#mystic's lore rambles
creatorbiaze · 7 months
background & behaviors of Vizerxa
once again copypasted from a conversation thread lol
Vizzy's background;
So, Vizerxa's SUPPOSED to be able to use shadow magicks / be a god of darkness, bur Sidera fucked that up using the Ancients (sid convinced Sol, Ancient god of Light, to make Vizerxa a temporary holder of Sol's power while Vizzy was pretty young, which completely messed up most of Vizerxa's powers in general, it took centuries for her to be able to Shadow-walk properly)
(also fun fact, Vizerxa's birth name is Vivere Umbra (mortem), aka 'To Live in the Shadows (of death)'
she's the second born daughter of Queen Fractal of Amist Memoriam, but due to not being able to use her bloodline powers, she's mostly forgotten in... pretty much every regard- she met Clara bc she wanted to be a Zypherin (basically a general / high ranking fighter) & Clara became a sibling figure & someone to lean on pretty quickly
She originally didn't want to join Light Song since she still had people supporting her (namely Clara and Videns, Lucidi was always too busy & exhausted since they were the actual heir to the throne), buut Light Song got a mercenary to take out Clara & then was able to get Vizerxa to join
even then Vizerxa technically agreed for her own gain; if she's a deity, she can't be forgotten. she didn't quite realize that Light Song would actually go through with completely destroying her kingdom after the Mortem Siblings joined her (Videns just flatout follows Vizerxa everywhere & Light Song manipulated Lucidi)
Her full story is pretty long so there's Vizerxa while she was alive -
tldr of after she became a deity, she basically subtly manipulated Light Song & pretended to go along with her while plotting Light's murder & slowly draining Light's powers via a transfer/syphon that LS was unaware of
she gets really protective of people but tries to keep it subtle until they're actually in danger (the only time she openly went against LS and flatout told LS that she'll be the one to kill her is bc LS threatened Vizerxa's children) (she's already lost a lot of people she cares about and KNOWS its her fault, if she can prevent it from happening again she will)
she very much observes from the shadows while in social settings & if she can tell something's gonna go wrong, she guides the people she cares about out and/or tries to subtly stop whatever is gonna go wrong
Vizerxa doesn't really. understand. cold & is very much comfortable in a literal blizzard, so if/when anyone says they're cold, her first reaction is to basically bury them in fluffy blankets bc obviously they're already freezing to death shshshsh (she'll shadow-walk away silently, come back with a fluffy blanket, drop it on the person, and repeat) (also will try to get them to somewhere warmer)
Vizerxa also is t r y i n g to get over her dislike of physical contact since she's like. the ONLY Salhan that's not cuddly (constantly cold realm, therefore huddle together for warmth. meanwhile Vizerxa hates physical contact) so she sometimes randomly headpats people.
she likes just. existing. with people, since she doesn't really understand constantly talking if you're not actively learning a new thing / conveying something you can't just observe
She generally is closed off & used to hiding almost everything and being one of the calmest people in the entire Fallen Pantheon, so she doesn't really emote much.
she shows care through doing things together & giving gifts once she's close enough to someone, she smiles more though & her tone actually. shows emotions. she doesn't really get playful like other Draconics do, though.
sometimes she likes to unnerve / mildly scare people for fun if she's in a good mood tho lol ("i just wanna talk." "NO I DONT WANNA DIE" "i just wanna talk, Keiluvi." "NOPE NOPE NOPE" "come here, Keiluvi. I just want to talk." -Vizerxa & Keiluvi, where Vizerxa just is being a mild menace)
She normally doesn't really play chess against friends unless the friend wants to, since she normally uses it as a way to get to know someone's strengths & weaknesses and alliances / analyze them more
She doesn't sleep enough & sleeps really lightly, so no one really. sees her asleep. but when she's sleep deprived enough (& alternatively, soon after she wakes up) she's a bit more affectionate than normal (hand on someone's shoulder, subtly leaning on them, headpats, etc)
she's actually like. really empathetic, suprisingly, and makes sure the people around her are happy & safe if she can (when she was serving Light Song she kinda had to just. stand at the side and watch LS needlessly harm many people.) & if someone needs comfort, she'll let them cling to her
oh yeah Vizerxa has two adopted children, she accidentally adopted them when she saved them after an avalanche blocked the three of them in a cave (she still doesn't know entirely how this happened)
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thecertifiedboykisser · 4 months
I'm not sure if people are still talking about this but I saw some people being confused on how mystic flour is in the cocoon and not the tree and I think the 'forks' or the beasts prisons, in the first trailer weren't all in one area.
For context, at the end of chapter two of beast yeast, white lily seals the tree back up, trapping shadow milk cookie again. I saw a few posts saying that if lily sealed it how has mystic flour been in the cocoon for so long?
I don't think the witches were stupid enough to put all the beasts in one area. If the worst-case scenario happened and the beasts got free (like is happening now) It would be easier to manage if they weren't together. They could cause a lot more damage even to a smaller area together than if they were apart.
As shown below, the tree was almost in the center of the prisons, a way to hold them together and keep them locked away.
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I think that the tree was just Shadow milk's prison, no one else's. The way he popped out of the tree at the end of chapter one makes me think he was actually in there, but I think I was only him.
A lot of people made the connection that he has attachments to the blueberry yogurt (?) Academy, the school that while Lilly and PV went to. I don't think he lived in beast yeast but in Crispia, so they didn't have a place they could store him thus, into the tree he goes.
But that tangent over, Mystic flour was most likely trapped by the witch's in her cocoon, but cloud haetae cookie said she entered it, so I'm thinking that A- She was lying to them, or B- she made it for herself and entered and the witches were like "Fuck yeah, she did it for us" and just kinda kept her from getting out by attaching it to the tree.
But, the cocoon was empty besides the giant enemy spider. Mystic flour wasn't there! I have two theories. A- That was mystic flour, or more like what she became. She talks so much about the cycle, and I don't think she's immune to it. She said she was almost there but didn't reach it. I think she turned into that spider in the cocoon. Bugs normally enter cocoon for a while to transform into something new or better.
(Side note, I'm not really taking much that mystic flour cookie said in the story but more focusing on what actually happened. Not the dialog, and I think she's at least partially unreliable as she's trying to convince DC all I'd futile.)
Or theory B- Her dough was taken to the tree, but her spirit and power were left there. If that makes sense, (her dough wasn't with her soul jam or actual soul.) She made the spider for whoever tried to open it up or (the more likely one) as a lure to DC after doing a plauge be apon ye to him.
The beasts are awoken but not free yet. They can create chaos and issues for the ancients to get them to go to beast yeast but they are still trapped in there prisons. The seal kept them from going actively but the damage was already done. They want to be free and they want there powers.
Also the seal probably sustained heavy damage even after it was fixed by white lily. Sure she fixed it but I doubt it's at full strength, allowing the chains a bit of slack in a way.
Though, this is all just theory's and me putting together parts of the lore to make this with my Sorta good media literacy skills. We will probably find out more next update!
Tldr- The prisons are in different areas of beast yeast, Shadow milk was probably trapped in the tree himself, Mystic flour cocoon was her prison and the spider may have been her or just a way to rid of DC if he didn't sucum to flour, the beasts aren't physically in the world yet but can still do things.
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mysticfoxdesigns · 6 months
Shared the essay I did for college about the Decepticons.
I initially was sharing the Word doc but got tired of that. So here it is on AO3
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bueckersfor3 · 4 months
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𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝘆, 𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗽 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶, 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗲, 𝘀𝗼 𝘃.𝗶.𝗽. ✩
⋆⭒˚.⋆ hey everyone :) my name is rosalina, but feel free to call me rosie or rose. below is some basic information about me, as well as my ( many ) interests. stay awhile, grab some soda pop, and lets gossip babes ♡
rosalina ⋆ 19 ⋆ queer ⋆ demi-romantic ⋆ leo sun, leo moon, leo rising ⋆ education major ⋆ enfp-t ⋆ local star girl
adorations — women's basketball, hyper specific music playlists, football, cleaning and organizing, slightly spicy foods, formula 1, basically . . . any sport, scrolling through pinterest, yapping about my favorite musical artists n athletes. ♡
dni — you are, stand by, or promote any form of hatred ( racism, homophobia, ableism, sexism,xenophobia, etc. ), you are attempting to request something for me to write ( please see my writing blog below and send the request there ), you are a supporter of caitlin clark, you do not support palestine, and if you are going to send in any sort of cruelty or hatred in my inbox. there is a block button for a reason. ♡
writing blog — @writtenbyrosie
anon taglist — coming soon. feel free to claim any emoji.
𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 . . . 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗮��𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗶𝘁? ✮⋆˙
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glitchyko · 24 days
I have been thinking about this SINGLE thing for the past week, and I must know.. what was Tai like as a kid
That’s a very good question! That’s actually something I’ve thought of for quite sometime!
So, Tai, before Spider Queen got her hands on him, was actually kind of a dork, he was awkward and had some issues talking to people, but he was still relatively happy.
As a child, Tai was a big dorky goofball. He got curious and excited about the strangest things, like spiders and snakes and such, but he had a difficult time conveying his excitement to others normally, so he would try to do it in his own way, with mixed results. But overall Tai was a good kid :D
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bambiraptorx · 6 months
Is tiny draxum okay after that human bombed them?
(in reference to this)
He'll be okay in a bit, if still pretty shaken up. At this point he isn't alone any more since Raph and Mikey have gotten involved, and he feels a lot safer now, if not necessarily consciously. It also helps that the only thing Claire's done to him so far is throw a paint bomb at him and mock him. And sure, he absolutely hates being covered in paint, but she's not actively trying to kidnap him and these turtles showed up to protect him.
In general it isn't unusual for his emotions tend to turn on a dime anyway, so he might end up calming down fairly quickly.
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necromancyandtendrils · 4 months
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Anonymous asked:
Why do you still call those "beasts" your friends when they literally kill so many innocent cookies and destroy homes and land itself? Yet you called them your friends at least be grateful that witches didn't crumble them instead of locking them away
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[ This is a long one~ ]
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There was a deafening silence that hung for what felt like forever. She was taken aback by the putrid ignorance that oozed from this anon's words, she was struggling to collect herself.
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"Of course, OF CORSE you would say something like that! Do some of you not even think before you spew such thoughtless things?! I am not an idiot, Anon! I was there when I saw all but one of them turn! I saw the destruction, deaths and sorrows of so many cookies!"
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She stopped herself with a loud huff, she wasn't going to blow her top over someone who obviously wouldn't understand. But she might as well humour them and TRY to explain herself.
"Let me put you in my shoes and metaphorically make you walk a mile or so in them, shall we?" She slowly began to circle the Grayface, her slitted yellow and pink eyes locked.
"Do you really think you would call it mercy if you were locked away in isolation, in a magical tree by the ones you call a god? What your so-called Gods did to them was worse than death!" As she continued to speak, she was quickly losing composure, it was obvious she carried a lot of spite and sorrow over this whole thing, honestly, could you blame her?
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Her voice started shake as she continued on, "Crumbling them would have been the nicest thing they had done! Even if it would mean I would be completely alone! At least MY friends would not be locked away and slowly driven into absolute madness in isolation!"
. . .
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"I never wanted my own friends to suffer like this... It's why I believe the witches' actions were far crulier than any cookie has ever done. I miss them all. I just want them back... But they need to understand their REAL target. And it's not the cookies of earthbread. My friends are all sick, and it's the witches' fault they were corrupted in the first place..."
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cloudcountry · 1 year
just furrowed my brow so hard for an hour straight that my forehead hurts
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frostbite-the-bat · 8 months
Holy fuck I'm for real gonna need to like make a ramble vid of me talking about clash lore and my current issues because I'm currently going insane I'm over here making fucking essays in my mind again
#I LIVE YOU CLASH BUT LORE IS PISSING ME OFF RN SO BADLY#LIKE I LOVE IT DEARLY BUT I FEEL LIKE A DISHEVELED CONSPIRACY THEORIST#I feel better about saying this here because at least clash staff doesn't follow me on my maib#Except for one but they're never active in my notes or anywhere else much#It feels bad to criticize a fan volunteer project this harshly but I'm just majorly autistic about the story#And dead tired of the lack of communication staff has about the direction of the story#Just in order to build hype and be mystical about it#Please just SAY if btl is being removed or not#You've been burying it under the carpet but also there's mentions of it in stuff that's still 'canon'#And Atticus quite literally fucking haunts the narrative for me#I've spent hours rambling about this I've spent hours unable to fall asleep bc I'm thinking about toontown too hard#I just want a clear story man but since clash is busy with i game work WHICH I RESPECT#But also busy being mystical THEYREDOINGITAGAIN#I'm just. A bit tired like I know the story can bring itself out and I'm a firm believer of show don't tell#And I myself need to practice it more#But with this confusion just please make a proper statement other than ih yea lores fucked we are working on it#Which may take#Years#And now there's possible new stuff#But also for a while people thought GRANDMA IS CALLING was lore for a sec#So Uhm idk#But also anything chairman is more related to the story#I haven't looked much into it yet. I don't wanna be disappointed again#But are we getting possible future cog department dehauls...? I dunno I could be wrong#But oh WELL#Oh my god if my ramble ends up anywhere in the main tags seen by anyone I'm ending it all#I sound very critical and I kinda am but know that ttcc is very dear and close to me#I just Like To Bitch and would like a story that's easy to follow and more accessible and CLEAR ABOUT WHATS GOING ON#😭😭😭#Omg tag limit kys
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
The Megaversal Pantheon of my worlds
explainations of all the Megaversal Gods
Zelura Vezexe
Incarnation of Chaos and Karma, and one of 3 Original Gods. Has a weird fixation on making Zenza miserable, but it's not clear why. They're considered one of the original Vengefuls, since they enact Karma; rewarding helpful actions and inflicting vengeance on hurtful actions.
They're considered the most powerful Megaversal God, and have the most influence. Commonly called the Puppeteer or the Puppet Master due to their habit of controlling things subtly, and their collection of handmade puppets of basically everyone they meet.
Inxau Vezexe
Incarnation of Insanity and Madness, and one of Zelura's creations. Incredibly unpredictable, and had to be trapped in the Mindscape so they don't cause too much havoc. They drive people to insanity & later suicide if they get too powerful, basically acting as a power blockade to stop tyrants. Their powers don't work on Deities (other than Zenza for some reason), though, since they tend to target Deities for no reason.
Ruler of the Mindscape, and can interfere with dreams and thoughts, even sometimes temporarily possessing people.
Merivu Vezexe
Incarnation of Death and Time, said to be created by Zelura for order, but actually created by Zenza out of pettiness when two (now dead) old gods went against them. Makes sure people die when they're supposed to and stay dead, and watches over the Timelines.
Ruler of the Afterlife, and the one that appoints Judges, Vengefuls, and Spirit Guides. Very quick to anger, though, and their Afterlife is very flawed.
Doomsday (Later officially named Zenxyr Qalarulz)
Incarnation of Destruction and The End, created by Merivu and a now dead god. Has very little of their full power, since they have no control over it. Doomsday regaining their full power will, quite literally, be the final End of Existence itself, and they're one of the only ones capable of killing Incarnations.
Ruler of the Voids and Passage Realms. Normally just monitors them, staying in spaces between timelines.
Life (no true name)
Incarnation of Life and Creation, created by Zelura and a now dead god. Normally very tired and overworked. They create and refine most living things, including plagues and pests.
Creator and Ruler of Valarae, the Realm of Knowledge, and one of the only Realms that truly remembers Zenza.
Fazeri Luminae / Flame Fall
God of Reality. One of the only Artificial Megaversal Gods, having been a Draconic before appointed to the position of Megaversal God and Timekeeper. Also the youngest Megaversal God. Spends most of their time in the heart of the Megaverse, writing.
The Timekeeper, keeps records on specific beings and individual perspectives of events.
Zenza Vezexe
The god of Order and Tragedy, and one of 3 Original Gods. Almost all of creation starts with either them or Zelura, but Zenza's influences tend to go horribly wrong at some point due to a curse on Zenza. They're one of two "artificial" Megaversal Gods, being a spirit from an unknown timeline.
Also called the Dying God or the Fading Spirit, Zenza's erased from almost all records. Only a handful of beings can even see Zenza now.
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neonross · 17 days
DREAMCAPTOR AU, FIDDLEFORD REF and lore rambles eheh
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Grunke stan and fiddleford in this au run the mystery shack together, stan hosting the oddities and fiddleford running the ''mystical'' part of the attractions-
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now, to the nit and gritty of some of their lore, the twins are still visiting their ''great uncle stanford'' with the surprise of another oldie who the twins
mistankenly assume [mabel] they we're married, and the two kind of just wen along with it, and their summer happens-
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relatively similar. however, fiddleford himself wasn't much of a fun of this set up, as you ya'll know he has ALL of his sanity and memory intact so he knows all he danger that lurks in gravity falls, but there's also another reason why he'd prefer to keep stans family out
the two have been hunkering down on gravity falls after fords ''leaving'' their dimension, and have been doing all they can to hide their dimensional signature from him, to avoid the possibility of him returning,
they've done all they could, even faking their own deaths so their families won't try to get in their way, stanley still faking his deah here and now fiddleford doing the same, no one knows anythn abt this except them
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cowbok · 4 months
Character Analysis on: Narinder (The One Who Waits)
Where we try to analize what really drove Narinder to betray the bishops of the Old Faith in the first place.
As a warning, the game leaves a lot to interpretation so a lot of gaps here and there will be filled with some theories and headcannons but you're welcome to ignore that and just take the pure analysis!
Alrigthy, lets begin!! (Rambles below)
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He who lays a soul to rest...
But before we can talk about the time he was a God, we need to talk about the time before the red crown sat upon his brow.
We need to see the time when he was a mortal. As we know, all gods in COTL were once mere mortals, ascended by the power of the crowns.
This is the part where i mostly play with some headcannons so feel free to jump to the next tittle.
Before Godhood.
Now, we know Narinder is a black cat. This is one of the things that make his design so attractive. The god of death is a black cat and he has all the mysticism and mythology of this kind of cats attached to it. It's a great design!!
The thing is, before godhood, Narinder was STILL a black cat, without his god status, he was subjected to the whim of the mortals. And we now our dark furry friends don't have the best reputation...
This is mostly headcannon, but i think Narinder as a mortal had a pretty bad time. Everytime something went wrong in whatever village or place he was, he was quickly the first one to be accused, shunned out and despised. Seeing as a omen of bad luck and death himself, he could never find a place to call home.
We know the devs used the lamb as their main critter because lambs were one of the prefered animals to use as sacrifices for gods. But you know black cats are ALSO sacrificial animals?
Have you ever seen those PSA in halloween were it will say things like "If you have a black cat as a pet, please take care of it. Weirdos at this time of the year kill black cats for their weird ass rituals" or stuff like that?
Well, with this i mean that cats like Narinder, their blood was not even worthy to be spilled in the name of the gods... But in the name of demons or other kind of bad spirits...
Heck that must suck.
I know the game itself never gives us an indicative to say that black cats or any other kind of critter faces discrimination. But the only thing i have to defend this theory of mine is Forneus!
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We all know sweet ol' Forneous. Cute shopkeeper, mother of Aym and Baal. Sweetest thing but have you noticed she never stays in the same place for too long?
We have a lot of NPC's we can find during crusades but that they also have a place where thay stay mostly and call home. Think of Plimbo, Midas, Sozo, Ratau and his friends.
"But Boku! There are other NPC's that are only found in Crusades and don't have another place where we can find them!" While yes but that's because those NPC don't have neither of this 2 characteristics:
1. They play a part of an important mechanic (Like selling seed, followers, teaching us new things, etc)
2. They have some kind of lore relevance
If an NPC doesn't play part of a game mechanic like fishing, or have a bit of lore to them, then why would they need a place to stay where we can find them besides crusades? The thing is that Forneus has these 2 characteristics.
She's a shopkeeper and the only way we can find the little gifts, some blueprints, follower forms, and even gold! And she has lore relevance as the mother of Aym and Baal and (Alledgedly) one of the few followers of the One Who Waits before the Lamb started the cult.
Heck she's all done! She could have her own little shop at any of the locations of the game where you can go to buy things (Maybe even have a "trade" kind of mechanic) where we can get more gifts for the followers, collars, and etc.
But she doesn't! And that's weird! She doesn't seem like the kind of NPC that deserves the treatment of "It has only 1 gimmick and that's it".
So, unless there's something that keeps her from having here own very shop at a specific place and instead has to be always traveling, Always moving around...
That's just a theory, tho!!
Going back to Narinder, as a summary, he had a pretty bad time as a mortal. That until Shamura found him and he was bestowed the red crown. Narinder had finally found a family, a place to call home, and on top of that was granted the blessing of godhood!! Things were meant to go swell for our favorite wet cat, right.....
During GodHood.
Now Narinder was the god of Death in training, what an honor!! It is said that the bishops we know were kind of around before the purge of the gods ocurred (Shamura was there, called "A young god of war" by the ancient tablets).
So, things are going well for your found family, you're enjoying your time with your spider sibling and squid bro, helping to raise up a little frog and a squiggly worm who are also meant to be crown bearers.
All goes well until BAM! The purge begins. We don't have information on how it happened, or what incited it. We just know it was the biggest bloodshed ever seen, leaving only the bishops we know as survivors.
Narinder was still quite young when this happened. He saw how gods that were supposed to be friends or family betrayed each other during this war. He saw that not even goodhod was truly eternal.
Shamura and Kallamar were old enough to not be as affected by it. Leshy and Heket to young to remember all the details. But Narinder? Narinder was at an age, as an infant god, to be deeply affected about what war meant, and the things, horrible things people are able to do to get atop of a power struggle.
But at least he has his family. He had the bishops. They would never do such a thing! They were brothers in arms, there was nothing they couldn't do together, they would never turn their backs on each other! There was nothing they couldn't understand.
And so, the years went by. The purge of the gods transforming more into a myth, no longer considered history to be told. Things were calm but...
Narinder noticed something that deeply worried him. Things were not fair between him and his brothers...
Never say his name.
Shamura, Kallamar, Heket and Leshy... They were loved, adored by the mortals.
Narinder?.... Narinder was feared. Every mithology in this world has always being a little to afraid to even speak the name of the gods of death outloud, fearing them more than they loved them. Think of Hades.
"The Greek god Hades was the lord of the underworld, which actually gave him more authority over maintaining the balance of the universe than nearly any other deity. Still, the Greeks greatly feared him and saw it as unlucky to draw his attention. To avoid saying his name, they often used epithets for Hades instead."
It wouldn't be to crazy to think Narinder was given a similar treatment by the mortals, considering HE was the BISHOP OF DEATH.
For Lamb sake, he's literally the ONLY BISHOP WHO USES A VEIL. He was so freaking feared, mortals couldn't even bare to see his face.
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It must be hard, seeing your brother be showered in adoration, love, affections, and prays that elevate their names. While all you receive is fear, wails, and prayers that beg to keep you away...
It must be hard, to be a god. And yet, feel as unloved as you once did, when you were nothing but a little kid.
This, my brothers in Lamb. This is what incited that first spark of jealosy, that would later develop into something nastier, that would end in the fall of the Old Faith all together.
End of the Part 1.
That's it for the first part of this character analysis!! Bare with me because part 2 will come very soon!! Your bovine brother in lamb says bye for now!
https://www.tumblr.com/cowbok/752997791785189376/character-analysis-narinder-the-one-who-waits?source=share ----> Part 2!!
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skyartworkzzz · 4 months
Cult of the Goat rambling
Came up with some lore ideas, gonna put it here til Im able to draw it out!
Also mixing up with @lenorblr 's idea of the Old Gods still being around! (bless u again for sharing this with me <3 )
So, as Ive estabilished before, this universe is like a Fell version of COTL to me But how do we make an universe already quite spooky edgier? By alterning the GOOD things that happened in it What if those things did not happen?
Yk how Shamura was the one responsible for showing a world of wisdom to Narinder, until he carried on with it greedily and got punished for it? What if Shamura was the one on board with it but not Narinder? Given that the morals are reversed here, I think Narinder would be the kindest out of all the other Bishops, meaning that hed probably be the one to empathize and be able to recognize recklessness the best Shamura got all the Bishops on their side, but once Narinder expressed disdain for where their plans were going, they all sealed him away into his own domain
Since the Old Gods would still be around, the Bishops would be at constant war with them while trying to maintain their power over their own Lands (I like to think that since these are Gods we are talking about, itd be a bigass territorial and devotional conflict) So naturally, the world got much gloomier and dangerous than usual, the monsters became more terrifying and the biomes grew more traitorous, it is incredibly hard to survive in this world if u are not within the Bishops' domain/kingdom walls. Anyone outside of it cannot be trusted
NOW WHERE DOES THE GOAT COME IN THIS: Instead of being sacrificed in order to appease Narinder, the goats are sacrificed in order to empower the Bishops, which have been looking for ways to become stronger to face the Gods, so naturally these species quickly came to extinction until The Goat was the only one left
When they were executed, just as originally, their soul was transported to Narinders domain, and there they became his vessel
ALAS and however, instead of intending to free himself for the sake of power, Narinder wishes to be free in order to stop his siblings since he is the only one who can. So in order to do that, he makes the Goat his vessel and asks for a cult to be started in his name; the more devotion, the more powerful he grows, until inevitably the Goat has to lay down their own life
Now les say u could choose whether ud want to or not: If you lay down your life, the Goat is murdered and Narinder is fred, therefore implying he escapes his prison and went on to battle against his siblings As an extra, if this were to be game-esque, I imagine a post or pre-credits scene where the Goat can be seen walking into the afterlife with all the others of their kind welcoming them in
If you don’t lay down your life, the Goat offers themselves to become Narinder’s literal vessel. They would go back to the world of the living while possessed by Narinders aura, and thats how theyd beat the Bishops all at once
Once the battle is over, Narinder projects himself out as their shadow and expresses how reckless but brave they were, also pointing out that he is rather impressed by how resistent of a vessel they ended up being Narinder then warns about now being trapped inside of the Goats body and that they have consequently made themselves the new God of Death, given that they now possess Narinders powers. The Goat accepts such fate and is allowed to continue as a cult leader
So in the end, we have a Gods Vessel with their divine living inside their mind and body, both holding custody of the Crowns power like a single person And still having to face the Old Gods but thats for later brainstormi-
Eventually I think if there were to be a Mystic Seller, they would be responsible for freeing Narinder from the Goats body and giving him a mortal carcass. Before it was done tho, the MS wouldve likely warned both about their powers: Narinder would have to be reborn as a mortal in order to be his own person again, since the Crown cannot sit upon 2 brows, unless the Goat would be willing to sacrifice themselves which- hm. I think if this was once again in a game-style - before the options would show up to us - Narinder would interrupt to say he agrees with his condition Honestly I think he would be pretty chill with that LMAO just like “welp Ive done my part already, now its time to retire”, or be like “you wear the Crown well, u should keep it” @ the Goat, so he is revived and made into a follower with no personal problems
IK SOME OF THESE THINGS STILL DONT MATCH Ill likely play around with these ideas and doodle it out to test waters, BUT YEAH thats my interpretations thus far x’D
Hope yall like it! Thank chu for reading <3
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cookierunauprompts · 7 months
Maybe another siren shadow milk post? On reader cookie and siren S.Ms relationship and what shenanigans they get up to?
Like, Reader Cookie would be sailing and out of nowhere shadow milk jumps in like "Whats up bbg?" And they talk?
Not doing a prompt for this one but this gives me an excuse to ramble about the lore of the Beast Hunters AU!! Starting off with Shadow Milk and Reader's relationship.
Their relationship is rather... hm, I'd say complicated? For one, they're bound together by their contract. But on the other hand... well, Shadow Milk has kept Reader safe from more than just the Licorice Sea, hell, maybe he's even fallen in love with his little Songbird. As for Reader's feelings? Well, they consider him to be their closest companion in some kind of way.
Now, onto World building! ahem...
Long ago, monsters roamed and ruled over the Dessert world, terrorizing Cookies and the like... That was, until five Cookies with great power were baked into existence by the witches. These Heroes wielded a great power baked into the Soul Jam that they wielded, but as always... Great Power begets corruption.
One by one, the heroes succumbed to and fused with the darkness within the Soul Jam. No longer were they cookies, but beasts. The lights that remained from the remnants of the Soul Jam quickly split off back to the Witches, who then commanded them to find new heroes to defend against the beasts.
And so, the Lights did. They found new Heroes, and thus the Great Beast War began... And by the end of it, the Legendary Beasts were sealed away. But, something happened to the Heroes as well. In order to gain the upper hand during the war, they had fused with their lights.
Now more like spiritual protectors, they guided their newly formed kingdoms and territories as if they were kings and queens. Some of them were more present in the lives of their cookies, while others took a more observant and guiding role.
But just a few decades later or so, the seal upon the Legendary Beasts weakened... Allowing them to escape back into the Dessert World to reek havoc once more. Seeing this, the heroes set out to find a new set of saviors for cookie kind... Most of them, anyways.
So far, only two of the five have selected heroes...
At least they have friends to help them with their journey, right?
( In case you're wondering, the selected are Gingerbrave(White Lily)(and he's bringing his bestie's Strawberry and Wizard) and Princess Cookie(Hollyberry)(Knight Cookie of course, is tagging along with her), Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese haven't selected their selected yet... Though rumor has it that Dark Cacao had selected someone but revoked his selection.)
And now, onto what the Beasts are!
As we already know, Shadow Milk is a Siren, but what about the others?
Well, so far I have Eternal Sugar as a harpy, Burning Spice as some kind of insect-cookie fusion thingy and Silent Salt as a spirit of sorts. I haven't figured out what kind of Monster Mystic Flour would have become yet... Maybe a Dragon? Who knows.
And that's pretty much all for this post.-
Ah wait, Gingerbrave lore.
So, in this AU Gingerbrave is White Lily's son! She created him mainly to see if she could but also to eventually wield the light of Freedom in her place as a successor. The main reason I did this was because Gingerbrave is very freedom coded to me, and he's silly.
Also he might be part faerie??? I dunno, he's been Fourteen mentally and physically for quite a while though.
I'll probably expand on the Gingerlore later though.
and now that's all! also, drop who you think the other heroes are gonna select because I think it'd be interesting to see who you all pick.
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Adventure: Dead Certian
It was all going to end like this, one day or another
It starts out as a simple enough job, some noble or other has acquired some potentially profitable land but learned too late that it rests within the hunting grounds of some dangerous monsters lairing in a ruin in the nearby mountains. After being hired by an agent of the noble with a sizable upfront payment and the promise of more to come, the party find themselves hiking up into the foothills towards an abandoned abbey. It's your standard monster hunt... aside from the mostly devoured bodies indicating the party are not the first ones to be sent up the mountain.... or the rambling immortal corpse chained up for what seems like decades in a secret cell in the abbey's foundations.
It's a week or so later that the visions start... only rumours at first, people having bad dreams about a hateful red sun in a black sky, horrifying shapes moving about a blasted and ashen countryside... but then one of the heroes "awakens" in the burnt out ruins of the in they went to sleep in last night and are forced to fight for their life against various monstrosities before gasping awake. These visions are unpredictable and intermittent, and as speculation mounts of what they might mean further tales come creeping in about people dying in thier sleep or even rising from their beds to go on a mindless rampage after falling under the influence of whatever it is they're seeing.
Some time later the party is approached again by the noble's agent... though this time they're dishevelled, paranoid, and have obviously been running for their life for some days. They explain that their employer is up to something wicked, they don't know what, but its got something to do with the old abbey and the visions and its only going to get worse if they're not stopped.
Setup: Consigned to the dustbin of history nearly a century ago, the soothsayer Tirman Houndstongue was known in his day for producing prophecies as cryptic as they were accurate. The "Houndstongue Harkenings" were required readings for mystics of the day, until the new writings suddenly stopped as most presumed that the diviner had simply dropped dead in one of his famously fevered writing sessions. One by one the events hinted at by Tirman's writings were divined and came to pass, and the once famous fortuneteller fell into obscurity.
The truth is far stranger than what is remembered: After years of seeminly innocuous prophecies Houndstongue started predicting the end of the world, and in fear of his widely circulated ramblings causing a panic the church censored his writings and imprisoned him in an isolated monestary that only a select few knew about. For the rest of his life Tirman rambled on about all the horrors that would befall the world during the end times.. and then kept on rambling after he died, seeminly animated by the NEED to keep pronouncing the end of days, pausing only to talk about the terrible fates that would befal his captors and how their actions were all for not. Less than a decade later an outbreak of plague struck the monestary, leaving the corpse forgotten in its cell.
Forgotten, except for a certain noble by the name of Vandermyr , who's family's rise to prominence came about as party of Tirman's prophecies. Though born generations after the oracle's apparent death, Vandermyr developed an obsession with Houndstongue's writings thinking that they didn't just apply to specific events but spoke of underlying patterns in fate. After lucking into increasingly successive business ventures, Vandermyr bent his family's resources to discovering lost scraps of Tirman lore, eventually stumbling into the truth of his abduction, and his eventual resting place, buying the estate nearby.
Sending multiple groups to seek out scraps of unpublished prophecy under the guise of monsterhunting, Vandermyr was DELIGHTED to encounter the recitating cadaver of his idol once the party reported back, going so far as to visit the monastery himself before commanding servants to drag Tirman's remains back to his manor. In long hours spent listening at the corpse's feet comes to a revelation: that the apocalyptic ravings are just cryptic metaphor, misunderstood by the narrow minded churchfolk, and that surely they would lead him, and the Vandermyr family to rise to even greater heights.
Further Adventures:
Vandermyr is an idiot and he's kickstarted the end of days, which makes the party atleast partially culpable. It might take them a while to connect the auspicious signs to clues left in the dungeon, but once they figure it out they'll need to break into Vandemyr's manor for answers. Thankfully they're not alone in this task, as despite being a mouthpiece for otherworldy forces and stone dead for well over a hundred years, Tirman's been trying to prophecy AROUND the death of the world, it'll just take the party a bit of champion level bullshit decoding to figure out how.
Unbenknownsed to anyone including him, Tirman's prophecies were delivered by an extradimensional horror with power over predestination known as the Nigh-Tyrant. From its home amid the carcasses of devoured worlds this pisonic predator would weave itself into the causality of a realm it wished to devour, influencing events to allow it to travel between realms and rampage as it pleased. The problem with fighting this entity is that its consciousness is made up in-part of all the guilt and madness wracked oracles it used in the past, meaning its ability to predict the party's actions is manifold. Whats more, it commands those lesser nightmares that have come to dwell in the aftermath of its apocalypse, and can dispatch them to the party's world through various hidden means.
You can't go around subverting fate and not expect the gods to get involved. Istusis or other fate-warping gods are a lightly choice for late-game party benefactors, and the heroes may find their journey altered at several points to steer them in the needed direction before actual intervention takes place.
If you need to further up the stakes, consider having the belayed end of days get the attention of the outergod with dominon over failed apocalypses who senses the titan's death like a vulture on the wind
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