#my thought experiment for 'what if reputation songs were included on the playlists'
coastaltowned · 2 months
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you're trying to make things better. you're often times feeling really desperate because we have a sort of gut intuition that things are not going to go the way that we hope...
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msbarrybeeson · 2 years
Comfort and Confession
A/N: This is my very first one-shot on Tumblr, and I’ve decided to dedicate that to Leonardo from Rise of TMNT. He’s my favorite character due to his charismatic personality. 
Also, I included some Spanish at the end, but due to a lack of knowledge in that language, I resorted to Google Translate. Anyone with experience in Spanish please inform me if I made a mistake.
Enjoy, readers!
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Rise! Leo X Female! Reader (One-Shot)
Word Count: ~2600
You were quietly seated at your study desk, your mechanical pencil maneuvering over your sheet of algebra homework. Your senior year would soon be coming to an end, and yet, your days kept getting overfilled with responsibilities. Not to mention your scholarships and university applications.
Headphones snuggled over your ears, you sighed, holding your chin up with the palm of your hand. The shuffled playlist of songs made your silence bearable, even against the loud streets of New York City during the late evening.
Still, a tear or two appeared at the corners of your eyes, wondering if you’d done enough for... anything, anyone, really. Had you made the most of the past few years, or were they all empty and wasted?
You were quite popular among your peers: persistent, open-minded, and had always tried to maintain top-quality work. You should be happy, but instead, you’re haunted by the fear of slipping that reputation. You understood people wouldn’t care, but is that really the case? Everyone is different, yet so irritatingly similar, it would serve no surprise if your schoolmates turn away from you because you weren’t “perfect”.
And that never gave you time to settle down.
(e.c) eyes gazed out the window, perfectly hanging right by your desk. Your face held an apathetic expression, seeing the street lights hanging over your neighborhood. You had lived in NYC for a while after all.
Then, you shook your head and took off your headphones, worried that you might have grown distracted. Your music playlist paused.
The mechanical pencil flickered around in your hand, while you turned to read the fifth unit of an AP Physics textbook. 
. . .
Tap Tap.
Your body shook for a second and lost your grasp of the pencil. You knew exactly what—or who—that was, tapping onto your window, but your heart still raced under your panicked breaths.
You ran a hand through your hair, trying to laugh your way to being calm again. 
Eyes trailed up through the glass pane, and recognized a familiar person—well, teenage, mutant turtle—worn in electric blue and adorn for his red markings. He rubbed his nape, cheekily smiling. 
“Leon.” You lifted your window up for an opening. “You scared me.”
“Relax~, (f.n),” he chuckled. “If this is about those thieves, you have nothing to worry about. Anyone who tries to come after you will have to mess with me first. And who’d be dumb enough to fight a guy like me anyway?
Besides,” Leonardo made himself comfortable on the bed behind you and placed his twin swords on the wooden floor, closing his eyes as he relaxed, “I thought you knew for a while now that I’d be coming over every evening. Didn’t think you’re one to forget, (f.n).”
Leon opened one of his eyes, and his lightheartedness dropped when he noticed you pursing your lips with unease. The red-eared slider creased his eyes out of concern and chose to take your hand into his.
His scaly yet soft skin brought a comforting essence around you. You smiled and rubbed his hand with your thumb.
“Don’t be afraid to just say it, (f.n). I’m all ears.”
You felt blood rushing through your cheeks. Embarrassed, but it’s better than to restrain your feelings.
You turned your spin-able chair to face Leonardo, taking a deep breath.
“...You know how I met you and your brothers as a high-school junior by accident, then after some time of hanging out and fighting the Foot clan, you guys accepted me.
Despite our differences in standards and behavior, we bonded so well. I’ve always appreciated our friendship, because no one there tries to expect anything out of me, just as long as I put in any of my time.
...Unfortunately,” a sad smile fell onto your lips, and your other hand reached to grab Leon’s, “I’m a senior now—the final stage of high school before moving on to uni.. Even if I attend a school close to here, I’ll be so occupied with my classes, I won’t have any time to spend with you like we normally do. I’ve put in so much effort to focus on my studies that I’m scared to disappoint my family and everyone. 
I’m sorry, Leon,” you said as you began to break. Your hands retreated and buried your face, so filled of stress.
Leonardo suddenly felt sorrow. That didn’t stop him from trying to comfort you.
“Hey, hey, don’t get yourself down in the dumps. So what if we ‘don’t hang out as much’? You don’t have to be the one to visit us.
I mean, my brothers and I are ninja turtles, (f.n)! April even handled the Foot clan on her own. If we could do that, busy or not, you bet we’ll trespass the school for you,” he declared, now standing with his arms crossed over his plastron.
“Hold on, Leon,” you laughed as you stopped him from continuing, “there are a few things you’re forgetting. Roommates are a possibility, okay? And would April and your brothers even agree to this?”
“No worries~, as the ‘Face’, with my charming personality and for the sake of you, my brothers and sister will never turn down that idea. And since we have— y’know— Donnie, we can come up with a plan to meet up wherever as long as you agree, what do you say, (f.n)?”
You looked into his eyes. His comforting grin, his charismatic persona, and his reassurance. It’s no wonder you’d let yourself fall too long for him.
Your fingers wiped off the small tears that linger by your hues, and you pushed off of the seat to embrace Leon onto the bed in a hug. Face snuggled into his shoulder while you played with the ends of his blue mask.
The red-eared slider tensed, you could tell. But it didn’t take long for Leonardo to relax, returning the contact by sliding his arms over your waist. It remained that way for a while, feeling each other’s body rise and fall between each breath.
“Can I show you something?” Leon whispered.
A soft chuckle left your lips. “Sure.”
“We’re... gonna have to climb to the top of the apartment, though.”
Now, you tensed up. You could feel your palms become sweaty. “Leon—.”
“Come on, I’ll hold your hand as we go; you’re not gonna fall,” he persisted.
“Even with the fire escapes, I can’t trust them with how rusty they’ve probably become after four years of living here. We’re five stories high, y’know?!”
“Just trust me, (f.n).”
You rubbed your palms onto your clothes, drying away the blood-rushing feeling in them. An hesitant smile appeared on your face. “All right, I’ll go.”
“You won’t regret it, princess.”
You shoved his shoulder lightly. Your ears flushed. 
“Please don’t.”
You and Leonardo ducked underneath the window toward the fire escape. At such a height of meters over the bustling streets, your heart rate began to speed up. But like the turtle said himself, Leonardo took your hand firmly and guided you up. 
Your vision quickly adapted to the darkness, so you noticed there was actually... barely any rust on the escape. You could assume the metal had been galvanized. 
At least you could confirm that there’s a lower chance of the escape breaking apart. 
But never zero.
“All the way to the top, Leon?” Your voice held hesitation. 
“We’re close, (f.n). Just keep holding onto my hand.”
Curse your dirty mind.
The creaking of the ladder continued, until the two of you finally made it to the apartment roof. 
“So, what exactly would this ‘something’ be, Leon?”
The red-eared slider grinned. Placing his hands on your shoulders, he turned you around to face the city. 
And your breath was taken away. 
From that height, the city looked more enchanting. All those vehicles and voices sounded more quiet. So much so, the one thing you could hear were the cool breezes.
You walked over and leaned by the edge, taking in the landscape. “Leon,” you sighed in awe, “it’s so beautiful.” Glancing between him and the scenery, you remarked, “This is what you see every night, running on the rooftops? It feels relaxing— that’s how I feel at least. 
I’ve never gone this high up during the night.” 
The turtle only hummed. His hand held his chin, eyes closed, as if he was thinking of something else.
“Leon,” you called, “is something up?”
Leonardo gazed at you, one eye opened, before huffing lightheartedly. “No, I was just— I’m waiting for something—.” Then, he looked up abruptly. “Oh ho, there it goes!”
“Hm?” Your eyes gazed up to the sky, covered in layers of grey clouds. 
Pit pat, pit pat.
You felt something cold dripping down your face. “Rain,” you realized and faced Leonardo, strolling to your side with a pleased smile. “You were expecting rain?”
The red-eared slider sat down by the edge, letting his legs dangle off. He patted the space next to him, meeting your eyes as he did. 
You remembered the height of this building. 
Being cautious, you hesitated. But after months of interaction with someone who’d helped save the city countless times— despite the idea most humans likely wouldn’t treat him back too kindly— you had always put your trust in him. 
“Sí, you are correct, hermosa,” Leonardo responded. “And what’s a better relaxing day than rain in New York City~?”
You raised an eyebrow. “I never realized you’re a rainy-day type of guy, Leon. I thought you’d prefer the sun... I mean, sunny weather feels more like your personality after all.”
Your contented mood died down, when you found the turtle turning his head away. You quickly felt troubled.
“...Have I said something wrong—?”
“What? N-no, nothing like that.” Leonardo shook his head as he waved his hands. 
The silence caught up again, so you decided to say something. “...You know, Leon, rain being part of your ‘something’ for me is such a coincidence, because—.”
“I overheard you.”
“I... I’m sorry, what?”
The red-eared slider felt his blood rushing and heart beating quick. He should be comfortable expressing his feelings, but the embarrassment was high.
“When you were hanging out with April and Sunita that one time, I... overheard you say how much you love the rain.” Leonardo rubbed his nape with his clammy hands. His blush was becoming more apparent—even under the shadows. 
“And since Donnie has a weather forecast that predicted a 70% chance of rain, I thought today would be a perfect day to show you the city lights.”
Your eyes widened. Your face couldn’t hold back the light blush. “I can’t believe you even remembered that.”
“I really appreciate it, Leon.”
Anything for you. Leonardo felt his heart flutter inside. “Yeah, o-of course. I prefer the sunny days and all, but I mean it when I say rainy days are chill. Never thought I’d feel any less stressed until today,” he admitted, bringing his knees close to his plastron.
The soft winds blowing by; the light rain’s coolness and pitter-patter; you could confirm: they were all reasons why you found rainfall soothing.
“So,” Leon murmured, “you have any idea on where you’re gonna go after your senior year?”
Your face faltered, saddened hues slowly looking back overhead the city. “I’m not sure. I haven’t been given any acceptance letters yet, but I hope to stay as close to here as I can. Close to you and everyone: Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April; Casey and Splinter too.”
“Oh, you know Mikey’s gonna miss you treating him so well.” Leonardo rolled his eyes in a playful manner. 
You laughed, “He’s precious, how can I not?”
“Youngest child privilege,” he grumbled.
“Thought you love your little brother, Leon~?”
“Hey, don’t get me wrong. I’ll always love my brothers when they’re not abusing their benefits,” he defended. “Speaking of which, why don’t I have any?”
You couldn’t tell if there was sweat on your head, or if they were only raindrops.
Either way, you felt the heat rushing to your face. You playfully crossed your arms. “Oh come on, I-I can’t answer that.”
“No, but seriously! You treat Mikey like a mother to a kid— even though he’s also a teenager— buy a bunch of snacks for Raph, and occasionally have Donnie to tutor you!”
“I wouldn’t consider that last one a benefit—.”
“Oh ho, trust me, as his brother, I know he loves it when he gets to ‘share his intellect,’” Leonardo quoted. “But what about me? I’m not looking for any favors; I’m just trying to understand if I did anything wrong to be treated any differently from my bros.”
You would have continued to tease him, thinking it wasn’t that serious, however, his fallen shoulders and discouraged expression told you otherwise.
You fell silent. 
“...Leon,” you began, slowly moving your hand toward his, “I’m sorry, I can assure you that you haven’t done anything wrong to upset me.”
“...Then, what is—?”
Pit pat, pit pat, pit pat.
Plop, plop plop, plop plop plop.
Your eyes widened, and you cursed. “Oh gosh, the rain’s getting heavier. I can’t afford to get sick for tomorrow’s assembly!” You leaned over the fire escape, stopped, then glanced toward the red-eared slider. “Leon.”
“Don’t worry, I’m here.”
The rainfall was becoming denser. Leonardo held your hand all until you two reached your apartment window, where the water had condensed onto the glass, and where some of it fell into your bedroom.
You quickly grabbed two towels from the bathroom, drying any water off your head and on the floor. Walking back to the opening, where Leon waited, you picked up the turtle’s twin swords, knowing he’d have to leave soon.
“I hope it won’t be too cold for you to handle out there, Leon.” You handed his weapon.
He shrugged. “Eh, what’s a bit of rain going to do to a mutant turtle living in the sewers? ‘The cold never bothers me anyway,’” he snickered.
You smiled. “Stay safe.”
“Will do.” Right before Leonardo was about to leave, by instinct, you took your chance and suddenly grabbed his hand, holding him back. The red-eared slider gazed at you, confused yet expectantly.
“Wait, I-I never answered that other question.”
Leon’s shoulders slumped. “...You said you couldn’t tell me. If it’s something personal, I shouldn’t be begging you to spill it out.”
“No, it’s not—,” you sighed, “just come closer.”
Leonardo leaned down near the window. Your hand reached out through, fingers then trailing the side of his face, caressing his skin. Your intentionally slow pace gave him enough time to process this moment.
Could this be the moment he had been yearning for a long time? Leonardo leaned into your touch, his face showing a light blush.
You brought him closer by the chin. Your hues locked in contact, before you both closed your eyes.
You and Leonardo then closed the space into a kiss. 
His shoulders relaxed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, as he did around your waist. The heat on your face not going away.
Then, to catch him off guard, your tongue moved into his mouth. He grew flustered yet returned it.
His hands trailed down and gripped your thighs.
After a minute, you both broke from the kiss, panting. Those breaths can be seen against the cold.
“Eres buena para tu primer beso, hermosa,” he smirked.
“Como si tuvieras alguna experiencia con los besos, guapo~,” you remarked, using your finger to close his gaping mouth. 
“H-hold on, you speak Spanish—?”
“High school requires at least two years of a foreign language.” You kissed his neck. “Next time we have a rainy night, may we climb up the roof again?”
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Tuning In Tonight
Present Mic x Reader (NSFW)
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(A 10k story because I have no self-control. Here’s a fic about a troubled cafe employee that turns into a Mic fan and later SEX)  
You soaked in the heat of your apartment after enduring the chilly walk back home from work. Wasting no time, you tossed your coat aside and kicked off your shoes before plopping onto the bed. Another week, another paycheck. Today was exceptionally busy at the cafe. Fridays always were, really, but today had put you to the test against quite the cast of characters. But even in the face of screaming kids with careless mothers, business people with absolutely no patience, and teens that didn’t think you were worth making eye contact with, you prevailed. You liked your job, even with the odd rough days. The staff was kind, the pay was fair, and the fact that it was smack-dab in the middle of the city means that it was visited by the occasional hero. Those were the days that filled you with joy, taking you back to the times when you dreamed of having the same career. But some things just weren’t meant to be. Your younger, more passionate self would chide you for accepting this life. For not using every breath in your body to ensure that you would one day become a hero that everyone remembered, but such persistence would only hurt you more in the long run. At least you were still able to find a comfortable living elsewhere. You settled with the cards you were dealt just fine, and yet that’s exactly what bothers you. Is it really okay to just give up and settle this after trying so hard? 'Nope, my mind’s not going anywhere near that rabbit hole today.' You sprang back up, heading to your room with extra pep in your step to undress and prepare a shower. The hot water soothed your tense body and cleared your mess of a mind. There was no room for any negative thoughts on a Friday night, the nights that you always look forward to the most, because it was time for the weekly radio show hosted by the lively pro hero Present Mic.
Your first experience with the show happened months ago, during a day where you were feeling extra exhausted for no particular reason. Turning on your old radio to lift your spirits, you happened to tune in just in time for the voice hero’s live caller segment. ‘Why not?’ you thought to yourself as you dialed the station's number and patiently listened to the rings. “Hey, thanks for calling, my dear listener! Hope you’ve been having a rockin’ day today!” There was something about having such an energetic and carefree voice directed to you that just brightened you up from inside. The conversation didn’t last very long, your sudden shyness being part of the reason why. It ended with you honoring the usual routine of requesting a song before disconnecting. As short as the encounter was, it left a strong impression, and you wanted it to happen again. Just like that, you became a loyal fan of Put Your Hands Up! radio. It was a great way to end work for the week, winding down and getting ready for the weekend as the station played a wide variety of tunes. And every time Mic was ready to take calls, your phone was ready to dial. You talked about whatever came to mind—how work was treating you, discussing his latest accomplishments as a pro hero, sharing silly events the two of you had in life. Whatever you discussed, no matter how mundane the topic, Mic always sounded eager to listen and respond with the boisterous voice he was known for. Even on the nights where you felt especially drained or under the weather, his unwavering enthusiasm never failed to clear the dark clouds over your head. In short, he was a lovable guy. So you relaxed and killed some time with the help of the internet and some phone games until that special hour arrived. You turned to the station and was greeted with the loud intro that took some getting used to. “Yeeeaaaahh! Present Mic here, and thank you for tuning in to Put Your Hands Up! Are they up? Because we’re about to get started!” And so begins the music that you swear is just a playlist of the hero’s personal favorites. You laid back on your bed and let your mind drift as the songs played. Your friends plan on meeting up for a movie tomorrow; can’t miss out on that. Maybe you’ll stop by the store afterwards so you can restock your fridge. What should you do Sunday? Meh, just make it a lazy day and hang around at home, you suppose. You returned to your phone and continued scrolling through your favorite websites. Time went by quicker than expected, Mic’s announcement of taking calls catching you by surprise. The first few calls were picked up by other listeners, doing the usual routine of sharing their day or talking about recent issues. Mic gave advice wherever he could, and his desire to help anyone who was willing to reach out to him felt so damn genuine that it made you smile. Another call was picked up before yours. Oh well. You listened to what ended up being a youthful male on the line. “H-hi, Mr. Present Mic!” The nervous yet excited voice was pretty heartwarming. A young teen, most likely.
Mic laughed. “No need for the ‘mister,’ listener! You’ll make me feel old!”
A bunch of frantic stuttering could be heard from the boy. “Ah, so sorry, sir—I mean mister—I mean Mic!” You giggled along with Mic as the poor boy tried to collect himself. “Deep breaths, little listener. What’s on that speedy little mind tonight?” “Well,” the boy had finally steadied himself. “I’ll be finishing middle school soon, and I’m ready to start training to be a hero. I just really hope I can get into U.A. and meet you! I wish you could be my English teacher!”
Awww. “Shucks, little guy. First, good job on finishing up middle school. I hope your parents have a rockin’ party ready for you! Second, you’ve got guts for aiming for the highest! Make sure you study and prepare, 'cause U.A. only accepts the best!” There was a pause on the other end. “So, is there a chance that I won’t make it?" “My little listener,” you could tell that there was a gentle expression on Mic’s face as he spoke. “There’s always a chance, so I want you to promise me one thing. If that chance hits you, don’t give up on your dream. Get the most out of whichever school accepts you. You know how many amazing heroes I met who came from schools with pretty lame reputations? There’s a lot of them, trust me. I’ve also met my share of cocky young heroes who rag on others just because they don’t have the fancy brand of U.A. or Shiketsu on their resume. That’s all it is, kid. A brand. Just because you couldn’t strike a deal with a major record label doesn’t mean your music career is already dead.” “Music?” the boy said in confusion. “But I’m not talking about mu—oh…metaphor.” Mic chuckled lightly. “There ya go, listener! Your language is doin’ fine. You don’t need me! But if you think you do, you know where to call me for another chat!” “I do!” the boy said happily. “Thank you, Present Mic! I promise I’ll keep doing my best!” You listened to the two talk for a little longer. The boy had some real determination and you admired it. He’ll hopefully reach his dream. You won’t wish ill will on others just because you didn’t reach yours. Giving everything you had and still not being enough was something no one deserved to experience. The boy had requested a rather angsty rock song that was trying really hard to sour your mood, but you’re not going to give the depressing vocalist what he wants. On the next segment, you internally rejoiced when you hear Mic’s voice in your ear. “Hey there, Mic.” “Oh? Is that my favorite lady listener I hear?” You giggled at the flattering question? “Maybe? I didn’t know you had favorites.” “Ah, you’re right! Not very professional of me! Don’t worry, listeners! I swear I love you all equally!” He boomed. It’s moments like this that taught you to keep your phone a fair distance away from your ear when you speak to the great voice hero himself. “So how’s the cafe treating you?” After so many talks, Mic had learned a few personal details about you, including your job and the area you worked in. He’s commented on how humble your life sounds; you didn’t disagree. “It’s been the same. Nothing new.” Your plan was to share one of your experiences with the more unruly customers today, but something else was weighing on your mind now. “Come on, girl. You’ve gotta have something spicy to share with us, don’t ya?” “Actually,” the last call was really sticking to you for some reason, you couldn’t help but let it slip out. “I want to say that what you told that boy was very sweet. And I was wondering…” Your voice caught in your throat. “I was wondering…” ‘Is it okay to give up?’ You didn’t want to say that. ‘What if you sacrifice everything you have, but still fail?’ You don’t tune in to be a downer. ‘Did you know that I was like that boy once?’ You talk to Present Mic to feel good. “Wondering what? You still with me, listener?” Mic asked. The concern in his voice urged you to spit something out already. “I was wondering exactly which pro heroes you knew personally. You said that you’ve met a lot,” you lied. You weren’t wondering that at all. Still, you won’t mind hearing his answer. “Ha! Where do I even start? Now’s the perfect time for some free promotion for the awesome heroes out there that deserve some sweet limelight! Let me start with a cool guy named Koi. He’s pretty new to the scene and works on the coast.” He went on and on about many lesser known heroes you weren’t familiar with at all, but that made the information all the more intriguing. He spoke highly of each person, listing their accomplishments and how hard they worked to get where they are. As always, he managed to perk you back up. You made a mental note to look up these heroes later. “Whoa whoa, record scratch, guys! The lady’s got me rambling for way too long. Trying to soak up all the time, are ya?” He sneered in the most light-hearted way. You laughed innocently. “Of course not! You were being so passionate about every hero that you mentioned, I didn’t have it in me to stop you.” “Well, I’ll forgive you just this once! You know how to end it. Hit me with that request!” The rest of the broadcast carried on through the night as a drowsiness began to creep on you. You listened to the last of the songs while getting cozy under your sheets. “Time to finally put those hands down! It’s been a blast, listeners! I hope you’re ready to rock with me next time! Good night!” You switched off the radio and finally allowed yourself to drift off. ‘Good night.’ ——— The weekend had flown by. Before you knew it, it was back to business at the cafe. You were always thankful for not being part of the morning shift on Mondays, your co-workers sharing horror stories of the tired and moody zombies demanding complicated orders as quickly as possible. Your shift started at noon. The day was going by smoothly, no wrenches thrown into your usual pattern. Small talk with the customers, impressing the regulars by guessing their orders correctly, practicing your latte art, it was a meditative cycle for you. By the time the sun was down with no recent customers, you were ready to start cleaning up. The place closes in less than twenty minutes and the rest of the staff was sitting around patiently. A ring at the door alerted you all to the sight of a man briskly walking in, gripping at his overcoat as he recovered from the cold outdoors. “Welcome sir,” you greeted while heading to your position behind the counter. The other workers gave their own welcome and followed suit. “Hey!” He said loudly. “Didn’t mean to barge in like that. It’s cold enough tonight without all of this wind.” The voice made you pause. The man approaching you had blonde hair pinned up into a messy bun, some stray locks hanging freely. He adjusted his glasses as he flashed you a smile. That voice…and paired with his appearance…there was no doubt about it. 'Present Mic?' “Heh, looks like I’ve been exposed already!” Mic said with a chuckle. You placed a hand over your mouth, not realizing you had said his name out loud. “Sorry, it’s just really nice to meet you in person. I’m a fan.” You thought you saw him pause as well, eyes widening for a brief moment before asking, “Are you, now? And have we talked before, dear fan?” His voice was calmer than what you were used to hearing on his show. “We have, on the radio. Quite a few times, actually,” you admitted. And with that, his smile was enhanced to blinding levels. “My favorite lady listener! I thought I recognized that sweet voice!” Mic didn’t seem to respond to your blush and kept going. “I remember you said that you worked around here, but I sure didn’t expect to bump into you!” “Well, fate’s treating us both well tonight. I can’t properly express how excited I am to meet you while on the job. What can I get you tonight?” You hid behind your professionalism and waited for his order. Mic rubbed at his chin and pondered. “Well, I’ve been convinced by word-of-mouth that you guys have some yummy pastries. What do you think will go well with some hot cocoa?” Fortunately, the cafe’s menu was practically branded into your mind, so even the presence of a pro hero isn’t enough to make you draw a blank. “I’d personally recommend one of our warm treats. Maybe you’d like to try our filled croissants? The strawberry one is my favorite.” “Mmm, sounds delish. I trust you,” His grins were seriously trying to make you melt. “Hit me up with a cocoa and a strawberry croissant for here!” After taking his order, Mic seated himself at a table to wait for his sugary meal. As you prepared his chocolate and croissant, you couldn’t resist stealing an occasional glance at him. He was studying the cute decorations that littered the place and gently bobbing his head to the indie music playing through the speakers, but the two of you happened to lock eyes once, forcing you to immediately look away. Whenever you saw him in the media, his eyes were usually obscured by the orange shades that went with his hero outfit. Now you realize just how green they are, almost as if they glowed. It didn’t take long to prepare his order, and you decided to grant him the special treatment of delivering the food to his table. There was no one else to serve, after all. “Hey,” he said. “Would you mind sitting down with me?” Your heart fluttered. “Not at all, Mic.” You pulled back the chair opposite to him and took a seat. “Call me Hizashi.” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Present Mic is always too busy for a snack break.”   “Of course, Hizashi.” You listened to Hizashi’s compliments on the food and drink, trying not to stare as he ate. You were always so sure that he couldn’t possibly be as loud and lively as his hero persona, and you were mostly right, but even now as he dined at a simple cafe, he still somehow radiated a cheerful and positive energy. The warm feeling you got from hearing him on the radio was dwarfed by what you currently feel now that you are seeing him in person. He had eaten the last of the flaky bread before speaking again. “You know, now that you’re right here in the flesh, I gotta ask you something that’s been bothering me since my last show.” Lime green eyes peered into yours as he idly stirred the cup of chocolate. “Were you alright that night? You sounded…conflicted when we were talking.” A lump caught in your throat. You didn’t expect something like that to stick with him. Surely he had more important matters to worry about. “Don’t worry about it,” you answered. “I just had silly things crossing my mind at the moment.” Hizashi took a sip, his eyes not leaving you. “Alright, I don’t wanna pry. I know you’re a grown woman, but I do like helping people. It’s my favorite part of all three of my jobs.” His smile never faded since he walked in here and man, you weren’t used to him looking or sounding so soft. You sat there silently, fighting internally as you tried to decide whether or not to confess. The pro hero waited, drinking and showing no signs of impatience. Your hands gripped at your apron as you took a breath. “I wanted to be a hero.” The only sort of reaction you noticed were his raising eyebrows. “Ah,” he murmured. “Do you still want to be a hero?” A beat of silence. “…No.” Hizashi watched, probably waiting for you to say more, but you still didn’t know how much you wanted to share. “Does that bother you?” He asked. You nodded. “I’d like to hear why, listener.” Hearing the term you were so used to on his show lifted some of the pressure. Ironically, he was probably the best listener out of anyone that tuned in. You straightened your posture and swallowed. “Then I should probably start from the beginning.” And so you let it all spill. How you once had the same glorious dream as so many other children. You explained all of the time and effort you put into the tests and exams, but it was never enough, and your quirk always failed to impress spectators. You had family and friends that supported you for so long, had sacrificed so much to make this happen, but when you realized that your pursuit was leading you to homelessness, you accepted defeat. Hizashi paid close attention, only making a small comment here and there, but he waited for you to finish to say anything more. “I’m sorry you couldn’t get there,” he said sympathetically. “It’s fine.” You were looking down at your lap, unable to hold his gaze throughout most of the story. “I recovered pretty well. It’s nice here.” He hummed and leaned back in his seat. “That’s good! Not everyone can bounce back from that. Sounds like it’s still bothering you, though. Are you sure you don’t want to try again? I’m more than happy to help you out.” You shook your head at the generous offer. This man was too kind. “Thanks, but that’s alright. I’m happy where I am, it’s just that…” You paused as you tried to form the frustration you’ve felt for years into words. “I had put my whole life into this, gave up everything I had, and…and I don’t have anything to show for it, you know? Feels like the biggest waste.” “Yeah, maybe it was.” His blunt admittance surprised you. “But when you realized you weren’t getting anywhere, you stopped before you hit rock bottom. I know some students of mine who wouldn’t have that self-control.” He gave a soft snort at the thought. “Hell, when everyday is such a painful climb, you forget if there’s even anything waiting for you at the top. Maybe you would’ve reached the peak just to finally keel over.”  You nodded along with his feedback. It wasn’t anything new; you’ve comforted yourself with similar words, albeit with less metaphors. And yet, your pesky mind couldn’t accept such logic. “But people don’t like quitters.” Hizashi kept going, arms crossed and staring intensely at his empty plate. “Because quitting apparently means that you’re weak, not that you were smart enough to see that you’re just hurting yourself at a certain point. Man, you know how many people wouldn’t be stuck doing stuff that they hate if this mindset didn’t exist? I know a guy who finally won the heart of the heroine of his dreams, and I was like, ‘Awesome, dude!’” You watched with mild amusement as Hizashi’s volume was slowly rising along with his increasingly animated movements. “But surprise! Turns out that she makes for the world’s worst girlfriend! The poor guy is in his own little hell, but he’s wanted this gal for soooo long and he’s still soooo sure that they’re fated to be together. If I used my quirk to scream at the guy to break it off already, he’d still manage to ignore me!” A snicker nearby caught both of your attentions, turning to see the other staff members looking very entertained by his storytelling. Hizashi coughed out of awkwardness and shuffled in his seat. “You, uh, you get what I’m saying?” His voice returned to a calm tone. “Yeah, I get it,” You replied. “I never considered all of that. Sucks for your friend, but I understand the feeling. It must be frustrating to watch from the outside, too.” “Oh yeah, it is.” He sighed and rested his face in one of his hands. “I know they say that you can’t save people that don’t want to be saved, but it’s not gonna keep me from trying. Good to know that you climbed out of that hole yourself. Well, almost.” He finished off the now-lukewarm chocolate. “Your dream died, so handle it like any other death. Mourn and move on. Dwelling on it or thinking about everything you could have done differently is irrational.” You heard him mutter something under his breath, something about someone rubbing off on him too much. The gears turn in your head. Your eyes wonder to a small stain on the table as Hizashi’s advice breaks through your somber barrier. Mourn and move on.
“I’ll try,” You’re shocked by how dry your throat suddenly is. The sound of sweeping and chairs scraping across the floor makes you snap your head to the clock. It was past closing time! “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” You didn’t even know if you were apologizing to Hizashi or your co-workers. “I lost track of time! Let me get that for you.” You took his trash before he could respond and quickly joined the others to clean up. “Sorry about that,” one of your friends said. “I guess we all got caught up in your cute little talk.” “Do you have to eavesdrop on every table in this place?” You asked with no real malice. Pretty much the whole staff has a fondness for gossip; perhaps it was just a side effect of working such a job. “Oh, you know me. Why do you even ask?” she laughed. You focused on cleaning the tables as Hizashi stood and straightened out his clothes. You hoped that he wouldn’t leave just yet. His pep talk was appreciated and you wanted to thank him properly before your bus got here. Your bus that was scheduled to arrive ten minutes ago. 'Oh shit!' “My bus! I have to—dammit! I gotta go!” You dashed into the back to gather your belongings and grab your bag. Hizashi and the others looked too stunned by your burst of speed as you exited the cafe and rushed to the bus stop, the biting cold having little effect on your adrenaline-filled body. 'Maybe the bus is late too. Maybe I can still make it.' Your sprint slowed down the moment you saw your ride home already speeding away. It was too late to catch up. You could only watch as the large vehicle drove out of sight, dropping onto the stop’s bench as you caught your breath. Wonderful. This is what you get for getting too comfortable with one of your customers, hero or not. “Hey!” Speak of the devil. You turned to the sight of Hizashi jogging around the corner and toward you. “Man, you move pretty fast.” He caught up to you and took in your tired and defeated form. “And by the looks of it, you still weren’t fast enough.” A loud groan escaped you. “It’s no big deal, really. Another one arrives in about thirty minutes.” “Ah, think you can wait that long in this cold?” A shiver ran through your body immediately after his question. Wow, it really was freezing tonight. You shrugged your shaking shoulders. “I’ll have to. It’s still better than walking.” “Or maybe I can take you home?” Your head snaps back to him. Did you hear that right? “You…you want to take me home?” You repeated. That radiant smile returns to his face and adds another wave of trembles to your body. “I help where I can, and I’m kinda the reason you missed it in the first place. It’s the least I can do for such a loyal listener.” You hesitate, your still-harsh breaths forming misty clouds. You trusted him, no doubt about that. No, what was making you hesitate were his tender expressions that were illuminated by the nearby streetlight, and his lax and inviting posture as he waited for your answer with his hands tucked in his coat, and the realization that Yamada Hizashi was pretty damn handsome.   Pure hot red was rushing up to your face. Surely that was the cold’s fault. “That sounds great,” you uttered before you could even stop yourself. “Alright! Come on, then. I’m totally not dressed to be standing out here for long.” You followed him back to the cafe where an old-fashioned Ford mustang was parked. ‘Classy.'  Your co-workers were watching you enter his car, some with smirks or giving you a thumbs-up. ‘Perverts. It’s not like that.’ At least, you didn’t think it was. The drive home was calming. The radio played lowly as background music while you gave him directions to your apartment. You kept sneaking a peek at him from the corner of your vision, a peaceful look on his face as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. He seemed to be the type that hated complete silence; you didn’t mind. The streets were fairly empty, so it didn’t take too long to reach your complex. Hizashi pulled up and parked. “Welp, here’s your stop!” He announced as he hit you with another knockout smile. “Thanks for taking the Present Mic Express, listener.” You removed your seat belt, but made no further movements. “Thank you, Hizashi. For the ride…and the talk. You’ve helped me a lot today.” You say as you dare to look into his hypnotizing irises. He shrugged at your gratitude. “I’m just a customer who was in need of a nighttime snack and met a special gal that turned out to be even greater in person.” It took everything in your power not to cover your face like a flustered schoolgirl, instead breaking eye contact as you felt the heat return to your cheeks. “Thanks, you’re pretty great too.” You shuffled a bit as you both sat in silence. “I’m leaving now.”
“Okay.” You stayed where you were, staring at the door handle like it was the last thing you might ever touch. “I can’t wait to talk to you again on your show.” “Ditto.” “Alright…I’m leaving now.” “You already said that.” You squirmed some more. ‘Come on, you probably just look creepy at this point. Hurry the hell up and say something.’ “Is there something else you wanna tell me?” There was a small hint of amusement in his voice, and you gathered the courage to look at him again, shocked to see that his friendly smile had shifted into something a little more smug. It was probably safe to say that he’s reading the atmosphere pretty well. ‘Then just go for it.’
“Do you…do you want to come inside me—” FUCK. “Come inside with me! Do you want to come inside with me?!”  You were practically shouting the invitation in a feeble attempt to hide your slip-up. Hizashi threw his head back and cackled. “I’d love to, sweetheart! No need to be shy about it. I don’t bite.” You still sat there as the car turned off, his casual acceptance putting you into a stupor. Which version of the question was he even saying yes to? Whichever one it was, he had just accepted your offer to sleep together. You hadn’t been with anyone in years, and now you suddenly do this? A rush of cold wind hit you when he opened his door. “Come on, unless you planned on doing it in the car?” He laughed when you furiously shook your head.  “Good. As much as I love my old girl, she’s probably not very comfortable for something like that.” You only shivered in response as you finally stepped out of his car and joined his side to guide him to your place. All it took was an elevator and a quick walk down the hall to reach your door. It was a little embarrassing to bring a pro hero into your small single-bedroom apartment. It had all of the essentials for a comfortable living, but there wasn’t much room for luxuries. You both kicked off your shoes at the entrance before you hurried to organize some stray clothes and bags. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting guests.” “No worries,” Hizashi didn’t seem to mind as he got comfortable on a chair near your kitchen area and scanned the place. “This is nice.” You snorted at the comment. “I suppose,” you murmured. “It’s nothing worth praising.” “What, finding a place to stay after running yourself down for years? I think that deserves some praise,” he says so matter-of-factually.  That was a really admirable way to put it. “Thank you.” “Mmhmm,” he hummed, watching you finish replacing your things. Now you’re just standing here, not sure what to do next. How do you even start this? Your only experience was a clumsy one with a friend way back. “Well, we can’t do much at this distance, can we?” He says lightly as he gestures you to come closer. You comply and take his offered hand, letting him gently tug you down and onto his lap. He positioned you sideways, your legs laid out over his and making you look and feel like a nervous child. His face was so close, those green eyes looking shinier than ever. “You’ve done this before, right?” His warm breath brushes against your face as he speaks. “Yeah, I have,” you paused and wondered if you should tell him more. Hizashi was getting to know you more than you ever intended. “With a friend some years ago…it was a mess. Two virgins that had no idea what they were doing.” You laughed at the memory. “Heh, I feel you on that one. My first wasn’t the most dignified moment either.” You felt his body shake with his chuckle. His hand was still holding yours, thumb pressing against the space between your knuckles in a sort of massage. The feeling soothed you as his free hand came up to remove his glasses, your body shifting with his as he set them down close by. “In fact, your boy used to be a one pump wonder!” He smiled at your bewildered reaction to the information. “Hey, it’s not my fault sex feels so awesome!” You giggled into his shoulder. He spoke to you with such familiarity that it was impossible to stay anxious. It was why you enjoyed talking to him on the radio, but you never imagined it being the same during a scenario as intimate as this. “Hey, Don’t laugh at me! I’ve gotten better!” He said in mock anger. “And lucky for you, you get to see just how much. Welcome to my private show, listener.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a way that was more comical than seductive. A hand gently held the back of your head, and you let it pull you in to press your lips against his. You closed your eyes and savored the feeling, his lips softer than expected. Your kisses were timid, giving little more than lingering pecks, and Hizashi patiently returned them, slowly adding more pressure and passion as encouragement. The feel of a tongue swiping against your lips made you squeak in shock, getting a chuckle out of him. “That was adorable,” he teased, his voice suddenly at a lower pitch that made you shudder. “You startled me,” you retorted before returning to the kiss, this time with your lips parted to grant him entry. He caught you off guard again by sucking lightly at your lips instead, forcing a gasp out of you before slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your own muscle shyly met his, stroking each other in a lazy dance. His hands moved to hold your face and he’s doing it so tenderly. A hot desire is flowing through your veins from his kisses alone; you can only imagine what else he has in store for you. After a few more wet smacks, the two of you finally parted to catch your breaths, you especially. “Wow,” you couldn’t help but gasp. Hizashi gave a breathless laugh. “Getting overwhelmed already? We haven’t even taken any clothes off yet.” He wasn’t as composed as he let on, a red flush spreading across his face. The hands holding your face moved down to wrap around your waist as he moved his kisses down to your jaw. You sighed and tilted your head back to give him access to your neck, burying your fingers in his hair as you felt him lick and suck at your pulse. Beneath the smooth locks you felt a pin that held his sloppy bun together. “Hizashi? Can I-ah,” a hard suck on your sensitive throat forces you to pause. “Can I…your hair?” You tapped at the pin to get your point across. “Go ahead,” he groaned against your neck, not even slowing his assault as you pulled the small clip out and watched his golden locks fall to his shoulders. He purred to the feeling of you combing through his hair like fine threads. “It’s really pretty,” you whispered, still shivering from the love that he was showering on your skin. He pulls away from your neck. “Are you saying my hair isn’t always pretty? Trying to hurt Mic’s feelings?” He said with a pout. He looked all the hotter with his long hair draping the sides of his face. “Not at all! I think Mic makes for a handsome cockatoo,” you jest with a smirk. “Heh, you got jokes, huh? We’ll see who’s laughing once I get these annoying clothes out of the way.” He double tapped your thigh. “Up.” You stood up and watched him follow instantly, noticing the bulge that was beginning to grow beneath his pants. You quickly tore your eyes away from it. “Hold on a minute, I know what we’re missing.” He reached into his coat pocket and retrieved his phone. You waited, wondering what he could possibly need on his phone right now. A few taps later, a smooth melody began playing from the device. “Oh yeah, I’m feelin’ it already.” He set the phone down and shut his eyes, getting a feel for the beat of the sensual R&B song. This man was unreal. “You have…a lovemaking playlist?” You uttered while watching him get into a groove. “I’ve got a playlist for a lot of things, baby. Nothing sets the mood like a good tune. Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll go first.” And so he began his slow movements, swaying and bouncing in rhythm to the music, pulling his coat back and shrugging it off in a steady and seductive manner, tossing it aside. Watching a personal strip show of one of your favorite heroes was both hilarious and hot. On one hand, he was giving you playful and goofy faces while lip-singing to the sensual vocals. On the other, ‘I’ll be damned,’ you thought, because he really did know how to move his body and was successfully captivating you. His hips were moving in slow circles as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up and revealing his impressively lean torso. ‘Oh, his hero outfit doesn’t do his body justice.’ You were so impressed by the chest and the abs that were just thick enough to be visible, you didn’t notice him struggling to pull the shirt off of his head. With his top completely bare, he smoothed a hand down his hair and leered at you with a slow lick over his lip. “Liking what you see, baby?” How the hell did his voice get so deep? Why was he being so sexy right now? Your throat was dry all of a sudden, so you simply nodded. “Good.” His hands ran over his chest, making sure you were watching them before they began an agonizingly slow descent, tracing over hard lines, his muscles rippling with the mesmerizing thrust of his hips, a sight so erotic that you wanted to look away, but just couldn’t. With the buttons and zipper quickly undone, his thumbs hooked beneath his pants and began to pull down and oh shit he was pulling at his boxers too. You were really about to see it and you didn’t know if you were ready, but your eyes remained glued to his waist as his masculine v-line and a neat trail of blonde curls was revealed, your breathing getting heavier with the knowledge that he was only centimeters away from revealing his… “Naaaah, I’ll leave these on for now.” Just like that, his voice returned to his loud and cheerful pitch, pants readjusted and no longer on the brink of revealing his manhood. Confused, you look back up to see an infuriatingly innocent face staring back at you. A pang of disappointment hits you hard; Hizashi had just teased you big time. “Your turn.” You stood there awkwardly, having no idea where to even start. “I…uh…” You try to get into rhythm with the song and already feel like a fool. “I’m not much of a dancer. Can I just undress?” You felt a little bad. You didn’t want to kill the mood just because you didn’t know how to be as light and silly as him. Hizashi casually approached in all of his topless glory. “Don’t stress, girl. The stage and spotlight ain’t for everyone,” he empathized. Slender fingers took hold of the bottom of your shirt, and he looked into your eyes for silent permission. You gave a slow nod of approval and lifted your arms so that he could smoothly remove your first article of clothing. He discarded the shirt quickly to lay his hands on your bare waist, tracing over your soft and sensitive skin, making you jump slightly. “That tickles,” you snickered. “Sorry, sorry.” His hands went higher until they reached your bra, fumbling with the clasp at your back. “Mind helping me out? I still haven’t mastered these contraptions,” he asked through gritted teeth. The fully concentrated face for removing an undergarment was a real hoot, but you showed mercy and joined his hands to undo the fastening and pulled the straps down your arms. With how hard he was staring at your exposed breasts, it took everything in your power not to cover yourself, keeping your arms at your sides. “Damn. You’re gorgeous, you know that?” He spoke softly, giving feather-light touches over the mounds of flesh. “Can’t believe you’re giving me the honor of seeing you like this.” You warmed over at the praise and his touch, a thumb brushing lightly over your nipple. “You…look really good too,” you complimented back, your own hands coming up as you considered exploring his body. Hizashi noticed your hesitation and took a hold of your wrists. “You can check me out with more than your eyes, babe,” he says with a wink, and then places your hands right onto his hot and hard chest. ‘Woah.’ You swear that your heart stopped for several seconds. Hands slightly trembling, you run them slowly over his firm pecs, listening to his quickening breaths as you went lower to feel his abs. Present Mic was never really on your list of sexy heroes. You never bothered to imagined what the rowdy guy looked like underneath that superstar getup. ‘Shame on me, I suppose.’ The hero quietly reveled in your touch as he returned to your breasts, kneading them gently to bring out soft moans from you. There was something extra close and affectionate about just feeling each other, hands caressing and pressing every inch of both of your bodies. Your first time wasn’t this slow and steady; you and your partner were too embarrassed by so much clumsy fumbling that you ended up rushing to the main act. An arm wrapped around you and pulled you closer, a pair of lips speaking right next to your ear. “To the bed.” The song currently playing had a much more raunchy vibe to it, matching the growing intensity of the room as Hizashi gently pushed you back onto the mattress so that he could peer down and take in your body from above. You felt even more vulnerable in this position, but the man’s gaze, although lustful, was still gentle and nothing to be afraid of. You had enough courage to take his face and bring him down for another kiss, lips moving more boldly this time. Hizashi smiled behind the kiss, but had other plans and trailed downward, picking up where he left off during the first make-out. He licked a wet trail across your neck, wasting no time in reaching your breasts and peppering one with kisses, the slightly ticklish sensation filling you with pleasurable tingles. Too modest to watch him shower your body with love, you instead closed your eyes and focused on the feeling as the naughty music played on. The wetness of a tongue was flicking across your nipple, making your breath hitch, but it was the complete engulfment of wet heat that made your eyes fly open to the sight of him hungrily sucking at you like he was being nursed. You could still feel his tongue swirling around your nipple in the wet cavern of his mouth. It felt so good, bringing forth an ache within your lower body. “Ah, Hizashi…more…” Your plea came out as a shuddering moan. “Patience, babe,” he panted before switching to your other breast and giving it the same delicious treatment. Soon he continued his trek downwards, kissing at your stomach and playfully dipping his tongue into your navel. “Alright, time for these pants to go.” You lifted your hips to help him pull them off, nervous but so desperate to feel him touch you more. Surprisingly, he left your panties on and placed his lips right on your hipbone, making you twitch. The kisses wandered to your thighs, taking his time in enjoying the texture of your flesh as he licked, sucked, and gave the occasional nip to make you jump. You can feel the hot desire in your core building up as he got closer to your mound, your insides throbbing in anticipation, ready to be probed and explored already. Finally his face was right at your clothed pussy, a sinful grin forming as he observed the very damp spot. You were ready for him to finally remove the last barrier that prevented your bodies from joining. What you weren’t ready for was the shock of his tongue pressing against the thin cotton and licking at you like it wasn’t even there. Even with the shaky gasp that escaped you, you felt mortified. “H-Hizashi? What are—that’s—ohhh.” His lips managed to close right around your protected clit, the feeling muted but still powerful, but this was all so new to you. It’s one thing to fantasize having someone put their mouth there, but to actually…! Hizashi halted his ministrations and looked up at you. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?” The panic in your breathless voice probably worried him a bit. You didn’t want him to think that he screwed up, it’s just that…ugh, you didn’t even know! “I, uh, you don’t have to do that, really,” you stammered. The pure confusion on his face was unexpected. “What? Go down on you? I love doin’ that, babe. You don’t?”
You were tempted to grab a pillow and hide your face. “I…don’t know. No one’s ever done that to me.” “Oh?”  He tilted his head, resting on one of your thighs as he watched you curiously. “Well this guy would love to do it to you. May I?” ‘Yes. Yes, please do it.’ You just couldn’t be as shameless as your inner thoughts, so the most you could do was squeak, “If you want.” Hizashi rubbed soothing circles around your inner thighs. “I’ll just give you a sample, alright? You just lie back and feel it. Actually…” He raised himself and took a hold of your hips, tugging you to the edge of the bed. He was now kneeling on the floor with your legs hanging over his shoulders. Even with your panties still on, you never felt more exposed. His mouth was back on you in an instant, licking long stripes up your covered womanhood. You could feel your heated lust, could feel your juices seeping out to mix with the saliva that was coating your ravaged underwear. But it didn’t look like Hizashi planned on letting up on his assault anytime soon, pressing his face against you as if he was craving your nectar from the source, but insisted on holding himself back. As you whimpered from the wet grazes and your growing arousal, you realized that this just wasn’t going to be enough. “Please,” you whined. “I need more.” “More?” The hero’s voice was husky, and the wicked look he was giving you wasn’t helping matters at all. “What do you want more of?” Your knuckles were turning white from how hard you were clutching the sheets beneath you. “You! Your mouth! Please, take them off!” “You like what my mouth does, baby?” He gave you a quick lick. “Yes.” “You wanna feel more of it?” “Yes, please!” You begged. “Wanna feel my tongue push inside your pussy?” The sudden vulgarity of his words made you clench. “Y-yes.” A finger runs up and down your slit, the cloth’s texture doing nothing but irritating you at this point. “Good, because your taste and smell is driving me wild.” His fingers hooked around the lace and, thank the gods above, finally pulled them off, sticky strands of your arousal being pulled along with it. Repositioning himself, he used his thumbs to spread you open and take a good look at you. ‘Oh God, that’s a bit much.’  You shut your eyes to avoid his invasive ones that were looking straight inside of you. Just before he dove in, a new track began to play. “Oooooh shit, I love this song!” You looked to see Hizashi on the verge of jumping up in excitement. After being so turned on, you managed to forget that he’s a dork. “They’re just asking me to go all-out on you, aren’t they? Get ready, sweetheart. I’m about to send you to heaven.” Your breathing quickened as he leaned in, suddenly understanding that his teasing was just to make you extra sensitive to the real deal, because his breath alone was sending pleasant shocks through you. The first long lick up your sex already had you moaning loudly. A pair of hands held your hips down to prevent you from bucking too wildly, thighs quivering on his shoulders as he hungrily lapped at you. Among the indecent sounds between your legs, you also noticed the song’s lyrics were describing the very act Hizashi was performing right now, his mouth working more vigorously whenever the singer expressed the desire to lick a girl, to make her cum all week. He was avoiding your clit, giving full attention to your sopping folds, sucking on them loudly before deciding to plunge his tongue straight inside of your pussy. The intruding muscle had you squirming against his hold, rubbing against your walls and pushing into you as far as possible. You noticed that Hizashi’s eyes were closed in bliss, giving soft moans as if this was bringing him just as much pleasure. Whatever the case, the sight of him enjoying himself so much was something you’ll be seeing in your erotic dreams for weeks, maybe months to come. You lost control of the sounds leaving your body as the pleasing heat grew, tongue thrusting in and out of your body, his nose pressing against your neglected clit. The thorough tongue-fucking was bringing you so close to the edge. Hizashi released a long and deep moan and…you don’t even understand what happened next. The sound sent the mother of all vibrations bouncing throughout your insides, forcing you into a violent convulsion of an orgasm. You didn’t hear your own scream, the music, or see Hizashi’s amazed expression when you tightened your legs around his head in a vice-like grip. Everything was suddenly muted save for the tremors wracking your entire being without mercy, pleasure pouring over you so strongly that it was frightening. Your surroundings slowly took shape again as you came down from your high, panting and waiting for your limbs to become responsive again. A hand brushed stray hairs away from your face, and you saw a very pleased hero laying beside you. “You alright, baby? You know where you are?” He asked jokingly. “Yeah,” you breathed. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “Shut up.” You swung your weak arm and smacked him in the chest. “What the hell did you do to me?” “Sometimes I use my quirk to add a little kick,” he explained while rolling onto his side, giving your damp face a quick peck. “All it takes is a bass boost to soak the dancefloor, am I right? Though maybe that was too much. I didn’t know whether to be turned on or scared with the way you were spazzing out. Hope your neighbors didn’t think you were being murdered.” You shrunk into yourself. “Oh. Sorry,” you mumbled. You watched his hand casually explore your sensitive skin, catching a glimpse of the bulge in his pants that was more prominent than ever. “Your…” You gestured to his groin. He looked down at his stiff predicament and huffed. “Ah, yeah. It’s kinda been killin’ me. You good to keep going, babe?” How could you possibly say no after the ride he’s given you? “Yes, of course.” You moved to get up, but he gently pushes down on you. “Stay right here. I just need a minute.” The bed shifts with the loss of his weight and you watch him grab his discarded coat, fishing for something in its pockets and mumbling about something that he always keeps around, until you hear a little “a-ha” as he triumphantly holds up a condom. “Safety first~,” he says in a sing-song voice. Wow, he’s a prepared guy. Disobeying his orders, you raised yourself to sit upright. “Can I do the honors?” You asked. Honestly, you were just curious to see what he had in store for you down there. Hizashi looked surprised but pleased. “Be my guest!” he said excitedly, removing the wrapper while approaching you. The tent in his pants just sat there in front of you, begging to finally be released. “So, do you want me to finish my little show, or do you want to be the one to take’em off?” He watched your face intently as he thumbed at the band of his pants. You gulped loudly. He clearly wanted this night to be all about you, but he deserved some attention. “I’ll do it.” You whispered, taking a delicate hold of his pants to pull them down and revealing an intricately designed pair of boxers. Colorful urban-style shapes and characters covered the underwear, art that you would expect to see on the city’s walls. Any other time, you would take a moment to appreciate the impressive work, but you had a horny man to take care of. With a shaky tug, his final clothing was removed and the freed erection sprang out and smacked you in the face. The horrified ‘eep!’ and the utterly offended look you were giving his cock had Hizashi cracking up. “Shit, I’m sorry, babe!” He choked between breaths. “I guess I should have given you a heads up!” You were too embarrassed to even respond or look him in the eye. “Hey now, I promise he won’t hurt you again.” He gave you a pat on a head like a grumpy child and held out the condom to you. You silently took it and observed his manhood with a cautious look, as if it would somehow lash out and strike you again. He was pretty long; while his girth didn’t look too intimidating, you doubt that he can fit all of his length into you. It twitched when your fingers wrapped around it, rubbing up and down the soft yet firm organ and earning some sharp breaths from Hizashi. You finally attempted working with the music, stroking to match the same slow tempo. You took the lubricated protection and placed it over his swollen head, your other hand keeping up your rhythmic pumping as you pulled it down, stroking every uncovered inch until he was fully sheathed. “Fuck, girl. That was sexy,” Hizashi had watched your performance with lustful wonder. “You really don’t give yourself enough credit.” The praise excited you in more ways than one. His hands were on your shoulders and pushing you back down with him climbing on top, returning you both to your earlier positions. One hand reached between your legs and slipped a finger between your folds, dipping inside to sample your wetness. “Are you ready for me, baby?” His voice returned to that low raspy tone that had you throbbing for him all over again. Your nodding was so frantic that you made him laugh at your eagerness—your want has overpowered your doubts. He takes hold of himself and places the tip right at your entrance, your heart racing in anticipation to be filled. A sudden kiss distracts you. It was the deepest kiss he’s given you, lips practically holding yours prisoner while his tongue curled around yours. Breathy moans left both of your mouths. You were being effectively distracted until you felt the sharp burn of being stretched, your arms wrapping tightly around his neck while he pushed inside as slowly as he could. He drank up your whimpers and you consumed his growls of restraint. Every inch felt like it went on forever, hot and pulsing and overwhelming, yet your greedy pussy clamped down and sucked him in until you were completely filled. Hizashi stayed there, finally detaching his lips so that he could study your face. Those green eyes that enchanted you at the cafe for their warmth and kindness were now glazed over with something raw and insatiable. Such a look made you tighten around him, savoring the groan he gave in response. Your legs wrapped around his waist as the signal to start moving, and he complied with a slow and shallow pace. The friction was already creating another burning knot in your core. The other time someone was inside you like this…there was pleasure then as well, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to a partner who knew how to properly prepare your body and keep your mind at ease. Hizashi’s hair was draped all around you, creating a romantic enclosure of just him and you, everything else in the room feeling so far away. His thrusts were getting stronger, your heat and tightness making it too difficult for him to keep things slow. You didn’t protest and took every electrifying stroke with a helpless cry. Even with all of the sounds you were making, you dare say that the man above you was being even louder. “Ah…fuck…oh, baby you feel so fucking good. Oh yeah, fucking squeeze me just like that,” his language also became a lot more colorful, apparently. Concerning volume aside, his words only added to your pleasure. Your heels dug into him, pushing him deeper inside and brushing against that spongy bundle of nerves that had you writhing. “Shit, thanks sweetheart. Been lookin’ for that spot.” He pants with a mischievous smile across his sweaty face. With a particularly hard slam that makes you see white, he slows down and starts a deep grind. “Ah! Hizashi!” You weren’t prepared for such powerful stimulation, his dick hitting your sweet spot while his pelvis rolls against your clit. He elevates himself for a better angle, forcing you to disentangle from his neck and instead fumble desperately at his arms. The hot tension was tightening at an alarming rate with the pleasure he was giving to both of your most sensitive spots. Your gaze constantly switched between Hizashi biting his lip in a sexy focused expression to his contracting muscles as his hips press and rub against every inch of your cunt. Your nerves could only handle the sensual onslaught for so long—it didn’t take long before they were all set ablaze and reduced you into a trembling mess with your back arched and mouth hanging open in a silent scream. Sure, it wasn’t a heart-stopping climax like the one he gave you with his mouth, but the simultaneous spasms of your clit and innermost walls was its own amazing experience that had you melting into a blissful puddle. “Mmm, that’s it. That’s a good girl,” Hizashi groaned in approval. Your orgasm was still rippling through you when he buried his face into the crook of your neck and returned to his rutting, now at a much faster pace. Tears pricked at your eyes from the overstimulation. Your own choked sobs were smothered by the most intense moans you’ve ever heard sounding right in your ear. “You’re so amazing, baby…so damn beautiful.” How the fuck did he sound so sweet even when he’s on the verge of nutting? This hero has given you more than he even realized. He’s given you his company and joy every Friday, he’s given you kind words at your job, and now here he was giving all of himself to you. The emotions, the hypersensitivity, the closeness, it was all too much for you.
You came a third time, the sensation toeing the line between pain and pleasure as you clung to him tightly. He gave several more thrusts before reaching his own peak with a howl that might encourage a file complaint or two. You just held him, feeling every shiver run down his limbs and every shaky breath expelled from his powerful lungs. Both of you rested in each other’s embrace. If only things could just stay this way; Hizashi never failed to make you feel so good, in more ways than you even dreamed of. “Woah woah, you alright?” Said man’s panicked voice startled you. Before you could ask what he was talking about, you felt the moisture running down your cheeks. When did you start crying? “What’s the matter?” He tried again, his troubled eyes breaking your heart. ‘It’s nothing,’  that’s what you wanted to say, but your throat felt constricted as more tears fell. Hizashi didn’t need to hear you—he simply pulled you up into a proper hug, saying nothing as you cried in confused frustration. The music had stopped at some point during the sex, the only sound present now was your soft weeping. You let the soft rubs along your back soothe you, his other hand cradling your head. The tenderness of it all just made you want to cry more, but you held back and calmed yourself down and spoke. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” “Nothin’ to be sorry about, listener,” he returned to using that term, making this feel like another one of your friendly night talks. “It gets pretty intense sometimes.” He pulled you into a kiss, this one much lazier than the others. This was it. The kissing. It was too sweet, too sincere, the warmth of it blossomed something inside your chest that felt too earnest to be simple lust. Was he aware of what he was doing to you? Were you just overthinking this? Weren’t one-night stands supposed to have boundaries? Hizashi pulled out of you, leaving behind a sad emptiness that wanted him back immediately. He rose to his feet and headed to your bathroom, most likely to dispose of the condom. You heard his voice sound out of the room. “I’ve got little angels and devils to teach tomorrow, so I probably shouldn’t stay for long.”
Your heart felt like lead. “Okay,” you muttered. There really was nothing more to this. He was putting his boxers back on when he continued. “But…if it’s not too much to ask, maybe I can come by again?” What? Was he messing with you? “You’re serious?” You didn’t mean to sound so disbelieving, but your emotions were such a mess right now and you won’t appreciate having them toyed with. His pants were pulled up next. “One hundred percent serious!” He exclaimed with, dammit, that smile that lit up your entire being. “Maybe I’ll visit the cafe some more too. You were right about that croissant!” He returned to your side on the bed, wrapping an arm around your waist. “What I’m saying is, I think I like my favorite lady listener more than I thought.” Your heart was freed from its petrified state and swelled. Your arms swung around him before you could even stop yourself. “Hizashi…that’s so great but…you’re such a busy pro hero…I’m just a…how will this work?” You were rambling into his chest. “Easy girl, it’s nothing complicated. I’ll visit you whenever I have the time, alright? Ready to give you some support and…attention.” There’s that silly eyebrow wiggle again, making you laugh. You just kept on cuddling him, enjoying his presence for as long as you could tonight. A few minutes passed when you felt him shrug and break the silence. “Ah, what the hell.” He took hold of you and fell back onto the mattress with you now laying against him. “I guess I can stay for the night. I’ll just have to deal with waking up extra early tomorrow.” You snuggled into him and smiled. “Thank you,” you whispered. It’s unclear what kind of relationship you just formed with Hizashi; maybe this was only something temporary. All you knew is that you had him by your side, and you were going to cherish every minute of it and waste nothing. You’ll never waste a second of your life again.
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kurinoot · 3 years
[day 4] four priceless treasures | sawamura daichi
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-> the pandemic sure has limited us from meeting our loved ones physically, but even the pandemic can’t stop you from showing your love to your boyfriend this valentines’ day.
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pairing: daichi x reader
themes: fluff, post-timeskip, pandemic au, flashbacks and all that stuff
word count: 2268 words
note: struggled a bit on this one bc I had to change a bit on specific parts of this fic after proofreading :) + my proofreader friend by the name of @msmeowski​ (who is a HARD daichi stan) didn’t allow me to post this one until it’s p-e-r-f-e-c-t lol but anyways, tell me what you think about this! and lastly, don’t forget to stay at home and be safe! also, I included a spotify playlist as a hyperlink somewhere in the story to add to the experience while you’re reading :)
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You stared at your phone, texting your dad about your quarantine situation about giving him an update on your status before he replies with a ‘take care, I’ll see you soon.’ as you toss your phone on the bed and strode to the hotel balcony, taking in the solace of the wind blowing through. Luckily, it was your last day in quarantine and no symptoms have been detected so far. All you were waiting for were the results of your lab testing, and if affirmed negative, then you’re free to go back home.
You were then disrupted when your phone rang an oh-so-familiar tune that was meant only for him. With haste, you lay on the bed as you answered the call.
“Da~i~chi~!”, you teased with a short giggle “Did you receive my gift?”
“About that...can we have a video call?” Daichi asks as he clutches the parcel closer to his body. You hum in response, signaling a yes to at least see his face and see him open your gift. Giddiness fills your inner being before switching to a video call.
A few seconds later, your boyfriend graced your screen, still wearing his police uniform. Noticing you appearing, he flashes you a warm smile, happy to at least see you again albeit virtually. You gave him a warm smile, grateful for this opportunity that you got to see him again, and oh how you want to see and feel him ripped in his police uniform in the flesh.
“It’s a box.” Daichi replies as he closely inspects your gift for him for the day. You gave off a laugh as you rolled on your belly, kicking your feet on the air by his response.
“You sound rather disappointed,” your lips smirked with a mischievous thought in mind for him, starting with the box. “Were you expecting something more?”
Daichi flushed red as he looked away from the screen. “Not that I’m selfish, but I was expecting you. I really miss you, you know?” You could not help but get flustered at his honest response, since you’ve been away from Japan for a couple of years now.
Daichi clears his throat. “Are you doing okay? I know it’s been stressful for the past months.” while he lethargically removes his police vest. You can tell by the way he removes the vest and his dark circles under his eyes.
“I'm fine where I am, Daichi. No need to worry.” You calmly reassure him as you walk to sit down on the balcony chaise, looking at the sky while listening to Daichi's sexy voice. He chuckles as he weakly throws his police vest somewhere in his room, feeling the exhaustion taking over.
You look at him with concern, “The pandemic’s definitely taking a toll on you. Are you even getting enough sleep?”
He slouched as he ran his hand over his face, fatigue from the workload and the strict measures from the pandemic, answering your question.
“Look, as much as I miss you and really want to talk with you today, I want you to sleep. My surprise, I would say, require some walking.”, You say as your boyfriend who now wears a mask of doubt in his face.
“Anyways,” you continue. “Don’t open the gift yet! At least for today. I have a surprise for you tomorrow, that’s why you better sleep well tonight!”
You can see the slight scrunch in Daichi’s face as he replies “Aren’t you still overseas? And considering the situation, you won’t be back home easily.”
‘Ah of course, he doesn’t know that I’m already here in Japan, yet.’ You smile internally, feeling the anticipation and the adrenaline more as you already lay out your Valentines’ surprise for him in mind.
“Well, I had some help actually!”, you bounced back in reply. Remembering that you had your sibling’s help while you were still in transit from overseas.
“Look”, you say with a stern tone. “As much as I really want to talk to you tonight, I also want you to get some quality sleep. I can tell from here how tired you are, my dear Daichi.” You can hear Daichi let out a deep sigh, stuck between wanting to continue talking to you and wanting to take a good night's sleep.
You continue further with concern and underlying excitement, “I don’t want you to be so tired by the time you get to see my surprise tomorrow. You deserve it so much.” Daichi could only feel giddy as he became flustered at your concerned gesture, before agreeing and deciding to sleep.
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Daichi wakes up the next day, feeling rejuvenated from the short conversation you both had last night. He’s fortunate that he has the day off work, as being an officer in these trying times can be proven stressful, and the distance between the both of you is definitely not helping the mental strain. He stares at the ceiling for a moment before he feels the familiar buzz of his phone. He opens his phone to the view of your text message.
You can open the box now!
Without any second thoughts, Daichi picks up the unopened parcel beside his bed. He grabs a cutter from his table and immediately cuts the package open. He slowly unfolds the flaps of the box to find a piece of paper and a used red radio he knows too well.
It’s my old radio... Daichi thought as he pressed the switch, and to his joy, it played a familiar song, albeit slightly static. The music then conjures a special memory of him riding his bicycle as you perched on his back when you were both still in high school. Furthermore, he could see the all-too familiar red radio dangling on his bicycle, playing the songs you both like.
You watch as the view of the Miyagi prefecture passes by, watching the sun set in the distance as Daichi pedals the bicycle on the way home with his old radio dangling on the right handle, playing Bread and Butter’s Summer Blue. Your arms tightened around his waist as your eyes closed, relishing the warmth of his broad back as your head lay on him, inhaling his mixed scent of salonpas and sweat after volleyball practice with hints of cologne. A smile plays on Daichi’s lips as he feels your warmth surging through him.
‘Summer blue, summer blue…
Sora dake ga aoi...’
The music started to fade in the background as it continued on to the next song.
He can’t help but clutch his chest in happiness and love, as he feels a surge of contentment in his veins. He closes and smiles as he immediately thinks of the precious memory. A tear then slips through his eye, missing your physical presence. He then wipes the tear that has threatened to pour more before starting to prepare for the day ahead. Relieved from the catharsis, he pulls out the piece of paper from the box earlier and reads a “Here’s your clue for the next surprise!” along with a haiku:
‘The smell of warm broth
Shared by the ramen couple
In the cold autumn’
If his memories were correct, he knew exactly where it was. You were regular customers ever since high school, there’s no doubt that it was the ramen shop that you and he used to go to almost every week, and your shared love for shoyu ramen somehow gave you both the reputation of the ‘shoyu ramen couple’ by the owner, as he calls it.
He saw the same shop from years ago as it exactly was as the smell of the broth enticing him to enter the old place.
The old man who owned the shop recognizes Daichi as he enters before greeting him behind the clear protective cover of the counter, as per safety measures as he went to the kitchen to prepare a special meal, ushering Daichi to an empty seat where they usually sit.
His eyes wandered around the empty place, looking for the possible next clue of the next gift. The owner then comes out with a bowl that has a recognizable smell and serves it to Daichi.
“Here’s your shoyu ramen,” The owner winked at Daichi, hinting at something before continuing, “Specially made, requested by your girlfriend.” Daichi, albeit somehow surprised, folded his hands together with an “Itadakimasu!” before quickly slurping the ramen he loved so much in contentment.
“That girl...her sibling came by saying that your girlfriend has a ramen request.” He chuckled before Daichi stopped to listen to his story. “She thought that you might be too busy to come by so she went ahead and paid for it as your gift.” The owner laughs as he resumes cooking, leaving Daichi in disbelief at the owner before looking at his bowl of shoyu ramen, reminiscing a memory.
As the leaves fall while you are walking down the street in a cold autumn afternoon, you pull Daichi’s hand, leading him to the familiar street right after he had volleyball practice.
“Let’s go to the usual!”, You smiled at him as he followed suit.
The place has seen its years with a smoke coming out from the ventilation shaft with a thick warm smell that led you and Daichi come in further, the owner greeting the both of you as usual with a smile before you two sit at your usual spot near the window of the shop. The owner was familiar with the both of you, eating at his place almost every week, and knows what both of you would order.
“Two bowls of shoyu ramen for the couple!” He teases that left you and Daichi flustered at his statement.
“A-anyways, the ramen w-will get cold if we don’t start eating now.” Daichi says, seeing his cheeks redden as he looks away before he digs in to avoid the awkwardness. You gave off a laugh, making his eyes gaze to you that somehow made him flushed even redder as you perched your chin on your hand, looking at him tenderly.
“Somehow...it makes me happy that we’re a couple.”
The owner tells him as he wipes the counter clean, “Keep her. You don’t find women like her nowadays.” He chuckles as he slips a piece of paper in front of the eating policeman, “She also requested to give you this.”
After a few minutes, Daichi had already finished the bowl cleanly with no traces, quickly grabbing a handkerchief to wipe his mouth afterwards.
“Thank you so much for the food!”, he thanks and waves at the owner before he leaves the establishment to go to his next destination.
‘New Year approaches
As the bell tolls from afar
We pray for good luck’
He chuckles as he reads the paper. “She never fails to impress me with her surprises...”, he breathes optimistically as he wears his mask and wraps a scarf around his neck before going outside.
As he arrived, he noticed the familiar shrine wearing down from the years, but was still being taken care of. A few women, mostly high school girls, prayed for the special day while holding each of their own stashes of chocolates. Daichi went up to the shrine, paying his respects before wandering around, looking for the next clue.
“It really brings back memories.” He whispers to himself as he looks around the place, a smile forming on his lips.
You both stepped in front of the shrine after you both celebrated and lent your wishes for the New Year, with hands and eyes closed in prayer. He could only look and stare at you still, hands and eyes closed in prayer. He smiles at the sight of you earnestly praying.
‘I pray that we would always be together.’
Daichi saw a paper dangling on the tree along with the other wishes, taking what seemed to be your final clue.
‘As the storm passes
Spring has finally come home
Awaiting blossom’
His eyes widen in realization as he rushes back to his house, only to find it unlocked. He catches his breath as he opens the door, without any second thoughts, he removes his mask as he enters to look for the final gift. He finds a couple of luggages sitting in the middle as well as a paper he knows too well. He inspects it further, shocked to see your name along with the words negative written in the results.
Daichi then scrambles as he hears the sound of the nearby bathroom door open, only to see you wet in your towel. You immediately went red in embarrassment before Daichi, overfilled with longing and excitement, rushed to ensnare you into a tight embrace despite your towel-clad body. You hold your breath further as he places a deep kiss on your lips, immediately tasting the shoyu ramen you know too well. You could only drown yourself in his kiss as you slowly close your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You both break the kiss afterwards, panting as Daichi pulls your head over his chest, longingly hugging you.
“I was expecting that you would be home a little bit later. I even haven’t dressed for you yet!”, you pouted as you rested in the comfort of Daichi’s arms.
Your boyfriend could laugh, flustered with the state of your undressed state, “I missed you, Y/N. I missed you very much.” You could only hug him tighter as you both smiled.
“I’m home.”
He smiled before kissing you again, but this time passionately as he embraced you once more.
“Welcome home.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Not Like In The Fairy Tales (But Just As Beautiful) (Crygi/Jankie) - Chaoticnachokitten
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27419959
A/N: Heyy:)) I wrote this a few months ago and completely forgot to post it lol. Thanks to @cryshillz for giving me the idea for it and @aqtanawrites for beta-ing<3
Summary: Crystal is just your average high school student, (well, maybe except her makeup and outfit choices), friendly, dreamy and fairly popular. All she wants are her friends, One Direction songs, and maybe a fairy tale esque relationship. Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for that one girl that keeps staring at her with an expression that could kill...
Literally just your typical enemies to lovers high school au:)
It was 6am on a rainy Monday morning. Crystal woke up to the sweet tunes of 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction. She had the habit of using a different One Direction song as her alarm clock every day.
Especially on Mondays she just needed a bit of extra motivation to get up and get ready for school, and that particular song never failed to make her smile, including today.
She slowly got out of bed, and walked up to her closet. It was a beautiful mess of almost offensively bright, colorful clothes. Crystal firmly believed that wearing as many colors as possible was helpful to stay positive all the time. 'Plain' or 'simple' clothing was something she liked to pretend didn't even exist.
Once she was done with picking out her outfit for the day, she went into her bathroom, preparing for her favorite part of her morning routine: her makeup. Firstly, she washed her face, and then applied some products that would hopefully protect her skin from what she was about to do to it. Then, she tried to find all of her needed makeup products. Unfortunately, she had a habit of trying out new looks constantly, and for some reason her products ended up being scattered in the entire bathroom. Her parents had given up on trying to keep the bathroom organized at this point.
After finding everything she needed, which were approximately 50 products, including tons of her beloved glitter, she started with her time consuming but fun painting, blasting her OD playlist to stay in a good mood. Her thoughts drifted around for a bit, eventually settling on the memories of how her high school had tried to get her to dress 'appropriately' and to stop her 'clown like' makeup. At first the teachers had assumed that she would get teased because of her looks, but they had been very wrong. Crystal had such a fun and loveable personality that no one really said anything negative about her, in fact, the only people who teased her about her makeup were her best friends, who obviously didn't mean it. Crystal was friends with just about everyone, except one person.
Crystal quickly tried to think of something else, she didn't want to ruin her morning by thinking about the only person she didn't like.
So, after the teachers had realized that no other student would tell her to stop with her makeup, they tried to threaten her by sending her to the principal's office multiple times. But, since she kept arguing about how she needed to express herself, and because her grades were good, the teachers gave up and her style was tolerated eventually. At least her art teacher loved her creativity.
Crystal checked herself out in the mirror one last time. Her long, curly hair was brushed nicely, it looked all shiny and soft like usual, she was wearing a full face of makeup, around three times the amount of what an average student would wear, and her outfit complemented her makeup nicely. Afterwards she went on her way to her high school, which happened to be just a few minutes away from her home. As always, she had her earphones in so she could continue to listen to her playlist, which she had named 'positive vibes'.
Before entering the big, old, dull building, she removed her earphones as electronic devices were strictly forbidden and had to be stored in the school bags, otherwise a teacher had the right to take them away. It was a stupid and annoying rule, but other than about her personal style, Crystal didn't like getting in trouble, so she just accepted it.
Crystal's morning had been pretty good so far, but of course, the first person she saw in the hallway was the one she didn't like. Her name was Gigi Goode, and, Crystal usually didn't like to swear, the only word that could be used to describe her was a complete bitch. Now, sadly, Gigi was gorgeous, everyone was jealous of her looks. Even after a long P.E lesson she still managed to look perfect, not even a single makeup particle out of place. Gigi exclusively wore expensive makeup and clothes, always looking like she was about to be on the cover of Vogue or something. Not only that, but she was smart too, a straight A student, nothing less ever. She regularly engaged in class, the teachers often used her as a good example. But beyond that, Gigi was also the most conceited person Crystal knew. She seemed to lack any kind of empathy or friendliness. The only thing she seemed to care about was herself and her reputation.
She wasn't really friends with anyone, everyone was intimidated by her. She didn't seem to care for friendships anyway. But Gigi just seemed to hate Crystal for no reason. Everytime Crystal was near Gigi she looked at the ground to avoid the look. Gigi liked to glare at Crystal like she was something unsightly, like a stain on her clothes or a disgusting bug or something along those lines. Nothing out of the ordinary, except today, if anything, Gigi looked at her with an even meaner expression than usual.
"Maybe her favorite brand of lipstick got discontinued,"  Crystal thought to herself as she searched for her friends, all she had to do was follow the sound. And sure enough, just a few meters away she spotted Jan and Jackie, who were talking about something. Jan seemed to be even more enthusiastic than usual, and Jackie looked slightly concerned.
"...it's a genius plan, I promise! And very easy to execute. We have to show them that they just belong together."
Jan was nearly screaming the last sentence, loud enough to hear clearly for Crystal who was just waiting for their conversation to end as she didn't want to interrupt them. But then, Jan saw Crystal and monitored for her to come.
"Genius plan? Jan, look, I love you very much, but the last time you said that, and canceled our movie night for it-"
"You're still mad about that?" Jan asked with a hint of amusement.
"Let me finish. Last time you had one of your 'genius ideas' you broke into the school with Nicky to save the frogs we were meant to dissect in biology."
"Well, obviously my plan worked because the frogs are now free, and we didn't have to dissect anything!"
Jackie sighed, fighting the smile caused by the adorableness of her girlfriend, and shook her head fondly.
"And I'm very happy about that. However, you and Nicky got detention for a whole month and only very narrowly avoided legal consequences. And you were grounded forever!"
Jan looked at Jackie with huge eyes.
"But..the frogs..they were worth all of that."
Jackie looked at Crystal who had just been listening to the fairly weird conversation. Though that kind of stuff wasn't uncommon for Jan and Jackie at all.
"Crystal, I'm dating an idiot."
Crystal just laughed and then shyly looked at Jan. The girl looked back at her with mock anger. Then she turned her attention back to Jackie.
"Oh, so I'm the idiot now? I would like to remind you of the time when I was still grounded, and you decided to do it like they do it in the movies and attempted to climb up my house to get into my room through the window, just because you wanted to see me..it's not like you see me at school literally every day."
"It was Saturday. And we spent some..quality time that day."
"That was after I quite literally had to pull you up myself after you almost fell down."
Jackie was about to respond when the bell rang as annoyingly as ever, announcing that the first class was about to start. Jan, Jackie, Crystal and, unfortunately for Crystal, Gigi were all in the same class. Jan attempted to leave, but she was pulled back by Jackie.
"No girl, no skipping classes anymore. You'll just get into trouble again."
"But..." Jan started.
"No buts. You're coming with us. Do you need a bit of..extra motivation?"
Jan smirked, getting the hint, and then nodding excitedly.
Jackie hugged her, and then placed a kiss on Jan's soft lips. A few seconds later they were full on making out.
Around a minute later the bell rang again, and the two of them broke apart. Jackie looked at Crystal, who was now staring at the ground, blushing, apologetically.
"Crys, oh my God, I'm so sorry you had to witness that."
"You're not sorry," Jan disagreed.
"It's fine, I'm used to it by now, I know how gross you guys are," Crystal smiled.
"Anyway, let's go, otherwise we'll be late for class," Jackie said in a slightly nervous tone. She hated being late.
Jan sighed.
"And I'm dating the teacher's pet."
Before Jan could try to run away again, Jackie grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her along.
On the way to class, Crystal couldn't help but feel jealous of her friends. Jan and Jackie were just such a cute couple. It wasn't like she was attracted to either of them, it was more that she had the desire to experience the same kind of love they had for each other. She wanted that kind of fairytale fantasy cute relationship, with the occasional playful teasing.
The three of them finally reached the classroom, just in time. Crystal sat down in her usual spot, and got out her needed school supplies. Since the teacher surprisingly wasn't there yet, she checked her phone, scrolling through her social media. Since there wasn't anything too interesting, she switched it off soon again and looked around for a bit. To her horror, she noticed that Gigi was looking at her. But something was weird about it. Crystal could have sworn that Gigi had looked at her with an almost friendly expression...probably as friendly as Gigi was able to, before using the look again. A few seconds later Gigi looked away again. Crystal missed that Gigi was blushing.
Crystal suddenly felt like she had invaded Gigi's personal space. It was stupid, but she felt her face heat up. To try and calm down, she ran a hand through her hair to fix it, even though nothing was wrong with it in the first place before opening her notepad, and started doodling tiny flowers and animals in it so she had something to focus on.
Just when she had calmed down enough to feel as comfortable as she could while being at school, the English teacher entered the room, greeting the students. Crystal looked up for a minute, listening to what the teacher was talking about, before going back to doodling. She was almost always more focused in class while drawing. It was accepted by most teachers, and a real blessing in art class.
Today was different. For some reason, she kept thinking about Gigi, and the way she had seen the unusual behavior of her today. It honestly wouldn't have been a big deal at all, but she had never seen Gigi without that I-accidentally-bit-into-a-lemon glance, and instead looked at Crystal like she was an actual person. Thinking about it caused Crystal to feel an odd, but definitely not unpleasant sensation spreading from her heart. Could it be..?
"No. No, definitely not, not her," she told herself before forcefully turning her attention back to the teacher.
"Okay, so today we'll start with a new topic: presentations. They are very important, you will have to do one in pretty regardless of where you want to work in your later life. Now, we'll work on your confidence first, therefore the topic of the presentation will be up to you. And because teamwork is very important as well, you'll work in groups of two."
The teacher noticed that Jan had raised her hand.
"Yes, Jan?"
"How about we get paired up randomly? Later on in our life we don't get to choose either who we'll have to work with, so this might be some good practice."
The teacher nodded, impressed by Jan's level of maturity, and surprised because the girl usually didn't participate that much.
The rest of the class seemed okay with that idea as all of them got along quite well. Jackie looked at Jan with a surprised look, Jan smiled at her before mouthing "all part of my plan, don't worry."
The teacher resumed.
"Great idea, actually, thanks Jan. Okay, everyone, please take out a piece of paper and write down your names. Then fold it and bring it to my desk."
Jan raised her hand again.
"Can I please read out the teams?"
"Yeah, sure."
The next few minutes were spent by people asking for paper and pens and then writing down all of the names. Jan hastily scribbled the three letters of her own name before turning her attention to Crystal. She was writing down her name on that obnoxious rainbow colored paper she adored, making the next step of Jan's plan easier.
Then she looked at Gigi. She was using some expensive art paper she usually used to draw gorgeous pictures on. It even felt expensive, so spotting it later on shouldn't be too hard either. Jan couldn't quite believe that her plan was going so smoothly.
Jackie was ready to bring her paper to the teacher's desk, but Jan stopped her before she could do so.
"Wait, I want to be paired up with you. Mark it with a smiley or something," Jan whispered.
Jackie smirked before doing so.
"Fine, miss we-should-work-with-different-people-to-gain-new-experience."
"You'll understand later."
After every piece of paper was on the desk, Jan mixed all of them up to keep up the illusion that every pair would be selected in a fair and completely random way..
Crystal felt someone looking at her. When she looked around, it was Gigi once again. This time she was sure she had seen Gigi's initial expression which had looked almost dreamy before she was back to looking mean again. When Crystal didn't look right away again, Gigi even looked insecure for a split second before hissing "what the hell are you looking at?" before looking away herself.
Crystal was shocked. Had she just seen the usually overly confident Gigi Goode looking...insecure?
She didn't even have time to process everything that had just happened as Jan, who had already paired up quite a few people, called her name.
"Okay so Crystal and.."
Jan tried to make it seem like she was just randomly picking out a piece of paper.
Crystal's jaw dropped. She didn't dare to look at Gigi. That was the worst team she had ever been in. She was shocked to the point of shivering. She felt her blood running both hot and cold at the same time. And just when she had tried to reason that she could just do her part of the assignment alone, and would just have to do the presentation with Gigi, the teacher spoke up again.
"To ensure you'll actually work together, you will get a grade as a team instead of individual ones. Before you can go, please note that you now have one week to prepare. Since I already wrote down the teams, please don't change them up again. Okay, that's it. Goodbye, see you all tomorrow."
Everyone except Crystal packed up and got ready to leave. Gigi, for once, looked unsettled and left as soon as she could in order to keep up her usual act and not show any emotions. Crystal, on the other hand, was too shocked to do anything other than staring off into space. This was officially the worst day in her life. There was no way she would survive working together with someone who looked like she was about to stab Crystal as soon as they were alone.
Jan pulled her out of her almost trance like state by waving her arms in front of Crystal.
"Hey, are you okay? You don't look good, you're so pale out of the sudden."
Crystal looked at Jan desperately.
"Okay?? No, I'm not 'okay' at all. In case you missed it, I have to work with Gigi out of all people and I can't switch partners...what am I going to do?"
Jan decided to act like she was sorry. In her opinion that drastic measure was necessary to make Crystal and Gigi talk for once, and hopefully that would be enough to make them see that they like each other. Jan had seen the way Gigi looked at Crystal when the latter wasn't aware of it, and she knew that Crystal had a hard time noticing and admitting that she liked someone, due to the fact that she once had her heart broken badly before, and it had taken lots of time and support from her friends to get over it. So, complaining about someone more often than usual was Crystal's way to try and suppress her feelings.
"I'm so sorry Crys, but I'm sure it's going to be fine. And if she's mean to you, I'll make her pay for it, I promise. In fact, I still have that weird hair dye that's supposed to dye your hair purple, but it turned mine green and it took an eternity to get it out again, remember that?"
Crystal forced herself to giggle. She did feel a bit better knowing that Jan would help her if things didn't go smoothly.
"Thanks, Janice, I appreciate it. And honestly, the green didn't look that bad. Besides, you obviously care about green frogs enough to risk legal consequences, so dyeing your hair to match them is just the natural next step."
"I probably shouldn't have told anyone that story, but I would have never thought that saving countless innocent lives would ever be used against me, at least not that frequently. But anyway, ready to leave now?"
Crystal sighed. She really didn't want to see Gigi anymore, at least today.
"What are the chances of Jackie killing you for skipping class one more time with me?"
Jan laughed.
"Unfortunately too high to risk it. Besides, you won't be able to avoid her all week, and if you don't want a bad grade you will have to work with her. Once again, I'm very sorry."
"Okay, fine. And don't apologize Jan, it's not your fault."
Jan had to suppress a smirk. If only she knew..
The rest of the school day surprisingly wasn't that terrible. Gigi didn't look at Crystal at all, not even once, instead she was fully concentrated on engaging as much as usual in each class. Crystal on the other hand didn't care about anything else that moment, she was trying and failing to come up with a way that would make working with Gigi okay. And she sure as hell wouldn't be the one to start the conversation. Since Gigi wasn't satisfied with anything less than an A, she probably would be the one to approach Crystal anyway. Hopefully.
When the school bell rang again, this time to indicate that the day was over, Crystal couldn't wait to get home, she carelessly stuffed her school supplies into her rainbow colored bag and nearly stormed out of the school without even saying goodbye to any of her friends. For once she didn't care about being nice and polite, she just wanted to go home, crawl into her bed, cry, listen to music, and ignore the world around her until she would feel better.
But today some higher force seemed to have something against her. Once she was back home, laying in her bed comfortably, surrounded by her plushies, she decided to check her phone before listening to music. It turned out to be a big mistake. She saw that she had received a message by an unknown number. Usually she would have just ignored and blocked it, but she couldn't. The number had a profile picture, and Crystal immediately recognized it. A pretty girl with perfect skin and shiny brunette hair. Gigi.
She decided that she deserved a break from everything that had happened today, so she turned on airplane mode so she wouldn't be disturbed by anyone anymore, put in her earphones once again, and then clicked on her playlist. She proceeded to close her eyes, trying not to think about anything, just listen to the music instead. She wasn't able to calm down though, even after 30 minutes of trying. The message she had refused to read out of fear earlier seemed to be haunting her. She decided to finally read it.
'Hey, it's Gigi.
It seems like we'll have to work together. I'm sure you're just as interested in a good grade as I am, so I think we should talk things out. Hating each other while trying to give a good presentation will probably not work out, plus we haven't even decided on a topic. So come to my place at 6pm, here is the address.'
Crystal checked the time. She had about an hour left. According to Google, getting to the location would take 45 minutes. She didn't want to make Gigi mad now that it seemed like they would maybe be able to finally work their problems out. She hastily jumped out of her bed, and ran into the bathroom to touch up her makeup as soon as possible.
Thankfully it wasn't terribly smudged or anything, so she was able to go on her way just a few minutes later. That way she would even have a bit of extra time in case she didn't find Gigi's house or if she needed some time to prepare herself mentally for actually ringing the doorbell, which was very likely going to be the case. Crystal had a pretty bad sense of orientation.
Meanwhile, Gigi was anxiously pacing around in her room, checking her makeup and outfit every time she passed a mirror. She had a lot of them in her room. Gigi knew that she was a mess on the inside right now, so it was even more important for her not to show it on the inside. She hoped that her facade that she had built up over the years was enough to hide her emotions from Crystal. The truth was, she wasn't as confident as she pretended to be. In fact, Gigi was a very insecure girl, afraid that someone would see right through her, able to tell just how weak she actually was on the inside. She was scared that people would make fun of her, so she just pushed everyone who tried to befriend her away. Being friends with people had never worked out in the past, instead she had been used and then she had been left with low self esteem and trust issues. Eventually she decided she wouldn't get hurt by people ever again, and that was when she started wearing expensive clothes to intimidate people and flawless makeup as it made her feel like a completely different person, beautiful and confident. Her makeup was like a mask for her as well, a constant reminder that she needed to keep up her facade to remain safe.
Gigi's thoughts were interrupted by the piercing sound of the doorbell. She checked her makeup for what seemed like the 100th time that day, and then went to open the door.
"Hey," Crystal greeted her, looking as nervous and anxious as Gigi felt. For some reason it made her feel better.
"Hey. Thanks for coming. Come in." Gigi managed to keep her usual cool tone despite the fact that she was extremely nervous.
Crystal did as she was told. Unexpectedly, Gigi's house was both huge, almost as big as a mansion, and the furniture looked extremely expensive and beautiful. But since Crystal was also a nervous mess, she wasn't able to focus on anything properly.
Gigi led her into her room (a gigantic one, beautiful and organized, girly but not at all kitschy) and monitored for Crystal to sit down on her bed. Crystal, again, did as she was told, it was her only option as she couldn't even think straight. Gigi carefully sat down next to her. She didn't look at Crystal because she felt like she would break if she did, and instead stared at her ceiling.
"Okay so, I guess I'll explain why I behave the way I do around you. The truth is, I don't hate you. I know you think I do, but I don't. In fact, I'm jealous of you."
Crystal couldn't believe her ears. First of all, Gigi talking about her feelings? And most importantly: How could Gigi Perfect Goode be jealous of her? Crystal bit her tongue to remain silent, the question was burning on her tongue, but she felt like talking wasn't a good idea right now.
"You're so lucky. You get to be yourself. You can wear and act however you want because you're so cute and loveable and everyone wants to be your friend."
Did Gigi just call me cute?
"You don't know what it means to constantly act like a bitch to keep people away from me. And all of that because I'm scared. I'm so scared of being judged. Of being used, of being hurt. I can't handle another person lowering my self esteem to the point where I can't leave the house anymore. It took me months to get where I am today. Why do you think I check my hair and makeup every few minutes? Why do you think I keep staring at you?"
Gigi was getting so emotional that she had to stop talking as her eyes were starting to get as glossy as her perfectly applied lip gloss. She tried taking deep breaths to calm down, but that just made everything worse.
"This is so stupid, I'm sorry…"
"Gigi, please don't call your emotions stupid. It's okay to express your feelings,you've been ignoring them for far too long already. I promise I won't tell anyone. And I know what being hurt feels like, believe me, and being able to talk about my feelings helped me a lot."
Perhaps it were Crystal's words, perhaps Gigi's feelings were too much for her to bottle up anymore, but just a minute later she found herself bawling her eyes out while Crystal had her arms wrapped around her in a protective and comforting way that Gigi actually felt like it was okay for her to cry and let out everything. It was weird, they didn't even really know each other, and surely she wouldn't have expected the meeting with Crystal to go like that at all, but strangely enough it felt so right.
After a solid ten minutes of crying, Gigi was finally starting to calm down. She decided that now, since she had told Crystal her secret already and she had also cried in Crystal's arms, which had probably ruined her pretty makeup/ facade, she had nothing to lose anymore. She freed herself from Crystal's grip, cupped the girl's face, and proceeded to kiss her like she had been wanting to for months. She was fast and aggressive, all of her emotions went into it.
Crystal didn't even think, the kiss felt more than right, so she kissed back just a second later with the same intensity to match Gigi's energy.
It wasn't like the start of her dream fairy tale beginning of a relationship, quite the opposite, actually. Gigi was still crying, Crystal's face was getting wet from the tears, but in that moment she could have cared less about the 'perfect' start of a relationship. What she had right here was just as perfect to her, if not more.
After what could have been seconds, minutes, or even days, both of them were blown away by the intensity of the moment that time didn't matter anymore, they slowly broke apart.
"Crystal I'm so sorry. I didn't know what came over me," Gigi started all of the sudden. She was breathing way too fast.
"Shh, calm down. My only question is, did you mean the kiss? Be honest."
Gigi nodded, looking away.
"I meant it too when I kissed you back."
Gigi looked like a weight had been lifted off of her. Then, she seemed to have an idea.
"I know this is incredibly early, but uhm..I'm alone and my parents won't come back until in a few days, do you maybe want to stay with me for the night? I just want to find out more about the girl I've been secretly admiring for the past few months."
Crystal smiled softly.
"Of course. I would love to know more about the girl that has been hiding every emotion for..I don't even know how long. Tell me what you're feeling, every single one, I want to know all about them. And please don't ever be afraid again to show people your vulnerable side. The world may be terrible, but not every single person is, I promise."
"You're the prime example of that," Gigi said quietly.
"You're still treating me like this even though I was such a terrible person to you...thank you so much Crystal."
With that, they intertwined their fingers, slowly getting closer until their lips touched again. This time it felt different, but just as amazing. It was all slow and tender, and neither of them wanted the moment to end. Maybe it was like in the kitschy fairy tales after all.
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undertalethingems · 4 years
Undertale LIVE: My thoughts
I had the chance to go to the Undertale Live concert today, and--as requested--I’m going to share how it went!
If you hadn’t heard of it, it’s a small band of musicians who play tracks from the game while a playthrough is projected on a screen behind them. I know a lot of people thought it was actually a musical when it was first announced--but no, no one was on stage as the human or Toriel or Alphys, and honestly I’m happy it wasn’t since musicals can be pretty hit or miss for me. The audience has a chance to vote on what to choose at certain points in the game, making it more than a concert alone.
This is going to get long, so... here we go.
I met the friend I’d invited to see the show with me at the train station, and after some confusion and walking straight past the theatre where the show was being held we made it in and got to our seats just fine. The house was nearly full, which was really good to see considering this was the second show--the actual premier was yesterday. Needless to say Undertale--and it’s music--is popular. I was also a little surprised by the composition of the crowd--Undertale has the reputation of being a young fandom, but there were plenty of older folks and many of them weren’t just there to chaperone their kids. it was nice to see just how many different people love the game ^^
Soon enough, the lights went down; it was time for the music to start. Now, I won’t spoil every song they played... but honestly? The musicians did an excellent job, and whoever was in charge of the arrangement was on point, picking just the right instrument to play each part. The double bass on the low ‘theremin’ elements of “Fallen Down” was beautiful, and using both clarinet and violin for “Bonetrousle” was one of my favorite parts--it sounded perfect for Papyrus. I was also impressed by the guy playing bassoon--he often had to practically beatbox to match the chiptune elements he’d been given, but it worked really well.
But one thing I really appreciated was that they covered plenty of lesser known songs--not just the boss fights or ‘top hits’ as it were, but smaller moments like “Pathetic House”, “The Choice”, and “A Small Shock”; I was happy they included the basic battle theme and “Alphys” too. Those frequently get left out, so it was great to hear them covered, and overall it was a great mix of character themes, environmental themes, and more obscure tracks, and that’s more than can be said for some of the Undertale melodies I have on my youtube playlist XD All were given the same high level of attention and skill, and it was wonderful.
As far as the video elements go, well, it’s not like they could go through the entire game--that’d be a bit much for anyone involved. Instead, they’d partnered with a twitch streamer to collect footage, then cut out some of the slower parts of the game to keep it at the more reasonable length of about 2 hours. It did mean cutting some songs I would have liked to hear them cover, but I can understand why--and what they did cover was done perfectly.
Because that’s the other thing--the live music blended almost seamlessly with the gameplay, enough that I forgot it was being played maybe 30 feet away and not coming from the game. They do plan on recording and releasing a CD sometime this year, and needless to say I’m buying it when I get the chance :”D
As for the interactive parts... I’ll be honest--at my show, they didn’t seem to come up often, so it didn’t feel like it was a big part of the experience. But I say ‘my show’ because they want feedback on how to make it even better, so things may be different when they go on tour later. That said, the choices mainly came up when fighting major characters--and, uh, i have to say i was happy no one died (though i was side-eyeing the few folks who raised their hands at papyrus. c’mon, you know that alone’s not gonna get you megalovania, and we’d already spared toriel at that point :”D ) We ended up with a true pacifist ending, and i think everyone was satisfied. It seemed the show was over...
and then barely two notes of “Megalovania” played and the crowd roared. The musicians are fans themselves, they knew what we were hoping to hear =u= Now... it’s probably no surprise, but i’ve heard many versions of Megalovania--many of which don’t quite ‘get it’ for me, often lacking the bass or right energy for the song--but Undertale Live delivered, keeping the right energy for this absolute banger and ending the show (perhaps ironically, considering Megalovania’s context :”D) on a high note.
Overall, I was really impressed, and enjoyed every song immensely; Undertale still makes up the majority of the music I listen to, and like I said, I was very happy to see them give attention to some of the less popular--but no less good--tracks the game has to offer. They’re hopefully announcing further tour dates soon, so if you have the chance to go, I say take it ^^
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The Protégé 3
Pairing: MadaSaku
Plot: In search of a new cellist for his prestigious orchestra, an infamously feared maestro stumbles upon a young rising star.
Note: I pray to Baby Jesus that none of you were ever in an orchestra, because I have no idea if what Madara says towards the end sounds even remotely like conductor-talk. I do still know what a bunch of the terms mean form my time as a pianist, but again, I was never in an orchestra and I have no idea if a conductor would use them this way. Also, I kind of sort of perpetuated myself in this chapter, or at least my office number lol. 3.201 is the number of my own office at university and the way Madara describes it (”all the rooms are labelled” etc) is a literal word-for-word copy of how I describe the way to my office when I’ve got people coming in for an appointment. 
And last but not least, here are the links to the pieces mentioned in the chapter: Brian Tyler - Sleight of Hand and Ludovico Einaudi - The Taranta Project . Introductio ad Regnum Tarantulae, Choros, and Taranta are my personal favourites of Einaudi’s album, but I posted a link to the entire album, because it is A.MA.ZINGGGG. If you only want to check out the three songs mentioned, you should search for the songs separately though instead of listening to the album version I posted above, because some of the recordings on the album are live versions and the studio recordings simply sound better.
I’m suuuuuuuuuuuuuper excited to hear your opinion on this chapter as well as the music. None of my friends or family like the sort of music that I incorporate in this story, so I’m incredibly excited to share these pieces with you and anyway asoiwjefoijsdf so yeah, bye.
Sakura was standing in front of the mirror in her hotel room scrutinising her seventh outfit. She was supposed to be at Mr Uchiha’s office at the New National Theatre in two hours, and she had already spent the last 45 minutes deciding what to wear. She couldn’t for the life of her come up with a decent look, since the majority of her wardrobe was very girly, all bright colours, soft lace, and flower prints. Given her fashion sense – or lack thereof, Sakura never thought that she would ever regret not owning a lot of stylish and sleek pieces. In the past, she never felt the need to buy formal and impressionable clothing, since the orchestra provided that for her whenever they were required to dress a certain way for public appearances. But now, Sakura would kill for a nice pant suit, or at least a blouse that didn’t have this person is clearly colour blind written all over it.
Groaning in frustration, the young cellist slipped out of her pastel pink dress and turned to the myriad of clothes strewn across her bed. Her gaze landed on a white shirt her friends had gifted her when she was sixteen years old, right after winning the first Grand Prize at the Rostropovitch Cello Competition. The shirt showed a picture of her instrument in the middle with the words Cello: Everyone Else Is Accompaniment below it. Sakura smiled at the memory. She loved that shirt, and she loved all of her other clothes as well. She felt most comfortable in dresses and skirts and pretty little tops with unicorns and ice cream cones and flowers on them.
But she couldn’t turn up to a meeting with one of the world’s greatest conductors looking like she burped sunshine and farted rainbows.
As she went through her pieces of clothing looking for something more mature or at least subtler, Sakura thought back to the email Mr Uchiha had sent her two weeks ago. He always seemed so poised and mature and suave, even in his correspondence. In the maestro’s presence – physical or digital – Sakura always felt like a naïve little schoolgirl asking her strict and intimidating headmaster for directions to the cafeteria. Thinking back to what she had written, she felt incredibly stupid for asking him what to do next. But then his reply came through, and Sakura couldn’t have been happier.
 Dear Ms Haruno,
at the risk of sounding smug, I have to say you made the right decision. But then again, I expected nothing less from you. As for what happens next – there’s no need to worry, I will take of everything for you. Allow me to lead the way. I am your maestro now, after all.
Madara Uchiha
 Sakura got his reply at 1:20 in the morning and naturally, she was so over the moon she didn’t get a wink of sleep that night. Luckily, the following days went by in a blur. She had to sign lots of paperwork for Kyoto Concert Hall, find a new tenant for her flat, answer a bunch of emails from a bunch of strangers from the New National Theatre, go to a total of four farewell-parties organised by her former orchestra’s musicians, and finally say goodbye to her beloved Maestro Senju.
In the meantime, Mr Uchiha had booked her a flight to Tokyo and a hotel room in which she was free to stay for a few weeks while looking for a place to live in the capital city.
Now, two weeks later, Sakura was about to sign the contract that would change her life.
But first, she needed to change her outfit.
Madara saw her walk up the grand staircase, eyes wide with wonder, soaking up the modern and sleek architecture of the New National Theatre. The architect had worked with glass a lot and had installed windows and glass walls wherever he could, so the entire building was bathed in a natural light.  Everything was understated and subtle, yet tasteful and aesthetic at the same time – all pastel colours and typical Japanese minimalism.
Amidst the rather chiselled, sophisticated, and mature look of the theatre, the young cellist stood out like a sore thumb with her bubblegum-pink hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, her white camisole top with lace applications, and the dark-green culotte pants, which she tied above her waist with a pretty little bow.
Madara decided to give her another moment to savour the view while he retreated to his office. He glanced at his watch and noted with satisfaction that she was over-punctual. She still had fifteen minutes to spare before their scheduled meeting, which gave him another fifteen minutes to force all the inappropriate teasing he thought of when he saw her to the back of his mind. Though Madara had thoroughly enjoyed rattling Ms Haruno during their previous encounter, he had to be absolutely professional now – this time he was in his territory, after all, and he had a reputation to uphold. Namely that of a tough and relentless hard-ass conductor, who didn’t feel a thing at the sight of some young musician’s awe-struck eyes staring up at him as if he were her personal god and saviour.
The maestro took a seat at his desk, turned on his speakers, and opened the playlist he created for the upcoming tour. Clicking on the desired music file, he let the sound of Ludovico Einaudi’s Taranta envelop his office as he started jotting down notes on the corresponding sheet music.
Einaudi’s Taranta Project was one of the more experimental parts of the repertoire he was planning for the tour. Frankly, he would not have even included it if Ms Haruno had not agreed to join his ensemble. The compositions Madara chose featured a strong focus on strings, and he simply couldn’t imagine his orchestra performing such avant-garde pieces without a cellist who showed the same level of passion and eagerness to experiment as the composer himself.
The conductor was torn from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his office door. He lowered the volume of the song to a barely audible minimum and summoned her in.
Madara watched his principal cellist open the door and hesitantly step into the room. Her gaze roamed around his spacious office for a second before resting on him.
“Ms Haruno, welcome to Tokyo,” he said as he walked around his desk to approach her.
The maestro noted another blush tainting her cheeks before she stretched out her hand to shake his. “Thank you, Mr Uchiha. You have no idea how excited I am to be here.”
As he gestured for her to take a seat on the grey leather sofa, Madara heard her ask, “That was from The Taranta Project, wasn’t it? Is Einaudi going to be part of our tour programme?” Madara leaned back in the armchair to Sakura’s right and crossed one leg over the other. “That depends. How do you feel about opening with Choros?” He watched her eyes sparkle with excitement.
“I love that idea. But if you decide to perform the entire album, we could open with Introductio and just stick to Einaudi’s original order. It’s softer than Choros and would also set a better mood for Taranta. Though Choros would be more appropriate if you want to go with a darker, more mature concert.”
Madara narrowed his eyes and stared at the pinkette with a pensive gaze. How could someone so seemingly shy and unobtrusive hide so much excitement, passion, and energy? The way her eyes lit up at the mention of Einaudi’s pieces and the way she enthusiastically talked about the things she loved made Madara decide to ask her about her opinion more often. When she realised he wasn’t answering, her eyes widened in shock and she quickly clasped a hand over her mouth, before lowering it just enough to allow herself to speak. “I’m so sorry, Mr Uchiha. I didn’t mean to criticise your choices or tell you what to do. I-I just… got carried away with the excitement and everything,” she stammered, fixing her gaze on her lap before letting out a shaky breath. “I’m really nervous, in case you didn’t realise.”
The maestro studied the cellist for another moment, before murmuring, “Why are you nervous, Ms Haruno?”
She slowly raised her head again to look at him, and Madara had to actively restrain himself from staring at her teeth nervously biting her bottom lip. Instead, he watched her pull a wayward strand of hair behind her ear.
“Because… it’s you,” she breathed weakly.
Well, that piqued his interest.
“Care to elaborate, Ms Haruno?”
The young cellist turned her gaze away from him, now resting on her lap again where she was watching her fingers play with the ends of the ribbon she tied above her waist. “Well… it’s probably silly to you, but you’re… you’re sort of my favourite conductor and a huge role model and just – I don’t know, being in the same room with you freaks me out, let alone the thought of playing in your orchestra. Not – not freak out in a bad way,” she fixed him with a frantic gaze, hands waving in front of her in defence, “I’m not saying I’m so freaked out I can’t perform in your presence, just like – you know, a nervous and excited sort of freak out, the sort that makes you annoyingly self-conscious and turns you into a giant perfectionist, because you desperately want to please your idol, and so…,” Sakura let out a long sigh and turned her head away in embarrassment, before laughing anxiously, “and now I need to stop rambling. Anyway, I’m sorry if I stepped on your toes with my suggestions about Einaudi’s album.”
As soon as she stopped talking and started biting her lip again instead, Madara had to remind himself to keep calm. He found her adorable in a harmless sort of way when she was nervous and flustered, but when she was biting her lip, she instantly became a danger to his sanity and his firm conviction that hooking up with one of his orchestra’s musicians was a terrible idea.
The raven-haired conductor cleared his throat to force himself out of his inappropriate line of thought and asserted, “You have nothing to worry about, Ms Haruno. I wasn’t offended by your remarks in the slightest. To be honest, I was simply astonished at first, since none of my musicians usually dare to speak their mind or give me suggestions on anything. It was a pleasant surprise, though. I think I should ask for your opinion more often.”
The pinkette’s shoulders visibly relaxed as her lips spread into a grateful smile, and Madara noted with satisfaction that he was the put who put it there.
“Now, before you meet with our lawyer to sign the contract, I wanted to give you the chance to talk things through, answer any questions you might have. I believe you had enough time to read through it all. Was there anything you’d like to discuss with me?”
“Um, yes, actually. Though not so much about the contract per se, that was probably the most precise contract ever drafted. But um,” he watched Ms Haruno lick her lips with such a fascination as if he were witnessing the birth of Jesus Christ himself, “I did have a few questions about the repertoire and the pieces you’re considering for the tour. I noticed there were a few compositions for a string quartet with a heavy focus on the cello, even some cello solos. I was just wondering if it’s maybe a bit early for me to be featured so heavily. I am the youngest member of your ensemble, after all, with the least amount of experience. I’m basically a rookie compared to your other musicians.”
“Let me assure you, Ms Haruno, that you are by no means a rookie in my orchestra. None of my musicians think that, especially not me. And I would never assign you anything if I wasn’t absolutely certain you could rise up to it.”
The doubtful look in her eyes didn’t waver. “I believe you, and I really appreciate your confidence in me. It’s just – I’m worried that I might get off on the wrong foot with the others if I get so much attention right from the beginning. Maestro Senju didn’t give me a solo piece until I was with the orchestra for a year, and even then, some people got really jealous and upset. I just want a smooth start without any bad blood.”
Of course, Madara mused, he sensed there was a deeper reason behind her uncertainty. He knew that she knew how good she was and that she could perform those solo pieces in her sleep. Her hesitance had nothing to do with her doubting her musical prowess, but everything to do with her kind disposition, almost too kind for something so competitive and cut-throat as Japan’s classical music scene.
Madara decided then that it was good he had taken such a liking to her. The cellist was right – if she wasn’t careful, his musicians would eat her for breakfast. Lucky for her, the big bad wolf of a conductor harboured a teeny-tiny musical crush on her.
“Ms Haruno, you are the only person in my ensemble that I have personally pursued. Everybody else had to audition, but not you, because that’s just how good you are. I’m not going to leave you unnoticed in the background, that would be a waste of and insult to your talent. That being said, the tour programme isn’t finalised yet, so we can talk about changing bits and pieces, depending on how well our rehearsals go. But if I’m satisfied with your performance, you will take centre stage. And if anybody has a problem with that,” Madara was just about to finish his sentence with they can come to me but refrained from doing so when he realised how inappropriately possessive it sounded. “Then you should just be happy about the fact that older and more experienced musicians feel so threatened by someone so young. If anything, their jealousy is a compliment. Trust me, knowing you’re better than others is a great confidence boost,” the conductor added with a smug grin.
Her melodious laughter echoed through his office which only made his smirk widen. When she calmed down, the pink-haired musician started biting her lip again, this time probably to stop herself from grinning. After another moment where Madara allowed himself to simply enjoy her carefree happiness, he added with gentle encouragement, “Seriously, Ms Haruno, don’t worry about what others think of you. Our profession was and always will be highly competitive, and you will always make enemies no matter how kind you are or how many cookies you bake for your colleagues. Don’t ever allow other people’s inferiority complex to rain on your parade.” Madara looked at her intently, his eyes softening as he murmured, “You’re too good for that.”
A deep blush spread across her face, and her doe-like eyes stared up at him with that look of wonder and admiration that made him want to shower her with compliments, if only she would keep looking at him that way. If he hadn’t known any better, Madara could have sworn her gaze rested on his lips for a split second before meeting his eyes again.
The maestro had to physically force himself to look away. It got increasingly difficult to remain professional with all the adorable blushing and fidgeting. Here he was, a 39-year-old man who loved old Scotch, vintage cars, self-assured women, and everything else that was ripe and mature in this world. And yet this young naïve little thing who was so nervous she was basically shaking in his presence, staring up at him like a lost lamb looking for shelter, stirred up a protective instinct in him he never knew he had.
Change of subject, Madara reminded himself. Right fucking now.
“Was there anything else you wanted to talk about, Ms Haruno?”
Please say no, please say no, please say no, please say –
The conductor raised an expectant eyebrow while forcing his expression to relax in an effort to mask his internal struggle. He wanted her to stay for all the wrong reasons, so he needed her to leave for all the right ones.
“About your list of rules,” Sakura started off hesitantly.
Dear God, please don’t mention rule number five.
The fingers of Madara’s right hand dug into the armrest as he prepared himself for the worst.
“There was this one part where it said that you as the conductor choose our concert outfits. I was just wondering what fabric the clothes were made of. Because Maestro Senju tried it with velvet pant suits once and we all got a horrible rash, supposedly because of some chemicals they used to dye the fabric. I know it’s silly and fabrics should be the least of your worries, but honestly, the rash was so annoying we had serious trouble concentrating on our performance. So I just wanted to make sure the clothes are… you know, normal.”
Madara released a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, and his fingers relaxed their grip on the leather of the armrest.
“I don’t know what fabric they’re made of, but I know it’s not velvet, and I know nobody has ever gotten a rash or experienced any other bad reactions. But don’t worry, everybody wears their concert outfits for the dress rehearsal, so should you feel uncomfortable in any way, we can still make adjustments before the actual concert.”
A small smile spread across her lips, and she nodded in finality. “Great, thank you. Then that would be all for my part.”
He replied with a nod of his own and stood up from his armchair. As Madara lead the cellist to his office door, he reminded her of her next appointment, “You’ll see our lawyer Mr Hatake next. He’ll go through the contract with you and answer any legal questions you might have. His office is on the third floor, in the Legal Department, room number 3.201. All the rooms are labelled and have door signs, so you really can’t miss him.”
The pinkette shot him another grateful smile. Madara offered his hand and when she took it, he gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Welcome to the jungle, Ms Haruno.”
The conductor opened the door of his office and sent her away with a devilish grin.
“So you’re my boyfriend’s replacement, huh?”
Sakura looked up from her sheet music and was met with the face of a gorgeous blonde staring her down with a haughty look.
“Excuse me?”
Sakura took in the person in front of her and realised then she was also holding a cello case. The blonde stepped closer and took a seat right next to her.
“Shikamaru Nara. He was our principal cellist,” the musician explained while opening her case.
“Oh,” it dawned on Sakura. Of course. Some of her former orchestra’s musicians had hinted that the only reason Maestro Uchiha was able to take on a new cellist was because he kicked out the last one.
“You must hate me now, too, huh?” Sakura shot her fellow cellist a half-hearted apologetic smile.
The blonde to her left scoffed. “Why would I hate you?”
“Because I took away your boyfriend’s seat in the orchestra. You could have still played together.”
“Please,” the woman made a dismissive gesture with her hand, “that idiot was never coming back.”
Sakura looked at her incredulously and prodded, “So you don’t hate me?”
The blonde cellist shot her an amused grin, which immediately released some of the tension Sakura was feeling. “I don’t hate you, silly. It’s not like you were actively involved in getting him kicked out. And the Maestro was bound to replace him at some point. So relax, no hard feelings.”
The pinkette laughed awkwardly before offering her hand. “I’m Sakura Haruno. It’s nice to finally meet another cellist of the ensemble.”
A smile tugged on the blonde’s lips as she shook her hand. “I’m Temari Sabakuno. Welcome to Tokyo.”
“Thanks. By the way, what did you mean with your boyfriend wasn’t coming back? I assume every musician would fight tooth and nail for a place in Maestro Uchiha’s orchestra.”
“Not this idiot of a musician,” Temari scoffed while adjusting her endpin. “To be honest, we were kind of hoping to get caught. We were both tired of sneaking around, and Shikamaru was already looking for an excuse to quit. He’s not the most ambitious person, you know, so he wasn’t planning on staying much longer.”
“Why didn’t you leave with him?”
“Because unlike him, I don’t want to stare at clouds all day. I want to conquer the world,” the cellist proclaimed with a proud grin. “No but seriously, I really did want to stay. Maestro Uchiha gave us a choice – either break up and stay in the orchestra or one of us leaves. It was a no-brainer, really. I still get to do what I love with one of the world’s greatest orchestras, and Shikamaru can just chill.”
Sakura felt a smile tugging on her lips. Even though Temari was a virtual stranger, for some weird reason, she was still happy that everything worked out well for the both of them and that – most importantly – the blonde didn’t hold a grudge against Sakura.
That was at least one person in the orchestra who was nice to her so far. The pinkette’s gaze roamed around and took in the many musicians scurrying around the stage and readying themselves for the rehearsal. Some of them had introduced themselves, others only smiled and nodded in her general direction. And then there were those who didn’t even deem her worthy enough of a single glance. A part of Sakura felt shunned, and yet another – albeit smaller part – proud. As Maestro Uchiha had said, everybody else in his ensemble was so much older and so much more experienced than her. What did it say about them if they felt threatened about someone so young?
Not that she needed a lot of encouraging from her conductor – she knew she deserved her place in his orchestra – but for some reason, being praised and complimented by Maestro Uchiha felt so much better than being praised by anybody else, even her previous conductor. Sakura couldn’t wait to show his entire orchestra what she’s got and to prove to her Maestro that he made the right decision in choosing her.
The chatter suddenly quieted down as their conductor entered the stage.
Sakura noticed that her Maestro had a penchant for wearing three-piece suits in dark colours. He never failed to uphold the suave and refined appearance he was known for, though sometimes he would discard his suit jacket and roll up his sleeves for a more relaxed look, like he did for rehearsal today.
The pink-haired cellist had to remind herself not to stare too much. Her Maestro was illegally handsome, but he was still her Maestro.
He tapped his baton against his music stand twice to signal the whispering flautists to quiet down. Once he had everyone’s attention, he let his cold and calculating gaze roam through the rows of musicians who were all expectantly looking up at him. It was clear to Sakura that Maestro Uchiha demanded everyone’s undivided attention and that he had no problem commanding each and every one of this 73 musicians with nothing but silence and a good old-fashioned intimidating stare.
“Before we start with our first rehearsal for the upcoming tour, allow me to address the elephant in the room. As you all know by now, the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra has got a new member as of this April. Ms Sakura Haruno joined us from Kyoto Concert Hall and will fill in our vacant spot of principal cellist.”
Maestro Uchiha’s eyes rested on her for a fleeting second as he spoke her name. Gone was the teasing and relaxed conductor she talked to in his office four days ago.
This was not Mr Uchiha.
This was Maestro Uchiha.
Calculating, in control, and completely in his element.
“Now, let’s show Ms Haruno how well we can all work together. We’re starting with Brian Tyler. Everybody take out your sheet music for Sleight of Hand. Strings, I want you to remember the sudden crescendo at the beginning. Flautists, I want to hear a seamless transition from staccato to legato between the fourth and fifth bar. Once Ms Haruno begins her pizzicato in the seventeenth bar, I want the violinists pianissimo as well as Mr Uzumaki with the xylophones in the eighteenth bar.”
This was it, Sakura thought excitedly. She usually never felt such a thrill during rehearsals, only at concerts. But this was a rehearsal under Maestro Uchiha. She felt goosebumps spread across the entirety of her skin as she readied herself and her instrument. Glancing up at her new Maestro, she caught his intense gaze. He gave her the slightest hint of a smile.
And then, he raised his baton.
“From the top.”
44 notes · View notes
Reputation Tour - Minneapolis Night 2 - The Show
I am so extra when it comes to these types of posts so I am going to start with the concert itself (nothing before or after)
Well ok, we can start with the pre-show setlist because it was lit. 
I knew that she played Tequila and Bad Reputation but I didn’t know the rest 
*** disclaimer: I’ve low key been following the concerts, but I’ve mostly been following the B-stage song (and fans reactions and experiences ofc). I’ve looked at the full setlist before but I only knew the first and last song. I had a phase where I would follow along to a lot of an artist on tour and see how each show went but I actually prefer this because it’s more of a surprise, I’ll likely follow more now that I’ve had my show. 
Babe, Selena, Roman Holiday, Curious. I loved when My My My came on and in my head, I was like I’d love to hear strawberries and cigarettes, and what does she do? Play it right after.
This past spring, during my last semester I had both songs on a short playlist that I would play on repeat when I was studying for tests, it got me through. The only thing about listening to them in the stadium is I realized as a college student I listened to a lot of music but I don’t necessarily know all the lyrics to songs I listened to at the time bc I was multitasking. Rip.
I loved that she played Obsessed, I thought that was hilarious, I was into that song during junior high. 
Anyways now on to the concert.
I don’t even know how much I’ll have to say because I was just DANCING AND SCREAMING LYRICS most of the time, like there were certain points where I had to bring myself back to reality because I was so lost in the music that I forgot to focus on Taylor  - Like that tells you that it was a D*** good show. 
ok lets go song by song. 
…Ready for it? 
I wasn’t sure where she was going to come out but WOW WHAT AN ENTRANCE. I loved the fog and ahhhhh
I Did Something Bad
I felt bad bc one of my friends really wanted to come to the show but it didn’t work out and this was the song she wanted to see the most.
Like this song DESERVES to be heard live. Like honestly this entire album the live versions bring it up another level. 
I can’t
you could literally FEEL the heat from the flames. I wow. 
During the bridge when all of the dancers were lying on the floor as burning witches - it reminded me of the thing Taylor does best, the theatrics. SHE PUTS ON A SHOW. Like idc what people say about Taylor's music, you don’t have to like it, but you can’t say that she can’t put on a show.
This song is such a BA and makes me feel powerful. It doesn’t take any sh**
We love transitions. SOme of them are cheesy but I am such a sucker for them. I love that the screens show pictures of the Olivia and Meredith. 
Ok so this song took a while for me to get into when it first came out. Now i love it ofc. but like this son also deserves to be heard in concert because it’s fun to be over the top with it. 
Style / Love Story / You Belong With Me
Have I mentioned that I love this woman with my entire heart? One thing that I love about concerts, is how the artist changes the arrangement, and this mashup exhibits that well. 
Like as a fan who has been here for 10 years I appreciate her singing old songs so much. Also Style is wow one of my fav songs off of 1989. 
She acknowledges the band during this mashup, and bjwailvuke,hrgoiuelakrj,nfwleiaksjbvn IM SO EMO ACTUALLY GOING TO CCRY that was one of my favorite parts of the show when Taylor was leaning against Paul and Amos while they were playing. They’ve been there with her through it all. They’ve stuck around. They could get any job in the world and they stay (my eyes are watering up so much I can’t see). I clapped so hard for them. I appreciate them so much and they deserve all the love in the world. I can’t imagine how emo they get over long live because I get emo over long live referring to them more than anyone else wow. 
AND WOW you belong with me. That gave me Speak Now flashbacks in how the screens looked (she played that song going back to the stage from the b-stage during that tour).
Look What You Made Me Do
I feel like seeing rep in concert just made me appreciate the album 10000 more than before it is so POWERFUL & SEXY. The sound of this song live mixed with the power of the music video wow. This woman OWNS THE WORLD
I didn’t realize that they actually did the phone call during the show but I LOVED being able to scream she’s dead. 
Lol I was so focused on the screen or in my head at some point that I DIDN”T NOTICE THE SNAKE COMING OUT OF THE STAGE. My friend was FREAKING OUT as was half of the audience. I knew about the snake pre show but it was still like wow hi hello. 
End Game 
I guess if there is anything that I was ??????? mildly disappointed with was that this song was so short, I mean like I didn’t know what to expect either because I didn’t expect her to do the rap or ed’s part. This is just one of my favorite songs so I would’ve loved to hear the song for longer. 
King of My Heart
I guess out of the entire show this one stood out the least, but like that means very little because I was still screaming the lyrics and dancing the entire time.
I love the harmonies in this song and it was*sounds of heaven above* to hear it live 
A good transition to the slower songs. 
For her speech - I was surprised by how many people hadn’t seen her before but I was just smiling because I was so happy for them.
Also, I don’t remember if this was during this same part or when it was but when she was asking who was from MN and who was from elsewhere - can I just say that I met someone who was from KOREA attending the show. And she had seen it the night before and if that doesn’t tell you the power of music there’s nothing else. 
Ok actual disappointment of the concert. NO ONE BY ME SCREAM 1, 2, 3, LETS GO BITCH I was so sad. And I forgot to tell the friend I was going with about it. The other friend I was hoping to go to the other night did know tho and wanted to do that. But I was like I’m not going to scream profanities is no one by me is so I kinda mumbled off at the end of the phrase. (more like it made me self conscious that I was saying it at the wrong time, but I wasn’t) It sounded like other sections were louder like it was loud enough to be recognized in the venue. But idk if ppl who aren’t part of stan twitter would understand what was being said unless they were by a fan who said it. 
Lol I’ve probably watched more videos of people saying this that of the rep songs pre my show. 
Ok I didn’t realize that this was the song that she goes over to the b-stage with and awwww. I knew it was pretty but it was gorgeous. My friend (who is more of a casual fan but was still hype and singing during the show to everything besides the expected (long live, TTWAS, and should’ve said no) was so appreciative of that part, she was like it felt like she was looking at me. I was just so happy during that moment she makes me so happy. I was one of the few people not waving because I was just taking it all in, the beauty of it all. 
Shake it off
lol the one song I completely forgot was on the setlist I was so surprised. I didn’t realize that the openers were on the stage until they had been on the stage for like 45 seconds. Before my show, I didn’t see many people post videos of this song. And the visuals were so fun and colorful and the confetti.
Also like after the song confetti was flying through the air during the acoustic show and PRETTTY.
After this song was over my heart was beating so fast because I couldn’t wait to hear what the secret song was.
So it goes… 
Ok so this is the part of the show were I got very confused.
So, the one downside of looking at the setlist was that I KNEW that this song wasn’t on the setlist. So I thought this song was the secret song, so ngl I got low key sad even though  ITS MY FAV song off the album (not including singles) (ranking to be posted sooon, idk my order yet, still).
I was still happy to hear it, but I wasn’t able to appreciate as much as I would’ve. I did later tho. 
The morning of the show, or the night before, someone who had met her night 1 had posted that she had talked to taylor and knew the two options taylor was thinking of for tonight. And I was like ugh I wish she could givea vague hint, that no one would be able to guess, but would make so much sense after the fact. I didn’t want to be spoiled but iwkjbsvk still the part that I was most excited about. (fun fact it didn’t end up being either song that the girl had discussed with taylor)
Taylor talked about people saying she’s been listening to people from all platforms asking her to play old songs. At one point she even said 13 years, and in my head I was like is she actually going to play I’d Lie (DO IT). But once she started describing the song I knew it right away. Lol I recorded the speech beforehand and you can just hear me muttering tied together with a smile over and over again.
I was correct
Tied Together With A Smile
This song has always been beautiful. From 2007 I have always liked it because sonically it’s soothing (I know I’ve been through other stuff with this song but not enough to be remembered). But honestly, doing my album rank the other week made me REALLY REALLY appreciate this song, in a way that 6th grade me wouldn’t have been able to comprehend. I know I’ve cried to this song before, but not in memory of the way I realized it.
This song is me during the end of high school. I always did well in school but suddenly I was struggling and I fell apart. I put so much pressure on myself and I felt like such a failure. It would lead to bad anxiety, breaking down, and later being depressed. And then during my first year of college, I was in a depressed mood state still and I just felt so numb I couldn’t feel anything. 
I SCREAMED THIS SONG. I probably shouldn’t have during the verses. BUT IT DESERVES THAT. This song is one of those songs that you sob to, and honestly, at one point I looked like a wreck during this song because I almost cried. 
I am so happy she sang this song. Like she reminded us to be kind to ourselves. ANd can I cry again? I love her so much. Like honestly this is something we all need to remind ourselves at times. 
ugh what beauty.
When the show was over I thought we had heard every song from rep, but after research, I realized that she switched dancing with my hands tied with so it goes… Like wow am I happy that I got lucky enough to get to hear one of my fav songs and I got a DEBUT ALBUM song what even. Like rip for 1989 the secret song was mean. for red both songs were really good, but the night that I wasn’t there was just a little bit better. I still love begin again it is gorgeous. But like tied together is a song that SO many fans haven’t heard live before 
(I’m listening to each song while writing this post and Carrie Underwood came on shuffle after this song and I got so distracted, I never realized that I know almost all of her music except her most recent album and few singles)
(now I remembered that I need to listen to troye new album, but back on track. Troye’s album can wait, memories on the other hand only last so long)
Blank Space 
This happened a few times during the show where I just started singing the lyrics but I didn’t know what I was singing. That’s what happens when you know the entire discovery of someone who has more than 2 albums out. 
This was another song that I completely forgot that she was performing. It was fun. The arrangement felt different which I appreciated because it freshens up the song, and for people who went to 1989 it’s not an exact repeat. 
this song has the best visuals and dancing with it.
Everyone was looking at the back screen to get to unedited close up of her but I was staring at the main stage. 
It was enchanting and that’s all I have to say. Beautiful. A Masterpiece. 
Bad Blood/Should've Said No
Lol the snake bring her back to the stage went so fast. Low key felt bad for the people on the other side because I feel like they didn’t get as much time as she went past. 
Based on how hard I went during the concert this was my favorite song. I WENT SO HARD during should’ve said no. 
Boy go home.
This song was such a tease tho bc the music of shoul’ve said no kept playing in the background while she was still singing bad blood. I liked the visuals of this version of bad blood better than the 1989 tour. But I will say that it is one of the songs that stood out during the 1989 tour. During 1989 tour I got that out of this world chance to sit front row middle catwalk during that tour and the next night I won ticket in the lower level. And during the second night the visuals stood out (same goes to ootw).
Wow I want to hear should’ve said no live again.
I heard it during speak now, but wow it went so HARD>
Also I kept thinking of the CMT performance. 
Don’t Blame Me
This song was all about the hand gestures. I love the gospel choir feel of this song. 
Long Live/New Years Day
Lol this is probs the only part of the show I was relatively chill. Because I was just so happy so many memories, so proud of taylor, so happy for her crew band and dancer, and everything was right. Still screamed some of the lyrics of long live when I probs should’ve been quieter (or at least been trying to sing like a normal person)
Why She Disappeared
Ok I was excited for this. This is one of the things I purposefully didn’t watch bc I wanted to save it for the concert. But I must’ve blacked out or something because I remember trying to film it. Then my space filled up. But I barely processed half of it. So I am going to have to go back to that. But I do like the transition - and the story she tells. 
Getaway Car
after so it goes… this is my next fav song off the album. The visuals were very entrancing during this song as well.
She was so cute during this song. She did a little slide. And wow now that I’m watching a video from last night I didn’t realize that this is the only song shes alone on the main stage?? 
Also, I love this outfit. 
wow I love her so much
(now I’m just thinkng of how powerful it is for her to be on stage ALONE in a room over 66 thousand people.)
Call It What You Want
This is the point where I don’t have much to say
this song is also a fav and the confetti she’s so pretty the song’s pretty, she’s in love and I’m so happy for her. The fountain was out and suddenly it was bittersweet. I didn’t want the night to end. 
She laughed during the song. ugh I love those small moments when she smiles or reacts to something. 
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together / This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This moment is so beautiful. While it’s talking about people that we don’t want to be friends with and we need to let go (doesn’t mean we don’t get upset about it) but we were in a room fill of people all there to have a good time and all there for the same reason
To have the times of their life and to share their love for Taylor and her music
One thing that really stood out about this concert was how nice everyone was, the warmth felt through out the stadium there was so much love. And wow.
It was such a great night.
I’ve been to speak now, red, 2 nights of 1989, and now one of reputation and this was by far her best tour ever.
Thank you for coming to Minneapolis. I hope you had an amazing night I sure did. 
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therainshow · 6 years
I made a Taylor Swift Music Education Lesson that covers each album, in order, and my favorite songs from said album. I included bits of each album’s prologue and background information on each album, plus my personal opinions on each. I made this for some coworkers that want to learn more about Taylor, feel free to look it over and pass it on to anyone you’re trying to convert someone into a Swiftie :) There is a Spotify link for a playlist I made that has all these songs. You can find that at the bottom :)
Welcome to your Taylor Swift Music Education Lesson. Please read carefully.
 For your education and enjoyment (hopefully), I have included a detailed track-list of all the songs on your Spotify playlist. These songs appear in order of album, beginning with Fearless and ending with reputation. I did not include Taylor’s debut album in this lesson. It’s a great album, but has a heavy country influence and was written when she was 14, so it is difficult to relate to and/or isolating to those who do not appreciate country music. Within each album, there is no specific order. As I introduce a new album, I provide you with a bit of background information to give you a more thorough understanding. This background information begins with a blurb taken directly from the prologue that Taylor wrote for said album. With each track title I have included my favorite lyric from that song. You may also see some asterisks with notes scattered throughout. I couldn’t resist. The songs I chose are either a) my favorite, b) a fan favorite, c) generally iconic in nature, or c) songs I think, or hope, you will like. My favorite song off each album is indicated with multiple exclamation points. Let’s begin.
 FEARLESS: “To me, “FEARLESS” is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, FEARLESS is having fears. FEARLESS is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.”  Fearless is Taylor’s second album and was released in the fall of 2008 when Taylor was 18. It is actually the most highly-awarded country album of all time. Fearless won Album of the Year at the 2010 Grammy’s when Taylor was 20 years old. Taylor is the youngest person to ever win that award. There are 13 tracks on this album, and 8 were written solely by Taylor. This album cemented me as a stan, and the songs saved my life in high school. I have Fearless tattooed on my back, and I truly believe that I wouldn’t be who I am today without this album. I’d probably be dead in a gutter somewhere. Joking, but seriously, high school was rough. Thank God for Tswift.
1.      Forever & Always!!!!!!!!!!!: “It rains in your bedroom when everything’s wrong. It rains when you’re here and it rains when you’re gone.”
2.      Fifteen: “Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday, but I realized some bigger dreams of mine. And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind, and we both cried. ‘Cause when you’re fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you’re gonna believe them.” *Abigail was Taylor’s best friend in high school, and they’re still friends today.*
3.      Love Story: “This love is difficult, but it’s real. Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess.” *This is Taylor’s first #1 song. It went #1 on both country and pop radio. She attributes her career to this song. She wrote the song in 20 minutes solo on her bedroom floor after an argument with her parents over a boy.*
4.      The Best Day: “I’m thirteen now and don’t know how my friends could be so mean. I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys. And we drive and drive until we find a town far enough away, and we talk and window shop ‘til I’ve forgotten all their names. I don’t know who I’m gonna talk to now at school, but I know I’m laughing on the car ride home with you. Don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okay, but I know I had the best day with you today. *Taylor wrote this song for her mom.*
5.      Breathe: “People are people, and sometimes it doesn’t work out. Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall-out.”
6.      Fearless: “We’re drivin’ down the road, I wonder if you know I’m tryin’ so hard not to get caught up now. But you’re just so cool running your hands through your hair, absent mindedly making me want you.”
7.      Tell Me Why: “Why do you have to make me feel small so you can feel whole inside? Why do you have to put down my dreams so you’re the only thing on my mind?”
 SPEAK NOW: “What you say might be too much for some people. Maybe it will come out all wrong and you'll stutter and you'll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it all back in your head. But I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest. So say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. Say it in a letter you'll never send or in a book millions might read someday. I think you deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying 'I could've, but it's too late now.' There is a time for silence. There is a time for waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.” Speak Now is Taylor’s third album and was released in the fall of 2010 when Taylor was 20. There are 14 tracks, all written solely by Taylor. There are no co-writers on this record. After Taylor won AOTY for Fearless, many of her critics said that it was impossible that she carried her weight in those writing sessions. Basically, the songs on Fearless were so good that a lot of people didn’t believe that she actually wrote them. To prove them wrong, she decided to write the album entirely by herself. This album is the fan favorite, and is my second favorite. I feel like this album was way ahead of its time. Speak Now is the kind of album I’d expect a musician to write towards the end of his/her career once they stop caring about crafting the perfect song, and start making great music for the hell of it. Most of the songs on Speak Now are over 5 minutes in length with many clocking in over 6 minutes. Definitely not suited for radio. Taylor is known for painting stories in her lyrics, and I’d say Speak Now does that the best. I met Taylor during the Speak Now Era, the most lauded of eras amongst fans. To have seen the Speak Now concert is a huge deal in the Swiftie fandom. The concert was absolutely magical. If you don’t believe me, you’re welcome to come over and watch the live DVD. Most of the general public knows next to nothing about Speak Now because none of the songs really charted on radio. However, Speak Now is the first of her albums to sell a million or more copies in the first week (a pattern not broken thus far. #blessed). Speak Now Era was sort of the golden age because she had proved herself to be incredibly talented and cemented her place in the music industry, and yet her PR stunts were at a minimum. Nobody hated her yet, and she kind of went back under the radar despite being at her prime. It was downhill from there, but we were all oblivious to that fact. We were just so blissed out, we couldn’t see the impending doom on the horizon. I could honestly write an entire thesis on Speak Now. Anyway, it was a strange time, indeed.
8.      Mean: “You have pointed out my flaws again, as if I don’t already see them.” *Like I said above, the songs on Speak Now were not widely popular and didn’t chart on radio, with the exception of this one. ‘Mean’ won Country Song of the Year at the Grammy’s in 2012. Taylor wrote this song as a way to cope with relentless and over the top, mean-spirited criticism from a specific music critic named Bob Lefetsz. Suck it, Bob.
9.      Mine: “But we’ve got bills to pay, we’ve got nothin’ figured out. When it was hard to take, this is what I thought about.”
10.  Last Kiss: “How you’d kiss me when I was in the middle of sayin’ something, there’s not a day I don’t miss those rude interruptions.”
11.  Haunted: “Come on, don’t leave me like this. I thought I had you figured out.”
12.  Never Grow Up: “You’re in the car on the way to the movies, and you’re mortified your mom’s droppin’ you off. At fourteen there’s just so much you can’t do, and you can’t wait to move out someday and call your own shots. But don’t make her drop you off around the block, remember that she’s getting older too.” *Taylor wrote this the night she moved out of her parent’s house and into her first apartment in Nashville.*
13.  Sparks Fly: “You’re the kind of reckless that should send me runnin’, but I kinda know that I won’t get far.” *Taylor first performed this song back in 2006 at a random live show when she first started out. Fans recorded it and it went viral. For years fans begged her to record it for an album. She did! Thank you, Taylor! We are #blessed.*
14.  Enchanted!!!!!!!!!!!!: “The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy.”
15.  Back to December: “It turns out freedom ain’t nothin’ but missin’ you.”
 RED: “My experiences in love have taught me difficult lessons, especially my experiences with crazy love. The red relationships. The ones that went from zero to a hundred miles per hour and then hit a wall and exploded. And it was awful. And ridiculous. And desperate. And thrilling. And when the dust settled, it was something I’d never take back. Because there is something to be said for being young and needing someone so badly, you jump in head first without looking. And there’s something to be learned from waiting all day for a train that’s never coming. And there’s something to be proud of about moving on and realizing that real love shines golden like starlight, and doesn’t fade or spontaneously combust. Maybe I’ll write a whole album about that kind of love if I ever find it. But this album is about the other kinds of love that I’ve recently fallen in and out of. Love that was treacherous, sad, beautiful, and tragic. But most of all, this record is about love that was red.” Oh, Red. I have so many thoughts about you. For starters, Red is Taylor’s fourth album and was released in the fall of 2012. Red is comprised of 16 tracks. Like I said previously, the Speak Now Era was such an incredible time, and Swifties didn’t want to let it go. We didn’t want things to change. I think the Red Era is the only era that Swifties didn’t welcome with open arms. We just didn’t know how to feel, and were afraid of things changing. But Taylor was headed in a more pop direction, and we could all sense it. Of course, Taylor had always been pop, or country pop, but that’s neither here nor there… And so, Red was Taylor’s “pop” debut, because she wrote three songs with pop hitmakers Max Martin and Yohan Shellback. But, it was also her rock debut if you ask me. Red was like a patchwork quilt of music: differently styles, production types, collaborators, producers. Taylor was trying new things and flapping her wings. And it worked. At first, I was hesitant to leave Speak Now behind, but Red quickly became my favorite album and still is. Taylor’s best songs are on Red. That is unanimously agreed upon in the fandom and throughout. Red is Taylor’s crown jewel, her zenith. Unfortunately, Taylor suffered a lot of hate and backlash for her dating life during 2012 and 2013, and that really clouded the success of Red. Like Taylor has said before, she was promoting a massively successful album and touring the world, and all people wanted to talk about was her personal life and it broke her heart. Well, Taylor, it broke mine too. Next to Fearless, Red is the album that helped me most in life. Red chronicles a disastrous heartbreak from beginning to end. The anger, the frustration, the sadness, the regret, the hopelessness, the pining away. You name it, she wrote about it. If you’re ever heartbroken, put on this album. (Except I hope that never happens to you!!) It’s interesting to me that she wrote the songs for Red while she was touring Speak Now, because we thought she was really happy at that time. But, what do we know? We never really know. Well, Red was nominated for Album of the Year at the 2014 Grammy’s and lost to Daft Punk. Whoever announced the winner that night really dragged out the R when he said “Random Access Memories Daft Punk”. So naturally, Taylor thought she had the award and her face lit up. Only to see that she did not, in fact, win. So, she stood up and clapped, although still looking a little miffed/embarrassed. Well, what do you know, the next day the internet is tearing her apart and making fun of the face she made when she thought she had it and then realized she didn’t. She became a gif, a meme, everything. I have seen the waves of irrational, baseless and crude hatred and bullying of her on the internet over the years and that, to me, was the worst. UNFORGIVABLE! So, anyway, it didn’t win the award, but fans and music critics unanimously agree that it should have. Speak Now might be the fan favorite album, due to the attachment to the Speak Now Era, but we all agree that Red is her best work. Alrighty, let’s dive in! Finally, right?!
 16.  I Knew You Were Trouble: “Flew me to places I’d never been,  ‘til you put me down.”
17.  Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran: “All I feel in my stomach is butterflies, the beautiful kind, makin’ up for lost time, taking flight making me feel like I just wanna know you better.” *Taylor and Ed are best friends in real life. They claim they wrote this song whilst having In n Out burgers on her trampoline in the backyard. I believe them.*
18.   Treacherous: “Nothing safe is worth the drive and I will follow you home.” *This song is cowritten and produced by Dan Wilson from Semisonic.*
19.  Sad Beautiful Tragic: “Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting, silence… the train runs off its tracks.”
20.  Red!!!!!!!!!: “Moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head, in burning red.”
21.  Holy Ground: “We took off faster than a green light go, yeah you skip the conversation when you already know.”
22.  All Too Well: “I’d like to be my old self again, but I’m still trying to find it.” *The original version of this song is over ten minutes long. This is, unanimously, Taylor’s best song of all time. Check any list by any critic and this song will be at the #1 spot. I think, for me, Red and All Too Well are tied for favorites.*
23.  Begin Again: “You throw your head back laughin’ like a little kid. I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny, ‘cause he never did.”
24.  The Last Time ft. Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol: “You wear your best apology, but I was there to watch you leave.”
 1989: “I wrote about moving to the loudest and brightest city in the world, the city I had always been overwhelmed by… until now. I think you have to know who you are and what you want in order to take on New York and all its blaring truth. I wrote about the thrill I got when I finally learned that love, to some extent, is just a game of cat and mouse. I wrote about looking back on a lost love and understanding that nothing good comes without loss and hardship and constant struggle. There is no ‘riding off into the sunset’, like I used to imagine. We are never out of the woods, because we are always going to be fighting for something. I wrote about love that comes back to you just when you thought it was lost forever, and some feelings never go out of style. I wrote about an important lesson I learned recently… that people can say whatever they want about me, but they can’t make me lose my mind. I’ve learned how to shake things off. I’ve told you my stories for years now. Some have been about coming of age, some have been about coming undone. This is a story about coming into your own, and as a result… coming alive.” Oh man. I have a lot of feelings about this one, too. And not the good kind. Let’s start with facts. 1989 is Taylor’s fifth album and was released in the fall of 2014. There are 13 songs. And that’s it for the facts, because now I’m going to dive into my feelings and opinions about this one. Which are basically facts, but anyway... So, like I said previously, Taylor did not win AOTY for Red and that bothered her. She went home to her hotel room, gorged herself on In n Out burgers, and cried (Dramatic much?!? It’s okay though ‘cause it was a rough night. And I’m not making this up, she really told us that’s how the night went down. POOR TAY!). Next thing you know, she wakes up in the middle of the night with an epiphany that she is going to make a sonically cohesive pop album. She said the problem with Red was that it wasn’t “sonically cohesive”. Swifties hate the word sonically cohesive. It hurts me that I am even typing it. If you are in my presence do not say the word sonically cohesive, okay? Moving on. In a way, she was right. Red WASN’T sonically cohesive, but that’s kind of what we loved about it. Every song on Red sounds exactly like the feeling the lyrics portray. We didn’t think it was an issue. But Taylor wanted to hone in on a specific sound and perfect that and keep things neat and clean. And, of course, that sound was going to be pop. EXCEPT SHE’S ALWAYS BEEN POP BUT SURE. So, Taylor decides to try 80s synth pop (I guess?) and go with that. And so 1989 is born. Look, I love the narrative and inspiration behind 1989. I am really inspired by the prologue I shared up there. It was all about independence and friendships and not needing a man because she had stopped dating. But she also said she had to stop dating because the hate got so bad. So, the whole single life thing was kind of forced on her, but whatever, she embraced it. Except we all know she wasn’t *really* single (Hello Karlie Kloss!!). When the first single from 1989, Shake It Off, came out, I cried incessantly. I was inconsolable, and my friend’s dad had to make us grilled cheeses to cope. Shake It Off never grew on me, and to this day it’s my least favorite Taylor song EVER (it’s borderline unbearable), but the rest of the album did grow on me. To a degree. The problem with 1989 is that a handful of the songs are incredible, and the rest feel incomplete/watered down/like filler. I feel like she really worked to perfect a few of the songs and geared them in a way to be popular on radio, and the rest were afterthoughts. 1989 is the only Taylor album where the best songs were chosen as singles (except for Shake It Off). With Taylor’s albums, usually the best songs feel like hidden gems because they’re never chosen for radio, and so the public doesn’t know about them. I’m happy that everyone got to enjoy her songs from 1989, but it also felt like there was nothing left over for the fans that felt special. The best songs on 1989 ended up overplayed and overdone. 1989 is the first tour I did not attend. I can be honest with you and say I regret that. 1989 isn’t a bad album, it’s a good album, but as far as Taylor’s work goes, it’s just not the best. But it did win Album of the Year in 2016, making her the first woman to win that award TWICE.  To go a little deeper, it wasn’t even so much the 1989 album that I disliked, I think it was more the Era/Taylor in general during 1989 that didn’t jive with me. She got obsessed with appearance, and status, and there were some strange business dealings that left fans feeling used and abused. Before 1989, Taylor felt like the “girl next door” (I do realize she’s a celebrity and not the girl next door at all, but her perfected relatability factor became part of her marketing image), but during 1989 Taylor threw that all away to be #squadgoals with the Victoria’s secret models. Whatever, it was a strange time. Glad that is over. ALSO, listen to Ryan Adams cover of this album. It’s better than the OG at times. Aight aight, let’s dig into these sick beats (ugh).
25.  Welcome to New York: “When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors, took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer. Everybody here was someone else before, and you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls.” *Taylor moved to NYC the summer gay marriage was legalized in New York. Thanks for the shoutout Tay.*
26.  I Know Places: “Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it, my love. They are the hunters, we are the foxes, and we run.”
27.  Clean!!!!!!: “It was months and months of back and forth, you’re still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore.” *Despite 1989 being my least favorite album, this song is one of my all-time favorites. It’s brilliant how she compares a relationship to an addiction. And Imogen Heap comes through for some dope ass background vocals.*
28.   Out of the Woods: “The monsters turned out to be just trees, when the sun came up you were looking at me.” *Ryan Adams cover is amazing, and so is an acoustic piano version Taylor did for the Grammy museum. Check youtube.*
29.  You Are In Love: “You keep his shirt, he keeps his word.”
30.  Style: “I say ‘I’ve heard that you’ve been out and about with some other girl. He said ‘What you heard is true, but I can’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout you.” I said ‘I’ve been there too, a few times.’”
31.  Wildest Dreams: “You see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night, burning it down. Someday when you leave me I hope these memories follow you around.”
32.  This Love: “Tossing, turning, struggled through the night with someone knew… Lantern burning, flickered in my mind for only you, but you were still gone and gone, gone and gone.”
 Reputation: “We think we know someone, but the truth is that we only know the version of them they have chosen to show us. We know our friend in a certain light, but we don't know them the way their lover does. Just the way their lover will never know them the same way that you do as their friend. Their mother knows them differently than their roommate, who knows them differently than their colleague. Their secret admirer looks at them and sees an elaborate sunset of brilliant color and dimension and spirit and pricelessness. And yet, a stranger will pass that person and see a faceless member of the crowd, nothing more. We may hear rumors about a person and believe those things to be true. We may one day meet that person and feel foolish for believing baseless gossip. This is the first generation that will be able to look back on their entire life story documented in pictures on the internet, and together we will all discover the after-effects of that. Ultimately, we post photos online to curate what strangers think of us. But then we wake up, look in the mirror at our faces and see the cracks and scars and blemishes, and cringe. We hope someday we'll meet someone who will see that same morning face and instead see their future, their partner, their forever. Someone who will still choose us even when they see all of the sides of the story, all the angles of the kaleidoscope that is you.” Last album?!? I can’t believe we’re here already! Reputation, Taylor’s 6th album, was released in the fall of 2017 and consists of 15 tracks. At the start, reputation was a wild ride. During the 1989 Era, Taylor managed to crawl out of the pit of hate and despair that the Red Era brought, and she soared to popularity. I’ve noticed this happens with Taylor, the love/hate comes in waves. One day everyone loves her again, and then the next they hate her. During 1989 Taylor was flying high. Highest grossing tour, AOTY, “dating” (I have to put that in quotes, but that’s a whole other can of worms) Calvin Harris… but, nothing good can last forever, and so literally everything fell apart. Messy break up with Calvin, even messier drama with Kimye (can’t even get into that). Things weren’t going so well. Taylor had reached overexposure and she went into hiding for almost a year. No performances, no candid shots, no interviews, no mags, nothing. She usually releases a new album like clockwork every two years, but she skipped her typical release season and tacked on another year to the wait. Well, while she was hiding, Taylor was doing what she does best.. making music. At some point during the summer Taylor put all of her music back on streaming accounts, and so I knew then that something was brewing. She finally announced the name of the album and released the first single, “Look What You Made Me Do”. The day she dropped “Look What You Made Me Do” was one of the craziest days for just about everyone, let alone Swifties. It felt like the world was literally collapsing over this song. The internet was breaking. A few people loved it right away, some people thought she had cracked and was finally losing her damn mind, and I was just confused and depressed. The day it was released I spent a large portion of the day crying. I cried and clutched onto my 1989 CD (but I never even liked 1989 that much… which shows how much I was worried….) But, before I knew it, I was bopping along to the song and loved it like the rest. And once the music video came out, I realized that everything was going to be okay. If you haven’t seen the music video, you need to. It’s iconic. It broke Youtube’s record for most views in 24 hrs. A few more songs came out before album release and I wasn’t *that* crazy about most of them. Turns out that reputation is like all of Taylor’s albums before 1989, the best songs were not released as singles. Back 2 Basics, guys. The fans get everything, and everyone else gets the scraps. When the album finally did come out I was overjoyed. Now let’s see why!
33.  Delicate: “Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you’re in my head? ‘Cause I know that it’s delicate.”
34.  Getaway Car: “I wanted to leave him, I need a reason.” *Jack Antonoff produced this song and many others on reputation. We are #blessed. I recently read somebody say that Jack has a stranglehold on pop music. I WISH!!*
35.  Dancing With Our Hands Tied: “I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us.” *Beginning at some point in 2014, Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift entered a torrid love affair. It’s possible they are still together today. That’s a discussion for a later date. Anyway, this song is definitely about her. Funny how some people think Taylor hates gay people (why?) when really she writes songs for them. Thanks Tay.
36.  Dress: “I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side.” *Also for Karlie.*
37.  Call It What You Want!!!!: “I brought a knife to a gun fight, they took the crown but it’s alright.”
38.  I Did Something Bad: “They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one, so light me up.”
39.  Don’t Blame Me: “For you I would fall from grace just to touch your face. If you walk away, I’d beg you on my knees to stay.”
40.  King of My Heart: “I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own. I made up my mind, I’m betting off being alone. We met a few weeks ago, now you try on calling me baby like trying on clothes.”
41.  New Year’s Day: “You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi. I can tell that it’s gonna be a long road. I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town babe, or if you strike out and you’re crawling home.”
Spotify link:  https://open.spotify.com/user/22xaifvaciqklwgcnidnxuuhq/playlist/7ssFqGusg3Sf1sPe5cS7hR
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exploresidewaystour · 4 years
15 Songs to Transport You to South Africa
While there are many thoughts and wishes going through our minds at the moment, one that has often been mentioned in conversations and articles is the feeling of wanderlust. ‘The strong desire to travel’ leads us to wonder about all of the places we wish to travel to, as well as those that we’ve visited before and have fond memories of.
When thinking of South Africa endless images come to mind. From its unique wildlife, safaris and the Savannah to incredible cities with buzzing energy and the quiet hidden gems on the coast.
But what about its music? South African music has historically reflected social and political issues and was often used as a form of protest against the apartheid system. Music has also often been the medium through which the country could seek and participate in solidarity throughout its history.
Today, the country hosts multiple musical festivals across the year which display the best of local talent. From the internationally acclaimed Cape Town Jazz Festival to more boutique festivals such as Splashy Fen, both local and international visitors are spoilt for choice.
With most of the world isolated at home, we thought we’d transport you from your couch in your living room to vibrant South Africa through its toe-tapping beats and sweet, soulful melodies.
Listen to the full playlist here:
1. Weekend Special – Brenda Fassie
Brenda Fassie was the first-ever South African to make the Billboard ‘s Top 100 and with this iconic song. The success of ‘Weekend Special’ led to a world tour for the singer, making her one of the first South African artists to make the leap across the Atlantic.
2. Africa – Toto
Although not a South African song, one cannot help but immediately be transported to the African continent. Surprisingly, keyboard player, David Pache, had never even been to Africa when he wrote the song. Nonetheless, he captured its beauty and the song has become an all-time favourite all over the world.
3. Special Star – Mango Groove
Special Star is a South African classic and a popular choice in music line ups for celebratory occasions in the Rainbow Nation.  Known for its unique style, it beautifully fuses township and pop music. Mango Groove performed this song at the Freddie Mercury tribute in London (via satellite) to an estimated audience of a billion people in 1992.
4. Wamkelekile – Hot Water
Performed by the energetic South Africa group, Hot Water, Wamkelekile was included in the soundtrack for the movie Blended, featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Wamkelekile is a Xhosa word, one of the twelve official South African languages, and means ‘Receive my welcome’.
5. Waka Waka – Shakira
How can one listen to this song and not reminisce back to the festive 2010 FIFA World Cup hosted in South Africa? It’s also the most-streamed World Cup song of all time. The song was recorded with the Cape Town-based band Freshly Ground and was No. 1 in 15 countries with over 15 million downloads worldwide.
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6. Jabulani – PJ Powers
PJ Powers has a special place in the heart of South Africans. In 1994, she performed at the landmark inauguration of Nelson Mandela, and in 1995, her song with Ladysmith Black Mambazo, World in Union, reached number 47 in the UK singles chart – an unforgettable moment in South African music history.
7. Doo Be Doo – Freshly Ground
The band Freshly Ground is a South African Afro-fusion group who came together in Cape Town in 2002. With members from all over the continent (South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe), Freshly Ground’s musical style blends elements of traditional South African music (such as kwela and African folk music) with blues, jazz, and features of indie rock.
8. Scatterlings of Africa – Johnny Clegg
Considered to be a ‘national treasure’ in South Africa, the late Johnny Clegg (White Zulu) was known to fight the apartheid system with his music. In its essence, the song implies that the entire human species originated in Africa, from where the different races of man evolved and spread around the world. The song was used in the 1988 movie Rain Man, which won the Oscar for Best Picture.
9. Pata Pata – Miriam Makeba
Not only was Miriam Makeba (affectionately nicknamed ‘Mama Africa’) the queen of early Afro-Pop, she was also a United Nations goodwill ambassador and civil rights activist.  Pata Pata was originally sung in the Xhosa language and it means “touch touch”.  Pata Pata was also a style of dance that was popular in the shebeens (an informal licensed drinking place in a township) of the townships in the city of Johannesburg in the mid-1950s.
10. Down South – Jeremy Loops
A firm favourite for many South Africans, Down South is the perfect song for any occasion in South Africa whether it be a braai (South African barbecue) or a road trip on a weekend. A born-and-bred Capetonian, Jeremy Loops wrote the song about “that feeling of leaving what you know behind, including your comfort zone, friends and family”.
Image credit: Jeremy Loops via Facebook
11. Umoya – Caiphus Semenya
Formerly self-exiled from South Africa in the 1960s, Caiphus Semenya has built a solid reputation as a musical director and composer.  He’s known for having worked with a variety of other exiled and semi-exiled African artists, such as Hugh Masekela and Miriam Makeba.
12. Thuma Mina – Hugh Masekela
A leading, international voice in the fight against apartheid, the late Hugh Masekela had a legendary musical career. He collaborated with an astonishing array of musicians, including Harry Belafonte, Herb Alpert, Bob Marley, Fela Kuti, Paul Simon and his ex-wife, Miriam Makeba. For almost 30 years, “Bra Hugh,” as he was fondly known, was exiled from his native country.   The song Thuma Mina regained popularity when quoted by president Cyril Ramaphosa in his inaugural address to the nation.
13. Shosholoza – Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Shosholoza is a song which is often referred to as the second national anthem in South Africa. The song was originally sung in a call-and-response style by all-male African workers that were working in South African mines. Ladysmith Black Mambazo, a South African male choral group, reached international fame after singing with Paul Simon (1986 album Graceland) and went on to win five Grammy Awards with their fifth win dedicated to former president and icon Nelson Mandela.
14. My African Dream – Ndlovu Youth Choir
The youngest members of this list, the Ndlovu Youth Choir gained international attention whilst participating in the 2019 edition of ‘America’s Got Talent’. The choir was established in Moutse Valley in rural Limpopo in 2009. Formed by the Ndlovu Care Group’s child care community, the programme is aimed at giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds the same opportunities as their more advantaged counterparts.
15. Mannenberg – Abdullah Ibrahim
This Cape Town jazz classic by Abdullah Ibrahim encompasses parts of other typical African musical styles, including marabi, ticky-draai, and langarm, and became a reference for the genre of Cape jazz. Ibrahim still performs at many jazz festivals around the world.
These songs are a dazzling reflection of the beauty and poetry that resonates throughout this wonderful country. Visitors to South Africa’s shores often comment on the energy that they feel – from the people they meet to the places they visit.  
Now that you’ve escaped to South Africa, why not start planning and researching for your next trip? Get in touch with our team of experts who can tailor your stay in Cape Town and Johannesburg and let the real exploring begin. 
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My review/ranking of Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’
Only read on if you like long posts coz this is a lonnngggg one
So I’m currently on Holidays and really bored so here’s my post reviewing and ranking the song’s from Taylor Swift’s new album. I downloaded it last weekend and it took me a while week to listening to kind of solidify an order of favourites for this one. There’s some really good ones.
I’m not like a mega-Taylor Swift fan, she’s more like a problematic fave. I have admired her songwriting prowess for a really long time though. I was really nervous ahead of the release for this one because I didn't particularly like the singles she released before it (except for ready for it) and I was like “Oh boy, this is it. This is the time I don’t buy Taylor’s new album.” And, well, I bought it. And she's hooked me in again.
I actually like that she kept her best stuff for the album release though. Usually its the other way around. As a whole, I like that Taylor is experimenting with new sounds and styles. it’s a natural progression for most artists around this point in their career and I think for the most part she’s succeeding. There are a like a couple of songs on this album that I don’t really like and after that they’re just all good in my opinion so I’m starting from the bottom and working my way up so it ends on a positive note.
A word before we start, my reaction towards songs comes a lot from the music before the lyrics, which I think is the opposite to a lot other Taylor fans. Lyrical connection is usually the second criteria in whether or not I like them. And then sing-ability is a factor as well.
Anyway, I’ll stop rambling.
Here we go.
15. This is why we can’t have nice things
Soooooooo I know this is on a lot of people’s favourite lists but I really didn’t like it. And it’s not because of the story. I usually love sassy Taylor. Some of my favourite songs of her’s are about her ripping on people. They’re usually the most fun. But I guess it’s just the way it sounds. i don’t like the way she drags the chorus and it sounds very musically disjointed. It’s the most displeasing to listen to out of all the songs on the album (And i thought my least favourite would be Look what you made me do) Anyway…like all of Taylor’s songs, it will probably grow on my because it is also really catchy but for now I can’t rank it any higher. Sorry guys.
Best lyric: Probs “Friends don’t try to twist you, get you on the phone and mind trick you.” It’s fun to sing, I guess.
Worst lyric: “NICE. THINGS. DAR. LING.”
14. End Game
I feel bad because I really wanted to like her collab with Ed Sheeran but in the it felt a little flat. First of all, it sounds like a Drake song. I feel like this is also Ed’s fault. He tends to borrow stuff from other artists in his songwriting (though Taylor has done this a few times on the album so I suppose I can’t hold it against them). I don’t really like Future’s verse. I do like Ed’s though. It’s probably the best part of the song. Taylor’s is a little boring.
Best Lyric: “I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me” (also when Ed pipes up with “end game” in the last part.)
Worst Lyric: All of Future’s verse. It’s really boring and unmemorable.
13. Gorgeous
Ok so this was the single that made me fear for Reputation. I do not like this song. Actually, that’s a lie, having listened to it so much while determining this ranking it’s actually starting to grow on me.  I don’t like the slurring of Gorgeous and the melody of the verses makes me feel uncomfortable. The beat is also really boring. But mostly I just find it annoying. At least Look what you made me do is annoying in an interesting/memorable way. Anyway, the reason this isn’t last is because, while I don’t really like it, I also think it’s a better written and crafted song than the previous two.
best lyric: “I guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats………….unless you wanna come along” (at least it’s funny)
Worst lyric: “I’ve got a boyfriend he’s older than us” So I’m mad because every line of this song sounds like it’s about Tom Hiddleston except this one. I’m by no means a Hiddleswift fan but I’m convinced that Taylor started writing this song when she was dating Tom Hiddleston and then changed a couple of the lyrics to make it about Joe before including it on the album. That’s my conspiracy theory and I’m sticking to it.
12. Look What You Made Me Do
Truth time. I don’t actually hate this song. I mean, I should. It’s quite bad. But it’s also…not actually that bad? I mean, the Chorus is terrible, and half the time I change songs once it hits the chorus. But I like the rest of it. And I was blown away by the music video too. That production value man. Keep it up Taylor. Can you do I Did Something Bad next?
Best Lyric: “BUT I GOT SMARTER, I GOT HARDER IN THE NICK OF TIME. HONEY I ROSE UP FRON THE DEAD I DO IT ALL THE TIME. I GOT A LIST OF NAMES AND YOUR’S IS IN RED, UNDERLINED” (I know everyone loves “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trust me,” but this one is the most fun to sing out of the whole song. I love it. It’s the reason I kept replaying this song over and over again when it came out.
Worst Lyric: “look what you made me do…. look what you made me do…look what you just made me do look just what you made me do” (seriously, Taylor? you’re more creative than that)
11. Dress
Ok we’re getting to the good songs now, so i’ll probably be a lot less critical. This song isn’t bad it’s just unmemorable. I usually love sexy Taylor but this song just doesn’t click for me. Maybe coz I don’t really feel any connection to it. It’s smooth af though so it’ll probably stay in my regular playlist.
Best lyric: “Say my name and everything just stops” *music stops. YAASSS TAYLOR
Worst Lyric: There aren’t really any. I don't love it but it’s still classic Taylor songwriting so….
10. Call It What You Want
So when this song was released as a single I didn’t really like it either. I thought it was a little boring. Having listened to it a bunch times though I now find it so cuuuuteee. Happy Taylor is so adorable, I love it. Dress is probably more dynamically interesting, but I ranked this one higher because the lyrics make me feel all fuzzy. It’s reminiscent of classic Taylor (Remember “Ours"? Still one of my favourites)
Best Lyric: “I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck, not because I owns me, because he really knows me” awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cuuuuuuuuuuuutteeeeeeeee
Worst Lyric: There’s not really a bad lyric, but I’m not a huge fan of the melody in the verses.
9. New Year’s Day
Ok, so this is in this spot because I didn’t dislike it when I first listened to it, but it also doesn't particularly stand out to me. It is a beautifully written song and I lovvveee that she ended the album with it. It’s a gorgeous closing track and I can see her closing the tour with it (I’ve got my fingers crossed that she’ll film the Reputation tour so poor uni students like me can still see it coz it’s gonna be amazing). Anyway,  raw honest music like this is why we fell in love with Taylor in the first place and its great that while she’s experimenting with new sounds and styles she still comes back to her classic style. It’s just a nice track at the end of a whirlwind journey, Kind of like new year’s day, I guess (OHHHH, I guess that’s what you were going for).
Best Lyric: “Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you” (but also “I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year’s day” coz those harmonies are stunning.)
Worst Lyric: Can’t find one. Guys, she’s such a good songwriter I can’t even
8. So It Goes
And now we’re at the part of the list where it’s getting hard to actually rank them. But here we go with “So it Goes.” Now this is the sexy Taylor I love. It’s very satisfying to listen to. I love how the Chorus is subdued and then the sexy beat picks up in the chorus. It’s just a really good song. very chill and sexy.
Best Lyric: “Wear you like a necklace. I’m so chill but you make me jelaaaasss” (I’ve previously not liked how Taylor slurs her lyrics but I really like this one. Very sexy) I also love the whispered counting too. Oh and “You know I’m not a bad girl but I’d do bad things with you.” Taylor
Worst Lyric: We’re at the point in the list where there aren’t really any bad lyrics. This is why she's a Queen songwriter.
7. …Ready for It
Ok so this is the best out of the singles Taylor released before the album. I liked this one from the second I heard it. It’s very fun and I listened to it a lot walking to the bust stop every day, learning the lyrics. It’s very fun. And sexy (why the robot music video though…I don’t….this song is about passionate love not….ah forget it). Jury’s still out on whether or not I like rapper Taylor. If I had to point out a weakness I’d say the verses. But Chorus is sooo good and fun and sexy, and I love the build up to it. I dunno. I just like the song. It’s a lot of fun.
Best Lyric: The whole Chorus.
Worst Lyric: You know what? I’m just going to remove this category from the rest of the rankings.
6. King of my Heart
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee this song is just adorable. It’s so cute and lovely and happy. I also like the different sounds and beats she plays with in this song. And she just sounds so happy. Go Taylor. I feel like a proud sister. Also, Taylor’s mastery of her low register is the best thing that’s ever happened to her.
Best Lyric: …..Probably the whole chorus again. “and all at once you’re all I want, I’ll never let you go, KING IF MY HEARRRTTTT. (Soooo cute)
5. Delicate
I like this one because it’s classic ballad Taylor and it doesn’t feel like the song is dragging, probably because of the beat under it. It moves it along without feeling distracting or out of place. It feels…well…delicate. (come on, you knew that was coming!). But yeah, I really like this one, it’s also really cute. I love all her cute songs, particularly about Joe because she’s just so darn happy in that relationship. I also like the subtle build through the song.
Best Lyric: “My reputation’s never been worse so you must like me for me” awwwww tayylorrr
4. Getaway Car
Boy did this song fly up my ranking list. It wasn’t originally this high up the list in early rankings but boy did it grow on me. Like all the best Taylor songs do. A lot of my favourite songs are like literal storytelling songs. It’s lyrically interesting and has a fun musicality to it.
Best Lyric: “should have known I’d be the first to leave, think about the place where you first met me” and “Nothing good starts in a get-a-way car”
3. Dancing with our Hands Tied.
Ok so this sounds like a tatu song. Not a bad thing, just an observation. The racing beat is classic tatu. Anyway, This is my favourite love song on the album. In the same way that I Know Places was my favourite song on 1989. The two also have quite a bit in common thematically, about hiding a relationship (Huh, maybe that’s why it reminds me of Tatu so much). She’s good at crafting songs like these because she musically captures the feeling of running and hiding and then I feel like I’m running and hiding with her. It’s great. I love clever songwriter Taylor Swift. I love that it gets a little faster every verse. And I loved the beat drop in the chorus.
Best Lyric: I LOVE ALL OF IT.
2. Don’t Blame Me
I don’t know how to describe why I like this song. I love the choir sound in the chorus. I also think Taylor sound vocally awesome in this song. (OMG when she hits that high note!!!!). The beat is so sexy in this one. I love it. it goes to so many places and I just enjoy the hell out of it.
Best Lyric: music stops. CHOIR SINGS “lorrd save me my drug is my baby i’ll be using for the rest of my-USING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. OHHHWHOAOHHHH”) YASSSS TAYLOR HIT THAT HIGH NOTE)
1. I Did Something Bad
I JUST LOVE SASSY TAYLOR SO MUCH. There’s always that one sassy taylor song on the album that is just the best thing ever. This is that song. Yeah it’s not as heartfelt and beautifully crafted and meaningful as some of the others but my god is this song a lot of fun. But the best thing about this song is you can literally feel the beat drop coming and its it is completely earned. I like that it’s kind of a sequel to Blank Space. But it’s a better song because Taylor Swift didn’t cop out of it by saying “yeah…it’s just a joke….” like she totally owns everything she says and I love it so much. GO SASSY TAYLOR.
Best Lyric: The whole damn song. “So I play em like a Violin and I make it look oh so easy” “If a man talks sh*t then I owe him nothing” “Then why’s it feel so *CRASH CRASH* “GOOD” CRASH CRASH “GOOD” “So I Fly em all around the world and I let them think they saved me” “He says don’t throw away a good thing. But if he drops my name then I owe him nothing. And if he spends my change then he had it coming” “They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one”
Sorry I got a little carried away. But the fact that there’s actually so many best lines that it’s too hard to choose one just proves why it’s number one on my list. And why it should be number one on your’s. mwahahahahahaha
Hope you enjoyed my ranking. Once again Taylor grabbed me with her songwriting powers and I’m caught in her spell all over again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to listen to I Did Something Bad for the millionth time.
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sarangx · 7 years
Quiet Talent
No one knows that Yoongi's really fucking talented at dancing.
At least, until Jimin...
There were many things no one knew about Min Yoongi. He had a little sister no one knew about, he was pansexual, he's surprisingly smart when he wants to be, the list goes on. However, despite all these unexpected facts, no one could've ever expected for him to be a decent dancer. Scratch that, a really fucking good dancer.
He has a lethargic look to him, with sharp eyes and pale skin. His movements are slow and patient. He sleeps a lot, but still ends up with dark bags under his eyes. His hair is always a mess of black strands, looking as if he just woke up. If anything, he seemed like the type to do absolutely nothing.
Of course, though, once he joined Big Hit and eventually Bangtan, everyone knew he was good at rapping and being a smartass. A sweetheart on the inside and a savage on the outside, there were so many things that not a single human being knew about him.
Said to be lazy on interviews and basically anything documented, Min Yoongi was quite the opposite. With composing and writing songs along with learning the difficult choreography, he had a lot on his plate. But despite having a considerable amount of work on his shoulders as well as his bandmates, he was always trying to improve even more. He was usually the last one left in the dance studio with Jimin and sometimes Jin, even beating the former in regards to who was the last one remaining.
Jimin thought that Yoongi would return to the dorms an hour or so after him, but on the contrary, he didn't return until dawn.
Yoongi loved to dance. It had been that way since as far back as he could remember. He was a timid kid though, so the only people who knew about this hobby were his family, and they didn't even know that it was to this great of an extent. They thought he only enjoyed swaying to the music, nothing too complex. Howbeit, that was as far as the truth could get. Yoongi absolutely adored sharp and challenging choreography. That was part of the reason why he loved BTS so much.
He didn't let anyone know that of course, as he needed to keep his reputation as the cold, hardcore rapper Min Suga. Definitely not because he was bullied for liking dance, no, not at all.
He was an ambitious child back then too. He practiced nonstop, even at recess during his first few years at elementary school. He lacked skills, and he had zero experience to show for it, and the kids quickly latched onto that weak spot of his.
Taunting him for trying something so silly, so unorthodox, they stuck their tongues out at him and laughed in his face as he scowled and tried to hold his ground. But he never succeeded in the end, too many words being thrown at him that made his confidence in dance drop more and more.
And yet, he continued to try and learn dance. He no longer showed his family what he had learned that day. They assumed the interest faded away, as it usually does for most children. But behind the scenes, he'd practice in the empty science lab of his school. He would bring his rather beat up iPod Touch and play melodies that seemed to never end. He liked it that way.
When he returned home after those practices every day, he told his mom he had hung out with friends, that they were just running outside a lot, which was why he was sweating so much. Of course, she believed it and gushed at how her son was finally making friends. (He wasn't. He was quiet and had resting bitch face even at that age. No one ever came near him.)
Even as his love grew, and he slowly began to improve and have it classify as a talent, he never showed anyone. Sixth grade, ninth grade, twelfth grade...he worked but never showed it off. He still believed he was terrible at dance, practicing only because it was fun and it was some kind of exercise.
So he kept this particular interest to himself, choosing only to let it show when no one was around.
That time happened to be from twelve till five in the morning, taking away any chance of sleep he wished for. But he preferred it that way, having a love for dance that nothing could ever compare to.
So when all the members (including Jimin) finally left the dance studio, he would change their song to ones of different genres. EDM, r&b, even contemporary music would flow throughout the studio until the sun rose just above the horizon.
The dance studio was much bigger than the old science labs he practiced in. It was easier to move around, and he didn't have to watch for expensive microscopes or glass beakers. His appreciation would never be voiced, but the strength in his movements was enough. No one would know of course, but he truly was grateful for the space he had been given.
Now he was dancing freestyle to some ZICO song at 3am, not really focusing on anything around him. The music did most of the work, his body merely listening and turning to every beat that dropped. He seemed to be on autopilot, but at the same time, he knew what he was doing.
Jimin had left an hour or so beforehand, wishing Yoongi a good night as he continued to practice the choreography for their new song that was coming out soon. But after getting to the dorm and quietly running around to try and find his missing device for a good hour and a half, the vocalist realized he had to go back to the dance studio to get his phone.
Was Yoongi aware of this? Fuck no. He thought Jimin was gone for the rest of the night. So once said boy had left, the rapper changed their music playlist to that of hiphop and varying genres, just like any other night. He let his body move freely to no real choreography.
When Jimin came around back to the dance studio, he was surprised to hear vicious rapping and a catchy melody flowing through the speakers. He peeked into the main room, his eyes going wide when he saw him.
Adorned in black leggings and a grey striped shirt, Yoongi matched every beat that the song emitted. His movements were sharp and calculated, so in sync that it was scary. His body twisted in a strangely graceful way to the rap and melody of the song, his footwork quick and unyielding.
That's when Jimin realize how exhausted the older man looked. He was drenched in sweat, hair clinging to his forehead. Dark bags hid under his eyes that were drooping ever so slowly. He had the enthusiasm and want to dance, but his body desperately needed rest.
So hesitantly, the contemporary dancer stepped into the main room. He cleared his throat awkwardly, wringing his hands together as he awaited a response.
Yoongi immediately stopped when he heard the sound that was definitely not in the song. His movements halted, music forgotten as he met eyes with Jimin. Embarrassed, the Daegu man coughed and turned off the music that was only filling up the awkward silence.
"Sorry...about that," he spoke lowly, wiping a towel onto his forehead as his eyes locked into the floorboards.
"You never told us you were good at dancing," Jimin only said, his eyes sparkling in awe. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Yoongi chewed his lip, rocking back and forth on his heels as he thought over the question. "I'm not good at dancing."
The other's eyebrows shot up in shock, stepping closer. "I call bullshit. That was amazing! Why didn't you tell us?" he pressed, now only a foot or so away from him.
"I-" Yoongi cleared his throat, trying again. "I'm not that good, honestly. It isn't anything that spectacular or decent so it isn't important."
Jimin finally saw the nervous lip biting and loss of eye contact. He figured something had happened that made Yoongi have zero confidence in dancing, and it broke his heart.
"Listen," he said gently, reaching out and pressing his palms on either side of Yoongi's face. "You're good at dancing. Like, really good." He tilted the other's head back so they could see each other's gazes.
Once Yoongi saw the truth and sincerity in Jimin's eyes, his lip trembled as his eyes widened. "Do you mean that?" He asked quietly, a childish kind of tone that made Jimin smile at him fondly.
"Yes. With all my heart," he stated, and when he saw the other's eyes glisten as tears began to roll down his face, he brought him in for a hug.
"I've worked so much for this and I- I didn't think I was good," Yoongi mumbled into Jimin's neck, eyes squeezed shut. "For fifteen years... I never showed anyone."
Jimin held him tighter. "You're so talented. I don't know what happened to make you lose confidence, but you need to show people how absolutely amazing you are at dancing!" he urged into Yoongi's ear. "Was that your own choreography?"
He blushed at the burst of compliments, and shyly he told him that it was freestyle. "I never really plan out a pattern. I just... do it." "Jesus, how did-- never mind, come on we have to get you back to the dorm." Jimin gently ruffled Yoongi's hair, nudging him to get up from leaning into him.
He complied, reluctantly pulling away as he blinked his eyes sleepily, exhaustion finally hitting him. He reached for Jimin's hand, intertwining their fingers without a second thought. He allowed himself to be dragged along, the other boy picking up his bag and water bottle.
Once they walked back into the outside chill of Seoul, Yoongi basically clung to his side to keep from dozing off.
Jimin found it cute.
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traveltoursrss · 4 years
15 Songs to Transport You to South Africa
While there are many thoughts and wishes going through our minds at the moment, one that has often been mentioned in conversations and articles is the feeling of wanderlust. ‘The strong desire to travel’ leads us to wonder about all of the places we wish to travel to, as well as those that we’ve visited before and have fond memories of.
When thinking of South Africa endless images come to mind. From its unique wildlife, safaris and the Savannah to incredible cities with buzzing energy and the quiet hidden gems on the coast.
But what about its music? South African music has historically reflected social and political issues and was often used as a form of protest against the apartheid system. Music has also often been the medium through which the country could seek and participate in solidarity throughout its history.
Today, the country hosts multiple musical festivals across the year which display the best of local talent. From the internationally acclaimed Cape Town Jazz Festival to more boutique festivals such as Splashy Fen, both local and international visitors are spoilt for choice.
With most of the world isolated at home, we thought we’d transport you from your couch in your living room to vibrant South Africa through its toe-tapping beats and sweet, soulful melodies.
Listen to the full playlist here:
1. Weekend Special – Brenda Fassie
Brenda Fassie was the first-ever South African to make the Billboard ‘s Top 100 and with this iconic song. The success of ‘Weekend Special’ led to a world tour for the singer, making her one of the first South African artists to make the leap across the Atlantic.
2. Africa – Toto
Although not a South African song, one cannot help but immediately be transported to the African continent. Surprisingly, keyboard player, David Pache, had never even been to Africa when he wrote the song. Nonetheless, he captured its beauty and the song has become an all-time favourite all over the world.
3. Special Star – Mango Groove
Special Star is a South African classic and a popular choice in music line ups for celebratory occasions in the Rainbow Nation.  Known for its unique style, it beautifully fuses township and pop music. Mango Groove performed this song at the Freddie Mercury tribute in London (via satellite) to an estimated audience of a billion people in 1992.
4. Wamkelekile – Hot Water
Performed by the energetic South Africa group, Hot Water, Wamkelekile was included in the soundtrack for the movie Blended, featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Wamkelekile is a Xhosa word, one of the twelve official South African languages, and means ‘Receive my welcome’.
5. Waka Waka – Shakira
How can one listen to this song and not reminisce back to the festive 2010 FIFA World Cup hosted in South Africa? It’s also the most-streamed World Cup song of all time. The song was recorded with the Cape Town-based band Freshly Ground and was No. 1 in 15 countries with over 15 million downloads worldwide.
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6. Jabulani – PJ Powers
PJ Powers has a special place in the heart of South Africans. In 1994, she performed at the landmark inauguration of Nelson Mandela, and in 1995, her song with Ladysmith Black Mambazo, World in Union, reached number 47 in the UK singles chart – an unforgettable moment in South African music history.
7. Doo Be Doo – Freshly Ground
The band Freshly Ground is a South African Afro-fusion group who came together in Cape Town in 2002. With members from all over the continent (South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe), Freshly Ground’s musical style blends elements of traditional South African music (such as kwela and African folk music) with blues, jazz, and features of indie rock.
8. Scatterlings of Africa – Johnny Clegg
Considered to be a ‘national treasure’ in South Africa, the late Johnny Clegg (White Zulu) was known to fight the apartheid system with his music. In its essence, the song implies that the entire human species originated in Africa, from where the different races of man evolved and spread around the world. The song was used in the 1988 movie Rain Man, which won the Oscar for Best Picture.
9. Pata Pata – Miriam Makeba
Not only was Miriam Makeba (affectionately nicknamed ‘Mama Africa’) the queen of early Afro-Pop, she was also a United Nations goodwill ambassador and civil rights activist.  Pata Pata was originally sung in the Xhosa language and it means “touch touch”.  Pata Pata was also a style of dance that was popular in the shebeens (an informal licensed drinking place in a township) of the townships in the city of Johannesburg in the mid-1950s.
10. Down South – Jeremy Loops
A firm favourite for many South Africans, Down South is the perfect song for any occasion in South Africa whether it be a braai (South African barbecue) or a road trip on a weekend. A born-and-bred Capetonian, Jeremy Loops wrote the song about “that feeling of leaving what you know behind, including your comfort zone, friends and family”.
Image credit: Jeremy Loops via Facebook
11. Umoya – Caiphus Semenya
Formerly self-exiled from South Africa in the 1960s, Caiphus Semenya has built a solid reputation as a musical director and composer.  He’s known for having worked with a variety of other exiled and semi-exiled African artists, such as Hugh Masekela and Miriam Makeba.
12. Thuma Mina – Hugh Masekela
A leading, international voice in the fight against apartheid, the late Hugh Masekela had a legendary musical career. He collaborated with an astonishing array of musicians, including Harry Belafonte, Herb Alpert, Bob Marley, Fela Kuti, Paul Simon and his ex-wife, Miriam Makeba. For almost 30 years, “Bra Hugh,” as he was fondly known, was exiled from his native country.   The song Thuma Mina regained popularity when quoted by president Cyril Ramaphosa in his inaugural address to the nation.
13. Shosholoza – Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Shosholoza is a song which is often referred to as the second national anthem in South Africa. The song was originally sung in a call-and-response style by all-male African workers that were working in South African mines. Ladysmith Black Mambazo, a South African male choral group, reached international fame after singing with Paul Simon (1986 album Graceland) and went on to win five Grammy Awards with their fifth win dedicated to former president and icon Nelson Mandela.
14. My African Dream – Ndlovu Youth Choir
The youngest members of this list, the Ndlovu Youth Choir gained international attention whilst participating in the 2019 edition of ‘America’s Got Talent’. The choir was established in Moutse Valley in rural Limpopo in 2009. Formed by the Ndlovu Care Group’s child care community, the programme is aimed at giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds the same opportunities as their more advantaged counterparts.
15. Mannenberg – Abdullah Ibrahim
This Cape Town jazz classic by Abdullah Ibrahim encompasses parts of other typical African musical styles, including marabi, ticky-draai, and langarm, and became a reference for the genre of Cape jazz. Ibrahim still performs at many jazz festivals around the world.
These songs are a dazzling reflection of the beauty and poetry that resonates throughout this wonderful country. Visitors to South Africa’s shores often comment on the energy that they feel – from the people they meet to the places they visit.  
Now that you’ve escaped to South Africa, why not start planning and researching for your next trip? Get in touch with our team of experts who can tailor your stay in Cape Town and Johannesburg and let the real exploring begin. 
Recommended Experiences
Book Tour
Bucket List
Best of the Cape Peninsula Tour
Enjoy a breathtaking journey around the Cape Peninsula and Cape Point and capture picture-perfect photos from every angle…‘from the waves to the winelands’
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Bucket List
Curated Cape Town City Tour
Explore the majestic city of Cape Town and discover it’s hidden gems while ticking off the best of your bucket list
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Bucket List
Best of the Cape Winelands Tour (Stellenbosch & Franschhoek)
Discover the breathtakingly beautiful views and vistas of Franschhoek and the world class-wines of Stellenbosch during this luxury, private tour.
The post 15 Songs to Transport You to South Africa appeared first on Explore Sideways.
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biofunmy · 5 years
The Dolphins Are Awful. Brian Flores Is Fine.
DAVIE, Fla. — Before agreeing to become the head coach of the Miami Dolphins last winter, Brian Flores consulted his former high school coach in Brooklyn. The response was, sure you’ll have to face New England twice a year, but even Bill Belichick has to retire at some point.
“They won’t be great forever,” Dino Mangiero, who coached Flores at Poly Prep Country Day School, advised him. “Miami might be a really good place to land.”
And at some point for Flores, it might be. It is impossible to judge an N.F.L. head coaching career that consists of two games with a franchise that has gutted its veteran talent and is rebuilding with fragile youth and the hoarding of draft picks.
But after losing to New England by 43-0 on Sunday — the Super Bowl champion and A.F.C. East rival for whom Flores worked the previous 15 seasons — the winless Dolphins have been outscored in two games, 102-10. The team might not be merely bad, but historically futile.
To many observers, Miami’s front office seems to be tanking to secure the first overall pick in the 2020 draft. Safety Minkah Fitzpatrick, the team’s No. 11 draft selection in 2018, asked out and was traded to Pittsburgh on Monday. Every position, Flores said recently, is up for evaluation.
On Sunday, the team’s owner, Stephen Ross, told reporters that he remained committed to rebuilding for long-term success. The Dolphins have five first-round picks and four second-round picks over the next two drafts. Flores, 38, has a five-year contract.
“I think he’s the right guy to lead us through these times,” Chris Grier, Miami’s general manager, said Tuesday.
Still, black head coaches tend to have the most precarious hold on jobs with the most vulnerable teams and the most limited opportunities for a second chance helming a staff elsewhere. Last season, five African-American head coaches were fired.
So far, Flores has shown a rare ability to remain even-keeled during one of the rockiest starts to an N.F.L. head coaching career, with no outward sign of anguish or regret. That stoicism is fitting perhaps for someone whose life has been built on a refusal to despair. He is the son of Honduran immigrants, born to a family who lived in the frayed Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, where violent crime has declined but where official neglect, gang feuds and ruthless poverty have been corrosive.
It is one thing to lose football games. It is another to grow accustomed, as Flores has said he did, to helping his mother carry groceries up 20 flights of stairs when the elevators failed at the Glenmore Plaza housing project.
“I’m very prepared for difficult moments,” Flores said Monday. “I learned resiliency at a very early age.”
Flores and three of his four brothers have master’s degrees. And Brian appears to have become only the eighth N.F.L. head coach in the modern era from New York City, — no one’s idea of a football hotbed — according to the Elias Sports Bureau, the league’s official statistician.
Flores possesses a singular identity in professional football — black and Latino at a time when there are only two other African-American head coaches (Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Anthony Lynn of the Los Angeles Chargers) in the N.F.L. and one other Hispanic coach (Ron Rivera of Carolina).
While Belichick, Flores’ mentor, is the epitome of a gruff, taciturn coach who reveals little, Flores possesses a blunt candor. During a training camp practice, he played eight consecutive songs by Brooklyn-born Jay-Z as a rebuttal to then-Dolphins receiver Kenny Stills, a social activist who criticized the rapper as being tone-deaf after he formed an entertainment and social justice partnership with the N.F.L.
But Flores also gave an impassioned defense, rarely done by the league’s coaches, of the right of Stills and the ostracized quarterback Colin Kaepernick to kneel during the national anthem in protest against racial inequality and police brutality.
“They’re bringing attention to my story,” he said. “I’m the son of immigrants. I’m black. I grew up poor. I grew up in New York during the stop-and-frisk era. I’ve been stopped because I fit a description before. So everything these guys protest, I’ve lived it, I’ve experienced it.”
The Flores family story reflects the classic American immigrant experience. Yet his ascent in America’s most popular sport comes as the Trump Administration attempts to bar most Hondurans leaving a Central American country overwhelmed by poverty and violence from seeking asylum in the United States. The administration has also tried to end the protected status of some 57,000 Honduran immigrants, many of whom have been in the U.S. for more than 20 years.
“What’s interesting about Flores is that he’s part of multiple identities,” said Danielle Clealand, an associate professor of politics and international relations at Florida International University who studies Afro-Latinos in Miami.
As an N.F.L. coach in a sport fundamental to American identity, Flores has challenged the notion in a divisive political climate that immigrants do not belong in the United States, Clealand said.
“We have to think of the diversity in those communities and how they have integrated into our society, ” she said.
Asked what he thought of the President Trump’s plan to severely restrict Hondurans from entering the United States, Flores said Thursday through a team spokesman, “My journey is the answer to that question.”
With Flores on the sidelines, the Dolphins, are the only N.F.L. team with a black head coach and a black general manager, Grier. Ross, the team owner, is the founder of a nonprofit called RISE — the Ross Initiative in Sports For Equality — whose mission is to use sport to help improve race relations.
But Ross’s reputation for progressiveness grew complicated in August when he held a re-election fund-raiser in the Hamptons for President Trump. Stills, the receiver, criticized Ross via Twitter, writing, “You can’t have a nonprofit with this mission statement then open your doors to Trump.”
When Stills also criticized Jay-Z and Flores responded with his calculated playlist, the move drew mixed reaction. Mangiero, who coached Flores in high school, said he chuckled at Flores’s feistiness.
But the Miami Herald responded harshly on its editorial page, saying that Flores’s musical choice was insensitive and “looked like a smirking taunt, giving the back of his hand to a real-life American plague.”
Flores said he was challenging Stills to perform at a higher level and to not become distracted by events outside the team. Whatever scrutiny he received, Flores said at the time, he would continue to coach his own way. “If anybody’s got a problem with that, we’ve just got a problem,” he said. “We’re going to agree to disagree.”
Days later, the Dolphins traded Stills, an extremely popular player, and Laremy Tunsil, an emerging star at left tackle, to Houston. Asked if the trade was personal or political, Flores told reporters, “Not at all.” The compensation received by the Dolphins, which included two first-round draft picks and a second-round pick, “was something we couldn’t turn down,” Flores said.
He seemed taken aback by the widespread attention paid to the Stills/Ross/Jay-Z controversy. To Richard Lapchick, the founder and director the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at the University of Central Florida, Flores attempted to perform a delicate balancing act. In playing the Jay-Z songs, Prof. Lapchick said, Flores appeared to be “toeing the company line.”
But Flores’s plea for social justice was something few coaches outside of the N.B.A. ever address, Lapchick said, excepting the mass demonstration of solidarity that occurred across the N.F.L. on Sept. 24, 2017, after President Trump criticized protests during the national anthem.
“He realized, ‘My players do have opinions,’ and if he wants to successfully coach them, he can’t be dismissive, as the playlist seemed to indicate he was,” Lapchick said.
As a New Yorker, Flores is another sort of rarity in the modern N.F.L. His only current compatriot is Jacksonville’s Doug Marrone. Other New Yorkers who have coached include the legendary Vince Lombardi and the less than legendary former Jets and Eagles coach Rich Kotite, with his career record of 41-57.
Flores’s parents — Raul and Maria — immigrated from Honduras in the 1970s, speaking no English, seeking a better life, and his father spent as many as 10 months each year away as a merchant seaman. An uncle, Darrel Patterson, then a Brooklyn firefighter, became a father figure, taking the Flores brothers bowling and on trips to a video arcade. Traveling home one evening when Brian was 12, he said he spotted a Pop Warner game and asked his uncle if could play.
Patterson, 66, and now a fire safety educator, remembers the football origin story somewhat differently: He visited the family’s apartment in Brownsville on a beautiful fall weekend, only to find the brothers watching television. When asked why they were indoors, Brian or one of his siblings, replied, “Mom doesn’t want us outside; she thinks it’s too dangerous.”
Patterson said he took the brothers in his station wagon to a youth league game in Howard Beach, Queens. Brian ran an impressive 40-yard dash and was pointed to the team equipment van, where he grabbed a helmet and shoulder pads. But no one in his family had ever played football and the shoulder pads felt awkward.
“He had the pads on backward,” Patterson said. “We turned them around and from there he excelled.”
Flores received a scholarship to Poly Prep Country Day, an elite academic and football school, commuting more than an hour across Brooklyn by bus and subway. He struck Mangiero, his coach, as Flores strikes many people — serious, driven.
At Boston College, Flores played safety and linebacker, but a leg injury in 2003 ended any slim chance of playing professionally. So Flores famously wrote to every N.F.L. team looking for a job. He took an entry-level post in the Patriots’ personnel department in 2004. His duties included getting coffee and picking up dry cleaning. He slept on an air mattress in a friend’s attic for a time. He climbed from scout to assistant coach, to the de facto defensive coordinator last season as New England won its sixth Super Bowl.
Miami players describe Flores as New England players did. Quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick: “He’s been great being upfront.” Linebacker Vince Biegel: “Steady Eddie.”
Flores often recalls his mother, Maria, who died of breast cancer in March, shortly after the Dolphins named him head coach, forcing him to practice his reading when he was little and wanted to cut the lessons short. She would grab him by the ear and tell him, “We’re going to do this right now.” So that is how he plans to rebuild the Dolphins: Move forward. Persevere.
“You always know that if you put your head down and work hard,” he said, “things normally turn around and get better.”
Alain Delaqueriere contributed research.
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avaliveradio · 5 years
Radio Host Jacqueline Jax Talks about the Benefits of launching a Single on Indie Radio Podcasts Today
In the debate about singles vs albums there are several strategies to consider however one fact rings true. Artists today must be able to release more music and content to keep their music fans engaged or they will loose them to artists who are. 
We have gone through a huge change in the music industry in recent years and with the low cost of streaming and high thirst of music fans for more tunes to add to their playlists, artists are under extreme pressure to serve up more music than ever before. 
One of the most dramatic changes that I’m seeing is the breakdown of the album release format. 
That strategy is becoming more obsolete because listeners are beginning to listen to music more on playlists than they were through traditional albums. 
The playlist has been the main point of discovery for indie artists today because it’s easy, free and highly sharable. 
Influencers are becoming curators for their following and that’s able to move and shift many singles farther than they ever thought possible.
Let’s look at how a single can travel…
When you release one single and promote it on my station, I take that single and add it to the top 5 playlists I think it will be most at home on. 
Those playlists are then marketed to thousands of different people who will sift through them passively and save any songs on those lists to their own playlists.
Once shared, each one of those playlists continues to hit additional ears and have a chance of shifting down a funnel like a football being handled off from payer to player. 
Should this shift happen quickly, Spotify sees the action as engagement and a significant rise in interest occurs. 
At that point, the single could be automatically added to a lower level playlist curated by Spotify where this funnel could put it once again into a motion pushing the single further alone until it hopefully garners enough plays to land a spot on the Holy grail of chart toping playlists. 
This is how giants are made and why it’s super important to gain both authentic plays on your single and focus on one launch at a time. 
When releasing an album, it can be very difficult for an artist to drive momentum and support for all the songs on the album using one small and new fan base. 
This is why it’s to their advantage to prepare early and set up the release of each single with a reputable distribution channel that has several diverse options for promoting singles in advance.
We designed a solid strategy for launching and artists latest single to give it full advantage against other more well known artists.
Apply now to be considered for our station, playlists and to work with our team: https://www.avaliveradio.info/spin-submit
How are the indie artist handling this shift?
In response to new listener habits, musicians are writing and releasing their music at a much faster rate. 
Some are putting out shorter 6 song EP’s which get promoted at a rate of 1 single every 4 weeks and some artists are releasing a single every 2 weeks which equates to 24 singles a year.
Overall, there’s a pressure among them that if they wait too long to put out something new, they’ll lose fan interest and become irrelevant or forgotten. 
I also have an option that can help indie artists stay in the eye line of music fans while they hustle to create more music. 
It’s called a Social Media push campaign.
Essentially it takes a previous release and lines it up for a social media marketing campaign that is intended to start a spin among fresh ears who probably missed it the first time around. 
The cost is low to run the campaign and the artist can choose the exact amount of weeks they need it to run as they prepare their next release. As a result, they now have a PR team pushing their inventory out across multiple playlists and social media pages for them. 
Thus far, it’s worked out really well and the strategy has allowed us to be on board with the artist and stay on board with them to until the new release goes into planning mode. 
In addition, we can guide them on their content release strategy so they are able to benefit from our experience and push the pre-release  related content forward to help amp up the launch. 
It’s a win, win for indie artists today who need help gaining exposure with more consistency and understand the value of working with a professional team.
Look at the Social Media push campaigns available: https://www.avaliveradio.info/opportunities/social-media-marketing
What are the benefits of Indie Podcast radio Stations for artists today?
Podcasting has come a long way since the mid-2000s, when the medium was largely dominated by tech enthusiasts recording mp3s in their basements. 
Today indie podcasts have hit the mainstream and the ones which started 10+ years ago are now hitting their stride after sticking out the struggles along the way. 
Indie podcasts are so much more popular than traditional radio because they are more authentic and the hosts are much more accessible.  
Yesterdays radio personalities excluded diversity such as color, gender and even sexual preference which felt stale and lacked influence. 
Todays podcast-obsessed millennials may have been the first to appreciate the audible nuggets of gold that uncensored independent podcasts brought to the table but they are no longer alone. We have seen a huge increase in our demographics this past few years spanning ages from pre-teens to seniors on all races, religions and income levels. 
It’s incredible to think of how our content is now being consumed and at such a large scale. 
I watch the numbers continue to rise from the minute an episode is published and then again for months after social media marketing and SEO has taken that piece of audio into it’s ever dimensional milky way of content.  The growth is reflective of so many things from the personalities hosting the shows to the content included. 
There is a listener for just about everything now but it’s still important to define yourself even if you have been around as long as we have.  You must always be in touch with your audience and stay relevant that’s why we  listen to our audience very closely and add programming that they crave and discontinue segments that just aren’t performing at the top of their cycle. 
It’s a constant shift and adjustments must be made quickly and with purpose in order to hold an audience. One shift in the wrong direction can really tank your numbers that’s where consistency and long time fan support can save you. They not only let you know when things aren’t right but they stick around and show up for you when you get back on track. 
When I play some music by a new artist, I can tell if that track is being received well by both the broadcast audience and social media.  The engagement and shares of any show always tell the real story. That’s one way i decide if an artist should get in deeper with us on a Behind The Music Segment and multiple New Music Segments. 
It’s a terrific jump start for any artist launching a new single or EP because the show already have over 10 years of listeners and credibility among the music industry in place. There’s nothing that can beat time in any relationship. People are going to keep trusting those who have never let them down and that’s one thing I’ve always focused on. 
I’m honest, I always show up and I never drop the ball on anything, even if it means I’m not going to sleep that night.  I don’t believe in excuses and I don’t expect anyone to be as passionate or dedicated to my job as I have to be. 
It’s just not a realistic expectation but there has to be at least one person that’s willing to keep the ball in the air at all times if you are going to make it in this business. Otherwise the game will move on without you.
Consistency is everything in all that you do. 
I hope to see you consistently listening to the shows and enjoying the artists we are discovering.
Jacqueline Jax Radio Host and Entertainment Branding Specialist
Set up a One -to-One strategy session to get help with your music brand and marketing strategy: : https://www.avaliveradio.info/opportunities/one-to-one
Come visit me :
Daily Diary & Website: http://www.jacquelinejex.com
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Marketing advise: http://www.Jacquelinejax.tv
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JacquelineJax
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reyswiftwalker · 6 years
Taylor Swift’s reputation Stadium Tour: Indianapolis
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First off, I want to start by saying that I’ve been waiting for this for 3 years. I wanted to see her 1989 World Tour but sadly, I couldn’t. So, I vowed that I would go to her next tour no matter what. Even if it meant driving 9 hours to get there (which it did).
And so, without further ado, these are my thoughts:
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Opening Acts
Charli XCX & Camila Cabello
I am impressed with both of them. Very well done. Charli XCX proves she is able to get the crowd going with Boom Clap and Camila Cabello is a natural on stage, sporting a Indianapolis Colts jersey.
While watching her, I get the feeling that I am watching the beginning of something BIG. I have a feeling she will never be opening for another artist again.
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The Introduction
We get a jarring, yet beautiful black and white video comprised of clips of Taylor spanning back to when she was twelve-years-old to her 1989 Tour. The voices of news reports eco through the stadium rattling off countless headlines that are equally as familiar as they are outrageous.
“This is the first time photographers have caught T Swift on film in SIX WEEKS!”
“Is there bad blood?”
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“Taylor Swift is on top of the world, but has she done some sketchy things to get there?”
“I felt like she was a little angry.”
“She holds too many grudges.”
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“I can understand needing to keep your relationship to yourself in the beginning, or needing some time to work on your craft, but COME ON!”
“Taylor voluntarily bringing attention to herself with her donation.”
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The stadium goes completely dark aside from the red glow of exit signs and the screens of cell phones. All cameras pointed toward the stage.
The two giant screens split and a beam of light washes over thousands of screaming fans. The screaming is deafening. It can only be compared to that of Beatlemania. Then, a completely silhouetted Taylor Swift is pushed forward on a moving walk way.
The bright white light is replaced by a blood red one as Taylor raises her microphone to her mouth. Then:
“Are you ready for it?”
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The Setlist
1. Ready For It...?
2. I Did Something Bad
3. Gorgeous
4. Style/Love Story/You Belong With Me
Look What You Made Me Do Video Interlude
5. Look What You Made Me Do
6. End Game
7. King Of My Heart
8. Delicate
9. Shake It Off
10. Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Acoustic)
11. Forever & Always (Acoustic)
12. Blank Space
13. Dress
14. Bad Blood/Should’ve Said No
15. Don’t Blame Me
16. Long Live/New Year’s Day
Why She Disappeared Video Interlude
17. Getaway Car
18. Call It What You Want
19. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together/This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
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That’s the record-breaking number of people who attended the show. Taylor’s 13th show in the state of Indiana.
But the most amazing part is Taylor’s uncanny ability to make a show of that size feel like an intimate experience. You feel like she’s talking just to you, even when you’re surrounded by thousands of other fans. She’s relatable and she knows how to connect with an audience.
Look What You Made Me Do
There is nothing sweeter for a Swiftie to see than Taylor ascending to a throne, surrounded by snakes, and winking the opening chime to LWYMMD. The song has been iconic since the clock struck midnight on August 24th, 2017, but Taylor found a way to make it even more iconic. Maybe it was the tilted stage, maybe it was the enormous inflatable snake, or maybe it was the sound of Taylor’s impressive vocals, but, to me, that song has never been more epic than it was that night.
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Taylor starts her longest speech of the evening thanking the audience for the surreal experience of getting to play in this stadium.
“The only time that I’ve played in this room before was when I played at an FFA conference... it had to have been a decade ago, but I remember thinking that night... like oh my god, I don’t even want to imagine what it would be like to play in this room on tour as a concert because I was like ‘that’s impossible... that’s completely unattainable.’”
But yet again, Taylor Swift proves that nothing is unattainable for her. Including getting four nominations for the American Music Awards which she thanks the audience for as well.
Artist of The Year
Tour of The Year
Favorite Female Artist - Pop/Rock
Favorite Album - Pop/Rock
After doing some research, I discover that if she were to win all four of them she would be the second most decorated AMA artist in history. Only behind Michael Jackson by one award.
She continues to speak a little about what the word reputation means to her. How, when your reputation and reality don’t match up, it can leave you feeling pretty powerless. But her biggest fear...
“What if something fake, like a bad reputation, or a rumor somebody spreads about you - what happens if something fake like that, gets in the way of something real, like you finding real friends? Or someone who really gets you? Or someone who really sees you? ... When you start getting afraid of that stuff... everything starts feeling really... delicate.”
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The Outfits
I had a feeling that I would see some great outfits and I am not disappointed. Tons of people paint a green 13 on their hands. There are snakes everywhere. One guy near me dresses up as “The Nick Of Time” sporting a name tag that reads “Hello my name is, Nick” and a clock necklace. I even saw two folks dressed head-to-toe as snakes. And let’s not forget the many classic quotes printed on t shirts as well. Some of my favorites include, 
“I support my wife’s Taylor obsession”  
“I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.”
The B-Stage
This is the closest I get to Taylor all evening. Shake It Off plays. A song that, I believe, will be on her setlist for every tour now on. The iconic single is followed by two acoustic songs: Dancing With Our Hands Tied, the eleventh song from her album reputation and Forever & Always, the “surprise song” of the evening.
If I’m being honest, Forever & Always was never on my list of favorite Taylor Swift songs. It is on my “Best Of Taylor Swift Playlist” though. I find part of me wishing that she had played The Way I Loved You. A chronically underrated song off her second studio album, Fearless. 
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Don’t Blame Me
From the first time I heard this song, I knew that it is going to be epic live. This song is MEANT to be played live in a stadium. Taylor completely slays her vocals, making it one of the most memorable performances of the night.  
The Mashups
If I had to say something bad about this concert (and I really don’t want to), it’s that the mashups were probably the weakest part of the show. That is not Taylor’s fault though. In fact, it is her extraordinary success that it to blame. She has so many hit songs, so many fan favorites, that she can’t possibly play them all in one night. Thus, we get mashups. And their flaw is that they don’t convey the whole message.
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Anyone who has listened to Taylor’s music can tell you that each song tends to have a message or basic plot line. Whether lyrically or musically. And these mashups interrupt the flow of that message. The only one that really works well, in that it still conveys the emotion it’s meant to, is the Long Live/New Year’s Day mashup. It is utterly beautiful the way she seamlessly blends them together. And I personally believe that they are stronger together than they are apart.
Why She Disappeared
Like many Swifties, I bought Taylor’s reputation magazines when they were released last November. I flipped through the pages and looked at the pictures and read the poems.
But the addition of the visuals to this one, makes it better than it ever was before. Taylor’s epic, omnipresent voice ecos through the stadium,
“Whatever you say, it is not right
Whatever you do, it is not enough
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Your kindness is fake
Your pain is manipulative
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May your heart remain breakable
But never by the same hand twice”
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Beautiful visuals of sweeping nature light up the screen. There has been mass speculation that Getaway Car will be Taylor’s fifth single off reputation. And as I watch the video, I can’t help but wonder if we’re getting a sneak peek to the music video without even knowing it.
Getaway Car
It shocks me, but it takes the title of my favorite performance of the night. A song that isn’t one of my favorites going in, becomes one going out. If Getaway Car does become a single, I find myself hoping that the visuals are similar to the ones we saw here. 
Call It What You Want
I call it my favorite song on this album. From the first time I heard it, I loved this song. To this day it is still my favorite from the reputation era. So satisfying to finally here it live.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Taylor goes out with a bang! This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things has always been a banger, but when you add a fully-functioning, three-tier fountain and put Taylor Swift at the top, somehow it gets just a little bit better. 
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Confetti goes flying into the air, and I am lucky to be close enough to one of the canons to snag a few pieces. I shake my head in amazement as I look down at the pieces: tiny little newspapers with the words “reputation” and “Taylor Swift” all over. Why does it not shock me?
This is by far the best concert that I have ever attended and Taylor achieved her goal, because, from now on, I will never miss another tour that she puts on. 
I remember at one point Taylor pauses at the piano to look out at sea of people to her right. She looks introspective. Looks as though she is soaking all of this in. And a chill goes up her spine. She shivers at the grander of it all. One of history’s most influential musical artists of all time is stunned that people are here for her. A genuine smile spreads across her face eliciting a huge cheer from the audience.
“I love you guys,” she says simply. “A lot.”
And when it comes down to it, that is why she continues to sell millions of albums. It’s why she continues to sell out stadiums. And it’s why people (including myself) love her. Because even though she’s debatably the biggest star in the world, she still is the same sweet, adorkable girl she has always been. And that truly is the best thing about Taylor Swift.
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