#mycroft mod
sherlockbbc-rp · 3 months
🤣 Hello, consult-sherlockholmes. Too scared to chat with me or tag me personally? This is your @atamh
If you read this, then know that I am RPing with John since Covid and we became very good friends. He told me all about you and due to personal reasons - of which you are aware - I started to help him out/cheer him up.
Did you ever meet John irl, chat with him via WhatsApp? I do 😘
- MH
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bewitched-bullet · 3 months
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Here, have my courage. 🖕🏻It's so obvious that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! John was never abusive or told other characters what to do or how to do play their characters. Your intuition is useless. He was and is always encouraging (which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared (such a shit move to share private messages btw.)- "just join in and do your thing, you'll be fine"- that's all that was asked. You could not be more wrong, even if you tried to.
The issue was between Sherlock and John and you are creating drama where there is none. It's great that you tagged your post with #mental abuse and #emotional abuse because that is EXACTLY what you are doing right now.
Let me ask you something? What are you trying to achieve? Bashing the rp because we are not organised? Because we are trying to have fun? Wow, the entitlement. 🙄 We are doing this for fun and nothing else and you are draining the fun out of it with insane accusations and the most ridiculous 'investigation'.
None of us is scared to speak out, certainly not of John because he couldn't be nicer.
And you are always talking about 'evidence'? What evidence? I have not seen a single screenshot the proves any of your claims. Get a life and let us have our fun.
And don't give me your 'oh, you are so brave for speaking out'. Or the 'oh, I see you have big feeling about this.' Every time someone speaks out in favour of John you ridicule them. You are biased. You have no morals.
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Good of you to drop the anon asks and post Un-anonymously.
A word to all of the community before I begin.
Despite their foul attitude and spicy vibe, I will request that none of you harass this mods account.
It's personally not my style or mode in which I move in this world. And I would be unhappy to hear someone did so in my name mistakenly believing I would sanction such an action.
Soooooooo....Harriett mod, you ARE feeling some big feels about this, whether or not you want to recognize it. It's very plain in the way and how you are using your words.
Oh, my!
You just now confirmed that the John mod and the Mycroft mod are one and the same!
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"John [the mod that plays him] was never abusive or told other characters [mods] what to do or how to play their characters. [Redacted] He [John mod] was and is always encouraging. (Which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared...
Which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared...
Cat's outta the bag now!
And you doubted my intuition. Glad we got some facts and proof to support my lizard brain.
So many things that can be said about all the...deflection, projection, etc but...I'll let your own words here and elsewhere speak for you.
Oh, yeah, of course I'm biased against fishy situations and those that bully. Biased for victims, children, animals, and old folks.
Also, an anon called me out on getting to into my feels and biases and I agreed with them.
As for morals? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL of course my morals will not match yours.
What do morals mean to you?
This is my definition: a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
My morals are my own. I make them for me, myself, and I. It just so happens that a few of my personal morals are shared with the general public.
Anywho, thank you for the energy you put into this. It was delicious.
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Mod’s Crush Competition Round 1
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Ryou Bakura (Yugioh DM)
My very first fictional crush. I was so in love with him.
I wanted to save him from the power of the Millennium Ring so badly
He also has the British accent in the dub
I really liked his outfit during the Duelist Kingdom arc
Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
Was I high while watching Sherlock? I haven't even seen too much of it.
There was definitely a time where I thought Mycroft was attractive and I don't have an explanation for it
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your-fave-has-eczema · 2 months
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Hamish Mycroft, aka “Merlin” from Kingsman has eczema!
Headcanons under the cut
Merlin’s eczema doesn’t bother him too much, however there are times where it gets to be too much for him.
Usually this’ll be times of very high stress and pressure, like Valentine’s attack.
During times like these, he’ll forget he shouldn’t scratch.
After everything’s over, he’d regret scratching, but he doesn’t linger on it for too long. There’s more important matters after all.
He’ll be annoyed at what he did, sure, but it’s never in his mind for too long. When his eczema is in his mind, it’s usually focused on actually getting better.
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di-greglestrade · 3 months
As an after thought, if Mycroft did not like my lack of reblogging, that is exactly what I mean by I am not a good fit for Mycroft. I wanted to get to know them before interacting. I wanted us to be friends, to understand each others character, to tell each other what we want to say.
They wanted me to interact in character with a stranger, when the characters are romantic partners. How could a stranger know the intricate life of the in character partners?
If John/Mycroft thought I was immature and did not interact enough, they could have told me. They could have told me what they wanted. They could have told me what they didn't. They could have told me, "Never mind, I do not want to interact." They did none of that.
Actually, as I see the accusation that John did not tell Sherlock he was replacing him, I believe it based on my experience.
They did not communicate with me at all that they did not like me and wish not to interact with me. As the partner of Mycroft. If John and Mycroft are truly the same mod, why would we believe that John, who is Mycroft, would behave in any other way? This is only speculation of @bewitched-bullet and mine, we do not have confirmation from Mycroft or John that they are the same mod.
In the very least, we see John defending Mycroft's behavior here. Of Mycroft not liking Greg and never telling him. Only telling him after it is over. Never mention before that he did not want to interact or not like the way we were communicating. John agrees with this lack of communication, defends it in fact.
I believe that, based on my interaction, John did not tell Sherlock he was replacing him.
He must have expected him to read it between the lines.
I agree with others bringing attention to it. John, if Mycroft or not, believes in the same beliefs that Mycroft did here in this situation. Which sounds similar to what people are saying happened between John and Sherlock. Not telling Sherlock he didn't want to interact anymore, probably never mentioned it to him. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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askaceattorney · 10 months
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Dear Prof. J. Moriarty,
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A-Are you Moriarty? THE James Moriarty!?
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I have so many questions! I'm working on the latest Herlock Sholmes Manuscripts, but Mickey's last page of his journal only goes as far as you and Hurley tumbling off the cliff.
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I tried asking Mickey, but he says he doesn't like to talk about it and Hurley keeps dodging the question. Don't get me started on Crofty. Maybe you can tell me what happened after that event.
- Iris Wilson
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jaymesyourplaything · 18 days
hi i'm jay; i mod jim moriarty @criminalisticonsultant.
i'm listing the "official" characters of this roleplay in one spot (:
Sherlock: @consult-sherlockholmes John: @consult-johnhwatson Mycroft: @mycroft-h-holmes Jim Moriarty: @criminalisticonsultant Irene Adler: @twireneadler Molly Hooper: @pathologistmollyhooper Greg Lestrade: @di-greglestrade
if anyone wants to talk about being a member or if they pop up and, want to be added to the list? just contact us! (:
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toccata-i-voir · 3 months
Power anon: Does that really make sense? The group is so damn big, they could easily have kicked John out if he was toxic. Find a new John. Stop interacting with him. But Sherlock was kicked out and the rest stood behind John. If you look at their dynamics on the blog then you see that Sherlock is quite unstable. Acting like a teenager even. Proof for the alternative hypothesis.
True. But this is assuming that John only mods one character. There is plenty evidence that suggests, if not proves the contrary (refer to the tag #a scandal in tumblr, on @bewitched-bullet 's blog) specifically John and Mycroft being one and the same mod. That knocks two pretty core characters out of the equation, and since Harry mod seems very friendly and close to John mod, yeah, that is another fairly popular character out of the game.
Loss of three characters, one extremely pivotal (can't have proper sherlockian dynamic without John), and as evidenced by Sherlock mod's confusion, this was an abrupt change.
Also, don't mistake in-character interaction for mod interaction. You can act as the most self obsessed abusive asshole whilst in-character and still be actually a nice person as a mod.
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sherlockbbc-rp · 3 months
Hello, Harry mod here. 👋🏻
I have been pretty silent up until now. I am more a behind the scenes kind of person.
Thank you for all the kind messages we received so far. We appreciate each and every one of them.
And it's totally ok if you want to stay anonymous. We've seen what happens when you show a glimpse of support for John or just hint at not being against him: hate in your inbox (so sorry, Vicky, that you had to experience that). And yet, we (John, Mycroft and I) are painted as the bullies.
The split has been a long time coming. John was truly unhappy with how things were going in the role play. From what I heard, communicating with consult-sherlockholmes (about it) was difficult at best. I experienced the same issue first hand. People who follow the role play know that Sherlock and I never got along. I tried, really tried to get behind it and improve the situation. But every attempt to communicate with him was simply ignored or he tried to humiliate me (which is something I couldn't care less about 😆). I believe that John was mostly ignored, unless Sherlock wanted something from him.
Things went from bad to worse, clearly seen in the interaction between the rp blogs. John was considering quitting the rp altogether. And here I actively encouraged John to do that or to find another way to continue on his own. Because I know how much he likes this blog and the interaction with his followers. So if someone was wondering if I played a role in the break-up: yes, I did. ✌🏻 Am I handling more than one account at the moment? (you know what I mean): No. I have a hard time handling Harry and my main. (I used to play Mrs. Turner @mrs-turners-blog , but that account is pretty much inactive. It could become more active again in the future, who knows.)
Was the break-up handled unprofessionally? (Something only John was accused off many times.) Yes, it was. On both sides. If your partner of 2+ years wants to leave, you support their exit in every way. You don't use everything you have to make them stay, or try to paint them black before they exit and after. You don't tell others they are not to be trusted or to be believed. The break-up was handled with way too much emotion involved. Because they both care a lot about the characters they play. I am the same with Harry.
And then everything got blown out of proportion, like hello? It's only a role play. On tumblr. We do this for fun! I fear some people don't know what fun is (if that is you, please consider getting professional help!). People are taking themselves way too seriously. Throwing around big words like harassment and bullying and victim and perpetrator and scandal (that's my number 1 favourite, actually) like hand grenades.
We should have just ignored all that. That's where we - as a collective - went wrong. Because no matter what we do, people (you know who you are) will find a way to twist it so that we are the bullies, so that we are trying to silence others, which is so ridiculous, I don't even know what to say. In fact, they are the ones who are silencing those that bring a different perspective to the table. That's not objective reporting. That's taking a premeditated side.
But it's also totally valid for John to defend himself against all the ridiculous accusations, not letting himself get silenced. Because the person behind John is nothing like that: he isn't a bully, he isn't an abuser, he doesn't silence others. Because of this and because of my own experiences with Sherlock (on this account and my main), I stand 100% behind John. So, please: if you think you want to send some anon hate (cowards!) to John, send some to me as well. @therealharrywatson If it wasn't for me, John would have either quit the rp or he would still be stuck with an incompatible rp partner. I am as much to "blame" as he is.
I am really glad for John that he continued and even found another Sherlock. I hope they continue the role play in a fun way - like it's supposed to be. And I will try to chime in every now and then as the annoying big sister who is looking to turn her life around.
So, again- thank you so much for the support.
No hugs (I am not a hugger!!), but kisses
PS: This is not about forcing you to pick a side. If you want to continue to follow and interact with consult-sherlockholmes, that is totally fine. He played/ plays a pretty convincing Sherlock and deserves to continue on his own. Just not with consultjohnwatson. I -and John as well- do have a problem with the people who went after John and made him the bad guy in this. So, if you were blocked by one of us, it was probably because you openly supported those people. Not because we want to silence anyone (how does that even work?), but because we don't want the negativity and drama. Like I said before: we are role playing for fun.
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buhtercups · 2 months
So far in BG3....
I made myself (Buttercup) but I really hate how much of an airhead I've been. And what scares me is that I am that much of an airhead in real life. I'm going to see the route to completion (even if I keep dying and having to reload my last save to try a new route lol). Also, me and Shadowheart are now dating.
I made alternative universe (AU) Magna Swing (He just goes by Magna). So far, he has been kicking absolute ass! I've really enjoyed playing as him so far and I've had more success playing his route than my own. He and Shadowheart also have a thing going on but they haven't had their first official date yet. I also figured out how to rescue Halsin in Magna's route so the next time I play as Buttercup, I know where to go.
Next Tav? I'll be making Ollie Ramses in BG3 AU.
I don't have fancy mods or anything like that so don't expect much from the Tavs I will eventually post. I like them though so that's what matters
Bg3 is turning out to be a great investment for early birthday!
I might need to take a break from playing this weekend since Topaz has mentioned I get very, very absorbed into the game (which is easy to do!).
But otherwise, this game is going to be a source of entertainment for months to come!
After Ollie, I plan on making Allen Schezar, Giles Christophe, Mycroft (Guard Me Sherlock), Lucifer Morningstar (Obey Me!), and my OC Dina the Dinosaur.
I have a feeling I will be making more Tavs as well as I continue onwards but I'll need to brainstorm some ideas.
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Mod's Crush Competition Round 1
Hey guys! Based on the poll I sent out, it looks like some of you wanted to see what kind of fictional crushes I've had and of course I'm more than happy to oblige...
These are all crushes I've had through my lifetime so not all of them are current. Some of them I can explain and others make me question my life choices. They're also all male because I'm only attracted to men. (Maybe next time I'll do a tournament with your guys' crushes)
I tried to limit it to 3 characters per franchise but Yugioh ended up with 5 because there are so many series and I have seen all of them (It's been a very important fandom in my life). I also tried my best to not overrun it with anime. I admit my number of fictional crushes spiked when I started watching anime though. They know how to make them pretty.
Anyways, let's take a look at our bracket:
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I am already dreading some of these matchups. For the first round, I am going to split the polls between 2 days. The first half will go up on Tuesday, September 26. The second half will go up on Thursday, September 28. All polls will last a week.
Some reminders:
Please be nice! To me and to fellow voters. I know I've had some weird crushes (and I don't mind if you think I'm weird) but I won't accept hate. If there's a problem, be civil.
Have fun! Don't take this too seriously because it's just a little Tumblr tournament I'm doing for fun and I just want people to enjoy it.
Since the pictures in the bracket are so small, matchups will be under the cut and link to the polls once they start.
Tuesday, September 26 polls
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) vs Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games)
Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) vs The Corinthian (The Sandman)
Peter Pan (Once Upon a Time) vs Shun Kurosaki (Yugioh Arc-V)
Koushi Sugawara (Haikyuu) vs Manitoba Smith (Total Drama)
Sebastian Moran (Moriarty the Patriot/Yuukoku no Moriarty) vs Griff Jones (Bunk'd)
Shun Ibusaki (Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma) vs George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Kenya Yukimiya (Blue Lock) vs Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)
Seishiro Nagi (Blue Lock) vs Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
Ryou Bakura (Yugioh DM) vs Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Newt (The Maze Runner)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Trey Clover (Twisted Wonderland)
Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) vs Luck Voltia (Black Clover)
Feitan Portor (Hunter x Hunter) vs Tsuchigomori (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Viktor (Arcane)
Horace Somnusson (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) vs Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role)
Hikaru Hitachiin (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Tetsurou Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Thursday, September 28 polls
Hiccup Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon) vs Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
Eita Semi (Haikyuu) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Keigo Takami/Hawks (My Hero Academia) vs Colt Grice (Attack on Titan)
Theon Greyjoy (Game of Thrones) vs Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Noah (Total Drama) vs Ango Sakaguchi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Quattro Arclight/IV (Yugioh Zexal) vs Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Millard Nullings (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) vs Jackal (Fairy Tail)
Shin (Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross) vs Mihaya (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Ryokan Kogami/Revolver (Yugioh Vrains) vs Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater (My Hero Academia)
Bran Stark (Game of Thrones) vs Rogue Cheney (Fairy Tail)
Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail) vs Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia) vs Reo Mikage (Blue Lock)
Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs Sanji (Live Action One Piece)
Scott (Total Drama) vs Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Farkle Minkus (Girl Meets World) vs Seung-gil Lee (Yuri on Ice)
Phaser Ryugu (Yugioh Go Rush) vs Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
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myeyesblurry · 3 months
VICTIMS?! You're all fucking delusional. We are the victims of your trolling, swearing and bullying.
Blurry is a character and swears and trolls and bullies. I have done none of those things other than when I reacted poorly to John being a freak. I called him the F-slur and blocked him. I was just really uncomfortable because I thought we were pals and were just chatting casually. I always stayed quiet about the mod issues and just continued to joke about what was happening in the roleplay.
Which was John, Mycroft, and Harry, roleplaying on OOC posts. After John said this was a case for the followers to solve, or something. That was weird, when he said multiple times that he wanted to not be part of it, or something.
So Blurry joked about what was happening in the roleplay. As seen above. I have stayed silent about the mods out of respect but they have involved themselves countless times, for some reason. I don't know why, because if John literally just blocked the ones speaking out, most of his followers wouldn't even know the drama? No one was messaging HIS followers to "expose anyone" so like. dude. block and move on.
i dont know what sherlock did when he was, messaging people (i dont want to say their name as they have requested to be left out of it ect ect, but for that it looked like only 1 person, idk) that day? but since then he's been silent. so if HE was doing something wrong that day, thats one thing, but he literlaly gave up and has been silent since. compared to johns MULTIPLE things lol
except for like, when he posted telling john and mycroft to leave him alone. so that shows more that John and Mycroft are the ones doing harassing, sherlock look3d like he was teying to move on after reciving shit news of being replaced. the day OF he wasnt because we all think he literally wasnt told, like john said he was.
because again, he was freak3d out that day, then LEFT. that doesnt sound like someone who knew and is trying to, start drama. thats someone who didnt know, has some kind of episode bc theyre shocked or something, then leaves to recover.
so no i dont think ive bullied anyone, i have stayed silent out of respect to the mods, not the characters. i dont think im a victim to anything other than john being a crape lol and when i say that, i dont mean he is a creep harassing me, i dont want anyone to think im accusing john of anytjing he DIDNT do. he's just an asshole, not a "creep". crape is just a quick insult to show someones being weird.
i really think john should leave greg sherlock (and now me? lol) alone. this action hes doing only prooves he's toxic and if his viewers dont like him, it's from his reaction and showing his toxic side.
if he never said anything ab it, or at least made 1 post like "yeah no sherlocks gone whatever new content to come soon" i dont think anyone would have cared??? but everyone reacting now is reacting to what he's actively doing.
also uh, thinking,, yeah the thing sherlock posted. why is john harassing sherlock still after he kicked him out?
and if john, who claims told sherlock and sherlock knew, why did he go an apologize the next day or something about roleplaying with another sherlock? something about jot knowing itnwould cause harm, like if sherlock KNEW you were replacing him, why would that hurt? it hurt bc sherlock didnt know. 💀
basically every move since sherlock left has just been john showing he is the toxic one. sherlock has been quet and wanted to be left alone. doesnt sound very toxic, of sherlock, mmm?
also im not sure why sherlock reaching out to someone was bad anyway and he stopped after that perosn told him to leave him alone. know who has been reaching out to MULTUPLE ppl? John. who has been told to leave them alone? john. know who kept messaging people anyway? john. johms doing all this activities that everyone thinks sherlock was toxic for (for their 1 time they did it, compared to johns multiple?) a mistake is once or twice. manipulation is repetition lile john is doing.
also "we". John, Harry? Which is it, I told you both to leave me alone and blocked you both. Stop contacting me, please. fucking freaks, dude.
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di-greglestrade · 3 months
The only evidence I found was the fact the first post from the Mycroft account was an answer to a ask given by the same John :/
Could you give me the other things that make you think so?
(i do not have a side I'm just trying to understand this scandal and i need all data)
(do tell me if need to go off anon so that you can message it to me directly, I'll go off anon)
John and Mycroft repeatedly have had the same opinions/beliefs, even if they are narrow and unique. Their defending Mycroft's side is only one example of them sharing (defending) the same belief.
When they had their "online status" viewable they would only ever be on at the same time. Same hours. When one attempts to talk to the other, they always appear right away. My assumption is they are good friends outside of this roleplay, very close. I thought they might be partners? But, the same person could explain it just the same. Seems John can contact Mycroft easily, off tumblr, despite claiming they don't have a discord. If they are not the same person, they probably are friends on some instant messaging. Discord, texting. Whichever.
Speak the same and use the same apostrophe. Plenty of people use this apostrophe, but for the mods they are the only two that use it. Everyone else uses a different one. John/Mycroft use the right quote apostrophe instead of the neutral quote apostrophe.
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This depends on your settings, and language, which your computer often inputs. This doesn't mean they are the same person, just that they have the same (language?). Again, I suspect they are close. I've seen other users use the same one John does, this doesn't mean they ARE the same person.
Two other people have told me they suspect they are the same person, for similar reasons. Seems they often have John and Mycroft incredibly in sync with their actions, thoughts, and availability.
I can not and will not share anyone else's experience unless I get their consent though. I can only speak for myself.
So these are just theories, of them being the same person. They are close, if they aren't the same person. Which is good, glad someone managed some communication.
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Tag Lists
Okay people, it's that time of year once more when I ask who wants in and who wants out of my whole tagging system.
As it stands you have a few options, which are...
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This list means you get tagged in ALL fics, no matter the fandom or the character.
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This list is for all the Marvel characters I write, so if that's your thing then this could be your list.
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This tag list is for the Supernatural boys, that's what you'll get tagged in with this one.
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Okay, full disclosure, this is pretty much 90% George Weasley and 10% Remus Lupin atm. If that's what you're interested in then this is the list for you.
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Mycroft. That's it. That's what you'll get if you want in on this list. Just the lovely Mr Mycroft Holmes. I'm not even sorry about it.
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So, like the #Holmes Ho's, this tag is pretty much all about Hux with the occasional mention of Poe. If you like my Hux ramblings then feel free to be added to this list.
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The Star Trek fandom may be quiet but I am more than happy to ramble on about my faves, so if you're interested in Scotty or Bones then I can tag you in that.
If you want to be placed on ANY of the lists all you need to do is drop me a message or an ask (DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST BECAUSE I AM RUBBISH AT CHECKING THAT) and I will add you, easy as that.
If you are already on my tag lists and you want to stay there, just send me a gif with a thumbs up and you'll stay put. If I don't hear from you I will assume that you are very busy doing other things and will slip your name off to save you a job.
So here you all are.
#Consume All The Fics:
@vintagevalentinex   @salt-n-burn-em-all @alicenwrites    @thewhiterabbit42  @palaiasaurus64  @fangirlextraordinaire @wayward-bumblebee  @regulusblackswhorecrux
#Holmes Ho’s:
@mod-comedy @savvy-devine666  @meganlpie @royalydamned  @iwillbeinmynest @pocketwatchofmycroft  @howaboutlunch @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @paola-carter @brwnicons
#StarWars Sweeties:
@sweetjedi   @iwillbeinmynest  @starlightsearches @mylifeisactuallyamess
#Supernatural Stars:
@witchygagirly @sweetjedi   @awesomesusiebstuff @feelmyroarrrry  @calaofnoldor  @archangelgabriellives @pathetic-has-been-rockstar   @cosicas-cuquis @lovealways-j
#Marvel Mavericks:
@witchygagirl @amourtentiaa  @sweetjedi    @iwillbeinmynest  @feelmyroarrrr  @old-enough-to-know-better73  @cosicas-cuquis  @thefridgeismybestie  @randomhumanoid512
#Arthur Appreciation:
#Wonderous Weasleys:
@sweetjedi  @lindsaytriestowrite  @honeypirate @youralternantpersonality @amourtentiaa  @fancy-pantaloons  @regulusblackswhorecrux 
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jaymesyourplaything · 3 months
Are john and mycroft and harry the same person?
ehe no. ver (sherlock's mod ) is right though, some people mod multiple people. i wanted to join as a mike to help john, but i went through a sudden career change and that's where a lot of my activity has gone... sort of. i'll explain that later.
i had the suspicions john was mycroft for awhile, but i thought john also knew another account or two i modded (not in this fandom ) so i thought it was a silent agreement that we knew and didn't say; but i realize we genuinely didn't know for sure if the other did or didn't mod those accounts. we were both silly, or maybe it's just me thinking we were on the same page.
a lot of stuff was assumptions, john would rarely confirm or deny anything i ever asked or mentioned, but that could be for any number of reasons (maybe idk i'm not analyzing anything. my head hurts and i appreciate patience. )
but, i've never asked if john was mycroft. and he never said he was.
as for harry, we spoke once. i went to her to check on john when he went away for awhile once recently. never time for a chat to get to know each other. polite though yah (to me but it's difficult to turn into a domestic when you're just asking how the friendly neighbor is lmaoo ) oh right but no she talks different than john and mycroft did but i did only know mycroft as the character.
mycroft, we only spoke in character, but i thought he was funny. i always thought he was a good mycroft. him and john were both funny in their posts, it makes it sadder,, roleplay wise, to lose them. (not that sherlock isn't funny, but since we were flirting in character i expected it. sherlock, in canon, is a dry funny humor guy so i like it when ver played it. whenever john was funny it was out of nowhere 😭😂 )
thank you for the questions, i didn't think anyone would care about me or my experiences. though i see you're just looking for drama. 😔✊️ besties please. my little pookies. my lil boo thangs. i plan to answer anything i can, if possible. if it's just hate against my friends, i won't lol but remember i am slower than everyone else. not because i'm like 70 and computer dumb, but it's this hand ehe ... 😭😭😭 but thank you for the support everyone 🥰😭🥰 i can use my hand more, and even type for longer distances now. 🥺🥹🥹
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