#mychal turner
roswell-rp · 1 year
What other fcs can you see apart of your rp?
we answered a similar question here with faces over 35+, but here are some further suggestions if none of those are of interest: davika hoorne, deepika padukone, dylan o'brien, florence pugh, michael trevino, jeanine mason, raymond ablack, tessa thompson, tanner novlan, kylie bunbury, tua el fawwal, amanda zhou han hyunmin, samantha logan, brandon mychal smith, rish shah, evan mock, hayley law, lyrica okano, khadija red thunder, lola petticrew, patti harrison, kedar williams-stirling, jodie turner-smith, ariela barer, alp navruz & harvey guillen.
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just-twinkling · 2 years
Turtles All The Way Down
Chapter 1
At the time I first realized I might be fictional, my weekdays were spent at a publicly funded institution on the north side of Indianapolis called White River High School, where I was required to eat lunch at a particular time—between 12:37 p.m. and 1:14 p.m.—by forces so much larger than myself that I couldn’t even begin to identify them. If those forces had given me a different lunch period, or if the tablemates who helped author my fate had chosen a different topic of conversation that September day, I would’ve met a different end—or at least a different middle. But I was beginning to learn that your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell.
Of course, you pretend to be the author. You have to. You think, I now choose to go to lunch, when that monotone beep rings from on high at 12:37. But really, the bell decides. You think you’re the painter, but you’re the canvas.
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thecrazyfan-girl · 3 years
And no one ever says good-bye unless they want to see you again.
Aza Holmes (Turtles all the way down)
I just finished Turtles all the way down and I am trying to recover. 
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...but it didn't matter, because we were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe more intimate than eye contact anyway. Anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see.
Aza Holmes, Turtles All The Way Down
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mychal-is-ok · 2 years
this is a lot but for the ask game:
🦖 childhood obsession?
⚡️ what inspired your name?
🌙 what do you associate with the moon?
🦋 something that gives you hope?
Don't worry! There's never too much!
🦖 Major events where people were discriminated against, especially slavery and the Holocaust. I couldn't (and still can't) wrap my head around how people could treat other people like that, so I kept on reading books and watching movies to try and understand it.
⚡Michael Mell from BMC, and Mychal Turner from John Green's Turtles All The Way Down
🌙 A sense of cool, if that makes sense. Like dark and mysterious
🦋 Thinking about the future. @tickerbo and I plan to move in together and have this cute cottagecore house, and I'm really excited for that
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kickmag · 4 years
R.I.P. Little Richard
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Rock and Roll pioneer Little Richard died today of bone cancer at age 87. Richard was mentored by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, the foremother of rock when he was a teenager in the 1940s. She allowed him to open her shows and inspired him to become a professional. Ike Turner's intro on "Rocket 88" gave him the motivation to become a piano player. Richard had a few bands and recording contracts with RCA and Peacock Records before he signed with Specialty in 1955 and that year he had his first hit with "Tutti Frutti." His success continued in the '50s with "Rip It Up," "Long Tall Sally," Lucille," "Keep A-Knockin'" and "Good Golly Miss Molly." His influence was immediate and The Beatles,  Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Gene Vincent, The Everly Brothers and Eddie Cochran covered Richard's songs. Ray Charles, James Brown, Sam Cooke, Otis Redding and Bo Diddley all recognized Richard's contributions to music. Brown said that Richard put the funk in the rock beat. The screaming, wild hair, colorful makeup and androgynous appearance was an archetype that would later be emulated most famously by Prince.
His rise happened during segregation in America but Little Richard became one of the first Black artists to crossover and reach white and Black audiences in concerts and on the charts. He was recognized for this achievement in 2015 by the National Museum Of African American music. Little Richard's religious beliefs made him leave secular music for a while in the late '50s but he returned in 1962 and the following year he saved a failing tour that featured The Rolling Stones, The Everly Brothers and Bo Diddley. The success of this tour led to him getting his own TV special The Little Richard Spectacular that was so popular that fans wrote 60,000 letters and the show was rebroadcast twice. It was during the '60s when Jimi Hendrix joined Richard's band briefly before leaving over money issues and competition over the spotlight.
Little Richard left music again in the '70s to be an evangelist and released a gospel album God's Beautiful City. His interviews revealed a lifelong conflict about his sexuality; he referred to himself sometimes as gay and omnisexual but denounced homosexuality later in life. He would have another comeback in the '80s after Charles White released an authorized biography about Richard's life. Richard appeared in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills and wrote a song with Billy Preston for the soundtrack.  He did more television and film and was quick to tell everyone about his influence on the contemporary artists of the time. When Michael Jackson purchased The Beatles' publishing Little Richard's was included and Jackson gave it back to Richard. In 1990, he made a guest vocalist appearance on Living Colour's "Elvis Is Dead."
In 2000, Leon played Richard in the biographical film Little Richard. He gave his last concert in 2014 and that same year he was portrayed by actor Brandon Mychal Smith in the James Brown biopic Get On Up. In 2017, he did a televised interview with Christian Three Angels Broadcasting Network. Although he was in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame's first class of inductees and received other awards like the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1993 he was still not as famous as his white contemporaries. Richard's rock blueprint was far-reaching and Andre 3000, Bruno Mars and Chris Cornell are just a few more artists to have been influenced by him. In 2019, Maggie Gonzalez of Macon, Georgia, Richard's hometown, started an online petition to have a statue erected on him. Little Richard also received the Distinguished Artist's Award at the 2019 Tennessee Governor's Arts Awards.
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strangenoquestion · 6 years
'Mychal said once that you're like mustard. Great in small quantities, but then a lot of you is...a lot.
John Green, Turtles All the Way Down
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sportsv · 5 years
「奇怪,離開籃球之後,我怎麼更忙了?」45歲的Steve Nash談退休人生
文/ 中壢小跑車
其他人我不是很清楚,但身為節目主持人(broadcaster)、商業家、球團顧問、製片人,還有,籃壇傳奇… …,我們如今45歲的Steve Nash,似乎沒有變得比以前更清閒,反而… …還更忙了?
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Nash目前擁有Vancouver Whitecaps和Real Mallorca的所有權,而後者近期重返了西班牙頂尖球隊之列。而在他待在Turner Sports的第二年,Nash同時參與了NBA和足球的相關報導--此外,他也是CTRL的共同創辦人,是一家以體育報導為專攻的媒體公司。
「我不是一位夠優秀的代理人(not a great delegator),尤其是我常常把所有的東西都塞在我的手機和腦袋裡,」當Nash談到他��擠滿滿的時間表時說道。
「至於我人生No. 1的熱情跟優先事項,還是扮演好一位父親的角色,」Nash補充著。
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這位入選名人堂的球員,還在大街小巷推廣著DAZN,將英超足球聯賽(English Premier League)納入其在加拿大的體育轉播服務(sports streaming service)當中。
這讓Tottenham的狂粉,Steve Nash自己,得以觀看Real Mallorca的賽事,而這支隊伍,在2016年初被Nash買下,合夥的商業夥伴有鳳凰城太陽的老闆們(ownership group),以及退役的美國足球運動員Stu Holden和Kyle Martino。
【註】DAZN是一家總部位於英國的跨國OTT服務提供商,主要提供體育賽事直播和視頻點播服務,from Wiki(有關足球的一切我不是很熟悉,歡迎大家指正,感恩!)
這個來自西班牙的隊伍,當時正處於第二級別(the second division),還一度在他們升到更高的級別之前(climbing back up the ladder),被降級至第三級。
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「我練習跟準備得很非常勤,因為這樣我才能下場打球。我可以做得更好,對此我深信不疑。這真的是構成我,Steve Nash,這個人很大的一大部分(指的應該是籃球),所以我仍然會保持自己的活躍。」
「肯定的是,有時我當下的狀態不是最好的,但整體而言,若要當個『週末戰士』(weekend warrior),在這樣的level上場奮戰,現在的我保證是沒問題的(笑)。」
在與鳳凰城太陽(兩次)和達拉斯小牛的比賽中,面對他曾經幫助他發光發熱的兩支隊伍,Nash意識到「我雖然還能打,但要在這樣高水準的比賽中,穩定做出貢獻,可能… ….真的不太行了」。
延伸閱讀: 【Steve Nash 退休聲明】籃球之後的第二人生
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在維多利亞那裡,他開了一間以自己名字命名的運動健身俱樂部「Steve Nash Fitness World and Sports Club」,也時常更新自己的社群媒體。或許,某種意義上來說,我們Steve Nash啊,也是一位喜歡跟粉絲互動的「館長」(笑)。
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Steve Nash作為一位劃時代的、獨樹一幟的Playmaker,在生涯期間一共入選8次明星賽,雖然在30多歲的年紀,黯然離開了充滿回憶的小牛,卻一如他所加入的新隊伍「鳳凰城太陽」,浴火重生地拿下2次MVP和年度助攻王,像顆烈日一般冉冉升起,再攀人生新巔峰,並在去年9月入選了籃球名人堂。
「但這說來也很奇怪,因為在過去的一年半,甚至兩年的時間裡,我真的很掙扎,真的真的很想(找回籃球),一如既往(As bad as ever)。於是,我花了很多的時間和精力,盡可能多去碰球,多多去Play」。
「我有點像是那種『什麼都是最後一個知道的,最後一個看到』的人(I was kind the last to know, the last to see)。但從某種意義上說,這也讓我凡事都不留遺憾。」
延伸閱讀: 從來就無需打得像誰!Steve Nash 就是無與倫比的時代標竿
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「我覺得很不錯啊(I’m fine with it),這是一件好事。我認為這是市場和聯盟,及其全球化、社群媒體和關注量所帶來的,自然而然的演變(natural evolution)。」
「球員們開始意識到,自己在這台『機器』中是不可或缺的一部分,因此他們可以展現自身的力量(flexing their muscle),可以這麼說吧。」
為此,Steve Nash抱持著樂觀的態度,他相信聯盟和球員工會(players association),將會根據彼此的需要,逐步去適應並找到屬於他們的那個共同點(common ground)。
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當被問及,他是否願意將自己的投資組合(ownership portfolio)擴展到NBA時,Nash表示他很感興趣,但實際上可供的選擇是有限的。
「30支隊伍,也就只有那麼多的球團的經營權(franchises),而根據現在比賽進行的方式(the way the game’s going)、聯盟帶來的成功和能見度、球隊的概況、球隊的經營者主人,... ...我認為現在並沒有太多人,會馬上想要脫手不玩兒了。」
多倫多暴龍在季後賽有多麼出色,全世界都有目共睹,但是那種「一個國家,擁抱著一支隊伍」的氛圍,以及那樣的團結,所帶來的回憶與感動,對於大半生在美國打拚的Steve Nash來說,想必是心中無以取代的寶藏吧。
"Very proud",驕傲、自豪,Nash這麼形容著。看來這一座冠軍,對他來說,恐怕不只是一座冠軍、一座金盃,或是一枚閃亮亮的、身為籃球人都夢寐以求的戒指,這麼簡單而已。
最後,順帶一提,大家在往後的日子裡,會更常看到Nash喔。因為不久前Associated Press報導,Nash除了將繼續為Bleacher Report講評足球賽事,也即將加入同屬TNT,參與NBA的播報。
沒錯,就是那個有著O'Neal、Barkley、Reggie Miller、Steve Smith、Kenny Smith,還有Chris Webber、Grant Hill和Kevin Garnett的「夢幻NBA播報團隊」,TNT。
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:下班後要不要跟O'Neal他們打一場?我、你、 Hill跟Weber,加上攝影大哥這樣。 :好啊,但我不打五號喔,看你們誰要去扛中鋒,我隔天不想坐輪椅上班。(設計對白)
總之,不知道為什麼,Steve Nash的退休生活,比還沒退休以前更忙碌了。但值得高興的是,45歲的他似乎樂在其中。即使隔著螢幕和冰冷的文字,我彷彿還是能看見他的笑容,那種發自內心的快樂。
祝福Steve Nash。
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galacticshq · 2 years
ANONYMOUS ASKED: Fc recs for Elzar Mann?
oh, i know our members would love to have elzar !  here are some ideas for him.
peter gadiot, rahul kohli, luke pasqualino, aiden turner, dev patel, alex meraz, brandon mychal smith, brandon jay mclaren, keahu kahuanui, nick sagar, lazaro alonso, danny pino, michiel huisman, sara ramirez,john david washington, adam beach, brian michael smith, eddie spears !
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moondustswift · 6 years
Turtles All The Way Down : Fancast
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- Aza Holmes ( Katherine Langford in 13 Reasons Why )
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- Daisy Ramirez ( Mary Elizabeth Winstead in Scott Pilgrim )
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- Mychal Turner ( Keiynan Lonsdale in Love Simon )
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- Davis Pickett ( Froy Gutierrez in Teen Wolf)
Tell me what’s your fancast :)
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augustatoday · 3 years
Mychal Turner
A new print edition of The Jail Report has been delivered to stores, or you can buy them online to read on your phone or computer by going to  thejailreport.com. Name:  TURNER, MYCHAL D`SEAN Age:  27 YEARS OLD Race / Sex:  BLACK / MALE Arrest Date:  3/23/2021 Release Date:  Next Court Date:    Charge Status Docket # Bond Amount HOLD FOR OTHER AGENCY HOLD FOR OTHER AGENCY SECURE BOND…
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walkingcityhq · 3 years
do you have any faceclaim suggestions for ginny weasley from harry potter and albus severus potter from harry potter?
                     hi love ! for ginny i could definitely see luca hollestelle , kat mcnamara , katie stevens , molly quinn , lisa teige , sophia lillis, sophie turner , debby ryan , madelaine petsch , lalisa manoban , shannon purser , cierra ramirez , kiana lede , vanessa morgan , alexa demie , jessica parker kennedy , kiana maderia. are just a few that i feel like could fit her vibe ! but i am more then happy to keep looking if this doesnt suit your fancy ! as for albus i could see brandon flynn , dylan minnette , kj apa , tom holland , bryan debart , keiyna lonsdale , tom holland , joe keery , max irons , cody christian , tyler posey , brandon mychal smith. again if you dont like any of these please let us know and we can do more for you !
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
mw from any of the john green novels?
we’d love to see: miles halter, alaska young, lara buterskaya, takumi hikohito, quentin jacobsen, margo roth spiegelman, ben starling, aza holmes, daisy ramirez, mychal turner, colin singleton, hassan harbish, will grayson 1, will grayson 2, tiny cooper and jane turner! 
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weeklyhumorist · 5 years
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It’s getting pretty scaley in here! Oh no it’s Skates On A Plane! It’s #FishAnActionMovie on this week’s joke game! Here are some of the best on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.
Let’s play #FishAnActionMovie with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/w7U7hnnCmJ
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 14, 2019
Trout Of Africa #FishAnActionMovie
— Writerlike🌎 (@writerlike1) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie A Clockwork Orange roughy pic.twitter.com/QcszbecL0G
— Kev from Hev (@Kevin29626836) August 14, 2019
The Hunt For Red Octopus #FishAnActionMovie
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) August 14, 2019
Coy story#FishAnActionMovie
— Dirtbag Murphy (@dirtbagmurphy) August 14, 2019
Of Mice and Minnow #FishAnActionMovie
— The Big Tyrion (@BigTyrion) August 14, 2019
Cast Action Hero #FishAnActionMovie
— David E (@DaSkrambledEgg) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Kill Gill pic.twitter.com/ySUXPJemqU
— Rob Noblin (@JRNoblin) August 14, 2019
Wolf of Walleye Street #FishAnActionMovie@WeeklyHumorist
— View from my Office (@viewfrommyoffic) August 14, 2019
Prince of Percha #FishAnActionMovie
— Oliver Langmo (@Olivergoesoff) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Fry Hard
— Jan I Am 🎶🍻✌❤ (@JanGilson) August 14, 2019
Last action Nemo#FishAnActionMovie
— JaKe W………………………………….😎🖕 (@Colbywinters) August 14, 2019
Kick-Bass #FishAnActionMovie
— Humerous Henrietta (@stickcandy54) August 14, 2019
The Codfather. #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/QeT3U81VXu
— Hollywood Exposed (@AndstuffL) August 14, 2019
True Flies#FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/T2yDKCJxUy
— Scott Turner (@scottwturner00) August 14, 2019
My cousin Finny 🐟🐟🐟#FishAnActionMovie
— Richard (@Guitaro616) August 14, 2019
Beverly Hills Cod pic.twitter.com/EN733klL4N
— ✌Mark My Words🤘 (@Mytquinn69) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Scrod Man Out
— sunsick (@Joe_Marcincuk) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Rambass: First Bait
— pabstbluemonday (@pabstbluemonday) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Dude…. Where’s my Carp ??
— I’M SPASTICOUS lV ☘☘☘ (@James1288743250) August 14, 2019
Wonder Wormin’ #FishAnActionMovie
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie The fish and the Furious
— 🙃ɹǝʇsɐsᴉp🤪 (@BossManInCharge) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Raiders of the Lost Carp
— Todd Otto (@toddotto) August 14, 2019
Cops & Bobbers #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/8sZApbbSmw
— Michael 🎧 (@quickbear) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Bubble Impact pic.twitter.com/rpv7BTFDo5
— Jan I Am 🎶🍻✌❤ (@JanGilson) August 14, 2019
Guardians of the Guppy
— Shari Bee (@Lavendermee3) August 14, 2019
Mad Max: Fury Roe #FishAnActionMovie
— Ray*mond Li*terally (@madbarrister) August 14, 2019
Charlie the Tuna’s Angels… #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/maq5vSdoJs
— Walter White (@HeisenbergLab) August 14, 2019
Fly, Robot. 🎣 #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/XEWqjHYAAz
— peanut (@angrypeanut4) August 14, 2019
Manta On Fire #FishAnActionMovie
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) August 14, 2019
Fish of Fury #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/HK79Ffd6nP
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Dirty Herring
— J P Haley (@jopehaley) August 14, 2019
The Rock Lobster#fishanactionmovie pic.twitter.com/xOlmVn549Z
— shoelessjoewhackson (@stinky_blinders) August 14, 2019
The Last Boy Trout#FishAnActionMovie
— 🦖🇺🇲Brirannosaurus🦖🇺🇲Wrecks Social Media (@redbuddhadojo) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Cod air pic.twitter.com/DLarMgpqwA
— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) August 14, 2019
Dogfish Day Afternoon #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/TWB1rc6Wjs
— Mountie Carl / #TheDivision2 (@PauseScreenMC) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Findependence Day
— Phyll Dogg (@phyll_indablank) August 14, 2019
Lock, stock and two smoked Salmon #FishAnActionMovie
— Gigster (@dr_gigster) August 14, 2019
Tilapia Nights #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/uTKEXErj8m
— Redbox (@redbox) August 14, 2019
Here for this trending topic ➡️ #FishAnActionMovie. We’ll start… Jurassic Carp! 🐟 Give us your best line.
— IMDb (@IMDb) August 14, 2019
Death Fish #FishAnActionMovie
— ☀️ Lisa ☀️ (@lisapop01) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie The Da Vinci Cod
— Giles Graham-Brown (@gilesfgb) August 14, 2019
Kick-Bass #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/fno8sncfBT
— Mychal (@mychal3ts) August 14, 2019
Catfishwoman #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/zYtvSqd0wx
— Mychal (@mychal3ts) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Fry Hard pic.twitter.com/2o9GRMTD7i
— Rob Noblin (@JRNoblin) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Walleyes Wide Shut
— RabbitJ (@LisaJRabbit) August 14, 2019
The Bass Of The Mohicans #FishAnActionMovie
— Writerlike🌎 (@writerlike1) August 14, 2019
North by Northern Pike #FishAnActionMovie@WeeklyHumorist
— View from my Office (@viewfrommyoffic) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Starfish Wars
— Vox Joestar in the Galaxy of Madness (@LinkVoximilian) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Skates On A Plane
— Guise Knightcott, Esq. (@GuiseKnightcott) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Escape from Albacore
— littlesatanv2.0 (@beardoutcast197) August 14, 2019
Salmon and Louise
— RaRa’s Reality (@RobinLe75315590) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Net Shorty.
— Rusty At Large (@GoodTimeRusty) August 14, 2019
Wobbegong in 60 Seconds #FishAnActionMovie
— Jack Beckitt (@JackBeckitt) August 14, 2019
Suicide Squid #FishAnActionMovie
— Peter Ghosh (@psghosh) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie A View To A Gill
— Phyll Dogg (@phyll_indablank) August 14, 2019
The Thomas Clownfish Affair #FishAnActionMovie
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie the Shark Knight
— STᕮᑭᕼᕮᑎ ᖴ (@SFallonator) August 14, 2019
Lure of the Rings #FishAnActionMovie
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Jurassic Shark.
— !🅑ⓁⒶⒽ (@blahtank) August 14, 2019
The Tunanator #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/tRJoU7YEor
— SassyClassySuzee (@1SassySuzee) August 14, 2019
Codzilla #FishAnActionMovie
— Homemaker Man (@HomemakerMan) August 14, 2019
Fishin’ Impossible #FishAnActionMovie @paul_lander @KitLively
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie: "The name's Pond. James Pond." pic.twitter.com/WcwujVt76C
— Pulp Librarian (@PulpLibrarian) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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flauntpage · 6 years
Your Thursday Morning Roundup
Jose Bautista already knows the deal. The Phils lose the first two games in a series but then show some signs of potential life in the third.
With the game tied at six in the bottom of the seventh, the right fielder recorded his first hit with the Phils, an RBI single that brought in the eventual game-winning run in an 8-6 victory.
It didn’t start well, especially for Jake Arrieta. Despite driving in two runs in the bottom of the second, he gave up two two-run homers in the top half of the third inning to Trea Turner and Juan Soto. That would be the end of his short night, as Gabe Kapler opted to use seven relief pitchers for the final six innings, including three in the eighth.
Down three in the fifth, Carlos Santana showed up at a much-needed time with a grand slam to put the Phils up a run. Washington tied it a half-inning later, but Bautista and Rhys Hoskins brought home two runs in the seventh and eighth to secure a big Phillies win.
With the win and a Braves loss, the Phils are now 3.5 games back of first in the NL East with just about a month left to go. That also means Kapler is slightly adjusting his pitching rotation, moving the “awesome” Aaron Nola up a day to face the Cubs on Sunday while moving Vince Velasquez back to Monday against the Marlins.
The Phils are off today but will host the Cubs for a three-game series beginning tomorrow night. Those same Cubs are taking on the Braves today.
The Roundup:
Kyle used his sports betting knowledge for a special post for PhillyVoice.
The preseason ends tonight as the Birds host the Jets in the finale, aka the one where all the backups and roster hopefuls scrap it out one last time. That game is at 7 PM on NBC10.
One guy that came out of the blue during training camp has been defensive tackle Bruce Hector. He’ll now probably make the team.
“He’s impressed us all along the way,” defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz said. “But I think the thing that’s been most impressive is that there’s a lot of guys that look good early and then they level out, or they fade, or they can’t stay healthy, or they plateau and they just don’t improve, [but] that’s not Bruce. Bruce impressed us early, but going on he has steadily improved. And he’s been on the field and he’s healthy enough to be on the field.
“Then in the last couple games, particularly in the last game, we got him some reps up against some better players and some better competition. He responded well. Those are all things you look for. He’s on the right track.”
Go ahead and read between the lines there. It certainly seems like Hector is on the squad.
The biggest story of the day turned out to involve a former Eagle. Linebacker Mychal Kendricks was charged by the federal government for insider trading. The Browns then released him.
Some local band tried to do a cover of “No One Likes Us” and “Fly Eagles Fly.” Some think it’s good, but I hate it. But this is my favorite part about it:
— Couch Correspondent
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(@notkerouac) August 29, 2018
The Sixers signed swingman Anthony Brown, who will probably be someone for their training camp roster.
Wayne Simmonds provided an update on contract talks. It’s only preliminary conversations for now.
The Union are…really good? They shut out DC United 2-0 last night. They’ll be in Orlando Saturday night to take on Orlando City SC.
In other sports news, Aaron Rodgers got PAID. The Packers also traded Brett Hundley to the Seahawks.
The Jets sent Teddy Bridgewater to the Saints. That means Sam Darnold will probably start Week 1.
The Brewers’ Christian Yelich went 6-for-6 and hit for the cycle last night.
Jerry Jones wants an 18-game regular season.
Clint Dempsey announced his retirement.
In the news, a person has been arrested in the death of a former Playboy model.
Papa John’s pretty much said “FU” to Papa John.
An e-cigarette exploded in someone’s pants.
The post Your Thursday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Thursday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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moocowmoocow · 7 years
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#1 Notre Dame defeats #16 Robert Morris 79-49 (x)
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