#my two favorite fe lords tbh
fore-seer · 6 months
i believe with all my heart that chrom and celica would be friends
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prismbearer · 1 year
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Finally got around to doing this for Fe even though I got lazy. This was a really fun PSD! Additional musings under the cut for my own good.
[ Template ] @arcandoria (Thank you!)
This was actually a little difficult for me. I decided not to include her item bonuses on stats, but otherwise her LVL12 set up. I am not a min-max sort of player, the higher WIS was intended to potentially multi-class her into druid maybe, but I ended up just committing full warlock and embracing the necromancer/charm thing since it felt very Autumn/Fey Necromancy vibes.
Technically speaking, she was born to a sun elven house in Evermeet just after the Spellplague when it slipped in the Feywilds where she was born, however she has spent the majority of this life within or about her Archfey Patron's demiplane. Her experience time-wise is a little warped from the perception of the PMP for years since the Spellplague so I went roughly 200 for now. Despite that time she is essentially laughably sheltered in certain concepts and is very much faking it til she makes it in Faerun.
This translates more to her being more quasi eladrin and locked in an autumnal phase, which is intentional due to the patron being the Lord of Leaves, who is an archfey with a locked demiplane that is ensnared in similar magics as Mithrendain, through frankly it is their version/an imitation of that magic that is imperfect and requires care. (I refer to the demiplane as the Lair of Leaves or Lar'Doris.) The whole aspect of harvest/decay, the transition between seasons of life and death... Bread and butter of the character concept and the demiplane is technically imbalanced for lore/history reasons and requires "feeding". So lifedrinker and collecting life essence... very in theme. Fiadh being on the template is kinda lore-spoilers.
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IDK how she got the Tharchiate Vigour tbh because Astarion has the associated summon -- I think I initially had my character read the Codex because I was running around in the vault for it alone on accident, and then passed reading the actual book later as Astarion? Anyway, that only solidified the embracing necromancy tidbits for her character, and it fits with the lore i have built for the Archfey Demiplane/Autumnal Heart.
Fe in EA originally just had the all dark sclera with none of the eye white heterochromia, but that is meant to reflect that the grasp of the autumnal heart is tenuous to non-existent due to the distance from the demiplane as well as the whole tadpole thing. The dormant infernal curse is also... leaking due to her lack of connection to the heart. Original concept it was suppose to be more of a shadow effect in duress, but that tattoo was close enough in full release and I just committed. (I do plan to maybe mod it. Maybe.)
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One of my favorite little tidbits is Fe presents as diplomatic lead/persuasion but she is in-fact, technically more at home in performance and deception. Her background is chaotic neutral, but potentially leaning evil depending on your perspective, especially in the later part of the lore pre-abduction.
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"Noble" background is technically the origin point of her current life but tbh Charlatan is probably more accurate for her internal life -- there is a good amount of overlap I feel however for the two backgrounds in terms of what you get inspiration for. Still got the roleplayer achievement IG so it must be close enough to accurate in her motivations. She would like to be perceived that way mostly I suppose regardless.
Corellon is a place-holder technically. There is aspects of his influence in their lore, but that history predates the creation of the demiplane. Fe does not actively worship any entities, throughout this life she has if anything almost worshiped the Autumnal Heart (a magical construct that powers the demiplane that is technically a soul cage that once required two souls but no only technically has one so it needs additional feeding to be sustained) SO.bg
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crabknight · 8 months
ECHOESSSSSSSSSSS Python, i'm sorry, but i'm not sure if i'm gonna use you. Tobin is cooler and has a lot more stats on you cause of the base villager class. Also i'm pretty sure the max unit count is 10.
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Goodness. He looks so punchable. Then again, thats kinda the point :p
Just realized that because hes blown up on my computer, Desaix looks like he doesnt have any pupils. Spooky
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Alm, two apples tall: Damn, this bit is so versatile...
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99% sure hes gonna defect. cause hes an ass.
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Cant wait to send you reeling on your ass Fernand... ...My VA sensors are tingling again, and its toward Desaix. Okay... lemme scroll down here... Spits out drink
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Okay, what else...
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A WHAT HOLY SHIT THATS AMAZING Talented man... I guess this is what would happen if Igor served Narl-[I am Shot]
Anyways back to Fernand complaining about his previous job to Desaix
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Love the word dastard, its like bastard but less! Also new name alert!!!! Neato
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Ohhhh i could make so many Persona Jokes...
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This guy get his armor made out of his hair or something?
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YEAH I FEEL THE SAME WAY FERNAND WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE Good lord this cutscene is pretty, thank god my emu has a pause function...
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They look kinda cute together ngl
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Thats the spirit!!! He must have had a self-confidence arc off screen
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Okay so uh im going to bring attention to the VA here, cause holy shit that read was so good?!?!? like just before the line i heard him doing a small breath in-and-out to psyche himself up???? Like ough... the boy........
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Damn, you know he is a Scary Guy when he gets a whole intro cutscene and also his own theme with a harpsichord. Only Serious Business with Berkut.
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:3 Famous last words :3 Also Berkut's Theme is so fuckin good what???????
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I see, so hes like Evil Sigurd Loves his wife and is evil
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Oh boy I love being a fly on the wall!!! Such wonderful things I get to hear!
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I mean, birth is unknown, he could be a lost prince or something, knowing FE.
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*sneezes in SMT IV*
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Anyways Fernand and Berkut are Instant Best Friends out of their Classism. Im glad that Fernand found someone to be friends with
Clive divorce arc...
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HUH so rudolf is the king of the evil place I forget its name, Rudel??
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Allllrighty! that cutscene was pretty dense, so ill leave the battle and post-battle stuff for another ask. REGARDLESS! Lets take a look at the battlefield!
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...This is what youre using to defend the castle? that is kinda hilarious tbh.
Thought there would be more.
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Ohhh boy that looks like its gonna be Fun.
I'm 99% sure the game wants me to try splitting up my team, but i really dont like doing that. So i'll try not. But i mean, we have the power of the turnwheel if things get hairy, soooooo
Anyways, lets begin the fight!
me going insane aside, that is my favorite cutscene in the game tbh, like animated cutscene. I also love Berkut and Rinea if you couldn't tell, evil sigurd is a really funny description, you're so right for that
And also, you're so right, the voice acting in this game is so fantastic, best in the series imo. Just you wait until you hear more Berkut, his voice acting actually goes so hard
Clives wife consoling him after Clives husband left him for a bigger classist
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burr-ell · 2 years
If nothing else there is a sort of karmic irony that the Violent Invader Claude who would Totally Side With Edellgard and would Turn On Others On A Dime (the one edelstans SWEAR up and down was what Claude always was in 3H) is ONLY liked by edelstans and like, damn near no one else. Like a few others that aren't edelstans do but it is SO overwhelmingly them who even tolerate Clyde, even if they are a loud as hell minority. Meanwhile the game (relatively) FLOPS in large part because of specifically Clyde's writing and how terrible it was (at least according to a LOT of reviews, both ENG and even JPN). Shocker, people like Claude and wanted to see Claude, not Edellgard 2.0.
Course tho just like edelstans, GW stans refuse to listen to anyone pointing out all the flaws in Clyde's writing, mock people who criticize their shitty fave, and then cry about how people "won't let them like things" (aka: anyone anywhere dared to publicly vent about how they don't like Clyde and Dissenting Opinions Are Mean). The jokes write themselves tbh.
it's not surprising that the game sold so poorly, and as others have said, i don't think it even sold well enough to make dlc worth it. even the feh banners don't prove anything because they're planned 6 months in advance and they're using characters who would be popular enough to carry banners anyway. (except arval, who according to sensortower data did pretty badly. i don't know if we know enough about the shez banner to get an idea of how she did but i'm guessing it wasn't that great, though she probably did marginally better than arval.)
because they wanted, so badly, to make a super serious game set in this super serious universe because this game is super serious, but they couldn't make a super serious game that ended happily or gave us a golden route because—as they admitted!—it would overturn byleth's journey, and from a financial standpoint it would mean no one would want to buy the bestselling game it's based on anymore. so they had to make a super serious game that ended ambiguously-to-badly and apparently expected it to fly off the shelves because it had fodlan on it. what did they THINK would happen? this game was set up to fail from the start, no two ways about it. and it's a crying shame, because i like this setting and wanted to see more of it, but not like this, where all my favorite characters get sidelined at best and torpedoed at worst. (seriously, we could have had a war of heroes prequel and instead we got THIS?)
and honestly, the only non-edelstans i've seen who like GW claude like him as a tragic character, which is rather vindicating. i really hope that between this and the harassment campaigns the stans have led seeing more pushback that when engage and other future FE games come around, we can drop the stupid edelgard discourse. still, it's small consolation considering they still treated the series' first lord of color like garbage the first chance they got and i think we have some good ideas as to why.
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disinclinedknight · 4 years
tagged by: Rai’s clown ass
nicknames: Neffi, Neff, Nef, and whenever a particular friend of mine is irritated with sad headcanons I vibe check them with, NEFIF
zodiac: Capricorn… I know jack shit about other systems tbh
height: 170 cm. Y’all Americans convert it yourselves it’s your problem sdfgkljhdfg
timezone: Eastern European Time
listening to: Fire Emblem Three Houses OST: The Shackled Wolves (and some children screaming outside)
last movie i saw: bruh I have no clue, probably Lord of the Rings some 6 years ago
last thing i googled: coronavirus safety measures in Norway, except in Norwegian
average amount of sleep: 7-8 h
what i’m wearing: pink summer dress
dream job: I like the one I have now (Norwegian online tutor) except it’d be 98% better if I could do it while living on an isolated island somewhere in Norway where it’d just be me, two dogs and a horse
dream trip: fly to northern Norway and just stay there
favorite food: *Flayn voice* the fish…
play any instruments: piano. I can’t play too much due to a permanently damaged hand, but I still play for myself a lot and I can play a lot of music from videogames from hearing
eye color: brown
hair color: brown
languages: Polish, English, Norwegian, a bit of German, a tiny bit of Italian
most iconic song: right now probably The Shackled Wolves, I’ve been listening to it for a week straight now and I can’t stop
random fact about me: I’ve been known to multitask in three languages at once. Sometimes it works well, other times I say the dumbest shit and have no memory of what I’d done 3 minutes after I’m finished
reason for my url: windsheedme (Merric) is probably his most known and memetic quote from FE Heroes. quiet-archer (Leonardo) is literally just a description of who Leonardo is. disinclinedknight (Ignatz) is… also just a description of who Ignatz is
tagging: TOA’s collective clown ass
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jaydesims · 5 years
top 5 video games!!
Oooooh this one is gonna be tough! I won’t include sims since that would be too easy hehe. ;)
1. Dragon Age series 
One of my favorite video game series ever! I technically played them out of order cause I started with Inquisition first, but I have played every game in the series and love them to pieces. Each game is just so uniquely and honestly I can’t compare them cause they are different in every way. :)
2. Fire Emblem series
Another one of my favorite video game series! I definitely haven’t played every game in the series, but my favorite game(s) would definitely be Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance! Ike is one of my favorite FE lords and the storyline in those two are off the charts good! Plus I really love how tactical the games are and even though they can be MEGA frustrating at times I always love playing it.
3. Silent Hill series
Yup, played pretty much every game in the series and I absolutely love them all! Silent Hill 2 holds a special place in my heart just cause the ending broke me and had me bawling like a baby. The soundtrack for that game is also amazing. While I do agree with the sentiment that the games went downhill after Silent Hill 4 The Room, I still think each one is worth playing.
4. Overwatch
This is like the one game I can always consistently play! I first got it a couple weeks after it came out and I legit haven’t stopped playing since. Not sure how I feel about Overwatch 2 but I’m pretty excited since it sounds like the game itself isn’t changing to much, just improving in certain ways. 
5. Deadly Premonition
THEY’RE MAKING A SEQUEL AND I AM PUMPED!! I cannot tell y’all how much I LOVE this game! Yes it’s weird and tbh when I first played it I was very meh about it but I played it through until the end and enjoyed it so much. So yeah it’s so unique and fun and quirky so please please PLEASE play this if you haven’t! Also the music is so cool tbh. 
Thanks so much for the ask!
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khorosvein · 5 years
@saviorkiing said:🔥 ( the routes in FE 3H )
you all are not ready for this. i’m excluding the church route bc .... hhh fu ck  the ch ur ch.
  everybody is using the proper names to call the routes like crimson flower and azure moon but my mind is still like ...... BE and BL routes. i literally had to pause when i read the words ‘CF route’ i wa s like ‘oh and what the hell is this ???’. but onto the actual unpopular opinions. 
 1. CF specific: i don’t really have any unpopular opinions tbh. it should have had more chapters. and idk why they didn’t show the final campaign against TWSITD in-game but i’m banking that it’s actually meant to be DLC with extra chapters. 
  2. the conflicts in the three routes would have been more impactful if the house leaders had more interactions. they can’t even support with each other. aside from dimitri and edelgard who have a shared past, the relationship between the house leaders feels disconnected that when they do have to square off in certain battles it’s like .... oh ok i feel sad rather than a gut punch like it should, at least to me. ( this isn’t so much the case for dimitri and edelgard but it’s an issue with claude and the other two ). 
  3. Azure Moon: i LOVE the blue lions route. i do with all my dumb stupid dimitri loving heart ( he’s my favorite lord ). looking back at it, i realize the exploration of mental illness was pretty lackluster and underdeveloped. i mean, dimitri just suddenly got better which .... makes no goddamn sense bc that’s not how it works and also everyone forgave him suddenly ( and i personally didn’t like that as someone who themselves has a mental illness and has been on the receiving end of the negative actions of someone else’s mental illness ). but i figured that was the best we were gonna get, so i take what i can get. 
i guess also concerning blue lions i just kinda wish ....... it wasn’t so hyper focused on dimitri. i love dimitri. i love being on this personal journey with him, but there’s quite a few things that suffer because of this focus. like ..... duscur should be about dimitri AND dedue but it’s not .... really about dedue which bums me out. DEDUE CAN DIE IN YOUR ROUTE IF YOU DON’T DO HIS PARALOGUE !!!! INTSYS HOW ARE YOU GONNA PUT IN DUSCUR AS A PLOT POINT BUT KILL OFF THE ONLY PERSON FROM THERE !!!! IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE !!!!
4. at this present moment i think golden deer is the best route ( which is apparently unpopular bc golden deer ranked last in the popularity poll ). i love claude and i love lore and i love ending discrimination and i love not having to get into twt debates about whether or not claude is a cool guy ( he is ). i also find that golden deer has the more interesting characters ( again, this is just to me ) across the board ( CLAUDE, marianne, lysithea, hilda, lorenz ).
i think a lot of this has to do with claude’s relationship with byleth. it really feels like more of a deep friendship ( or romance if you go that route ) that has developed well and that’s grounded in a dynamic that i find more refreshing. it’s the lord / byleth dynamic i enjoy the most. 
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slumberinglabyrinth · 5 years
finished the reverse recruitment patch for Fire Emblem 6 a few days ago, and since it was my first experience with the game, some thoughts:
gonna open this with mentioning that the hack is entirely playable and the only things unexpected/’weird’ for such a straightforward hack concept were idunn being a great lord and fae replacing zeiss replacing dieck replacing fae
Words cannot describe how much I miss arenas. I’m sure they could make them less of a ticket to victory if you’re patient and not unlucky (making arena exp gain decay at a faster rate? I mostly just want the money and wexp tbh)
even with the forced demote if you choose to promote before the plot premote and being sword locked, karel’s stats make the game easy to the point where it’s not fun to use him outside of the novelty of being able to cap literally everything before most units would have capped even a single stat
buying boots is broken because the move cap is 15 for all units and not [base move]+2.
also bring back secret shop and have them sell boots.
already talked a lot about Two Dancers but it’s a completely different experience from traditional Fire Emblem Dancer Action and I enjoyed it a lot
speaking of wexp training staff rank SUCKS because it takes 100 uses to get to staves that give more than one wexp per use and since you want to use physic (which is B and not C in the gba games) this hurts A Lot. did you know binding blade is the only fe game with weapon ranks where your generic heal stave only gives one wexp? did you know it’s the only fe game where mend only gives one wexp?
planned out any supports for the first time in my life and
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that’sa spicy meatball
ties into my “things are fun when you can understand what’s going on, which doesn’t happen when things aren’t explained” thing but I’d be open to the idea of affinity returning as a determinant towards what stat bonuses a given support pairing grants
did I mention karel is your lord? he’s your lord.
plot pacing is kinda wack? endgame is pretty egregious especially with jahn map being “oops we forgot to give you this continent’s backstory” but some indication towards the progression of time in between ‘acts’ would help make it feel less rushed. will probably elaborate on this later
I liked a lot of the ideas in the plot, though, even if it’s mostly in relation to fe7/other games
actual huge fan cath/garret not kissing the ground you walk on and only joining up to make sure you’re not screwing around like some pompous king and making it very clear that the moment you aren’t the best lord ever they’re out of there
route branches that merge a few maps later were a neat idea and I think I liked them in execution. not a huge fan of vanilla dayan/juno being mutually exclusive but it’s not the end of the world
there’s a lot of fog of war but aside from Illia’s ballista map I didn’t have actual complaints about them?
maltet’s map sucked. I considered underdeploying just so my party (and healers) weren’t spread thin across the map
I enjoyed most of the map gimmicks though. some of them didn’t really have a huge impact (sandbar appeared once I was already by the boss, stuff like that) but they all created variety without being needlessly complex or over-the-top
a lot of the things I’ve seen people complain about weren’t that bad? Only died to a status stave once and hitrates in general weren’t ever a problem.
Overall I had a lot of fun. Not my sole, absolute favorite but definitely worth the trouble of finding a way to play (vanilla or not)
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iturbide · 7 years
(holy shit nine Morgans) Thank god he came home, take good care of your Chrobin family! Tbh, I don't really understand the IVs thing, so I never know if my units are good or not, it just matters that I love them
yeah i got a lot of morgans =v= 
Trust me I fully intend to take good care of my Chrobin families I’ve put Chrom on the training team (and swapped out one dancer for M!Robin just so they can hang out and boost ally support levels while Chrom’s leveling) so come Friday he’s going to be powering right on through. 
But I totally agree we’ve gone a year without having any ability to upgrade our resident Askrans in any way, shape, or form beyond upgrading their star ratings, they deserve some attention since they’re arguably our main ‘Lords’ for this particular FE iteration!  I’m really glad they’re getting some alts, especially considering that some people have four (I find it hilarious running into Lucina Emblem Arena teams but seriously spread the love around).
…green hell indeed though.  On the one hand I’m glad we’re getting more greens since they tend to be the units we have the smallest representation for, but on the other hand since so many of them end up as 5* summons only you’re still running a terrible risk of getting 4* and 3* units you really don’t want.  Please, IntSys, do something about this. 
But oh oh I can explain IVs under the cut so hopefully it doesn’t bother anybody that doesn’t want to read my long-winded rambling:
So as a preface, to the best of my knowledge, IVs are mostly important in the metagame (Arena/Arena Assault, occasionally Voting Gauntlet match-ups but only if you’re insane and running level 40s).  They have significantly less bearing on the regular game and are far easier to manage if you have less than ideal ones.  So ultimately, as far as I’m concerned, loving your units regardless of their stats is the way to go and it’s pretty much how I operate at all times. 
Moving into the explanation, though - every Hero when they’re summoned has a set stat line-up.  You might notice when you summon two of the same Hero that their stats are slightly different: that’s because they have different IVs!  While every Hero has a neutral stat line-up, others will have a slight increase in one stat, coupled with a slight decrease in another for balance.  At level one, this appears as just a one point difference in their overall stat line-ups (or two, if you happen to be looking at one hero with a boon and one with a bane in the same stat, like I’ve seen with my many many Morgans, one of whom has 22 attack and another who has 20). 
Ordinarily, a boon will add 3 points to a given stat when the Hero reaches level 40, while a bane will take 3 away; however, some units have superboons and superbanes, which add or remove 4 points from a given stat.  Some Heroes have it set up where most of their stats run like this: Lissa, for instance, has superboons for both attack and speed and superbanes for HP, defense, and resistance (New Year’s Takumi is actually like this, too; go figure).  Generally, this is only important in the Arena because it affects your base stat total (BST) and therefore Arena scoring, but if you’re not a super-competitive Arena person then it’s not hugely important.  
Now, while it is primarily important in the metagame, there are a few situations I’ve run into where stats kind of do make a difference in the regular game, weirdly enough.  Examples include: 
If you ever do promote a healer to 5* and get their weapon upgrade, suddenly their attack becomes important because the stave+ variants use attack to calculate the amount of damage you heal.  While there is a default minimum that they’ll recover (7 for Rehabilitate, 8 for Physic, 15 for Recover, etc.), these numbers can inflate drastically when you have a healer with an attack boon.  I have a +attack Elise I’m using in Tempest Trials now who’s running a Recover+ staff, and this little monster consistently heals 30 damage (double the minimum) because of the calculations involved and her particular boon. 
During the Valentine’s banner, I hilariously managed to roll a neutral IV regular Hector instead of the Valentine Hector (rip me – he came later though so it was all good).  I figured I might try training him up a little since my original Hector is +speed - defense to see if he’d work on either my Arena team or an armored team…and lo and behold he got quad hit by Klein and KOed in the Training Tower.  I was flabbergasted.  And at that point I swore I was never using a Hector without +speed unless Wary Fighter was involved. 
Speaking of Hector the Protector, +speed is kind of hilarious on him.  Turns out it’s a superboon for him, putting him at the same speed as M!Robin at neutral (the mental image alone of a giant armored knight jogging along and keeping pace with my scrawny blue mage is amazing).  This can mess with a lot of things, especially if you buff his speed on top of it, because he’s not getting doubled consistently and can even double certain slow units on his own, like Reinhardt. 
As for M!Robin, while my +10 powerhouse is +attack -HP, my first 5* promotion that I used for a LONG time was actually +attack -speed (which made him slower than Hector because it’s a superbane, and the image of my scrawny blue mage getting outstripped by the giant armored knight is arguably even funnier).  This really didn’t bother me for a long time because with breaker skills he remained an utter powerhouse and I really liked the +attack for extra damage output; however, during one of the Voting Gauntlets, I happened to get teamed up with another M!Robin who had neutral speed, and he was doubling units that my boy could never dream of handling unassisted.  The 4 point speed difference was suddenly a lot more relevant, so I kept my eye out for an M!Robin in my summons without that speed bane and finally rolled the one I have now as a 3*, promoted him, trained him, and he’s been glorious ever since (I usually keep swordbreaker on him at this point because speedy swordsmen are everywhere).
If you’re ever curious what kind of stats your Heroes have, this is the site I usually use to check mine out!  It updates regularly with new Heroes, has datamine info when updates roll out, and has been generally really helpful for me, especially as I work on some of my favorite characters (for cases where I have multiples, it’s good for figuring out which is the ideal candidate to merge the others into; alternatively, it’s good for choosing who to give up for skill transmittal, like I did last night sending off my -attack Siegbert to give my M!Robin Attack Tactic). 
And this has been my long-winded explanation of boons/banes thank you and good night day
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gracia-suficiente · 7 years
So here’s a long and detailed post of my 2017!
In years past, I’ve kept a good things jar which is nice because it helps me keep track of all the good things that happened during the year. Something like that would’ve helped a lot this year because although this year wasn’t awful, it was a challenging year. The year started off really great but then slowed down and got stressful. Towards the end though, it came back up and I’m so excited for 2018. I did keep a good things jar the first couple months of 2017, but I stopped soon after the year started. So if the rest of my post after those months isn’t that detailed, it’s because the rest of the year was a blur. 
January started off so strong! I spent New Year’s Eve with my cousin Isaac and family and I actually had a lot of fun! I even got a Native American blessing from my cousin’s wife’s grandfather who is Native American! Bailey and I talked a LOT in January; I have an embarrassing amount of good things papers about phone calls and facetimes with him. Speaking of Bailey, the app that we met on, Beme, died in January which sucked but everyone in the beme community spent the last few days sending each other fun reactions. I started my internship with my (now) previous employer on January 3! Even though I started my new internship, I went back in January for an exit interview with my old job at my university and it was so great to see my old coworkers. They were seriously some of my favorite people to work with. Also! The Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) planning meetings for Awakening retreat began in January (tbh I forgot I served on team this year!) There were also a lot of birthday parties (James, Jayden, Alice) and even a few anniversaries (my parents and my brother’s godparents). 
February started off on a sweet note because Bailey was my Valentine and that made me really happy. Speaking of notes, my little brother had an orchestra concert this month as well! My bestie Vivian turned 24 and I had fun at her dinner; I wish I could’ve gone out with them though. I especially hated having a curfew this past year. 
March was long and stressful. Work got hectic, school got difficult, and life got hard and depressing. But March ended up being redeeming also; I got asked to be an ash distributor for the CCM campus wide Ash Wednesday mass! I also served on retreat at the end of March and it was beautiful. God’s timing is perfect and that retreat helped me so much; God is good. 
April was fun because I went to two concerts! My sister and I saw The 1975 and we were in the pit; I’ve never been so up close for a concert before. I also took my mom to see Chris Tomlin and that concert was so beautiful. It was also fun to do something with my mom! Easter happened right before all of the concerts and Easter is probably my second favorite holiday; I love it so much. 
May was a good month; I graduated from college with my master’s degree! All of the graduation festivities were so much fun; there was graduation mass with CCM, the College of Business hooding ceremony, and then the big graduation ceremony. My family and I had a nice graduation dinner after the ceremony with a lot of family. I also got offered a full time position with the accounting firm I interned for. I started working full time after I graduated. I was so grateful for the position because I struggled to find a job when I graduated from undergrad. Job security is nice. 
I saw Miike Snow in June! That was a lot of fun! It was also my first time at one of the smaller venues in my city. I racked my brain, and other than that, I can’t remember anything significant that happened in June. 
In July, I finally went to the new baseball stadium in town with my family; I say “new” but it’s been open for a couple of years now and I just hadn’t had the opportunity to go. Going to the game made me remember how much I love baseball. We went over the 4th of July weekend so we got to see fireworks too! Speaking of the 4th of July, my family and I went on the military base where my city’s symphony orchestra had a free concert and fireworks show! It was fantastic and the best 4th of July at home I’ve had in a long while. My little brother turned 15 in July! I went to a job interview with Whole Foods corporate in Austin in July and I didn’t get it. But it ended up working out for the better! And lastly, I saw Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness in July and that was probably the best concert I went to this year. I’ve never had so much fun at a concert. Also, I got to meet The Greeting Committee and A R I Z O N A afterwards too! 
What happened in August? I have no idea. According to my memory, calendar, and photo albums, not much. 
But not to worry! September made up for the lame August I had! My cousin’s cousin (who is my age and I kinda grew up with) got married the first weekend in September! I turned 24 in September and I spent my birthday at my city’s art museum and I had dinner with my grandparents and family at my favorite restaurant. My parents’ birthdays followed soon after and were fun as well! And then came my Richmond adventure with Bailey! Such. a. great. weekend. After that, my sister and I saw Two Door Cinema Club! 
October was hectic with work but I did get to see Portugal. the Man on Friday the 13th! Near the end of the month, my other cousin’s fiance had a bridal shower and it was so much fun getting to know her a little more. 
November was fun because my sister turned 21! I also began taking Christian Formation classes at my church in order to become a Eucharistic Minister. I loved learning about my faith and getting to interact with other Catholics. My cousin Nicole had her last high school football game EVER (she’s in marching band) so my family and I went to cheer her on. I went to a job interview mid-November for the job that I currently have now. God is so good and I am thankful that He opened up this door for me in Austin. My family and I spent Thanksgiving at my cousin Isaac’s house and it was so much fun! 
December was a whirlwind. I saw Pale Waves with my sister on the 4th. I got assigned to a really big audit at work and I put in my two weeks notice. That was rough. My bestie and I took a trip to Santa Fe to go to a museum. My cousin Nicole turned 18! My little brother had his Christmas orchestra concert. I went to my previous employer’s Christmas party and then the happy hour after. I was invited to be a part of my middle school’s career day (how old am I??). My family and I moved all my stuff to my new apartment in Austin. We spent Christmas with my two aunts who live in the area. Then we came back to go to my cousin’s wedding at the end of the month. I visited an old friend in the hospital with my bestie because she had a beautiful baby boy. And we spent New Year’s Eve at my house with my cousins and tias. December was so wild and I never had a month fly by so quickly; there were so many people I wanted to say goodbye to but I didn’t get the chance. I’m so excited for the new year and what the change will bring for me! 
A few lists of things I saw/read/listened to in 2017 (probably not complete as my memory is awful and I didn’t keep track of anything):
Movies I saw: The Accountant, The Infiltrator, Lego: Batman Movie, Thor Ragnorak, The Hitman’s Body Guard, The Big Sick
TV shows I watched: Sherlock, Stranger Things, American Vandal, Over the Garden Wall
Books I read: Journal 3 by Alex Hirsh, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
Concerts I went to: The 1975 (with Colouring and Pale Waves), Worship Night in America (Chris Tomlin with Phil Wickam, Big Daddy Weave, and another band I can’t remember right now), Miike Snow (with The Other Half), Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (with A R I Z O N A and The Greeting Committee), Portugal. the Man, Pale Waves (with The Candescents) [I had tickets to see Foster the People and Atlas Genius but both shows got canceled]
Albums I bought: Gracetown - San Cisco, Harry Styles - Harry Styles, What If Nothing - Walk the Moon, Reputation - Taylor Swift, Sacred Hearts Club - Foster the People, Kaleidoscope EP - Coldplay, Melodrama - Lorde, Unpeeled - Cage the Elephant, GALLERY - A R I Z O N A, Meeting People Is Easy - The Greeting Committee, Gameshow Live at KCRW - Two Door Cinema Club
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chiaki-c · 5 years
002 Mikoizu and 003 Dedue?
ANON...............U KNOW THE WAY TO MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!
mikoizu is here!!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character
I LOVE DEDUE!! i did not have any strong feels abt him at first but he became one of my absolute favorites. almost sneakily tbh!! i can’t say i’m immediately into the stereotypical vassal role in fe games, but dedue’s loyalty to dimitri is so genuinely heartfelt i ended up feeling all tender.... i like that his personal story is so intimately linked with the azure moon storyline so you have more chances to really have an all around view of what it all means for him: for his relationship w/ dimitri  and his backstory you have their supports, his paralogue, and the main story, while his supports with other characters put in all these little bits of info that wrap everything up in one of the few characters that i felt were well and fully fledged. his supports with mercedes are just genuinely touching!! for once they also nailed the whole scary guy with delicate interests too, i think, since it’s not overplayed!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character
dimidue is so good!!! again, i enjoy a good lord/vassal but they don’t usually end in the range of favourite ships. but dimidue works so well to me, their supports are all about how dimitri doesn’t see him as inferior to him in any way and dedue establishes clearly what he wants too, in their A. i disagree with people that think their relationship unhealthy, i think the supports really make a point of how they are meant to be equals. even if to some they didn’t manage it properly, i am 100% on board with it. they are so obviously meant for each other it’s painful!!!!!!! 
i also enjoy dedue/mercedes!!! it’s hard not to ship mercedes with anyone but yeah....they would undeniably work.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character
ashe/dedue is really adorable but doesn’t quite do it for me as a romantic ship. also i like the dedue/felix dynamic and wish we had gotten something more substantial to show for it, especially in the context of King Dimitri.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i think most people have qualms w/ the portrayal of racial issues. while i can’t tell people what to feel abt the way dedue faces discrimination, i feel like it’s marginally better than, say, radiance/radiant where we gotta use cat people to talk about racial discriminations. i feel that bc of this more outright approach it comes out more brutally real, and there’s not much of an “easy” happy ending for the situation, which i realze can be a lot. but i don’t think it’s a total fail, personally.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
that he could more explicitly become dimitri’s husband. like..............pls..........................................
Favorite friendship for this character
dedue and all the lions!!!! in particular the annette/mercedes/ashe squad....the stong must protect the sweet. i also love his interaction with shamir!!! they’d def be great pals, disagreements aside.
My crossover ship
im thinking crossover as in other fe games here. dedue and niles would be good i think. something like the fe warriors frederick/niles support but it stops being funny/horny halfway through and morphs into something guarded but sincere. i think niles would be a bit envious of dedue/dimitri’s reationship so he’d probably try to be particularly cruel but unexepectedly feel comfortable talking to him in the long run. also have to face the fact that they’re two soft saps and he really can’t use them as comparison for his own lord/vassal situation lmao. they could even become A Thing, who knows!!!
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the-apocryphal-one · 7 years
What's the Apo-and-Echoes-cast status update? I got that Lu and Delthea fever tbh.
So I decided to get off my ass and actually finish the game when this ask came along, only for Alm’s little gauntlet to kick me back down. But at this point my opinions and faves are pretty much set in stone, barring one of our leads doing something incredibly crazy at the very end, so I’m answering it anyway.
Alm and Celica: I really like these two leads! They’re nice, fleshed-out, have good arcs, flawed, dorky and cute, and just really strong all around. Learning they actually were friends for three years versus the few weeks I thought helped make their bond more believable to me, along with some of the (really pretty) scenes they got later on. So yeah, I ship it. They’re pretty high on my favorite FE lords list too, maybe even top three.
Mae: Hooooo boy I mentioned I thought I wouldn’t like her, right? And how she won me over pretty quickly? She’s continued to win me over. Just a peppy, nice, energetic girl all around and a great friend to Celica. Plus she’s voiced by Cherami Leigh, that’s great.
Sonya: Another person who came out of left field. Her single support, base conversations, and boss convo with Judah all give her a surprising amount of depth for a character you don’t have to recruit. She’s basically Camilla done right, as in the “sexy big sis figure lady”.
Saber: Man I like this dude a lot. He’s a good secondary protagonist on Celica’s side, nice development from “only in this for the money merc” to “loyal friend and soldier”. He also provides a nice contrast to her idealism with his gritty realism.
Lukas: Like I said last time, I normally don’t like stoic soldier archetypes, but he’s again another character Echoes did well enough to overcome that. His base convo about his family, and his support with Clive where he seems discomforted by being seen as “cold” were very nice. Also that voice could melt butter *fans self*
Berkut: Ian Sinclair. That’s all I have to say. Ian Sinclair. If you played the game you know what I’m talking about. Hoooooooooly shit that voice acting. Gave him a whole new dimension.
I think those are all the big faves! Luthier and Delthea, I like too. Lu’s adorably awkward. Delthea I’m a bit less fond of, she’s a tad too bratty for my tastes, but her support with Clair and the fact she’s the most powerful unit on Alm’s team win her points.
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ashen-laguz · 7 years
For the ask, A, E, F, S, and U
i’m just going with the first things that come to mind that i really like fyi XD
A - Reigen Arataka (look I know it’s his surname, and everyone calls him Reigen, but I don’t really care. Scar from FMA had been my favorite anime character for so long but then I got punched in the face by Reigen’s shenanigans, and since he’s so goofy and hilarious but also a genuinely great mentor and manages to help people via conning them, he’s just too great.)
E - Eirika and Ephraim (This was harder then it shoud have been because I can think of many characters with E names but not really any I’d consider a fave?? if i have E faves, they’re elluding me right now. anyways these two are probably some of my fave FE lords, because I love how Eirika manages to be very kind and wonderful but doesn’t let it stop her from being strong, and ephraim.... idk, i don’t have good reason, i just find the rowdy boys among the FE protags to be more intriguing then most other lords tbh XD)
F - Forde (One of my favorite cavaliers in all of FE tbh. he’s not a complex character or anything, but I just like him. He’s chill, artists are neat, and he and Franz are really cute brothers and something about siblings just tends to grab my attention in fiction so ye)
S - Sky (look i know ocs probably don’t count but. I just love sky a lot. I genuinely think she’s one of @disneydreamlights best ocs and she’s just fucking awesome
U - ......i genuinely can’t think of any characters with a U name so um. i’ll get back to you on that ewe’
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gaileon · 8 years
♚ ooc | eh yknow what i haven’t posted anything on this blog in a while due to irl exhaustion but i was talking a lot about alm today in twitter messages so i might as well pass it along
MAJOR GAIDEN SPOILERS and also it talks about some stuff they say in the new fe15 trailer but all this is goin under the cut !! this is just basically my longass love letter as to why i love alm with a lil subtle salt. i also talk about awakening for like a paragraph cause. Walhart, My Boy,
alm is honestly one of my favorite fe lords ( if not my favorite -- which he probably is i'm gonna be real ) because he's a very believable person to me ?? the fe15 trailer kinda reminded me again about the aspects i love about him
the last line in the trailer hints towards the big spoiler w/ his patricide and i admire that he's a lord who makes a huge mistake and he regrets it. his downfall isn't caused by another person or a villain like... it's not like someone else killed his family and whatnot ( or him ala sigurd and chrom's fates ) but HE made that decision and he was blinded by his extremist views and the heat of the moment. he wasn't rationally thinking of why rudolf wasn't attacking him, though he questioned it, and he merely continued pressing on because it seemed like the right answer to him. combined with the trailer, it's saying he failed to make a good decision under stress which makes him feel very human and holds very accurately to his youth.
his philosophy in general is super interesting to me, especially when put in contrast against celica's. the two were raised under the same person for a while but developed very different views on how the world runs. i think it's very interesting to see a strictly warist protagonist, one where he's given up on diplomacy and i don't blame him for that: the biggest conflict of valentia was literally solved through war, not politics, and so for him to deny celica's attempts to sway him away from fighting made a lot of sense. he can be impulsive, yes, but he clearly put some amount of thought into justifying what his goal plan was. he's not just straight brawn but a good mix.
( unrelated, but i also like walhart a lot for this after looking back -- walhart going through civil war to try and build up the army he needed to tackle on the issue in w/e archanea is called now idk if they renamed it or not in awakening but ... he was just following alm's philosophy where you need to fight to accomplish things. he follows the gaiden alm's idea that also religion can lead to ruin and I THINK THAT'S A GOOD CALLBACK... gaiden alm believing in doma and mila but believing he can't rely on them because there are innocent zofians praying but not getting an answer is still one of my fav parts of the manga tbh )
I GET WHY PEOPLE ARE LIKE 'ALM IS DIFFERENT THAN PEOPLE THINK HE'LL BE' but i don't agree with the folks that go around saying alm is cold-hearted and genocidal and committed patricide without hesitation/remorse considering ?? it completely undermines the fact that alm was straight up crying after he discovered what he had done and how heavily he was questioning the ethics of his approach and wondering if he could've done it any other way ( ALSO GOOD SHIT ) and hdfksdjsdf i just like his character development a lot in gaiden and i'm kinda upset in the manga they don't keep his frustrations post-fight against rudolf and end up making it a lot calmer.
the thing w/ alm is that even in the discussion with celica at the end of chapter 2 where she asks him if he wants to take control of the people now that he's considered their "hero", he's very adamant and quick to say how he never wanted to lead and he just wants to return home after he's done. it kinda reflects the one line he has in the trailer where he states his reason for fighting is in the stead of those who can't whom he feels has been wronged. i think he just has a strong sense of justice and i think the reveal about his ascension to the throne after rudolf's death is super tragic because ?? he never prepared himself for that. but honestly alm is a really good-hearted kid, he's just not the fe lord who will want to prevent a fight because he thinks it's inevitable.
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gaileon · 8 years
♥ ☾ ☄ ✫ !!
↪ 「 munday asks | accepting ! 」
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
i really find alm’s religious views so fascinating tbh !! for a guy who grew up in a country that worshipped their patron goddess mila and never stopped praying to her even in the worst of desolation and starvation and even murder, alm differs from his peers. 
though the degree of how much he reveals of his religious opinions changes from the original game to the manga, the latter being much more explicit about it, it’s still pretty implied in the former that he doesn’t care to pray to and/or rely on mila. he merely takes things into his own hands, believing she’s abandoned them and that he needs to save the innocents of the country himself.
with the way the remake is going so far, it looks as if he’s not as negative about mila, understanding why the others seek aid from her, but he still believes there is a call for action in order to truly liberate the zofians. he still refuses to agree with celica’s own plan focusing on her, believing the true direction to head towards is war with rigel, so even if he’s more understanding in echoes, the core of my intrigue is still there.
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse’s canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.)
to avoid spoilers ( i’ll say my actual favorite moment is at the end of chapter 4 in gaiden ) i’ll say my second favorite moment: his first reunion with celica in the zofian castle at the end of chapter 2 in gaiden !
though it’s cute at first because the two haven’t seen each other in so long, the conversation quickly turns sour and i think it’s a really good example of really seeing how much the two contrast with one another. you get to experience both their philosophies and understand that they’re both hoping for the same end goal ( peace and harmony ) but have very different methods on how they believe it has to be accomplished.
        Celica: Is there no way war against the Kingdom of Rigel can be avoided?
       Alm: That’s impossible. Emperor Rudolf of Rigel has seized the opportunity to attack                 while Zofia’s still weakened by civil war. He’s already started an invasion. At this                        rate, the Kingdom of Zofia is going to be destroyed.
       Celica: But when it comes down to it, both Rigelians and Zofians are the same, aren’t                      they? We are all people of Valentia. Even if these divisions of country no longer                      existed, we should all still be able to live together in happiness.
       Alm: That’s no good. […] we’ve got no choice but to fight.
everyone shows alm to be very… i suppose thirsty to fight and nothing else, but i think even his adamant denial of diplomacy attempts here show that he had thought it through and he just feels as if zofia has been wronged. his blunt way of disagreeing with celica merely reflects his idea that it’s too late and futile to try and use niceties.
☄: What you think of your Muse.
i like him a lot ! i think he’s got a lot of good qualities, and every fe lord i tend to like usually shares a trait of his that i admire or find interesting haha
i think he does need to learn to be more delicate in handling situations though. as a person, he has his heart set in the right place but dashes into things refusing to change his mind once it’s set. he’s overemotional in that way – not in the usual way in which people mean crying a lot cause he doesn’t do too much of that, but it’s clear he’s not as level-headed as celica is and that there’s concern that without her that he might’ve turned into a person much like walhart did.
✫: Why you began RPing.
oh god this is kinda a weird story but ?? i was really into an anime called shugo chara! back in the day and i wanted to be active in its fanbase. i was on deviantArt and i didn’t really understand what rping exactly was but i applied to an rp group anyway and got in.
i had to learn from my peers a lot how to write collaboratively, but in the beginning it was more of an attempt at social interaction and a stroke of luck really ! 
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