hootnhoney · 2 years
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Snek 🐍
edit because someone mentioned I forgot his cloak! Don’t worry you can still have the snitties version too
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naminethewriter · 6 months
Date Under The Full Moon
Hello, hello, I bring you the second part to what I have now dubbed the Janus and His Werewolf Boyfriend series! For those not in the know, this is an addition to my story for Anxceit Week last year, One's Hometown, One's New Home. I recommend reading that one first but you can read this as a standalone if you'd like.
You can read this story here on Ao3 and here's my writing masterpost.
Summary: It's the first full moon since Janus and Virgil started to go out with each other and Janus accompanies Virgil out into the woods to satisfy his wolf instincts.
Content Warnings: Virgil transform into a wolf. That's it 🤭
Janus followed Virgil deeper into the woods. His boyfriend was more tense than he’d expected, so deep into territory he should feel more comfortable in. But from what he’s been told so far, Virgil’s instincts are driven into high gear by the full moon above them. He was just wary of wild animals and such. Janus had no such fears.
For all intents and purposes, he should be. Growing up here, he’d been told to be very careful in the woods at night. They rarely had any truly dangerous wildlife so close to town, but the occasional bear or wolf wasn’t unheard off. But for some reason, Janus felt safe in that moment.
He squeezed Virgil’s hand that he was holding on to and his boyfriend’s shoulders relaxed just a smidge as he squeezed back. They continued on in silence. Virgil had a destination in mind, his marked territory to be exact. Marked how, Janus didn’t want to ask or know.
They’d walked for about forty minutes when Virgil finally led Janus out onto a small clearing and let go of his hand.
“Okay, this is it,” Virgil mumbled, shoulder’s hunched in a way Janus already knew meant he was embarrassed about his wolf mannerisms. “I didn’t pick up on any threats on the way here and everything smells the same as yesterday, so it should be safe. Still, maybe stick close to the tree line in case anything does come and you need to get away or hide.”
Janus hummed as he looked around.
“I’m sure it will be fine. You won’t be too far, right?” Virgil nodded his head, a slight blush tinting his cheeks, illuminated by the moon shining down on them in its full glory. “And I know what to do when I happen across a wild animal, it was drilled into us in school. Plus, I brought a nice, sharp, big knife from my kitchen.” He set down the backpack he’d been carrying and pulled out said knife, showing Virgil just how easily and confidently he handled it. “Though I would prefer to keep it clean.”
“You’ll stay here, right?” Virgil shifted uncomfortably, staring at the metal in Janus’ hands as if he expected him to run off to hunt something.
Janus huffed.
“Yes, dear. I brought a book and flashlight. I’m going to get comfortable and read while you go run the energy off or whatever.” True to his word, Janus pulled out a flashlight. He pointed it to the ground and flipped the switch, showing Virgil that it was indeed working. He set it aside, leaving it lit and then pulled out a bundled up sleeping bag. While it was technically still summer, the temperatures had begun to drop and Janus had always been more susceptible to the cold than others. If he was going to stay in the woods at night for hours, he was going to be cozy while doing so.
Virgil watched him set up his camp. “I do not get how you’re so calm about this. You literally know about werewolves for like three weeks, saw me when I was shifted once and still you’re chill with just staying out here, in the middle of nowhere, just for me, a guy who you only met less than a month ago?”
“A very cute guy. Who is my boyfriend.” Janus stopped fiddling with his set-up and instead walked over to Virgil, who was worrying his bottom lip. Gently, Janus cupped his cheek and smiled encouragingly. Their relationship was still very new and there were a lot of things Virgil seemed insecure about, especially since it was his first time in a committed partnership. The whole werewolf thing was an additional factor, since he previously had spent all his wolf-life with the same pack and had few contacts apart from them.
“Virgil, dear, I trust you,” Janus reaffirmed, stroking his boyfriend’s cheek. “Blame it on the naga senses, but I know you would never hurt me intentionally. And even if I hadn’t that, the one time I’ve met the wolf-you, you were in the most vulnerable position, trapped and injured and yet you did barely more than growl at me. I was directly next to you and you didn’t do anything. Why would now be any different?”
“I don’t know!” Virgil groaned. “You still should be more hesitant about this.” Janus chuckled and pressed a kiss against his forehead.
“Maybe I should. But I’m not. Nothing you can do about it,” he smirked.
“You’re an asshole.”
“One that you invited out here to keep you company. So, get to it, pacify your instincts and go on a run.”
Virgil was bright red from the teasing, but he did take a step back, though still reluctantly. He didn’t like to shift in front of others, even members of his former pack, so he would leave to do so in private. From what he told Janus, afterwards he would have a lot of energy, so instead of coming back immediately, he’d run around for a bit, maybe check the borders of his territory, and then return for Janus’ companionship a little later.
“Fine, fine. I’ll go. Promise to shout when something happens.”
“If anything happens, I will.”
“Good.” With that, Virgil disappeared between the trees and a minute later, a wolf howl echoed around the woods. Janus hummed, satisfied that his boyfriend was finally taking care of his needs.
Speaking of which, Janus started feeling the need for extra warmth, so he climbed into his sleeping bag which he had left on a picknick blanket. Then he pulled a nice, plush blanket around the bag and a pillow between his back and the tree he was leaning against. Lastly, he took his thermos filled with tea and took a sip, closing his eyes at the warmth spreading through his mouth.
Yes, he was very comfortable like this.
Setting the tea aside, he instead picked up his book and the flashlight and started reading.
He continued like that for about an hour, reading calmly and sipping his tea, until some shuffling in the bushes on the other side of the clearing had him look up. Even with the full moon above, it was impossible for him to make out anything though, so he carefully let the light of his flashlight wander across the ground and to the area the noise had come from. Eventually the cone of light hit two furry, black legs and Janus lifted the flashlight only a tiny bit more, trying to avoid shining the light directly into the animal’s eyes.
“Hello, dear,” he smiled as he recognized Virgil’s wolf form. “Enough running for now?”
The wolf slowly crossed the distance between them. Janus didn’t move, smiling at him softly and keeping the light on him but away from his face. He wasn’t sure why Virgil was so hesitant to approach. Maybe he was still afraid of scaring Janus, so he stayed relaxed and still and let him take his time.
Finally, he came to a stop in front of Janus, who slowly raised his hand to touch his muzzle and Virgil immediately leaned into it, accompanied by him letting out a huff that Janus could interpret to be a content sigh. The wolf took one more step forward before laying down with his head in Janus’ lap.
“Oh, I see. You brought me all the way here to give you scratches, didn’t you?” he teased. Again, the wolf-Virgil let out a huff, this time probably more out of exasperation. Janus chuckled. “I don’t mind one bit, of course. You’re nice and warm, too.” He let his hands wander around Virgil’s head, trying a few different places to scratch and Virgil made a sound that could almost be a purr. A werecat might have been a better fit for him actually, now that Janus’ thought about it, but this was pleasant for him as well. He leaned heavier into the tree behind him and committed to cuddling his boyfriend for a while.
It didn’t take too long for Virgil to get restless, though. Not even twenty minutes in, he started wiggling uncomfortably before standing up entirely. Janus expected him to go run off again and reached for his book, but instead Virgil whined, staring at him pointedly. Janus tilted his head, unsure of what he was trying to communicate. A huff, annoyed this time, left Virgil’s nose before he used it to nudge Janus’ side.
“Oh,” he said quietly. “You want me to come along.” Another nudge which he took as a yes. “I guess I can comply. But not too long, and after I’m going home. I’m getting cold.” Virgil didn’t argue – how would he, he couldn’t speak – so Janus left his cocoon. He put the book back into the backpack, secured the flashlight with a strap around his wrist, took the kitchen knife into his other hand and lastly secured the blanket around his shoulders.
“Half an hour maximum. Then I want to be back here, pack my things, and leave, alright?” Virgil simply stared at him with his big, brown eyes. Well, just to be sure, Janus took out his compass. Not that he’d think that Virgil would deliberately go against his wishes, but with an excited wolf you never know.
“Go on then, let’s take a walk.” He said it in a way one would speak to a dog, and Virgil let out another annoyed huff before leading the way into the woods. Janus followed close behind him, keeping an eye on his compass all the while. Most of the way, Virgil trotted alongside him, but occasionally he would run ahead to smell something or chase after some rustling in the leaves. It was a quiet companionship that Janus could appreciate. Especially since he knew it was a side of Virgil he wouldn’t easily show to others.
It felt special.
A level of trust he hadn’t experienced with no one but his family and the warm feeling almost chased away the cold.
“Virgil, darling, I’m seriously getting cold. Let’s head back, alright?”
The wolf whined, staring at Janus with pleading eyes, but Janus was starting to shiver, so he held firm.
“You can stay longer if you want, but I do not want to catch a cold. And I do get them quicker than others.”
Virgil stared off longingly deeper into the woods for a moment but he did ultimately turn around and lead them back in the direction of the clearing where they left Janus’ belongings.
“Thank you, dear.”
By the time they made it back, Janus had put away the compass and moved the flashlight to the same hand as his knife so he could pull the blanket closer around himself. He hurried towards his small camp to take a long drink of his, thankfully, still quite warm tea.
“Ah, that makes me feel better.”
“You really can’t handle the cold, huh?”
Janus turned around, surprised to hear Virgil’s voice. The werewolf seemed to have taken the chance when Janus was distracted by his drink to shift back.
“No, it was always my greatest weakness,” he lamented. “Another thing my grandma linked to our naga bloodline, though I am the most extreme case in generations.”
“I guess once it gets colder, you won’t be willing to accompany me like this then.”
Janus could hear the disappointment in Virgil’s voice, but it was an accurate guess.
“Well, not for this long maybe but I can be persuaded to accompany for a walk like this again. Provided I have proper protections from the cold.”
“That feels like you’re trying to get me to buy you stuff,” Virgil said, narrowing his eyes at him.
“Me? Never!”
They both laughed before Janus started shivering again.
“Let me help you pack and then I’ll take you home.”
“My, what a gentleman!” Janus teased and Virgil elbowed him rather strongly.
“Just shut up,” he grumbled. But Janus could see the tips of his ears turn red and he smiled.
“If you want to, you can stay over at my place. The living room is big enough for your wolf-form and I don’t mind sleeping on the floor for one night.”
Virgil’s head whipped up to look at him from where he was kneeling on the floor, rolling Janus’ sleeping bag back up for him.
“Yes. From what you told me, this amount of shifting can hardly have been enough. And sleeping together like that might make you less anxious since I am technically a part of your pack, right? As you ‘mate’?” He said the last word teasingly and Virgil’s face went bright red again.
“Stop teasing me!” he hissed, burying his face in his hands.
“Never, darling. But I will pause for now. I ask with an honest desire to help you feel as comfortable as possible. Would you like us to do that?”
“…yes.” Virgil’s answer was quiet but audible and Janus leaned down to press a kiss into his hair.
“Then let’s do that.”
Together they packed Janus’ things and then left back the way they came, hand in hand.
Back home.
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Rating for dukeceit with Janus being a big half human/half snake with 2 cocks and human Remus being a dangerously enthusiastic size queen?
20/10, one 10/10 for each dick. It's so far up my alley, you'd need a search team to find it. Gimme Janus being slightly feral when aroused but still very concerned when this batshit insane human is not only going along with it but enthusiastic about being dicked into next week. Also Remus has an absolutely filthy mouth that runs a mile a minute and Janus might be a bit in love actually.
Now that I think about it, Remus' stamina would be insane probably. Janus expects to have to carry his fucked out limb body around (and he could, snake boi is strong) but once Janus has come his soul out of his body, Remus simply hops off him, pats his check, licks up a flick of his come and bounces around his abode, chattering as if they had just taken a nap and not fucked like cardio-obsessed rabbits.
Aka the story how no one ever saw Remus again cause he's getting naga dick(s) 24/7
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anxiousgaypanicking · 7 months
tentacle monster Remus with an aphrodisiac slime that makes the affected’s mind slowly melt away until they’re nothing but a whimpering, brain dead mess breeding toy for him to use >>>
yes!!! tentacles and aphro!!!
before wattpad nerfed by book n my account, id check the analytics on individual chapters, and the rather basic tentacle chapter was always the highest in views and votes by like. hundreds.
anyway i love aphrodisiac, being used and slathered and forced down throats until bodies are burning with heat and desperation on the inside and out. and no amount of orgasms will make it better. in fact, remuss tentacles around their cock and coming repeatedly inside of them only make it worse, as more and more aphro is pumped into them!
and, well, its not remuss fault that having such a willing toy brings out his mating instincts! nor is it his fault when his new plaything begins to feel small, slick eggs slowly filling their ass
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goldiedraws · 8 months
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I intended to do other things today, but then this popped into my head and here we are.
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nsfsprince · 2 years
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Guess whose got! More spicy anxceit! Naga 18+ addition!
Uncensored Discord Link: 💜Here💛
So. a lil Context under the cut explaining some of the pictured rope-work bc i’m just now realizing it probably looks v unsafe compared to what i had actually imagined it being, but also where i’ll put the link for the fic this inspired once i’ve finished writing it and posted it💜
So, first and foremost, i wanna clear it up that the intended** shibari/rope play displayed is not meant to be choking Janus out the way that it looks, the rope in Virgil’s hands is seperate from the robe tied around Jan’s body and neck. The intended affect is simply to keep Janus’s chin tilted up and pinned and theres no active choking going on, just careful restraint of the head.
**please do not think what i’ve drawn is realistic rope play bc i didn’t exactly use references at first bc this was meant to be a sketch that i just ended up getting really into finishing, in fighting w/ their anatomy i hadnt realized i really didnt know exactly how shibari works and didnt wanna ruin it by reworking the lineart after getting so close to finished Dx**
Fic link(fic in progress)
Bonus x2: Jan’s got no dicks bc he’s an egg-laying naga and has a womb specifically for carrying and incubating eggs till they’re almost ready to hatch. Bc trans rights. And also bc i’m always going to project onto jan like this. 👏He👏deserves👏to👏be👏bred👏too!👏
(But yes. Virgil succeeds in filling Jan up w/ plenty of eggs, and Janus succeeds in being very grumpy yet very pleased abt it)
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bon-pack-5 · 6 months
Alexander: I have work jan, I can't cuddle you all day
Janus: you can and you should, in fact, I'm sure if you were 'held up'. You wouldn't need to go into work
Alexander: if I let you bend me over the table while I'm on the phone, will you behave?
Janus: *grins* absolutely not.
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Some fantasy au doodles because I can't sleep :)
1: Virgl got spooked and jumped up on top of the bookshelf. It took the others about half an hour to get him to come back down.
2: sleepy Janus, does this need any explanation? If I had a massive snake tail I'd be sleeping like this too.
3: an insight into Virgil's life before he was rescued from the tower. The dragon would bring him books and he'd always read them on the windowsill of his tower at night by the light of a lantern.
I haven't talked about the fantasy au in a while, but trust me it's been rattling around in my brain!
If anyone wants to ask me about it or have a fantasy au related drawing idea shoot me an ask :D
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endy-the-anxious · 1 year
Last of their kind
Summary: what it's like to be the last of your kind
Word count: 799
Characters: naga!Janus
Trigger warnings: dead, implied death, and a corpse (not described in detail)
Notes: this is inspired by a rp i have with @lost-in-thought-20
It wasn’t easy being the last of your kind. A few stages were involved, each more miserable than the next, and each making you feel more isolated.
The first stage started with hope. The hope that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t alone. That there were others who knew what it was like to be just like you. Who shared some of the same struggles, and whose existence would bring comfort, if only you could find them. That hope was supposed to keep you from falling into the pit of despair. It would give you the drive to go on a journey in search of people like you.
Unfortunately, this hope was also the road right to that same pit, where one would balance on the ridge until they would inevitably fall in. Because nothing was more gut-wrenching than going on a journey with hope, only to have it crushed when you realize that you truly were the only one.
You could find traces of your kind, from ruins to books to skeletal structures, but none of them helped alleviate the pain. In fact, they made it worse. Knowing they had been right there, right where you were right now, and yet, they were gone. And you were still here.
Janus had long given up on having hope of finding others like him. He’d fallen into the pit and wasn’t planning on getting out. After all, what was the point anyways? This would be a fitting end. The last naga would die alone, surrounded by the memories of his ancestors before him.
The ruins that had once been a village were the last place he’d visited. Surrounded by trees, close to the mountain range, they would have been safe there. There should have been at least some nagas there, but there weren’t. The place was empty and covered in dust. Clearly it had been abandoned for many years. Still, Janus had searched around, looked in every nook and cranny. If he could find something, find anything that could just tell him where they went, it would be alright. But there wasn’t.
He found an egg, though. A naga egg. And maybe it had been foolish to think that anything could still hatch from it after all this time, but Janus had been desperate. This was the last thing he had. So he clung to it, and tried to nurture it. He’d picked a random house in the village, and every night, he would lay in bed, tail curled around the egg. Whispering to it that it would be okay. That it could come out because he was right there to take care of them. That it was safe now.
It stayed like that for weeks, but there was no sign of life from it. Thinking that maybe it struggled to get through the outer shell of the egg, Janus decided to help it. He carefully peeled it open, piece by piece. Still, no movement. He wasn’t ready to accept the truth yet. He couldn’t. So, he would carry the fetus to his bed at night, hoping that if he warmed it up with his body temperature, it might come back to life.
When he finally realized it didn’t, and never would, the devastation set in. He buried the fetus in the backyard, to put them to rest, before starting the mourning stage.
The grief alone had nearly killed him. It had grabbed him by his throat and yanked his heart out of his chest before tearing it to shreds in front of him. His people, gone. Wiped away like they had never been there in the first place, ready to be forgotten. His screams of anguish continuously traveled throughout the forest until his voice was too hoarse to go on.
And that was where he ended up now. Leaning against the bed in his room, unable to move, unable to continue. It was strange to think that the catalyst that led him down this path was one singular book. Had he not been curious, and read about his people, perhaps this wouldn’t have happened. He wouldn’t have known about his people, but he could’ve been happy anyways. He could’ve lived among humans, ones who cared about him, at least. But instead, he’d let this quest of finding other nagas take over his life, and he’d left everyone behind. Perhaps that was for the better, too. Soft skin and serrated scales didn’t mesh well. His torso being that of a human wouldn’t make them accept him more. It would only make him stand out.
He should count himself lucky, for being allowed to die here. After all this time, after all this suffering and sorrow, he would finally find his people.
And he knew they would welcome him with open arms.
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pupplaylogan · 1 year
Naga Janus is confused why Logan is apologizing for peeing in bed, sure they’re not that far along in their relationship but it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
Human Logan is trying to apologize for accidentally waiting too long to go to the bathroom and peeing in their shared bed but his boyfriend is telling him that being possessive of a mate is nothing to be ashamed of.
Nagas will scent each other with a special hormone that they release in their urine. It happens when they have decided that they are bonded with their mate and is as close to a proposal that Nagas have.
Also "as close 2 a proposal", could u imagine if logan was like "Im so sorry 4 pissing the bed" & janus gets all pouty bcuz "i wanted 2 propose FIRST!"
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Random Sanders Sides Story Ideas
1. Patton is used to repressing his feelings. What he's not used to is repressing his new wolfish tendencies. In which Patton finds out he's a literal Woof Man and tries desperately to hide it from his roommates in increasingly ridiculous ways.
2. Thomas finds himself isekaied into a fantasy world where humans apparently don't exist. The mythical creatures he meets there may be ablento help him get home, if he can just get them to work together. Featuring centaur!Roman, faun!Patton, merfolk!Logan, naga!Janus, harpy!Remus, and drider!Virgil.
3. An AU of the cult classic game Vampire: the Masquerade- Bloodlines. Thomas is an ancient vampire who doesn't like to play a part in the petty clan politics. Over the centuries, he ends up gaining a collective of ghoul underlings who are more like family. Living peacefully becomes hard when the most recent ghoul he takes in, Virgil, becomes caught in the crossfire of a breach in the Masquerade.
4. Remus is a stuntman who's broken every bone in his body and then some. Roman, the leading actor of the movie they're working on, is becoming suspicious if the man is even human. As truths are revealed, the suspenseful horror film starts becoming reality, and Roman refuses to become a victim. Featuring make-up artist Janus, director Patton, script-writer Logan, and cameraman Virgil.
5. Janus, a powerful arch fae, is banished from his grove when his disdain towards humans becomes too great. Believing himself to be superior, Janus dives head first into human society to prove his point. Alternatively, local arch fae gets kicked out of his fairy ring and immediately gets stabbed upon entering human society. It'd be a shame if some humans were to take pity on him and make him experience...emotions. Featuring truth-seekers/monster-hunters Virgil and Remus.
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t1nysweets · 1 month
Janus is arguing with an alien while Remus is mimicking him and Virgil is just observing them.
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I want light sides to be human, but I'm not certain what they should wear or if they should be aliens in the end
Janus is practically a naga
I went outside for this because I couldn't pick up enough light indoors then I decided to try something so I borrowed dads scanner
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naminethewriter · 10 months
One's Hometown, One's New Home
Chapter Five: A Home Full Of Memories
Masterpost | First | Previous | Next | Ao3
Summary: Janus’ hometown is a usually quiet place where everyone knows everyone. So when someone new moves in, they’re usually the hottest topic of local gossip. The newcomer then comes by the library Janus works at, he can’t help but chat with him a little. Doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking as well.
Content Warnings: Blood mention, Injuries, Past Parental Death
Thankfully, Virgil let Janus help him keep his weight off of his injured foot for the short trip back to Janus’ house. It was a two-story building with a big garden that had a few apple trees Janus absolutely adored. He’d lived in this house his entire life apart from the few years he went to college, and it had been in his family’s possession even before his great-grandparents generation.
“That’s a big place for just one person,” Virgil commented as Janus unlocked the front door.
“True. And it’s a bit lonely at times, I’ll admit. But I couldn’t bear to part with it, it holds too many memories.”
“I didn’t take you for the sentimental type.”
“I’ve heard that a lot for some reason.”
Janus led Virgil inside and motioned for him to take off his shoes and jacket. While Virgil was still untying the laces on his heavy boots, Janus went to dispose of his grocery bags in the kitchen. When he returned, Virgil was just getting back on his feet.
“Let’s go to the bathroom, I have a first aid kit there,” Janus offered and Virgil nodded, following behind him deeper into the house. In the hallway they passed, Virgil noticed a lot of picture frames on the wall. He could recognize Janus in a lot of them, but there was also an older woman and a pair that were probably his parents.
“You can ask about them if you’re curious.”
Virgil startled. He hadn’t even noticed he’s stopped. Before him was a picture in a slightly bigger frame than the rest that showed all four of the people he had already noticed filled most of the pictures. Janus looked about eight years old, grinning widely from his position between his parents. The older woman stood behind them.
“You don’t mind?” he asked, looking over to Janus, who stood at an open door that led to the previously mentioned bathroom.
“Well, this might take a while, so having a topic to talk about would be preferable, right?”
“Right,” Virgil murmured. He took one last look at the picture before limping over to Janus and entering the bathroom. Janus directed him to sit on the closed toilet lid before kneeling in front of him to inspect his leg.
“I think it would be best if you could take the pants off,” he said after a moment and got back on his feet. He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a towel. “Here, to cover up. I’ll get what I need from the first aid kit while you get undressed.”
With a nod, Virgil accepted the towel and watched as Janus grabbed the metal box with a red cross on the front and left the room with it. Then he carefully peeled the pants off his leg. He gritted his teeth as the dried blood tried to keep them glued to his leg, but it wasn’t that bad compared to other wounds he’d had in the past. He called out to Janus as soon as he had the towel secured around his waist and was seated on the toilet again.
The other came back in with the metal box opened and organized for their needs. He kneeled back down at Virgil’s feet and got to work.
“Well then, thought of any questions to ask me?” Janus quipped as he cleaned off the dried blood. Virgil glanced down but quickly averted his gaze again. Not because of the blood but because of how close Janus was to him. His face flushed and he cleared his throat.
“Where is your family, if that’s not too personal a question to ask? From the pictures I would have guessed they lived here, too.”
“It’s not,” Janus reassured. “My mom technically still lives here, she’s just traveling. Backpacking in Thailand last I heard. She comes home every once in a while, but not on any regular schedule. My grandmother died a few years back, during my last year in college. She had been sick for a while, so it wasn’t surprising and I got to say goodbye to her properly. I actually inherited this house from her. And my dad…” Janus paused and took a deep breath. “My dad passed away in an accident when I was ten.”
“Oh,” Virgil breathed. “My condolences.”
Janus smiled sadly but didn’t look up.
“Thank you. It wasn’t easy but Mom did her best to console me. She and my grandma worked together to give me everything I could have wanted. I didn’t have to get a job in school and they helped me pay for college.”
They were quiet for a moment since Virgil had no idea how to respond. Instead, he opted to change topics.
“How did you know? That that wolf was me?”
“I didn’t really. Like I said, it was just intuition.”
“That’s some weird intuition you have.”
“I’m aware. Might be because of the naga blood.”
Virgil’s head shot downward, staring at Janus’ head as he bandaged up the wound. He hadn’t even noticed him clean it.
“What do you mean, naga blood?”
“My grandma used to say that we have naga blood running through our veins. Apparently one of my ancestors was a monsterfucker. There’s no proof and I’m not sure I believe it, but I do have a kind of strange sixth sense. I can tell most of the time when someone’s lying to me and I have a good sense for danger.”
“That’s the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Says the werewolf and cryptid enthusiast.”
“I’d believe in vampires or mermaids, but nagas? Half snake, half human?”
Janus looked up, cocking his eyebrow.
“Why is that so much less believable?”
“I don’t know!”
“Well, you’re the first supernatural creature I’ve met. Makes my grandmother’s stories a lot more believable.”
Virgil’s eyes widened.
“You didn’t know about werewolves until right now?! And you still approached me and let me go?! I could have killed you!”
“I know. But I felt like you wouldn’t. And you didn’t,” Janus smiled. He’d finished bandaging up the wound and put the first aid kit back together.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Again, says the werewolf.” Janus rolled his eyes. “Anyway, the wound looks a lot better than I expected after seeing your leg yesterday.”
“Well, we heal a lot faster than humans. And the wound wasn’t the problem, but I think I might have broken a bone or something. That’ll take a bit longer.”
Janus raised an eyebrow.
“Does it need to be set? Or will it grow back together right on its own?”
“On its own. I don’t really know how that works either, but apparently it snaps itself back to how it’s supposed to be.”
“I am really curious now about how you became a werewolf. It doesn’t seem like you’ve been like this from the start.”
Virgil narrowed his eyes.
“Your naga senses tell you that?” he huffed.
“Maybe,” Janus grinned, and Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll tell you under one condition. ‘Cause I’m not sure I can trust you yet.”
“Alright. Shoot.” Janus leaned against the sink, having put away the first aid kit, and watched Virgil intently.
“You’re asking me something super personal, so I want to know something personal in return.”
Janus hesitated for a moment before nodding, “Go on.”
Virgil sat up a bit straighter.
“When we first met, you said that I was like your father, coming to this town without wanting to talk about the past. I’d like to hear that story first.”
They stared at each other for a long moment before Janus sighed.
“Well, I did say I’d tell you if you took me out for a drink, didn’t I?” He chuckled and Virgil could hear the sadness behind it. “Fine, but let’s move this to a more comfortable seat. Join me in the living room?”
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sasiaucompetition · 4 months
Round 2 Side B Poll 5
13. Labeled - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3) vs. 19. Logan Accidentally Steals Two (2) Children - @/the-panmixxia (ao3) vs. 26. Archduke of Demonic Cultivation - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat
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Image ID: A screenshot that reads: the labeled universe is massive and still a go-to for good comfort fic
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Logan Accidentally Steals Two (2) Children:
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Image ID: A screenshot that reads: What it says on the tin, except the children are not human, their father Naga Janus isn't happy about it and a lot of chaos and wonderful family dynamics ensue
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Archduke of Demonic Cultivation:
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Image ID: A screenshot that reads: Fantastic, D&D adjacent AU that jumps between the past and present to figure out what the hell is going on and I love it so much
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anxiousgaypanicking · 7 months
hear me out:
Naga Janus wrapping up his prey in his coils, hypnotizing them with his eyes and having some fun with his captured prize~
i do love naga stuff i dont write about it often enough
its not his fault prey happened to wander into his space, and nagas are rather territorial! besides, he's been looking for a new toy, and seeing as hes a lot bigger then his captive, he decides theyd make the perfect cocksleeve
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fangirltothefullest · 6 months
So, I just reread the SCP logs for the Sanders Sides AU and I know you might return to them at some point, but I have a few spoiler questions if you wouldn't mind answering those (feel free to ignore this if you do, or just answer some of them if you only like a few of them, idk, I'm just curious and impatient 😂)
You hinted that Janus has coils and is warm while Virgil can shapeshift to some degree. What exactly are their powers though? Is Janus 'just' a naga or is there more to it? And can Virgil only shift into animals or whatever he wants?
Will Remus and Roman ever be separate? Like can Remus have his own body at some point? In the log Thomas said that Roman is willingly possessed, why?
Once they escape, do they find a safe place to stay? Are Joan, Talyn and Picani with them?
Janus isn't just a naga, it's some kind of anomalous serpent of immeasurable mass with coils that seem unending. There is a way to see the head fully (as far as the foundation knows) but you can get close by seeing the two side by side eyes shadowed in the coils. It also has eyes all over the majority of the coils themselves, but they are more haphazard. There is no way to determine where the "end" of the serpent is, though it's speculated to have humanoid arms somewhere inside. No one has ever seen the tail and all xrays show it's just continually shifting and moving interconnected lengths of bones within the serpent coils, other than the two arms which seem to shift positions, indicating it's continual movement is in fact a constant.
Virgil's shifting isn't like... shapeshifting into animals, it's almost more like mirroring whatever it is looking at. It predominantly has a shadowed form and when it manifests to speak with or copy what it's looking at it will do so and look directly like a mirror of the thing it's looking at. It is unknown if the Virgil scp has a regular form buit it is suspected that the shadowy smoke-like humanoid shape it holds when not directly looking at a person to mimic could be it's original form or the closest to it's original form.
Remus is the thing possessing? the crown and Roman is a willing host to it. They're pretty much around the same age and they just kind of agreed that roman would be possessed by it. whether this was a willing agreement or some sort of mind-altering effect of the Remus crown scp is unknown at this time.
Thomas is an anomalous entity, unknowingly, and is an Arc for those specific SCPs to escape into.
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