#my reading list is SO LONG i cant wait to continue!!!
g1rlp1lled · 7 months
the books i have read since i got back into reading again in april:
death in her hands, ottessa moshfehg
1q84, haruki murakami
the vegetarian, han kang
the little friend, donna tart
the change, kirsten miller
east of eden, john stienbeck
animal, lisa taddeo
started reading my dark vanessa by kate elizabeth russell and ABANDONED IT bc it was so gross and weird
fall (currently reading)
mosaic man, ronald sukenick (haven't finished yet, put it down bc it was hard to get through)
ghost wall, sarah moss
how to love your daughter, hila blum (also haven't finished yet bc i've been too busy reading stuff for class to finish! i only have like 50 pages left)
dracula, bram stoker (currently reading it for class but i'm enjoying it so it counts)
frankenstein in baghdad, ahmed saadawi (also currently reading for class but also enjoying it)
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grandline-fics · 27 days
Hi! Liquid Courage introduced me to your work and I love the way you write so I thought I should trust you with a request of mine:)
Law x reader; in one point in time one of them subtly confessed but the feeling seemed to be unrequited They both are pining for each other, both have a sweet spot for each other and a connection beyond friendship but both just turn a blind eye to it/not think too much about it. One night after drinking a bit much Law(or reader) starts getting a little touchy but not in a sexual way. (ex. they are sitting next to each other and he slowly hooks his pinky with hers) The touches convey untold truths that are still felt the next morning. After that the touches and the longing stares continue until one of them breakes by the intensity of the moment and decide to confront the other.
I will leave the fate (and the nature) of said moment up to you. Thank you in advance for considering it! Cant wait to read more of your work<3
ps if it helps you in any way in my mind this is kinda angsty. I love angst+possessiveness but I don’t mind how it will come out for you! Really I don’t t mind if you switch up the whole scenario… whatever works for you
If you’re inspired by music, these two play in my mind: All i need- Radiohead + Just pretend- Bad Omens
DESCRIPTION: You’re both silently in love and finally decide to confront your feelings
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol consumption, brief angst at fear of unrequited feelings, mostly fluff
WORDS: 1,591
A/N: Thank you so much for this request. I hope I was able to create something that matched what you were looking for and that it's to your liking.
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From the day you joined the crew Law knew you were someone different. You had a presence he relaxed around a lot faster than others he’d encountered in his travels. You managed to gain his trust and proved yourself a capable and crucial member of the team and situated into the crew to the point no one could really remember a time before you. It felt effortless to be around you and Law counted you amongst one of his most trusted and closest friends. And for the longest time friends was all he considered you to be. Whether through a mix of sheer obliviousness and professional refusal to indulge his feelings any further than that. The line was clearly established that you two were just friends. 
However the heart wants what it wants and emotion is very separate to logic. Despite you both maintaining a friendship as deep as they came, your bodies still sought each other out. When it came to chores you were always close by. If not side by side you where always in the same room. When he was working on medical tasks you were his second, working in silent tandem with your own set rhythm that no others could match if they tried. While it annoyed the crew to no end why nothing deeper ever happened between you both, they decided to say nothing out of fear that if they did point out the obvious connection then that flow and peace between you both would shatter and be destroyed. 
One evening the entire crew were in the communal area celebrating Bepo’s birthday with a lot of drink and laughter. You called it quits after a round of a drinking game was finished and moved cautiously to the closest sofa for safety, knowing that you were less than graceful when you’d been drinking and the last thing you wanted was to injure yourself and disrupt the festivities. Law smiled down at you as you slumped into the space beside him, resting your head lazily on his shoulder. While he hadn’t been actively playing with the game he had been steadily drinking and was at the same level you were. “Sure you didn’t want to play to the end?” He asked curiously.
“Nah, another round and I’d have been passed out.” You mumbled, shifting slightly to get more comfortable. A slow content smile spreading across your lips when Law also moved to accommodate you, his hand curving around your waist so you slotted better against him. Neither of you paying much mind to the position from both the alcohol in your systems and the natural feeling that overcame you both to be seated like this. As you both continued to watch and laugh at the antics of the crew who were still conscious and playing their game, your hand rested over his, your fingers absently looping around his. 
Occasionally through the remainder of the night Law would subconsciously play with your fingers that were looped through his, he only became aware that he was doing it when it was finally time to go to bed. When your hands parted and you reluctantly shifted your weight off of him to stand you both became acutely aware of the lingering sensation of each other’s warmth and touch still clinging to your skin. The walk to your own room was a hazy blink but as you settled into your bed, you couldn’t help but touch your hand, doing all you could to memorise the feeling of his touch as you fell asleep. 
The next morning you woke feeling a strange kind of weight on your shoulders and mind that had nothing to do with all that you’d drank the previous night. It was a good thing you knew your limits with alcohol so you could wake relatively hangover free, still a little stiff and dehydrated but nothing that would leave you bedridden all day. No this feeling was the awareness of how you felt with Law and being in his presence brought you. The more you thought about it the more you saw that you’d felt this way for the longest time, you just hadn’t truly brought it to the forefront of your attention before. 
You got out of bed and readied yourself for a new day, grateful that it would be a day of minimal tasks and filled with a lot of free time given how heavily the crew had been drinking for Bepo’s
birthday which meant you had the time to organise your feelings and adequately deal with things between you and your Captain. You were also grateful that the abundance of hungover crew meant you would have extra privacy in case things weren’t resolved amicably. You walked down the corridor and stopped outside of Law’s office. Regardless of the previous night’s party he was always here first thing in the morning without fail. As always you knocked once out of courtesy and entered, closing the door firmly behind you. When you met his gaze you felt yourself freeze. You could see the realisation and hesitation you were feeling mirrored in his eyes. As comforting as that should have been you still couldn’t bring yourself to move closer or speak. 
“About last night.” “We should talk.” You both spoke in unison, a hurried mess coming from both of your mouths as opposed to your usual calm and relaxed way of speaking around the other. You fidgeted where you stood and gestured for him to speak first while clearing your throat. Law watched you carefully and let out a long sigh, noting how tense you stood and how you kept looking into his eyes and dropping your gaze again only to repeat the action less than a second later. Were you only trying to maintain eye-contact with him out of respect but failed to do so because of shame? Was it regret? He knew how he felt but the last thing he wanted was to force something on you. “Last night I overstepped the mark. Yes we’d been drinking but that’s no excuse. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
“Oh…” You were taken by surprise by his somewhat stilted declaration. Had you misread things? You hadn’t thought so. Now you were even more confused and found disappointment spinning in your stomach, the feeling only furthering your awareness that you had genuine feelings for Law. You weren’t known to be insubordinate but today you felt like pushing things because his statement truly didn’t seem like the man you thought you knew. “Captain, you held my hand and I returned the gesture. That’s not overstepping the mark. That’s barely walking in the mark’s direction… Do you regret doing it?” As you spoke you couldn’t help but run your thumb over your fingers that had been in his hold mere hours ago. “Because I don’t.”
“Regardless…It’s unwise to further this topic.” Law tried to sound firm but he was honestly thrown, he hadn’t been expecting you to feel the same as he did but he’d spent all last night and this morning trying to convince himself his feelings were one-sided and that it was fine that way because he shouldn’t pursue a relationship with a member of his crew. He wasn’t one to get his hopes up and at the same time he was also one to deny himself of something that made him happy to prevent the pain of losing it in the future. “We would be better to leave things as they are before they escalate.”
“Does that mean you want things to escalate?” You asked coyly finally taking a step towards the desk he sat at. 
“It wouldn’t be right for me to start something with my subordinate.” Law offered the argument, not able to give much weight to his words as he openly watched you approach, giving no inclination for you to stop or to leave. You both knew that had he wanted you out of his presence he would have either ordered you away or used his Devil Fruit to accomplish the task himself. 
“Captain, we’re pirates. What’s right and wrong and rules don’t exactly apply to us. Do they?” You asked simply, keeping the desk separating you both to allow him his personal space as you smiled at him. “All that matters is what we want. I’ve been honest, will you be honest with me, Captain?”  
Law stood and braced his hands on the desk, beginning to close the distance between you both. You’d made convincing points and deep down he hadn’t wanted to find a way to argue against them, not when it came to you and the feelings he’d finally accepted to himself that had been there for a very long time. “Are you sure about this?” He asked, offering you one final chance to take it back because he knew once this started he wasn’t going to let you go. Your answer was a simple one, you leant in with a smile and curled your fingers around his that were braced against the surface of the desk. The wordless but deep connection you had with each other was reestablished and cemented even further as you leant in, able to share a soft and tender kiss with your Captain. However the moment couldn’t be savoured for long because within seconds the chorus of calls echoed through the Polar Tang as the rest of the crew had awoken and were suffering their hangovers and calling for their Captain to help them cure it.
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
Hi! I just wanted to say that I discovered your top 30 Richonne list a few days ago and I've been down the meta rabbit hole you've so wonderfully crafted this entire week so far. I've cried and smiled so much reading them. Each post is just so beautiful.
I was reading one of your Reveling in Richonne posts this morning for episode 10 x 04 where Michonne talked with Ezekiel about how much she still misses Rick and loves him so much and that she misses his walk and now I can't get over it. Now I'm thinking about all those times when she looked at Rick walking towards or away from her pre- and post-canon where she would be thinking the man I'm crushing on, then eventually the man I love is so sexy. Is there any chance you can do a post speculating those moments where they are both checking each out specifically regarding Michonne checking out Rick's walk?
Also I cant wait for you to do a Reveling in Richonne continuation based on TOWL 👀? So excited! Lastly I just need you to know that my Richonne withdrawals have been pretty bad now that TOWL has concluded. So discovering your blog and your metas have been giving me my whole entire life and I just want to say thank you and that I really appreciate all the thought and beauty you put into your posts. You're amazing!!!! 👏🏽 👏🏽 🤩 💖
Hi @rct85 ! I'm so encouraged by your message, thank you so much. 🥰 I love that this richonne reveling rabbit hole could help with the richonne withdrawal. I’m feeling it too and really miss seeing them on screen each week. 🥲 Thank goodness we were spoiled with years of richonne content that I’ve just been playing on a loop in my head. The second I'm finally able, I'm looking forward to going all out and writing about every golden moment from TOWL. The towl thoughts and observations are abundant lol.
And I really like that thought of highlighting the times that Michonne was looking at Rick and thinking this man I'm crushing on and later in love with is so sexy. I can definitely speculate on those moments and I've placed my extra self’s speculation right below. 😊⬇
I focused on Michonne specifically for this one because if I were to make a list of times Rick was looking at Michonne and thinking this woman I'm crushing on/in love with is so sexy it would be wildly long because it's every single moment he and Michonne are on screen together. Like truly from TWD 3.06 at the fence to the TOWL 1.06 finale Rick looks like he's thinking that. 😋 While Michonne can be a little more subtle than Slick Rick, she's still head over heels for her husband and I think I pinpointed some clear moments where she was noting how fine her man is and appreciating that walk. 😏 Thanks again for reading my posts and for this kind message! 💗
Moments Michonne Was Checking Out Her Man’s Walk/Thinking Rick Is Fine 😋
Exhibit A:
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It started real early if you ask me. 😌 At this point our Michonne had been abandoned by her only friend, unsuccessfully gaslit by the governor, chased down and shot by Merle, and passed out killing walkers at the prison fence. She’d been put through a whole lot in mind and body…but her eyes clearly still work just fine as she seems to be taking in this handsome stranger in front of her.
And sis is an observant person so I wouldn’t at all be surprised if she had a conscious thought that this man from the prison is attractive, even here in their first exchange. Thinking about how she described Maggie and the Governor based on appearances in this ep, I’d bet that had Michonne had to describe Rick this early, some type of good-looking adjective would‘ve been used.
(*Also the footnote for all of these bits of evidence is that Rick is absolutely captivated by her in each of these moments too 💯)
Exhibit B:
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Clear is where that Richonne attraction was loud and on display from both of them. We don’t see Rick walk away in this scene at the end of the ep but uh Michonne does. 😊 And of course she likes what she sees with that lingering look and smile she gives. And all that car key shuffling - it’s giving Rick is pretty eager but maybe she is too 🤭
Exhibit C & D:
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I put these two moments side by side because I love how similar they are in the way Rick walks up to her and the way Michonne smiles at him. To think one scene is during their early s4 crush era and the other is during their s7 honeymoon ep, just goes to show these two have been smitten a long long time and always will be. In both moments I know Michonne loves seeing his walk just like Rick loves seeing her smile.
Exhibit E:
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As she observes Rick here, I think Michonne has a lot of thoughts going through her head, which naturally are deeper than just checking him out. On a larger level, she’s realizing that Rick has unique qualities that she loves and respects and recognizes in her own self. She saw firsthand the way Rick walks the walk when it comes to protecting his family and she’s fallen in love with him. But I think an appreciation for his literal walk can be included in those thoughts during this scene as she starts to slowly become more cognizant that she sees Rick as a lot more than just a friend.
Exhibit F (Pt. 1 & Pt. 2):
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I may have forgot if this was a list of Michonne’s thoughts or mine with exhibit f lol. But I’m just gonna venture to say that she and I shared the same appreciation for Rick’s walk in that barn. It’s Season 5 Rick - of course Michonne was feeling a type of way about him. And she might not have agreed with him punching Aaron but I know she wasn’t mad at that walk.
Exhibit G:
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Seeing Rick’s clean-shaven face for the first time was Michonne’s most blatant display of attraction towards him pre-canon and she was definitely noting how fine he is. And from my posts on the scene, it’s no secret how much I love this moment and it’s no secret how much these two were into each other. I also just added a later s5 moment of Rick seeing Michonne in the constable windbreaker for the first time because it gives a similar energy. It’s cute how Rick and Michonne both have such obvious attraction and intrigued reactions to seeing each other in ways they haven’t seen each other before.
(That’s also why I thought it was so funny and doomed that their plan was to pretend like they don’t know each other at the CRM because Richonne hasn’t been able to mask their blazing attraction to each other since season 3)
Exhibit H:
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This is such a sweet moment and I always adore seeing the slightly bashful way Michonne can’t help but stare at her man and smile after their first night together. And the way Rick can sense her looking at him and then smiles and reaches for her. It gives me life. This had to make this list because I’m pretty sure “the man I love is so sexy” is one of the direct quotes from Michonne’s mind in this scene.
Exhibit I:
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Even when injured Rick’s walk is hot and Michonne knows it. 😋 The scene above and a couple more in this episode were clear signs of Michonne admiring her man inside and out. They were both so cute and couply and in love in this ep and I’ll never get over it.
In The Ones Who Live…
Each of these towl moments deserves dissertations so I’ll wait to elaborate because dissertations are coming later on. But I still had to include them on this list because they’re prime examples of Michonne loving Rick’s walk and/or loving how sexy her husband is - with the last one being the pinnacle 😍
Exhibit J:
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Exhibit K:
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Exhibit L:
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Exhibit M:
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ourtearsofrain · 11 months
Feel Good (D.R.W)
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Summary: You help your boyfriend release some energy after a long day.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Word Count:  3.2k
Warnings: cussing, smut (18+ minors DNI), oral (M receiving), M!sub 
A/N: Could not get the image of Danny looking like this as you suck him off out of my head so I had to write something. Also, please read the smut psa section in my masterlist post!
As your boyfriend smashed out his last drum solo of the night on the stage far in front of you, signaling the end of Highway Tune, lights began flashing as his brothers added to the cacophony of sound by playing random notes on their bass and guitar, the crowd erupting into a roar of cheers. With one final “Thank you everyone, and goodnight!” from Josh, the lights cut from a fiery red to a deep blue, and the four men waved their goodbyes as they set their instruments down and walked off stage. As soon as the stage was clear, the arena’s overhead lights came flickering back on, basking the crowd in bright white light as people shuffled their way towards the exits. You held back, figuring you were in no rush and the security would give you less trouble as you made your way backstage after the swarms of dedicated fans asking for copies of the set list had died down.
After 10 minutes, you figured enough people had left and began your decent to the floor, beginning to regret your decision to sit in the nosebleeds directly across from the stage as you attempted to step around the pools of spilled beer splashed across the stairs. Danny had offered you a spot at barricade, front and center directly in front of him, or off to the side of the stage in the wing, but you had declined both offers. You didn’t want to spend not only the entire opening act as well as the show, but also an hour before the show started, cramped in between screaming fans that had camped out the night before to get those spots, or chance being in people’s videos and pictures as you watched from the wing.
You made your way across the arena floor towards the barricade and show your backstage pass to a security guard standing by the gate; he takes it and lets you pass after thoroughly examining it for longer than you thought necessary. You make your way through the twists and turns of the corridors, attempting to remember where the dressing rooms were, eventually giving up and asking a stagehand to point you in the right direction. After thanking her profusely, you make your way towards where you hoped she had said they were.
Too lost in thought attempting to remember the exact instructions given to you, you suddenly run head first into Sam as he exits his dressing room in a hurry. “Shit, I am so sorry.” He starts, not realizing who he ran into. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Wow don’t sound excited or anything, good to see you too Sammy. Great show tonight.”
“Sorry, I don’t mean to sound disappointed that its you or anything.” Pressing his fingertips into his forehead firmly, he squeezes his eyes shut and sighs. Opening them again he continues, “And thanks, although your boyfriend seems to think otherwise. He’s being a real piece of work right now so just tread lightly. You looking for him?”
“Yeah, I am actually. Could you point me in the right direction? I cant seem to find my way around this place at all tonight. And wait, what do you mean? What’s wrong with Danny?”
“I think he tried a new brand of drumsticks for tonight’s show and they kept breaking, something about them being ‘Cheap pieces of shit’. I don’t know, he was pretty fed up after his third pair snapped at the very end of Highway Tune.” He begins walking away from you backwards, towards where you thought the performer’s entrance must be. “Anyways, I’m too tired right now to try and talk to him more so, and I mean this with all the love in my heart, he’s your problem now. His dressing room is 2 doors back, good luck.”
You throw a weak smile in his direction as he continues backpedaling. “Thanks Sammy, goodnight.”
“Night kid.” And with that, he turns around and disappears down the corridor.
Walking over to the door Sam had said belonged to Danny, you take a deep breath, attempting to release all the tension from your body before bringing your fist up to the wood and knocking three times. “Who is it?” You hear your boyfriend’s voice snap, although muffled by the barrier between the two of you you noticed he sounded strained and angry.
“Just me love, can I come in?” You ask softly, hoping your calm responses and tone will help deescalate your boyfriend’s mood, or at least not further frustrate him.
“It’s unlocked.” He replies, and you try the handle, slowly opening the door to find Danny standing in front of the dressing room’s vanity, still shirtless after the show and bent at the waist to look in the mirror, aggressively scrubbing at his eyes with a makeup wipe.
“Hey hey hey love slow down, you’re going to rub your skin raw.” You say as you close the door behind yourself and briskly make your way over to him, grabbing his hand to stop his attack at the smudged makeup surrounding his eyes. “Let me help you, sit down please.” As he follows your instructions, taking a seat in a chair closest to the vanity, you grab a new wipe, leaning down and cupping the side of his face with one hand as you begin to gently take his ruined eyeshadow off.
Closing both of his eyes, he lets out a long sigh, and you can see his body relax under your touch. After a few quiet minutes, he says, “Thank you.”, voice barely above a whisper.
“Of course, love." You discard the used wipe and grab a new one to begin on the other eye. "I ran into Sam in the hall, he told me about the drumsticks. I’m sorry they were frustrating tonight, is there anything else bothering you, or was it just that?”
He takes a sharp breath in, irritation painting his features as he recalls the events of that day. “It was that and its just been a long day. The twins have been bickering all day over the smallest things, and I think Sam has been instigating for entertainment. Either that, or he can’t read a fucking room. I’m running on like 5 hours of interrupted sleep, so I guess I have been more easily agitated. Like I said, it’s just been a long, frustrating day.” He opens his eyes after you finish wiping the last of his makeup off, tossing the stained wipe into a nearby trash can and taking a seat in his lap, straddling him. You place your hands on his shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze as he brings his hands up to your hips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain about everything today. Really, I’m alright now.”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind listening, and I appreciate you telling me what’s bothering you. Is there anything I can do to help?”
He sighs, letting his forehead fall forward to your shoulder. “No, I don’t think so. Venting helped, like I said I’m alright now. Just want to get back to the hotel and take a hot shower.”
You move one hand to the back of his head, and begin lightly smoothing your hand over his hair, playing with some of his curls. “Alright, then let’s get your things and head back to the hotel. You can take a nice hot shower, and then we can curl up together and pass out. How does that sound love?”
“M’not tired.” He mumbles into your shoulder. Pulling away, he looks at you with a slightly defeated expression. “You’d think I would be after getting shitty sleep and having a long day but, as much as I want to, I don’t know if I would be able to sleep any time soon. I don’t know, I feel like I still have so much pent-up energy left over, I need to do something to get it out.”
As you look down at your boyfriend beneath you, you remember how you felt tonight whenever the screens on either side of the stage showed him; how the light caught his sweat-soaked skin, how his arms looked as he played, how his tongue poked out from behind his teeth whenever he was caught up in the music, and how he threw his head back, mouth open as if an unheard moan was escaping him, as he pounded out the finale. A mischievous smile crosses your face as you bring your hand at the back of his head back down to his shoulder and continuing its decent, joined by your other hand as you slowly run them down his pecs and out to his sides. They come to a stop on his hips, just above his belt. You lean forward until your lips are centimeters away from his. “I think I know how we can fix that.” you whisper, lips brushing his.
“Oh? And what-“ he starts, before you cut him off with a searing kiss. As the kiss becomes more desperate, his hands grip your hips and you grind your hips down onto him, causing his mouth to fall open slightly as he lets out a quiet moan. You draw back, letting your eyes roam over him, from his flushed cheeks and blown out pupils, down his chest, and eventually landing on the area of his metallic pants just below his belt buckle that's becoming more and more strained by the second. You bring your gaze back up to meet his, as he looks at you with a needy want painted across his face.
He clears his throat, attempting to clear his head as well. “How about we… uh how about we head back to the hotel now and… and continue this there?” he breathily stutters out.
You lean forward once more, catching his lips with your own quickly. Keeping your face mere inches from his own, you reply, “Sounds like a plan.”, voice laced with desire. You stand up and begin collecting his belongings scattered around the room, finding a sweater and tossing it towards him, still seated in the chair. “Well?” you ask expectantly, “Are we leaving or not?”
He zones back in, having been lost in his thoughts of what you could possibly have in store for him, and frantically pulls the sweater on, getting up from the chair and making his way to the door with you by his side. “You sure you don’t want to change into sweats or something?” you question, letting out a small laugh of amusement from how eager he was to leave the arena.
“Nope, I’m alright.” He insists, despite his failed attempt at discreetly loosening his pants by pulling down on the fabric at his crotch.
“Alright,” you shrug, “Your choice.” He holds the door open for you and as you pass him you lean in, whispering, “Doesn’t matter much anyways; they’ll be coming off sooner or later.”, continuing out the door and towards the hallway you had seen Sam go down earlier.
“You coming love?” Looking back you see Danny still standing in the doorway, face flushed and lips slightly parted. He snaps his attention back to you and nearly slams the door, quickly making his way to your side, slotting his hand into yours as you exit the arena.
The second the door to your room closed and both of your shoes are kicked to the side, your hands are planted firmly on his chest, shoving him against the nearest wall. He lets out a surprised gasp before you connect your lips with his, one of his hands coming up to tangle in your hair and the other on your lower back, pressing you flush against his front. You playfully bite down on his lower lip and feel his hardening dick twitch as he lets out a groan. Your hands roam downwards to the hem of his sweater, and your lips leave his long enough for you to pull it off his arms and over his head. He replaces his hands on you as you begin nipping at the sensitive skin on his neck, eliciting a soft sigh as Danny leans his head back until it hits the wall behind him.
You start to trail your lips down his neck, over his collarbone, between his pecs, and down the center of his abdomen, stopping yourself on your knees at the base of his happy trail, just above where he needs you most. With his chest already rising and falling rapidly with shallow anticipatory breaths, you slowly run your hand from where it rested just above his knee upwards along the top of his thigh. It comes to a stop on his dick, and you run your hand back and forth over it, squeezing gently. His moan is followed by a breathy “Please...”. You stand and bring your lips to the shell of his ear, relishing in his small shiver from your breath on his skin.
“Please what?”
“You…” he pants, “You know what. Stop teasing.” You turn away from him, beginning to walk across the room, leaving him whining at the loss of contact. He grabs your wrist, stopping you about a foot away from the bottom of the bed. “No, wait!” he sighs. “Please… please make me feel good, love.”
You turn, giving him a wolfish grin. “Now, was that so hard?” Pulling him towards you, you turn the two of you and lightly push him towards the bed, causing the back of his knees to hit the base of it. You move your hand to his cheek, holding the sharp edge of his jaw and bring his face towards yours, keeping your eyes locked on his blown-out pupils. “Don’t worry baby, I’m going to make you feel so good.” you whisper before shoving him backwards onto the bed.
He lands on his back and slowly moves up until his head is resting against the headboard as he’s propped up on his elbows, one leg bent at the knee. You gradually make your way up the bed on your hands and knees, coming to a stop between his legs as you begin another attack on his lower abdomen, lightly sinking your teeth into the soft flesh there before soothing the sting with soft kisses. His fists grip the sheets as you pull your mouth away and leisurely undo his belt buckle, undoing the button of his pants and drawing the zipper down. You maintain eye contact with him as your hands find his waistband and hook your fingers under the hem of both his boxers and pants, taking your time pulling them down his legs as his cock springs free of its constraints. Once free of his clothes, you grip his thigh with one hand and take him in your hand with the other, causing him to gasp at the contact. You look him in the eyes as you lick a stripe up the underside of him from base to tip, swirling your tongue over his already leaking head. You finally wrap your lips around him, sinking down and taking him all the way despite your gag reflex screaming at you to stop.
“Oh my fucking god.” he moans, squeezing his eyes shut and letting his head fall back. You pull yourself off him completely, causing him to open his eyes in surprise and groan in protest.
“I want your eyes on me until you’re cumming down my throat, got it? You’re not getting shit if I don’t see you watching how good I’m taking you.” You wait for a response, cocking an eyebrow when you don’t get one. “I said, got it?”
“Yes. I got it, I won’t look away I promise. Please keep going.” His whine turns into a loud moan as you sink back down onto him, his cock hitting the back of your throat. You bring your head back up, your hand pumping his base as you hollow your lips around his head, bobbing up and down. He struggles to keep his eyes on you, but keeps his promise as you continue fervently sucking him off, his knuckles turning white as he fists the sheets below him. “Fuck baby, that feels so good.” he gasps as you let out a hum of satisfaction. “Just like that, oh fuck I’m so close.”
You moan at his words, the vibrations sending him over the edge as he screws his eyes shut, his back arching off the bed as his head loudly hits the headboard and he lets out a string of moans and curse words, and you feel his hot release coat the back of your throat. His arms give out and he collapses fully onto his back, panting heavily as you pull off of him, cleaning any remaining cum off him with your tongue.
You move up the bed until you are laying on your side next to him and gently brush a stray strand of hair behind his ear, cradling his cheek with your hand and turning his face towards yours as you place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “How about we go take a shower and get you better cleaned up, love?”
He opens his eyes, squinting at you in blissed-out confusion. “What about you? You took care of me, now it’s your turn to feel good.” he half-whines.
“Tonight was about making you feel good, baby. You’ve had a long day, you need rest. We can cuddle up and fall asleep right after we shower; I’ll be alright tonight, I promise I don’t need anything right now.”
“Fine…” he grumbles. “But I’m gonna repay the favor sometime soon.”
You laugh, “Sounds like a deal.”, gently kissing him before getting off the bed and pulling him to the edge, leaving him sitting there as you strip your own clothes off. Once undressed, he wraps his arms around your abdomen, pulling you in between his legs as he peppers your stomach with soft kisses. You let him, placing your hands in his hair and playing with his curls for a few moments. “Alright, c’mon. Let’s go.” you say as you grab his hands and unwrap him from yourself before tugging him to a stand. You let go of one hand as you make your way towards the bathroom, pulling him along behind you.
You shower in comfortable silence, finally finishing 30 minutes later after frequently interrupting your routines with short, lazy make-out sessions. You dry off and change into your PJ’s, him in nothing but a pair of loose sweatpants, and you in light shorts and one of his T shirts, and complete your nighttime routines side by side. Once finished, Danny crawls into the bed, holding the sheet up for you as you crawl in next to him. He wraps his arms around you, drawing you into his chest in a bear hug and you bring your hands up to rest on his chest, forehead against his collarbone as you tangle your legs together.
You’re the first to break the silence; “Love you.” you say, voice barely above a whisper as your breath fans across his chest.
The last thing you hear before drifting off into a warm, deep sleep is his sleepy response of, “Love you too.”
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burnedwriter · 1 year
Dear.. dear,
So imagine mafia!scaramouche x assassin! Reader
Reader is well aware of scara status but scara does not because anywhen he ask about their job, they just said their job is not worthy enough to talk about and laugh it off.
They are in relationship for a long time btw, but dont marry because of the danger could happen to them if anyone know about scara having a loving partner aka weakness.
So like one day the reader was assigned a mission and guess whose name there?... Scaramouche from the fatui mafia (does that make sense? ).
You know how assassins don't use a heart for their mission right!?
In this case, the reader can't turn down the mission, so they are trapped and don't know what to do. So they confront him about this...
I can't imagine how he would react.. So i leave it up to you! I hope this is up to your standard! (my first time requesting i hope i am not bothering you<3),
Sign, me
Dont worry anon,its up my standards,and no you are not bothering me im always happy to see people req stuff,so if you want to req more feel free!
warnings:none just pure angst.
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You couldnt sleep or eat for days,your mind was plagued with the words on the list about your next target that happened to be the man that you loved dearly.You started regreting falling for the man,if it wasnt for that you wouldnt be in this situation in the first place.You were completly stuck in the middle,your mind screamed to go along with your mission but your heart screamed no.
You thought maybe if you confronted scaramouche you will find a way together or you will be greeted with death,that choice is risky you not only because you put yourself in danger and your identity but also your relationship.finally getting the courage to tell him you went down to the livingroom,you saw scaramouche sitting on the armchair calmly reading his book.You felt chills run down your spine even though the room was filled with warth by the fireplace that was lit close to him.
Walking closer to him until you stood infront of him all while you played with your fingers from the stress,your heart thudding against your ribbcage just thinking of the possibilities but scara didnt bother to look away from his book until he heard you talk.
''scara i need to tell you something''you said trying to hide the shakiness in your voice.
''can it wait for a bit sweetheart''scara said still not lifting a finger as he continued to read his book.
''no scara it can't''you muttered making scara put his book down on the small table that was placed near him.
''what is it?''scara exclaimed seeing how nervous you were,he coud feel an unusual feeling starting to creep up something felt really off about this conversation but he could quite put his finger on it.
''you always asked me about my job but i never told you what i did''you said hesitant what might come next,the tension between you continued to buid,you felt tears threateing to escape from your eyes barely keeping them at bay.
''go on''scara commanded interested to learn the truth about you after all this time.
''i shouldnt be saying this to you but i cant keep hiding it away from you...you know how we didnt get married because you were too woried somebody might hurt me''
''yes''his aswer short and confused the whole conversation started giving him an uneasy feeling,as he slowly realizes what might come next.Scaramouche wasnt stupid,he knew that something bad was coming closer.
''well i am that person,i was assigned to kill you as a part of my mission''you confessed a heavy weight getting lifted off of your chest but leaving you empty this confession might be the end of your relationship.
Scara stood there with his mouth slightly gaping open,too shocked from what he just heard,he couldnt say a word.He didnt expect that to be the answer to his question that he did so many times,he felt betrayed how could you!,questions flooded his mind did you even love him? or was all of this a part of the show for you to kill him.Words couldnt describe the emotions he was feeling right now.
''i'm so sorry scaramouche,i couldnt do it,i love you''now tears streaming down your cheeks,scara slowly got up without even looking at you and walked away swiftly passing by you.You grabbed his wrist almost like you were begging desperetly for him to stay but you knew that wasnt going to solve anything.
''its over''he calmly said pulling his hand away and leaving through the door as you kneeled on the floor defeated,crying your heart out,you will always remember this mission as the mission that destroyed your life.......
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robocoplesb · 4 months
ru gonna continue youre the girl i want soon??? its my absolute fav and i cant wait for more 💜
a note about my hiatus.
warnings: talking a little about grief.
hi sweeties<3
i'm so, soooooooo happy you like the fic, this definitely helped me finalize my decision to return <3.
i'm sorry for disappearing like this, without explanation. thank you very much to anon who sent this, i needed to come and talk about it and i'm going to use this ask to clarify everything. so, let's go.
i'm pretty sure my last post was in october, 2023. the third chapter of my series "you're the girl that i want". know that no, i didn't intend to have gone so long without posting here. what happened is that, on the same day this chapter was posted, i lost someone very, vert important person to me. this really changed everything. i just stopped this all and it was really hard, that was the reason.
now, actually answering anon's question, yes, i will continue to write my series. i'm going to be active here again, finally <3. before making a request, my rules and list of people i write to are on my profile, read them.
i will also try to respond to old requests, all according to my free time.
kises n luv,
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harufluff · 2 years
Hiii, may I request number 22 from the 50 Types of Kisses list with Soobin?
Have a nice day!
♪°*「 an exchange of love 」*°♪
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warnings - i mean a bit suggestive but yea…
genre - suggestive, soobin x gender neutral reader, 50 types of kisses, #22 (a kiss that leads to more but is interrupted by a third party). ft. annoying!yeonjun and beomgyu.
requested - yes! thank you anon!
a/n - wait this is such a cute idea. i love it. sorry its so short. I've been bussy still cant get over that with the series and like...school. of course. sorry anon my requests have been pilling up since September...
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you and your boyfriend have been in his room for what feels like could be the rest of your lives.
if only that was true. but you have been in there for 5 hours, which its still way too long without any food or other human contact. the door has been knocked on a few times but you guys haven't really payed attention to it.
the boys have their suspicions of what you are doing in the dorm room, but to tell the truth all you've been doing is talking about life and snuggling in his bed.
'you guys need to come out before you turn into raisins'
you hear yeonjun calling from the other side of the door. you look at your boyfriend with a questioning look, as if to say 'why raisin?' he returns the look, along with a cute silent giggle.
'we're not gonna turn into raisins hyung'
'yeah but whatever your doing in there cant be too innocent'.
youre face goes a shade of pink at beomgyu's remark. soon doesn't look back at you before wiggling to the top of the bed to grab the pad of sticky notes and throw it at the door.
he makes a discussed look before turning back to you. he looks into your eyes and leans down to press his sweet lips to yours. you close your eyes and relax your body while he leans further down and deepens the kiss.
your lips move in sync against each other. eyes closed, lips swollen, arms around each other. soobin moved to get on top of you, him not hovering over you, never letting your lips part.
you put your hands on his chest, but he stopped you and pinned your hands above your head. he leaned back down and continued to hover over you while he kissed you.
everything was perfect until...
yeonjun and beomgyu come barging though the door, but they stop their loud sentence at seeing what you two were doing. you both break the kiss and look over to them, both holding your breaths.
the two youngest boys poke their heads in to see what the noise was about, but didnt get the chance to see what happened before yeonjun and beomgyu pushed them both out.
yeonjun screams, covering huening kai's eyes while he covers his own walking out of the room.
they both leave the room with the other boys, leaving you and your boyfriend alone in awkward silence. you can feel the pink spreading on your face.
'where were we?'
oh gosh you didnt know what was gonna happen next...
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I do not own any images I used in this post. credit to the owners. ♡
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thanks for reading!! sorry I haven't been like posting actual posts lately. I hope you like this!! ilyyyyyy <3333
written by harufluff | do not copy steal or repost on other websites
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yellowmonday · 4 months
9 ppl to get to know better
tagged by @meatmensch tyy
list 3 ships you like: of course mrs. destiel. and spirk. and also julian bashir and data they banged in the ds9/tng crossover. on my mind
first ship ever: i dont think i shipped characters for a long time. maybe it was destiel at the tender age of 16. maybe deep down it was frodo and sam when i read lotr age 11
last song you heard: free - kara jackson. i love her sound so much also the fact that she is one of the few artists who publicly speaks about covid and uses a mask
favorite childhood book: picture book i really liked the rainbow fish. when i was a little older i liked ghost in the noonday sun it was about pirates.
currently reading: dont ask me that…. Too many books that i havent picked up. I cant read anymore
currently watching: nothing really. rewatching d20 fantasy high and unsleeping city. waiting to get a job til i can drop $6 on a subscription. i started watching rings of power and its bad but maybe i will continue
currently consuming: my own tail 🐍
currently craving: weed ☹️
i will tag some people and it will not be 9
@inesathammar @passivetimber @aestivetic listen i dont remember who my mutuals are
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honeyglz · 1 year
A/N - Final part lets goo !!! I really do appreciate all/any support you guys have left on these works, if you are interested in my works, I will be adding a master list of my works to my blog soon. !!This takes place in an AU where Deku never got his quirk from all might!! As always I hope you enjoy :D
Proof read- No tf Reader - Fem (no spec for anatomy), She/Her, You/Your/Yours :)
Disclaimer - I do not own any of these characters aside from my depiction of 'Y/N'/the reader
Pairing - Bakugou x reader
P1 - "Tell me a secret" P2 - Take it to the grave Category - Angst with a happy end!
Content Warning - General violence, near death, in depth fight description (kinda), heavy(ish) gore, Deku having issues (Borderline yandere), Y/N cant catch a break man, blood both mentioned and heavy detailing, body horror and dis-figuration. (You'll find out how when reading). Please let me know if I missed any <3
-Y/N's POV- You felt so lost, your eyes fogged up in a drunk like state. The scent of your own blood staining the walls around you. It felt like forever that you'd been here. Had it been forever? The voice had told you no one was coming, you knew better to believe them but a part of you agreed. What if no one was coming? What if you died here? Day's blurred for you, you wouldn't know the day if someone asked, that in itself scared you. You didn't want to die here. A needle pierced your skin for what felt like the 100th time today. The same voice whispering praise as they sewed the wound they had injected the stuff into. You had no idea what it was but every time they used it you felt more and more pain. Less control of your body. Less sane thoughts to cling too. The small nothings in your ear continued as you felt your body flinch at the closeness. "You did so well dove, keep this up and I may just let you live by the end of this!" The voice exclaimed stroking the bloodied area with their cool leather glove. "Maybe even keep you around, how does that sound Dove? Just you and me- Forever" Their hand lifted your chin, neck raw against the rusted chains pushing into it. The voice hummed waiting for response. "I'd rather die" The voice went silent for a moment before what seemed signature laugh rang through the room. "Atta girl. Can't have you loosing your spark before we see Kacchan hm?"
The glove let go of her face, allowing the sting on her neck to subside. "Well as much as I'll miss you I have other things to attend to" they sighed placing down the syringe. "Oh, and get some rest dove, we have a big day ahead of us." Their voice held a sinister note as the sound of the metal door slamming shut, a shiver running though your spine. You had a bad feeling about this.... -Bakugou's POV- Bakugou stared down at the number. He had been trying to track it for hours. His hero gear weighed heavy against his body. Gauntlets shining in the evening sunlight. He thought back to the call. Remembering every detail. The time, the weather, the way his fucking breath sounded through the speaker. Bakugou's hands clutched as he imagined what sicko that had done to you. He wondered if you were even still breathing. Heat flared up, running from his hands to his chest, every inch of his skin felt hot, he was going to kill that bastard. His shoes hit the smooth tile of his agency's floor. People scrambling around him, some with files, others eyes concentrating on their screens as they continued to try track the call. Everyone knew that Bakugou's patience was running thin, it would only be so long before he lost his cool and took things into drastic measures. Abruptly everyone stopped, the sound Bakugou's phone began to buzz. The same number appearing on Bakugou's phone. Ring
Ring- He picked up.
"Took you long enough" The voice he knew once all to well, taunted. Midoriya took a long sigh before speaking again. "Y'know I see why you like her Kacchan, she's very- how do I put this?" Bakugou grit his teeth as he team worked around him trying to track the call. Midoriya smiled against the phone. "Oh yes that's it. Very.. Explosive." The ground shook underneath them as Bakugou steadied himself, still clutching the phone to his ear, hearing Midoriya's laugh. The building began to tilt, people rushing out quickly. One of his employees called out to him showing him the screen above, still just presenting the location. They had found them. "I'm coming to get you Deku. And when I do God wont be able to save you." He growled into his phone slamming the device down as he rushed to help people out of the now crumbling building.
-Midoriya's POV-
Midoriya sat in the dark as he lay back in the abandoned warehouse he called home. "Oh I'm counting on it. Time to end this, old friend." Midoriya's stood, looking over to his workers. "Get her ready. Its time we allow these love birds a little get together."
You were being moved. The feeling of light touching your skin felt harsh and unusual after so long, though it faded quickly as cold began to settle in. Your body felt strange, you were chained in every possible way, you had been hurt in every way your body could handle but you were walking. A strength coursed through your veins. A foreign one. You felt your chains tug as someone placed you down. The wind blew, brushing against your face for what felt like the first time in forever. It was silent for awhile as you heard people leave the area. Suddenly the voice spoke.
"Y'know dove.. I don't think Ill be able to hang around after this is done like I promised."
You turned your head to the voice, still trying to get a good sense of where you were. None the less the voice continued. "I'm just thinking, since I wont be around there's no need to hide who I am right?" You stayed silent confused for a moment at the sudden change in them. They had never appeared so.... human to you.
You felt the fabric around your head loosen, your sight restored as you blinked at the strange sensation. Once you regained your sight your eyes drifted up to see a man, forest green locks thrown against his pale face, freckles decorating his checks as he smiled at you. He stood up from his place as he stretched feet skimming the edge of the building they sat on. "He's coming to get you. Should be here any moment." He looked back down at you, a small sad smile etching onto his face. "I really am sorry I won't be around to see you after this." He reached down grabbing your hand as he lay a gentle kiss on your knuckles. Surprisingly you were calm, you didn't flinch or move away. You just watched.
"By the way, my real name is Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."
He turned away from you and a sudden explosion made you fall back onto the roof, heart pounding as you struggled against your restraints. Instinct kicking in.
"Well, looks like its show time dove. I really will miss you" And with that. He disappeared. Leaving you alone in the cold once again. Something new coursing through your veins. A command. A whisper perhaps.
-Bakugou's POV- Bakugou smashed through the building, scanning the area only to see an empty warehouse. Well empty-ish. There were a few rooms, one had what looked like a bed in it, the other had all sorts of devices and a chair. Along with what looked to be a burner phone. He grabbed the phone mindlessly before trailing further, determined to find you. The stench of blood filled his senses as he walked into he third room. It looked like some sort of horror house. Something out of a movie. Blood stained the walls, tools lay across a counter and in the middle of a room was a metal bench, chains and straps laid across it. He felt his breath stop as he picked up what looked to be a torn piece of your hero costume. His heart kicked up a notch as he heard footsteps. Paired with a familiar voice.
"Well well well, looks like you found me huh Kacchan?"
Bakugou's head turned to find the alleged ghost of his sins. There Midoriya stood, scars adorning his skin, eyes harsh, far from the ones he knew as a kid. In that moment everything in his life weighed nothing, his regrets, his achievements, his title as a hero. It all meant nothing if he lost now. Midoriya smiled as he walked forward, gloved hands running through his green hair. "Where is she Deku." Bakugou spat though grit teeth as he eye'd down the green haired man before him. Midoriya only scowled eye's twitching with a deranged look creeping into them. "So, you only came for her huh?" The question went unanswered as the blonde snarled at the small talk. "I'm not here for small talk, where the fuck is she" Bakugou seethed as Midoriya only sighed taking off his gloves.
"I was hoping for some sort of apology, maybe even an once of guilt. But I guess not, huh?" Midoriya dropped his gloves as light began to emit from his skin, flashes of what looked like lightning striking the space between them, his eyes glowing darkly as he stared right into the blondes scarlet eyes, electric eyes meeting blood red.
"Im going to enjoy this."
In a flash Midoriya was behind Bakugou, fingers woven in a fist as he went to strike. Dust clouded the room as Bakugou narrowly dodged, blasting behind him, ash overwhelming the air as his blast struck Midoriya into a wall. The concrete cracked under the pressure, leaving the green haired man winded. Smoke cleared revealing Midoriya with his head low, blood dripping from his lips as he smiled widely, grin psychotic as he laughed. "Better than I thought. My turn" Like clockwork, Midoriya pushed off the wall, fist slamming into the blondes torso. Bakugou wen't flying through the buildings wall, blood trickling from his head as the sicking crack of his own bones filled his head. Midoriya felt the corners of his mouth twitch up again as he watched the blonde struggle to stand for a moment. Bakugou stumbled to his feet as Midoriya charged once again only for the floor under him to crumble. He fell and Bakugou jumped down, wiping the blood from his face as he spat out the bitter red liquid. They went back and forth exchanging hit after hit until Bakugou sent a powerful blast Midoriya's way. Sending him tumbling into the ground. The blonde grabbed onto the smaller man's neck, hands heating up as the smell of burning flesh began to rise. "I told you God wouldn't be able to save you" he hissed, squeezing Midoriya's neck tighter. Bakugou lifted Midoriya's body from the rubble. Midoriya muttered something the blonde didn't quite catch. not that he cared.
Not until he was flung into the air. He dropped Midoriya, head slowly turning to reveal a creature. It didn't look like a Nomu, not a normal one at least. It had a more human look, ridged horns across its back, up its legs. It's limbs look scratched, cuts and wounds all along its body. The creature jumped above him using a broken concrete pillar to knock the hero into the floor, creating a dent in the ground. He groaned head pounding as he watched it stand to its full height, revealing a haunting pair of E/C eye's staring dully at his broken figure. -Y/N's POV- Devolve
You had blacked out after Izuku had left you alone. Where were you? Your vision came back and your body felt twisted, your entire being screaming at you for even thinking of moving. There was smoke, everywhere. You couldn't run, you couldn't move. Your eyes frantically scanned around you. You still had chains on. You looked down at your legs. Torn open and stitched back you only now saw what they had made you.
Bearly human. You forced your eyes off your mangled body as you spotted a familiar face. Izuku walked towards Bakugou, watching as the man tried to crawl away. Izuku laughed as he kicked the man in the jaw, sending him flying once again. The blonde looked over to you before Izuku grabbed onto his neck. Squeezing harshly causing your skin to crawl. You watched as the green haired man continued to hold him.
You felt panic crawl up your neck as you tried to move. The same voice you heard before blacking out speaking. Stop.
You dont. Obey.
"Fuck you" You spat as you started to regain feeling, pain drilling into your bones as you did so.
Stop trying.
Now your finger was moving. Stop now.
Again you refused. You body was crying in pain at this point as you took a step forward. Obey.
Another. Stop moving.
And another. The voice got smaller and smaller until you couldn't hear it anymore. Step after step until you were running to them. It ached. Everything ached. But you didn't stop. Your legs took you further and further, hands still clutching the concrete pillar as you ran. Your arms swung back all your remaining strength focusing on one thing.
Knocking this psycho motherfucker out of orbit.
Your arms burnt as you took the final step, hands crushing against the harsh stone as you sent every prayer to heaven that you hit him.
Midoriya didn't even have a chance to process what was happening as for the split second he turned his head to meet your gaze, icy and determined. His eyes widened in awe before everything went black.
'Of course you were the only one who broke the trance. Who else could do something as amazing as that? No one but you, Dove'
You watched as Midoriya was knocked too far for your eyes to follow. Dropping the pillar as you gave way to the crushing weight of strain that surrounded your body. Your hands, legs, everything shook as you let go of the breath you had been holding. Eyes snapping to Bakugou, who had now managed to stumble to his feet, leaning and limping you pushed yourself to rush to him as you tackled him.
You both fell back as he welcomed your embrace, face buried in your hair as he felt tears soak through his chest piece, his own tears racing down his face. He soothed you, heart breaking at your tired sobs. He held you tight, not minding the sting from his own wounds as he pressed a kiss against the top of your head. Your arms were locked around him, face pushed into his side as you sobbed, thankful that the nightmare was over.
Some time had passed and other hero's made it to the scene. You were both taken back to the hospital.
-At the hospital. 3 days later. Y/N's POV-
You awoke to the bright sunlight peaking through the dull curtains. You looked around to see your friends and family surrounding you. You smiled as tears ran down your face, thankful you weren't dreaming. You were free. You looked around, disappointed to see that Bakugou was no where to be seen. Mina noticed your smile drop as she signalled for everyone to give you abit of space. You stared at your bed realising that he had left. You let your thoughts get the better of you before a sudden grunt caught your attention. There Bakugou was, in a suit, cuts and bruises still fresh. He had bandages wrapped around his head, his messy blonde hair framing his face as sunlight hit the bouquet he held. He had a small blush on his face as he walked up to your bed handing you the flowers wordlessly. He looked nervous as he looked back to the door, their old classmates ushering him on as he spoke. "Listen I don't know if you meant what you said that day- But I fucking did... So-" He paused swallowing the last of his fears as he spoke "So, will you go out with me? I'll take you somewhere real nice promise. Hell I'll even wear whatever you want, shitty matching outfits and all-" He was cut off when your lips met his, hands around his neck tangling into his hair as you pushed your self up from the hospital bed covers. He was taken back before he leaned down ignoring the cheers from everyone outside the door. You smiled into the kiss before you pulled away, breathless as you held your flowers, enjoying the furious blush that the hero wore once you pulled away. "So was that a yes or-?" he said jokingly as you smacked his arm playfully smiling as you admired him. "Yes Katsuki, I'll go out with you." You said planting another kiss against his check, watching as everyone poured back into the room congratulating you both.
A/N - AHH ITS DONE!! Real talk I really do like how this panned out, though I do apologise if the fight scene was abit of a let down. If you have time or wish too feel free to comment your thoughts on the lil series this became. Be sure to follow if you like my content and stay safe <3 Tag List - @somsomishy THIS IS SO LATE BUT I FORGOT TO TAG YOU SO SORRY @hsxhype
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ryttu3k · 3 months
List of cool bits of foreshadowing, compiled from this post
Volo being freed from the Goblin Camp: "I can't wait to pick your brain!"
'Wyll thanking Balduran that we haven't sprouted tentacles yet.'
Raphael in act 1: "Hope… SUCH a tease."
'First time I heard Barcus Wroot say "If we meet again, then we will have met again," I knew I'd be seeing him later.'
'After saving Arabella, I was SHOOK about Arabella’s parents in Act 2 in my first run. In my second run, after you save the Grove, their parting words are surprisingly negative compared to everyone else’s and it’s very sad in hindsight. Komira says “We didn’t die today. Tomorrow perhaps, but not today. Thanks to you” and Locke says “One sorrow ended. The next soon to begin.” the FORESHADOWING-'
'Astarion's sardonic laughter upon discovering what the tadpole will do'
'of course it will turn me into a monster…'
'hows this one foreshadowing?'
'The laughter comes with the line "of course it will turn me into a monster"
It's foreshadowing that he is 1) already a monster (which the PC technically doesn't know yet) and 2) his whole situation around escaping from cazador
He says it with a tone that's like "oh of course, I thought I was free but in reality I'm about to turn into another fucking monster bc that's just how shitty my life is." You don't really pick up on this tone until your second playthrough, after you've learned more about him'
'Better: He say “I hope when we next meet, we’ll be wearing the same skin” if you don’t recruit him, and when you see him again at Cazador’s, he’ll have been flayed.'
'Similarly, the option to say "It felt like you weren't really there" after the first romance scene with him. I remember thinking it was kind of a strange choice to include and his excuse about not wanting to lose control seemed convincing but somehow off.
Finding out why that line was an option in Act 2… oof.'
'He's also not even aware of whats happening to him in act 1. he only realizes this in act 2 when he starts to be more self-aware about his own feelings and starts to prioritize them over the whims and lusts of other people. Until act 2 he doesnt think about his own feelings at all. in act 1 he has almost fully convinced himself that he wants to do this because he cant see why he wouldnt. there are only benefits to sleeping with Tav. Tav is attractive and the leader of the group who can protect him so theres no reason for him not to do it. but If you play with karlach origin he has a reason not to do it(her burning condition) and is relieved but doesnt understand why he's relieved. So he lashes out at karlach to blame her for the night being ruined rather than his feelings of relief that he has a perfect excuse not to have sex with her.'
'It’s a great example of what long term disassociation does!'
'Yup. And if you manage to get him to proposition before the tiefling party he tells you “you deserve a reward” (for letting him drink blood) and you can reply “you don’t need to do that just because you feel like you owe me” and shrugs it off and says “its more of an excuse it anything”. its like hes trapped in his own coping mechanisms.'
'Coming from someone who knew nothing about the Forgotten Realms before Bg3, I love the books you can find and read very early in Act 1. They hint at the Dead Three, Astarion’s vampirism, and Shar’s evilness. My favorite book may just be the Shar one, “The Unclaimed.” Is that not a warning for what awaits Shadowheart if she continues down the path of Shar? Amazing foreshadowing about what’s at stake, and the book didn’t quite hit me until my second playthrough, running into it again, and realizing just how much was at stake for Shadowheart. We were fighting for her soul.'
'to add onto this, theres the book that talks about Selunite rituals of children having to fend for themselves in the forest and find their way back to civilization in order to become her follower (paraphrasing) then our first glimpse into Shadowhearts memory is… her lost in the forest.'
'Withers' library of foreshadowing books.
Bro has The Unclaimed, The Curse of the Vampyr and The Mortal View: Eyewitness Accounts of the Bhaalspawn Crisis all in his library, all appearantly hundreds of years before we even come across it.'
'In my head, he actually prepped the temple in a hurry before the gang makes it there.'
(Ry's note: On that note, Withers being Jergal is pretty much spelled out long before any plot-relevant stuff like Durge rejecting Bhaal and the ending scene, mostly in the temple itself.)
'Talking to Alfira in the grove you can ask if she’s having trouble with her song, she says “I’m about to suffer a grisly death… at the hands of this bloody song”'
'To add to that - the song is called Weeping Dawn, and Durge likely kills her right before the dawn, as you have little time to react before the companions wake up'
'The cow in Grymforge that reveals Ketheric is back.'
'He also tells you it was a devil that destroyed the place'
'The extremely blatant musical foreshadowing of the Emperor being Balduran, with a bit of melody first appearing in an instrumental when his true form is revealed and then re-appearing as “The Song of Balduran” in the Elfsong, the lyrics of which tiptoe right up to just spelling it out plainly.
Super obvious and in your face and yet I absolutely did not notice until like my third playthrough.'
'Not to mention the opening Larian logo animation when you first boot up the game :)'
'It just occurred to me that, since the singing in the Elfsong is supposed to be the actual ghost singing, it could literally be the ghost singing to the players about the Emperor, who is also in the room with them. The lyrics to the song actually appear in the game after all, in a book, so they aren't "meta". And the ghost would clearly know who the Emperor was, since his hideout was in her basement.'
'When you meet the Emperor for the first time (the reveal that he's a mindflayer) it's playing an instrumental version of the Song of Balduran in the background.'
'Speaking of the Emperor, he's the first guy we see when we boot up the game as there's a statue of Balduran on screen right before the main menu.'
'shadowheart will say "we can't save them all" in a banter referring to the refugees at the grove. after my first run, i found out it was an achievement.'
'Volo says “every story benefits from a dragon!” and then there’s a random dragon in the final battle'
'Omeluum telling Durge someone else has been in his mind and carved a tunnel through it was a pretty good bit of foreshadowing on the Durges story.'
'Similarly, I love finding the "Disorders of the Nerves and Mind: A Treatise" book everywhere. It's such a cool Durge-related story (very tangentially related). Ditto with Durge's prayer you find in the colony in Kressa's room.'
(Ry's note: The Prayer for Forgiveness gives away everything. That Durge is a Bhaalspawn, that it's the Chosen of the Dead Three behind everything, that they used to be Chosen, that Orin is their sibling and thus Bhaalspawn herself, and that there was some kinda Thing between Durge and Gortash. Even if you're not playing Durge, it still gives away that Orin is only a replacement Chosen and there was another one earlier on.)
'All the hints of Yurgir in Grymforge in Act 1. You find evidence of some massive hellish creature that seemingly wiped out all the Dark Justiciars, but it's a mystery that won't be resolved until Act 2'
'And you piece together why they’re there in the first place if you read books in the shadowlands, as well as seeing a certain debtor in the house of hope'
'"Who's to say ? Perhaps my Goddess is keen to see me corrupt you . She'd be delight so see a follower of Selûne towards the darkness"
When you romance Shadowheart as a selûnite . It's pretty funny the first time but once you know what happens then it's a little bit more amusing to hear her say that'
'just got one last night where lae’zel says that she feared the dream visitor was some illithid deception, but after speaking to voss, she believes the dream figure can help them. oh lae’zel, you truly were onto something…'
'There's a note outside of Waukeen's Rest that basically reads "Statue of Beloved Ranger missing, please return." As someone who didn't play the previous games, it took until act 3 to learn that Minsc is the beloved ranger, he'd been turned into a statue, then un-petrified (hence the "statue" is missing), and also that's why his crime boss name is Stone Lord.'
'Astarion's comment on Malus Thorm "He just like Cazador, utterly insane!" and both Malus and Cazador actually share the same battle theme'
'Alfira casually dropping the line, “I’ll be gone by first light”
Yeah, she will.'
'Act1 Astarion: the biggest threat to a vampire is another vampire. They are scheming paranoid, power-hungry beast, so why would any vampire give up control over response to create a competitor?
Ascended astarion: you wouldn’t just be some spawn on your far more than that to me my dark consort, my right hand, my most beloved spawn.
Tav: spawn? I want to be a true vampire.
Ascended astarion: and you will in good time.
Later when you ask him if whats going to happen to you now that youre his spawn:
Ascended Astarion: 'Spawn' is an ugly word. I really do prefer 'consort'.
Six months later in the epilogue Tav is still a spawn. Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.'
'Shadowheart's wound flaring up anytime she interacts with something Selune-themed in act 1 is my favorite. Shar's method of negative reinforcement is subtle.'
'There’s a book in True Soul Gut’s chambers that is contains what is very clearly an account of Orpheus pre-imprisonment appearing before some random citizen of Baldur’s Gate, that just seems like normal flavour text when you’re unaware'
(Ry's note: And this appears as early as the Nautiloid!)
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'the symbol of the Absolute being a mashup of the symbols of Bane (handprint), Bhaal (skull surrounded by blood drops), and Myrkul (skull in a triangle). it’s there as early as the goblin camp brands in act 1, well before you learn about the three'
'When you explore the Emperor’s Hideout and the Emperor points out the cutlery set on his desk, he states that the butter knife is gone/missing. A direct reference to the colloquialism “by Balduran’s butter knife”.'
'Not just that!
Balduran's Butter Knife is a weapon from the previous games. It is enchanted to be stronger against shape-shifting foes.
The Sword of the Emperor, found in the same hideout has the same enchantment.'
(Ry's note: I wonder if that includes dragons who can take dragonborn-esque forms?)
'You can find a book written by Gortash in the zhentarim hideout in the act 1 inn, before he’s ever mentioned'
'Right before they meet with Gortash for the coronation, Wulburn fucking Bongle tells Durge, “You have a knack for passing amongst these bastards as if you were one of them.”
There’s lots of other ones, but that one was very TRAGIC! Worst person makes great point!'
'I just realized that in the camp in the act 2 -> act 3 transition (maybe before that too?? I'm not 100% positive) if you ask Halsin a lot of questions he asks "you're not a doppelganger are you? Trying to learn all about me to take my place?" and I GASPED. It's only sort of foreshadowing since we see Orin shape-shifting in the scene between her and gortash RIGHT before but, you know, still funny'
'Probably that Durge-specific line with Astarion during the cutscene where he asks how you would like to be killed if you turn into a mindflayer. If you ask him how you should kill him, he says "Oh my dear, I'd like to see you try". Hits different now that I romance him each time as Durge'
'You can see Bhaal's glowing red circle on the floor beneath the Dark Urge, when customising his character.'
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joshriku · 2 years
hi! I really enjoyed your last cherik fic list, you have great taste. do you have more recs about old cherik? maybe also some post dark phoenix (I mean, they were supposed to be old but they forgot lol). only when you have the time!
you're so lovely omg thank you! i do!! here u go
get out of town by firstlightofeos: i recently read this and it's so fucking good omg. i am not immune to tropes where a 3rd character has to be like 'can you guys get over yourselves and FUCK' and especially if it's old men cherik :sob: OF ALL PEOPLE. THEY NEED IT SO BADç
all you are made of by fengirl88: oghgojoOGH theres this bit:
“Two minutes to make you drop it,” Charles says, mock-outraged. “I must be losing my touch.”
“Menace,” Erik says lovingly, “stop distracting me.”
tempus fugit by franzbibliotek: the character writing on this one is so fucking insane. you have to work with me here bc this is comic cherik and comics just have things happen in them. . anyway charles comes back from the dead after stealing a body that's like in it's mid 30s, jsut, your casual stuff. anyway. holy shit. charles' inner monologue on this mmmmmwah im fucking obssessed
pillow talk by pearl_o: i might have recced this already BUT IT BEGS RECCING AGAIN this is literally my favorite kind of fics where they just. lie next to each other. talk for a while. they're old and in love :(
a day when we can finally rest by pocky_slash: i am no timmune to fics where they depict how long they both have waited and waited to be together because it makes me cry ok. wow. love can thrive and continue and they jsut lvoe each other so much :( FUCK!!!!!
pity the man by franzbibliothek: this is kinda angsty i will warn you since i usually just read happy stuff but it's GOOD ok. pre dark phoenix when charles is just like on his 90th mental breakdown,. my g od. the way op writes charles. you get it.
adventures in babysitting (worried grandpa remix) by sebastian2017: literally my favorite thing about erik is that he's a grandpa. okay. it might be bc tommy is my fave character but i am just,,,,,,,,SOBSBSBS... DO U KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
one night in westchester by brotherfromanothermother: this is literally the funniest fuckign fic in the world. just. old man magneto buying condoms. it makes me cry. i lvoe it
close enemies by andraste: i might have recced this? MAYBE? but this is animated series cherik. and if i have recced it..THEN ILL DO IT AGAIN. THOSE SAVAGE LAND EPISODES WERE INSANE
habitual by xtinethepirate: i love dark phoenix cherik. i love erik in this fic. i like when fic writers write erik caring for charles but not being overly indulging like he Is willing to call him out. ESPECIALLY post dp cherik. SO GOOD.
marks by unforgotten: i love. i love. love the idea of erik 'kidnapping' charles and him being too busy grading to pay attention to him. which offends him greatly. i think magneto should always be funny and dramatic.
necessary downtime by unforgotten: AND THEYRE MARRIED. OOOH MY GOD THEY WERE MARRIED. not related to me also being a teacher but i love when it's just fics like charles being really tired from school work. he's so me. that's also me. finally realistic mcs
everything about it is a love song: if i told you how many times i cried reading this id have to be taken out and immobilized. it's bad out here. it is really bad out here!!!!! (ITS A REALLY GOOD FIC!! I LOVE IT!!) it's probably one of my fave old men fic ever just like someplace that is green which was on my other post but its osjhfddohfdj ITS OSO OGHG OGGH OGH!!!!!!
sing me to sleep: i love dofp cherik. I do. i love them so fukcing bad i love seeing those old men reunited and helping each other and being deeply in love despite the world going to shit it is SO deeply personal to me this fi ci ss os much.
the o(l)dd couple: i love fics that involve the press and such reactions to Them. and outsider pov is always so enjoyable. i love this fic i think its one of the first few i read?? SO GOOD
into the open by clockworkrobots: i just. this fic is so good. it's like the first fic i bookmarked almost. the tag erik's gay socialist farm island cracks me up every time then ir ead this and i sob and cry again fr
hope u enjoy!!
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Cinder gets handed a baby and has to find the "mother"... Turns out it's Ruby's (adopted) kid... Shenanigans result because the baby calls Cinder "mama".
“You have to be kidding,” Cinder said as she held a small baby by the armpit at an arm’s length away. “What am I supposed to do with this?” 
Emerald sighed and took the baby away from Cinder. “*That* is a baby and *you* need to return it to it’s mother.” 
“And why cant you do that? You’re the one trying to be a hero now.” 
“Because I promised Oscar that I’d take a mission for him in order to help me get a huntressing license. Besides, you’ve started trying to get your license too. And dont you dare deny it, I know you’ve been studying for the exam same as I have.” 
Cinder sighed and rolled her eyes. “That doesnt have anything to do with a baby.” 
“It does when she’s lost.” Emerald handed the baby back to Cinder and frowned. “Return the child to her mother and then we can be done with it.” 
“Fine, but I’m not going to like it.” 
“No one says you have to.” 
Cinder held the child in her arms and frowned at it. Over the last couple years, she had been doing what she could to get a huntress license so she would quit getting in trouble for being a vigilante. Though returning a lost child to her mother seemed like the last thing a huntress would do and more something to leave to the kingdoms… assuming they could get anything done. Instead, here she sat with a baby in her arms and a few documents that Emerald had managed to scrounge up about where the child was from. With no real leads on who the mother was, all they had was a list of addresses, a first name, and the name of the orphanage the child had come from. Cinder slowly picked up the first page of addresses and started to read through them to find the ones in Vale and the villages closest to start her search. 
“This is going to be a long day…” 
Another door slammed in Cinder’s face and another address was crossed off the list she had created to search for the day. No one had seen the child, let alone could narrow down who had a child named Garnet. Hours of searching had been a waste of time as she made her way to the nearest inn at the newly rebuilt Mountain Glenn. She walked through the streets and held the child close, groaning as it started to cry. 
“Sounds like she’s hungry,” a voice said behind Cinder. “Or at least tired.” 
“And what would you know about that?” Cinder asked as she turned around, holding the child close to her and her free hand moving to a blade on her hip. Her fingers relaxed and she frowned as she recognized the person behind her. “Weiss… what are you doing here? Did Emerald send you to follow me?” 
Weiss shook her head. “Not this time, I’m here on my own mission.” She paused for a moment when she saw the child in Cinder’s arms. “Why do you have Garnet with you?” 
“Wait, you know her?” 
“That’s Ruby’s kid. Which means if you have her then…” Weiss didnt finish her thought and started to rush off. “Dont leave until I come back!” 
“What do you mean this is Ruby’s kid? Weiss! Get back here!” Cinder sighed and held the baby close to her as she growled in frustration. “Of course she runs off without telling me anything.” With heavy steps, she continued to the inn and checked into a room for herself and the kid to take a small rest and to figure out what she’d actually need for Garnet. Even without being told to stay put, it hadnt been likely that she was going to find Ruby tonight anyway and would need to make sure she had the supplies for the kid since Weiss didnt seem to take her. 
A smile crossed her lips as the baby started to quiet while laying on the bed, thankful that the crying was over for now. Though, the smile quickly disappeared as she heard a single word come from the kid and her heart raced in panic. 
“Ma… mama.” 
“Shit. Ruby’s going to kill me.”
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
hey hey! im down for a little chat <3
i only found this blog like, 2 days ago but i can already feel myself getting the urge to go back and reread everything here. content of the highest quality over here <3 /gen
all the fics on AO3 would be really nice as well imo! although i cant say that i use the site that frequently, it could be a good way for others to find your works! at least thats how i see it
i think its due to how much i simp for this man, but i really love love LOVE the memory files. the trope is fairly common (from what ive seen) but the way you write it? chefs kiss. i am patiently but eagerly waiting for the next part mwah <3
the cup god chronicles were also a really fun read. i dont fully really see content (READ: fics) for him regularly so i was immediately intrigued and when i tell you, i was HOOKED. big fan, i love this doofus <3
now imma ask you something. who's your fave ego? my guess is engineer lol
also, whats your pronouns? i havent seen them listed anywhere ^^"
if you dont mind me asking, how long have you been writing? just in general. it seems like a basic Q but the answers are fascinating.
and as a last little tid bit of me im willing to share for the night, i read most of your works in around 2 hours. what that says about me is irrelevant,, goodnight, i hope this isnt too big of a text wall to answer <3
WAAAH thank you!! Also all of that in two hours?! Oh gosh! (And you're all good! I like big text walls!)
That was more or less my thought with posting them on Ao3! I know a lot of writers do cross-post them, so I figured "hey, why not". I...might end up doing that today, since I managed to pull a muscle in my back real bad in the night and I'm laid up in bed. gfhj
Ooooh, Lost Memory Files does tend to be a fan favorite. XD I'm really happy people like it! It...actually spun out of a similar idea but with Engineer and a Captain who can't remember wormholes and looping...heh. The next part, based on my loose notes, is likely going to continue the hurt.
Cup God Chronicles was really my first attempts at writing Night, the smug bastardass. The reader being a sarcastic little shit is in part I'm a sarcastic little shit, and in part based off of @ghostf1ux. I did notice there aren't a ton of fics for him that aren't...uh. Spicy. I have a couple more fics planned for it!
Favorite ego is 100% Engineer. "The smartest dumbass" was how I saw him described at one point and I'm like "yes. THIS ONE." There's something about like...realizing that even through all the hurt on both sides of that, he still fully trusts the captain? Despite everything. Never knowing the full extent of everything the captain goes through, despite his own misconceptions...
And well, hope is very important to me. So ISWM being very centered around never giving up hope kind of hit real hard, you know?
I DIDN'T REALIZE I DIDN'T PUT PRONOUNS ANYWHERE. ghjk WHOOPS. Honestly, almost anything! (My one exception is it/it's, and that's just because it doesn't feel like me. Big love to everyone who does though! Y'all rock it!)
I'm a genderfluid menace so they're always changing anyway!
How long I've been writing...the first thing I really clearly remember writing was either HP or Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic waaaaaaaaay back in the day. I must have been about 10 or 11? So...20+ years at this point.
If I had to think about creative writing and doing it more consistently, that's closer to about...16 years? (I had to think about when I graduated high school and I felt like I aged SIGNIFICANTLY in an instant.)
One of my English teachers really drove a lot of confidence in my writing! Shout out to Mr. Craig, who liked some of my original stuff I had written for his class so much, he still has it and checks in from time to time on what I'm up to.
He's a big reason as to why I have an 111k original fiction novel and a novella I self-published for a while. He also did a front-flip off a stage with a lightsaber for a student-written play.
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murdering-time · 2 years
An Overdue Explanation and Update
// Hey Folx
I know for the majority of the past few months I have been very inactive and I'll give you the short of it all before the cut. Mental Health and Dropping out of Uni.
Of course I'll be back, I've been in contact with Spider and Doorrat ((who are both incredibly sweet people out of asks for the record)) and I have a few things planned out for the blog which is VERY exciting!
I do plan to go through the Hatters Acrs in BTAS without the use of cameos ((Trial I will maim you)) and Im not too focussed on this blog being cannon compliant !
If you wish to read more, just to know what's up, it's all under the cut, and TW for me being open about my mental health but that's about it
Best to all of you!
Aha, a curious fellow, eh? (Gender neutral)
Alright, the meat of it all
The past few years Ive been struggling mentally anyway - I flip flop from incredible highs to just inexplicable lows - it's incredible exhausting, leaves me restless and sleep deprived, and worst of all I've been trying to complete university on top of it.
My studies have suffered. I have suffered. And now it has all unfortunately caught up to me.
These past few months I have been doing what I like to call "hermitting" Its where I isolate myself, store and conserve my energy for the small things I enjoy doing, and those I want to talk to.
I have dropped out of University after failing a second attempt and this academic year I am working.I have a new job, I am talking to new people, and I am recouperating myself.
I have a therapist again, too and having been in and out of counselling for just over half a decade it feels like I'm getting somewhere with help.
I should be seeing a psychiatrist soon, and I sincerely hope they can give me some answers for being incredible low emotionally at the worst of times.
So, what does this mean for my blog?
Well! Essentially, I have more free time! Lost more free time!
I can feel the lack of stress of study, I feel lighter, and up until now I was incredibly drained at a constant.
I started this blog in the Summer holiday (nearly just over half a year ago now) and I never thought it would pick up so quickly as it did!
I am having such fun, and I still have Doorrat's ask in my inbox to continue the lore and story of Mad as a Hatter
I have a few tags to make, tag lists, organisation, just for each sort of episode that's explored I can go through the tags and make a tag list
Really, just now, I'm hoping to keep myself a float, Im still working on my stupid little fanfic that this blog was inspired by, and I'm just trying to get myself into the flow of having most the week to myself and not sleeping in
It's fun! Real fun, and from talking to such lovely people who drop by my inbox (Phone Im looking at you too) and all the peope who send and tag me in things
It makes me feel very welcomed and it makes the breaks I need feel valued and understood
Really, just, being a sap on main, I am so touched by the inherent support that there is for me, for Hatter, for this blog, and for the arcs that are being spurred on by all the wonderful asks in my inbox
I love you all very dearly, the spam likers, the lurkers, the askers, the RPers, the people who have messaged me, tagged me, thought about this stupid little blog --
It's an honour to be here and to be supported like this especially with the stress that I've gone through offline UvU
Expect some more lore soon, right now Im just finishing up a scarebest fic for a mate of mine and hopefully going to update the little long term fic Im working on and check exactly where im supposed to be with that on the outline
I'll be sure to draw a little thank you for the wait, and while It would have been appropriate the put Jervis in Arkham BEFORE going AWOL unfortunately I cant choose when my brain decides "hello. Time to hibernate."
Needless to say, this fucker WILL end up in Arkham, which means NEW EMOTES, and you guys will be more than able to ask about the inmates, Jervis' allies, and who he's connecting with within the asylum
Sympathies and regards to all of you!
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away-ward · 10 months
You know, the more i read your posts and anons' messages, the more i find kai mori annoying, hahahaha! To me, he never really stand out as a character and his annoyingly moral righteous standards are just really laughable to think about after everything he did to rika and banks, and when he keeps friends like michael and damon around knowing the kind of hurt they do to others that are not them (even if he never witness them himself, because he couldve just ASKED, but he didnt). What i find interesting too was your take about the horsemen not really caring about anything as long as it doesnt serve them in a way, and this alligns really well with what emory said in the train and its so true. Theyre not the "good bad guys" that they thought they were, and i feel like to continue living like that for the rest of their lives, they must have live their lives with a certain amount of consistent delusion because they seem to genuinely believe that they were RIGHT all damn time.
When Kai found out the secret behind banks being mysterious background (relating to not wanting to expose damon), he called her "loyal". But emmy did the same, and alone too with no contact, but she's a traitor? I know the degree and seriousness of banks and emorys situations here are different but idk, its the same concept no? Idk idk, kai who was already dull to me, became even more unappealing after he said that, because aside from will, he was literally the second most privileged guy in the group who's issues were just daddy's expectations (which wasnt even so big, katsu just wanted the best life for him, but he goes around befriending alleged rapists???) and depression after jail. Even in jail, they got premium seats, unlike damon, so i honestly cant take kai seriously even more now. Idk, maybe i am being a hardass towards privileged characters like kai, but he's so icky and whiny to me (almost as much as will) and it turns me off. Dont get me started with damon and michael though, they were already at the bottom of my list from the start, but at least they got something going.
This might also be one of the reasons why millionaire or billionaire romances just dont hit it for me, because these men are so annoyingly whiny! They solve everything with their money or reputation, so we cant get a deeper insight of their characterisations because "oh yeah, money can solve it". They dont have a solid personality outside of dollars and fame, and its just not something that i wanna read as an escape for a romance. Idk, Ana Huang, Sophie Lark, Rina Kent, Lauren Asher, sports romance authors, theyre all writing their stories with this formula, and while i have no problem with others enjoying stories like these, i wish once in while, we get an amazing rich x poor or rich x rich characters' romance stories. If you do have any, other than the Addicted and Calloway Sisters series, please do recommend us some!
At first I found this sad and then I just found it funny that this blog had the potential to ruin the perception of Kai’s character. The idea that it can take someone from neutral to “wait. Actually I find him really annoying” is so hilarious to me.  I didn’t mean to do it, I promise.
I think for me, a lot of it comes from my disappoint about how his character was revealed. I had such high hopes for him going into Hideaway and was just left feeling so irritated with him all the time. This was not the intelligent and thoughtful member of the team I’d built him up to be; the Heart to Michael’s Brain to balance the crew. The source of wisdom and principles to guide them when they went too far off course. And maybe that was putting too much on him, but I really felt he could have carried it. My fault for building him up so big and putting him on that pedestal; it’s not fair to PD or to the character to be mad about not getting what I wanted, so I don’t really go there with it.  
Of course, I liked Kai more in the past scenes that the present. Obviously, prison changed him and I’m not arguing that it shouldn’t have, but I didn’t like the direction he changed in. He is morally righteous, and I think beyond any of the others, his double standards are the most offensive to me because of it. Kai always wanted to be the good guy with a bad streak, but because of this blemish on his record, he felt that it’s all anyone would see when they looked at him. And I get at first, it can be painful to accept how things got out of control. He was a teenager, or at least young, when all this went down. But after a while, I wished he stepped back and considered, “What have I really lost?” and realized that he didn’t lose all that much, in fact. He still had his friends, the town was still on his side, he had the opportunity to finish his education (though not in the manner he would have liked), he owned his own business, he married a woman who understands him on a deeper level, who doesn’t expect him to hide or control his thrill-seeking inclinations but will indulge with him. By NF, he has a beautiful son and is well on his way to rebuilding his relationship with his parents. Five years on from prison, and by all accounts he’s exactly where he should be and probably would have been if his life hadn't been interrupted. And yet, what do we hear about when he gets upset? Prison. It all comes back to that for him. He’s stuck there, and it made me wonder if all of those accomplishments weren’t enough to help him reconcile with what happened to him, what would be enough?
I still don’t know.
When Kai found out the secret behind banks being mysterious background (relating to not wanting to expose damon), he called her "loyal". But emmy did the same, and alone too with no contact, but she's a traitor?
Yeah, because Banks didn’t send him to prison. It’s really that simple for him. I was really disappointed that it was Damon showing all of the wisdom and understanding in this instance. That not an ounce could be found in Kai is what really sent me over of the edge of tolerating him.
I’m not going to minimize what prison was like for him. His story about paralyzing someone because he let his fear of what would happen get the better of him, and then lost control would be difficult. I bet he lay awake at night, think about what could have happened if he went just a little further. He could have killed that man because he was scared and lost control. That’s would be a dangerous line of thinking for anyone and it makes sense that he came out of prison with his fist so tightly wound around his self-control that he couldn’t relax. And then nearly losing Will and his fight with Damon – I’m sure he had to quickly process that if it came down to it, he’d have to kill Damon. He’d have to kill one of his closest friends and one of the two people he feels understands what he went through. Like, Kai went through a lot. And I don’t want to minimize that. But he’s so exhausting sometimes.
Theyre not the "good bad guys" that they thought they were, and i feel like to continue living like that for the rest of their lives, they must have live their lives with a certain amount of consistent delusion because they seem to genuinely believe that they were RIGHT all damn time.
They would have to live in a state of delusion to think they’re right all the time, and part of me thinks they do. But I also don’t think they care if they’re “wrong” as long as it’s what they want. Which is the bigger issue of them thinking that doesn’t make them corrupted.
That line from Rika really irked me. If they had just admitted they were criminals, I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. I can’t critique what they freely admit, but since they want to believe they’re right for all they’ve done and are doing, and doing it in a less that legal manner doesn’t make them criminals, then I can sit here a nitpick all I want.
When you say the second privileged next to Will, do you mean in terms of home life? Because I always understood that Kai was the least wealthy of the four? And he certainly understands that his parent’s money is not his money, except for his inheritance. (Side note – I never understood what he meant in Kill Switch when he said “Rika has money,” implying the rest of them don’t? Where is he getting the money to buy properties and start companies, if not his parent’s or his inheritance? And if it’s that’s the case, where is the rest of it? Will still lives off his parents, Rika has her inheritance and income from the diamonds, and Michael is a professional athlete, so that answers that. What does he mean, they don’t have money??) If you meant in terms of his family, compared to the Crists' and Torrances' home life, then yeah. He had a really good home life. And his dad had reasonable expectations of him. So… yeah.
Also, what did you mean by this:
when he keeps friends like michael and damon around knowing the kind of hurt they do to others that are not them (even if he never witness them himself, because he couldve just ASKED, but he didnt).
Because even if I were in Kai’s position, I also wouldn’t be asking my friends “hey, did you commit any felonies or seriously injure anyone today?” Or maybe I would, but I would be joking. Like, I wouldn’t care if they did either… if I were Kai. I don’t know. The friendship between the boys was very “birds of a feather flock together” and I don’t think Kai was interested in changing their dynamic enough to care. Plus, I think for the most part, their pranks were probably painless to the community. It seemed that what we witness in the narrative was probably some of the worst things they came up with, since they escalated each year. Yeah, it probably cost the community money, but the Thunder Bay is wealthy enough to deal with it.
As for recs, I probably don’t have much to share. I’ll point again to the Crowne Point series. The series itself centers around this wealthy family that’s framed as basically American royalty. They have money in a big way, but I enjoyed how that was only a variable to their problems, and neither the reason nor the solution, so that might be something you’re looking for.   
I’ve only read Heartless Hero and Stolen Soulmate. The tropes for Heartless Hero are friends-to-enemies-to-lovers and body guard. Abigail is the youngest of the Crowne family and the one who gets into the most trouble in public. She has a penchant for scaring off her body guards until her grandfather and head of the family assigns her the perfect one to keep her in line – her ex-best friend and crush who is not excited to return to Crowne Point to cater to Abigail. Things went sideways the last time they were together and he also has plans for revenge for a perceived wrong, so similar to Devil's Night in that way.
The tropes for Stolen Soulmate are… enemies-to-lovers, maybe? I actually don’t know what to file it under. Grayson mistakes Story, a member of his household staff, for someone else and kisses her in a dark room… and confesses some secrets as well. When her identity is revealed, he wants to remove her from the house, which might as well be the country for all Story knows and cares. She strikes a deal with him that she can restore his relationship with the person he intended to kiss, his childhood friend and arranged fiancée, and things to awry from there.
They’re both dark romances, and while Story and Gray’s story continues on, I chose not to continue the series since I didn’t like where it was going, but I enjoyed the first half of the book and if you’re looking for a billionaire romance where the billionaire can’t just throw money at the problem, then this would fall into that.
Unfortunately, I do think a lot of romance books right now are formulaic. I don’t read too many that I remember pass closing the book for that reason. They all sort of blend into each other. ‘Sempre’, which you might have seen me rb some of, is one that’s stuck with me since I was younger. Some of the writing is dated and cheesy, but I do love it. Like the others, there are many problems the characters deal with and very few of them would be solved by money – which the main family does have. It’s also a mafia romance, so there’s that also, if you’re interested.
Sorry, I wish I had more. If anyone has some they'd like to recommend to other readers, feel free to share. And if you guys are interested in knowing more about what I’m currently reading (when I’m reading, that is), let me know. I’ve tried to keep this pertaining to DN with a few things on the side because magpie brain demands it so.
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Thanks for the message! Hope you're having a wonderful day. Let me know if you decide to check out any of those books.
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Hello again! Hope you are doing good.
And Wish you good luck for your School assignment and that it finish quickly so you can relax!>.<
Don't worry I'm trying to take my time here🙏🙏
That's soo cool!! You have played them?? I'm watching the royal version because it's so popular and it got me interested!
I usually just watch the gameplay of games that costs money from YouTube because as much as the gameplay is fun, I'm really there for the story.
Since i was planning to watch the other version's when i finish, you made me consider playing them myself 🤔 I'm not the best at the gameplay and get tired easily. But the storyyyy😖😖🙏🙏🙏 idk i just love stories 👉👈
I relate tbh. When i wanted to watch Danganronpa for the first time, it was school at the time and i wasted almost all my day just sitting and watching 😭😭 even though it was really fun, i just couldn't for the life of me stop it's so addictive i just like seeing the stories so much😭 visual novels game's are dangerous for me because I don't stop😭
I play a lot of games! Almost all hoyoverse game's, enstars, project sekai, identity v, final fantasy 7, A3!, Life is strange And probably a lot other stuff i don't remember 😅
Final fantasy 7 is probably one of the only game i payed money for that i experienced it's story within myself for the first time(that's kinda complicated 😅)
I play otome games too! Probably play anything as long as their is a good story and some handsome characters 👀👀
Or one that i can enjoy with friends 🤷
Haha i talked a lot👉👈 i guess i can say that I'm really passionate about games🤧
And! I'm glad you got recharged by the last hug>.< Soooo here is another one!
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Also before i go
Who is your favorite character in persona 5?👀
Hello Noram 🌻🌺💕
Thank you 💚💜💜🙏 It's all going well and my group is working together well, so I'm doing good there. Cant wait for this and next week to be over so I can relax 😭😭💚💚
That's good! I'm glad to hear that 👏👏 Yes! rather my brother played them, and I watched lol Our deal was I would buy it and he would play it, so we both won in the end.
I do that too 🙌🙌 I watch gameplays on YouTube when I cant play a game or cant get my brother to do it. I can't to two sticks so anything that's not novel games or tactical turn based I cant play 🥺 but I thank YouTube because it makes it easier for me to watch others play now 🙌
If your'e watching the Persona 5 Royal verison then you dont need to watch the other one. 🙌 Persona 5 royal version is basically an updated version of the OG one where they added more story and characters and it really rounded out the whole game plot wise so you should definitely stick to that one. do you have a favorite character yet?
visual novel games are the best and worst, they take so much of your time but they are so so good I can't just stop. I remember playing collar x malice and Bustafellow in 4 day and 7 days respectively. I have dongaronpa but haven't played it yet 🙌 its on my list
I heard of all of those games that you listed 👏 though I only play enstars, A3 (used to), tears of Themis, and watched my brother play FF7.
otome games are the best 🙌💕 do you play or watch the console ones? I have so many. which ones are you favorites?
I enjoyed reading about your passion, I love talking about games and otome so please feel free to talk more.☺️💕
Thank you my hug 🙌 battery is charged and now I can continue my assignment with gusto 🙌
Here's mine:
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My favorite character is makoto. I ship her with Akira, who I another fave. I also like akechi too 👀lolol
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