#my secret santa 🎁
stabbystiletto · 9 months
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🎅🎁🎄Merry Christmas @koolgurl630!!🎄🎁🎅
I saw a SakuMahi on your list and had to do it lololol 😆😆😆😅😅😅
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starchild--27 · 1 year
Heyo, i'm your secret santa for the exo-l project! I look forward to getting to know you.
I'm kinda assuming you're Chanyeol biased from looking at your tumblr but please correct me if i'm wrong/let me know your bias! I'd love to know what you love about your bias too!
I'll likely be either writing fanfiction (either x reader or x another member) for a gift or making gifs so please let me know what you'd prefer! i'm happy to do whatever
I hope you're having a lovely day
from: 🎁
Hey there!! So happy to hear from you :D i love this little event a lot so i'm really looking forward to the next couple of months, hehe ^-^
(i tend to write really long answers at times so sorry in advance xD)
You are assuming correctly, the Chanyeol love is, umm, well, all over the place here xD i love tons of things about him really. first is probably all the love he carries himself: for everything concerning music, for his pets, for his friends, for life. he strikes me as a caring person who knows his own emotions very well and can process them into art, which is something i admire a lot in people. so yeah, when ever he is creating, that is him in "my favourite state". playing instruments, singing/rapping, being involved in some kind of creative process. all that. for example, i go absolutely batshit crazy over the "recording behind the scenes" videos we got for cream soda and hear me out. i love these glimpses we get of all of them really while they are doing such an part of their work.
i've also mentioned the pets already. nothing cuter than when he talks in baby language to his little puppy princess xDD i am melting away with a smile on my face just thinking about it xD
another thing i love is, let's say the bits of his personality that we as fans get to see. (not implying their are all just stage personas. i believe very much that what we see of them is true but you know, we see only the parts they want us to see. as it's only normal. anyway-) he is so effortlessly funny, he cheers me up a lot with the silly things he does because they are funny or bring him joy. it's the fact he can do both, you know? do the silliest shit with the members on stage one minute and hold a deeply emotional ment the next. which leads me to another thing i really love anout him (tho that's more about exo in general, really): all the chemistry they have with each other. they've known each other forever and i love that for them being around each other is as easy as breathing. there is a lot of sibling energy there, in both the funny and the deep sense, and it moves me to tears many times, for both the funny and the deep reasons. and i love chanyeol's place in this constellation a lot, a person who makes the mood, can joke around, can also take jokes easily and then again is a trusted friend who supports the ones close to him fiercely and in any way he can.
yeah, these are the main things i think that i love about him. i think last year i ended my little chanyeol speech with a phrase like "he carries so much warmth inside him and pours in into everything he does. also, he is pretty ♡" and i think that sums it up quite well xD
bonus (bc it came to mind just now): i absolutely adore the faces he makes while dancing. not in a mocking way or anything, i have the biggest respect for them pulling off these choreos while singing too. it's so hard! i just think he looks hella cute when he is focused on dancing and ... kinda loses control over his features xDD i also think he looks like a ... very tall fairy ... in some choreo moments (like in Thunder for example xD)
for my gift...ok, i'll try not to give the unsatisfactory answer of "i don't mind, i'll be happy with anything, just do whatever you feel like/have the time and inspiration for" (tho that point always stands, so it you find yourself in a creative slump for one thing, i wouldn't mind it at all if you "switched" to something that comes more easily to you, creatively speaking) - and i think i have never received gifs or a gifset for this event before. so i'll go with that ^-^
if you need some more info or details for that, always feel free to ask ^-^
nowwww, i also want to know a little more about you (if it doesn't give away the secret part of secret santa too much ofc xD). who is/are your bias(es)? what's your favourite thing about them? do you like other kpop groups besides exo? and what are some of your favorite songs (exo, kpop, or any other genres - your pick ^-^)
i hope you have/had a great day and you're doing alright :D
xoxo, selma 💫
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🎁🎄Christmas Elf - Lando Norris
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<word count - 2512>
You'd been at McLaren for two weeks, so that meant unfortunately (or not so much) that you were unable to participate in secret santa with them this year. Everyone had gathered in the break room, leaving you at your desk to carry on working. 
You didn't really mind, since it would have been hard for you or whoever got you if you had taken part. As you stared at you screen, you mindlessly fiddled with the charms on your bracelet. No one else was working, so you didn't feel bad that you weren't. 
It would've been nice to celebrate some of the Christmas cheer, but it was fine. "Hey Y/N?" someone called. You looked up, seeing your boss stood in the doorway. "Yeah?"
"Someone left this under the tree for you," he smiled, bringing the small bag and setting it down on your desk. "But my name wasn't pulled?" 
"I know, but someone was feeling the Christmas spirit," he lightly chuckled, disappearing back into the break room. You looked at it for a moment, pulling it closer to you so that you could peer inside. All you could see was a small white box, and you were curious, to say the least. 
Reading the tag attached, it only made you more curious. 'Dear Y/N, I know you weren't included in secret santa this year, but I figured you deserved a gift as well. I saw this, and thought it would fit perfectly with your collection. Merry Christmas, X'
Reaching your hand in, you pulled the box out and placed it in front of you, trying to figure out what it was before you opened it. You gave in pretty quickly, lifting the lid of the box. You couldn't help but smile as you saw the tiny race car charm for your bracelet. 
You failed to notice the pair of eyes watching you as you grinned, holding it between your fingers. It was absolutely lovely, even the tiniest details were perfectly etched onto it. It was like a like-for-like replica of the cars that were in the show room downstairs, and you loved it. 
You quickly clipped it to your bracelet, and it was instantly one of your favourites that you had. As the whole day went by, you found your eyes wandering down to the charm on your wrist, and you couldn't help but smile at it every time. 
You wanted to know who to thank for the overwhelmingly thoughtful gift, since no one had signed off the card, or left any indication as to who they were. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to figure it out, since someone was bound to have seen the gift be put under the tree. 
Throughout the day, you were still being watched by the person, and he felt that the look on your face was absolutely priceless. His note was just a little white lie, as well. Yes, he had wanted you to be included in secret santa, but that was simply a front. 
He would have gotten the charm for you regardless, but the gift giving in the office provided the perfect way for him to secretly gift it to you. He had been brainstorming the present ever since you stepped foot in the office, and it was not something that was on the every day market. He had to use some connections, but the smile of pure joy on your face was worth it. 
Meanwhile, you had been asking around the office, seeing if anyone had seen the gift when they put theirs down. It took a while, but you eventually located the first person who had put their present down. "Hey Jim, are you free for a minute?" you asked, approaching Jim in the breakroom. 
"Sure Y/N, what's up?" he replied, turning to face you. 
"Were you the first person to put down your secret santa gift?"
"No, there was already one under the tree. They must've been in early," he told you.
"Did it happen to look like this?" you asked, placing the bag that your charm was in down on the table in front of him. "Yeah, that was the only thing under the tree when I went,"
"Did you see anyone else around? Do you know who else was there?" you pressed, desperate to know who had bought you the present. "Sorry, I didn't see anyone else. The first person that I saw was Lando, but that was just after one of the meetings downstairs." Jim explained. 
"But there weren't any meetings today, well, none that Lando had to be in," you eyed him skeptically. "That was just what he said,"
"OK, thanks Jim. Merry Christmas," you smiled as you walked away. Why would Lando lie? He must've had his reasons, but you couldn't think of any point in it. He was Lando Norris, if he wanted to be here, then he was allowed to be. 
He was the star of the show in this place, he didn't need a reason to hang around, he just could. Anyway, your search that had lead to Jim had proven fruitless, so you headed back to your desk after your lunch break had been spent on a wild goose chase. 
After finally engrossing yourself in your work, you noticed someone stood in front of your desk. "Hey Lando," you said, without even looking up from your computer. He had probably just come to ask if you could cancel his meetings for tomorrow or something. 
"Hey Y/N, how are you doing?" he smiled, leaning over your desk with his arms propping him up. You found the grin on his face slightly suspicious, but Lando always had a hidden agenda. He was always up to something. 
"Not bad thanks, you?"
"Yeah, I'm good, I'm good." you replied, bring your hand to your face to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.  "Nice bracelet. I like the car, very apt," he said, grabbing your hand to inspect your wrist. His hands were warm, his fingertips gentle on the skin of your wrist.
"Oh yeah, it's really pretty, isn't it? I'm trying to figure out who gave it to me, you have any ideas?" you asked, failing to see the glint of mischief in his eye. You were completely oblivious, and he was thoroughly enjoying it. 
"No, sorry, not a clue. But I'm sure they'll reveal themselves at some point. See you later, good luck on your quest," he grinned, pushing himself away from the desk and walking away from you. 
"Bye Lando," you replied, and he was gone as quickly as he had gotten to you. You found the nature of his visit slightly odd, but you didn't think anything of it. 
The rest of your day was spent without knowing a single thing about the mystery sweetheart who had given you your gift, and you desperately wanted to thank them for their efforts. You'd spend time just staring at it, as if you were hoping it would reveal its previous owner. 
You were still being watched, the person having a smug smirk plastered on his face. He could see the cogs turning in your head, confusion written all over your features. He'd let the scepticism simmer for a while, and then he'd tell you. 
Or maybe not. He'd see. 
The next morning, you walked into the office to see your desk was different. The best kind of different. Your computer had a string of multi-coloured Christmas lights draped over the monitor, and there was a mini Christmas tree sat to the side of it. 
It was decorated with mini baubles, and had an adorable little star on the top. On the surface of your desk, fake snow had been sprinkled around and it looked like a small winter wonderland right on your desk. 
Placed on your keyboard was another note: 'Dear Y/N, the whole office is decorated, so I thought that your desk could be too. I hope you like it, X'. You put the note in your desk drawer along with the other, hoping you could use them to find out who had given you the gift and decorated your desk.
"Jim? Did you see?" you called out to Jim, who was sat at his desk, typing away at something.
"It was like that when I got here," he said with a smile, quickly turning his attention back to his computer. Nobody arrived to work before Jim, absolutely nobody. And even if someone had, he surely would have seen them near your desk and mentioned it to you. 
"Nice decorations, Y/N," Lando said, appearing at your side, and scanning his eyes over your desk. "Was it the mystery Christmas elf again?"
"Yeah, and it is so cute. I love it," you beamed, "I don't know who they are, and I need to thank them for this. It's just so lovely," you rambled, your eyes shining with delight. 
"Still not close to figuring it out?" 
"No, my best guess is Jim at the moment, but I don't know," you shook your head, Jim being the only logical person. "Jim?!" Lando spluttered, his eyes widening in shock. Out of all the people in the office, you came to the conclusion it was Jim.
"He's the only one who is here when stuff happens. He was here when my gift was put under the tree, and he was here when my desk was decorated," you explained your conclusion to deciding Jim was your mystery Christmas elf.
"He doesn't seem like the type to me, if I'm being honest," Lando diverted his shock and slight worry away from Jim.
"Why not? You know something I don't, Norris?" you teased, nudging him.
"I, uhm, no. I just don't want you getting the wrong idea, that's all," he said, trying to hide the panic in his voice. He didn't want you to know just yet. He liked seeing you all frazzled, confused, unknowing. He was proud of himself for having pulled it off. 
"Don't worry Lando, I know you would've told me if you knew," you smirked, turning your attention back to the people around the office. Not a single on of them looked like the people who could be your mystery Christmas elf, and you were at a loss. 
"Yeah, I would've," he nodded, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself of the fact instead of genuinely believing it. "You're coming to the party tonight, right? The end of year thing?" Lando asked, changing the subject. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there," you nodded, looking forward to your first McLaren Christmas party, hopefully, of many. "You coming?"
"I sure will be," he smiled, "I'll see you later,"
The festive spirit enveloped the office as twinkling lights adorned the words and tinsel sparkled around every corner. Your first of many annual Christmas parties was now in full swing, and your office suddenly didn't seem so bad as your colleagues filled the air with laughter. 
"Lando, you'll never guess what," you said, leaving out any sort of greeting when you approached Lando after finding him in the middle of the party. He had to do a double take when he saw you, for once the lack of papaya bringing him pure joy. 
He couldn't put a word to your appearance in his mind that quite did it justice, but the closest he could find was perfect. Just... everything about you was simply perfect, and the beaming smile plastered on your face was more dazzling than the star atop the Christmas tree. "What?"
"I got a package in the mail from my Christmas elf the minute I arrived home," you excitedly told him.
"Oh really? What did they send you this time?" he asked, glad the plan had been pulled off to perfection. He was very proud of himself, he had been doing a great job over the past couple of days to get everything that he needed to be done, done. 
"Aren't they the prettiest?" you giggled, pulling your hair back to show off the dangling, golden Christmas tree earrings that had arrived at your door. 
"They really are," he nodded, thoroughly satisfied with the results of his Christmas escapade. While Lando's brain was being smug, you couldn't help but stare at him. Yes, he always looked good, that was a given, but he was looking extra snazzy tonight.
Something about that man in suit just hit different. A very good different indeed.  "This person must really like you then, huh?"
"Yeah, and I'd really like to know who they are," you grinned, wanting to know who this mystery person was. They had brought so much light and joy to you in the past couple days, and you wanted to be able to thank them.
"I mean, decorating your desk, sending stuff in the post, making sure yours was the first gift under the tree. That's dedication," he nodded, hoping you'd take the bait and talk about how amazing he- sorry, I mean your Christmas elf was. 
"How'd you know it was the first under the tree? I never told you it was," you said, the pieces clicking together in your head. 
"Did you not? Huh, lucky guess," Lando nervously chuckled, trying to dig himself out of the suddenly deep hole he had found himself in. 
"You didn't have a meeting yesterday morning, did you Lando?" you pressed, finally settling on the idea that it was indeed not Jim, but Lando Norris himself. 
"So why were you in the office early?" you further poked, wanting to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. 
"To put your present under the tree," he admitted, looking right into your eyes. Surely you wouldn't change your mind on the graciousness of your Christmas elf just because it was Lando, right? He just loved bringing joy to you, and seeing you so happy made him joyous beyond belief. 
With a beaming smile, you couldn't stop yourself as you leant in, closing the distance between the two of you. Time seemed to slow as your lips met, a gentle kiss that carried the spirit of Christmas, the joy of the season, and perhaps the hint of something more. 
Your surrounding co-workers pointed and were shocked, but they didn't find it unusual. Lando had been sneaking around the place a lot recently, and they all clocked on a lot quicker than you did. 
As you pulled away, your eyes were locked together, and you couldn't help but share a knowing smile. Looking to your left, you saw Jim stood there, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. Over your heads, he held a sprig of mistletoe. "Really Jim?" you laughed. 
"Merry Christmas," he chuckled back, leaving you and Lando stood there. The party continued around you, but it might as well have just been you and Lando in the room. 
"Thank you, so much," you breathlessly said.
"What else is a Christmas elf for?" he softly chuckled, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
"Merry Christmas," you smiled, kissing him on the cheek. This was, without a doubt, the best secret santa gift you had ever gotten, and would probably ever get. 
A/N - Merry Christmas part 2! I have so many Christmas ideas, but there is only one joyful season per year, and I have a lot of other stuff that needs writing, so it may be saved until next year... We'll see. Would you guys mind getting Christmas stuff in the middle of the year? Lmk! Requests are open, love you loads 💖
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
🎄Christmas Season with JJK Men🎄
characters: Gojo, Choso, Nanami
⚠️warning: suggestive in Gojo’s, smut in Choso’s and Nanami’s, you’re pregnant in Gojo’s and Nanami’s⚠️
A/N: If this does well, I’ll do a part 2 with more characters!! I have only watched the first season of the anime, and it was a while ago so please be nice!! I might not know the characters too well, but I’m trying my best to give y’all content!!
NSFW JJK taglist: @iluvies @zeniiis @highbats69
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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He throws a Secret Santa for his students a few days before Christmas, and as his wife you attend. It’s the first Christmas you’ve been married and your first time meeting his students, so they all(besides Megumi, who attended the wedding and loves you to death) nearly die of shock.
“Are you being paid for this? Like a girlfriend for rent?” Nobara asks, looking you up and down then glancing at her mentor.
“Oh you wound me!”
Gojo holds you in his arms, his hand moving to your tummy. “And I was so excited to introduce you all to my lovely wife and child!”
You smack his head. “Satoru! We were supposed to keep that a secret!”
Nobara and Itadori accept you as his wife when they watch you scold him as if he were a disobedient child.
The Secret Santa was fun, ending with a Christmas movie and cookies. The three teens wished you a marry Christmas before telling their mentor how lucky he was.
“I am pretty lucky, aren’t I?”
He kissed the top of your head, leading you to the car by your hand. “My sweet girl deserves nothing but the best, I know that too well.”
You’re treated to hot coco and a nice warm bath when you get home. Your husband offered to sing you Christmas songs as you bathed, but you (fortunately) declined. He could be a bit clingy during the holidays.
The night ends with soft lovemaking, gentle kisses, and another Christmas movie. He’s so excited to spend your first Christmas married together, and who can blame him!
He likes to celebrate Christmas with family, so once you’re together he INSISTS on accompanying you to your family’s annual Christmas party. You need to teach him about a few traditions and social cues, but besides that he’s pretty good around your family.
He helps put up decorations, gets along with your little cousins, and he even brings Itadori along with him. Choso is a family man, he really enjoys being surrounded by people who care.
As soon as the two of you are alone, it doesn’t matter if you’re staying over with your parents or not, he’s got his hand in your panties, trying to get you off. You’re his princess, and he heard that you’re supposed to give people presents for Christmas, Choso just wants to make you feel loved and special!
He just loves you cockwarming him while you watch Christmas movies together, keeping his hands on the fat of your hips, gently kneading.
“Mm… merry Christmas, princess… so pretty, fuck…”
It goes from this to him talking to your parents about how happy he is to be invited 30 minutes later. You’re just trying to ignore the feeling of his cum pooling down your legs, thankful you wore baggy sweatpants.
He learns most of his knowledge on Christmas from movies, so he’s determined to kiss you under the mistletoe. He stood under it for nearly an hour, waiting for you to finish talking to your family.
You find him standing there, pouting like an abandoned puppy.
“You’re so silly, Choso. You could have just asked for a kiss.”
The two of you share a soft kiss. He holds back any groping or tongue because his brother is there, but once you’re behind closed doors… RIP your coochie.
Unlike the other characters on this list, Nanami much prefers spending a quiet Christmas alone with you. He’ll visit your family before Christmas, but Christmas Day is for you and him alone.
He wakes you up with breakfast in bed. Nanami’s love language is acts of service and words of affirmation. He spends the morning with you in his lap, feeding you breakfast as he tells you just how grateful he is to have you in his life, especially during Christmas.
Honestly, I feel like Nanami may have a bit of seasonal depression, and you’re the reason he’s able to really enjoy the holiday.
Nanami likes to surprise you with your gifts by pretending Santa is the one that brought them. He leaves you in bed at 3 am to arrange your gifts, and you playful pretend to be surprised. You’re both adults and he knows you’re just going along with it, but it’s just some innocent fun that makes him enjoy the season. He’d honestly be a great father, and now you want a family with him even more.
Since you usually make meals for the two of you, he took over the duty of Christmas dinner. Once it’s lunch time, he serves you a plate of your favorite Christmas foods. He spends the entire day thoroughly spoiling you.
The two of you stay in pajamas, lazily snacking and watching Christmas movies while snuggling on the couch. It’s moments like these that make him feel alive and content.
At night, you have sleepy, snuggly sex. He keeps you close to him, thrusting in and out while holding onto your hand. “My darling… I’m so, so happy… this day couldn’t have been better…”
You hope your Christmas present for him, a positive pregnancy test, will make him even more happy when you show him in the morning. Unfortunately, you are much too sleepy and comfortable with his cock nestled inside of you to get it at that moment.
But when you show him in the early morning, he cries tears of joy.
“This is perfect… my sweet angels…”
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pensbridgertons · 9 months
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i never thought i'd know what happy felt like, especially if i wasn't on my own. but ever since you've been a part of my life, i'd rather be with you than be alone
content creator secret santa for @raypakorn 🎁💖
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serendippertyy · 9 months
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🎅🦌 special delivery from your secret santa, @cartoon-lizard !! 🎄🎁
Idk if you know this but I don't play around when it comes to these two and I was so ready to pour my heart and soul into this one!!
I loved all your prompts and suggestions, I really tried to incorporate as many as I could into one big piece, including keeping all the lovey dovey song suggestions in mind to set the tone! I also managed to sneak the everyday vinyl in there, and those are the music notes swirling around them!! (I hope those are semi accurate, I don't know anything about sheet music haha) plus added in their wings as my own personal touch, I'm a total wing lover 😹 <3
I used lots of references and redid this like 6 times lol, but I really wanted to be happy with it before I gave it away!! ;w;
hope you like it and happy holidays!!!! 🪰🪽💜🖤
(also a big thanks to @imnotgrimimjustagrumpyreaper for hosting! i am a veryy anxious person and always skip out on events but I am so happy I pushed myself to enter this one, I forget how good it feels to bond over a shared interest by creating something you're proud of! 😊😊💕)
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minisugakoobies · 10 months
BTS Holiday Fics
Tis the season… to reblog all of my holiday fics since I don't have any new ones this year 🙈 Thought it'd be better to put them all into one list rather than rb one by one. Happy holidays! 🎁
❄️ = fluff, 🍾 = smut
Kim Namjoon:
Christmas Confession - ❄️ 🍾, 2.9k - You’re Namjoon’s Secret Santa and you’ve got the perfect gift.
Happy Accidents - ❄️, 2.2k - Sometimes your clumsiness leads to a happy accident.
Kim Seokjin:
All I Don't Want for Christmas is You! - ❄️ 🍾, 23.7k - The holidays are here! But instead of celebrating, you’re trapped in a town called Christmas with your office nemesis, Seokjin Motherfucking Kim, and an unruly band of clients. Can you survive the trip and secure the promotion your boss has promised? Or will Jin take you down?
Min Yoongi:
I Wanna Hold Your Hand - ❄️, 1.4k - It’s hand-holding season, according to your roommate.
Party Vibes - 🍾, 5.8k - Yoongi’s hoping you can keep him entertained at this year’s office holiday party
Jung Hoseok:
After the Party - ❄️ 🍾, >1k - After the party, Hoseok’s not done celebrating you.
Third Time's the Charm - ❄️, 2.1k - After two close encounters with your brother’s best friend, Hoseok, you decide the third time’s the charm.
Park Jimin: see the 12 Lays of Kinkmas below
Kim Taehyung:
Next Christmas - ❄️, 1.1k - Taehyung’s trying to help you get ready for this Christmas, but you’re already thinking of the next.
Jeon Jungkook:
Mugs & Kisses - ❄️, 6k - Jungkook has something he’d like to tell you, but he can’t find the words. So he’s thought of another way.
New Year, New You - ❄️ 🍾, 1.8k - New year, new you. Except here you are, minutes after midnight, already falling back into old habits. You just can’t resist.
Teamwork - MYG, KTH - 🍾, 1.7k - It’s supposed to be a New Year’s Eve party, but your friends have turned it into an eligible bachelor contest. What are you supposed to do when you’re caught between two men?
12 Lays of Kinkmas - ❄️ 🍾 - 12 fics written based on individual smut prompts (each fic has its own pairings, genres, ratings, summaries & warnings)
Happy Hour - Hyung line - 🍾 (suggestive), 2.9k - You’re home for the holidays, hungover as fuck, and can’t remember what you did last night. Luckily, your little brother Jungkook and his friends Taehyung and Jimin are all too happy to remind you!
Happy Hour 2: The Hyungs Strike Back - Hyung line - 🍾 (suggestive), 4.4k - While back home for another holiday, your brother Jungkook and his friends convince you to go late night bowling with them. Surely this won’t end as badly as the last time you went out, right?
Main Masterlist
© 2021-22-23 by minisugakoobies. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my work.
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vesprynna · 9 months
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Today we celebrate Christmas here in Norway, so in honor of the day, here is my Secret Santa gift that I made for Joiski 🥰
He requested Ocarina of Time Link and Zelda in winter outfits, do ofc I made a romantic twist 🤣🙏 I won't lie, I had the biggest crush on OoT Link as a young girl 😂 It was delightful to revisit so many fond memories ✨
🎄🎁🎉 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! 🎉🎁🎄
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artemiseamoon · 9 months
What the heart wants
Pero Tovar x F Reader*
🤶🏾🎁Secret Santa fic ✨ for @blueeyesatnight !!! ✨ Happy holidays! (event hosted by @pedrostories )
Read below * or on A03
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Words: 7,621
Summary: As Spring rolls around, you find yourself content with your life. Business is successful, you have all the independence you want and good friends to share life with. A man wasn't something you needed or were seeking at the time as occasional lovers fulfilled your primal urges. But it was clear, life had other plans as a handsome but dirty mercenary blew through your doors.
Warnings: some canon period misogyny (not much), Pero 😂, language, brothel mention & mild sexual content.
*Reader notes: there are some details!!! So it’s not a completely blank slate; reader is female, in her upper 30s, sturdy/curvy built (visualize as you please) & often wears pants not dresses. No skin tone/race mentioned but she does understand & speak some Spanish. *Feel free to read as an OC if you prefer*
AN: If you already know me, you know I no longer crosspost to this site, nor write reader inserts. Since this is a special occasion, it’s both a RC & crossposted (here & on my A03) 😁 happy reading! This was so fun to write.
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Holding the cuff to the afternoon light, you examined your work closely, feeling satisfied with the end result. Growing up the daughter of a blacksmith, you learned several things, and though you could make a sword, you quickly found you preferred making jewelry; it filled you with joy, especially when you saw the end result and the look on people's faces.
You had kitchenware under your belt too, it was the kind of thing that always bought in coin, as it was a needed everyday item. Currently, you are perfecting your skills in armor making. You started to learn back in your early 20s, now in your late 30’s you could create decent work, but you wanted to be better. Never one to back down from a challenge, you made it your newest goal.
You just set the new cuff aside when the small bell chimed, filling the halls with the familiar sound. Stepping away from the desk, you peeked out of the doorway and down the hall, where you had a straight shot of the front door.
You quirked a brow as a man you’ve never seen before stalked in, the wind sweeping inside with him, along with a bad mood like a dark cloud overhead. Upon first glance, he almost seemed inconvenienced, yet you saw him walk in alone, no one forced him.
He was handsome with dark features, but dirty, and needed a good shave. The stranger wore the kind of scowl that would keep people ten feet away from him. His attire and the double swords strapped to his back gave his profession away, a mercenary. They often traveled through these parts en route to somewhere else and stayed a night or two; it made good coin for the local businesses when they did.
You thought about revealing yourself but chose to watch him a little longer. You observed him as he moved deeper into the shop, his eyes moving about the place as he took it in.
He scratched his beard, grumbling something you couldn’t hear, as he touched and poked at things along the way. He was a fascinating creature to watch, and one of the best-looking men you’ve seen in a long time, even under all the dirt and grime, and the sharp chip on his shoulder. That’s when you noticed the scar, one that made you curious about the how, and made him even hotter at the same time.
Even his walk was attractive, he seemed more like a wild animal than a man, like a feral wolf just wandered into your shop and right into your hands.
Pero (minutes ago)
Dragging his feet, Pero made his way through the town, eyeing signs on doors and windows, looking for work. He was tired, bone tired, his back hurt like all hell, his ass was numb from being on his horse so long, and he was annoyed. He was starving, he ran out of rations early this morning and was running on a piece of stale bread at the moment. He’d try one more place, then get some damn food, followed by a room, a bath, and a whore.
He was about halfway down the block when he noticed the blacksmith sign. In his half hour here, it seemed West Meadow had no work for him requiring his swords, but a man could always be useful in a shop like that.
Pero entered, his stomach grumbling and fighting with him. He expected to see a forge as soon as he walked in but was met with a plain room with a simple desk, two chairs, and a long table. Ahead was a hallway that likely led to some other rooms. The smells of iron, steel, wax, and fire met his nose, there was definitely a forge, maybe in the back.
Where the hell was everyone?
Patience wasn’t a friend of his. He called out and was only met with his own echo.
Cursing under this breath, he decided to ditch this plan for now, and just get some food. A door opened in the distance. He turned, expecting to see a man appear, but a man it wasn't.
Pero tilted his head to the side as his eyes raked over you. You were beautiful, with a face that was downright distracting, but that wasn’t all, when you smiled, you nearly knocked his bad mood right out of him. Your smile was so full and bright that he finally understood what that stupid saying, bright as the sun, meant.
You were well-built, sturdy, and curvy in the right places. That was clear even with the heavy apron you wore. Pero raised his eyes back to your own. Even the smudges on your face and a mask over your hair didn’t take away from your beauty.
Pero regained his composure, then asked gruffly, “who's in charge?”
Your smile dropped, “well, hello to you too.”
“Where’s your husband or father?”
“Are you serious?” you rested a hand on your hip.
His eyes dropped to your hand, you were wearing gloves, so he didn't know if you wore a ring or not, “Brother?”
An irritated laugh fell out of you as you shook your head.
“Unless…” he started, “you’re alone here?”
“I am the owner, you ass.” you held up your hands, then tore off a glove, “no husband either!”
He looked at you with disbelief in his eyes, “a woman alone, here? "his accent coming out even more now.
“Yes,” you growled back at him, growing more agitated.
Your initial sunny demeanor was gone, now you were like a cat with your claws out.
“Lo siento, “he held out a hand as he apologized like he was trying to calm a bull, “I’m just looking for work.”
He had a lot of questions.
A woman was usually married, which you weren’t, taken, or would be under her father's supervision, which you weren’t either. Or a whore, which you didn’t seem to be. You also claimed to run this business on your own, which was unusual. And you didn’t have a man guarding the door either, you were strange in fact, very strange.
“Not hiring,” you replied in Spanish, which made him raise a brow at you. “You can go now.”
You & Pero
What an ass.
You thought, sure he was hot, and you were very intrigued, but you didn’t need the attitude or the barbaric mindset. There were enough assholes in town who had opinions about you, and the kind of life you should live. You didn’t need some dirty mercenary putting his two cents in the matter.
You only made it a few steps away from him before stopping, you could feel him lingering, his eyes on you. You doubled back. You assessed him with your eyes and pulled the mask fully off your head.
Maybe he could be useful, you thought. “What are you good at?”
He smirked, taking a half step your way, “You really the boss?”
“Yes.” you hissed.
“Swords, blades, knives.” he paused, his eyes still on yours, even as he pointed at his suit, “repairs.”
“Hmmm,” you crossed your arms while continuing to study him. “I do all that. No need for you.”
He chuckled. Yeah, he liked you, he liked you a lot. Before he could stop himself, he asked,
“Is this really your place? No man is hiding back there?”
You rolled your eyes and pointed to the door, “see the name on the fucking sign, that’s my last name. My father is too old to work, I have no brothers, this place is mine. Got a problem with that?”
He smirked, liking the sass, this kitty scratches. “No problem.”
You locked in a stare with him, almost getting distracted by his eyes, you could lose yourself in them. In the back of your mind, you thought about the long list of things you had to do, and an extra hand around here might be good, but you weren’t sure if you’d reveal that to him yet.
You pointed to the door, “I’ll think about it. Come back tomorrow.”
Pero was about to say something when the door opened, he turned to see a man enter, then quickly looked at you again, seeing your smile return. Damn, it was a sight to see.
The man moved right past Pero like he wasn’t there and went straight to you. As you greeted each other, you pulled a pouch out of your apron and revealed a metal wristband.
“I was just about to send word, it’s finished,” you display your work proudly.
Pero grinned, a woman metalsmith, how odd. You continued to intrigue him by the second.
“Lovely work as always,” the man said your name while admiring it.
Your eyes darted to Pero’s. “Tomorrow,” you repeated sharply.
Pero huffed, then saw himself out.
Early Evening, The Three Bucks Inn & Tavern
As Pero parked himself at a table off to the side, he took in his surroundings. The Tavern was busy with locals, and a few people who looked like visitors.
“Can I get ya anything?” the barmaid asked as she stopped by this table, she spoke over the crowd, making sure he could hear her.
“Food and ale,” Pero answered while slapping the silver coins on the table.
She pocketed the coins. “Anything else?”
Pero sat back, really looking at her this time. The woman was good-looking, a little thin for him, he preferred them thicker. Like that woman from the shop, you were sturdy, you could handle him. He shrugged the thought away. A whore would be better anyway, get in, get laid, go to bed.
“A room and a whore,”
He’d been on the road for months, he needed to fuck a woman as bad as he needed a good bath and a shave. Plus, a good night's sleep, on a bed for once. He was getting older; all the years had taken their toll on his body. He was still skilled and quick on his feet, but he required more rest now.
“I’ll get ya a bed.” she pointed toward the door, “Take a left past the carriage house. Walk till you reach the end of West Street. Madame Mae’s is the last house on the corner. No missing it. Red door. Just about as subtle as you are.”
Pero frowned as the woman left to fulfill the order.
He was looking forward to a hot meal, real food, not the shit he was surviving on for the last few months. He hoped the whores at Mae’s were decent, he’d fuck what he could get, but someone nice to look at would be even better.
Well, you would be better. He tried to put you out of his mind, but like a phantom, you wouldn’t leave, he kept thinking about your smile, your form, and the way you shot venom with your eyes when he pissed you off. If you know how to forge metal, you could likely use a sword too, and the thought made his cock twitch.
The whore would have to do it, but you would be better.
Later, Pero
Now that Pero had a bath, a shave, and a satisfactory fuck with a decent whore, a good night's rest was next. But it was still a little early and he was feeling restless.
Maybe he should have gone with William. But what the fuck would he have done with himself? His blonde-haired friend had done the foolish thing of falling in love and doubled back to the place they left behind nearly a year ago. After they left the wall, they spent months on the road, taking jobs and for Pero at least, trying to get China out of his mind.
Pero’s solo journey wasn’t going so well, and if had to spend another 3-5 months on horseback, starving, cold, horny, and bearing the weather, he’d kill someone. A lot of someones.
Pero wanted to stop moving, just for a little while, make some money at the same time. A lot of money, preferably. He already spent most of this year and last on the move, and if this town had no work, he’d just drag himself to the next.
Soon his restlessness, and busy mind led him to leave the bed. Leaving the inn, he stepped out onto the street, the townspeople were enjoying the weather, and the night market was still going, though some vendors were starting to pack up.
Pero only walked a few minutes before he saw you again. You were chatting with a vendor, a woven basket in one hand, full of various items. You were dressed in a dark tunic tucked into dark pants and boots, with a blade holstered to your right thigh. He expected to see you in skirts outside of the shop, but again, you were no ordinary woman, not by any stretch.
Pero lingered in the background, watching, soon he heard your laugh for the first time. Fuck, it was wonderful, just as wonderful as your smile. You were both the sweetest thing he’d ever seen, and mean as a snake when pressed, you also looked like you could throw a punch, and he liked that.
As the vendor made you laugh again, Pero felt something else and wanted to kick himself for it. He spent a total of 5 minutes with you, what the fuck did he have to be jealous about? He chalked it up to his sleep-deprived state, and maybe needing to get laid again tomorrow - that should calm him down.
There you were, his shadow, and all it took was 5 minutes. He thought about you all day, in the bath while he jerked off, and even when he fucked that whore. Pero felt ridiculous. Maybe William wasn’t the foolish one, maybe it was him.
Before he could stop himself, his feet were moving as he made his way over to you.
You felt eyes on you the whole time but could finally pinpoint the source. There he was, coming your way. All dark and broody and sexy as hell and cleaned up.
“Oh, the brute. Are you stalking me?”
He grunted, “No.”
“Sure?” You smirked as you shifted the basket to your other hand. “Because stalking is not a good way to get hired. In fact, it’s creepy.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, cariño. If I want a woman, I pay a whore.”
You raised your brows at him, what you were feeling wasn’t offense, it was something you couldn’t put your hands on.
“Well, the next time you go, why don’t you ask for a job. Maybe they’re hiring.” Without giving him time to respond, you were off, taking long strides away from him.
No matter how hot he was, he was irritating as hell. Brute, yeah, that was a good fit and that's what he was. The last thing you needed was to get involved with a guy like him.
No. Do not go there, you remind yourself. Even if he was hot as sin.
The next day, You and Pero
You were just setting up for a ring you’re working on, then the bell chimed.
It was much too early for clients, and there was only one person you could think of who would be here right now. You weren't sure if you hoped it was him, or dreaded the possibility. Leaving the work desk, you stepped out into the front room and saw him standing there.
“Ugh.” You sighed then headed back into the other room.
In the back of your mind, you thought of bringing your dogs next time, so they could watch the front door.
Pero took it upon himself to follow you inside. You leaned against the desk with crossed arms.
“You said come back tomorrow.”
You were listening, well, half listening. He looked even better than he did yesterday, in the light of day, you could fully appreciate all the grooming he did.
As you noticed last night, he got a haircut, but it was still long enough to grab, to run your finger through. Unable to stop yourself, your eyes slid down his face, over his excellent bone structure, the cleaned-up beard, and down to his neck, even that part of him was sexy. You could feast your eyes on him for hours.
“Happy to see me?” He smirked, stopping in front of you, enjoying the way you greedily took him in.
“Not really,”
Pero's stance was confident, eye contact unwavering. “You need my help. Hire me.”
“What? So, you could protect me from men and beasts? I have a feeling you are both.”
He chuckled, fully amused, “I could,” he shrugged, “I am.”
“Besides, I’ve been in my share of fights. I’m good with sharp things.”
Fuck, Pero thought, your words hitting him right in his core and going lower. You were special.
“The team we’d make then, why not have the best swordsman on your grounds?”
You uncrossed your arms, "and you’re full of yourself, what a winner. I don’t need your help.”
Pero scoffed. “You’re short a man. Injury.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, how did he know that?
Auden hurt his arm pretty bad last week, it was mainly you and him here, he was your main employee. You had two apprentices, but they weren’t where they needed to be yet, you were carrying the bulk of work on your shoulders. This handsome, grumpy stranger did his homework.
Still, he irritated you, so you said, “I don’t need you. You can go now.”
Pero hated that. He didn’t mean to be so rough when he reached out to grab your wrist, but he didn’t like being dismissed.
He didn’t even know what he was going to say, just grabbed you, making you spin around to face him. Your eyes burned with anger and something else more sensual behind that. Before he could speak, you slapped him, clear across the cheek. He was more impressed than mad.
As he rubbed his face and chuckled, you grabbed an unfinished blade from the table and pressed the sharp edge to his neck. His brown eyes widened as he stared at you.
“Get the fuck out.” You warned through gritted teeth.
Your lips, that’s where his eyes went, even with a blade to his throat.
Instead of a fight, a counter move, or a slew of curses, Pero's sultry gaze lingered on your lips, then met your eyes again. Despite yourself, you stole a glance of his mouth, and those kissable lips of his.
Sure, the mercenary was a pain in the ass. Whatever depths of hell dragged this man to your front door, you didn’t know. He was like a dog who kept coming back and you didn’t totally hate that. In fact, you -
The bell over the front door chimed as a customer came in. You both heard it, yet remained locked in a tense lust-filled stare. When you licked your lips, simply to moisten them, his eyes followed the movement. The bastard didn’t even flinch with the blade to his neck.
Why have a whore when he could have you? Pero thought, the idea followed by images that awakened him in other places.
“Hello?” The patron called out your name, you knew who it was by voice alone.
“One minute,” you shouted back, eyes still on Pero.
“Repairs, the two blades I told you about,” they said from beyond the door.
“I start now,” Pero stated with a smug grin.
“Are you fucking serious?”
He chuckled, finding your astonishment cute. Pero took one more indulgent, long look at you then stepped out into the main room.
Unable to move, the blade still in your hand, you stared at the door. Did he really just walk in here, hire himself, then look at you like you were a steak dinner? Yeah, he did.
“Pendejo.” You cursed, then pushed the door open. “I don’t even know his name…”
Two weeks later, You & Pero
Pero continued to annoy and intrigue you at the same time. He was a good worker, skilled, able to repair things and even knew how to make swords and blades. It was impressive.
He wasn’t a warm guy, which was obvious from first impressions, an acquired taste really. You kept him away from interacting with customers because of his harsh, curt demeanor, leaving him to mainly work in the workshop and behind the scenes, while you handled the front of the house, you, or your apprentices Nura and Robert.
You liked Nura the most, not that Robert was bad, he was a fast learner, and attentive worker. It was just extra special training another woman. You enjoyed seeing her defy the social norms and carve out her own path, same as you. You saw her like a little sister.
Everything ran smoothly at the shop, but the two of you still didn't know much about each other on a personal level. Pero didn’t talk about himself, or his life, nor did you.
Having him around gave you more free time, and you used some of that to dive into your other love, herbalism. One of your dreams was to open an apothecary, the town already had one, but you wanted your own, and you already knew how to make yours extra special.
This dream was on your mind when you cleared out a back room in the building and started to play around with tinctures and blends on your downtime. Pero made little comments along the way when he saw you in there, they gave you a few clues about him.
Being on the road, he knew a few things and recognized some of the herbs. He had a comfort there, but when you were creating potions as he called it, you noticed he’d get a little freaked out, and it didn’t take long to figure out he had a thing about magic and witches.
You weren’t a witch, but you knew how to make some things, and some days, just to fuck with him, you exaggerated.
- Flashback, to a few days ago -
You only stepped away for a moment but returned to see Pero observing the jars from a distance. He stopped at a corked bottle with an unusual purple hue, and some kind of clawed root at the bottom.
Pero picked it up cautiously, then put it down, “what kind of witchery is this?”
You leaned against the wall and crossed your arms in a relaxed way, “ingredients to turn you into a dragon.”
Pero whipped around to you with a suspicious look, “Are you joking?”
“Yes,” you laughed, “unless, you piss me off.”
“I always piss you off.”
"You better be careful then. And stop leaving your hair around, I’m collecting it.”
As you laughed and walked out of the room, he ran his palm over his hair, which only made you laugh more.
- Flashback over -
Three weeks later, Pero
The tavern was alive, packed wall to wall, and the revelry high; it was a special night as you threw Nura a birthday party.
Pero didn’t do parties, but it was better than sulking in his room alone, and he was pretty tired of the whores at Mae’s. He’s been here over a month now, fucked most of them all, and it did little to calm what he really needed and wanted, you.
Whenever he saw you laughing, having a good time, or flirting he was tempted to march over and claim you for himself, to kiss you in front of everyone and make it clear he would cut the head off any man who tried to win your affection.
Pero was sure you were attracted to him, he caught the stolen glances, still you never made a move or voiced your attraction. He knew you weren’t shy. Was it him? Were you doing this to torture him? What a wicked witch you were.
Even when he had two whores the other night, it only took the edge off. How you haunted him so. He felt defeated, maybe? But he wasn’t a quitter. He’d get you all for himself somehow. Pero wished William was here, the blonde would give him advice, advice he needed because Pero wasn’t good at shit like this.
Fighting, fucking, eating, and drinking, be had that down. But trying to win a woman’s heart, he had no fucking idea how to do that. He had to do this right. He didn’t want you just once, he wanted you for good.
Could it be, were you his...princesa? No. You weren't a princess. You we're tough. You looked after yourself and made your own way in life. No, reina, that's more fitting.
Where’s the Irishman when I need him? I could use your help amigo.
As a drunk man bumped into his table, Pero scowled at him, then lost himself in thought again, downing his ale at the same time. Things you like, yes, he’d start there. Women like gifts, right?
He noticed you enough at the markets to know some things, including your favorite dessert at the bakery. Good. A plan. He nodded to himself, then stood. He stole one more glance of you, across the way and having a good time, then made his way out of the tavern.
The next morning
Your head was spinning, too much ale. To make up for that, you pushed your work back to the afternoon and planned to take a nap upstairs once Pero got in. Last night came to mind, he was there, then he wasn’t. You were surprised he even came.
“Speak of the devil,” you said while rubbing your temples.
Pero nodded, looking a bit awkward, then put the bag he was holding for dear life on the desk. “Here.”
You poked the bag, “what is this?”
He scratched his temple, his brown eyes looking puppy-like, “uh, that sweet round thing, with cream and berries.”
You grinned, “from the bakery?”
You bite back a full smile, then open the bag, “is poisoned?”
Pero sighed and then started to walk away.
“I’m joking!” you shouted back at him, “thank you Pero.”
He glanced back, and you swore you could see a little smile on his closed lips.
The week would be full of surprises. It started on Monday when he got your favorite dessert from Sweets n Breads Bakery. He was kind of awkward all day, didn’t say much to you, and seemed wrapped up in his own thoughts.
On Tuesday, there was another pastry waiting for you, and some of your to-do list was already completed. He explained he worked late and decided to get more done.
On Wednesday, you arrived to another pastry, and flowers with dirt and roots still attached, flowers you were sure he tore from someone's garden on the way over. Soil was all over the place, and you had to dust it off your papers.
He didn’t hand them to you directly, just busied himself in the forge while they sat on your desk. You waited until he was free to ask him about them. He was just finishing his lunch in the kitchen when you joined him.
“So, flowers.”
His eyes moved over you as he swallowed the last of his food, “women like flowers, yes? Even women who wear pants?"
Pero was panicking a little this morning, worried the pastry wasn't enough. On the way to work, he saw a guy give a girl flowers, and then get a kiss in return, so he figured, why not try. Even if he felt like a damn fool doing it.
You could see his mind going as you watched him. He was so cute, so innocent in this moment, you could kiss him right there. You also knew from the mix of flowers, they were from Mrs. Jennings' garden, and she was likely throwing a fit right now.
“Ever give a girl flowers before?” you asked as you sat next to him.
“No,” he answered, his eyes on you.
“Well, thank you,”
He shrugged, playing it cool, but you could see in his eyes he was hoping you liked his gesture.
“And the pastry, it was delicious, you’re buttering me up, Pero.”
“You like them. Yes?”
“I do.”
He smiled and relaxed back in his chair.
You leaned in closer, playing with his collar, “I won't say it's working but - “ you plant a kiss on his cheek. His eyes lit up as he smiled wider. “I have work to do.” You got up, taking one more look at him before leaving the room.
Nura was organizing something when Pero came in, he walked in like he was in a hurry, and spoke in a low tone,
“I have a question.”
She looked up at him with a smile, knowing it was about you.
At first, she thought Pero was an ass, which he is, but she liked him now, he grew on her, and when it came to you, he was kind of adorable and an idiot at the same time.
“If it's about flowers, Mrs. Jennings is on a warpath, I recommend you stop taking them before she bites your hand off. She may be old, but she's mean as hell.”
He nodded, then came around the desk to join Nura.
“What else does she like? Boots? I could buy her boots?"
“She likes practical things. Maybe something she could use.”
“She likes swords.”
“She loves them, maybe a little too much.”
“What if I make her one?”
“Pastries and flowers are nice, so are boots, but if you make her a custom sword, that may do the trick. No promises, just sayin.”
Pero nodded, he grumbled a thank you, then headed back to the forge. Robert passed him in the hall and joined Nura.
“That's a man on a mission, nearly ran me over.”
“He’s smitten.” she handed him a note, "the supplies.”
“Somehow he seems a little less - grumpy these days.”
“Little by little, but I think even if he is in a good mood, he’d still be grumpy.”
Robert hummed, “I still don't get why she likes him so much.”
“I think I do; they’d be cute together.”
Not agreeing, but not going to argue either, Robert just nodded, then made his way out with the list.
Days later
You weren’t supposed to come in today, so when you came through the door, rushing like a bat out of hell, it took Pero by surprise. Not just because he didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow, it was the dress that shocked him the most. In all his time here, dark colored tops, pants, and boots were how you dressed yourself.
“I’m not here, ignore me,” you shouted as you rushed past him, then Nura.
The younger woman caught a glimpse of Pero’s expression and laughed.
“She’s wearing a dress..."
“Once in a blue moon, for special occasions. Her childhood friend is getting married today.” Nura explained.
Pero’s brows raised higher as you appeared again, a pouch in hand.
“A dress-" he repeated, taking you in with his eyes.
You hiked up the dress, he got a flash of your legs as you carefully slid the pouch into your high boot.
As you smoothed the fabric down, Pero feasted on you. To see you like this, so feminine as the soft flowing fabric hugged your form and for the first time, he had a good look at your cleavage, the fabric cupping your breasts in a way the loose shirts never did; he was a man ready to pounce, to scale the counter and claim you then and there.
“Fuck-“ you cursed,
He laughed. Strong and independent, a mouth like a sailor. A lady, and a warrior in one. His perfect woman.
“Can’t believe I forgot this. I gotta go,” you started to breeze past them, then stopped as you locked eyes with Pero. You grinned, eyeing him with the same sultry gaze he sent your way. “Like it?” You asked while giving a teasing spin.
“Sí, you should wear more dresses.”
“Maybe one more this year, if you give me a good reason to,” you winked at him then dashed out of the door.
“That woman -“ Pero shook his head as he stared at the door.
“Oh you are far gone Pero,” Nura patted his arm, “just tell her already.”
“Tell her what ?”
“How you feel. I’m sure you’ve noticed; she has other suitors.”
“And I’ll fight them all.” He grew serious.
Dammit, the thought. He came here for work, rest and to get laid. He didn’t expect this, he didn’t plan to -
Nura’s light laugh pulled him out of his head. “Just tell her. She likes you too.”
“She flirts with me but makes no moves.”
“You really are adorable when confused.”
“Adorable? I’m not adorable.”
She chuckled, “Have you considered that she wants you to make the first move?”
“She’s no weak woman, she makes swords and wears pants.”
“That doesn’t mean she doesn't want to be perused, she takes charge daily, maybe she wants someone else, you, to take the lead this time.” She playfully tapped Pero’s head
He groaned and swatted her hand.
“Take the lead Pero, don’t overthink it,” Nura advised, then laid her hands on the counter. “We have a lot of work to do, ready?”
As they headed back, he asked something he was curious about. He started by saying your name,
“Are you the same as her? No husband?”
“No, and there won’t be. I’m gay.” She answered.
Pero quirked a brow.
She added, “I like women. And I do have a girlfriend, the bartender at three bucks, with freckles.”
Ah, Pero thought, he’d seen her before.
“This is a strange place indeed,” he muttered, “I’ve never been to a place like this, with such women.”
“I like to think our town is special. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have people with opinions or those who accuse us of devil worship or witchcraft.”
“Are you, a witch?”
“I know some things, “she grinned, “can I watch you finish that armored plate before I start my work?”
Pero grinned, “Sí, vamos.”
The kid, well Nura wasn’t a kid, she was 25 now, but he called her that sometimes; she had given him some good advice about you and handled his moods with ease.
In Pero’s time here, Robert still wasn’t a fan of his, but they had no fights between them minus some minor disagreements. Your main guy, Audin, was still in recovery but came in from time to time to help with smaller things. His role reduced until he got better. Pero liked the guy, what little he saw of him.
In these weeks, Pero found himself most fond of Nura, she was like the little sister he never asked for. He could see why you liked her so much and why you took her under your wing.
A couple of weeks later
Pero studied his work with a sharp eye, searching for any imperfections.
Any other time he made a blade, it was robotic, just doing something he knew how to do, but this mattered more than any of those times. It had to be perfect because he was shit with words, he hoped he could hand you this and you would know all the things he wanted to say to you.
Months ago, if someone told him a woman like you existed, he would have laughed and called bullshit. But you were real, very real, and meant to be his. For you, he’d move into this town for good, put the long journeys to rest, and figure out all that shit he avoided all his life, like how to win a woman's heart and share his life with someone. He was sure he'd fuck up, a lot, piss you off, and get it wrong, but as long as he had you, he would keep trying to get it right.
Once the blade was packed up, he made his way to your house on the edge of town. He was nervous, more than he'd been in a long time, and he felt foolish. He wondered what Willaim would say if he saw him right now.
Pero stared at the door, part of him wanting to knock, and the other wanting to run, to turn around and get the hell out of here before he got himself even more wrapped up in this, in you.
It had to be witchery; how else would you have such a hold on him?
What are you waiting for, get moving, Pero heard in his friend's voice, phantom William pushing him forward. He could hear the dogs barking and coming his way in the distance.
Pero knocked on the door…
Once Pero was inside, you offered him a drink. He sat at your kitchen table as you poured ciders then went over to him.
“A home visit, what’s the special occasion?” you asked as you sat.
“Visiting the dogs." he smirked.
"Of course," you shook your head and took a drink.
Over the last few weeks, you’ve seen a new side of Pero emerge, and it made you like him more.
You’ve made the first move before and thought about doing that with him, but it would be so much more fun if he did it. You wanted him to charge in here and ravish you, and you were hoping today was the day, but the sense of nervousness you’re getting off of him makes you unsure.
“I have something for you,” he pulled a wrapped item from his pouch. He placed it on the table as his eyes met yours. “A gift.”
Pero watched, holding his breath as you unwrapped it, revealing the most perfect blade you’ve ever seen. Down to the handle, and the engravings. In the past, you made a few for yourself but always felt like you were missing something. Pero, this man sent to you from the universe, somehow got it right.
You held the blade, running your fingers over it, admiring it as your lips parted slightly in shock. At first, Pero was worried you didn’t like it, but as your eyes lit up, he relaxed and dropped his shoulders.
“Pero - “ you breathed, your eyes flicking to his, then back at the blade. “This is perfect.”
His small grin turned to a full smile and before you could say anything else, he dragged your chair closer to his with one hand. While cupping your cheek, Pero leaned in, bringing his lips to yours.
Smiling as he kissed you, you put the blade down and grabbed his arms. Pero drew you into his lap as the kiss deepened, intensifying with each pass of each other's lips.
His kiss was passionate, consuming, desperate and you could swear, your body was feeling all the things he wanted to say to you and was too afraid to say; the floodgates blasted open and as your hands roamed, finally exploring each other's bodies, you knew there was no going back after this.
"Mi reina, I'll fuck you on the floor if I have to. But it must happen now."
The hoarse desperation in his voice only made you hotter for him.
You tugged his hair while teasing another kiss, “I prefer a bed handsome. Follow me.”
You held out your hand, he took it. As you made your way to the bedroom, Pero latched on to you, kissing and biting at your neck, his hands moving over your breasts as his cock pressed against your ass.
Hours later
Laying on your stomach, Pero beneath you, you traced his scar with your fingertip. He looked as good as you imagined naked; he was delicious, and you allowed yourself to feast.
He had a map of scars from his legs up to his face, he was beautifully shaped, from his hands to his cock, to his broad shoulders and bone structure. If you could only have one man in your bed from here on out, you’d choose him.
Pero felt calmer than he had ever been, relaxed after the come down from your second round some time ago. The first was hot, rough, and fast, like wolves in heat under the full moon. The second time was less rushed and even more enjoyable.
You traveled the length of the scar, then met his gaze. "What’s this one from?”
“A time I was left for dead. The bastards tried to take my boots. I took their lives.”
You grinned, imagining him out in the field, and all his adventures.
A comfortable silence fell between you for a while, until Pero broke it.
“- quite the game we played cariño.”
“Wasn’t it,” you lay on his chest, planting a kiss on his chin, then on his lips, “but, who says it’s over?”
“I haven’t seen your sword skills yet, we must duel.”
He chuckled, shaking you both slightly as it rumbled through his chest, “Yeah?”
“Yeah, and…” you kiss him again, “there’s a whole list of fun games we could play.”
He quirked a curious brow.
“Well,” you nibbled his ear before telling him what was on your mind.
“Dios mio - “ he said with wide eyes.
“You know you like it,” you grinned, then kept going.
“I do,” he confirmed, caressing the back of your neck as the games you whispered got filthier and filthier.
God, you were speaking his language, and he wasn’t sure if you were real - well if he hadn’t just fucked you twice, which was more than worth the wait, he'd think this was magic, witches work, but you, and this, were all real.
You continued, spilling your dirty thoughts in his ear while now stroking his length with your hand.
Fuck, Pero thought, he’d keep you forever, even longer after that. You would never know another man because you were his.
Pero took hold of you, pulling you into an earth-shattering kiss before holding you against him.
“Good thing for you, I'm not going anywhere. You're mine now.”
You smiled against his chest, “I think I might not object to that.”
“Woman,” he groaned with a slight laugh,
“For you,” you looked up at him and weaved your fingers through his, “I'll make an exception.”
“Now that we’ve come to an understanding, I want food,” he sat up, pulling you with him, “then we fuck again.”
“I like the way you think.” You straddled his hips, teasing him a little before getting off. “Come on my ravenous beast, I made stew last night, and I must say, it's damn good.”
You slipped on the tunic and then made your way out of the room.
Pero slipped on his pants and followed, “as glad as I am to eat, I’m more excited about dessert.”
As you busied yourself gathering bowls, Pero watched from the doorway. As good as it felt to have you, as happy as it made him to see your reaction to the blade, he couldn't shake his sense of worry. When he said you were his, you replied with a maybe, well, not exactly, you said,
“I think I might not object to that.”
Might not
That didn’t sit right.
He was all in, dead serious about it. If you’d have him, there was no one after you. But if you were unsure -
Pero called your name, prompting you to glance over your shoulder at him with that heart-stopping smile of yours.
His doubts felt stupid, with the way you’re looking at him now, the light in your eyes, that smile. Still, he needed to hear it, he needed to hear it from your lips.
Pero came over to you, you could tell his mood had shifted. With concern, you turned to him and took one of his hands in yours.
“What's wrong?”
“I mean it,” he said your name as he cupped your cheek with one hand, his eyes big, brown, and vulnerable as he stared into yours, “You’re mine.”
Your eyes softened on him even more, “lo sé.”
“Say it,” he demanded.
You slipped your other hand around his back, pulling him closer, “I’m yours, Pero.” you leaned in, brushing the tip of your nose to his, then nibbling his bottom lips. “and you are mines.”
The grunt that left him at your words was primal, like a wolf claiming his mate, and before you could say anything else his lips were on yours. That was all he needed, this was home now, you were his home, and he wasn’t going anywhere.
“What about dinner?” you giggled as he kissed the length of your neck and bunched the tunic over your hips.
“That can wait, I need you, now,” he growled, walking you backward to the table.
“Wow, I thought food was your first love,” you teased as you took his hardening length into your hands,
“It is, but now it has competition with you, mi amor.”
You smiled as he moved between your legs, “say it again.”
“Mi amor.” he threw the tunic across the room and quickly covered your breasts with his mouth,
You ran your fingers through his chocolate waves with one hand, guiding his cock inside of you with the other. You moaned together as he filled you,
“I love you too Pero,” you purred.
You closed your eyes, pleasure pulsing through your bodies as you moved your hips together. Thanking the stars and sky above for their gift to you; the very thing you didn't know you wanted in the form of a grumpy mercenary who stole your heart and set your soul on fire.
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More Pedro characters | More Pero
This was a special occasion, so I cross posted. Usually I just put previews on tumblr, all my other work goes to A03. You will need an account to view my archive. Lots of my older stuff 2019 - 2022, for now, is still on my master list here too.
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holdmytesseract · 9 months
Birthday Magic
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Everybody around you tends to forget your birthday, because of all the Christmas trouble. Except Loki, of course...
Warnings: none, except a tiny bit of suggestive smut (Blink and you'll miss it.), fluuuuff
Word Count: 1,9k
a/n: This fluffy lil' oneshot is a part of @fictive-sl0th 's Secret Santa Event! 🎅🏻🎁 I had the honour to write mine for @give-me-a-moose ! 🤗 I really hope you like this! 🥰 And happy belated birthday! 💚
Secret Santa 2023 Taglist: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @sailorholly @lady-rose-moon @superficionaldomina @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @cultofcarter @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @glitchquake @holymultiplefandomsbatman @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @quirkiest-turtle
Tags: @huntress-artemiss @chennqingg @alexakeyloveloki @theaudacitytowrite @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @eleniblue @vanilla-daydreaming @valencia-rou @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @bunny24sstuff @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @linaax @goblingirlsarah @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @gruftiela @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @lokiforever @anukulee @multifandom-worlds
divider by the lovely @jiyaxedits <3
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Yawning, you stretched and opened your eyes; blinking, before you reached over to turn off your alarm clock. The winter sun shone through the big French doors of your bedroom. You immediately saw that it had snowed over night; a white blanket covering New York City. It was beautiful - and yet was a certain sadness overshadowing the wonders of winter...
You sighed and rolled out of bed; finding a little note on your bedside table - like every day. Even when Loki was on a mission, the note appeared on your night-stand magically.
'Good morning, angel. Have a great day. I love you. x'
Your boyfriend's words made you smile at least a little bit, until realisation hit you. He didn't remember. Of course he didn't remember. Nobody ever does.
You hung your head; trying to suppress the upcoming tears. Today was your birthday, but since it was December and Christmas in not even two weeks, hardly anyone remembered your birthday. Everyone was just too caught up in the preparations for the holidays. And as sad as it sounded... You got used to it. Perhaps that was the reason why you stopped telling people about your birthday.
With another sigh, you made your way into the kitchen to eat a little something for breakfast. Then you got ready, put on your winter coat, boots and beanie and went to work.
Luckily, it was at least a normal day at the office. The regular every-day madness. You quickly got all the things done on your to-do list and were even able to call it a day one hour earlier than usual. After saying goodbye to your co-workers, you took the subway and headed back home. On your way, you got a chocolate cupcake - a little something for yourself to celebrate your birthday. You could already picture it... You, the cupcake, decorated with a single candle and a big glass of alcohol. Perfect.
Sighing, you turned the key in the lock of your apartment on the 5th floor. You absolutely had zero expectations of today and expected not the slightest thing to happen. Therefore, you were more than just surprised, when you walked inside a literal pool out of balloons, birthday decorations and... confetti? You frowned; thinking out loud. "What...?"
You weren't able to finish your thoughts, when suddenly Loki jumped around the corner. "Surprise, my love!" He wore the biggest smile on his face - and a party hat on his head. "And the happiest of birthdays to my ray of sunshine!"
You blinked; felt like a deer caught in the headlights. It was beyond your wildest dream. Never ever surprised you somebody on your birthday like Loki just did. Sure, your parents did, back when you were a child, but... Late teens and early adult years? Nope.
"L-Loki? I-I... What... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be o-on a mission?" You stammered out; trying to grasp this. Your boyfriend was still smiling like a Cheshire cat. "Of course not, darling. It was just a little white lie, so that I was able to set this up while you're at work." Then his smile faltered a little. "Do you not... like it?"
You could've cried then and there out of happiness.
"What? No! No! I do like it! Gods, I love it! It's been years since the last time somebody surprised me on my birthday like this!" You couldn't help yourself but to jump into his arms; wrapping your legs around his waist. "Thank you. Thank you so much, baby." Loki chuckled; his big hand stroking your back in a reassuring, loving manner. "I-I thought you forgot my birthday... Just like everyone else and-" "Darling..." Loki interrupted you immediately. "I could never forget the birthday of the person I love the most in all the nine realms - and especially not the first birthday we are about to share together."
A few tears ran down your cheeks. Tears of happiness. "You're the best." A low chuckle rumbled through your boyfriend's chest again, before he gave you a wink, "I know." and a smile. "And this..." He gestured around the hallway. "This is only the beginning."
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Loki didn't exaggerate when he said that this was only the beginning. Oh no... After he had carried you through the sea of balloons into the kitchen, he showed you the cake he had baked for you. You were absolutely thrilled of course, and it tasted delicious. You blew out the candles and ate a big slice, just like Loki.
After that, he told you to wrap yourself up in warm clothes, because you were going outside. And again, you weren't in the slightest prepared. You wouldn't have thought that Loki rented the ice rink only for the two of you... For as long as you wanted.
"Loki, are you... Are you insane?" You laughed; not believing what was happening right now. The god just laughed and tied the laces of his ice skates, "Insanely in love, perhaps." before he glided gracefully on the ice rink. "Are you joining me now, my love?" He asked with a mischievous smirk, while he skated like the ice prince he was past you. You smiled brightly and quickly exchanged your boots with ice skates.
After you and Loki have been enjoying yourselves on the ice rink; making races and even tried to 'dance' to the music playing in the background together, you went back to your apartment. Cold and with frozen toes, but happy.
"I think I need a hot shower now," you said; feeling the goosebumps on your skin. "You do just that, darling." "Won't you join me?" You asked suggestively; wagging your eyebrows. Loki chuckled. "I'd love to, but I have a few more things to organise. I'll see you later. Take all the time you need." He pressed a sweet kiss on your lips and left you alone to shower. You were slightly sad that Loki wasn't going to join you, but you were also super excited. This birthday was already the best you ever had. What would be able to top that?
Wallowing in the memories of the wonderful hours you already spent with Loki today, you showered and stepped thirty minutes later out of the bathroom. To your surprise was your apartment immersed in darkness - and your boyfriend vanished.
"Loki?" You hesitatingly called down the hall, but received no answer. "Where is he?" you mumbled to yourself; making your way to the bedroom. Arrived there, you switched on the lights and immediately saw a large, thin box laying on the soft mattress. Frowning, you approached the bed. A note was laying on top of it, on which you could clearly make out Loki's handwriting.
'I hope this dress is worthy of the goddess who is going to wear it. You will be awaited downstairs at eight o'clock.'
Your heart almost stopped at his words. A big smile formed on your face. Biting your lip, you carefully opened the box - only to find a beautiful emerald green dress inside it. It was so stunningly beautiful, it took your breath away. With wide eyes, you lifted it out of the box; gasping. "Oh he can't be serious... He can't..." You let your eyes roam the fabric. "Wow..." You breathed in awe, then squealed; excitedly getting ready and dressed. The dress fitted you perfectly; molded against your dips and curves.
Five minutes before the clock stroke eight o'clock, you made your way downstairs. Excitement and nervousness coursed through your body. You couldn't wait to see what Loki had planned.
When you stepped out of the main door to the rather small building you lived in, you felt your breath catch in your throat - again.
Loki was standing on the sidewalk, in front of a black limousine; dressed in a green velvet suit with a black dress shirt and bow tie. A bouquet of black roses was in his right hand; his other stuffed in his trousers pocket and a bright smile on his face.
He looked devastatingly handsome.
You felt like fainting and crying out of happiness at the same time.
"There you are, my love." He said in a happy voice; "You look ravishing." giving you that smouldering look. You blushed. "T-Thank you. You look handsome, t-too." The god softly shook his head; causing his long raven curls to sway. "Not remotely as beautiful as you look."
He then stepped closer; gave you a soft kiss and handed you the bouquet of roses. "T-Thank you. For everything. For the cake, the ice skating, the dress, the roses..." Loki only chuckled; placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you towards the limousine. "Like I said, darling... It's only the beginning. We are not finished yet." Mischief twinkled in his beautiful blue orbs, as he opened the car door for you.
"After you, my goddess."
You blushed even more and sat in the car.
A fifteen minute car ride later, you stopped in front of one of the finest, noblest restaurants in whole New York City. Once more, your jaw dropped. "No, Loki... You... You are kidding me, right?" Your boyfriend chuckled; shaking his head "I'm not." "B-But Loki, this... This is way too expensive! I-I don't deserve this, I-" He interrupted you by taking your hand in his and placing a soft kiss upon your knuckles. "You, my love, deserve the world. Especially on the day you were born."
He led you inside the fancy restaurant then, to a table he had reserved for the both of you.
The time you spent there with Loki was splendid - just like the food. It had been quite a while since you ate so good. Especially at a restaurant. The ambience was lovely and the waiters absolutely kind and friendly. You enjoyed the talks with Loki, the glasses of wine and also the soft jazz music in the background.
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After the dinner, the limousine took you and Loki back home.
"Thank you for this wonderful day, baby. I didn't have such a wonderful birthday in years. Thank you for thinking of me and giving me all this. And especially... Thank you for your love." Loki smiled and embraced you; gently, lovingly swaying you from side to side. It almost felt like you were dancing.
"You don't have to thank me for that, my love. It goes without saying. I love you - and my purpose is to make and see you happy. Oh, which reminds me of something... Your actual birthday present..." Your eyes widened once again. "No, Loki, stop you've given me enough..." Loki shook his head; still smiling. "It's not a physical present."
Now you were confused. Something the god noticed immediately.
Loki took both your hands in his. "Your birthday present is a trip to Asgard."
You stared at Loki; speechless. "W-What?" He just smiled. "I know that you always wanted to go there; see my home and... I... I think I'm ready to go back with you and show you everything you wish to see." "R-Really?" He nodded. "Really."
Tears formed in your eyes. The realisation hitting you that Loki was willing and ready to open up the doors to his past for you was touching you deeply. "Thank you. Thank you for trusting me this much, I- Wow, I... I love you."
Loki smiled. A gentle hand caressed your cheek and wiping your tears of happiness away. "I love you too."
You couldn't help but to stand on your tiptoes and kiss the god.
"This is the best birthday ever!"
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seamayweed · 8 months
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#it's me i'm bitches (i/n/s/p.)
@userdramas event 13: team spirit ㅡ my dream team in another world & @userdramas get to know me bingo: squad | @asiandramanet event 03: dynamics ㅡ my favorite ot3 in my country: the new age (2019) & @asiandramanet creator bingo: animation
(this was supposed to be the adn not so secret santa gifset that i wanted to make for my bru boo @pondsphuwin, but didn't manage to finish in time lol. hope you like it anyway even if it's belated, love!! 🎁🎅💙)
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kairismess · 9 months
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ holiday headcanons event !!
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day 4.1: being sakusa's secret santa 🎁
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🍰 genre: fluff !! ✒️ word count: 970 💭 summary: being sakusa's secret santa 🎁 📣 thanks for requesting anon ! if you'd like to request any other prompt for any other character, please refer to my holiday headcanons event and send me an ask!
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you had a dumb smile on your face that spoke of anxiety and hesitation, you had no idea if he'd like the gift you got for him. you weren't even that close to the man, he always did seem untouchable from where he stood, and not being that into others in the first place... it seemed highly unlikely you two were ever going to have a conversation outside of the court or arenas, let alone anything that didn't involve volleyball.
you were just the team's manager, one of the people responsible for handling the members; but even though you knew everything about the others, kiyoomi sakusa was the only enigma out of all of them. you tried to get close to him over the years you two have worked together, but he always seemed to be aloof and distant, not really someone you'd see yourself becoming friends with.
you knew a few basic things about him, like how he loved to keep himself clean, never went to after parties, spoke only when spoken to, was extremely forward and direct to the point. there were multiple instances where you felt tiny under his gaze, and it wasn't just because he literally towered over you in terms of stature, but because his gaze... it was cold and sharp when it was clear he didn't like nor was comfortable with a certain thing. you've seen him gaze at hinata, atsumu, and bokuto like that most of the time, and you were scared he'd look at you just like that after opening the gift you got for him.
in your defense, you spent the whole two weeks you had before the get together thinking about what to gift him, you put so much thought into this; even going out of your way as to casually ask him ever so often in between practice matches and lunch breaks what he'd like his secret santa to give him, or if he had to wish for one thing, what it would be.
but of course... sakusa always answered you vaguely.
"i'd... like something that isn't dirty,"
"something that isn't so expensive, i don't like show offs,"
"...i suppose something that'd keep me warm,"
"...why are you asking?"
oh, he was good.
you took in a deep breath as everyone gathered together and the gift exchange was going to start any minute now. knowing sakusa, there was a 50-50 chance he'd either not really care about what he got and awkwardly thank you, or stare you down intensely for your choice of gift. you hoped against all hope the former would be his reaction, but as the gift exchange began, you just decided to deal with his react later, you spent your time and effort on this, even if he doesn't appreciate it, you know you always would.
"sakusa!" you exclaimed his name, beaming as you tried to push all thoughts of him judging you for your gift to the back of your mind, trying to enjoy the present moment for what it is, not what could be. the wavy, black haired man turns to look at you, his stoic gaze unchanging as you walk up to him, beaming. he clutched his gift for the person he was supposed to be the secret santa of in his hands, seems like he hasn't found them yet.
"um... so, you know how you've complained about the cold as of late? well... i made this for you, myself. a-and don't worry! i washed my hands every time i worked on this, and before i packaged it. yes, i disinfected the box, too, so, no need to worry about it being dirty, hmm?" you said in a fast tone, wanting to get this over with because you couldn't deal with sakusa's bluntness on you right now.
you awkwardly handed him the gift when he didn't say anything, just kept gazing at you as you spoke. he probably listened to you the whole time, seeing as how he didn't tear his gaze away from you for a moment. looking down at the gift you handed him, sakusa felt that it'd be high time to hand his secret santa his gift.
"...here," sakusa mumbled from behind his mask in a soft voice, extending his gift to you. you stared at the gift in his hand, dumbstruck. "y... you're my secret santa?" you muttered, your face feeling hotter as he paused and nodded, hoping you'd take the gift soon. you thanked him as you took the gift from him, and as if on cue, you both unwrapped the gifts you both had for each other.
sakusa's eyes widened at the sight of a cozy scarf you made for him, with a set of gloves along with it. you smiled at the sight, proud of your hard work. "well... whaddya think?" you asked him, beaming. sakusa unfurled the scarf and, not looking at you, he nodded. "...the colors are nice, and... so is the texture," he whispered. he looked at you, pulling his mask down so he could be heard properly. "thank you," he muttered, a tint of pink in his cheeks.
now, you weren't sure what sakusa gifted you yet, but the sight of kiyoomi sakusa himself thanking you for a gift you poured all your time and effort on, overthinking whether he'd appreciate it or not as the hours ticked by before the exchange... it truly warmed your heart. to hear sakusa be grateful for you was the only gift you ever really needed, and for sakusa... just anything from you would be enough; he was more than glad on the inside to get something so intimate from you, made by you. he'll definitely wear it every time he felt cold now, and if anyone asks... he'll just say it's from a special someone.
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c-m-stuff · 9 months
Secret Santa
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are together. It's secret Santa time.
-Warnings: Fluffiness
-Word count: 1157
-Note: A sweet fic for the upcoming holidays. Do you guys love Christmas as much as me?🎄🎁
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'That was delicious, Dave.' JJ complimented the Italian man, the whole team agreeing.
'You really went all out this year.'
'Of course, I went all out. It's Christmas Eve for God's sake.' he replied, while we all laughed.
'My favorite was the wiiiiine.' Penelope giggled, as she poured herself another glass of wine, causing everyone to chuckle.
It became a tradition to all celebrate Christmas Eve at David's place. It was nice, spending time together without standing next to a dead body. Another tradition was secret Santa. The game you pull blindly a name out of a bowl to thereafter buy a Christmas present for that person. I've always loved it.
'Calm down with the wine, baby girl. We don't want a re-do of last year, when you all told us what's in the presents, before we got to actually open them.'
I giggled at Derek's statement, as I felt someone sitting on the couch next to me. Looking up, it was my genius boyfriend.
After pinning at one another for almost a year, the pretty boy himself admitted his feelings and asked me out for a date. The situation it happened wasn't the normal one, though. It was the end of a workday at the BAU, as the elevator suddenly decided to stop working. While we were in it! After panicking at first, and calling the team, we got stuck for a good hour. Which let us to admit our feelings for one another, all while curled up on the elevator floor. After that, time went on, and so did the dates. And, then there was one special moment were he asked me to be his girlfriend. I am still thankful for that elevator to stop working on that special day.
'It's secret Santa time!' David announced, and everyone went to grab their presents from under the Christmas tree, before heading to the comfortable couch.
JJ pulled Emily's name and bought her a gift card from a nice clothing shop and a tequila bottle. Emily got Aaron and decided to gift him with a black coat and a reading light for if he goes over paperwork in bed. Aaron drew Derek's name and bought him two tickets to a football game and a new tool belt for when he is renovating homes. Derek got David and gifted him new cooking equipment and a bottle of 30 years old scotch. David pulled Penelope's name and decided to gift her a pair of beautiful, pink heels and two tickets to a theater play. Penelope got JJ and presented her with a gorgeous necklace she's been talking about buying but never got around to and a mock with a text saying: "I'm a mom, what's your superpower?".
As everyone was done gifting the other their presents, they all realized Spencer and I drew each others names, considering we're the only ones left.
'Of course the two love birds got each other.' Derek commented, a grin plastered on his face. Although, it didn't went unnoticed by me when Derek winked at JJ, who was already grinning by herself. Then, it hit me that JJ was the one who was in charge of the bowl full of names.
'Okay, pretty girl, you first.' Derek said, as I gave my present to Spencer.
I watched as he carefully tore the wrapping paper off, revealing the first edition copy of the book The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury.
'No (Y/N), you did not!' he exclaimed, enthusiastic.
'How did you- Where did you-' he looked flabbergasted and guilty at the same time.
'You didn't have to, I would have been fine with a gift card from the book store. This must have costed you a fortune.'
'Ahh, not quite, genius. Well, I was last helping my grandparents with moving out. They're going to live in an apartment instead of a way too big house, like I told you. And, surprisingly, I found the book on the attic amongst some other books. I got it for free.' he kept staring at me in shock, still flabbergasted. He instantly wrapped me into a greatful hug, pressing multiple kisses on my head.
'Thank you. Thank you so much!'
'That's not all, pretty boy. Open the book.' I told him, as he did. A gift card from the bookstore revealed. Everyone laughed at the earlier mention of a gift card for books, as Spencer once again thanked me with words and a hug.
Then, he gave me a gift bag, covered with Christmas trees. I took the first thing I felt and tore off the wrapping paper. It revealed a stunning vintage camera. My eyes widened, admiring the, in my eyes, piece of art. I've always adored polaroid photos.
'I remembered you saying that you really wanted one. You wanted to capture moments like these, and that you loved the reality of the photos because you have only one shot.'
'Thank you so much! It's amazing!' I pressed him in a tight hug, before he spoke again:
'There's more, though.'
We ended the hug, as I reached for the bag and took the other present out. I was quick in ripping of the wrapping paper, seeing it was a beautiful notebook. He clearly knows my love for notebooks and this one was covered with blue butterflies. Absolutely gorgeous.
'Thank you! I love it!' once again, we shared a tight hug, as Spencer whispered something in my ear.
'That's not everything.' I pulled back and looked at him with a surprised face.
'There is more?' he nodded, gave me the most sweetest smile, and went down on one knee. I gasped, tears already forming into my eyes.
'(Y/N), you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Since the first day I met you, you were nothing but kind, you listened always to my rambling, and you made me a better person. I love you for for being you. You are beautiful, inside and outside. (Y/N), you are my future. Make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?' I was still shocked and couldn't believe this was happening. My soulmate was proposing. I couldn't be more happy.
'YES! YES, I WILL!' I flew in his arms, everyone cheering and clapping.
Tears were now fully pouring out of my eyes, and it wasn't different for Spencer. My fiancé. It felt so good using that word.
'And, I can't wait for you to be my husband.'
'I can't wait for you to be my wife.' he whispered in my ear, as I did the same with him.
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theone · 10 months
Secret Santa 2023 (Swiftie Edition)
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Hello swifties! The time has come for another year's Secret Santa (swiftie edition), better late than never! This is my first time organizing one, so please bear with me!
The idea is for us swifties to send each other festive anonymous asks, get to know one another and have fun during the holiday season! Making gifts is optional but appreciated.
More info below, please sign up by messaging me/sending an ask by December 8th:
If you want to participate, please send me (ithinkheknowss) an ask or DM until December 8th, and state your age (approximate is fine too, please let me know if you're a minor).
I will then pair everyone and let you know who you will be messaging, hopefully by December 10th, at which point you can start sending anonymous asks. You will also be assigned a different person as your secret santa. Please have your DMs open or follow me (ithinkheknowss) to ease communication.
Identity reveal will be on December 25th, as mentioned making each other gifts is optional!
Please be consistent in your asks (if not every day, then every two or three days) and keep things polite and civil. Rudeness and bigotry will not be excused and you'll be removed from the exchange of asks. If you receive rude asks from your secret santa, please report them to me.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions, or if your secret santa has not messaged you at all / for longer than 3 days. As we only have a 15-day period for the asks, please make sure you'll have time to participate regularly before signing up, so that the person whose secret santa you end up being is not left hanging.
Signal boosts are much appreciated and happy holidays, love you all! 💚❤️🎁
(Header by the lovely @tolerateit 💚 )
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toydreamer · 10 months
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Trying something new with my line art style for the Charmes Server's Secret Santa for my giftee @uninu 🎄🎁
Chose the prompt love in mischief hence the title cus how could I resist a jelly Hermes being up to no good. Posting this a little early cus I'm very packed with my day job work lately hence the lack of updates (sad face) really hoping the latter half of December would go easy on me. /prays
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jinxiaobao · 9 months
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@userdramas 2023 secret santa for @zhaolusi! 🎁
dear mare, it was a joy having you as my santee! i hadn't had the chance to watch this series when it came out, but i'm obsessed with them now.
i hope you are having a lovely holiday so far and wish you nothing but blessings in 2024! 💛
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