#my thoughts on my blorbo
arinlangdon · 2 years
nobody ever really posts to the EAA tag anymore, so i should feel like i have free reign to post whatever i want? yet, i’m still too shy, if not even shyer than i ever was before
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umblrspectrum · 2 months
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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hannikin-grahamkin · 1 year
He's not my enemy. He is my homoerotic rival and if anybody but me ever tries to hurt him I will promptly kill them.
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todoyamas · 4 months
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February 3rd
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some misc Barn & Wally doodles from the past week or so <3 i heart them
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macdenlover · 27 days
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ashleyeveerson · 2 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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whoviandoodler · 17 days
something I haven't really seen people mention or consider in relation to riz and jawbone and the whole 'what's up with you, come in and talk with me' thing is that riz legitimately cannot do that. he cannot get better because getting better means losing all the things he gains by pushing himself to a wildly unhealthy degree- the points from his extracurriculars and grades in general, the usefulness he still feels he owes to his friends, the ability to push through grief and loss time and again. it's so incredibly sad because like- he was the one who first offered jawbone the job that got his life turned around! he tries so hard at all that he does and has a huge heart and he deserves to live a life that doesn't run him into the ground, but that life would be one where he wouldn't get the education he wants, or at the very best a life where he loses the control that he is gripping onto white-knuckled and has to contend with a lot of things he could never bear to consider at present. getting better would mean stopping, and if he stops, riz is not getting up for a long, long time, and he just cannot afford that
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soldier-poet-king · 10 months
Larian really pulling a reverse uno by focusing hard on astarion's prettyboy flirt vibe in all the marketing and then making his arc about reclaiming bodily autonomy
I love them for it. It's everything I wanted from astarion. I'm obsessed with him.
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raccoonnutella13 · 7 months
people don’t talk about hilda (from the netflix show) enough and how absolutely insane she is. and by that i mean how she takes the Traditional Hero trope to the absolute extremes. she is filled with overwhelming whimsy; adventure is drawn to her like a goddamn magnet and absolutely NO ONE can stop her from pursuing it. and if they even try to get in her way then fuck them. this kid’s normal tuesday means possibly dying multiple times and fighting The Horrors. everyone around her is concerned for her and the unstoppable magical girl powers that she wields but she absolutely WILL be a little shit about it because she was pulled from her whimsical littol cottage in the woods where she played with trolls and forced to move to fucking Normal Non-Magic Town. turns out going to Normal Town is only a minor setback and soon she’s back on the befriending magical creatures (a GIANT TALKING RAVEN) grind. she’s so Magical Girl Protagonist that even her own mother is terrified for her.
put simply: hilda subverts the magical girl trope in such a way that makes her a threat to normal society. and i love her for that
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rooksunday · 23 days
okay i love corrie whump but please consider this:
the corries arrive on coruscant. their training at kamino was, shall we say, maladjusted, and then they are treat like shit by the natborns. however, unlike the GAR and their jedi and the wider galaxy, the corries have… no other example of how natborn society works.
so it must work like this, right?
i mean why else would the senators be like that.
so the corries start their casual blackmail, bullying, larceny, murder not out of revenge but just because That Is How Society Works
and after a little while maybe they accidentally have a burgeoning criminal empire, several senators in their pockets, a cordoned-off territory in the midlevel, and they’re working on expansion ever upwards
the corries have no idea that there’s a sith in the senate. there’s an arsehole or twenty but that’s okay, thorn has something on most of the aides and stone is collecting protection from the others. it’s all under control.
cody: i’ve heard your explanation
cody: i have a few more questions
bly, ferreting through the neglected datapads on fox’s desk: did you ever do any of this padwork?
fox: what are they gonna do, fire me?
bly: i want to be you when i grow up
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rambunctioustoons · 2 months
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touchy feely fool
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nouverx · 2 months
WHY SO SERIOUS?? 🎉 Nika is here to party!!
A little unfinished project I started on flipaclip last year while the Luffy and Kaido fight was still happening in the anime :D
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 months
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pov ur bestie saw that ur hand was within Grabbing Range and LUNGED at that opportunity (breaking u out of ur Bad Thoughts Spiral and grounding u with how silly he is)
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dove-da-birb · 5 months
Made a Character Bingo
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Go nuts people
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pond-eringstuff · 5 months
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Pretty in pink
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