#mystic squad
kaizsche · 10 months
i fall to the place where our story began.
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elena gilbert/finn mikaelson
“What does it taste like?” Eve asks with child-like curiosity, her bright eyes seemingly unable to tear themselves away from the ripe fruit hanging precariously by a thin branch.
He rises, plucking the small fruit in his hands and presenting it to her. “Taste it.”
She averts her gaze, cheeks flushed in shame. “Elijah, he said not to eat it.”
“Why not?” Finn tilts his head, still holding on to the fruit. “You can have whatever you’d like, didn’t Father say?”
(Every 500 years, Finn dreams. He dreams of sunshine and laughter, an eternity of torment, of death and blood. After each dream, he finds her but is always far too late. Until he isn't. Late, that is.)
Day 17 of AUgust: Fallen Angel
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Finn dreams.
He dreams of a gentle breeze mussing the appendage on his back, of high laughter piercing the sweet air, and the tangy aftertaste of a red fruit crunching beneath his canines. 
“Brother, what are you doing?” 
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qvnthesia · 10 months
let go, love. i'll catch you.
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A dark force grapples 1928 New York City. When British magizoologist Henrik Mikaelson's case of fantastical magical creatures lets loose his - well, his darling children from all around the world - he finds an auror, a Legilimens and an aspiring baker to help him round them up before… well, let's just say that getting into trouble isn't really the nicest of ideas when the threat of wizard extremist Gellert Grindelwald hovers over the wizarding world.
A retelling of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them for Day 08 of AU-gust: Fantastic Creatures.
read here
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stardustshimmer · 6 months
So question about Meladee. If she were to ever meet the Squeak Squad how would it go?
(Mainly because in Mass Attack it's actually been established that Daroach and DeDeDe actually have canon beef with each other.)
She thought the Squeaks were cool, but had no knowledge of their criminal history. So her first instinct was to beg Dedede to let her have a sleepover with them.
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What a wild night.
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More art I can't believe I've never posted
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
TVD S5 EP11&12 (mostly a rant about Tyler and Caroline)
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I'm not even gonna talk about the first 10 episodes, Silas was annoying AF I'm glad he's dead. Also, Katherine as a human was hilarious.
Tyler deserved better. I said it. I never really understood the Tyler hate. Like, yeah he was a douche in S1 but if we're judging him by his S1 personality shouldn't we all hate Caroline by that logic? Cause she was kind of a bitch in S1.
Caroline sleeping with Klaus...yeah no I don't even know what to say. I knew it was coming, just didn't know when. It was dumb and just didn't really make any sense to me. I was never really on board with them, to begin with.
Why did Klaus come back to MF in the first place? To see Katherine dying? Anyways... It always felt to me like Klaus was being really pushy and trying to flirt with Care when she was obviously not into it (she seemed pretty content and happy with Tyler)
Like sir, you have a whole ass baby on the way (idk what happened with that storyline cause the Mikaelsons went to New Orleans and I'm not watching TO rn) and you're here in MF trying to hook up with a girl who repeatedly told you she wasn't interested. Dare i say, you look kind of pathetic.
Tyler my boy, you deserve better, you really do. And then, when he hears Care talking to a Katherine-possessed Elena about Klaus he is obviously heartbroken.
Look, Care, I like you, I really do, but I can't defend you on this one. It's preposterous to me that she's the one acting all shocked when Tyler gets upset. Like, you slept with the man who ruined his life, who killed your best friend's aunt (RIP Jenna you will always be missed), and oh, killed his mother! (RIP Carol you were innocent)
Also, this might just be me, but did everyone forget that Klaus was gonna kill Care in the sacrifice ritual thing back in S2? Maybe I'm just really bad at letting things go but I would never get over that? Like I would never want to be friends let alone anything more with a person who brought so much suffering to me and my friends.
You almost died because of him, twice! Damn it Caroline, where are your morals!?
Call it a moment of weakness I guess, but still, it was hella stupid. And then Stefan defends Caroline? Like no don't defend her she did a stupid thing!
Tyler is my guy and I like him. I understand not liking his character but you cannot seriously say that he was in the wrong in this situation. He had every right to be upset. And Caroline was stupid for what she did. Maybe it's because Klaus said "You'll never see me again" so she thought "fuck it, I might as well since he'll be gone for good" but still dumb af
The show has been off the rails since S4 it can only be worse from here lol
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druh19 · 3 months
Vc faz icons de jogos otomes? Se sim poderia fazer icons do Jumin Han de Mystic Messenger? Obrigada e seus icons são lindos <3
Fico feliz que goste da minha galeria <3 Espero q goste ✨🤏
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༝ Jumin Han Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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pawsitivearven · 2 months
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Been on that mystic messenger GRIND bro!!!! Saving up them HOURGLASSES!!!
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personinthepalace · 6 months
When Reynie met Olympia
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Mystic Inscho and Anna Cathcart at the 2nd Children’s and Family Emmy Awards (December 17th, 2023)
aka the Odd Squad x Mysterious Benedict Society crossover I never knew I needed
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creatorbiaze · 3 months
got bored
sketched a draw the squad thing w/ some of the Fallen & sidera, but was too lazy to do their wings or facial markings
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the base
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sasstastikarts · 2 years
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“I have this sky.” 
Yuichi showing off Neo-Edo’s sky to a uhh... let’s say “visiting” Leo. Leo loves the stars, it’s canon stfu.
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yamperdazzzle · 1 year
Im saying this now: im channeling to anyone that doesnt just like pokemon go, but LOVES the characters and want to know and talk about their lore. artist, fic writter or non artist. I wanna follow these kinds of ppl cause i almost feel like im the only one talking about them XDD or probably the algorythm is preventing me from finding them.
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lokahjarta · 10 months
devotional activities 101:
- burn incense
- listen to music
- offer food & drink
- pray
devotional activities 202:
- goon
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jadeazora · 2 years
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The 6th anniversary artwork for GO was released! Points of interest:
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Who are these two? I really love the design of the lady Spark is talking with 😮
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And then there's Blanche looking graceful with the Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales and Rhi so full of wonder at the Trainer's world and its Pokémon! ☺️
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stardustshimmer · 7 months
I know, I know. draw daroach eating some cheesecake with kirby
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garden-ghoul · 8 months
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I. am having. a blast. join me in cringetober, friends.
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