#naga england
sassypantsjaxon · 2 years
A comparison of everybody's first hetamyu appearances alongside their ww appearances
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hetalianhistorian · 6 months
New Information, Dates, and Names revealed for the newest musical, Hetalia: The Glorious World!
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Source link: https://twitter.com/hetamu_official/status/1772896344664891484?s=20
The new musical will be performing at the following cities and dates:
Kyoto on August 9th (Friday) - August 12th (Monday)
Osaka on August 17th (Saturday) - August 19th (Monday)
Tokyo on August 24th (Saturday) - September 8th (Sunday)
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Source link: https://twitter.com/hetamu_official/status/1772896990608896277?s=20
The following cast and roles has been revealed as well!
Nagae Ryoki as Italy
Yusuke Ueda as Germany
Isogai Ryuki as America
Daisuke Hirose as England
Juri as France
Yuki Yamoaki as Russia
Takamoto Gaku for Prussia
Yuta Higuchi for Romano
Toru Isono for Holland (Netherlands?), and etc.
The musical will be directed by Kotaro Yoshitani and the screenplay will be written by Yusei Naruse.
It seems that Japan, China and the likes will not be joining for the newest musical! I am unsure as to why.
You can learn more about the newest musical through the Official Musical Hetalia website!
(Edit: It seems that Spain and Austria will not be present as well!)
(Edit 2: Fixed the names for Italy, America, and Prussia. Thank you @hetamyuist!)
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italy1stan · 6 months
「Hetalia 〜The glorious world〜」
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The name and the cast for the newest Hetamyu have been revealed!
Hetalia The Glorious World will have the following cast:
Italy: Nagae Ryoki
Germany: Ueda Yusuke
America: Isogai Ryuko
England: Hirose Daisuke
France: Juri
Russia: Yamaoki Yuki
Prussia: Takamoto Gaku
Romano: Higuchi Yuta
Netherlands: Toru Isono
Unfortunately, this musical will not include the following characters: Japan, China, Austria, and Spain
You can learn more about it here: https://musical-hetalia.com/
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lwamonstergirls · 4 months
(NEW) Little Witch Academia: Monster Witches List
Yep, that's right, starting fresh with a new list~! In this, I'm going to be listing what kind of monster each witch is in this AU, and this time it will include EVERY WITCH!!! Or at least Every Witch I have a monster for at the moment. Will get back to some just in case I missed a background character, or random professor, or character exclusive to the games or manga. But for now, here is the new list~.
Student Teams
Red Team:
Atsuko "Akko" Kagari - Werecat
Lotte Jansson - Barn Owlman
Sucy Manbavaran - Kraken Cecaelia
Blue Team:
Diana Cavendish - Lamia
Hannah England - Demoness
Barbara Parker - Black Widow Drider
Green Team:
Amanda O'Neill - Peregrine Falcon Harpy
Jasminka Antonenko - Pink Slime Girl
Constanze Amalie Von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger - Cyborg
Violet Team:
Avery - Vampire
Mary - Were-Jackalope
Blair - Dryad
Yellow Team:
Wangari - Wereleopard
Kimberly - Mothman
Joanna - Selkie
Peach Team:
Sarah Bernhardt - Giant Western Dragon Girl
Chloe - Cervitaur
Elfriede - Werewolf
Pale-Green Team:
Sóla - Salamander Girl
Rajani & Rashmi - Naga
Pale-Blue Team:
Shao-Yi - Giant Eastern Dragon Girl
Catarina - Arctic Kitsune
Katie - Weresheep
Light-Green Team:
Dorotea - Alphyn Girl
Irene - Strigoi
Eleanor - Enfield Girl
Light - Aqua Team:
Bianca - Rokurokubi
Aileen - Blue Slime Girl
Hilda - Osprey Harpy
Pale-Lavender Team:
Heather - Orca Mermaid
Rosie - Jellyfish Mermaid
Daisy - Siren
Lavender Team:
Katya - Shedu Girl
Carmen - Electric Eel Mermaid
Maria - Matango
Lime Team:
Gaëlle - Regular/Common Mermaid
Aira - Werecheetah
Isabelle - Griffon Girl
Aqua Team:
Abigail - Chimera Girl
Rachel - Giant Wyrm Girl
Rita - Coatyl/Boitatá/Cockatrice Tribrid
Light-Yellow Team:
Molly McIntyre - Wraith
Elsa - Tiger Mershark
Amelia - Ichthyocentaur
Pale-Yellow Team:
Erika - Peacock Jumping Drider
Bridget - Leafy Seadragon Mermaid
Bice - Giant Wyvern Girl
Pink Team:
Alice - Giant Drake Girl
Eliza - Seahorse Mermaid
Priscilla - Imp
Teal Team:
Verochka - Giant Sea Serpent Girl
Nina - Angelic Monster
Francine - Manticore Girl
Lime-Yellow Team:
Aisha - Buraq Girl
Esther - Eurasian Eagle Owl Harpy/Golden Weretiger Hybrid
Henrietta - Fairy
Orange Team:
Michelle - Wedge-Tailed Eagle Harpy/Frilled Lizardman Hybrid
Li Na - Common Lizardman
Theodora - Weretiger
Purple Team:
Teresa - Deathstalker Scorrow
Julietta - Giant Squid Cecaelia
Alma - Minotaur
Miscellaneous Students
Katherine - Honeypot Ant Girl
Lin Lin - Werepanda
Jeanne - Dullahan
Shiki - Medusa Lamia
Balsa McVinegar - Crow Harpy
Marianne - Sailfish Mermaid
Verde Shidariza - Peacock Harpy
Jiji Delevingne - Dolphin Mermaid
Professor Ursula/Chariot - Centaur
Professor Croix - ShapeShifter
Professor Finnelan - Banshee
Professor Nelson - Golden Eagle Harpy
Professor Lukic - Goblin Mershark
Professor Meme - Cyclops
Professors Abby & Britt - Giant Hydra Women
Shao-Yi's Mother - Giant Eastern Dragon Woman
Professor Matilda - Were-Jackalope
Professor Badcock - Great Horned Owlman
Headmistress Holbrooke - Papillon Fae
As for Professor Pisces, she's basically the same. I could make her a mermaid, but I feel like keeping her as a regular fish that's just sapient would be funnier. Besides, she know has an entire section of the school she can swim around in freely~! Yeah, I'll be getting to that eventually.
Finally, I've gotten this list all done and typed! Not lying, this took me literal days to finish since I couldn't think of monsters for some girls and kept switching species around! Luckily, the people I've asked say this list is good, which at least gives me some hope that I made the right choices for these characters. I'm not gonna lie, I can't wait to make spec evo bios for these girls and go into the culture and worldbuilding for monster/non-human societies~! And I'm gonna remake my old Bios now that there are more characters and I have some new abilities for them~! But for now, hold on tight, because this AU Revamp is just getting started!
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digenerate-trash · 7 months
Hihi I'm the anon who sent in the other yan TFs question, since you said you were "still working on" Harper, I began trying to think about it too. Maybe the predator would be leaning moreso on the fantastical side but still within the realm of reason when it comes to this area, anyways. Was thinking initially of a snake of some sort, the classic naga hypnosis trope, you know? But snakes don't get the best rep. Starting to also think about other animals, maybe even insects. Praying mantis came to mind. And then finally, I thought of a butterfly. Not just any butterfly, a flesh-eating butterfly. They do technically only feast on carrion, but maybe we can overlook the insect's habits since it's a TF? Purple Emperor Butterflies are native in southern England, after all. Of course, whatever your choice is, I might be COMPLETELY off the mark. Still, consider, Harper hiding his TF if he *does* happen to be a butterfly. Unfurling his wings and batting them in hypnotic patterns, your eyes not knowing where to focus before he holds your shoulders and tells you just to look into his eyes. Right?
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listen I can't decide what I want Harper to be. I CANT it's too hard. Please vote. The Yan sires is a democracy
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demonicpiano · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
anon is for cowards!
Hm, a specific request to blabber about myself? Very well then.
BEHOLD.......my stuff!
Only a Matter of Time (and Waiting) - This is the bitch. My ultimate bitch. I had so much fun writing this and it came so easily and so fast. I didn't think people would find it interesting like I did, but I'm so glad, otherwise! Cardverse Mechanic!England x King!America. VIBES. And magical carriages.
Come Into My World - A devious duo of Cardverse and Canonverse. England swaps spots with himself, all planned and in good fun, mind you. Ahem. So he thought. Turns out him and America are very VERY happily married in the Cardverse and that's mad awks, yo. England's one of my favorite characters to write so it was a lot of fun getting twice of him, yet finding all the different ways they would be, well, different between the universes. Also I'm very proud of the USUK smut scene I have in here.
Wrapped Around Your Tail - The premiere of my monsterfucker series. UKUS. Naga!England. Throw in lots of emotions and a semblance of plot, come on. That's what I'm all about. Up in Each Other's Ropes - I'm going to cheat and say the whole Pirate Queen for the Throne of Spades series, actually. I wanted to write a Cardverse fic of Pirate!England waking up one day with the mark of the Queen on his chest. Thing is, I got a great idea down the line that messed up my whole life. What if it was nyo!America and England? Or nyo!England? Or both nyo? Or....now I have to write four different fics for the same tale. Alas.
Check out what @nalidyne drew for the second part of the series!!
Savior of Thieves - I'm really proud of the rags-to-riches speedrun story, but most of all...that damn magic show Arthur puts on for the King and Jack of Spades! I hope folks can see the visuals as much as I pictured it happening in my head.
A Queen's Kingdom - This one's a classic to me. One of my 'older' fics now but I remember writing that coronation speech and just (chef's kiss). It's just a good feeling all the way around. Oh, Alfred, you Silly Boy.
Uh oh, wait. (counts fingers) I did six (approx.) of them. Hey, I have over 70 fics at this point! That's hard to choose!
✨Honorary Mentions:✨ Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand - for RusAme. Tent AU - As close to the anime as you can get. But in a good way. Alfred Has a Bad Day - Space, bro. Space. Aliens, bro. Aliens. Space-Pirate England, bro- (some unknown force wrestles the microphone from my hand)
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m0use123 · 2 years
"Hey. What time is it in America"? Korra asked from her position on the floor, cuddling a sleeping Naga.
"What state"? Asami asked, not looking up from the essay she was writing.
"What does that matter"? Korra frowned at her.
"Well, America's a big country, it's got different time zones and ...... ".
"Are you messing with me"? Korra laughed from the floor, finally sitting up to look at her girlfriend.
"It's just crazy, It's one country, how can they be in different time zones"? Korra asked, scratching Naga tummy.
"It's not like England Kor, it works differently for them".
"But why"? Korra persisted.
Asami looked up from her laptop and looked down at her. "You know, I'm not actually 100 % sure. Why do you ask"?
"Mum and Dad are over there on holiday remember? I wanted to phone them to see how they're getting on".
"Oh, well in that case, tell me what state and I look it up for you" Asami smiled as she faced her laptop ready to type.
"You won't believe this" Korra chuckled, "they've gone to New England".
~ Fin ~
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hetakinkmemeblog · 1 year
England makes a mistake and turns Canada and America into nagas. America and Canada then spitroast England.
Request #134
If you fill this request please submit an anonymous ask or submission with the AO3 link or reblog with your fill
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barbucomedie · 2 years
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Bronze lance-head from the Tomb at Dra abu el-Naga in Thebes, Egypt dated between 1550-1525 BCE on display at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England
At the start of the 18th Dynasty (about 1550 BCE) , Kind Ahmose extended Egyptian influence in Nubia to the south. Later campaings in the Near East took Egyptian control as far as the Euphrated River in Syria.
Lance, or spear, heads could be a versatile weapon in anchient armies as they could be given to infantry to form defensive battle lines of spears or to cavalry or chariots where they would provide offensive capabilities in the hands of a skilled soldier.
Photographs taken by myself 2019
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coralcatsea · 2 years
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Day 10: Naga
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sassypantsjaxon · 2 years
They're so sparkly
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jacktsukidoodles · 3 years
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@hetaween-hetaliaevent Day 5: Pet Naga
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kailjoi · 5 years
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Thanks for hanging out with me as I streamed! I want to do another one soon, so definitely look for that. I might also do some aggie.io streams so you can draw with me.
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gremblim · 6 years
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so,,,how about those two headed snakes
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avlerie · 6 years
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Naga!Arthur requested form @chamomile-kai
I have been torturing myself a little too long over getting this done lmao but hopefully you enjoy it! ^^
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lastofthetribe-blog · 6 years
blog is no longer affiliated with “Hetopia”
and for the record, I had quit. This blog, however, will still run and I will stil roleplay with people freely. :^) I’ve wanted to start my own better fantasy AU anyway lol
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