#naegi 001
mysteriousdoll · 4 months
FF - Project: Revival - File: B
Inside this document, Future Foundation employees will find basic documentation regarding each subject from Future Foundation's revival project in regards to the 'killing game' hosted by Junko Enoshima and Chihiro Fujisaki containing their class. (Hopes Peak Academy's Class 78).
Please refer to File C to update and record all tests. Only document test results in File B if they result in severe changes or information we may need to know of generally.
Subject 001 - Sayaka Maizono
Subject 001 has shown good progress as she recovers. Appears slightly disoriented and refuses to go places alone. Subject 001 does not appear to hold a grudge against Subject 003, but does appear to show apprehension towards communicating with him.
Notably, Subject 001 proceeds to drool blood when distressed, the blood worsening the more she is distressed. She did not initially appear harmed when this occurred, but testing showed this was a farce, as she grew very lightheaded when more blood was lost.
We have noticed Subject 001 has done best in social tests, as, even when covering her face and told to  keep a low profile, she has shown to hold conversations and put those she speaks to at ease. This may be helped by Subject 001 being one of three who shows little obvious signs of scarring, her only scars being on her abdomen, and persistent drool on her chin. (Wiping at this drool does not get rid of it, it appears to be a stain. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 001 has been seen trying to communicate with Subject 006, and continues to try to do so despite their failure to respond to her.
Subject 001 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band often.
Subject 002 - Mukuro Ikusaba
Subject 002 is very closed off, but has recovered physically. She remains closest to Subject 000, but during visitation has been drawn to Makoto Naegi. Subject 002 is very resilient during testing, but appears more vigilant than what her old peers claimed.
Subject 002 does not appear to hold a bond closer to any other subject, but has been seen staring at Subject 006. Subject 000 has been recorded stating that Subject 002 is ‘drooling’ staring at Subject 006… we have not seen this occur, though. Subject 002 is docile with FF members, and does not attempt to aggravate others like her sister. She’s shown to have an interest in the common room’s exercise equipment, she seems to most enjoy the jumping rope.
Subject 002 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her helping of Subject 000’s desire to cause trouble for other subjects.
Subject 003 - Leon Kuwata
Subject 003 has been less than progressive with his recovery. We suspect this is due to his scarring, as it was much more significant than most. He has stitch-like patterns emblazoned onto his body from his ‘execution’, and we had to perform a rhinoplasty to restore his nose, as it was completely shattered, giving us little to work with. 
Subject 003 has shown to hold a positive relationship with Subject 005, but holds no (apparent) connection to Subject 006, despite being around them when with Subject 005. Subject 003 has also been noted to stare at Subject 001, although there does not appear to be any malice in this habit. We plan to initiate an interaction between them to study it.
Subject 003 is aggressive when testing is prompted, but has yet to be so aggressive he needs to be sedated.
Subject 003 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band often due to his abrasive behavior.
Subject 004 - Chihiro Fujisaki
Subject 004 was a Mastermind. Because of this, she is heavily monitored. However, unlike Subject 000 (whom Subject 004 is in a romantic relationship with), she does appear to have remorse for her actions. This has only been noted in conversations she’s held with Subject 000, which have been recorded and transcribed. Subject 004 has made several comments in regards to the ‘looks’ she gets from the other subjects. Despite this, she does not seem to hold any desire to stray away from Subject 000, and in fact shows heavy disdain at the idea of ending their relationship.
Subject 004 has a large scar from where she was struck, but often covers it with her hair. Unlike Subject 006, she does not appear to have any other facial scarring. (Subject 004 has shown severe anger towards Byakuya Togami. I advise any researchers not to allow her to speak to him and vice versa. - Rs. Dolo.)
Subject 004 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times, this is mostly due to her attempting to perform acts of kindness before we deem it proper. She is not yet ready for redemption, it will only ruin the experiment.
Subject 005 - Mondo Oowada
Subject 005 has done well in his recovery, however we have noted he refuses to leave Subject 006’s side. He speaks with Subject 006 more than anyone, and has expressed immense remorse for Subject 006’s death being ‘his fault’. It is rare the two do not have some form of physical contact
Subject 005 has scarring all over his body, albeit it is not in any notable consistency. These scars take the form of fencing, a diamond-like pattern seen throughout them. He also has a large x-shaped scar on his face, something he appears to be discouraged by.
Subject 005 is extremely aggressive to testing, he MUST be sedated. (DO NOT TRY TO SEPARATE SUBJECT 005 FROM SUBJECT 006 WITHOUT SEDATING SUBJECT 005. HE WILL ATTACK ANY FF MEMBERS. - Rs. Dolo) Due to his temper, he is easily set off. While Subject 006 usually can get Subject 005 to settle, enough prodding will lead to extremely violent behavior.
Subject 005 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to his violent outbursts. We have noted he requires a higher wattage.
Subject 006 - Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Subject 006 is the most compliant out of all subjects. This would be great if not for his refusal to speak to most people. He only speaks with Subject 005, Subject 008, and Yasuhiro Hagakure.  (Hagakure has noted that Subject 006 often asks about his father. Due to the non disclosure clause, little updates have been given. Hagakure has asked that we allow subjects to see their families soon. He may have a point. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has been found suffering multiple migraines in short periods. We initially suspected this to only be due to their OSDD, but conversations recorded with Subject 008 suggest otherwise. We are unsure if his ‘blacked-out’ eye causes him pain, but we have noticed it bleeds when he cries. We are also unsure if he is blind in this eye, or if his vision is limited. (Recent tests have proven that Subject 006 can see in the dark. A recorded conversation with Subject 005 confirmed his sight is in fact extremely clear in the dark, and his ‘blacked-out’ eye ‘glows in the dark’. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006, while never hostile himself, holds a member within their system (referred to only as Akira by Subject 009 and Subject 006) who is VERY hostile during tests. They have had to be sedated twice. (THEY BITE!!! HARD! Will draw blood. I suggest having Subject 009 coax them into allowing tests to be run. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times. This is due to his failure to eat on time, hydrate, and due to attempted self harm.
Subject 007 - Hifumi Yamada
Subject 007 has coped the most well out of every subject. It appears he uses his art to cope with his recovery. Subject 007 has suffered migraines, although his scarring does not seem as severe as that of others. Strangely, Subject 007 holds no malice towards Subject 008. We are unsure why this is. Evidence from the game (see: File A) suggests Subject 008 lied to Subject 007 and killed him, something he was aware of in death.
Subject 007 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times due to breaking curfews. However, when we administered a game system in the common room, this issue reduced in occurrence.
Subject 008 - Celestia Ludenberg
Subject 008 shows indifference when approached about her recovery. She stays close to Subject 006, this is likely due to their blood relation and their deal in the game (see: File A), and we have noted she has been trustworthy in preventing Subject 006’s failure to eat.
Subject 008 has several burns on her arms, and has made comments about wishing to cover them with long gloves. She also has a large scar on her torso. Subject 008 has requested several pain relieving creams for her burns, but we have opted to only adhere to these requests when convenient. (Avoid giving her these during physical tests, only for psychological tests so she is not distracted. - Rs. Dolo)
She continues to complain about the quality of her bedding. We do not plan to upgrade it.
Subject 008 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her refusal to comply with wardrobe requirements. We suspect this will change when she is sent home and is able to dress as she pleases.
Subject 009 - Sakura Ogami
Subject 009’s recovery has gone well, but similar to Subjects 006 and 007, she suffers headaches, and was required to be given liver and kidney transplants due to the organs being inefficient when the revival process was complete. This has led to Subject 009 having to take several medications every morning. Do not allow a day to go by without these being taken, lest the experiment be ruined. 
Subject 009 appears to get along most well with Aoi Asahina, as well as Akira (see: Subject 006). Despite Hagakure’s fears, she has made it known she holds no ill will towards him. Due to the nature of Subject 009’s death, she has minor scarring from the glass she was struck with before it, as well as altered hair that is now black and white. (It’s like Frankenstein’s bride or something. Subject 006 has a similar white streak throughout their hair. - Rs. Dolo) Dyeing the hair does not hold for long, regardless of how strong of a dye is used. She appears indifferent to this.
Similar to Subject 001, Subject 009 has been found trying her best to help other subjects cope. We’ve noted she’s the most mature out of the group, and although she may not perform as well as Subject 001 in social situations, she performs quite well regardless.
Subject 009 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band very often.
Subject 000 - Junko Enoshima
Subject 000 was the mastermind of the game, working with Subject 004, with minor help from Subject 002. She has several scars, but does not appear to care about the changes to her appearance. Rather, Subject 000 seems more focused on watching the other subjects. She most often speaks with Subject 004 and Subject 002, the others she tries to speak to refuse to respond to her. Unlike Subject 004, Subject 000 has shown zero remorse for her past actions, instead appearing to take great pleasure in the evident coldness shown from her peers. 
We warn researchers to not allow Subject 000 to see any files, regardless of how often she may ask. 
Subject 000 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her desire to cause trouble for her peers, researchers, and incessant talking during testing.
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ultradespaired · 3 years
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53. Chimera — HANA
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❝   ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒   𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑      𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏      𝐀𝐍      𝐄𝐘𝐄      𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑      𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑      𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑   :         You   don't   know   if   I'll   ever   come   for   you   !!   ❞
@rosanimemuses​​   ::    53 spotify wrapped. ( nagito )    ↳   Spotify Wrapped
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circumspecto · 3 years
@engimono​​  × ♡ ’d for a starter
   silver light glinted ever-so-slightly off of a coin that had been dancing across amami’s fingers; a metallic  ‘ clink ’  sounding out as it came into contact with his various rings. he kept up the act for a few moments before catching it on his thumb and flicking it up into the air, only to snatch it as it descended. the coin was roughly pocketed soon after.
   his muted green eyes only reflected the faintest moonlight from the nearest window, though his surroundings were mostly shrouded in a thick blanket of pitch black. well, save for a digital clock’s neon numbers giving off a virtual glow somewhere in his vicinity.
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   some sort of inability to sleep had eventually found its way back to amami. he was all too familiar with the feeling of being restless, though it started affecting his nighttime routine more than usual. he had long since pinpointed the exact reasoning for his lack of sleep: the prestigious academy of hope’s peak. although this school offered him much more than anything he could have asked for, the scheduling often times made him unable to go out into the world to explore. to search. to adventure.
   he briefly considered sneaking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee, or perhaps to find a way out into the cool night, but all of those thoughts were pushed aside as he picked up on a door’s creak. amami had been perched on a chair in a nearby student’s lounge, that was no doubt near a few of the many dormitories the academy had to offer.
   as footsteps grew closer to his position, he at first withdrew himself into the cushion of the seat. although he wasn’t exactly a stickler for the rules, it was only his first year, and he didn’t want the ramifications of being caught in a place where he wasn’t supposed to be. though as he sank further inwards, the chair had given himself away as it creaked where he had shifted to.
   should he remain hidden? should he give himself away? 
   amami was about to make the decision to keep quiet, though that pesky coin he had pocketed earlier begged to differ. it slipped out and clattered onto the floor noisily beside the chair. he had a few choice words to say, though they remained in his thoughts as he let out a disgruntled sigh.
   “ . . . can’t sleep either? ”
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justyurireee2 · 2 years
Ya know what? It's Fankid Friday and I wanna share some of my fankids from different fandoms! Any questions about them will be much appreciated!
Fandoms Used- Danganronpa, Miraculous Ladybug
Also, sidenotes, I ship some rarepairs/cross game ships that I will talk about, if you don’t like rarepairs/cross game shipping, I don’t think I’m the person for you. And there are ships I ship who don’t have kids/haven’t been given any yet so don’t be mad if there’s not a certain ship on here!
Also I gravite to mlw and wlw ships more than I do mlm ships, don’t ask me why, I don’t know either, so that’s way there really isn’t many mlm ships on here!
EDIT-- Added Izanami Momota, Camilla/Marcel Lahiffe and a Genshin category featuring Winona Mallory
Anyways, here are the kiddos!
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc-
Nori Kirigiri-- Naegiri son, age 16
Izumi Maizono-- Togazono daughter, age 16
Hotaru Oowada-- Ishimondo daughter, age 17
Isui Asahina-- Sakuraoi son, age 18
Kenji Asahina-- Sakuraoi son, age 15
Eiko Asahina-- Sakuraoi daughter, age 13
Akako Naegi-Fukawa-- Tokomaru daughter, age 14
Ryuichi Naegi-Fukawa-- Tokomaru son, age 12
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair- 
Haru Komaeda-- Nagito daughter, age 18
Akari Hinata-- Hajime daughter, age 16
Mei Kamukura-- Izuru daughter, age 12
Miyako Tsumiki-- Mikan daughter, age 16
Genkai Owari-- Akanidai/Owanami son, age 19
Keisuki Owari-- Akanidai/Owanami son, age 19
Hinako ‘HNK-001′ Nanami-- Komahinanami/Owanami daughter, age 11
Aia Kuzuryuu-- Kuzupeko daughter, age 17
Hanzo Tanaka-Nevermind-- Sondam son, age 18
New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony-
Emiko Saihara-- Saimatsu daughter, age 17
Kishi Saihara-- Saimatsu son, age 15
Momoko Saihara-- Saimatsu daughter, age 13
Polaris Momota-- Kaimaki son, age 16
Izanami Momota-- adopted Kaimaki daughter, age 16
Aimee Momota-- Kaimaki daughter, age 13
Satoshi Shinguji-- Shinaga son, age 5
Dangan Cross Game:
Amaterasu ‘Ame’ Amami-- Ranbuki daughter, age 20
Jin ‘Jinny’ Amami-- Ranbuki son, age 16
Mikio Ouma-- Celesouma son, age 20
Morie ‘Mary’ Ouma ( †)-- Celesouma daughter, chronologically age 5
Miyuki Ouma-- Celesouma daughter, age 5
Miraculous Ladybug:
Lucas Elliot Couffaine-- Lukanette son, age 16
Dior Couffaine-- Lukanette daughter, age 15
Hugo Couffaine-- Lukanette son, age 13
Eli Couffaine-- Lukanette son, age 13
Emilie Couffaine-- Lukanette daughter, age 11
Nicolas Lavillant-- Julerose son, age 18
Ciel Lavillant-- Julerose child, age 14
Violetta “Violet” Lavillant-- Julerose daughter, age 12
Camilla Lahiffe-- Alyno daughter, age 17 
Marcel Lahiffe-- Alyno son, age 15
Genshin Impact:
Winona Mallory-- General Fatui Harbinger/Tsaritsa (NOT A SHIP) adoptive daughter (they all take care of her), age ? (Klee’s age or younger)
And there’s the write up! There will be more added at a later date but I’m getting tired. Again, character asks/questions are very welcome!
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shsl-box-worshipper · 3 years
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I posted 384 times in 2021
86 posts created (22%)
298 posts reblogged (78%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.5 posts.
I added 154 tags in 2021
#shitpost - 44 posts
#dcmk - 34 posts
#danganronpa - 17 posts
#danny phantom - 14 posts
#youtube - 12 posts
#writing - 11 posts
#fanfiction - 9 posts
#makoto naegi - 7 posts
#detective conan - 3 posts
#naegi makoto - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#anyway it's always scenes like this that make me forget that conan's actually 16-17 years old and not just some genius child ho acts mature
My Top Posts in 2021
So, I just watched Learning With Pibby
So, I just recently watched that Learning with Pibby trailer that's going around, and I FELL in love with it. I love horror (which is probably why I keep adding horror elements to my fics) and trying to combine that with Cartoon Network's huge ass line up of characters is just *chef's kiss*. But as I watched it, I got some fun thoughts about it.
Oh, and pls watch the trailer before reading this. This has heavy spoilers.
-So, Gumball's apparently been got. AND Darwin survived. I'm probably not the first person who thought of this but what if, in the actual show if this thing gets one (which it probably will, the internet ate this shit up like hotcakes), Pibby gets to meet this depressed as fuck and traumatized Darwin, and during the endgame fight, we get a really dark parallel to the "I'm on my way!" sequence from TAWOG? Like, that would so cool, and also, I LIVE to see characters getting traumatized (which is probably why there's a ton of trauma in more of my serious fanfics).
-Apparently, the villian who joins the crew is from a spoof of Ducktales, which is interesting. And tbh, she gives me a Cruella vibe, which is fun.
-Tbh, the glitch kinda reminds me of the SCP-001 Proposal 'When Day Breaks' AND the Thing from John Carpenter's The Thing. Probably more of the former but there's a similar idea going on. It uses the faces of the characters it's assimilated as lurers for survivors. And as a fan of both monsters, I am really excited for this one.
-Apparently, there are a fuckload of Nickelodeon references. Spongebob, Rocko's Modern Life, a bunch more I can't remember right now. But then again, it makes sense considering the creator's background as a former dude at Nick.
-Thought of the idea of doing this kind of shit except make it about other big IPs and stuff. Like, come on anime fans, a spoof about Shounen Jump or smth would be so cool. Come on, this is the perfect kind of AU idea for huge crossovers.
-I swear Pibby is a Dora spoof, I swear to god I'm not lying. Like come, SHE HAS ANIMAL FRIENDS. But then again, so do most kids' shows. But for some reason, I'm getting Dora vibes from her, and I think it's because her and Boots have been engrained in my mind since I was like 5.
-Love the idea of making the opening exactly like how Learning with Pibby would actually go for regular episodes. And then, after the first episode, it starts getting more distorted and weird. Characters start glitching out, the background sometimes goes black, the Pibby stand-in switches between her show self and her actual self at random and for different amounts of time. It gets worse and worse to the point that show Pibby is gone and Actual Pibby is on the title screen and her little animal friends are either glitched-out monsters or have been replaced by actual survivors. The background's completely changed, the text is spoken like it's coming from hell. Like, that would be SO COOL!
And that's it for my Learning with Pibby rambling! I would've gone into the theories but I'm not THAT huge of Cartoon Network nut, so I'll just keep it at random thoughts I had while watching.
20 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 10:41:32 GMT
Just rediscovered this video, hoping everyone on tumblr can bask in it's greatness
21 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 04:21:33 GMT
The Naegis are definitely the "When ABBA comes on in the car, we sing like a goddamn chorus" type of family, and no one's convincing me otherwise
42 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 17:49:09 GMT
Here's some in-universe memes revolving around my fics (The Protagonist Boys and Field Trip of Doom)
Field Trip of Doom:
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The Protagonist Boys:
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49 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 01:11:38 GMT
I just thought of the most 'so crossover that it doesn't make sense' idea ever. Ace Attorney except Pheonix has to babysit an underage Japanese mystery genre manga/anime protagonist every case. So, like, once he's done with the whole over-arching case, he has at his disposal a teen detective-turned child, a literal ray of sunshine, a piano bitch, just some guy who happens to turn into the God of Talent, a depressed teen detective, the fucking grandson of yet another fucking detective and many more.
56 notes • Posted 2021-09-23 19:55:24 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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name968 · 3 years
Characters of which I won’t write + ships
! Spoiler warning ! | Possible triggers will be censored as always ||
Reasons listed as well
Squid Game
Oh II-nam / Player 001 (Platonic only) | Self-explanatory
Seong Gi-hun / Player 456 | I don’t know how to write him + Not comfortable
Jang Deok-soo / Player 101 | Not comfortable // Unknown
Masked guards | Not comfortable// Unkown
VIPS | Barley any info to work with + especially not comfortable with writing about VIP 4 // He makes me very uncomfortable
Han Mi-nyeo / Player 212 (Platonic only) | Not comfortable // Unknown
Ch0 S@ng-w00 / Player 218 | Not comfortable // Unknown
Hwang In-ho / Front man | Not comfortable // Unknown
Jang Deok-soo / Player 101 x Han Mi-nyeo / Player 212 | Self-explanatory
Jang Deok-soo / Player 101 x Kang Sae-byeok / Player 067 | Self-explanatory
Hwang In-ho x Hwang Jun-ho | !nc3$t
J^nk0 3n0$h!m@ (Platonic only) | Self-explanatory // Not comfortable
Miu Iruma (Unless platonic) | Unknown
Shu!ch! S@!h@r@ | Not comfortable // Unknown
T3rut3ru H@n@mur@ | Not comfortable // Unknown
G0nt@ G0kuh@r@ | Not comfortable // Unknown
Sakura Ogami (Platonic only) | Not comfortable // Unknown
Ts^m^g! Sh!r0g@n3 | Not comfortable // Unknown
M!k@n Ts^m!k! (Platonic only) | Not comfortable // Unknown
Any WOH (Platonic only) | Self-explanatory
J^nk@n / J^nk0 x M!k@n | T0x!c ship
M^k^r0 x J^nk0 | !nc3$t
Makoto x J^nk0 | Self-explanatory
Makoto x Komaru | !nc3$t
Any k!ll3r x v!ct!m | Not comfortable writing it anymore (Will do M!k@n x Ibuki, K@3d3 x R@nt@r0, Chihiro x M0nd0 [Platonic only], and Chiaki x N@g!t0 [Platonic only])
N@g!t0 K0m@3d@ x H@j!m3 H!n@t@ / K0m@h!n@ | Not comfortable // Unknown
Shu!ch! S@!h@r@ x K0k!ch! 0um@ / S@!0um@ | Not comfortable // Unknow
By@kuy@ T0g@m! x Makoto Naegi / N@3g@m! | Not comfortable // Unknow
H@!j! T0w@ x Anyone | Self-explanatory
Komaru x WOH | Self-explanatory
H!y0k0 x M!k@n | T0x!c
Joe Tazuna (Unless platonic) | Not comfortable // Unknown
Any of the dolls | Not sure how to write them // Never got too far to know how they act
Gin Ibushi (Platonic only) | Self-explanatory
M!d0r! / S0u H!y0r! | Not comfortable // Unknown + Not sure how to write him
Shin Ts^k!m! / S0u H!y0r! | Not comfortable // Unknown
Gin Ibushi x anyone (Platonic only) | Self-explanatory
Genshin Impact
Any of the children (Platonic only) | Self-explanatory
Sayu | Not comfortable // Unknown
D!l^c | Not comfortable // Unknown
K3@y@ | Not comfortable // Unknown
Ch!ld3 | Not comfortable // Unknown
Traveler | Not sure how to write
Zhongli | Not sure how to write
Venti | Not sure how to write
Paimon | Self-explanatory
L!$@ | Not sure how to write
Jean | Not sure how to write
Ayato | Like no information on him
Aether x Lumine | !nc3$t
Barbara x Jean | !nc3$t
D!l^c x K3@y@ | Don't wanna disclose
Ayato x Ayaka | !nc3$t
Zhongli x Xiao | Not comfortable // Unknown
Ganyu x Xiao | Not comfortable // Unknown
The children x anyone | Self-explanatory
Sayu x anyone | Self-explanatory
Gakuen Babysitters
Children (Platonic) | Self-explanatory
Children x anyone (Platonic anyone) | Self-explanatory
Sibling x sibling | !nc3$t (I keep forgetting how to spell their names)
Detroit: Become Human
Hank | Not comfortable // Unknown
Hank x Conner | Self-explanatory
Wolf Children
Ame x Yuuki | !nc3$t
Ame x Hana | !nc3$t
Yuuki x Hana | !nc3$t
My roommate is a cat
Haru / The cat | Self-explanatory
Hachi / Haru's little sibling | Self-explanatory
Sibling x sibling (There are too many to type) | !nc3$t
Roku / The other cat | Self-explanatory
Cat x Human | Self-explanatory
For any of the other fandoms that I didn't include of which I write for then, that means there aren't any!
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phrogfone · 5 years
for the fandom ask thing: dangan ronpa 👌
Woah... I’m actually getting asks... thank you softseaside ;_;
note: I am an obvious SDR2 stan
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Least Favorite character:
yeah I can’t actually think of anyone? I hate Junko Enoshima for making everyone suffer but I still love her a lot for the same reasons, so!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I don’t know where most of these even came from but it makes me happy to imagine them together so thats that!
(runner up is Komaru/Toko... I have never even met Komaru but the thought of them being together makes me uwu! girlfriends)
Character I find most attractive:
ok. weird answers but... it’s tied between Hajime Hinata and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Character I would marry:
Hajime Hinata :’)
Character I would be best friends with:
Hajime again
A random thought:
that ProZD skit that makes fun of Hinata having to select random letters that float around and explode to form the word “KNIFE”? yeah. mental skateboarding time YO
An unpopular opinion:
DR3 Mirai-hen was good. NDRV3 is unnecessary
My canon OTP:
haha... canon couples in danganronpa? those are real? I guess if we’re allowed one-sided ships, I’d go with Juzo/Munasaka or Mukuro/Naegi ;_; 
Non-canon OTP:
it seems random, but I believe the two would complement each other very well. I read smile for a smile forever ago but I still stan
Most badass character:
Peko Pekoyama because she has a fucking sword!!!
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I haven’t even played NDRV3 but based on the discrepancies between my original expectations and complaints I hear from spoilers? Iruma Miu, Angie, Kaede...
Favourite friendship:
ok so TL;DR I went off the rails of canon at some point in the fandom but I love my faves very much and that fun island nobody-has-to-kill-each-other mode makes me wish the SDR2 gang were friends ;_;
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soneysiney · 5 years
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-Romeo (Lobo, Familiar de Yesid, Padre de Winay y Mikary, esposo de Wolfstana, mejor amigo de 001)
-Dex (Angel, Familiar de Yesid, Padre de Ted y Naegy, Ex-esposo de Noni, Yandere super peligroso, Hermano de Angela )
-125 (Angel, Familiar de Zero, Padre de Mil y Miranda, mejor amigo de Dex, Esposo de 001, Tutor de Nina)
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magioftheseas · 6 years
kirizono for 001 ^^
when I started shipping it if I did:
I think when I wrote it for that one shsl rare pairs week, I was hooked ever since.
my thoughts:
It’s really good?!?!! The two of them have really significant similarities and likely understand one another surprisingly well! I feel like Sayaka would be taken in by how composed and cool Kirigiri always is and Kirigiri would be taken in by how open and cheerful Sayaka can be. I think that they’d trust one another quite a bit.
What makes me happy about them:
They can bond over so much!!! They can be each other’s confidant!
What makes me sad about them:
Canon fucking sleeps on them.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
??? Bad character writing??? I don’t know. It’s a rare ship.
things I look for in fanfic:
That it exists.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Honestly if Sayaka can have other girlfriends, I’d be cool with that. Kirumi, Mukuro… Ooh, Sakura, how could I forget Sakura… Naegi/Maizono is…still cute to me, guys, sorry. :’D
But for Kirigiri, I favor Aoi and Yui. Maybe. Mostly Aoi.
My happily ever after for them:
Cozily living together. “Unmarried”.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Kirigiri is usually big but sometimes she wakes up little.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Snuggling. Though they do like doing puzzles together.
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pinlc-candy · 6 years
For the ask meme: 001 - SDR2, 002 - Togafuka, 003 - Asahina, and you can do just one or as many as you like!
Favorite character: TWOGAMI.
Least Favorite character: Hanamura.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): KomaHina, KuzuPeko, SonDam, NanaMiki, HinaGami
Character I find most attractive: Twogami.
Character I would marry: Twogami.
Character I would be best friends with: Sonia.
a random thought: why does saionji’s hair keep changing length?
An unpopular opinion: Not my favourite cast.
My Canon OTP: I don’t really count anything as canon here.
My Non-canon OTP: Oh goodness um… right now it’s HinaGami, but it fluctuates a lot.
Most Badass Character: Sonia.
Most Epic Villain: spoilers/Kamukura/spoilers
Pairing I am not a fan of: Saionji/Mikan.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Saionji.
Favourite Friendship: Hinata with everyone.
Character I most identify with: Twogami.
Character I wish I could be: Sonia.
When I started shipping them: Not long after I finished the LP. Then I checked the tag, wrote a fic, got into fandom more and fell in love with them falling in love.
My thoughts: [breathes loudly]
What makes me happy about them: Their potential, their growth, their dynamic, them individually, their parallels, their everything.
What makes me sad about them: Didn’t get much love in DR3.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: OOCness.
Things I look for in fanfic: Their feelings not being one-sided. That’s boring.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one.
My happily ever after for them: They finally come together and take things slowly.
How I feel about this character: I really like her. She’s spunky and loyal to her friends and so strong. @ the person who said she was a weak character because she cried a lot? you’re wrong.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Sakura, Kirigiri, and maybe Chihiro.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her and Hagakure.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t know what is unpopular about her.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want her to meet Kenichiro.
Favorite friendship for this character: Her and Naegi.
My crossover ship: Her and Kou from Free!
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circumspecto · 3 years
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@engimono​ sent in an ask:  “ people smile when they tell the truth. “  ::  ACCEPTING!
   was this supposed to be a jab or helpful advice? he couldn’t help but have mixed feelings about the statement. his laidback attitude and casual smiles were masks; walls to carry the burdens: untruthful. on the other hand . . . naegi didn’t seem threatening, nor did he seem to have any malicious intent.
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   “ a lie could also easily hide behind a deceptive smile, ”  amami retorted, brows furrowing. he took a moment to let his words hang in the air before continuing,  “ . . . sorry, i guess that was too negative. ”
   even so, he couldn’t bring himself to conjure up a lighthearted grin. any expression on his face was more bittersweet and neutral than either negative or positive. he just had a lot on his mind.
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yuzuria · 6 years
for 1, komahina, pekozuki, kirizono and for 2 komaeda and kirigiri. sorry if its too much;;
not at all!! i appreciate spamming me more, thank you oliver~ ily
001 | komahina: (i’ve had this meme before and answered this but i’ll do it again and see if some stuff changed hehe)
when I started shipping it if I did: a lil after dr3 ended and i fully got back in dr fandom after 3 years o(--(
my thoughts: always the first spot in my heart, i always rant about them in twt and i don’t think i can ever fully convey what i feel about them but they’re the most canon ship i’ve ever had and it gave me fulfillment ha ha ;;;
What makes me happy about them: all of their interactions are significant and sheds light on each of their development, komaeda continues to push hinata forward even after his death and meanwhile hinata destroyed komaeda’s toxic worldview and mind you, didn’t give the hope to komaeda but made komaeda realize the hope is within himself and overall their rship conveys such a strong message. komaeda may not be the one who made the final act to make hinata move on and face their future but he’s the one hinata’s with in that future 
What makes me sad about them: facing the other is like facing oneself and their flaws which makes this ship really complicated because they argue a lot even if that’s the process to becoming better people where komaeda’s pushed to stop accepting what comes to him and learn to change himself while hinata needed acceptance within himself, but because komaeda offed himself their rship ended rocky like a broken wild rollercoaster and it was thrown over and we’ve seen how much komaeda’s death affected hinata because hinata only thought that he wouldn’t see komaeda anymore after the killing game over not because he died, what makes me sad is this complex exploration will always be limited in the fandom bc people will see it as abusive or unhealthy or for yaoizz sake from either haters or fans, it’s sometimes sad to be in this fandom and see all misinterpretations and hate all around but ha ha #justfandomthings
things done in fanfic that annoys me: the ridiculous fanon characteristics, you know what are they, too many to mention, i hate most of their interpretations im a really cranky grandma as a result with fight or flight response to their content online
things I look for in fanfic: rn i want more tdp
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: the people i dont mind for them are already dead (matsuda (which in my heart is komaeda’s canon first love) for komaeda  and natsumi for hinata) 
My happily ever after for them: dr3 sucks but they already have the happy ending i could ask for, just... hopefully they came to terms and closure from the simulation and are in whatever situation they think best for their future, not even me can dictate it for them
who is the big spoon/little spoon: hinata/komaeda
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: having dates in animal cafes...like cat cafe....dog cafe..hedgehog cafe... *sobs*
001 | pekozumi
when i started shipping it if i did: has it been last year or early this year i cant recall
my thoughts: they both have a problem being selfless and looking out for others over themselves and i think it balances out if they’re the one who looks out for each other... 
what makes me happy about them: their tdp is so good!! koizumi taking a picture of peko smiling and making peko realize the things that make her happy is so pure.... 
what makes me sad about them: we didn’t get to see a resolution with you know... “i killed you for my master who killed your former girlfriend who killed his sister...” 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: it doesn’t exist
things i look for in fanfic: ANYTHING
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nope, their major ships are lowkey my notps so no thanks
my happily ever after for them: i want to see them explore the world together, koizumi taking pictures of smiles as the world is being rebuild while peko looks for her own happiness recovering from her attitude with seeing herself as a mere tool
who is the big spoon/little spoon: they switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: koizumi learns to love taking selfies only with peko bc they make embarrassed faces but they think the other is v cute so they do it often
001 | kirizono
when I started shipping it if I did: also in 2016, i saw them beside each other and it shook me how blind for so long for not noticing them
my thoughts: tragic highschool sweethearts
What makes me happy about them: even though they didn’t interact once in dr1 we have enough idea how they would act towards each other, they both can read people well and are both reserved and dedicated to their talents and those are, but in their class pictures they looked close so i’ll hold on to that they were lovers before the killing game and sayaka died without them remembering it, also their one (1) interaction in tdp is precious,, they can read each other so well and are concerned for each other uuuu;;;
What makes me sad about them: they. didn’t, interact, AT ALL!! UNTIL TDP AND THAT UMBRELLA POSTER  SPIKE MADE. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i havent read much but from what i’ve read eeee it’s fine but not my flavor (i want more angst and more mundane situations...)
things I look for in fanfic: non despair au where they go in adventure and fall in love, hpa days where they fall in love, when kirigiri remembers their hpa days and grieve, au where naegi dies instead of sayaka and she becomes the protag (i’ve had this idea before drv3 okay)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: non
My happily ever after for them: kirigiri holds onto sayaka’s memories and doesn’t marry/have a relationship with anyone (fuck naegi) until she dies and reunite with sayaka..... or sayaka lives... pls LET SAYAKA LIVE I’M CRYING SO MUCH 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: card games
002 | komaeda
how i feel about this character: my dearest angel
all the people i ship romantically with this character: hinata, matsuda, kamukura im trash
my non-romantic otp for this character: sonia, kirigiri, kuzuryuu, koizumi, amami
my unpopular opinion about this character: komaeda isn’t gaga for kamukura because he’s the embodiment of hope and talents, it’s quite the opposite lmao, komaeda believes in natural-born talent and the will to make it flourish and improve which kamukura neither isn’t so it’s so so so boring when people only thinks of kamukoma this way, komaeda is capable of hating kamukura, in fact he’s more likely to hate kamukura than love him because of his passive listless attitude despite being capable of turning tides
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: what i wanted in canon already made magi happen so i don’t expect much anymore bc kdk isn’t the best person wrapping up his characters that’s why it’s so convenient 60+% of his characters are dead
my otp: hikoma
my cross over ship: komaeda/amami for that fwb au i have... also platonic komaeda/tae (gintam) where they cook together and make everything on fire
a headcanon fact: komaeda’s first love is matsuda, komaeda’s house/mansion isn’t empty but rather have a huge well-kept collection of his eccentric tastes and things he got via his luck and remember each story behind them, how many people was caught up with his bad luck or what he experienced
002 | kirigiri
how i feel about this character: my bestest girl
all the people i ship romantically with this character: sayaka
my non-romantic otp for this character: komaeda, dr1 girls, sonia
my unpopular opinion about this character: ppl barely talk about her so idk what’s unpopular or popular... maybe i just don’t see naegiri as a romantic thing or tonaegiri as a trio
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: be an actual good character in dr3 like who she is in dr1
my otp: kirizono
my cross over ship: no
a headcanon fact: she rides a motorcycle
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wcrthlessluck-blog · 6 years
tag dump wip.
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001 naegiri
when I started shipping it if I did: i think it was during the first game because they had a lot of moments together and got on well. i liked it more after reading the lp and getting into fandom, partly because it was often paired with tofu so i’d get into the content that way.
my thoughts: it’s one of my fav ships!! they had nice scenes in dr3 but the hope arc… wasn’t good, for anyone or for them. i still like it though.
What makes me happy about them: how supportive they are of each other, their chemistry, how dorky they are sometimes…
What makes me sad about them: dr3 made me like naegi less and feel bitter over kirigiri’s return, but i’m glad that they seem to be sort-of official?
things done in fanfic that annoys me: oh boy… when naegi’s made into a self-insert, when kirigiri’s made into a giggly not-kirigiri person, some of the side ships (touk0maru, cele9ami or tog4hina), togami being made into a ridiculously ooc jerk, togami and fukawa having really shallow, basic characterisations, asahina being there just to be like “i ship it!” with them, some of the ns/fw have them do things i cannot see them doing, the really weird kink fics…
things I look for in fanfic: ic fics, supporting each other… sweet, quiet moments…
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: naegi with sayaka, ishimaru, chihiro or hagakure (dr3 or after), kirigiri with celes or sayaka or in a poly with togami and fukawa
My happily ever after for them: that freaking hope’s peak lets anyone attend and find their own talents and they run it together happily with munakata running another branch of it on a different site.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: kirigiri big spoons, naegi little spoons
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: long walks
thank you!!
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ramix-the-red · 7 years
001 | Danganronpa, obvs
Favorite Character: Precious Hope Son Makoto Naegi
Least Favorite Character: I could and have gone on long-winded rants about how and why I fucking despise Ju/zo
5 Favorite Ships(canon or non-canon): Holy shit I love Naegiri. Hinanami/Kamunami (I’m counting them as one despite the various differences). Saiamatsu (Saihara and Akamatsu, I feel like the fandom hasn’t settled on a name yet). Kuzupeko. There’s a spoiler ship from NDRV3 which ive become a big fan of but I wont list that. Togafuka maybe? Im kinda neutral on it tbh but I prefer it to other ships involving those two.
Character I find most attractive: I would let Aoi Asahina do terrible things to me and I’d say “Thank you” tbh.
Character I would marry: Uhhhhh….idk? I feel like most of these characters are a bit too…weird for me. 
Character I would be best friends with: PRECIOUS HOPE SON 
A random thought:  Ive gotten so deep into this fandom that im actually afraid of falling out love with it.
An unpopular opinion: Why is Kirihina not the most popular f/f ship in the fandom or even for those two characters? Smh.
My canon OTP: Naegiri is canon and I will fight to my last breath defending this.
My non-canon OTP: This is a tough one because most of my OTPs tend to be canon or as close as canon as can be. Naegirihina is a lowkey ot3 if that counts. Also, the real tragedy of the Despair arc is that Mikan had this beautiful precious Impostor but she ended up dropping her panties for Junko. 
Most badass character: Fucking Izayoi was channeling GARcher in the Future Arc. Also this is kind of a spoiler but Kaito Momota was advertised as a silly comic relief character but he has balls of fucking steel. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: My hatred for cel/giri grows stronger every single day.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Mitarai. I like the kid but he had a lot of potential that went nowhere.
Favourite friendship: Asahina with Kirigiri and Naegi.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
i'm not gonna hurt you. yet.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3enHX1g
by verucaa
Fact files for subjects #001-#030 and the remaining two doctors.
Words: 1897, Chapters: 2/7, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Dr. Junko's Laboratory
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Asahina Aoi, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Fukawa Touko, Ogami Sakura, Celestia Ludenberg, Yamada Hifumi, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Oowada Mondo, Fujisaki Chihiro, Maizono Sayaka, Kuwata Leon, Enoshima Junko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Owari Akane, Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Nanami Chiaki, Tanaka Gundham, Nidai Nekomaru, Tsumiki Mikan, Saionji Hiyoko, Mioda Ibuki, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Hanamura Teruteru, Ultimate Imposter
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Laboratories, Alternate Universe - Laboratory, inspired by the og lab au and scp, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Character Study, Kinda, Human Experimentation, Body Horror, Body Modification, Unethical Experimentation, Self-Hatred, Angst, Character Fact Files, Danganronpa Lab AU, Kidnapping, References to Drugs, Injections, Vomiting, Torture, Psychological Torture
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3enHX1g
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