mylaiqasanitarypads · 11 months
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What is the Use of Panty Liners?
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The reason for panty liners is to ingest ordinary vaginal release, surprising light period stream, light spotting, smudging toward the start and finishes of periods, and post-intercourse release. Tampons, Sanitary Pads Distributors, and feminine cups can be involved with panty liners for additional security. Certain individuals view panty liners as more adaptable and agreeable than cushions.
The vaginal release is ordinary and occurs for different reasons all through the feminine cycle (keeping the vagina greased up, ovulation, and excitement, to give some examples). Wearing Panty Liners Online Shopping can be useful for keeping clothing dry and liberated from smudges.
Having panty liners available might be helpful during pubescence, as spotting and unexpected periods can be regular.
Advantages of panty liners
The advantages of panty liners are:
Panty liners give ordinary security from pee spillage, vaginal release, and surprising periods.
Panty liners assist with warding dampness off.
Panty liners can be useful for the last days of a period when there is still some light dying. A panty liner is valuable when the stream isn't sufficiently weighty to utilize a tampon or a cushion.
Panty liners can assist with keeping clothing clean.
Panty liners can assist with grown-up incontinence.
Panty liners can assist with a light post-pregnancy stream, which can occur for half a month or once in a while months after labour.
Try Sanitary Pads for First Period from Mylaiqa at the best prices.
Instructions to utilize panty liners: straightforward tips
Very much like cushions, panty liners can be worn inside clothing and have a glue strip on the base to keep them set up.
A panty liner ought to be set upward and wrapped and got around the gusset of the clothing.
A panty liner ought to be quickly different on the off chance that it turns out to be unnecessarily clammy.
Try not to wear panty liners around the evening time. They should be changed as frequently as conceivable to lessen the possibilities of disease.
Try not to wear scented panty liners, as they can set off irritation and uneasiness. Use unscented natural cotton items all things considered.
Panty liners can be utilized for post-pregnancy dying, called lochia. Lochia endures as long as about two months after labour and is innocuous.
For the original version on Blogspot.com visit at: https://best-sanitary-napkin-brand-in-india.blogspot.com/2022/10/what-is-use-of-panty-liners.html
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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And your purpose is so much bigger than just looks. . . . #ourlaiqa #mylaiqa #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #socialanxiety #mentalhealthblogger #sexualhygiene #findyourself #menstrualcycle #sanitarypad #community #girlsgeneration
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gyanhindime · 5 years
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Period sex is 100% natural & healthy – yes, you read that right! Not only do orgasms help ease menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms, period blood helps act as a natural lubricant. However, remember that using protection is still important to avoid catching STIs. So get over it and get on it. @gyanhindime @ourlaiqa #OurLaiqa #MyLaiqa #SanitaryPads #HassleFree#Biodegradable #FeatherSoft #ChlorineFree#ComboPack #Ultrathins #Cosyfluffs #Pantyliners#Breathable #LaiqaWoman #PlasticPollution#LaiqaLaunch #PeriodFriendsForever #PMS#MoodSwings #BeYou #FlowPride #WearYourStain#KnowYourFlow #PeriodDiaries #FeelLikeAWoman #PFF#AskLaiqa #LaiqaCycle  (at Sponsored) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lSRGKHgp8/?igshid=1j5jvp7sbdedr
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Why use Cotton Sanitary Pads for Better Results?
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Feminine items are a hotly debated issue nowadays. It’s an obvious fact that ladies have been discharging perpetually (duh), yet the techniques we use to deal with our feminine cycles change and develop with the times.
From pads to tampons, feminine cups and period clothing, feminine items make up an extravagant overall today. Each accompanies its arrangement of benefits and burdens. For instance, while reusable feminine cups are preferable for the climate over expendable sterile pads, the utilization of silicone material can cause vaginal disturbance or uneasiness.
Then again, in the event that you’re a clean Cotton Sanitary Pads lover, you might affect manageability. Here’s where natural pads prove to be useful.
Customary Pads VS Organic Pads: What’s the Difference?
Going natural isn’t just about the foods grown from the ground you’re placing into your bodies, these days individuals are doing the cognizant change to natural items like garments and beauty care products.
Since the centre of the twentieth hundred years, clean pads have contained somewhere close to a bit and for the most part plastic. Furthermore, we as a whole know where plastic goes eventually – landfills and a lot of it winds up in the seas, requires a long time to separate into miniature plastics, and stays in our environment longer than our lives.
Natural pads which are the best sanitary napkin for heavy flow then again are made from natural plant-based materials like bamboo, wood and even banana mash, with the most widely recognized one being natural cotton.
Cotton is the one yield that is splashed with the most synthetic compounds on the planet. Assuming your pads are produced using non-natural cotton, odds are good that they have been splashed with a compound of some sort or another.
You can also check out Panty Liners Price from Mylaiqa.
With unbleached natural cotton, there are no pesticides, insect poisons or poisonous synthetic compounds utilized all the while. The creation of natural cotton doesn’t harm the dirt and uses 88% less water as well as 62% less energy. The utilization of natural cotton additionally implies the pads are compostable with less plastic waste than regular period pads.
For the original version on Blogspot.com visit at: https://best-sanitary-napkin-brand-in-india.blogspot.com/2022/08/why-use-cotton-sanitary-pads-for-better.html
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Why you should switch to Natural Sanitary Pads Today?
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The articulated destitution of cleanliness joined to the feminine cycle in India, is reflected in more than 23% of juvenile young lady nonconformists from school with the beginning of pubescence. The biases connected to the monthly cycle and sheer lack of foundation, in the instructive establishments to take care of the requirements of bleeding people have intensified the disgrace joined to it.
It is likewise trusted that in India around 77% of young ladies and ladies use material during periods and are some of the time-constrained to reuse it. This makes them helpless to contamination and a large group of issues. In the metropolitan regions the somewhat mindful approach expendable napkins on the off chance that they can manage the cost of it.
However, an enormous segment of our impacted populace actually manages with a piece of material decorated with remains, paper, dry leaves and husk to further develop retention in the ad-libbed Biodegradable Sanitary Pads, which are neither sterile nor solid. In such a situation, the presentation of eco-accommodating regular sanitary cushions turns into even more essential.
Utilization of sanitary napkins:
Examining feminine cleanliness in India is as yet a no. The homemade handy solution material napkins, utilized by a greater part of bleeding people are not liberated from issues. The off-the-rack manufactured napkins can’t be managed the cost by the greater part and the materials utilized for causing them don’t mirror a solid choice as they can leave ladies helpless to rashes, sensitivities, skin diseases, UTIs, birth surrenders, unsuccessful labours, ovarian and cervical malignant growths. There is an additional issue of their removal. In this light, the presentation of savvy eco-accommodating sanitary cushions is empowering.
You can also buy Best Panty Liners in India from Mylaiqa.
Eco-accommodating sanitary pads:
The rise of bio-degradable sanitary pads has prompted an ocean change in the perspectives related to the feminine cycle. These biodegradable pads don’t contain gels, synthetic compounds, or manufactured filaments that cause disturbance and sicknesses.
Biodegradable and natural sanitary napkins with bamboo mash and corn starch
Agreeable: Natural pads for heavy periods are made of delicate, non-engineered plant-based material. They are cushiony and exceptionally permeable, being ordinarily made of corn and bamboo strands. Since it will adjust to your shape, you won’t feel its presence in the most delicate piece of your body.
Breathing Top Sheet: The natural pads permit your skin to inhale openly with a simple wind current to the vagina. You can fail to remember the issue of scent, perspiring and rashes as these pads are made from natural plant-based filaments that don’t hinder the skin from relaxing for extensive stretches of time as in manufactured pads.
For the original version on Blogspot.com visit at: https://best-sanitary-napkin-brand-in-india.blogspot.com/2022/08/why-you-should-switch-to-natural.html
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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The struggle is real! Hit like if you can relate!
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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Give us a 🙋🏻‍♀️ if you can relate! . . . #ourlaiqa #mylaiqa #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #socialanxiety #mentalhealthblogger #sexualhygiene #findyourself #menstrualcycle #sanitarypad #community #girlsgeneration
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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50% of women in India suffer from irregular menstrual cycles. Usually, it’s nothing to worry about but if it persists then a doctor’s consultation is advised. Swipe left to know more about the reasons that may be causing irregular periods. . . . #ourlaiqa #mylaiqa #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #socialanxiety #mentalhealthblogger #sexualhygiene #findyourself #menstrualcycle #sanitarypad #community #girlsgeneration
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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Menorrhagia: Excessive uterine bleeding occurring at the expected intervals of the menstrual periods. The bleeding from the uterus starts on schedule but is heavier than usual and may last longer than usual. Here are some self-treatment tips that could be useful during Menorrhagia: Hydrate as much as you can, eat Vitamin C rich foods and add more iron to your diet.
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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No matter how much we fret over the monthly arrival of Aunt Flow, a late or missed period can certainly become a source of stress.
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
Did You Know?
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Did you know the medical name for period cramps is Dysmenorrhea ? Period cramps happen due to a hormone-like substance, prostaglandins, which causes the uterus walls to contract and then shed its lining, resulting in your period. If prostaglandins levels are higher, more pain is often associated with the cramps. The intensity of the cramps varies from woman to woman. In most cases, period cramps are a sign of a healthy body reacting to the natural shedding of the uterus wall, and can be managed with simple measures like placing hot water bottle on your abdomen, mild exercise & stretching, avoiding caffeine and tobacco in the days leading upto your period. However, if menstrual cramps are disrupting your life every cycle and your symptoms get worse, you should speak to your doctor to rule out other conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids or pelvic inflammatory diseases which can be mistaken for usual cramps.
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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Don’t worry about slowing down even on your heavy flow days, our super absorbent and extra long Cosyfluff pads got you covered with secure wings, leak guard and wider back.
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
PERIODS, Where are you?
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Worried about a late period, but know you’re not pregnant? Missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. Common causes can range from hormonal imbalances to serious medical conditions. Stress, Low body weight, Obesity, PCOS, Birth control and Thyroid are a few reasons that cause period delay.
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
Choose your Sanitary pad carefully!
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Choose your Sanitary pad carefully. Know your pad: 1. Your Conventional pads are made of plastic materials. The plasticizers can lead to organ damage. 2. The dioxin present in the menstrual pads can cause ovarian cancer. 3. They can cause infertility and birth defects. 4. Scented pads can cause complications on your baby’s embryonic development. 5. They are prone to bacterial growth and other infections.
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ourlaiqa · 4 years
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Not only pads but the plastic bags used to dispose them also fill up the dumping grounds, LAIQA’s pads come with biodegradable disposable bags that are eco-friendly and hassle-free. Safe for you, safe for the planet.
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