”
Western Wizards:
- Shylock Bennet
Spell: In vie belle
Lit. Inbiviberu
Meaning: There is beauty in strife
In: Latin word for “In/Into/On/Upon”
Vie: From the Latin word “Invitare” which means “To invite/take on a challenge”
Belle: From the Latin word “bella” which means “beauty”
- Murr Hart
Spell: Eanul Lambru
Lit. Eanyu ranburu
Meaning: Shadow of the Moon or The Moon’s Shadow
Eanul: Lunae (Luna) backwards, means moon in many Latin based languages
Lambru : A rearrangement of the letters in “Umbral”, which relates to the Latin word “umbra” which means “shadow”
- Chloe Collins
Spell: Suisupisibo Voitingok
Lit. Suisupishibo Voitingoku
Meaning: Obsessive Knowledge
Suispisibo: The Latin word obisipsius, which means “obsessive”, backwards
Voitingok: The Latin word kognitiov, which means “cognition”, backwards
- Rustica Ferch
Spell: Amor Est Viesse
Lit. Amoresuto Viese
Meaning: Love is strength
Amor: Latin word for “love”
Est: Latin for “to be” or “is”
Viesse: From the Latin word “vir” which means “strength”
Southern Wizards:
- Figaro Garcia
Spell: Possideo
Lit. Poshideo
Meaning: I posses or God of the Sea
Possideo: Latin for “I possess”
ALT. Could be a reference to Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea, as Figaro is associated with the Ocean and has a history with deism
- Rutile Flores
Spell: Ortonik Sutomaoge
Lit. Orutoniku Setomaojie
Meaning: “A birth to the family” and “remove me” or “I will be removed”
Orto: relating to the Latin word “ortare” which means “birth” or “to create”
Nik: The English word “Kin” which means “family” backwards
Sutoma: “Amotus”, the Latin word for “removed”, backwards
Oge: “Ego”, the Latin word for “I”, backwards
- Lennox Ram
Spell: Fosetao Meiiuvat
Lit. Fosetao Meyuvo
Meaning: It helped me dig or he helped me dig
Fosetao: Latin for “He dug”
Mei: Latin word for “I”
Iuvat: Latin word for “to help”
- Mitile Flores
Spell: Ortonik Celosispilce
Lit. Orutoniku Searushisupiruche
Meaning: “A birth to the family” and “To hide heaven”
Orto: relating to the Latin word “ortare” which means “birth” or “to create”
Nik: The English word “Kin” which means “family” backwards
Celo: Latin for “to hide” ALT. “heaven”
Sispilce: Latin word “Eclipsis” which means “to hide” or “to suppress”
Supporting Characters:
(In order of appearance):
- Tiletta Flores
Spell: Scintilla
Lit. Sukintira
Meaning: A fading spark or A faint Presence
Scintilla: Latin word for “Spark” which denotes “a trace of something that barely suggests its presence (According to Cornell Law School’s online definition)”
- Obisius
Spell: Volo Habere
Lit. Voro Habere
Meaning: I want what is rightfully mine
Volo: The present infinitive of the Latin word “velle” which means to “wish” or to “want”
Habere: The Latin word for “to have”- In Roman law it referred to one’s right to possess something
- Issac
Spell: Anima Vexat
Lit. Anima Bekusato
Meaning: A Troubled Soul or Troubling a Soul
Anima: The Latin word for one’s “soul/spirit/life”
Vexat: Third person singular present active indicative form of the Latin word “Vexo” which means “to harass, annoy, or trouble”
- Zara
Spell: N/A
- Balthazar
Spell: Mare Praeda
Lit. Mea Puraeda
Meaning: Prey of the sea
Mare: Latin word for the sea
Praeda: Latin word for “Prey”
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light-end-dragon · 8 months
2023 Halloween Card Story-Owen
Here is Owen's Halloween 2023 SR card story, "His Typical Boredom-Killer", fully translated!
Cain is now two for two of North wizards being Normal to him during this event. And Owen, if you wanted Cain to kneel at your feet like a dog, you could just ask like a normal person.
mild cw for Owen making a joke about drowning
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Part 1:
Owen: Ughh, so bored…
Owen: …..Oh. 
Owen: ….
Cain: Woah….So cool! I didn’t think there was gonna be that many floating around.
Cain: There should be enough for everyone, especially if I take the villagers up on their kind offe-
Owen: Sir Knight. I see you’re finally going to drown yourself.
Cain: Ahh! …. What the hell, Owen? 
Owen: What do you mean, what? Isn’t there something else you should be saying? 
Cain: ...Something else? Uh, don’t just suddenly appear right next to me like that? You kinda scared the hell outta me. 
Owen: …Is that really it? So I guess you’re just sitting around being useless. 
Cain: I’m not just sitting around…
Cain: You’re not doing anything either, right? Then come look at the spring here-these things are pretty interesting, especially when they’re floating around.
Cain: The scales reflecting the light like this kinda makes it look like an aurora, don't they?
Owen: …What are you even going on about? These are just some junk thewlis scales-are you a crow rummaging through the trash now? 
Cain: It’s not junk. It’s precious to the villagers here. 
Cain: I dunno if you know this, but if you put a thewlis scale into hot water, it purifies it in a flash. Kinda like the fountain here. 
Cain: So that’s why….the villagers, they said they really wanted to give some to us 'honorable wizards.' 
Owen: Oh, is that how it is? That means you, dear knight, are stealing treasure from this frozen, destitute village, when they already have so little to spare. 
Cain: Do you always have to jump straight to being evil……I was feeling kinda awkward, so I did actually try to refuse at first. 
Cain: But that just made it worse…they started getting anxious and telling me “they’d incur the animosity of wizards.” So I decided to take only as much as we can use in the Sage’s manor. 
Owen: ….Oh, really? 
Owen: Hey, what if I lend you a hand? 
Part 2:
Owen: After all, it’s not every day I go out of my way to offer advice to a crude and tactless knight like you. 
Cain: …..You know, every time you say something like that, nothing good ever happens…
Cain: But what you told me when we were fighting off the vines definitely helped me out. 
Owen: What? I never said anything like that.
Cain: You’re the one who brought it up in the first place, so….. Well, there’s no time like the present. Why don’t you tell me the best way to pick up these scales then, Owen? 
Owen: Well, if you insist-show me your way of gathering them, first. 
Cain: Kay. ….. –Gladius Procella– !! 
Cain: ..Alright! I think that did the trick, don’t you? 
Owen: Really?  You didn’t collect even half the number you wanted-I’m not sure how you could miss that many in the first place. 
Owen: Well don’t just stand around, then-get in the water. You’re picking the rest up by hand. 
Cain: By hand? 
Owen: You use magic from your heart. So someone as graceless as you are would never be able to pick up such tiny objects. 
Owen: Since that’s the case, don’t you think picking them up by hand would be far more efficient? 
Cain: Well, yeah…? 
Owen: If you understand me so well, then go on. Why don’t you start with the one right under your nose? There’s one in the shade of those rocks too. 
Cain: Um, here and….over there…..
Owen: Behind you-turn around. Look, the ripples you're causing are making them float away. After you get that one, there’s another over here too. 
Owen: Oh, looks like one drifted over here by my feet. Come on, kneel. Quickly now, before it gets away. 
Cain: ….
Cain: Are you really having fun ordering me around like I’m a dog? 
Owen: Ohoho, what a terrible thing to say-I would never.
Owen: You should pick that one up there next. Well, go on, Cain. Fetch.
✧:・.☽˚。 ・゚✧
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finoalcielo · 1 year
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YOU: Shun, you, what are you doing? SHUN: I'm casting a spell so that each safeguard will have meaning in this world too✨ YOU: Hm? Not a good luck charm? SHUN: This time, I don't need to restrain myself, so it's magic~♪ We, Procella, are of Pluto! Let us rule over the End and Death.
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SHUN: I'll be making lots of magic goods~♪ So, I'll be very active year. Praise me, praise me🎵 YOU: Yeah, great. That's amazing. Do your best. SHUN: Put more love into it YOU: Okay, here's my love. Want some watermelon🍉? SHUN: Yes! YOU: Roger. Here you go~ SHUN: So big. YOU: It's my love.
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whimsykey · 1 year
anon was right and i’m gonna be ending my participation in this :/ it seemed cool at the start, i hope things improve and you take important feedback as the project grows cuz yeah internet safety and informing people about what the links they’re clicking on contain is pretty important.
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selflovingclamshell · 7 months
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My name is Procella!
I am a hellenistic Pagan
Typically i work with the Chthonic gods but i work with a few olympians as well
This is my beginning steps for starting with aphrodite
This blog is a virtual alter for aphrodite and my journey for self love and growth tbh I’m tired of being so self loathing
Some things you will find on this blog;
Letters and prayers to aphrodite
Mood boards and playlists for aphrodite
Things that remind me of her
Shadow work prompts
My own shadow work
Self love and affrimations
Basically this is a alter for aphrodite and a place for self love and growth
Have a nice day!✨hope you enjoy the blog!✨💐
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ambystoman · 1 year
Stormhead (Procella Caput)
Very strange beings that constantly emit a low hum from their... heads? Those wings on their back are nonfunctional yet they can still float. Staring directly at their light often leads to headaches so its best to not look at them directly. Despite looking off-putting, they are quite friendly and like helping others.
It is unknown if they truly have a head within that swirling mass of clouds and blinding lights. They don't even know themselves. Stormheads also are able of performing a kind of low power magic. They only use it for good though.
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I don't have much art of them unfortunately
The storm on their heads smells slightly acidic and any sample that is taken from it, immediately dissipates making its composition a mystery. They perceive their surroundings differently than other people.
One of my strangest and weirdest designs if I say so myself. I am really not sure what could have inspired them. Their belly buttons were probably inspired by Petey Piranha from the Mario series.
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tthel · 1 year
My first ever Whumptober submission!
I added my fic on Ao3 to the collection, so I guess it'll show up later?
No. 3 "Make it stop" (Couldn't actually work the phrase into the story, but it is heavily implied)
No. 12 Insomnia
Fandom: Tsukiuta, Tsukista
Hajime had welcomed the expansion into theatre.
Everyone had been proud when the middle pairs had been cast in Yumemigusa - Hajime in particular as Arata had learned to work with his natural stoicism, and Shun had strutted like a peacock at the praise You and Yoru had received.
And then the world had shifted and there had been swords and fighting and blood and sickness and death and Mikaduki-san who wasn’t Mikaduki-san. 
Shun had managed to work his magic to save both You and Arata (and why did Hajime have overlapping memories of both) but the effects had been far-reaching.
Gravi and Procella had given up their tickets to stay with their actors backstage. Hajime had lost count of the times he had comforted a silently crying Aoi, or seen Shun holding a panicking Yoru, walked in on Kai talking to a pale, quiet You, or Haru gripping a deathly blank Arata. He had seen Shun’s guilt over treating the incident so lightly at the beginning, and Arata and You flinch every time they’d seen a hospital for months.
Both groups had slept in one common room or the other until the nightmares stopped.
Rabbit’s Kingdom had been… strange.  Hajime and Shun had decided to keep the existence of the book private until they saw how everyone reacted to the play, and the other members had been both surprised and relieved to learn why they were suddenly unwilling to let their leaders out of sight. 
Hajime had been unable to sleep for weeks, both after Shun’s reading of the novel and the performances, haunted by visions of black- and white-gloved hands wrapped around Shun’s throat, Shun’s peaceful expression as he waited - expected - to die (by Hajime’s hand, or by his own when that failed). Shun’s despair and loneliness given form and murdering everyone - no matter that that part had only been a vision.
The sound of Shun’s soft call as he and his other self lay dying.
All of it had seen him on nearly nightly walks around the dorms, and sleeping in his counterpart’s room more often than not.
(The filming of Tsukino Empire had gone smoothly enough, except for the scene in the centre of the world, where Shun was prepared for Hajime to kill him. Again. 
Shun had stuck close with an apologetic look and quiet reminders that it was his character, not him, and that this universe wasn’t one they had visited. 
Hajime still hadn’t slept.
“Please stop asking me to kill you.”)
Zanshin had been the final straw.
That isekai trip had been a series of firsts that Hajime would have been content never experiencing: the first time Shun had warned against a world, the first time one of them had been kidnapped, the first time someone had been tortured, the first time Hajime had been certain one of his friends would die.
The first time without Shun.
The first time Hajime had seen Shun scream like that at someone.
The rest of the experience had become normal at this point.
Shun refusing to let Hajime, Haru, and Kai out of his sight for weeks.
Sleeping together in the common area to deal with everyone’s nightmares.
Shun staggering, nearly hysterical, into their arms at the end of each performance as the “last boss” amid the concerned looks from Quell and SolidS.
Finally, after the seniors had shared the story of what happened in Zanshin, the groups came to a decision.
Six Gravity and Procellarum would be taking a break from the stage for the foreseeable future.
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garbageinferno · 1 year
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My precious babby Procella
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solarburstartist · 7 months
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Hi there! My name is procella and this is my virtual alter for apollo!
I am a hellenistic pagan that typically worships the Cthonic gods. But i worship a few Olympians too Apollo being one of them
As a artist and someone who is chronically ill and sick a lot im someone who worships him for different reasons
This is a virtual alter so your going to find usual alter stuff ( prayers, letters, poems, things that remind me of him ext)
Youll also find my art i want to share with him
Me talking about my health and disability struggles and how worshipping Apollo has helped all of those things
If that interests you stick around i guess lmao idk.
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mirikitakato · 4 months
[Translation] Halloween 2023 - A capricious love for an endless night: Episode 6
Cain: Children...?
Oz: ...There are several children watching us from over there. It seems like they're peeking from behind the houses.
Cain: I see, then...
Cain: 《Gladius Procella》
Hooded woman: W-what... magic...?!
Bright-haired man: P-please forgive us! Please, just spare the children's lives...
Cain: I won't attack you with no reason. Come on, put your hand out.
Hooded woman: This is...
Young girl: A small, little star...? Did you just make this with magic?
Cain: Yeah, it's a wizard's sugar. It makes you feel better when you eat it, and it's sweet and delicious. I want to share it with everyone. Could you call the children over there?
Young girl: U-um...
Oz: ...Are you showing mercy?
Cain: It's not like that. What good would it do to intimidate such a small child?
Oz: …....
Cain: ...I understand. You didn't mean it that way, did you? I just remembered when we met the children in the Northern Country before. They were all thin, scared, and their voices were so choked up that they couldn't speak properly. I think the children here are a bit better off...
Oz: ........ I never cared about humans. Those who begged for help were a nuisance, but not enough to warrant my attention. But why do they keep trying to live in the same place?
Cain: Why, you ask...
Oz: I asked the same question in another place before. If they are going to entertain the wizards just to seek protection from them… Then isn't it their wish to find a new and more habitable land?
Cain: It’s true that a wizard like you might be able to do that much, but...
Hooded woman: No... We cannot ask for any more luxuries. In the face of powerful nature, we have no choice but to live frugally, our only indulgences are the occasional festival preparations… For we were born in this land that Lord Snow and Lord White love and care for. Oh, kind wizard. Accept this hospitality as a heartfelt offering from grateful souls.
Cain: ...I see. Alright, I'll accept it, of course. But hospitality, you know, is something that requires sincerity from both the host and the guest. So, I want you to accept my sincerity too. It may not be the way it's done in the Northern country, but I want to wholeheartedly accept your kindness.
Bright-haired man: But...
Young girl: Uhm...
Cain: Oh, you brought them? Okay, everyone, put your hands out and accept this. 《Gladius Procella》!
Freckled boy: Wow, amazing... It's like stars are falling into my palm!
Young girl: Beautiful... I've never seen magic before...
Hooded woman: This is the power of miracles...How ephemeral and beautiful...
Cain: Ah... I guess so. But our meeting today is even more miraculous.
Bright-haired man: Lord Wizard…
Cain: Cain is fine. Let's shake hands. I'm glad I met you all. Hey, would you like to show me around your village? I haven't been to the Northern country much. Your favorite places, your favorite foods...If you could show me those things, it would be the best hospitality I could ask for.
Village children: ......
Bright-haired man: ...Understood. If that is what you wish.
Hooded woman: We will have the village children guide you.
Cain: Ah, thank you! Oz, are you coming?
Oz: I'm good.
Hooded woman: Then, Sir Oz, this way...Would you like some drinks?
Bright-haired man: We can also offer you some light snacks. We'll grill some sweet vegetables grown under the snow and serve them with shaved rock salt.
Oz: ...Ah, I'll take it.
Young girl: Sir Cain, this way.
Freckled boy: There's a small market over there, so I'll show you around...
Cain: Whoa, a whirlwind...
Young girl: ...It's a wind that sometimes comes down from the mountains. There have been a lot of them lately.
Freckled boy: It's fluffy and warm, and it feels good...
Cain: ...Ah. Oz is right, it's a strange wind. (And there's a faint scent of flowers and fruits. This scent, I've smelled it somewhere before...)
Snow: Hey, Thewlis. We're back.
White: It would be nice if you would show yourself after such a long time.
The villagers took water from the spring to use for their daily lives, and there were many springs of various sizes scattered throughout the village. Among them, the particularly large and deep spring at the back of the village seemed to be the main source of water.
Snow and White called out to the spring several times, but the surroundings remained completely silent with no response.
Akira: I guess he won't come out just because we call him, huh...?
Snow: It seems so. He may have seen our faces, but pretending not to know us.
White: Well, it's no use talking to beasts anyway. Let's just relax here for a while.
In addition to the change of clothes, the villagers had brought the twins all sorts of things. Lanterns, blankets, snacks, and drinks...A roofed terrace perched on the spring's edge served as the stage for their hospitality.
Seated on here, the twins seemed to become part of the landscape itself. Their adult forms fit perfectly in the space, mirroring its quiet nobility.
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White: Ah, this is paradise.
Snow: Ah, it's really paradise.
Akira: The water here is warm and pleasant to the touch! It's like a real hot spring.
White: Hohoho, I'm glad you like it. We often used to come here to enjoy the scenery.
Snow: And so, we enjoyed the food and tea prepared by the villagers. Let's see... Oh, this is juice made from snowmelt berries! Sage, let me hold your glass.
White: This is a sweet treat made by soaking Marcia fruit in honey. Would you like me to feed you? Here, ahhhhh.
Akira: T-thank you. But I'll drink and eat it myself, so please don't worry about it!
Snow: Oh, your face is red.
White: Are you warm and flushed?
Akira: Sorry... I don't get the chance to relax with you two in your adult forms very often, so I'm a bit nervous...
Snow: Hohoho, is it. When you put it that way, it’s true.
White: But there's nothing wrong with being captivated by our charm in our adult form, is there, my dear Sage?
Akira: A, ahaha...
With their usual cute and adorable faces now adorned with a touch of alluring charm, the twins squinted their eyes and chuckled.
Whether it was due to the makeup or their natural allure, my face flushed with heat at their captivating expressions.
Snow: You are truly a pure and adorable soul.
White: You're so flustered by our adult charm. It seems that even the Sage would be easily charmed by Thewlis.
Akira: Eh? Is Thewlis considered to be such a sexy mythical beast?
Snow: Well, not as much as us, of course. His true form is a translucent beast, but he sometimes take the form of beautiful young man. And as I told you before, he has a strong power of charm to draw in partner. Like a pheromone, you see.
White: Humans and weak wizards can sometimes be drawn to the water's edge and fall under his spell. Just sometimes.
Snow: Indeed. I lightly warned the villagers to be wary of the beautiful young man who appears by the water's edge. So far, there have been no reports of any harm done.
White: Well, that's a relief for both us and the villagers.
Akira: I see... So the Thewlis in this spring has a weak power of charm. But even so, I still want to meet it. I don't get many opportunities to see mythical beasts...
Snow: You're right. It's been a while since we've been here, so let's offer some wine by the water's edge. Maybe it'll show up on a whim.
White: Then I'll have some honey candies prepared. It's a hard candy made from tree sap. I remember you liked it when I gave you some before.
Snow: Great! But I'd like some warm tea too. It's delicious to melt the honey candy in your mouth and drink it with tea, right?
White: Hohoho. You're such a sweet tooth, Snow. Then I'll go get a teapot and some tea leaves. Please leave it to me, my dear Sage.
Akira: Thank you!
White's figure gradually fades into the distance amidst the faint snow-covered scenery.The soothing sound of flowing water echoed, and the surface of the spring rippled in the wind.
Akira: This’s a lovely place... It has a different atmosphere from the other villages in the North.
Snow: Yes, yes, it does. It's been hundreds of years since we left this village, and yet it still continues to thrive, albeit in a small way. I haven’t visited here for a long time, but the scenery and the air haven't changed at all. It's a remote place, but I liked it here. Not just for the scenery, but also because it gave me a sense of longing for the unknown.
Akira: Longing...for the unknown?
Episode 5 | Episode 7
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cainluvr69 · 3 months
"A Perfect Star Decoration...?" Cain R Story - It's Quick, It's Easy, It's Free: Cleaning Up with Magic
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Cain: <Gladius Procella> Mm, doesn't look like it's here, either.
Akira: Yeah… Sorry for making you go out of your way to help me look for it.
Cain: What, no, it's fine. I'd just been practicing my item-finding magic, so you had great timing, actually. You said you lost your fountain pen, right?
Akira: Yes. I think I must've dropped it when I came to hang out in your room yesterday. Today was such a lovely experience that I wanted to write about it in the Sage's Manual, so I hope we can find it…
Cain: Then let's keep poking around a little more. Let's see, yesterday you came to my room and sat on the sofa there… …Oh. <Gladius Procella>!
Akira: Oh, my fountain pen…! I guess it found its way onto that shelf.
Cain: Yep. Before I went out this morning, I was using my magic to tidy things up around there, and… I guess your pen got caught up in everything else while I was shoving it all in there.
Akira: I see! Thank you for finding it for me. …Huh? Where'd this sock come from? I swear it wasn't there a second ago…
Cain: Whoops, sorry! I guess it got pulled off the shelf, too.
Akira: Ahaha, don't worry about it. I've had the same thing happen when I wasn't being super careful with how I was cleaning. Plus, the pattern on this sock is really cute!
Cain: C'mon, now you're just teasing me.
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lavenderblanketfort · 7 months
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My name is procella; i am a hellenistic pagan and this blog is my virtual alter for hypnos!
I admittedly started worshipping and working with hypnos out of desperation. I am a severe insomniac, with some pretty severe somniphobia and chronic nightmares and night terrors ( i have a habit of screaming and crying in my sleep)
But hypnos has made sleep alot less scary, less intimidating. Hes a comfort, and a joy to be around. And i am forever thankful for his help
This blog is a cozy place im working on for him; a virtual alter and place for me to express how thankful i am to him maybe work on sleep and my fear of it.
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light-end-dragon · 8 months
落魄の血に鉄の真意を Logstory 2
Feat. Bradley, Cain, and Lennox (reluctantly) going full chuuni
Bradley: Achoo! 
Bradley: Ugh. Finally back at the Sage’s Manor. Now I can just hop on my broom-
Cain: –Gladius Procella–!
Lennox:  –Forsiteo Mieuva–!
Bradley: Watch it! Gotta say it’s not every day I see the two of ya tryin’ to off each other. 
Cain: Bradley!! What are you doing here? 
Cain: Wait, no, back up!! We ain’t killin’ each other!! 
Lennox: I invited Cain to train with me. I thought of having a special session to practice fighting an opponent with magic under the cover of darkness. 
Lennox: We all experienced the raid that night, didn’t we? And I cannot say whether or not such a thing will happen again. Furthermore…
Cain: I was tellin’ Lennox about how we might have to fight “vampires”. 
Bradley: Huh? Vampires? 
Cain: I heard about it from the previous Sage. Far as I could tell, in his world, they were somethin’ like demons. 
Cain: They’re not good with sunlight, and attack humans in  the dark. And then, they suck the human’s blood and bleed them dry. That’s what he told me. 
Lennox: I’d never thought such terrible monsters existed in the Sage’s world…..
Lennox: That gentleman had survived until now, so surely it was a habit to be aware of such dangerous opponents and how to deal with them. Most definitely he had plans set up to ensure his survival. 
Cain: We thought to follow in his footsteps with that. 
Cain: Because…no matter what happens, I want to be able to protect everyone; the Sage as well. 
Bradley: Huh, now I gotcha. That’s the reason for this then. 
Bradley: …So, what about this??  –Adnopotensum–! 
Lennox: …Ngh.?! 
Cain:  …..Gk-! 
Cain: Bradley-why the hell are you attackin’ outta the blue…
Bradley: …..I ain’t Bradley no more. 
Cain + Lennox:  Huh? 
Bradley: Now I am…..that’s right, I’m “The Deadeye of Crimson Blood!”  That’s good enough, right? 
Bradley: Listen up, losers! This is a raid! Your enemy is at yer doorstep-if you don’t stop me here, I’m gonna paint the walls of the Manor red with blood! 
Lennox: …I understand-it is much appreciated. Does this mean you shall be joining us in our training? 
Cain: If you’re willin’ to play the role of villain, then I think it’ll all be worth it. That being the case….
Cain: Then I, “The Knight of Burning Sunlight”, shall be your opponent! 
Lennox: That’s…wait. 
Lennox: Cain, just now you…
Cain: Haha, my bad…He called himself the whole "Deadeye of Crimson Blood” thing! And it was so cool I just wanted to do it too. 
Bradley: Well then, shepherd man. You gonna play along? Give yerself a name? 
Lennox: …..I……………..
Lennox: As the. “Strong-Man Shepherd”. I will intercept you, "Deadeye of Crimson Blood". 
Cain: Yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!  
Bradley: Heh, not bad, not bad. 
Lennox: Y-you think so? I feel like it was far more of a clumsy self-introduction than either of yours…
Cain: …Well, that’s that. Anyway, from now on we’re doin’ this for real-no more pullin’ our punches.  
Cain: You might be a difficult opponent but…the two of us have weathered many battlefields.
Cain: Let’s go, "Deadeye of Crimson Blood"! I will stop you, no matter the cost!! 
Bradley: Haha-gimme everythin' you got!! 
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
HAJIME: Since I'm the king and today's birthday boy, I'll be selfish. EVERYONE: Yes, sir! HAJIME: Today's work mode is off. It's still early but... let's drink! EVERYONE: Woohoo!! HARU: Ahahaha, nice! Haime! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAJIME: Thank you.
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
TSUBASA: To the us DAI: that met here RIKKA: like a miracle~♪ SHIKI & SHU: Let's cheers!!!!!!!!!! EICHI: Shuuuuuu?!?!!?!? ICHIRU: Congrats! Hajime! ISSEI: Congratulations! SHIKI: I've been drinking since morning. HAJIME: You're just using my birthday as an excuse (laughs)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
SHU: By the way, I can't drink so I'm going non-alcoholic drink. EICHI: You've improved by keeping up using non-alcoholic drinks. That's good (laughs) TSUBASA: Happy New Year!! YOU: Thanks! SHIKI: Listen to me... the parsley soba store I was thinking of going to closed down this year. KAI: Let's go look for another one (www)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
KAKERU & KOI: Happy birthday! Hajime-san!! KOI: BUT!! HARU: I wasn't expecting that sudden shift (wry smile) HAJIME: ? ARATA: Here's the flowers and cake to make it feel more luxurious!! AOI: It comes with a rabbit too 🐰! HAJIME: Fufu, thank you. Alright, let's appear high class too then. It looks good, right? (kiss)♪
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
EVERYONE + SHUN: HIEEEEEEEEE HARU: You're going wild today, Hajime HAJIME: Doing things like this once in a year is fine, isn't it? "Don't say that" "Don't do that" "Do it this way" "No, this way"... I'll forget it all and do what I want! HARU: Good idea! All right, let loose! (ww)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
ARATA: Wait, something joined us. SHUN: Eh, who who? AOI: Yup, right there. HARU: wwwww HAJIME: I called him. Procella too. EVERYONE: Eh? KAI: Sup! Congrats! IKU: I did a triple take looking at the message that consisted of three words, "We're gonna drink" (laughs) YOU: So, let's drink!!!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
YORU: Pardon our intrusion..! Hajime-san, happy birthday! YOU: Congrats! RUI: Happy birthday, Hajime. ARATA: It suddenly became lively HAJIME: I did what I wanted KAKERU: That you did (laughs) KOI: Let's respond to Hajime-san's selfishness with all our might! Ah, but before we forget, here's the card!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HARU: I'll just comment it myself by saying that I know I made the comment in the center a bit too big for this card (sorry) HAJIME: Your plans go awry at the weirdest of times KAKERU: And the elegant text bordering the card was handwritten by Arata-san. ARATA: Yay HAJIME: Your good designs come about randomly too (laughs)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
SHUN: Hajime, Hajime, Ha~ji~me~~❣️ Happy birthday!!!!! HAJIME: yes yes, (hugs) ARATA: ! Everyone!! Today is Free Hug day because of being drunk!! EVERYONE: Yay~! (hugs) HAJIME: ...Thank you for the birthday wishes
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HAJIME: I'll dance RUI: You will? HAJIME: Turn around, Heavenly Dragon / Ascending higher Are the flowers / that are fragranced Opening up the Heaven and Earth / The beginning of the world As the prosperity flourishes / The World of Hifumi As the joyous becomes joyous / The World of Miroku Splendid / Splendid / Enyaraya Splendid / Splendid / Enyaraya SHUN: It's the Shichifukujin prayer!✨Hajime's congratulatory words are auspicious🌸 HARU: (When he goes back to normal, he'll be holding his head in shame) T/N: Enyaraya - its a shout made when carrying a portable shrine at a festival or lifting a heavy object. Shichifukujin are the seven gods of fortune originating from Japanese mythology. I tried my best to translate the prayer but if I've made a mistake, please let me know immediately!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HARU: This prayer was originally recited on July 29th KAI: Ohhh! ✨ DAI: After drinking and letting loose, he dances. Even drunk, he still has that otherworldiness feel. Still elegant, I like it. Whereas, on our side, we drink and drink and end up becoming like the Earless seals 🦭 that are in the North Pole. EICHI: Have you actually seen them? AOI: Earless Seals✨🦭 SHU: They're not that nice, by the way
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
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