#my sense of humor is subpar but it's the only one i have
allylikethecat · 3 months
ok here are my comments in bullet point:
- please stop stying your smut it subpar it is HOT, matty's daydream at the table was everything (it is a truth universally acknowledged that matty has a praise kink and we love reading about it)
- #justiceforsharkplushie HAS BEEN SERVED
- george chest sliver and necklace combo are very important to me
- the pretty woman analogy LOVE IT
- why are matty and george being dumbdumbs i want to knock their pretty heads together YOU LIKE EACH OTHER GO HAVE SEX AND BE HAPPY
- George was offering to fuck him through his heat as his best friend > this made me snort
- another heat?? is he ever gonna catch a break
Omg thank you so much 🥺 I'm confident in my ability to write illness and pain and suffering, but writing smut is still something that I struggle with and always feel like it comes out super awkward so THANK YOU OMG so much for saying that it was hot and not cringe 🥺 I've really been trying to practice and also keep track of all of the body parts lol I felt like it was important to include because I wanted it to really set up and show where Fictional!Matty's head was at, and that he was being difficult and resisting but WOW he wants fictional!George (he also wants fictional!George to just like... tell him he's a good boy but that's for another time lol)
Shark Plushie 🦈 has become my favorite OC I've ever written, don't worry she's in the next chapter as well and plays a bigger role 😂 Between the whole if some species of sharks stop moving they die thing (which I always associated with IRL Matty because of that line in Roadkill) and also the whole *shark week* joke my friends and I used to make in middle school because we might have been middle school girls but rest assured we had the same (and continue) to have the same sense of humor as frat boys ... a shark plushie just felt too perfect and made me snicker but now somehow I CARE ABOUT HER
Fictional! George's necklace is also very important to me - I know I didn't really describe it in detail (yet) but I imagined it to be a pear shaped emerald surrounded by tiny diamonds on a thin, short while gold chain, it would rest perfectly above somebody else's chest tattoo and it's a very feminine necklace, just saying
Fictional!Matty is feeling very much like when she goes to that one store to buy an outfit and the sales people are rude to her, except no one has been rude to him yet because Fictional!George may or may not be looming a little bit and Fictional!Matty hasn't noticed
LOL that would be way too easy, Fictional!Matty doesn't have the self confidence for that (and Fictional!George knows as the alpha he's perceived to have the "power" and is trying to be respectful and not make Fictional!Matty uncomfortable - he's trying to let Fictional!Matty take the lead but alas fictional!Matty is dumb)
Fictional!Matty has really chosen the WRONG PART of that whole conversation to focus on lol But in his defense he is not well
This is an Ally fic, Fictional!Matty is NEVER going to catch a break 😂 maybe at the very end up alas it's got to get MUCH WORSE before it can get better 😈
THANK YOU SO MUCH for not only reading but taking the time to send such a wonderful and thoughtful ask! I grinned so hard seeing all of your comments!! I hope it's okay I wrote a small novel in response... I got excited. I hope you Tuesday was FANTASTIC and that you have a wonderful rest of your week!
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negativeretribution · 4 years
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Source: a very serious and definitely peer-reviewed* scientific research based on a pool of zero girls and one (1) Ethan.
* - by Beliath
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bardicious · 2 years
Notable Witcher Season 2 writing I willingly discard completely from my canon of the show:
Geralt's instant parenting skills
Roach being alive for 33 years.
Eskel's death (though personally I like that it might have been a doppler or something similar and he comes back after the season ends)
The unreasonable amount of Witchers still living. And their fighting skills (that are subpar and henchmen like). My canon has only ever had Coen, Lambert, Eskel, Vesemir, Geralt, and whoever else is still alive (if they become relevant in Season 3, if not than I don't care - they don't exist either)
The other Witchers' armor that can't compare to Geralt's or Vesemir's.
Toxic Masculinity in the Witcher keep! BLEH! (Or I turn it into Toxic Witcher...inity? Cause they've had a hard life and hate outsiders now or something. Idk)
Rience finding the Witcher keep somehow???
Jaskier's fumble while sandpipering
Geralt's whole ass personality, really. (As in, take out all the toxic masculinity, the apparent uncaring of his friend and past lover, his only emotion being "protect ciri")
Anything Rience does past Jaskier's torture scene (cause I really don't get how he got to be anywhere in that story, also let him use more magic! I get it, he likes fire! But I need more, wtf)
Emhyr's whole ass face.
Any too ridiculous comic relief bit with Jaskier (they went way too much into it at several inappropriate times - which they've done in Season 1 and I've happily ignored in those instances too + though Im not saying I can't see Jaskier making jokes to lighten up tense moods - thats something I happily accept in his character and is in my keep list)
Yennefer and Ciri making it all the way back to Cintra... (feels like it makes light of Ciri's journey outside of there).
Triss' sudden wig, and Ciri's.
Lots of costuming choices this season.
Triss' attraction to Geralt and their whole thing... felt awkward honestly.
Alternatively Witcher Season 2 writing I will be keeping for angst purposes, things I like despite everything, and things I love.
Jaskier accepting Geralt's apology and Geralt not giving him a better one (thats really just on par with their relationship)
Geralt and Jaskier's entire rocky relationship
Jaskier's drinking problem before and after Rience (clearly started either after Geralt abandoned him or possibly another result of how the war and the persecution of the Elves has hit him hard)
Jaskier's destroyed lute (I miss you, I love you, but aaaangst)
Jaskier's sense of humor at the wrong place and the wrong time. What can I say, the man hides his tension and fear well.
Yennefer's everything. She's perfect. I love her.
Ciri, my love. You're doing wonderful.
Jaskier is fantastic too accept for how they did him dirty.
Lambert, Coen, Eskel's Netflix looks (yall are all lovely, and we don't need no game!canon versions).
Deathless Mother/Baba Yaga - I GUESS - she's the main villain of this Season so I have to keep her, but I wish she weren't so anti climatic. (She needs rewriting)
Every Witcher has their own personal medallion (I think it's really neat)
Jaskier and Yennefer bbfs. <3
Rience, my beloved.
One more, just for good luck, Witcher headcanons I add in to make myself happy and angsty:
Jaskier's torture burns are not healed up and he hasn't showed anyone the marks.
Jaskier's general ptsd after Rience tortures him.
Rience mildly (or a lot?) obsessed/attracted with Jaskier. (Why, yes, Jaskier, he is a big fan)
Rience finding Geralt, Yen, and Ciri by mistake and then attacking them.
Eskel is alive, and he's got a goat, he just hasn't made it back to the keep yet.
There are more Witcher schools (just in case there aren't in the Netflix version)
All the Witchers, including Geralt have scars on their faces.
Geralt starts showing facial hair.
Jaskier isn't human, but he doesn't know about it.
Stregabor is dead (I hate him - I hate Vilgefortz and Emhyr too but unfortunately they're too important to sacrifice to the canon gods)
Triss gets a change of heart, and makes up with Ciri. (no book/game canon Triss here, I know she's awful)
A year and a half passed - since Jaskier saw Geralt last. (I don't know how much time really past, but it needs to be more for me cause this all happening at once is too much)
The Deathless Mother is the reason Yen lost her powers.
The Deathless Mother's grip on Yen being so powerful Yen doesn't realize herself, how little in control she was. She believes it was her decision to sacrifice Ciri, and on some level it was, but she would never have done so if her mind was all hers.
Ciri and Yen bond for more time before Yen ultimately tries to sacrifice her. It's her budding love of the child that fights the Deathless Mother's grip in the end, but not quick enough to stop completely from her goal. Geralt still stops her. They still fight and don't quite make up for the finale.
Lastly (only one point), things I know f*ck all what to do with:
Jaskier's purpose for being in Kaer Morhen (WHY DOES GERALT GET HIM OUT OF JAIL???? NO REALLY? WHY?) I haven't the faintest how to place Jaskier there in a way it makes sense. Because the way Geralt's been acting, there's no real reason for him to have gone to jail break Jaskier (who was in trouble, but when he got there, Geralt didn't seem to care anyway, sooooo....)
This list is not at all concise enough. I have more thoughts and rewrites, mentally speaking. But Imma leave it at this.
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softkuna · 3 years
Toji Fushiguro || Toy || Fic
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The Sukuna one had me like ✨✨✨ Now I must ask, can you- a toji x fem reader and him seeing Gojo eyeing up what's his and her responding to it and then toji being like oh hell no and basically railing her as punishment (degrading kink please it makes me jello) you don't have to write it if your not comfortable btw take your time and stay safe.
Content   ║ Toji Fushiguro x Fem Insert. Toji’s shoulder pressed into the wall with such a force the damn thing could’ve dented. Arms crossed tensely against the broad puff of his chest. His teeth ground together, the sound of squeaking canines reverberating in his mind.  Toji was seething. For a man with the physical prowess of a god, his tolerance was about as thin as a wet napkin. A wet napkin this woman decided to poke a well-manicured finger into.
Count      ║ 1,311 words.
Consider ║ NSFW. Degradation Kink. Objectification. Female Insert (she/her). Alcohol. Grammar issues. Basic degeneracy.
Creator    ║ So this is the first NSFW thing I have done like this ;v;. I’m not sure if this hit the mark for ya Anon, but hopefully it’ll do until I can get some more practice. It took a little while since I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing. Honestly this just feels subpar gomen. Enjoy jealous Toji, though -finger guns-.
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The club was barely lit with black light and neon strewn about the solid concrete walls in seemingly random intervals. A particularly bright hot pink one cast across her collarbone, dowsing the tops of her breasts deliciously in contrast to the black latex dress. As much as Toji would like to shove her against that very wall, she had a job to do. For him. And he regretted it.
  She was pushing her luck when she approached the table with a certain sway to her hips. Gojou peered around the tinted sunglasses, brow piqued in interest. She flashed a smile, smoothly setting a large bottle of some random high percentage alcohol onto the table. Sliding into the booth next to Satoru, the woman leaned a hand on his leg, the other moving to playfully snap the strap of a birthday hat under his chin, “I hear it’s someone’s birthday?”
  His head tilted up along with the corners of his lips, “Guilty as charged. Are you my present, doll? Always heard the hostesses here were the best,” His voice purred against the thrum of the bass. She tucked hair behind her ear, eyes flickering back to the ravenette with a dangerous composition. The corner of her mouth twitched up at the obvious frustration resonating in the man. He couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t even dream of it if he wanted any semblance of information on this guy. It was the perfect opportunity to test a theory. Toji was the jealous type.
  Toji’s shoulder pressed into the wall with such a force the damn thing could’ve dented. Arms crossed tensely against the broad puff of his chest. His teeth ground together, the sound of squeaking canines reverberating in his mind.  Toji was seething. For a man with the physical prowess of a god, his tolerance was about as thin as a wet napkin. A wet napkin this woman decided to poke a well-manicured finger into.
  He slammed down a shot, the burn at the back of his throat accompanying the burn of his own gaze. She wasn’t anything to him aside from an in. Yet somehow, the not-so-shaman made it a point to speak with her at least once a week, which usually lead into fucking her like a play thing. The lay was just as good as the information she could pry out of loose mouths. Immaculate. This go around, he needed information on someone in particular. Someone who just so happened to be here with a group. Someone who decided it would be a good idea to get a little handsy with his toy.
  “Y’know,” Satoru murmured, “’s pretty sad to be alone in bed for my birthday.” Chilled pads of his fingers rested at the back of her neck. His gaze was hungry and she was a full course meal. Just his type. Perfect shape, perfect charm, perfect headrush. Her hand cupped his ear, whispering something his buzzing mind couldn’t fully piece together against the dense music.  
  She kept up the sweet act despite not getting a lick of information. The only dirt she dug up was that he could finish half a handle before getting buzzed. By the end of the night, Gojou’s hands squeezed at her thigh like he did her last string of patience.  
  The last thing Toji saw was the exchange of cards.
  As the black-clad hostess passed by Toji, her hand trailed along the muscles of his chest, stiletto nails pressing just slightly into him. He followed close behind until they got to their regular spot. A private room tucked into the corner of the club. Commonly used for rich men thirsting to empty their wallets on a good lap dance. It was sound proofed, dimly lit, and somehow hot pink velvet was a prime design choice to set a steamy mood.
  She crossed her arms, gaze hard as the door shut, “So, I’ve got bad new. He didn’t let a word slip-“ The sentence stopped as soon as it began.
  “So doll’s got a sense of humor, huh?” His voice held an edge to match the snide smirk flashing over pointed canines. She knew exactly what was up and oh was it a dangerously delectable sight. One that made her cunt throb on nothing but adrenaline. The crease of his brow, the way his lips set into that hairpin curl, the tensing of each thick muscle along his arm – all of it leaving a sense of satisfaction in the pit of her stomach. Theory confirmed. He took a step closer; she didn’t shrink away. A lost challenge if he’d say so himself.
  A large calloused hand shoved her onto cushions of the booth, catching her open mouth in his own with a bruising force. The man wasted no time with his prodding tongue, tasting the sweetness of peppermint and lapping it up while fending off her own slick muscle.  A hand snaked into the roots of her perfectly done hair, white-knuckling just at the base of the skull. With a sharp yank, her head was yanked back, allowing break for air. Smug and breathless, she chimed, “Jealous?”
  Toji blew air out in a single blackened laugh, “I’m not one to share my toys.” Teeth connected to her lips, rolling the flesh then moving to her throat. Purple marked his territory trailing down. The heat of his breath tickled the space directly next to her ear, “Now, you’re going to beg for me to forgive you. Make myself clear, slut?” Toji’s grip on her tightened, “Or is doll better for something getting used?” A rough tug to the back of her hair triggered a low moan from her heaving chest. After so many sessions, she knew he didn’t really want an answer. He wanted a reason go harder.  
  The hand once in her hair now gripped her jaw, keeping her gaze on him, “Answer me, toy. Or do I need to pull a string to make that cock-obsessed mouth move?” On que, free digits wrapped around the gusset of her thong, second knuckle just grazing the entrance of her heat before he pulled the sodden fabric taught, letting it snap back to place. The impact triggered another empty clench and gasp. Her hips writhed, a sappy pout puffing the bitten lips. More.
  Toji maintained her heavy-lidded stare as he brought the knuckle to his lips. He watched as her own parted when his tongue swept up the sweetness collected at the joint. The way her hips rose to match the zipper’s height, the lock of her teeth on her finger, the desperation in her eyes – all of it made his stiffened cock twitch against her adorably hopeless grinding, “Looks like my toy is broken. Guess I’ll just fuck the apology out of it then.”
  A wicked grin whipped onto his handsome face. Her mouth opened in rebuttal, only to get interrupted, “This is to teach a lesson, toy. What did you do to deserve the prep?” The gravel in his tone grew slightly dark, “Couldn’t even get the dirt I paid for.” His long digits did work past the gusset, slipping over her entrance, gathering the arousal, “Look how wet you already are for me.” A heated coil pressed in her at the words. She knew what was coming now and every inch of her craved it.
  In what seemed to be a single motion, jeans and boxers were torn down. Her dress was hiked up with a satisfying peel, thong quite literally ripped off and thrown to the ground before she was flipped so that her back was pressed against his chest. Sturdy, veined arms wrapped at the backs of her thighs and under her knees. Truly, she was a doll for him to pleasure himself on and he made it a point to do so.
  Toji lowered her so that the thick tip of his length pressed against her heart-beating heart. Her walls fluttered around him as he slid in. “For a broken toy, you’re pretty damn tight for me - ready to be played with. Get used- fuck.” Amusement broke through as she bit back a breathless sigh. His cock filled her easily, slick sliding down his shaft and pooling at the base. As he fully sheathed himself, he craned his neck forward, lips pressing at the shell of her ear, “Now, I want to hear you beg, bitch.” With that, the man snaked back and up, setting a relentless pace from the beginning. The sound of skin slamming into wettened skin filling the room along with the aroma of arousal.
  She was stubborn. He was tireless. They’d both cum before the apology even had a chance to.
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2 Oct. Suptober: No Vacancy
"There were no vacancies for a radius of nearly 25 miles. But I did find one room, finally. I'll text you the address."
"Thanks, Cas." Sam paused. "Have you spoken to Dean today?"
snippetfic; deancas
"Is this what it's like in Norway?" Dean asked, faint horror dripping from every word as he pushed a few cable knit sweaters from one side of a circular rack to the other.
"Sweden," Sam corrected. Off Dean's blank look, he clarified, "The store's from Sweden."
"Well, whatever. Happiest people on earth, my ass." Dean flicked the strings of a gray hoodie on a nearby hanger and sighed. "This place is giving me the heebie jeebies. Everything in here smells like ink."
Sam rehung a shirt the price tag referred to as 'muscle fit band collar' and prayed for strength. "We just need a few new clothes, and this place is closer than the nearest army surplus." And it wasn't like the three-acres large sentient mushroom purportedly threatening citizens two towns away was going anywhere quickly. In theory. 
"There's gotta be a thrift store around here somewhere. Suburb like this? There's probably nine different churches running a yard sale outta their basement."
"We have a gift card, thanks to Donna." Sam shrugged. "May as well use it."
Dean opened his mouth, no doubt to protest again, then spotted something in a far corner. Sam wanted to try on a pair of trousers and he was willing to let Dean work out his aggression towards moderately priced fast fashion by himself for a few minutes. In the cramped, smudged dressing room, Sam decided that maybe Dean was right to be unimpressed. Why did these khakis have elastic bands at the bottom of the legs, like a pair of sweatpants from the 1980s? Why were Sam's bony and pale lower shins so hideous by the glare of fluorescent lighting? 
He was spared further inane inner commentary by his phone bleating in the pocket of the jeans he already owned. "Hey, Cas."
"There are many young athletes in this county." Cas's tinny voice bled frustration. "They are energetic and loud."
"The tournament's over tomorrow."
"That did not help me today." It sounded like Cas was pulling a boulder out of his truck, with more difficulty than an angel should have had. "There were no vacancies for a radius of nearly 25 miles. But I did find one room, finally. I'll text you the address."
"Thanks, Cas." Sam paused. "Have you spoken to Dean today?"
A mirrored pause. "No?" Cas made the word seem multisyllabic.
"Okay." Sam put the terrible trousers back on their plastic hanger. "We'll see you in an hour or so." 
"Wait," Cas said. "Is something wrong with Dean?" 
The concern that radiated from the phone could have powered a nuclear warhead. Sam thought it prudent to keep his smile out of his own voice when he said, "Dean's fine, man. You just left the bunker without telling him you were leaving, is all."
"Oh." Cas was squinting; Sam just knew. "I didn't tell you either, Sam."
Yes, but I'm not butthurt about it, Sam thought. "It's fine, Cas. You found us a case." So far, all the case had really yielded in Sam was a desire to eat pizza loaded with portabellas as soon as he could get his hands on a pie, but Cas didn't need to know that. "No worries."
"All right. I'll see you…when you get here." Cas disconnected.
Sam rubbed a hand over his face to try to remove the exasperation from it. He braced himself for whatever mood he would find Dean in now.
This did not prepare him for how depressed Dean was, still in that one corner of the store, looking at flannel shirts. 
"You can't complain about the selection here," Sam said, nodding at the rack of buffalo plaids. "You own at least four shirts that look just like these."
"I hate this fucking music." Dean rolled his eyes up to the ceiling like he might try to bite one of the speakers embedded between the acoustic tiles. 
The song the ceiling blared, made more grating by a short somewhere in the speaker, was pretty bad, Sam had to concede. Why Dean couldn't just tune it out was a question Sam had no answer for. Perhaps they were no longer fit for mainstream shopping, Sam considered. Perhaps they never had been. A nearby salesclerk frowned at Dean's scowl and hightailed it away from his general grumpiness. 
Sam decided to try his luck with a different pair of trousers, checking the cuffs on them first, and was just about to head back to the dressing room when the disembodied ceiling voice sang, "Used to be that I felt so damn empty. Ever since I met you, no vacancy."
Yeah, okay. Not Sam's cup o' rock-n-roll tea either, he would readily admit. But he glanced over at Dean, and Dean was not grinding his teeth or clenching his jaw or glaring disdainfully. No. Sam saw, with both a pang of sympathy and a generous helping of humor, was that the subpar blah pop lyrics were getting under Dean's skin. 
In the midst of a bunch of mall clothes too trendy for the Winchester boys, Dean Winchester was pining. 
"Cas called," Sam said, casual as a crew neck t-shirt. "He's got a room for us an hour from here."
The transformation Dean underwent in that moment, from despondent Gen Xer disillusioned by consumerist propaganda and the kind of lonesomeness that only afflicted those lonely for a specific person to Man with A Renewed Sense of Purpose, was so instantaneous Sam physically could not keep from laughing.
"What?" Dean said, his expression morphing into a masterpiece of confusion.
"Nothing." Sam let his laugh trail off with a reasonably content, if also defeated, sigh. "I'm trying these on." He hoisted a pair of jeans aloft and headed back to the dressing room. "I like this blue plaid," Dean called out, suddenly the store's biggest fan.
"You should buy it for Cas," Sam called back. "It'd bring out his eyes."
That Dean seemed to be seriously considering the purchase was enough to start Sam smiling again. The dressing room was still unpleasant, but at least he knew the drive to even-more-middle-of-nowhere, Ohio, would be, if nothing else, fast. 
(with apologies to fans of OneRepublic :))
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Miss Independent
Genre: Crack, Humor, Drama, NSFW, Mild Angst
Warnings: Swearing
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Y/N found herself exhaling a snort of amusement as she noticed the subtle glare Kenma shot at Kuroo as the threesome made their way over. Conveniently enough, she was closest to the end; so she'd have to scoot over and make room. Sliding her purse under the table, Y/N motioned her arm out silently telling the boys to shift. "What the hell are you wearing Tsumu?" Osamu asked, eyeing his brother as he scooted into the empty spot next to Y/N. To her left Sakusa huffed a sigh of annoyance. "For the love of god, don't ask; I spent an extra 15 minutes trying to talk him out of wearing that awful outfit, and he could not be bothered to change." Sniffing haughtily Atsumu replied; "Kuroo and Bokuto think I look great, so clearly there's nothing wrong with my fashion sense." Suna and Kenma snickered as Osamu rolled his eyes and Y/N lightly slammed her forehead on the table.
As she brought her head up, she was greeted with the fake smile of what looked to be a very jealous waitress. With keen eyes Y/N watched the other woman's eyes roam over the three men sitting to her right. Nudging Sakusa, she nodded slightly and he smirked as he too took in the flush of the waitresses cheeks. "Welcome! My name is Natsumi and I'll be you're server this afternoon." she stated, voice clear. "What can I get for you handsome gentleman?" Suna, Kenma, and Osamu perused the menu completely disregarding the waitress as she waited, body bent slightly; just a touch of cleavage showing. Across the table Shoyo spoke, "Can I get a w-"; "please wait until I'm ready to take your order." the waitress ordered, not even looking in his direction.
At the tone of the woman's voice, Sakusa knew the waitress would be in deep shit. He and Kita both inhaled a breath, as they watched Y/N's posture change from her casual relaxed state; to ramrod straight, eyes narrowing. Pursing her lips slightly, she placed her hand on top of Osamu's and softly began stroking small circles into the calloused skin. Tilting her head slightly, she beamed up at the waitress and spoke, "I think my men and I are going to need a few more minutes sweetheart, but do me a favor; get us a round of waters and I'd like to speak to your head chef about the specials for today." The waitress in turn narrowed her eyes slightly, before turning her attention towards what she thought were two single men, when Y/N cleared her throat." Listen, Natsumi was it?" Y/N asked smiling. "I'd really appreciate it if you didn't treat my boyfriends like meat at a fucking market place. We're here to do a critique on this new establishment; and so far the service is disrespectful and subpar; now do us all a favor and get the head chef and your floor manager, before I get up and do it myself." with a huff the waitress stormed off clearly upset.
"Sorry about that." Y/N said tunring towards Osamu. He waved her apology away. "It's fine, this isn't the first time that's happened." he huffed out. Next to him Suna snickered softly." That girl looked like she was ready to fight you though."Suna stated winking at her. "Y/N would have dragged her ass through the parking lot!" Bokuto declared a little too loudly. "Shush, this is a fancy restuarant...pull out your phones and play a game quietly...if you can behave we'll go get dessert after this."Y/N whispered...and with that promise the four men pulled their phones out to quietly play their games as the other six adults made light conversation. As conversation lulled, a waiter stepped up to the table eyes focused on Y/N. Her boys were too enraptured with the games they were playing and failed to notice the way the mans eyes trailed across her cleavage. Sakusa and Kita however, noticed and moved to step in; when a calm cold voice to their right spoke up. "Don't tell me you actually think you have a shot kid?" Suna snickered as he eyed the man in front of him. "I beg your pardon?" the waiter asked, posture stiff as he eyed the man in front of him. "You think a guy like you has a shot with a woman like her?" Suna asked nodding towards Y/N. Next to him Kenma perused the menu, cat like eyes flicking up every so often to take in the waiter in front of him. "W-what exactly is that supposed to mean?" as this conversation is happening; Y/N sat watching, eyes full of curiosity as the three men beside her tore this man down with their eyes. Not gonna lie, it made her a little hot under the collar seeing these men stick up for her.
"What my friend is saying," Kenma spoke, closing the menu and setting it down in front of him; "is that a guy like you stands no chance with a woman like her; when she has men like the three of us here to satisfy her." he murmured kissing Y/N's knuckles softly. "Isn't that right princess?" he asked winking at her. Feeling heat rise to her cheeks all Y/N could do was nod as Suna shooed the waiter away. "What the hell is up with the staff here?" he muttered, folding his menu closed. Across the table, Atsumu picked his head up and narrowed his eyes at the sight of Y/N’s hands in Kenmas. “Oi, why the hell are you holding her hand huh?” 
And that one sentence was what tipped the scales of peaceful silence as the other three men shot their heads up and immediately started causing a chaotic ruckus.
-It is safe to say, that Osamu and Y/N gave that place a not so good review. The staff were terrible to their table; and literally anyone who showed up only gawked at them. Lowkey annoying. They ended up leaving not even full.
-Y/N dragged her boys to this whole in the wall pizza place, and invited the three men along. Osamu was literally ‘Shook’ at the fact that he had no idea the place existed; and the rest of the night was spent discussing food places they’d been to and critiques they’d given. Kenma even offered to pay for the ice cream; and Kuroo lowkey cried tears of joy. LMAO.
@dabilove27​ @amberisnotcrazy​ @elianetsantana​ @cloudyxlay@exosehun-94​ @deaththekidwantsyou​ @sempiternal-amour​ @dinablossom​ @yafriendlyfangirl​ @mint-mai​ @amarillyis​ @sunflwrsandprettyskies​ @sunflowerirl​ @woohoney​ @sugawater​ @bakuhoetoedoroki​ @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney​ @cosmicmermaid25​ @cataxtrophic @wineandionysus​ @kit-kat428​
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #840: Buck Cluck is the Worst (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
8:45 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.......
TV Screen: (The Credits of the Chicken Little Movie starts rolling)
Hades: Well, that was a hour and a half wasted.
Sephiroth: ('Sigh') Agreed. This....just might be the worst movie I've ever seen so far. (Turns to Pichu) What do you think, son?
Pichu: (Starts Yawning While Stretching and Rubbing his Eyes) Pika Pi......
Sephiroth: (Chuckles Lightly) Yes. You're right. This was a snore fest indeed.
Ganondorf: Couldn't say it any better myself really.... It was train wreck....(Turns to Bowser) What do you think, Bow....ser?
Bowser: (Already Enraged) ........
Ganondorf: I.....take it you're not fond of this movie either, aren't you?
Bowser: No. I'm not fond with it one bit.....And it's all because of that BITCH MOTHERFUCKER NAMED BUCK!!!
Hades: Seriously? THAT'S your only problem you have with the movie? What about all the times the town's folks kept bullying that Chicken Little kid to oblivion till he managed to save them all from an alien invasion?
Ganondorf: Or the fact that most of them are just terrible to begin with?
Sephiroth: Or the fact the entirety of movie's soundtrack was subpar at be-
Bowser: Yeah yeah. I know. Everything else from the movie sucks. But Buck.....He's the motherfucking worse....
Hades: What? You're not gonna make a pun out if his name or something?
Bowser: ('Tch') Please. That bastard doesn't deserve my sense of humor.....
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Alright. Just calm down for a second, Bowser. Tell us why exactly do you hate Buck that much?
Bowser: The answer's obvious: He's a shit father! That guy did nothing but let the whole town mess with own son and didn't even have the courage to stand up for him! Only worried about what they think than being an actual parent!
Sephiroth: Hm....Now that you mentioned it....I do find his cowardice behavior to be rather frustrating at times.
Pichu: (Nodded in Agreement) Pika Pi.
Bowser: Right!? And the only time he shows his kid actual love and care is when we won some stupid baseball game. And even THAT was short-lived once something was actually going on with town afterwards and he went back to treating him like crap!
Ganondorf: But wait. Didn't he helped Chicken Little in the later half of the movie?
Bowser: He did. But it doesn't feel like he genuinely wants to help or support him to me, he probably did all of that just so he can make himself feel better after the kid finally stood up to him. Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if he goes back to asshole after this.
Hades: Well, the movie isn't getting a sequel anytime soon. So..... that's a plus.
Bowser: ('Sigh') Yeah. I'm happy for that.....Still hate the guy though.
Kazuya: (Shrugs) He could've been worse. He could've just throw his son off a mountain.....or volcano.....or just tied him up in a rocket ship and send him to space.....or send him to space himself by tying him up, kick to the atmosphere, and let him fall down to Earth in a meteorite fashion.
Bowser: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Shocked, Frightened like Fashion) Y-Y-You're old man d-didn't really do all of that, did he?
Kazuya: Other than throwing me off a mountain and volcano, I can't say that he have. But he told me he was daydreaming about sending me to space to die. So there's that.
Hades: (Turns to Kazuya) Has anyone ever told you that your family is fucked up?
Kazuya: (Shrugs) Multiple times. Never bothered me in the slightest.
Ganondorf: (Rolls his Eyes) 'Course it doesn't. But anyways, I'm bored now. So......any ideas on what we should do next?
Hades: (Starts Smirking) The new club across the streets is about to start in a couple of minutes. Wanna go there?
Bowser: Hell yeah.
Ganondorf: (Shrugs) I'm down.
Kazuya: Fine with me.
Sephiroth: As long as my son gets to go, then I suppose I can tag along.
Pichu: (Happily Cheers) Pi Chu!~
Bowser: You know, I've been wondering this for while now, but have any of you seen where Ridley and Dark Samus are gone to?
Ganondorf: They went to a restaurant together.
Bowser: Together? (Eyes Widened Once He Realized What's Ganondorf is Talking About) Wait. So they're actually a THING now!?
Hades: Seems like it. Guess the vacation got 'em closer than ever.
Bowser: Probably. I mean.....Good for them, I guess? I'm just progressing this.....
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Well, let's just hope that their relationship would last them for as long as they need to.
Hades: We're still gonna kick Ridley's ass to a plup if he tries hurting her, right?
Ganondorf: Oh absolutely.
Meanwhile at the Crimsonetté Restaurant......
Ridley: And then I told Samus "Your suit's powerful, but my name's still Ridley, BITCH!"
Dark Samus: (Giggles Softly While Wearing a Dark Blue Dress)
Ridley: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) Holy shit. You actually thought that was funny?
Dark Samus: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. I think you're funny. (Starts Blushing a Little) A-And handsome~
Ridley: Oh! Uhh...(Chuckles Lightly While Blushing Himself) Thanks. I think you're sex- BEAUTIFUL! I mean, beautiful! You're beautiful.....Just beautiful.
Dark Samus: (Giggles Once More) Thanks, Ridley.
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
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ReinerxMikasa (ReiKasa) Extremely Kinky A to Z Ask Game (R20+) Headcanon #19
*Update: 24 March 2021
A continuation of this ask & inspired by this original post. Dedicated to @xrocketmanx for their amazing 💖 on my ko-fi page!
(A/N: ‼️WARNING‼️Graphic description of very explicit smut with potentially provocative images ⛔ Please don't click Keep Reading if you're below 20 🙅‍♀️ Sorry kiddos! To my more adult readers, please absorb this post's content with appropriate discretion & maturity)
(In complete Alphabetical Order)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
People expect Reiner to be the one who would jump off the bed immediately soon after when they’re done but on the contrary, he just loves lying there and holding Mikasa in his arms post-coitus. Although, they do sleep with Mikasa lying on his chest most nights. Mikasa wasn’t used to be held intimately in the first few months of their relationship, so the first time they made love, Reiner gave her the space that she needed before, during and after. It was Mikasa who finally initiated their first cuddle post-coitus after the next several weeks.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Reiner: Very confident of his physical appearance and in his skin. He really loves everything on and about Mikasa. He loves her body type the way she is - to him, hers is just perfect. But, his most favorite body part of hers he'd like to touch first every time he could is her hands. He just like holding her hands when he wakes up, winding down for the night & even when he's asleep.
Mikasa: This woman, despite having a bombshell athletic figure, still secretly feels insecure of the way she looks. She loves Reiner's biceps the most - at home, she'll sneak a quick peck or a nibble on his biceps when he's doing the dishes or making dinner. She also likes to snuggle up to him on the couch with his arm draped around her shoulders, sometimes until she falls asleep.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… lol)
She...swallows? 🙈 (holy shizz i'm not so sure of this one. Can't think of a suitable answer without being cringey 🤣)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Reiner & Mikasa once had a quickie inside the changing booth during a beach trip with their friends. Reiner had also went down on Mikasa after dinner at his mum's place, right in Karina's laundry room because he 'accidentally' spilt some wine on her dress & wanted to get her dress cleaned up. He ended up having her as dessert on top of the moving dryer & she left her underwear there by accident.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
They were both not each other’s first lovers but when they first got together, the experience is like being with no other. They discovered new parts & points of not only their significant other’s physical & spiritual strengths but also their own respective preferences as well. Reiner’s quite a ladies’ man during his early years in the military but after a while, he got bored of the game. Meeting Mikasa, he realised he wants to play the game again but this time to win it for good. Mikasa has only been with one boyfriend since college & being with Reiner opened her eyes up to vast possibilities.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
No, Reiner doesn't do the Military Style despite being a military man 🤣 Missionary & Cow Girl are their standard starting positions. Despite Mikasa being very flexible, which gave them more advantage in attempting the more physically-challenging positions, but the following are their more favorite experimental ones:
Watering Can
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
A little bit of both, no doubt. Reiner has a dorky sense of humor & Mikasa's odd humor makes for a good tension-breaking combination. Their foreplays always begin with a good laugh - with Reiner ghosting his teasing touches on her love handles. Gets her in the mood for some serious sexing every time.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
For both, the carpets matched the drapes. Mikasa tried Brazillian wax once and uhh...Reiner abstained for a week & a half because he prefers her au naturalé 🙈 He said it felt odd from what he's used to haha
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
There are days they’ll just have a quickie if they get in the mood while just chilling, watching TV together after dinner. Before the children came, they would always have slow, intense eye-gazing, tantric, unrushed lovemaking. After the twins came into the picture, they’ll be lucky if they can even have cuddle time together >D Mikasa doesn’t say “I love you” out-loud but showed it in the way she touches & kisses Reiner’s arm when he’s in the kitchen making dinner or when he’s giving the twins a bath.
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J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Oooh...Reiner rarely does this after he dated Mikasa & married her. But he loves getting her to touch herself in the showers. While he watches.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Did i tell you about their muscle kink & how much they love each other’s muscles?? Roleplay :) They like to pretend they’re strangers meeting in a cafe or a hotel bar and later have a ‘pretend one-night stand’ with each other haha It keeps the flame burning! (i posted a oneshot on this.)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Home: bedroom, kitchen and in his home office. In the showers too!
They're not one to do it in public but they did have several outdoor trysts on the back of his 4WD while having a romantic night under the stars.
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M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) haha can't help not including this gif
When Mikasa rubs one of Reiner's thighs, rest assured that his gears will be running. Meanwhile when Reiner nuzzles her neck and started caressing her abs, oh it's an on for her alright.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
⛔ Backdoors are a big N.O ⛔
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
They're both amazing givers... You know what it means: 34 + 35 🤫 Reiner would sometimes initiates when Mikasa's already asleep. Remember that Zoom Conference & online gaming session? Mikasa likes to get back at Reiner when he least expects it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Both depending on their moods...quickies are usually fast pounding yet not too rough, Reiner respects Mikasa too much to ever be at risk of hurting her. Usually their lovemaking would be sensual & soul-bonding at the same time.
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Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Mikasa prefers to wear pants when they ever go for outings, movie trips, hiking trips. But, she wears skirts when they're visiting their families for a reason: smoother access for quickies. The moment she walks down the stairs in a beautiful dress before they head to his mum's or her aunts', Reiner already knows it. They be getting freaky with a quickie later 🙈
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Reiner & Mikasa are very experimental in the bedroom. Sure, they don’t have frequent lovemaking but when they’re in the mood, fireworks are a guarantee throughout with different new positions ;) Risk-taker? Let’s just say Reiner’s virility and Mikasa’s flexibility provided a lot of perks in their love lives together (and some pregnancy scares too! before they were ready to conceive) Mikasa once gave Reiner head while they're stuck in traffic heading into a road block. He'd finished just before the the car in front of them pass the inspection 🙈
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Ooh boy, all night haha Rounds: 2 max at one time. Duration: At least 1.5hours X) They both are super fit, athletic people so one can expect their staminas to be nothing less than subpar. *cough* In Canon AU: Max 4 times or 1/3 of the night *winks* because supernatural & acker powers!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No, they don't 🙈
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Goes without saying: a lot. Mikasa likes to wear Reiner's tshirts/ dress shirts at home to tease him. While Reiner likes to wear his reading glasses a lot at home because that is one of her biggest turn ons from him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Mikasa's the quiet one between the two and the loudest she'd ever been was just a deep, heavy whimper. Reiner's the louder one that sometimes Mikasa would have to smother him when they're having a quickie 🤣
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Even after more than 20 years together, Reiner and Mikasa still make out like they're teenagers - pretending to sneak around and grinding in hidden, cramped spaces away from their kids.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Mikasa : Dynamite & powerful grip - thighs and you-know-what (even after 3 kids!)
Reiner : Thicc - ass & this man is packing. He has girth!
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest: 15 🤣 There's something about getting Mikasa to relax and laugh during their chill time, that just instantaneously revved up their engines at the same time. Reiner is a very tender, romantic person & Mikasa cannot resist it when he starts to tell her how much he loves her & appreciates her. He likes to kiss her hand when they're just hanging out even with friends. Everything Reiner does is genuine & that warms her heart everytime.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Reiner would be the first to go out like a light & Mikasa just likes to rest her head on his chest and hear his beating heart & relaxed breathing. Mikasa thinks Reiner's little snores are adorable. But when they're just cuddling on the couch, Mikasa would fall asleep first & Reiner would carry her to the bed.
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this & I hope you'll enjoy it too! Thank you so much for the support & love 💖 xoxo More asks to come!
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Any chance you could give us some Arabic speaking Remus headcanons? Loved your latest fic ❤️ 📚
OMFG gorgeous sugarplum! I legit only just was reminded of this while scrolling through my inbox right now! But my heart is finna burst!!! Thank you SO SO much and yes I would love to give some Headcanons about this! Especially since the next long story I’m working on includes this dynamic, and I’m so excited about it!! However, common disclaimer that while I am Arab and culturally Muslim even if I don’t practice like the rest of my family lol, I am Palestinian and not Syrian. So with every identity there are different experiences and customs no matter how closely intertwined. So I apologize for any inconsistency   that a Syrian may read and disagree with, and please feel free to correct me<3 <3
The FIC this HC is from 
So first off some background on his mum in the story 
I chose the name Vivian based off a friend of a friend who’s uncle married a woman by that name back in Palestine,  so it’s definitely extremely uncommon, but a fully Arab lady was named it, so like it’s my defense bahaha. But it also means lively, and coupled with Hussein as her maiden name which means beautiful, it just fit her personality to a t!! 
She was born into a pretty secular family in Syria in the late 1920s, so there was a lot going on in that time period. But her dad was pretty influential, working in the government and such. Vivian was also the youngest of four girls and three boys so she was pretty spoiled tbh
She attended a boarding school in France through out her adolescence and decided to go to university there too, so she’s fluent in both Arabic and French, with pretty great English as well. Though she wasn’t exactly white passing, even though like a bunch of Syrians/Palestinians/Lebanese folk she was somewhat fair, she had distinctly Arabian features, like the large almond shaped eyes and thick lashes and thicker brows, and a long, largeish nose, accented by full lips. So she experienced a good amount of jeers and discrimination, especially when folks found out her surname. So I think she’s able to relate to Remus in that sense of being a wolf at least, and later on  when he comes out as gay.
It was 1950  when she and a few of her girlfriends went to Wales for holiday after completing university. The second Lyall first spotted her in the woods while she was trying to make it back to the cabin near the Irish Sea with her mates, it was something like love, because duh. She was a fucking knock out!! A babe and a baddy! Literally so far out of his league its ridiculous! But on Vivian’s side,  she was mostly just amused and a bit enamored by this cocksure Welshman who had the most endearing of crooked smiles that their son would inherit a decade later. So obviously she didn’t make it easy on him, but eventually she let him take her out on the last night of her trip, and was pleased to find out that they had the same sort of humor and the same passion for their careers and even the same love for the outdoors too.
 They had a long distance relationship for two years while she went to grad school so she could teach about classics while Lyall himself was rising the ranks in the Ministry for regulation and control of magical creatures— Unbeknownst to her, the Floo network  was very helpful with the distance. Just thank God Lyall himself is a Muggle born because he really had to fake the hell out of it lol.
So just to speed things up they got married on a lovely June evening in  1955,  subsequent to  Vivian excepting a professorial job in Cardiff after Lyall told her about the Wizarding world. At first Vivian thought e was tripping on some subpar edibles until he proved it by transfiguring her snuff box into a lovely broach that she kept for the rest of her life, So after Vivian was convinced, she became  absolutely enthralled by all of the magic so completely. 
They were trying for a few years when she finally became pregnant with Remus in 1959, and they were both so over the moon (pun unintended).
So like I said above, Vivian’s family are pretty secular, so I see her mostly practicing the cultural aspects of Islam. For example, every Friday— which is the equivalent to Sundays being the holy day  for Christians— she lights up the instance that she always keeps herself stocked up on after her annual trip to Syria, instead of the typical candles she ordinarily prefers.  And Remus swears that for the rest of his life whenever he smells it, he’s back to being a baby, puttering around the house and watching her dusting the shelves while humming quietly an Arabic song that’ played out the gramophone  by a man who’s music would soon become regarded as the song of the people. Or Remus would recall being snuggled into her lap while she read him a novel on the windowsill. Or he’d simply remember listening to his parents laughter fluttering in the air while he fell asleep by the fire, subconsciously making the flower buds closest to him bloom with his untapped magic.
Remus’s first clear memory— thanks to the endless pictures— is when he was around four years old, before the attack, and they were staying in Vivian’s home town in Damascus. While the men congregated out doors for cigars and cards and the women in the living room chatting while snacking on watermelon seeds, his older cousins— who were all girls— dragged him off to one of the bedrooms and doted on him because he was the baby of that side of the family. And he remembers walking out in a set of one of their heels and a headscarf wrapped around his head which made his Mama and Tata and Aumties laugh out loud and croon over him, and all his uncles and Sido call him Aumty Remus.
The attack by Greyback happened soon after they returned to Wales, and I’m not gonna touch on it becs I’ not finna depress myself. But it was a January morning after his first transformation and he remembers that when he woke up, he saw the cookies stuffed with dates resting on his bedside with a glass of milk that Lyall had put a cooling charm on. And they’re indulgent treats that Vivian makes for both Eids every year even though they don’t celebrate them in any other way lol. But the cookies always reminds him of family and of feeling safe in his mother’s arms, and they still work to make him feel better even after the worst thing he has ever experienced in his short life.
Remus’s love of poetry came from both sides of his parents, but it was listening to his mother recite the story of Majnun Layla in it’s original Arabic that really made him glow for the art form, and brought him to discovering his favorites like Auden and Neruda. 
There’s a ornate, wooden prayer box that has been past down on the Hussein side of the family for five generations, it was originally  meant to hold a Qran but for the past three it’s simply just been a beautiful piece of decoration. So when Vivian gave it to Remus when he was headed off to Hogwarts, little Remus asked McGonagall to help him with locking  charms so it could become a safe place for him to keep his most cherished of nicknacks ant momentos, so obviously,  she silently added a charm to keep the wood nearly unbreakable and the extension charm atop of that, like Hermione with her bag, so that he could keep as many happy memories as possible inside of it, and she prayed that there would be so many that it threatened to burst. 
The last time Remus opened the box was in 1996, when he was putting away the ring Sirius gifted him as a match to his own in some feeble promise of forever only weeks before James and Lily’s own engagement. 
Once during first year, he and the lads were staying up late, trading stories about how they got their most ridiculous scars— after seeing the one that scraped across Remus’s left shoulder blade— But it got to a point where they were all feeling a bit nippish, so they went down to the kitchens for some of the chocolate pudding that was served during dinner that night. And Remus idly asked the house elves if they could make him a batch of Kinafa because he was getting home sick and missed when he and his Mama would dash over to the city whenever they were feeling antsy, and she’d take him to their favorite hooka bar after buying a round of the dessert— which is basically sweetbread stuffed with cheese— from down the block. And they’d stay sitting beneath the starlight, and talking about her job and his lessons from school while she’d let him try a discrete puff or two and they’d laugh about everything and nothing at all.
The next time they stopped by the kitchens one of the younger house elves presented him with the snack gleefully, and it tasted fine, just not like how they do back home. So Remus smiled warmly at Tipsy, the house elf, and thanked her with real sincerity.
But his face must’ve betrayed him because after easter break, Sirius plops down a fresh batch of them on Remus’s bed before leaping into his own, casually mentioning that he saw how grossed out Remus looked when trying the one the house elves made, and it was from a restaurant close to Grimmauld so it’s not that big of a deal, and then he rushed to cursing at James for stealing his favorite pen and swearing that  if he broke it he’s gonna have hell to pay. Remus had only blushed and chuckled  with a small smile on his face when he cut himself a small piece and finished the half sheet off with the rest of their house later that night during an impromptu party that the Marauders would become infamous for in later years.
It was the summer after second year when all the marauders visited Remus back home in Wales and when they heard Vivian call him Qamar practically every other sentence, which of course lead to endless ribbing and eventually  to his nickname of Moony— even though it’s so fucking obvious and Remus loves and hates it in equal parts. God his friends are so fucking stress inducing!
Remus teaches the other marauders funny Arabic curse words and they use them in class so that they can talk shit about particularly disgusting Slytherins without them being any of the wiser. (Yes I did do this with my friends, and I’d do it again! POW! POW! POW!)
It’s from Vivian that Remus has an affinity for coffee as strong as shit, but also prefers his tea weak— specifically two sugars and a dash of milk. But seriously, if you’ve ever tried Arabian coffee you’d understand, that shit is so fucking strong it’s literally a hate crime LMFAO. But yeah, this habit is definitely a point of contention between him and Sirius— who’s actually so fucking posh no matter how much he wants to be punk, and he stands by only drinking black tea— like Merlin intended— and saying bugger off to any and all coffees. “Leave that shite to the French and Americans.” And Remus would try to keep himself from making eyes at him from across the table, because God Sirius is hot when he’s all fiery  and impassioned, even when it’s about the dumbest, most inconsequential shit.
Something that’s sort of funny is that Remus was the first among them to become a fucking pot head and could drink them all  under the table even though Sirius himself has got two stone and three inches on him. But Remus still refuses to eat ham, purely because he never grew up eating it and doesn’t care too now. Sirius had to specifically ask Euphemia and Monty to make turkey for Christmas dinner their sixth year just because he knew that Remus’s head would probably implode with the decision between being rude and not eating it or forcing himself to gag down the unfamiliar meat.
When Remus is really, really fucking drunk he definitely spends the night only speaking in Arabic! (Don’t look at me I’m trash just because I stole this from my own life lmfao) But yeah, it’s really fucking hilarious and Sirius swears to God he’s so fucking in love with him while listening to Remus ranting in the unfamiliar language. And he’s like positive that half the time he’s actually just cursing Sirius out but he doesn’t even care because it’s SO! DAMN! CUTE!  And sometimes Sirius decides to speak French at a drunk off his arse Moony, who occasionally replies back in a stiff staccato before returning back to the easy Arabic. And it’s just a mess.
Ok so sadness warning
In my head, Vivian loses her fight against breast cancer the July after the Marauders graduate from Hogwarts, and afterwords Remus gets a tattoo of her name in Arabic on his chest, and the word for soul on the nape of his neck. He locks away that battered copy of Magnun Layla in the wooden box she gave him years ago, along with a woolen  scarf that smelt like her perfume.
 It’s Sirius who buys a set of prayer beads to hang off her photo above the mantel in the flat he and Remus share, and when Remus sees it he literally feels like  he might crack open with tears, but opts to kiss Sirius thank you instead, and they stay tangled on the sofa for the rest of the day in quiet contemplation.
One night, in late 1979, while  the war was only getting worse and worse—  Sirius was hit by a cutting curse to the ribs. And it was really fucking bad, but thankfully James got him to his house in time for Lily to help and heal. He slept for the most part for nearly an entire day, but remembers snippets. Like when Remus had sprinted into the room with fear painted all over his soft features, and when James put a cooling cloth to his head. But most distinctly, Sirius recalls Remus gingerly lying besides him and Sirius talking gibberish at his boyfriend while Remus plunged his entire face against his back, eyes wet with tears and body shuttering as he squeezed him softly, saying something quietly in Arabic. Sirius obviously didn’t understand like 99.9% of it, but he did catch the word “Habibi,” which he instantly remembers as an old pet name Vivian use to call Remus with so much love it made her entire countenance sparkle. It’s an endearment  that means beloved, or darling, and it feels like Remus is begging Sirius to stay with him and Sirius’s throat is still raw from the screaming, so he can only  reply by dragging Remus’s hand up to his mouth and kissing his knuckles tenderly. And he knows that whatever he does for the rest of his days, he loves Remus Lupin with every cell in his body.
Oof this got mad depressing…. Chow anyways, I can add a picture of the container you’re suppose to use for the instance if anyone wants that?
Thank you again dear Nonny!!!
Ask Me For Headcanons About A Story I’ve Written Or For One You Want To See Written
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chidoroki · 3 years
Takt Op. Destiny EP5
aka: all aboard
I assume this new dude who is acting all high and mighty is just going to be trouble for our trio.
“Other than music, the maestro’s ability to do anything is apparently subpar.” Damn Destiny, drag Takt a bit more while you’re at it.
Good lord girl, it didn’t even take a minute for her to defeat that D2. Glad to see she’s improving!
Does this Shindler guy have two musicarts? Is that allowed?
“This is an extremely wonderful thing that I am exceedingly curious about.” Destiny’s great love of sweets is so precious.
Oi, Shindler, don’t speak of musicarts as if they’re only weapons right in front of Anna!
And Takt too, of course. Good for him for not humoring this dude with all the secrets he wants to know regarding Destiny.
I love how Takt didn’t even flinch when this white knight musicart threatened him with her sword in his face, especially when he continues to talk back to her.
Since they’re confined to this one room on the train, Takt didn’t argue with Destiny for once about letting her rush off after another D2.
So that other purple musicart is Shindler’s, then who does the sword wielding one belong to?
Destiny has a point, if Takt didn’t trust in her abilities to save him then he wouldn’t have just stood there idly.
Ah, so the sword wielder doesn’t have a conductor yet? She can just act on her own?
This other musicart is creepy though.. and I need names. I can’t keep referring to them like this!
Did Anna tell Shindler the whole backstory about Destiny? I don’t think that was such a wise move.
That is a whole swarm of flying D2 heading straight for us..
“Musicarts who are not bound to a conductor use up their power faster.” Makes sense. Destiny uses up a bunch of her own power too but her case with Takt is entirely different.
Ohhh I’m liking this song with the guitar though.
Our white knight friend actually went back to support Takt!
Okay, name drop finally. So Walkure is our sword wielder. Now we just need the other girl.
Dear god, that last D2 is a literal beast..
“You have my blessing, Hell” ..that’s her name? It fits, I guess. Her laugh certainly sounds hellish.
If Shindler no longer needs Walkure’s help, then what’s gonna happen to her now? Is he really just going to leave her behind?
Pfft Takt refused Shindler’s proposal without a second thought.
“All-nighters are the best! Whoo!” Gotta love Anna’s enthusiasm.
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elysianslove · 3 years
HOLYY SHIT ?&*???$* hes so fufkvinh pretty gn its OVER for me ,,, please give me reasons to watch it as soon as school is out oh my god .... i might just lose ALL of my marbles - 🍄
HVSJSJD RIGHT???? RIGHT??? and yes oh my god of course, right this way,,,
so first and foremost, the characters. not only are they all extremely attractive, the men, the women, the villains— like look!!
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but they’re also built incredibly well. they all have compelling backstories and are all so powerful in their own ways. the women in this show are so strong and inspiring and the men are incredible and breathtaking. you get attached to them so easily, and they will always leave you fascinated honestly. and it’s not even the case where it’s like “he’s overpowered, kinda uninteresting,” but rather, “damn what can’t he do? that’s amazing.” but yes they all genuinely have like such amazing personalities and i’m basing this off the anime. i can’t imagine just how good the manga is.
second, the overall atmosphere of the anime. it has such a great balance between sad and exciting and humorous and daunting. it executes all of it perfectly. you feel grief and you feel relief and you feel happiness and you laugh and you cry and it’s the most perfect rollercoaster of emotions you’ll encounter and go through. i’ve sobbed through episodes, but i’ve also laughed my ass off at others. the versatility is amazing.
and obviously, the plot. it just. it’s so good. it will always leave you wanting to know more, and the way it all keeps tying together and making sense it just. beautiful. there’s one main, center storyline, and then a bunch of things happening around it that revolve around the main storyline but also? listen i dont wanna spoil but it’s just very very good and i highly recommend it.
also the intros and outros are so good. especially the outros. the outros are. subpar. <3
i hope this worked at convincing you i just ,,, i want everyone to watch this anime cause it deserves all the hype and more :((
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vainkaz · 2 years
Spider-Man. I love watching mid tier movies in the theatre and suppressed laughing hushed whisper at the ridiculousness of it w a friend . I screamed and clapped at willem dafoe and frowned when one line of his delivery was subpar and felt sad when he got beat around when he’s frail and old but got angry when he didn’t have an broken face bones or even blood on his face . The lapping on the residual mud puddle of nostalgia and to trade that with bad internet Esque humor was a fucking disgrace. The only time it shimmered through was when Andrew Garfield hung his neck in response to the threatening dr connors verbal attack. Atta boy you can still act and you still want a black boyfriend for Peter!!! Stay true to your core you crazy girl! Marvels formula for epic fight scene intercut with awkward stuttering conversation meant as jokes is such a “why do we have tiktok “ moment. The absolute lack of eq and personal responsibility demonstrated by supposed mit applicant (unrealistic) by this absolute mediocre Peter in every way makes even zendaya the gorgeous girlfriend not a relationship worth even the silent respect of watching it without quipping about unrelated subjects like how dreamy willem dafoe looked in his green plaid coat and matching pants and how aunt may must have bought him that since his fashion is the Yale rowboat casual, at least Tobey spidery embodied absolute emo mess darkness and a sense of wickedness that is starkly different from Garfield’s natural charisma .as a skater nerd. I will go on your tube and watch willem dafoe scenes again….since I was busy laughing the first time. Doc ock is so cute he isn’t called Otto for nothing. Jermas dog is also my dog . Su casa es mi casa. Also the moral takeaway of this movie is ; applying for college and getting rejected can cause your family to wither away and die and everybody hates you and forgets about you
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starbornvalkyrie · 4 years
what we could be | part four
A/N: I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to update this one! This part fought me hard, to be honest. It’s a little shorter than the previous parts, but I just had to get past it to move the story along. I’ll leave you with this: things have to get worse before they get better. Enjoy!
warnings: language, smut, alcohol.
to recap: part three | what we could be masterlist
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“What did you just say?
He heard a huff on the other end. “I know you’re not that dense, Rowan,” she growled, “You know exactly what I said.”
“But… but…” he stammered. So unlike him. “But how?”
“How? Hm, well, when a man and a woman both consent to it, they get naked, then the man takes his dick and--”
Rowan snapped. “Aelin, shut the fuck up, I’m not an idiot.”
“Coulda fooled me,” she mumbled, and Rowan let out a sigh.
“You’re pregnant.”
“About nine weeks, yes.”
Rowan paused. “And it’s mine?”
Aelin barked a laugh with no humor behind it. “Unless you’re also accusing me of cheating, then yes, it’s yours.”
“I’m just trying to make sense of it all,” he retorted. Rowan’s head is spinning. It feels strange, not being able to control his emotions. He wants to suggest they start the conversation over, a little more calmly.
But of course, it’s Aelin. She’s a firecracker on a good day, and he had to assume she hadn’t had a good day in a long, long while. “What is there to make sense of? We fucked, you didn’t pull out, and now I have another life form growing in my stomach.”
He was about to correct her on the location of the baby when his brain caught onto her tone. “Hold on. Are you… mad at me?” he asked, rubbing his temples to chase away the impending headache that was forming. 
“Yes! No… agh, I don’t know! Damn hormones…” She said that last part more to herself than to him, and he was starting to soften up to her mixed feelings when she yelled, “You got me pregnant!”
“Well, it takes two to tango, Aelin!”
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
“Gah, Aelin!” 
“Rowan!” She screamed so loudly, Rowan could have sworn he felt the sonic boom from across the ocean.
He had to remember who he was talking to, had to think about what she’s going through. As calmly as he could, though there was still a slight bite to his words, he said, “I think… I think I need some time to process this. Can I call you later?”
There was a pause so long that Rowan had to check to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. After a minute, he heard her take a deep breath, something he knew she did whenever she was trying to prevent herself from saying something stupid. Or mean. Or all of the above.
“Later… Got it. Bye, Rowan.” And she hung up. Rowan wasn’t sure how long he stood there with his phone still to his ear, but he pulled it away and stared at it, willing all the answers he wished he knew to appear from out of nowhere. When did he even stand up?
Aelin is pregnant.
Aelin is pregnant with his child.
From the sounds of it, she’s going to keep it. Gods, they hadn’t even gotten that far in the conversation.
Aelin is pregnant.
Rowan is going to be a father.
He thinks he’s going to be sick.
Deep breaths, Rowan.
Rowan waited until he was sure he wasn’t going to lose the sandwich he ate on the way home, then left to find Fenrys.
Fenrys will either know what to say or sit with him while he drowns himself in liquor. Either way, Rowan just needs his friend.
Rowan ran from his housing to Fenrys’ classroom on Mistward’s campus and got there just in time to see him flirting with one of his classmates.
Fenrys looked up at him and grinned. Rowan wasn't sure what his own face looked like, but he could see concern flash through Fenrys’ eyes. 
“Hey, Whitethorn, why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Fenrys clapped Rowan on the shoulder, trying to lighten his mood.
“Aelin is pregnant.” Fenrys’ smile faltered, his grip tightened ever so slightly. He looked over his shoulder to tell his classmate he’ll catch up with her later then guided Rowan towards the edge of campus where the bars are. Rowan had never felt more grateful to have a friend like Fenrys.
They made their way to the hole-in-the-wall tavern they found their first week in Wendlyn. The bar food is subpar, but they have a top notch selection of beers on tap. Rowan, however, went straight for three shots of tequila then an old-fashioned to sip. Mixing tequila and whiskey at three in the afternoon probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but Rowan didn’t feel like being smart.
Fenrys waited until Rowan ordered his second old-fashioned before speaking. “So… Aelin is pregnant.” It wasn’t a question, but Rowan nodded. “Wow. Okay, um, how do you feel about that?”
Rowan took a long sip of his drink before answering. “I don’t know man, I haven’t really given myself time to process it. She called to tell me, we fought, we hung up. And now I’m here,” he lifted his glass. Drink. “Gods, I’m also pretty sure we broke up before I left for the program here.”
“What do you mean you’re ‘pretty sure’? Are you together or not? And what on earth did you have to fight about?” Rowan drank for every question Fenrys asked, finishing the glass. His brain was finally getting muddled, his racing thoughts becoming an ugly, incoherent blur. He signaled for another drink. 
“I don't know, man. We fought before I left, and I told her we’d talk when I got back to Terrasen. Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean.” Rowan thought drinking with Fenrys would help him, but it actually might be pissing him off instead.
Before Fenrys could pester him some more, he tossed back the old-fashioned in one go, and stood up on shaky legs to leave. “Hey, let me help you get back, dude.”
“No, thanks, you’ve helped enough.” A hurt look flickered across Fenrys’ face, and Rowan felt guilty for a moment. It wasn’t his fault Rowan was in a shit mood, but he couldn’t do anything about it in this state. He made a mental note that he hoped he’ll remember to apologize and have an alcohol-free conversation with him later.
The walk back to his housing was a blur. Rowan had to stop multiple times to settle his stomach, but luckily he made it back without ruining the pristine Wendlyn sidewalks with his vomit. He had hardly sobered by the time he found his building.
Rowan’s feet took him in the opposite direction of his room, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He didn’t care to. Next thing he knew, Remelle opened the door to his incessant knocking for the second time that day. She looked like she was about to yell at him again, so Rowan grabbed the back of her head with one hand and her waist with the other and crashed his lips to hers. She didn’t protest.
He pushed her back into her room and slammed the door behind him. He led her towards her bed, clothes flying along the way. When she laid back against her pillows and spread her legs, he didn’t hesitate to climb on top of her and enter her roughly. There was no passion in their coupling, only the urge to release, to forget.
They stayed in bed through dinner, alternating between laying there, panting, and fucking each others’ brains out. It wasn’t until Rowan slid into Remelle for the third time that night that he let himself realize what he was doing--let himself realize that even though he was in bed with Remelle, he was imagining he was with a different blonde across the sea.
He pulled out of her abruptly, much to her dismay, and gathered his clothes. Not bothering to don his shirt, he ran back to his room.
In the privacy of his own quarters, in the silence with his thoughts, Rowan allowed himself to cry.
After Aelin’s conversation--if she could even call it that--with Rowan yesterday morning, she thought she’d panic. But instead, she felt hollow, alone. She didn’t know what she was supposed to expect. Whatever it was, it wasn’t that.
She’d spent the rest of the day in bed, only getting up when Lysandra forced her to eat something and to take a bath where she stayed for two hours.
She’d wished that her mother was there to tell her what to do next, but then she cried thinking that her parents would never meet their grandchild. Her baby would only know about Evalin and Rhoe through stories, her memories. She’d always thought that if she did one day find herself pregnant, she’d have her mother there to guide her.
But her mother was dead, Rowan couldn’t even speak to her, and Aelin was alone.
Eventually, Lysandra got sick of Aelin’s wallowing, no matter how supportive she was trying to be. Aelin thanked the gods for keeping Lysandra with her. When they had dinner last night, Lysandra suggested she needed to go out and do something to distract herself from the pit Rowan left in her heart.
At the same exact moment, she’d received a text from Chaol asking if she was feeling better.
Lysandra took that as a sign and urged her to reach out and reschedule their coffee date.
So here she was, sitting at a table in UT’s campus coffee shop. Aelin sipped on her lemon-ginger tea--not her favorite, but it helped her stomach--as she waited for Chaol to get out of his class. She couldn’t stop checking her phone for any messages from Rowan, but there were none. Even a quick Instagram search revealed he hadn’t been active since yesterday morning. With a sigh, she silenced her phone and put it in her purse.
After a few minutes of people watching through the window, she spotted Chaol’s tall figure coming from the chemistry building. Aelin waved at him as he entered and watched as he went to order before joining her.
“Aelin! I’m so glad we could meet. You’re feeling better?” He sat down across the table from her, but the table was small and his legs were so long, his knee brushed hers. The subtle touch made her blush, and she tried to keep the color at bay.
She smiled at him. “A little. Enough to be out and about, not enough to scarf down a whole chocolate cake no matter how badly I wanted to.” He laughed and the sound made her heart flip. Damn pregnancy hormones.
“Well, when you feel like you can eat again, I’ll gladly buy one for you.” He moved to grab something from his backpack-- a stack of papers. “I know this is the last thing you’d want to think about right now, but before I forget, these are the notes and everything from the lectures you missed. You still have to make up a lab, but the professor said you have until the end of next week.”
Aelin took the papers and thanked him. She suddenly felt guilty for how sweet he was being to her without knowing the extent of the situation she’s found herself in. She likes Chaol a lot and didn’t feel that it was fair to string him along.
“Can I actually--”
“So, Aelin--” They both spoke then broke off at the same time, chuckling at their synchronicity. “You can go first,” he said.
She released a steadying breath through her nose. “Okay, there was a reason I wanted to meet with you today. I have something to tell you, but I’m not entirely sure how you’ll react.”
“It’s alright, Aelin. You can tell me anything, I won’t judge.” Too sweet. Too damn sweet, this guy.
“Okay,” she repeated. “I- I’m pregnant.”
Aelin watched Chaol as he processed the bomb she just dropped. She noticed his eyes widen ever so slightly, his mouth gaped open. After a few agonizing moments, he shook his head to clear the daze. He was about to reply when the barista called his name to pick up his order. 
With an apologetic glance, Chaol stepped away. Aelin closed her eyes, mourning whatever could have happened between the two of them. She opened them when she heard Chaol take his seat across from her once more.
“So, you’re pregnant.”
“I am.”
“And I’m assuming… Rowan is the father.” She nodded apprehensively, knowing his acquaintanceship with Rowan was tense, at best. The two men never clicked. They had only met once last semester when Aelin and Chaol had to work late for an inorganic chemistry lab, and whatever vibes they gave each other were not pleasant. Ever since, she tried to avoid the two of them ever crossing paths again, though Rowan frequently expressed his displeasure whenever she brought up their work in the lab.
“Wow. How are you really feeling then? You’ve been having morning sickness, I take it?” Aelin tried not to show how shocked she was by the genuine concern and automatic acceptance in his voice. Why couldn’t this have been Rowan’s reaction?
Nonetheless, she nodded. “It actually hit me for the first time when we originally planned our coffee date. I went straight to Lysandra’s house to take a test and had it confirmed at the doctor at the end of the week. I think I’m still processing it all, actually.” 
“That’s understandable, Aelin, this is huge. And Rowan, does he know? He’s studying abroad in Wendlyn this semester, right?”
Aelin let out a humorless laugh. “Oh yeah. He knows. Not that he cares.”
Chaol narrowed his eyes, likely figuring out how their conversation had gone, but he didn’t pry for more details. Aelin was grateful for that. Grateful for him. “Well, I’m not going anywhere, Aelin. I get it if you’re not looking to date anyone while you figure this out with Rowan, but I still want to be around you.” He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I like you a lot, I have for a while now, in all honesty, but a friendship with you is better than nothing.”
Aelin stared at their joined hands, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you, Chaol. Your support means more than you know.”
He leaned across the table to kiss her on the cheek, and Aelin couldn’t stop her blush this time. They steered the conversation to other topics, talking endlessly about everything they could think of.
Though Aelin was sad at the thought of what could have been, she felt hope reignite in her chest.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to/taken off my general SJM tag list just send me an ask! i’m very good at losing them in the comments. love y’all!
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stray-tori · 3 years
Emma’s character arc in the anime (or what I think it is, anyway) (anime-only)
Her "nothing has happened in a year and it's my fault" vent is -- a) kind of meta (they literally have only been passengers in their s2-story so far*. rescued by mujika/sonju, directed by Minerva, chased out by the farm force & now on the run. right now, they have so small agency in the story and not only is the narrative acknowledging it, Emma's development herself seems to be a result of it)
* in part that's also true for s1, they have always been carried a little. By Krone, for giving them the pen, and by Norman for generally being the connecting piece until he was gone and even then he outlined most elements of the plan for Emma.
-- b) interesting because right now it makes her the opposite of Norman who despite not being in the season for almost half of its run time, arguably made more goal-related progression (i.e. stealing children from farms - assuming it was them -, while Emma couldn't even go back for the Phil and others; probably having a base to bring the children they steal (i doubt the group that was with him are ALL of them), while Emma's base, the bunker, had to be abandoned). He’s the plot-driving character even when he's not there and now that he is, I'm assuming there will be more of a lead / idea of where to go from there.
It feels like a foil setup but I'm not entirely sure for what.
so, clearly this season's theme is not burdening everything by yourself - proof:
Ray spelled it out in ep1, Gilda reaffirmed it in ep2 and the opening’s visuals with her in the vidaflower field also seem to carry the whole “we’re finding hope together” angle
Emma did agree to it but then still said “I’m fine” after the vidaflower scene and is now blaming herself for everything that has been going subpar
also, the tidbit about the older kids always leaving more food for the younger ones also fits this theme, though it's not just Emma in that regard. and Lani and Thoma were the “don’t burden everything on yourself” argument in that scene.
I actually think Emma has slowly become more self-burdening, because I feel like back in s1, while she always seemed strong, it never felt like she actively hid from anyone. She did some things by herself like figuring out the room measurements, but she still felt free to bring up anything to the others and involve the children (place trust in them) later with the execution of the escape plan. Even when Norman's life was on the line, she never really intended to fully sacrifice herself like Ray had with the distraction plan or Norman did with his shipment - she never said anything like taking his place, she was still very much in the "we" mindset (at least if I remember correctly). We haven’t seen her work together like towards the end of s1 where she coordinated everyone - even when the kids were a huge part of the solution, like Chris knowing the bunker’s layout, it wasn’t because she told them to do that.
In a way, I feel like Emma's development actually made her more like Norman (who usually used to keep stuff to himself, and tried to juggle all the conflicts himself, and in the end, took the burden of making the plan work even at the expense of his """"death""""). Heck, her words after the vidaflower scene ("I'm / it's okay" (daijoubu)) is something Norman says/said a lot, it's basically his trademark pff-
So I can't help but assume these are connected, and Emma is - whether intentionally or not - trying to mirror Norman because in her mind, everything's been going wrong since he wasn't there to aid them anymore (which she's actually right about, which leads me to my next point).
The fine line between character angst and the savior trope. I hope the anime will use this whole setup with Emma’s arc instead of just being like “ah, Norman Christ has arrived, our lord and savior, how good that we don’t have to worry about anything anymore”. Because they actually, in-universe, acknowledge that "nothing has happened" and that's imo a fine line they have going on right now, which could lead to some interesting character moments.... or they completely ignore it and thank god, our lord and savior.
Because it's not a problem that they are being carried, in fact, as mentioned before they have been carried outside of s2 as well, by Norman specifically as well too. He's always been a sort of savior figure, even after his death he motivated them to go on (see ghost Normans, see Emma talking about how she promised him, see Ray on the ground wanting to continue because he promised (to Emma too but you get the point, and Norman was the one who initially saw through his plan)) - he IS in a lot of ways, a savior. So I'm not saying it's bad narratively if now he's back and the plot moves more towards the goal again. I'm saying it's questionable, if now Emma's and the narrative's acknowledgement of that lack of progression go away too. Because THEN it's actually just "everything is solved now and we're useless without you", and I think it NEEDS to develop Emma further in order for that angle to still be there (and to still be kind of questionable), but to be narrative-ly significant because it's part of Emma's arc and therefore her later actions.
In short, Emma’s low-point revolves around the stagnation and to resolve it (the lowpoint) with Norman’s return would be questionable.
SO I have hope for juicy angst but also see how this could horribly backfire.
Now, I've been trying to figure out were her arc is going, considering all of that.
"Burdening everything by yourself is bad" theme
Emma hates herself for not being able to do anything
Norman is her opposite / foil in that regard
So possible ways to go here are
a) further make Emma feel inferior to Norman, since she never got to do all those things she took upon herself and make her mental state even worse
b) it will probably lead to Emma contributing whatever she can to her family’s rescue, no matter what it takes out of her.
likely both.
The interesting thing is that while narratively this sets up a sort of opposite-dynamic between Emma and Norman, they do both share the self-burdening-thing now (I doubt that changed about Norman, but maybe it did); so I feel like this can only end in a "who's more self-sacrificial and bottling up" contest.
Taking the theme into account, I feel like it’s going for one of the following things, maybe multiple:
a) they all work together in the end to reach their future (probably Ray has to bonk them both and be like "shut up, we're doing this together" because I feel like he's the only one who actually got out of his self-damning hole somewhat)
b) the kids come barging in with the/a solution while Norman and Emma are busy trying to be self-sacrificial (Lani and Thoma HAVE been observing and trying to balance the self-sacrificial out throughout the season, mostly by humor, so I feel like that could work even if I don't know how it could be DONE so hmmm)
c) if someone has to do a sacrifice like Norman in s1, it won’t be done through trickery of the others, or won't work / will be stopped / backfire
Because I don’t think what will happen is that someone actually gets to sacrifice themselves without massive consequences from the other characters because that’d contradict both the overall season's theme and if it was forced upon the others, it would just mirror s1 and show no narrative growth.
It's a fickle situation because I feel like the natural evolution of this arc would be to have Emma be, the "hero" or a leader-position or something of the sort.  But the self-sacrificial theme forbids her from doing it on her own or by massively hurting herself in the process so.... ahhh idk how they'll handle that!
because I like the "together" message it seems to be aiming for but at the same time, having a character struggle with not being able to do anything by herself in the same like 6 episodes as “yay, we need to do it together!” is a little risky since while it could work, doing teamwork in a way where everyone is important, while also not validating Emma's belief is.... hard.
It could work if Norman’s arc is the opposite, to let others do more for him and let Emma take over (who needs to built confidence as a leading figure); but even then Emma has to be driving force. If Norman initiates that, he’s actually saving her in every sense.
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snowythebeast · 4 years
What Should Have Been
If he was being honest, Sir Nighteye’s opinion of Mirio had started off neutral. His grades were subpar, to say the least, and he had a very loose grasp on the true power of his quirk. Of course, the boy wasn’t completely hopeless, Sir was the one to seek him out in the first place after all. Mirio Togota had a fighting spirit. He had an unbridled determination and no matter how many times he failed he always came back with a smile even wider than before. In that particular sense, Mirio was the perfect person to inherit All Might’s quirk. Mirio seemed to be the only one worthy of obtaining All Might’s quirk and continuing the legacy of One For All. Sir repeatedly recommended the kid, but Toshinori hadn’t bothered setting a date to even meet the kid, which Sir deemed a shame.
Sir had trained Mirio near constantly, borderline working him to the bone. They trained after long school days, and sometimes even before. They went out patrolling more often than not. Mirio never shied away despite the overbearing tasks. He never even faltered. His academics skyrocketed, and soon he was one of the most revered students in the school. He was a fixer-upper, but Sir’s positive reinforcement went a long way it seemed. In addition to his grades, Mirio quickly gained quirk comprehension skills. It was quite the sight to behold. Sir watched as Mirio perfectly passed through wall after wall. He became a worthy opponent, even against a pro like himself. He was perfect, the perfect vessel for One For All. Unfortunately, Toshinori was incredibly stubborn. Sir’s pleas were left unheard and Toshinori was running out of time. Sir admired All Might, but wished that Toshinori wasn’t so easily blindsided by his one-track mind. A few years passed without so much as a conversation between the two. Sir wasn’t pleased, but he had other things to attend to. Mirio was going to be an astonishing hero regardless of if he was going to be All Might’s successor or not. Lemillion was going to be a fantastic hero whether he was riding All Might’s coattails or not He didn’t need One For All. They had so much work to do, Mirio was his obligation now.
Without consulting Sir Nighteye, or even sparing him a glance in acknowledgement, All Might made his choice. Sir was irate. He had already found the perfect specimen, a smart, kind-hearted, smiling, bouder of a boy. Toshinori chose to pick some kid up off of the street. Sir had tried to leave it be, genuinely he did, and for a while he was able to remain ignorant. That is, until the kid in question waltzed into his agency. Being the former sidekick of All Might, there was no chance that he could decline the future of One For All, but he was not happy about it. Sir absolutely couldn’t see the star quality that Toshinori had. He gave Izuku Midoriya a chance to prove himself, but he was met with grave disappointment because he was thinking about what it could have been if Toshinori had just listened for once. If Mirio had been put through the same trial, he still wouldn’t have been able to retrieve the seal, but the crucial difference would be both of their demeanors. Midoriya had looked like he was going to cry at the end, Mirio would have branded an award-winning smile and taken his failed attempts in stride. Mirio had it all. Midoriya was not worthy. Mirio was what should have been. Toshinori Yagi truy made the worst decisions.
On Sir’s last day on Earth he was still confident about who he should have picked to be his successor. But Sir wasn’t the one in that position. He wasn’t the one leaving a legacy. He was forced to place his pride elsewhere. Regardless, here he was, impaled and bleeding profusely while watching Mirio in one of the most valiant fights Sir had ever seen. It was comparable to one of All Might’s many victories. Sir wasn’t fully lucid at the moment, he was dipping into a wooziness as he was reaching a critical amount of blood loss. He was, for only a few minutes, still holding onto his consciousness. He had noticed his heart swell in seeing Lemillion’s arms outstretched to protect the child. A sublime selflessness like that was a rarity, especially in the go-go society that they were living in. It was somewhat grounding. Sir Nighteye was very compelled to continue watching, but he was lulled into a blurry, agonizing, semi-consciousness. He could see and hear, but it was muffled. His brain was foggy with the events of the night. He wasn’t able to absorb any information until several surgeries later. Despite the efforts of the hospital and the miracle of modern medicine, Sir’s prognosis was rather grim. He still had some unfinished business though.
His eyes fluttered open. The room felt bright, although the lights were fairly dim. There were a few of his colleagues around him already, he had no idea how long he had been there. They weren’t much for intriguing conversation, which left him wallowing in an intensely lonely atmosphere. At some point, Toshinori and Midoriya had come in. Their companionship wasn’t worthless, in fact, it was rather impactful in itself. Sir told both of them that he held no sort of resentment, and that Midoriya may have been the key to a brighter future. Just a few simple pleasantries. The conversation was somber so Sir Nighteye was focused on another being entirely. He wondered about Mirio, his Lemillion. His hero who smiled no matter how hopeless the situation, who worked ceaselessly no matter how exhausted. His pupil who had been shot with a quirk-erasing bullet. He didn’t have to think for long.
“Sir!” A tense voice resonated through the room. His heart thumped against the walls of his chest. The voice was instantly recognizable. His charge, Mirio, had never sounded so despondent. Mirio pushed himself off of the door frame he was leaning on and rushed closer on wobbly knees. He had a cast on one of his legs, but, as expected, he still limped to Sir’s bedside. Sir imagined it to be sore, but the boy’s features painted a different kind of pained expression. His voice echoed through the room, cracking loudly. “You can’t! Please, live!”
Sir Nighteye’s fate had been sealed the moment that his interns ran into Eri in the street that day. He couldn’t bring himself to speak on such a disheartening matter. Instead, Sir found himself lamenting for Mirio. Words spilled from his mouth. Not about One For All, or All Might. Not about heroes, or the work that they still had to do, but about Mirio.
“Mirio.” His voice was frail and raspy. Tears beaded in the corners of his intern’s eyes. Remorse tightened Sir’s chest. “You suffered so much because of me. If only I had been-” The student was too choked up to let Sir finish. “It was because you taught that I was able to become strong! It was because you taught me that I am living like this now!” Tears had begun rolling down Mirio’s cheeks, dripping down onto the tiled floor. A wet sob echoed in Sir’s ears. Guilt piled on top of him.
“Mirio, please forgive me.” He paused, carefully picking the next words to leave his mouth. “At first, I only lured you in as a vessel for One For All.” He didn’t know if Mirio was able to hear him beneath his own gut-wrenching wailing. Sir had never seen him cry, let alone break down completely. He brought his hand up, resting it gingerly against the boy’s cheek. “But you followed me and believed in me, and before I knew it, you became my pride.”
Sir Nighteye activated his quirk, a reel of the future playing in his mind. In his movie-esque sights, his blonde-haired charge was standing heroically. Lemillion flashed his trademark smile. Even after this horrid night in which he lost his quirk, he was still able to maintain his toothy smile. Mirio was always such a sight to behold, Sir knew that there was just something about him. He was worthy, more than so in actuality. It was a beautiful sight, but his vision soon blurred, a sign of his body losing functionality. A warm feeling incapacitated him, followed by a white throbbing pain shooting through his abdomen. His time was limited.
“You’ll be fine.” He breathed. “You’ll become a finer hero than anyone else.” Mirio’s tears streamed down the arm leaning against his face, Sir didn’t seem to mind. “This is the only future that shouldn’t be changed.” He let his hand slide back down to the bed, too exhausted to keep it in the air any longer. A tight-lipped smile now encompassed his lips. Mirio’s hurt seemed unrelenting. Every breath he took was shaky.
“So, smile.”
Despite the injured man’s calm demeanor, a taut whimper escaped Mirio’s throat. His eyes squinted shut, wishing away the future he knew was imminent. Sir’s eyes stayed locked on his mentee, but he could also see All Might and Midoriya’s disgruntled expressions behind him.
“Smile. A society without cheer and humor will not have a bright future.”
He could physically feel his biological clock ticking down, only seconds were between himself and the cold embrace of death. All of his strength had been diminished.
The last thing Sir Nighteye saw before his consciousness faded completely was the wide grin Mirio proudly displayed in due time.
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quicksilversquared · 4 years
Mishaps and Misunderstandings
In which Hawkmoth is an ass, Adrien is sarcastic, and Nathalie wildly misunderstands the situation.
links in the reblog
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Hawkmoth was really becoming a pain in the butt now. For the past month and a half, he had been sending out akumas every other night, disrupting Ladybug and Chat Noir's sleep.
Maybe it wasn't the strongest akuma every time- in fact, most of the time, they seemed like bottom-of-the-barrel akumas, low on both powers and creativity- but that didn't change the fact that it dragged the superheroes out of bed and woke them up enough that they lost at least an hour every time. The akumas during the day didn't drop off, either, and between that and all of his civilian responsibilities and activities, Adrien was starting to feel more than a little bit spread thin.
It was exhausting, and he had to wonder how long he would be able to keep it up before he simply collapsed from exhaustion in the middle of- well, anywhere. At school, at a photoshoot, during fencing, in the middle of an akuma attack.
If he could make it to summer, Adrien was pretty certain that he could get caught back up again. But the problem was going to be getting to summer, which was still several months away. His friends were already starting to notice that something was wrong, and if they were noticing, then Adrien was willing to bet that it wouldn't be long before-
"Adrien, your last several photoshoots have been completely subpar. Your father is quite displeased with your work."
-his father's staff noticed, too.
Nathalie looked completely disapproving as she set a folder down on the table next to Adrien. A couple photos peeked out from the top. Peeking out from under the folder was the edge of another piece of paper, probably an updated schedule of what Adrien was expected to accomplish for the week.
"I understand that most of the photoshoots have been early, Adrien, but that's because we're trying to schedule around your other activities," Nathalie chided him, tugging out the piece of paper, and- yep, it looked like Adrien was right. Another photoshoot had been added, it looked like, and an additional fitting. Not that the fitting was really necessary, since the photoshoot was going to be with stuff he had worn before, but that hardly made a difference to the Gabriel staff. "Either we continue doing photoshoots before school, or we'll have to start pulling you out in the middle of the day to get them done while there's still decent light."
"No, then I'll fall behind!" Adrien protested, his mind already spinning with dread at the thought of how much more difficult keeping up with everything would be if he got pulled during school. He would have to stay up even later than he already was to catch up on the class that he was missing on top of what he missed during akuma attacks, and then- well, he could say good-bye to sleep, probably. "I can't miss class!"
He was only just making things work now. The mere idea of missing more class- and several hours for each photoshoot, probably, and in the middle of the day when he had his toughest classes- had panic welling up in Adrien's throat. The walls might as well be closing in on him, and his heartrate was already picking up.
Nathalie set the schedule down, fixing Adrien with a stern look. "Then we expect that you actually look awake and engaged during photoshoots. I don't see why that's a difficult thing to accomplish, it shouldn't be that hard-"
It shouldn't be that hard. Oh, really? Frustration welled up, sudden and overwhelming and shoving his growing panic to the side. Just like that, something inside of Adrien snapped, and he slapped his fork down on the table hard enough to make the entire setting rattle.
"Why is it a difficult thing to not look like I'm falling asleep? Maybe it's because I am falling asleep! And why would I not be?"
"Really-" Nathalie started, eyes rolling heavenward in clear exasperation, but Adrien didn't let her finish. His frustration had properly taken over now, words spilling out completely without his permission.
"I have a million and one activities that I need to be giving 100% in, all the time. I have to get up crazy early for photoshoots so that we can get them done before school, and we've been doing way more of those than usual because of all of the shoots that we have to redo because Father thought that it would be a good idea to humor Lila and let her participate even though she couldn't model at all. For some reason, you've decided that waking me up early or pulling me out of school makes more sense than pulling me out of fencing or skipping Mandarin or piano lessons for a week, or even just using some other model instead." It was all quite infuriating, really. It was hardly as though there weren't other teen models that had practically the same measurements as Adrien, and it wasn't as if his father couldn't make the executive decision to swap out models for a couple shoots. "And pulling me out of school is even more of a bad idea right now than it's ever been before! Do you want to know why?"
"Adrien-" Nathalie tried to cut in again, sighing, but- well, Adrien was tired and fed up and frustrated and just really, really tired and he wasn't going to let her get a word in edgewise.
"We've fallen even more behind schedule in classes than we did last year because of the akuma attacks," Adrien told her, jutting his chin out stubbornly. "And the teachers don't want the school year to extend into summer vacation again like it did last year, so they're trying to catch us up by cramming more and more into lessons during the day and giving us more homework and having us take online courses to help catch up even more. And that means hours more homework every evening and then I can't get to bed on time, even if I don't have extra lessons that day. And then when akumas show up at night- well, it's not like I can just sleep through a supervillain rampaging through the streets, can I? It wakes me up! Every! Single! Time!"
Nathalie paused, leaning back in her seat. "Oh. I see-"
"So if father is displeased by my work, well- tell him to make the nighttime akuma attacks stop, and maybe I'll actually be able to get enough sleep to do a decent job during photoshoots!"
With that, Adrien pushed himself up from the table- he didn't have an appetite anymore, and he had eaten most of his dinner anyway- and headed up to his room before Nathalie could respond. Once he was on his own, Adrien let out a long breath and slumped into the chair at his desk, massaging his temples as though that could make the headache that was starting up go away. Plagg floated out of his jacket, eyeing Adrien cautiously.
"Are you okay, kid?"
"Yeah, yeah, just- just tired," Adrien admitted, turning to his computer. He might as well at least pretend to get some schoolwork done before Nathalie came up to chide him for being disrespectful. "And then Nathalie deciding that now is a great time to add more to my plate- well, I'm a bit tired of it. So I blew up. Not that it'll do me any good."
"You don't think so?"
Adrien snorted. "What, do you think that Nathalie and Father will suddenly grow a heart and back off on my schedule? That's unlikely. They're going to get mad at me for being 'emotional' and blowing things out of proportion, I just know it. Emotional and also being unreasonable at the end there. Like, out of everything in the city that my father can actually control, making the night attacks stop isn't exactly one of them. And bringing that up as though he can actually make that happen as some sort of solution... well, he's going to see that as being emotional and ridiculous and immature. It's not like he can treat Hawkmoth and his akumas just like he does any other problem and just throw money at it to make nighttime akumatizations stop."
"Huh." Plagg considered that, then shrugged. "Well, at least Nathalie has a better idea of what you have on your plate now, with all of the school stuff. Maybe that'll make a difference in her planning, even if she does scold you for getting emotional about it."
"Yeah, maybe." Adrien glanced towards the door, honestly surprised that Nathalie hadn't followed him up yet, then turned back to his computer. "If only I could get so lucky."
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  Downstairs, Nathalie slowly pushed herself to her feet, each movement slow and deliberate as her brain muddled through the shock.
She had thought that they had been careful. They had figured that having Adrien out of the house would lessen his chances of stumbling on their secret. Making Mr. Agreste largely unreachable and his schedule unpredictable- and pretending that he had gone out of the country when he really hadn't- was supposed to ensure that no one found out about their secret identities unless they told someone. And yet, despite how careful they had been, despite all of their precautions...
There was no other way to interpret Adrien's words, of that she was sure.
Nathalie knocked on Mr. Agreste's office door, then let herself in. Across the room, Mr. Agreste glanced up.
"Nathalie- what's wrong?"
"Sir, there's a problem," Nathalie told him, now starting to tremble. If Adrien knew- well, they hadn't explained everything to him. Adrien didn't know what was at stake, or how important it was for Hawkmoth to win. There was no way for them to know who else he had told, or if he had figured out what Hawkmoth's goal was. If he got mad at them and decided that revenge was more important than saving his mom... well, the police could be on them in under an hour. He hadn't yet, probably because he didn't want to lose his father, but- well, Adrien sounded close to cracking from the stress he was under. That put them in a much more dangerous position. "Your son- he- he's figured out your secret identity."
"He- what?"
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  Adrien was officially baffled.
Overnight, Hawkmoth had practically done an about-face. There were no more akuma attacks after 8pm or before 9 in the morning, and they seemed to have dropped back to normal, pre-Heroes Day levels of akumatizations. The concentrated efforts to simply run the superheroes into the ground and defeat them that way just... stopped.
Not that Adrien didn't appreciate it! Because he totally, totally did. He had managed to get caught up on pretty much everything and do his first better-than-decent photoshoot in weeks. The timing was perfect, too, because he and Ladybug had both been pretty close to collapse. If they had continued at the same rate for even a week longer, Hawkmoth probably would have been able to get their Miraculous with no problem at all.
He and Mayura had no way of knowing that, of course. Ladybug and Chat Noir had always done their best to hide their exhaustion during akuma battles so that he wouldn't know when to press his advantage. So maybe Hawkmoth had expected them to cave sooner and had decided that their campaign of exhaustion wasn't going to work. Maybe the supervillain himself was getting really tired of staying up at night to try to find anyone who could possibly be akumatized. Maybe Hawkmoth was getting in just as much trouble at work as Adrien was getting in at school because of his absences and exhaustion.
Whatever it was, Adrien wasn't going to complain. He appreciated the break, and he was finally feeling properly human again. Ladybug clearly felt the same, if her more relaxed attitude during attacks was any indication.
Would it be better to have no akuma attacks and to have Hawkmoth (and Mayura) behind bars, or at least have a lead ? Of course- that was the ideal, after all, as long as he and Ladybug still hung out on a regular (and frequent) basis. But at least this was so much better than what it had been before.
He wasn't going to complain, but he was going to be a bit suspicious. Was Hawkmoth planning something? Ladybug certainly seemed to think so, and Chat Noir was inclined to agree. Both of them agreed to take the reprieve to relax a bit, but also not let themselves relax so much that they weren't catching up and getting ahead a bit with their civilian responsibilities. They didn't know when the other boot would drop, after all.
So when Nathalie approached Adrien after dinner with her tablet and a schedule balanced on top after several weeks of slow akuma attacks and also a relaxed civilian schedule, he was reading ahead for his Literature class, able to properly enjoy the story for the first time in a while. He glanced up as she approached, tucking a bookmark in to mark his spot before setting the book aside.
"Catching up on classes still?" Nathalie inquired, setting her tablet down. Adrien shook his head.
"Working ahead, actually," he told her, glancing at the schedule- or rather, schedules- that were balanced on top of her tablet. There seemed to be two versions, and Adrien had to wonder if she wanted to gauge how much he would be able to do- and do to a good quality- before settling on one or another. Or maybe she wanted his input, which- well, that would be new, and much appreciated. "So I can feel a little less stressed if things get busy again."
"Very good." Nathalie nodded in approval, then picked up the schedules. "So I wanted to talk to you about your schedule for the upcoming week. As requested, your father has stopped akumatizing people at night-"
Adrien's mind screeched to a dead halt, even as Nathalie kept talking, explaining the two versions of the schedule. He- he couldn't have heard that right, except- well, there was nothing else that she could have said, but why on earth would she just-just throw that out like it was the most normal thing in the world? "I- I'm sorry, what?"
Nathalie paused, her brow furrowing briefly, and then something that looked rather like worry spread across her face. "Uh..."
Adrien shot to his feet, even as he started feeling woozy from- from what, exactly, he couldn't put his finger on and there were more important things to think about anyway. "Did- you said that Father stopped akumatizing people at night! Father- he's Hawkmoth! Oh my god, I can't- I can't believe this-" The walls were closing in on him. He'd been fighting his father this whole time. His father had been the one behind the mask when Hawkmoth came out and tried to hurt them. Which meant- oh god. Which meant that Nathalie was Mayura.
He wasn't safe in this house.
"Ah, I mean, uh..." Nathalie stammered all of a sudden, clearly about to backpedal, but her expression- well, it gave away that yes, he had totally heard correctly the first time. "That is..."
Adrien turned and bolted.
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  Nathalie felt like she was about to faint as she approached Gabriel's office on unsteady legs. Out of all the mistakes that she had ever made during her career- during her entire life, really- none were anywhere near as serious as the one that she had just made. Part of her wondered if it might be smarter to simply turn around and flee the city- or maybe even the country- instead of facing up to her mistakes.
But she had to warn Gabriel. It- it was the responsible thing to do. They had held off on sharing more information with Adrien before just because they had figured that he wasn't going to run off and tell anyone- if he hadn't before, then surely he had figured out why his father was Hawkmoth and had at least partially approved- and because he was busy and Gabriel hadn't wanted to distract Adrien while he was catching up on schoolwork and redoing much-needed modelling shoots last-minute. Now, though?
Adrien hadn't reacted to the news well, though maybe that was to be expected considering the way that Nathalie had shared it, and she hadn't been able to pull herself together in time to convince Adrien that what his father was doing was actually good. That meant that their entire plan was in danger, and it would take both her and Gabriel to get any decent damage control done.
If it wasn't already too late, that was. She- well, she had been so in shock over the realization that Adrien hadn't known that several minutes at least had passed by before she had been able to move.
Gabriel glanced up as she entered, and immediately straightened with a frown. "Nathalie? Are you feeling unwell? You look like you're about to collapse."
Nathalie nodded, then shook her head, forcing herself over to Gabriel. He was going to be furious, she just knew it, but there was no getting around it. "Sir, it appears that, ah." She paused, struggling with what she should say. "It appears that there has been a, ah, misunderstanding."
Gabriel frowned at once. "A misunderstanding about what? I thought you were just going to talk to Adrien about his schedule, surely whatever misunderstanding you had can't have been... that..." He trailed off, following her gaze towards his painting of Emilie, and then his face turned white. "No. Not that. There can't- no. Nathalie, tell me that there wasn't a misunderstanding about the Hawkmoth situation! That- it's impossible!"
"I'm sorry, sir," Nathalie managed, her voice dropping to a whisper. An angry Gabriel was like a thundercloud, ready to lash out at anyone and anything at any moment. "I didn't think that there was any other way to interpret what Adrien said before, but he- he must have been being sarcastic or something, I don't know-"
"We have to fix this," Gabriel announced, pushing himself to his feet and reaching for his brooch, rubbing it almost absentmindedly as he headed across the room. "We've come so far, there's no way that we can let our whole plan fail over a misunderstanding!"
Nathalie nodded at once, pushing herself to her feet. She followed Gabriel towards the door, eager to help rectify her mistake. Before they could get far, though, the ground shook violently under their feet, hard enough to fling them off of their feet. Gabriel and Nathalie both flailed, trying to grab for anything and everything that might help them get their balance back.
And then a bright light flashed across the room, and then- well, then there was nothing.
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  It didn't take Ladybug and Chat Noir long to recover the Butterfly and Peacock from the rubble of the Agreste Mansion, along with the rest of the Miraculous-related things that Mr. Agreste had accumulated. Nooroo was quite a bit of help in finding things, though- well, the fact that the mansion was a tiny bit destroyed from a combination of Cataclysm and the Dragon's lightning made navigating their way around a tiny bit difficult, at least until Ladybug cast her Cure and put everything back together again.
"The lightning probably would have been sufficient," Nooroo commented dryly as Ladybug tucked yet another scroll away in the pocket dimension of her yo-yo, followed by the tablet that she recognized as Master Fu's. "It would have knocked them out, and you would have been able to accomplish everything just the same."
"And deny Chat Noir the opportunity to be dramatic?" Ladybug asked in amusement. "Never."
"And they might have dodged the lightning if they hadn't already been knocked off-balance by Cataclysm!" Longg chirped from their spot on Ladybug's shoulder, where they were chomping down on a biscuit to recharge. "It was quite the nice combination. And it got the police's attention, didn't it?"
They all glanced out the window, where red and blue lights still flashed outside of the gates. The two superheroes had carried the knocked-out former supervillains out to the waiting ambulances and police cars earlier, just to get them out of the way, and Mr. Agreste and Nathalie had been hauled away at once. The superheroes had given enough of a statement that the duo would be able to be held overnight, but they would probably have to go in to the station in the morning and talk to the police a bit more in order for them to file charges. Now, only a lone car remained, keeping the gawkers away while the superheroes finished up.
"It felt pretty satisfying," Chat Noir admitted. He had recharged once the mansion's walls went back up and he could run to his room to grab some cheese out of his mini-fridge. He shifted closer to Ladybug. "Though I didn't exactly intend to get my room, too. It just got a little out of control."
"Which is understandable. And it got fixed anyway." Ladybug did one last glance around the room, then snapped her yo-yo shut. "I think that's everything. And it's not like we're not going to be able to come back."
Chat Noir let out a shaky breath. "Right. Well, uh..." He floundered for a moment, glancing away and then back. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
Ladybug blinked at him, openly puzzled. "What are you talking about, Chat Noir? You're coming home with me, obviously. I'm not letting my kitty go home to an empty house."
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  Ten minutes later, Marinette found herself trying to calm down an incredibly excited Adrien so that he wouldn't wake up her parents with his bouncing around her room. He was over the moon about learning Ladybug's identity, and even more so because she was Marinette instead of- well, literally anyone else.
Marinette was pretty sure that she was permanently red now thanks to all of Adrien's gushing after they landed in her room and she detransformed. It- well, it was a lot. And yes, it was really flattering that he had such a high opinion of her, but- but he was just so incredibly passionate about it and it was Adrien's sweetness and Chat Noir's enthusiasm and heart-on-his-sleeve-ness and it was just- it was a little overwhelming. Add in the fact that he had clearly picked up on her crush at some point, and- well, despite his father's and Nathalie's arrests, Adrien was clearly walking on air.
Eventually, though, Marinette managed to steer Adrien into bed. He passed out almost as soon as his head hit the pillow- too much excitement and ping-ponging emotions had clearly exhausted him- and Marinette was left lying next to him, petting Adrien's hair as he burrowed into her side and trying to process everything that had happened in the last couple of hours.
Maybe most of the time, misunderstandings- well, big misunderstandings, at least- weren't exactly a positive thing. But this time?
Well, this time, it probably couldn't have gone any better.
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