#my sister on the other hand doesn't have the best sense of smell and it's pretty amusing to me lol
charmre · 2 years
Maybe tmi but I smell sooooo good rn
My new body wash smells soooo good and it makes me v happy 😌
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vioartemis · 1 year
In another life (Sam's version)
(Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You're Tara's childhood best friend, and years after leaving Woodsboro, you meet her again in New York, making unexpecting feeling emerge. Tara || Sam Warnings: age gap (?) reader is 19 and Sam is 24 a/n: I made another one shot, kinda complementary of this one, with Tara :)) I put the link up there if you're interested (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
She had known you since you were 4, when Tara and you were in the same class for the first time. You were also her neighbor, but she never knew before that.
You were her little sister’s friend. Best friend, even. When Tara wanted to play, it was always you she wanted to play with. And Sam always accompanied her, so she saw you a lot too.
Then, when she was in age to want to have some money, she babysat you and Tara’s other friends. You were always so nice and sweet, always smiling, and opened to hugs.
She liked you a lot. Out of all of her sister’s friends, you were her favorite.
Sadly the time you spent together came to an end when she ran away.
Even if she didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to see each other a lot more, because your parents had found a new job, and you moved out of Woodsboro a few months after her.
And now, almost 6 years later, you were about to meet again.
Tara and the rest of her friends just left a party , right after Sam barged in and tazzed some dude in the balls. The Carpenter sisters were fighting in the middle of the road, when a random girl threw her soda at Sam.
Half of the group tried to get the girl while the other held them back, trying not to cause too much drama. They didn't see it, but one of the girls was filming the whole thing.
Luckily for everyone, you did see it. You were actually going to that party, and saw the whole scene from afar. You didn't like that kind of attitude at all.
So when the girls walked passed you, you grabbed the phone of the one who was filming, and deleted the video before she could post it.
They all gave you horrified looks, like you did the most horrendous thing.
"That's called karma" you mumbled to yourself while you walked away, in the direction of their victim
She was trying to dry her jumper, when you approached her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, people are so dumb sometimes..." you said as she lifted her head up to look at you
As soon as your eyes met each other’s, both of you knew who the other was.
You chuckled in surprise, while Sam looked at you with wide eyes at how much you had changed.
"Oh my god..." she murmured "What are you doing in New York? It's really far away from Woodsboro"
"Oh yeah, my parents got a job here, a few months after you left... We never really moved again after. What about you?"
"We needed... fresh air. A new start. Away from Woodsboro and Ghostface"
You had heard about the recent Woodsboro murders, but couldn't believed all the rumors about Sam being the real mastermind behind it all.
"Of course, I understand that" you said with a light smile "You should take off your jumper, you're going to catch a cold..." you continued, taking off your hoodie and handing it to her "I don't know if it's the right size, but at least it'll keep you warm"
Sam gave you a thankful look, and put on your hoodie. It smells like her... she thought.
You smiled, and hugged her without thinking about it. You had missed her a lot more than you would ever admit.
"It’s so nice seeing you again…" you said quietly, as she hugged you back
You stayed like that for a minute, silently enjoying the hug, until you got interrupted.
"Sam, what are you doing?"
You broke the hug to look at the person, who appeared to be Tara, your childhood best friend.
"Y/n?" she smiled as she saw you and opened her arms for a hug
You gave it to her happily, holding her extra tight. Then, you discussed a bit, trying to catch up on each other’s life.
“Oh, I wanted to ask you, would you mind giving me your number? So we can talk” Sam suddenly asked you... a little nervously? You weren't sure.
You nodded and took her phone when she handed it to you, before putting your number in it. You gave it back to her with a big smile.
You were more than happy to see the Carpenter sisters again. Especially one of them.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Since you gave Sam your phone number, you hadn’t stopped talking. Every day as soon as you woke up, you started texting. You just had so much to catch up onto!
When you weren’t in class, you made a habit of going to the café where Sam was working. Your excuse was that it was always calm, building a good atmosphere to study there. The actual reason was to see her more.
When she was on a break, she would come to your table and either start catting with you, or just keep you company when you were actually working. She would never say it out loud, but she loved the serious look you had when you were concentrated.
She enjoyed your presence in the café. She was glad you chose to sit there to study, for when she had finished her shift, you could spend more time together. She would often walk you home, to make sure you’re safe.
Sometimes you were with Tara, studying together at the café. Sam loved her sister, but in those moments, when Tara and you were laughing together, so close, while she was behind the counter dealing with rude clients… she couldn’t help but feel her heart ache.
You knew that feeling damn well, every time a client was trying to flirt with Sam. Or at least it looked like they were flirting to you. And every time you had to slap yourself mentally, not understanding why you felt that way.
The answer would come a bit later.
You had planned a movie night with Sam at your apartment. You were alone and bored, and she has nothing better to do as Tara was doing homework with the twins.
You were happy to have that moment with her, but also nervous. The time you had spent together since you met again only brought back feelings you thought were just a stupid baby crush. Turns out it isn't just a baby crush. You had a crush on your best friend's sister.
This whole situation gave you anxiety. What you didn't know was that you weren't the only one.
Sam also had a crush on you. Her sister's best friend. Her sister's crush. She always had known Tara had a crush on you, she even thought you would be together at one point.
You would have made such a cute couple. That's what she had thought for a long time. Now she just can't help but feel an ounce of jealousy thinking about it.
And then the guilt strikes. Tara loved you, she couldn't do that to her... And even if she didn't, you were just so much younger than her... 5 years can be a lot, especially since you were young.
But again, imagining you with someone else made her jealous.
She was lost, and torn between telling you how she felt or just trying to forget her feelings.
"What do you want to watch?"
Your voice made her snap out of her thoughts.
"Oh uh... I don't know... Why don't you pick something?"
"Hmm... Okay! There's this movie on Netflix that I wanted to see..." you said, sitting on the couch next to her -at a reasonable distance- and turning on the tv.
While you looked for the movie on Netflix, Sam couldn't keep her eyes away from you. You were just so pretty...
She had trouble concentrating on the movie, often distracted by your presence next to her.
You could feel her eyes on you as the movie played. It wasn't the first time you caught her looking at you, but every time when you looked at her, she had looked away. You had figured it would be the case this time too.
You were wrong.
When you looked at her, her eyes were still on you. At this moment, you were like frozen in place. She had never looked at you like that before.
She had the look you gave her when she was not looking. In love.
While you were gazing into each other's eyes, you both got closer and closer to each other, to the point you could kiss her if you wanted to. And you wanted to. So bad.
"Can I... can I kiss you? Please..." you asked quietly, almost pleading her to let you kiss her
She looked hesitant, but eventually gave in and kissed you, putting a hand on your cheek to keep you close. Kissing you felt so right... as if your lips were made to be kissed by hers.
But again, Tara loved you... and Sam felt like she was betraying her sister.
She pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm sorry I... we shouldn't have done that..."
You felt your heart sink at her words. You thought she liked you back...
Your pain must have been visible on your face, as Sam was quick to talk again.
"It's not against you Y/n... I... I really like you but..." she sighed "Tara has a crush on you since forever... I can't do that to her..."
"What...? Wait... What?" you started, surprised
You never knew Tara had a crush on you. You only ever saw her as your best friend and thought it was the same for her.
"Sam you can't just- you can't just put her feelings above yours... I mean- I understand it's going to be difficult for her... But it's not like we chose that... I- I love you Sam... And Tara's my best friend, her well being is important to me... But seeing you without being able to tell you how I feel or kiss you... it's torture"
As you spoke, you asked yourself if it wasn't too much. Scare her away was the last thing you wanted. But everything you said was true.
Sam was looking at you, mouth agape, clearly not expecting that. She didn't expect you to like her back, let alone make her a whole love declaration.
She wanted to give in and take you in her arms and kiss you again and tell you how much she loved you. She wanted to be as honest with you as you were with her. She wanted to love you openly.
But there would be consequences. Tara would be hurt. Tara would feel betrayed.
But again... you were right. She couldn't put Tara's feelings above hers all the time. She loved you just so much... She wasn't sure she would be able to recover if she didn't give it a shot.
She cupped your face with both hands and kissed you again, more confidently, more passionately than before. She loved you, she wanted that kiss to happen. She wanted you to happen.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Telling Tara about your relationship was harder than you thought. It never seemed to be the right moment.
Now you saw the hints of her crush on you. You saw the smiles, the looks she gave you, how her tone slightly changed when you were alone.
Both Sam and you were trying to find a good moment to tell her, but it wasn’t easy. And the more you waited, the more difficult it would be to tell her. You had to find a way to tell her quickly.
The whole situation was giving you so much anxiety…
“How are you?” Sam asked as you close your apartment door
“Tired… You?”
You took off your shoes and hung your jacket, before sitting on the couch next to her. She pulled you on her lap and wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. Her warm embrace helped you relax a bit, as you nuzzled your face against her neck.
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other in a comfortable silence.
When you pulled away, it was to kiss her. You’d wanted to do that the whole day and couldn’t even tell anyone about it. About her. About how much you loved her.
By the way she kissed you, you knew she felt the same.
Even if she felt bad for her sister, she couldn’t stop herself anymore. Now that she has had the chance to kiss you, she never wanted to stop. She felt so at ease when she was with you. She could be herself without the fear to be judged.
“I love you so much…” she murmured, her grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly
“Me too Sam… I love you too”
You kissed her again, arms around her neck, before hugging her again. You closed your eyes, relaxing in her arms once again.
You had been so stressed for the past days that you had trouble sleeping. But like that, in her arms, it only took you a minute to fall asleep.
Sam didn't notice right away, and started talking to you while rubbing your back.
"... Y/n?" she eventually asked as you weren't answering her
She moved slightly to get a look at your face, and her lips curled up into a soft smile as she saw you were asleep.
"You really were exhausted, hm?" she murmured, kissing your temple softly
She then hesitated before carrying you in her arms, careful not to wake you up, and made her way to your room. She laid you on your bed, putting your blanket over you.
"Goodnight angel..." she whispered before kissing your forehead
She was about to leave when she felt you grab her shirt.
"Don't go, please..." you pleaded quietly
You needed her right now, needed her arms around you, her oh so comforting warmth as she held you close.
Sam bit her bottom lip, thinking, but it didn't take long until she gave in and slipped under the sheets next to you. She couldn't resist you -and she didn't want to be away from you.
She wrapped her arms around you, letting you snuggle up to her.
"Goodnight Sammie..."
Your voice was barely audible, showing how tired you were. Sam smiled at your words, the nickname provoking her cheeks to turn a bit red.
"Sleep well" she said back, kissing the top of your head, before closing her eyes
Having you in her arms like that was just so relaxing. She felt like she was in heaven. The thought of waking up next to you made a smile creep up to her face, and was the last before she fell asleep as well.
The next morning, you woke up in her arms. It had been the best sleep you had in days. You didn't even want to move, you felt so at peace in her arms...
You eventually opened your eyes to see Sam was already awake, a smile on her face.
"Good morning" she said before kissing you
"'morning" you said back, smiling as she rolled on her back, pulling you on top of her without breaking the kiss
You were both in your own world; nothing else mattered at the moment, to the point none of you checked your phones. If you did check your phones, you would've seen tons of missed calls and texts from Tara.
She was worried for her sister didn't come back at their apartment -naturally because she was with you all night.
After some more kisses, you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast?" you asked Sam
"What do you have?"
"I have... eggs, bacon... bread... Uhh... yeah that's it" you let out an awkward chuckle
"Eggs and bacon sound nice" she smiled
You nodded, and put the bacon in a pan to cook it.
While you were waiting in front of the stove, you felt Sam's hands snicker to your waist. You turned around, and she took the occasion to kiss you.
What you didn't know was that Tara had decided to come to your apartment -as you weren't answering her calls and texts, and currently had a clear view of the scene through your kitchen's window.
She couldn't see who it was, but the scene let little to the imagination; you were clearly kissing someone. So that's why she wasn't answering... she thought
Clearly enjoying the kiss, Sam lifted you up to sit you on the counter, hands on your hips, her lips still on yours.
If Tara felt her heart sink at the sight of the kiss, it was nothing compared to how she felt now.
Her own sister was making out with the girl she has had a crush on for years.
She was mad for it seemed not to be the first time, considering the way you were holding onto each other. Which meant you lied to her.
But knowing you, maybe you just had a hard time telling her. It had always been that way; every time you had bad news to tell her, it took you weeks because you knew it would upset her.
That thought calmed her down a bit.
When she looked at the window again, she saw you smile at Sam just the way she smiled at you. You were in love, that was certain.
You seemed happy. And deep down, that’s what Tara wanted. Seeing you happy.
So she turned around and walked back to her and Sam’s apartment, thinking ‘maybe, in another life, we’ll be together…’
[Tara's version]
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
getting saved by...
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pairings: tanjiro x reader, inosuke x reader, zenitsu x reader
a/n: there will be a part two... but switched! you saving them!
warnings: POSSIBLE SPOILERS! also mentions of death in inosuke's (reader has to do what tanjiro did to wake up on the mugen train)
part two!
tanjiro kamado
you try to brace yourself as you're thrown against a tree. it hurts, but you have to keep going. you think of the bright smile that always inspires you when you need it. the smile of your best friend. you take in a deep breath in, trying to control your total concentration, as you reflect on where you are at, and how you would rather be back at the butterfly mansion with your friends, who haven't finished healing yet.
you lift yourself up just in time to deflect the blood demon art of the spider sister, who almost captured you in her web ball. you fling yourself to the side, and when you jump up, prepared for the next attack, she's gone.
strange. you look around you at all of your surroundings, hoping that she won't pop out from behind the trees. your power, besides your breathing, is in your strength, so unfortunately, you lack any power of being able to sense where your opponent is by smell, audio, or some weird beasty sense thing that inosuke possesses.
you still and close your eyes, trying to focus on listening, when you hear something above you. something isn't right about this.
you are able to jump to the side just as the monster leaps where you were. this thing is massive, with a godawful spider face. not only is it creepy, but it scares you enough that you hide behind a tree, trying to think of a plan. that's when you remember tanjiro again.
last week, the two of you were eating breakfast at the butterfly mansion. you were sitting next to each other, chatting and occasionally laughing at inosuke devouring his onigiri. you turn to focus back on your conversation about tanjrio's "hinokami kagura", and how impressive it is.
"you truly are amazing, tanjiro! not even the hashira can perform two breathing techniques!" you gush, trying to imagine yourself doing the same. "you must feel so powerful!"
tanjiro scratches at his neck, trying to push down the raging blush that had formed on his face. "it's really not that impressive! I'm sure you could do the same if you really tried."
"oh, don't be ridiculous. i'm not near close enough to your level. and don't be modest either! just don't forget about me when you become a hashira," you say, with a little joke at the end.
tanjiro grabs your hands and stares at you a little too intensely. you feel a little startled. "don't say that about yourself! you are an incredible swordsman and i constantly want to be like you."
you blink, unsure what to make of the fervent compliments. you open your mouth, but before you can respond, he continues.
"you inspire me with your strength. you never give up and that is what's truly amazing!" you swear you can see little puffs of steam coming out of his ears.
"so don't underestimate yourself!"
you blink for a moment, trying to find your composure. and you don't know what else to do but laugh.
"well, alright then!" you give him a huge smile and hug him tight. "thank you, tanjiro," you whisper into his ear. he just hugged you tighter to his body. what you missed seeing was the very pointed look given to him by zenitsu.
you brace yourself and make a move from behind the tree, rushing at the creature who was looking for you in the opposite direction. activating your first breathing form, you aim at the giant's arm, hoping to buy some time while he is regenerating. but your sword doesn't cut through. instead, he flings you a couple meters back. you land harshly on the ground, and you wince when you feel your ribs crack. you take a deep breath in, desperately hoping for an idea to get you out of this mess.
the monster roars, destroying trees in his path as he searches for you. "LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE."
some hell of a family, you think, as you roll out of the way to escape a tree from crushing you. you rush at the monster again, this time aiming for his neck with your sixth breathing form, but to no avail. your sword still doesn't go through.
you can see the monster's hand coming towards you. you're going to die. there's no way you can move out of the way without breaking your sword, and you won't be able to survive without it. think! you desperately rack your brain for ideas, but it's too late.
you close your eyes as the hand comes to you, but you never feel the impact. you quickly open your eyes to see a checkered haori blocking the monster's head.
"y/n! i was so worried when we arrived and saw all of the bodies!" the hand shakes the two of you off, and tanjiro holds you close as you both fall to the ground. he's quick to jump to his feet, but you're still a little sore from your earlier exchanges with the tree. he gives you a charming smile as he helps you off the ground. "i'm so glad you are alright."
you jump up to give him a tight hug, trying to fight off the nerves of your near-death experience.
"gonpachiro! are you going to help me out or keep flirting?" you cough as he glances over at inosuke trying to saw his way through the monster's arm.
before you can react, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead before running to help. "stay alive, ok!" he yells, "i have to confess something after the battle!"
you allow yourself one bashful smile before lunging into the fight, helping your future bf and one weird boar.
inosuke hashibira
you gasp for air as you're being held down by the neck by the train's appendage. you try to break free, but your sword is just out of reach and the tentacle thing is just too slimy to really grab hold of it. with one hand, you try to free your neck, and with the other hand, you strain for your sword. the appendage lifts you a bit and slams you back down, making something in your arm snap. you try to scream, but nothing comes out. your vision starts getting a little blurry, and black starts creeping around the edges.
what should you do? before you can do anything, a big eye pops out and blinks at you.
when you open your eyes, you have to adjust, because it suddenly got very bright. you sit up off the ground, looking around for the train, but you don't see anything. you do recognize this dirt path you are on though.
you lift yourself up and start along the path until you come across... the butterfly mansion? something wasn't right. you were supposed to be helping tanjiro and inosuke with the train demon.
just then you heard a cackle coming from inside the building. how is inosuke here? you also heard a scream coming from the inside. you sprint to the sound, and throw the doors open to see your little sibling cowering behind your parents, who were in a protective stance and looking up at the ceiling. on the ceiling was inosuke, crawling around like a weirdo.
"mom? dad?" how were they here? their deaths were the reason you became a demon slayer in the first place. tears start pouring down your cheeks as you run towards your beloved family. you stay there, hugging them for what seems like hours. your parents were very confused, but accepted the affection nontheless. your sibling was giggling at how stupid you looked, but you could care less, because at least they were alive.
maybe this whole slayer thing was just a bad dream. BAM. you jerk your head to see inosuke had come down from the ceiling. how did you forget? so the slayer thing was not just a dream. so what the hell is happening?
inosuke walks up to you and grabs your hand. "come on, y/n! let's go train." he walks you outside and into the woods.
"inosuke, i think something is wrong. we were fighting a demon and then we ended up back here. do you know anything?" he steps back and lifts his mask up, letting it fall to the ground.
"what the hell are you talking about?" he starts towards you, backing you into a tree. you put your hands to his chest, looking into his eyes.
"this is not the time to fight right now! i'm being serious-" you are silenced when he puts his finger to your lips, cocks his head and looks at you.
"the fuck are you yappin' about? you know the training thing is just a ruse." he puts his hands on your side and squeezes, making you gasp. he lays his head into the crook of your neck and gives you a small little bite, in which you grab onto his shoulders in shock. "we do this all the time."
you push inosuke back and look around. you grab onto his shoulder and gently shake it.
"didn't you hear that?" he just snorts. "hear what?"
"there it is again! someone is calling my name!" inosuke shakes his head and pushes against you once more, arms circling your waist. he starts to leave kisses up your neck, which causes you to let out a little whine. this was a little dream of yours that you kept a secret so no one would find out about your little crush.
A DREAM! of course!
"i've got to get out of here." inosuke lifts his head up.
"you don't understand. this is a dream! the real you needs me right now." you run around the woods, searching for the demon that put you to sleep. if you kill it, you might be able to get out. how else would you wake up?
you slow to a stop, realizing the demon isn't in the dream with you. dream inosuke pokes your back. "what are you doing?"
you turn to him, unsure of what you're about to do. you reach to his waist and grab one of his swords.
"i'm sorry." you whisper, terrified. you bring the sword up to your neck. what if you're wrong? what if there are repercussions from the dream in reality. what if you actually died?
you push your hand up again the blade, ready, when a hand grabs your wrist. you look up into his beautiful face, which looked miserable.
"don't you want to be with me?" you almost drop the sword from your neck. you raise your hand to dream inosuke's face.
"it's all i've ever wanted, since we met. that's why i have to do this. to be with the real you." you pull your wrist free and scream, and with a twist of the blade, everything goes dark.
you wake up and take a deep breath. you can feel the wind from the roof of the train, and you realize it worked. you look over to see the appendage that was holding you wither into dust on the ground.
"you done taking your little nap? we got a demon to kill!" you smile at the taunting voice coming from behind you. you turn and jump into his arms.
"h-hey!" you lift his mask to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"thank you for waking me up," you say, before running off to where tanjiro was calling your name. inosuke follows behind you, very glad the mask is covering the redness of his face.
zenitsu agatsuma
there is no way you are making it out of this one alive, unless you hear the drum again. there are two demons making their way to you in this moving house. you aren't skilled enough to taken on two demons by yourself. so you are holding out that the drum will beat again soon, so that the rooms will shift. the first demon crawls closer and lashes it's tongue at you. you swipe at it, and the tip falls off, spraying blood over your uniform. while the first demon sprawls backwards in pain, the second lunges at you, and just as you swing your sword at it's neck, the drum shifts the rooms around.
you fall through the air in this new room, but land on something solid. you look down to see zenitsu under you.
"oh my goodness!" you hug him tight, thankful to see his face instead of another demon. while you're too busy with your relief, he's focused on your legs on either side of his waist. pervert.
his euphoria ends quickly, however, when you hoist yourself up and introduce yourself to the kid he is with. shoichi, the little boy, is so relieved that another slayer joined them, so he didn't have to put up with zenitsu's tantrums by himself.
while he is introducing himself, zenitsu sits up and screams. you turn, shielding the boy behind you, when you spot the tongue demon making it's way toward the three of you.
you all run to the nearest room and while you hope for another drum, you know you won't be so lucky this time, so you focus your attention on the door, hoping to be able to ambush the demon when he enters the room.
"no, no, no, no, no. please wake up." you turn to see zenitsu passed out on the floor.
"shoichi, i need you to get him to the wall if you can." then you turn your attention to the approaching demon, whose tongue had already regenerated. the tongue lashes out at you once more, but faster this time. you knew you wouldn't have time to cut it off, so you settle for deflecting it.
but the force of his tongue was too strong, and you were thrown backwards, hitting the wall and roughly falling to the ground. you crawl back over to zenitsu and shoichi, praying the drum sounds again.
you go to stand up to face the demon again when a soft hand pushes you back. you look up to see zenitsu and are surprised. wasn't he just passed out?
you see him get into position and hear a faint, "thunder breathing, first form". you blink and the demon is dead.
zenitsu sways for a second before falling back to the ground. you rush over to make sure he's ok to discover he's... STILL ASLEEP?
he jerks awake and squeals when he see's the demon's body disintegrating. he latches onto your torso and shamelessly hides his face into your skin.
"y/n-chaaaaan, you saved me! thank you thank you thank you!"
you look over at shoichi who just shrugs. with a small laugh, you lean over and press a kiss to zenitsu's head.
"let's try to get out of here, yeah?"
"AHHH y/n-chaaaaaan! let's get married!"
a/n: SORRRRRY i am so tired and so i rushed zenitsu's, but i hope it's still good! i'll try to finish the part two tomorrow (with a special surprise drabble!)
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miasmaghoul · 8 months
Okay, you said you wanted non-sexual prompts, so if this is a no thats totally fine. Could you write like casual piss? I don't know how to word this. No smut involved, just domestic? If that makes sense...
anon please know that the phrase "casual, domestic piss" has been on repeat in my weird little brain since i first read this, and also that i had an idea for it immediately
god i am such a pissboy smh
anyway, here, have some soft rulti ft a little casual, domestic piss.
what a sentence.
Rain is not what you could call a morning person.
He never rouses before noon, at least not willingly, and even when he is awake he simply migrates. Shuffles out of bed and drapes himself dramatically over a sofa to doze back off until someone pays attention to him. Trying to wake Rain up before he's ready is a futile task at best, and at worst a bite risk. Generally this isn't much of a problem - mass is in the evening, there are no strictly scheduled mealtimes or chores, so Rain is free to be as slothful as his heart desires.
Even rehearsal doesn't usually interfere.
On an average day, any practice happens whenever the ghouls feel like it. There's no rhyme or reason to it, really; sometimes they have creative energy that needs expressing, sometimes Dew gets a bug up his ass about working on a solo and drags along company, sometimes Mountain gets in one of his moods and hauls Rain over his shoulder for an impromptu...rhythm session.
Point is, it's not really something that's planned. More of a casual affair, something they do every day but never the same way twice. Again, this works out perfectly for Rain. There's never a rush to start the day, and the others know by now not to expect him at anything close to a reasonable hour.
The issue arises when tours approach.
Unfortunately (for Rain), Copia has proven to be a morning person. Rain (somewhat) silently laments that fact every time Sister Imperator announces a new leg, a new cycle. Every time, Rain hopes it'll be different. That Copia will suddenly despise the idea of singing with the morning sun, that he won't expect them to be up and ready to go by 9am, can you imagine?
(It should be noted that Rain is the only ghoul that actually minds this.)
Alas, this never proves to be the case, and as soon as his phone chimed with the notification of an Imperator meeting Rain knew that his beauty sleep was soon to be severely compromised.
"Next week," Copia had said after Sister Imperator laid out the proposed itinerary. "Next week, on Sunday, we will resume our standard rehearsal schedule."
He'd handed out a list of thirty songs to each of them, a not-so-short list for the ghouls to study and provide input on. An opportunity for them to put together their own setlists to compare and contrast them with one another.
Rain had used his sheet of paper to hide his frown, dreading the fact that Sunday was only five sleeps away.
"I know that face," Swiss had teased when they left the meeting, looping a strong arm around Rain's shoulders. "Someone's being a pouty princess again."
Rain had given him a hiss, but Swiss just grinned at him in that very Swiss way and, well, Rain can never stay mad at him anyway.
"Not all of us look good with eye bags like yours" he'd grumbled, a statement that had wrung a loud ha from Swiss.
"I dunno," he'd snickered, ducking his head to knock his horns with Rain's. "You look pretty damn good when I tire you out."
Rain had rolled his eyes so hard he'd gotten dizzy, but it wasn't an accusation he could deny.
He also couldn't deny Swiss the opportunity to prove his point, and as they lay in the afterglow Rain gives a mighty yawn.
"This's bullshit," he slurs against Swiss' chest, nuzzling into the spot that smells the most like pepper and whisky and old weed. "Who even gets up that early?"
"Most of the abbey is up at dawn," Swiss chuckles, settling into Rain's lanky hold. "You're the exception to the rule, starfish."
Rain would argue, but then Swiss' purr kicks up and he's sinking his fingers into his sweat-damp waves and Rain feels little desire to do more than enjoy the way Swiss envelopes him. The way their skin sticks together with drying sweat, among other things. Swiss had given him a courteous cleanup where it mattered, but Rain's entirely too wiped out for a shower. Wonderfully sore all over, drained, and way too dehydrated to stand up for very long.
He doesn't mind it though - not when it makes him smell like Swiss too.
"Whatever," he grumbles, grabbing the covers and tugging them up over his shoulders. "S'still bullshit."
He's been fighting to keep his eyes open for the last twenty minutes or so, drifting on casual conversation and the brush of Swiss' fingertips along his bare back. Now that they're finally settling in Rain finds himself fading by the second.
"Don' wake me up'n the morning," he adds with another yawn, and the last thing Rain hears before all goes quiet is the raspy little laugh Swiss gives in return.
The next thing he hears is rushing water, creaking pipes and the telltale twitter of birdsong.
It feels like no time at all since he sunk into the peaceful realm of sleep, but when he dares to crack an eye Rain finds himself assaulted by rosy sunlight. Morning. Early, by the look of it. Rain shuts his eyes tight and groans.
"Finally," a deep voice hums, clearly amused. Footsteps pad across the floor and Rain feels the mattress dip behind him. "I've been shaking you for ten minutes."
Swiss reaches up to scratch at the base of one of Rain's horns, affectionate. Rain makes an unhappy sound, as close to a real whine as he ever gets, and Swiss gives his shoulder a squeeze.
"Why 'm I awake?" Rain hates his morning voice, all thick and inelegant. "Did I sleep 'til Sunday?"
"If that's what it takes to get you out of bed," Swiss chuffs, reaching up to tuck a stray curl behind Rain's ear. "Let's go, up 'n at 'em," he encourages, regardless of continual grumbly protests. "You might as well get used to existing before lunchtime while you can."
"This is torture," Rain complains, tucking his knees up towards his chest. "Inhumane."
"Good thing we aren't human, I guess."
Rain cracks an eye open just to shoot Swiss' blurry visage a sideways glare. Swiss winks as he lifts the covers just enough to lean down and press a kiss to Rain's shoulder. He rests his chin there after, gives him a warm smile.
"C'mon, raindrop," he lilts, sneaking lithe fingers under the covers. Dragging them along the nape of Rain's neck. "I'm drawing you a bath, surely you can forgive me."
Ah, that would explain the water he can still hear. Rain blinks at him, sluggish.
"Remains to be seen," he grouses, "but it's a start."
Swiss flashes him a grin, and then those warm, cozy covers are ripped from Rain's naked body with no ceremony. He yelps as the chilly morning air hits his skin, more awake than he ever intended to be and scowling at the other ghoul.
"Oh don't make that face," Swiss teases, reaching down to give Rain's nose a gentle flick. "C'mon, I put that weird shit you like in the tub and everything."
Swiss holds Rain's ankle, rubs his thumb over the bony ridge of it while Rain sniffs at the air. Picks up notes of rosemary and peppermint, citrus and rose. The bath salts Mountain had gifted him for Yule, an energizing scent that's sure to chase the exhaustion from his muscles.
Still, he can't give in that easily.
"Fine," he pouts, stretching his legs and not at all adoring the way Swiss' fingers glide along his skin. "But only if you carry me."
The words earn him an extreme eye roll, but Swiss can't hide his amusement. He heaves a mighty sigh, cracks his neck and knuckles, and Rain most definitely doesn't watch the muscles in his arms and chest flex.
"As you command, princess."
Swiss says it with an exaggerated bow, and then he's scooping Rain up with no further preamble. Rain snickers, looping his arms around Swiss' neck and nuzzling into his shoulder. He's warm and solid, comfy, and if the walk to the bathroom was more than ten steps Rain could very easily drift off again.
As it stands, he's being set down far too soon for his liking, letting out a squeak when his bare ass meets the cold marble of his vanity. Swiss kisses him on the forehead when Rain frowns once again, giving his stomach a little tickle just to make him squirm.
"You want it hot or scalding?" Swiss asks as he strides to the tub, steam wafting around him. Rain stares unabashedly at his ass, eyes tracing the obvious bite mark he left there the night before.
"Boil me like a lobster," Rain sighs, stretching his arms over his head and trilling at the way his spine pops. Swiss gives him a thumbs up, twisting the faucet knobs while Rain yawns. "How much salt did you put in?"
"Enough to make you smell like the greenhouse for a week," Swiss replies, testing the temperature and only hissing a little at the heat. Rain takes a deep breath, taking in the herbal steam and letting it soak into his skin. "Mount'll be all over you."
"Don't sound so jealous," Rain says with a sleepy tilt, scratching at his chest, "you can share me once in a while."
Swiss snorts as he wipes his hand on the bath mat, turning back with a lazy smile on his face. Rain blows him a kiss while he swings his feet, ankles crossed, and doesn't complain when Swiss crowds him closer to the mirror ar his back. Palms planted on the vanity so he can lean in and nose at Rain's temple.
"You assume I want to share," Swiss rumbles, possessive fangs grazing Rain's jaw. It gives him the shivers in the best way, but Swiss doesn't push further. He steps back so Rain can see the sparkle in his golden eyes, the wrinkles at their corners. He's beautiful, and if Rain were in a more giving mood he'd say so. As it stands...
"You can cope," he mumbles, nose in the air, and earns another eye roll. Rain sticks his tongue out at the other ghoul just because he can, reaching for his comb to try and work out some of the knots Swiss gifted him last night. Before he can grab it, though-
"Ah," Swiss interrupts, batting at Rain's hand. Rain raises a brow as Swiss picks up the comb instead, moving to stand in front of him again. "You're playing princess this morning, remember?" He twirls the comb between two fingers, the same motion he does when he steals Mountain's sticks. "Lemme take care of you like one."
Swiss offers a roguish wink, and while some part of Rain knows that an offer like this - especially from Swiss - always comes with caveats, he can't find it in himself to argue. Blame it on sleep deprivation (nine hours isn't nearly enough), but all he can do is hum and nod.
"If you insist," he yawns, leaning forward to rest his cheek gainst Swiss' pecs, "but don't be surprised if you put me back to sleep."
Swiss' laugh resonates through his skull, dull claws scratch at his scalp, and the purr that kicks up in Rain's chest when he begins to comb is one he has no control over.
Swiss talks to him while he works, picking out every tangle he can find. Talks about everything and nothing, from the places they'll be playing this next tour, to the fitting for their new uniforms. Rain hums where appropriate, but mostly he drifts. Basks in the scratch of Swiss' chest hair against his cheek and the care with which he fixes his hair. It can't take more than a few minutes, but it feels like forever in the best way.
"Alright," Swiss eventually murmurs, stroking delicate fingers through Rain's knot-free waves. A delightful feeling that could put Rain back to sleep all on its own. "Ready for the bath, your highness?"
Rain huffs out a soft laugh, nips at his chest just hard enough to make Swiss jump. He's woozy when he sits up, half present and more than a little floaty, so relaxed he may yet melt into the sink beside him. He yawns again, smacks his lips while Swiss twirls a curl around his finger.
"Mm," Rain hums with a bleary blink. He reaches up to sling both arms around Swiss' neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss. "Almost," he sighs against Swiss' mouth. The other ghoul pulls back, gives him a quizzical look. "Gotta pee first," Rain elaborates, shooing Swiss away. "C'mon, lemme up."
"Nah," Swiss replies, waving a hand, and it takes Rain a second to register it. He grins again, happy as a clam, and then he's hoisting Rain up by the backs of his thighs and all Rain can do is scrabble at his back with a yelp, clinging.
"What the -"
Before he can get the words out, Swiss is setting him down again, right in front of the toilet. Lets Rain get his feet under him, holding his hips until he's balanced, and then he's pressing a quick kiss to his horn. Rain blinks up at him, opens his mouth to speak, but then Swiss is turning him on the spot. Snuggling himself right up to Rain's back and hooking his chin over his shoulder, dragging the tip of his nose along the shell of his ear.
"As you wish," he croons, low, and Rain chuckles. Leans back into that broad chest and moves to aim at the bowl, eager to empty himself so he can finally slide into the herbal soup Swiss has so lovingly prepared.
Swiss grabs his wrist before he can manage it, though, and Rain just stares at it. Blinks. Swiss lifts his hand to his lips, kisses Rain's palm.
"Uh-uh," he breathes, warm against his skin, "I told you, sweetheart," another kiss, to the inside of Rain's wrist, "lemme take care of you."
Rain shivers at the feel of a large hand coming to rest low on his stomach, the one holding his wrist guiding in to rest over Swiss' own hand. Rain stares down at them, laces his fingers with Swiss', and heaves a deep sigh when Swiss' other hand slides over his hip. Tracing the line of his happy trail with two fingertips, until he reaches the soft swell of Rain's cock.
Swiss takes it in hand, aims, and Rain feels the strangest bloom of warmth in his chest.
"Go on," Swiss encourages, kissing the hinge of his jaw, "when you're done I'll even scrub your back."
"You'd do that anyway," Rain replies, and Swiss gives him a half shrug.
"A little incentive never hurts."
Rain snorts, but doesn't feel the need to argue. He takes in the way his cock looks in Swiss' hand, pale against his skin, nothing sexual about it regardless of their position. Of the way he can feel every inch of Swiss against his back, warm and comfortable and familiar. It's intimate, to be sure, but in a context Rain isn't sure he's ever felt before.
Rain offers a pleased sigh when the last drops hit the water, lets Swiss give it a couple shakes, and then he's turning in his arms. Planting a kiss on his stubbled chin.
He gives Swiss' hand a squeeze, presses it into his belly, and both of them groan when the first few dribbles leak out. It's no time before Rain can let go fully, a steady stream of relief, silly giggles escaping him when Swiss moves his dick around to draw shapes in the water. Swirls and circles and a their initials, because Swiss doesn't know how not to be a sap.
"Better," Rain smiles, wrapping long arms around Swiss' waist. "Now get me in that tub, I'm sick of being sticky."
Swiss laughs, gives him a squeeze, and this time Rain's expecting to be lifted.
"Such a princess," Swiss complains, lowering him into the steaming bath, and Rain groans. Swiss ruffles his hair, wasting no time in sliding into the tub behind him.
"Guess that makes you my prince," Rain mumbles, resting back against him the moment Swiss settles, and the pleased purr that rattles through his chest is almost enough to turn it into a jacuzzi.
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
Headcanons for Lilith!
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Author's notes:Just making headcanons for one of my favorite girls from nightmare mode, both sfw and nsfw!
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Historic moment: She was born in the Victorian era, when she hears a great growth of vampires, and in the midst of this context she was born.
Sister: She is Anazareth's half-sister, Anazareth being the eldest sister while she is slightly younger,Anazareth is close to Lilith and the two became friends quickly, in addition to always getting along.
Mother: Lilith's mother was a witch and creator of curses and potions related to a vampire In the year 1790, she was one of the few witches who survived To the Salem witch trials Because of her husband, She had had a relationship before with a normal human and had a daughter who was Anazareth, she loved her husband but he died for ensuring her and their daughter's safety, and then had Lilith from a relationship with a vampire.
Father: Lilith's father was a vampire who lived at the same time as her mother,He was a thirsty vampire who ended up dying, his attacks were famous and many people were converted to vampirism because of him, he did not kill, he fed and turned his prey into vampires,In addition, she was successful with women, there is no doubt that Lilith may have many half-siblings. (if you look closely, Lilith is similar to yog and only the two have fangs and Lilith's token doesn't say anything if she's also a vampire)
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About 234 years.
Lilith has dark brown hair with purple tips, they are not dyed but natural the slightly purple ends of the hair.
She wears the blindfold because she has visual impairment underneath, she was not born with this disability, she ended up being attacked by hunters and well they ended up throwing a kind of poison on her while she hunted, her face had scars but they were healed over time without leaving marks, but the young vampire lost her sight.
She uses the blindfold to compensate for her lost vision, this increases her other senses and in addition makes her see both through the blindfold and through the tattoos.
Even after years she still loves Victorian fashion for her it was the best thing she had at that time,because the sanitary conditions were terrible, many people died due to the terrible living conditions, the children, many do not exceed 5 years old.
Their favorite colors are the darkest ones, such as black, dark blue, dark green, purple, burgundy and red.
She loves gothic fashion and especially black color such as flats, black boots and dresses and dark jewelry.
She loves piercings, like the ones she has in her ear and maybe she has a bat between her breasts, with open wings and a moon.
She loves her earrings but sometimes forgets why she takes them off to sleep, they are a little heavier than normal, I think maybe she has a perforation in her navel like a small crystal.
Her veins are marked on her skin, in a dark blue tone because her blood is a dark tone almost black.
Sometimes she makes light cuts on her hand because it is necessary to use in some potions but she does not usually use hers because she is a vampire.
Her body is definitely cold, and for her it doesn't make the slightest difference, she doesn't feel cold or hot.
Her fangs show up in her smile when she talks or laughs, she doesn't like it very much but it's still cute.
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Lilith is the affectionate type but in a more reserved way, she likes soft touches and kisses on the neck
She daily enjoys drinking her partner's blood as the meal of the day, although she does not consume other people's blood
She likes to teach her things like making potions, and especially when you help her do those things.
She doesn't consume many things like food, even though flesh and blood from animals, even so she keeps sweets and other things in the fridge for when you're there with her.
She is definitely attracted even by the smell of your blood, and that's why she loves to bite your skin.
She likes to walk with you holding your hand and showing you your favorite places in the city, such as a remote park with no one to watch the stars
She's definitely kind to you, but during sex, not exactly.
While you're both having sex, she loves to really mark you as hers, filling her body with hickeys and bite marks, her body is slightly sore the next day.
She really needs to control herself when she's with you so she doesn't bite you and transform you at that moment.
I think she really couldn't live without you after years of relationship, at some point she would turn you into a vampire, either because she doesn't want you to die or because you have some disease.
She's kind to you but only to you, and when you first met you were surprised why she wasn't as rude as the others
Her favorite body part is her thighs and neck
She loves to suck you, in every way
She enjoys having sex during your period, the taste of her blood is perfect and she feels happy to satisfy you and also to relieve your pain.
She likes to wake you up in the middle of the night with kisses on the neck and massaging your breasts
She is jealous but not exactly because of you but if someone flirts with you she would get very angry with the person and ask Anazareth to put a curse on the person
She doesn't really like affection in public
She can use potions to increase your horniness level
She loves back scratches
Bites and marks will always be on your body in the morning after you sleep together
She is slightly dominant and loves accessories such as ropes and also collars
She loves to pour scented candles down her body to give it a slight feeling of warmth
You will like to overstimulate you
She prefers to give than receive pleasure, she loves to be between your thighs and also when she is up your face and you suck her
She loves aftercare for you
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What does she like?:
She definitely loves reading books about macabre tales and horror stories
She likes to do piercings because she likes the slight sensation of pain at the moment and also finds it beautiful
She loves dresses and dressing as she did in the Victorian era
She loves affection especially kisses on the forehead
She loves to eat animal flesh
She likes cats and has one that sometimes enters her apartment with anazareth but he is free to come and go and only spends the nights
I think she would also like tarot a lot,and when he was bored he would read whatever the tarot cards said
She loves to sleep with you wrapping her arms around your waist and leaning her head on your shoulder
Definitely likes it when you say you like her real eyes because it was an insecurity.
She loves what sweet you are with her and worried
She loves that you want to learn how to make magic and potions
I think she likes history in general
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
Just a Little More
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Steve's over Nancy, and there's a girl on his mind. One night out and some flirting might lead to a jealous Steve getting drunk.
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
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I'm not a party person. I'm definitely not a party person.
The music is too loud, the people are... too many. I don't know how Steve always manages to drag me in these things.
And yet, here I am, once again.
"C'mon, don't give me that face," he tells me as we walk to the house hosting the party. "You need to go out more,"
"I'm fine as I am. Thanks" I complain. "you just insist because you need moral support"
"For what?" He asks, faking innocence.
"You want to see Nancy"
"That's... no, okay? I'm over her. I swear." He says confidently "my eyes are on someone else now"
"Oh yeah?" I ask, with a surprised laugh "and who might that be?"
"I'm sure you already know her" he answers.
"Please don't tell it's Robin" I beg, I couldn't even warn him.
"Nah, don't worry." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders urging me to walk faster towards the party "you'll find it out... sooner or later"
I hope he's not gonna have his heart broken again. I hated seeing him after the break up with Nancy.
We've been friends for a little while now. We got closer last year after an alternate dimensional creature attacked me, Nancy, Jonathan and him at Byers' house. He turned out to be not so much of an asshole, he even became my brother's best friend... big surprise. And now we're here.
As we enter the big house we're instantly surrounded by music, people and a strong smell of alcohol.
"Want something to drink?" Steve shouts over the music in my ear.
"No, thanks" I shout back.
"I'll be right back" he tells me.
"I'll go get some air"
He gives me a 'already?' look, nods and goes to the kitchen I suppose.
Yep, I decide I already need some air so I try to find my way to the back.
I walk through the sea of people dancing and chatting at the party as quickly as possible until I successfully get to the back.
Luckily there are a very few people, some are smoking and some are... holding their heads, feeling dizzy probably.
I try to enjoy the moment of peace, my mind wandering about who the girl Steve has a crush on now might be. Especially since he told me I know her.
Could it be Casey from my art class?
Or maybe it's Kelly...
I really can't-
"Hello there"
A voice interrupts my stream of thoughts.
Turning around I find myself face to face with none other than Billy Hargoves himself.
"Uh... Hi" I politely say, turning back around away from him.
I sense him walking beside me, he doesn't speak, though I can feel his eyes on me. The gesture makes me more nervous as seconds go on.
I try to not acknowledge him tok much, hoping he'd get tired and walk back inside, but unfortunately he stays.
Where the hell is Steve when I need him?
"I feel very lucky tonight" he casually say.
"Why's that?" I ask, knowing there's no way to ignore him anymore.
"Because I finally got you on your own and not attached to Harrington's hip" he answers with a grin.
"Yeah... uhm.. he's just getting something to drink. He... he'll be here sooner or later" I nervously laugh, trying to sound as casual as him.
"The later the better" he says softly.
"Uhm..." I think of something to say but nothing comes out.
"You tutor my sister, right? Well.. my step-sister" he asks.
"Yeah,I think. Max, right?"
"That's her. She always talks about you with my father and his girlfriend. She always talks about how nice and gentle you are" he speaks softly, slightly leaning towards me.
"Yeah.. well, that's nice of her..." I say, not looking at him "I only try to make her feel as comfortable as I can"
"And we all appreciate it" he basically whispers in my ear.
I step away, but I tripp into what looks like a vase and almost fall.
Billy's hands quickly catch me, helping me up, but even when I'm up straight again he doesn't let go. His grip isn't tight, I could shrug it off, but I can't seem to anyway.
"Careful there, gorgeous" he winks.
"Sorry... uh... thanks" I finally get out of his grip.
"My pleasure" he says looking down at me. He's still very close to me and as soon as I can catch his eyes falling to my lips, I take a deep breath turning my head to look back inside for Steve.
"Uhm... I think I'll go find Steve... I'll see you around" I say walking past him, but he moves to block my way.
"I'm sure he's fine. Stop worrying about him, for once... and" he moves his hand to rub, so slightly, my arm. "And start to worry about yourself... maybe we-"
He's cut off by Steve's voice.
"There you are!"
He's drunk... already?
"Ah! King Steve finally joined us!" Billy declare sarcastically.
"Are you drunk already?" I ask.
"Me? I could never..." he walks towards us, but almost fall as he nears.
"Yeah... sure" I say unconvinced.
"Damn... don't you look stunning..." he hiccups.
"Yeah. Okay. We're going." I state.
"No no no no no no" Steve blurts out. "You were having fun with him. Keep... keep going"
Oh god...
"C'mon Steve." I try to grab him to make him walk, but he yank himself away, falling to the ground.
"Don't worry, I'm okay" he quickly blurts out.
I let out a bug frustrated sigh, thinking about how to bring him home.
"Need a help taking his ass home?" Billy suddenly asks.
"I... you don't" I start.
"It's no trouble, sweetheart" he grins. "C'mon"
He grabs Steve's arm and lifts him up, helping him walk all the way to Billy's car.
"Open the door" he tells me and I rush to open the backseat door so Billy can make Steve lay there.
Then Billy and I get in as well and he starts to drive.
"Thanks, Billy" I say as Billy help Steve sit on the couch in Steve's house.
"No problem, sweetheart" he smirk looking back at me. "Take care, King Steve" he adds sarcastically
I walk him to the door.
"You know...how about you and I finish what we started earlier?" He suggests.
"About you starting to worry about yourself instead of him." He says, moving to grab my hand.
"Uhm... I.. I'm sorry..." I carefully move my hand out of his grip, glancing quickly at Steve on the couch "I better check on him"
"As you wish" He raises both hands in surrender, but surprisingly he smiles too. "If you ever change your mind, give me a call, sweetheart"
When Billy walks back to his car I walk back to Steve.
"Let's get you to bed, uh?" I say and he mutter something I can't catch.
I help him upstairs and to his bed.
"Oh thanks" he says like he just realised what's happening.
"No problem, Steve" I say as I help him take his shoes off.
"I ruined your night" he mutters.
"What?" I'm confused.
"You seemed reeeeeally comfortable with Hargoves tonight" he blurts out.
"What are you talking about?"
"I say you two talking.. and he was preeeeeetty close" he explains.
"We were talking about Max, his sister. I tutor her"
Why do I need to explain myself? And why does he sounds... jealous?
"He was too close" he states and he finally crawls to lay under the covers of his bed.
"Yeah. I guess." I say with a say and heading downstairs to grab him a glass of water.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"To grab some water"
"You coming back... right?" He seems.. anxious. Why?
I walk downstairs to finally grab a glass and quickly go back to Steve only to see him talking his shirt off, to sleep, the sight blocks me.
It happened before... I already saw him taking his shirt off, for any sort of reasons.. well.. not all possible reasons. But now... now feels different. Why?
I take a deep breath and walk back in his bedroom.
"There you go" I hand him the glass and sit on the bed.
"Thank you" he says and manages to drink the whole glass.
"You're welcome"
We stay in a comfortable silence for a little while, Steve layed down taking deep breath and me sitting on his bed playing with my fingers.
"You feeling okay?" I suddenly ask and he hums nodding.
"Good. You need anything I'll be downstairs" I tell him with a smile and get up.
"What? You're not sleeping here?" He gestures to the other side of the bed.
"You want me to sleep there?" I chuckle.
I always sleep on his couch when sometimes it's too late to walk home... never in his bed.. with him.
"Yeah." He says as a matter of fact.
"I... o-okay" I say. "I.. I just don't have anything to wear to bed"
My plan was to take off my trousers and shirt and rely on the covers... I obviously can't if sleeping in his bed.
"Just grab something of mine. I don't mind.. quite the opposite actually" he says simply.
"What?" I chuckle surprised.
"Well.. seeing the girl I have my eyes on in my clothes... God..." he says, without thinking probably.
"How you have realised I'll never understand" he giggles.
Okay.. he's drunk.
"Sure" I say unconvinced.
I grab one of his shirts and a pair of pj's pants and get changed in the bathroom.
As I walk back in his room he's still laying down, but he uncovered the other side of his bed for me to get in.
"Hey!" He exclaims.
"What?" I ask.
"I haven't seen you!" He complains.
"You're basically sleeping, Stevie. You can't keep your eyes open." I tell him. "Go to sleep"
"You don't believe me" he states.
"About what?"
"You being the girl... I.. like" he hiccups.
Is it true?
"You're drunk, Steve. Your just-"
"No, no, no, no" he says holding his finger to my lips, to stop me from keep speaking. "You're that girl. You. You. Yooou"
So... my crush isn't one-sided as I always thought..
"Kiss me?"
"Uh?" I ask taken aback.
"Please?" He says getting closer. Cuddling against me.
"How about this... you sleep and tomorrow morning, if you still feel like this, I'll kiss you." I tell him.
"And you'll believe me?" He asks looking at me with puppy eyes.
"Yes Steve. I'll believe you" I say, thankful for the darkness hiding my flustered face.
"Great" he says cuddling more against me.
"Goodnight Steve"
" 'Night... love"
The thing is... I do believe him. I just want him to suffer a little more.
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cherry-romper · 4 months
K. Kogane - Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place
Warnings: Alcohol, misunderstanding trope, Keith has a sister.
Contains: F!reader. fluff.
not my best work :(
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"You will not believe the night that I've had, big guy," Y/N ranted into the room. She was stumbling and slurring her words, clearly intoxicated, as she approached the couch. Her hair, that was once combed into a ponytail, now flowed messily over her shoulders and down her back. Its natural waves framed her face perfectly, and accentuated her large, sweet eyes. Mascara ran down past her rose coloured cheeks that were dusted with faint faux freckles. The eyelashes that she had spent hours expertly applying were now discarded in some bathroom, in whatever bar she was in last. She dressed in a satin black maxi dress that hugged her figure. She thought it went well with the new red-bottoms she he splashed out on last week. Those same heels were now being clumsily removed and tossed carelessly into the corner of the room.
Hunk, Y/N's co-worker-turned-best-friend-turned-flatmate, was sat watching her. He asked himself how she hadn't broken her ankles walking, if you could even call it that, in those heels all night. He had been on his phone, waiting, in his baggy grey sweats and his hand stuffed into a bag of Cheeto's, for her too come home safe. It was an agreement they had; if one goes out, the other would wait up for them.
Before he could ask what was wrong and who ass he'd have to kick, Y/N had launched herself onto the couch with an oof. She wiggled her way up towards were Hunk was sat. "Dude," she started, scooting up to his large figure, he could smell the alcohol on her breath. "Why didn't you tell me Keith had a girlfriend?" She asked woefully, as she began to play the the strings on his hoodie.
Hunk's big brows knitted in confusion, "because he doesn't?"
Y/N blinked a couple times to make sense of what Hunk had just said. "Que?" she asked comically.
"Keith does not have a partner. He isn't involved with anyone, at all."
"Yes he issss, you liar!" Y/N cried out, a bit too loud for the time of night, hitting Hunks chest lightly. Hunk only chuckled at her mannerisms.
"I was at the bar, and d'ya know how I've always liked 'im? Wellll, the alcohol was working miracles, I'll tell ya, I've never had so much confidence in my life. Soooo, I went up to 'im, started chatting 'im up. He seemed kinda into it, so that just boosted my ego. Then," she scoffed, "a woman walked up to the table, two drinks in her hand! She set them down on the table, and sat next to Keith. I looked over to 'im, all confused like, and he was smiling at her! Like he loved her or something! She asked who I was, the audacity, then...then she put a hand on his shoulderrrr," she barely got through the last part of the story before she started balling her eyes out.
Hunk smiled on the inside watching Y/N dramatize the nights events. He began stroking the woman's hair to console her. "You don't need him, gorgeous, he has no idea what he's missing out on." Y/N responded with even louder wailing. "What did you do next, if you don't mind me asking?" he queried.
"I did the only appropriate thing one could do in that situation," she sniffed, jutting out her bottom lip. Hunk raised an eyebrow at her, asking without asking. "I ran away and drowned my sorrows in liquor."
Hunk let out a sigh, hanging his head a little. "Don't sigh at me, mister! I don't see you trying to make anything happen with that bandit guy you like!"
Hunk gave a dramatic gasp, "woah, uncalled for, miss! Plus, that's different!" Aurelia sat up on the coach, ready to argue her case.
"How?" she demanded, "pray tell, how is that any different?"
"Well, for one, HES A BANDIT! He'll break my heart if I go near him. Two, he's always on the run! Three, we are in the military! Do you know how that would look if word got out the we were dating? I'd be relieved of my duties! And not to mention, I don't even know if he likes guys," he said the last part a bit more serious than the rest.
"Yeah but, you'll never know if you don't try!"
"Yeah but, what if he's like, homophobic or something?"
"yeah but, what if he's gay and really likes you?" Y/N encouraged.
The two sat in silence for a second, looking at each other before they both gasped in unison, "What if he's gay and homophobic?"
The two friends burst out laughing, Y/N a bit too loudly, when they were interrupted by a stern knock at the door. The immediate silence was deafening. They cautiously looked between one another.
"Its 3 am, who the hell could that be?" Hunk questioned, a mix of annoyance and fear laced his hushed voice.
"Hell if I know," Y/N got up to answer it, the false confidence of the alcohol still making its rounds in her blood.
Hunk jumped up to stop her, "woah, wait just a second. Its 3 am," he repeated, "we shouldn't answer it."
"Don't be such a wuss! We're trained soldiers for Christs sake!"
"Pilots! We are pilots, Y/N, not fighters!" Before he could protest any further, Y/N had swung the door open so hard its hinges jolted. In the doorway, stood Keith, who looked as though he'd ran all the way to the apartment. Sweat coated his forehead and his chest rose and fell as he desperately tried to steady his breathing. His jacket sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows. His hair, that Y/N could have sworn was slicked back earlier that night, was now wispy and some loose bits were stuck to his forehead. He looked like he was straight out of the 80's. That was just his style, and Y/N found it amusing.
"Y/N, oh my god! are you okay? what happened?" His face changed to a concerned one when he noticed the smudged mascara streaming down her cheeks.
Y/N's once confident façade dropped to an unimpressed deadpan. Without a word, she slammed the door closed in Keith's face.
Hunk stood slack-jawed in the middle of the room. "Y/N, babes, what the fuck?"
"What? I don't have time for 'im! You told me yourself, he's not worth it!" she defended.
"Yeah but, maybe don't slam the door in his face. Are you forgetting he's our superior!?"
The two were once again interrupted by knocking at the door. Y/N let out an angry huff and, once again, marched, albeit clumsily, to the door.
"What do you want, Lieutenant Kogane?" she mocked his name. Keith was taken aback slightly, almost at a loss for words.
"I just wanted to ask if you were alright. You left so suddenly back there, I didn't get to introduce you to Kaylee."
Y/N scoffed, throwing her arms in the air. "Oh, hallelujah, she has a name." Hunk fought back a laugh, wiping more Cheeto dust off his fingers. 
"What's with the attitude?" Keith sounded offended. "I go out of my way to come here and check on you and you're being rude to my sister?"
Silence once again filled the air. Hunk shrunk into himself with how much he was cringing. Y/N just stood, shell-shocked at what she'd just heard. A million thoughts and emotions whizzed through her mind like go-carts on a track.
"Im sorry?" She questioned, breathless.
"Yes, you should be. Kaylee was worried all night she'd done something to upset you. I had to calm her down more than once," Keith was seething. He shifted his weight and ran a hand through his mullet, the other resting on his hip.
"Pause. What did you just say?" Y/N asked, still stood, mouth agape.
"Kaylee was worried?" Keith asked.
"No, the bit before."
"You're being rude to my sister?"
"Yeah. She's ya sister?" Y/N's face lit up in anticipation.
"Yes? What about it?"
Relief rushed over the woman like a wave. "Thank fuck for that!" She responded without thinking.
"Why does that matter?" Keith queried.
Y/N sobered up in that moment. What the hell was she going to tell him? She wanted to say thousand things, she was usually good at making lies up on the spot, but in the face of someone she's admired for years, all that came out of her mouth were a string of gargled excuses.
"Erm, yes, well, uh, you see, I didnt mean- what I was trying to say- I meant that- " Her hands waved around frantically, as though she were swatting away a fly. She looked too Hunk for support.
He held up a dismissive hand in the air, "you made the mess, you get yourself out of it." With that he walked away and into his bedroom.
"Erm..." she started, trying to give herself time to think.
"I'm waiting," Keith edged, impatiently.
"I thought," Y/N sighed in defeat, "I thought the two of you were on a date."
Keith's defensiveness dropped instantly. His angry demeanour now replaced by an apologetic one. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry you thought that."
"Yeah, I thought she was your girlfriend. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I've been drinking and I kinda over reacted back there. I shoulda given you the chance to explain. I reacted emotionally, and got upset over it."
"That's why you're crying? Because you thought I was dating somebody?"
'Shit' Y/N thought. She had to admit, she did feel a little bit uneasy. Yes, she had overreacted but that was because of the alcohol. If she was to admit her feelings here and now she was sure it wouldn't feel genuine, or even worse, they wouldn't be reciprocated.
"I'm sorry, Keith. I don't feel comfortable saying anything right now, even though you can probably already tell. I'm just not acting like myself, I don't want to make the situation it any worse."
A candied smile grew on Keith. His eyes crinkled a little and he let out a small chuckle. "I remember when you used to be such a push over. Always saying yes to things you didn't want to do, and admitting to things you hadn't done, simply because it was easier than to say how you really felt. It's nice to see how much you've grown, Y/N."
She couldn't lie, she was both offended and honoured by that comment. Y/N gave a nod in agreement before Keith continued. "We can talk again when you've sobered up."
"Thank you for understanding," Y/N was grateful that he didn't push her. God knows what she might have said.
"How about you tell me Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place?" Keith chuckled at the look of astonishment on her face as he lent again the door frame.
"You heard."
"You wanna take me out?" I must be dreaming.
"Yeah. I want to take you out. Shall we call it a date?"
"A DATE?!" Y/N's volume had once again gone above and beyond the acceptable level for the time of night. Another string of noises made its way out of her mouth, much to Keith's amusement.
"Shall I take that as a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes!" Y/N had to stop herself from acting too happy for fear of looking desperate. This cannot be happening she thought to herself. She felt giddy, like a child on Christmas.
"Ill see you there, Y/N." Keith's charming smirk sent the woman's stomach spiralling. He backed away from the door, and took a moment to soak up the woman's form. He bid her goodnight as he began down the hall.
"Goodnight!" She called to him, waving him away. "Be safe getting home!"
"I will."
Y/N then closed the door and lent her forehead against it.
"My my, I don't believe it," Hunk was leaning against the door to his bedroom, arms crossed and a look of disbelief plastered ono his face. Y/N turned to look at him, her expression matching his own.
"Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place," Y/N stated.
"Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place," Hunk repeated, nodding his head a little.
The two ran too each other, squealing like school-girls, slapping their hands together repeatedly. They both began doing an overexcited jig, Hunk span Y/N around hyping her up, before they crashed into the couch. They lay there for a second, relishing in the moment.
"I'm so happy for you," Hunk said, Y/N smiled up to him. "Maybe now I won't have to listen to your rambling about 'I hope Keith notices me', 'why won't Keith notice me?'" Hunk mocked.
Y/N let out a laugh, "I do not sound like that."
"Uh, yes, you do."
"Shut up and go to bed." Y/N demanded playfully.
"What ever you say, Mrs. Kogane," Hunk teased. Y/N went to chase him to his but stopped when she found she had no energy. Instead she lay on the couch, a peaceful slumber slowly taking hold of her body. 'Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's Place,' she smiled to herself. 
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missadmyre · 4 months
Another fight, another trip to the Game Hole, that had been their routine since freshman year. Randy and Howard were walking to their favorite place to chill, the winds were blowing strong, and it was Friday.
Howard was leading the conversation, he hadn't noticed how Randy wasn't even listening and was looking up to the sky, thinking about something. Howard looked at his biffer, usually he was excited when going to the Game Hole though now he looks like he's about to threaten the sky, with how his eyebrows are frowned looking at it.
"Hey! You good there Cunningham? Surely the sky doesn't schloomp you in like the Nomicon?" Howard asked, trying to lighten the mood. Randy snapped back to reality to look at his friend, "Yeah no, just have a lot of things in my mind." Howard decided not to dig in deep, knowing how much his friend is holding up with the ninja stuff.
Once they reached the Game Hole, they then went to their separate games, though Howard still couldn't shake the unease that he knows his best friend is up to. He jabbed his hand into his pockets, checking if he has the money to at least buy Randy some nachos.
When he saw Randy distracted with a game, he went to the Food Hole and found out that Greg had been selling gravy nachos. He wanted to buy one for himself but he wanted it to be special for his best friend. He ordered it to be gravier and cheesier for Randy as he waited for it to be served.
Randy tried to distract himself, his enemies are getting harder and harder by the day and he hasn't had enough rest because of it, he is definitely seeking advice from the Ninjanomicon for that. "Man, I should hang out with Danny and Jake after this, this is getting wonk-" his thoughts were cut off when he smelled something tasty thanks to his heightened senses.
He turned around and saw Howard holding a gravy and cheese nachos? He wanted to take one but knowing Howard, it definitely wasn't his. He was about to turn his back when Howard nudged him, "Dude I bought these for you! At least taste it." His friend exclaimed, leaving Randy surprised as he faced him.
"Woah wait seriously? That's so bruce of you to do that! Thanks." Randy said, to which his best friend replied "Ah it was nothing, besides you seemed pretty out of it lately so for that I give you this." Randy almost teared up and grabbed a nacho, he was about to eat it when all of a sudden he heard the sounds of screaming and roaring happening outside.
He sighed in annoyance as he ordered Howard to guard his bag and nachos as he transformed into the ninja and went outside, throwing a smokebomb to signal his entrance. Howard, who groaned in anger because of the sudden monster attack, sat on the stairs that leads up to the Food Hole, munching some nachos and guarding Randy's bag.
He was just watching the fight when he heard his friend's phone beeping in the bag, with how long they had been friends, Howard was surprised that someone other than him had texted his best bud. After brushing his hand with his pants, he grabs Randy's McPhone to check who texted him.
He scrolls down to see new people that he doesn't know. Who's Danny? Who's Jake? Who the juice is naming their kid Tucker? They were names that he knows aren't in Norrisvillle, he would know because of how his sister keeps tabs with everyone for her news. He felt angry that he was being left out.
He checked the texts, they seemed pretty serious with how much they would discuss the monsters and ghosts that had been pestering them recently, how some of them are connected to each other. They also had planned a meetup in New York this weekend?! That's far, and Randy was going alone, without him. He grits his teeth, so he does keep secrets from him.
He heard a faint "Smokebomb!" from a distance, signalling his exit, he quickly puts his friend's phone back in the bag. When Randy came back, he tried to hide what he saw, he wanted to confront the information he had been left out on but he knew, with how hard he tried to keep those things out of Howard, he knew they were important in some ways.
"Hey Howard! Are those nachos still hot?" Randy questioned as Howard put up a front, "Yup, still there!". Randy thanked him as he sat beside him, his bag now between his legs. He grabbed a nacho and proceeded to tell him the story of what happened back there. "Just so you know, I'm actually going on a fishing trip tomorrow, so I won't be in the house until Sunday." Randy told him, Howard knew that was a lie, he read those texts and knew that wasn't the plan.
They left the Game Hole early as they walked together, talking like usual. Once Howard reached his house, he saw Randy sprinting to his house, he probably was packing for the meetup. He had to know what Randy's secret is, and he has to know, for he doesn't like being left out from it.
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jackharlou · 2 years
Concept: your daughter finds the letters you and jack sent each other years ago, the ones you thought you had lost.
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"how was school today, lele?" - jack asked leah, your eight year old daughter. she wasn't his. you two got together when she was just three years old, but since day one he likes to say she is his daughter, and right from the second she understood jack wasn't her dad, she decided that blood didn't matter and that he was in fact her dad, and according to her, the best in the world.
"it was good. i got the highest grade on an essay ms. carrie made us write" - she said after placing her backpack on the couch and following her dad to the kitchen, where you were finishing lunch while bouncing your five months old daughter, emma - "hi, mommy" - she hugged your waist and then grabbed her baby sister's little foot and smelled it - "hi, little stinky"
"what was the essay about?" - jack asked her, following the conversation they were having, after standing next to you to kiss your lips and your baby's head.
"she asked us about what we wanna be and do when we grow up and then made us read it for the class"
"and what did you write about? was it about you wanting to be an astronaut?" - you asked.
"nah, i don't wanna be an astronaut anymore. i realized it'd be too lonely and i don't think i can bring you guys with me. i want to be a poet, just like you guys"
you and jack shared a look, then looked at her confused - "poets? honey, i'm a dentist and your dad writes stuffs, yes, but it isn't poetry"
"i found some letters from each other in the basement and i thought they were that" - now everyone was confused.
"well, you can read that essay for us after we eat lunch, now help me set the table" - jack and leah went to did as you told them.
an hour later, when you all finished cleaning the table and the kitchen, you went to the living room to rest.
"do you mind reading your essay to us, baby?" - you asked her, curious about what she wrote.
she quickly got up and went to grab her notepad from her backpack. she sat across from you and started reading.
"a little over a month ago mommy asked me to go down to the basement to look for something, don't ask me what it was since i don't remember, but while looking for that forgotten thing i found a box full of letters and little notes. i grabbed the box and took it to my room and then went back to mommy. later that night, after mommy and daddy kissed me goodnight, i stayed up for a little longer reading some of the letters. they were from when mommy started dating daddy. i wish i could read them all to you, but for now you'll have to believe me when i say that all those little papers are the most beautiful forms of love you can see and read, at least to me they are. they told each other about how much they liked each other, then with time they said "i love you" for the first time, then some things happened and they were having some sort of issues but they made it through and kept going. i know it doesn't make much sense since you can't read them, but I've decided since I've read them that i want to be a poet. i want to make people feel things through my words. i want to have a love so pure that it inspires me to write the most beautiful things. i want to be loved like my dad loves my mom. i want to have a family of my own like the one my mommy gave me when she decided to love my dad. i want to be loved and happy enough to write it down like my mom and dad did..."
when she finished reading, you looked jack in the eyes and saw you weren't the only one tearing up.
"honey, you still have those?" - jack asked you.
"apparently i do. i thought i lost them when we moved"
"they were buried inside a huge box filled with books" - she said before running upstairs and coming back a few seconds later with the box between her hands.
"can i read you my favorite ones?" - she asked happily. you two only nodded.
she grabbed a piece of paper that looked like it had been to war and back.
"... remember how you jokingly said you would make me miss you while being on the road? i hate you for it, but i do; i do miss you. the only times i don't miss you are when leah needs me and i have to focus on her. i would say that i don't miss you when i'm asleep but that would be a lie because i even see you in my dreams and i hate it because i don't want to fall for you. i hate to admit it but i'm scared. i'm scared of you making us love you and then leaving and not coming back. i'm scared of leah growing attached to you because you're young, i don't think you're ready to be a dad, specially of a girl who isn't your blood but god, i can't stop looking and smiling when she sees you and runs to you. i can't stop smiling and tearing up at the thousands of photos and videos i have of you two playing or just sleeping together.
i'm scared, jackman. i'm scared at how much i'm missing you"
"I tracked the dates and found dad's response letter" - leah said putting down the letter and grabbed a paper that looked much better than the previous one.
"i wasn't joking. i was making fun of you just to hide that i was going to miss you too and oh baby, i thought it was going to be hard, yes, but i didn't imagine it would be this heavy on me. i have never missed anyone like this. i think it is because i left my parents home at a young age. i became independent very quickly and harshly. i was on the road all the time so I didn't have a home, just places where i was living in, but now i do. i have a home in you. is it too fast? yes? no? maybe? who cares? i don't want to be with anyone else. i want to come back home and hold you, rock lele to sleep. you two are my home. i'm scared too, because my work life isn't easy and i don't want that affecting you or lele, but i have to work hard so i'm able to provide for you two. you deserve the best things and i'm working in every way to give you that. to be that.
i don't know if lele is attached to me, but i sure know i'm attached to her. i don't want a life without that girl. she makes everything better, brighter and when i think about coming back to you, i think about coming back to her too.
don't ever stop missing me because i won't ever stop missing you.
missing something or someone is a good thing, and it means a lot.
and you two mean a lot to me, baby."
you looked at jack with teary eyes and with a smile on your face - "i went to visit him for the weekend while you stayed with your grandma and i left him that note on his bed" - you added a background story for her.
"yeah, i dropped her at the airport and when i came back i found it. i read it a couple of times a day, that's why it looks so ugly. then when I arrived to the next city, the first thing i did was sending her a response"
"oh, i love this one too" - leah carefully folded the previous pieces of paper she had in her hands and grabbed another one.
"... last night i was putting leah to sleep and she started crying for you. she wanted you to sing for her, i tried but apparently i'm not good enough of a singer for my baby, but i guess that's what happens when you date a professional singer. she's getting used to you and so is her mommy, because i had a hard time sleeping too"
she folded the paper after reading it and grabbed his response to it.
"i'm sorry to break it down for you, mama, but you aren't that good of a singer, but it's ok, you can't be a good mom, a good student and a good singer. that would embarrass the rest of us.
i need to come up with some lullabies because my songs aren't made for kids. i'll start working on that, lele, i promise.
pd; so, are you dating a professional singer? good for you, girl. is he good looking?"
"you know that song he sings to emmy?" - you asked her, making her nod - "dad wrote that for you after he sent that letter. you could only fall asleep to it, so i had to play it for you every single night"
"your mom was jealous" - jack said, laughing with your daughter.
"i sort of was. it was so hard putting you to sleep and he made it seem so easy every time"
"out of them all, this one is my favorite" - leah said before starting a new one.
"i'm literally writing this right next to you. you two look so beautiful and at peace while sleeping so i'm sitting on the floor while writing this. we're at the beach, lele's first time at the beach, and i can't express how happy i feel right now.
the way she gets so happy while watching the sand fall through her little fingers. how much fun she has while running away from the water so the waves can't catch her. her attempts to build a sand castle...
it makes me think about the future. i want to be there for her first times her entire life.
i want to be there when she starts school. i want to be first concert she attends to. i want to be at her graduation. i want to see her become a woman, a professional. i want to see her fall in love, get excited over dates, but for that i want to give her the example of how a woman should be treated.
i want her to think of you and think that her mom is truly loved. i want her to see our relationship, get inspired and aim for something like it.
i want to take care of you. i want to be here for you. i want to be here for you two.
what i'm trying to say is; if you give me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me, i would make sure you two are happy, loved, taken care of.
So, would you marry me?"
"that's the last one i found, so i don't know how that went" - she said a little upset.
"i woke up, confused because he wasn't there. i got up and kissed your forehead, when i did i noticed the piece of paper besides you. i took it and read it. as soon as i finished reading it you wake up, so I had to get you ready first. i was excited and tearing up. i literally ran with you in my arms. i got to the front desk of the hotel and asked for a pen and a piece of paper. he had texted me saying he was waiting for us at the restaurant to have dinner. i went there and saw him sitting at a table on his own, while using his phone. i asked a waitress to bring him the little paper and when he got it, he stood and started looking for us. i walked towards him, he snatched you from my arms and held me so tight"
"and i have never let go since then" - jack murmured while grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it, close to where your rings have been for years now. he stood and made you follow him to his studio - "look at that" - he told leah.
she looked up at the little frame hanging on the wall, and there it was. the little note with the name and logo of the hotel and a messy "i do" written on it.
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xoxopeace · 2 years
Just A Bunch Of Hocus Pocus
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Summary: It's parent's weekend at Nevermore, and you were excited to see your aunt's for the first time since you've left. But letting them meet your boyfriend ? That was debatable.
Notes: Your aunts are the Sanderson Sisters, and you're a witch in training.
You watched as a few students hanged the large banner in front of the courtyard.
"Parent's Weekend ! " It read in large letters.
You knew you were excited to see your aunts, face time calls in your cauldron wasn't the same anymore. And surprisingly you missed hearing their bickering as well. But the idea of them meeting your boyfriend, wasn't exactly the calmest thought.
It wasn't that you didn't love them, they were your family. It wasn't the constant bickering that embarrassed you. It was the fact that they used to try to drain the souls of children to have immortality. And maybe having them visit you at your boarding school, full of children wasn't the best idea. But what was the worst that could happen ?
You were so lost in thought, that you didn't realize your boyfriend running up to you. The second his hands touched your shoulders you jolted by the sudden touch.
"I come in peace. " He reassured you. " Didn't mean to startle you. "
You chuckled by his response, " No, Xavier it's okay I was just thinking about something."
" Could it be about parent's weekend ? " He asked gesturing towards the large sign.
You shrugged your shoulders, not really knowing what to say.
" Oh cmon , I'm sure your aunts aren't that bad." He said.
" Oh no, trust me they can be... interesting. " You confirmed.
" My aunt Sarah... lets just say isn't the smartest tool in the shed. " You said, trying to describe your family wasn't the easiest thing to do.
" My aunt Mary doesn't know what personal space is. " You continued. " She has a real..sense of smell. "
You could see the confusion beginning to grow on his face. " And my aunt Winifred....well.. lets just say she knows how to leave an impression on people." You finished.
As the two of you walked to your dorm room, you continued telling him stories of your family.
" Okay, so they have a few.. quirks about them. " Xavier said trying to find the right words. " But everyone's family has something weird about them."
You laughed at that, knowing that your family is anything but weird.
" They used to drain the souls of children in order to remain young forever."
He stopped next to you, eyes wide after hearing your statement.
You raised your hands at him, " But don't worry, we're working on that."
Finally reaching your dorm room , you kissed him on the cheek thanking him for walking you to your room.
" Don't worry, tomorrows going to be fine. " He reassured you. " What's the worst that can happen ? "
You thought for a second and an idea came to mind.
"They don't like you, and eat your soul . "
You laughed at his surprised expression, closing the door and patiently waiting for tomorrow.
Surprised wasn't the word you wanted to use. More like shock, seemed more appropriate. You knew Nevermore housed over a hundred students, all different species and powers. But you've never seen so many outcasts in one place.
You saw bats flying down, transforming into human forms. Gorgons walking around with scarfs covering their hair, since they were snakes of course, and the howls of all the werewolves were hard to ignore.
You weren't surprised your aunts haven't arrived yet. Your Aunt Winifred loved to make an entrance.
" Your aunts here yet ? " Xavier asked standing next to you. You both were leaning against the railing, watching as students and parents joined together in the large yard.
" No, but thats not surprising. " You answered. " My aunt Winifred likes to make an entrance. "
Xavier shrugged in response, " Well it can't be that embarrassing right?"
Before you answered, a gust of wind blew throughout the court yard. And you could see three shadows moving through the crowd. A loud crackle followed by two others, caught everyone's attention.
" Oh y/n" A voice shouted. " We have arrived."
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, grabbing Xavier's hand and leading him down to the court yard. Everyone in the yard parted a pathway as three hooded figures on broomsticks slowly descended towards the middle.
" Leave it to my aunts to scare the crap out of everyone. " You whispered.
Once the figures landed and you finally reached the middle pulling Xavier behind you, you could see the excitement and shock on everyone's faces.
Pulling their hoods off, your aunts crackled and laughed as your peers looked somewhat frightened at their arrival.
" And cue the dramatic introduction. " You whispered.
Winifred waved her hands in the air, allowing her green orbs of electricity covering her palms. " Hello, Salem " She announced. " We are ba-"
" Aunt Winifred " You interrupted. " This isn't Salem, it's Jericho. "
Winifred threw her hands down, and zapped away her powers.
" Oh that's right. " She state. " Wrong city. "
You walked up to your aunts, arms opened wide.
" Aunties, it's great to see you all again. " You confessed. As you were wrap into a group hug, you couldn't help but think about how much you've missed them. Even though they were a bit freaky, they loved you.
Pulling apart, you were instantly bombarded with questions.
" You're looking pale, have you been eating enough spiders? " Sarah asked.
" I smell children. " Mary announced. " It looks like a buffet of them. "
" I know your brooms dusty, when's the last time you taken it for a ride?" Winifred questioned.
You chuckled at your aunts questions.
" Yes, I've been eating spiders, Aunt Mary it's a school its full of children and I haven't gone flying yet because of homework but I will soon. "
Instantly they had question after question, and you tried to answer every single one of them. Until you remembered the most important thing.
You raised your hands in front of you, hoping to catch your aunt's attention.
" Aunties I've missed you guys. " You told them. " But there's someone I want to introduce to you."
Your aunts stared at you in confusion. Turning around you waved for Xavier to come stand next to you. When he came up, you turned back towards your aunts and clapped your hands in excitement.
"Aunties this is Xavier. " You started. " He's...my boyfriend."
Your aunts looked at your surprisingly, while asking so many questions.
" Oh how wonderful. " Sarah stated.
" He smells marvelous. " Mary said complimenting him.
It wasn't until Winifred raised her hands in the air, signaling her sisters to stop asking so many questions. Her face seemed somewhat stern and amused as she walked in front of you.
" Everything, okay auntie? " You asked her.
She clasped her hands in front of her chest, and gave a crooked smile.
" Xavier, how marvelous to meet you . " She said surprisingly.
" It's wonderful to meet you to Ms.Sanderson. " He replied.
She slowly walked back towards her sisters, with little green electric sparks erupting from her fingers.
" Y/n, is a very special girl, Xavier. " Winifred stated. Turning back to face towards the two of you. You could see the serious, yet loving expression your aunts had.
" And you seem like a special boy. " She continued. " Don't prove me wrong, or I might just have to turn you into a toad."
It was silent. Until your aunts crackled and howled in laughter. Neither of you knowing if she was serious or not.
" See, I knew they would like you . " You whispered to Xavier.
He smiled, even with the slightly scared expression on his face.
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dp-marvel94 · 2 years
Flickering Soul
The day the portal opened, Danny Fenton died and Danny Phantom lived.
"But in this in-between place… a recoil. Something small, flickering, and warm within. Somewhere, distantly, a dead heart resumes its beating. Greedy lungs gasp for arm, a body stumbling out of the newly open portal into a sterile metal lab. The tiny ghost inside knows no more."
Also on AO3
Note: Written in response to this an ask game. Original answer here. The question: 21. What is the one fic that got away? My answer for a story I've never written anything for and probably never will-
The idea started after reading "Simulacrum" by @bibliophilea with Danny Fenton dying in the portal and Danny Phantom being a ghost possessing his still living body. I was imagining the vibes are kinda like "Real Life" by @cordria and "Mother Knows Best" by MayAnny, at least at first. Ghosts are not dead people. They’re scary, inhuman monsters. Single-minded and selfish, only focused on feeding and defending their territory. Ghosts are attracted to human souls, feeding off of the emotions coming from them like mites eating dead skin. 
A tiny wisp of a ghost drifts through the Zone, numbly reaching out and searching. For food, a place to call its own, a territory to defend. A flicker of energy brushes its senses. A human soul. The ghost darts forward. 
A swirling green expanse floats in front of it, a screaming echoing from within. The ghost flies inside, hungry, curious. There’s a body, a dying human soul inside. The creature effortlessly possesses the body and reaches for the soul. The soul, flickering green and smelling of fresh pine, needs to hold on; it can't feed off an emotionless dead body. Insubstantial claws wrap around, pulling hold tight. The soul slips out of the grasp. No. The ghost would hiss if it was capable of speech. Still, the human inside the rift dies as his heart stops. 
But in this in-between place… a recoil. Something small, flickering, and warm within. Somewhere, distantly, a dead heart resumes its beating. Greedly lungs gasp for arm, a body stumbling out of the newly open portal into a sterile metal lab. The tiny ghost inside knows no more.
The being awakes with a gasp. Where is he? What happened? He looks down. Gloves hands, white instead of black. Pushing up to uncoordinated feet. A face in a mirror, familiar but… also not. And he? Something about that is wrong. This form is… is too large. His brain is swimming and… The being manages to stumble up to a bedroom, following memory within the muscles of this body.
After sleeping and waking, now warm and solid… human, the being manages to work out some things. He (not it, despite never before having any concept of gender, he is certainly a he) is a ghost possessing a human body. He remembers; the human is dead, his soul having left his body. And yet, the body is alive, heart beating, lungs pulling in air. The human, his name was Danny. The knowledge is there, within the brain. Others rise. This bedroom. Putting up the star stickers, assembling and painting the rocket. Two friends, Sam and Tucker. Two parents. A sister.
The ghost closes his eyes, shaking his head. He pushes down a feeling the brain tells him is nausea. This body's brain has vague memories, Danny’s memories. But he is not Danny. He is…. Phantom. The name, the title sounds good enough.
The newly named Phantom hides out in Danny's room for a while, adjusting. Jack and Maddie, Mom and Dad, bumble around the house, loud and excited. The portal is working. But Phantom avoids them. They’re ghost hunters, his brain helpfully supplies; they’ll hurt him if they discover the ghost possessing their son’s body. Jazz, the sister, is busy so he doesn't see much of her at first. But that doesn’t bother him. Feeling so uncoordinated and vulnerable, avoiding contact with the humans is advantageous. Like this, they could destroy him, exorcize him with little effort. But once he’s strong enough, more balanced, they’ll be an excellent food source. His mouth waters at the thought. So many humans with their wide, varying vibrant emotions. It’ll be a feast. He’ll have restraint of course; he’s an opportunist parasite, not a predator like only the strongest ghosts can be. He’ll need to keep the humans he feeds off of alive.  He really is lucky to have come through the portal, even if the heart constantly pounding in his ears, the body he can’t seem to escape no matter how hard he tries, are annoying.
A few days after the accident, the friends, Sam and Tucker, come to check on him. Ravenous, he grabs onto Sam's arm, easier to feed on her emotions. He drinks too deeply, the dark purple of her soul, only visible to ghosts like him, flickering erratically. The goth's eyes blow wide, arm frantically pulling away as her emotions flare with sharp fear. Phantom lets go and... it hits him, as odd flickering inside. He doesn't want her to be afraid, not off him. There's... an odd warmth in his chest once Sam calms down. She and Tucker ask about what's going on, eyes wide with concern. And…. a heavy, churning sensation settles in the body’s stomach; he doesn't want them to know what he actually is, that he isn't actually Danny.
The lying starts, pretending to be human. The strange memories help as Phantom learns quickly. Eating, sleeping, showering. These are normal parts of life now; he does need to care for this body if he’s to maintain the falsehood. He goes to school, even does the homework. Learning about the world will help him blend in and soon, a month after the portal, the other ghosts come and he protects his food source, his humans. His friends and family, a deeper part of him whispers.
The longer this goes on, the more strange Phantom feels. Odd feelings bubble below the surface, odd drives he doesn't understand. He wants to protect Sam and Tucker. When they get upset seeing his injuries from ghost fights, he wants to comfort them, make them feel better. They hang out, joke with each other and... Phantom’s mouth stretches wide, shoulder shaking with laughter.
The there's the Fenton parents. Living in the same house, encounters are unavoidable. They're not nearly as bad as he'd thought at first. They're loud, boisterous, excitable. In public, they call him and Jazz embarrassingly sweet pet names and insist on goodbye kisses. And.... Phantom blushes, like any other teenager. But secretly, somewhere deep inside, that warm feeling returns. When he says, "I love you too" like the good son he's pretending to be, it doesn't feel completely fake.
And then there's Jazz. The red-head watches him with furrowed brow, always worried. Something in him churns, almost... uneasy with the looks. But she also ruffles his hair. She asks him what's wrong, why he's been so tense since the accident. Something in him flickers, something that tastes like guilt. But... that warm feeling, the damned warm feeling.... He leans into the touch, shrugging and saying he just hasn’t been sleeping well.
Phantom can see human souls, as odd mixtures of color and smell. And sometimes, when he looks in the mirror, he sees a glimpse of something, swirling pine green, in his own blue eyes. Something that shouldn't be there, not if the soul this body belonged to is dead.
Things come to a head when Spectra shows up. Jazz confronts him, an ectogun in hand, tears in her eyes.
“You’re not my brother. Where is he?”
Despite himself, Phantom finds himself explaining. The accident, being called through the portal, the possession.
“Your brother’s dead. He has been since the portal.”
Jazz screams. She cries. She tries to shoot him. And Phantom's heart aches, the feelings almost bring him to his knees. It's so strong, a tidal wave crashing over him.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was so weak at first. I didn't know what to do. And I was pretending but.. But… something’s different. Something’s been changing.”
Spectra, the shadowy predator that she is, pounces, feeding off of him. Somehow, impossibly, he's giving off emotions, human emotions, she can feed one. It doesn't make sense. It feels like he's being ripped apart. It hurts so much. But.. he knows. He's known for a while. Phantom is not really a ghost any more. He's... something else now. Something... almost human. Over the months, he's become more human as he's built on Danny’s soul fragment.
That's the flickering green, the shape of a soul he catches a glimpse of in his own eyes. That's the mysterious smoky scent that he's smelt in Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and the Fenton parents' souls. It’s the mark that his freaky, unnatural twisted soul-thing leaves when it touches his loved ones. His Loved Ones. Somehow, he loves them.
The thought is enough to get up and fight. Jazz intercedes, helping him stop Spectra. But she turns away without saying anything. 
Jazz won't talk to him after, not for months. For some reason, she doesn't tell anyone. Maybe she feels some pity. Maybe she doesn't want Danny's friends and their parents to have to face the knowledge that their friend and son is gone, that a monster is masquerading in his skin.
A monster.... that word rings in Phantom's head for the next few months. That guilt is there now, so much stronger now that he recognizes and acknowledges he feels it. It's horrible but also... it's almost good. He can feel. Now that knows his human side there, that the borrowed soul inside of him is real, he can almost feel it growing. And he lets it. He embraces it. It hurts. It hurts so much. But he can feel. He can love. And it's so much better than ghostly numbness. His previous existence really was cursed. And maybe this is why ghosts feed on human emotions. Maybe it’s all a futile attempt to fill that ache, an ache he hadn't even been aware of before.
So Phantom... Danny, a part of him whispers... lets himself become more human. He fights for his town. He protects. He hangs out with Sam and Tucker. He... thinks about telling them the truth, about confronting his sister. Except... no, Jazz isn't his sister. She's Danny's. He's just the creature that stole her brother's body.
The guilt starts eating him alive now. For a while, the emotions were a bliss but they've grown. He's grown. Within weeks... he's a fake. An imposter. This isn't his life, his body. It's not even his soul. This gift, this humanity is stolen. It doesn't belong to him. He doesn't deserve it.
Maybe Spectra was right, maybe he's just a ghost pretending to be human.
The Ghost King comes and Phantom fights. He takes the suit and reseals Pariah. He doesn't care if he dies (if he can even die). He doesn't care if this destroys him. As long as his loved ones are safe. As long as they're okay, this will be worth it. And maybe.... maybe his destruction will make up for the life he's stolen.
The suit does almost destroy him. As the percentage ticks down, Phantom has peace. He succeeded. They're safe. Everything fades to black.
Phantom blinks awake darkness, speckled with stars surrounding him. In the distance, a figure approaches. Closer.... it's a boy. Black hair, blue eyes.
A wave. "There you are. I've been waiting."
"Where am I? Who are you?"
"Well, there's no easy way to put this but... you're in limbo."
"Limbo...." Dread. Fear. "Like...."
The boy, the familiar boy, shakes his head. "You're not actually dead. Just having a near death experience."
That hits Phantom like a truck. A near death experience.... the dread deepens because.... "Who are you?" The question is painfully quiet.
The boy smiles teasingly. "Come on, you know the answer to that."
"Danny." His mouth is dry. "You're... you're the real Danny."
The boy, Danny, frowns. "I wouldn't say the real Danny. It's not like I'm any more real than you are."
"Why are you here?"
Danny shrugs, still frowning. "It's customary for a family member to meet you on the way to the afterlife. Grandma Fenton wanted to come but I begged for it to be me."
"Why?" Phantom trembles, dread and disbelief an ugly, paralyzing mess.
"Why?" Danny holds up his hands. "I wanted to meet you."
The ghost feels like crying. "But.. but why? Why would you... would you want to meet me? I... I took everything from you."
"No, you didn't. I was already dead" Danny shakes his head. "Besides, why wouldn't I want to meet my baby brother?"
Phantom actually does cry as Danny reassures him. "I've been watching and... and I'm so proud of you, of what you've been doing with your life."
"But... but it's your life. I... I took it. I'm just... just a ghost possessing your corpse."
"No, you're not." A wave of a hand and mirror appears. "You're not really a ghost at all." Phantom and Danny side by side.  "Don't you see? You're not in your body. You're just your soul right now. And this is what you look like."
In the mirror is Danny Fenton's face. Blue eyes, black hair, freckles, the familiar scar by his ear.
"And look deeper." Danny, the original, says.
Phantom does. Two swirling masses of glittering green.
"We're twin souls." Danny motioned. "See." The wispy clouds of soul ripple. The colors, the movement.... so similar, so familiar. "We're not completely the same." And Phantom catches the whiff of smell. Smoke and pine. Flowers and fudge and books. Apples and steak. The trace of all his... their loved ones mix together, in different combinations. "But we're made of the same parts, the same structure. The same love, the same drive to make up for our mistakes, the same desire to do good."
Phantom can see it. He can feel it. Something in him loosens.
"So you didn't take anything you weren't allowed to have. Really, I'm happy you were there. If you hadn't been, well.... Danny Fenton would just be gone. But he's not."
"But... you're Danny Fenton." Phantom's brow furrows.
"I was." A shrug. "But now you are. It's your life now."
The two talk for what felt like hours. There are reassurances, stories, hugs.
They laugh, they smile. And... it feels like they'd known each other forever. Like they're old friends. Phantom's heart swells with love, with brotherly affection. He has so many thoughts, so many questions.
There are so many stories. So many jokes. So many promises: to tell Sam and Tucker the truth, to tell Jazz her brother loves her.
Slowly, light seeps in.
"You'll be waking up soon."
Phantom's shoulders fall, eyes downcast. "Oh. I guess this is goodbye then." His eyes are watering. "I'll miss you."
"You'll see me again." Danny puts an arm around him.
Phantom's eyes widen. "Really?"
The other boy nods. "Yep. It'll be sooner than you think. Just a blink really, when you're looking at forever. But," He turns, placing his hands on his counterpart's shoulder. "You are going to live a long and happy life. You'll graduate, go to college, travel, live your dreams. You'll do so much good. And when it's your time, when you're done.... I'll be here, waiting. And you can tell me all about it."
"O... okay. I will." Crying, Phantom practically crushes Danny in a hug. "I'll see you again."
"Yes. You will. Bye, Danny. Have a good life."
With that, Danny fades away.
And Danny wakes up.
There are tears on his face. Beeping near his head, an oxygen mask over his mouth.
He blinks, fumbling to move it.
"Danny!" "You're awake."
Mom and Dad. They hover in his vision, hugging each other and crying.
"Doctor! Get the doctor!" "Our boy's awake!"
In a flurry of action, doctors and nurses check him. Lights are shone in his eyes, vitals checked. A battery of tests.
"He's completely fine." "It's a miraculous recovery!"
The parents hover over him. So many worried, loving words. But Jazz hangs back, quiet but... face just as wet.
The two trade knowing looks. Eventually... "You two should get food. You haven't eaten all day." Jazz insists. "I'll stay with him."
The parents left, leaving the two siblings alone.
There's awkward silence for a long moment. Then....
Jazz practically rushes forward, throwing her arms around him. "We were so worried! You just disappeared with the suit. And Mom and Dad... they found you outside the shield. You were... you were almost dead. We thought...." She hiccups on a sob. "We thought you wouldn't make it. You looked... so pale and I thought.... I kept thinking. I couldn't.... I couldn't lose you again. I... I can't. I can't lose you again."
Phantom, Danny, froze, mind spinning. What was she... she saying? She couldn't be.... The thoughts crash in his head and before he can really process.... "I saw him, the... the real Danny."
Jazz steps back, eyes wide. "What?"
"I saw him, when I was... was unconscious. Your... your real brother." Real... the word isn't quite right, not anymore. His, Phantom, is Danny Fenton. He is Jazz's brother. But in her mind, that's not true, is it?
The girl's brow furrows, confusion deepening. "How?"
Danny explains. His near death experience, his conversation with his passed-on counterpart. "He wanted me to tell you he loves and misses you."
Jazz's eyes well with tears. "He did?"
"Yeah. He really loves you." The boy shrugs, looking down guiltily. "I... I'm sorry that I'm here and he's not."
There's silence for a long time. Then.... Jazz's hand on his arm. "That's not your fault." She whips her face. "I'm happy... I'm so happy you're okay."
Phantom looks up, blinking, disbelieving. She... she'd hugged him earlier. She... she'd said she didn't want to lose him. His lip trembles. "Do you... do you mean that?"
Jazz nods, whispering. "I thought I was going to lose you."
The words speak volumes and her eyes.... round and wet, shining with... with something Danny can't hope is really there. But...
Phantom stiffens, catching a whiff. She's touching him and her emotions flicker at the edge of his awareness. But that can't... that can't be what he's sensing. That can't be...
"I... I'm so sorry. I'd been so mad, so angry at you for so long. But... but none of this is your fault. The accident wasn't your fault. It's not your fault he's... he's gone."
The boy looks down, guilt flaring. But Jazz continues.
"It's not your fault. But I was blaming you and pushing you away. And... and I could have lost you. I could have lost you without telling you..." Danny gasps, the weight of her emotion washing over him. "I love you. I love you so much little brother."
The half ghost shakes, cries, trembles. She... she loves him.
"You're not the Danny I grew up with but you are my brother. I love you. I love you so much.”
He hugs her tighter. Jazz loves him. She loves him. And it's all he can think.
(XD And you got me to write it as a fic... kinda? I wrote this instead of working on Face to Face, so I hope ya'll are happy. 😂😅)
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cassynite · 2 years
4, 5, and 7 for the OC/writer ask game?
<333 thank you for the ask!
4. What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
Uuuh never really thought about this before! So answers are subject to change BUT if I had to guess: Sparrow is big on lyricism--she typically likes songs that tell a story, like Step it Out Mary or The Maid and the Selkie (that kind of vibe as well--folkloric, mainly). She wouldn't say she's a fan of tragic songs but if you compiled a list of songs she likes the most there would be a melancholic theme lol. Vonzi works solely on vibes when it comes to music taste and will like anything she can dance to, with lyricism as a secondary or nonexistent factor for her. Something with high energy, changes in rhythm and/or tone, and dramatic instrumentals are gonna do it for her.
5. What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
Sparrow's is a toss between losing her freedom again and being unable to escape, and opening up to someone only to have them leave. Vonzi's would be the loss of her family, full stop.
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
Oh for Sparrow hands down my fave OC relationship is going to be with her brother Crow. Losing him fundamentally informs Sparrow's personality, but there's just a whole lot of stuff that Sparrow can't or won't process, partially due to age and partially due to trauma. He was basically tasked with raising her when he was a kid himself! There's a mix of obligation and adoration and resentment that bled into their interactions; she thought he hung the moon and adored him but also couldn't really comprehend that he was barely a decade older than her and treated him like her parent; he took care of her as best he could and thinks their parents are shit for leaving them in the first place but wishes that he was able to fully realize his own dreams without having to worry about her. Crow doesn't die when Sparrow's kidnapped, he's just injured and thinks she died, and he finds out she's alive when she becomes Commander years later. And he doesn't try to reconnect with her and never tells her because he thinks he failed her so fundamentally that since she no longer needs him she wouldn't want to see him! He grieved her but he was also in the most shameful parts of his mind relieved when she was gone and he can never live past that!! If they ever met again it would be due to coincidence or an outside force bringing them together, because Crow cannot approach his little sister after what he did to her.
For Vonzi, her relationship with her older sister Viritine is the most interesting to me. Viritine is harsh, exacting, and painfully particular--my notes on her are "can smell bullshit from a mile away" and "can occasionally pull a sense of humor out of the filing cabinet that is her brain." Meanwhile Vonzi's main character trait for her dynamic in the family is "is the bullshit" and her abilities cause no end to problems as the Voness family works to hide Vonzi's status as the chosen one of some mysterious deity. However! They are both united in the caring of their family; they are entrenched in the mindset that the only person a Voness can rely on is another Voness. They work together throughout their childhoods to care for their mother and their other sister. They argue and tussle and can't agree on anything, but to any outsider they are a unified front, both chosen by their mother to act as protectors for the family. When Vonzi "disappears" (read: goes back in time after her entire family is murdered and loses her sense of reality and her memory), Viritine takes it as a betrayal of the family and possibly never forgives her.
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fallensxvior · 2 months
"Even with the world being ablaze by humanities own down fall and sins, it is always...and I mean always nice to see a old face "
Eve is making a small bloom of flowers in her hands for the other as she gives nothing but the kindest smile
"Shall we sit amongst ourselves and drink the wines that have been buried near the rivers? And speak of old times, or maybe we could create a new set of memories, where it doesn't matter if sin runs ramped, we have friendship to keep our hopes alight"
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"Sister, you give my heart peace when you come near.."
Yeshua took the bloom in hand, examining each petal with the brush of his thumb. Oh, her craftsmanship was always a gift to the senses- the sweet smells, the softness, the colors all delighting his soul. How lucky he was to love people like her, to have such a woman so close to his heart.
"An evening by the river sounds perfect. It's been.. much too long since last I saw your face." She was one of the only things he truly missed about Paradiso. Eve, in all her kindness, was the one person who seemed to understand him best.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 25 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
Freya Hunter's arrival has an immediate and positive effect on the atmosphere.
The tension lifts, joy replaces anger,and our disagreements are forgotten... for now.
From the way he refuses to make eye contact, I know Dane is well aware the conversation isn't over.
It's not something I'm looking forward to, either but he needs to understand that forcing his will on me is an absolute no-go and a solid boundary in our relationship.
Meanwhile, I'm happy enough to let things rest as we welcome Freya to our home.
Dane's oldest sister is among the first of his family I'd ever met and it's impossible not to love her.
Aside from the fact she saved my life once, she's gorgeous, good-natured and gratifying just to be around.
She'd also given me at least one unfortunate nickname, which had stuck.
"Juju-bean," she yells, catching me in a crushing, leather-clad embrace and I wince.
"Hey, Frey."
I grin up at her when she releases me, doing my best to extinguish the emotional coals still smoldering in my chest and to convey nothing but welcoming cheer.
"How've you been?"
She shrugs and smiles crookedly.
"Same ol' same ol'. Caught a vampire in New Orleans last week. That was fun."
Dane frowns at that.
"You're being safe, I hope."
She winks as she joins us at the table, dropping into a chair.
"Always and in every way."
Ingrid giggles as she serves Freya a bowl of soup but Dane's frown deepens to a scowl.
Overprotectiveness aside, I understand why he worries... dangerous bounties are one thing but there are uglier and more mundane perils out there.
Born beautiful, Freya passes easily in all ways save one... few cis women are as tall as her.
She leans over and hits his arm with the back of her hand.
"You know I can handle myself and anyone else, too. But you'll be happy to hear I got a hunting partner now... just like you wanted."
"You do?"
She smirks.
"Mm-hm. He's kinda on-again-off-again but he comes when I want him to."
Her playful tone suggests there's a double entendre in there somewhere and Dane's scowl remains fixed in place.
Freya rolls her eyes.
"How 'bout we stop worrying over my business for a minute and concentrate on you, hmm? What you got going on here?"
Over the course of our continued meal, during which Freya devours three large servings of soup and half a loaf of bread, we relate the events of the last few weeks.
"Skin-changers, huh?" she muses, as she leans back in her chair.
"Can't say I've encountered 'em before. They got a scent?"
Dane returns from the kitchen with a couple of beers and hands her one.
"Possibly. It seems animals can detect them but I haven't had a chance to find out if the same is true for Wolves."
Freya's brows lift with surprise.
"What? Why not?"
Dane shrugs.
"None of the scenes have been particularly 'wolf-accessible' so far." 
"Hmm. Well, lucky I'm here, then. My sense of smell is almost as good in this form as in my other," she explained for my benefit.
"Which, believe me, is not always a blessing. Public restrooms are hell."
"We'll be glad for the help," Dane says.
"But the case isn't why I called you here."
Freya arches a brow at him and glances between us.
"Right. The land-bonding. You sure you two are ready for it? Kind of a big deal, you know."
I smile, grateful she included me in the question and glance at Dane as he waits for me to answer first.
"Yeah, we're ready," I say.
"We just had a rough day."
She nods.
"Hmm. Well, the ship that sails rough seas and doesn't sink is the one you wanna be on in the long run, I suppose." 
 "I'm sorry."
Dane sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for me when I emerge from the shower.
Despite having slept for most of the day, after a few hours catching up with Freya, I'm ready for another nap.
Dane sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for me when I emerge from the shower.
Despite having slept for most of the day, after a few hours catching up with Freya, I'm ready for another nap.
"I know."
I give him a tired smile and sit at his side.
"I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean what I said."
Very quietly, he says.
"Yes, you did and you were right."
Startled, I lean away from him for a better view of his face.
"You said if the Fae stuff bothered me, I shouldn't have chosen a Fae for a mate. You're right."
I swallow.
"Okay... and?"
"And I don't regret choosing you, Julian. I hope I never make you regret choosing me."
I release a breath before answering.
"You haven't but you understand why I'm angry, right?"
He nods.
"I do and I can't deny it frustrates me, sometimes but I'm glad my alpha influence doesn't work on you. A strong Alpha needs a strong mate."
"Both of your parents are Alphas, right?"
He nods.
"It's unusual for two Alphas to mate. My parents make it work because they're equally matched and their strengths complement each other. Just like yours and mine." 
"You mean that?" 
He smiles.
"Yeah, I mean it. I'd still like you to avoid using your abilities... for a while, at least and I'd like you to be wary of Halloran. But I won't tell you what to do." 
I stare at him for a moment.
When he'd used his 'Alpha' on me, it felt like a strange, foreign pressure... a will that wasn't my own telling me to obey.
Now I feel nothing of the sort. 
Laughing lightly, I rest my head on his shoulder.
"See? You can still get your way. All you have to do is ask." 
"That's all, huh?"
He smiles as he pulls back the covers and we arrange ourselves for sleep.
"You know I'll beg if you want me to." 
I snort.
"I'm not that kinky." 
He smiles and raises himself on his elbow to look down at me.
"May I kiss you, Julian?" 
My lips twitch with a half-suppressed smile as I lift my arms above my head and stretch. 
"Nope. Sometimes you gotta take no for an answer, too." 
"Now you're just being a tease," he grumbles, pretending disappointment but settles down obediently with his head resting on my chest and his arm around my waist. 
He's a little heavy but the weight and warmth of him are oddly pleasant.
Whether it's a wolf thing or not, I know his need for comfort and reassurance is real and he falls asleep listening to my heartbeat as I gently stroke his brow.
Despite my reluctance to admit it, Dane has a point.
Reading bodies is never easy but my experience with Stephanie had been especially brutal and my reaction frightened me.
Or, more accurately, Dane's reaction to my reaction frightened me... the fear in his eyes was real and it had dredged up old memories I thought I'd buried deep in the past.
For whatever reason, my father had never revealed his nature to my mom, so when my abilities began to appear around age seven, she had no clue what was 'wrong' with me.
Her maternal terror and the string of equally clueless doctors she'd dragged me to had taught me the only correct answer to a question like 'Are you okay, Julian?' is 'Yes.' I'd learned to hide and suppress my nature so I wouldn't upset my mom.
I was trying to unlearn that with Dane... to trust that I could be vulnerable without causing harm... and his fear of my 'Fae-ness' wasn't helping.
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stranger-marauders · 2 years
twenty-two: war is over
chapter summary: Kate gives gifts to everyone at the Wheeler house, even someone she wasn't expecting to see. Even though Steve got the girl, he still feels incomplete.
chapter warnings: language, stancy
word count: 2.2k
series masterlist | masterlist
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BY CHRISTMAS EVE, things had slowly seemed to get back to normal.
At least, a new type of normal. Kate's life had changed greatly since that fateful week in November, and for the most part, the changes were welcome, enjoyed even. For example, she now had the four boys, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Will, that she now claimed as her own. She made good on her promise to protect them, and she would continue to do so until the day she died, even if it was over something as silly as them being nerds. Some days she felt as if she were their older sister, not a random sixteen-year-old girl that they'd met.
When she walked down to the basement of the Wheelers' home, she hadn't been surprised in the slightest to find all four members of the party playing their usual game, Dungeons & Dragons. At that point in the game, Kate could tell they were extremely close to finishing their current campaign.
"It makes a painful—" Mike imitated a screeching sound— “And then… it crumbles to the ground,” he said, dramatically throwing himself onto the ground. “Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time, and, and, and…!” Mike, still imitating the creature, fake-died as the three older boys cheered. “Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding. You carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious, and you present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service.”
“Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not it, is it?” Dustin asked.
“No, there’s a medal ceremony—”
“Oh, a medal ceremony? What are you talking about?”
“The campaign was way too short.”
“It was ten hours!” Mike shouted defensively.
“But it doesn’t make any sense!” Dustin replied in the same tone.
“It makes sense.”
“Uh, no, what about the lost knight?” Dustin replied.
“And the proud princess?” Lucas asked.
“And those weird flowers in the cave?” Will added.
“I don’t know, it’s—”
The door opened behind Kate, making her head turn, revealing Jonathan. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he replied. “Got enough stuff, there?”
“Oh, this?” she asked, holding up a large bag full of wrapped gifts. “This is nothing.”
Jonathan shook his head as they both walked down the stairs. "Jeez, what's that smell? You guys been playing games all day, or just farting?"
"Oh, that's just Dustin. He farted," Lucas said, blowing a raspberry. "Dustin farted."
“Okay,” Dustin replied. “Very mature, Lucas.”
“Will,” Jonathan called.
Kate touched his shoulder before he could turn to go back up the stairs. “Wait, actually, I came to give these to Will, but I’ll give you yours, too.”
Jonathan gave her a confused look as she gave them two gifts out of he bag, handing one to each of the Byers boys.
"Kate, you shouldn't have—"
"No," she said, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "I wanted to. Christmas is kind of my thing, you know, so get used to it. That and birthdays."
Jonathan smiled slightly. "Thank you."
Kate turned around to the other three boys. "Don't worry, I have stuff for you guys, too."
"Aw, no way! Kate, you're the best!" Dustin shouted. He quickly looked to Jonathan. "No offense."
Jonathan shook his head. "None taken. How much did you spend on all of this—"
"Doesn't matter," she said. "What matters is you all enjoy them. Don't open them until tomorrow, though, or I will kill you."
All four boys hugged her at once. "Thanks, Kate."
She smiled as she let go of them, following Jonathan and Will up the stairs. "Merry Christmas, boys!"
A chorus of byes followed as they made their way from the basement. Once they made it into the kitchen, Karen Wheeler greeted them. "Hey, boys. Hey, Kate."
"Hey, Mrs. Wheeler."
"Wish your mom a Merry Christmas for me, okay? And your dad, too, Kate."
"Yeah, thank you. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Wheeler!" Kate said, waving.
Even Kate was somewhat of a regular at the Wheelers' house now. Her and Nancy had actually come to be friends through everything that had happened to them. Of course, Kate still had her friends from before, but Nancy, as well as Jonathan, had been wonderful additions to her collection of friendships she adored. 
Before the three could slip out of the house, Nancy stopped them, running down the stairs to catch up with them. "Hey, Jonathan, Kate, wait up."
When Jonathan turned to look at her, she had a present in her hands. "Merry Christmas."
"Thanks, um… I–I didn't get you anything," Jonathan stammered, obviously embarrassed. "I–I feel bad."
"No," Nancy replied. Kate knew why she was so adamant on getting it to him. "No, it's, uh… it's not really a present. It's, um… well, you'll see." She kissed Joanthan on the cheek, making him blush slightly.
"Merry Christmas," he finally said. He turned to Will. "You ready? Let's go." He turned to Kate before walking out the door. "Need a ride?"
She shook her head. "No, um, actually, I'm gonna stay for a few more minutes. Thanks, though. Merry Christmas, Jonathan."
He gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Merry Christmas, Kate."
Once the boys had walked out the door, Kate turned to Nancy. "He's gonna love it, Nance."
She smiled in return. "Speaking of gifts, I have yours in the living room."
"You didn't have to do that," Kate said, smiling slightly as she dug through her bag. "I have yours with me, too."
When Kate pulled the gift out of the bag for Nancy, she took it into her hand. "Thanks. Yours is… I know you want this, I'm just scared someone else got it for you."
She stifled a laugh, possibly figuring out what the gift in question was. "Got it."
She followed Nancy into the living room, and she tried her best to avoid Steve, more importantly, his gaze that she felt fixed on her. Half of her wished that he was the present, but she'd never tell Nancy that, that or how she felt about him. Even if she had waited a month to get back together with the boy, she still didn't want to push Nancy to a decision because of her own feelings, especially since she'd gone on a couple of dates with Jamie since the whole thing. Besides, she knew Steve didn't like her like that. It wasn't worth trying for in the slightest—she had Jamie now.
Jamie had asked Kate out formally when she'd gotten to her shift at the bookstore the Monday night after the week from hell. He'd had flowers, her favorite coffee, her favorite pastry, and a bag of Reese's for her. Since then, they'd started to see each other, slowly becoming part of each other's daily lives. Since that week, that terrible week the second week of November, Kate had sat with Jamie at lunch, had let him drive her to and from school, had started going out with him… she'd spent so much time with Jamie that she hadn't even been too caught up in the fact that Steve didn't love her back.
Steve, on the other hand, had been struggling to express what exactly he'd been feeling for Kate; at least, he'd been struggling to put those feelings into words. Even at that very moment, his heart had fluttered when he'd finally seen her again. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Kate dress up for something the way she had that night, her skirt and sweater making her look classy. She'd put on a bit more makeup, bringing out the features of her face more. Her hair had been curled, the twists bouncing as she walked beside Nancy. While she'd always been beautiful, that night, she'd looked even more beautiful, and it confused Steve all the more.
That's why it broke his heart whenever he and Kate had slowly begun to drift apart.
It wasn't Nancy's fault, and it wasn't Jamie's fault, either. It really wasn't anyone's fault, but Steve and Kate had both been under the impression that after they had talked in the hospital, the night that everything had happened, that the conversation would be the turning point for them, and maybe, finally, everything would be all right between the two of them.
Sometimes, however, things don't work out the way they'd been planned.
After Nancy had searched under the Christmas tree for Kate's gift, she turned around to her. "I think I left it in my room. Stick around for a couple more minutes?"
Kate nodded. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind."
Whenever Nancy ran back off upstairs, Kate sighed.
"Hey," Steve called, his facial expression unreadable.
"Hey," Kate said softly, waving once to him. Currently, he was sitting on the couch next to the Christmas tree in an ugly (actually, quite adorable) Christmas sweater.
"I, uh… I got something for you, too."
Kate blushed slightly. "Oh, thanks. I, uh… I got something for you, too. I was just gonna give it to Nance, so I, uh… I have it with me. It's, um… I don't know if you'll like it." She took the last gift she'd brought with her and handed it to Steve, who'd since stood up. He held the rectangular box in his hands, almost investigating it. "Don't forget, don't open it—"
"Open it until after Christmas, I know," he said, then set the box on the table next to him. "Thanks, Kathy." Steve dug in his pocket for a box he'd (very shittily) wrapped in wrapping paper, then handed it to her. As he spoke, he scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know if you're going to like it, but, uh…"
"No, I'm sure I will," she said, trying to reassure him.
"You can go ahead and open it if… if you want."
"Okay," she muttered, almost inaudible. Once she'd unwrapped and opened the box, she found a necklace with a small gold pendant. It was a super simple design, something that Kate liked, but still beautiful. "Oh, shit, Steve…"
"I'm sorry if you don't like it, I—"
“No, it’s not that, I…” She didn’t know what to say. “I love it.”
“You want me to put it on you?”
“Sure, yeah.”
She turned around, holding her hair as he latched the necklace behind her. Once she’d turned around, fluffing her hair back out, she’d fixed the necklace where the small, gold, circular pendant was in the center.
“It looks nice on you.”
Before she could reply, Nancy walked back into the living room, holding a record-shaped gift out from underneath the tree. “I searched really hard for this one. Jamie helped me, actually.”
Kate laughed. “Oh, really?"
Steve’s heart had sunk with the mention of the boy’s name. She really liked him, and he should've seen it coming from a mile away. He had told her to get with him in the first place. He shouldn’t have been jealous, he had Nancy, but for some reason, he almost felt like he was.
“Yeah, he found it for me. Hid it in the bookstore.”
“Ah,” Kate replied, nodding. “Got it.”
“Nice necklace,” Nancy said, smiling.
Kate smiled, a slight blush dusting her face as she looked down at her watch and noticed the time. As much as she wanted to stay to talk to the two of them, especially Steve, she knew she had to go. “I should be heading back.”
“Do you want me to drive you home?” Steve asked.
“I’m just going to the station,” Kate said, shaking her head. “I’ll be okay.”
“Are you sure? I don’t—” Before he could say another word, Kate instinctively kissed him on the cheek, cutting him off as he flushed red slightly. “B–Be careful.”
“You know I will be,” she replied, a tight-lipped smile tugging her lips. “Merry Christmas, you two.”
“Merry Christmas.”
Steve hated that he had let the girl walk back downtown in the snow. Even though she would be safe going to the police station’s annual Christmas party, he felt wrong not taking her there. Even if she wouldn’t have let him without a fight, he knew he should have driven her there.
He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. He could still outline where her lips had made contact with his own skin, the warmth of them seeming to stain his face with a slight pink blush. When she had kissed him on the cheek, he felt something. Something different. It had been a feeling he’d felt like he’d felt for years, the one that had seemingly disappeared since that night in the hospital in the way that it had always been in his life. After that week, that feeling seemed to be stronger, more rooted in him. The boy, once again, couldn’t figure out for the life of him how to explain it.
As the girl walked out of the Wheeler residence, she thought about how maybe, just maybe, she’d finally start to get over her feelings for Steve Harrington once and for all.
@thatsonezesty13 @cece5 @thepowerstoner @alovelytardis @coolchick333 @stand-tall-pineapple @littlet-holmes @guichu @cinderellacauseshebroke @blackbirddaredevil23 @mads-weasley
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Scraps: Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Kakucho Hitto, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Manjiro Sano, Hajime Kokonoi, and Takeomi Akashi x Fem!Reader
synopsis: in which the Bonten boys are your brother fraternity, and you're the only new pledge in the most exclusive sorority on campus.
wc: 2.2k (this is the fastest I've written 2k words - in just under two hours).
tw: NSFW (depicts hazing)
song recommendation:
"Hey, little sis." The voices of the older sorority sisters filter in through the door of the house, and you look up from your textbook to see the president - Emma Sano - handing you a letter. "Mail for you from the Alphas."
"The Alphas?" You take the red and gold envelope out of her hand and tear the top open, pulling out the off-white card with your name on it in gold lettering.
"Dear y/n, we would like to invite you to our brother/sister dinner at the frat house. Please wear white formal attire and bring a change of clothes for the evening."
"A brother-sister dinner?" You look up at Emma, frowning. "I've never heard of this."
"Mikey wanted to try something new this year, and I thought it would be a great way for you to get to know our brother chapter." Her explanation makes sense in your mind, and you smile at Emma sweetly, tucking the invitation into your book as a bookmark. "It's in three days, so you have time to decide."
"That's really nice of him."
"I'll be there, too. I would really like for you to go so you can meet all of them." Emma flutter her lashes, and you remember that she never invites anyone to anything because of pity, so you must be exceptional.
"Tell them I'll be there."
You and Emma seem to be the only two people invited to this brother-sister dinner, which strikes you as somewhat odd as you walk across campus in your white dress and nude-colored heels.
"We're the only two going," you wonder aloud, biting your lip.
"Mikey is my blood brother, so he invited me, too."
"What about the other officers?" Emma looks over her shoulder at you, her honey eyes narrowing.
"Why would they come when this is an introductory dinner?" You shut your mouth as soon as you arrive at the frat house, the red bricks offsetting the white archway and door, which opens before either of you can knock.
A pink-haired man with scars on his face stands in the doorway, eyes alight at the sight of Emma.
"Hey, Emma!" Then his blue eyes land on you, and a nervous feeling pools in your stomach when they run from your head to your toes. "Is this our new sister?"
"This is y/n," Emma affirms, walking into the house.
"Welcome, y/n. I'm Sanzu." The man sticks a hand out to you, and you take it, expecting him to shake it, but he pulls you in for a hug instead. "Mmmm, you smell so good."
"Quit being a creep, Sanzu," a tall, black and white-haired man mutters, coming down the stairs slowly. He's followed by Kokonoi Hahime - who you know from your accounting classes and two others you don't recognize. "I'm Ran Haitani." This one actually shakes your hand, his violet eyes lingering on your chest a little too long. Kokonoi doesn't bother introducing himself, instead choosing to smile your way and follow Ran down the hallway behind Emma.
"I'm Rindou," A purple-haired man mutters. "Ran's brother."
"Kakucho Hitto." The short-haired, half-blind, and scar-faced man is famous on campus for his various different theatre accolades, and you give him your best smile.
"I've heard a lot about you."
"Hopefully, nothing too exciting," he chuckles.
"Mikey's still getting ready." God, you've never seen so many men with facial scars in one room. This one is broad-chested with black and blonde hair, a scar running down his right eye. His grey eyes land on you, lips turning up into a small smile, and when he steps off the stairs, he wraps you in a bear hug.
"Oh, our newest little sister is too cute."
Emma reappears and clears her throat, looking among the three men standing in the foyer.
"Well? We're waiting in the den."
You follow the group down a short set of stairs into a cozy and well-furnished den area, where the fireplace is going, and there's a soft tinkling of music in the background. On a glass table, there are various bottles of alcohol, which Sanzu immediately goes for. The others lounge on the couches around the fireplace, and Emma takes your hand, leading you to the leather two-seater in the middle of the room.
"When's dinner?" you wonder, and she giggles, placing a hand on your leg.
"Oh, she didn't tell you?" Sanzu mutters with a cork in his mouth as he pours a glass full of wine. "You're dinner." You want to pretend to be surprised, but when you angle your head at the blue-eyed man slightly, he raises a brow.
"Can't say I wasn't suspecting something shady from the Alphas," you begin, standing and rolling your dress over your head, revealing no bra and no underwear. Various curses echo around the room, and Emma stands up as well, taking your dress and folding it over the back of the chair. "But I think you forget that the Sig-Gammas are a little smarter than you take us for." You look around the room, trying to find someone eager enough to try his luck first. "No takers?"
Ran rises to his feet, eyes full of lust. "I'll take one for the team," he mumbles, which earns him a few laughs. He cups your chin in one hand, leaning down to capture your lips with his, and lets his left hand roam over your flesh. The kiss is divine, and you open your mouth to let his tongue swipe past your lips, tasting the fresh mint of your toothpaste. Ran moans, then pulls back and hisses softly.
"Show the boys what that mouth can do." You sink to your knees as Ran slides his jeans down to his ankles, then steps out of them neatly, freeing his long, veiny cock for you to take. Your lips touch the purpling tip, and Ran tilts his head back, sighing as you slide past his cockhead, and swipe your tongue on the underside of his cock.
Someone comes behind you, hands kneading the flesh of your breasts and kissing down your neck as your head bobs back and forth on Ran's cock.
"No hands, baby," you hear Kokonoi whisper in your ear, nose nuzzling the flesh of the crook of your neck. You can hear Emma whispering in the background, but you can't make out anything because Ran is moaning so loud. You pop his cock out of your mouth and allow him to tap it against your lips before sliding back into your warm mouth, hands holding your head still as he fucks your face.
"That's a good girl..." When you open your eyes to look up into Ran's purple orbs, he exclaims, stepping back and fisting his cock furiously. "Such a good mouth. Rin, you're missing out."
"I'll wait until you're done," he calls out. "Kokonoi looks like he wants to fuck her, and I want to watch that."
"Suit yourself." You're pressed down into the carpet, and your hips are pulled up, so your ass is in the air for everyone to see.
"Oh, I don't even need to eat you out. Look at that." Kokonoi spreads your pussy lips, and you hear your wetness as his fingers dip into your cunt. He pulls his fingers out and taps his freed cock onto your hole, rubbing himself up and down before pushing into you.
"Ah!" You perk up a little at the feeling of his head pushing past your walls, but Kokonoi eases you back down, tutting softly.
"You can take it, baby. You can take it." You whimper as the blonde slides in and out of you slowly, gaining an inch every time until he's fully sheathed inside of your wet hole. His hands grasp your hips, and he groans loudly, sounds of squelching filling the room. Ran's cock is quickly replaced by Sanzu's, who looks down at you with a wicked grin.
You fist his cock and lick up and down his length, Kokonoi pushing you back and forth from behind.
"Damn," Sanzu mutters, running his hands through his hair. "Little sister has skill."
"I'd like to see it," Kakucho mutters, freeing his cock as well and standing beside Sanzu. "Suck us both, y/n." Sanzu mutters a small "fuck you" to Kaku, but you obey, spitting on Kakucho's cock and sucking him as well.
"Oh, she's been cleared," you hear Emma mention behind you. "Cum in her, on her, wherever she wants." You ignore the small laughs and go back and forth between the two cocks as Kokonoi's hips stutter.
"Want me to cum inside of you?" He pants, and you nod, humming around Sanzu's cock. Koko's cock twitches a few times, and his hands grip your flesh harshly before letting go. He slides out of you, mumbling about how good your pussy is and slapping your ass.
"Hold on." You feel something written in marker on your ass, and one tally mark is added to your left cheek. "Okay, who's next?"
Sanzu came in your mouth, Ran is lying underneath you, holding still inside of your cunt, and Rindou is behind you, sliding into your asshole with his massive cockhead.
"Oh, my god... Rin..."
"Keep that ass up, sweetheart. And don't clench up yet." When his dickhead passes your rim, you gasp, shaking as the well-lubed cock slides into you painfully. "First time, huh?"
"Yeah," you whine, and Rindou hums.
"The worst part is over, babe." You're overstimulated by the boys fucking you slowly, eyes rolling to the back of your head as they push in and out of you in tandem. Ran licks at your breasts rapidly, making you dig your nails into his skin while Rin does his best to keep you on his cock.
"Takeomi, what are you doing?" Kakucho wonders, stroking his cock lazily as he lays on the couch.
"Huh?" Takeomi looks over to Kaku, frowning. "Fucking waiting for my turn. The Haitani brothers got all of the holes occupied right now."
"Not her mouth," Kaku mentions, leaving his seated position to offer you his cock. "You're missing out." You look up at the gentleman and take him into your mouth as best as you can while Ran and Rin work both of your holes around their cocks.
Your eyes never leave the single red one, and Kakucho swipes your hair away from your face, cooing at you softly. "You're so beautiful when you look fucked-out like this," he mumbles, smiling. "Emma, where did you find this gem?"
"She came to us," Emma says. "We got lucky."
"Sure did," Sanzu grunts, snorting a line of cocaine off the edge of the glass table. "Sure fucking did."
"Gonna cum," you gasp and Ran huffs a laugh.
"Go ahead; no one's stopping you."
"Wait," Rin exclaims, but it's too late. You tremble around both cocks, holding Kaku's in one hand as your mouth opens to let out a feral moan you didn't know you had in you.
"Oh, shit..." Your climax brings both brothers to the edge, and you feel cum running down your leg as Ran slips out of you, breathing heavily. Rin removes himself with care, sighing as your ass closes up behind him.
"That was good." Kakucho removes your hand from his cock as he takes Ran's place on the floor, and Takeomi finally approaches, putting his cigarette out on the ashtray. His cock is also at attention, and he takes Rindou's place but doesn't slide into your ass like you think he will.
"Tight fit," Kaku mumbles, but Takeomi doesn't answer at first, pushing both of your asscheeks away from your cunt.
"I don't give a shit." Takeomi slides into your cum-filled cunt, making some of it run out and down his shaft. "Better get in here while you have the chance." Kaku laughs, pushing his cock against Takeomi's and all three of you exclaim when he fits in neatly.
"Fuck." Takeomi lets out a low whistle, pushing against the other cock stuffed inside of you. Tears come to your eyes as they stretch you out; pussy filled to the brim with thick dick. "It's too much," you whisper, but both men ignore your whimpering.
"Takeomi, I might cum on you."
"She's so fucking tight, I--" Kakucho breaks off, eyes closing as he thrusts into you and catches a pleasurable rhythm. You grab onto the carpet beside Kakucho's head, sobbing into his shoulder in ecstasy as they ram into you without mercy.
"I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." you moan, eyes rolling back again. The wetness that spreads across both men's hips sounds so obscene that you can even hear some hums from the others who have already cum.
"Fuck, didn't expect her to squirt." Takeomi lets himself go inside you, followed by Kakucho, who holds you against his chest and cries out softly. You're left to lay on the floor, cum draining out beneath you, and your vision hazy and shapeless.
"Did you enjoy that?" A voice you don't recognize speaks above you, and you can vaguely hear the schiff-schiff-schiff of someone jacking off above you. But who-- "You did so well. We're proud to have you as our little sister." The man groans as ropes of cum decorate your face and chest, and you feel a few more marks on both sides of your ass as the short, blonde-haired man fades into the darkness.
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